#Nadiya Lysenko
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
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Second member of my lil Space rescue crew I'm building for funsies. I also couldn't help but doodle that comic strip as well, BC it was stuck in my brain and wouldn't leave otherwise.
Anya deserved SO much better....art wise too, maybe I'll try to draw her properly later?
(Side note; in a more serious story, Stefan absolutely would NOT just casually walk there with a bloody axe, knowing Anya is very badly traumatized; he'd be much more tactful. This strip is kind of meant to be absurd and 'non-canonical' to his character)
Also, more info about Nadiya below:
Nadiya is VERY picky about her crew, hence she has a small one. She's especially picky about men, having had unpleasant experiences working with them during her training.
That said, she has very firm trust on Stefan and her co-pilot, who have proven themselves to her quite a few times already
Nadiya finds Stefan's obliviousness over the fact TWO people have a crush on him amusing.
She and Stefan act as the "mom and dad" of the crew, though they aren't a couple by any means; neither feels any sort of attraction to the other, but they trust and respect each other, and are willing to take more drastic measures than the others.
Nadiya can be quite ruthless if she wants to, there is a reason why she has a reputation. That being said she takes her job as a rescuer seriously - she's just willing to 'rescue' crews from their bad apples as well...
Her saying, "Whatever the threat, external or internal" is basically her philosophy that leads to this.
I'll add more stuff once I figure it out; I don't have her that fleshed out yet, but that's typical for any new characters, they need time to develop.
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scarlet--holmes · 7 years ago
I had a question for a Ukrainian Hetalia ambassador! What do you think would be an appropriate surname for APH Ukraine? The fandom uses "Braginskaya" for her often, but it doesn't seem fitting to give her a Russian surname, especially not the same one as Russia himself.
Thank you for the question!��
That is strange! I do not understand why does the fandom use Braginskaya, when there are so many great Ukrainian options to choose from! I also saw that a lot of people chose Yekaterina (Katyusha), which is a Russian name. 
So today we will try to pick a new name for APH Ukraine that would fit her! 
Let’s start with the name itself. I already mentioned that the most popular name that the fandom gives her is actually Russian. Instead you could use Ukrainian version of the name - Катерина (Kateryna). It sounds good and is widespread in Ukraine. 
Dark Lord Hima Himaruya also suggested a couple of names: Ірина (Iryna), Марія (Mariya or Maria) and Софія (Sofiya/Sofia). I kinda like these options. Especially Iryna and Sofiya. Both names have a Greek origin. Iryna means peace and calmness, while Sofia is the ancient Greek word for wisdom. 
Other common names are Надія (Nadiya), Ганна (Hanna), Олена (Olena), Олександра (Olexandra), Віра (Vira) and Любов (Lyubov). If you want some extremely Ukrainian names, options like Докія (Dokiya), Килина (Kylyna), Зіновія (Zinoviya), Мотря (Motrya) and Соломія (Solomiya) are perfect for you! But my personal favourite is Ольга (Olga), which means saint. It also reminds me of Княгиня Ольга (Olga of Kiev), who was a ruler of Kievan Rus’ and had a big influence on Ukrainian history. I also come across this name quite often, because some roleplayers and fanfic writers use it. 
And now the surname, which is really important for Ukrainians! Hima actually suggested Черненко (Chernenko) as an option. This surname does not sound familiar (maybe it is more widespread in other regions of Ukraine), but it exists and is appropriate, I think. 
A lot of surnames end with -енко/-єнко (-enko/-yenko) or -ук/-юк (-uk/-yuk). It is also quite easy to meet a person, whose surname represents the profession of their ancestors ( e.g. Швець (Shvets’, Shoemaker), Ткач (Tkach, Weaver), Гончар (Honchar, Potter) and many others). Having an animal-related surname (yeah, that’s a thing) is also not a big deal here :D Most surnames do not have male and female forms. However surnames, which are derived from adjectives, do change (Кобилянський - Кобилянська).
Some of the most widespread Ukrainian surnames are Мельник (Melnyk), Шевченко (Shevchenko), Бойко (Boyko), Коваленко (Kovalenko), Бондаренко (Bondarenko), Ткачук (Tkachuk), Марченко (Marchenko), Лисенко (Lysenko). Радченко (Radchenko) would also be perfect (not because of my obsession with Ukrainian literature and Stepan Radchenko, not at all). It is pretty common here. 
As for nyo!version of Ukraine, there are names like Олег (Oleg), Андрій (Andriy), Ігор (Igor), Віктор (Viktor), Святослав (Svyatoslav), Володимир (Volodymyr) and Олександр (Olexandr). 
