tartarusborn · 11 years
Their threats were meaningless. Their words were meaningless. They sat here and talked at her as if she cared - she could have done without the droning on and insistence upon her cooperation, of course, but it was hardly too much to endure. Everyone was on edge except her. So she listened - to all three of them. The captain, the major and the commander. And she told herself she wasn't moved by any of it, as she always had done.
She took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Her tone remained unmoved and calm. "Information." She said, "I'm a failure as a warrior. There's your information. Humanity is my enemy. Now it would be helpful to me if all of you could leave and let me alone." 
She sat up, looked dead at the three of them, and shrugged, her tone and expression - or what could be called an expression, as she had never been entirely expressive in the first place - both spoke of a casual conversation, as if she were merely stating the weather or talking about a book she read. "Or you could let me go." She suggested nonchalantly, "If you want me in titan form that's how you'd do it. Of course, you run the very high chance of me escaping. I won't transform down here, though. I'm not much use otherwise. I won't talk, and you won't kill me. Stalemate."
And then more quietly, "Why not ask one of the others? I'm sure you can grab one of the ones who are more cooperative than me. I'm not saying anything."
The major entered, which caught his attention for a moment, only looking back as his name and rank were called and keeping quiet. Why did she waste her time elaborating the situation to the enemy who hardly cared? Did she really think there was a shred of hope to be found here? All that damage, all those lives— people would have regretted those actions on the spot, not here and now, days later. But Levi let her get on with it, albeit, reluctantly.
But he expected the reminder of his team, he truly did. Of course the enemy would point out their little ‘victory’ of sorts, or so they would have believed it to be. Obstacles that got in the way and all that, but in the end knowledge of the obvious didn’t make it sting any less, but the mere fact that perhaps all their efforts would have been in vain did. The only thing that brought comfort was the fact that, even with their defeat, they tried their damnedest and their best, and that’s all Levi, and mankind, could ever ask for.
At least they, weren’t traitors, that brought him to a relative peace, even if only for the moment. His gaze was hard and unrelenting, if only because it made him feel better; if only because it was the only way he restrained his movements toward her and kick her so hard it knocked her jaw loose. The desire was still in that head of his, so it wasn’t like it hadn’t been there at all. The urge was very real, but the reality of the situation would not allow for it to have any end result. There wouldn’t be, just more trouble, and it was the reaction she probably wanted to entice.
"I don’t want to hear about the death toll, scum." He replied, exasperated as if he was tired of hearing a typical routine. "I want to hear about your motivations, your reasoning." Arms folded underneath the cloak. "Tch, piece of shit, you have to be a stubborn cow about this, I guess." A sigh, "Make this easier on you and yourself and just fucking tell us. We have ways of making you talk either way. Just tell us which you prefer."
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tartarusborn · 11 years
"But you know that. You know that and you insisted on fucking around anyway. That was smart of you." "Don't you have some friends to mourn?" Annie said this quietly, almost under her breath. She waited for the inevitable beating, but it seemed they were smart enough not to waste energy on a target who wasn't worth fighting - at least, not straight away.
She vaguely listened to Hanji's speech. Didn't care enough to respond. Shifted her arms to get as comfortable as possible, though even that was just barely anything. They had her tied down like a wild animal.
"No." It was a flat, casual answer. Not sarcastic, just simple and to the point. No, she was not going to tell them jack shit. She waited a few minutes, and then went on, "Petra Ral, Auruo Bossard, Erd Gin, Gunter Schulz, a few graduates from 104... I forget the names. Cis. Ness. Your two captive test subjects. I guess the right flank was my fault too, if... indirectly. How much more warrants me a firing squad?"
in details with the devil // group prp
Wrangling beasts were always a difficult task, especially when said beast actually had a brain on them. Alas, at the cost of many. It was unfortunate, terribly so, but with the acquisition of the enemy, perhaps their efforts weren’t in vain. They, as any other, fought as valiantly as they could have, and gave their all so that the rest could survive; the most noble sacrifice of them all. He carried each fallen comrade in a heart few knew he had, and let their weight press on his shoulders. The outcome of this was to be predicted, everything as uncertain as the last.
But if it was one thing that was certain, it was that kindness was not something he’d show today, walking into the dungeon-esque environment with the others, injury hidden underneath the folds of his green cape, an unwavering expression shown. The clicks of boots were all what could be heard as they approached, but of course, keeping distance. A silence fell.
"You have a lot of talking to do," He finally spoke, tones sharp, yet eerily nonchalant, "So you might as well start; we don’t tolerate bullshit." With eyes fixed on her he focused on every nuance of her movements, every twitch, everything, because this had been the very catalyst for this mess, and he knew it. "But you know that. You know that and you insisted on fucking around anyway. That was smart of you." Sarcasm dripped from his tones. The urge to just go in and beat the life out of her was of course restrained and channeled into language.
He’d bite his tongue though if Zoë and Erwin had anything to say about it— but only for now. Like a dog to orders he’d retreat, but for now he’d take his sweet time. He was ready for whatever snide comments would come through the way of the wayward blonde, or so he collected himself to believe. His form stiff, the musty smell wasn’t helping the mood at all.
