#machine gun kelly x you
harringtonstudios · 2 years
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hi! welcome to stories about my latest hyperfixations <3 everything is organized by person/character. 
 if you want to read anything in particular, or if you have an idea you wanna share, please send in stuff to my inbox! 
smut will always be bolded :)
last update: march 1st, 2023
all works are linked in the masterlist above!
walkman: you have a special way of scavenging that gets on Daryl’s nerves.
council: even with the world turned on it's head, somehow you find your way to Alexandria, and back to Daryl Dixon who seems to have a role in determining your fate. (set around s9)
green comet: living in Alexandria means you’ve been pretty sheltered, until now.
heartless: you’re known for being the worst of the Saviors crew, brutal and mean, but Rick somehow manages to uncover a different side of you.
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months
can’t keep doing this ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1668
request?: yes!
“Hi! I love your writing and you just seem like such a sweet, genuine person. ☺️ Can I request Colson x reader and they’ve broken up but they keep meeting up and hooking up with some smut and maybe some fluff at the end?”
description: in which they broke up a while ago but kept hooking up afterwards, and now she’s ready to end things for good
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, two paragraphs of smut, angst, fluff ending
masterlist (one, two, three)
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You and Colson had broken up almost a year ago. It wasn’t a bad breakup. You both had different ideas of what you wanted from your futures and realized it was best if you ended your relationship and perused the futures you wanted.
The thing is, you broke up, but you were still hooking up.
It started as a drunken mistake. You were both out at the same club and ran into each other after a couple of drinks. Next thing you knew, he had you against the wall outside of the club with one hand up your shirt while yours was cupping the front of his pants. The next morning, you were surprised to find yourself waking up in his bed. You both agreed it was the last time it would happen.
And you were both horribly wrong.
It became a regular thing for one of you to text the other looking for a quick fuck, but that’s all it would be. There was no staying the night, no cuddling, nothing romantic. You had to constantly remind one another that you weren’t getting back together before, during, and after.
You had no issue with it at first. You viewed it as just a way to get over the breakup without hooking up with randos you met at clubs. You didn’t expect it to last as long as it did. But once the months came and went, and you realized that this was starting to become less of a hook up thing for you, you realized it had to come to an end. It would be better for the both of you to finally move on.
That was the plan when you texted Colson, asking him if you could come over. You were just going to put an end to everything. Tell him you had to stop and finally go your separate ways.
But then he opened the door, just in a pair of grey sweatpants and looking at you as if he were a dehydrated man and you were the first water he had seen in a long time. And you were such a sucker for both of those things.
That’s how you found yourself face first into Colson’s bedsheets; face down, ass up, with Colson’s dick abusing your g-spot with every rough thrust. Your moans were muffled by the sheets between your teeth. His fingers were digging into your hips, guiding you back to meet his thrusts. You yelped at the sudden sting of the palm of his hand meeting your ass cheek. You could already picture the perfect handprint you’d see there later.
You cried out as Colson’s fingers met your clit, rubbing quick circles in the bundles of nerves. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, telling you he was trying to coax one last orgasm from you before he reached his own. It didn’t take him long to get it. It came rushing from you before you could realize, a scream ripping from your throat as your whole body went warm and your walls contracted around him. His dick twitched inside you before he reached his own high, spilling inside of you.
Your body, sore and used, slowly fell to the bed. Colson slipped from you as you fell, hissing at the over sensitivity. You took a while to regain yourself. As you did, Colson got up from the bed and returned with cloths to clean the two of you up. You rolled onto your back and took the cloth from him. You wiped yourself and sat up. You discarded the cloth onto the floor with Colson’s other dirty laundry and started reaching for your clothes.
“What are you doing?” Colson asked.
“Leaving?” you responded, confused by his question.
“You don’t have to,” he said.
“That’s usually how this works, Colson.”
“Well, yeah, but that’s not how it always has to be. We can change, you know. You could...hang out for a while or something, I don’t know.”
“We can’t keep doing this,” you cut him off. “This is the last time. That’s why I asked to come see you.”
You could’ve swore you saw a look of hurt in his eyes, but you were sure you had imagined it.
“Why?” he asked. “We have a good thing going on.”
“Had,” you corrected. “We had a good thing, Colson, but then we broke up. We said we were going our separate ways because we wanted different things. That’s how it should’ve ended. These last few months never should’ve happened.”
“Then why are you saying this now? Why didn’t you say anything months ago when we started fucking?”
“Because I’m seeing someone now!”
That rendered Colson speechless. He just looked at you as you continued to put on your clothes. You couldn’t meet his eye now.
“That’s why I came over,” you continued. “One last go, then we’re done. We have to move on, Colson. I told you, I want to settle down, to find someone who wants marriage and kids. You don’t want that. So, that’s it. We move on. We stop playing with each other’s emotions like this.”
You grabbed your purse that had been discarded to the floor the minute you stepped in the room. You started for the door, but paused. You looked back at Colson one last time. He was still looking ahead, face blank.
“Who is it?” he asked.
“Some guy from a dating app,” you responded.
“And that’s what you want? Some guy from a dating app?”
Instead of answering, you said, “Goodbye Colson”, and finally walked out of his life, for good this time.
That night, you were watching TV at home with delivery pizza and a bottle of wine. For the most part, you had managed to forget everything with Colson. You had blocked his number and all his social media when you got home, which was the last bits to fully remove him from your life. Then you cracked open a bottle of wine, ordered some pizza, and turned on mind numbing reality TV to cleanse your brain.
You were two glasses deep when someone rang your doorbell. You weren’t expecting anyone, and the pizza had already come. A series of knocks shortly after the doorbell rang spurred you to get up and see who was at your door.
To your surprise, you swung the door open and there was Colson.
Before you could ask him what he was doing, he brushed past you to walk into your house.
“I didn’t invite you in,” you pointed out.
“I don’t accept what you said today,” he said, ignoring your comment. “I don’t want to end things between us.”
“Colson,” you tried again.
“I don’t just mean the sex stuff,” he continued. “Listen, I was a goddamn idiot to let you get away. I didn’t think I was ready to settle down. My job, it made settling down seem impossible. I travel all the time, I’m rarely ever home. That’s not the ideal married life, and I know that.”
“Colson - ”
“But I realized that I can’t imagine my life without you. After that first hookup, I did mean it when I said it wouldn’t happen again. I was ready to let it all go, to let you go. But then I was home alone and I realized how empty my house feels without you. And I started thinking about how I can’t see my future without you being in it. I’m an idiot for not bringing it up, but I thought the hooking up was the only thing that would keep you around, and I was willing to do it until you wanted to stop. I know I’m too late and you have someone else, but I can’t - ”
“Jesus Christ, Colson, there isn’t anyone else!”
That was enough to finally shut him up. He stopped pacing, which he had started doing the second he had opened his mouth, and turned to face you. You crossed your arms, waiting for him to say something.
“What?” he finally asked.
You sighed. “I only said that so that you’d let me go. But I haven’t been seeing anyone. I’m not even on any dating apps. I just needed to end everything between us because I was gaining feelings again and I couldn't bare to continue our arrangement of meaningless hookups when I was still so in love with you.”
There was a moment of silence, and then a smile spread across Colson’s face. You couldn’t help but smile back, and then the two of you were laughing. The whole situation was so absurd. If one of you had just communicated what you wanted instead of just continuing to hook up, then you could’ve been back together long ago. But you know what they say about hindsight.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” Colson said.
“Then do it.”
In two long strides, he closed the distance between you two and cupped your face in his hand. He pulled you to him and kissed you as if it was the first time he had ever done so. You leaned into him, holding on to his shirt for dear life. You weren’t sure you’d ever let him go honestly. You just wanted to stay there, holding each other, kissing each other.
“If I had a ring, I’d propose to you right now,” he murmured against your lips.
“If you did, I’d say yes,” you whispered back.
“I’ll take that as a pre-engagement agreement,” he said. “But I promise, I will get you a ring. I’ll do something so special to propose. I’ll give you dozens of babies if that’s what you want.”
“Oh God, that’s the last thing I want,” you laughed. “Give me one baby at least, and then we’ll go from there.”
“Maybe we could start practicing on that now.”
You leaned close to his ear and whispered, “Then take me to the bed.”
You shrieked as Colson lifted you in his arms and gleefully raced towards your bedroom.
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Part 2 - let the world know
“I wish I could let the world know that it’s okay to let the pain show and even though times seem bad, it always rains before the rainbow.” -A Little More by Machine Gun Kelly
Dp x DC: Regent!Jazz AU Vigilante!Jazz AU
Prompt Masterlist
In traditional Fenton luck, shit goes sideways when Jazz wasn’t looking.
The Joker breaks out of Arkham.
Now, Jazz is fully aware of the Clown’s evil-ness and Danny’s trauma with all things Circus thanks to Freakshow has her hackles raised when the spirits of Gotham start screeching in her ear mid-patrol that “Joker is free!”
Like hell the guy would stay that way.
Lady Gotham is anxiously watching the Regent stomp towards Arkham, where the Mad Clown had yet to fully leave the premises into Gotham proper.
Would Jazz kill the Clown?
Many of the Unquiet Dead of Gotham are the staunchest supporters of kill, kill, kill on a good day, but with the Clown?
They seethed, they writhed, they thirsted for their vengeance and with every life taken by the Joker, the number grew.
Jazz hated the thought of death, ironically.
It’s one thing to rule the Dead and Never-born, but to add to the Realms' population by her own hand?
(It wouldn't be the first time.)
Well, Jasmine Nightingale would have to check her morals at the door, because when Lady Gotham begins to hesitantly (then vivaciously) root for you to “please end him, dear” one has to reconsider a few things about themselves.
For instance, how would she avoid becoming the next Joker? It was a hushed confession of the Lady that made Jazz hesitate at the border between Gotham and Arkham-
A dead man's switch would trigger a Joker Venom bomb, infecting those nearby.
Would the gas affect a Liminal?
True, Jazz was very much a living being (she often woke up in a cold sweat with a hand at her neck, heart beating against her fingers), but she was Death-claimed.
Was this how Danny felt as a Halfa? Weighing the living half vs the dead to see which would win out in a fight?
Not for the first time, Jazz found herself thankful that she was only Liminal.
Heart in her throat, Jazz considered her options.
It would be easy to just run him through with her ecto-sword, a gift from her once-mentor Pandora, but she would likely have to fight her way through bats and birds to both get to and away from the Clown.
Jazz could also just ask for aid from Lady Gotham and/or the Unquiet Dead to enshroud her from vigilant eyes as she absconds with Joker to Crime Alley.
(Jazz was sure Red Hood wouldn’t mind if she dropped a dead clown at his feet. He seemed the type to appreciate a job well done.)
(If her heart raced slightly in response to that thought, no it didn’t.)
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Despite all her reservations about murder, killing the clown felt like an honor for the Regent.
(Blood had long since been on her hands.)
The morning would bring chaos as the people learned of the Joker's fate, Batman's failure to return him to Arkham, and how someone finally had enough of the black furry's inaction to stop the clown.
Sometimes, inaction is just as bad as action.
(A Fenton who learned that well.)
Jazz, in full Regent armor, mounted the Joker's head at the mouth of her alleyway, the same one that she used as a checkpoint between her apartment and the Park Row graveyard. A grotesque trophy that would be used as a symbol of the Regent's authority to avenge, of her willingness to cross the line of morality.
The Unquiet Dead who owed their demise to the Joker could now pass on and Jazz could call it a night.
That was, until whatever tomorrow brought around to spite the younger Fentons.
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[This was more of a short fic rather than the prompt I first started with, but it just came to me. I want to explore some things with events leading up to Danny and Jazz in Gotham, but I'm not sure. I need help to describe Jazz's armor because I have a general idea, but I'm not sure about the details. Ideas?]
[Hopefully I'll be able to put more Regent!Jazz than Vigilante!Jazz, but I also really like Jazz as one. Bet you can't guess the name I use for her as a vigilante!]
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whowantslovergirl · 7 months
Why are you here?
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Nate Jacobs x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: a lil bit of smut, suggestive lyrics ig, there is so much song fics i deeply apologize, cursing, this is before Maddy but they’re in junior year already, so like beginning of junior year, Y/N HAVING THE MOST SELF RESPECT, Nate Jacobs, mgk song 🤠,italics are flashbacks,^ this means start the song 💋 hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍
euphoria masterlist
Summary: Nate and Y/N are so bad for each other
posted: February 12,2024
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Nate and Y/N broke up two months ago and Nate still thinks they’re together. She can never move on. He definitely cannot move on. They are terrible for each other and they know that but they still find each other. ^
I hate that I saw you again last night
You were with somebody and so was I
Met you in the bathroom at 12:05
And I fucked you again
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
You were at some random party. Maddy forced you to come. You were having fun until you saw him, your ex, on some other girl grinding on her. You can’t be mad. You had a date but still why is he with another girl.
It was 12:05 you guys were both in the bathroom.
You can’t believe you did this.
“I can’t believe I did this! Get out of me Nate!” He finished and you were freaking out. You put your hands on your face freaking out. The main reason you were mad is because this is not the first time this happened.
“Calm down Y/N it’s not that serious.”
“To you! I promised myself that this bathroom thing will not happen again!” You rushed out of the bathroom leaving him.
I'm not myself
I'm not myself when you're around, no
Can't be helped
We are insane, that's just the way it goes
Nate and Y/N are back together for the tenth? time and it’s good for now.
Until you saw him with Maddy.
“Maddy, Nate? Are you serious?”
“It’s not that serious Y/N.”
“You always say that! But if it was my ex you would be throwing a bitch fit!”
and he did.
“Why the fuck were you talking to him!” Nate was screaming because you talking to your ex.
He accidentally bumped into you and said sorry and you said it’s fine.
That was the whole conversation.
“I’m sorry is two words talking now?! All I said was it’s fine!”
You rolled your eyes. “Unbelievable Un fucking believable!”
**End of Flashback**
I'm a demon in the night
She's an angel with the white
Told me keep on all the lights
I'ma show you what you like
Two months later. Everyone is at a party.
And Nate is trying to get back together again.
“Come on you know we’re perfect for each other!”
“No we’re really not Nate. Please leave me alone. I have pepper spray and a pocket knife in my bag.” Then you walked away trying to leave.
Help you put back on your clothes
Make sure nothing's on your nose
Ain't even tell my closest homies, nobody knows
“We’re really not right?” Nate said smirking. The bathroom shit happened again.
