#mack transfer your powers
cometsandstardust · 1 year
I’m rewatching Agents of Shield and here is list of things I genuinely forgot happened:
(also fun little things that i enjoyed)
season five:
- “the one thing we haven’t done yet” mack after learning they were in space
- mack got mad at coulson for just having his regular hand and “not coming prepared”
- and then mentioned boy scouts
- deke held a knife to may’s neck immediately after meeting her (also hi deke)
- they found out about earth’s destruction in the first episode
- simmons’ inability to hear wasn’t because of some chip, but from a worm-like-creature crawling into her head (via kasius)
- daisy slapped deke
- “so what universe did that just happen in? mine or yours?”
- did not remember that ciara bravo guest starred as an inhuman (abby)
- simmons was required to help abby with her powers
- fitz counted the days in his cells by drawing monkeys
- hunter used a british? accent when playing fitz’s attorney
- fitz told hunter about robbie
- “that’s the strangest thing i’ve ever heard, well except for the sexy robot you made…”
- enoch’s walls were covered with robin’s drawings and kree writing
- hunter said he and bobbi would look after robin and her mom after fitz and enoch left
- fitz proposed when simmons couldn’t hear him
- “what the hell kind of future is this?” mack in response to finding out flint didn’t know what tacos are
- kasius allowed his servant (i can’t remember her name rn) to fight against daisy to the death
- tess was murdered, and her body was displayed publicly as a warning to hand over flint
- “it may be time for a career change” enoch to may
- y’know what simmons says when her and fitz go up the chute using deke’s belt buckle? allons-y. i love her
- enoch is canonically non-binary
- “chronicoms do not have gender”
- tess came back to life
- yo-yo saw herself in the future, after she had been brought back to life for the umpteenth time
- future yo-yo told past her to let coulson die, and accidentally revealed her losing her arms
- deke shot a kree to save enoch
the fact that they’re not even back to their time yet, and this is already this long is astounding
- mack watched kasius slit future yo-yo’s throat
- creel worked with hale
- mike peterson showed up when coulson went to close the rift
- told coulson that he never made it off the table
- part of coulson’s mission for deke was to bring former agents and allies of shield back to the lighthouse (including davis and the real mike peterson)
- y’know how in agent carter, the red room had facilities meant to forcibly educate and train children so they’d grow up to obey them (ie dottie)? hydra did the same thing
- whitehall was a guest speaker
- von strucker & hale were both students
- their “rite of passage” was killing their dog (parallel to ward season one??)
- hale was chosen to be artificially inseminated to birth the future leader of hydra
- the facility where hale & von strucker (& ruby) we’re taught is where talbot was “transferred to” after getting shot
- “i still outrank you” - talbot to a box of cap’n crunch
- creel was hearing voices after making contact with the gravitonium
- “he’s gonna die” - robin to may about coulson
- coulson’s heart stopped when they were escaping and creel brought him back
- ruby’s a little fruity. just a bit. (for context: the first thing she says to daisy is “you’re much prettier in person”)
- talbot got the hydra brainwashing treatment while in their custody
- ruby unintentionally crushed von strucker’s skull
- yo-yo slit ruby’s throat
- daisy dug up her mother’s grave
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insane4fandoms · 2 years
What’s it like being the funky guy inside my head, stealing my thoughts and showing it to me, I finally got a yandere request 😭
Whether it’s platonic or romantic, none of the crew it letting you out of their sights.
- Seeing you as the greatest captain ever, it’s only fair to have you stay as their captain no matter what.
- They see you as this fearless, strong, capable captain (Mack genuinely does, but still acts like he hates you) so you must be the one to guide this ship.
- But also, you’re reckless, but that’s okay. You make mistakes, and they’re here to fix them. Just be their captain, and they’ll do the important stuff.
- Mark is always by your side. Making sure to help you on any trouble you have. He’s the Head Engineer, it would be unbecoming of him if he wouldn’t save his Captain on any danger.
- Celci knows you’re capable, and is great captain, but she doesn’t want you to get hurt because of any mistakes. She’ll make sure that the ship is safe for her captain. She looks up to you, and she’ll be damn if something bad were to ever happen to you.
- Gunther may see you as a pansy, but that’s why you need him, he’s here to be the big body guard a captain should need. If there was any blood to shed, it may be because of him.
- Burt knows the ship inside and out, so he’ll know where his captain is on the ship. When you’re not in anyone’s sight, you’ll be tracked by Burt, he has to watch over his Captain somehow.
- Mack knows you’re not capable of being captain, but he still admires you, which is the reason for him to help you find a place to be captain, but have the power to someone else. It’s for your own good! You are what the ideal captain is, so it’s best for you be look pretty and nothing else.
- Oh shit
- This is worse than the platonic.
- They worship you
- They crave you
- They want you
- They love you
- At first, they wanted you all for themselves, and would fight off each other for your attention. Going to even threaten each other with their skills as leaders
- Then they decided to have you as the Crew’s lover. The more to watch over you and love you after all.
- They see the whole ship as a hazard for your safety. They steer you away from dangerous tasks to the point where there don’t see you as their captain anymore.
- Someone such as you should be leading a dangerous job, they cannot let their love be stressed being Captain, no no no no no.
- Mack will make sure the ship will be operating smoothly, and it’ll have more time to spend with you! No competition, just you and him forever.
- Celci wants to put you safely be frozen in your Cryo pod, all nice and protected, to be watched forever and treated as a jewel.
- Burt sees you as a star deity, something humanity doesn’t deserve, only to the Invincible II. The ship is to home, their hearts, you belong here. You’re what keeps the heart from breaking and shattering, why leave?
- Gunther will protect you, with the amount of weaponry he has, no one would ever go near you. Sure, you’ll be lonely sometimes, but that’s why you have him and the leaders! What more could you want?
- Mark… oh Mark is over the moon to have you as a lover. He just never wants to let you go. Ever. If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t have been transferred to the Invincible II, wouldn’t have your lovers to protect you from the dangers of space.
- Why can’t you just stay with them? They love you oh so very much. Why are you running?
- Don’t you dare run.
- You’re ours, Captain~
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tinycoded360 · 5 months
Chapter 17: Fury, Then Silence
Mackenzie curled his fingers around Sage's tiny body, holding her close as he stepped into the power plant. His gaze scanned the cavernous room until it landed on a young woman fiddling with some equipment.
She had dark skin, short hair, and glasses that framed her eyes. She turned at the sound of his boots on the metal grating.
“Ah, Hi? Mackenzie asked to announce his presence and figure out who she was.
“Relax, Mack, it’s me. Jace.”
“Ah, well, it's nice to finally meet you in person. Thanks for your help back there.”
“Yeah, that was one hell of an explosion, huh?”
“It was; I’m still confused about how that happened.” Mackenzie replied.
“Well…... I might have had something to do with that.” Jace replied with a hind of pride in her tone.
“You should have seen Mathis’ face.”
“That guy had it coming.” Jace’s face crumbled into worried confusion. "Where's the kid? Did you get her?"
A smile tugged at the corners of Mackenzie's lips as he uncurled his fingers, revealing the tiny girl nestled in his palm. Sage blinked up at Jace.
"Sweet mercy..." Jace gasped, crouching down to peer closer at Sage's diminutive form. She's real. I didn't expect her to be that small. What is she?"
"Meet Sage," Mackenzie said. Sage shrank back, clutching at Mackenzie's thumb. Only he could feel her trembling. She'd been through too much, seen too much violence at the hands of Mathis and his men. The sight of another human, however gentle, terrified her.
Jace's gaze softened as she looked at Sage, a flicker of empathy crossing her features. "Hello, Sage," she said gently.
Sage's gaze flickered to Jace's smiling face, then she shyly turned her head, burying her face deeper into the warm crevice of Mackenzie's thumb. It was clear that trust would not come quickly for her. Mackenzie held her close, determined to shield her from any further harm.
“So, what now?” Mackenzie asked Jace, drawing her attention away from the mouse-sized girl.
“Yeah, this is as far as my plan went,” Jace replied.
“Well, we have to keep moving. I don’t know how long it will take Mathis and his men to show up, but I imagine they’ll be here soon.”
A sudden clatter echoed through the plant, and Mackenzie's head snapped toward the noise.Outside the power plant's door, voices and heavy footsteps were heard.
“They found us faster than I expected,” Jace said with a hint of panic in her voice.
“Well, you have the blueprints. How do we get out of here?”
“I don’t know this was the extent of my plan, Mackenzie.”
“There has to be another way out.”
“Shit, we’re trapped,” Jace muttered.
Mackenzie looked all around, trying to spot another exit. Looking over the rail ledge was a body of running water flowing out of the plant. It would be near suicide to jump.
“Ok, whatever happens….” Mackenzie began to say.
The power plant's cavernous space echoed with the heavy clang of boots on metal grating. Mathis, flanked by his cohorts, advanced with a menacing grin etched onto his grimy face. Mackenzie's gaze narrowed.
"Jace," Mackenzie whispered urgently, pushing her slender frame behind his bulkier one. "Take Sage. Keep her safe." With a swift motion, he transferred the tiny borrower into Jace's outstretched hands.
Jace carefully cradled Sage in her palms. Jace was still in awe at the tiny girl’s existence, but she’d do her best to keep her safe. She’d never hand the fragile child to a monster like Mathis. Sage's wide brown eyes were wide with fear. Her minuscule body trembled like a leaf in a storm.
"Stay behind me," Mackenzie instructed, positioning himself between them and the approaching threat.
Mathis stopped a short distance away, eyeing Mackenzie with a predator's interest. He held a sharp axe in one hand.
“You’re like a bad penny. Mackenzie.” Mathis sneered.
“I’ve been called worse.”
“This is the end of the line for you. After I’m done with you, maybe we’ll have fun with your friend there before we kill her, and of course, I’m taking my little pet back.” Mathis cruelly explained.
“I’m not afraid of you, asshole,” Jace yelled back.
“Today, you lose.” Mathis taunted.
One of Mathis's men speaks up from the back. “Mathis, we got Donner out, he’s hurt bad.”
“This wouldn’t have happened……if not for you,” Mathis said with mounting anger.
“First, you’ll watch me deal with your little girlfriend, then I’ll crush your tiny pet.” Mathis threatened.
With that final threat, Mathis charged Mackenzie, swinging his axe at him. The two men grappled fiercely, Mackenzie managing to block Mathis as he swung his axe at him.
Sage cowered in Jace's hand, each punch and grunt from Mackenzie sending shockwaves of terror through her diminutive form. She could barely breathe, the fear so intense that it threatened to consume her whole.
After Mackenzie landed a solid punch on Mathis, the convict smiled a crazed smile. “Good. I like them to struggle before they die.”
Heller, one of Mathis’ men, shouts out, “Mathis! Donner……Donner is…...dying!”
“Wha….” Mathis says in disbelief, his face contorting into rage as he swings at Mackenzie again.
Mackenzie landed a solid hit, propelling Mathis backward into a railing with a metallic clang. Seizing the moment, Mackenzie grabbed Jace by the waist and barreled towards the railing, tackling her over the edge as the rest of the gang closed in.
The world turned to a blur of rushing water and biting cold as they plunged into the river below. Mackenzie's heart hammered against his ribs, his every instinct screaming to protect Jace and Sage from the icy torrents.
His large hand shot out, snatching Sage from Jace’s hand just before the water could sweep her away. He curled his fingers snugly around the diminutive girl. His free arm looped around Jace's flailing form, hoisting her head above the surface as the current dragged them mercilessly downstream.
Sage trembled within the cocoon of his hand. As the numbing cold seeped into his bones, Mackenzie knew their survival depended on finding a way out of this relentless river—and fast.
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spicy-melon · 2 years
Melon, you better be skrunklin some more Mack lore, this is a threat
oh no. what is the little kitten gonna do to me im so scared /t
Mack lore, melon style TM
Macintosh H. Patrick, goes by mack to his close friends
middle name is Harrison both to fuck with you specifically (/aff) and also means "estate ruler", foreshadows dictatory paths >:))
knew actor since late high school, he moved and transferred to a new school in his third year, kind of an outcast/loner type but hated it. very VERY extroverted but never seemed to "fit in"
mark became one of his only and closest friends. they're actually good friends at first, and sees mack's spark/ability to speak well and be over the top
he recommends the drama club to try and expand mack's social circle (idek if drama/theater clubs existed for schools lower than college in the 1920s i may change this to a local theater troupe that mark was already apart of)
let's just say, he's lived in mark's shadow since the beginning.
local troupe puts on romeo and juliet? mack's auditioning for romeo and gets mercutio, while mark gets the lead. And then it happens again, and then again.
it's a pattern that mack understands at first, mark is technically a more experienced actor, it's just show business and honestly he's glad to even get a role
but fast forward to college, when he recites the hamlet soliloquy absolutely perfectly (it's been a dream role of his since he can remember) and mark flubs the lines he chose? and mark still gets the main character role?
he's fuming, accusing mark of sleeping with the director, all that jazz
they both end up not talking for a bit, but stay in the college program and theatre major track because the two nerds love their craft too much to let a petty feud get in between their dreams
Post WKM
i've already said a bit of this in the server but i will reiterate for convenience✨
manor is vacated/abandoned after everything™
mack visits the mansion, trying to make amends after such a long time.
he's not aware of the shenanigans that took place (he was visiting some family in new york, also trying to make broadway connections. found he didn't really like starring in pictures, not at all because that's mark's area or anything and he couldn't deal with any more rejections because of him)
runs into and makes a deal with a version of the house Entity.
a bit different, as some of it's power was exspnged by creatin everybody's favorite red and blue boy.
nerfed down to a deal with a demon sort of thing
makes a deal to get the lead role in anything he auditions for, catch is: he will lose himself in every role, a separate piece of him will break off and manifest (same type of shit i think "makes" the egos exist as separate beings, just weaker)
petty but, yknow, look at him /lht
something goes wrong when the engineer!mack timeline breaks off to make a new one, the universe is corrupted from the start
shit goes sideways as is seen in space
taking mack out of the role negates his very existence because of this
"You do not get to choose whether or not I exist"
anyways welcome to my wonderful world of macktor, may it haunt your dreams (/lh /sar)
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nimis · 4 years
okay but what if i just use og elena icons?
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bees--in-my--bones · 3 years
Mission: New Asgard
Character: Loki x reader (completely gender neutral. There are zero indications of the readers gender, no pronouns at all. Note that this is written from the perspective of a woman, though, so if something is too biased, please let me know!)
Summary: You are assigned to help integrate the Asgardians to Midgardian society, but your mission ends a whole lot different than you expect.
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 5,493
A/N: My second fic! The title is supposed to be a play on the Mission: Impossible movies, but I've never actually seen one, so sorry if it's wrong lol. Now that I officially have more than one fic, I'm gonna make a masterlist, so that will be coming soon. I hope you like the story!
You rapped your knuckles on the office door that had been left slightly ajar. “Director Mackenzie? You asked to see me?”
“Come on in, Y/N. Elena was just leaving.”
You opened the door and nodded at Agent Rodriguez as she made her way out. She gave you a curt nod in return.
Alphonso Mackenzie, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., leaned back into the chair behind his desk and gestured for you to have a seat. “And for the last time, Y/N, you are one of my most trusted operatives. Call me Mack, please.”
You sat down. “Sorry, Mack.”
He opened a desk drawer and pulled out a file folder stuffed to the brim with documents, which he dropped onto the desk between you, the loud thwap resounding in the small office.
“I have a mission for you, Agent. A few days ago, the planet Asgard was completely destroyed.”
“Asgard?” you interjected. “Like where Thor is from?”
He nodded. “You’ll find all of that and more in these files. Thor and his brother Loki have set up a colony in a small town in Norway. We need you to supervise the integration of the Asgardian people onto Earth. This is the first known mass migration of aliens that our planet has ever seen, and we need to be keeping a close eye on this, or it could go sideways real fast.”
You pulled the files closer and began to flip through a few pages. “I thought Loki was a bad guy. What was it? 80 people in 2 days? Plus the invasion of New York. Why are we letting him back here?”
