#lyrics: i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off (me and you) by fall out boy
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mothstiel · 1 day ago
it's ten o'clock on a sunday night but i'm watching a petekey video essay and thinking about. the Horrors.
so. pete wrote the lyrics to bang the doldrums on FbR's blog in 2005. yet the band says they wrote it for shrek 3. two years later. yeah, yeah. maybe you finished writiing it. but that was about mikey.checkmate.
also. meandyouunderneaththehoneymoon says pete wentz circa 2005. remind you of something? hold the damn phone. i'm like a lawyer the way i'm always trying to get you off (me and you). sounds fucking familiar. meee and youuu setting in a honeymoon if i woke up next to you if i woke up next to you
which mind you. he did a lot of that during warped tour. in his trailer. with mikey.
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gmanmedias · 11 months ago
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🌙 🌙 🌙
🌅 🌅 🌅
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5: Your favorite song: I'm Like A Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me and You) by Fall Out Boy! i honestly don't really have a favorite song, cause i love music sm, but this is the song I say is my fave! i just think its so pretty :]
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apoetslyrics · 2 years ago
The best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact is to realize that two out of three ain't bad.
Fall Out Boy, "I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off"
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dozen-reasons-in-this-gun · 2 years ago
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goldsbitch · 11 months ago
Just don't talk---------
-and listen too.
p11 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. It's time to talk. Taking a spin on the whole fake dating.
mentions of Olivia Rodrigo lyrics - all rights belong to the respectable owners.
warnings: unprotected sex, squirting, minors DNI
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"You know those are not the actual lyrics, right?"
For a moment if felt nice to think she "pulled" someone like Lando. Bittersweet afterthought came just a second later.
Y/N did not go to the bathroom, in fact she sprinted over back to her hotel, sunglasses on and trying to avoid anyone stopping her. It must have been a record time in which she got back. Phone on silent do-not-disturb mode, apart from one one her best friends, back from her home town. Actively ignoring any resposibilities she was to attend to. Let her bloody PR team handle that for once. She could also be a diva for once. Always playing by their books, someone else's rules and thinking twice before opening any doors. Fuck that now.
She told her everything - only the best of friends give up their sleep for the heartbreak of others. Time zones were playing against them.
There they were, screaming Olivia Rodrigo lyrics out loud as if there was no tomorrow.
It felt good to get out of her system - she realized that she did not properly tell anyone, with all the feelings and complications involved in her recent fling with a racing driver. Fling. That's all it was ever to be.
The two screamed, danced and sang. One in a hotel room, the other in her own flat shared with a partner. Y/N was just a little bit jealous.
Lando stayed with the rest of the attendees of that forsaken meeting in silence, while they waited for Y/N to rejoin. As silence goes, this was one for the history books. He texted he few times, without any response. While he was worried, he had to get his own head in check first. When she did not return in about twenty minutes, they inevitably dissolved that meeting without rescheduling. But, since this gave Lando some time to think, he took a copy of the contract with him, cancelled all of the engagements of the day and immediately scheduled a call with his lawyers. He paid them enough for them to be available within thirty minutes.
He disclosed with them their situation fully - leaving out only the explicit details. Lando's lawyers have seen some thing with him over the years, this was a first one. As he did many times, he danced around the fact that he started to crush on this girl, which was making the whole conversation harder than needed. But, his team quickly came up with a clause to add should they go though with this - Recognition of Potential Emotional Development. It was all a bit bizarre, but Lando changed his mind from the initial shock he got. They were wrapped up in their own game anyway. He was getting weirdly excited by this.
Y/N ended their Facetime little party after an hour and kept herself locked up in the hotel room. No point in joining her team back for the rest of the day. It was all a little too much and far removed from racing - it was getting annoying. She was determined to get her emotion in check for the following days. It involved room service, some angsty tv show and phone on silent mode. So naturally, she missed Lando's text announcing that he is on his way to her room.
It felt like a strange deja vu. A knock on the door. He was the first one to cross her mind, like an intrusive thought you can't get rid off. She wanted it to be him knocking. And it was.
He let out a big sigh as he saw her open the door.
"Do you always ignore your phone when it matters the most?" he asked, fairly tired after the strange day they'd had.
She refused to answer his comment, simply stepped away to let him pass in her room.
"I was worried about you, you know?" he asked, not letting go as easily as she'd like to.
"Had to get out and clear my head. I'm not obligated to answer any calls or texts," she said in her defense, feeling like she was pushed into a corner.
Another sigh left Lando's lips. "Y/N, let's not go back this again. It's been a little mental for both of us, but we can't let it rule our life."
Was this when he was going to tell her that they should end their "whatever-this-is" affair? Y/N was getting mad - he could have at least wait after the race. There'd be a two week break where she could process all of this.
"Do we really need to do this now?" she asked, giving up on all hope.
Lando was firm on his stance, no more dancing around. "Yes, we do."
"Alright, let me get dressed," as it felt strange to talk like that only in her pyjama. Normally, Lando would drop a comment on how he did not want to hear these types of sentences ever again.
"Great, I'll wait in there," he said, pointing to the living room part of the suite.
The pseudo formal feeling Lando brought with him went out of the window pretty soon. He was nervous beyond belief and her overly-panicky mind was already five steps ahead, overcoming their relation before it even ended.
"So, Norris. What brings you here at this hour?" she asked with a hint sarcasm.
He chucked and observed for a moment, recalculating the angle from which to untangle this. In front of him sat slightly disheveled girl, someone who he wanted to know everything about. It seemed like she deliberately did not join him at the couch and opted for a chair nearby.
"It's been a little crazy lately."
"When was it not?"
"Touché, you're right."
He recalled something his mom used to tell him - it usually only takes 30 seconds to be brave, the rest is dealing with the aftermath.
"I've been thinking," he said and only then has Y/N noticed a folder with the devil contract which got her blood raging once again.
"A unique event, yes," she commented dryly.
"Come on. Stop it. I've thought about it and spoke to my lawyers."
"You did what?!"
"Hear me out, you muppet," another sigh and gestured to her to calm down before getting a wrong idea. "I think our little game of cat and mouse has gotten out of hand. I don't think we can go on like this before it blows up in our faces. It's better to control the narrative."
