#m: mitchell acosta
ausetkmt · 1 year
At President Trump's rally in Tampa last week, a familiar face made it back in the national news. Maurice Symonette, also known as Michael the Black Man, was front and center in a crowd hurling invective at CNN reporter Jim Acosta, waving a "Blacks for Trump" sign.
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Symonette has been a regular at Trump rallies all over Florida and as far away as Arizona. Just last month, he popped up at the U.S. border to appear in a video with disgraced sheriff-turned-pardoned-Senate-candidate Joe Arpaio.
All that national exposure raises an obvious question: Who is paying the bills for Symonette, a former member of Miami's murderous Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, to represent "Blacks for Trump" at Trump rallies? 
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Since Blacks for Trump isn't a registered political organization with the Florida Division of Elections or the Federal Election Commission, there are no public records of any donations funding the group's operations.
It seems unlikely Symonette is fronting the cash for his travel himself because he filed for bankruptcy this past May. In federal court records, he reports that he's unemployed, generates no income, and has $0 in the bank. He also says four banks have staked claims on $2.9 million worth of property around Dade County. 
So how is he getting to Arizona and Tampa to stand behind Trump on national TV?  Reached on his cell phone, Symonette declined to discuss his group's financing. "You guys are horrible racists," he said. "You are lawbreakers and you're mean... God is going to punish you horribly."
Throughout the '80s, Symonette — then known as Maurice Woodside — was a devoted follower of Yahweh ben Yahweh, a charismatic preacher who wore white robes and called himself the Messiah.
Federal prosecutors later accused Yahweh, whose real name was Hulon Mitchell Jr., of ordering his followers to murder at least 14 people, including random white vagrants who were massacred as an initiation rite.
Symonette was charged in federal court along with Mitchell and 15 other followers in 1990; while the cult's leader was later convicted of 14 charges of murder conspiracy and served nearly two decades in prison, Symonette and six other cult members were acquitted.
In the decades since, Symonette has been charged with crimes including grand theft auto, carrying a weapon onto an airplane, and threatening a police officer, but has never been convicted. (He does have a pending case on a municipal ordinance charge in Hollywood after police showed up to a really loud party he threw.)
Since Trump's election, Symonette has carved out an unlikely new niche as one of President Trump's most visible African-American supporters. He has a knack for getting prime placement directly behind Trump and has handed out hundreds of his "Blacks for Trump" signs.
They advertise his website, which is full of conspiracy theories about Cherokees running the U.S. banking system. (Really.)
Symonette was even featured at a Miami Trump rally that prosecutors later alleged had been funded by Russian nationals looking to disrupt the election.
Symonette filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on May 16, listing Washington Mutual, Homecomings Financial, HSBC Bank, and Indymac Bank as his creditors; each institution laid claim to one of four houses. Three are in North Miami-Dade County, and one is near Kendall.
In court docs, his only listed assets are clothing, watches, various household items, and a pool table. He does say that his live-in girlfriend, whom he doesn't identify by name, provides him with $2,000 per month.
Could that money from his significant other cover Blacks for Trump's various trips around the country to support the president on TV? Symonette wouldn't discuss that with a New Times reporter. 
Instead, he spoke at length about his belief that the banking system is corrupt. He added that "Trump being the president is the greatest blessing we have ever had."
In his bankruptcy case, he's repeated those allegations about the banking system being crooked to Judge Laurel M. Isicoff. He's also repeatedly sought to change hearings that overlapped with Trump events. Symonette suggested the scheduling conflicts are a sinister plot to keep him away from the spotlight at Trump rallies.
"Creditors know that I have a rally in Arizona on July 25 and deliberately set the hearing on that date to cause me and my musical band to miss the performance and the rally with the bus we rented," he wrote in a motion filed the same morning as the Phoenix rally. "The creditors overheard that at the house we are disputing... and set that hearing on the same date just to harm me."
That motion was denied, as was another he filed on July 30, just before Trump's Tampa rally. "As founder of Blacks for Trump, (I) have rented vans to go to Trump's rally. We need to make the country aware how the banks (FOREIGNERS FROM THE EAST) are illegally taking WHITE AND BLACK PEOPLE'S houses away."
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Maurice Symonette's story is baffling, to put it mildly. Symonette, who also goes by the name Michael the Black Man, somehow went from being part of the murderous Yahweh ben Yahweh cult to getting acquitted of murder charges himself to being a staple at Donald Trump's presidential rallies all over the country. Even among the rogue's gallery of rodeo clowns and Bond villains who make up Trump's core cadre of supporters, Symonette might legitimately be the weirdest person hovering around Trumpworld
After Michael the Black Man turned up at a Tampa-area Trump rally last week and led anti-press chants, it's worth taking note of all the bizarre places he's materialized since becoming a prominent Trump supporter:
1. At the original October 2016 Trump rally where he first popped up on TV:
Conservative Twitter is abuzz this afternoon with a trending hashtag: #BlacksForTrump. The spark is clear: Thousands have retweeted photos from Trump's rally in Lakeland, Florida, this afternoon showing a small group standing directly behind the Donald while enthusiastically waving "Blacks for Trump" signs. "Blacks are for Trump and the left can't stand it," writes @LawlessPirate, with another pic of the sign-waving man wearing a shirt reading "Trump & Republicans Are Not Racist." So who is this new face of Trump's elusive black support? He's none other than Michael the Black Man, also known as Maurice Woodside or Michael Symonette, who has made waves in Miami in recent years with protests against the Democratic Party and rallies for the GOP. He's also a former member of the murderous Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, which was led by the charismatic preacher Hulon Mitchell Jr., who was charged by the feds in 1990 with conspiracy in killings that included a gruesome beheading in the Everglades. Michael, along with 15 other Yahweh followers, was charged for allegedly conspiring in two murders; his brother, who was also in the cult, told jurors that Michael had helped beat one man who was later killed and stuck a sharpened stick into another man's eyeball. But jurors found Michael (and six other Yahweh followers) innocent. They sent Mitchell away for 20 years in the federal pen. In the years that followed, Michael changed his last name to Symonette, made a career as a musician, started a radio station in Miami, and then reinvented himself as Michael the Black Man, an anti-gay, anti-liberal preacher with a golden instinct for getting on TV at GOP events. He's planned events with Rick Santorum and gotten cable news play for bashing Obama. Since 1997, he's been charged with grand theft auto, carrying a weapon onto an airplane and threatening a police officer, but never convicted in any of those cases. 
2. At a Trump rally in Bayfront Park in Miami just before the election: 3. At a rally allegedly organized with the help of Russian agents:
A federal grand jury filed charges against 13 Russian nationals [in February 2018] for allegedly stealing identities, wiring money overseas, and staging a small series of flash mobs to help tip the 2016 election in Donald Trump's favor. It's unclear whether the social media campaign had any actual impact on voting, but the FBI alleges Russian money indeed affected one small group of Miamians who unknowingly used Russian cash to pay for supplies for an unnamed rally the September before the presidential election. There still seem to be online traces of that Moscow-funded rally. Only one publicized, pro-Trump rally appears to have taken place in the Miami area — #LatinosConTrump in Doral at 1 p.m. September 11, 2016. The event was pitched as an "anti-media" protest outside the town's Univision offices. The national group Latinos With Trump created flyers for the rally and noted that virtually all of Miami's most prominent pro-Trump groups — Cubans 4 Trump, Hispanas for Trump, Latinas for Trump, and the official Miami Trump Volunteers — would attend.
4. At a 2017 Trump rally in Phoenix, per the Washington Post:
And so it was Tuesday night before a crowd of Trump supporters in Phoenix who had come to watch another show. There was the president, whipping up the wildly cheering crowd, and then there was Michael the Black Man, chanting just beyond Trump’s right shoulder in that trademark T-shirt. The presence of Michael — variously known as Michael Symonette, Maurice Woodside and Mikael Israel — has inspired not only trending Twitter hashtags but a great deal of curiosity and Google searches. Internet sleuths find the man’s bizarre URL, an easily accessible gateway to his strange and checkered past. The radical fringe activist from Miami once belonged to a violent black supremacist religious cult, and he runs a handful of amateur, unintelligible conspiracy websites. He has called Barack Obama “The Beast” and Hillary Clinton a Ku Klux Klan member. Oprah Winfrey, he says, is the devil. Most curiously, in the 1990s, he was charged, then acquitted, with conspiracy to commit two murders.