“Shut the fuck up Nate.” You said rolling your eyes. He can see you struggling with your dress and helps you.
“Oh I bet you’re gonna brag about this huh? ‘Oh yea I fucked her again!’ right?”
“I actually never told anyone about this.” You just roll your eyes and left. That is such bullshit.
I hate that I saw you again last night
You were with somebody and so was I
Met you in the bathroom at 12:05
And I fucked you again
“Fuck!” You said finishing. He groaned and slipped out of you. “We really need to stop this nonsense Nate.”
“Why Y/n? Nothing is going wrong.”
“To you Nate! I promised myself I wouldn’t do this shit with you again!” He tried to speak but you just left. He smirked and left slightly after.
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
“We can never be friends. We are way past that point.” You said while in Nate’s room. He asked if you guys can talk and you said yes.
“Yea friends don’t do what we do.” He said laughing.
“This isn’t funny Nate! We’re done. I’m done.” You said trying to walk out but he grabbed your arm. “If you’re done why was I inside you last night?”
“Ugh you’re an asshole!”
“I know. So I’ll see you in the bathroom Y/n.” You didn’t say anything and left like always.
I couldn't cry
I need to smoke, I'm feeling sick inside
From seeing you next to a friend of mine
We didn't speak but I read your mind
Both telling lies, our alibis didn't work this time
It’s been six months since you guys last fucked in the bathroom. And you’ve been taking care of yourself not worrying about Nate. You’re with McKay just talking, not anything special just catching up as two friends.
Nate saw this and just walked out, mad that you’re not talking to him or laughing with him. He’s so fucking angry.
I'm a demon in the night
She's an angel with the white
Told her keep on all the lights
You can show me what you like
“Hey angel.” You jumped because you didn’t know he was in there, in your room. “Nate get out.”
“You know you don’t want me to do that. I just wanna see you.”
“Well I don’t want to see you so get out.” He starts getting closer and the back of your knees hit the bed causing you to fall on the bed. He slowly comes on top of you and starts kissing, biting, and licking your neck.
“Nate stop.” You said pushing him away.
“You don’t really want me to stop do you?” You just stay silent and he takes off your shirt then his own.
“Ima show you what you like baby.”
Help me put back on my clothes
Make sure nothing's on my nose
Can't even tell my closest homies, nobody knows
Nate and Y/n are now dating (again) but secretly this time. You didn’t want the backlash from your friends and Nate was going with it because you told him too. He couldn’t give less of a fuck.
You guys are about to go to a party but got occupied with each other. Before you were about to go. “Wait Nate, you have stuff on your nose.” You said as you wipe the ‘stuff’ off his nose.
“Thanks baby.”
I hate that I saw you again last night
You were with somebody and so was I
Met you in the bathroom at 12:05
And I fucked you again
Nate and Y/n broke up again. They were at a party, saw the other with someone else, 12:05 hit the clock and they were back in the bathroom.
“We really need to stop Nate!”
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
We can never be friends
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
You were calling Nate seeing if he’s busy and he picked up immediately.
“Hey angel.” You roll your eyes. “Hi Nate.”
“Why are you calling me?” You can hear the tiredness in his voice but you ignore it.
“I was saying that it’s over like forever. And I’m probably gonna go back but I just want some type of closure.”
“Ok…” He sat up in his bed and was about to say something but you beat him too it. “So bye Nate.”
Yeah, I know that I said I was at home
Okay, yeah, you caught me
I thought that you said you were all alone
Look at you lying
You’re at another party and you saw Nate. He said he was home. You walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder and he turned around looking like he seen a ghost. “I thought you were home Nate. I want to talk to you.”
“Don’t pin this on me Y/n. You said you were all alone. Look at you lying.”
“Shut the fuck up. Now come on I want to fuck you one last time before I actually end this.” His mouth opened a little bit but he smirked.
“Lead the way angel.”
I hate that I saw you again last night
You were with somebody and so was I
Met you in the bathroom at 12:05
And I fucked you again
After you guys were done. You sat on the sink and he sat across from you on the bathtub.
“Were you serious about you ending things for good?” He said breaking the silence. You just nodded and his head went in his hands.
“I really hate the way you make me feel Nate. We gotta end this for good. The only reason it didn’t happen sooner was because you didn’t want to end. You gotta let go Nate.”
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
We can never be friends
After you told Nate that it was over, he went completely MIA, missing classes, not going to practice. He can’t even fathom that this is happening. He thought you guys were forever.
That Y/n and Nate were forever.
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
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An: HSIEJDIDJ ok but if you didn’t get the time placement THIS IS BEGINNING JUNIOR YEAR meaning that it just started so basically Y/n was Nate’s villain origin story 😔 BUT HOPED YOU ENJOYED MY LOVERS 🤍🤍
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rafetopia · 9 months
𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
- 𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧
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pairing: rafe cameron x fem!exgf!reader, topper thornton x fem!gf!reader (only mentioned)
genre: smut & minor angst -> 18+only
warnings: smutty stuff, mentions of past toxic relationship, some soft!rafe, some mean!rafe, name calling, mentions of drugs, choking (in a non sexual way), ass slapping, cheating, unprotected sex, lmk if k forgot something
words: ~3.3k
request: okay!! i wanted to request a rafe x reader based off the song ‘why are you here’ by machine gun kelly. write it however you want🖤 (by anonymous)
summary: after seeing your ex rafe in the club, you have to learn once again why the two of you never could’ve worked out, no matter how much you both wished you could
note: this is a repost from my old blog, which is why you might have seen it before. also i don’t remember if it’s proofread
also big thank you to my baby @chaos-mybeloved for beta reading this one for me
also i’m sorry for the format idk how to format my stuff
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I hate that I saw you again last night
You were with somebody and so was I
Met you in the bathroom at 12:05
And I fucked you again
We can never be friends, yeah, yeah, yeah
“Baby, I’m gonna get another drink, you want one?” Topper screamed into your ear, trying to drown out the noise.
You shook your head with a smile and focused back on the music. They were playing your favorite song, there was no way you’d stop dancing just for another drink. The dance floor was full and still, most eyes were fixated on you, as you moved your body perfectly to the rhythm of the song. You were no professional dancer but you sure as hell knew what you were doing.
Concentrated on the music, you didn’t notice the new pair of eyes watching you from the corner of the dance floor. The young man was talking to the girl next to him but his gaze never moved from your body. The blonde must’ve noticed as her voice grew angry but the man didn’t seem to care. He wasn’t even listening to the words thrown at him, his attention only belonging to you.
The song was coming to an end and you opened your eyes back up, slowly adjusting to your surroundings. You did that sometimes while dancing, closing your eyes so you could focus more on the music and enjoy the moment instead of getting distracted by the people around you. You looked around, trying to see if you could find your boyfriend when your eyes met his. A sudden feeling of sadness and anger rushed through your body, keeping you from focusing. Your mind was all over the place, tons of thoughts blocking your mind all at once.
Unsure of how you got there, you found yourself in one of the club bathrooms, hanging above the sink. You tried to keep the tears inside your eyes and normally you were good at that but when it came to him, everything was different. You placed your hands on the sides of the sink, trying to keep your body from falling down when the door to the bathroom opened. You didn’t need to look up in order to know who it was.
“I’m pretty sure the tits on the door stand for “women”.” You spat out.
“What do you want, Cameron?” You hissed, now turning around to look directly into his light gray eyes.
His gaze went down to the ground, clearly trying to avoid your anger. “I don’t know… You looked sad and I… I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“I’m fine.” You hissed, turning away from him. You looked into the mirror but the girl you met looked far from fine. Sure her makeup and hair looked perfect, but her eyes told a different story. They were watery, seconds from bursting out into tears. She tried to keep herself together but the presence of the boy behind her made everything harder.
You took a deep breath and looked at the boy in the mirror. His hair was a mess, sure it looked good, it always did but not because he put any effort into it. His lips were smiling but his eyes never were good at lying. You had always loved his eyes, the way they sparkled in the morning sun or the way they lit up when you told him one of your unfunny dad jokes that always made him laugh. He always sounded so beautiful when he was laughing, a sound you haven't heard in a very long time but missed terribly. He was in pain, clearly and it hurt you but it wasn’t that that was your fault. At least not completely.
“Listen…” He started, not sure if he should continue or just turn around and leave. “I… I’m sorry that you’re sad. Don’t like seeing you like this.”
“Don’t like seeing me like this?” You laughed. “That’s funny.” You turned around, now facing him directly. “Now be honest Cam-”
“Stop calling me that.”
“But that’s your fucking name now isn’t it?” You paused, walking one step closer to him. “Now be honest, why are you here, Cameron?”
“Like I already said (Y/L/N), because I wanted to see if you were okay.” He pressed, his face now only inches away from yours.
“Hmm. You see, I was okay I was having the time of my life until you and your blonde accessory of the week waltzed in.”
“Ohhh, my accessory of the week hm? Says the one who’s fucking my best friend.” His eyes were dark and his voice turned low. It was obvious how angry he was, something that had never stopped you from topping it off once more.
“That’s right Rafe Cameron, I’m fucking your best friend.” You paused, knowing if you’d go down that road, there would be no going back. “And guess what, he’s better at-” You wanted to continue but got cut off by Rafe's hand around your throat.
“Better at what sweetheart hm?” He whispered. “Tell me, darling.”
“There it is.” You grinned wickedly. “There’s the Rafe Cameron I know and hate.”
That hit him. It was obvious, his grip tightened around your throat and his eyes flickered. He knew you were mad at him but knowing you actually hated him, hit him harder than he thought it would. He wanted to say something, he wanted to spit out a response so dark even the devil would flinch but he couldn’t.
Your body tensed at the loss of oxygen flowing through your throat and you felt your heart fasten but you didn’t flinch. You met his dark gaze and countered with an even darker one. It was like when you were still together, you would challenge and provoke each other until one of you snapped. It had always been like this and it never changed even after you broke up.
He opened his mouth, about to say something when he stopped and let go of your throat. You gasped for air, your hand automatically wandering to your throat. He had done this shit before but never as strong and tight as he did now. His gaze wandered down to the hand on your throat and something in his eyes changed as if he was sorry. He held his hands up and took a few steps back until his back met the wall behind him.
“You know I… I…” He tried but clearly struggled with finding the right words. “I… I’m…” He looked at you, hoping for you to say something but you stayed silent. “You know what, forget it.” He pulled out before ripping the bathroom door open and making his way outside.
Split seconds later and his lips crashed onto yours. You didn’t quite remember how this happened, how your arm reached after him, how you pulled him towards you, or how he smashed the door back shut behind him, all you knew was how much you needed him, how much you missed him.
His hands wandered around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. You had only been making out for a few seconds but you could feel his hardened erection on your body, which turned you on even more. Your hands wandered through his hair, something that you had always loved to do when you were making out.
“Let me show you who the better lover is, sweetheart.” He whispered into your ear. “Bet Topper can’t make you scream the way I’m about to do.” His mouth wandered down your neck, gently kissing and sucking on your soft skin while his hand pushed down your left strap. Your dress was tight but it wasn’t enough to make it fall down your body but it was enough to make your left tit fall out.
He smirked at the sight of your exposed nipple before leaning down and gently sucking on it. He got more passionate with each second, causing you to grow impatient. You placed your finger under his chin and pulled his face back up to yours.
“I need you, to fuck me, Rafe Cameron. Now.” You whispered.
“Mhhh so needy for someone who hates me so bad.” He hummed with a grin on his face. “What would your boyfriend say if he saw his girl like this, all wet for me already, hm? Bet he can’t make you wet like this that fast.”
You rolled your eyes and hopped on the sink behind you, spreading your legs wide apart leaving him no choice but to look down at your exposed thong that was barely enough fabric to cover your folds. You gently let your hand wander through his hair before pulling him towards you. “I. Said. Fuck. Me. Rafe Cameron.” You smirked and continued: “Before I go out there and tell everyone that Topper's dick is bigger than yours.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Is it?”
“Oh god.” You groaned before pushing his head down to your crotch.
He chuckled before placing his teeth on your thong, ripping it from your body with one quick pull. You moaned at the sight of it and let your head fall back onto the mirror. He got down on his knees and started tongue fucking your pussy like there was no tomorrow. He had always had his special ways, techniques only Rafe Cameron knew how to use but this boy never failed to surprise you. You tried to keep quiet, afraid someone would hear you but he made it very hard when he added his thumb to the party. Soon, he started rubbing soft circles around your clit, something that had always been your weakness.
“Rafe…” You moaned out. “I’m close.”
He didn’t answer but you could feel him smirk against your soaking wet pussy. He sped up his pace, even adding another finger knowing how much you’d always loved it. You tried to hold on to the sink you were sitting on, nearly breaking off a nail as you press your fingertips against the cold ceramic. He could feel your walls tighten around his finger and shortly after, you were cumming all over him. He removed his finger and sucked off your juice, something he’d always loved to do.
You were still holding on to the sink, trying to prepare for what was about to come next. From experience you knew, there was no way in hell he’d let you go without having fucked you at least once, and regarding the boner that was pressing against your stomach, he wouldn't make an exception now.
He smashed his lips onto yours, not leaving any room for you to breathe. Your hands wandered down and unbuckled his belt, quickly exposing his hardened erection. You were about to push him inside you when pulled away.
“Uh, Uh, turn around for me baby, let me see that pretty ass of yours while I fuck you.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice, you quickly hopped off the counter and turned around making him able to slide right into you, causing you both to moan out at the sudden contact.
“Fuck (Y/N) you’re still so tight.”
“What, did you think Topper’s dick is so big it would’ve stretched me out?”
You could see his eye roll through the mirror, causing you to chuckle silently. “Glad to see you still have that pretty big mouth. Let’s see what we can do about that, huh?” He whispered into your ear as he leaned forward, his eyes never leaving yours. He reached into his pocket and pulled the ripped piece of fabric before shoving it into your mouth. “Now, we don’t want anyone to find out what a dirty little slut you are now do we?” You nodded quickly, hoping it would get him to finally start fucking you.
Your hopes were heard and soon you were met with his hips thrusting into your ass, making clap sounds every time your skin touched. His hands held onto your hips as his thrusts got faster and faster with every move. He pulled your hips closer to him, changing the ankle which made him reach the spot that made you lose all your senses. You wanted to scream out his name but instead, felt tears forming in your eyes caused by your inability to do so.
