lyrebirdswrites · 2 years
Hey bestie,
No pressure intended at all, but I just wanted to ask if you still plan on finishing The Long Con? I understand it can take a really long time to find inspiration or time to write, and I am happy to be patient! I just wanted to make sure it hasn't been abandoned. 🙂
Yes, I will finish the long con! I am writing all the chapters in advance so that when I start uploading again there are won’t be another big hiatus between uploads. I expect to update the fic again while jjk season 2 is airing — so any time during the second half of this year. Probably later rather than sooner, unless I am lucky and speedy.
(Also, as a very hush hush secret second thing, I’m planning one round of preorders where people will be able to purchase physical copies of the long con as a bound book 👀 I want to be able to hold my first novel-length story in my hands and put it on my bookshelf! The whole fic has to be finished/typeset/formatted in advance for that project to go ahead through, which is another reason why I’m completing all of tlc in advance.)
For some broader perspective on my writing goals this year — I’m aiming to finish slaughterhouse and the long con, then begin the first part of a historical/political intrigue fushiita au which will be my next Big Project after tlc is done. Those three stories have anywhere between 30-50k words left to write in them individually (100k or more combined). I’m a busy bee behind the scenes, I practically never leave my writing desk lol. But I’m working and studying too, so finding the time to write is the biggest challenge rn.
But yes. The long con is not abandoned and I am really keen to finish it this year! I know it’s been a long time since I last updated. Writing is a very solitary and often isolating pursuit; I compose everything alone without feedback or encouragement until it’s done, and the finished product doesn’t give an indication of the many challenges involved in refining prose to that level of polish. It really means a lot to me that everyone has been so patient while I figure out the balance between my irl responsibilities and my writing process. I’m glad people are still interested in seeing the conclusion of the long con, and I’m doing my best to get it ready!
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skybent · 1 year
tag dump !
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pyrriax · 6 months
hello here to ask about the seraphim au again lol
what are wisps? how is disability handled among seraphs? what is the most common way for them to get disabled? how fucked up is spoke exactly? like does he have abnormally long limbs? does he have limbs that he really shouldnt? is there a way for the ones in the fray to get up to the vesper esp with all the ruin? are there any other weapons of war lying around aside from centurions?
this au is really interesting and i love finding out more about it :D
Hello welcome back! I'm happy to answer your questions i love talking about this thing ^_^
Yet another long post ahead, but I've gone ahead and answered all of your questions in as much detail as I can without fully spoiling anything! 👍
What is a Wisp? (Where do they come from, what're they like?)
Wisps are another common creature, originating from cast magic. They vary in size, shape, color, and type, although the most common are ones which have a tendency to either cause small explosions, or light fires. Because of the way their bodies are comprised primarily of magic, they are constantly expending this energy, and thus don't accumulate it the same way that most things do.
These wisps are a common pest in the Vesper, a little like rats, but also a bit more potentially damaging, as they're drawn to places with a high magic content and flow. Although, they're rarely found at the pools in the Fray. This is mostly because Centurions have taken to killing them on sight, since they are quite fond of feeding off the energy which is used to keep them functional. It's a special thing, and it's their favorite.
Once upon a time, they actually had a use, but now they're just considered a bit of a waste product from magic casting.
(Although, that hasn't stopped some curious Seraphs from wondering if it'd be possible to domesticate them in a sense. They aren't inherently harmful, even if they have a habit of starting little fires or blowing cracks in walls. Some wisps simply sap energy and laze about, and though they become rarer later on, these are the ones that stick around places the longest.)
Certain wisps expend their excess energy with mimicry and shapeshifting, some of my references for them are birds like European Starlings and Superb Lyrebirds. Often times, their mimicry can make them even more of a nuisance, especially before the Seraph's extinction, as they were known to lead Seraphim astray by mimicking distress calls and even the sounds of clashing metal. Shapeshifting-wise, they tended to prefer creatures of a similar mass, so most often they'd take forms no bigger than medium sized cats, since anything larger is significantly bigger than any typical wisp. These ones didn't often last long after being created, but they were well documented.
They used to be kept out of important places in the Vesper with gates and small spells, but as those diminished, they began to creep in once again. Their presence sped up the collapse, but it couldn't exactly be prevented.
How is disability handled among seraphs? (Along with a brief explanation of some pieces of Seraphim culture)
Overall, it's treated as something to be respected, as it tends to be the result of actions not the Seraph's own, or of actions that were for the greater good of either the Seraph, or the Vesper as a whole. But, there are certain things which are much more looked down upon, and that is typically things like blindness or missing wings. These types of injuries, and related disabilities (stunted flight, limited vision [in cases where the blindness is partial], etc.), are viewed as almost childish, due to the fact they're especially common occurrences for Seraphim youth.