She shifted in her chair, sitting a little too far away from him on the couch. It felt uncomfortable. "So you want to end it?"
Lando was taken back. "Obviously not? Do you?"
She was quit to respond, fuck it now, right? "No, but I'm not the one who protested again the fake dating thing as if it was a request to walk into an open fire," she said defensively. She could not fathom how he could just run around this world, giving these mixed vibes all the time. And Lando was having the same kind of questions.
He stared her deeply in the eyes. His 30 seconds counting.
"Y/N. I think we're past the whole hatered thing. I really like you and it feels stupid to say it like that. But apparently, I need to say it in order for you to start believing me." He wanted to add few sentences about how he will leave her alone immediately if she didn't feel the same. But he didn't. Stopped avoiding.
Now it was her taken back. Stripped down to the core. Time to come forward, to herself and the gorgeous boy she wanted to devour.
"You once said no strings attached. I want strings attached. If we were to continue, I can't do something casual with you. I'm already beside that point," she said slowly, picking the right words in order to get point out.
He smiled. "Good. Feels nice being on the same page." She let out a smirk and a small laugh. The tension in the room gone and waves of relief washing them over.
"Do you realize we sound like high schoolers with a crush?" she commented with a noticeable ease.
"The truth is I believe not so far away from that." She made him feel all those feelings. Excitement. Butterflies. Healthy amount of nervousness. Because he cared. Because they both did.
"Can you come closer to me?" he asked, pointing at the blank space at the couch. More than wiling, she got up and sat next to him.
"Can I kiss you before I ask you to about the lawyers?" she pleaded, while he held her hand gently. He did not need any convincing. In fact, this was all he needed. He approached her face slowly, taking his time to take in the moment. And when he ultimately lock his lips with hers, it was like unlocking a whole new level in the game. Tender, vulnerable and soft. For her, it was like letting go of the biggest worry, she could finally let herself loose and be herself. With all the strings attached. He caressed her lips once more before they both reached for a short breath. He took a lock of her hair in his fingertips and played with it. She kept touching his hands, that were sending her all the way to hell.
"So, are we going with the whole dating thing?" she asked, mainly for confirmation.
"I hope so...It feels exciting to think about that," he said quietly, as if he just began to realize that.
"Yes, it does," she said, before she finally ended their moment of soft whispers and pulled back a bit. "So, the fuck you're talking about some lawyers shit. Are you planning on suing me?"
He laughed. "I find it funny that your mind went immediately towards that."
"Well you know, child of divorced parents, you never know," she said with a hint of sarcasm masking the true feeling of traumatic memories.
"Right, I understand," he said seriously and made a mental not to ask her about this another time. He longed to know absolutely everything. He shuffled to position himself in less of a slag off position. "So, I've been thinking. The whole "PR relationship thing" - at first I thought it was the worst idea known to human kind. I want to try it with you for real, not to dance like a puppy and not following my feelings," he said as her heart danced the happiest of dances. She nodded at him, letting him finish. Lando was surprised at how much she shifted towards listening instead of constantly jumping into his sentences. He was growing to like that. It was hard for him not to smile. "Right, stop giving me these looks, it's hard for me to get to the point," he said, smiles escaping left and right.
"Hard, you're saying?" she said cheekily. Oh, he was going to make her night really difficult later.
"Anyway, as I was saying. The whole PR thing will be an issue, or more like a thing to tackle together in the future anyway, so why not have some control over it."
She was trying to let this idea sink in. "So you're saying, like date for real and let people think it's for PR?"
He was happy that she appeared to be on the same page. "Exactly. Do whatever we want and just let them worry about our story. And at some point, when we see how this goes, we'll just say we managed to fall for each other because of them and it will a whole happy story for everyone. I feel like if we disclose now, we're robbing ourselves of precious time to get to know each other. What do you think?"
She thought about it for a moment - but her gut feeling was telling her to trust Lando. If she was to start dating him, it would be good to become a team. And he was around this stuff, better than she was. "I think what you're saying makes a lot of sense."
"Pardon? I did not quite catch what you're saying," he said, making fun of her.
"You idiot, you've heard me perfectly fine!" she responded, the corners of her mouth going up again.
"No, I did not, you're gonna have to come closer to say that," he winked at her and got dangerously close to her once again. "Closer, still far away," he said as he licked his lips before kissing her again. While having a way faster battle of tongues this time, she cupped his face as he gently pushed her down to lay on the couch they were sharing.
"There are few things to change in the contract," he said in between kisses, his voice getting characteristically high, as it always did when he was excited. "We need to add a Recognition of Potential Feeling clause, or whatever," he remarked as his mouth found her neck. "And few things regarding the physical aspect of the relation," he whispered to her neck, as she started to let out gentle moans.
"Physical aspects?" she let out suggestively. "Could you be more specific?"
His hands started to roam under her shirt. "I'm happy to show you everything that contract is banning us from doing. First point being not having any physical contact alone."
"Poor Oscar, he's gonna be mortified when he finds out he has to watch," she joked, as she began to touch his dick through his pants.
He bit her lower lip. "Do you like that? When people watch?"
"Depends. I want you all for myself."
"Oh, finally something we agree on. I'm going to be very territorial, you know? Let everyone know that this," he pointed at her torso, "this and this is mine," he said as his hand went in between her legs and lastly to her head. He looked her deeply in the eyes before speaking again. "I've fucked your body, but I feel like mind-fucking you is going to be fun."
Her eyes were wide open and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. "Lando, show me everything this contract is prohibiting us to do."
It was like giving him three shots of espresso. He smirked, as he began to take off his shirt. "You're going to have to strip for me, honey." She more than happily obliged.
Lando observed like a hungry animal. She was finally his, fully. Her hands crept up his torso, lining his muscles all the way in.
"No touching here," he said as he roamed around her cleavage, "definitely not this," he continued as he kissed her nipple and let her grab his hair firmly. "Oh and most definitely not this," he ended with his hand reaching out all the way down and circled around her clit.
