#mac n cheese incident
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dumbassdep · 3 months ago
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Rye picnic watery mac n cheese you will always be famous to me. 💙
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scopop08 · 11 months ago
I would love to take bets on which hermit had to pull X aside after the Three Hermits One Hole episode and be like
"Man. You cannot do this. You have to change it"
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krispyweiss · 8 months ago
Song Review: Jake Shimabukuro and Mick Fleetwood - “Rollin’ N Tumblin’”
Ol’ Muddy Waters would likely be “Rollin’ and Tumblin’” in his grave if he could hear what Jake Shimabukuro and Mick Fleetwood did with his song.
Swapping an “N” for and, wiping away the lyrics and making the track sound like an excerpt from a deep-trance String Cheese Incident jam, electric ukulelist Shimabukuro and drummer Fleetwood, who should know better, do not have their mojo workin’ on this one, which is little more than high-intensity white noise.
There’s reportedly a full album’s worth of this stuff coming. If “Rollin’ N Tumblin’” is any indication, there’s no point in pre-ordering.
Grade card: Jake Shimabukuro and Mick Fleetwood - “Rollin’ N Tumblin’” - F
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causenessus · 8 months ago
love notes. | suna r.
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she's always looking for new art. he's sending her pictures of romantic street art he finds in cities on away games. they say if you fall in love with an artist, you'll be in their art forever. she's the inspiration behind the love notes he's leaving on walls and sending her pictures of as if he's just stumbled upon them. he's the one she's thinking about everytime she's behind a camera.
suna x f! reader
COMPLETED haikyuu smau
taglist: CLOSED
playlists: 1 ( made by me </3 ) | 2 ( @eggyrocks's SUPERIOR playlist )
warnings & notes: language, alcohol/drinking, lots of written parts probably, extreme extreme pining, boths sides are in denial about how the other party feels about them, college timeskip, msby is a college volleyball team bc i said so and the team is slightly altered, timestamps don't matter, hurt & comfort having to do with family issues, comfort comes from found family <3, suna is a loverboy, miscommunication, friends to lovers, everyone's probably ooc. you can blame the horrors of my past relationships and zodiac sign. i know very little about photography and graffiti but i'm trying my best
THE EXHIBITS: coffee enthusiasts | ride or die bros for life
table of contents: (💌 for any chapters with written content <3)
part one: i know a guy (💌) part two: backstabbing bitch part three: rinnie poo (💌) part four: the "i'm disappointed" card part five: fire extinguisher man part six: rowdy teenagers (💌) part seven: there's life in these walls (💌) part eight: if you're willing to listen (💌) part nine: for as long as you'll have me (💌) part ten: connected the dots part eleven: would you light a building on fire for her? part twelve: support small businesses day part thirteen: big spoon deity part fourteen: one step forward, two steps back (💌) part fifteen: middle school boys locker room core part sixteen: remember in the morning (💌) part seventeen: sorry omi / the incident (💌) part eighteen: making mac and cheese at two in the morning? (💌) part nineteen: unspoken confessions (💌) part twenty: epilogue (💌)
moodboards: love notes, suna, y/n, suna & y/n
extras: kenma photography refs, suna & y/n sending each other tiktoks hc
thank you for reading love notes <3
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months ago
Wolf!Natasha x Reader
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In one universe, your mate was the doe hybrid Wanda Maximoff. In this other universe, your animal-human hybrid mate was your best friend.
Natasha Romanoff. Your wolf pal and fellow co-owner of the Westview Animal Hybrids Sanctuary.
She was your best friend, you started the sanctuary after serving in the armed forces together. The sanctuary’s staff was made of your former teammates including Natasha and her sister Yelena.
Honestly, you had to ask yourself how you hadn’t fallen for her sooner. She had your back and you had hers. You’d laugh at each other’s hidden jokes. Yelena would occasionally give you and her sideways glances.
Natasha felt her feelings stir for you. Every time you smiled in her direction, she could feel her tail begin to wag. Her ears would fall happily a little every time she heard your footsteps.
One such incident happened as you were helping to move supplies into the new Westview Sanctuary complex.
She heard your footsteps. Her tail wagged happily, her ears dropped, and then she saw you hauling boxes in. The light catching your arms just right. Natasha found her heart racing. And then your eyes met hers. Your mouth formed into a gentle smile.
“Hey Natasha” you said with a smile.
“H-hey you” she tried to form a sentence
“Can you—“
“Yeah?” Her tail starred wagging furiously
“Can you get the door for me? I just need to move these things into your office”
“Oh right”
It was driving her nuts. She was head over heels in love with her best friend. It felt so amazing and yet so forbidden at the same time. The mere thought of you was driving her crazy.
Little did your wolf pal realize you were having the same thoughts and the same dilemma. The only difference was you put your frustrations into working out with Yelena.
“You practically wear your heart on sleeve, (Y/N)” the blonde haired wolf snickers at you.
“What are you talking about, Lena?” You give her a slight angry yet confused look
“Oh do not play dumb with me,” she shakes her head, “you and Nattie are totally into each other”
“Me and Natasha?” You try to hide the growing blush on your face. “She’s my best friend, closer to a sister”
“I’m her sister, she does not look at me the way she does at you”
“You’re crazy”
“No you are (Y/N). I’ve only seen Natasha happy around you.” Yelena replies. “You both work so hard for the Sanctuary to run, you deserve to be happy together”
“Thanks Lena,” you sigh, “you’re actually really insightful”
“Thanks. But touch my mac and cheese again and I will kill you” she flashes her claws at you playfully.
Yelena walks out of the gym as Natasha walks in. “go get your chew toy, Fifi” the blonde wolf tells her red headed sister.
“What?” Natasha asks.
She walks up to you, a gentle smile on her face and an enticing swish to her tail.
Natasha picks up a pair of boxing gloves and tosses another pair to you. “You look confused, Chief,” she says with a smile.
“Had a lot on my brain, Nat,” you shrug, “how are the other hybrids adjusting?”
“We got several choosing or calling dibs on rooms,” she replies.
“And you?”
“I’m partial to the little cave out in the courtyard. I’m gonna put in a flat screen, a couch, a kitchenette and a foosball table”
“Foosball? You know I would kick your butt at that!”
“Or you might be too busy staring at it” she mutters
“What?!” She blushes. “L-let’s go a round. You and me right now!”
“You’re on, wolf pal of mine!” You jump into the boxing ring and Natasha joins you
By the end of the round, you were pinned to the mat and Natasha was straddling you.
“I win” she purrs
“No contest” you respond. The two of you just look at each other. Her reddish brown wolf tail swishes as she looks at you adoringly.
You were left all sweaty and Natasha noticed, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation. How badly she just wanted to bend further down and kiss you right then and there.
“G-Good job” she tries to say but every part of her brain was on the fritz. “I’m gonna…go…for a run”
Natasha ran off to the sanctuary running track. You were only left with your thoughts.
This line of work you entered with your two best friends was difficult, prone to more bouts of heartache and pain. But if you were going to share that life with anyone, you wanted it to be with her. Her smile, her sense of humor, the way she always knew what to say. You loved her more than anything in the world.
You ran out after her. “Natasha!” You shouted, “wait up!!” She, due to her wolf like agility, was already running laps around the track.
