demonishdraws · 8 months
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It’s been far too long with their separation so let them meet again, right? Nothing would go wrong during a reunion.
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fabricdragondesigns · 10 months
The Man Who Haunts Science
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Concert review, ★★★★★, Tetiana Shafran @ Alte Kantonsschule, Zurich, 2022-10-22 — Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.2 in A major, op.2/2; Ravel: Sonatine, M.40; Chopin: Rondo in E♭ major, op.16; Chopin: Nocturne No.17 in B major, op.62/1; Liszt: Ballade No.2 in B minor, S.171;  Liszt: Étude No.3 G♯ minor, "La Campanella", S.141/3, from 6 Grandes Études de Paganini; Lysenko: Élégie
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 2 months
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Ukrainian gymnast Tatiana Lysenko, 1992 Olympic Balance Beam Champion.
When Ukraine Ruled Gymnastics
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appletvdaily · 6 months
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CONSTELLATION 1x08 These Fragments I Have Shored Against My Ruin Alice, even if I’m not here… I’m always with you… and Daddy. I don’t think you understand how much I– I just wanted to be around and see you grow up. No matter what happens… my eyes are always on you. And my heart… beats with you, baby. I love you so much. More than you can ever imagine. [in Swedish] My love.
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togglesbloggle · 4 months
Okay now do Lysenkoism
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Sexy as hell.
It almost had to be; science builds consensus through shared experiences, so it can afford to be boring an un-charismatic. If you're unifying people around truth-claims that can't be replicated or experienced, then you need something else to coordinate people and keep them in line once the bodies start piling up. Lysenko used a robust and varied set: grafting itself to existing communist ideology, violent enforcement by Stalin. But it (both the movement and the man) also had genuine charisma.
Lysenko himself clearly photographs well, but a ton of the claims here are also clearly oriented towards emotionally powerful experiences for the followers. The rejection of the uncomfortable chaos at the root of natural selection, the valorization of agriculture as the forefront of science, the capacity of soviet thought to improve science as a discipline, the supremacy of ideology over human development with no concern for the stubborn facts of genetic disposition... all of these things feel great, and they can be crowd-pleasing notes in a grand symphony.
"You have the power to sculpt the ecosystems around you as you please, right here and now. Hunger can just end, and this is only the first step in an absolute mastery over the world provided by the deep insights of our wise leaders, insights that will catapult us in to a glorious, infinite future. It is merely a social problem, and we have solved that problem as no one else has in the history of mankind."
We feel immune to this because we live in the post-Borlaugh era. But whatever intensity of feeling we have towards Borlaugh, the man who saved a billion lives- how much more intensely would we feel about a man who was successfully pretending to be the thing that Borlaugh actually was? A man who made his promises when famine was still a very real threat, and when even developed nations struggled with food security? Who was unconstrained by the need to actually solve the problem, and could instead devote his entire career to making us feel powerfully like the problem had been solved?
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pharmafelon · 3 days
Denying facts of science and biology is retarded
me when libtards shittalk freud
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One of my favorite composers of all time is Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko. His music is on par with many famous classical music names - and yet, the world does not know of him. Even among Ukrainians, very little people would remember him - I know his works well, because I finished music school where we had Music History and Literature classes.
Just listen to this. This. Is. Absolute. Masterpiece. God, as a pianist, I have ear orgasm just listening to this🥹🥹🥹
And his orchestra pieces... oh his orchestra pieces... *faints*
You want a waltz? Here you go:
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san-demetrio-corone · 9 months
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A monument to Mykola Lysenko, Ukrainian composer, folklorist, and founder of the national classical music school.
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smokycinnaroll-art · 2 months
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Right story.... right chapter?
the stage is almost set.
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bagheerita · 1 year
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I cannot express how much I adore the National Security Advisor/Russian Ambassador banter this movie has.
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Mykola Lysenko (1842-1912) - Taras Bulba, Act II: Recitative and Aria of Nastya ·
Larisa Rudenko, Konstantin Simeonov, Orchestra of the Taras Shevchenko National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet of Ukraine
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vintage-ukraine · 2 years
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Oksana Lysenko`s illustration for “The Witch of Konotop” by Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovianenko, 1983
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archnet · 2 years
Pan Kotsky
Mr. Cat
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Pan Kotsky is the character of a Ukrainian Folk Tale. It's a story about an old cat who was left out in the wood because he could no longer catch mice. He met a lady fox who asked him to marry her, and knowing his anxieties about his abilities as a hunter, she hyped him up to all the forest folk. Due to a series of events, he solidifies in their eyes that he is a fearsome beast and is left alone.
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Here are some progress photos of him from the initial tracing to washed and drying.
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Above is the source. It is the title page of a Children's Opera written in Kyiv in 1945. This particular version is by Lysenko M.
I originally found a copy of this on Color Our Collection, which is a website that museums upload small coloring books to.
With the help of some very wonderful friends, I was able to discover the name of the illustrator. His name is Sergei Grigoriev, and while he has done other illustrations, he is best known for his paintings.
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Chapter 2 - X-Manson by Doctor Benway - Annotated By Tsar.
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Many of you are familiar with Hank "The Tank" McCoy and his works. my college @brw is the formost McCoy Scholar. But as you'll see here this AU's version of Hank takes many cues from his Age of Apocalypse self. But he lacks any kind of the fuzzy goodness of your average Hank McCoy.