Blood rushed into her head and she arched herself on the sofa handle, giving him a sight to remember during lonely nights. Dim light hitting her body with shadows highlighting the curves. He watched, as his fingers made her lips turn into a smile. It was intoxicating. He flicked them like scissors, gently and watching his tempo. Then he took them out and licked them while maintaining eye contact.
"I want a taste of you," she said before thinking and gestured to come over to her face. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, starting at the very tip and playing with it gently. She moved her hand up and down his shaft and started taking him in more and more.
Lando was never fan of slow sex. But her moves made him curious to see how far he can push her and himself. Her tongue and lips felt like a soft feather, making his now wet dick sensitive. He got shivers down his lower back, something he rarely did. It was like pleasure started flowing though his whole body. He reached out to hold her other hand and he began slowly moving his hips. He was sliding up and down her tongue as she wrapped her lips around without any plans of letting him go. He on the other hand slit out of her mouth completely, albeit reluctantly. He locked eyes with her and they both knew what was coming next. "I want to try something new this time," he whispered with a hint of excitement in his voice. She was more than happy to try new things with him, knowing all too well that he was perceptive enough to stop the moment she'd feel uncomfortable.
She expected a meriad of different things - but not him, sliding in as slow as possible. It was the sweetest form of torture. Her body, used to his deep hard thrusts was now tightly wrapped around his cock. Lando felt heavenly. Feeling every inch of her body that was around him more intensively than ever before. He kept his slow tempo she she arched her back again, providing him with his favorite view and an angle, that made his moves feel deeper now. Y/n never understood before this moment why some people really likes slow sex. There was tenderness, focus and a pelicular pleasure coming in longer waves. It was like slowing down made them more present. She felt wetter than she ever had with him. And soon enough, when her mind was somewhere high up in the sky, a clear warm liquid started coming out of her - and with every squirt an indescribable heat of pleasure coming around her lower belly. Her breathing became harder and harder, moans that she could not hold in for her life. Lando first felt warmth on his cock and then looked down as drop of her juices started hitting on his stomach. He watched with awe, not being able to get a girl into this position before. As he watched her drown in orgasms, he sped up just a tiny bit in order to get himself ready to finish once she was done. And when he inevitably did, he painted with him cum all over her bare chest.
If this was how it was going to be now, he is going to be a very happy man.
Y/N came down in few moments, her breath going at a normal speed now. He reached out for a box of tissue to get her cleaned up and kissed her once again.
"This was a nice sight," he said, again with his voice going up higher than usual.
She was taken back, this new incredible feeling of finally being "empty" taking over and mixing with a hint of shame as she the aftermath she left on the couch. Lando noticed when her face went red as she saw her stain.
"That's quite embarrassing," she said shyly. And that was not something that Lando would allow. He took his hand and pulled her chin up gently.
"Now, do not ever say that. Did it feel good?" he asked, genuinely curious.
She was gathering herself for a moment before finally admitting. "Oh, god, yes. Unreal."
He smiled proudly. "Good. Well then this is not the last time we're doing this. And also, this," he said pointing at the stain, "is not something a towel can't solve."
She bit her lips and let a smile escape her. If love was a sunbeam, her world was the brightest day in the middle of summer.
@scopeiguess @leclercsluv @sulliamour @starmanv @riverxsq @eviethetheatrefreak @chonkybonky @bicchaan @saachiep81 @chezmardybum @a-beaverhausen @tbsloneely @iamkaku 
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tw1st3d-trans1st0r · 8 months ago
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Based on my fav FOB lyrics (I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off) but I love them aafhdj
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sweetpss · 27 days ago
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song of the day
fall out boy - i’m like a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off (me & you)
the fourth track off of fall out boy’s 2007 third studio album infinity on high.
songwriters: Peter Wentz / Patrick Stump / Andrew Hurley / Joseph Trohman
Last year's wishes
Are this year's apologies
Every last time I come home
I take my last chance
To burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head
'Cause I know how the words get you
We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger but not any better off
Bulletproof loneliness
At best, at best
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Collect the bad habits
That you couldn't bear to keep
Out of the woods but I love
A tree I used to lay beneath
Kissed, tear-stained red
From a sour bottle baby girl
With eyes the size of baby worlds
We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger but not any better off
Bulletproof loneliness
At best, at best
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon (a honeymoon)
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon (honeymoon)
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
And the best
Way to make it through
With hearts and wrists intact
Is to realise
Two out of three ain't bad
Ain't bad
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you (honeymoon)
Setting in a honeymoon (honeymoon)
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joelsprettyprincess · 1 month ago
get to know your moots!! 💫
tagged by @dilfhuntersintl thank you! <3
what's the origin of your blog title?: i love joel. and i want him to call me his pretty princess. therefore...joelsprettyprincess. 🥰
OTP(s) + shipname: i spent SOO long in the genshin fandom that i am so turned off by shipping in general. however rn i am obsessed with 457 (squid game), butchlander (the boys), and hannigram of course. can you tell i like my yaoi as depraved as possible?
favorite color: PURPLE!!!!!!!! specifically a very light, almost grey/white shade of purple, kind of like lavender. followed by blue, pink, and black.
favorite game: 2 years ago it would've been genshin but i dropped it. rdr2 is deffo up there. stardew valley i have soo many hours in. the game i have the most hours in tho, is the sims 4. i have almost 2k hours and over 4GB of mods 💀 i've spent far too much money on that game..
song stuck in your head: songs are constantly revolving in my head. the last couple have been beverly hills by weezer, beating down yo block by monaleo, and von dutch by charli xcx.
weirdest habit/trait?: pretending im a superstar and belting out the lyrics to whatever im listening to 😭
hobbies: writing, binging tv shows (watching yellowjackets currently), videogames ofc, doomscrolling...watching movies when i feel like it, reading webtoons. im now realizing i need more offline hobbies.
if you work, what's your profession? rn im just focusing on school but i'll probably have to get another job soon 💔
if you could have any job you wish what would it be? ....twitch streamer or youtuber...it just seems so fun and i always pretend im streaming when i play games 😭
something you're good at: writing, i think?! i would like to write actual novels as a side job one day.
something you're bad at: locking in, prioritizing work over play. im trying to get better tho.