This of cource didn’t go unnoticed by him, causing him to grin and only sped up his pace, fucking you even harder than before. His eyes wandered from your face down to your ass where he watched it wiggle because of his movements. He loved the sight in front of him, you being all messed up because of him, salty tears rolling down your face, colored black mixed with your eyeliner, and your ass presented in front of him, begging him to get slapped. In fact, it was his favorite sight. He tried not to think about it too much but he tried to burn that image deep inside his mind, scared he wouldn’t be able to see it again that fast, if ever.
He wished he could’ve gone like this forever but there was still the risk of getting caught and even though he didn’t care, he knew you would, and believe it or not but upsetting you was the last thing he wanted. So he softly let his hands slide over your body, down to your clit where he placed his finger for support. You let your head fall back onto his shoulder, as he still leaned over you. He loved the way your skin felt on his, a feeling he had never felt with anyone else. He loved the way your hair smelled when you let yourself fall back, even though he hated having hair on his face.
You weren’t able to moan his name out loud but by the way, your nails dug into his thigh, he knew you were close and so was he. He sped up once again, causing you to reach your high almost synchronized with him. You could feel his cum shooting through your body as you tried to recover from your own orgasm.
Even though you were able to free yourself from your own panties by now, you still had trouble catching your breath which didn’t go unnoticed by the boy, still inside of you.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked softly.
You nodded and gave him a happy smile through the mirror, causing him to smile himself. Oh, much he missed that smile. How much he missed you in general. But he knew you didn’t work out, you tried several times and it always ended in tears.
He slowly pulled out and quickly grabbed the piece of paper that you were handing him before you got yourself your own. The both of you cleaned yourself up and got back dressed. He wanted to say something, how much he enjoyed being close to you like this again but the words didn’t come out.
You watched him silently as he struggled to close his belt because it was stuck once again. You silently laughed at the sight in front of you, the boy that just fucked you mercilessly against the sink in the bathroom of your favorite club struggling with a task as simple as closing his belt. It reminded you of a side of Rafe, that he barely showed anyone these days. The side where he allowed himself to struggle, where he allowed himself to be human and not that perfect business robot, Ward Cameron tried to force him to be.
I'm a demon in the night
She's an angel with the white
Told me keep on all the lights
I'ma show you what you like
Help you put back on your clothes
Make sure nothing's on your nose
Ain't even tell my closest homies, nobody knows
“Here let me help you.” You said as you stepped forward and took the matter into your own hands. “I thought you’d thrown this thing out by now, it has been causing problems since the day I bought it for you.”
“It’s still working.” He answered, but there was a shift in his voice. He sounded harsher than before as if someone got into his mind and reminded him how he was supposed to act.
“Whatever you say then.” You mourned as you slid the belt into the buckle.
You got back up, ready to leave when he pulled you back. “You shouldn’t go out like that, here let me fix you.” He grabbed a piece of paper and poured some water on it, before softly removing black makeup stains from your face. He was very careful, not wanting to hurt you. “I think that’s it but maybe you should… like redo that or something… I don’t know. You always used to do that.”
“Right.” You grabbed into your bag and pulled out a thin, black eyeliner. “Do you want to do it? You used to like doing it.”
“Sure.” He chuckled. He wasn’t particularly good at drawing your eyeliner but you didn’t care. It always felt special when Rafe did your makeup, no matter if it looked perfect or not. You never let anyone do your makeup but there was something about the expression he made once he finished that you just couldn’t resist.
“You know… we could try to stay friends, at least.” You proposed carefully. “If you want to.”
“I don’t want to be your friend, (Y/N). When will you get that into your thick skull that this will never happen?” He spat out as he handed you back your eyeliner. “Like we could never be friends. Like… like what would we even do… as… as friends? Like, what would that friendship be good for?”
“Geez, as you wish Cameron, but know that this… whatever this was… will never happen again.” You paused, trying to fight back your incoming tears. “Like ever.”
“Fine by me.” He mumbled under his breath, but still loud enough for you to hear.
“Good, it’s settled then. I go back to Topper and you can go back to snorting coke off some whores ass.” You spat as you grabbed your bag and stormed out of the door.
He saw you walking through the crowd and stumbling back into the arms of your boyfriend.
Rafe knew he fucked up, but it was for the better. He knew how the both of you could get when you didn’t share the same opinion on something. He knew what power his words held over you if he lost control and said things he never wanted to say. He had seen you before, broken down on his kitchen floor between shattered bottles of glass after the both of you lost it. It was painful, seeing you walk back to Topper, the boy he used to call his best friend. He knew he’d go back to snorting coke, he could already feel the lack of substances in his blood and deep down, he knew Topper was the better man. He knew he wouldn’t hurt you the way he did, he never could and he was right. Topper could never hurt you the way Rafe did but that wasn’t because he was the better man, it was because Rafe had something that Topper never would. You loved him.
I hate that I saw you again last night
You were with somebody and so was I
Met you in the bathroom at 12:05
And I fucked you again
We can never be friends
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bluefairyhere · 10 months
Afterwards || MGK scenario
¬Colson meets a fan backstage. Pairing->f!reader x colson baker Word count-> 2.0k cw. fluff, some deep convo, fan service, mentions of suicide, swearing.
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The noise was unreal. You still couldn't belive you finally made it to kells' concert. It had been an odissey to get enough money to afford the plane and concert tickets, at some points you even wondered if it was worth it. However being here made you have no doubt--It was absolutely worth it.
"Thank you beautiful people for coming today," he practically yelled into the mic, his bright pink hair dripping drops of sweat."I'm afraid this will be the last song of the night."
The crowd sobbed loudly, but the sad atmosphere was quickly replaced with the festival of cords that was the beginning of WWIII. To you it felt like Colson was flying around, his instense energy being contagious to every single fan that was singing along the extravagant lyrics. Everyone was jumping and laughing like one big, jolly being.
Eventually the song was over, and everyone was ready to go back home, but Kells was thinking otherwise.
"Before y'all go back home, the crew and I have one more thing." you looked around just to see excited faces."We've decided to gift a V.I.P meet n' greet behind the scenes to three random people;"
He stepped aside and signaled to the big screens around him, which started showing pink explosions and sparkling silver and black dashes. Then, a series of numbers started to appear—it was ticket numbers.
Your heart was pounding fast, and you could feel the adrenaline pouring through your entire self. You knew it was beyond highly unlikely your number would appear on that screen, yet you couldn’t help but hope…
The first couple of numbers had already been announced, meaning there was only one left. One opportunity to meet Colson left. You knew it wasn’t gonna be you, but even being aware of it didn’t prepare you for the disappointment of realizing the third and final ticket number belonged to the person right next to you. The screen showed the number 118, while your number was 117.
You scowled silently. What a drag. At least i got to enjoy myself for a few hours was all you could say to yourself to make you feel better. You looked to your right, expecting to see the lady excited out of her mind, but she looked quite neutral. Thinking it was odd, you continued gathering your stuff to go back home.
“Excuse me.” You felt a slight pat on your shoulder along with the sound of a voice getting lost in the background noise. You turned around. “I can’t really attend the backstage thingie, I promised the sitter I’d be back home early. Would you like to go instead?”
To say you couldn’t believe your ears would be an understatement. “Sorry?” You said in shock. The lady looking back at you seemed to be in her late 30s, short brown hair and kind eyes. She giggled.
“I realize it’s weird, but I really can’t stay any longer. If you can’t accept it there’s no problem, I’ll just ask someone else.”
But before she finished the sentence you interrupted with frantic nodding. “I’ll take it! It was just so unexpected! Are you really sure?”
“I’m really sure I can’t afford a different sitter right now,” she smiled honestly. “So yea.”
She offered you her ticket and you took it, hesitant. And there it was, the winning ticket—or one of them anyway—in your hands. You felt on top of the world.
“You have no idea how much this means to me, thank you so much.” You said while smiling as well, and she just brushed it off.
“Never meet your idols is something I’ve always firmly believed anyways. Have a good time!” After saying that she quickly left.
It took you a while to get it together. The whole situation felt crazy to say the least. You just knew your friends were gonna be so jealous (in a nice way) and eager to hear the whole thing. They simply were not gonna believe this!
You made your way to the backstage entrance, where a bodyguard and some other staff members were to make sure everything went smoothly. The other two people in front of you, who you assumed were the other winners, seemed to be really excited as well.
One of the staff members explained that each of us would have approximately ten minutes with Colson, in the order the winners were announced. They also gave you some merch, which you naturally loved. You immediately put on a little rubber band around your wrist that came in the carefully organized package.
After some time, it was finally your turn. You were so excited the waiting felt like a blink. The bodyguard walked you through a hallway with a bunch of doors on either side, until finally you reached one that had a piece of paper sticked to it. “MACHINE GUN KELLY”
Your heart immediately skipped a bit, you couldn’t believe you were actually going to meet MGK. Machine Gun Kelly. Colson Freaking Baker. You inhaled some air hoping it would calm you down—of course it didn’t—and the bodyguard opened the door.
There he was. A smoky blunt on one hand and his phone on the other. He wasn’t really sweaty anymore, and his hair was a mess yet his face looked so calm. His see-through shirt revealed his contoured torso full of tattoos. You knew he was tall but seeing him in person for the very first time... he seemed taller than anyone could ever be. Just the arch of his nose and piercing eyes made you feel like oxygen wasn’t so necessary anymore-
“You don’t have to stand all the way there,” his raspy voice took you out of the trance in a heartbeat, which made you a little shy due to your awkward demeanor. “C’mere”
Once again hesitantly you walked a little closer to him, who was no longer leaning against the wall nor unaware of your presence. Colson was standing up—god he got even taller-- and looking at you in a curious manner. “What’s your name?”
You whispered the answer, unable to look into his eyes for longer periods of time than twenty seconds each. He giggled, amused.
“You’re not very talkative, are you?” Now it was your turn to giggle. For some reason his unpreoccupied remark eased you into the moment. “Sorry,” you sighed “college didn’t teach me anything on how to talk to someone like you.”
He walked closer to you and sat in a nearby chair. “Woah, someone like me? And here I thought we're getting along.”
You laughed out loud again and he smiled in return and inhaled the blunt resting between his fingers. Now you were starting to feel actually comfortable.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” You hugged yourself while walking a little closer as well. “I meant someone so famous and admirable. We’re just very different.”
He appeared to think about it for a second and then signaled to a chair close to his with his almost fully smoked blunt, indicating you should sit down.
“I don’t think we’re that different, you and I.” He stated firmly, looking right into your eyes. You could feel your ears burning a bit, but naturally decided to just ignore it.
“We are very, very different…” you began right after you sat on the chair but stopped mid-sentence because you weren’t sure about how to adress him, which he somehow seemed to notice.
“Call me whatever, I literally don’t care.” Usually that sentence would’ve sounded harsh due to its very nature, but coming out of his mouth it didn’t make you feel any of those things. He meant it, he didn’t seem to mind at all.
“Is Colson alright?” He nodded while inhaling the last puff out of his blunt. "ye's fine."
You could feel once again the air filling up with awkwardness, but you weren't gonna let it. It's not every day you get to have a one-on-one conversation with THE Machine Gun Kelly.
"Tell me something about you."You spat before you could think twice about it. He frowned, unsure of what you meant."Tell me something you'd like me to know about you. Something I shouldn't know, or something you've never said to anyone. Tell me something about you." You stared right into his cerulean gaze."Anything."
He laughed outloud, strong peals of laughter filling the room. You wondered how come this was better than all the songs he performed at the concert--the sound of his laugh."What's so funny?"
"You were so shy like a second ago and now you're asking shit like that." He pointed, still slightly smiling. "Why do you want to know?"
"Because I do." You quickly replied, simply. "It's not every day a girl gets to be face to face with the one and only MGK."
Colson's smile became a mere smirk. You could tell he was thinking what could he possibly tell you.
"I make music for myself" he spat suddenly ", not for the fans. For me. The fact that they---you like it is just a plus. It's what helps me sleep at nights."
When you asked him to give you something you certainly weren’t expecting something half as deep as that.
"I guess we never really think you celebrities have demons as bad as that... not for real, anyway. Thanks for sharing that with me, you obviously didn't have to."
"Well, there's not much of a point. Not like we'll be meeting again." As he said this, the realization came down to you. You were not meeting again. You felt your heart irrationally sink.
"Still I appreciate i-" his raspy voice interrupted you before she could finish the sentence.
"Your turn."
"Your turn. Tell me some spicy shit about you, something not many people know."
Your mind went blank. Something about you no one knows? You were a rather private person so there were a bunch of things people didn't know, but which to pick? He shared a deep one so it was only fair and right for you to do the same.
"I love when it rains at night." His square-ish smile welcomed the statement.
"Dude, how is that deep?" You breathed in as you took long blinking.
"I was going to kill myself. It was like midnight or something, I had the pills ready and I was lying on my bedroom floor. There's a big skylight on the ceiling, you know? I was about to take them when suddenly it started raining." He wasn't really smiling anymore."And that made me smile. I like night time, and I like it when it rains, so together it's like... I don't know. I love it. And I realized if i did it, i was not going to be able to see the nightsky while it's raining, hear the drops of rain against the buildings and the ground. Nor would I smile again.”
"Now that is deep." He walked towards a metalic table and poured two glasses of what seemed to be gin. He then walked toward you and offered you one."I guess we’re not so different after all… Cheers to that."
You took it while smiling, mumbling "cheers to that, indeed" as your glasses clinked.
"Why did you tell me that?" He asked after taking a few sips. You shrugged and took another sip, looking up into his blue irises and feeling yourself getting lost in them.
"You said so yourself, it's not like we'll ever meet again. Might as well do some trauma dumping." You both laughed at the joke---self-deprecating humor is something you could instantly say you had in common.
"I like you, y/n. We might actually have to meet again." Your heart skipped a bit as he said that. Had you heard right? You somehow managed to keep your cool.
"Why? You just said we were never meeting again." You sighed. "I hope it's not pitty because of what I just told you."
"It ain't. You just peaked my interest. No one'd managed to do that for a while." He stared right into your eyes as he said that. Made you shiver.
"So we meet and what?" You asked, your heart running inside your chest.
"And we have a drink, what the fuck else?"
"Isn't there some rule that forbids you from doing shit like that, anyway?"You asked, genuinely curious.
