#mad god (2022)
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cosmonautroger · 4 months ago
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Mad God, Phil Tippett, 2022
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hello grick fandom, please accept this, my first drawing in about 8 years
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trashcansienna · 11 months ago
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Forgot to drop, here’s the full model itself of Valery that I drew for @beemers-hell ‘s Women’s Collab! Valery got a slight updated re-design, and will def update her ref and release some more lore of her later down the line
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splatteronmywalls · 9 months ago
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httpiastri · 7 months ago
what happened with jack doohan in the 2023 silverstone sprint?
okay correct me if im wrong bcs its been over a year so i may not be remembering correctly, but… he and ollie were battling for many laps (ollie ahead), and he was complaining on the radio as he always did about "he's pushing me off! this is so unfair!!" (and also the 6383 cuts to his dad, i CANT)(like i have nothing against daddy doohan. but the way the f2 camera men always went "AH jack is struggling! put daddy doohan on the stream ASAP!!!!" had me dead)
and then when ollie slipped off the track (wet conditions), jack did this:
i was furious
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haliotropium · 2 years ago
I think one of the reasons Mad God gives me such a discomfort is the fact that everyone is remarkably alone. The assassins seem to be clones with no individuality sent to die, alone. The hair creatures are the same way, alone. Those with partners inevitably die, alone. The assassin dies, alone. The baby dies, alone. The alchemist presumably dies, alone. The bugs, the monsters, if any one of them had any semblance of connection, it is ripped from them.
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pinkyjulien · 2 years ago
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━ 2021, July
━━ 2021, September
━━━ 2023, July
Mitch Anderson | 259/?? Evolution - With a little help from my friends
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 1 year ago
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filmbroandy · 1 year ago
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Letterboxd vibe check
Looking for more movieguy mutuals so if you enjoy film at all consider interacting with this
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maroonghoul · 2 years ago
Horror Movie’s I just watched: May 2023
Shorter list this time. Here we go:
Resurrection (2022) I saved this one for Mother’s day because I heard the main character was a Mom. I was a bit afraid it wouldn’t factor into the plot that much, but I was reassured, especially with the final scene.
This is another one, kinda like Censor, where the whole thing might be in the protagonist's head. Where she’s so wound up tight at the beginning that her daughter’s accident only starts the ball rolling in her head some nightmarish fantasy of the worst case scenario. It helps that we never got any confirmation about whether of not Tim Roth’s character was a hallucination or anyone else can see him. Hell, given that we never get a flashback with him and his first lines is him saying he doesn’t recognize her, there’s a disturbing possibility that he is real, but is some poor guy who just looks way too much like her ex and she’s hallucinating everything he said. And that final reveal about the baby actually being inside him is too surreal and supernatural to not have heavy implications if it wasn’t in her head.
Granted, like the best of ambiguous films, the story works regardless if this theory is right or not. The point is, externally or internally, this character is tormented. I feel like the moral of this story is; Girlbossing can only help you in limited ways. When it come to trauma as severe as this, try to find therapy. Though given our culture, she still probably couldn’t. It’s not fair.
Mad God Here was a movie I couldn’t take my eyes off, and I still feel like I missed a few things. That’s how striking the imagery was. I don’t know what I can add to what’s already been said about the themes that others haven’t already. Cycles of violence not solving anything, the de-personification of mass labor, civilizations rising and falling again despite the sacrifices; those are what I can glean. Also, being reminded at various points of Eraserhead, Fallout New Vegas, Metropolis, and Cemetery Man. Probably not even half of that was intentional. 
It just wows me. Any one of the creatures in this could be the centerpiece or high point of any other film. Stop motion really has become a lost art. Sure, we know now a big reason why studios heavily prefer CGI, despite how good it actually looks, is cheaper and faster to make then any other effect. But works like this show that, if you’re actually comfortable letting film take as much time as it needs and use as much money as possible to make it look good (Better there than some executive’s overstuffed salary), you’ll allow a lot more variety in how each film is made and look. Gee, it’s almost like time crunches and trying to save money is actually bad for the product. WhO kNeW?
Scare Me I recognized the male lead, Josh Ruben, from CollegeHumor. And after that, this whole movie, to me, played like an extended Hardly Working sketch. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.
I was worried a whole movie mostly about two people (briefly three) telling scary stories, and not actually showing us the stories, would look too cheap. Thankfully, there were some technical flourishes. The performances, including the bits their characters acted out so they’re effectively a performance in a performance, are good even if the stories themselves are hit or miss. 
The first werewolf one is just goofy, but that’s intentional. The Grandpa one is ok, even if it’s a touch ableist at a point. The troll’s a bit fun. And the “deal with the devil” one has a fun payoff. 
What this actually ends up being about, insecure white male (maybe?) getting violent with his more successful female colleague was pretty inevitable given how passive-aggressive they both are. Honestly, that they’re both such a-holes help kept what would be a too uncomfortable situation pretty light. You can mark this as another case of “actor known for comedy taking a serious villain role to show their range” movie, like Robin Williams. This was effective enough here, though I don’t know if it would work for him outside of it. 
Final note (and mild spoiler for two films), can’t help but felt like the mid-credit scene reminded of the very end of the 1982 movie Death Trap. Not sure if that movie was a direct inspiration for this. I saw that for the first time about a month ago so it’s fresh on my mind. Outside of that, this is pretty much a good hang-out horror movie. Especially for fans of the old College Humor.
That’s all for now. I’ll probably have less films to talk about next time, but I’ll try to make up for it in July.
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bean-there-before · 23 days ago
revisiting your top 100 songs from a couple years before is a TRIP
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wheeloffortune-design · 1 year ago
it's been a year so i feel more comfortable talking about it..
when you're atheist and you lose someone, religious people don't really know how to interact with you. it's fine, we have different worldviews.
'He's in a better place, now.'
Sorry auntie, but I don't believe that. I believe that his brain stopped working at 5h55pm on december 11th 2022, and that's it. Nothing after that.
It makes grief very difficult, because not believing in god or the afterlife also means accepting that you will never, ever see that person again. That's it. The end. Nada mas.
But, back to the aunties and other faceless people gravitating in the grey blurry waters of your awareness.
They tell you 'He's with god now' and you tell them 'Yeah I don't believe that' and.
they. get. annoyed.
Here I am, gutted open, the worst day of my life, barely holding myself together, and they! Get annoyed that I won't smile and entertain their point of view!
Another faceless person tried to heal me with cristals. She also got annoyed when I told her I didn't believe in that.
I usually don't really mind religious people. It's fine, we have different worldviews. I think I'm right but so do they. As long as they're good people, I don't judge them for their faith.
I'll even be grateful for them trying to console me. I get that you're trying to give me strength and love. Thank you.
But I'm going to be true to myself, yes even when I'm mad with shock and grief. And I still can't believe they got annoyed that I didn't play along to placate them, on the worst day of my life.
(I wanted to share because I've never heard anyone talk about atheism and grief, and the loneliness that comes out of it.)
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capriszn · 1 year ago
whyd they pull out the breaking up over revenge plotline i hate this so bad
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blastdamage · 1 year ago
look. i get that it's frustrating the way "canada" picks and chooses which atrocities they (pretend to) condemn based on what benefits the state entity. you're allowed to be outraged about this and you should be. but did you know it costs nothing to just be happy for ukrainians when they receive humanitarian aid, and mourn for them when they die at the hands of russian war crimes, and not make stupid and inappropriate comparisons whenever ukraine is brought up? and that it's not actually the fault of ukrainians if other people are struggling? and that real human lives are involved and being destroyed in this STILL ONGOING war? just thought that was interesting
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 2 months ago
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The confession.