That’s it for today! I am sorry, that I also added information about the name (I did not want to split them). Still I hope you will be able to find your perfect name and surname for Ukraine! I really like Olga Radchenko. What about you? Which version is your favourite? Send them in my askbox, please. I would be happy to read them! 
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
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While I am planning on adding 2 more crewmates, these five were the originals I had planned, sooo....I decided to do this already. Also serves as notes for myself for any more doodles/comics that I might do in the future about the potential interactions.
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
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I initially meant to do proper, more detailed shading for the second part, but since its so text heavy, I decided to keep it simple. This one is more silly than serious comic, I'm probs gonna do both types with these things for balance. The canonical storyline is so heavy, (both for the game AND for my crew's full tale) that sometimes you need something lighter.
(Side note, the "Ava" mentioned in Cherry's notes about Nadiya is my main gal from my major story world, I haven't made her AU version for this small side project yet)
In case it isn't obvious, Cherry likes their grumpy wolf.
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
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Ask the crew
So, since it's been a while I've done something like this, I decided why not! Would help me fleshing them out some more, AND kind of a fun way to see if my inbox works properly now? I had to turn it off a while back bc it seemed to just keep eating majority of asks I got. Since I haven't gotten much anything I'm still not sure if it works properly again or not?
Asks can be just about them, or relating to the MW crew, since I've been drawing them interacting with the Tulpar group. (my crew has their own story, but since I had ideas, I ended up drawing them interacting with the Tulpars lol)
You can learn more about them checking the #Stargazer crew tag I made for them, but in regards to the MW 'crossover' side of things, I can list coupla important notes here as well:
Cherry knows Anya from medical school, is the one primarily spending time with her
Tulpars do not know about Illya initially, and won't physically interact with him - however, they may see glimpses of his "ghost" occasionally, and overhear the group talk about him. (They might even see his body in cryo at some point)
Stefan had to kill Jimmy before the Tulpars were brought to their ship - there is an actual story reason for this that relates to Stargazer crew's own story, rather than me just not liking Jimmy & not wanting to draw him personally (which TBF is also true, but I wanted to give a proper reason for why he didn't make it, as they could've put him in their cell block)
Anya is initially scared of Stefan because she saw him kill Jimmy due to how things went down, but overtime concludes he's not a bad person and is quite caring in his own way (just reaaallllly tired most of the time)
Mara hangs out with Daisuke a lot, often they play videogames together, or Daisuke offers to help her with whatever work he can
Stefan CAN get a bit harsh and hostile towards Curly, but tends to try and keep it in check as he knows its not really helpful in any way.
Ava and Alix weren't present during the rescue, they get introduced to the four later.
Anya helps Cherry with her medic duties, since when they were rescued the SG-ship was somewhat damaged due to an "incident," and Stefan is still repairing some damage, causing Cherry to be bit more overloaded with work than normal.
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
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Fun fact: Nadiya has a cyborg arm like her brother, she just has camo technology on it that it looks like a normal arm most of the time - is my explanation as to why so far when drawing her, her both hands look normal lol
(Story wise, it has technology built in that allows her to combat her brother's reality-bending powers whenever he has a fit.)
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
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Did some relationship charts for my crew, bc I don't have time for anything else today, but wanted to draw something lol
...I'm kinda tempted to make a "ask the crew" session with them, its been years since I did something like that, and it was fun.
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
I kind of want to somehow elaborate on what actually happened with Jimmy, as there is proper story that happens as a prelude to any comics and doodles I've been making with the Tulpar- and my stargazer crew; like said the above comic doodle is kind of joke-y.
I just don't think I could make it into a comic as it'd be too big of a project, and I admittedly personally don't really feel comfortable drawing Jimmy.
Summary for it is roughly this, though:
Somehow Anya manages to make contact with the Stargazer crew (IDK exactly how yet) without anyone knowing. She basically manages to connect to the comlink for the ship cockpit, and finds Stefan and Cherry bickering over something there, as the actual pilots are either resting, or eating.
Cherry recognizes her from their time together at medical school and is happy to see her, and Anya let's them know their location, and that they need rescue. However, when she's asked to go inform their captain - or whoever is in charge currently - she hesitates, understandably.
Stefan picks up on this immediately, and after listening to the ladies' back-and-forth a bit, he suddenly says "Internal," to Cherry, which confuses Anya as she OFC doesn't understand the code. Cherry immediately does however, and now notices the same signs Stefan had. She then instructs Anya to stay close to someone hopefully safe, until they get there, while Stefan informs Nadiya about the situation.