Older Seraphs commonly deal with lower mobility, at least in comparison to their younger counterparts. While Seraphs will snip and bite at each other (both literally and metaphorically), they are still a social species and care for their ill and disabled. Typically, any care being done for a Seraph will be done by those closer to them, mostly their inner circle and occasionally those associated with those Seraphs.
In cases of lost limbs, for any reason (regardless of how it may be viewed), if all the injury does is heal over and become more of a typical stump, the spot will be adorned with jewelry, and even tattoos or specifically dyed feathers, depending on the specific spot. Rather than being something hidden, these things are typically decorated, highlighted as a show of life and living. This is a bit of a remnant of an old myth which was lost long before anything was written, but it speaks of highlighting these losses as a triumph of life. It's a little bit of a "this is our gift from the stars [in reference to an almost-god] and we must show our appreciation, lest it be taken from us." Along with that, it's viewed as a way of warding off Wisps and other pests from these vulnerable spots.
Common patterns & symbols in these types of jewelry include but aren't limited to: ferns / laurel, flowers (varying types depending on the city, although the most common ones in Vesper are lily of the valley and bleeding hearts), spirals, and insects (again, of varying types depending on the city, the most common ones in Vesper are beetles or millipedes, although the latter are much less common.)
These pieces are made out of a variety of materials, but typically the basis is metals, either cast and shaped or twisted wire, depending on the Seraph's preferences. Pieces of the grown stars used for Centurions are also common place, along with common crystals. Everything used is subject to change, as these are personal to the Seraphs and will reflect their preferences, and even their favorite things. Over time, this jewelry may be reforged and adapted to better suit the Seraph, as time goes on.
What is the most common way for Seraphs to end up disabled? (And maybe a little hint of lore, as a treat)
So, I've mentioned some of the most commonly disabling things, but how the hell does that even happen?
Seraphs have their nasty habit of fighting amongst themselves, which is only more common with the younger of the bunch. While it isn't pleasant, it isn't unheard of for these fights to reach the point of weak points being clawed at/out. Which often entails wings being at the least taken out of their sockets, and at worst clawed off. In the same thread, eyes are also a common spot to be gone after.
But, as time went on, these types of fights became less common, so scars and marks from these fights are more often seen on the fully grown Seraphs. At least, this is the most accepted answer. Though, the truth of it is that usually, Seraphs lost limb and life to the fights which were so often instigated. While it's been most attributed to overly violent youth, it was much more an effect of war. At least, that was before the Centurions.
After them, however, things shifted. Without nearly as many Seraphs out actively participating in the fight aside from those that remained to ensure the Centurions' function, the most commonly disabling occurrences were related to either overexertion of magic over a long period of time (leading to effects a little similar to chronic fatigue & pain) and flight related injury. Though, that was tied with... Poaching related damage to stars.
Damaged stars? Poaching?
As I've already mentioned briefly here, Seraphim stars became a useful weapon due to their properties. While I won't elaborate much more than that for some mild spoiler reasons, let it be known that Seraphs were once revered as gods, but this began to turn into resentment over time. But, what does a damaged star entail for them?
A Seraph with a damaged star (whether it be cracked or chipped, both having different but lasting effects) doesn't often live more than a handful of years longer, as the magic that typically circulates through their body will begin to stagnate. This causes to formation of a sediment of sorts that accumulates in extremities and places like the eyes, mouth, and will even begin to seep into the keratin in their body, as well as their bones/marrow, coloring any new growth anything from pink to deep blues and greens.
While Seraphs are known for having a variety of colors which naturally and commonly occur in their feathers and flesh, these colors are associated heavily with this type of ailment, and those with these colors are often avoided by some of the more paranoid. (There is no risk to other Seraphim, this is a lot like how people will avoid those they perceive as ill / sick even when they know it won't affect them.)
Cracked Stars (All pieces present, but with slight separation or small fragments loose): Slower overall progression, characterized by weakness and general lethargy, along with sharp pain and numbness in extremities as time goes on, since the magic that Seraphs rely on doesn't flow quite how it's supposed to, along with the appearance of the aforementioned colors, since they tend to live long enough for it to completely change their appearance.