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tartarusborn · 11 years
in details with the devil // group prp
She couldn't properly see - it was dark. Annie was vaguely aware of the proximity of the walls and the rows of iron bars, and of course, the fact that she was underground. She would have expected nothing less. She tried to wiggle her fingers to see if she still had her ring but, as predicted, it was gone and her hands were bound as tightly as these people could have managed. They had done a good job of securing her down, at least.
The air in the room was cold. Her clothing had been minimal before, but whatever she had had been taken off of her and replaced with the barest minimum that could be spared.
Her hands were bound around something, which kept her from moving any further than she would just straightening herself up. She did so as best she could. Unharmed, apparently. Too precious as a test subject to damage that badly, she supposed. She had nothing to fear then. That made her life easier.
She looked up. Blew her hair out of her face - they took her hairtie too? It wasn't like that was concealing a weapon. Overcautious assholes. - and waited for the others she had heard in the room to address her.
Morning still comes.
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tartarusborn · 11 years
"Describe your first ____." Finish it in the askbox!
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tartarusborn · 11 years
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reiner braun, everyone
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tartarusborn · 11 years
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Lots of new faces. Too many new faces.
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tartarusborn · 11 years
Annie ignored the hand offered to her, and got up herself, wiping the dust off her jacket as solemnly as possible. "I'm going into the Military Police." She had repeated this mantra over and over again whenever she had been asked, and it came out not almost robotically. "Don't pretend. I know I'm not going to have to fight there, so having these skills is 'pointless' in a sense, isn't it?" 
She took off her jacket, shook it off and tied it around her waist before sticking her hands into the front pocket of her hoodie. Annie shrugged. "The system is a mess. We learn to fight titans for the privilege of not having to fight titans. Isn't that right? What's your recruitment rate compared to the Garrison these days?"
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tartarusborn · 11 years
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tartarusborn · 11 years
She had underestimated the lady with the glasses, and in moments found herself pinned to the ground as simply as one would snatch a fly. Great. Lovely. Wonderful. This encounter was not at all going as planned.
She ignored the compliments. She didn't have to answer them. They were not questions. Besides, she didn't rightly care what this woman thought of her form or her technique. All she had wanted to do was do nothing in the peace of her room for maybe an hour or two.
"My father." She replied flatly, "I thought you were trained to fight titans, not people." The irony was there in the back of her mind, of course, and if she had been alone with nobody around and the thought had crossed her mind she might have even chuckled at it, but she remained stonefaced and unreadable here. "Please get off me."
If it had been another recruit she had been fighting, she might just have shoved them off. Then again, if it had been another recruit she had been fighting, she wouldn't have ended up on the floor. As it was, she surrendered and had to ask. If I ever get the chance I swear on my life I'm going to eat you.
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tartarusborn · 11 years
"Yes." She replied flatly, "But how do you know I'm not going to?" 
She had made it close enough to the training yard for it not to be out of place to start something, in a very grandiose gesture of stop following me, but half her mind knew she was also a bit curious about how good the scouting legion could actually be - and if they kept up on their hand-to-hand training, of course.
It was a disarm, in technical terms, and not a full on assault. She was fast and agile and testing response time. Judging by a decent distance, the fact that they were moving, and a shitty positioning, she swung herself around for a kick to the leg in her usual fashion, topside feint to avoid getting too predictable and hopefully at least knock her down.
Then she could, much more safely, ask her to please leave.
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tartarusborn · 11 years
Reblog if your muse is a little shit
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tartarusborn · 11 years
[ hello friends i am here ]
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tartarusborn · 11 years
>> prp
At this rate, she's going to beat the scouts out of Wall Rose.
She was sitting on one of the edge tables in the local bar, a small place in the closest city to Trost that had a gate leading out into the titan-infested Maria wilds. The scouts were in their base nearby, she'd heard, but they'd been in there preparing for days now, and Annie was fed up with waiting for them to leave. She was using her goddamn vacation days for this.
But she couldn't shirk this mission. She had a goal to reach, and that goal was Eren Jaeger. Ultimately, anyway. Annie slipped upstairs, nobody payed her much notice in her Garrison-embroidered cloak that she had kidnapped off one of the wall-tenders in the city. 
She had stopped by the base earlier to check on them, and do some... post-trost cleanup, she supposed. No doubt they'd have them all in for checks soon. Not her problem. She had a plan.
She just hoped she hadn't been spotted.
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tartarusborn · 11 years
[ back to roleplaying. anyone wanna?
also drop me an ask or reply to this or something with an snk character i can draw in monster au. or a monster au scenario or something. maybe. ]
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tartarusborn · 11 years
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"this is mine so if you find it please return it i need it"
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tartarusborn · 11 years
[ christa is a water nymph and ymir is a kelpie. they live in the pool together. this is why nobody in town swims. ]
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tartarusborn · 11 years
[ levi is satyr which just means hes small and goaty. everyone laughs until he kicks them in the gut with his satyr hooves and then they realize talkin shit on levi is a bad plan.
hanji is the only normal human in the entire au and she is very excited and sometimes asks to dissect people. everyone is very disturbed. ]
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