Mack sighed and rubbed his temple. “I can’t personally vouch for the man, but Thor claims he was being mind controlled. According to Thor, Loki eventually broke free of the control and killed the guy who was behind the whole thing. Some alien named Thanos? Tony Stark himself seems okay with this New Asgard business, and you know how paranoid he gets. So for now, we observe, not attack.”
“Gotcha,” you said. “When do I leave?”
“As soon as you can get your stuff together and get out of here. Say the word and we'll start prepping a Quinjet.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” you said, standing up and grabbing the files. “I’ll let you know as soon as I get an idea of my timeline.”
“Thank you Agent L/N, and good luck.”
You gripped the steering wheel tightly, barely making a rather sharp turn. When you finished this assignment, you were going to have to have a talk with whoever designed these roads. Despite the unsafe driving conditions, though, you sighed in contentment. You were back in the field, this is where you belonged.
You pulled a van loaded to the brim with various tech items mixed in with your personal possessions down a bumpy road, coming to a stop before a small, rustic-looking, seaside town, where two men and a woman stood for you. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. You turned the key and shut off the van, trying to get a read on each of the people standing before you.
The buff blond man was clearly Thor. You recognized him from the news and the files you had read. Next to him was a tall woman with dark hair who had wan air of confidence about her. You had never seen her, nor did S.H.I.E.L.D. have any data on her. The third man was lanky, but clearly still fit, with dark hair that fell just past his shoulders. He was clad in green and had a demeanor that made you shiver. This was Loki, scourge of New York and would-be king of Midgard. But Thor and Tony Stark had vouched for him, and that would have to be enough for Y/N L/N, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
You exited the van and heard Thor call to you. “Welcome, newcomer! Our scouts observed your vehicle approaching our home!”
You walked briskly towards the group. Game time. Put on the 'no time for your shit' face and get to business. Coming to a stop in front of them, you began to speak. “My name is Y/N L/N and I am here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division of the American government. We have been granted permission from the government of Norway to oversee this colony's development. This is an unprecedented situation on Earth, and as such, we have written new protocols. I am the agent assigned to this case, and I will be supervising the construction of New Asgard and its integration into Midgardian society.”
Thor furrowed his brow. “I was under the impression that S.H.I.E.L.D. was controlled by Hydra.”
You nodded. “Unfortunately, yes. The previous incarnation of S.H.I.E.L.D. was corrupt, but we are a hardy breed, so to speak. A much smaller branch has survived, and deals with various situations across the world, aliens being one of them.”
Thor nodded. “Then we welcome your presence here with open arms.”
Loki scoffed. “You are too trusting, brother. This so-called agent could be anyone. What cause do we have to believe this story?”
You turned to him. “Loki, God of Mischief, Chaos, and Lies, correct? You of all people should know, am I lying?”
He stared at you, long and hard, before shaking his head. “No, I suppose you aren’t,” he admitted.
“There’s that then,” you said. “Now, I will need to ask the three of you some questions regarding yourselves, if you don’t mind.”
The strange woman was first. You had been given a small shack to conduct your interviews out of, the woman stared at you from across the table, looking for all the world like she had somewhere better to be.
“No family name?”
“I am a Valkyrie. I have no blood other than my sisters.”
“Right,” you said, “You lived on Asgard then?”
Her face took on a sour look. “A long time ago. I’ve spent the last few centuries on a different planet, Sakaar.”
You scribbled the information into your notepad. “What do you do then? If you were gone so long, why are you back with the Asgardians?”
Her chest puffed with pride. “I am to be the new King of Asgard. On the Summer Solstice we will hold a coronation. It will give the people enough time to accept the transfer of power from Odin’s bloodline to me, and for me to learn how to lead.”
You nodded and took note of it. “Congratulations,Your Majesty-to-be. I believe that’s all I need for now, but I expect we will see a lot of each other over the months.”
Thor. The large man sat across from you, seemingly happy to be there.
“Thor Odinson, correct?” you asked him.
“And I hear you're passing on the title of King to Brunnhilde?”
A dark look came over his face. “I have learned recently that my family has done many wrongs by Asgard. As long as I breathe, I will fight for Asgard and her people, but I do not believe it is my place to rule. Brunnhilde loves the people and has a talent for leadership. She will be a much better King than I.”
“A very noble decision, Thor. Thank you very much, and please send your brother in on your way out.”
“I believe you know who I am.”
You sighed. “It's a formality, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“I prefer Loki Friggason.”
You nodded, and made the necessary changes to his file. “Noted. Anything else I should know about?”
“Just a warning,” he said, leaning forward, his voice dangerously low. “I am the God of Lies. The truth is a luxury I will afford no one, especially your little government. The God of Chaos is an enemy you do not want to have.”
You raised an eyebrow, and wrote a single word in your file, exaggerating each syllable as you wrote it out. “Dra. Ma. Tic.”
Truth be told, you were a little scared, given this guy’s reputation, but you would be damned before you let your exterior crack.
Loki scowled. He seemed to do that a lot. “You mortals think you are so funny, do you not?”
You shrugged. “I’m delightful.” You slipped your papers into your file folder and stood up. “See you around, Friggason.”
You left, leaving Loki slightly aghast that you had managed to get the last word in.
You walked calmly out of the hut, then quickened your pace as you made your way back to your van. Loki, as much as it pained you to say, had been intimidating, and your heart was beating a mile a minute.
You opened the door and climbed inside, shoving your paperwork into a filing cabinet, which you promptly locked. You turned to your computers, fiddling with the buttons, atttempting to establish your connection back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.
"It's quite rude to walk out on a prince, you know."
You jumped and whipped around to see Loki standing outside your van.
"What the hell!"
"I said-"
"I know what you said, Your Highness," you interrupted. "But you scared the shit out of me. “
"Many apologies," he said as he hoisted himself up to sit on the edge of the van, his insincerity clear. "And I grant you permission to refer to me as Loki."
"How generous," you muttered, before going back to your instruction manual. Technology had never been your forte. You chose being a field agent over a scientist for a reason.
The both of you sat in silence for a while, you working slowly through the instructions that Fitz, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent much more qualified in machinery than you, had given you.
You glanced up at Loki, half expecting to see him sleeping against the van's frame, only to find his gaze resting on you.
"Can I help you?" you asked.
He just laughed a bit, like staring at you had been the most normal thing in the world. "I am watching you, Midgardian, lest you sabotage the society my brother is trying to build."
"I never took you for the loyal type," you said, putting away your things. "I'm gonna have to ask you to get outta here though."
You gestured to the twilight outside. “It’s late. I’ve had a long day. I’m going to bed.”
Loki strained his head slightly, attempting to peek into the van. “Where do you plan on sleeping?”
Not breaking eye contact, you grabbed a cord on the wall and yanked, and the rusty old pull-down bed flopped out with a loud groan. The rickety old thing was probably going to give you back problems by the time you were done here, but such was life. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s money was usually spent on more pressing things than upgrading amenities for field agents.
Loki’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “You are not sleeping in that. We’ve built a larger house for Thor, Brunnhilde, and I. You’ll stay in one of the guest rooms there.”
You shrugged. “It’s not too bad out here.”
“Mortals,” he said under his breath, almost indecipherably, before speaking again, at a normal volume this time. “I insist. Whether I like it or not, you are a guest of Asgard, and you will be treated as such. Besides, that bed looks seconds away from collapsing.”
You nodded, trying not to betray your confusion at the combination of his kindness and rudeness. “Thank you, just give me a second to lock up.” You grabbed the pieces you had been fiddling with, then paused, your hand hovering over the satellite dish. “Actually, if you’re just gonna sit there, you may as well make yourself useful. You can teleport right?”
Suspicion crossed his face. “Yes?”
You held out the device. “Hop up to the top of the van, there should be a little cord. It’ll fit into this port here,” you said gesturing. “Plug it in for me, please?”
He raised an eyebrow. “You ask a god to do your bidding?”
You scoffed. “You’re not a god, you're an alien. And I just asked for a favor. You’re free to say no, but I’m exhausted, and as much as I would like to put off climbing on the roof off until tomorrow, I need to send a check in to headquarters ASAP.”
He begrudgingly reached out and took the dish and you watched as his form rippled green and faded away. You heard shuffling on the roof for a moment, then silence, before the Asgardian reappeared in front of you.
“If that’s all, Midgardian?” he said.
“Thank you, Highness,” you said, ignoring his tone. “And thank you for offering the room.” The monitor beeped a confirmation that your signal had connected and you punched in a code to let S.H.I.E.L.D. know you had made it to New Asgard. You grabbed the bag you had packed and hopped out of the van, waiting for Loki to follow suit before closing the doors and locking the vehicle.
You offered him your arm. “Shall we?”
He brushed past you, rolling his eyes at your mock-politeness.
“Alright then,” you muttered, “This is gonna be fun, isn’t it?” Taking one last look at the van behind you, you moved to catch up with the Asgardian walking briskly away from you.
Loki had not been talkative on the way to the house, and after being curtly shown to your room, he quickly left. You had settled into a decently sized room complete with a desk and a small bathroom attached. Undoubtedly, the house was a far cry from an Asgardian palace, but it was much larger than needed for three, even four, people. Surprisingly, you got a sound night’s sleep.
You woke to rambunctious laughter, and, wiping bleariness from your eyes, got out of bed. You stood in front of a small mirror on the wall and attempted to make yourself look slightly less like you had just woken up. Moving to your bag, you put on clothes that were much more professional than the old sweatshirt you were currently wearing.
Finally satisfied, you stepped out of your room and followed the sounds of conversation into the kitchen, where you found Brunnhilde and Thor joking at the counter while Loki sat at a dining room table, reading a book.
Seeing you, Thor broke into a smile. “Y/N! Loki had told us you would be staying here!”
You returned the smile. “Thank you for letting me stay here, Thor. I really appreciate this.”
The large man set a plate heaping with food on the table and gestured for you to sit. You did, glancing at Loki as you took the seat across from him, but he made no move to acknowledge that you were there. Brunnhidle began to speak. “We will be building fishing boats today down at the docks today. Will you be joining us, Y/N? We could use an extra set of hands.”
You nodded. “I don’t mind helping out. I have a few things to take care of first, though, so I’ll meet you all down there.”
Thor clapped. “Excellent! We’ll make an Asgardian out of you yet!”
You laughed softly and finished your meal as Thor and Brunnhilde began to tell you the plans for the day.
After breakfast, you ran up to your room to grab your laptop and then met the rest of the group on the stairs of the house. “I’ll see you guys in a little while,” you said, waving while walking in the opposite direction.
Thor and Brunnhidle branched off from you, but Loki, still silent, walked beside you towards your van.
You looked at him quizzically, but he seemed to have no intention of indicating why he was with you, and not with Thor and Brunnhilde.
Finally, as you approached your van, you caved and asked. “Why are you with me instead of your brother?”
“I’ve consulted with Thor. I will be supervising you for the remainder of your stay here.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “I’m supposed to be supervising you guys!”
“You are a stranger,” he replied, “and there’s something about you that I don’t trust. I have harmed Asgard many times over, and I don’t intend to let you get away with hurting these people any more.” There was an edge to his voice, that you had to admit, scared you.
After a long moment, you sighed. “Fine. I could use an assistant, I guess.” Which was apparently the right thing to say, because it made him clearly flustered.
“I am no one’s assistant, I am a prince of Asgard,” he argued as you turned away from him, partially to unlock your van and partially to hide your laughter.
You hopped up into the vehicle and grabbed a folder and tossed it to Loki, who was still sputtering about his status behind you. “Scan those in, would you?” you said gesturing at a machine in the back corner of the van.
He huffed but snatched the folder from your hand and went to fiddle with the machine.
You glanced over. “Do you know how to use that?”
“Yes,” he snapped. “This is primitive technology compared to what I have seen in my travels.”
You shrugged. “Okay.” You turned to your computer and queued up a call to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. “I’m gonna need you to be quiet for a second,” you said, right before Mack’s face popped onto the screen.
“Y/N! How’s Norway treating you?” he said with a smile.
“Colder than I thought, but not too bad. They’ve given me an actual bed to sleep in. You really need to update the beds in these vans,” you joked.
“I’ll let the budget committee know,” he replied. “I trust Thor and Loki are being cooperative, then?”
“More or less,” you said before stepping to the side, putting Loki in full view of your webcam.
Mack’s eyes widened. The change was subtle, but you could tell he was surprised. “That’s Loki.”
“In your van.”
“His Highness has deemed me untrustworthy, and decided I need a chaperone.”
“Right,” said Mack, suspicion in his voice. “Well you know the drill. Weekly check-ins, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problems,” he said, looking at Loki.
“Gotcha, Mack. Talk to you next week,” you said, turning off the call. You turned to Loki, who had yet to even turn the scanner on. “You don’t know how to work that, do you?”
He glared at you and did not reply.
“Come here, Your Highness, I’ll show you. It really isn’t that hard.”
“You know the honorific loses its value when you say it so sarcastically,” he said, while watching your motions intensely, memorizing the steps to work the machine.
“Sorry, Highness.”
The two of you walked down to the beach shortly after, meeting Brunnhilde and Thor at the docks. You were allotted supplies and miraculously, you and Loki ended up caulking the same boat.
The silence was deafening at first, until you decided to break it.
“You know I never would have assumed that someone of such status would be out here doing the dirty work,” you said, sarcasm dripping from your voice.
He grimaced. “I owe Asgard a debt. I intend to repay it, however I can offer service.”
“A very noble stance from Loki, God of Mischief.”
He grinned and looked up, meeting your eyes. “I find that one can be noble while still being quite mischievous.”
You felt your face heat up, and ducked your head, looking down at your work. He had smiled at you, for the first time, and what he had said had sounded almost like flirting. Why had that made your stomach turn in such a strange way?
“Oh my,” he laughed. “Seems that the Midgardian is finally speechless.”
“Just trying to hold my tongue around my betters, Highness,” you said, rolling your eyes. “Now let’s get to work before Brunnhilde has our heads.”
Finally, late that afternoon, the work was done, and the New Asgard armada of fishing boats was ready for a celebratory launch. You and Loki stood in the crowd, watching Brunnhilde give a speech in front of the flagship, which really wasn’t much larger than the rest of the fleet. Loki leaned over and whispered to you, “You know, back in the day, the Norse would give a human sacrifice to the sea god to ensure safe passage.”
You wrinkled your nose, put off by the suggestion. “I think I prefer the more English tradition,” you replied, watching as Brunnhilde smashed a bottle of champagne against the hull of the ship.
Loki sighed. “Such a waste of perfectly good champagne.”
“I’m sure there's plenty more alcohol around here somewhere,” you said as you walked over to your boat, preparing for her maiden voyage. You hopped in and offered Loki your hand to help him in. He hesitated, but he took it.
“What should we name her?” you asked.
“You know,” you shrugged, “We have to give our ship a name.”
Loki seemed to ponder it a moment before deciding. “How about The Midgardian?”
You put your hand on your chest in mock flattery. “Aww, you named her after me, didn’t you?”
He laughed. “It’s a fitting name. She’s lackluster and hardly even worthy of being called a boat.” His words were biting, and maybe you were imagining things, but you could have sworn you heard the playfulness in his voice.
You laughed and tossed him an oar. “For you, Highness.”
“Many thanks, Midgardian.”
The two of you followed the rest of New Asgard, rowing out to sea. Suddenly, you noticed a small sprig of water in the bottom of the boat. “Loki,” you said, the fear dawning on you, “I think the boat is leaking.”
He turned to see the small leak coming through the floorboards. “Okay,” he said, suddenly serious, “Don’t panic. Let’s turn around.”
You switched the side you were paddling on, beginning to move the boat in a circle. Before you could completely orient yourselves, the floorboards cracked, and a large chunk of wood detached from the boat. You yelped as the water came flooding in.
Loki swore. “Can you swim?” he asked you, speaking quickly.
You nodded. All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents knew how to swim.