Chipped Stars (Pieces are missing, typically from failed removal attempts): Much faster progression, often to an almost violent effect, as instead of accumulating slowly, the magic which would form a sediment will instead begin to crystalize rapidly, making them only really able to live about a year after at most. This can also be the most sudden, as a chipped star likely won't be noticed until there are Wisps circling the Seraph, and sharp pain and complete loss of feeling (a side effect of the magic that's basically pouring out of them, which will make them much like the Centurions in this regard, as they cannot contain the magic.)
Malformed Stars (Not injury based, but included due to the relation and similarities): Some Seraphs are born with malformed stars and will have coloration associated with cracked stars from the very start. Although, it's entirely possible that they can live for a while longer than those whose stars get cracked, as their bodies are given the opportunity to properly adjust, as well as the lack of excess magic directly leaking into their bodies. Varying from Seraph to Seraph, they can have much more volatile magic, or that's less potent than is typical.
So what the fuck is the deal with Spoke? (Why is he like that?)
Spoke is a case of a potentially good thing being used in the worst way possible. Grown stars (or artificial stars, or anything to that degree) are perfect for Centurions, being able to be used as a baseline for the creation of pseudo-personage, a pseudo-soul, if you will. But, the problem is when they interact with another soul. Natural souls will eat away at artificial ones, and this lead to an extremely volatile reaction within Spoke. Along with the issue of souls, human bodies are not exactly made to regulate the magic that comes with these stars, and it causes... Complications.
Caught in an odd place where he both does and doesn't even physically exist at all, Spoke is a little like the ghosts that've taken to haunting the library in the absence of Seraphs. Varying even minute to minute, he can go from looking a little off (almost a little uncanny, in a way. Limbs slightly the wrong proportions, just enough to ring as odd, but not completely distorted) to being almost unrecognizable as human at all, practically surrounded by a thick layer of ambient magic, which can make him look like a bit like a shadow.
Although, as time goes on, this becomes much less varied, and instead, it manifests in the beginnings of Seraph-like features, including an additional set of non-functional eyes. As well, there is a certain dark-green-almost-black that makes his extremities look almost necrotic, although they aren't. This is just a manifestation of the excess magic, much like how it looks for Seraphim with cracked stars. For a period of time, he had grown the beginnings of an additional limb (although, it never got far, as it began to become excruciatingly painful for him), but it was removed.
Spoke is basically in limbo between being alive and dead, which has had its own interesting effects on his psyche, and really, if any true Seraph were there, he likely would've been mercy killed to spare him from this. But, he's happy as can be, despite the agonies. Much like any other human with a star place in them, there is most definitely a noticeable mark that resulted from it, something which has only grown over time. A little like what could've just been a scar at the start begins to morph into creeping vines, looking more and more like they've been struck with lightning.
(This is probably the most subject-to-change-as-i-write thing here, since I'm not 100% set on the primary appearance of it. There are major differences between Seraphim-stars and Grown-stars, and one of those major differences is that Seraphim-stars are much more stable, as they've had a long period of time to be refined and cultivated. Meanwhile grown-stars aren't given that kind of time, and are only an approximation of the real thing. While they can heal and prolong life, they lack the rhyme or reason that Seraphim ones will abide by. They don't know when to quit. They will form tumors and create what I can only describe as an excess of life, they make people sick, they shouldn't be used on organic things even if it's the only option. There's a reason Seraphs will sooner die than use one. They are viable for Centurions purely because of the lack of organic growth.)
Let's talk the Fray (and a little bit about the War, shall we?)
is there a way for the ones in the fray to get up to the vesper esp with all the ruin?
Really, it depends on the scenario! Before the death of the Seraphs, going between the two places was inconvenient, but possible. Typically it involved making some kind of trade with one of the Seraphim in order to be brought to the Vesper, although this was rare. The handful of human mages that did exist were able to move freely between the two places, but they disappeared not long after they began to be noticed. Though, they made a little bit of a resurgence as almost ghost-like figures, after the Seraphs' death.
Seraphim were able to go between the two places, as they never lost their flight, but even those who struggled with it were able to use their magic in order to go between. Centurions were unable to go between the two, as they were designated their places and functionally left to continue that task ad infinium. Humans were a rare sight, but on occasion human merchants were known to get up to the Vesper, usually using crude airships.
are there any other weapons of war lying around aside from centurions?
To be a little ominous for the sake of not spoiling too much: yes. Yes, there are, and they are only getting worse for wear, and even if their creators are long dead, they are not. They're still there, waiting to be called upon once again, to lay the world to even greater waste. Slumbering giants, if you will. I'll be elaborating on these especially in the main fic I have planned, so this is a "wait and see" kind of deal ^_^
Also if you've gotten this far I want to point you toward some art that vaguely inspired the baseline I have for wisps because I love this art and it fascinates me!
