#m: development
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starlightsuicide · 2 days ago
"What are you? The relationship ghost?"
Yes, yes he is ✨️
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Plot development, it's slow and painful but worth it in the end.
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allthecanadianpolitics · 2 days ago
The B.C. Court of Appeal has ruled that a law passed by the provincial government to stave off opposition to a supportive housing development in the Vancouver neighbourhood of Kitsilano is unconstitutional. The provincial government had adopted the law at the request of the City of Vancouver in 2023 to push through a 12-storey housing development at Arbutus Street, featuring units open to low‑income residents and users of support services. But the Arbutus development was opposed by the Kitsilano Coalition for Children & Family Safety Society, which took the city to court over its in-principle approval of a rezoning to allow the project to go ahead.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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kropotkindersurprise · 8 months ago
May 10, 2024 - Hundreds of radical environmentalists and anticapitalists have broken through police lines and fences and stormed the terrain of the Tesla Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg. They are attempting to stop the planned expansion of the factory, which would mean the destruction of surrounding forest and farmland. The factory also uses immense amounts of water, and all to sell shitty electric cars to give people the idea that personal consumption choices can save the environment from destruction, and make fascist Elon Musk even richer than he already is. The actions in the past days have forced Tesla to temporarily shut down production at the factory. [video]
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melamemea · 2 years ago
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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joosiewiththeboof · 4 months ago
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Purse dog
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 3 months ago
i am SO SO SO curious about how long it would've taken for dinosaurs to grow!!! What do we know about how non-avians would've gone about this, especially those colossal sauropods?
I know that in modern dinosaurs this timeline is skewed a bit since a lot of them only spend one to a few months in a nest before fledging. However flightless species like emus and emperor penguins can take around a year to reach that full size. Would the non-avian dinosaurs have been similar?
So we actually can track dinosaur growth via histology!
Bones grow like tree trunks and we can count the rings!
Different dinosaurs had different growth patterns! I don't remember all of them off the top of my head, but T. rex (for one example) had a growth curve remarkably similar to people!
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lorenzonuti · 5 months ago
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Malware detected.
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bashieashie · 8 months ago
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So I got the opportunity last month to make a pitch for a short animated film! So I decided to tell the tale of two paintings in a art museum who get into a fight but ultimately fall in love and decide to hop into a frame together. Unfortunately it wasn't chosen in the end but I am planning to do something with this story in the near future!
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reachartwork · 8 months ago
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finally went ahead and did that homestuck alchemization bot i always said i'd be doing at some point in my life. you can add him to your discord server here;
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butterfly-95 · 1 year ago
I think people need to realize that it was sheer luck that they have been born in developed countries with decent living conditions, away from the threat of war or civil conflicts. It is by pure coincidence at times that you end up being a citizen of a developed country, rather than one with an impoverished population experiencing man-made (because it is man-made in this day and age) famine, diseases that have been long eradicated or war (be it a civil conflict or due to selfish interests of developed nations who profit from these, at the cost of civilian lives). You could have been born into these conditions.
The point is: NO ONE should ever be made to witness the horrors of war, famine, poverty, disease or any other trauma inducing situation in which they have no free will or say about its outcome.
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computer-nerd-girl · 5 months ago
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yasirmukhtar · 18 days ago
Siapa sih yang suka dikritik?
Ngga ada.
Manusia, pada dasarnya, cenderung menghindari kritik. Seberapa terbuka pun seseorang, saat menerima kritik, tubuhnya akan bereaksi secara alami: tegang, kontak mata jadi canggung, kadang ngefreeze karena bingung bagaimana harus merespons.
Karena itu, penting bagi kita untuk belajar menyampaikan kritik dengan cara yang baik.
Mungkin kamu pernah dengar tentang teknik sandwich. Dalam teknik ini, kritik disampaikan dengan cara yang “dibungkus” di antara dua lapisan apresiasi. Mulanya kita memberikan pujian, lalu menyisipkan kritik, dan menutupnya lagi dengan apresiasi.