“Then jump!” he said, and you did, without a second thought. Your boat was sinking fast, and there was no way you were going to make it back to shore dry.
You hit the water, and a second later, heard Loki behind you.
“Swim towards Thor’s boat, he can get us-”
You missed the rest of his sentence as you were pulled away from him.
You fought the current that had taken hold of you, but your panic was making things worse. In the confusion, you lost control, and dipped under water. The ocean filled your mouth. Breaking the surface again, you choked out most of the water, trying to stay calm and find a way out, but every second you were being pulled further out to sea. Falling under once again, you were prepared to accept your fate when a strong pair of arms wrapped themselves around you and pulled you into calmer waters.
You gasped for air as Loki held you against himself, allowing you time to recover.
“Wha- How did-” you began, once you could speak.
“Don’t talk, just breathe,” he said. “I am a god, I can overpower currents much easier than your mortal bodies can.”
“Thank you, Loki,” you said.
“You are welcome, Y/N.”
A larger boat pulled up next to you, Thor leaning over the side. “Brother, Agent Y/N! Take my hand!”
Loki helped you onto the deck of the boat before climbing over the side himself.
You flopped onto the deck, panting. “Rest in peace, SS Midgardian.”
Later that night, you and Loki sat together watching the fire crackle. Thor had brought you a hot drink, and after plenty of fussing ensuring that you were okay, had left to do something leader-ish with Brunnhilde.
Suddenly, a loud scuffling at the door broke the silence and a series of thudding footsteps made their way toward you. Upon seeing your company, Loki sighed, exasperated. You turned and saw a large figure that appeared to be made out of rock alongside a smaller, insect-looking creature.
The large one began to speak, his gentle tone in contrast with his threatening form. “Hello. Um, I’m Korg and this is my friend Meik. We came to apologize for the whole boat thing. Thor put us in charge of wood collection, so it’s our bad, really. Sorry.”
“Oh, um, that’s alright,” you said, still processing the fact that there were two very large, very strange-looking, aliens in the living room. “You couldn’t have known the wood was rotting, and no one’s dead, so we’re good.”
“Alright, cool,” said Korg. “No harm, no foul, yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
“Right then,” he said, scooping up Miek. “We’ve gotta get going. Thor put us on clean up duty for the next week.”
“Thank you, Korg!” you called, but he was already out the door.
Loki let out another sigh. “Idiots.”
You turned back to him. “I had no idea there were other aliens here! How many species came with you?”
“Just Korg and Meik. And unfortunately, they are around a lot.”
You settled into your armchair. “I’m gonna have to document this.” But even as you said it, you could feel yourself drifting off.
The next day you woke in your own bed, slightly embarrassed at the implication that Loki had carried you there, but he never brought it up, so neither did you.
The next few weeks were filled with collecting information and helping with the construction of New Asgard to fill the rest of your time. Always, of course, accompanied by Loki. In a strange way, you were becoming friends. The two of you never exchanged a single kind word, but your actions said otherwise. Before long, it seemed less like Loki was breathing down your neck and more like he was genuinely relaxing around you.
“Hey, Mack,” you said, beginning your weekly call-in, Loki now sitting beside you instead of hiding in the background.
“Hey there, Y/N. How’s it going, Loki?”
“Quite well, thank you, Director Mackenzie.”
You stared at him in shock. You had never heard Loki use honorifics for a Midgardian.
The rest of the call was uneventful, and as soon as you hung up, you whirled toward Loki.
“You were polite!” you said, your tone accusatory.
Loki sniffed. “I do have manners, you know.”
“You called him Director Mackenzie.”
“And I can count the number of times you’ve used my real name on one hand. It’s always ‘Midgardian’ this ‘Midgardian’ that. You know Mack’s a Midgardian too, right?”
He rolled his eyes. “And you call me ‘Highness’ in that terrible mocking tone of yours. The disrespect is mutual.”
You sighed. “Fine, we’ll call a truce. I’ll call you Loki, you call me Y/N, deal?” You stuck out your hand, waiting for his response.
He seemed to be considering his options, before he settled on his choice. “Deal.” He grasped your hand firmly within his and shook it.
“Glad we’re on the same page, Loki,” you said, leaning back into your chair.
“What now, Y/N?” he asked.
You shrugged. “I dunno. Brunnhilde and Thor don’t have anything going on, and I’m done with what I need to do.” You started clicking around on your computer. “Wanna watch a movie?”
“I’ve heard of movies, but never seen one.”
“You’ve never seen a movie?” you asked. “I guess that makes sense. It’s basically just a recorded play. You’ll love it.” You pulled up a movie. One of the lesser known perks of working for S.H.I.E.L.D.: free Netflix. “This is one of my favorites,” you said as the opening credits rolled.
“I suppose you aren’t giving me a choice then?” he asked.
“Nope,” you replied. “Now be quiet and watch.”
Later that night, you were in the kitchen with Thor, cleaning up after dinner. The two of you worked in comfortable silence until suddenly-
“Are you and my brother involved romantically?”
The plate you were washing fell into the soapy water with a splash.
“I have never seen him willingly be around a person as he is you,” Thor explained. “And he has changed. He is happier than he was before Midgard.”
You shook your head. “He doesn’t- I thought he was just ‘supervising’ in case I tried to kill you all.”
“Hardly. The man just has no clue how to adjust to a more… domestic lifestyle. He wants to be around you, he just does not know how to express that.”
“Huh,” was all you managed to say, not looking up from the dishes.
Thor let out a small chuckle. “One day you two will figure it out,” he said so quietly you weren’t even sure he said it.
More time passed, you and Loki still spending your days together. Before you knew it, the Summer Solstice was here, and you spent the morning preparing.
Rushing around your van, alone for once, you scrambled to get your work done quickly before Brunnhidle’s coronation began.
Finishing up you glanced at your monitor when you saw a message pop up.
Alphonso Mackenzie: I forgot to mention it in our call this week, but you’re coming up on the six month mark, and there seems to be no complications with Asgard’s transition, so we’ll be pulling you back to HQ. We’ll sort out the details in next week’s meeting.
You felt a sinking feeling in your chest, which was quickly replaced by determination as you began to type your response.
You hurried to Loki’s side, panting slightly, making it to the coronation just in time for Brunnhidle to make her entrance.
“You’re late,” he whispered.
“Shh,” you said. “They’re starting.”
After every great coronation comes an even greater feast, and the Asgardians spent the rest of the day revealing and celebrating their new leader.
Surprisingly, you had seen very little of Loki. That wouldn’t last long though, because as the sun dipped below the horizon, your closest friend in New Asgard appeared from the crowd and said nothing as he led you to a private space away from the partygoers.
“I’ve hardly seen you all night,” he said, as soon as the two of you had a moment of relative silence.
“I know,” you laughed softly. “It’s been strange to not be around you.”
Your smile fell and you looked up at him. “Look, Loki, I have some news, and I’m not sure how you’re going to feel about it.”
His expression turned serious and he led you to a small bench, where the both of you sat. He stayed silent, waiting for you to speak.
“I got a message from Mack today. They want me back in America.”
Loki’s entire demeanor changed. “What? You can’t go back. There’s still so much I- so much supervising to be done here.”
“That’s where the part I’m unsure of comes in,” you said. “I talked to Mack, and the specifics still need to be discussed, but if we can get agreement from all parties, he wants to create a new position at S.H.I.E.L.D. I’d be the first permanent Asgardian-Midgardian liaison that S.H.I.E.L.D. has ever had.”
His face broke into a grin and he clasped your hands into his. “That’s wonderful! Why would I have any problems with that?”
“You haven’t always been my biggest fan,” you said, nudging his arm gently.
He was silent for a moment, looking for the words. “Maybe not at first,” he began slowly, looking you directly in your eyes, “but now, I’d argue that you are closer to me than anyone else.”
You suddenly became all too aware of his hands resting on yours, and the closeness of his face to yours. “Loki…”
“I hate to admit it, but after a long talk with Thor, I’ve realized that I’ve grown quite fond of you, Y/N.”
“I guess I’ve grown fond of you too, Your Highness,” you said, smiling softly.
“Oh, Midgardian,” he said, unable to keep the laughter out of his voice as his face drew nearer.
You didn’t remember which of you closed the gap, only that it was the most magical kiss you had ever had.
A/N: Thanks for reading! :)
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obxlife · 4 years
Worth It (John B x Reader)
A/N: Another John B request! I wanted to make this as long as my other fics (which means at least 3000 words) which is why I took so long to make this. HOWEVER, I liked how it turned out so I’m pretty happy. 
Pairing: John B x Reader
Word count: 3,409
Request: More John B??? I love your writing!! Where he gets jealous?? ily!❤️
Summary: John B and the reader have liked each other for a while now. It’s been one hell of a ride with unrequited (and requited feeling), but it ends one night with a broken nose and a jealous John B. 
Warnings: Nothing I think. Just some jealousy, alcohol, weed, swearing, and a lot of feelings lol
The wind that swept through your hair was distracting. Not only to you but to John B as well. He didn’t seem able to concentrate on driving the HMS Pogue when you were sitting on the bow, rolling a blunt with JJ, and wind messing around with your tresses. He actually wasn’t able to concentrate on anything much when you were around him. 
He had met you in school. You were new to school because your father had lost a lot of money, which had caused you to leave the Kook Academy and transfer over to the public high school. Much to most of your classmate’s surprise, you weren’t as stuck up as they had expected. You were laid back and easy going, never bothered by things that occurred around you. Everyone quickly realized that you were as normal as everybody else. You loved surfing, you hated expensive outings and parties that were more about social power than socializing, and you hated Kooks. 
After all, you had been bullied by a large group of them for years. And they had also been the reason for your father’s downfall.
The Pogues had met you because you had been JJ’s lab partner during the first month of school. When he hadn’t shown up for the third time in a row, you had asked around about him and figured out just enough information to find him. That September morning you had busted inside of the Chateau and found John B and JJ smoking and drinking together. At first, you had been angry at JJ for not showing up for school as you had to do the past three graded worksheets by yourself, but soon enough you had relaxed along with them, drinking beer and smoking weed. 
From then on, you had forced them to go to school and then would return to the Chateau to smoke and hang out with them, plus Pope. Kie wasn’t around yet because she would normally only join the Pogues for the weekend. 
And so you became friends. You were motherly towards them but just as reckless as well. It was a strange combination that the Pogues didn’t understand but loved all the same. 
You liked how different and tight they were compared to everybody in the Kook world. Back then, when your family still had money, you had tried to make some friends but they had turned their backs on you once your family became poor. You didn’t mind that much. 
“Their loss,” you would tell yourself. And it really was their loss. They were now extremely jealous of how you spent your days with three of the most attractive boys on the island. 
Months and months went by with you as a part of the Pogues. With time, they began to trust you more and more. Pope told you about his scholarship opportunities and JJ told you about his father. Kie told you about Sarah Cameron and John B told you about his father. You, in turn, told them about how your family had lost their money. 
“We were swindled. The Thorntons stole a lot of money from us and had made a fake deal for my dad to sign. We lost most of what we had.”
The Pogues were silent, not really knowing how to comfort you. Feeling the tense air surrounding you, you smiled at them and said, “Something good came out of it.”
JJ quirked his eyebrow, smiling at you. “Really? What?”
“I’m never saying this again because it’s super cheesy,” you began, “But you guys. You’re the good in it.”
The Pogues had jumped onto you and piled on top of your body. Giggling and laughing, screaming, and shouting out of joy. 
And from then on you were officially a Pogue. Also from then on, John B hadn’t stopped thinking of you. 
Only then had he realized how much he had liked spending time with you. How much he liked being around you because you were such a positive influence on everything. How much he loved that you made every single one of the Pogues smile when you would burst inside of the Chateau with some brownies and beer. How much he hated when JJ would place an arm around your shoulder or waist. How much he hated when you and Pope would talk for hours on end about your science stuff that he just couldn’t bring himself to understand. How much he hated when you would speak about your random hookups with Tourons at the many keggers you had organized together. How much he loved when you would smile at him when he would make you feel better as if he and you were the only people around. How much he loved when you would play with his hair whenever you lay down on the hammock together or just took a seat around the bonfire next to each other. How much he loved when you were present, joking around with him about what stupid thing one of you had done. 
It hadn’t taken him much to come to accept his feelings for you. However, it took him a lot longer to ever confess to the other male Pogues about what he felt for you. 
“Man, what is up with you recently?” JJ had asked when you and Kie had left to help her father at his restaurant. John B had been in a pissy mood all day. He couldn’t shake the thought of you being flirty with JJ out on the marsh earlier or the fact that you had shared your beer with Pope and not him. Both of his friends had caught on to his anger but didn’t bring it up until they were alone. 
“Yeah, dude, why are you so mad?” Pope said while opening the fridge. He pulled out a water bottle for himself and a beer for the other two. JJ took it, but John B didn’t which caused the dark-skinned boy to drop it onto the counter. 
“Nothing,” John B had muttered not looking into their eyes. The other two had shared a look before charging towards John B and pushing him onto the pullout couch of the Chateau. 
“What the hell? Guys, stop!” He began to thrash around in an attempt to break free, but JJ and Pope held him down more forcefully. 
“C’mon, dude. Just tell us and we’ll let go!” the blond screamed. 
The fighting and struggling continued for a while longer until John B began to grow tired. Laying still, the other two boys moved back and stared at their friend. Then, he spoke:
“I like Y/N.”
JJ raised his eyebrows as Pope furrowed his. “Um, excuse me, what? Like as in more than a friend?”
John B simply nodded and raised his hands to his face. He didn’t feel like explaining himself to his other two friends. He didn’t want to admit that he was jealous of them because he knew that his jealousy was irrational. He had the same relationship they had with you.
“No way,” Pope shook his head. “What about no Pogue on Pogue macking?”
“Why do you think I haven’t done anything?”
Realizing how deep John B’s feelings ran, both boys had decided to pull back a bit from you. JJ would avoid flirting as much as possible, and Pope would maintain a bigger distance when speaking to you. John B was grateful for the support his friends were giving him. You, on the other hand, hated how you seemed to have suddenly grown distant from the boys. 
During one Kie’s shifts at the Wreck that you had gone to visit her, you confessed what you felt. 
“It’s as if, one day from another, they learned something about me that pushed them away!”
Kie stared at you, confused. “What do you mean? JJ seems just as close as he was to you a couple of weeks back.”
You groaned. “He is but at the same time he isn’t. Like, we still tease each other and speak about the things we used to, but now he won’t put his arm around me or anything. And Pope seems to stand twelve feet away from me at all times!”
Kie frowned at you. Now that she heard your complaints she realized that they were true. The following day she had done some snooping while you weren’t around and learned about John B’s crush on you. She had to almost torture Pope to get it out of him. 
“Damn it, Pope!” JJ had exclaimed when the dark-skinned boy had confessed what John B had told them just a few weeks prior. 
Kie never told you what she had learned that day and had only ushered you to ignore the boys and their weird behavior. 
It had been months since then and John B had not gotten over you one bit. In fact, he was pretty sure he was almost in love with you. Evidence? How distracted he was by the wind tossing your hair around. 
JJ had stood up from where he had been seated next to you, giving you the joint and walking up to John B. “Stop staring. You’re making it obvious.”
The whispers of his blond friend went one ear and out the other. JJ had to repeat himself for John B to actually process his words. 
“Oh, fuck off.”
Organizing a kegger between the Pogues was something you liked. JJ, Pope, and John B would normally be in charge of getting the beer and some food for you guys while you and Kie would get the cups, ice, and any other items that may be needed. Oh, and Kie would force you to set up recycling bins with her across the beach, of course. 
So that was exactly what you were doing with her at the moment. She had noticed you had been a tad bit off all day and was meaning to ask you about it, but you had begun to work far away from her. She didn’t want to force it out of you, but she could only take so much tension. 
“Okay, what is going on with you?” she asked suddenly turning around towards you. 