Her mind was racing. It wasn’t right. You were her best friend; you were full human, she was a hybrid. She had a past involving the Red Room. You only dealt with the Red Room on raids. She was—
“Natasha!” Your voice broke through her rampant thoughts.
“H-Hey (Y/N), what’s up?” She said as she came to a halt
“Well besides my best wolf friend running out on me, not much,” you shrug. “Nat I need to tell you something”
“And I need to tell you something too” her eyes show a bit of worry.
You and her found yourselves trying to formulate what to tell each other. And then it all came out as a combined word salad: “I’m in love with you…wait!…what?!…you love me??”
Natasha found herself blushing and her tail wagging furiously, “f-for how long?”
“As long as I can remember. And you?”
“Military training. Day one.” She answers with a giggle. “But I’m a hybrid. A wolf hybrid. I-I’m not sure what the rules are about this”
“You’re still human.” You shrug, “besides we’re best friends and we love each other. What more does anyone need to know?”
“Could you really love me? I mean with my past and…”
You kiss her cheek, “I can and I do”
Natasha’s eyes water up with joyful tears, “oh malysh”
She launches into your arms, hugging you tightly. Natasha pulls back, giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush. You gently take her face in your hands.
“I love you Natasha Romanoff. You’re my best friend. My love. My everything.”
“You’re my everything,” she whispers as she closes the distance between her lips and yours.
Her tail wags happily, she wraps her legs around your waist and the sudden shift in balance causes you to fall to the soft grass lawn.
You share a little laugh with your best friend and someday very soon, mate.
“Get a room…or a cave” Yelena laughs from the track although inside she was cheering for you and Natasha.
It was a long road ahead for you and Natasha. A road full of tears and laughter. A road of fear and courage. Honestly, you were looking forward to walk down that road, hand in hand with the wolf girl of your dreams.
Loving her just came so naturally.
Tags @supercorpdanbeau @lifespectator @ma1egamer @russianredassassin @revanshand @iiconicsfan25 @deafeningsharkslimeempath @jacenradio7 @aloneodi @ab1nsur @iamnicodemus @pinklawyerwinnerzonk
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kneecapsbelong2me · 3 months ago
Marvel Women x Diabetic!Reader HCs:
When your blood sugar is low
Characters: Kate Bishop, Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers
A/N: this can be read as platonic or romantic! Also, world diabetes day was last week, but here we are.
Kate Bishop:
Before you met, the food scene at Kate’s apartment was dismal
The only things she ever really kept on hand were boxed Mac and cheese, microwave popcorn, and chocolate bars
Now, (in addition to real food and snacks you can eat more regularly) Kate’s apartment is filled with all of your favorite carb-filled, high glycemic index snacks and drinks
When you go low, she’s immediately offering you everything under the sun
If your favorites are from abroad, she WILL order them, shipping costs be damned
If you’re having a super mild hypo, she’ll pop downstairs and grab you a slice of pizza
Kate Bishop is a bit of a hoverer
Constantly checking in to make sure your sugar levels aren’t going down further
She HATES waiting 15 minutes to see if you’re back above 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L)
Lowkey more anxious about it than you sometimes
“Are you sure you’re not going to collapse?”
“Kate, I’m only at 68, and I had a snack. I’m fine.”
“That is not fine!”
Natasha Romanoff:
Natasha is super observant (obviously, she’s a spy)
Seems to know you’re going low before you do
Will tell you to check your blood sugar because she’s noticing you look a little shaky and out of it
Other times will rummage through your bag and hand you a pack of gummies just as you’re about to tell her you feel low
She keeps little hard candies/gels hidden in the most random places for you
Once you were out and she pulled a candy from a pocket in her shirt you didn’t realize was there
Will never force you to do anything, but will give you her hardest stare if you don’t immediately treat your low (especially if you wear a continuous glucose monitor [cgm])
“I don’t even feel shaky, and you know this thing sometimes shows false lows,”
“I can tell you’re about to go low. Here, drink this.”
“Where were you hiding a juice pouch?!”
“I have a lot of things hidden on my body,”
Maria Hill:
When she found out you were diabetic, Maria did a whole bunch of research, including on the signs of hypoglycemia and how to treat it
She has your lows down to a science
If you have a cgm, she definitely has the app on her phone so it tells her when you’re going low
If the cgm says you’re low, but you don’t feel the symptoms, she makes you check with the finger stick
Has things portioned so each serving has exactly 15 grams of carbs
Makes sure you eat a more substantial snack with protein in it once you’re back in range
Keeps a journal of the dates/times you go low and how effectively different treatments work for you
“I think you should start having an afternoon snack. I’ve noticed you have the most hypoglycemic incidents an hour or two before dinner.”
“Hmm, okay. But only if you take a break and have a snack with me.”
“If that’s what it takes, deal.”
Wanda Maximoff:
Wanda is an even bigger worrier than Kate
She’s lost so many people in her life, and she’ll be damned if she lets you die from something she can directly stop
She keeps a closer eye on your blood sugar than you do
Like Maria, if you have a cgm she has the app to track
Wanda makes sure EVERY alarm is turned on and at the highest volume
When you go out, she carries more snacks than you do
If you have glucagon, Wanda keeps a dose with her, even if you also have one on you
The instant she knows you’re low there is a candy in your hand (before you can even access your own stash)
“If that doesn’t do it, I have three juice boxes, two packs of fruit gummies, and about two dozen hard candies in my bag,”
“Geez, Wanda. That sounds heavy. Which one of us is diabetic again?”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay!”
“Sorry, I know. Thank you for caring so much about me.”
“Of course.”
Carol Danvers: 
You go low while on Carol’s ship once, and she gives you juice from an alien planet and it’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever tasted
She finds out how much you like it and goes back to the planet just to buy it for you so she always has some on her ship
Forget a phone app, Carol has low glucose alerts hooked up to all of her tech no matter what technology you use
She somehow managed to get your finger stick connected to her suit and her ship
If she happens to be off-world and she gets an alert about you going low, she stops what she’s doing to text you
But if she’s “close,” no matter where she is on Earth (or near it) when you go low she will use her super speed to get to you, even if you assure her your fine
“Carol, you really didn’t have to leave your meeting with Fury for this. I have my own snacks.”
“I know, but I’m planetside and I have that juice you like.”
“Thanks for always taking care of me.”
“Of course, I’ll always be here when you need me.”
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thriplerex · 8 days ago
Hermit Craft Rising AU: Solomon "Impulse" Vanderbilt
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Art by the amazing @honeybeebuddy!
“It was amazing, that’s why I did it.”
A former criminal defense lawyer moonlighting as a vigilante turned private mercenary for ConCorp Security Consulting with a little too much mental baggage from his days as the former. Solomon underwent voluntary cyborg conversion at a somewhat minimal level during the events of Hermit Craft: Civil War. During the events of Rising, his internal augmentations became more extensive, although outwardly, he remains normal-looking and almost indistinguishable from unaltered humans. Aside from the usual suite of superhuman powers granted by cybernetic enhancements (enhanced speed and agility, senses, strength, durability, endurance, etc.), Solomon can also attack blindingly fast for short periods and can channel short-range electrical arcs over a few meters if given a power source to draw from. These abilities gave him the nickname "Impulse," which subsequently stuck.