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first piece is by ida lissner, second by tealnewcombart on etsy, third by tracy debenport!
i couldn't find the much more vibrantly colored type of almost psychedelic art that i've really drawn a fair bit of inspiration from, at least with the colors, these show a lot of the Shapes that i think of with them
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idkfitememate · 2 months
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Harry Bastard Potter OC
Name: Eden “Crow” Alaister
Age: Sixteen
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Standing: Half Muggle/Wizard
Appearance: A black person with curly hair that falls around the waist and covers the eyes - which are deep brown, rounded glasses with dangling chains that wrap around the shoulders. Sharpened teeth and a longer tongue, a couple of piercings, and nails usually painted black. On the taller side, around 6 ft and 1 in (182 cm) and thinner side. Has a sleeper build.
Gender: No one knows. Anyone who asks gets a stupid answer. (I.e. “Wanna check my pants?” “Which would you prefer?” “How ya wanna take it in bed later?~”)
Backstory: Raised in a Mafia, Eden was born with high expectations on their shoulders, especially with being the bosses kid. All their life has been surrounded by violence and bloodshed, never getting close to another. Hand to hand, gun, knives, wrenches, they can do it all. But one day, their Mother - the boss - pulled them aside and revealed the truth of their father, the fact that he was a wizard. They had magic in their veins and suddenly their world of pain and murder was flipped on its head when a letter was relieved to their doorstep. Now they’ve got to navigate this new world, and… wait a second. WHAT DOYA MEAN THEY CAN TURN INTO AN ANIMAL?!-
Pet: Technically two. Snuck in a regular ass chameleon and was gifted a ‘magical’ bird. It was a White Bellbird. Loud ass motherfucker-
Animagus: Lyrebird. Why? Even they don’t know. But now even in human form they’re pretty damn good at copying noises and voices. Like Michael Leslie Winslow in all the Police Academy films as Larvell Jones. Look it up it’s amazing I promise.
Random Shit:
They can pick a lock
They have killed before and will do it again
If you really wanna get to know this bitch you’re gonna have to PRY-
They bring roller skates to Hogwarts and rollerblade around but always keep them under their cloak, so people just think their fast as fuck boiiii
Favorite colors are the blood of those who wronged them and their friends and teal :3
Can and will tell you how to disassemble any gun imaginable and perfectly rebuild it from memory but will struggle with basic grammar
They have a classic mobster accent because the watched to much TV as a kid
Can swim, due to assassination attempts. Can also taste/smell many types of poisons, same reason
They smoke, not cigarettes though, full ass custom made cigars
They like to practice mixology every now and then, and make killer margaritas
(Any questions please ask I’ll probably write a more cohesive backstory later I’m tired lololol. Questions are more than welcome tho I did make this bitch on a whim!!!)
@libraryraccoon dis 4 u :3
(Yeah ima re-write this later with more shit I promise hehe but have this base for now :D)
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Will we ever get a composer face reveal? 👀 Also, if you HAD to pick a bird to sing your next song... Which bird would you pick? A parrot to prioritize the lyrics? A songbird to prioritize the melody? It's a weird hypothetical question, but I'm very interested to hear your answer!!
i intended to do a face reveal a while ago but lately I've come to a sort of epiphany that I'd rather people know me for my art than for my face. kind of taking after Swan i guess. But nobody's seen my art either, so... uh... i'm working on that
gee, i've never really thought about that. I don't think I'd trust a bird with my music. but since that's a boring answer, here are some birds I'd especially not trust:
lyrebird: probably the best mimic nature has to offer but they use that mimicry as a mating call, and i don't know how to feel about that
common grackle: wouldn't have the range. but moreso it's something in the eyes
capercaillie/cassowary: they'd kill you before you'd get them to sing
horned screamer: self-explanatory
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amethyst-crowns · 2 years
how did I somehow pick two moots’ mos hated animals fuck me I also have a bird tTtoo good answer though. #robin buckley I would die for you
also my favorite bird is every bird ever but specifically the lyrebird
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so you’re a moot, huh?