Fuck, you thought. You had been acting differently for more than just that day. It had actually begun a few months ago when you had caught yourself staring at the long-haired boy of your friend group. John B had suddenly become extremely attractive to you, which was weird because you had never seen him in that light before. You had thought it had just been a passing thought, but you soon caught yourself thinking about him and imagining how his hand would feel in your own or how his lips would feel pressed against yours. 
You couldn’t understand where this feeling had appeared from, but it had. And you couldn’t do anything about it. You had tried to hook up with Tourons - even tried to hook up with JJ - but nothing worked. And no, JJ had not acted upon what you had wanted and yes, you had pretended as if you were too drunk to remember it the following day. 
John B had taken over your thoughts and you didn’t really like it. But this had been going on for too long, and maybe telling Kie would make you forget him. 
You had sighed and turned towards her, the wind pushing both your and her hair in the direction it was going. You had to confess to her, and this was the best moment possible. 
“I think I like John B.”
Kie had stared at you with disbelief at first, but soon she broke out in a smile. “Since when?”
You groaned, knowing that she would be asking questions. “Three months now.”
She looked as if she would combust with happiness. However, she just shut her mouth and said “Cool,” before turning around and continuing to set up the trash bins. 
You stared at her in bewilderment. No questions? Weird. You ignored your thoughts and continued to place the trash bins around the Boneyard. 
Soon enough you heard the boys approaching the logs where you and Kie were perched. You looked at John B, noticing his open Hawaiian shirt and his beige shorts. He looked really good, which put a smile on your face. You shook your head. 
“No Pogue on Pogue macking,” you told yourself under your breath. 
Smiling at them, they placed the keg down while Kie fished out five cups for all of you to drink. Filling them up and passing them around, JJ spent no time downing its contents and serving himself another. 
You were already dressed for the party, and John B took notice of how nice the clothes fit you. Your shorts were tight around your waist and they made him imagine how it would feel to loop his fingers through the belt loops and pull you close. 
You didn’t even notice his stare on you, too distracted by Pope telling you and Kie how the boys had almost been spotted by the police with the keg. After a while, you tuned to look at John B (who had stopped staring at you by now) to analyze his face. 
That’s it, you thought. I can’t be obsessed with him anymore. Tonight I’m hooking up with someone for sure.
JJ was screaming again. He often did that at parties. 
You weren’t looking at him though, because you were concentrated on the boy beside you. You didn’t really remember his name but you knew he was an amazing kisser, judging by the activity you were both engaged in. His hands had been resting in your waist, but you felt them slowly slide down to your butt, pulling you closer to him.
John B wasn’t looking at JJ either, no. He was looking straight at you. Actually, he was staring straight at the boy’s hands and their placement on your body. Rage was coursing through him. All he had wanted to do since he had put his hand on your thigh was rip him away from you and throw him down a cliff or a long flight of stairs. 
However, he remained still, sipping on his drink and observing your every move. He hated this. He hated what he was feeling. 
Suddenly, and out of nowhere, the boy had raised his hand to your breast which made you pull away from him a little. You weren’t really comfortable with the fondling the boy was doing, but you forced yourself to continue kissing him.
John B’s knuckles were wrapped around his now crumpled plastic cup. They had turned white. He had noticed the discomfort on your face and was sure you were going to pull away from the boy, but instead you had continued kissing him. 
You tried to enjoy what the boy was doing, which you were sure you would have enjoyed had you not been practically in love with your best friend. You just couldn’t enjoy what he was doing. When the boy tried to slip his hand down your pants you drew the line. If he was going to try that then at least he could do it somewhere private and not in the middle of the party. The boy removed his hand and wrapped it around your waist. 
“Do you want to go somewhere else?”
You tried to say yes, you really did, but deep down you knew you didn’t want him. At all. 
“Um, actually, I wanted to stay here.”
The brow frowned, anger seeping into his eyes. “So what? You throw yourself onto me and then you don’t want to pull through?”
You shook your head, pressing your hands against his chest. “It’s not that -”
The boy pushed you so hard you fell onto the ground. “You bitch. You enjoyed that didn’t you?”
Before you could try to stand up and reply, John B had thrown a punch at the boy, hitting right on his nose. A sickening crack broke through the midnight air as the boy fell onto the ground. Hands grabbed onto your arms, pulling you up. JJ and Pope stood before you, covering you from John B and the guy you had been kissing. 
The boy turned around and got John B off of him and then raised his hands in surrender. 
“Don’t talk to her like that!” John screamed out, pointing at him. Then he turned around towards you, his eyes trained on your body as if looking for an injury. Then they rose to your face. His features softened as he pulled onto your hand and began to drag you away from the party. You didn’t dare say a word. 
“If you want that bitch, fine! But don’t be surprised when she doesn’t fuck you like the tease she is!”
Before John B could run back to him, the boy had been toppled back onto the ground by JJ and Pope. Watching the scene before you, you continued to tug onto John B’s hand so that he wouldn’t involve himself in the fight. You knew JJ and Pope could deal with the boy you had been kissing. 
When you had walked far enough away from the Boneyard, John B let go of your hand and stomped all the way to the Chateau. You had to run after him, as your legs were shorter than his, and almost crashed into the front door when you arrived. 
“John!” you called out for him. He was seething, pacing around before the pullout couch with his hands tugging on his hair. 
“Why would you do that?” he suddenly jumped at you. “Why would you put yourself in that situation?”
You felt tears prickle your eyes. He had never screamed at you before. He had always been soft and gentle with you. 
“Why would you let him touch you like that if you weren’t comfortable? I just don’t fucking get it!”
“Because I wanted to forget,” you tried to explain. 
“Forget what, exactly?” He was panting as he stopped moving and was turned towards you. 
“I - I was trying to forget you.”
His mouth opened wide, as well as his eyes. The shock the words you said left upon him made you worried. “And I tried to get over you so many times but I just couldn’t because you were -”
John was kissing you. He had run up to you and kissed you on the mouth. He had pulled you up from the ground and wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his lips to yours, molding perfectly together. Your hands found his bare chest, slipping a little bit under his open Hawaiian shirt. 
Your tongues clashed together as one of your hands moved to his hair, brushing through his perfect locks. His hands moved down in a similar way that the boy from the party had moved his hands. They came to rest on your butt, but this time it didn’t make you uncomfortable at all. Instead, John B’s hands made you feel aroused in a way no one had made you feel. 
Breaking apart for some air, John B lunged at your neck as you let a moan out. However, before even being able to give you a hickey, the door of the Chateau burst open, revealing Pope, Kie, and JJ. They widened their eyes at the scene before them, shocked to find John B and you with surprised expressions and puffy lips. They closed the door again. 
The moment already broken, John B placed you back down on the floor, but he didn’t let you go. You were smiling up at him, eyes twinkling in the way he loved. 
“How long?” he asked. Somehow you knew he was asking how long you had liked him.
“Three months,” you replied, blush to rise to your cheeks because you were ashamed of how long your crush had lasted. 
John laughed and then said, “Don’t worry. I’ve liked you for like a year.”
You opened your mouth in shock. “Was that why JJ and Pope got all weird with me?”
John B nodded before laughing again and bringing you close to him. 
“I’m sorry if I put you through shit,” he told you sincerely. 
“I’m sorry. You must have had worse than tonight if you’ve liked me for that long.”
John B simply laughed and nodded. “Worth it though,” he mumbled as he pulled you close once again.
133 notes · View notes
amazinggrace00 · 4 years
7x05 I just what ... WHAT!
Ive rewatched a lot of season 6 and I'm remembering a lot
And a lot of Fitzsimmons scenes cause I'm starved
Im living for this episode
Danny Boi
Same Sousa Im always confused
Let me see Jemmas threads please
why did she forget Fitz was bobo
Deke stop talking about their sex life
I hope his mom is already born
Omg she called Deke a mistake
Date night
Are they gonna do the deed
Whose that
Is that a turtle
Fuck Malick Man
Why is Freddie still alive
Project Insight
Oh no they are ahead
Someone mentioned that May felt Jemmas feelings so she cant be an LMD
Daisy gets to play fake fiance with Daniel Sousa Im so jealous
Fuck Nathan was suppose to die
Holy fuck thats project insight
Is it going to be Zola
Bruce Banner
Whose going to tell Sousa about Cap
Oh no these fuckers
Oh shit I forgot Sousa didnt know about Quake
peggy carter and nick furry I cant
Oh fuck
Deke standing up for his nana
Sousa with the phone omg
To his peggy
Nathan you punk bitch
Deke is badass right now this is hot
Omg Coulsons just saying everything
The graphics team deserves a raise
Thank you Deke
What is it Yoyo
there is 7 minutes left lets go
What did they do
Whats going to happen
Daniel Whithall
Oh hes going to transfer powers
No fitz sad
Still a good episode
For it being the 70s there is quit the lack of weed
60 notes · View notes
Different Experiences
Hi everyone, So this is more a thought than a theory but it is linked to my “Amity’s Parents” theory. Basically, I suspect Amity’s parents won’t be accepting of the fact she is a lesbian and that combined with her choice of partner - Luz, a human - could see her being kicked out of her parental home.
I kinda want this to happen. While Disney has only just began to delve into LGBT representation, in shows such as “Andi Mack” and “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series” we have situations where everyone is very supportive and no one bats an eyelid. In “SVTFOE”, while Marco was never expressly confirmed as trans it is safe to say the Diazs would have been accepting of them. I don’t think anyone in the “SVTFOE” fandom would disagree with me there. And while this is all representative of an ideal world, it isn’t necessarily representative of reality.
Due to my Mum not accepting me, I ran away from home at 17. This wasn’t me being impulsive. The local authority I live in, the LGBT youth group I went to and my Catholic school all agreed I needed to be removed from my Mum’s care when I was 15. The process took 2 years and I was eventually moved into a bedsit. My present roommate similarly had to runaway from her parental home. I sadly know the reality of what it is like when your parents don’t accept you, all to well.
Now Disney, has lately been pretty good at exploring difficult issues. For example in “Andi Mack”, you had Andi finding out her “sister” Bex is in fact her mother and her “parents” are in fact her grandparents.
LGBT representation is great but I think it has to be representative of different experiences. Being LGBT isn’t easy in the present day and for Disney to paint it that way would be wrong. The society we live in makes it difficult.
And I think “The Owl House” is in a great position to show two sides of the LGBT experience. Unaccepting parents and accepting parents.
We have two canonically confirmed LGBT characters in “The Owl House”. Luz is confirmed by Dana Terrace to be bisexual and Amity, the show speaks for itself regarding her but Dana also confirms she is intended to be a lesbian.
While Luz’s mom may have sent her off to camp, it is pretty evident what she has done, has come from a place of love. She wants Luz to not be too buried in fantasy to the point that she can’t tell the difference between that and reality. Overall, from what I have seen of Luz’s mom so far, I think she would accept Luz with open arms. And I may revise my view on this in future but I think that is what will happen. And hey look, I guess there is a theory in all this. As I said, I just write and see what comes out XD
However, I think with Amity’s parents we will get a very different reaction. We have two people who seem very bogged down in status and maintain a particular image. They already seem very adverse to difference. And Amity has an entire hideout in the library, which say what you will, to me suggests a home life where she doesn’t feel comfortable having much expression of herself. In fact I may rewatch an “Enchanting Grom Fight” and “Lost in Language” to analyse the differences between Amity’s room at home and Amity’s hideout in the library. Because I suspect there are some rather extreme differences. I maybe wrong however.
And from my perspective, Amity’s parents also strike me as sinister and they are very evidently controlling. @ultraobsidian also recently shared with me a theory, that she suspects Amity’s parents provided Lilith the curse that she placed on Eda. She points out, during the fight to join the Emperor’s Coven there are two individuals in the crowd matching Amity’s parents description and they are smiling as if everything is going to plan.
So you also have two very controlling people, who have a clearly laid out plan. They are also controlling in the fact that Amity is forced to dye her hair cos her mom likes her children to match.
Also I wonder how much of it is Amity’s plan to join the Emperor’s Coven and how much of it is her parents expectations. She expresses way back in “Convention” how hard she has to work at her craft, how much pressure is upon her. How she has to go down this path.
I wonder if Amity’s parents have the same expectations about her future relationship. Maybe they already have a boy at Amity’s school in mind, who is of the right social standing and status. Oh God, I could easily see it being Mattholomule. I mean the wikia does say this about him, “a power-hungry student at Hexside. He has a history with breaking rules and getting detention often, leading to him being transferred out of his old school. Mattholomule has little interest in having real friends, and finds no problem with lying to fellow students, as long as it gets him what he wants, but he gets worried whenever there is a chance his lying could backfire or fail.”
While on the surface he may not seemingly fit this ideal person who Amity’s parents would look at as a potential suiter for their daughter. We know little about his parents and their social standing and taking from another show here, I watch “Gilmore Girls” a lot and there are throughout that, entitled rich kids such as Tristan and Logan and co who go through these patterns of being expelled from schools and transferred. And the power-hungryness, with a lil training and guidance, maybe he could be the ideal person that Amity’s parents have in mind for their daughter.
And let’s picture that everything I have said here is on the money and I think it is safe to say it is, Amity’s parents have made it clear they are willing to go to extreme lengths to maintain a certain image for their daughter, even threatening a child - Willow. These don’t seem like very adaptable people and diversion from the plan, like Amity coming out as a lesbian and being in love with a human of all creatures. Oh, I do not see her parents going, “Oh Amity, that’s great and we will always love you.” In fact if what @ultraobsidian has said is correct, I could easily see them saying, “Amity Blight! You put a stop to this nonsense now or we will make sure that human never casts a spell again.” And that I could imagine very well coming in the form of a curse.
And for now, I’m out of steam and I’m done, but my mind is still twirling with thoughts of this right now. I don’t think I’m done talking about Amity’s parents. The more I write about them, the more terrifying I find them as individuals. I could quite easily see them being main antagonists at some point in the future and you know, some theories about that are developing in my mind. So stay tuned.
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phrealestate0 · 3 years
Cagayan De Oro City: 10 Recommended Places to stay when travelling
Cagayan De Oro City: 10 Recommended Places to stay when travelling Philippines Real Estate.
Cagayan de Oro, officially the City of Cagayan de Oro (Cebuano: Dakbayan sa Cagayan de Oro; Tagalog: Lungsod ng Cagayan-de Oro), is a 1st class highly urbanized city in Northern Mindanao. It has a population of 728,402 residents and serves as both an important regional center for trade and business opportunities while also providing excellent educational facilities to the surrounding provinces.
Cagayan de Oro is the capital of Misamis Oriental, a province in Northern Mindanao.
Cagayan de Oro is the fastest growing city in Mindanao and one of the most popular destinations for both domestic and international tourists. It boasts a perfect blend of historical and natural attractions, making it an ultimate destination for those seeking to take in some fresh air or just have a relaxing time. Here’s our guide to Cagayan de Oro’s 10 best recommended places to stay while on a visit.
Here are 10 Recommended Place to stay while in Cagayan De Oro City
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The rooms are just right for travelers. Location is very ideal as it is located right at the heart of the city. It is even beside SM and within stone's throw of Centrio and Limketkai. The staff is cordial and friendly. They are also efficient and proficient.
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Michelle Dy
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Conected to the mall. Has a great restaurant in front. Wi fi works great. Best shower i have ever had in the Philippines. the room is a little small but the price is so nice. Was going to just try this hotel for 1 night but stayed for 4 i will stay here again as it is very convenient. just outside the hotel also has airport shuttle services every hour at a reasonable price
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Katrina Ignacio
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Stayed with family · For friends and family I like Ref Planet in general except the very limited parking soace. The rest is very good!
Red Planet Cagayan De Oro
This inexpensive hotel in the heart of Cagayan de Oro is the perfect starting point for exploring the city. Stylish rooms and top-notch quality beds await guests at Red Planet Cagayan de Oro, which is surrounded by shopping malls and entertainment opportunities. Wi-Fi is fast, and there are lots of power outlets, so tech-savvy visitors will always feel connected.
Customer Value
159 Rooms
Air Condition
Hygiene Plus
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Queen Bedroom
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2 Single Beds
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Trish Evans
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The staff was nice. Food was good. Scenery amazing but rooms need remodeling especial aircon position. Bit annoyed to hear power saws from workers too. Pool wad best part!