Perhaps a little too friendly and easygoing for his own good - although not a passive nor naive individual, as he’s been burned (literally and figuratively) more than once before by his enemies. He tends to get hung up on his past mistakes, especially the "mac-n'-cheese incident." Carries a far nastier alternate persona known as "Eyesore" that re-emerges during the story, although he brings it under control by the time of the Joebraltar Incident.
Age: 38
Hometown: Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
Signature weapon: Initially, a pair of 8-foot collapsible quarterstaves. These are composed of carbon steel, reinforced via ultra-high-frequency resonant vibration modules that counteract the effects of other similar weapons. Later, he trades the quarterstaves out for a diamond sword single teal-colored (anodized niobium-plated) carbon steel blade with improved resonant technology.
Hermit Craft Rising AU Masterpost
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annievrse · 2 years ago
boyfriend!eren headcanons pt. 3 *・。゚
—ᡣ𐭩 headcanons a/n: going insane, so i wrote more bf!eren while in a waiting room. because of this, they are a little more......... unhinged part 1 part 2 part 4
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bf!eren's post-game meal is 3 big macs and 2 mcchickens AND a kids nugget meal (he wants to give you the toy that comes with it because he’s cute) but don’t forget dessert!! he sips his *diet* coke as a palate cleanser and then inhales an apple pie
bf!eren will help old people cross the road/down stairs. he is just that type of guy
bf!eren gets a job coaching a kids' basketball team, and that is a canon event
bf!eren carries your belongings in his sweatpants pockets when you’re out together (e.g. your keys, lipbalm/lipgloss, water bottle etc etc you name it, it’s probably in his pockets)
bf!eren’s phone is very simple—a black iphone 14 with a plain black case, but despite it not even being visible, he keeps a photo of you in the back of his phone (so you’re always with him even when he can’t see you)
bf!eren accompanies you to all your appointments (even if he doesn’t have to) but waits in the waiting room (spoiler: he falls asleep most of the time, kinda embarrassing eren pls wake up)
bf!eren gets you a keychain for your birthday to match his own (i fully 103% believe it would be the lego ones (he would get himself batman, and get you spiderman))
bf!eren leaves his dirty ass bigfoot black vans at your front door (a tripping hazard!!), but it feels so domestic and homey that you can’t bring yourself to scold him for leaving them there
bf!eren watches family guy religiously
when bf!eren gets baby fever, he gets it BAD
but bf!eren cannot be trusted with indoor plants 😐 so (please see part 2 for more evidence (cheez-it incident))
bf!eren buys annie's mac and cheese in bulk (read: he is a manchild who loves cheesy pasta 😋)
bf!eren has an emotional support water bottle (a 1-gallon dark green yeti his mum bought him as a college essential). he does not leave that thing anywhere (carla would castrate him :))
bf!eren owns one (1) pen, so he's constantly stealing yours when he has class and tucks it behind his ear so he doesn't forget to give it back to you (warning he does gnaw on the end like a starved dog)
bf!eren showers twice a day even though i make him sound like he does only once a week :) (and the showers are LONG rip water bill)
bf!eren has a spare charger that is for you only at his apartment <3
bf!eren facetimes you from everywhere (like gross bathroom eren wtf i don't want to hear bathroom sounds, and he just :) but i missed u........)
bf!eren kisses you on the cheeks every chance he gets (big sloppy wet kisses that are so (screaming) so cute and loving and i need him)
bf!eren's hands are rough and warm and dry (not like dry, but like man hand working hands dry you know or am i just talking shit)
bf!eren has his own pillow on your bed that he brought from home
bf!eren has half of his belongings in your room, and yours in his (literally just move in together at this point :/ come on guys)
ok ok bf!eren in those prada sunglasses you know the ones. i know i said in part 2 that he has dad speed sunnies, but those prada ones are so ASDFKJHG
bf!eren makes sure you take your meds (if you have them) every morning/night and calls you if he's not with you to ensure you've taken them (he cares!!!! he's not trying to be overbearing or condescending, i promise)
bf!eren has a nintendo switch so he can play his silly little games when he's waiting for you at your apartment to come home from class (his phone and youtube videos get boring after a while (part 1), and studying is not an option so)
i was in that waiting room for a WHILE ok
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guess-my-next-obsession · 2 years ago
Hey! I love your writing. Could I please request a fluff piece when Iris is till a baby and Joel is on dad duty? Idk just something really fluffy where he just enjoys being a dad and also Sarah helping?
Dad Duty
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pairing: elementary!joel miller x f!reader
rating: F (no outbreak au, talks of diapers and poop because infants are a mess, elementary!joel being the best dad/husband in the world, talks of being drunk/alcohol consumption)
wc: <1k
a/n: sorry for the delayed wait on this, anon! i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless 🫶🏼
series masterlist | joel masterlist
“Are you sure you’ve got everything?” you asked, standing by the front door in a “going out” outfit for the first time since your daughter had been born six months ago. “I can cancel.”
Joel shook his head sternly as he and Sarah sat on the couch, Iris fast asleep in his arms.
“It’s your best friend’s birthday,” he said. “I won’t hear the end of it from her if she suspects you cancelled all because you don’t think I can handle a six-month old.”
“Of course I think you can handle it,” you said, offering him a sweet smile as you grabbed your purse. “I just feel guilty—“
“Baby,” he sighed, tilting his head at you. “Iris ain’t gonna remember you goin’ out one time when she was six months old.”
“I know, but—“
“No buts,” he said. “Get your fine ass out there, and take a couple shots for me while you’re at it.”
“Besides,” Sarah chimed in, pulling your eyes to hers. “I’m here as backup. Go have fun for once.”
Letting out a deep exhale, you nodded, agreeing to bury your guilt over leaving your daughter behind for the first time. “Fine. But if you need me—“
“Baby,” Joel chuckled. “We got it. Go get hammered.”
Walking over to him, you leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. I love you.”
��Love you more,” he said, tilting your chin so that he could steal a quick peck on your lips, careful not to smudge your lipstick. “Go on now before they start honkin’ and wake baby girl up.”
“Alright,” you said, walking over to the door. “Sarah, don’t let your dad try to cook anything. I’d hate to come back to ashes.”
“Already on it.”
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“Sarah!” Joel called from the upstairs nursery, Iris on the changing table in front of him making the biggest and grossest mess he’d ever encountered in his tenure as a father. “We got any more wipes?”
Sarah was already laughing when she walked in, carrying a new pack of wipes in hand before she witnessed the scene in front of her and started to gag.
“I’m never having a kid,” she said, covering her nose with her t-shirt.
“This ain’t the usual,” Joel said, shaking his head as he tried his best to clean up his very wiggly daughter. “Stay still, baby girl. It’s—Jesus, Iris. How’d it get in your hair?”
“I’m not even sure a bath will fix this,” Sarah said, looking disgusted. “I think we have to take her back and get a brand new baby.”
“Your mom would notice,” he said. “Otherwise, ain’t too bad an idea.”
After a thorough cleaning that left Joel scarred, Iris was set down in her activity chair down in the living room, her favorite nonsensical cartoon on while Sarah helped Joel cook some mac and cheese for dinner, her babbles filing the home.
“And to think she thought the house would catch on fire if I tried to cook,” he said, smiling at the thought of you.
“Well, in fairness it has almost happened before,” she said, earning an offended look from her father. “You don’t remember the fork in the microwave incident?”
“Shit,” he cursed, shaking his head. “You’re right. But in my defense, someone left it in my takeout box.”