Set in New Years Eve 2023, after the events of Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. An immediate continuation of Catch My Breath.
Pairing : Simon “Ghost” Riley x Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin (OC) Characters : Simon "Ghost" Riley, Charlotte "Jade" Le Jardin (OC), Word Count : ~ 5600 Warning : Fluff with a slight bit of angst, a touch of hurt/comfort, and good ol’ cursings.
December 31st, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Fuck, he thought. It's been 7 days since the Christmas party in Price's house. That was seven days without contact, without any interactions whatsoever. It had been seven days since they kissed, thanks to that damned mistletoe, and Seven days since Jade pecked him on his cheek. 
He should admit, he still remembered the soft pressure on his cheek when she did that, and the fact that he’d been sneaking a hand to that part of his face to rub at it? It always brought him back to that night of December 24th. 
Jade had left early. After the dinner with the team, she’d immediately helped Price around the house to tidy up, washed the dishes, and then left without telling Ghost anything. 
Was he mad? Should he be mad? 
Let's state the facts. They kissed under the mistletoe. It was her first kiss, and she consented to him doing it. And THEN, she asked him to do it again. It seemed like she liked it. He definitely liked it. As much as he hated the fact that it was because of a fucking mistletoe, he couldn't lie about how much he wanted to do that to her.
After that kiss, everything seemed okay. It was okay, they declared to stay friends - until she sneaked an unprecedented peck to his cheek.
He liked it. No, he loved it. Because it wasn't because of anything external. It was because of her own will, and that could not mean nothing. 
What he didn't like though, was the reality that she left him hanging for 7 days. Seven days of uncertainty, Seven days of thinking of that little peck. Seven days of Johnny looking at him teasingly because he definitely knew something about that mistletoe and how he and Gaz absolutely had something to do with the location of that vegetation. Fucking hell. 
And now, she'd texted him. The first text she'd sent to him after they got each others' numbers.
His heart raced again. She texted him his name and his heart was racing. God dammit, he truly felt like a bloody high schooler, for fuck's sake.
He typed, 'Jade.'
Not long, the woman texted him back, 
'First off, I'm sorry for suddenly kissing you on the cheek. I broke your boundaries and it wasn't okay.'
She's apologising. 
She's apologising for something he's happy about. 
'And I'm sorry for not contacting you for a week. I kissed your cheek and then left without saying anything. It was unfair of me.'
Oh shit. She's continuing. 
'I know how private you are with your identity, especially your face. Though I wish that you'd forgive me, it's fine if you don't.'
'I just want to say that I'm sorry for doing that to you.'
'And I wish you could forget about it.'
This fucking woman…
There, she finally contacted him.
Ghost's a fast responder. She could tell that his phone's always active as he might get a call for deployment any time. He'd also immediately replied when she only texted his name. 
Or had he been waiting for her to text him?
Bollocks. Anyway, she messed up. Leaving him hanging for a whole damn week. A WEEK. 
She felt like an arsehole the whole time. Night and day she thought about it and what she should say to him. 
It took her a long time to realise, but the days that they'd spent together in Las Almas, the days they worked together, it was one of the best missions she'd ever went on. If she could erase the bloody parts, she'd wish she could experience it again.
Jade cared for him more than she liked to admit. Jade wanted him to be happy. She wanted to see him smile more; she wanted to be close to him. She wanted to know him more. She felt safe with him, she felt like the world’s a better place beside him. 
Jade sighed out loud, sitting on her worktable. The Garden was so damn busy this time of year, varying from people celebrating their years together, people declaring their love, or people remembering the love that they had. It was beautiful when she thought about it. People usually buy flowers to give it to someone. It’s a sign of love, showing that I care. Sometimes people give it to other people, sometimes for themselves as well. They give it to family members and friends; alive, or those who've left them earlier.
New Years had always been a mixture of emotions for her because of this line of work; because of how emotional it is. 
But this one in particular, she couldn’t focus at all because of him. She’d been thinking about that kiss, and how she wanted to tell him that she meant it. Oh how bad she wanted to tell him that she cared for him. 
But then, what did he feel towards her? Was he disgusted that she pecked him without his permission? How stupid, how inconsiderate of her to do that! Thinking about it made her want to scream into the skies at how brainless, imbecilic that act was.
And so, after days of thinking, what she wanted was for him to forget about it. 
Because let’s be real. Why would he like her back? He’s a man who conceals his identity precisely so the people around him would stay away from him and not get too close. He must actively avoid people in his life to keep him away from danger and keep them away from danger. Ghost wouldn’t let himself slip like that easily, wouldn’t he? 
Ghost? Liking someone? 
- Beanpole 💀💢 -
Oh bollocks. He called her. He’s calling her!! Why was he calling her???
‘Answer the call.’ He texted her again, the calling line still active. 
Oh no.
With that, Jade tapped and slid the green icon upwards, putting the phone to her ear.
“Jade, what kind of fucking bullshit did you just text me.”
Oh shite. He’s livid.
“Ghost I– I didn’t mean that peck. It was just a–”
“Just what? An instinct? Your MI6 instinct?!”
“I was–”
“You're telling me that we just kissed, twice, you left a peck on my face, and you want me to act like it never happened?”
Jade couldn’t say anything to that.
“You’d better believe Price sleeps without his hat first to say that, because for fuck’s sake – what you just said has no logical thinking to it!” He rumbled with his deep voice, 
“You want me to forget about it?! Well I can’t!” 
Jade had never heard him with this tone before. Ghost’s voice had always been raspy and harsh, filled with a commanding quality necessary in battle. But this tone sounded like he was in absolute anguish. 
What he said was right. What she asked would be impossible. She’d been too selfish to think about what he’d want. 
Silence lingered on the line, save for Ghost's soft breath after he raised his voice. 
Who’s going to say anything at this point? Both of them were confused as to what they should say or what they should do.
“...You busy tonight?” Ghost finally started, making Jade flinch. His voice was back to calm.
“...We’re quite busy at New Years, but our shop closes at 10 PM.”
“Good. RV with me at this location after you’re done.” Right after he said that, Jade received a location ping.
“Ghost… This place is…”
“We need to talk, and not via phone call like this.” 
“Good. See you there.” 
Whitehall Garden, London, UK
31.12.2022   2235
Sea of people had filled the edges of the Thames River. One and a half hours before the year changes, the people of London had gathered right across the infamous London Eye in order to witness the drones and fireworks show that the city prepared annually. Jade was a fan of fireworks shows. She adored the beautiful colours that filled the night sky, especially the New Year's, as it’s literally only done once a year.
And now, Ghost told her to meet him in front of the Ministry of Defence building. Standing in front of the General Charles Gordon Statue with tons of other people, she’d wondered of Ghost’s whereabouts. That man could only be seen if he wanted to be seen, there’s no doubt about that. 
Jade had texted him that she was at the RV point, 'I'm here.'  and he'd already read it. So it's probably not long until she meets him. 
A deep, harsh voice that could only belong to Ghost called from right behind her. She turned around on reflex, and found the 6'3" man standing right behind her, just a few mere inches away from each other. 
Ghost's wearing a hoodie with his hood up and a pair of jeans with dark shoes. His face was not covered by the iconic skull-painted balaclava. Instead, he wore a black face mask in place of it. His black eye paint was not present around his eyes. She also noticed that he brought a backpack on his back.
