#machi's idea
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ryoalouette · 2 years ago
Machi's #10 DP x DC idea
Someone called on the Fenton's and now Danny is hiding from the CPS. He hides in the GZ and is only find out when he goes back home bc he missed Jazz.
Time goes differently on the realms, Danny has spent years in the GZ but only a couple days have passed on Earth. Unfortunately, after so long in the GZ Danny has gotten used to speaking by emotions and not by words so he barely talks. Until they can solve the situation with the Fenton's it is decided Danny should go to a house that is used to deal with this kind of behavior.
Cue to Danny being sent with the batfam.
He arrives late at night and Bruce decides that it will be better for Danny to meet the children in the morning (especially since some are on patrol rn) Danny is offered a room in the family wing but he rushes to Cass' room.
Cass immediately wakes up and pokes at Danny. Real? She asks and Danny nods.
Cass baby core sings in pure Bliss bc now they have a big ghost that they can talk to (Jason doesn't count bc Jason is corrupted) Cass slaps Danny on pure instinct and Danny smiles and chases after her. They both run and play in the room while having a silent conversation but when Bruce puts a step on the room they freeze and hide.
He tells them that he doesn't want to interrupt their games but it is time to sleep. They agree so they grab all the blankets and pillows they can find in the room, build a nest in the middle of the bed and hide inside.
From then on they have this bubble around them, Cass is more comfortable and relaxed with Danny than with anybody else and the same goes for Danny. They are always cuddling and touching each other and having quiet conversations. Thanks to this, Cass' powers show up and Danny doesn't officially join the Bats but he always seems to know when Cass is in danger and goes to her rescue every time, even if she is in another country.
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turtledotjpeg · 1 year ago
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happy valentine's dayyyyyyy 💕
i just wanted to draw a bunch of characters with this aesthetic lol using the clothes from here as inspiration!
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silverhypnos · 12 days ago
AU where Shalnark got really into trash TV as a guilty pleasure and constantly pesters his friends to give it a shot.
Friend's reaction
Uvo - Finds it boring unless someone starts beating the shit out of someone. Overall man would rather touch grass than watch TV.
Chrollo - Does not judge Shalnark for his interesting tastes, but mostly finds trash TV as not his cup of tea. People may be interesting, but it's too overtly dramatized.
Machi - Thinks it's stupid, barely gives it a try. Doesn't hide her opinion.
Shizuku - Doesn't pay much attention to it, forgets the plot each episode.
Nobunaga - Thinks it's stupid but he sort of enjoys it. At least, when he's watching it with other friends so they can mock the stupidity of it in person.
Bono - Similar to Chrollo, but he does voice his opinions but he's polite about it.
Kortopi - Doesn't really enjoy it, but doesn't care enough to shit talk about it.
Pakunoda - Views it more of a background noise. She doesn't hate it, but she's not that interested in it.
Feitan - Thinks it stupid but sometimes the chaos of it is weirdly entertaining. Will continue to complain how it's stupid tho.
Phinks - Secretly finds it entertaining but is ashamed of it. Will talk about how it's "so stupid" but he wants to watch another episode.
Franklin - Does think it's dumb but in a good way. Views it for what it is, something to turn your brain off.
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spidersinyourshoes · 5 months ago
MORE FISH HATS (except there’s no fish involved this time)
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machines-art-shenanigans · 2 years ago
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Here are all my works for @McT421's Whiteboard Collab (mainly on Twitter and on the Crowsx3 Discord Server)
The characters respectively: 3rd Swimming Pool (ft. Edwin), Narrator, Stanley, Timekeeper, Mariella, the Demo Mug and the Adventure Line(tm)!!
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seeminglyseph · 8 months ago
it's so funny to me... looking at video reactions and content about the anime of Erased and realize how many people felt like... idk. cuckolded? by the fact that Kayo did not end up with Satoru in the end, but with Hiromi, the boy who also would have died if the timeline had not been reset.
and like. some of my amusement comes from like... my own ignorance in not realizing that would be a reaction. because like. Obviously. We've been in Satoru's shoes this entire journey and it felt like, especially in the anime, Kayo and Satoru were having these big meaningful moments. like. how could that not be a romance? even though Satoru repeatedly is like 'I am 30, I'm not catching feelings in this situation, what am I doing?'
which I took as like. "Oh, he's inhabiting his little 8 year-old body and also has not had social connection in a long time and is just... having emotions. and Satoru's story is about learning to care and feel again. because adult Satoru had shut down so much due to the trauma of both losing so much in his youth and having the adults around him cope by basically refusing to deal with it and shutting it down. Returning to his childhood before the trauma is reawakening his ability to connect, trust and feel again. Which is something adult Satoru is as confused and unfamiliar with as child Satoru would be with a crush so it reads very similar."