“Yeah, you.” Joel chuckled, amused by her wit. “But to pad your stats, we can lie and say you made dinner tonight.”
“No, she’d expect me to start cookin’ then,” he said. “I may have pulled a miracle tonight, but my battin’ average ain’t great. Do you want to take the chance of house burnin’ down?”
“Good point.”
“Exactly. You’re takin’ the credit for this work of art.” Joel pointed at the pot of artificial cheese goodness. “How in the world am I hungry after cleaning up Iris’s shi—“
“Dad,” she winced. “I just got the image out of my mind.”
“If I gotta remember it, you do too, baby girl.”
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It was midnight by the time you stumbled in, waving your best friend and her designated driver-slash-husband goodbye as you cracked the front door open before heading inside. To your surprise, Joel was still awake and rocking Iris to sleep in his arms, though judging by the heavy blink of his eyelids, he was barely hanging on.
“Hey baby,” he said with a smile as you stumbled your way over to the couch as quietly and gracefully as you could to sit down beside him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “How was it?”
“I’m drunk,” you confessed, your voice raspy from singing along to the club’s music. “And hungry.”
“Well, lucky for you, Sarah made dinner,” he said, standing up with Iris and setting her down in her rocker before holding his hand out for you. “Come on, you drunkard.”
“How were the girls?” you asked, clasping your hand in his as he guided you to the kitchen table to have a seat while he warmed up tonight’s leftovers.
“A piece of cake,” he said, shooting you a smile from over his shoulder. “Iris had one very messy diaper incident, but besides that, she was an angel. Just like her mom.”
“Hey, I won’t be having any messy diaper incidents for another fifty years or so,” you joked, earning another grin. “You gonna love me when I’m wearing a diaper?”
“Baby, I’m older than you,” he reminded. “If you’re wearin’ a diaper, so am I.”
“Oh, I can’t wait,” you mused with a wide, drunken grin. “You can save your payback for then, have Iris see how it feels.”
“I like the way you think, baby,” he chuckled. “But I love her too much to make her go through what I went through earlier. I think I’m gonna need therapy after that.”
You stood up, finding your way over to him to wrap your arms around his waist and hug his back, too in love with him not to touch him.
“Thank you for tonight. I didn’t know how much I needed it,” you said, humming as Joel’s hand lowered from the pot on the stove to run over your forearm wrapped around his middle. “How about next weekend I watch the girls so you can have a night out?”
“Maybe one of these days we’ll both get to go out,” he chuckled. “Until then, I’m good stayin’ at home with my girls.”
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part5of4podcast · 5 months ago
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Ok so you’re looking for a BL but with a specific flavor, like all you’re seeing at the cookout is potato salad but what you’re craving is some mac ‘n cheese, or maybe some tostones, or maybe a fresh off the grill burger? But the only thing people keep offering you is different styles of potato salad when damnit you asked for a burger! Don't bamboozle us here!
Well, luckily BL is a pretty vast genre, with a lot to offer in terms of substance and variety. If you’re up to expanding what stories you engage in, we’re up to both share and listen! Feel free to share any BL or GL that fall under today's genre highlight from tv shows, to comics, to novels, to film; we love and eat it all up, baby. 
Today’s recs are for all things horror! Happy Halloween send your love to Ghostface, Chuckie and the Babadook. 
Dead Friend Forever 
What is it? 
A Thai horror bl tv show that ran for 12 episodes each at 45mins of length. Available to watch on iQiyi. 
Ok but what IS it?
A show about the horror of friendship that has a literal body count, but you can read the official summary here: 
"Eight school friends take a trip to a vacation house in the mountains. It's supposed to be a last sendoff to a friend who's going to study abroad. The farewell has them revisiting old memories and they discover hints there's a ninth person hidden somewhere in the house. Soon, they're contending with life-threatening incidents and realize this is no ordinary farewell; a dreadful party of disaster awaits them."
What is it? 
A Thai tv show that ran for 14 episodes at 45mins of length. Available to watch on VIU and Gaga.
Ok but what IS it?
Nobody does horror like an oppressive Catholic school OR the full summary below: 
"After his father's cancer diagnosis, Dan transferred to an all-boys boarding school. While navigating a new school, he learns about a mysterious student who disappeared last year, all while dealing with his own Shadow that shows up every night during his dreams..."
The Summer Hikaru Died 
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What is it? 
An on-going seinen horror/slice of life manga series available via Yen Press. 
Ok but what IS it?
Small town boy's bestie dies in a hiking accident and an eldritch being walking by says "hey, neat body sir mind if I steal it?" 
"It has Hikaru’s face. It has Hikaru’s voice. It even has Hikaru’s memories. But whatever came down from the mountains six months ago isn’t Yoshiki’s best friend. Whatever it is, it’s dangerous. Carrying on at school and hanging out as if nothing has changed—as if Hikaru isn’t gone—would be crazy...but when it looks so very like Hikaru...and acts so very like Hikaru..."
After Sundown 
What is it? 
A Thai supernatural horror film running at 1hr and 45mins and not currently legally available online. 
Ok but what IS it?
Know those two dudes from Cutie Pie? Zee and NuNew? Of course you do, well they did a ghost horror movie where they fall in love in between being haunted, good for them. 
"Set in 1961, Saengrawi Raemsawang lived with Luang Lung Janthakorn until he turns twenty-one and is sent to live at Sitthikornkan Castle in Phra Nakhon. The castle is owned by Phraphloeng, currently living abroad. Heading the words of a sage, Phloeng's parents urge him back to Thailand. About to turn twenty-five, a prophecy requires him to soon find his soulmate to secure his safety; they may not be a woman, nor born in Phra Nakhon. Throughout his stay with Phloeng's family, Rawi is plagued by nightmares and haunted by a spirit. When he begins staying close to Phloeng, however, the spirit is quiet. It soon becomes clear that whatever is haunting the house is focused entirely on Rawi."
Kaleidoscope of Death 
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What is it?
A Chinese horror supernatural web novel, 139 chapters in length with 10 bonus chapters, unofficially translated. 
Ok but what IS it?
Do you know how much it would suck to be stuck in a horror video game? 
"It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it.
Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him.
Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor.
At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates.
Thus, the story began.
Ruan Nanzhu said to Lin Qiushi, “When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back.”
Upon hearing this, Lin Qiushi sank into deep contemplation. He then pulled down the zipper of his trousers and aimed at the abyss…
Ruan Nanzhu: “…Put your pants on properly!”
Super shameless, ill, pampered gong X Shameless, calm shou; a combination of double [or extreme] shamelessness."
The Spirealm 
What is it?
A Chinese horror mystery show based on Kaleidoscope of Death, 78 episodes at 20mins of length. Available on iQiyi and VIU. 
Ok but what IS it?
Once again, do you know how much it would suck to be stuck inside a horror video game? 
"Ling Jiu Shi finds himself inexplicably thrust inside a mind-bending reality dictated by an enigmatic Virtual Reality game where he must pass twelve doors to escape. The catch? Each door initiates new mysteries to solve and conditions to abide by."
Goddess Bless You from Death 
What is it?
An upcoming Thai tv show from the same studio that brought you Pit Babe, starring the leads of Pit Babe. No official release date yet. 
Ok but what IS it?
No clue yet, but the vibes are immaculate. 
If you have recommendations drop them below.
You can also listen to our podcast episode on Dead Friend Forever as well! 