Minor side note: Anya finds Stefan kind of aggressive and intimidating during this exchange, because she is lacking the context of his full character - and the fact he'd been trying to fix the communications issue for Six Damn Hours, and generally has been suffering from Insomnia, so he's being a bit blunt with Cherry (though still fairly gentle - something Anya realizes later when she sees him ACTUALLY kind of mad at someone)
The rescue crew (Minus Ava and Alix, they aren't present as they are on a separate mission) arrive, but Stefan sneaks in from elsewhere to sneak up on Jimmy in order to knock him out and deliver him to their cell block (cryo would've been an option earlier, its just that currently they don't have a working one available, Stefan is still fixing them due to a..... previous...incident....)
Jimmy, being Jimmy, realizes he'd have to face consequences for his actions now, tries to flee using their ship and takes Anya hostage to get there, but he gets stopped by Stefan.
In the following struggle Stefan actually almost loses, because he's dealing with someone very desperate, and realizes he has to kill him - not just to protect himself, BUT because Jimmy could foolishly unleash something MUCH worse into the world - referring to the...incident...mentioned earlier - if he did get into their ship, whether by trying to hijack it, or being put in their cells. He ends up snatching Jimmy's axe he took and killing him with that (Poor Anya has to witness the whole mess)
After that, Stefan informs her that he's part of the rescue crew and they are there to bring them home. He then collapses a bit, because he was injured pretty bad too, but manages to call for Nadiya and others to their location. (IDK if Anya would be brave enough to offer treating his injury, she might be too paralyzed by fear at this point?)
He might be wearing his gas-mask this whole time, so she doesn't get to see his face until later at Stargazer - or alternatively it gets knocked off during the fight.
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Second member of my lil Space rescue crew I'm building for funsies. I also couldn't help but doodle that comic strip as well, BC it was stuck in my brain and wouldn't leave otherwise.
Anya deserved SO much better....art wise too, maybe I'll try to draw her properly later?
(Side note; in a more serious story, Stefan absolutely would NOT just casually walk there with a bloody axe, knowing Anya is very badly traumatized; he'd be much more tactful. This strip is kind of meant to be absurd and 'non-canonical' to his character)
Also, more info about Nadiya below:
Nadiya is VERY picky about her crew, hence she has a small one. She's especially picky about men, having had unpleasant experiences working with them during her training.
That said, she has very firm trust on Stefan and her co-pilot, who have proven themselves to her quite a few times already
Nadiya finds Stefan's obliviousness over the fact TWO people have a crush on him amusing.
She and Stefan act as the "mom and dad" of the crew, though they aren't a couple by any means; neither feels any sort of attraction to the other, but they trust and respect each other, and are willing to take more drastic measures than the others.
Nadiya can be quite ruthless if she wants to, there is a reason why she has a reputation. That being said she takes her job as a rescuer seriously - she's just willing to 'rescue' crews from their bad apples as well...
Her saying, "Whatever the threat, external or internal" is basically her philosophy that leads to this.
I'll add more stuff once I figure it out; I don't have her that fleshed out yet, but that's typical for any new characters, they need time to develop.
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
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So 2 became 3. I planned Ava and Alix, Illya was a new addition for the major story of theirs, separate from the Tulpar crew parts. These 3 interact with them much less, with Illya never actually appearing physically - apart from MAYBE them seeing his body in Cryo at some point, and some spooky ghost shenanigans. As a result, their thoughts about the Tulpar crew are more neutral in general.
Although, there IS one caveat to these; Illya's behavior towards Curly is largely caused by his current volatile condition, he wasn't always sadistic like this. If he was in his right mind and properly present, his thoughts would be more similar to his twin sister Nadiya, I.E highly critical, but also understanding of the context, and not wanting to beat an already beaten man. He'd also be far more empathetic towards Anya, instead of just a small level of pity essentially.
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While I am planning on adding 2 more crewmates, these five were the originals I had planned, sooo....I decided to do this already. Also serves as notes for myself for any more doodles/comics that I might do in the future about the potential interactions.
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mad-hatter-rici · 2 months ago
Ohhhhh ⭐️o⭐️
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Fun fact: Nadiya has a cyborg arm like her brother, she just has camo technology on it that it looks like a normal arm most of the time - is my explanation as to why so far when drawing her, her both hands look normal lol
(Story wise, it has technology built in that allows her to combat her brother's reality-bending powers whenever he has a fit.)
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mad-hatter-rici · 2 months ago
Sooo many beans
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While I am planning on adding 2 more crewmates, these five were the originals I had planned, sooo....I decided to do this already. Also serves as notes for myself for any more doodles/comics that I might do in the future about the potential interactions.
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lumilasi · 2 months ago
....IDK why I chose to use Stefan's grumpy face from the pokemon doodle comic over his ref tbh, it just felt more fitting lol
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Did some relationship charts for my crew, bc I don't have time for anything else today, but wanted to draw something lol
...I'm kinda tempted to make a "ask the crew" session with them, its been years since I did something like that, and it was fun.
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