5. With noted racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio at the U.S.-Mexico border just last week:
Via our sister paper Phoenix New Times:
Former sheriff Joe Arpaio filmed a video at the U.S.-Mexico border with a former Florida cult member who goes by the name Michael the Black Man. In the video posted on Thursday, Michael has his arm around Arpaio as the ousted former sheriff promotes his improbable race for Arizona's open Senate seat during a visit to the border fence in Naco, Arizona. Michael was a follower of the Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, a black-supremacist religious sect in Florida. In 1990, the feds charged Michael and over a dozen fellow cult members with conspiracy related to brutal murders in Florida. Alongside Arpaio and Michael in the video is an independent Senate candidate in Massachusetts, Shiva Ayyadurai, who shared the live video on Twitter. Born in India, Ayyadurai is a scientist and MIT graduate who claims that he invented email. He began his Senate campaign as a Republican before switching to run as an independent. Ayyadurai’s campaign uses the slogan, “Defeat #FakeIndian Elizabeth Warren,” as a derogatory jab at his Democratic opponent. “First of all, I’m from Massachusetts, so of course I’m supporting this great guy,” Arpaio says of Ayyadurai in the video. “He’s gonna win.” Michael says, “We’re at the border right here, between Arizona and Mexico.” He turns to Arpaio to ask if he has anything to say to the camera. The aging former sheriff brings up his law enforcement background. “It’s great to see the border again; I haven’t seen it in a while,” Arpaio says. 
If you've got any info on who's paying Symonette's travel bills to Trump rallies, email [email protected] or [email protected]
For a second, Donald Trump seemed to be backing off his vitriolic attacks on the free press. After five journalists were massacred at the Annapolis Capital Gazette, Trump briefly toned down his slurs. He even invited New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzburger to the White House to clear the air. But it didn't last.
Trump quickly returned to his Stalinist, enemies-of-the-people label for journalists and then lied about his meeting with Sulzburger to insist that truthful reporting is "fake news." Those insults have a real effect, and that fact was never frighteningly clearer than at Trump's rally last night in Tampa, where an unhinged-looking mob screamed insults and waved middle fingers at journalists, particularly CNN's chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta.
The scene left many political watchers deeply shaken, including Acosta:
Just a sample of the sad scene we faced at the Trump rally in Tampa. I’m very worried that the hostility whipped up by Trump and some in conservative media will result in somebody getting hurt. We should not treat our fellow Americans this way. The press is not the enemy. pic.twitter.com/IhSRw5Ui3R— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 1, 2018
But most national press watchers didn't notice who was right at the center of that mob hurling invective at Acosta and his colleagues: Yep, it was Michael the Black Man, AKA Maurice Symonette, a former member of Miami's murderous Yahweh ben Yawheh cult who once faced charges of conspiring in the group's murders.
That's him with his instantly recognizable "Blacks for Trump" sign:
.@Acosta is trying to do a stand-up at #trumptampa and the crowd is booing and chanting “CNN sucks” behind him. pic.twitter.com/XiULajB1Li— Emily L. Mahoney (@mahoneysthename) July 31, 2018
Symonette has been a mainstay at Florida Trump rallies and over the past year has popped up at other Trump-linked events around the nation. Just last week, he flew to Arizona to film a video at the border with disgraced former sheriff Joe Arpaio. Trump's staff regularly gives Symonette front-and-center seats where he waves his black-and-white sign on national television.
Here's some background on Symonette from New Times' earlier reporting on him:
He's also a former member of the murderous Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, which was led by the charismatic preacher Hulon Mitchell Jr., who was charged by the feds in 1990 with conspiracy in killings that included a gruesome beheading in the Everglades. Michael, along with 15 other Yahweh followers, was charged for allegedly conspiring in two murders; his brother, who was also in the cult, told jurors that Michael had helped beat one man who was later killed and stuck a sharpened stick into another man's eyeball. But jurors found Michael (and six other Yahweh followers) innocent. They sent Mitchell away for 20 years in the federal pen. In the years that followed, he changed his last name to Symonette, made a career as a musician, started a radio station in Miami and then re-invented himself as Michael the Black Man, an anti-gay, anti-liberal preacher with a golden instinct for getting on TV at GOP events. He's planned events with Rick Santorum and gotten cable news play for bashing Obama. Since 1997, he's been charged with grand theft auto, carrying a weapon onto an airplane and threatening a police officer, but never convicted in any of those cases. 
In other words, he's exactly the kind of guy you might not want to drive into a blind rage at journalists who are just trying to do their jobs. Yet there he was in Tampa, right in the middle of the crowd screaming at Acosta — who, incidentally, took time to talk to the crowds who were so angry with him:
After each live shot, @Acosta would walk down and politely talk to the people who just heckled him. He talked to one group for at least 15 minutes. pic.twitter.com/J26nlxfD6k— Christopher Heath (@CHeathWFTV) August 1, 2018
There are two safe bets on this topic going forward: Trump won't stop throwing insults at the media, and wherever the president is whipping up that anger, Michael the Black Man will probably be there with his signs, happily taking the bait.
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In April 1927, Bert Acosta and Clarence D. Chamberlin set an endurance record of 51 hours, 11 minutes, and 25 seconds in the air. Time magazine reported:
Up they put from Mitchel Field, Long Island, with 385 gallons of ethylated (high-power) gasoline. All day they droned back and forth over suburbia, circled the Woolworth Building, hovered over Hadley Field, New Jersey, swung back to drop notes on Mitchel Field. All that starry night they wandered slowly around the sky, and all the next day, and through the next night, a muggy, cloudy one. Newsgatherers flew up alongside to shout unintelligible things through megaphones. Messrs. Acosta and Chamberlain were looking tired and oil-blobbed. They swallowed soup and sandwiches, caught catnaps on the mattressed fuel tank, while on and on they droned, almost lazily (about 80 m.p.h.) for they were cruising against time. Not for 51 hours, 11 minutes, 25 seconds, did they coast to earth, having broken the U.S. and world's records for protracted flight. In the same time, conditions favoring, they could have flown from Manhattan to Vienna.
The following month, Charles Lindbergh flew from New York the Paris, covering a shorter distance (3,600 miles or 5,800 kilometers) and staying aloft for a shorter time (33.5 hours). His, however, was the first non-stop transatlantic flight and the first solo transatlantic flight.
The building at the right is the New York Municipal Building (now the David Dinkins Municipal Building).
Photo: Bettmann Archives/Getty Images/Fine Art America
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screamingforyears · 4 months
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“ICE COLD” is the lead single/track from @armlock444’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Seashell Angel Lucky Charm’ (7/12 @runforcover) & it finds the Melbourne-based duo of Simon Lam & Hamish Mitchell throwing “stuff at the wall” & seeing “what sticks” across 3+ melancholic mins of slow_coring & pin_backing IndieRock.
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@draagsadpeople are here w/ “MICROGRAVITY TANK,” the second single from their forthcoming EP titled ‘Actually, the quiet is nice’ (5/17 @juliaswarrecs) & it finds the LA-based quintet of Adrian Acosta (guitar/vox/synth/samples), Jessica Huang (synth/vox/samples), Ray Montes (guitar), Nick Kelley (bass/noise/synth) & Eric Fabbro (drums) reflecting on the better days of yore across 4 mins of texturally hazed & quietly/loud AltRawk.
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@ratpalaceband are here w/ “WOMAN OF THE YEAR,” the final single in the run-up to their forthcoming LP titled ‘Dust Free Home’ (6/7 @candlepin_records) & it finds the Brooklyn-based quartet of Rohit Sai Goral (vox/guitar), Ali Zimmerman (vox/bass), Julian Cornell (guitar/shakers) & Lenin Córdoba (drums) bashing one out across a sub-2 min slice of viscerally ripped & herkily jerked PostPunkRawk.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
When in 1923, Mathias F. Chapman arrived in the Port of Los Angeles with 11 chinchillas, few expected that he would revolutionize the fur-trade business. Previous attempts to breed the little Andean mammal in captivity had failed, and traders and consumers feared that the days of the chinchilla coat, a garment that usually required 110 skins, would soon be over. But despite all odds, in 1946, Life magazine reported, there were near 200,000 chinchillas raised in captivity in the United States. Breeding had replaced hunting, and the chinchilla became a North American commodity.