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judeswhore · 2 years ago
simple sweetness; jude bellingham
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summary: what are date nights for if not mac n cheese and stuffed giraffes?
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader
warnings: none, just fluff :)
notes: you can find my masterlist here.
"this is good." jude moaned dramatically around a mouthful of mac and cheese, his head tipping back in pleasure, eyes falling shut and the smirk on his lips had your eyes rolling. he was being overly loud on purpose, more than aware of the old couple a few feet away who kept throwing dirty looks your way every few minutes. "like, really good."
"i've had better." the pot was already half empty, pasta still hot because the second jude had found the two of you a table to sit at he'd stuck his fork straight in. he'd taken three large bites before even giving you the chance to dig your own fork in.
"no you haven't."
"your mum's totally outsells this." you took a forkful of pasta and pushed it into your mouth, gaze locked on jude's as his lips tilted into a teasing smile. lifting his thumb he swiped softly at the corner of your lips, wiping the sauce down on his napkin only seconds later. his touch left behind hot tingles and a fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach, had you biting back your own small grin.
"she's not here, you don't have to lie about her cooking, y'know." he hissed when your foot connected with his ankle and furrowed his brows at your narrowed eyes. he jabbed the fork in your direction. "kissing her arse won't make up for what she saw." heat immediately crawled up your cheeks and again your foot connected with jude's leg, a grumble of complaint leaving you as you prodded your fork into the mac and cheese.
"she didn't see anything."
"she so did."
"we weren't doing anything."
"you were practically riding me on the sofa." you threw a glare in his direction, embarrassment still hot and heavy in your chest despite the fact the incident jude was referring to had happened weeks ago. you might have been able to forget about it if he didn't keep bringing it up at every chance he got, always finding it amusing to see you squirm.
"we were kissing, you were the one who couldn't keep your hands to yourself."
"can you blame me when you were shoving your-"
"do not finish that sentence." you shook your head, jude's laugh making the flush rise even further up your neck, your cheeks suddenly extra hot despite the biting cold. you took another bite from the pasta and he leant towards you, pressed an array of soft kisses from your temple to your cheek until your shoulder was lifting to your ear in an attempt to avoid him, your giggles making him grin. "stop it." your whine only had his lips quirking even more but he pulled back, went in for another load of pasta. 
"finish this and we'll go look at the stalls?"
"i wanna do that darts thing that was near the mouse rollercoaster."
"you're shit at darts." jude got the last of the mac and cheese on his fork and instead of eating it, brought it up to your lips with a soft smile, hovered it in front of your mouth until you took the bite. you gave a light hum as a thanks and pushed away from the bench.
"m'not, and this is different anyway, i just have to hit the balloon." you slipped your fingers through his when he followed you up, his arm reaching past you so he could drop the now empty cup and used forks in the bin. he pressed a fleeting kiss to your hairline and then you were making your way through the crowds.
"your aim's shit as well."
"big red balloons, bellingham, they're like impossible to miss."
"and yet i know you're still gonna miss." the huff you let out had him laughing, his head dipping so he could nuzzle his nose into the top of your head. his fingers squeezed lightly around yours, thumb brushed soft over the back of your hand and you swear you felt that small gesture in the deepest part of your chest. "tell you what, if you pop all the balloons i'll give you a tenner."
"a tenner?" craning your neck you narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend, tried not to grin at the way his hat sat crooked on his head. "i've seen your bank account, i know you can give me more than a tenner."
"y'know i never pegged you as a gold digger."
"hmm, you should keep an eye on your wallet."
"i did notice a couple of twenties missing this morning."
"how else do you think i paid for my nails?" you wiggled your free hand in front of his face, fresh acrylics glinting from the multitude of flashing lights and jude rolled his eyes. he reached for your hand and pressed a kiss to your palm. "seriously though, i want a reward if i get all the balloons."
"i'll let you choose what we watch tonight but i'm not paying you."
"you're so tight, y'know that?" a spark of mischief flared to life in his eyes and he kissed the tip of your index finger. eyes on yours, his voice lowered.
"that's usually my line." that earned him an elbow in the ribs and an obviously unamused glare.
"you're such a boy." the balloon stall was a couple of meters away and you grimaced when you spotted the queue, head falling against jude's shoulder. "can't you use your famousness to get us to the front?"
"you're not using me to queue jump."
"i'm starting to think you don't love me enough."
"i'm starting to think you're a brat." he untangled his fingers from yours, pushed you a little faster to join the back of the line, his hands soft against your shoulders. "it'll go down in like five minutes, the wait will give you time to prepare."
"i don't need to prepare." jude only hummed as he settled himself behind you, his arms coming to wrap around your chest and you eased back into him when his chin dropped to rest on top of your head. he was warm and firm against you and the contrasting heat drew a shiver from you.
"a little. i don't know why, i have like three layers on."
"should've worn the hat like i told you."
"the hat wouldn't keep my body warm, idiot."
"y'want mine?"
at your answer he stepped away from you and your brows tugged together at the sudden lack of warmth against your back, an involuntary whine in the back of your throat. before you could ask what he was doing, jude was tugging you back against him and tucking you into his puffer jacket, his arms once again wrapping around you to keep you inside the already warm material. you immediately let yourself relax into him, humming in appreciation when he kissed your temple. "aren't you gonna get cold?" he hadn't zipped the coat up, had just tucked it around the two of you as far as it would go and was holding it secure with his arms. you were sure the wind was blowing under the gaps.
"m'fine, you're actually really warm." arms secured around you jude gently rocked the two of you, his chin propped against the top of your head. he was pressed so tightly against your back you could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest and the comfort of it had you wishing the two of you were back home. even though the market had been your idea for date night, you now wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his bed.
"so if you win-"
"when i win."
"if you win," jude shuffled you forward, careful to keep you both wrapped up. "what do you wanna watch?"
"set it up."
"we literally watched it two days ago."
"you said i could pick."
"yeah something we haven't just watched." he dropped his head to tuck his face into your neck, nose nudging against your jaw. "pick something good."
"what's the point in saying i can pick if you're just gonna say no?"
"i'm only gonna say no if you pick something shit."
"that's not how it works." you squirmed away from his lips when they pressed behind your ear, turning and tilting your head until he looked at you. "when i win we're watching set it up." his eyes narrowed and for a few moments you both stared in silence, a quiet fight between you which you one hundred percent were going to win. despite his protests jude found it difficult ever really saying no to you.
with a huff and a roll of his eyes he broke your gaze. "fine, but you're not gonna win."
"you're about to be so embarrassed, baby."
jude leant against the shelf once the two of you had made it to the front of the line, arms crossed over his chest, that ridiculously cocky smirk plastered across his face. he was watching you closely, his attention making you hot despite your previous complaints of being cold. he lifted his hand to swipe his thumb beneath your eye.
"they're a lot further away than you thought."
"but they're still big and red."
"y'not gonna cry if you miss are you?"
"no because i'm not gonna miss." you batted his hand away from your neck and threw your first dart, grinning and digging your finger into jude's side when the balloon popped. he squirmed, hid his smile while shaking his head.
"beginners luck, you've still got four more to go."
popping the next four was as easy as the first, you might be shit at darts but the balloons really were too big to miss, even for someone as uncoordinated as you. as soon as the last balloon popped you launched yourself at jude, giggling as your arms tightened around his waist, teasing words sitting on the tip of your tongue. he was half glaring at the now popped balloons, his arm coming to wrap around your shoulder, an almost headlock that had your giggles growing louder. you wriggled to tip your head back and meet his gaze.