something you love: listening to music in the car. seeing my hard work pay off. when its rainy and sunny at the same time. rereading yalls comments on my fics 💖
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: MY SIMS!! i've had a "legacy" family for generationsss, i think we're on the...eighth? maybe? right now my family is a super-smart professor who's the son of a pop idol, married to a gorgeous trans lawyer, and they have 3 kids plus a dog named carrot <3.
this is lowkey making me want to make a sims sideblog 😭
something you hate: tailgating when im already speeding. people with no ambitions or goals. strawberries.
something you collect: dolls, specifically ones with historical outfits. there's tons at thrift stores cuz no one else wants them 😅
something you forget: EVERYTHING. its actually annoying and im pretty sure its adhd or smthn but i dont have the money or patience to get diagnosed
what's your love language?: acts of service and gift giving.
favorite movie/show: shows? succession, the boys, squid game, bojack horseman...im sure im forgetting some. twd will probably be up there when (if) i finish it. movies: everything everywhere all at once is my fave, i also LOVE coraline and tangled.
favorite food: enchiladas. yum. they're so good...i love mexican food...
favorite animal: seals, tardigrades (THEYRE SO COOL LOOK THEM UP!!!!), cats.
what were you like as a child? super shy, super smart, always reading. simpler times..
until 6th grade when i discovered wattpad. 💀
favorite subject at school? english!
least favorite subject? math...im not bad at it, i just don't like it. at least it's straightforward, you can excel with enough practice.
what's your best character trait? i like to think i'm super funny but i can also give good advice.
what's your worst character trait? i am so, so cringe.
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? i have an awful headache thats probably cuz i haven't had a drop of water today.
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? anyone in history?! idk!! theres way too many people! maybe eve so i could tell her NOT TO EAT THAT APPLE. that's really the origin of all my problems 😓
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!): ughh, i love so many. but there are two that equally live in my head rent free: strangers by wintrwinchestr and smother by beardedjoel. they both inspired me to put my writing on here and they're both crazy nasty and dark. 🤭
okay SO SORRY for yapping but that's what i do best! some tags, no pressure: @thoughts-of-bear @mssalo @buneio @lovely-vamp-princess
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is-this-plural · 6 months ago
on the plural chonny songs topic, hes got two original songs with some variation of the line "one will turn to two will turn to five"
"End the Dance." and "Devil's Tricks."
the second one is more especially plural all the way through but i think the first one precontextualizes the line
also Pit. is so so plural to me. you just gotta trust me but it matches the themes of both songs... and Devil's Song. has similar graphics to one major section of pit during the "one will turn to two will turn to five" line
obligatory mention of The Ballad of Dr Jekyll and The Mr Hide Jive for obvious reasons
laplaces angel is DEFINITELY PLURAL "one hundred trillion years all piled up in one brain" and just that whole verse
Not Perfect is so plural to us. on its own lyrically not necessarily but wearing different outfits n singing with voices for each section.
the forest for the trees for similar reasons tbh
tomcat disposables isnt necessarily plural but it feels like its about growing up after a particularly food insecure childhood, in a pretty plural way
honestly theres so many with one solo line that are so so plural in otherwise irrelevant songs
Thermodynamic Lawyer, Push, Mayday,
THE MOSS. i mean "well legend says that one and one is two and that one and two is three" which sort of ends up getting thematically reprised over into mucka blucka
we have even less reason for chonny's inferno i dont think theres a single line thats plural but to me its the. its the plural self acceptance and finding community. "an awfully diverse cast of critters resides down here in hell" you get it.
also also the latest project is based on the Ship of Theseus, and hes making a bunch of variations of the same song and theres nothing particular plural about it yet beyond just. the concept of the Ship of Theseus haha.
ok i think thats it
insert image I Can (imagine anything) Make ANY Chonny Jash Song Plural
It's moments like these that I'm glad I accidentally spoke this blog into existence.
End the Dance: your future self was too late to stop you but god damn it she's still going to try. If there aren't already animatics to this song, you know what to do.
Devil's Tricks: welp, she tried, it didn't work. Honestly, this one hits a little too close to home. I'll have to check out the full album
Pit: Even just the fact this is off the same album as the last two is already promising - why is the youtube upload's description "please do not call headspace"
Jekyll/Hyde Jive: oh come on how can I not?
Laplace's Angel: I almost put the original on the playlist when I first made it, and now I'm annoyed I didn't. Let's redefine reality together
Not Perfect: A flawed whole made of flawed parts? A life that never quite feels like it's entirely yours or always worth doing? Yeah, I see it
Forest for the Trees: This is the girl who's inviting me to run away with her in Laplace's Angel, mental health problems and all. Can't really call it a plural song though
Tomcat Disposables: this song just doesn't sound right to me in a major key, but you're right
Push/Mayday: Don't Die Wondering.
The Moss: Look, there's stretch, and then there's "the concept of math is a CCCC Covered in Discontent reference"
Chonny's Inferno: I see it. Dear anon, I see it
Ship of Theseus: "I did say I was working on one song." Track six wasn't out when you sent this ask, but I'd say it has the right vibes
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(Total additions: 4)
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sili-redwing · 3 months ago
songs that give MASM vibes because ive been Thinking
monster // dodie || sun and moon. guaranteed. like those two used to be SO close until moon fumbled so bad fr. this could be eithers pov tbh
So maybe I will talk to you The only way I know how to Mhm, I've said my speech Mhm, through sharpened teeth You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin Oh, I think it might be worth a try Oh, am I ready to let this die? Mhm, a monster's here Mhm, you plug your ears But hey, you might just listen to it sing Please let the devil in
touchy feely fool // AJR || also sun. if you look at the lyrics it makes Sense.
Well, I'm not too claustrophobic But I lose my breath sometimes Now I can't even talk to ya Now your lawyers talk to mine Could you teach me to be ruthless? Could I be unfeeling too? Maybe someday, when I'm older I'll be better off like you
afterall // beartooth || also sun. i have way too many sun songs. anyways.