Awalnya, saya juga skeptis dengan teknik ini. Saya lebih suka bicara blak-blakan saat memberikan kritik. Saya pikir teknik sandwich ini omong kosong motivator aja. Tapi ternyata, saya cuma kekurangan contoh dan referensi.
Akhirnya, saya bertemu seseorang yang pandai dalam menggunakan teknik sandwich ini. Beliau benar-benar membuka perspektif saya bahwa teknik ini bisa tetap relevan, sekalipun saat kita bicara dengan orang yang tahu teknik ini.
Coba bandingkan dua pernyataan berikut:
A. "Desainnya bagus, tapi terlalu kompleks dan banyak komponen custom, sehingga waktu pengerjaannya akan lebih lama. Mungkin bisa disederhanakan untuk memudahkan implementasinya. Tapi konsepnya bagus, kok."
B. "Desain ini terlihat modern dan punya sentuhan yang segar, terutama di hero section-nya. Kalau mempertimbangkan manpower dan waktu yang ada, menurut saya kita bisa memprioritaskan elemen-elemen yang paling penting dulu untuk tahap awal, lalu sisanya bisa kita rencanakan untuk iterasi berikutnya. Kalau ini terealisasi, saya yakin hasil akhirnya akan jadi sesuatu yang luar biasa."
Apa perbedaan keduanya?
Pernyataan kedua memberikan pujian yang lebih spesifik. Ketika kita bisa memberikan apresiasi yang spesifik, orang lain akan merasa dihargai secara tulus, bukan sekadar formalitas.
Selain itu, pernyataan kedua memosisikan kita di sisi yang sama dengan penerima kritik. Alih-alih menjadi pihak yang berseberangan, kita menunjukkan bahwa kita punya kepentingan yang sama dan menawarkan solusi untuk masalah yang sedang dihadapi bersama.
Kata "tapi" juga sebaiknya dihindari karena bisa menegasikan pujian yang sudah disampaikan.
Pernyataan kedua ditutup dengan optimisme yang bisa menguatkan motivasi lawan bicara.
Pendekatan ini juga efektif untuk memberikan kritik kepada anak-anak.
Anak-anak sedang dalam fase belajar dan pasti sering membuat kesalahan. Agar mereka tetap semangat belajar dari kesalahan tanpa merasa terhakimi, kita bisa menggunakan teknik sandwich.
A. "Wah, kamu hebat udah mau beresin kamar. Tapi masih ada mainan-mainan yang ketinggalan di sini. Jangan lupa diberesin juga, ya. Makasih, I love you."
B. "Wah, kamarnya sekarang sudah terasa lebih rapi dan nyaman banget, apalagi kasurnya. Tinggal sedikit lagi selesai, nih. Kalau mainan-mainan ini juga dibereskan, kamar kamu bakal jadi super nyaman. Setelah itu, kita sarapan bareng, ya. Makasih, I love you."
Kedua pernyataan ini sama-sama bagus, tapi pernyataan kedua terasa lebih kuat karena:
Memberikan pujian yang spesifik, sehingga terasa lebih tulus.
Mengarahkan apresiasi pada hasil dari usaha anak, bukan hanya tindakannya. Hal ini membantu anak belajar mencintai proses usaha mereka.
Menghindari kata “tapi” yang sering kali membuat pujian terasa “batal” oleh kritik.
Teknik sandwich bisa terasa cheesy kalau kita menggunakannya sebagai template.
Tapi, kalau kita benar-benar mengadopsinya sebagai cara pandang, teknik ini akan membentuk pola pikir dan komunikasi kita, sehingga kritik dapat disampaikan dengan lebih efektif dan membangun.
Sekian dan terima kasih.
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wayfire-official · 16 days ago
Tonight I woke up at 4am due to considerable stomach pain, and in my half-sleep I was very convinced that it was because of a bug in a script my belly was running, and I spent half an hour dream-debugging it to no avail until I finally realised that my belly doesn't run scripts
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joosiewiththeboof · 4 months ago
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