"Ain't rules meant to be broken?" He answered and smirked before walking to the table once again and refilling his glass. He looked at you and softly swung the bottle in your direction, silently offering, but you shook your nead no since you hadn't finished the previous serving. "So what do you say? Tomorrow midnight at your favorite club?"
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atinystraynstay · 9 months
When Worlds Collide - Song Mingi
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Synopsis: Mingi has always been a free-spirited individual. Maybe that is why he liked America so much because of the boundless opportunities that were in front of him. Or maybe he just liked America because that's where you are.
Pairing: idol! Song Mingi x reader
Genre: Fluff, strangers first encounter
Word Count: 1.9k
Mingi was walking around the streets of New York City aimlessly. He had a pair of glasses on, trying his best to enjoy time off and blend into the crowd. Ateez were performing in the city as part of a concert acknowledging the migration of Koreans to the United States and highlighting the impact of Korean culture.
Each of the boys were choosing to venture on their own for the day, as the concert wasn't until the next day. Mingi has always been fascinated with life here in America. From the fashion, the night life, and the hustle of the American way, he's always wanted to be a part of it in some aspect. That's one of the reasons why he loved getting to perform here in the States. He loved seeing how excited people were, especially atinys, were for a concert.
Today, he just wanted to see what life would be like if he was an American. He was grateful for the opportunities and experiences he got to experience as a k-pop idol when they come to visit, but it wasn't the same. He didn't want to be followed by paparazzi or have bodyguards around him. Mingi didn't want himself to be photographed. He wanted to be the one just soaking it all in, so it all just lived in his memory. He knew if he kept a low enough profile, he would be in the clear and be able to get a real feel for life here.
Wondering the streets, he let his senses guide him. He didn't have to be back at the hotel until 8pm for dinner with his members. They already had dress rehearsals for the show tomorrow, so he really had all the time he could have wanted. His eyes bounced along the store fronts, trying to se which one tempted him the most.
He passed by numerous bakeries, apartment buildings, boutiques, and restaurants. Mingi loved seeing the smiles on people's faces as they lived their ordinary lives. It made him a bit envious, how people didn't have to worry about being spotted and being potentially mobbed at a moment's notice. He wished he could be more aloof, but he was also blessed to have such an extraordinary opportunity of being able to perform on stage.
Mingi glanced to his right but stopped dead in his tracks. He heard the sounds of rock music coming from his right, gaining his full attention. He smiled slightly whenever he saw a record shop. However, his full attention locked on someone inside. You.
You were standing over a display of records, fingers gently pushing back record sleeves to see them all. You were wearing a black peacoat with a grey beanie on top of your head. The beanie didn't hide your curls from his view. He found himself captivated how your eyelashes touched your cheeks as you glanced down. Your cheeks were a light pink color, maybe from the heat coming from inside the store. You also wore a soft smile curled onto your lips. He had to know your name.
As one patron was about to step out, he quickly grabbed the door and held it open. The young woman smiled and thanked him, for which he nodded and smiled back. He glanced in to see you a bit better, at least better from staring in from a window. Mingi felt his stomach flutter as you began moving your way down, a bit closer to him.
Perfect. He stepped into the record shop, getting a nod from the guy behind the counter. Mingi smiled before proceeding to head to the display opposite of you. He didn't want to make it too obvious that he was eyeing you. He looked through the various album covers, recognizing a few of the artists - Frank Ocean, Post Malone, Machine Gun Kelly. They were artists he at least has added into his own playlists.
"You know, that's a really good album." The voice was soft, almost angelic. He didn't believe it was real for a second.
He glanced over to see you looking at him. You wore a warm smile your eyes flickered between his own and the album that rested beneath his fingertips. He glanced down to see a pink vinyl cover. What did he land on? He slowly pulled up to investigate. The Divine Feminine. "You like Mac Miller?" You questioned him. "I can't say I have really listened," Mingi confessed. "Well, if you're looking for someone who knows what it means to write good music, I'd start with him." Mingi raised his eyebrow, but a playful smile was curled onto his lips. Oh, I'm intrigued now. "And tell me. What does it mean to write good music?"
You smiled to yourself before looking down at the vinyls in front of you. Your fingers waltzed across the numerous plastic-covered sleeves. You pushed a few back, analyzing the covers. For a minute, Mingi thought he had lost you. He was about to apologize before you spoke up. "To create good music is to tell a story. It isn't about writing a song to make money. It is telling a story either for yourself or for other people to connect to, or to feel less lonely. It helps put words to describe situations that leave us speechless, the good and the bad."
As you spoke, Mingi noticed how your eyes sparkled. He was curious about the inner workings of your mind. You seemed to have the perfect response formulated. He loved seeing how passionate you were speaking about your perspectives. What else did you believe in? What else did you like?
"My name is Mingi," he blurted out.
You smiled at him once again, this time a bit wider. God, you had a gorgeous smile. He took note of the way your smile pushed up your cheeks subtly, making your eyes squint. He wanted to be the cause of that smile moving forward. "Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Mingi."
The way you said his name sounded like music itself. It sounded so heavenly coming from your lips. He wanted you to say his name for hours as you looked at him like he was the only person in existence. "Come on, let's go listen to that vinyl." "Where?"
All you did was smile at him. And from just that smile, he trusted you. Your smile not only mesmerized him but it made him feel comforted. You could tell him to do anything because when you flashed him that smile, he wanted to do everything for you.
You grabbed the vinyl his finger stayed on. All you did was motion your head for him to follow and he was immediately behind you.
Mingi noticed that you moved with intention. You navigated the store as if you built it personally. You led him through the aisles of other vinyls, past other customers trying to make their selections for purchase. The two of you wandered into the back that had a record player set up with two leather loveseats. There was complimentary water on a table in the middle. The room was a bit dark besides a few candles lit to create an ambiance.
"Kind of intimate for people meeting for the first time, don't you think?" Mingi teased. "What? You wouldn't consider this a first date?"
Fuck. She's hot. Mingi was at a lost for words at your confidence. He moved to sit down on the one loveseat, letting you get to work at setting up the vinyl record. Your tongue poked out a little bit from your lips as you focused on getting the vinyl out of the sleeve without dirtying it badly.
Once the vinyl was set appropriately, you smiled to smile with triumph. He loved seeing you in your element. Were you a musician? Did you just like listening to music? Whatever the answer may be, he wanted to know more about you.
"Before I play this vinyl, it's really important you know that this album means the world to me. Mac Miller is one of my favorite artists," she warned. "So if you don't like it, there won't be a second date."
Mingi chuckled lightly as he relaxed against the arm of the loveseat. "I don't think there will be an issue considering I was already interested in it. And I'm already interested in you," he winked.
You silently thanked the shop owner for keeping the back room dim. Nothing like blushing madly due to a stranger. You wanted to be portrayed as cool, mysterious, and confident. You didn't want to allow him to have the upper hand quite yet.
Gently, you moved the needle of the record player to the vinyl. The familiar sounds of the recorder beginning to spin soothed your racing heart. Music has always been a source of comfort for you.
The opening track Congratulations" began to play. You were about to take a seat across from Mingi in the opposing loveseat, but you felt his warm hand grab onto your wrist. There was no way he was going to allow you slip away that easily. He gently pulled you back until you landed beside him. His arm wrapped around your shoulder. Look who's confident now.
His fingers gently ran up and down your arm. His touch was so light that you almost didn't feel it, but it still caused goosebumps to rise on your skin. At least he couldn't detect them underneath your long-sleeved shirt.
"Do you always bring guys back here?" Mingi teased. "No, only cute ones I want to impress."
While the vinyl played, you two made light conversation. You asked the basics - where he was from, his favorite things, what he thought of New York City. He asked where you came from, about your dreams, and a few of your favorite things.
You learned that Mingi was from South Korea and he was visiting New York City on business. He's been in the area a few times, but he's never explored the city. Whereas you moved here after finishing university. You were presented with the opportunity to work for a nonprofit working with youth, so you often used music as a way to communicate both for yourself and with the kids.
Mingi was infatuated with not just your looks, but with your kind nature and energetic spirit. You were the perfect package.
Every now and then, when there was a pause in conversation, you would glance over at him. You were intrigued to know what he thought of the record. It had a bit of a jazz, r&b vibe.
Not only did you think it was beautifully crafted but you thought it fit the mood for the occasion. You two were strangers who met by chance in the busiest city in the world. Some might call it chaotic while others might call it romantic.
He noticed you looking at him. Mingi couldn't help but smirk at the effect he had over you. He kept glancing down as well. He adored the way your head slightly bobbed to the music when you weren't talking.
"My Favorite Part" by Mac Miller feature Ariana Grande began to play. You knew that it was the second to last song on the soundtrack. Fuck. What was going to happen when the song ends?
"How long are you in New York City for?" you asked. "I'm here for about 3 more days. Then I fly back to Seoul for a little bit," Mingi confessed. You didn't know where things would go between the two. That is, if there was anything meant to happen. However, if you didn't try, you knew that you would regret it for the rest of your life. He might be a one-time thing, but you craved to know more of him, to be around him, and maybe even just be with him.
"I'll make all the time for you, angel." ______________________________________________________________ Note: SO not sure how I feel about this lol this has been sitting in my drafts for the past month so I figured it was time to set it free! Maybe do a Part 2?? 👀
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windtowee · 1 year
If they were love songs
Creepypasta version Romantic Gender neural reader Tw! Implied abuse, self harm technically
Ticci Toby
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Meteor shower by Cavetown
“I’d sell my own bones for sapphire stones ‘cause blue is your favorite color”
Toby would do anything for you, when I mean anything, I mean anything. He would do anything to see you and to have your attention, even “accidentally” hurting himself for your attention.
He’s down bad, he just isn’t aware of it. Like a small puppy, he’s following you around wishing for a little bit of your attention.
He’s very loyal, don’t hurt him
Bloody Painter:
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Until I found her by Stephen Sanchez
“I was lost within the darkness but then I found her.. I found you”
Helen was always seen as a cold and egotistical man and he was. He wasn’t afraid of hiding it or anything, he didn’t care what people thought about him.. then enter You. The sudden change in emotion was shocking for people who have gotten used to his cold and egotistical nature. He suddenly cared about someone who wasn’t himself, he cared about you and what you thought..
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Home by Bebe Rexha, Machine gun Kelly, X ambassadors
“Home. A place where I can go, to take things off my shoulders, someone take me home”
Clockwork had never had a place to call home, sure she lived with her family her entire childhood but it was never a home. She never had a safe place to fall on until she met you. You treated her like a human being which is something that she hasn’t felt in a very long time.
Despite her blunt and a sarcastic sense of humor, you still treated her with kindness and respect. Soon enough, you became her home, her comfort place.
With you there it made her feel normal which is a feeling that she is eternally grateful for.
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nymphie-mama · 2 years
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why are you here?
pairing rafe cameron x reader
summary based on why are you here by machine gun kelly
warnings angst, fwb, drug use, brief sex scene (not descriptive),
request can you do a rafe x reader based on the song ‘Why are you here’ by Machine Gun Kelly? i feel like it fits him so well!! - anon
a/n i don’t listen to mgk but this song is definitely mr rafe cameron. got
No one fucks like Rafe Cameron. No one comes close. Fuck, no one fucks like a high Rafe Cameron.
Once he was your best friend. Now you were someone he touched in secret.
Hed have you anytime, anywhere, and anyway he wants. All you wanted was him. He intoxicated you.
Last night, he had you spent out against a bathroom wall. There was a party in your midst, but he didn't care about who could've heard or walked in. He hoped Topper would hear how cockdrunk you were for him.
“No one fucks you this good, angel. And if I see the pogue staring at you like that again, I'll make him watch.”
Even though you loved the sensations, the way he would laugh and help you put your clothes back on when he's done with you; you couldn't take it.
You wanted all of him or none of him. To be his girl or to be nothing.
“Rafe,” you said, opening his bedroom door. His eyes were low, hair was messy, and his face was red. He was high again.
“Angel,” he said lowly, “what is it you want? Dick or drugs, baby.”
“Yes, pretty?”
“R-rafe I can't. I can't do this.”
He stopped. He set down his lighter and made eye contact with you for the first time since you'd walked in. The eye contact made you flush, but you set that aside.
“What?” he said, halfway laughing.
“I need you, Rafe,” you said, tears forming at your lashes, “but I can't want you.”
Rafe stood up, smiling that prideful smile, and started unbuckling his pants, “of course you can. I want to be inside you all the time, Y/N.”
“Stop. I'm serious.”
He stopped again. Dumbfounded.
“If all this has been for sex, say so and I'll walk away right now. We can go back to being only friends again. But I know you know better.”
His eyes were lower. His high was settling in.
“You know its not just sex.”
“So then have me. Wrap your arm around me and show me off.”
“I can't. I hate that I saw you last night. No one can know about this.”
“Then we shouldn't do it.”
“You know we can never be friends like we were.”
Tears started to stream down your face. You could barely breathe. It felt like you might choke on your spit. Rafe could see that he hurt you, you knew this.
“Please, Rafe.”
“I just need to smoke. Smoke with me, we’ll make it all better again, baby. I have some of the good stuff too.”
Fuck, Rafe.
All you wanted to do was scream at him. But you couldn't find the words. Why couldn't he love you? Why couldn't you just forget it all and go back to normal?
“Rafe, fucking stop!”
He rolled his eyes at you and lined up his coke. You'd seen him do it so many times, but this time it hurt so much worse.
“Why can't you just love me?” you mumbled before you turned away.
“You're too good,” he whispered back, wiping his nose to make sure there was no residue. “I'm just not myself with you.”
“There is no real you, anymore, Rafe. I learned that on my own.”
“Fuck you, Y/N!”
“Youre helpless. And you're fucking insane.”
“Leave my fucking house.”
And just like that. The boy you loved, the boy who showed you everything you loved. Was gone. Maybe he left when you started checking his nose for extra coke, or when he needed to smoke to feel something, but he was gone now. And maybe you were too.
taglist: @maybankslover @outerbankspov @ailee-celeste @sweetestdesire @giselep00
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teaboot · 1 year
Community-building Tag Game
Tagged by: @anchored-trident
Name: Internet safety 101, kids. Keep 'em guessing. ('Tea' is fine.)
Pronouns: he/him
Where do you call home? Northwest Canada! Nice and grey.