I woke up with the same dark feeling Head on the ground and my thoughts on the ceiling Another dream where the light is burning out I don't know what to chase, my hope is erased I look at myself and I don't know my own face I just got fixed and I'm already breaking down (I just got fixed and I'm already breaking down)
you always knew best // the beholders || initially i was going to say sun and moon again but i can see this with sun and like. bonnie as well.
And you said you wished I died Oh, how I wish I died too Then it seemed as time had stopped The knife in your hands seemed hot As it plunged deep in my chest You had always said you knew what's best
wouldn't you like // epic || eclipse trying to get sun to do Crimes in his dramatic ass cartoon villain way. he is lucky sun is fond of pretty idiots. anywyas.
Wouldn't you like a taste of the power? Wouldn't you like to use more than words? Deep in the night, the fight lasts for hours You can be hurt or you can beat her Wouldn't you like to have some of the magic? Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred? Deep in the night, the fight can be tragic I'll help you conquer her
under the weather // derivakat || sun and eclipse!!! hear me out!!! in an au that sun chose to run away from the pizzaplex and stay with eclipse and like live with him or something,,
This winter's got me out of my mind (Out my mind) Out of my mind (Out of my mind) Feels like I'm losing all of my time (All my time) All of my time (All of my time) Casting shadows on my walls (Woah, oh-oh) Everything is falling around me so hold onto me tonight (Woah, oh-oh) When I got nothing, you'll still be mine (Woah, oh-oh) (Oh, will you still be mine?) You'll still be mine
...why are like 98% of these depressing. oops. feel free to add your own songs. might as well make a thread /silly
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princessphilly · 1 year ago
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My 40th Birthday is coming soon!!!!
So I decided I wanted to celebrate in a big way! Thus, a lyric blurb challenge.
So there are two ways to do this:
1. Pick out a song lyric and fandom and ask me to write or
2. Pick out a song lyric and fandom and write it yourself and post it!
Eep: edited to add, Please send me an ask with the lyric, fandom, and if you want me to write it or if you’re going to write it.
Please post anything related to this with #princesspbdaychallenge because I will be following that tag
Open fandoms: TGM, hockey (Sidney Crosby, Nate Mac, Jamie Oleksiak, Brandon Tanev, ask me about others), Marvel, CE characters, Seb Stan characters, Henry Cavill characters.
Tagging: @spine-buster @chara-hugs @starshine-hockey-girl @buckets-and-trees @biteofcherry @vonalyn @angryschnauzer @persephonepraxidikechthonios @hangmanapologist @hangmanssunnies @withahappyrefrain @yanna-banana @callsignspark @kreiderrider @gretagerwigsmuse @fineanddandy @syntheticavenger @sunshinexsin @navybrat817 @ginghampearlsnsweettea @himbos-on-ice @hiimana @whoeverineedtobe @hockeynshit @2-fast-2-curious @jobean12-blog @thebookofmags @fenixstar
Click to see lyric prompts:
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
Taylor Swift - Dress
Baby, won't you be my sweetheart
We could share a storybook romance
Mariah Carey - Sweetheart
How do you do it?
Make me feel like I do
How do you do it?
It's better than I ever knew
Incubus - Stellar
Forever my lady
I say just what i mean
Forever and ever
I pray is what i see
Jodeci - Forever My Lady
Walks by me every day
Her and love are the same
The woman that's stolen my heart
And beauty is her name
Dru Hill - Beauty 
When I trust you we'll make love until the morning
Let me tell you all my secrets and I'll whisper 'til the day's done
Fka Twigs - Lights On
Cupid doesn't lie
But you won't know unless you give it a try
Oh baby, true love
won't lie but we won't know unless we give it a try
give it a try
112 - Cupid
At night, I think of you
I want, to be your lady, maybe
Ghost Town DJ’s - My Boo
I don't ask for too many things
Only one thing I really need
That is you baby next to me
Mary J Blige - Give Me You
I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
Keyshia Cole - Heaven Sent
Tell me how does it feel
When your heart grows cold? 
New Order - Blue Monday
Talk to the wind, talk to the sky
Talk to the man with the reasons why
And let me know what you find
Taylor Swift - Come In With The Rain
You can never win or lose
If you don't run the race
The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way
I didn't know nothing, I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself
Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
There's something kinda sad about
The way that things have come to be.
Desensitized to everything.
What became of subtlety?
Tool - Stinkfist
(Do I wanna know?)
If this feeling flows both ways?
(Sad to see you go)
Was sort of hoping that you'd stay
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
Collect the bad habits that you couldn't bear to keep
Fall Out Boy - I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)
The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me
Linkin Park - Papercut
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I'll wait for you
U2 - With Or Without You
I come home early expecting your warm embrace
But something is wrong 'cuz its written all over your face
Dru Hill - In My Bed
Like a shoebox of photographs
With sepia-toned loving
Jack Johnson -  Better Together
Yea, I've been workin' all week
And I'm tired and I don't wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It's time for a good time
Alan Jackson - Good Time
Come on, baby, let's get away
Let's save our troubles for another day
Come go with me we've got it made
Let me take you on an escapade
Janet Jackson - Escapade
The grabbing hands grab all they can
All for themselves, after all
(It's a competitive world)
(Everything counts in large amounts)
Depeche Mode - Everything Counts
Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control.
Unable to forgive. And sinking deeper.
Tool - The Grudge
And on I read until the day was gone
And I sat in regret of all the things I've done
For all that I've blessed, and all that I've wronged
In dreams until my death I will wander on
Audioslave - Like A Stone
It's so unreal, didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Linkin Park - In The End
And so we're told this is the golden age
And gold is the reason for the wars we wage
U2 - New Year’s Day
And the crashes are heaven for a sinner like me
But the arms of the ocean delivered me
Florence and the Machine - Never Let Me Go
And all I dreamed of, it can't get started
Time goes really slow and I need to let it out
Kelela - Bankhead
We go deep and we don't get no sleep
'Cause we'll be up all night until the early light
Janet Jackson - Go Deep
I'm hanging on your words
Living on your breath
Feeling with your skin
Will I always be here?