To understand this radical transformation, we need to go back to the Andes and Chapman’s crossing. Traveling through Chile in the 1830s, French naturalist Claudio Gay saw for the first time a chinchilla, one of the “most beautiful animals,” as he wrote in his natural history. The Chinchilla lanigera (Molina 1782) was the most sought and valued chinchilla. It originally lived in the Chilean valleys of Illapel and Choapa to the south of Peru and Bolivia, a territory known for its mining industry, arid landscape, and limited vegetation. Indigenous people, wrote José de Acosta in his Natural and Moral History of the Indies (1589), used animal hair to make blankets and coverings.
Throughout the nineteenth century, hunting came in tandem with the expansion of the mining industry and the destruction of local habitats such as the algarrobilla, a shrub sought for its tannins that chinchillas also consumed.
The docile mammal with a soft coat became a global commodity, complementing a collection of South American animals used for fur, including seals and guanacos. Between 1898 and 1910, Chile exported about seven million chinchilla pelts per year. Pushed by high prices and soaring demand, hunters used fire and dogs without discriminating between old and young or male and female animals. Hunting methods, lack of regulation, and rising demand in the North Atlantic created the perfect storm.
In 1919, Chapman got a job as a mining engineer in the copper town of Potrerillos, in the southern tip of the Atacama Desert. By then, the chinchilla was almost extinct. [...] While working at the mine, Chapman bought a chinchilla from a trapper and spent the next three to four years looking for animals to raise. He [...]  traveled throughout the Andes to Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina. His experience was not unique. US engineers working in Latin America usually toured the surrounding areas. Hunting, exploration, and expeditions were part of their culture, their recreational activity, which informed the way they experienced what they saw as remote regions.
Previous efforts to raise chinchillas in captivity had failed. In the early 1920s, scientific knowledge about this animal was still scarce. [...] Relocating chinchillas from their home environment to southern California was a grueling task. Chapman designed a special cage for the ocean trip between Chile and Los Angeles. As John Angus Haig wrote in the Nation’s Business magazine in 1937, Chapman “built an ingenious box with chinchilla pens in the ends and an ice compartment in the middle.” He slowly moved them to lower altitudes to guarantee acclimation, and after a year, they were ready to sail north. The trip from Iquique, Chile, to Los Angeles Harbor took about forty days and was incredibly challenging. Despite his constant care, one chinchilla died, and all lost their hair. [...] Then, he moved the animals down to Inglewood, South Los Angeles. The Chapman farm produced knowledge about domestication and acclimation, attracting visitors from Hollywood stars to animal experts. Many would come to replicate his route, method, and, especially, the icebox. In 1939, the LA Times reported that James F. Mitchell adapted the icebox to bring chinchillas from Peru to San Diego, California, where he and his wife opened a ranch. The chinchilla business thrived. [...]
The breeding business expanded in the 1930s–1940s, and farms popped up throughout the western United States and Canada. But while many advertised it as a lucrative activity that could supplement ranchers’ income, raising chinchillas was hard work. The animals were delicate and susceptible to high temperatures and diseases, the daily cleaning of the cages was time-consuming, and profit was unreliable. According to a booklet from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), ranchers kept the animals in metal, wood, or wired-floored pens in basements or other dark buildings. Space was always an issue, especially in ranches located in semi-urban areas such as the San Fernando Valley. While many admired their beauty and friendliness, they were a commodity and a business. Ranchers kept records, weighed them regularly, and tattooed an identification number in one of their ears. Most ranchers were breeders, but the largest ones also sold pelts. To kill a chinchilla without damaging the fur, they injected Nembutal or strychnine [...].
Text by: Angela Vergara. “From Wilderness to Breeding Farms: The Domestication of the Chinchilla lanigera.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia no. 15. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Summer 2022. [Bolded emphasis added by me.]
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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My Verse, and the VIPs.
@hydesjackiespuddinpop, my verse, described by a middle school-ish diagram of the Earth (aka, the world).
The Kids: Most of the inner and outer cores are described in this post, minus Chelsea. Chelsea lives next door to Red and Kitty, and is Adrian's quiet, artsy best friend and eventual love interest.
The Inner Cores (the main): Rebecca "Becca" Hyde, James Hyde, Katherine "Kate" Forman, Leah Forman, and Adrian Forman
My Outer Cores (the occasional main/generally prominent): Elizabeth "Betsy" Kelso (main in my 95 version of T9S), Hallie Rivera (main in As The World Burns and beyond), Lamar Easton (Pastor Dan's son, main in The Kids are Alright), and Chelsea O'Connor (main in The Kids Are Alright). Fez's daughter Ashley Tate and KB's daughter Hannah Kelso are always around, too.
The Mantle (prominent minor characters):
Daniel "Danny" Acosta: Leo's great-grandson, Buddy's stepson, James's friend, and Becca's on-off boyfriend. Hyde hates him. Mentioned in The Kids are Alright, prominent in As The World Burns.
Zachary "Zach" Wilson: Colette's son, James's best friend, and Becca's love interest. Prominent in the As The World Burns, will probably be mentioned in The Kids are Alright at some point.
Morgan Silva: Buddy's niece, and Hallie's girlfriend. Toxic AF. Leah's frenemy. Prominent in As The World Burns.
Brittany Ford: The most popular girl in school, back in Chicago. A prominent bully, and a mix of Jackie and Laurie; Leah hates her. Donna also hates Brittany's mother, Brenda, after Brenda called Leah a loser (Donna punched Brenda at a PTA meeting, and got banned for a year). Prominent in As The World Burns, but will amply be mentioned on numerous other occasions.
Sabrina Miller: Mitch's daughter. Mitch's only salvageable kid, and Leah's friend. She's prominent in As The World Burns, and will probably be prominent in The Kids Are Alright (or its 1999 sequel, if that ever comes to pass).
Then, there are a bunch of minors, the crust, that are there to liven up the world, and make it feel lived in. And there are plenty of those.
The Adults:
My Inner Core (the main): The main six, obviously, and Red and Kitty.
My Outer Cores (the occasional main/generally prominent):
The OGs: Laurie Forman, Brooke Kelso, Rhonda Tate, Bernard "Buddy" Morgan, Colette Wilson (yes, that Colette), Mitchell "Mitch" Miller (the antagonist)
The new:
Samuel "Sam" Easton: Pastor Dan's brother, and the principal of Washington Park Middle School (where Eric works).
Sonia and Manuel "Manny" Acosta: Manny is Jackie's former co-host of Wake Up, Wisconsin. They are referred to as the "Milwaukee Eric and Donna." They are far more prominent in the 80s, when JH live in Milwaukee.
Victor "Vic" Acosta: Manny's brother, Buddy's partner, and Danny's father (biological; he's bi, and was formerly married to Leo's granddaughter Maura).
Elliot and Edith "Edie" O'Connor: Chelsea's parents and Red and Kitty's kooky hippie neighbors. Prominent in The Kids Are Alright. Edie is the daughter of Red's childhood best friend Arthur "Arch" Holland, who is definitely a member of The Mantle).
The Mantle (other prominent minor characters):
Gloria Butler: Donna's neoliberal boss.
Rozerin "Roz" Ward: Donna's close work friend, and consistent ally.
Then, there are a bunch of minors, the crust, that are there to liven up the world, and make it feel lived in. And there are plenty of those. You've seen some, like Pastor Dan.
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White Collar OC Masterlist
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Name: Addison Bradbury
Story: Getaway Car
Face Claim: Brianne Howey
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Ally Burke
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch
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Name: Cinnia Isley
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Conor Leslie
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Connor Nelson
Story: Sweetest Con
Face Claim: Aaron Tveit
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Eliana Acosta
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Ana De Armas
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Felicity Mitchell
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Willa Holland
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Name: Georgia LeBlanc
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Margot Robbie
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
Debutante, Mardi Gras queen, teenage dream. Georgia LeBlanc had a life that most little girls in New Orleans could only dream of, and she had barely any regrets. Really, just one. Danny Brooks. Her high school boyfriend and first love, who disappeared in their senior year of high school.
Years later, Georgia has made it as a model in New York. Her life is perfect, everything she ever wanted. But then her friend Elizabeth – her very first friend in the city, someone she would do anything for – asks her to take a plus one to one of the most exclusive parties in the city. Of course she says yes, and she won’t deny that she’s excited to meet the apparently charming and stunning Neal Caffrey.
She just didn’t expect him to be Danny Brooks.