Realising that he's far too close for her to think, Jade took a small step back. 
"Hey Ghost. So what's the plan?" She shrugged her shoulders, her breaths turning into clouds in the air. "Do you want us to talk here? In the sea of humans?"
"Absolutely not. Follow me and stay close." Ghost turned around and started walking towards the Ministry of Defense building's side entrance. Once they reached the door, Ghost opened the thick wooden door and allowed Jade to enter first before closing the door behind him. The inside of the building was a dark main hall, only a few lights were on.
"Beanpole, what are we doin' here? Are we even allowed to be here?" 
"Just follow me." The both of them then fast walked along the walls, until they reached the lift. The man pressed the up button and opened the lift door. 
Entering the lift, Jade saw that in order to press a floor, it required an authorised key card. "It needs a keycard. What, do you have it?"
Ghost pulled out a key card, swiped along the electronic key and pressed the button with the highest floor. The metal door closed shut, and the lift started to carry both people up. 
"Where did you get that card?" Jade asked out of curiosity, the whirr of the lift being their only company. 
"I've got contacts."
"...which was?"
"Guy who goes by the name Roach. He used to be my mate in SAS but now he works here."
'Roach'? Peculiar name. Well, both of them had that 'unkillable' trait to their call signs so Jade could definitely see them being mates. 
Reaching the top floor, the metal door opened, revealing a dark hallway after which Ghost led her again to the emergency staircases, where an old, classic-looking staircase was leading up to another upper part of the building. They climbed the stairs again, where the room that could be interpreted as the building's attic was located.  
Ghost strolled to the furthest side of the attic, where they climbed another stair into a small balcony high up, closer to where the roof was. Ghost then pressed a chain of 5 numbers on the electronic key on the wall, which made the attic door above them open as they saw the night sky. 
As the ladder descended, Jade started. “When you sent me the location of the MOD main building, I thought we were gonna watch fireworks down there.”
He stayed silent, his hands still pulling down the ladder. 
“Well, you’ve told me you don’t fancy crowded places. I understand. But on the roofs of MOD? This is new.” Jade continued. 
Should he admit that he never really watched fireworks shows? Should he admit that he hated places with too much noise that sometimes his nerves could go into overdrive?
Ghost didn’t say anything until the ladder was down to the floor. “Hop up.” He said, before climbing up the high ladders, Jade followed him from behind. 
Once he’s up on the roof, Ghost popped his head to see her below, and unexpectedly, the masked man offered his hand down. 
“Take my hand.” 
Jade could admit that it still felt weird to see the skin on his bare hands, considering how often he used that skeleton painted gloves. That glove was so iconic Jade had seen it as his actual hand. Now that he was offering his hand, Jade immediately took his bigger palm, where he almost took her entire weight on his arm, making it easier to climb.
The last time he carried her was when she got shot during the prison break in Las Almas. She remembered how Ghost caught her fall and how he carried her to the van with the 141. Remembering that moment made her blush.
Once both of them stepped on the roofs, Jade looked to the other side of the Thames River, where the London Eye stood tall in bright, white lights that lit up the horizons. The Whitehall Garden below was covered with a sea of humans; families, friends, loved ones, together for the last moments of the year. 
And when she looked to her side, there stood Ghost, viewing the London Eye just the same. His dark eyes reflected the white lights just right. Jade would be lying if she didn’t find him looking good today. Black was made for him. Not that she’d ever seen him in any other colour before, but seeing him in civvies without the skull mask on sight – It always reminded her that beneath all the ‘Ghost’ facade, he was just another regular bloke underneath. Just a dude named Simon. 
The man looked down at his wrist, where his watch showed 22:58. “Good, we’re right on time. Sit down.”
Ghost sat down first, followed by Jade who sat down to his right. They were almost at the edge of the building and she must agree that this was the best spot to see the London Eye. 
For a while, they sat there, no words exchanged between them. The winter winds of London brought her – for once – undone hair into the air. Ghost sneaked a glance at her appearance; Long dark green coat, soft brown pants, knitted gloves, and an oversized plaid scarf that messily surrounded her neck and shoulders, plus her wavy hair free falling onto her shoulders and back. 
The woman sitting beside him was looking gorgeous in a way that he'd never seen before. She'd always been graceful in appearance, even in combat. It didn't even help him that he was basically asking her to spend New Year's Eve with him instead of with her family. Unlike him who had no family member left to spend his days with, Jade had her parents, she had her coworkers in her florist, and she volunteered for her old orphanage and for a local caring home. Unlike him, Jade was sociable and knew a lot of people. 
"Midget." He started, prompting the woman to look at him.
"You don't celebrate New Year with your parents?" 
That question made her smile. "Yeah, I usually go to Piccadilly Circus with them. But when I told them I planned to spend New Year's with a ‘friend from work’, my parents dressed me up in… this, and pushed me out of the house."
Ghost scoffed, "Did you tell them who you're going to meet?"
"No, I didn't. Just 'a friend from work'." The smile on her face grew wider, "You can visit the shop sometime if you want. Probably have a tea or two–"
"No." Ghost cut her words almost immediately. That made Jade flinch. "It's better for them if they never met me."
That sentence caught her attention. 
"It will only endanger themselves." His words confirmed her thoughts. As she looked at him with her green eyes, Jade could sense the loneliness in him. 
Jade sighed, "Okay. I understand." Watching her breath turn into clouds in the air, she continued, "In this one particular mission… My work followed me home."
Now it's her turn to catch Ghost's attention. 
"This one guy wanted to take his revenge on me. I was on the other side of the world when it happened, and he told me that his men got my Pa and Ma on his hitmen's scopes." 
"I was fuming mad at him, but then… the hitmen were suddenly MIA. Lost communication." Ghost had decided that this was an interesting story.
"When he shouted to call for the hitmen… my Pa's voice sounded through the radio, saying, "Try again." I swear, my soul almost left my body at that time." The ginger lightly laughed at the memory. "I almost forgot that both of my parents were literal seasoned MI6 black agents."
'Ah, she's lucky.' Ghost thought to himself. Her family consisted of retired black agents, that must be relieving. Unfortunately, not all parents are kind, loving ex-MI6 agents who could take care of themselves. 
"Nevertheless, even though I know they were probably better agents than I was in their younger days, and they can definitely take care of themselves… I don't want them to go through that." She continued. 
"I love them. And I want them to be safe. Far from any danger that I might bring back from my work. So yes, I understand where you're coming from. But still," Jade tilted her head, “My offer still stands. You can come by anytime, any day.” 
Jade finished as her hands pulled out a metallic tumbler. She popped up the lid and started to drink from it. 
"What are you drinkin'?"
"Chamomile tea. And!" Jade's hands entered her bag again, and pulled out another black-coloured tumbler before handing it to him. "Here. For you."
Eyeing the bottle in suspicion, Ghost took the tumbler on his hands. "What is this?" He popped out the lid and lowered his mask to his upper lip, taking a sniff of the drink in question. It released steam that immediately disappeared into the winter wind. 
"It's something I think you'd like."
It didn't smell suspicious, so Ghost glanced at the woman, before finally lowering his mask to his chin, taking a sip from the tumbler. 
"...Black tea?" 
Jade smiled at that. "Yep! Your fave." Jade remembered exactly how he didn't like her chamomile tea back in Fuerzas Especiales base, so when she thought about going with tea, she decided to bring another one with black tea. "Is it good?"