Depeche Mode - In Your Room
You'd be calling out my name
Begging me to play my games
Depeche Mode - Corrupt
Fetish is a pleasure you cannot be faked, woho hoho
But when it feels this good then it just comes natural
Baby, arch your back and point your toes
Miguel - Arch & Point
I'm your pimp, I'm your pope, I'm your pastor babe
Confess your sins to me while you masturbate
Miguel - the valley
I got plans to put my hands in places
I never seen, girl, you know what I mean
Usher - Nice & Slow
Turned on by everything you say
I'm turned on by everything you do
Jodeci - Freek'n You
No rules to this game
Turn me out
Now I'm helpless
And I beg you
Do it again
Kelela - Do It Again
Grab hold of me
Gentle love but touch passionately
I'll give you my blessing
Take me person and objectively
Ex and internally
Sabrina Claudio
Give it to me like you need it, baby
Want you to hear me screaming, heavy breathing
Summer Walker - Girls Need Love
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looselipssinkships-x · 2 years ago
fall out boy lyrics that make me think of the places i grew up
this town is wasted and alone -- death valley -- when i visit, if I'm lucky i get to drive around, and the nothingness is crushing. You go to school, you graduate, if you're upper or middle class you go to college, probably the local one an hour away. You have to drive an hour to get to the good grocery store, twenty minutes to the shitty one. You marry your high school sweetheart, or someone you met in college, you settle down and have kids. You have at least one family member who works for a company you're pretty sure is still just a factory, even though they have fancier names for it now. I look out the window of my parents' house and i can barely see the neighbors' house.
you were the last good thing about this part of town -- grand theft autumn/where is your boy -- i left my best friend in the city i moved from and god i miss her so fucking much. Every time i visit it's like we were never apart. Every time i leave we both wonder if we'd have made it had i not moved away.
i can't remember the good old days -- 27 -- your parents' house is supposed to feel like being a kid, running around carefree. I have not lived with my parents for eight years but every time i visit i wake up with that same chest crushing anxiety and it does not go away. Even when i get back out east it takes me days to feel like a person again.
every pane of glass that your pebbles tap/negates the pains I went through to avoid you/and every little pat on the shoulder for attention/fails to mention I still hate you -- chicago is so two years ago -- i did not visit for almost two years, and then only did so because my grandmother was dying. Had she not been, it would have likely been so much longer. I spent those two years hating that small town, because i thought if i hated it i wouldn't miss it, and it all hurt so much that it wasn't hard to try to hate it. (that didn't work, because even though it hurt, it was still home)
I know I should be home/all the colors of the street signs, they remind me of the/pickup truck out in front of your neighbor's house -- chicago is so two years ago -- it's the little things that get me, the parts that weren't so bad, the parts that were even good, the parts that killed me to leave behind. The first dance class i took out east i sobbed the entire two mile walk home.
whoa, can't do it by myself -- reinventing the wheel to run myself over -- this one gets me because every time everything just feels like too much, it's amplified by the fact that i did this to myself, i chose to move away from everyone and everything i ever knew, and it's therefore my responsibility to indeed, do it by myself
we're the kids who feel like dead ends//and the poets are just kids who didn't make it -- i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song) -- literally all of my friends from home don't quite fit the midwestern mold, and we're all mentally ill creative types. We're in our mid twenties now and have felt like burn outs for years
I swear I'd burn this city down to show you the light -- sophomore slump or comeback of the year -- the same best friend from earlier. I worry the small town is crushing her and she's so, so bright.
the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact is to realize two out of three ain't bad -- i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off (me & you) -- you make sacrifices to survive. Mental, emotional, physical, everyone's sacrificing something just to make it through.
it's all a game of this or that, now versus then/better off against worse for wear/and you're someone who knows someone who knows someone/I once knew, and I just want to be a part of this -- hum hallelujah -- the duality of living in such a small town where everyone knows everyone and still feeling like you have no place to belong
literally all of g.i.n.a.s.f.s. but especially: everybody wants to drive on through the night if it's a drive back home//things aren't the same anymore, some nights, they get so bad//i sleep with your old shirts and walk through this house//it's a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you, I'm supposed to love you//I've already given up on myself twice third time is the charm//threw caution to the wind, but I've got a lousy arm -- ioh was my first fob cd, and i listened to it on repeat the summer i spent commuting from my parents house to the hospital in the city to camp until i finally got an apartment. This was also the year i spent coming out to myself, terrified of the future and expectations i knew I'd never meet. I was also in love with one of my best friends and god it hurts so much for your first love to feel so wrong
I will never end up like him/behind my back, I already am -- headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet -- when i first moved to the east coast i swore I'd assimilate and no one would know where i came from, but the second I'd open my mouth it would be "oh what part of the midwest are you from?" Over time I've learned to make peace with the parts of myself that are so unavoidably rural and midwestern, but there were parts i resented for a long time, because it felt like I'd never be free from where i grew up
I don't know where I'm going/but I don't think I'm coming home -- alone together -- i remember driving home from a college course i was taking my senior year of high school and just, dreaming of driving on, starting somewhere new
and in the end/i'll do it all again -- the kids aren't alright -- if things had been different, if i'd grown up differently, i wouldn't be who i am today. Also i almost got these lyrics tattooed on my thigh. Still might tbh
you were the sunshine of my lifetime/what would you trade the pain for?//and I just about snapped, don't look back//what would you trade the pain for? I'm not sure -- love from the other side -- leaving was, and is, so goddamn hard. Every time i visit my best friend, my grandparents, i have to remind myself why i left, and why i can't go back, and so much of that focuses on looking forward because if i look at the past too much i begin to romanticize the pain
scar crossed lovers, forever -- heaven, iowa -- i am so inexplicably, irreversibly bound to the people i grew up with like some sort of fucked up trauma bonding. Out here on the east coast, in the cities, it's just different. Even people who grew up east coast "rural," it's not the same. It's strong with friends from the city i moved from and even stronger with my friend who grew up in the same county.
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fallinglikeayoyo · 25 days ago
I'm bored so I'm going to rank the songs from Infinity on High. Including the 2 bonus tracks.
First, let me give a crumb of background. Infinity on High was the first album I had the brain cells to ask for as a Christmas gift, around when it came out. It was the album that got me into Fall Out Boy. I feel pretty qualified to share my opinions.