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Name: Hailey Mae Fowler
Story: Midnight Rain
Face Claim: Emily Vancamp
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Jade Caffrey
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Lucy Hale
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Name: Kenzie Lauder
Story: Mastermind
Face Claim: Amanda Seyfried
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
To the right circles, Kenzie Lauder was infamous.  Not only were her jobs always impeccable, pushing the boundaries of risk for the greatest rewards, but she had also weaponized the phrase “burden of proof” far beyond what anyone would expect to hold up in a court of law.  It was that phrase, in fact, that kept her from following Neal Caffrey into jail, to the eternal frustration of one Peter Burke.  Losing her partner in crime didn’t slow Kenzie down, necessarily, but it inflicted upon her a sense of caution that she’d never had in the past, staying off the radar and being far more deliberate and intentional in the risks the took.  In fact, from what Neal has heard since getting out of prison, most of her old friends believed her to be out of the business.  Having not seen or heard from her since getting out, Neal in inclined to believe them — that is, until he walks into his latest undercover mission and sees a familiar face at the other end of the bar.
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Name: Mabel Lindsay
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Minka Kelly
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Margot Kline
Story: Cowboy Like Me
Face Claim: Anne Hathaway
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Nessa Caffrey
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Kaya Scodelario
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Name: Rochelle Bauer
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Sophia Bush
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Name: Sawyer Hartley
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca
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Name: Stasya Petrova
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Leighton Meester
Love Interest: Neal Caffrey
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Name: Tate Monroe
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Giorgia Whigham
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tomsland · 9 months
Aloha! He decidido hacer este FC Masterlist en lugar de una muse page porque durante 10 años de rol tuve más niños que una guardería. A continuación encontrarán faceclaims que he roleado/roleo/me gustaría rolear. Los escritos en negrita son personajes ya creados y el icono de estrella señala a mis musas principales, pero siéntanse libre de pedirme a quién sea que tengan como wanted opposite porque me abundan las ganas de rolearlos a todos.
Adelaide Kane
Alexandra Park (Eleanor Henstridge - Canon)
Alexis Ren
Alycia Debnam Carey (Saoirse Townes - OC) ★
Ana de Armas
Ariana Grande (Arielle Pavlak - OC)
Ashley Frangipane "Halsey" (Gemma Lovegood - OC)
Barbara Palvin (Sophie Blackwood - OC)
Bella Hadid
Bill Skarsgard
Britt Robertson
Candice Accola
Chace Crawford
Charlie Cox (Matthew Murdock - Canon / AU )
Chloe Bennet (Daisy Johnson - OC )
Chris Evans (Oliver Cohen - OC )
Chris Wood (Diego Casillas - OC) ★
Daniel Gillies (Ezra Sofianos - OC)
Danielle Campbell
Diego Boneta
Dylan O'Brien
Elizabeth Olsen (Winter Snow - OC)
Emeraude Toubia
Emilia Clarke
Emily VanCamp
Emma Roberts
Eugenia Suarez (Fernanda Acosta - OC)
Evan Peters
Francisco Lachowski
Gigi Hadid
Grant Gustin (Barry Allen - Canon / AU)
Halston Sage
Harry Styles ( Andrew Levine - OC ) ★
Henry Cavill (Louis Graham - OC)
Ian Somerhalder
Jack Falahee (Santiago Cardona - OC)
Jennifer Lawrence
Jensen Ackles (Zane Davenport)
Joe Jonas ( Jose Alejandro - OC )
Joseph Morgan ( James Black - OC ) ★
Josh Dallas
Katherine Mcnamara (Isis Sofianos - OC)
Kendall Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Lauren Jauregui ( Olivia Waldorf - OC )
Leighton Meester ( Brooklyn Swarovski - OC )
Liam Payne (Carter Disney - OC)
Lily Collins (Rosie Dunne - Canon )
Lily James
Louis Tomlinson (Thomas Crawford - OC)
Luke Hemmings (Blake Parker - OC) ★
Marie Avgeropoulos
Martin Garrix (Matthew Hale - OC)
Michael Fassbender
Niall Horan (Demian Ramsay - OC)
Nick Jonas
Nicola Peltz (Darcy Styles - OC )
Nina Dobrev
Richard Madden (William Hilton - OC) ★★
Riley Voelkel
Scott Eastwood (Lucas Prescott - OC)
Sebastian Stan ( Alexander Yasikov - OC)
Selena Gomez (Reign Carrington - OC)
Sophie Turner
Shay Mitchell (Chantelle Cooper - OC)
Tom Austen (Jasper Frost - Canon )
Tom Hardy (Jim Westminster - OC )
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland (Harry Gallagher - OC)
Zayn Malik (Nicholas Stronghold - OC)
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daikenkki · 29 days
US Open 2024 - Men’s Singles Draw:
Jannik Sinner (1) (ITA) vs Mackenzie McDonald (USA)
Eliot Spizzirri (Q) (USA) vs Alex Michelsen (USA)
Mattia Bellucci (Q) (ITA) vs Stan Wawrinka (WC) (SUI)
Christopher O'Connell (AUS) vs Nicolas Jarry (26) (CHI)
Arthur Fils (24) (FRA) vs Learner Tien (WC) (USA)
Jaume Munar (ESP) vs Gabriel Diallo (Q) (CAN)
Max Purcell (AUS) vs Aleksandar Vukic (AUS)
Lorenzo Sonego (ITA) vs Tommy Paul (14) (USA)
Stefanos Tsitsipas (11) (GRE) vs Thanasi Kokkinakis (AUS)
Nuno Borges (POR) vs Federico Coria (ARG)
Tristan Schoolkate (WC) (AUS) vs Taro Daniel (JPN)
Jakub Mensik (CZE) vs Felix Auger-Aliassime (19) (CAN)
Flavio Cobolli (31) (ITA) vs James Duckworth (AUS)
Zizou Bergs (BEL) vs Pavel Kotov
Fabian Marozsan (HUN) vs Hamad Medjedovic (Q) (SRB)
Dusan Lajovic (SRB) vs Daniil Medvedev (5)
Carlos Alcaraz (3) (ESP) vs Li Tu (Q) (AUS)
Denis Shapovalov (PR) (CAN) vs Botic Van de Zandschulp (NED)
Facundo Diaz Acosta (ARG) vs Hugo Gaston (FRA)
Zhizhen Zhang (CHN) vs Jack Draper (25) (GBR)
Alejandro Tabilo (22) (CHI) vs David Goffin (BEL)
Borna Coric (CRO) vs Adrian Mannarino (FRA)
Fabio Fognini (ITA) vs Tomas Machac (CZE)
Corentin Moutet (FRA) vs Sebastian Korda (16) (USA)
Alex De Minaur (10) (AUS) vs Marcos Giron (USA)
Otto Virtanen (Q) (FIN) vs Quentin Halys (Q) (FRA)
Mariano Navone (ARG) vs Daniel Altmaier (GER)
Daniel Evans (GBR) vs Karen Khachanov (23)
Matteo Arnaldi (30) (ITA) vs Zachary Svajda (WC) (USA)
Matthew Forbes (WC) (USA) vs Roman Safiullin
Constant Lestienne (FRA) vs Jordan Thompson (AUS)
Timofey Skatov (Q) (KAZ) vs Hubert Hurkacz (7) (POL)
Casper Ruud (8) (NOR) vs Yunchaokete Bu (Q) (CHN)
Gael Monfils (FRA) vs Diego Schwartzman (Q) (ARG)
Jan Choinski (Q) (GBR) vs Roberto Carballes Baena (ESP)
Juncheng Shang (CHN) vs Alexander Bublik (27) (KAZ)
Ugo Humbert (17) (FRA) vs Thiago Monteiro (BRA)
Dominic Stricker (PR) (SUI) vs Francisco Comesana (ARG)
Albert Ramos-Vinolas (ESP) vs Matteo Berrettini (ITA)
Camilo Ugo Carabelli (ARG) vs Taylor Fritz (12) (USA)
Holger Rune (15) (DEN) vs Brandon Nakashima (USA)
Arthur Cazaux (FRA) vs Pablo Carreno Busta (PR) (ESP)
Yoshihito Nishioka (JPN) vs Miomir Kecmanovic (SRB)
Reilly Opelka (PR) (USA) vs Lorenzo Musetti (18) (ITA)
Francisco Cerundolo (29) (ARG) vs Sebastian Ofner (AUT)
Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard (FRA) vs Tomas Martin Etcheverry (ARG)
Alexandre Muller (WC) (FRA) vs Adam Walton (AUS)
Emil Ruusuvuori (FIN) vs Alexander Zverev (4) (GER)
Andrey Rublev (6) vs Thiago Seyboth Wild (BRA)
Christopher Eubanks (WC) (USA) vs Arthur Rinderknech (FRA)