Favorite animal: Honestly I love pretty much all of them but if I had to, like. Cohabitate with one? Cats. God's favourite bastards. Also partial to polyphemus moths, the common brown bat, june beetles, golden moles, the silky tree anteater, poison dart frogs, hawks, chimney swifts, and nautuluses, too.
Cereal of choice: I am. Not a cereal person. Fruit loops?
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Visual. 100%. Everything I do and use is organized by color. I will remember your birthmarks and tattoos and piercings and scars long before I remember your name or anything else about you. I forgot my own name once. It's bad
First pet: A big black cat.
Favorite scent: Oh, this is hard. I have a coconut shampoo that reminds me of my mom, and a white musk and oud perfume that makes me think of Cairo, and a plum/vanilla/white musk lotion that smells like the last week of school before summer vacation. A bottle of my dad's cologne he let me keep for my 16th birthday. Frankincense. Lilacs. Sunscreen. Cedarwood. Pine chips. Pumpkin. Clean laundry. I dont think I can pick just one.
Do you believe in astrology?  Not even a little bit. Sure is fun, tho!
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/Apple Music? Playlists in general? Too many. Couple dozen, probably. One for every occasion.
Sharpies or highlighters? Sharpies. Though I use highlighters more.
A song that makes you cry: Right now? "Dear Fellow Traveller" by Sea Wolf. Also "Cain" by Cousin Marnie.
A song that makes you happy: "Art Hoe" by Call Me Karizma, "Cannibal" by Naethan Apollo, "Wanted To" by Infected Mushroom, and "Daywalker!" By Machine Gun Kelly X CORPSE.
And finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself!
I love to draw and oaint and sculpt and sew, but spend a lot of time at work and have some issues with hypersomnia so it doesn't happen as much as I'd like. Wish I could promote myself better because I miss creating but... I don't know. Maybe I'll make something in the morning.
@anchored-trident thanks for the nom'! ♡ This one was fun :)
Nominations (either because we're mutuals or I find you interesting): @melancholysage @naamahdarling @sternenhimmel-mondnhimmel-mond @mist-the-wannabe-linguist @smlmsworld @mangotarot @genderfuckedpigeon @twofaced-gemini-withnobrush
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k1ttykatsu · 2 years
BLOODY VALENTINE- machine gun kelly
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ੈ✩₊˚ pairings: goth!bkg x blkshyfem!reader
*ೃ༄ summary: I'd give everything up, Tonight If I could just have you be mine Be mine, baby
*ੈ✩‧₊˚warnings: praise,creampie(readers on birth control) mentions breeding, spit, slapping, virgin reader,virginity thief, praise, slight degradation, oral! (fem) big booty reader. dirty talk. penetration. riding
⋆.ೃ࿔*:word count:4k
✧˚ · . ꕥkay speaks: credit to the artist! @raptorjules , @seeminglydark i loved this artwork and it sparked the inspiration for this fic! ive been having bad writer's block recently so i apologize if this is super ass, just wanted to get something out for v-day!
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Last period, the worst class of the day. you hated last period with a burning passion. the loud and rowdy students, the sleeping teacher who could care less about what the fuck the class was doing.
you hated the kids most of all. rowdy as fuck. no consideration for others around them. the rudest human beings on earth is what you think of them. lacking every inch of human decency as they finger fuck in the back of the class or dryhump on the teachers desk. yuck! so when your friend katsuki bakugo asked to skip class that day, you were totally down.
you’ve never been the type to be rebellious, skipping wasn’t in your vocabulary and you’ve never thought about doing it but today you couldn’t refuse the offer. hormones and ‘love’ was in the air as the day struck february 14th, the amount of pda you’ve seen was enough for your whole life.
you didn’t say anything though, not wanting to be labeled as a ‘dorky single hater’ from the rest of your peers. but the last straw is when you barley walked into your last period class, seeing two classmates of yours making out on your desk, practically fucking.
you were seething as you stomped to the little unknown staircase that bakugo told you he’ll be at. when you lay eyes on the little hideout hidden in the unused wing of the school, you begin to panic. you’ve never ever skipped a class before, always being the good girl your mom taught you to be, but today was different.
“y/n?” you hear a whisper from the little hidden staircase. you jog farther into the hall, instantly remembering you couldn’t get caught. as you get closer his body becomes more recognizable. his strong muscles practically ripping his shirt as he folded his arms on his chest.
his black patch-work black jeans fitting him in all the right ways, black doc’ martens laced up so he wouldn’t have to constantly tie them. and lastly his signature scowl on his face as he looks around to make sure nobody followed you, since of course you were a rookie.
once you make it to him he notices the small pout on your face. he wipes his scowl off and replaces it with a slight frown. “why you frownin”? he takes your hand and sits you on the steps right beside him. “i hate this school katsuki, fucking dumbasses don’t have fucking human decency.”
you’ve only started cursing since you’ve been hanging with katsuki, so everytime he hears you spur curses out of the cute little lips of yours he’s laughing. “t’s not funny katsu, they were doing stuff on my desk” you voice gets quiet as you mention what you just saw not even 10 minutes ago.
“fucking on your desk?” he laughs that you're afraid to talk about anything that remotely has anything to do with sex. you're too pure for this world, and he loves that about you. your quiet sweet demeanor, your shyness, your self respect, he loves that your different from every girl that he’s ever fucked. he loves that your just naturally you.
“shh katsuki” you hush him quickly, looking at him with wide eyes. “i didn’t think you’d come, now that i know that all it takes is for someone to hump on your table to follow me” he jokes. you laugh loud, a little to loud for your own good. him threatening you with that off all things is hilarious.
“shhh gonna get us caught with all your barking” he caused you to laugh a little harder. clutching your stomach as you start to wheeze, he swears to god your humor is definitely broken.
once you calmed down, the two of you fell into conversation. the two of you noticed it was only 10 minutes into the 45 minute period. you could've sworn with the way you were talking it was at least 20.
“got a valentine sweetheart?” that nickname. you loved that nickname but only when it came out of his mouth. he’s been calling you that since at least 9th grade, he swears it’s because you're the biggest sweetheart he’s ever met and you believe him.
“no, i don’t do fake love” you remind your friend. never been in a relationship because you're scared of the outcome. too scared to ask out the boy who you live most because you're scared of rejection. so all these years you’ve put on a hard front screaming ‘i don’t do fake love’.
“how bout you, any one night stands worthy enough?” you joke. you miss the way bakugo frowns at your words. but he quickly covers it up. “i’m overstimulated and i’m sad” his dramatics making you giggle. “mhm, you’ll find the perfect someone, i’m sure of it” you lay your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes at the closeness.
“i already did” he mumbles, making sure you don’t hear him. you sit up quickly and look him dead in the eyes. did he just said what you think he said? “what did you say? bakugo has never been one to shy away from his emotions but with you it’s different. he doesn’t want to jeopardize your friendship over this crush he’s had on you.
“i said i already did” his voice is just above a whisper. his eyes watched your face closely he watches your face wash with disappointment. “who katsuki?” you sound distant, a little cold. that takes him by surprise but nonetheless he continues.
“you” your eyes widen as your jaw goes slack. the two of you sitting in complete silence now. bakugo swears he hears his heart racing and he’s afraid that you could hear it too. your eyes never leave his body as you think about what to say.
“don’t just stare at me dumbass, forget i-” you snap back to reality and realize what was happening. “i like you too” you look him in his eyes, your sentence obviously catching him off guard. “what?” you see the slight blush on his cheeks.
you’ve never seen katsuki so flustered. “kat’s” you take his hand and cover it with yours. the two of you staring into each other souls as you smile. bakugo being the rash person he is, pulls your forward so the two of your a closer now. smashing his lips against yours while you’re eyes close in shock.
the kiss was messy and sloppy but you didn’t care, happy that the boy you loved was the one kissing you right now, not some lame just looking for a hookup.
his hands drop down to your waist while yours snake on to his neck, pulling the boy as close as possible. “mhm” you hear katsuki groan as you pull him down farther wanting to practically jump in his skin. him sexily biting your bottom lip before pulling away.
“what do we have here?” your eyes widen in shock as you hear the principal's voice ringing through the hallway. your arms still around katsuki as the principal looks at the very unpleasant position the two of you are in.
your arms unlock from his neck and you stand up quickly straighten out your clothes as you sheepishly look at him. “i-um” you're at a loss for words as you think about how to explain this.
“nothing really,” bakugo’s still on the floor as he speaks. his tone is assertive as he looks at the headmaster head on. “we saw the two of you on the cameras, skipping last period is unacceptable”
“i know, i’m sor-” you were about to plead for forgiveness before katsuki stood up and spoke his mind. “we wouldn’t have to skip it wasn’t for your numbfuck staff not doing their job”
your eyes widen as you look at bakugo, “bakugo!” you slightly smack his shoulder while he just looks down and smiles at you. “me and y/n did nothing wrong, we just didn’t wanna deal with the shit class anymore” you hear the headmaster audibly scoff at bakugo’s words.
“looks like we’ll be going to detention” you sigh as you see the headmaster nod his head. you look up at bakugo and see a smirk on his face. “let’s do this”
for it to be your first time in detention, bakugo thinks your handling it pretty well. but deep down inside he knows your panicking.
your perfect now ruined because of him. all because he couldn’t shut his stupid mouth. he feels a hand on his shoulder as the two of you walk down the hall. “it’s not your fault katsu, i don’t regret it” you whisper in the air.
“are you sure?” He stops you two in your tracks. he wants to see your face to make sure you're telling the truth. “i love you katsuki” those three words rolled off your tongue so smoothly.
you’ve been waiting to say those words for 3 years now. you’ve finally felt relief after all those years. “y/n…” you feel him lift you up, placing a kiss onto your lips before those three words fall from his plump lips. “i love you too”
you feel like you're on cloud 9 as his hands sneak down to your waist, resting there as the two of you continue walking.
once you make it to the classroom you see a bunch of kids in the detention room. their eyes go wide as they see you walk into the classroom. but once they see bakugo holding your hand they smirk.
you feel all eyes on you as you walk to the back of the classroom, the last two seats. the two of you sit right next to each other.
the headmaster closes the door before walking over to his seat at the head of the class. “no talking, no texting and no touching” he said the rules and instantly started doing whatever work he had to do.
10 minutes into detention you see bakugo pull a piece of paper out of his bag, paying it no attention you put your head down for about 2 more minutes later you feel a kick to your leg.
your head shoots up and looks at bakugo with a snarl. his hand drops down, you watching it as he hands you a heart shaped paper.
“be mine, baby” written on it in pink ink. you feel tears brim your lash line. you look at the man who has a genuine smile on his face. you nod your head and you see his fang peek out through his smile.
2 hours later and you're in the passenger seat of bakugo’s all black audi. his ginormous hand gripping your thigh as he speeds through the streets of mustafo one handed.
“slow down katsuu” you giggle as the air flowing through your hair makes you feel like you're in a movie. It's a cold day in mustafo but the both of you didn’t care, as long as he was taking you to his house he had no complaints.
“unt, unt, not until we get there” he squeezes your thigh and looks at you. deeply taking in your features, wondering how he got so damn lucky.
“what?” you ask sheepishly, feeling like you were on fire while under his gaze. “your just really beautiful” he focus back on the road so he could avoid your beautiful gape. “and your gorgeous katsu”
his cheeks instantly turned cherry red, but he would probably blame it on the cool air outside. “shut up” he jokes while rolling his eyes, you laugh before noticing you pulling up to a nice neighborhood.
multiple houses decorated in valentine’s day decorations. “it’s beautiful out here katsu” he watched your eyes light up from excitement.  “where are we?” your smile is so big and he wants to take a mental picture of it to keep it engraved in his brain forever.
he doesn’t answer, he pulls into the driveway of a nice sized modern house. big glass windows showing a sneak peek of the expensive house. “is this your house?” you question, he gets out of the car before walking over to your side.
opening the door before taking your hand and helping you out the car. “yep” you contain your excitement but not saying anything. the two of you walk up to the door, bakugo punching in the key code to unlock the door.
as soon as you get a glimpse of the inside of the house you shy away. “what’s wrong?” he takes notice of your movement. you’ve never been into his house before so this was definitely a big step. “spit it out, it’s fuckin’ cold” you notice the way he’s shivering and laugh.
“never been over to a boys house” you say sheepishly as you look him in the eye. this big doe innocent eyes makes him want to worship the ground you walk on.
“let’s go” he practically drags you in by your hand making you laugh. once the two of you are in he closes the door with his foot and quickly takes off his shoes leaving them at the door.
you follow suit and take off your brown colored low uggs. you take off your coat and give it to katsuki to put in the closet. now just in your knee high socks, white skirt and pink sweater with little hearts on it.
you follow katsuki to the living room and notice nobody’s home. “some couples retreat” he states as if he could read your mind. “your not very hard to read sweetheart”, again reading your mind or facial expressions.
“okay, what are we gonna do?” your voice low as you speak. he looks around and you laugh ‘of course he didn’t think this through’. “we can definitely chill, order some food maybe watch a movie” you nod your head at the suggestions.
“scary, comedy or love movie?” bakugo asks you from the kitchen. he’s preparing all the snacks so he doesn’t have to get up when the movie starts.
“have you ever watched twilight?” you turn to look at him with a smirk playing on your lips. he’s walking back from the kitchen now with a bowl of popcorn, two canned sodas and some candy.
“no, why?” he looks. clueless and that makes this way more fun than it should be. “that’s what we’re watching today” you watch him place everything on the table before picking up his phone. “okay let me order the food”
“bella is so dumb” bakugo huffs as he finishes the last of his low-mein. you laughed at his expressions throughout the whole movie. his slick comments about how dumb the movie is and how unrealistic really tickled your funny bone.
“but you couldn’t keep your eyes off the screen katsu” you smirk as the tip of his ears turn a cute pink color. “because i didn’t want to miss the stupid shit she did” he lies.
you him with a smile on your face, picking up the remains of food that’s on the table. “don’t worry bout’ it, i’ll clean up later” he guides you back down to the couch making your face feel hot.
you feel bakugo’s gaze on you and your whole body feels hot. you look up to him shyly before talking. “what’s next” bakugo doesn’t even think before his lips is on yours. you reciprocating is all he needed as his hands landed on your waist.
the feeling of bakugo on top of you makes your whole bit feel like it’s been lit to flames. the short grunts and moans shared by the two of you let the two of you mutually know the other is enjoying it.
you feel bakugo hands move from your waist to your thighs, playing with the white knee high socks that stop at the fat of your thick thighs. you whimper at the feeling of him rubbing the area sensually, you feel your core begin to throb lightly once you feel his lips against your neck.