16. It's Hard to Say "I Do" When I Don't - it's kinda boring to me, I just never really cared for it.
15. The Carpal Tunnel of Love - 15 was harder to pick than 16 because I love this album so much but something has to be here, and this doesn't make a case, for me, to be much higher, this is one I've just never been drawn to that much.
14. You're Crashing, But You're No Wave - it's fine, I like the story of this one, but there are many other songs I'm more drawn to.
13. Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? - There are quite a few songs that hit harder than this for me but I still enjoy it.
12. Thnks Fr Th Mrs - I've just heard it so much. I've got nostalgia for it but I like others more.
11. This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race - I still love it but there are other tracks that deserve higher placements in this list imo, I've heard it a lot.
10. Fame < Infamy - SWEATing in the pewwww. It's just not able to be higher bc it doesn't have the oomph some of these other songs have for me.
9. "The Take Over, The Break's Over" - I've heard this one a lot, so it's on the tail end of the single digits, but it's still here bc there's something about "WE DOOOO it in the DAAAARK, with SMIIILES ON OUR FACES," okay?
8. Golden - I couldn't live with myself giving this double digits because I love this song, but there are others I love more. Lyrics, backing vocals, piano, aaahhh it's just good.
7. G.I.N.A.S.F.S - I mean, the only thing I can say as to why this isn't higher is bc it's not as nostalgic for me as the others. It's a banger. It's a club classic.
6. I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off - this one's v nostalgic for me, "the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists in tact is to realize that two out of three ain't bad" did something to my developing brain chemistry
5. I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers - Top tier closing track for an album on a kinda sad note, but still having fun. I love this song. The TRUUUUUuuuuUuUUuuuth
4. Bang The Doldrums - HAPPILY EVER AFTER, BELOOOWWW THE WAAIIIST. I love to sing this one, I love the drums. I just love this song.
3. Hum Hallelujah - This was a fast favorite for preteen me. I love singing this one. I love "You're someone who knows someone who knows someone I once knew" and "I love you in the same way there's a chapel in a hospital, one foot in the bedroom, and one foot out the door"
2. Thriller - TOP tier opening track for an album. I love singing this one too. I love the guitar. LONG LIVE THE CAR CRASH HEARTS. It's just GOOD.
1. The (After) Life of the Party - I LOVE singing this one. "I'm a stitch away from making it and a scar away from falling apart" DOES something to me. Especially before the last chorus, when it's so powerful.
Argue with the wall this is my heavily nostalgia-based opinion.
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sometimesiammybpd · 5 months ago
i reminded myself of a really dark point in my life (one of many) recently. and it is something i want to talk about because i've brought it up to friends before but it's never helped. i don't wanna talk about it in this post though because i don't want every post to be so negative.
when i entered high school, the most i listened to music wise was taylor swift. i grew up with her music because of my sisters. never a fan of country though and still not one. i was also really into electronic music at the time, but that was it. and high school was what introduced me to fall out boy, panic! at the disco, and my chemical romance. specifically fall out boy because that's what got me through high school. this was at the same time as the community, so my toxicity was rampant and anything i may mention that i did during this time, i hold myself accountable. but i wanna say something that i realized like a year ago and really haven't been able to say.
yeah, i was toxic as fuck. but most people either chose or somehow couldn't see that it really wasn't because i enjoyed hurting myself or others. i just . . . i don't know. the hardest part about trying to grow and change is identifying with your past self to understand why you were the way you were. it's a double-edged sword in my eyes. yeah, i want to understand so i don't go down that path again. but i also don't want to relive or think about those days as much as the people i hurt doesn't want to. i was never a monster. i made a lot of awful decisions and used very toxic tactics like manipulation and gaslighting. and i know why if i ever went to any of those people and tried to speak my mind, they wouldn't want to hear a word out of my mouth. i understand why. but to me, most of the time at that point felt like i was watching someone else make those decisions; like i had no control of myself. it doesn't excuse anything but things like me bullying myself was also stemmed out of these kinds of things. because i felt so out of control and i had so little explanation for what the fuck was wrong with me that it exhibited as that whole mess. i won't go into specifics because i don't want to make myself revisit every bad decision i have ever made.
but when i found fall out boy, for the first time i felt heard. even when i didn't know i had bpd, i just felt like somehow he was able to say what i was feeling. and i know pete has bipolar disorder, not bpd. but it honestly doesn't matter and that applies to then as well. i first really connected with infinity on high. i remember trying to listen to take this to your grave, but i wasn't really into screamo at that point and it turned me off for a bit (it is top three for me now). infinity on high for the longest time was my favorite album. lyrics like:
i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off i take my last chance to burn a bridge or two. i only keep myself this sick in the head, 'cause i know how the words get you (off). the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact is to realize (that) two out of three ain't bad. don't you know who i think i am? i could learn to pity fools as i'm the worst of all and i can't stop feeling sorry for myself. the (after)life of the party i'm a stitch away from making it and a scar away from falling apart. i've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers and the truth hurts worse than anything i could bring myself to do to you.
i listened to this on repeat. at this point in my life (15 - 16), i was spiraling mentally. i had started self-harming and just hurting myself and losing friends and just all of it. i had a suicide plan by 13. i was ready to go but then came 14 and 15 and i had no idea why i was even still here. i genuinely wanted to die and the only thing that got me from day to day was fall out boy. and the song that i really connected with and not in a good way was golden. god i remember crying hearing that song for the first time with lyrics and understanding what he was saying.
golden and i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies. and all the lovers with no time for me. and all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me and pray they don't grow up to be me.
this song was everything to me. everything. hearing patrick sing about this kind of stuff didn't make me more suicidal or depressed. this was the song that showed me that these were more than just catchy songs to jam to. golden was the first song i really gave the lyrics a look at. and i can never forget that. but, for as much as i loved infinity, when i heard from under the cork tree for the first time, i couldn't put it down even more than IOH. as much as i was toxic, i was completely unaware of it and when someone set me off (usually by telling me that i needed to change), i went to from under. i went to fall out boy. like i said, i don't excuse how i was. but everyone pretty much looked at me like i knew what i was doing and didn't care. and there were the few times i did know or think to myself that what i was about to do or just did was not okay. but most of the time i was spiraling out of control and it defaulted to toxicity and rage.