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Mack Musk
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Stayed with partner · For leisure In the middle of the city Beside the mall Staff are polite and courteous p
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Somchai Kittisak
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It a very lovely place to stay in. The only minor issue is that they didn’t have enough coffee sachets or chocolate sachets. Otherwise, it’s a fantastic hotel and I would highly recommend it to both family and friends.
Limketkai Luxe Hotel 
The Limketkai Luxe Hotel is the tallest, most prominent hotel in Cagayan de Oro. It features 213 guest rooms with state-of-the-art amenities for the comfort and convenience of its guests. Endorsed by many as Gold Hotels’ first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified building in the Philippines, it has also been recognized as a quality service provider to our clientele this past year since its opening.
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[In the vicinity of Limketkai Center] You’ll be conveniently positioned in Cagayan de Oro when you stay at Limketkai Luxe Hotel, just a 1-minute drive from Limketkai Center and 6 minutes from Centrio Mall. SM City Cagayan de Oro is 3.9 miles (6.3 kilometers) away, and SM CDO Downtown Premier is 0.7 miles (1.2 kilometers).
N Hotel Cagayan De Oro City
The N Hotel is ideally located in the heart of Northern Mindanao’s Cagayan De Oro, making it a great base for exploring the city. The hotel is only 5.0 kilometers from the city center, and the airport is only 45 minutes away. This hotel has a unique charm because of its well-kept surroundings and proximity to S & R, City Hospital, and J.R. Borja General Hospital.
At this Cagayan De Oro N hotel, you may take advantage of a wide range of unmatched services and amenities. This hotel has a variety of amenities to please even the most demanding guests.
 There are 65 rooms in the N Hotel. All are nicely decorated, with many offering amenities such as LCD/plasma televisions, non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, a desk, and a minibar. After a busy day in the city, relax in the hotel’s wonderful facilities, which include a fitness center, outdoor pool, massage, pool (kids), and billiards. The N Hotel is the ideal base for your visit to Cagayan De Oro, thanks to its outstanding facilities and convenient location.
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Olivia Entz
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Stayed with family · For friends and family Everything is fine until they ask too much charge to use the pool even if our family and friends are ordering drinks and cocktails. Pool charges should be consumable at least.
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Emma Nickolson
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i have stayed there twice and am very happy with the staff and location great swimming pool and kids pool very clean staff are great i you go to cageyane deora great place to stay not far from the sm mall and not to far to get to the airport i would give this place a rating of 10
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Mia Sy
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Nice hotel. The WIFI was not very strong.
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Wa Chi Lay
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the proximity to the mall and cusine options, good airport transfers, clean and friendly hotel Seda centrio is a highly recommendable hotel. It is adjacent to the Ayala Mal , which has a good range of stores and cuisine options. the staff are friendly. Airport transfers can be arranged with a very reasonable rate of PHP200 per person. The hotel has a nice pool area. concierge can help you arrange for an adventure of white water rafting. check with the front desk for cocktail options as they sometimes have some nice programs at the bar. Breakfast buffet is sufficient considering that he price is very reasonable. the fish dishe i forget the name, was excellent. Cagayan de oro is a coastal city so ask for seafood
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Arman Manolito
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The best things about this hotel is it location, it stands right in the Ayala Centrio Mall in Cagayan de Oro, a mixed development of Ayala. The rooms are well equipped the the service is excellent. Our stay in Seda Centrio is the best. Seda Centrio in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines has carved its own path in creating the ultimate luxury haven, surpassing even the most demanding of tastes and standards. We have achieved the impressive feat of balancing the best qualities of boutique, chain and business hotels in our accommodations, offering a sanctuary that capably suits your savvy lifestyle.
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Angeline Luna
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Seda Centrio is the best hotel in Cagayan de Oro in terms of location, service, and amenities. It's like a home away from home as it has all the basic and luxurious amenities that you would expect to find back home in the Western world. Staff were friendly and the hotel is situated literally beside the Ayala mall.The food was a bit mediocre for such a place but that wasn't a big deal breaker. The hotel was very safe, as you need to swipe your card to get access to your floor and room. Definitely will stay here again in the future.
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Seda Centrio Cagayan De Oro
Seda Centrio – Cagayan De Oro City is a popular choice for both business and leisure travelers, offering superb lodgings in Cagayan De Oro’s business, retail, and restaurant center. The hotel’s ideal position allows guests to reach several local sites of interest quickly and effortlessly. Travelers will be energized by a stay here, which provides outstanding service and all of the necessary amenities. The Misto Restaurant, a 3-in-1 all-day dining option, a coffee lounge, a swimming pool, and a fitness centers are just a few of the amenities available to guests. The 150 rooms on 11 storeys give a welcoming and comfortable home away from home. In some rooms, you’ll find modern conveniences, including Internet connection, access to the executive lounge, a shower, ironing facilities, and a telephone. The hotel has a variety of unique leisure options, including an outdoor pool and a fitness facility. Whatever brings you to Cagayan De Oro, Seda Centrio is the ideal location for a thrilling and adventurous getaway.
Mallberry Suites Business Hotel
Mallberry Suites Business Hotel, located in the gorgeous region of Cagayan De Oro City Center, commands a dominating location in Cagayan De Oro’s shopping, eateries, and business hub. The city center’s excitement is only 1 kilometers away. The hotel’s ideal locations allows guests to easily access the city’s must-see famous attractions and ease of park malls. Mallberry Suites Business Hotel also has a variety of amenities to make your stay in Cagayan De Oro more enjoyable. Mallberry Suites Business Hotel distinguishes itself from other hotels in the city with amenities such as free Wi-Fi in all types of rooms, 24-hour security, daily housekeeping, taxi, vans service, and wheelchair accessibility. There are 299 rooms in the Mallberry Suites Business Hotel. All are attractively decorated, and many even include amenities such as an LCD/plasma screen television, complimentary instant coffee, towels, a closet, and wireless internet access (complimentary). To make your stay absolutely unforgettable and worthy, the hotel provides amazing recreational amenities such as a hot tub, fitness center, sauna, indoor pool, and massage spa. Mallberry Suites Business Hotel is a perfect spot to stay in Cagayan De Oro for those looking for charm, comfort, and convenience.
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Ivana Macias
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Breakfast was excellent, Located beside the malls is a nice convenience, Price was very resonable for the quality of the hotel. The Mallberry Hotel is excellent all the way around except, no hot water. Since this is a common issue in the Philippines it wasn't a big deal to me but my wife sure was disappointed. Location beside the mall is fabulously convenient and security there is very good. All the employees were friendly and courteous to our needs!! I highly recommend this hotel & will stay there again when visiting City "O"!!
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Chun Lee
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Location, food and staff I have in the past stayed at Seda Hotel when i am in CDO(at about twice the price). This time I was planning on reeling in my expenses and what a windfall I had. The staff were on the whole excellent. The waiter in Rosso (Jey i think) was outstanding - polite, friendly, knowledgeable and efficient. The prices in Rosso were about 250-350 php for a lot of the main meals...about 8-11 $Aus. Outstanding value and great quality. The staff in the Blue Duck bar were of a similar standard. Now for the bad bits - WiFi in my room was pathetic! The best reception was in the bathroom, so i ended sitting on the toilet to get average reception. Even on the 2nd floor in the business lounge, the staff said the WiFi there was poor also - this is why the lobby bar is full during the day..the only place for good reception (and this is a business hotel?). My only other complaint was the choice of breakfast for Westerners - scrambled eggs and pancakes only! (I get that this is a primarily Filipino business hotel). Will I return...definitely YES!!
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Amanda Rosales
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Mallberry hotel is a wonderful oasis in the busy and tired heart of CDO. The hotel has so many dining options that it's difficult to choose my favorite as they're all good. Great spa with wonderful staff and truly soothing massages. Rosso is a great little resto right off the main lobby - try the Gamba Quattro appetizer. Mallberry is your best bet in CDO - you won't be disappointed.
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New Dawn Plus Cagayan De Oro
When in Cagayan De Oro, you’ll feel at ease at New Dawn Plus, which offers superior accommodation and service. The city center’s excitement is about 1 kilometer away. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to reach the city’s must-see attractions. At New Dawn Plus, our superb service and facilities combine to create an unforgettable visit. New Dawn hotel features a variety of on-site amenities that will please even the most discerning guests. Additionally, each guestroom is equipped with a variety of amenities. Numerous rooms also include a mirror, towels, a wardrobe, a smoke detector, and wireless internet connection to satisfy even the most picky guests. After a long day, the hotel’s fitness facility, golf course (within 3 kilometers), and tennis courts are great places to rest and relax. New Dawn Plus is your one-stop shop for Cagayan De Oro hotel rooms of the highest quality.
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Charlotte Pumpers
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I checked in with my husband and after checked in, he went outside for a gig. Upon returning to the hotel, it is already dawn and no one is in the front desk. he cannot contact me too since i ran out of battery and my charger was left in the car with him (yes very unfortunate). As a result, he cannot use the elevator without me bringing the key card so that thw elevator will work. So as a piece of advice, ask for 2 key cards if there's more than one who will stay in this hotel 😁 It will also save time for you don't need to fetch your family everytime they will go down the hotel to buy something or whatever.
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Mia Ling
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It was the hotel's soft opening when we stayed here. Everything is fresh and new. We were able to locate the hotel easily. There were fast foods near the hotel. Malls were walking distance. Considering the price and the location of the hotel, this was one of the good deals when booking your place of stay.
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John Agawin
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Covid restrictions operating, like no Rooftop Restaurant/bar open. Staff friendly and efficient. When I received the online booking confirmation I simultaneously received a welcoming message from New Dawn Plus that finished "If you have questions, please ask!" I asked and reasked 3 questions but no online response. But the stay was pleasant.
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Rosalinda Mendes
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The location is good though have some issues with the air conditioning that takes a while before it cools down and the hot water takes a while to heat-up. Would be good if they have even a small cafeteria for coffee and sandwiches, you will have to go out to buy snacks and drinks.
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Olivia Mencheck
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Affordable rates. Good
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Irina Manchester
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Accessible, Clean, Comfortable Our stay at this hotel was very comfortable. The hotel has easy access to public transport. Just outdside the hotel there are jeepneys passing that can bring you anywhere you want to go in the city. The rooms are big enough and clean. Wifi signal was good. The rates are very affordable.
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Maxandrea Hotel Cagayan De Oro
Maxandrea Hotel is a popular choice for travelers in Cagayan De Oro City Center, Cagayan De Oro. Guests may easily reach all that the vibrant city has to offer from here. A haven of leisure and relaxation, the hotel will provide comprehensive rejuvenation just steps from the city’s myriad attractions, including the Museum of Three Cultures, Cogon Market, and the Benigno Aquino Hall of Justice. At Maxandrea Hotel, we make every effort to ensure our guests’ comfort. To do this, the hotel provides the highest level of service and amenities. The hotel has a car park, room service, restaurant, laundry service, and coffee shop for visitors’ comfort and convenience. Each guestroom reflects the mood of the Maxandrea Hotel. The LCD/plasma screen television, towels, wireless internet access (complimentary), air conditioning, and wake-up service are just a few of the amenities available throughout the hotel. Additionally, the hotel’s abundance of recreational amenities guarantees that you will have something to do during your visit. At the Maxandrea Hotel, you’ll experience unmatched service and a very premium address.
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Mark Pahonangs
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The location is great, though it is away from downtown area, the place is near the mall and there are lots of convenience stores outside, a massage parlor, restaurants etc. The place from where we stayed (9th floor) is also quiet. The room is just enough for a couple, the facilities are nice, there are plates, pans and cooking utensils provided, even a washing machine. Free Wifi is working but the TV has only 2 or 3 channels working. All in all, good value for money, we will recommend this to our friends and won't hesitate to stay here again if we are coming back to CDO again.
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Robin Hammon
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"Primavera Experience ” Pros : Accessible to seven eleven and sm uptown. Cons : no staff services between 10pm-5am. No breakfast inclusion.
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Asik Dilwala
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"Very good” The room was smaller compared to the pictures. Should use actual photos to not deceive anyone next time
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Primavera Residences
Primavera Residences Serviced Apartments, conveniently located in Cagayan De Oro city’s retail district, providing an ideal setting for you to unwind from your hectic days. This 4-star hotel attracts a large number of guests each year due to its proximity to the city center and airport. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to reach the city’s must-see attractions. Every effort is made to ensure visitors’ comfort at Primavera Residences Serviced Apartments. To do this, the hotel provides the highest level of service and amenities. The hotel has a wide range of amenities, including 24-hour security, a convenience store, daily housekeeping, a kitchen, and cab service. Additionally, each guestroom is equipped with a variety of amenities. Numerous rooms include bedding, a mirror, a sewing kit, a sofa, and towels to satisfy even the most demanding guest. Throughout the day, guests can unwind at the mini golf course, fitness center, golf course (within 3 kilometers), spa, and massage. Primavera Residences Serviced Apartments is great in many respects, from its location to its amenities.
Grand City Hotel Cagayan De Oro
The Grand City Hotel is conveniently located in the Cagayan De Oro City Center, making it a great starting place for your Cagayan De Oro excursions. Guests may easily reach all that the vibrant city has to offer from here. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to reach the city’s must-see attractions. The Grand City Hotel’s facilities and services ensure that guests have a nice stay. This hotel (Grand City) features a variety of on-site amenities that will please even the most discerning guests. Each guestroom reflects the mood of the Grand City Hotel. Wireless internet access (complimentary), non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, a wake-up service, and a desk are just a few of the amenities available throughout the facility. Throughout the day, guests can take advantage of the peaceful ambiance provided by the golf course (within 3 kilometers) and massages. The Grand City Hotel is a wonderful spot to stay in Cagayan De Oro for guests seeking charm, comfort, and convenience.
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David Anik
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"Centrally located, adequate rooms, friendly staff” Centrally located, Adequate rooms, friendly staff It is the second time I was in Cagayan de Oro. The first time I stayed at the Grand City hotel, I liked it, so I stayed there again. The hotel is centrally located, the rooms are adequate and the personnel is friendly.
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Sandra Guzman
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"staycation” I was on cagayan de oro city for an important event and I decided to stay on this hotel because of its accessibility to most shops and restaurants in the city. I truly commend this hotel for its cleanliness and affordability.
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John Martinez
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"Great value for money!!” Super love this place!! Location of the hotel is perfect! It is at the city center and a less crowded place than the one in Cogon. It is just a few steps away from Redtail too. A famous shrimp/seafood restaurant in CDO!! Also close to other fast-food chains like Jollibee, Mang Inasal, Burger King and a lot of coffee shops, and other restaurants nearby. There is a convenience store in front of the hotel too. The room is surprisingly nice and really clean. My first impression is that the hotel is already old so it won't be that nice but the room was clean, CR is clean and actually nice too. I love the bed because it looks like the whole mattress is made from memory foam!! So soft but not painful in the body. I love their bed so much. Airconditioning is cold too. So cold there was a time we turned it off for a few minutes then turned it back on again. Staff or the receptionist is not that friendly though. They answer your question but not as friendly as other kagay-anons we’ve met.
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Elizabeth Houston
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"Great location and good value for money” Location wise, it’s between two malls Ayala Centrio and Sm Cagayan. The room is really nice, clean and at par with hotel standards. The bed’s comfortable, the comfort room is clean and with good water pressure. Would love to stay here again whenever we go to Cagayan de Oro.
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Alicia Wakanda
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"Best Business Traveler Hotel” I just love how it is located, just a few meters away to CDO's Major Malls and Shopping centers (SM CDO Downtown, Centrio Ayala Mall, Limketkai Center, Gaisano Mall). Very happy-friendly and ready to assist hotel staff. Spacious room with a very nice and sleek design. Everything you need is just around you, so you don't need to worry if you need something. Very accessible to the City's Port Area and situated along the Highway where terminals to the Airport are near. A great value for your money, with free breakfast. Clean and brand new hotel rooms. I highly recommended 1A Express Hotel for the Value of money, Location, Cleanliness, friendly staff and facilities. Come and stay at 1A Express Hotel.
