#m.cc discourse
absolutelyinlove · 2 years
just really fascinating how hannah is never allowed to team with the people she asks for and she gets asked to sit out events more often than men who avg top 10 to make it “easier to balance the teams” but she’s only played in 4 events (3 canon) and has an avg placement of 15th. really fascinating how whenever scott has a player he needs to “nerf” he uses low-ranking women and afab participants as fodder instead of putting them on teams where they’ll actually get a chance to improve and feel like they stand a chance. Really fascinating how when there’s a woman or afab participant who is too consistently good at the game to be used as a “nerf” teammate suddenly she’s just way too hard to balance so she’s left on the waitlist for 2 years and then even after getting into the event she can’t be expected to play every event she signs up for. surely it’s all just a coincidence! really really fascinating how hannah has spoken multiple times about how horrifically she’s treated by the mcc community just for. being a woman who is competitive and dares to care about her individual performance and tina openly talked about how demotivating it felt to be put on 10th-place-expected teams every time she signed up instead of ever having a chance to improve. and how the community REFUSED to hold jojo to the same standards as equally-well-performing men and demanded she prove herself a million times over before being allowed to be put in the same category as her male peers. but the people in charge who have the power to fix all of this see no issue with the way teams are constructed whatsoever. surely there’s no pattern!
a “for fun event” but one single participant has full control over who is and isn’t allowed to play and who is and isn’t allowed to be with the people they request to team with and instead of focusing on creating evenly matched teams the priority is ensuring no one wins TOO much. because god forbid the event be predictable. if only that was already possible because (most of) the games are already designed to prioritize a variety of different skills and therefore theoretically any given team could always win/lose. if only that was the entire point of a competitive tournament. if only someone involved would point out what an unnecessary waste of energy and cause for needless discourse and toxicity it is to make “team balancing” your end-all-be-all priority so that any and all criticism would stop being brushed off as “people complaining on twitter”. but i guess we’re just supposed to pretend all of this is necessary to keep the event “fun”. right
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spacemilkbag · 1 year
I know we’re all in shock about hannah and sap’s team but I also want to point out green, which contains purpled and VELVET so ??? Guess purpled is gonna die 😔 sad!
I think he'll be fine actually
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electracraft · 2 years
as a fellow dream and joel enjoyer can we unionize or something there's gotta be more people on this site who like joel and are normal about dream right?? right??
yeah there probably are but so far the only new answer i got on the form was a :( face
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strandedcrow · 2 years
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calamitydaze · 2 years
No yea I agree so much it’s like it feels pretty hypocritical to me cause I’ve seen so many people in the past talk about how bad it is to use CC’s mistakes when they do something you don’t like or something and it’s wrong to weaponize stuff but yet today they were doing that exact thing… like it was so wrong that he did that yea and I don’t know what made him even say that but he at least didn’t wait to apologize he immediately knew he did wrong and held himself accountable
yep ! and i’m sorry maybe i’m in the wrong for this but i will never be able to take people mad at the aids slip seriously it was just so hilarious to me
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crastlefolke · 3 years
i try so hard not to have a sense of superiority over hardcore dteam fans but. they make it very difficult sometimes
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griba · 3 years
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acerace · 3 years
m.cc20 is starting to feel like a preemptive "no controversies back from a break" m.cc. No d.ream and g.rian so no b.uildmart discourse. S.cott and H may both be gone so no cheating accusations. No one wants to repeat the m.cc14 aftermath so half the regulars are just gone-
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crastlefolke · 3 years
dteam almost weren't in this mcc but changed their minds are you joking
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crastlefolke · 3 years
imo its really weird how people will get annoyed at scott for putting the same people together, whereas if i was gonna be in mcc i definitely want to be with at least 1 of my friends. we do the whole "they're all friends guys chill" thing when discourse happens but in a lot of cases they're literally just people who take part in a minecraft tournament with each other, they're more like work colleagues than actual friends.
(also sorry your inbox is turning into a reddit venting area)
people directing their anger at scott is so weird like he made a whole video on the process lol he doesn't just put teams together on a whim. hes got to take into account whether theyre pg, whether theyre playing competitively or for fun, and who they requested to team with.
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crastlefolke · 3 years
the replies on that reddit post are so dumb "they don’t realize that literally the same thing happens with the Hermits and other competitors. For example: False and Ren have teamed together 12 times, just like Phil and Wilbur." im gonna start biting that's our beloved pogsymmetry duo leave them alone
can't wait for "the simmers have teamed nine times now its so repetitive and dull why dont they ever get separated"
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strandedcrow · 3 years
:OOO UR BACK HELLO!!! right when i'm off for most the day u come back what the Fuck kshdjdbd i missed u !! i hope u had a great time :)) <3
!!!! IM BACK HI ETH :D <33 and i did ! it was a fun trip and it was honestly rlly nice taking a break from Everything lol
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