"That's alright." He said before drinking again. Looking at him liking the tea, Jade celebrated inside her head. 
Putting down the black tumbler on the roof, it's time for Ghost to take his backpack. "Shame. I also brought something."
"Wait, what?"
"I'm the one who invited you, so I must bring somethin' right?" 
From inside his bag (which by the way, was FILLED with foam), he pulled out a green bottle with another light brown coloured one, along with two paper cups. 
"YOU BROUGHT GIN AND BOURBON IN YOUR BACKPACK?" Jade was absolutely astounded at this man's bag. What's even more surprising was what he pulled out next. "O–Oh my goodness me…" 
Ghost put down two double quarter pounders with cheeseburgers, along with fries in front of them. The utter shock was painted all over her face.
"I don't know what else you like."
Jade laughed out loud at this man's actions. He actually bought Micky D's before going to the RV point. And the fact that he said he didn’t know what else she’d like except Gin for alcohol and a double quarter pounder with cheese and fries, it’s probably the funniest thing she had ever seen him do.  
She couldn’t hold back her loud laugh that she tipped her body back, almost falling. Saying that Ghost didn’t like the sound of that would be an utter complete lie. 
“Oh my GOSH, Simon!” She clapped her hand together, still wheezing from laughter. "You are a top lad!"
Ghost grinned as he observed Jade's laugh. The only thing he did was listen to what she said was her favourite junk food meal back in Las Almas, and now he bought it for her. Nothing big at all, yet her smile was the widest he's seen her.
“Let me.” He poured each liquor to their respective paper cups a good amount. Giving the Gin one to her hand. 
For moments they filled their guts with the snacks Ghost brought. He took a glance at the woman beside him every once in a while, looking at how she ate the burger and fries, and how she cutely scrunched her face when the gin caught the back of her throat. He too was eating away at his own burger. To be honest, this was his first time eating junk food in a while. It's been years since he enjoyed a delicious, trashy fast food because of his constant deployments and, basic health, of course. But being with her, he felt like just letting go. He didn't feel like eating something hard-earned. Just an easy quick fucking burger with fries.
Licking her fingers from the fries flakes, Jade started. “Look at us. Eating a double quarter pounder with fries, with booze on the side, on the roof of the Ministry of Defence, waiting for the New Year countdown in front of London Eye. What. A. Scene.” 
Suddenly, Jade noticed that Ghost shivered a bit. He took another gulp of the bourbon before finishing his burger.
"Are you cold?" 
"You're shivering."
"I'm not."
"...Your cheeks are red."
"They are not."
"You always cover them with your mask but they're clearly blushing from the cold."
“You’re seeing things.”
“...Alright, then. That is it.” Out of nowhere, Jade scooted closer to him, pulled half of her scarf before tugging them around Ghost's neck, creating a connection between the both of them.
"Wh-What are you doin’?”
Still tidying the scarf, she answered, “How can I eat peacefully if you’re shivering beside me like this?” Patting the scarf softly in finality, Jade muttered, "There. If it's cold, the solution is to wear more layers. Not drink alcohol. Take this as a payback for lending me your jacket a week ago."
Ah, yes. The jacket she threw to his face after she pecked him on the cheek. He's not going to lie, he should’ve worn that jacket today. The cold was no joke at all. They both rubbed their hands together, and covered their mouths and nose with it, blowing more warm air towards their palms to keep the heat.
Just as they observed the London Eye, Ghost’s watch showed 23.56, signaling the start of the light shows that began commencing right in front of them. 
Jade stared at the holograms and dancing drones in the sky, captivated by the attraction, until Ghost called her name.
“Hm?” She replied, her eyes kept looking at the light show.
“Listen… If you think it's okay, I'm about to say somethin', alright?” said Ghost, as the cold wind kept blowing gently. 
What was he about to say? How should she react? Those were the thoughts that crossed her mind. Her racing heart was beating so loud caused by all the questions inside her head. Looking at the direction of the conversation, he might tell her something really, really important. 
“ …Alright.” fingers crossed inside her head, Jade shifted her head to look at his eyes, and it was, for the first time, filled with such vulnerability and tenderness. The absence of the black paint left his brown eyes bare – nothing to hide, no front to put up.  
“After I say this, I think things will never be the same, though I hope otherwise.” Putting his fists on his knees, Ghost began.
“Ever since I delved into this occupation, I fully commit my life to the job; there's no room for compromise, and if my life ended, then at least I died fighting for my cause.”
His tone grew slightly sombre, probably from remembering the times he enlisted into the army, all the hardships, all the pain and suffering he endured inside and outside the army, it all had made him who he was right here and then.
“But recently, I felt something that I haven't felt in a long, long time, and I thought I must be out of my mind to allow myself to feel this way. “ Ghost continued, his eyes grew softer. It's almost like she saw a glint of light and hope in his eyes.
“I admit that I've been an arse to you; I hadn't been nice, and I don't think I deserve to feel this way for you."
"At first, I didn't know what I was feeling. You were too good at what you do, and you gained my trust all too quickly. But the more I know you, the more I spend my time with you, it became clearer – I admire you, I respect you, I revere you. Until it grows to something more than that.”
Ten! Nine! Eight!
“I thought if I let it be, my feelings would dissipate and go away, but it only became stronger. I can't get you out of my head."
Seven! Six! Five! 
“I'm not good with words, so I will say this once.”
Four! Three!
"You brought up a part of me that I didn't know I had. And I like myself more every time I'm with you."
Hundreds and hundreds of little lights shot up into the sky, flying high into the infinite black above. Along with the loud cheers of the people below, the lights exploded and dispersed into beautiful colours of red and blue, filling the night sky with a kaleidoscope-like view. The great bell of Big Ben chimed over and over, bearing witness to the change of the year, the London Eye flashed into colours of blue and red and white.
Ghost never liked New Year's.
He never liked the noises and the sounds of explosions as his nerves and senses went into overdrive at the place where they weren't supposed to. In the battlefield, this bodily reaction would come in handy – it kept him alive. But right at that moment, when Ghost declared his honest feelings to Jade, this might be the worst – and at the same time – the best place to do it.
Jade loved New Year's.
For most of her life, those days were the reason she kept going, to at least survive, and live for another year – just to witness the fireworks. She never once missed a fireworks show, even if she was somewhere else around the world for an assignment, Jade would find a big city and witness the colours of New Year's. Even if she was somewhere where people didn’t celebrate, she’d quickly turn on the TV, however bad the quality was. 
Even if she had to camp in the middle of nowhere, she would bring a sparkler rod beforehand, lighting them up as a little firework right in front of her face. 
She had to witness them.
Yet as of this moment, she couldn’t be bothered to even look at the fireworks, as her green eyes were fixed only on the man beside her. 
If she were to be honest, Jade couldn’t quite hear what he said. The noises were very loud, almost deafening, coming from everywhere around them. The sounds of explosions, chimes of the big ben, loud cheers of the people below, and the music from the London Eye. 
But it didn’t take a heavily trained MI6 agent to read lips, especially when he’s speaking right in front of her. 
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” 
Her eyes widened at those words. No one had ever said that to her before in her life, not one that made her heart race, but also one that made a thousand butterflies fly inside of her. 
“But I don’t know if I’m ready.” 