“katsu” you moan out his nickname breathlessly as you unintentionally begin to grind into the air. your clit catching onto your soaked panties gives you a bit of relief but you need more.
“what’s wrong sweetheart?” the innocent nickname causing your heart to stagger. “wan’ more, please?” you plead into the hot air.
you feel katsuki suddenly stop his actions. “katsu?” you question as you open your eyes. you see katsuki sitting on his knees between you with a conflicted facial expression. “would this be your first time?” your embarrassed expression tells him everything he needs to know.
“it’s okay, i just want to make sure i’m not pressuring you” a gentle smile takes over your lips as you think about him making sure you're comfortable.
“i’ve been waiting for you katsuki” you wanted your first time to be with the man you loved. bakugo heart grew three sizes when he heard you say that. his hands make their way back on your legs, gently spreading them apart.
you turn your head away as your face gets hot. the way he’s looking down at your cunt was like an animal hunting  down its prey. “it’s already yours katsu” you mumble and before you know it katsuki has his eyes on you now.
“don’t rush me sweetheart” you whine in response knowing that katsuki means business. his gaze falls back onto your pretty panties that looked like they’ve been soaked. “cute little virgin” you hear him whisper in the air.
“please suki, need to feel you” squeezing your legs together did nothing to help the growing need between your legs.
katsuki positions himself so that he’s in between your legs, face to face with your clothed cunt. he sees the outline of your lips being suffocated by the fabric (fat pumpum)  thirsting after you more and more. his tongue sticks out his warm mouth before it’s licking the wet fabric making you shiver at the sudden action.
he stands on his knees before bending down slightly, hands attached to your hips as he glides your underwear down your legs slowly, watching the sticky string that attached your pretty pussy and those pretty pink panties.
“shit” he groans out as he places the underwear next to your body. he bends back down before getting face to face with your cunt. you look down at him before feeling his tongue sliding through your slit.
“fuck!” you moan out as he gets deeper and deeper, your hands shooting to his blonde locks, pulling on them slightly as you moan into the air. “kats,” you pant out as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
you feel him pull back before the sound of spit is heard and you feel it dripping down your pussy. “prettiest pussy i’ve ever seen babe” he says before diving back in.
you feel your climax approaching fast. you wrap your legs around katsuki’s head making him moan into your pussy. “m’ gonna cum ki!” you scream out as he sucks on your clit harshly.
you feel your muscles tighten and your hands grip his hair harder, your vision blacks out as you let out a loud pleasurable moan. your orgasm takes over your whole body as you feel weightless from it.
after a couple of seconds you feel little nibbles being placed on your thigh causing you to remember the blonde adonis between your legs.
you unlatch your legs from his head weakly before letting out a big sigh. “that good pretty girl?” you quietly nod, not wanting to say anything to ruin  this perfect moment.
“you okay?” you open your eyes and look at him meekly. “more than okay katsu” a big smile takes over his lips letting you know he’s satisfied with your answer.
he takes his hand in yours before pressing a kiss to it. “i wanna go all the way katsu, need you” you whine making his cock twitch. “need you more” before you know it he’s picking you up. your legs wrapping around his waist as he hauls you upstairs.
passing baby pictures, vacation pictures and family pictures of the boy makes your heart melt. “didn’t know you had braces katsu” you joke as he throws you on the bed. shutting the door quickly so he could get back close to you.
“wear and invasline every fucking night” you giggle at the boy but it’s soon cut off by a low growl.
the sight of you laying on his bed, no panties, hair a skew in just a little pink skirt and knee highs was something he could only dream about. dreams do come true….
“you know how many nights i’ve jerked off to the image of you, just like this? you softly bite your lip while thinking about the lewd sounds that would come out of his mouth.
“how many?” you egg his thoughts on. “too many to fucking count sweetheart” you giggle at the thought of katsuki jerking off to you. you look back up at him and see his face full of concern. You take it upon yourself to shimmy out of your clothes quickly, leaving on your knee highs. you see katsuki follow suit making you smile. he sits on the bed in nothing now.
the size of his cock making your nerves bubble. "its okay, you can take it.. i know you can". you nod your head in agreement. you straddle his lap but before you can do anything he stops you. “baby are you sure you wanna do this?” you look at him and nod. “you can’t go back after this” he says while caressing your ass. “yes i’m sure suki, i promise” you say before you give him a sweet kiss on his lips.
he kisses back with the same amount of energy making you smile. you pull back gently and he looks at you awaiting your next movement. you move back a bit, picking up his cock and holding it in your hand. “wet it babe” katsuki says while awaiting your next move. “how about you wet it?” you say while looking him in his eye. “i’ve never been asked no shit like that before…but it’s whatever you want,” he says before spitting on his hand and using it as a lube on his dick.
you stand up a bit before he slaps his cock against your pussy. “mhm babe, ima put it in nice and slow.” you nod and brace yourself by holding his shoulders. you feel his tip protruding at your entrance. he takes it upon himself to circle his tip again “you okay?” you nod and he continues to push in. you whimper and he looks at you with a questionable look but you just nod and smile.
soon after he's fully in and you're sitting on his cock trying to wait till the pain subside. “y/n you feel sooo good babe” he whines trying to help you relax by rubbing your back and thighs.
once you feel the pain subside you start moving, catching bakugou off guard. “mhm so tight babe” he says when you start bouncing slightly. “suki, feels soo good” you say when you feel him smack your ass. all of a sudden you feel a hand snake around your throat. you look at bakugou and he has the nastiest smirk on his face. you moan loudly and move faster against him. “oh, i knew you were a whore deep down inside.” you look beautiful to katsuki all fucked out, tears dripping down you face and your naked body pouncing on him.
“suki’ i’m gon-gonna cum” you say pleading with the man. he places a harsh smack on your ass and you clench around him making his eyes roll, his hands gripping your hips so hard you know there's going to be bruises on your plump hips.  suddenly you feel him begin jack hammering into you. balls slapping your ass, the lewd sound of your slick and his dick making him feel fuzzy inside. “best fucking pussy ive ever had babe” he says while slapping your ass.
a couple minutes later you feel yourself at the edge. you can’t hold it anymore so you release it. “ah fuck suki!” you say moaning while collapsing on his chest. bakugo is still chasing his high, jackhammering into like it’s no tomorrow. you decide to kiss him to drown out your moans. while kissing katsuki he grabs your ass and you grab the base of his neck slightly choking him .
that was the breaking point for bakugou. he grips your hips so hard when he cums that you wince out of pain and pleasure. “fuck baby” he says as he kisses your neck getting over his high. you smile and kiss his lips.
"You'll be my bloody valentine tonight"
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Masterlist 3!
Here’s the third masterlist for all of my works! If you want to check out more of my work, here’s the links for masterlist one and masterlist two Imagines marked * are smutty imagines! Imagines marked ` are requests! Imagines marked ⭐ are personal favorites!
STRANGER THINGS small ~ jim hopper` dance with me ~ eddie munson ⭐ starry night ~ steve harrington* (part five) ⭐ at the hip ~ steve harrington` ⭐ triple date ~ steve harrington (part six) ⭐ the freak ~ steve harrington (part seven) ⭐ oblivious ~ eddie munson ⭐ jason doesn’t know ~ eddie munson ⭐ this is music ~ eddie munson` ⭐
SUPERNATURAL strange human feelings ~ castiel` cleaning ~ dean winchester`
HANNIBAL into fiction` sob story ~ hannibal lecter
THE BOYS obsession ~ billy butcher* ⭐ herogasm ~ soldier boy* ⭐ alone on christmas ~ billy butcher can’t get too close ~ billy butcher ⭐ change in a heartbeat ~ billy butcher ⭐ the bad room ~ homelander ⭐
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY life father ~ diego hargreeves` rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves’ ⭐
THE LAST OF US (HBO) friendly neighbors ~ joel miller ⭐ too sweet ~ joel miller
BARRY attraction ~ barry berkman` treat him better ~ barry berkman
AMERICAN HORROR STORY late night sins ~ xavier plympton (1984)*`
VICTORIOUS lost dog ~ tori vega` junker ~ beck oliver
HEMLOCK GROVE i don’t ever wanna see you with him ~ roman godfrey ⭐
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES roses are red ~ damon salvatore` ⭐
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH captive ~ blackbeard/ed teach ⭐
PEAKY BLINDERS moved on ~ thomas shelby
FUTURE MAN winner ~ josh futturman* ⭐
GAME OF THRONES littlest lion ~ oberyn martell (part one) ⭐ freedom ~ oberyn martell (part two) ⭐
THE WITCHER destiny ~ geralt of rivia
DOCTOR WHO looks of a princess ~ eleventh doctor ⭐
BRIDGERTON by the lake ~ benedict bridgerton
THE GENTLEMEN the assistant ~ raymond smith ⭐
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN spirit of nature ~ jack sparrow`
THE MAZE RUNNER i’ll keep you safe ~ newt`
MARVEL how things are now ~ marc spector and steven grant` ⭐ kneel ~ loki* the most wonderful time ~ bucky barnes fast ~ pietro maximoff ⭐
1917 early morning ~ will schofield*`
THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT happy birthday ~ javi gutierrez ⭐
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S i need someone older ~ william afton ⭐ the ice cream girl ~ mike schmidt
SALTBURN new toy ~ felix catton ⭐ partners ~ oliver quick ⭐
THE SANTA CLAUSE santa’s sister-in-law ~ bernard the elf
8 MILE one of the guys ~ jimmy smith jr ⭐
THE FALL GUY the space cowboy and the pa ~ tom ryder
A QUIET PLACE i’d find you in any life ~ eric ⭐
GLADIATOR II betrothed ~ emperor geta ⭐
PETE DAVIDSON your gift` favoritism`
HARRY STYLES the perfect tree a star in the making` sleepy head`
MACHINE GUN KELLY baby mama` ⭐ my queen*` getting your attention*` all the mistakes` not what it looks like` can’t keep doing this*`
EMINEM may the best artist win*` too close for comfort` ⭐ when it’s wrong but it feels right` in the dressing room*` he’s acting different` we have to stop meeting like this` every inch*` let’s surprise the world` i’m sorry i let you down`
GOODGUYFITZ wake up call*`
CORPSE HUSBAND letting go` they forgot` ⭐
ASHTON IRWIN home life` cover me*`
CONAN GRAY pushing`
MATTHEW LILLARD accidental drunk confessions`
JOHNNY KNOXVILLE feeling good*`
ALEX TURNER more than a song*` ⭐
BO BURNHAM can’t handle this right now ⭐ look at me*`
KRISTEN STEWART special customer`
TARON EGERTON he already has my approval ⭐
ROBERT PATTINSON my favorite superhero
GERARD WAY good girl*`
GWILYM LEE history repeats itself`
RYAN GOSLING play date`
JOSEPH QUINN bad idea, right? ⭐
RANBOO fluffy haired gamer boy`
JACOB ELORDI height advantage`
MOTLEY CRUE she is mine ~ mick mars`
CHRIS EVANS not used to normal` ⭐
SWAGGERSOULS our next step`
JSCHLATT too far ⭐ the hotel room* ⭐
JOHNNY DEPP just for us`
TRAVIS BARKER the parent trap`
family reunion ~ hermione granger x draco malfoy`
showing pedro pascal fan edits ⭐ sitting on jschlatt’s lap ⭐
rook (jp capellette)*` eddie munson* ⭐ billy butcher* ⭐
1K notes · View notes
jinx-on-mars-19xx · 5 months
Tumblr media
Nothing Less Than True Romance
🩸 Previous Parts Here 🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, nervous boys, smut heavy chapter, past abuse, teasing, Dom's thicc ass, Dom's pretty uncut alpha cock, desperate boys, d/s undertones, Kells being a dom, Kells being a mouthy top, directions, hand jobs, blow jobs, talks about anal, talks about triggers, choking (with a cock), cunnilingus, masterbation, accidentally saying the wrong thing, crying, hormones, Dom being a caring alpha, Kells being a sneaky omega, accidental sex(?), body worship, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: explicit
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
The closer the Alpha was to Colson's cock the faster his heart sped. They had fucked in the midst of a rough heat and rubbed off on each other like horny teens but this? This was on purpose, no question about it. The moment his Alpha touched him there he had to admit what he was. A needy omega who liked men. Well… one man. And fuck he was a pretty one.
“You cringing at the fhought of me? Ain't touched ya yet.” Dom teased as he settled on his stomach between his lover's legs. He could feel the apprehension, the man was obviously nervous but he understood. Col had been through hell too and they could be careful. They could take it slow.
“No. Shut the fuck up. I was cringing at the thought of your damn shoes on my bed. Plus, you've never done this. You might think you're supposed to use teeth or some shit.”
“You ain't?” Dom teased back, his crimson eyes wide with faux innocence. The color and scent of his desire in the room slightly ruined that picture.
“Dumbass.” Kells huffed but his partner surprised a laugh out of him when he turned to look over his shoulder.
“Don't look dumb.” The Alpha hummed, wiggling his hips till the ass in question bounced.
“Dummy thicc maybe.” The omega sighed under his breath and wondered for a moment what that ass would feel like wrapped around his dick. How against Alpha's was his, he wondered. Would Dom allow something like that? “You ever play with yourself?” He asked before he could help it. He knew the boy was mostly virginal but there was a chance… Besides, it gave him a moment to panic to himself. There was nothing wrong with being with a man but he had left over self hatred from his dad.
Dominic paused and tilted his head, he wasn't sure what his mate was asking. “Like…” He trailed off, moving one hand in a vulgar motion.
The hand signal was so close to Colson's cock he swore he could feel the fist around him and he had to swallow hard as he shook his head. “N-no. Your ass.”
“Oh. Um-” Without thinking Dom curled his palm around Col’s cock, as if he did it all the time. As if it wasn't some huge step between them. As if Kells wasn't battling internal homophobia. Or was it a form of misogyny? The omega jumped and bit his lip. He knew the bastard did that on purpose, he could feel his lover’s pride whether at his own sneakiness or Col’s reaction he wasn't sure. “I ‘ave a few times yeah. Jus' to see. Why?” His palm squeezed softly and he practiced a stroke. He was trying to act nonchalant but saliva was pooling on his tongue and he knew he was leaking a puddle of precum on the bed. His mate was going to be so upset.