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Michael Bucks
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"Exceptional” A lovely little hotel in Cagayan de Oro! Very clean and comfortable, great location, and the staff is very friendly and very accommodating! One of our favorite places to stay when we are overnight in CDO!
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Ideally located in Cagayan De Oro City Center, 1A EXPRESS HOTEL is an excellent starting place for your Cagayan De Oro excursions. Guests may easily reach all that the vibrant city has to offer from here. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to get the city’s must-see attractions. 1A EXPRESS HOTEL is committed to making your stay as comfortable as possible by providing exceptional services and a wide variety of amenities. The hotel’s amenities include complimentary Wi-Fi in all rooms, 24-hour security, a convenience store, daily housekeeping, and a gift/souvenir shop. The 1A EXPRESS HOTEL has 25 rooms. Each is attractively decorated, and many have complimentary instant coffee, a mirror, slippers, a sofa, and towels. Additionally, the hotel’s abundance of recreational amenities guarantees that you will have something to do during your visit. At the 1A EXPRESS HOTEL, you’ll experience unmatched service and a really prestigious address.
The city of Cagayan de Oro is the capital of Misamis Oriental, a province in Northern Mindanao. It has had significant economic and population growth since its founding in 1735. With 728,402 residents as of 2010, it serves as an important regional center for trade and business opportunities while also providing excellent educational facilities to the surrounding provinces. If you’re looking to explore this beautiful city or stay here long-term, look no further than our hotel website! We have many affordable accommodations that will suit your needs whether you’re staying on vacation or moving there permanently with family. Book now before all rooms are taken!
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Dear Evan Hensen
Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - June 24, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Olivia Puckett (u/s Alana Beck) NOTES: Excellent HD capture with no obstructions. This was shortly after Ben Platt's 2017 Tony win for Best Actor and Best Musical Award. The cast and show are still in wonderful shape, energy and speaks for itself. A- Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - August 11, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Lee Brown (u/s Evan Hansen), Garrett Long (u/s Heidi Hansen), Olivia Puckett (u/s Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of Understudies going on for the three lead roles. Michael does a terrific job filling Evan's shoes, bringing his own interpretation and power. A Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - November 3, 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Garrett Long (u/s Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlight running about 57 minutes; ends right before Disappear, youtube rips filmed in portrait on a phone. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - November 19, 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Poorly recorded from a mobile device, about 9 minutes of clips of the show.  Ben is outstanding in his final performance. C- Words Fail, the Or Did You Let Go? scene, and the Finale only.  Ben Platt's final show Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - December 8, 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MOV (HD)  CAST: Noah Galvin (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Ben Levi Ross (u/s Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlights of Ben Levi Ross's first performance as Jared. Includes: Waving Through A Window, Sincerely Me, For Forever, If I Could Tell Her, Disappear, You Will Be Found, Words Fail and a few others. Filmed Vertically. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - January 31, 2018 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Taylor Trensch (e/c Evan Hansen), Nicole Van Giesen (u/s Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Ben Levi Ross (u/s Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlights: Waving Through a Window, Sincerely Me, 'Helping the Murphys' scene, Good For You, Words Fail Taylor's second show as Evan Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - September 30, 2018 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) NOTES: Starts a little bit before "Requiem" but is full from there. Small obstruction on bottom right of the screen for some of the show, and camera can be jumpy at times. That aside, the picture quality is beautiful, and pretty much all of the important actions are caught. The master obviously knew the show well. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - December 29, 2018 (Highlights) (bluebird's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Nicole Van Giesen (u/s Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (u/s Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) NOTES: Act One only! Gabrielle is a wonderful Zoe and really gives the role her all. Filmed from the center mezzanine, with obstructions in the bottom of the screen, filmed between heads. Lots of washout, especially in the brighter scenes, but definitely watchable. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - December, 2016 (Highlights) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Act One only! A nice capture with no washout and just one quick dropout during the scene after Waving Through a Window. There is one head that blocks part of the front of the stage, but it’s worked around generally doesn’t do more than block the actors’ legs. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Barth Feldman (Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) NOTES: Due to a sick audience member, the last 2 minutes of Act One are from a performance a few weeks prior with Michael Lee Brown. This is the fixed version. This is also the last known video capture of Michael Park and Jennifer Laura Thompson in the role of Larry and Cynthia Murphy before they depart on August 4. The version with February, 2018 in the menu should not be shared. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - January, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jordan Fisher (Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Ivan Hernandez (Larry Murphy), Dan Macke (t/r Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck) NOTES: The video starts just after Anybody Have a Map. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Asa Somers (s/b Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - June, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Roman Banks (u/s Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (u/s Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Asa Somers (s/b Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of Roman in the titular role, with Gabrielle and Asa as Zoe and Larry respectively! Filmed from the left orchestra, this is a very Roman-centric capture, filmed with a mix of wides, mediums, and many closeups. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - November, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. In the long journey to Broadway, the show still lives up to all it's hype and greatness. The cast gives amazing performances and leaves it all on the stage. A Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - September, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Roman Banks (u/s Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (Zoe Murphy), Ann Sanders (t/r Cynthia Murphy), Ivan Hernandez (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck) Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - September, 2019 (2) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Michael Lee Brown (alt Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (Zoe Murphy), Ann Sanders (t/r Cynthia Murphy), Ivan Hernandez (Larry Murphy), Roman Banks (u/s Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck) NOTES: If this is your first time watching Dear Evan Hansen, or if you are just a casual fan this video may not make sense. The seat location for filming is not great and the video starts during “Waving Through a Window.” This video is very much focused on Michael Lee Brown/Roman Banks/Ann Sanders. While other people are speaking and singing you will get close ups of their acting choices. Never to be posted publicly on any social media site. Don't post screenshots on twitter. Gifs on tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't link anything to the actors. Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - October 18, 2018 (Matinee) (Preview) (Highlights) (thehouseonsunset's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stephen Christopher Anthony (alt Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar (Larry Murphy), Marrick Smith (Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck) NOTES: Most of Act one. There were a lot of difficulties during the show. Master had to leave unfortunately so they couldn't get the entire show. Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - November 17, 2018 (Highlights)
FORMAT: video CAST: Stephen Christopher Anthony (alt Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar (Larry Murphy), Marrick Smith (Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlights include: You Will Be Found, Sincerely Me, Requiem, Anybody Have A Map?, Good For You, Words Fail.
Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - December 30, 2018 (Closing Night) (Highlights)
CAST: Ben Levi Ross (Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar (Larry Murphy), Marrick Smith (Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck)
NOTES: Highlights running around 30 mins, includes: Waving Through A Window, For Forever. Sincerely Me, Requiem, If I Could Tell Her, You Will Be Found and Only Us.
Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - October 26, 2019 (Matinee) (myroadofgoodintentions's master)
CAST: Sam Primack (alt Evan Hansen), Jessica Sherman (Heidi Hansen), Stephanie La Rochelle (Zoe Murphy), Claire Rankin (Cynthia Murphy), John Hemphill (Larry Murphy), Noah Kieserman (Connor Murphy), Alessandro Costantini (Jared Kleinman), Ciara Alyse Harris (Alana Beck)
NOTES: High quality boot shot with an HD camera. Some shakiness and jumping around and quick zooms in and out to find the action as master was less familiar with this show. Really great captures of faces and mix of wide shots and zooms.
Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - December 8, 2019 (Closing Night) (mynewfavoriteday's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD
Matthew Edward Kemp (u/s Evan Hansen)
, Jessica Sherman (Heidi Hansen), Stephanie La Rochelle (Zoe Murphy), Claire Rankin (Cynthia Murphy), John Hemphill (Larry Murphy), Noah Kieserman (Connor Murphy), Alessandro Costantini (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck)
NOTES: Matthew Edward Kemp’s debut as Evan! Excellent HD capture of the second year cast of the National Tour and first known video of Samantha on tour. A perfect capture of the final performance in Dallas with minimal washout, obstructions, and no noticeable dropouts. There are only a few instances where the camera doesn't focus completely but the show is filmed just as a well as any fan would want it to be. Jessica cuts off one of Matthew's lines and Claire almost misses an entrance, but overall it was just a perfect performance with a perfect audience. It’s filmed in 16:9 from the far right mezzanine, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call.
Dear Evan Hansen - West End - November, 2019 (Preview) (queenofthedead's master)
Marcus Harman (alt Evan Hansen)
, Rebecca McKinnis (Heidi Hansen), Lucy Anderson (Zoe Murphy), Lauren Ward (Cynthia Murphy), Rupert Young (Larry Murphy), Doug Colling (Connor Murphy), Jack Loxton (Jared Kleinman), Nicole Raquel Dennis (Alana Beck)
NOTES: Shot from very high up which gave my camera a hard time focusing on faces in bright scenes which is shown. Action on the far left side of the stage (to us) gets missed. The bar sometimes obstructs but not massively. Would recommend it for checking out the cast more than for if you want to see the projections. Marcus’ 4th show as Evan.
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iridescentides · 4 years
spontaneity can be fun! and it's so sweet that you're starting traditions with your gf ❤️💚 this is probably warranting another Read More (which i love by the way and you shouldn't feel ashamed of) but i know how much lela from teen beach movie means to you and i wanted to hear why? 😊 - 🎅🎁🎄
hi again friend! sorry for responding so late but youre right this will be another read more! thanks for asking such good questions!
i think at the heart of it, lela is my favorite for the same reasons that i like a lot of my favorite characters: honesty, genuineness, and resilience. having the bravery to love openly, to explore, and to believe in yourself enough to keep going, even when other people may not support you. 
lela is unwaveringly kind, caring, and loving. in the first movie, we watch her dance around blissfully, spread compliments and positivity like confetti, and welcome mack and brady into her world like long lost friends. she is unafraid to show care and compassion, and she loves like its the most natural thing in the world for her to do. we watch her confront a fear and begin to learn how to prioritize herself, but shes a little hesitant. she is ready to grow, but she needs a little help. in the second movie we get to see her take agency over her own life and her own narrative, putting herself and her interests first, without sacrificing the loving aspect of her character. she continues to support and uplift others as shes learning to uplift herself. she wears her enthusiasm proudly, and she grabs every opportunity she can.
the thing that sets lela apart from every other character for me is the way that she truly exemplifies confidence. to me, confidence is the most important thing in the world, the most crucial trait for a person to have, and lela came to me at a particularly impactful and influential time in my relationship with myself.
i was 16 when teen beach 2 came out. i hadnt really cared much about the first teen beach movie; i liked it, but i wasnt obsessed. when the second movie came out, i was right in the middle of a very transformative 2 years of my life, where i had decided that i was going to learn to love myself at all costs. i made conscious efforts to step outside of my comfort zone, i read a ton of self-help articles, i wrote myself affirmations, and i just generally reworked my entire brain to become a more confident person. i started to lean more into media, music, and friendships that made me feel good, and to unapologetically enjoy things. i was also learning a lot of new things about feminism and about society as a whole. and for the person i was at the time (and the person i wanted to become), lela came at the exact right moment.
i understand that some people may see lela as an embodiment of surface-level, hashtag girl power disney channel feminism (esp with the “girls can do anything boys can do” line in the first movie). i know that she may seem cheesy and maybe unrealistic to some people. i get that. but as a role model for some of the important changes i was trying to put into place in my own life at the time, she was absolutely perfect.
society teaches women specifically not to like themselves. to never be “too much.” to never be too smart, too loud, or too into themselves. thats misogyny 101. we learn to conflate confidence with arrogance, and to worry that if we’re nice to ourselves, if we think well about ourselves, then it MUST be arrogance at that point, which is a bad trait to have. we learn that if we express ourselves, embrace our ideas, and push to be heard, that thats selfishness, and we’re taking from other people when we take up space. this is simply untrue; a confident person coexists on an equal plane with others, giving themselves the same time, attention, and care that they would give to other people. i was working to internalize this idea at 16 when lela became the perfect example. in growing her confidence and her power in tb2, she never gives up the person she was in tbm. she doesnt negate all of her wonderful qualities, like passion and care and genuineness, when she chooses to have new experiences. 
yes, she walked out of her movie and left the wet side story characters behind, but it wasnt for nothing. she left an environment that wasnt fulfilling for her anymore in pursuit of a fuller life. she still had lots of love to give, and she set out to find mack and transfer her love and energy into their relationship. (shes gay your honor!!! but the point is) she chose to live authentically and knew that she deserved to become her best self, and when she returned to the movie, she brought back the lessons that she had learned in the real world.
in the real world, she got to do calculus and chemistry, make new friends, wear new clothes, invent, create, and excel. she gained admiration for her skills and the content of her character, rather than for the role she played in other peoples lives. she can rebuild a motorcycle AND lead a musical number, and she learned those things could coexist. her femininity could be part of her strength, rather than being seen as a weak point or something that precludes her from going on the bigger adventures. i cannot stress how important it is to see her embrace all of these pieces of herself, unapologetically, in a positive light, and without losing the people close to her!!!
lela is a fictional character, but she has always been my role model for living an honest, passionate life full of love both for myself and for others. lela queen of the beach was a result of the positive impact she had on her world when she used her newfound power, skills, and self-assuredness to enact change. wet side story transformed from being an antiquated narrative that young people had never heard of and didnt enjoy, to being a movie (lela queen of the beach) that mobs of teenagers bought tickets to watch on the beach, passionately dancing along, unified, to the opening number. it became the movie that inspired girls like mack to surf, and girls like alyssa to talk to their crushes. it was subversive and progressive for its time period, making it a classic that remained prominent for 60 years. and all of that power and influence came from one young woman, who was inspired by another young woman. role modeling is a multilayered theme in the teen beach movies, and personally, lela provides motivation for me to give my all, unapologetically, in situations where i can exert a positive impact.
lela symbolizes beating your fears and doubts, stepping out of your comfort zone, creating your own power, and becoming independent, all while staying true to yourself and honest with others. for all those reasons, she will always be a source of warmth and comfort for me.
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springmagpies · 4 years
Welcome Back to my Uncle Reacts to AoS--Season 3
It has taken my Uncle months to watch season 3 as his schedule is super busy and what not. But we have finally watched it all and are on to Season 4. Anyway, here are some of his reactions to the third season of Agents of Shield
*Fitz comes to the lab after his excursion in Morocco* Coulson is like a father waiting in the dark kitchen. Where’ve ya been, Fitz?
*After the Do something scene* Ouch.
Is she on another planet? She’s on another planet. Guys, she’s on another planet!
He got her back! Oh my god, he got her back. Fitz is the man.
Hunter is the best.
Bobbi is the best.
Fitz is the best.
Oh, Coulson.
*About Jemma* What the hell happened there? What did she eat? She was there months right? Holy shit.
*Fitz sitting by her bed* Oh, Fitz.
My aunt: you two seem sad. What happened. Steve: Lincoln, Kate. Lincoln killed his friend and he didn’t mean to. And Jemma has ptsd. It was a lot of emotion. My aunt: ...
Yess May. Great timing. That’s all you needed.
Dammit, Will is hot.
She’s talking to Fitz? Cute!
Pauses the show uhh, Andrew turned into lash and kicked some ass. Calling it.
*Later* Called it.
“He does have a hog face.”  Bwhahahaha. That’s amazing.
Well that episode was emotional. The Fitzsimmons thing was so heart warming. And poor May.
Ward, you asshole. Why can’t they let Phil be happy.
Shit that’s not Will.
*At Ward’s death* Finally!
*Wards back* Freaking knew it. God dammit
What is Fitz 3d printing back there? Cool inhuman conversation but what’s he making?
*Anytime the subtitles are wrong on Netflix* That’s not what she said. That’s not what he said. That’s not what they’re saying.
*Steve understanding the Spanish and knowing what they’re saying without subtitles.* That is not what she said, subtitles.
*About Elena* she’s a badass.
Thank god for Hunter.
Ward is just creepy as hell. I know that’s not Ward, but it’s his stupid face.