and here's the part that i hate about this time besides just . . . everything. infinity isn't really tainted. i can start at thriller, go through to it's hard to say i do, when i don't and restart it and be fine. some days, i can't do that with from under. some days i hear certain lyrics and feel back in that hallway singing it to myself about someone who did nothing wrong but i was blaming them anyways. and don't get me wrong, i fucking love FUTCT to this day. it's an absolute masterpiece. but it does make it hard sometimes to listen to it. here's some of my favorite lyrics:
of all the gin joints in the world you only hold me up like this, cause you don't know who i really am. nobody puts baby in the corner i keep my jealousy close cause it's all mine. and if you say that makes you happy, then i'm not the only one lying. hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday 7 minutes in heaven (atavan halen) i'm having another episode. i just need a stronger dose. i'm not going home alone, cause i don't do too well on my own.
i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me so douse yourself in cheap perfume. it's so fitting of the way you are. they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone. but, for what we've become, we just feel more alone a little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me" i don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it.
i could go on, lol. this album holds as much of a place in my heart as IOH does, but this one really got me through most of high school. and a lot of the songs still get me through adult life and my job and other things. but two things on this album really really stuck with me. i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song) and the speech at the end of get busy living or get busy dying (do your part to save the scene and stop going to shows). i've got a dark alley is the song for me. out of all fall out boy albums and records and whatnot, it's the song. when i'm in a bad episode, i still listen to it to this day to help me cope. i won't quote any lyrics specifically because it's the entire song. not that the others weren't but this one is explicitly the entire song for me. and i love you pete wentz for writing a fuckin masterpiece that i can't even believe you wanted to not include. and same feelings go towards that speech. that literally lives in my head rent free no matter what.
but i don't know. the whole point of this is that like, i love other bands. i love green day and i love paramore and i love p!atd and all of them. and i love listening to new bands that i've never heard before. but nothing can ever really meet the level of fall out boy for me. the level of that personal connection and feeling that for once, i'm not fucking alone in this fight. and it's also why i couldn't ever get into any of the post-hiatus / pre-SM(F)SD albums. they weren't bad and maybe it was just the instrumentals, but they just didn't feel as personal as the first four albums.
i don't know how to end this. fuck, i love fall out boy so much.
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chewtoyfrank · 2 years ago
Holy fuckkk. I. Fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck.
Okay so. Favorites are probably, in order: Bang The Doldrums, I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears, This Ain't A Scene, The (After) Life Of The Party, and Hum Hallelujah.
I feel unwell.
Below are the notes I took while listening to each song 2 or 3 times. View at your own risk.
Holy shittttt what the fuck
Starting off fucking intense
Holy shit
Ily vocals
Well. Uh Oh.
"The Take Over, The Breaks Over"
Ooooooo woah
Broooooooo the chorus fuckss
Oh shitt
Shittt the guitarr
SHITTT the drumss
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
That little guitar bit. fuck
The likee buzzy lil emphasis on God Damn is soooo tingly holy shittttt
Fuck. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off
Vocals ilyyyy. Pretty
Hum Hallelujah
That bass fucks
Someone who knows someone who knows-
The chorus is so prettyyy
The pronunciation makes brain go brrrrrr
Crunchy ass ending
Mmmmm piano
Godd i love fucking backing vocals
Oh???? Pretty???
Fuck. Yeah okay
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Oh shit it's this song i know this one! Kind of
Very dramatic
Oooo clickity clackity
Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?
Epic gamer moment!
I need to take vocal lessons. blease
Sexy ending
The (After) Life Of The Party
Oooooooobh prettyyyy
Thw change into the fucking drums and to the next verse good shit
God DAMN the fucking VOCALS
This Slaps
GOT DAM THAT FUCKING fuckin uhhhh the last 'loose' fuck man
The Carpal Tunnel Of Love
Sexy guitar
The drums fuckingg. Dun dun. Dun dun. 👍
More sexy guitarrrr
Woag bridge what the fuck
God damn girl.
Bang The Doldrums
Ooooo HELL YEAH Guitar!
Oh shitt
Oh Shittttttt it's fuckin bang the doldrums
I don't know it but I've heard about it so that means its popular right
Girl. Girl help.
Uh oh. Autism
This fucks so hard
It's giving uhhhhh piratey? Idk but I like it
Goddamn. Yeah. Yeah.
Fame < Infamy
Sexy guitar, chef's kiss
Haven't deciphered the lyrics but I'm feeling some type of way abt them
More guitar yummm
You're Crashing, But You're No Wave
This fucks
Oh shitt the fucking silence after hushed fuckk
Woahh damn the choiral part, shit
I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers
The truth hurts worse part is so brain tingly fucking chills fuck
God Damn. Fuck. Shit
Ooooooh cunty ass intro
Oh shit this slays
Love the energy this fucks
She's so mysterious. What does she stand for
It's Hard To Say "I Do", When I Don't
Damnnnn hella lyrics
Ooooooo that buildup Yessss
The ending that fucks
Dance, Dance - Live
Ily drumsss
Believe it or not. Ily vocals
Good shitt
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race - Live
Fucks more i think actually
Extra cuntyyy i love it. ILY LIVE VOCALS
Autism hungry feed it fob
Fuckkkk this SLAYS
Thriller - Live
Crunchy AND Pretty. Impeccable.
pretty again. shes versatile
I want to gnaw on this song like a dog bone
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losergendered · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
ID: a flag that has ten stripes. they are midnight indigo, muted blue, muted sky blue, blueish gray, off-white, muted yellow, yellow-orange, muted orange, light red, and brick red. END ID
Underneymoonphrasic: a gender related to the phrase "me and you, underneath the honeymoon," a line from pete wentz's livejournal which was an initial version of the lyric "me and you, setting in a honeymoon" from the song "i'm like a lawyer the way i'm always trying to get you off (me and you)" by fall out boy.
Colors changed slightly from the Setthoneymoonlyrica (link) flag, as well as picked from images of the livejournal homepage
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