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[Shot of a very large man in an expensive suit in a lushly appointed office, possibly that of an investment banker but possibly that of a professor who is very good at getting grants. The man is wearing rimless high-fashion European glasses and a look of extreme urgency. Plainly, this interview is keeping him from something very important. He also has unusually large hands.]
[Caption: Henry McCoy, Trofim Lysenko Professor of Genetics at Northwestern University, Chicago IL]
*I didn't catch this on my first read through, but Trofim Lysenko is a soviet pseudo-scientist who rejected the idea of Medelivian genetics. He was primarily focused on hybridizing crops by grafting them together. It's frankly bizarre that an american institution in a post-soviet world would have such a position, but it's a weird world, isn't it?
HM: I was at the School For Gifted Youngsters for three of the best years of my life.
Int: You chose to attend?
HM: I had a rough time at my first high school, very rough. It was in the Midwest, where any deformities would make one the object of the most vicious ridicule. At the School, I set myself on the path to understanding that which had made me different.
Int: You worked with Charles Xavier on his genetic experiments?
HM: Charles Xavier had a profound intellect. Everything I am today I owe to him. His breakdown and demise were most unfortunate.
Int: You are aware of the controversy surrounding his background?
HM: Overblown, completely overblown. Xavier had a remarkable mind, one that transcended the petty certifications that we so often use to indicate the size of a mind.
Int: Such as your PhD from Princeton?
HM: Such as that, yes. I am certain that Charles Xavier could have easily attained all that I learned at Princeton in a much shorter time, had he not known it already. He was a most remarkable teacher, and I am but a humble fool by comparison.
Int: Were you close to the other students?
HM: As close as my studies would allow. My program of study was quite intensive, and I spent little time with them. I found their company pleasant, when I had time to indulge in it.
Int: Were they happy at the School?
HM: So far as I knew.
Int: What do you think happened to Robert Drake?
HM: I have no idea. He was still there when I left the School and went up to Princeton.
Int: Didn't you stay in touch with the others?
HM: I had limited contact with the Professor. Otherwise, I lost touch with them. I certainly wish I had not, knowing now what happened. If only I had known, I might have been able to prevent it.
[Shot of a much less well-appointed office with no windows but plenty of steam pipes. The place is in a state of almost pure chaos, with books and papers piled on every free surface. A middle aged man who obviously runs marathons is staring a little too keenly into the camera.]
[Caption: Sir Bernard Quatermass, RA Fisher Professor of Eugenics at the London School of Hygiene]
*Bernard Quartermass is another cross-media reference. He is derived from a 1955 british sci-fi serial called "The Quartermass Experiment. Quartermass is however not a Professor of Eugenics but an Aerospace Engineer.
**The London School of Hygiene is somewhat real, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has had a few reports of eugenicist attitutes and white supremacy stances, though that can be expected from an institution that was founded as Britain was colonizing the world.
BQ: McCoy would sell his own mother to the gypsies to get the Nobel. For that matter, he missed his mother's funeral on account of some experiment he was involved in. Disgusting man. No one with any sense of honour will work with him.
*The only reason why B.Q isn't seen as a monster is because he is being placed in comparrison with this AU's Hank McCoy.
Int: Why is that?
BQ: His early career consisted almost entirely of publishing work weeks or even days ahead of others who had been working on their ideas for decades.
Int: So he had no ideas of his own?
BQ: Oh no, no, no. He did have some very good ideas, completely original ones as far as anyone could tell. He developed the anti-retrovirals that cured that awful venereal disease that the Africans caught from monkeys and that infected all those pederasts in California twenty years back. He has a better understanding of mutant genetics than almost anyone in the field. Of course, he would have, given his connections.
*evil Hank McCoy cured AIDS.
Int: How do you mean?
BQ: His work, and indeed all of our work, depends upon getting large quantities of genetic material in a fresh condition. He's always had and still has the best supplies of it.
Int: This material, it comes from cadavers?
BQ: Cadavers and those on their way to becoming them. It may be something as simple and harmlessly taken as blood, it might be a pituitary gland torn from a technically still-living brain. Brain, kidney, and liver tissue in particular can't be taken ethically until the source has died, and Henry always has had an unusually good supply of brains and kidneys.
*i think Bernard is jealous because he wants to get in on some illegal organ harvesting.
Int: You're suggesting that he may have gotten these by illegal means?
BQ: All I'm saying is, he always had tissue, whenever he needed it. If you want a subject for another documentary, try looking at how much cable traffic there is from his lab to China every time they have one of their anti-corruption campaigns.
[Shot of Dwight Hammer]
DH: The autopsy report on Robert Drake showed that he was missing several organs.
Int: Which ones?
DH: Brain, both kidneys, liver. Maybe more, he was down in that muck over ten years, but the coroner was sure that those ones were missing.
Int: Were any of the other bodies found in the lake missing organs?
DH: Some of them. Usually brains. Only one of the bodies was fully intact, the one that they call the Lady of the Lake. Some of the live ones we arrested were missing parts. Summers was missing a kidney and both eyes.
*two victims in the lake now, six remaining:
Robert Drake
Int: What do you think happened to them?
DH: We know what happened to Summer's eyes, but we don't know what happened to his kidney. Maybe they ate it. Just assumed it was some sort of mutant thing.
*i think they took Summers' eyes as a means of keeping him powerless to stop them.
Int: Did you vote for the Kelly Amendment?
DH: Way I see it, the founding fathers set everything up assuming we were all equal. There's no call to make some more equal than others.
Int: So you don't feel that mutants need extra protection?
DH: Hell, no. Some of my best friends are mutants, and they never complained.
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