Amadeus Ravenclaw Hunter. That’s fantastic. Is that really his name? Wait, no. Forget I said that. Ravenclaw is not his name.
Wait, so Bobbi and Hunter are just gone? But they can’t do that. They come back right? They’re the best, they can’t leave.
Mack’s crying the hardest.
That guy that’s supposed to be tailing them is very bad at his job.
Now I’m sad.
*Mack mentions friends being transferred” Aww, Bobbi and Hunter.
Repeats “It’s a building.” In Scottish accent. *laughs* that’s great.
Uh oh Fitz does not like Daisy’s methods of interrogation. He looks so uncomfortable.
A shotgun ax. Holy shit that’s amazing.
That dudes a hologram! Coulson knew. He’s a genius.
Holy shit we’re seeing the future.
*Hive melts the business men* Eeww, ugh that’s horrific. Aaah!
*Andrew becomes lash permanently* Oh no! Poor May. That’s so sad.
Wait, I bet you it’s not snow. Bet you it’s ash. *Snow is actually ash* Called it.
*Quinjet vision* That vision is familiar. Where have we seen that? Wait, that was at the beginning! Oh shit, that’s the future! Shit!
*Young Malick and Nathaniel appear on screen.* Maggie tries not to freak the frick out at Nathaniel so as not to spoil season 7.
Steve: oooh, does his brother get volunteered as tribute or something?
*Daisy explodes the mines in front of James house.* Badass.
*Reveal that Malick betrayed his brother* That’s why Ward had the stone! He knew! He remembers the betrayal! Oof, not looking great for Malick.
I hate Ward. Whatever he is.
Shit! Is he killing Malick daughter! That’s way more brutal than killing Malick! Ooooh, evil.
*Lincoln’s past is explained* See, I’m glad he’s sharing, but how do you bring something like that up in conversation normally. Glad their talking, but I get it.
*Giyera escaping from the containment pod* Fitz, please get away from the guy trying to escape. Please. Oh crap he’s got a seatbelt.
*Mack gets knocked out* Oof, Mack. Poor dude.
*Secret Warriors Assemble* Yes! I’ve got to put the baby to bed but then next episode!
Sorry Joey, I don’t think you’re going to finish that date. You’ve got to go fight people.
Whoa! Lincoln’s powers got even cooler.
That felt a bit too easy.
*Fitzsimmons flirting* They’re cute.
*Mackelena flirting* He’s speaking Spanish. Kay, that’s sweet.
I don’t think Joey is okay. He did kill that Medusa dude.
*reveal that one of the inhumans are swayed* That’s what he meant by someone on the inside! That’s not good. Now they’re all looking suspicious.
*Fitzsimmons find Malick’s body* Is he dead? Holy shit, was there a bomb! Shit!
“Aren’t you a spy, learn Spanish” Hahahahaha! Yes! That line is genius!
Okay, they are pushing for it to be Lincoln waaaay too hard.
*Fitzsimmons soft kiss in the bunk* *Steve Fist pumps* Yessss!
Uhhh, why is Daisy out of her cell. It’s her! Oh no.
Way to go Lincoln on the character growth. Staying for SHIELD!
Is Daisy going to fly? Oh no, she’s destroying the base. And she ruined Fitzsimmons make out session. And she’s bringing the base down. Also that.
Noooo! That’s it? That cliffhanger! *upset that we have to wait to watch the next episode*
“It’s risky, and irresponsible” Hahaha, May smiles.
Nice flying May!
*FS talking about sex* “I’ll see you in the quinjet” Hahahahahahahaha. That’s amazing.
*Hive talks* That’s not creepy. You know what happened to the last girl Hive kissed. Daisy run.
“Because all you are is big and strong.” Hahaha, Fitz is all pissy about it. Amazing.
Oof, Lincoln just can’t get Coulson’s approval.
Maggie: Fitz is so handsome Steve: He really is
*FS ending scene* Yessss!!!! Finally!!!
Inhuman backstory!!
Why are they all such jerks to Lincoln? Like, he just cannot win with Coulson and May. No one is nice to him. Except Fitzsimmons, they’re nice to him. Okay, and Mack.
*Piper is introduced* Red shirts aren’t red shirts! That’s awesome!
Oh, Mack, what are you doing? Please don’t get hurt. Daisy please don’t hurt him. Mack noooo!
Wow, Shield is just struggling on all fronts. Daisy’s missing, Mack’s injured, Lincoln’s sick—Wait no after credit scene?! Dammit!
Okay, they seriously need to lay off Lincoln. Like, he is not a bad dude!
Now I see why they can’t get help from the avengers.
Yo yo is awesome.
Fitz having to play whack-a-mole with security. Gosh, they’re going through it.
Lincoln, nooo! You’re smarter than this! Your character growth! Oh, thank god it was part of the plan.
Yes! Lash! Badass!
Oh my god he’s saving Daisy! Yeah!!!
No!!! Lash!!!!
He couldn’t just have killed Hive? I guess we need a finale.
Andrew saved Daisy!
Shit, he’s got a warhead. Ward’s trying to destroy the world again.
What’s Elena giving Mack? No! Mack put that down! Put the cross down!
That’s right, Shield is good at what they do.
They done pissed off an alien.
Fitz is amazing.
Fitzsimmons should go on that vacation. Take a break.
Oh no the cross! The jacket! Fitz put it down!
Wait, she wants to go back?! Daisy, nooooo!
Ooh Yo Yo no!!! She took a bullet for Mack. Yeah, she is not okay.
Shit, they’re going to use the torch to cauterize the wound. That’s majorly going to scar.
Why do I kind of like Radcliffe?
Oh, May was about to be super nice to Daisy and she gets hit over the head.
“You were a murderous wank before all this” Okay, that line’s amazing
Did Fitz cloak a gun?! That’s amazing!
Aaaah, the jacket! Can they stop freaking me out with the jacket?!
I like how they pan from the window so they don’t have to break it for real.
Don’t get rid of Daisy!
“Help me Obi Wan Kenobi” Oh my god, that’s incredible.
Badass shield team is badass.
You know the person who plays Daisy is a great actress.
Wait. wait. Wait. Lincoln. Lincoln? Noooooo! They can’t kill Lincoln. They’re not going to—they can’t. But I loved Lincoln! Nooo!
*Steve is quiet for a long moment* I loved Lincoln.
*Flash forward* Is Daisy on the run?
Director? What? Phil’s not the director??
“No Aida that’s not what we’re celebrating” It’s your birthday. “Today’s your birthday.” CALLED IT! Wait, are we going to have robots?
Shit, we lost a lot of people that season.
Crap, I want to watch the next episode!!
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agentmanatee · 4 years
AOS 30 Day Challenge
Day 11: Favorite villian: AIDA/Madame Hydra/Ophelia
Mallory Jansen did a phenomenal job portraying AIDA's dark journey to becoming human, or her ideal of human. AIDA had a confused innocence that saw the world as black and white and took Radcliffe's explanations (eg, why Fitz lied to May about her) at face value, which ultimately leads to her killing her creator. Madame Hydra was AOS's Oedipus; she killed her father/patriarchal figure and "married" her mother/ "gentle parent" figure. Radcliffe stored her in a closet and programmed her to feel pain while Fitz treated her like a person and showed caring/kindness; it's no wonder she villianised one creator and emulated love with the other.
She took Radcliffe's control over her and applied it to the team interpretting her programming to great effect. She exerted complete control over the world by taking on the highest position in it: Madame Hydra, the commander of Hydra. She placed everyone where she needed them to be. Coulson, with nothing to fight for, teaches Hydra ideology. May is completely dedicated to serving Hydra from the guilt that rescuing Katya killed so many. Mack is out of the way raising his daughter in fear of Hydra. Jeffrey is an appropriate foe keeping their attention away from her. Jemma was conveniently removed from the picture altogether. And Fitz. Poor Fitz was the one manipulated the most. She removed the positive influence of his mother by having his father take him when he was 10 ("Perhaps I should have left you with your mother?"). She also made sure to replace Jemma woth herself at the Academy. Fitz admitted to Donny that his time at the academy was difficult before befriending Jemma, so beong under his father's thumb this time would have made him particularly vulnerable. It's easy to guess that Ophelia was the one to recruit him and his father to Hydra.
She wanted to be human, to feel joy and love, to have a soul; but she did not want all of the pain and suffering that comes with being human. This is very obvious in the Framework arc with having the study of Inhuman powers as part of her Project Mirrorglass. She didn't only want a human body, she wanted it protected from pain and easily able to defend itself or escape. I do think she was emulating Radcliffe's transhumanist idea of the ideal human as Ophelia.
Poor Ophelia, who had the complex and intense and sudden emotions thrust upon her, had no idea how to handle them. She thought she could continue the relationship she Framework-established with Fitz in the real world, not taking into account how completely different memories and persona in this world. She didn't truly grasp the concept of empathy; she sought to be capable "of being loved" after Fitz's speech about empathy. This makes an interesting parallel to Fitz saving the crew in s6 ("It's about being able to look [a woman] in the eyes again"). For Ophelia, saving the team would mean earning Fitz's love; for Fitz saving the crew would mean deserving Jemma's love (in his mind as it would absolve his guilt for putting them in that situation). There's a fine line of difference there, but the difference in meaning is substantial.
Ophelia also didn't understand that his love of her and indifference to Jemma in the Framework would not carry over once he returned to his real life with his real memories. She actually thought he wouldn't love Jemma anymore and all of that love would transfer to her. She still didn't understand the complexities of human emotion; it's as if she thought replacing Jemma in the Framework would mean replacing Jemma in the real world. Of course it was a shock to her that he still loved Jemma. That's no excuse for going on a murderous, world-domination rampage. Even toddlers don't try to kill when I'm a rage; they just bite, kick, scream, hit, or tear (unlike Ophelia they do not understand the pain they can cause). Of course, Ophelia was always fated to go dark being made from the Darkhold by the Dark Dimension. She was doomed before she even had a body.
Her rampage throughout the destroyed Playground was out of a horror movie. She basically expressed her intentions to rape Fitz and tried to kidnap him, when that failed she used Lincoln's powers to escape containment and teleported around the base leaving bodies in her wake. She managed to fuel distrust the military already had of Shield. Fitz's panic was palpable, and May's terror when Fitz reminded her of the purpose of the Inhuman experiments shows just what a formidable enemy Ophelia is. May doesn't show fear of anything, but she did here. Until Ghostrider showed up, I had no idea how they would have any hope of defeating her. She also brought about the cause of Coulson's death if you needed anymore reason to hate her.
AIDA's quest for humanity served as her downfall, but it also revealed humanity's darker side brilliantly. Aida had no way of comprehending the pain and suffering that being human entailed nor the joys, wonders, and growth that makes it worth going through pain. We've seen how grief has shaped all of our characters for better (the team throughout the seasons) or worse (Ward, Jiaying, Cal, etc); Aida was a highlight of the worst we can do with our grief. She is also my favorite MCU villian hands-down.
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jy4life · 4 years
Rocka My Soul
Rocka My Soul
“Rocka My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham” is a song about being close to and in the comfort of God.  It is primarily sung in African-American churches, but on the night of December 12th, 1981, the majority of the 76,000 plus fans at Rice Stadium, black and white, were standing, singing the song in unison. They were singing to inspire on the Jack Yates High School Lions, who were seeking to become the first all African-American football team to make it to the Texas state championship since high school sports were desegregated in 1969.  
If you were fortunate enough to be at Rice Stadium that night, you just knew that it was more than a football game – it was a celebration of a transformative journey. The energy in the stadium was powerful in the most beautiful of ways - it hit you in your heart and in your soul. It emanated love, passion, resilience, redemption, and the power of community
John Henry “Jack” Yates, for whom Jack Yates High School was named, was a leader, educator, a community builder, and man of vision. Born into slavery on July 11th, 1828 in Gloucester County, Virginia, Jack Yates taught himself to read and write, and also mastered carpentry. When Texas became the last state to end slavery on June 19th, 1865, Jack Yates and his wife Harriet moved to Houston. He became the first minister of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, the center of political, cultural, social and educational life for the flourishing community of free black men and women. Deeply committed to building community and to empowering that community through education, Reverend Yates founded the Baptist Academy (the forerunner to Texas Southern University), which focused on preparing students for careers in business and the ministry. Jack Yates Colored High School opened its doors in 1926. In the early 1980s, the school was at the center of a vibrant, engaged ecosystem of teachers, students, parents, alumni and the broader community. And the bonds that were the basis of the Jack Yates community in the 1980s are as strong now as they were back then. There is a frequently used expression “JY4Life” which captures the essence of what it meant and still means to be part of the Jack Yates community. It is hard to overstate the pride and deep sense of connection that Yates alumni still feel towards the school and towards one another.
Lori Dee Mack, a criminal defense attorney in Houston, was a cheerleader and editor of the yearbook at Jack Yates in 1981.  “Yates just had a special vibe to it, we were the cool school,” Ms. Mack said. “Part of what made it so special was the involvement of the community. We were expected to make something positive out of our lives, and those expectations were reinforced by our  community.” Jackie Clark was a senior and the majorette on the acclaimed Jack Yates marching band in 1981. “Our parents and our teachers knew one another, expected a lot from us, and they worked together to ensure that we performed in the classroom and were good representatives of our community,” Ms. Clark stated.
The Yates sports teams were the focal point for community engagement, football in particular. From the beginning, the school was successful in football, wining four Prairie View Interscholastic Negro League state titles. Since the end of segregation, however, only once had the Lions advanced past the first round in the playoffs.
In spite of the playoff history, expectations were high going into the 1981 season. Several starters at key positions returned from a team that went undefeated during the 1980 regular season  - quarterback Thomas LeDet, offensive linemen Rodney Henry and John Simmons, wide receivers Jeffrey Fields and Keith Burnett, middle linebacker Sebastian Harris (who made All-City his junior year), defensive linemen Stephen Baker and kicker/safety Lemuel Moton. That core group would be bolstered by several key additions, including defensive lineman Eddie Gilmore (who had to sit out his junior season after transferring from Sterling High School) and running back/wide receiver Randolph Wilburn, who transferred from Lincoln High School which closed in the spring of 1981. Preparation for the 1981 season began in May with spring training, and continued throughout the summer. LeDet, who came into his own at the end of the 1980 season, wanted to make sure that he and his teammates were fully prepared going into the 1981 season.  He organized practices with his receiving corps that summer. “I wanted for us to get comfortable working with one another and to get our timing down,” LeDet stated. High school teammates working out together during the summer is now routine in Texas, but in the early 1980s it was not common. Little did LeDet or his teammates know how prescient these self-organized summer sessions would turn out to be.
The Season
The season began as expected, with a win over Worthing High School. The following week the Lions suffered a stunning and crushing defeat at the hands of Smiley High School.  That loss, however, would prove to be the turning point of the season. “We needed that loss,” John Simmons stated. “It made us realize that we were not as good as we thought we were, and that we need to get focused if we were going to accomplish our goal, which was to win the state championship.” In that game, Smiley RB John Stewart ran roughshod over the Lions defense. To this day Sebastian Harris is livid about the loss to Smiley. Harris is a smart, thoughtful, proud man who still looks like he could level an NFL running back. “We were out hit that game,” he says, with both surprise and disappointment. John just ran all over us, we had never experienced a running back with such speed, power and determination. The gentlemen just set the tone and had his way the entire game.”
