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bigmack2go · 8 months ago
So you finished your outline kr even your entire story? And now yove gotta come up with a title but you don’t wanna be as boring as using the main characters full name? LET ME HELP YOU!
Idk how to make a good intro to this but i’ll just try by starting with: theres a difference between fanfics and books
For fanfics it’s okay to have a shitty title, a song related title or just a whole ass quote(all tho that last ones debatable) theres still a lot of fanfics with great titles though.
This one seems obvious but please at least make your book SEEM interesting
But if you do want or need a good title let me help. I have no idea where to start so jm just gonna give u a couple of things to keep in mind withoutany particular order.
Okay so idk how to start this but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep your title at two words or less. If you have three… fine i guess but thats the absolute limit. Also absolutely avoid going over four syllables! That also in most cases means: no quotes, not songs etc unless theyre short enough. This is not optional! There’s nothing that i hate more than a name that takes ages to say when i try to recommend a book or show or movie which is why i simply dont do it. And you don’t want that. You want your storry to be recommended. Like the summer i turned pretty. Great book. Great plot. The title almost made me not read it.
Talking about at one. The summer i turned pretty also made no sense what so ever! Especially with the sequels??? Please make your titles make sense for the story! And if you wanna do sequels i’m BEGGING you to keep that in mind for the title.
Dont spoiler anything but for fucks sake make it make sense
Also pls dont start it with “the” cuz thats bad enough as it is but thats not even my point: if you dont want something boring as the MC’s full name, you also dont want something like the important object or just some random noun i promise. It CAN work if its like a name for a group of people like the outsiders or a gang name or smt but its like that it won’t so just… dont
I’d also avoid using original words that u amde up for the story. This isn’t necessarily smt that makes the title bad but it automatically means that it’s harder to remember so if you wanna be recomended thats probably a No. Unless its super easy to remember foe whatever reason.
So now that ive told you what NOT to do, let me give you some ‘DOs’
So theres several kinds of titles.
My personal favourite are like word plays. Not necessarily puns bc they often create new words which are as we’ve established hard to remember. But just something with a double meaning or something like that… i love that
Something else that always works are inconsistencys. Nothing like titles that contradicts itself! It sparks confusion and most importantly: INTEREST. People wanna know what the fuck is up with that. And it can alsk be rly soothing (for some reason)
References and innuendos are smt else i’ll never say no to if they’re used right. This can also overlap with wordplays. Famous (short) quotes or sayings, places or names are never not it
Smt else that slaps is good ol’ simplicity. Be bold. This👏does👏not👏have👏to👏be👏a👏spoiler! I promise you that just because you make it obvious what’s the book about that won’t spoiler shit.
Talking about: i love a good On-The-Nose title especially because most people expect nothing less than the exact opposite of it. Dont get me started on how banger of a title “They Both Die At The End” would be if it were just a little shorter!
And lastly even tho fullnames are an absolute turn-off last names can be sooo good. Especially when they’re about the whole family and especially when they’re in singular
Ofc these rules don’t always apply. Here are some examples of when they didnt
Fifty shades of gray (not defending the book itself, im just saying: the title is awesome)
The guy who didnt like musicals
Pride and prejudice
The kangaroo chronicles
Alice in wonderland
That nineties show
Bonny and clyde
Out of africa
Come from away
The never ending story
But trust me they usually do apply and just because a book is doing well it doesn’t mean the title had any part in it! Here are some books that should not have done so well and wouldn’t if it were for the title
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Birth Control is Sinful in the Christian Marriages and also Robbing God of Priesthood Children!! (Like holy shit dude wtf u literally have not one but TWO exclamation marks in there and take up TWO lines)
The little shop of horrors
Here are some really good titles
Red clocks
Star Wars
Maze Runner
Let’s win
Half bad
Chrimson rivers
Fight or flight
Young royals
Here are some titles that could have been soooo good if they just… (and what i would change them too
How to get away with murder its so long (sort of wordplay?, interesting)
The fifth season- season five its too long sry (interesting)
Maze Runner-*not having sequels* it just doesn’t make sense for the sequels (simple and interesting)
Just lovers (like we’re suposed to be)- just lovers (contradiction, interesting)
History is all you left me-simply history (?) (contratdiction) too long
More happy than not (interesting) too lonh
They both die at the end (on the nose) too long
Half bad: the bastard son of the devil himself- half bad (interesting) too fucking long dudeee
Also some that DID folow the rules but are still… not so good for some reason? (This is only about the titles not the works!!!!!)
Best friends brother
Girl in pieces
Boy meets world
No one saw
That nineties show
Im also maybe gonna do some of these on covers and genrally viduals
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