Hugo Grenier (Q) (FRA) vs Mitchell Krueger (Q) (USA)
Marton Fucsovics (HUN) vs Jiri Lehecka (32) (CZE)
Sebastian Baez (21) (ARG) vs Luciano Darderi (ITA)
Sumit Nagal (IND) vs Tallon Griekspoor (NED)
Rinky Hijikata (AUS) vs Alejandro Davidovich Fokina (ESP)
Kyrian Jacquet (Q) (FRA) vs Grigor Dimitrov (9) (BUL)
Ben Shelton (13) (USA) vs Dominic Thiem (WC) (AUT)
Luca Nardi (ITA) vs Roberto Bautista Agut (ESP)
Alexander Shevchenko (KAZ) vs Dominik Koepfer (GER)
Aleksandar Kovacevic (USA) vs Frances Tiafoe (20) (USA)
Alexei Popyrin (28) (AUS) vs Soonwoo Kwon (PR) (KOR)
Pedro Martinez (ESP) vs Maks Kasnikowski (Q) (POL)
Laslo Djere (SRB) vs Jan-Lennard Struff (GER)
Radu Albot (Q) (MDA) vs Novak Djokovic (2) (SRB)
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khulkulkhan · 6 months
Best Lightweight boxers of the 2000s
I try to make a ranking of the most successful professional boxers in Lightweight between 2001 and 2010:
Juan Manuel Marquez
2. Floyd Mayweather
3. Joel Casamayor
4. Juan Diaz
5. Diego Corrales
6. Jose Luìs Castillo
7. Nate Campbell
8. Acelino Freitas
9. Lakva Sim
10. Artur Grigorian
11. Paul Spadafora
12. Humberto Soto
13. Edwin Valero
14. Leonard Doroftei
15. Stevie Johnston
16. Joan Guzman
17. Julio Diaz
18. Juan Lazcano
19. Michael Katsidis
20. Ali Funeka
21. Luìs Acosta
22. Robert Guerrero
23. David Diaz
24. Almazbek Raiymkgulov
25. Raul Horacio Balbi
26. Paulus Moses
27. Jose Armando Santa Cruz
28. Jesus Chavez
29. Antonio De Marco
30. Rolando Reyes
31. Kevin Mitchel
32. Julien Lorcy
33. Levander Johnson
34. Sirimonogkol Sikmanasak
35. Yuri Romanov
36. Javir Jauregui
37. Ebo Elder
38. Jose Angel Cotto
39. Michael Clark
40. Edner Chery
Notable mentionings: Matt Zegan, Rick Quiles, Graham Earl, Aldo Rios, Breidis Prescott, Takanori Hatakeyama, Phillipp N'dou, Fernando Angulo, Denis Holbaek-Petersen
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motorsportverso · 8 months
Resultado etapa 10 Dakar 2024
1-211-Guerlain Chicheret\Alex Winocq-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-Over Drive Toyota-T1+-03:19:27
2-219-Brian Baragwana-Century CR7 T1+-Century Racing Factory Team-T1+-03:25:10
3-223-Benediktas Vanagas-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-Toyota Gazzo Racing Baltics-T1+-3:25:31
4-227-Eugenio Amos\Paolo Cecci-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-Over Drive Toyota-T1+-3:25:36
5-231-Romain Dumas-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-Rebellion Racing-T1+-3:26:39
6-212-Matthieu Serradori\Loic Minaudier-Century CR6 T-Century Racing Factory Racing-T1.2-3:29:30
7-205-Juan Cruz Yacopiani-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-Over Drive Toyota-T1+-3:29:54
8-245-Cristian Baugart\Beco Andreotti-Prodrive Hunter T1+-X-Rally Team-T1+-3:30:48
9-208-Martin Prokop\Viktor Chytka-Ford Raptor RS T1+-ORLEN TEAM JIPOCAR-T1+-3:31:25
10-221-Guilaume de Mevius-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-Over Drive Toyota-T1+-3:31:28
UTVS Challenger(T3)
1-318-Marcelo Gastaldi\Cadu Sachs-Taurus T3 Max Hybrid-BBR TEAM-3:44:13
2-312-Nicolas Cavigliasso\Valentina Pertegriani-Taurus T3 Max-Taurus Factory Team-3:45:39
3-308-David Zille\Sebastien Cesana-Can-am Maverick X3-South Racing-Can-am-3:50:56
4-300-Rokas Baciuska\Oriol Vidal-Can-am Maverick X3-South Racing-Can-am-3:3:51:42
5-306-Cristina Guttierrez\Pablo Moreno-Taurus T3 Max Hybrid-Red Bull Off Road BY BFG-3:51:53
6-303-Mitchell Guthrie\Kellon Walch-Taurus T3 Max Hybrid-Taurus Factory Team-3:51:53
7-305-Austin Jones\Gustavo Guglemin-Can-am Maverick X3-Can-am Factory Team-3:52:52
8-315-Ricardo Porem\Augusto Sanz-MMP Can-am-MMP-3:57:59
9-337-João Monteiro-Can-am Maverick X3-South Racing-Can-am-4:04:28
10-Saleh Alsaif\Nasser Alkhuwari-Over Drive OT3-Horse Racing Team-4:05:05
1-419-Sara Price\Jeremy Gray- Can-am Maverick X3-South Racing-Can-am-3:51:19
2-420-Jeromy de Seedeler\Michael Metge-Can-am Maverick X3-MMP-3:51:41
3-416-Rodrigo Varela\Enio Bozzano-Can-am Maverick X3-South Racing-Can-am-3:55:29
4-400-João Ferreira\Filipi Palmero-Can-am Maverick X3-Can-am Factory Team-3:56:35
5-405-Florent Vaysse\Nicolas Rey-Polaris RZR Pro R-Sebastien Loeb Racing-3:56:42
6-411-Xavier De Soultrait\MartinBonnet- Polaris RZR Pro R-Sebastien Loeb Racing-3:59:09
7-408-Yasir Seaidan\Adrien Metge-Can-am Maverick X3-MMP-4:00:45
8-409-Sebastien Guayssamin\Fernando Acosta-Can-am Maverick X3-FN Speed Team-4:03:31
9-414-Cristiano Batista\Fausto Mota-Can-am Maverick X3-South Racing-Can-am-4:06:28
10-402-Gerard Farres\Diogo Ortega-Can-am Maverick X3-South Racing-Can-am-4:18:33
0 notes
mirandamckenni1 · 11 months
Can You Decode This Alien Message? The first 500 people to use my link will get access to one of Skillshare’s best offers: 30 days free AND 40% off your first year of Skillshare membership! https://ift.tt/1xBh4Fj Recommended course: The Science of Effective Learning by Santiago Acosta Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page :) https://ift.tt/jgW9h40 Visit the Up and Atom store https://ift.tt/12xhJ7S Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos https://www.youtube.com/c/upandatom For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal :) https://ift.tt/mj647oU *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Thorsten Auth, Chris Flynn, Tim Barnard, Izzy Ca, Tate Lyles, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr., Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston, Thomas Krause, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Francisco, Marc-Antoine, Chris Davis, Thomas Urech, chuck zegar, David Tuman, Richard Rensman, Ben Mitchell, Steve Archer, Luna, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Justin Smith, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith, Alex Hackman, bpatb, Joel Becane, Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Jeff Schwarz, Yana Chernobilsky, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Motty Porat, Michael Tardibuono, Yaw Mintah, Carlos Escolar, Vijay Prasad, Anthony Docimo, robert lalonde, Julian Nagel, Cassandra Durnord, Antony Birch, Paul Bunbury, David Shlapak, Kent Arimura, Phillip Rhodes, Michael Nugent, James N Smith, Roland Gibson, Joe McTee, Dean Fantastic, Oleg Dats, John Spalding, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Brian Williams, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Emily, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Chris Teubert, Fran, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Rick DeWitt, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Garrett Chomka, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, amcnea and Simon Dargaville. Chapters 0:00 - 0:53 Receiving the alien message 0:53 - 3:15 Interpreting the radio signal 3:15 - 5:00 Mysterious white squares 5:00 - 5:43 Mysterious purple blob 5:43 - 7:27 Mysterious green clusters 7:27 - 7:36 Mysterious blue twirlies 7:36 - 8:05 Mysterious red figure 8:05 - 9:34 More mysterious white squares 9:34 - 10:28 Mysterious yellow dots 10:28 - 11:12 Mysterious purple thing 11:12 - 13:08 Even MORE mysterious white squares 13:08 - Fun fact about the Arecibo message 13:48 Thank you Skillshare! Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Joshua Daniel Editing - Christian Pearson and Jade Tan-Holmes Music - epidemicsound.com via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm1tBF4h8nQ
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Ex-Cult Member Behind "Blacks for Trump" Is Bankrupt, So Who's Paying for His Trump Rally Trips?