"i told you i wouldn't miss. ye of so little faith."
"you sure you didn't pay him to pop them for you?" he nudged his head towards the man working the stall who was standing watching the two of you, waiting with raised eyebrows for you to pick your prize. "because you've never had aim that good before." you could only shrug in response, shimmying out from under his arm to clap your hands together and gaze at the rack of teddy's.
"maybe i was just tryna impress you." there was a not so innocent retort in his mouth but before he could say it, the man behind the counter cleared his throat.
"what would you like?" your grin was bright and contagious, soft around the edges in a way that made jude's heart pinch as he slid back up beside you, fingers slotting through yours.
"the pretty boy would like that giraffe please." you pointed to the unnecessarily large stuffed giraffe on the back wall and jude spluttered, his hand tugging at yours. he narrowed his eyes when your smile grew bigger.
"i don't want a giraffe."
"too bad." it was already being passed over to you, the neck knocking against jude's head and tipping his hat askew. he grumbled under his breath, tugged you out of the line and into an empty area beside the stall and when he reappeared behind the giraffe he was shaking his head with a half grin.
"you're ridiculous, y'know that? what're we supposed to do with this?"
"take him home."
"uh huh, i wanna call him terry."
"yeah." you pushed forward, the stuffed animal hanging between your legs and wound your arms around jude's neck. you had to push up onto your tiptoes, one of his hands pressing against the small of your back to keep your steady. fixing his hat you pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "do you wanna take terry home and watch set it up?"
even your kisses couldn't stop him from groaning, his forehead falling to knock against yours, the groan only getting louder at your triumphant smile. you tried to appease him with more kisses, soft ones over his cheeks and chin but he simply frowned, pouted lips going completely unloved.
"babe, c'mon, i'll watch anything else. even those weird skin doctor shows you're always on about."
"nope, you said i could choose and i have. oooh can we order those milkshakes from that corner place near the stadium?"
"i'll get milkshakes if you change your movie option." you were shaking your head, pulling away from him to grip his hand and tug. "i'll get on my knees and beg."
"don't be stupid, hurry up, i wanna see that little crystal stall before we go."
jude was still frowning and unamused when you were tucked into bed, wrapped around his body with his new giraffe at the foot of the bed. you were tucked under his chin, fingers tracing patterns over his skin, set it up humming softly on the tv. the hand on your shoulder left it's spot to instead tug teasingly on your hair, your grumble of complaint finally making him grin.
"i'm choosing what we watch next." you were half asleep already, the steady rise and fall of his chest lulling you into a relaxed state so you could only hum around a nod. "and we're not keeping that stupid giraffe, it keeps staring at me."
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sociopathicartist · 10 months ago
city run-ins
Sans hadn’t really paid much attention to the people around him. The city where he lived with his friends had a large population, so what was the point of paying mind to anyone when there was a good chance he’d never see them again? His brother was happy and he got to see his friends pretty often. That’s what mattered to him, not the people walking past him on the street.
He didn’t pay attention to you when he first met you either. Why would he?
You had bumped into him when you were crossing the street. You both stumbled, and when Sans fell back and hit the ground you worriedly held out your hand for him to grab.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry.” You apologized, waiting for him to accept your help.
Sans took your hand and let you pull him up off the ground. “don’t worry about it. we all have places to be in a hurry, don’t we?”
You watched him as he made sure his jacket and shorts didn’t get nicked during his fall. “I guess so.”
He listened to your nervous laugh before you hurried off the road and went to the sidewalk, almost forgetting about the incident already as he shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jacket and continued on his way.
Sans had pretty much forgotten about you after that. There was nothing remarkable about you- not that he could derive from one short meeting anyway. There was no reason for you to stick in his memory. But when he was standing in the grocery aisle at the store debating what pasta to buy for his brother, he couldn’t help but think you were familiar when you spoke to him.
“The stelline is the best one.” You spoke to him, looking ahead at the pasta just like he was.
Sans looked over at you, squinting slightly when he tried to place his finger on where he met you before. He looked back to the pasta, his pinpricks scanning across the boxes until he found the stelline. The pasta looked like little tiny stars. Papyrus would probably like that, Sans sure did. Who didn’t love stars?
“oh, thanks. i was picking out some for my brother.” He grabbed a few boxes of it and put it into his basket, getting extra just in case his brother messed up a batch or two.
Papyrus’ cooking was improving significantly ever since Mettaton had been helping him cook instead of Undyne. He still flunked here and there with a recipe, but who didn’t? Mistakes are the easiest path to success after all.
You laughed softly for no particular reason. Maybe you had just been in a good mood that day? He probably would have asked you if he knew you better.
“It’s really good in soups, but I personally like to use it for mac n’ cheese.” You grabbed a box and put it in your basket.
He finally realized who you were when you looked down at him, a small smile curved on your lips. You seemed to recognize him too, because your eyes widened once you saw him.
Your voice upped an octave, probably due to nerves. “Oh!”
Sans chuckled, finding your reaction amusing. “hey again. nice to meet you again without running into each other.”
You rubbed your hand on the back of your neck, clearly still feeling guilty about that. “Yeahhh, I guess it is.”
“i’m sans, by the way.” He held out his free hand for you to shake, neatly gloved with a mitten.
Taking his hand and shaking it in a greeting, you introduced yourself back to him. “Y/N.”
Your hands fell to your sides and you gave an awkward look to him. “Well… I guess I’ll run into you later.”
Sans watched you as you turned around and scurried off down the aisle, most likely forgetting whatever you were looking for in that aisle. He didn’t pay much mind to you then, simply just going back to his leisurely shopping.
When he came back home and showed the pasta to Papyrus, his brother was thrilled about the little star shapes. Sans ended up having to put it on their weekly restock list for groceries.
The idea of you didn’t run across his thoughts anymore.
Well… Not until you ran into him again at a coffee shop.
He saw you from behind staring up at the menu, contemplating what to get from the menu. He didn’t recognize you at first, so he had no problem walking up behind you and leaning a bit past your side to tell you the suggestion of what he ordered.
“try the crème brûlée latte. it’s my favorite.” Sans spoke quietly to you, his voice low like it usually was.
You whipped your head to the side to look at the stranger. “Really? Thank y-“
Your voice fell quiet as you both stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, realizing the coincidence that you met again. “Is it… Wait- I’ve got this.”
Sans tilted his skull a bit to the side as you retraced through your thoughts before coming to what you wanted. It was amusing to see you struggle to think over the words.
“Sans, Right?” You asked, a bit hesitant about if you got it right or not.
Sans chuckled, looking off to the side before glancing back at you. “yep. that’s me. y/n, right? i can’t remember very well.”
He wasn’t lying. He didn’t think of you at all other than the two times you ran into each other in the past.
“That’s right! Funny seeing you around again.” You brushed some hair out of your face while you talked to him before looking back at the menu, the barista who was behind the register looking a bit annoyed at the hold-up.
Sans nodded, looking up to the menu as well. “yeah, funny.”
“Two creme brûlée lattes please.” You ordered, paying for it with your card before the barista hurried off to tell you the order.
Huh? Were you ordering a drink for him? You didn’t need to do that.