Col could be honest or he could play a game. They had already crossed the starting line and he couldn't look away. It seemed obscene but he knew it was only the first step. “Was picturing my dick in your ass.” He didn't mean to be so blunt but he never had been good at faking demure. He'd acted as an Alpha so long it was part of him now.
“Oh. Yeah?” Dom's voice was breathy. He didn't know that was something either of them might want.
“‘Is dick?” The boy teased as he inched closer, flicking his tongue over the crown.
Colson's hands scrambled to find purchase in the sheets and he squeezed them to keep from bucking up. “Yeah. Would you want it?”
“Long as it's you and ‘is dick.” It was weirdly intimate and romantic and Col would have smiled if the freak didn't strike. Those plush lips sealed around his tip and his sharp tongue teased all it could reach. It was messy as soon as he started, spit dripping down his shaft. Dom was eager though and thorough as fuck. Beginner's luck he was sure.
“Mmm fuck- yeah. Just like that- look at you.” Kells had forgotten to warn his boy of one very specific thing- he was a mouthy bitch. The only reason he hadn't gone off when they had sex was that he'd been so gone from his heat but there was something about having someone blow him. About watching someone choke on his cock. “Good boy. Little more? Deeper? You can take it.” He rasped and was surprised when Dom didn't just obey but fucking moaned for him.
Dom was so fucked. He never had the chance to find out what he liked in bed so everything was a new experience between them. He knew deep down it was probably childhood trauma but hearing someone praise him was a rapture. He twirled his tongue around the edge of his mate's crown and sucked as much as he could. His knot was already pulsing where his cock rest against the bed and his hips were rolling in small sharp thrusts.
“You look so p-pretty like this. Good mmm- good boy. More. Just like that. Can I- fuck-” Kells couldn't finish his sentence so he tested the waters with a gentle push. When his Alpha choked and whined through his nose he couldn't help but groan.
Dom didn't know how to say yes, he couldn't seem to make himself pull off. Instead he rolled his gaze up to meet the other's and tried one small nod. When Colson just watched him he huffed softly and patted his hair before letting his mouth go slack. He might have been mostly virginal but he wasn't daft- normally- and he was desperate to let his omega to fuck his face.
Kells cursed under his breath and thanked whatever part of the universe blessed him with such a weird ass Alpha. As his fingers tangled in the boy's messy hair he caught his psycho bitch wink. “Ya know I was almost scared I'd miss pussy with you. But look at that fucking mouth. Already a slut. Taste good don't it?” He asked as he wrapped his long legs around Dom's chest.
The first thrust was careful and the Alpha rolled his eyes, but something warm and safe was happening in his mind. He could trust the man underneath him and he wanted his mate to feel comfortable with him too. Somewhere deep inside his mind he wanted to be used. It felt akin to when he finally let go and let his urges win. He was surrendering to Col's needs completely and it felt like the other side of the coin to his darker edge. He could be used for destruction and that's all he was used to but he could also play fuck doll to his mate and help the man through his fears.
Dom was too up in his head but with every tug of his hair he was sinking deeper and losing his train of thought. What the fuck was happening? What magic did Kells have over him? Slick smeared against his chest and the scent was intoxicating, he felt baptized anew in his mate's need. Colson's mouth never stopped and it almost made it Alpha blush. He'd never felt so complimented and debased. “Perfect fucking mouth. Shit- gonna- yeah, just like that. Hold your breath?” He barely warned before Dominic was choking on his dick. He didn't ask and he didn't retreat when the boy turned pink.
Col was in heaven, his nerves were washed away on a rush of wanttakeneed. Dom's throat was spasming, his body fighting for air, but the fucker trusted Kells so completely he knew he could let him pass out and he'd be thanked for the deed. It felt like too much power for one man, the thought of a leashed Yungblud, but the omega's favorite thing was control of a deadly weapon and power to do whatever the fuck he wished. For just a moment he wondered how he got so damn lucky but that too drifted away as he watched plush lips nearly kiss his inked skin. “Almost. Al- fucking hell- such a good bitch.”
Dom preened internally as his head went dizzy but he kept his lips tightly sealed. He hadn't meant to let the other man finish so soon but he knew the telltale signs. The taste of precum coated his tongue and the weight in his mouth was twitching. His own cock was throbbing so hard that he thought he might pass out but for the moment everything felt secondary. His fight or flight said he could die but the Alpha in him purred happily. His head tingled where his hair was pulled but pride welled in his chest when his lips met skin. “Fuck- oh god look at you- fucking-” Something must have worried his omega because Colson's voice went thready and he started to try and pull out. Dom tried to growl and press closer and his throat swallowed hard. “Fuck!”
Kells tried to be nice, he felt frantic as pleasure zinged up his spine but crimson eyes met his and he felt a chill at what he saw. It was Dom but… not. Somehow it didn't frighten him and instead just pushed him closer to that edge. When the bastard refused to move he couldn't help what happened next.
When white heat choked the Alpha his mate finally pulled him off. The last few drops landed on his tongue and he savored his lover's flavor as he panted for breath and grinned like the Cheshire cat down at his fucked out lover. As he waited for Col to regain his ability to speak he couldn't help but be drawn to the soft wet place between those long spread legs. The scent was so intense it felt like it was all he could breath or taste. It was thick on his tongue like he'd already licked and he wondered if now his mate might allow…
Colson jumped at the feeling of hot breath over his slippery wet folds and he felt himself clench tight around nothing. He didn't slam his legs closed but it was a near thing, if letting Dom blow him was a big step this was a jump over the damn grand canyon. “Fuck are you-” He stopped himself from being mean, this was exactly what the boy was supposed to do. He wasn't even doing anything yet, just breathing Col in. Fucking weirdo. He could almost see himself falling in love with him. Shit.
“You smell like sex.” Dom growled, his voice rough and scratchy and dripping desire. It made the omega's breath catch in his chest. He did that damage to the killer.
“Duh.” He huffed simply, his mind barely online. The bastard had just blown his mind, wasn't he supposed to find his own release? Was Dom ever selfish? He couldn't be the only demanding one, it might make him spoiled. Or worse... Make him think he needed to be nice.
“I'd like to taste you.” The Alpha tried to purr. It was a simple request that felt monumental.
“You just did.” Kells knew he was being a dick, his lover was being patient and calm and it bothered something in the older man. Maybe if he just fucking took but no, he was forcing Col to give consent at every turn. “What do you want?”
The question reminded Dom of their first time. He'd held the man down and demanded he give him explicit permission. If his mate wanted to play that game… “To taste ya cunt while I play wiv me’self. Wanna put me tongue inside you as deep as I can and preferably make you squirt on me face.”
The Alpha held such strong eye contact through his whole spiel that by the time he was done and licking his pillow lips of any remnant of cum and his own blood, all Kells could say was- “Oh.” He couldn't answer aloud, his heart was racing and the bastard was choking him right back with his own speeding pulse stuck in his throat. What he could do was grip the pillow next to him and hold it against his chest but Dom took that too and tossed it aside.
“Fuck tha’. I wanna ‘ear you scream.”
“Cocky fuck.”
Dom just smirked and swiped his fingers through the mess of slick on his chest before he flicked his tongue obscenely around them to prove his point. Maybe he had a reason to be cocky. “Is there anything on you not weirdly perfectly sized for porn?”
Dom snorted a laugh and choked on his own digits but the human moment soothed a little of the raging nerves in Colson's chest. “Look in a mirror luv.”
Kells shrugged but he couldn't snark back as his Alpha started to move in again. Their eyes locked as his breath hit wet skin and when the omega didn't move to stop him again he let himself relax. With the first taste he knew nothing could ever compare. He had no idea what he was doing but he let himself take it slow and explore. The tip of his tongue traced blushed quivering wet skin from the omega's ass to his balls. Occasionally he let himself slip between and circle his hole but mostly he was just learning the shape of his mate and what made him whimper. It wasn't long before the man's legs were trembling and threatening to close around his head.
Where Col had been a mouthy bitch about his cock this felt different. He didn't know what he liked and he couldn't direct the boy anywhere. His inner walls spasmed every time Dom teased, his tongue nearly dipping inside over and over. The omega had never even played with himself besides the night he met the younger man and he didn't think that counted. Of course he liked his g-spot touched, that felt like a given, but Dom just wouldn't go inside. He shook when the boy sealed his lips against his hole and sucked before the fucker pulled back and spit pink tinged slick into his palm. Kells watched with round eyes as Dom wiggled his hand under himself and when that tell tale sticky wet sound hit his ears he knew he turned pink.
The Alpha groaned and pulled back enough to speak. Everything felt overwhelming and he knew he wouldn't last long but he needed to check in. The difference in his mate was too stark. “Wha’ you need?”
“I don't know.” Col whispered honestly. “It feels-” He flushed hotter but he couldn't finish the compliment. “Deeper?”
Dominic nodded and fought his deep aching need to shove his cock where it belonged. He wouldn't be like that, they had to learn each other first, but fuck it was hard to battle instincts. “Can I go inside?”
“With what?” The fear was immediate but he trusted Dom. It was a knee jerk reaction he knew they could overcome.
“Me tongue. Tha's all. Or you could touch ya’self?” Somehow his pride wasn't wounded that he might not make his lover scream. He knew they had time to find out what drove each other wild. This was about so much more than that. This was about making his mate feel loved- something Dom had never tried to do before. He'd never built trust in that way or cared to connect. So much was so new to them both.
The butterflies in Colson's stomach threatened to make him sick but the need rushing through him was stronger. He could see his own desire dripping down the Alpha's face. He wasn't ready to touch himself again, that felt too close to admitting what he was which admitted what grew between them- literally- but he could admit something he wanted. “Show me your dick. Sit back.”
Dom's brow arched but of course he obeyed. He settled back on his ankles and inched closer as Kells spread his legs. They both froze for a moment when the shiny pink tip of Dom's cock brushed his folds. It was an accident but they both felt wetter at the touch. “Fuck m’sorry.” The boy muttered but Col could tell it was just as torturous for the younger man as it was for him to keep their puzzle pieces from slotting together. Shit, why were they being careful?
“Why aren't we fucking again? It's not like I can get more-” He stopped himself short and grit his teeth but he knew the fucker read between the lines by the smile on his face. “Would you just shut the fuck up and put something inside me before I make you?” He felt the mistake as he said it and his heart dropped but his lover just shook his head as if to say it was okay. He caught the slight fall of a smile though and it made his heart ache. Here Dom was trying so hard to be careful of his limits and he just bulldozed over his. Fuck.
Dominic wondered if everyone had to be so careful, if all sex was a journey of learning each other. He didn't think so, he was pretty sure they were just a special matching set of mental issues but he wouldn't let it mess anything up between them. When he caught the shine of tears in his omega's eyes he let go of his cock and moved to crawl over him. For just a moment he didn't even notice how close they were again. He was too concerned about Col’s emotional state. Could he start blaming hormones yet or was it all on him? He supposed either way it was his fault. “‘Ey, you okay. Did I do summat wrong?” His voice was soft and rasped but Colson just scoffed.
“Did you? Fuck you. You have to tell me when I push it. We literally just talked about this shit. I'm sorry.” Kells sniffled but the pretty bastard just grinned. It was like he wasn't used to anyone caring. Maybe he wasn't. Fuck.
“We good. You can make me do whatever you want. Use me. I trust you.” At Dom's soft words Colson gasped, those three little words were almost worse than the others. Didn't he just prove he couldn't be trusted to censor himself? “‘Ey, stop tha’. Can feel ya brain. Be nice.” He huffed, pressing a still bloody and slick wet kiss to Col’s lips. Another. His cum covered tongue swiped across the seam of his lips and the next noises between them were soft whimpers.
Kells pulled the younger man flush against him and when he felt his lover's cock ghost his folds again his hips bucked up to chase him. They were both so wet they slipped against each other but Dom was still trying to hold himself back. Col threw his leg around the boy’s waist and tried grinding his core against the ridge of his Alpha's knot. As their tongues met and their breathing sped he kept inching closer to what they both so obviously needed.
“I were trying to wait.” Dom panted and Colson answered by biting his lower lip and sucking it between his own. “I- we shouldn't. Not yet.” His voice was as broken as he felt. The feel of Col’s hot wet cunt was too much. The omega made it to the tip of his dick, his hole catching and waiting there. It was torture. It was too much. It wasn't like the sociopath was good at self control.
“Are you waiting for me or for you?” Colson's voice was trembling as much as his body and his desire burned in his belly like fire. The look of need Dom gave him was a beautiful sight but he felt the man struggling against himself.
Dominic took a loud breath, something more akin to a groan. “Boff. You.” He admitted, he was having trouble remembering why though.
“And if I need more?”
“Fucking ‘ell-” The words were choked out as the Alpha released the last of his self control and their bodies moved fast in tandem. Dom bucked up and Colson thrust down and their shared breath sounded almost like a shout.
Kells didn't berate his shaking mate for his size or anything else. For once he couldn't find anything to complain about. The stretch was intense and overwhelming but somehow still felt exactly where they belonged. Dom’s arms wrapped tight around him as their sweat wet bodies slid against each other in a sticky loud mess. There wasn't an inch between them and Dom barely pulled out before rocking back in.
It felt slow and desperate, their holds tight and bodies weak for each other. It wasn't a push-pull but they met in the middle and their gazes never left the other except to blink away sweat. They couldn't kiss anymore, they could barely breathe. They just held on and swayed together as their pleasure built closer to release.
Every catch of Dom's crown against his spot had Colson nearly breaking, there was a knot of heat in his belly pulling tight and putting pressure where he wasn't used to it yet. The Alpha was going to get what he wanted but it wouldn't be on his face. “I'm-” He tried to speak but he couldn't and thankfully his mate seemed to understand.
“Please?” Dom was so close it ached but he wanted to watch his lover's pleasure and it was as if Kells had been waiting for just that word. His golden eyes went wide and his lips parted on a gasp. His body trembled in the Alpha's hold as he came for the man just as he asked. He could feel his own need rushing through his veins but he tried to keep his forming knot from slipping inside as Col gushed for him and made the slide so fucking smooth.
“P-please?” The omega pleaded right back, his leg tightening behind Dom's back.