The next week in practice 2nd year linebacker coach Coger Coverson, a former Washington Redskins offensive guard and Yates alum, declared that every position on defense was open. Practice started with the intense and savage bullring drill (this is the drill where one player is in the middle of a ring and takes on other players in rapid sequence). It was perhaps the most intense week of practice during our time at Yates.”  That week set the tone for the rest of the season, as the Harris, Stephen Baker and Eddie Gilmore led defense would pitch 5 shutouts on the way to allowing just over 10 points per game the rest of the season. Offensively, Smiley had stacked the line of scrimmage, daring the Lions to beat them with the passing game. Yates was historically a power running team, and Coach Luther Booker was loath to abandon the run. The Lions finally began passing in the 4th quarter, but by then it was too late. Yet Booker saw enough that game to convince him to let LeDet and the passing game become the focal point of the offense.  “We discovered that we had good quarterback that game,” John Simmons said. The investment LeDet and his receivers made that summer was about to pay-off in a profound way. Under LeDet’s leadership the offense exploded, averaging almost 30 points per game the remainder of the season. In an era where the running game was focal point of most offenses, the Lions wide-open and vertical passing game was novel and exciting. In addition to Fields, Burnett and Wilburn (who had moved from running back to wide receiver), LeDet had wide receiver Rayfield Gee and powerful tight ends in Sylvester Morgan and Leonard Moon. LeDet would go on to have the sixth most productive passing season in Houston high school football history. As the season progressed and the Lions advanced in the playoffs, the city of Houston began to take notice. The Lions explosive offense, dominating defense and high-flying marching band were a weekly show that was hard to beat. “As we started winning everyone wanted to be associated with us,” Harris said. “Radio stations, newspaper reports, television stations – they were around us all of the time.” From a purely entertainment perspective, the highlight of the season came when the Lions went head to head with the famous “Who Shot JR” episode of Dallas, which at the time was the highest viewed television show in US history.  “I remember Saturday November 21st - that was the night that the “Who Shot JR” episode aired, Mack said. “We were playing Booker T Washington in bi-district at the Astrodome and the stadium was packed. We went head to head with one of the most watched television shows of all time and won,” she said laughingly. Blacks and whites lived in separate worlds during those days in Houston. When their worlds intersected, it was often confrontational. There was a clear lack of trust and understanding between the two communities.  Yet somehow the Lions performance was able to transcend race and bring those two worlds together, at least for a period of time. “When I was a teenager, I did encounter some forms of subtle prejudice, Thomas LeDet said. “However, I learned to ignore it. But for many of my teammates and friends, racism was hard to ignore. The stares we encountered when we entered a sporting goods store, personnel following you around, etc. But that changed when we beat Aldine in the quarterfinals.” “ I remember walking into Foleys’ department store with my teammates Jeffrey Fields and Kenneth Wiley after we beat Aldine in the quarterfinals. We were wearing our letterman jackets. As we entered the store, we noticed a distinct change on the part of the personnel - instead of suspicious and concerned faces there were smiles accompanied by quick service and people asking us if they could help us. Shortly after entering the store, a middle age white woman hurried over to my side and pointed to a Volkswagen size photo on the upper banister right in the entrance of the store. It was a picture of the entire team and staff of the 1981/82 Jack Yates football team!  Needless to say, we stood speechless for a moment and then were elated. We knew at that moment that we were something special not just to the black community, but also to the entire city. “ “I remember during the playoffs a very popular white radio station (104 KRBE) was broadcasting live from the Jack Yates School of Communications.  Quite a few students told me as I walked towards the lunchroom that the DJ was looking for me. As I approached, he announced, "Here he comes the man of the hour.... Mr. Thomas LeDet, the quarterback for Jack Yates High School.  He began to ask me questions about our season and if I thought we were going to go all the way. It was exciting and fun, and at the end, the DJ asked me, what was my favorite radio station.  As we both chuckled.... I said, as of today, KRBE is one of my favorites.  And then the DJ playfully asked me if I had ever heard of 104 KRBE.  We both laughed and I said no.  At that point, he presented me with a trophy of a giant #1 symbol with the radio station call letters and “Congratulations on a Great Season” engraved. He went on to say that the radio station and the entire City of Houston were cheering for us in the upcoming regional championship.  I was left with a feeling of joy and the sense that our team meant more to the city than just football.”
The Breakthrough
The Lions marched through the playoffs, defeating Booker T. Washington in bi-district, Houston Madison in the regional finals and Aldine in the quarterfinals. Next up? Perennial power San Antonio Churchill in the state semi-finals
The Chargers, who were led by quarterback Cody Carlson (Carlson would go on to star at Baylor University and play seven years in the NFL) and had a glorious history of advancing deep in the state playoffs, including winning the championship in 1976.  They were heavily favored to defeat the Lions and advance to the state championship.
Fittingly, Rice Stadium was chosen as the site for the game. On September 12th, 1962, President Kennedy delivered his famous “We choose to go to the Moon” speech at Rice Stadium, a vision which was realized with the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969.  Now, 19 plus years later, the stadium was again the site for another potential pivotal moment – if Yates could defy the odds and beat Churchill, they would become the first all African-American team to make it to the state championship.
The week leading up to the game was frenetic. “The whole community rallied behind the guys,” said Nanette “Nettie” Simmons, a cheerleader in 1981. “And it continued to and throughout the game. It was a cold and wet night, but I remember the stadium overflowing and people sitting on the grassy hill outside the stadium to watch the game.”
Churchill jumped out to a 14-0 lead, thanks to some great running by Doug Hodo, pinpoint passing by Cody Carlson, good play calling, and a bit of luck – the headsets on the Yates side were not working until the second quarter so Yates was not able to make defensive adjustments to counter the Chargers. Sebastian Harris rallied the defense, the Lions made adjustments and held Churchill scoreless the second quarter. Thomas LeDet and the offense got untracked, with LeDet throwing touchdown passes to Rayfield Gee and Keith Burnett. Churchill scored a safety to make the game 16-14 at halftime.
The week before Yates had trailed Aldine 14-0 before exploding for 42 straight points in a 42-14 win. But this game had a much different feel to it. “We knew we were in a fight. Those guys – Churchill – were tough and would not quit,” said both running back Artie Mitchell and punter Ronald Davis.
The second half was like a classic heavyweight boxing match, a la Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed, with Yates ironically playing the role of Rocky. Churchill scored to go up 23-14 and looked to be on the verge of blowing the game open, when Harris rallied the defense and LeDet the offense. LeDet hit Keith Burnett with a 69-yard touchdown pass, ran for a score, and Harris forced a fumble which led to a Moton field goal. Suddenly Yates was up 31-23 with under 5 minutes left and it looked like they had all of the momentum.
Carlson and Churchill responded by driving to mid-field. Harris and the defense forced a 4th and 10 and a time-out was called by the officials to confirm the game statistics. In those days there was no overtime, in the event of a tie the team with the most 20-yard line penetrations and first downs advanced. Churchill was ahead in both.
On 4th and 10 Carlson completed a 47-yard pass to Harold Huggins. Three plays later Churchill scored to trail 31-29. Churchill then made a 2-point conversion on a tipped pass, and the score was 31-31. Less than 2 minutes remained.
LeDet led the offense to the 45-yard line, where three straight long passes to Burnett and Fields were incomplete. It was now 4th and 10, and arguably the most important play in the history of not only Yates football but perhaps for inner-city schools across the state of Texas was forthcoming.  Since segregation in Texas high school sports ended in 1969, a widely held perception was that an all African-American football team lacked the intellect, discipline, mental toughness and adaptability to advance far in the playoffs. The Lions had been shattering that myth all year, winning by playing smart, disciplined football and adapting at key points during the season. Fittingly, for them to advance to the championship, they would once again have to call on these traits to convert, score and then hold Churchill in check.
“I told Thomas and Coach Booker that I was open underneath all game long,” said Randolph Wilburn. “Thomas and I convinced Coach Booker that Churchill would double cover Keith (Burnett) and Jeffrey (Fields), and to pass to me on an underneath route. We were confident that we could get the 10 yards and convert.”
Everyone was on their feet as LeDet approached the line of scrimmage. LeDet dropped back, avoided the Churchill rush and made a perfect throw to Wilburn, who caught the ball at the Churchill 45-yard line. Wilburn then put his running back skill to use, and thanks to blocking from Jeffrey Fields advanced the ball to the Churchill 20-yard line.
The Lions were well within kicker Lemuel Moton’s range, but this game was about making history, and they were not going to let a field goal determine their fate. “We had momentum and believed we could run the ball to victory,” said John Simmons. Behind crushing blocks from Simmons, Rodney Henry, Byron Strain, Phillip James, James Jackson and Sylvester Morgan, the Lions ran the ball 4 straight times, with LeDet scoring to put the Lions up 38-31.
However, there were 40 seconds left on the clock. And Churchill & Carlson had countered Yates all night long with big plays of their own.
As Ronald Davis lined-up to kick-off, the energy in the stadium as frenetic. There was no way that these fans and the spirits of the African-American men and women who paved the way for this moment were going to let the Lions falter. Reserve linemen Tracy Sandles pinned Churchill inside their own 10-yard line on the kick-off. On the ensuing play, Carlson never had time to get off a pass –Gilmore, Baker, and the passion and energy of the city of Houston sacked him in the end zone for a safety. Yates 40 Churchill 31!
As LeDet ran out the clock, students, teachers, alumni, and fans – black and white - from across the city of Houston poured onto the field to celebrate with the team. Rice Stadium was again the setting for a historical moment. It was not just that Yates become the first all African-American team to advance to the championship, it was how they did it. They shattered long-held racist myths about African-American teams lacking the intellect, character and discipline to advance.
LeDet was also a terrific role model for a new generation of African-American quarterbacks. Historically, when African-Americans were allowed to play quarterback it was as an option quarterback, not a pro-style quarterback. Barry Switzer at Oklahoma and Bill Yeoman at Houston were pioneers in allowing African-Americans to play quarterback, but those were in running offenses where the quarterback was essentially a running back. It seems hard to believe but the perception that African-Americans could not lead a pro-style offense (where the quarterback was responsible for making all key decisions – passing and running) delayed Hall of Fame quarterback Warren Moon’s entry to the NFL by 6 years.
The Aftermath and the Present Day
The Lions would go on to lose the state championship 19-6 to Richardson Lake Highlands the following week. The Lions had 8 turnovers and offensively were in a funk all game long. The Harris-led defense dominated Lake Highlands, effectively hold them to 12 points on 4 field goals. But it was just not meant to be.
However, the victory of breaking through and making it to state in the way they did had a powerful impact, one that went beyond the football field.
The relationship between educational attainment and Texas high school football is more often than not negatively correlated. However, the 81 team, in the spirit of Reverend Yates, helped reversed this relationship by helping awaken their community to educational possibilities.
“At first colleges sent athletic recruiters to Yates because of the success of the football team,” Lori Dee Mack said. “They quickly followed by sending academic recruiters, and all of a sudden we started to hear about schools like TCU, which we did not know existed.  At the time we thought the only college options were local schools Texas Southern and the University of Houston. All of sudden were aware of all of these other schools – this just would not have been possible had the team not done so well and attracted the attention it did…” “I wound-up going to TCU with 3 of my girlfriends, and other friends went to the University of Texas, Texas A&M, etc. It was really incredible how the team’s success opened doors for us students, “Mack stated. “It was also very comforting knowing that people from our community (Thomas LeDet and Keith Burnett went to TCU with Mack and her friends) were going to these schools.”
And the football team also set an example for the students. “I remember Coach Booker saying that 90% of the players he coached went-on to college,” Randolph Wilburn noted. In 1985 the Lions would go undefeated and win the state championship, becoming the first all African-American football team to win a state championship in Texas post segregation. That team, which was led by running back Johnny Bailey, is widely considered to be the best team in the history of Texas high school football. The path for the 85 team had been paved 4 years earlier by a remarkable group of young men. “The players on the 81 team had a sense of humility about them,” Mack said. “They didn’t let the attention go to their heads, and you just knew that they were going to do something positive with their lives.”
The magic of the 81 team’s journey continues to resonate to this day.  Stella Hall, a cheerleader in 1981, currently works at MD Anderson Cancer Center. She was recently at a conference in Wisconsin and was speaking with a man who, when he found out she went to Jack Yates, asked her if she knew Thomas LeDet, Sebastian Harris and Jeffrey Fields. “He somehow knew about our school, the 81 team and the key guys on that team,” Stella said, shaking her head in disbelief.
Thomas LeDet was recently approached on two separate occasions – one by a former Yates student who graduated in the 1990s, the other by a former cafeteria worker from the University of Houston (LeDet worked at the University of Houston cafeteria while in school, serving the likes of Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler). Both individuals wanted to tell LeDet how much the 81-team inspired them. “At times it just seems incredible, he says, reflecting on the impact of the 81 team. We were just focused on winning on the field. It is really special to know that we inspired people.”
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justmenoworries · 5 years
So I just finished playing Chapter 1 of “Glitch in the System” by the amazing Sarcastic Pasta Games (seriously, check them out, their games are great) and I have some...thoughts on a lot of things.
Buuut, since those thoughts are going to be pretty spoiler-y, I’ll hide them under this handy-dandy cut.
Extra Warning: There be heavy spoilers in this here post and plenty of them. For all of chapter 1. If you don’t want those, this is your last chance to turn back, play it yourself and then (maybe) return. Alright? Alright.
So to start with, I’m gonna organize my thoughts in character sections, since pretty much all of them are about the characters.
1. Mack
I don’t know about you, but I’m a little suspicious of blue boi. I don’t know what it is, but something about the way he keeps insisting that the culprit behind all the disappearances and glitches had to be Anti and no one else even before Anti revealed himself seemed kind of...off to me? I mean, sure Anti is the ego most associated with glitches, destruction and chaos in general, but Mack is aware that there are a lot of video game characters out there who have a history of breaking the fourth wall and glitching, right (hint, hint)? He’s also acting a little too friendly and approachable from what I’ve seen. And he keeps making really passive-aggressive remarks about Jack’s/Sean’s last visit to Wireland, but then quickly glosses over them. Then there’s the fact that losing control of Wireland is seemingly his worst nightmare. I mean, given the circumstances it’s understandable, but the emphasis many of the characters make on ‘control’ and ‘strength’ when talking with him really set of a lot of alarms in my head. I don’t thinks he’s gonna turn out to be a bad guy per se (even though that would be really cool) but I’m getting some really strong well-intentioned extremist-vibes from him.
2. Monika
I’m going to level with you here: I don’t trust her one bit. Her whole story about the other characters from her game just “suddenly” going missing, along with the fact that she just conveniently scored a very powerful spot in the resistance as the chaos went down is just way too suspicious. Monika’s been characterized as, among else, ruthless, manipulative and a very good liar in her game. And now we’re just supposed to believe she’s the big good in all of this? Remind yourself, this is the same girl who literally murdered every other character in her game, just so she could date the player. Heck, if some of the hidden files in DDLC are to be believed she tried to outright escape the computer multiple times. Now let’s think about this for a moment: Jack is currently the most powerful person in Wireland. Even stronger than Mack, it’s leader, and Anti, who seemingly found a way to destroy it, even though that should be impossible (according to Mack). Jack’s power can’t be stolen, he would have to willingly let someone take over his body, in order for them to be transferred to another person. But why would he do that? Well.... How about to save all of Wireland and his two friends  from the real world? And who knows, with that power, Jack’s body could easily exit Wireland, even if it was inhabited by, say, a character from a video game.
3. Anti
Calling it now, he and Monika are in cahoots and will double-cross each other eventually. I mean, he pretty much admitted he was behind the whole glitching and the disappearances. On the other hand.... Strangely enough, despite a lot of characters mentioning him and talking at length about him, we have yet to see Anti in person. I know it’s chapter 1 and all, but the fact that a huge drama queen like Anti would just not show himself even once, not even to gloat or something.... All we have appearance-wise is him talking to Possepticeye after Mack’s office got destroyed. And that seemed...off. For once, he isn’t voiced by Jack. Now that could just be because Sarcastic Pasta Games couldn’t get Jack to voice for the game (he’s a busy man after all) and are just using clips from old videos for the parts of the game where he does speak. Maybe Jack just didn’t want to do the voice, which is also understandable, I imagine it’s hell on the throat. Or maybe, it’s a hint that this person is not really Anti. We’ll see....
4. The mysterious character after the end credits
Red herring. It would really be way too convenient to just reveal a malevolent third party that was really behind everything out of nowhere. SPG’s writing is a lot smarter than that. Or maybe they really are on the bad guy’s side and will become a mini-boss later on?
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