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At President Trump's rally in Tampa last week, a familiar face made it back in the national news. Maurice Symonette, also known as Michael the Black Man, was front and center in a crowd hurling invective at CNN reporter Jim Acosta, waving a "Blacks for Trump" sign. Symonette has been a regular at Trump rallies all over Florida and as far away as Arizona. Just last month, he popped up at the U.S. border to appear in a video with disgraced sheriff-turned-pardoned-Senate-candidate Joe Arpaio.
All that national exposure raises an obvious question: Who is paying the bills for Symonette, a former member of Miami's murderous Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, to represent "Blacks for Trump" at Trump rallies?  Since Blacks for Trump isn't a registered political organization with the Florida Division of Elections or the Federal Election Commission, there are no public records of any donations funding the group's operations.
It seems unlikely Symonette is fronting the cash for his travel himself because he filed for bankruptcy this past May. In federal court records, he reports that he's unemployed, generates no income, and has $0 in the bank. He also says four banks have staked claims on $2.9 million worth of property around Dade County. 
So how is he getting to Arizona and Tampa to stand behind Trump on national TV?  Reached on his cell phone, Symonette declined to discuss his group's financing. "You guys are horrible racists," he said. "You are lawbreakers and you're mean... God is going to punish you horribly."
Throughout the '80s, Symonette — then known as Maurice Woodside — was a devoted follower of Yahweh ben Yahweh, a charismatic preacher who wore white robes and called himself the Messiah. Federal prosecutors later accused Yahweh, whose real name was Hulon Mitchell Jr., of ordering his followers to murder at least 14 people, including random white vagrants who were massacred as an initiation rite.
Symonette was charged in federal court along with Mitchell and 15 other followers in 1990; while the cult's leader was later convicted of 14 charges of murder conspiracy and served nearly two decades in prison, Symonette and six other cult members were acquitted.
In the decades since, Symonette has been charged with crimes including grand theft auto, carrying a weapon onto an airplane, and threatening a police officer, but has never been convicted. (He does have a pending case on a municipal ordinance charge in Hollywood after police showed up to a really loud party he threw.)
Since Trump's election, Symonette has carved out an unlikely new niche as one of President Trump's most visible African-American supporters. He has a knack for getting prime placement directly behind Trump and has handed out hundreds of his "Blacks for Trump" signs. They advertise his website, which is full of conspiracy theories about Cherokees running the U.S. banking system. (Really.)
Symonette was even featured at a Miami Trump rally that prosecutors later alleged had been funded by Russian nationals looking to disrupt the election.
Symonette filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on May 16, listing Washington Mutual, Homecomings Financial, HSBC Bank, and Indymac Bank as his creditors; each institution laid claim to one of four houses. Three are in North Miami-Dade County, and one is near Kendall.
In court docs, his only listed assets are clothing, watches, various household items, and a pool table. He does say that his live-in girlfriend, whom he doesn't identify by name, provides him with $2,000 per month.
Could that money from his significant other cover Blacks for Trump's various trips around the country to support the president on TV? Symonette wouldn't discuss that with a New Times reporter. 
Instead, he spoke at length about his belief that the banking system is corrupt. He added that "Trump being the president is the greatest blessing we have ever had."
In his bankruptcy case, he's repeated those allegations about the banking system being crooked to Judge Laurel M. Isicoff. He's also repeatedly sought to change hearings that overlapped with Trump events. Symonette suggested the scheduling conflicts are a sinister plot to keep him away from the spotlight at Trump rallies.
"Creditors know that I have a rally in Arizona on July 25 and deliberately set the hearing on that date to cause me and my musical band to miss the performance and the rally with the bus we rented," he wrote in a motion filed the same morning as the Phoenix rally. "The creditors overheard that at the house we are disputing... and set that hearing on the same date just to harm me."
That motion was denied, as was another he filed on July 30, just before Trump's Tampa rally. "As founder of Blacks for Trump, (I) have rented vans to go to Trump's rally. We need to make the country aware how the banks (FOREIGNERS FROM THE EAST) are illegally taking WHITE AND BLACK PEOPLE'S houses away."
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For a second, Donald Trump seemed to be backing off his vitriolic attacks on the free press. After five journalists were massacred at the Annapolis Capital Gazette, Trump briefly toned down his slurs. He even invited New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzburger to the White House to clear the air. But it didn't last.
Trump quickly returned to his Stalinist, enemies-of-the-people label for journalists and then lied about his meeting with Sulzburger to insist that truthful reporting is "fake news." Those insults have a real effect, and that fact was never frighteningly clearer than at Trump's rally last night in Tampa, where an unhinged-looking mob screamed insults and waved middle fingers at journalists, particularly CNN's chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta.
The scene left many political watchers deeply shaken, including Acosta:
Just a sample of the sad scene we faced at the Trump rally in Tampa. I’m very worried that the hostility whipped up by Trump and some in conservative media will result in somebody getting hurt. We should not treat our fellow Americans this way. The press is not the enemy. pic.twitter.com/IhSRw5Ui3R— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 1, 2018
But most national press watchers didn't notice who was right at the center of that mob hurling invective at Acosta and his colleagues: Yep, it was Michael the Black Man, AKA Maurice Symonette, a former member of Miami's murderous Yahweh ben Yawheh cult who once faced charges of conspiring in the group's murders.
That's him with his instantly recognizable "Blacks for Trump" sign:
.@Acosta is trying to do a stand-up at #trumptampa and the crowd is booing and chanting “CNN sucks” behind him. pic.twitter.com/XiULajB1Li— Emily L. Mahoney (@mahoneysthename) July 31, 2018
Symonette has been a mainstay at Florida Trump rallies and over the past year has popped up at other Trump-linked events around the nation. Just last week, he flew to Arizona to film a video at the border with disgraced former sheriff Joe Arpaio. Trump's staff regularly gives Symonette front-and-center seats where he waves his black-and-white sign on national television.
Here's some background on Symonette from New Times' earlier reporting on him:
He's also a former member of the murderous Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, which was led by the charismatic preacher Hulon Mitchell Jr., who was charged by the feds in 1990 with conspiracy in killings that included a gruesome beheading in the Everglades. Michael, along with 15 other Yahweh followers, was charged for allegedly conspiring in two murders; his brother, who was also in the cult, told jurors that Michael had helped beat one man who was later killed and stuck a sharpened stick into another man's eyeball. But jurors found Michael (and six other Yahweh followers) innocent. They sent Mitchell away for 20 years in the federal pen. In the years that followed, he changed his last name to Symonette, made a career as a musician, started a radio station in Miami and then re-invented himself as Michael the Black Man, an anti-gay, anti-liberal preacher with a golden instinct for getting on TV at GOP events. He's planned events with Rick Santorum and gotten cable news play for bashing Obama. Since 1997, he's been charged with grand theft auto, carrying a weapon onto an airplane and threatening a police officer, but never convicted in any of those cases. 
In other words, he's exactly the kind of guy you might not want to drive into a blind rage at journalists who are just trying to do their jobs. Yet there he was in Tampa, right in the middle of the crowd screaming at Acosta — who, incidentally, took time to talk to the crowds who were so angry with him:
After each live shot, @Acosta would walk down and politely talk to the people who just heckled him. He talked to one group for at least 15 minutes. pic.twitter.com/J26nlxfD6k— Christopher Heath (@CHeathWFTV) August 1, 2018
There are two safe bets on this topic going forward: Trump won't stop throwing insults at the media, and wherever the president is whipping up that anger, Michael the Black Man will probably be there with his signs, happily taking the bait.