“But the b-” He didn't get to finish his worry before his mate was grinding them tight. They shared a breathy moan as their bodies locked together and Dom’s cock jerked hard as he filled his lover's womb somehow fuller.
“Shut the fuck up.” Col teased, trying to kiss his boy into submission. It wasn't like they could separate without damage.
“Pushy bastard.”
“You love it.”
And even though it confused everything inside the sociopath, he knew his mate was correct. He didn't just love it, he loved Colson. He loved his mate. He wisely kept the revelation to himself, they both liked his knot too much to risk the man trying to pull away. “Eh. Maybe.” He teased instead and they shared a strangely gentle kiss for two normally rough men.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
So I'm not sure this is up to my usual standards but I'm pretty sick today so I hope it's okay. I love them being needy and gentle though. I honestly thought they would just play but Kells was insistent they do more 🤭 I hope you enjoyed it! 💣🖤
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buckyscrystalqueen · 5 months
Meant To Be: Part 12
Pairings: Past Machine Gun Kelly x Reader, Opie x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2,348
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11
The rest of your pregnancy flew by in the blink of an eye. Between taking care of Gage, working odd jobs, spending time with Opie, and the religious visits from a very sober Colson, time just slipped away from you. Before you knew it, you were scheduling your c-section for Zoey Rose to join the world. 
“You look ridiculous.” You giggled as you looked over at Colson when he joined you in the delivery room. The tattooed father of your children simply shrugged as he adjusted the mask on his face. 
“I fucking feel it, too.” He laughed as he took the seat beside your head to wait for his daughter to be born. He met your eyes and sighed with a small shake of his head. “Thank you.”
“Letting me be here for this.” He replied as he reached out to take your hand before catching himself and putting his hand back in his lap. “Not asking Lurch to be here…”
“She’s your daughter, Colson.” You breathed as the doctor let you know he was starting. “Not his.”
“I know.” He said as he leaned around the drape to look at what was going on. “But you still could have asked him to be here instead of me. He is your boyfriend after all.”
“And that still doesn’t change the fact that you are her father.” You replied as you searched his eyes. “No matter what is going on between us, we are still her parents. Thats what the custody agreement says. And her DNA and all that shit.”
“I know.” He sighed as he looked back around the drape, cringing the slightest bit at what he saw. “Still… thank you.” You nodded your head and looked up at the ceiling with a small sigh.
“You guys ready to meet your daughter?” The doctor asked, making Colson stand up from his spot so he could see better. “Here she is.” Your breath caught in your lungs as you waited for that first cry, and when Zoey finally released her first noise, tears welled in your eyes. You looked over at Colson as he was handed your daughter and a smile stretched across your face.
“Holy fuck.” He gasped as his heart expanded to fit all the love he felt for his second born. “Holy shit, look at you! You’re beautiful.”
“Lemmie see.” You choked as you watched them. He nodded his head and sat back down so that he could show you your child’s sweet face, but you shook your head. “No, put her on my chest, Colson. Let me see.”
“She’s perfect.” He whispered as he laid her across your chest as carefully as he could. He kept his hand on her side, afraid to even look away as you gently brushed your fingertips across the top of her head. The two of you basked in her adorableness for a long moment as she cried her little heart out before the nurse had to take her. The moment she was out of your sight, Colson shook his head frantically.
“Don’t take them.” He begged as he sat back down on the stool and grabbed your hand. “Please. I’m literally begging you, (Y/N). Don’t take my kids to North Carolina. Please, I’ll do anything…”
“I’ll pay your rent and all your bills.” He pleaded as he gripped your hand tight and searched your eyes. “I’ll stop calling your boyfriend Lurch. I’ll get completely sober and never touch another drug again. I’ll literally do anything you want me to do just please, please stay here with them. I can’t…”
“OK.” You interrupted as you squeezed his hand as tightly as you could. “OK, just breathe. I…”
“Please.” He begged again as he reached out to cup your jaw in his hand. “Please.” With a small shake of your head, you looked at his tense posture and searched his eyes as you pulled your face out of his palm.
“I’ll think about it and talk to Opie.” You sighed. He nodded his head and wiped a tear off his face, which made your heart break for him.
“OK.” He agreed with a nod as he put a bit of physical distance between the two of you. “Thats all I’m asking.” With a nod of agreement, you looked back up at the ceiling with your mind reeling at his request. 
“She is beautiful.” Opie said as he sat in the recliner seat in your hospital room the next morning, holding Zoey in his arms with a smile on his face. You nodded in agreement with a small smile on your face as he glanced up at you. His brow furrowed and he tilted his head to the side the slightest bit. “Whats wrong?”
“Colson dropped a bomb in the delivery room.” You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair. You covered your face with your hands and swore softly before carefully turning on the bed to face your boyfriend. “He’s willing to pay our rent and all our bills for the foreseeable future, to get sober, even to even stop calling you Lurch if we agree to not move to North Carolina with the kids.” He groaned and sat back in his chair while shaking his head.
“Opie, they’re his kids.” You breathed as you twisted your hands in your lap and looked down at your tattooed skin. “I get where he is coming from…”
“Babe, so do I.” He interrupted, making you look up at him. “I get it. Look, I know we live together but I am not the father of Gage and Zoey. That’s his title and always will be. I can completely understand where he is coming from not wanting his children to move half way across the country. But you have sole physical custody of these babies. You do. So it is up to you on what you want to do…”
“No, it’s true.” He interrupted gently as he got up and came over to sit with you on the hospital bed so he could put his arm around you. “We both hate L.A.. That’s no secret. But the father of your kids is here. We both have jobs here and friends here. Sure your family is there, but your kids’ family is here. So I get why you would want to stay for their sake, especially after everything Colson has done to be a present father the last few months.” You nodded at at him with tears in your eyes and he smirked and shook his head. “Baby girl, to be completely honest, I knew two months ago that we weren’t moving home. I could see it in your eyes when you stopped looking for houses for us to rent or buy back home. And I’m OK with that. Truly, I am.”
“I don’t know what to do!” You cried as a few tears slipped from your eyes. He smiled and rubbed your back with a small nod.
“Yea you do, baby. That’s the thing. You’ve known what you wanted to do for a while now, you just didn’t want to see it yourself yet. You just feel bad because you told your family you were coming back and now you’re not. Like I said, I get it. You want your kids to have their father in their lives more than what the custody agreement says because he has been in their life in a positive way. You still love him enough that you don’t want to break his heart and take them away. That’s OK. I’m not upset…”
“You’re not?” You sniffled as you searched his eyes for a hint of a lie.
“No, baby girl. I’m not.” He chuckled as he glanced down at Zoey in his arms before looking back at you. “(Y/N), I love you. And I know you love me, too. There isn’t a doubt in my mind about that. But you still love the father of your children. Not in the same capacity, but you do love him. And you don’t want to break his heart by moving across the country with his kids. I get it. I am here for you either way, same as I always have been and always will be.”
“I know.” He said as he pulled you into his side and kissed the top of your head. “I know.”
“You’re too good for me.” You whispered as you put your hand on his knee and gave it a little squeeze.
“I’m not good enough.” He whispered back against your hair before reaching between you to tilt your face up so he could kiss you properly. 
“You really knew we weren’t going to move two months ago?” You asked against his lips as you opened your eyes to search his. He smirked and nodded his head.
“I know you, baby girl.”
“And you’re OK with staying here?”
“I’m OK with it.” He said as he pulled away to look back at whoever was knocking at the door. “This is our home, like it or not. Come in!” 
“Hey.” Colson said softly as he stepped into the room, sheepishly. “I… um… well I brought breakfast and I thought…”
“Just get in here.” You laughed as you wiped the tears off your cheeks and carefully maneuvered back into bed. “Ooo bagels. Gimme!” Your ex handed you the bag before carefully taking Zoey from Opie, who quietly left the room to give you a minute with your ex. You started spreading smear on a toasted bagel and glanced up with a sigh. “We’re gunna stay.”
“What?!” Colson gasped as he whipped around to look at you with wide, tear filled eyes. “For real?”
“For real.” You said as you rested your wrist on your hospital table.
“Thank fuck.” He sighed as he sank down on the bed near your knees and let his tears spill over. “Thank you. I swear, I’ll…”
“You…” You interrupted as you glanced down at your daughter. “Just need to be a father to your kids. That’s all. You don’t have to pay my rent or whatever, just keep being there for your kids. Preferably sober.”
“I will.” He sniffled as you took a bite of your bagel and sat back against the bed. “I fucking swear it.”
“So you’re not moving back to North Carolina now.” Your dad asked as he sat in your living room, helping Gage hold his baby sister in his lap. You sheepishly shook your head and searched what you could see of his eyes. 
“Are you mad?”
“Not mad.” He said with a shake of his head as he looked up at you. “Not particularly happy, but not mad at all.”
“Their father is here.” You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair and curled up in your spot on the couch. “And I just…”
“I get it.” He said with a nod as he looked back down at his grand babies with love in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He said quickly as he shook his head and looked back up at you. “As a parent, I get it. It’s the whole reason Anne and I didn’t move closer to her parents when we got married. Because I needed to be close to my kids. You are realizing that your kids need to be close to their father. It’s no different. It’s also very grown up of you.”
“That feels like a trap.” You huffed, which made him smile. 
“Parenting is a trap, sweetheart.” He chuckled as he quickly took Zoey from Gage, who wanted to go play with his toys again before a nap. “As is co-parenting.”
“Yea well, I knew that.” You giggled as Tabby came over after finishing the lunch dishes.
“You’re not getting back together, right?” She asked as she sat down beside you sideways on the couch.
“Not a fucking chance in hell.”
“Well then I think it’s admirable.” She sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair with a smile. “You’re being the bigger person.”
“What are you gunna do about work then?” Ross asked as he sat back in his spot and got comfortable.
“Well… I have a couple minor guest spots on TV shows and a music video lined up after my Criminal Minds episode aired. And I think Dolce and Gabbana wants me to walk their runway in the spring. So I have a couple things. I’m also thinking about doing… other things to supplement.”
“What’s that mean?” Your dad asked, which made you blush.
“Porn, daddy.” Tabby answered for you. “She means porn.”
“Not porn!” You hissed as you whacked her leg while your dad cleared his throat and blushed hard. “It’s like modeling for Penthouse…”
“So porn.” Your sister repeated with a smirk, which made you scowl. 
“Modeling tastefully nude.” You hissed with a glance over at your son to make sure he wasn’t listening. “For the Suicide Girls and Penthouse. Not porn.”
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N)…” Your dad scolded, which made you blush this time.
“It’s a job that I’m good at.” You sighed as you looked at your dad, while your sister smirked gleefully at your side. “And one I like doing. I like modeling, dad.”
“And you have to do it… naked?!” He whispered the last word, which made you and your sister both laugh.
“I’m done having this conversation with you old man.” You laughed as Opie came in through the garage after work. Your dad muttered ‘thank God’ under his breath as you smiled up at your significant other. “How was the shoot?”
“Good. What are you two laughing at?”
“(Y/N)’s love of modeling naked.” Tabby said at the same time, which made you turn to whack her leg again.
“Awkward.” Opie chuckled as he kissed your forehead on his way around the couch to put his camera bag down in its spot on the built in bookshelf behind his desk.
“Very awkward.” Your dad agreed with a nod of his head. 
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dean-a-mean-tae · 9 months
✧*̥˚Home*̥˚✧ | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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Home is a collab consisting of X Ambassadors, Bebe Rexha, Machine Gun Kelly, and LIAM of Stray Kids. It was officially released in November 2019 in Bright: The Album.
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☾ Home is a song from the movie Bright. The song was released a month after the song Bad Things was released.
☾ Many people have pointed out different moments between Nicholas and MGK during the video. It seems the pair have stayed close after their song Bad Things was released.
☾ A few commenters wonder why Nicholas is allowed such freedom this early in his music career, from posting vulgar songs to being a part of a Movie's album.
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X Ambassadors & LIAM (Openings | Originally X Ambassadors & Bebe Rexha)
Home A place where I can go To take this off my shoulders Someone take me home Home A place where I can go To take this off my shoulders Someone take me home (Let's go) (Someone take me)
LIAM (Part of the Chorus | Originally MGK)
Now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares? How did I lose it when I was right there? Now I'm so far that it feels like it's all gone to pieces Tell me why the world never fights fair I'm trying to find
X Ambassadors & LIAM & Bebe Rexha (Chorus | Originally X Ambassadors & Bebe Rexha)
Home A place where I can go To take this off my shoulders Someone take me home Home A place where I can go To take this off my shoulders Someone take me home (It's been a long time coming) Someone take me
Home, ho-o-o-o-me Home, home Someone take me Home, ho-o-o-o-me Home, home
LIAM (Originally MGK)
Look, I've been through so much pain and it's hard to maintain Any smile on my face, 'cause there's madness on my brain So I gotta make it back, but my home ain't on the map Gotta follow what I'm feeling to discover where it's at
MGK & LIAM (Originally MGK)
I need the (memories) In case this fate's forever Just to be sure these last days are better And if I have any (enemies) Then give me the strength To look the devil in the face and make it home safe
LIAM (Part of the Chorus | Originally MGK)
Now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares? How did I lose it when I was right there? Now I'm so far that it feels like it's all gone to pieces Tell me why the world never fights fair I'm trying to find
Bebe Rexha & LIAM (Originally X Ambassadors & Bebe Rexha)
I found no cure for the loneliness I found no cure for the sickness Nothing here feels like home Crowded streets, but I'm all alone I found no cure for the loneliness I found no cure for the sickness Nothing here feels like home Crowded streets, but I'm all alone
X Ambassadors & LIAM & Bebe Rexha (Originally X Ambassadors & Bebe Rexha)
Someone take me home, ho-o-o-o-me (Take me home) home (take me home), home Someone take me home (baby, I need it, somebody, somebody), ho-o-o-o-me (Ain't no place like home) home (take me home), home Someone take me
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Nicholas Ross Master List
Tags List: Tags list: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin, @foxilsdenn, @rensahazard, @mynameisnotlaura, You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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lingy910y · 1 year
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DAY 1 OF GALLAVICH WEEK 2023: PLAYLIST @gallavichthings I Think I'm OKAY // Machine Gun Kelly, YUNGBLUD & Travis Barker x I Really Wish I Hated You // Blink-182
Something's fucking wrong with me I'm better when I'm broken
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