but I also like. ran out of episodes at episode 9, then read the manga, then got like... really really invested in what the story had to say about trauma and the cycles of abuse and silence and well meaning cruelty and convenient victims and patterns of violence and community scapegoats and justice and how people act to preserve face and the justice system and like... the anime picked one thing in the manga to focus on and it was Kayo. and it did that thing like... really really masterfully. it made Kayo's story so heartrending that people forgot almost entirely about everything else. but like. the manga is about like... multiple other subjects of which Kayo features predominantly but like. The character that Satoru is freaking out about having been killed in his flashbacks in the manga is Hiromi, because Hiromi was his friend. It doesn't change the fact that Kayo is very impactful, but the story doesn't revolve entirely around her. So the fact that Hiromi and Kayo found love instead of death, but many anime viewers seem to forget entirely that Hiromi is also a would-be murder victim, is because so much of the non-Kayo story is just... not present or altered.
And even stuff with Kayo because like. She came back after being taken to her grandmother and helped them with the investigation and protection of Aya, the other potential murder victim that goes to a different school.
Honestly sometimes I feel like even people who talk about the anime ending being bad vs the manga ending, miss the parts of the manga that the anime changes. The anime is very excellent for what it is as a stand alone piece, however since it had adapted so much out of the manga to make itself a stand alone piece it didn't give itself an ending that matched what it had created. The anime had devoted itself entirely to the Kayo aspects of the story because they evoked such strong emotions, but the ending... isn't about Kayo. because in the manga, the story wasn't about Kayo. the thing that seems kind of funny to me is, they were stuck with 2 episodes to wrap up a fat chunk of the manga. They were always gonna have to do an anime original ending. They *could* have just gone balls to the wall and gone completely original and played into the fact that they'd been focusing on Kayo the whole time. Not necessarily "waits for him the whole time" but something that puts more focus on her to give more emotional catharsis to the audience. Instead it went with the option no one was happy with and did a limp noodle fast adaptation of the last chunk of the manga with no character development or deduction or planting from the rest of the anime because half the scenes that made any of it make sense got cut.
And now everyone remembers Erased as that great anime with a terrible ending. which sucks because the manga honestly really has a lot to say about a lot of topics. And the anime is artistic and beautiful as hell. but like. the fact that so much of the message is fully not like... either adapted or perceived by audiences or like. Ignored. feels like a sign of something kind of frustrating...
Or I am overthinking big time. That's. I guess a possibility. It might not be that deep, but I think it is. there just might be a level of clumsiness in its execution sometimes, but I think the themes and messages are still there...
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 1 year ago
As Fruba fan, are you team Yuki/Kakeru or Yuki/Machi? Why?
I'm a multishipper at heart so I never feel the need to choose uwu (multishippers, we stay winning). But to be honest, Kakeru and Yuki's relationship feels more brotherly to me. Sorry YuKakeYu shippers, I personally don't see it but I can see why y'all do. Considering the canonical bi/pan characters we have like Ayame and Hatsuharu, I don't find it out of the realm of possibility to see Yuki as pan or demi (which I personally do).
Bro connects with who he connects with, gender and sexual orientation have little to do with it.
But if we're talking about who I ship Yuki with above all else? There is a character I firmly believe Yuki would have ended up romantically with if things in the story were different and Kakeru and Machi don't come close at all to being that other person.
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It's Kyo.
I am deadass serious when I say it is Kyo.
This is not some toxic yaoi shipping bullshit, I have evidence to back up my claims!
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No one will ever be able to convince me that Yuki's first crush wasn't Kyo. Yuki was literally smitten with Kyo and his hair upon their first meeting, the pink on his cheeks wasn't just coming from the snow. This is a hill I will 100% die on. It was Kyo but then Kyo's hostility and the complications with Akito and the entire zodiac curse got in the way of that.
Hell, I don't even really have to imagine what that relationship would have likely been like either because by extension of Hajime and Mutsuki, we get to see that.
Their sons who are literally so close that it is a joke-that-isn't-really-a-joke at the family functions that if they're even left alone together for one second, they'll start hanging all over one another. Their sons who, narratively, are supposed to represent what their fathers' relationship could have been if there had been no curse or any other sort of negative influence tainting it.
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And with the very clear romantic overtones of Hajime and Mutsuki's relationship, I think it is subsequently clear where Yuki and Kyo's relationship would have headed if that night they met as kids went differently. Or had someone decided to intervene and get the two of them on more amicable terms as children.
Hajime and Mutsuki have adored each other since they were children, spent most of their time together which they continue doing in the present and they balance each other out by supplementing for each other what the other lacks. And, of course, their chemistry is extremely good.
Whatever happened in the past, we're just us, but… maybe it's really special for our dads to see you and me standing side by side like this. ��� Mutsuki, Yuki's son to Hajime
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(Like, they literally spend Valentine's Day together when they could easily just spend that day apart. I know they live together but they don't need to be that damn close to partake in the romance holiday goodies.)