And just like that, Ghost left her speechless. The butterflies flying inside her stomach had flown to God knows where. Lights from the fireworks had not stopped exploding, and the noise didn’t dissipate. It only grew louder and louder – a contrast to what was happening inside Jade’s mind right at that moment.
Ghost saw her entire expression. It was a mix of delight yet of confusion. A face of joy and love, yet of bewilderment. It’s like she’s still processing his words, and understandably so. He felt like an utter and complete arse at that moment. He just confessed his feelings to her, only to say that he cannot dedicate himself to it. 
For a moment, he kept looking at her face. The fireworks light reflecting on her skin, the cold winter wind combing through her wavy hair.
She’s so goddamn beautiful. Fucking hell. How can he not love her? It’s impossible for him not to fall for her. 
It took a really long time for her to finally change her expression. He thought he saw her breath hitched before closing her lips together tightly. It seemed that she’d finally regained her composure, so he continued.
Ghost balled his fist even tighter on his knees, “This job is essentially my whole life, and it’s full of uncertainty. You said you felt safe with me, Lottie, but it’s not true.” He swallowed, “Being with me is anything but safe.”
Jade only stared at him. 
“You deserve the whole world, Jade, and I’m afraid I cannot give it to you. I care for you more than I thought I did.” He admitted. “I want to make you happy, but I can’t. I don’t know how.”
Ghost kept on observing her reactions, but she gave none. The woman’s expression looked… empty. Was it her instinct to not give out any expressions during vulnerable times? It might be so, considering her background. Still, what did he expect? For her to be mad? Cry? Disappointed?
Instead, what Ghost saw before him a few seconds later was an expression of… relief? He didn’t know what to interpret them as, but Jade smiled. It was full of sincerity and at the same time, sadness. He was a little bit taken aback at that. Part of him thought that their relationship that they’d built through hard-earned trust would go down the drain from his words alone. However, it was not what happened, as she called his name.
He blinked, waiting for her next words.
“Can I hug you? Please?” 
Jade's plea sounded like a person's last wish. 
It saddened him so. He wanted her to be happy. God, he wanted to. But in the current state he is in right now, it's almost impossible. 
So he nodded softly, and she embraced him in a soft, warm hug. Jade's chin rested on his shoulder, his chin on hers. Their bodies pressed together, arms circling their figures so tight, yet so gently. His long arms could almost envelop her entire figure in a bear hug. 
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Ghost closed his eyes, smelling the scent of her hair that touched his face from the blowing wind, pressing his palms on her back to feel her as close as possible.  
As the fireworks kept coming up, they hugged like a lifeline. Not wanting to let go, at least he didn't.
"You've told me what you wanted to say. Now I'll say what I want to say, alright?" Still pressing her cheek to her neck, she voiced softly.
"...alright," he replied. 
Jade grasped his jacket, took a deep breath, and started, "I've never met someone who's so similar to me. I've always lived alone, thrived alone, and survived alone, until I met you."
Ghost stayed still. 
"I said it before, I feel safe with you. I can be myself. I don't have to hide anything. And I care for you." 
"You said you want to make me happy, so I'll say this: I want to see you happy, more than anything. Nothing makes me happier than looking at your smile."
In the middle of the loud noise, she confessed.
"I love you too, Simon.” 
Hearing that sentence felt like a boulder had just been lifted up from his shoulder; his chest that felt tight for God knows how long released its tension. He tightened his hold on her ever so gently. God, she's so warm. 
For a while they hugged, not saying anything, until Jade rubbed his back up and down. Realizing that they need to part, Ghost let out a breath that dissipated into the air.
They stared at each other's eyes. Everything was different now. The person in front of them knew that they loved one another; recognizing that the person in front of them meant the whole world to each other. A moment of epiphany reflected in their eyes.
Ghost started. "Let's not change, yeah?"
Jade's mind interpreted that into two meaning, but she chose to believe the more hopeful and the certainly better one. From the way he looked at her, Jade was sure that she's right.
She nodded, "Yeah. Of course. But..."
That last word made Ghost flinch. Who said only he could say a 'but'?
"I'm not someone who will sit and wait, Simon."
Ghost widened his eyes.
"I love you, and I'm here for you. You're the only one for me." She continued. "But I'm not going to ask you 'what are we?' after too long."
Her eyes reflected a kind of conviction she'd always displayed in the battlefield. Jade might be a warm, kind-hearted, most uncomplaining woman he'd ever met, but she's not a fool either.
"I'm ready. I want us to be ready. So I will wait for you." Jade declared with finality. A smile formed in her lips.
Her words might be the ones entering his ears, but Ghost's mind registered one phrase.
'Don't play with my heart.'
Like he would. That's the last thing he wanted. Jade's heart was the last thing he wanted to play with and make wait. He must admit, he hadn't seen all sides of Jade yet. And Jade hadn't seen all sides of him. But he's willing to reveal them -- in time.
Ghost smiled back. "Yes Ma'am."
Journey back to The Garden was… normal. It wasn't awkward nor anything uncomfortable given that they just literally confessed their affection for each other, rather a pleasant walk and bus ride, thanks to Jade's conversational skills that were superior compared to his. She'd asked multiple questions about himself, and not the deep ones, but the very mundane, unimportant facts. 
"What's your favorite season?"
"Do you watch Football?"
"Only on some occasions.'
"I find that hard to believe. Who do you support?"
"Oh. Is blue your favorite color?"
"Black is, but I just found out some time ago that black is a shade, not a color. So blue it is."
"I'd really love to see you in blue outfits." 
He made a mental note on that. 
It didn't feel like 1 hour of commute for them to find themselves in front of The Garden. It's 2 AM, but some lights were still shining since it's the first day of the year, casting a light on their faces.
Jade looked at Ghost, glancing at the pavements to avoid her gaze.
He looked at her.
Her gentle voice felt like a warm glow of the sun in the middle of winter, "Happy new year."
Ghost couldn't hold the grin on his face. Yep. It is a new year indeed. New beginnings, new journeys, new endings. "Another fuckin' trip around the sun."
They giggled together, the sound so pleasing to their ears. They couldn't wait to hear more of it.
"I should call it a night. We're opening the shop early this morning."
"Oh. Yeah, you should rest." He sounded disappointed.
Jade lifted her hand, held it into a fist, and lightly pushed it on Ghost's chest. "See you, Simon."
"See you, Lottie." Ghost raised his right hand to tap Jade's shoulder once.
What she didn't expect though, his hand ran slowly along her clothed arms, from her shoulder, her arm, down to her forearms, ending on her hand. His palm ran noticeably slower once he reached the back of her hand.
He subtly traced her knuckles and to the most end of her fingers, making the most out of that touch, before his legs shifted to walk away.
"Text me, yeah?" Ghost said with finality, their distance increasing.
"You text me." Jade said with a loud volume. She could tell he's laughing as he started to disappear from view.
Jade smiled, rubbing her hands together to keep the heat on her hand. Remembering all the things that happened tonight. Gosh, that was something else.
She started to giggle, squealing in a high pitch when she remembered the words he said. Her feet tapped side by side on the snowy pavement. Ghost? Saying those words?? Oh, she might fly away. He said he's bad with words, but that was not bad at all (not that she had any comparison. Still, he could be sweet when he wanted to.
"Lottie? Back already?" A man's voice muttered to her.
Jade looked to the side, recognising her father and mother, walking hand-in-hand, looking as romantic as ever. They clearly looked so happy together, spending another new year's eve with each other's company.
"Yeah. I just got back too." Jade nodded.