Sans held up his hands to give a small protest. “you don’t gotta do that.”
You had already paid, so it was no use to protest.
You looked down at him again, giving a small shrug. “It’s no biggie, really. I didn’t know what to order anyways. I’ve ran into you three times now, the least I can do is get you a coffee.”
He sighed, his mind a bit distracted by all the beeping from registers and talking from people going on in the background. “i guess so. thanks.”
You smiled, taking the coffees that were in little to-go cups and handing one to Sans. “Wanna sit?”
So, you both sat down. He felt like it was a bit weird. Back in Snowdin, he didn’t mind introducing himself to anyone new and getting them some food, nobody new usually came to Snowdin so it was always a welcome surprise. In the city however, there were always thousands of people, many faces he’d never recognize. There wasn’t much point in trying to make friends whenever he already had good ones anyways.
But, here he was, sitting at a table with you drinking a coffee that you bought him.
“This is a really good favorite to have. Thanks for suggesting it!” You set your cup down on the table, tracing your pointer finger around the bumps on the plastic lid.
For once, Sans was a bit unsure of what to say, so he went with the best option he knew. “hey, wanna hear a coffee joke?”
Your eyes seemed to light up. “Sure!”
He didn’t have to take much time to think over the joke. “whaddya call a sad cup of coffee?”
“Hmmm…” You looked off to the side while you thought. “I don’t know.”
“a depresso.” Sure, it wasn’t the best joke he’s ever told, but it had the reward of making you laugh.
You set your hands down on your lap, looking across the table at Sans. “Do you have any more jokes?”
That had to be some of the best words Sans has ever heard in his life. Of course he had more jokes, it seemed like he could never tell enough of them.
“why did it take the coffee bean so long to get his homework done?” He asked, his tone with you lighter and a bit more expressive.
“Hmmm, why?”
“it was procaffenating.”
And there your laugh was again. Your lips curved up into a big smile and you looked down at the table when you laughed, your eyes crinkling up in the corners a bit. It was genuine. It was real.
Sans grabbed onto his to-go cup, taking a small sip of it before suddenly vanishing from his seat and then appearing next to the table standing up. It startled you slightly, but you didn’t ask any questions about it and chalked it up to monster magic.
“well, its bean a good time, but i got a latte to do.” Sans rolled the puns out from his voice, looking up at you when you also followed suit to stand.
You brushed off your outfit with your freehand while talking to him. “Me too, I guess I’ll run into you later?”
“i guess you will.”
And with that, you both split ways.
For once, Sans was starting to think about his encounters with you. The small idea of your name would pop into his head when he ordered his coffee at the same place, but he’d just find the encounter a bit funny and then brush it off, not thinking much of it afterwards. It was just a silly encounter, merely accquanticces that he’d wave ‘hello’ to if he saw you in the store or something and then move on with his life.
That’s what he believed until he heard your laughter while he was out at a restaurant with his friends. He didn’t know why, but amongst the several people sitting at tables talking and having a good time, his attention was torn from his friends when he heard your laughter nearby. He took the time to look around the restaurant, observing the tables nearby until he spotted you having a nice dinner with someone. Were they a family member? A friend? They seemed to be making jokes to you, because you laughed at everything they said.
He barely knew you. He had ran into you only three times before and chatted with you a bit during the third encounter, so why did he feel a weird twinge watching you laugh at someone else’s jokes?
You looked around the tables nearby whenever the person got up, presumeably to go to the restroom, and your eyes landed on Sans just a few tables nearby.
Sans typically would have looked away and pretended like he never saw you. He had a hard time making eye contact with people and wasn’t a big fan of awkward confrontations since he didn’t know you very well. If he spotted Undyne or Toriel out at dinner with someone he probably would have made a silly face or something before going back to minding his own buisness, but he didn’t know you like that.
Instead of you looking away and pretending like you didn’t see him, you just simply grinned and waved to him. Naturally, he waved back.
Undyne noticed. She reached behind Papyrus who was sitting besides Sans and gave him a shove.
“Sans! Who’s that? You didn’t tell us you had a social life outside our little group!” Undyne was making fun of him just a bit, but she was also genuine with the excitement of her friend suddenly having a new friend.
Sans shrugged and looked down at his plate. It was pasta that Papyrus suggested he ordered, but Sans had smothered it in ketchup.
“dunno. i just run into them sometimes in the city.” It wasn’t a lie.
You two weren’t really friends, right? You had only met once or twice. So why couldn’t he get you off his mind right now?
He looked back up, seeing that Toriel and Asgore were currently joking over something that made Frisk laugh, who was sitting between them. Undyne, Alphys, and Papyrus had begun talking about their jobs, and when their free time was so that they could all have a sleepover. Nobody was paying attention to him right now, which he didn’t mind, but if they had then they probably would have warned him that you were walking up to their table.
“You having a good time out with your friends?” You asked, standing next to Sans and looking down on him as he was sitting in the booth.
His attention snapped up to you, a bit shocked by your sudden appearance. “uhm… yeah, we all decided to finally get out. it was about time, heh.”
You were smiling like you usually were with him, and your attention diverted down to his plate.
Sans slightly regretted soaking his food in ketchup now.
“That your food? I take it you’re a big fan of ketchup.” You remarked.
“somedays.” Sans tried to quickly brush the subject of his eating habits away. “what about your date over there? i hope you didn’t leave them to come over here and comment on my food.”
“No…” You pursed your lips, looking a bit discontented. “They left already. It was a really awkward date, I met them online. I was laughing at their funny story in hopes that they’d leave…”
Oh. He knew it shouldn’t make him feel good, but hearing that you weren’t actually having a good time on your date made him feel a bit better.
Sans wasn’t sure what just happened when he finally looked back to you after staring down at his plate for so long, but it was like he actually noticed you after just brushing you off the past three encounters. You were wearing a nicer outfit for your date, one that fit you extremely well. Your hair looked good, it was nice and done well, and he couldn’t help but bask in just how good you actually looked right now. It made him feel weird, almost wrong for looking at anyone like this.
“Hey,” You started again, taking a few seconds to think over your words. “I know it’s a weird thing to ask right now, but I’m not doing anything tomorrow night if you’d want to go somewhere?”
By now, most of his friends had stopped their conversation and were exchanging looks as they tried to subtly ease drop in your conversation with Sans.
“like a date?” He wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting the wrong idea.
You nodded, a pink blush heating up on your face. “Yeah, like a date.”
Sans was quiet for a few seconds before immediately taking out his phone from his pocket. “here, let me get your phone number real quick so that we can work out a time and place.”
What the hell was he doing? He wasn’t interested in romantic relations, or atleast not before tonight he wasn’t. He had turned down several people who offered him a date. Why were his hands a bit shaky as you rattled off your phone number to him?
“So tomorrow.” You confirmed with him, taking a deep breath and smoothing your outfit out.
“tomorrow.” He nodded, turning his phone off after sending you a short text to your number to make sure the contact was saved.
You grinned. “Cool. Well, I’ll run into you then, Sans.”
Your hand gave him a soft push on his shoulder before you walked off out of the restaurant since you had no need to be there right now.
It was only now that Sans realized all his friends were dead silent.
“BROTHER, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” Papyurs weeped and wrapped his arms around Sans, pulling him into a tight hug.