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SLEDUJTE~ Insidious: Červené dveře (2023) Celý Film Online [CZ-SK] a Zdarma
Sledovat celý film Insidious: Červené dveře (2023) Online je aktuálně nejoblíbenějším filmem na vyhledávacím webu Google. Filmy, které jsou dnes velmi vyhledávané milovníky filmů, filmy, které je zábavné sledovat o víkendech s rodinou, přáteli a přítelkyněmi. Chcete-li se zbavit nudy, která se vám stane po únavě z práce.
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Sledovat online : Insidious: Červené dveře (2023)
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Další název: Insidious: Červené dveře Žánr: Horor, Mysteriózní, Thriller, Země: Spojené státy americké Premiéra v ČR: 2023-07-05 Délka: 107 min. hraje: Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Lin Shaye, Sinclair Daniel, Hiam Abbass, Andrew Astor, Juliana Davies, Steve Coulter, Peter Dager, Joseph Bishara, Angus Sampson, Leigh Whannell, Justin Sturgis, David Call, Stephen Gray, Robin S. Walker, Bridget Kim, Logan Wilson, Kasjan Wilson, Mary Looram, Adrian Acosta, AJ Dyer, Kalin Wilson, E. Roger Mitchell, Dagmara Domińczyk, Tom Toland, Elaine Apruzzese, Suki Úna Rae, Desi Ramos, Victorya Danylko-Petrovskaya, Tom Fitzpatrick, Barbara Hershey, Joseph Bishara, Obsah filmu Insidious: Červené dveře: Aby rodina jednou pro vždy skoncovala se svými démony, musí se Josh a vysokoškolák Dalton vydat dál než kdy dříve, a čelit temné minulosti své rodiny a zároveň novým, ještě děsivějším hrůzám ukrytými za červenými dveřmi. Kroky ke stažení filmů * Můžete navštívit webové stránky prostřednictvím odkazů, které jsme poskytli následovně: povodeň * Navštivte stránky, které již doporučujeme a vyhledejte film, který chcete sledovat a stahovat. Pro zjednodušení můžete použít funkci vyhledávání. * Po nalezení filmu, který se vám líbí, klikněte na kartu Hry. Pokračujte v stahování hrozby „Insidious: Červené dveře“ a stáhněte film do požadované kvality. Viz obrázek, aby bylo jasnější. Klíčová slova Insidious: Červené dveře celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Insidious: Červené dveře cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Insidious: Červené dveře Filmy Česky a Zdarma, Insidious: Červené dveře online ke shlednuti, Insidious: Červené dveře Informace o filmu, Insidious: Červené dveře online cely film, Insidious: Červené dveře Sleduju Online, Insidious: Červené dveře online bombuj, Insidious: Červené dveře online, Insidious: Červené dveře online film cz, Insidious: Červené dveře Bombuj, Insidious: Červené dveře bombuj cz,
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
Personality and horoscope for people born on July 29 They are self-sufficient and tolerant. They like deadly implements, war organizations, and amazing environmental elements. Sure, glad, pompous individuals, with an adoration for the military: they are excited about gallant deeds, valiance, outfitted battle, sports, and so forth. They are stubborn, persistent, and do not give in to arguments. Aggressive: They are not afraid to fight, duke it out, or go to war with their enemies. They capably contend, consistently prepared to strike, without stressing a lot over risk or outcomes. Because they are able to combine practical materialism, philosophical insight, and spirituality into a harmonious "whole," people who were born on this day have the potential to positively influence humanity, inspiring their surroundings, and lending them moral strength. This enables them to skillfully direct public appearances and influence public opinion. They can have a significant impact on their environment and exhibit great inner power when they mature spiritually through solitude. Somebody conceived today draws in individuals to assemble around him, as he assumes the part of a sun encompassed via planets. Typically, these individuals have a special purpose in the world. At the point when they are not excessively hindered by their experience and climate, they will make progress as pioneers and acknowledgment of their psychological capacities and moral, maybe even actual strength. They will find true success in military help, as well as in any calling that requires boldness and strength. What compromises them: They may be vulnerable to fateful reversals because of their overconfidence. Zodiac sign for those brought into the world on July 29 Assuming that your birthday is July 29, your zodiac sign is Leo July 29 - character and character character: mindful, earnest, sympathetic, curious, requesting, fanciful calling: Colors for locksmith, carpenter, and hairdresser: pink, silver, and ruby: Cat-eyed creature: plant with penguins: Larkspur bloom fortunate numbers: 15,28,31,39,53,54 very fortunate number: 14 AUGUST 29 ZODIAC 
 St Nick Marta de Tormes (Salamanca), a neighborhood celebration committed to St Nick Marta.
In most cases, it occurs during the summer "Festa Major" in Parets del Valles, which is in Barcelona. St Nick Marta de Ortigueira (A Coruna), nearby celebration committed to Santa Clause Marta. Global Tiger Day (in English Wikipedia) July 29 Big name birthday celebrations. Who was born on your birthday? 1900: Nobel Prize in Literature winner Eyvind Johnson, a Swedish novelist who passed away in 1976. 1900: American musician Don Redman died in 1964. 1902: Chilean soccer player David Arellano passed away in 1927. 1904: Argentine politician Ricardo Balbn, who died in 1981: American actress Clara Bow died in 1965. 1905: Dag Hammarskjდ¶ld, Swedish lawmaker, Nobel Harmony Prize victor in 1961 (d. 1961). 1905: American actress Thelma Todd died in 1935. 1905: Stanley Kunitz (en), American artist (d. 2006). 1906: French fashion editor Diana Vreeland (en), who died in 1989, 1906: Juan Aparicio Lდ³pez, Spanish columnist (d. 1987). 1907: Melvin Belli (en), an American actor and jurist who passed away in 1996, 1913: Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke, who died in 2013, 1914: American comedian Irwin Corey (in). 1916: American guitarist Charlie Christian passed away in 1942. 1916: Budd Boetticher, American producer (d. 2001). 1918: Edwin O'Connor (in), American author (d. 1968). 1920: Mexican actor Rodolfo Acosta died in 1974. 1921: Richard Egan, American entertainer (d. 1987). 1923: American actor Gordon Mitchell (born 2003). 1923: Jim Marshall, English finance manager (d. 2012). 1924: Lloyd Bochner, Canadian entertainer (d. 2005). 1924: Robert Horton (entertainer) (in), American entertainer. 1925: Greek intellectual and composer Mikis Theodorakis. 1927: Harry Mulisch, a Dutch author who died in 2010, 1928: Alberto Oliart, previous Spanish priest. 1929: Jean Baudrillard, French social scientist (d. 2007). 1929: Mikel Scicluna, Maltese expert grappler (d. 2010). 1930: Paul Taylor, American choreographer. 1930: Spanish author and educator Manuel Mantero 1931: Chilean journalist and narrator Jorge Edwards 1932: Argentine cardiologist Luis de la Fuente 1933: American actor Robert Fuller 1934: Octavio Arizmendi Posada, Colombian legislator (d. 2004). 1935: Mezzo-soprano Morella Munoz, from Venezuela (born in 1995), 1935: German tenor Peter Schreier. 1935: American keyboardist for REO Speedwagon, Neal Doughty. 1936: Actor Gi3vine, from Argentina. 1937: Daniel McFadden, American business analyst. 1937: Prime Minister of Japan Ryutaro Hashimoto, who passed away in 2006 1938: Anchor of the Canadian news, Peter Jennings. 1939: Terele Pvez, an actress from Spain. 1941: British actor David Warner 1942: The American actor Tony Sirico 1943: Hctor Luis Ayala, an Argentine folk music singer-songwriter and guitarist who belonged to the band Vivencia and passed away in 2016, 1943: Germany's Michael Holm, a singer. 