"Great! I cooked some chicken casserole after you left. Let's feast on that and maybe get some wine yeah?" Her mother chimed, while her father kissed her on the forehead.
Jade reflected on the life she'd lead, and the lives that both of her parents had lived as retired black agents who'd ben through hell and back. The gratefulness that they felt each year, to spend it with the most important person in their lives.
What a dream that was.
What a dream to live.
Happy New Years 2025 everyone!! 🤩 May this year be cheerful and bright, bringing up hope and joy to us all.
Thank you for reading!
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uchinagai · 3 months ago
The rhythm of winter - karina
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𝜗𝜚 idol!Karina x figure skater!reader
𝜗𝜚 synopsis : y/n,  one of the biggest names in figure skating and Karina, also a big name in the K-pop industry. None expected these two worlds to collide, even if y/n secretly enjoyed their music, but all it took was 2024 winter Olympics that was hosted in south Korea to make the idol fall in love with the girl.
𝜗𝜚 contains : idol! Karina, figure skater!reader, fem!reader, wlw, mentions of ED, starving, overworking, cursing, bad mental health, strangers to lovers, the reader is 20, angsty but not really, mostly written in 3rd person view, kind of rushed in the end??
𝜗𝜚 w/k : 4.6k+
𝜗𝜚 a/n : english is not my first OR second language so please, ignore anything incorrect. this story is heavily inspired by Alexandra Trusova's 2022 Beijing but then just changed up. first time writing something this big so if spotted any mistakes please ignore them.. some Olympic events are changed for the plot and stuff. . Check out moodboards for a better idea of the vibes they bring to the function hehe… enjoyyyyy :3
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Y/n moodboard || Karina moodboard
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y/n, a top tier figure in skating known for her dark yet captivating aura. Some may even call her Yuzuru Hanyu's girl version in skating, she was that good. But the girl was mysterious, she had a lot of friends in the industry, Yuzu himself, Anna Scherbakova, Mao Shimada and so many others, but she was reserved from the public eye. Nobody knew her but also everyone did because she still made headlines. It was either about her dark fashion sense, skills, interviews, she was everywhere and was known as “South Korea's pride” that was till the 2022 Beijing incident.
She was promised, she was encouraged, she starved herself for this. She needed that gold medal like breathing, but no. everyone lied to her, including her coach, whom she trusted with everything. She got second, which in her world was losing: “winning is first place, everything else is losing.” She was mad at everyone and everything, they PROMISED her. She needed to land that god sake five quads that no woman has ever landed in history and she did it. She had to stop eating, lose weight, train unrealistically to achieve it yet it was not enough. When she finished her routine she was happy, she landed something no woman has ever done at age of 18 but her own friend, Anna, beat her to it. She was crushed, devastated, to say the least. She cried her heart out, cursing everyone who tried to get near her, her makeup was ruined but she could care less. She was so mad that getting near her was the same as stepping into a minefield—dangerous and potentially explosive. She pushed her own friend away. Was it slightly silly to end your friendship of 8 years over skating? Maybe. Did she care at all? No. This sport is her life and if someone ruins her perfect life, she gets rid of them. She blamed Anna, her coach, judges, everyone. In the changing room she lost it officially to her coach, she kept throwing skates at her cursing her out while the coach just dodged the, tried talking her out but y/n was never gonna have it. When she got back on stage for the awarding she had a mask on, yet it was obvious how shattered the girl was. In the interview said the lines that would change her career:
“I'm never stepping on ice again, I hate it.”
Who was she lying to? Of course she would make a big comeback for the 2024 olympics. She laughed at anyone who thought she was actually going and could freely compete without being threatened by her skills. She took private training in those two years while also working on her mental health away from the public eye, something she was expert in. In two years she also got into her home country's pop music.  K-pop was all over so she gave it a chance and discovered a few groups she enjoyed music of. She loved girl groups. Some of the groups didn’t match her usual aura but yet she enjoyed Girls generation, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Newjeans, Kiss of life, Aespa., she loved the girls. But she had a goal to achieve in her home country: get the gold that was once stolen from her.
Karina, leader and main dancer of girl group Aespa, one of the biggest names in K-pop industry. Everyone was losing their mind over the girl. She looked unreal since her debut and earned the title of “human ai” along. She was pretty, talented and sweet and loved making friends in and out of the industry. She loved her job and the spotlight even more, so when her group got invited to the 2024 Winter Olympics as special guests, she was absolutely ecstatic, buzzing with excitement at the thought of being in the center of attention with cameras and she would also get to enjoy such shows as olympics live. Aespa opened the ceremony with their title track Armageddon and it was time for countries to come out. First was traditionally Greece to open and when it finally came to their country, South Korea, Karina fixed her posture to watch her home country athletes enter. They seemed so cool, Karina thought but a black haired girl seemed to draw her in. she couldn’t tear her eyes away from her. Maybe it was the look she gave to everyone, how reserved she seemed, but the girl was for sure interesting. She was wearing a basic white jacket as other athletes walked down while waving their country flag, the girl walked behind, looking around confidently with a small smirk that was till she looked to the side…. Russia.  Her once best friend, Anna, had to be there. Not like she wasn’t expecting her but seeing her was… a painful reminder of everything she had lost and everything she was determined to reclaim. Anna already knew the girl was there, she felt sad watching her from afar knowing nothing was changing between them. On the other hand, Aespa girls sat at a special spot, watching them. Karina couldn’t feel the tension between athletes but her focus never left the girl.
As they walked down and finished everything, she turned to her manager.
“Who was that girl, in the back, looking all scary?”
“You mean y/n l/n? She's figure skater”
“I'm shocked that she actually made the comeback…” said Ningning, shocked in a low whisper..
“Why is that?” Karina questioned.
“You don’t watch the Olympics at all, do you?” winter said, causing girls to laugh while the leader just sulked.
“Long story short, at Beijing 2022 she went crazy… absolutely lost her mind over winning second place.”
“Why? Second place is very good” Karina said.
“That's y/n for you. Her famous quote is “Winning is the first place, everything else is losing.” plus she did something no woman athlete has ever achieved at the age of 18.” Ningning explained as Karina realized just how serious the younger girl was.
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The actual tournament was planned a few days later since there were other sports but instead of training, y/n was stuck with government officials of Korea and a bunch of chaebol kids ripping her ear off while talking. She had no interest in being here, she needed to train but couldn’t decline the offer since other athletes were going too and it was hosted by officials. So here she was, standing in front of the table with red wine in her hand. From afar it looked like a vampire had sneaked in, y/n is pale, tall, slender with deep black hair and bloody red lips. Her outfit wasn't anything big either, a black dress tight around her figure, a big puffer chrome hearts jacket, and big boots adding a few inches to her height even if she was tall without them. Her makeup wasn’t anything special either, not like her usual dark concept, it was light but she balanced it with “Kro 02” from Gentle Monster (sorry I really had to specify). Party was… boring to say the least. It was more like money talks between the rich, while athletes and singers were present for formal purposes.
Right, talking about singers.
y/n saw a few familiar faces that she saw on TV which made her slightly excited but had about zero courage to walk up to them. She was too tired of humans in general even if she hasn't seen the public eye for 2 whole years. y/n was shocked seeing how almost flawless these idols were: perfect posture, always collected face and easily socialized with everyone. They had no problem with walking up to any chaebol old or young and starting a flowing conversation. What were they even talking about? God knows. 