Ah. His friends started to give him silly words of congratulations for their friend, excited that he finally had a date. Sans simply laughed and tried to brush it off, but for the rest of the night even after he went home, he couldn’t take his mind off you. He had never had a date before, and he had never really been interested in anybody else- not like this at least.
It made him a bit crazy thinking about all of it.
He couldn’t stop his hands from shaking when he picked you up- driving in his brothers nice car that he let him borrow for the night.
You rushed out of the house, wearing a nicer but more casual outfit for your date. He told you to not dress too nice since he was taking you to his favorite spot, Grillby’s, but he couldn’t help but ogle a bit at how great you looked.
He kept one of his hands on the steering wheel as he watched you get into the passengers seat, buckling up your seatbelt and tucking some hair behind your ear when you looked at him.
“Hey, Sans! You ready?” You asked.
Sans nodded, admiring how you looked for a few seconds. “yeah, lets go…”
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abbysinterestsblog · 2 months ago
f/o infodump!
yee im a selfshipper, heres r meh silly f/os!
im a familial selfshipper so i only have sibling f/os,
im starting off with the character that was meh first sibling f/o...metis!
tbh, before i found out the selfshipping community, i always saw metis as meh fictional younger sister, atlus (the creators of her source game, persona 3) had been neglecting her 4 years, i i thought 2 mehself "if atlus isnt gonna give her love...then i'll give her the love, care and attention she rightfully deserves!" and thats how she became meh first sibling f/o. when the answer dlc 4 persona 3 reload (persona 3's remake) was announced i was rlly happy, cause metis finally gotten attention from atlus,
i also have another persona 3 character as a sibling f/o, aigis, in canon shes metis's older sister and thought "i'm metis's older sister, so i guess aigis is our older sister." and thus, aigis became meh (currently only) older sibling f/o, yee they r robots, i have a s/i 4 persona as well!
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her name is allris, (her arcana is the star and her persona is iris) and 2 make a long story short, she was built 2 be a non-combat assw built 4 therapy and support in areas of high shadow activity but a incident caused by a jelly worker trying to destroy her lead 2 her right leg becoming badly bent, (which is why she wears a purple fabric wrapped around her leg, its too hide the damage as she doesnt lik seeing it.) and soon she was abandoned...until sees finds her. shes energetic and silly but has bad anxiety and worries alot.
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next sibling f/o is meh little brother tsubasa yuunagi/cure wing from hirogaru sky precure: when i first saw him, i thought he looked cool, but when the show revealed his backstory i was lik "welp, ur meh little bro now!" currently i dont have a precure s/i, but hopefully 1 day ill make 1,
next up came in a 2 for 1 deal/j, annie and leo from little einsteins :3
i actually have faint memorys of watching little einsteins when i was younger, and out of boredom i rewatched som episodes from season 1, as soon i was finished i was lik "im taking u 2 from disney's cold hands." and thus, annie and leo became meh younger sister and younger brother f/o. i actually have a little einsteins s/i,
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her name is joan, (named after the "queen of rock 'n' roll," joan jett) she's annie and leo's older (around 17) year old sister, she liks rock music and classical music, and she also owns a electric guitar (which she named ellen, big jet once made fun of her nicknaming her guitar and now joan has a hatred for him.) and cant rlly go on missions due to her horrible airsickness, but with her headset, she's able to communicate/check up on the team straight from home base. (she also has a addiction to apple juice.) much lik the other characters from le, she has a few catchphrases. she says "Sweet mac 'n' cheese!" or "Great -name of famous musician-!" when she's surprised.
i ❤ meh sibling f/os, they might have all came from different sources, but their meh siblings.
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onyx66 · 1 year ago
Random Metalocalypse Headcanons
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It’s about time I make content for those idiots/aff 🖤🥰
Murderface loves anything with cheese. Mac n Cheese, grilled cheese, cheese pizza (with stuffed crust), cheese fondues, cheesecakes, you name it. He would slather them with extra cheese if he has too. Unfortunately, he’s lactose intolerant. But does he care? Hell no. Murderface just LOVES cheese.
His bathroom is gonna stink for the next few days. I feel bad for the Klokateer in charge of cleaning that.
If Nathan ever gets a pet crocodile, he’ll probably name it something cool like Jaws or Slash. But he’d also go for something more ‘cute’ like Buttons or Spots.
Skwisgaar vaguely remembers watching Moomins when he was a kid. It was when Toki bought a few Moomin plushies that he suddenly remembers a bit about the cartoon. He didn’t care about some kids show from his childhood but surprisingly, he stuck around when Toki infodumps about them.
Toki on the other hand, never saw Moomins as a kid. **cough cough** abusive childhood **cough cough** When he first heard of the Moomin park, Toki was excited to go there. It was when he find out that it based off a cartoon so he binged watched the whole series in one night. Now he won’t shut up about it when he wants to talk about Moomins.
Then Toki begged the rest of the band to take him to the Moomin park and Skwisgaar ended up giving in first.
After Pickles told his mom to go fuck herself, he did some thinking for a while and realised how fucking awful his mother was to him growing up and that he can never satisfy her no matter how hard he tries. So he finally cut her off. Thank god cuz his mom sucks
That didn’t stop Molly from pestering Pickles again. Whenever she tried to call him after that incident, Pickles has the klokateers block her number.
The same thing goes for Seth too. Pickles tries really hard to ignore his calls or block his number from Australia. But since Seth now works for them, Pickles had to end up paying him back even if he didn’t want to. He still had to this feeling he owes something to Seth despite knowing how much of a shitty brother he was to him.
Toki LOVES Squishmallows. He bought a whole collection of them for his bedroom until it didn’t fit his room anymore. His favourites are the cat and bunny ones.
Every Dethklok member is neurodivergent one way or another. Don’t change my mind.
Skwisgaar’s guilty pleasure music is ABBA but he would never tell anyone about it. But then Toki looked through his playlist and snitched on him to his band mates. They all made fun of Skwisgaar for a while.
Toki makes a flower clown for his bandmates once. They all complained that it’s gay but they all kept it on nonetheless. Toki also made one for Charles, Dick Knubble and Abigail.
Unsurprisingly, Murderface loves visiting antique stores and cabinet of curiosities. He particularly loves taxidermy, old artefacts and bone collections.
Nathan and Pickles competed against each other in a burger eating competition once but it ended in a tie since they were both too stuffed.
Will make a part 2 soon after I think of more headcanons
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slowwshoww · 5 months ago
tmi under the cut
this is very tmi enjoy
today i made a spicy mac n cheese with 3 poblanos, two jalapeños, and one serrano peppers and EVEN THOUGH i washed my hands at LEAST ten times between then and The Incident, i still somehow managed to have some kind of pepper residue on my hands so when i was jerking off THREE HOURS LATER uh. things got. hot and uncomfortable
and when i say i washed my hands i mean i was COOKING and i was WASHING DISHES and WENT TO THE BATHROOM there was STILL PEPPER RESIDUE on my fingers to the point of pain almost
how did this Happen
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hiddentrails7 · 6 months ago
for the character asks: 8 and 12 for yuffie?
Rare opportunity to talk about Yuffie👁
8. Unpopular opinion about them
I love her og recruitment. It's so silly, if not a tiny bit tedious. Finding her and figuring her deal out by myself was fun.
12. Crack headcanon
She's banned from cooking for the party after the mac n cheese incident™️.
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