#marin rambles
drop--pop--candy · 1 month
any regular ao3 author is more of a tortured poet than t swift is send post
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hiimarin · 17 days
okay wait someone please indulge me in akitoya jailbreak au
like the...
akitoya bffs since childhood, having a shared dream to escape the fucked up world they live in
Akito used to be super into this dream and was convinced they'd achieve it together. Meanwhile, Toya simply believed in that dream bcs Akito did—
Over time Akito stops clinging onto such "childish" dreams and joins the police faction that's against such escapist ideals—meanwhile Toya still hangs on and builds the plane from their shared childhood dream bcs he wants Akito to rerealize that dream with him
and then it leads to a chase where Akito is essentially "blinded" by the ideals society has imprinted on him, while Toya keeps challenging him and trying to push him to see their dream again
It all leads up to Toya getting into that godforsaken plane, where it takes him dying for Akito to realize there was always hope and that if he never left, they could've made it together and and—
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cloudcountry · 6 months
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some of the very sweet (and funny) bits of dialogue i got after marrying shane
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Hot take, I really don’t think we should assign human morals onto animals and call them bad or evil. Fishblr has internalised this idea really well with sharks, and I think that’s good! Sharks don’t deserve all the fearmongering they suffer from in media. But… can we please remember to extend this to other animals too? Even to intelligent animals like dolphins (most commonly bottlenose dolphins) and orcas. It seems to be a counter to pop culture’s tendency to show dolphins as complete angels when they partake in some messed up things, but like…. Dolphins are still animals? They may be able to recognize themselves in mirrors and they may have language and culture and know how to use tools but their intelligence is still on the level of a human child (and how empathetic are those!!??). I see people talk about how evil dolphins are but I never see people talking about other animals the same way, like, why aren’t sea otters and their “evilness” the topic of discussion? :/
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violetsandshrikes · 9 months
A 26-year-old Kiwi is being fingered as the culprit behind the killing of Sydney’s most beloved fish.
Divers and locals alike have been left distraught after the decades-old protected blue groper was speared by a fisherman in front of beachgoers inside a marine reserve.
Kind of embarrassing, but this actually made me tear up a little. The fact that the community was so excited over a fish, something that doesn’t usually fall into the category of “charismatic species” that the public cares about, and it was so well-loved and had a name, and then died in such a sad manner?
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catherinerabbit · 1 year
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mitta-likes-moths · 2 years
fuck being human I wanna be a bioluminescent cephalopod >:(
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nonebinary-leftbeef · 2 years
This is a siphonophore appreciation post like and reblog to appreciate siphonophores
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ridragon · 2 months
i want to breathe underwater and resist the oceans pressure, i want to get lost in the infinite nothingness, the calm, the hundreds of miles below and above me, alone and unafraid, drifting wherever, swimming across a vast emptiness, going down as it gets darker and darker, and getting to see the stranger and stranger creatures, colder and colder. the comforting numbness, the thousands of tons of pressure, the mother ocean surrounds me, i am full of water and the water is full of me and i am ali e in the infinity
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candy8448 · 2 months
Okay so many times ive seen Legend who doesnt tell anyone the tune for ballad of the windfish cuz its his dark secret
But hear me out
Legend/LA Link who goes around everywhere new to sing the song because that is what Marin had wanted
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drop--pop--candy · 2 months
moodboard for when a friend says they love u
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hiimarin · 14 days
new akitoya au idea ... mayhaps perhaps ...
white day inspired !!
There once was a dragon who claimed a human boy as its own, saving his life. From then onwards, he was loyal to that dragon, an unwavering fear of it and confidence in its protection.
He became a prince when he was returned to the humans, all seemingly flocking to him for protection. For he was the beloved of the divine, who wouldn't want to stay near?
As he grew older and gained more duties, the rumors grew. Why was he always left unscathed despite all tragedies that happened around him? Why was it always him that got to get away free?
Unrest grew in the kingdom.
Yet the now human prince always had one loyal friend, his own personal knight. With him until the end. The one who would never betray him. He loved his knight. He cherished him with all his heart.
So on that fatal day, when he was hunted down and harmed. The dragon was enraged at its beloved human possession being harmed and vowed to decimate all in the kingdom with no discrimination.
The prince pleaded with the dragon, but its mind was already set. Humans are fickle. They worship and tear down those they place upon pedestals. They didn't kill him now, but who's to say they wouldn't try again in the future? Who's to say they wouldn't succeed? The dragon would not risk it.
At the very least, when the dragon came. The prince was devastated to find his knight trying to fight it. To save the people of the kingdom. His unwavering fear of the dragon now hinders him, consuming him, and he fights his own knight. If the knight did not die by his hand, then it would be to the blazes of the dragon. And for some reason, deep down, the prince hated that idea.
He knew he could not convince the knight with words to back down. To beg him to stand to the side to stay with him. There was nothing he could say to change his mind. To change his heart.
And the prince was bound to win. Under the protection of his dragon, whose claws wrapped around his heart and kept him imprisoned.
So, he kills his knight. With tears in his eyes and an extremely heavy heart. Then he watches the kingdom that was supposed to be his home burn down.
But he does not care.
For the only one who made it feel like a home was gone now. Died to his own two hands.
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dougielombax · 1 year
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TERFs can fucking die and go to hell mad about it!
Fuck them!
It’s not their future!
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cerasus--flores · 2 months
i have many thoughts of varying purity about webtoon dkos but there's one thing about him on a character design level that really stands out to me
the defining traits of the demon king are his horns and his wings. there's the claws and eyes and the recent pointy ear addition but they're negligible, the two traits he always has are his horns and his wings, and on his og design they're just sorta... there.
on the webtoon? his wings and horns are massive. the horns are the lenght of his face and the wings could fit people inside them. they're really large proportionally, cause dokja's body is still its regular size, and that's because of what they mean.
those traits are the identifying visual markers of the 73rd demon king and the demon king of salvation, which are both roles that are "larger than life". too big for a mere incarnation or a simple human. and right now kdj is just an incarnation! a human still! it's the whole point of it all.
his demonic attributes are too big on him because he's still too human. he's still too small; he's not enough of a threat, not inhumane enough to fit into his wings. so even though he has horns and claws and wings he's still tiny. he's still dressed in purity white. he's still asking to be killed. and he could grow into his wings, he can become that grand demon king, that grand constellation.
he just needs to let his human self die first.
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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I can't stop thinking about the Lower Decks 2x5 episode, where mariner and boimler find a bar in which kirk and spock used to hang out and drink,
and how the new snw crossover episode would be even more chaotic if they met both of them in live action.
but even without that i feel there's some things that boimler managed to put into their heads that not everything is as it should be, yet..
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(cough, some break ups and new relationships maybe? yes this is about spirk)
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jeanmoreaux · 11 months
not aftg trending on tumblr in 2023 honestly if the only thing tsc ever does is bring back the 2016 litblr vibes for a hot second i am okay with that
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