1943: Spanish footballer Antoni Torres was born in 2003. 1946: Ximena Armas, Chilean painter. 1946: British actress Diane Keen (in) 1949: American actress Leslie Easterbrook 1949: Jamil Mahuad is the president of Ecuador. 1950: Galician nationalist politician and historian Encarna Otero Cepeda. 1951: Spanish socialist politician Cristina Narbona 1951: American novelist, composer, director, and composer Dean Pitchford (in). 1953: American filmmaker Ken Burns 1953: Rush's Canadian singer-songwriter Geddy Lee. 1953: American singer Patti Scialfa 1955: Dave Stevens (en), American artist. 1955: French actor Jean-Hugues Anglade (fr). 1956: Henry Zakka, Venezuelan entertainer. 1957: Ulrich Tukur, German entertainer. 1957: Nellie Kim, Russian tumbler. 1957: Soprano Alessandra Marc (in), an American 1957: Spanish band Radio Futura guitarist Enrique Sierra (born in 2012). 1958: Solveig Dommartin, French entertainer (d. 2007). 1958: JAF is an Argentine musician named Juan Antonio Ferreyra. 1959: Gilda Butta, Italian musician. 1959: Dutch artist Ruud Janssen 1959: British guitarist for Whitesnake and Thin Lizzy, John Sykes. 1962: Argentine novelist and mathematician Guillermo Martinez. 1962: DJ Carl Cox is from Barbados. 1963: Israeli driver Chanoch Nissany in Formula One 1963: British soccer referee Graham Poll 1963: Alexandra Paul, American entertainer. 1965: Author Chang-Rae Lee (in), from South Korea. 1965: Dean Haglund (en), an actor from Canada. 1966: Argentine journalist and LGBT activist Marta Dillon. 1966: Sally Gunnell, English Olympian. 1966: Richard Steven Horvitz, American voice entertainer. 1966: American singer Martina McBride 1966: Spanish professional basketball player Juan Antonio Orenga 1968: The Finnish cellist for the band Apocalyptica, Paavo Länen. 1968: Vicente Barrera, Spanish matador. 1969: Adele Stevens, English pornography model and entertainer. 1971: American actress Monica Calhoun (pictured), 1971: Singer Lisa Ekdahl from Sweden 1972: The American actor Wil Wheaton 1973: Wanya Morris, American artist, of the band Boyz II Men. 1973: Stephen Dorff, American entertainer. 1974: Josh Radnor, American entertainer. 1975: Corrado Grabbi, Italian footballer. 1979: Ronald Murray, American b-ball player. 1979: Footballer from Tunisia named Karim Essediri 1980: Chilean tennis player Fernando Gonzales 1980: The American actress Rachel Miner 1981: Fernando Alonso, a Spanish driver in Formula One. 1981: Andrდ©s Madrid, Argentine soccer player. 1982: American actress Allison Mack 1982: (Janez Aljani) en), a footballer from Slovenia. 1982: Jnatas Domingos, a soccer player from Brazil. 1984: Juan Carlos Flores, Mexican entertainer. 1984: Gymnast from Ukraine named Anna Bessonova. 1984: Wilson Palacios, Honduran soccer player. 1985: Jonathan Maidana, Argentine footballer. 1987: Sabra Johnson (in), American artist. 1989: Julio Furch, Argentine footballer. 1989: Voice actress from Japan named Narumi Takahira. 1990: Matt Prokop, American entertainer. 1991: American actress Miki Ishikawa 1991: Paulina Goto, Mexican entertainer and artist 1991: Orlando Ortega, an athlete from Spain in 1995: Mara Jos Alvarado, a model from Honduras. Miss World Honduras 2014 (f. 2014).
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dliilb · 1 year
Quickbooks - Eggs DC from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
PRODUCTION DIRECTOR &. FOUNDING PARTNER - lan Pons Jewell EP/FOUNDING PARTNER - Zico Judge DOP - Mauro Chiarello PRODUCER - Jane Lloyd PRODUCTION DESIGNER - Maruxa Alvar COSTUME DESIGNER - Amena Kara PRODUCTION DESIGNER ASSIST. - Scarlett Wallis CHOREOGRAPHER & MOVEMENT DIRECTOR - Charlie Mayhew VFX - Stephen Grasso VFX - Federico Vanone HEAD OF PRODUCTION Blur - Pablo Herraiz PRODUCER - Idoia Sanchez PRODUCTION MANAGER - Marta Pijoan PRODUCTION COORD. - Mireia Fontanals PRODUCTION COORD. - Lorena Mascarell PA - Cris Cuello DIRECTOR'S DRIVER - Javier Nieto Bubu CREW DRIVER - Joao Santos, Sandro Rodriguez, Dario Carrascosa, Juanjo Infante, Alberto Campillo, Susana Santamaria UNIT MANAGER - Gerard Argeni UNIT MANAGER - Javi Puente PRODUCTION HELPERS LOCATION MANAGER - David Bello LOC. ASSIST. - Jordi Gratacós
AGENCY: Wieden+Kennedy (WK) CREATIVE DIRECTOR - Charlie Lanus CREATIVE DIRECTOr - Lucas Reis CREATIVE - Will Wells CREATIVE - Sammy Watts-Stanfield ACCOUNT DIRECTOR - Abby Walsh ACCOUNT MANAGER- Oli Mitchell TV PRODUCER - James Laughton PRODUCTION ASSISTANT - Ross Taylor
EDIT: EDITORIAL COMPANY - The Quarry EDITOR - Ben Campbell EDIT ASSISTANT - Lawrence Lakshmanan EDIT PRODUCER - Dilia Knobel
VFX: VFX COMPANY - Time Based Arts VFX HEAD OF PRODUCTION - Josh Robinson VFX PRODUCER - Chris Aliano VFX SUPERVISOR - Stephen Grasso COLURIST - Myles Bevan
SOUND: MUSIC SUPERVISION & ADDITIONAL MUSIC: Gregory Caron & Hannes De Maeyer SOUND DESIGN: Tim Harrison & Gregory Caron FINAL MIX: Gregory Caron
AD's DEPT. 1st AD - Ferran Rial 2nd AD - Laura Ruiz Penacho 3rd AD - Martí Mendez SCRIPT - Belén Lopez
CAMERA 1st AC - Adrian Rodriguez 2nd AC - Eneko Abad VIDEO ASSIST. - Alex Vallespin DIT - Esteban Wiaggio CAMERA TRUCK DRIVER - Fernando Monsalve
LIGHTING GAFFER - Damian Halpern BEST BOY - Juan A. Danta SPARK - Juanma Perez, Javi Carrion, Charly Vila, Jesus M. Perez, Gabriel Arribas
GRIP DEPT. KEY GRIP - Ricard Arrés GRIP - Marc Marroig, Ramon Pomar, Hector Valenzuela
ART DEPARTMENT ART DIRECTOR - Natalia Miniti SET DECORATOR - Laia Serra PROPS BUYER - Nuria Fontané PROPS BUYER ASSIST. - Julia Ruiz STANDBY PROPS - Marc Garcia STANDBY PROPS - Jerome Gilbert SET DRESSER - Jose Antonio Goya, Carles Revilla, Fernando Duran, Albert Quilez PAINTER - Lorenc Mas
WARDROBE DEPT. COSTUME ASSIST - Marti Palacin, Eduard Barcelo DRIVER WARDROBE - Sergio Gomez, Juan Cascorro MOTORHOME DRIVER - Jonas Suarez
M-UP & HAIR DEPT. MU & HAIR ARTIST - Eva Quilez MU ASSIST. - Laura Garcia HAIR ASSIST. - Alvaro Sanchez FX PROSTHETIC - Raquel Pintado FX MAKE UP ASSIST. - As per Raquel Pintadi
OTHERS NURSE - Sergi Pares, Damia Roy CATERER - Cuchara De Palo
CASTING CASTING SPAIN: @castingbite CASTING DIRECTOR: Pablo Peñalver CASTING LONDON: @kharmelcochranecasting CASTING DIRECTOR: Kharmel Cochrane
TALENT HERO GIRL - Chelsea O'Connor CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Secondary // Johnny Melville CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Secondary // Toni Regueiro CHICKEN - Paskany CHICKEN - Juan Sanchez HERO GUY - Rai Aich DOG WALKER - Josep Rafús BLUE DOG - Xevi Dorca PINK DOG - Joss Carter PURPLE DOG - Steph McCann CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Florencia Tahan CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Xi Wang Li CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Sonia Nardone CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Jordi Carol CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Francisco Romero CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Motokazu Kawamura CAFÉ CUSTOMER - Andzhur Aditanoz
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Who'd fall for my sweet Spanish tutor Marisol Garza?
Chad Channing would have a thing for her, Chad Channing is also the second worst man in Ohio after Will (it really would be Will 2.0 for her)
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Felicity Mitchell, sweet lil college student who is also a secret badass
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Eliana Acosta, aspiring criminal mastermind
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Send me one of your ocs and I'll tell you which of mine would fall in love with them
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