That was till y/n spotted her so called ‘bias’ from Aespa standing away from party, observing and seemed like she was just as bored with everything happening in front of her.
They locked eyes.
y/n just locked eyes with the Karina of Aespa.
She felt slightly intimidated by her gaze, that was still the girl's face softened and sent her a small smile which made y/ns heart flutter…  just a little.
None of them dared to step forward first even though Karina felt drawn to the younger one and without her knowledge the feeling was very much the same.
y/n considered Aespa, especially Karina, one of the best groups in their generation. SM for sure knew how to pick visuals AND talent at once because the girl across the table was everything. She was the prettiest girl y/n has ever seen on camera and in real life, the camera does no justice to her beautiful face. Sharp jawline, a smooth nose, and a perfectly shaped nose with amazing facial harmony, the girl was breathtaking. And talent? She had everything an idol needed, she was the main dancer for a reason, her movements were clean and sharp, her vocals were unmatched and the girl could even rap if she wanted to. She was sweet and playful with her fans too. 
She was perfect.
y/n wanted to be as perfect in her job as the older one. Even if they had different professions, y/n looked up to her idol due to her determination and hard work. She knew being an idol was no easy job at all and they trained just as hard. They had a huge hate train too and one scandal could ruin their whole career,
which was new to y/n even if she caused the scene of 2022 in Beijing. She had a huge fanbase who supported her and understood her pain of losing. She was more than grateful but she knew it wasn’t the same for them; they were criticized for everything so it was normal for them to get criticized for even looking at the opposite gender, which was so silly to y/n. So what if she looked at another guy? Doesn’t that mean they’re in love with each other; she was friends with so many opposite-gender figure skaters due to projects or introductions from friends. She could never see them more than a friend and colleague.
While y/n got so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice one of her childhood friends, who was one of the only chaebol kids she could stand, approach her with the black-haired girl next to him.
“Yo, y/nnie.’ 
“y/n, I call your ass back to this universe!” he says, as he nudges her side to snap her out of her clouds.
As she freezes. Karina was next to him, standing there looking right at her. The gaze was alluring, like it was serenading y/n into her; or she was just reading into it deeply before speaking up.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, y/nnie,” she says as she reaches out her hand for y/n to shake.
“Nice to meet you too, Karina, was it?” she says as she shakes her hand slightly awkwardly due to y/n being starstruck by the girl's beauty up close.
While y/n was star-struck, Karina was no better; it was like the girl wrecked her whole orbit to bits and was having a hard time staying nonchalant about this small interaction.
“You two finally met. I think y’all know each other from TV a least so I thought u guys would get along. I present Jimin to you, y/n” Jaewon says and whispers into Karina's ear “She’s not very social” which Y/n hears right away giving an offended look.
“That’s not true”
“It is”
“Is not !!”
“Anyways!! I leave you two to it” he says as he grabs a champagne and leaves the girls alone, standing awkwardly. That was till Karina just burst out laughing which caused y/n to tilt her head in confusion.
“What’s so funny?”
“No- no it's just that it was so silent and awkward I couldn’t help but laugh.”
“Oh right,” y/n says and chuckles awkwardly.
“Well im Karina, of Aespa, I don’t know if you know much about us, but yeah”
“I’ve heard a few thing or two. I'm bae y/n, the figure skater”
“I did my research about you before I came over here, you’re quite interesting”
Oh, that means she probably knows about Beijing…
“Oh really? What did you learn?”
“Well that first, you’re the ‘quad’ queen, seriously those 5 quads were amazing, how long did it take you??”
She knows.
“Quite a lot it was one hell of a deal too,” y/n says as she giggles and and takes a sip from her wine.
If Karina ever had a chance to re-hear the girl's giggles she would give anything, literally. It was so smooth and angelic that it made her want to become more of a funny person so she could get to hear the girl's laughter more.
“How’s the idol life? I don't really know much” a lie. y/n knew everything that was related to Aespa, she followed the fansites of each member and kept up with them WHILE training.
“Nothing exciting, we just had a comeback, if you watched the performance, scandals there, brand deals here, and it a little messy but we managed it!!” says Karina excited “We are a group of four, I'm the leader, ningning, Giselle, and winter”
“Winter? As in season??” y/n jokes as she chuckles. 
‘Yes!! But she’s not cold or anything, she’s the sweetest, it's her stage name. Her actual name is Minjeong, I'm Jimin, ningning is Ning Yizhuo, and Giselle is Aeri.”
“Oh so that’s why Jaewon called you Jimin,’ y/n says as she starts laughing “-also, ningnings name is so pretty, is she Chinese?”
“Yeah she's from Harbin”
“Oh, the cold queen? We would get along, all the ice made me immune to cold”
“What are your plans for this Olympics?”
“She knows what she wants.” Karina thought.
“By what I’ve seen so far, I think you’ll for sure get that.”
Even if y/n knew that she was good, these words coming from her idol, for sure encouraged her and made her feel more proud.
“Thank you, Karina-ssi.”
The time passed, and the party came to an end without her being sick and tired of people talking non-stop, because Karina was next to her, making her laugh and enjoy the might little more. Of course, they exchanged numbers and for the last bid their goodbyes.
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Has y/n always been this nervous before the match? No, but she was the last one to come out for her stage, and right before hers, Anna was on the ice and she was magnificent. Y/n knew Anna loved ice just as much as she did and truly enjoyed it. She was talented, determined, and very gentle and smooth with her movements, she was artistic, which y/n lacked a bit. Y/n always focused on tricks and spins while Anna was mesmerizing even if she didn’t have many tricks up her sleeve, she still had an impact on judges; that’s why her current score was looking at 243.12, which was good, but lower than 2022, which made y/n a bite happy, she could beat that, right?
y/ns choreography was complicated but didn’t lack the artistic side of it while also being full of tricks. The program concept was “the fallen angel”. y/n was wearing a dark black costume with hints of silver. The design was a well-fitted costume with metallic and feathered accents resembling broken wings with a combination, but the sleeves were flowy enough to make her movement seem more balanced while having dark smokey eyes.
The coach was talking in her ear, some encouragement but she muffled it out and calmed her breath as she did small jumps at the spot to warm up.
Was announced by speakers as people started cheering for her. At least she didn’t get a black ocean or silence.
The door opened and after stepping on that ice with her black, leather skates everything went black; y/n made her way to the center and the beginning pose was simple: bend down on one knee, head bowed, with one arm extended as if reaching for something unattainable. Slowly “Dies Irae” by Verdi fades in and the choreo begins for a dramatic and intense opening
She Begins with a clean 4S to maintain the technical momentum
then lands 4F, challenging jump with precision to earn high base points and GOE.
 After 4F we get 4Lz with amplitude and control. 
Is she gonna try the same thing? But her body can’t take another 5 quads. As her coach thought, the music fades to “O Fortuna” by Carl Orff, building towards a powerful climax.
4T+3T serves as a technical highlight in the middle of the program.
4Lo Incorporate this difficult quad to maximize the technical score.
There it was; another five quads. The crowd goes loud, she did it once again, these would for sure earn higher than Anna, right? … but she was not done yet while the music goes to the last part, “Symphony No.7, in a major, Op. 92 - II. Allgeretoo” by Beethoven for a solemn and reflective ending. 
3A+2T A reliable combination that adds to the overall technical difficulty.
3Lz Execute later in the program, maintaining a clean technique despite fatigue.
3A+1Lo+3S This combination sequence increases the difficulty, especially in the latter part of the program.