And to me, Kyo and Yuki have some great chemistry not only when they're arguing with one another (which I say it's great chemistry because of the envy they feel towards one another, how they only see what is good in the other rather than the flaws. Ex, Yuki's great at everything in Kyo's mind while Yuki desires Kyo's ability to easily connect with people despite his social awkwardness) but during the moments they aren't at each other's throats as well.
Admittedly it could just be my multishipper goggles, but there are 2 main character relationships/dynamics in Fruits Basket where I think 'if you didn't end up with A, you definitely would have ended up with B'. One is more subtle, the other is extremely obvious (I just think some people will be mad at me if I say it lmao, y'all can boo me all you want though I'm right!!!!).
YuKyo is one of those ships for me and it's the more subtle of the two.
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Like it is there but it doesn't become obvious until you get to Furuba Another and get introduced to their sons. So I really don't think it is much of a stretch to say that had things been different, we would have seen Kyo and Yuki have an entirely different relationship.
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"Adoration turned into envy"??? Yuki, my lad, you couldn't be more obvious that your crush on Kyo became something bitter.
Yuki wanted Kyo to like him, a fact he admits to Kakeru when we dive more into his past. There's a part of him that still wants Kyo to like him and have some sort of positive relationship with each other. And by the end of the main series, there's peace with one another. An acceptance that their relationship may never get to the 'what it could have been' but they have each other's back regardless.
Which I think is lovely. So even with my love of the canon ships we got, YuKyo is one of my favorite Fruits Basket ships that live rent-free in my head.
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rakkiankh · 2 years ago
So in the Erased manga, Satoru fashions a taser out of a disposable camera, almost uses it in one scene, and then gets rid of it. I get that he gets rid of it because it represents his willingness to not go too far in his pursuit of justice, BUT the guy also kinda knows a serial killer is running around town and he does, in fact, have a tiny little child body? You would think having a fucking taser would be real helpful at some point
What I'm saying is Satoru should have kept the taser and then tazed the shit out of the killer during that one car scene. Absolutely should have gone ham, especially before they got to the middle of bumfuck nowhere so other cars would of been around.
Would this have crashed the car? Most definitely. But personally, if I had to choose between the chance of maybe getting in a fatal accident with a serial killer where there are at least people there to witness if he tries shit and almost definitely being killed to death alone in a coldass river (ignoring the whole willpower infused coma thing) I'd rather take option number one.
Also the look on the killers face after he does his whole dramatic reveal and "happiest memory" thing just to be shocked the shit out of by a small child armed with a disposable camera would of just been funny
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drop--pop--candy · 4 months ago
bounces off the walls. odore orchestra save me
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sammywolfgirl · 3 months ago
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Some time skip designs! Mostly Machi Tobaye because I’m kinda in love with the direction here.
Outfit needs work but I wanna have it be a mix of rock and classical styles. He’s still a musician, though probably branched out from traditional piano pieces since he’s mentoring under Klavier Gavin.
Playing with the idea he’s like in some neo-Gaveners or is continuing the existing one idk depends on if Klavier is still an active musician (I feel like he has the ‘I’ll quit when I’m dead’ attitude to music so who knows)
Don’t ask me how his hair works I don’t know I just like how it looks.
Aaaand we got and Adult Poppy and a teen version because I’m trying to play with shapes
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rosiemissfandomchaos · 20 days ago
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my main favorite utauloids as personal anecdotes
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ryoalouette · 2 years ago
Machi's #9 DP x DC idea
Damian has a ghost core bc so much exposure to Lazarus pits so he stabbing is his way of trying to make friends by fighting. The batfam only realizes this when at a gala Damian stabs Danny and he gives a too many too sharp teeth smile and throws Damian over the table. After the fight they find Damian on Danny's shoulders, laughing.
Me: does that mean that Damian is desperately wanting to make friends with a certain Drake? X"D I tot Tim is his least favorite Batfam member
Machi: Damian is frustrated bc Tim never responded as he expected (aka playing fight)
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planet4546b · 4 months ago
like the thing is that i only ever saw like 'wholesome' etc fan production about the wrights so its very strange for me to be midway into aa4 and for the entire game to be about performance, illusion, stage presence, and lying, and for trucy to be so clearly someone who is very often acting and for apollo himself to be outright like 'i think the very sweet father daughter relationship between trucy and phoenix Is An Act' and to be sitting here tapping my chin like hmmmmm. ok something is going on here
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machines-art-shenanigans · 2 years ago
Me when Jester
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Jester loml my beloved mwah
Belongs to: @shinakazami1
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riceballmari · 9 months ago
ever since i saw the "what if machi lived in the tent instead of tohru" fic idea under another what-if fic, i haven't gotten the idea out of my head. i miiiiight write something about it, but idk if i'm cut out for writing long-ass multi-chapter fics, especially ones above 6 chapters.
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garochetarkinslicersimlish · 7 months ago
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