She also did a few spins to earn more points such as Flying Camel Spin (FCSp4) Layback Spin (LSp4) and Combination Spin with Change of Foot (CCoSp4).
The ending pose was with a deep knee bend, one arm reaching upward as if making a final plea, and the other hand placed over the heart.
She got up, and looked at the judges from her lashes, almost glaring with a smirk, she didn’t celebrate like last time for 2022 instead left the stage and made her way to the changing room.
Little did she know, the black-haired girl that she was texting each night was watching over her, with a satisfied look, she didn’t know anything about the tricks y/n landed but they for sure looked amazing and memorable. She watched her 2022 performance and she could feel the change in her. The aura was unmatched, she was magnetic, and everything about her was Karina's style even if the girl texted like an elder due to being slow with the keyboard and not being into texting. As she watched in awe winter nudged her
“Fallen angel got your heart?”
“WHAT?? NO??”
“Oh, she definitely has~” ningning teased causing Karina to glare at her.
“We just became friends and I think she’s very… cool,” Karina admitted as members started making random sounds to make the leader blush.
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Younger was sitting in the waiting room, the camera on her, focused on the screen waiting for her overall score.
Technical Element score: 136.23.
Of course, she gets a pretty high score, that’s her best trait.
Program Component Score: 112.14
This was unexpected; pretty high for skating skills, transitions, performance, composition, and interpretation.
Deductions: 3.15
Oh my god.
Overall score: 245,22
She just won, not only over Ana but she also won gold for her country with 2 whole points of difference. She was stunned, frozen.
Not like she wasn’t secretly waiting for it but still, it felt unreal. 
She made it.
She was leaving the room for the medal presentation when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Anna clapping and cheering for her.
She smiled back at her.
Everything wasn’t over, after all.
As the gold was placed around her neck she bit down on it, for the tradition as she looked up to the crowd waving happily with Ana on her right, with silver.
There she saw the girl.
Clapping and jumping for her, screaming and she couldn’t help but laugh at Karina's silliness. She waved at older as she waved back.
Karina didn’t care about the spotlight or cameras that would capture this moment, she was cheering for her friend and her idol image was her least of worries. She saw how Anna and Y/n looked at each other. She couldn’t put this feeling in words but it for sure made her uneasy. If she could be on that ice, she would snatch Y/n right away and never let them interact but she’s meters away from the stadium and it would for sure cause a scene, so she's standing back, clapping for the winners. She could see how Anna was admiring her Y/n from the lower platform as Y/n was too oblivious due to her excitement. Older was glad Y/n was not paying attention because if she did acknowledge Anna she would drop all of her morals and cause the scene she’s being held back from. But Karina was also very conflicted, why was she feeling like this? Why is she all of a sudden so possessive over the girl? They’re not even that close, yet she yearns for her attention all of the time, calls her, spams her, and says random things JUST to get her attention, so what would older do?
Leave her position as soon as the crowd goes thin and walks to the lounge where athletes are gathered, complimenting each other's performance and just chatting. She spots her desired figure, the whole reason for her to consider being in a relationship late at night, the whole reason why she felt her knees go weak over a smile.
She was standing in front of a girl, y/n's honey-like laughter dripping out of her voice as she spoke with the person.
She was holding a panda plushy, an animal that Karina discovered to be Y/n’s favorite in the interview Younger mentioned. The person in front of her, whose face was shadowed by y/n was still an easy one to recognize.
They seem to rekindle their relationship. So it appears.
Karina is probably the only person in this world to hate this sight, so here she is, standing there like a sore thumb watching the two interact with ease.
While she just stood there, the rest of the members decided to follow their leader to wherever she was heading off to and stood behind her.
“Rina?” the youngest called out to her frozen figure making her jump a little and look over her shoulder seeing her members with worry plastered on their faces.
Without a response, Giselle nudged her towards y/n and Karina took it as a sign and approached the younger, tapping on her shoulder as she turned around, a small smile flashing on her face.
Silence fell for a moment broken by Winter's small slip of a giggle making Karina glare at her over her shoulder while y/n looked at the short-haired girl, crackling a chuckle herself.
“The performance was excellent… I knew you could do it…” Said Karina mentally cringing at her awkwardness while the girl in front of her burst into laughter. Was she laughing at her?
“I never imagined you this awkward, especially over messages and that night at the party,” said y/n causing Karina to relax and now pout.
“I didn’t know how to approach you since you were already talking to somebody else…” she said, causing Anna to peek over her shoulder, a small smile on her face, assuming that idol meant her.
The girl was Slavic and looked like a perfect doll. She had a classical, graceful look with soft, light brown hair that flowed in loose waves. Her facial features were harmonious and refined, with a gentle and approachable expression. Even if on ice, she looked icey, in real life, she made up for all the warmth. Her sweet aura and presence made Karina feel uneasy.
It ate her up inside seeing them so casually together, chatting.
“Hello,” the girl greeted with a small accent slipping, which sounded adorable.
Idol smiled at her and bowed turning her gaze back to the younger.
“Remember, you promised me ice cream” Karina reminds y/n which causes the skate to sigh.
“I thought you would drop that..”
“Not after you told me you have never tasted mint chocolate,”
While the two kept going back and forth, the skater trying to reason with the idol, Anna stood there, watching the two bicker. It warmed Annas’ heart watching a person she associated with her childhood be so lively after everything she had to put herself through. Even if Anna wasn’t there, watching y/n prepare for the 2024 Olympics, she knew she wouldn’t be so easy on herself with food.
She noticed the lack of fat just as they stepped on ice, not like the girl wasn’t already in great shape.
“It was great, catching up, y/n” Anna interrupts the duo as y/n turns around.
“That’s sounding like a goodbye to me,” y/n joked as Anna nodded.
“It’s best I head back now,”
“Oh, sure then, text me… if you ever feel like it,” Y/n says as they hug each other for the last time and bid their goodbyes.
“You never tell me that,” Singer breaks the silence that was once achieved, causing y/n to turn around.
“Do you like Anna?”
“You’re overwhelming me what is going on??” y/n was lost for words, idol always managed to mess her up, and not be able to form a straight thought. 
“Do you, or do you not love Russian ice skater, Anna Shcherbakova, y/n l/n?” Karina asks determined to find out the question fearing for the answer.
“No, No I don’t, Yu Jimin,” y/n answers back in the same tone but in a slightly mocking way.
‘No’ as an answer was all it took for Karina to lose all her threads holding her back to slide her hand from y/ns jaw to her neck and pull her into a kiss.
Figure skater was frozen, confused, and conflicted but couldn’t help but return the kiss as she grabbed older by her waist, pulling her closer as they savored the moment till both of them had to pull away, panting for air but saliva still connecting the two.
“W-wha?-” y/n looked at the older girl, wide-eyed, her voice barely above a whisper, “What… was that?”
“I think it’s the right time to tell you that I like you,”
“And you thought that was a proper way to say it instead of communicating like adults?”
y/n saying that to Karina felt like she just got rejected, right in front of others she tried to pull away but the second she tried, she felt y/ns grip on her tighten
“I didn’t say I hated it either.”
“You’re so complicated…”
“You still owe me that mint chocolate ice cream date and then I won't be so complicated”
“oh-ohhh, so you’re inviting yourself on a date now?”
“Yes or no jimin?”
“Million times a yes.”
"we are still fucking here," Ningning chimed in.
of course. they followed their leader.
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