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zmwrites · 2 years
ghosty! heart heart heart! happy storyteller saturday
assign birds to each of your characters (please show pictures) you know which kids I want, and I don't want any excuses about "I don't know birds!" make it up! radka is a merlin, btw
hello sleepy!! i shall attempt to assign birds to the characters from remnants just for you
radka: merlin
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found a description of them that says they're "small, fierce falcons that use surprise attacks" which is very accurate for radka
damir: rook
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they're big, some people think they look mean, they always return to the same area bc it's their home, and their courtship involves the male offering the female food
vanya: peacock
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flamboyantly coloured, possess thorns on their legs to fight off competition, and take a look at that eye makeup ;)
miran: spotted nutcracker
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they are monogamous, do not migrate, are usually found in harsher climates, and store SO MUCH food for the winter (miran approves of preparedness)
ori: superb lyrebird
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known for their excellent vocal mimicry skills, lil bit different from other birds (they can't really fly), fast runners (what ori does away from trouble)
that's all i can think of for now... i'll add more if they occur to me, or if i find the perfect bird in my internet ambling
i hope you liked my answers!
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coockie8 · 10 months
whats ur fave bird????????????
That's difficult for me to answer. 'Cause I own Budgies, so you'd think it would be Budgies, but Cassowaries are one of my special interests. Kiwi birds are just too cute though, but the Lyrebird's mimicry entrances me. I want nothing more than to have an African Grey, however I'm already in my mid-twenties, so I'd have to adopt an older one or risk having to will it to someone else when I die; these birds live 60 years, can live up to 80, but Ravens feel oddly like home, like I'm connecting with witchy ancestors lol
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lyrebirdswrites · 24 days
Hello, I have a question for you. Are you the same lyrebird who wrote Blossoms and Blood for Yami no Matsuei fandom? Because you have the same username, I was curious. The lyrebird I know seemingly vanished from the internet a decade ago.
That’s not me, sorry. I hope you find them one day though!
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caedescorvirpg · 2 years
What are you looking for in a lyrebird app?
Hello! One of the most important aspects of Lyrebird’s app would be their comfort in luxury and status. They don’t mind being used by other people so long as it affords them the things they want. Sure, they’ll use other people (Golden Pheasant) when needed, but that’s all motivated by their desire to rekindle their relationship with Nightingale (a comfort). Here are some question that might help guide your process (of course, these are just jumping off points):
Why do the voices no longer haunt them?
Why did Lyrebird’s parents leave the “haunted” house with them?
Why did the house hold a piece of their own heart?
How were they rebellious in their youth, why are they complacent now?
What instrument do they play and how would you describe their compositions? 
What’s one voice they heard that they can’t get out of their head?
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yuuji stronk megumi gay... so true 👉👈 I would love to hear about this one if you wanna talk about it!
hi Finn!! I’d love to talk about it, tysm for asking!! 🥰
WIP ask game: Send me an ask with the title that intrigues you the most and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
If I've learned anything while writing itafushi it's that I love embarrassing Megumi 😂 I just love the idea that beneath the fairly collected personality he shows on the outside, inside he's just losing it over the smallest things. So yeah, this fic is nothing but an excuse to write disaster gay Megumi constantly losing his mind over Yuuji's mundane displays of strength because despite everything he's still a teenager and his teammate is a very attractive guy who can lift cars without breaking a sweat so imagine what he could do with Megumi—
Tbh there isn't much to this one yet because I got really wrapped up in love's only demand is that we fall so unfortunately I can't share any snippets atm; instead, I offer you some of the scenarios that may make their way into the fic :3
Yuuji asking Megumi to lay on back while he does push ups
Megumi trying to reach something but it’s too high so Yuuji casually picks him up by the waist and lifts him so he can reach. His arms don’t even shake. Megumi is hella flustered
Sparring together when Yuuji just. Flips him but it’s with too much force so Megumi goes sailing across the way. It should not be as hot as it is
Arm wrestling competition against the second years; Yuuji accidently breaks the damn table when he goes against Panda
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hinamie · 4 years
I’ve always felt just a little disappointed by the first year trio reunion too ;-; the author doesn’t seem to allocate much space in the narrative for focusing on emotional ‘down time’ so to speak. I do wish the series had a bit more breathing room on that front, but then again my love for the found family trope knows no bounds so maybe I’m just biased haha
you’re SO right holy shit you’ve managed to articulate how i feel exactly wow :’)) like don’t get me wrong th animation n action is yumyum spicy delish i love me a good sexy fight scene but like i wld appreciate if they cld pls Also cater to the simple gremlin in my brain tht aches for dumb shenanigans like. beach filler episodes.....it doesnt even have 2 be that just let me see them rel a x........ :’<
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falloutglow · 4 years
🖊- tell me about your psykersssss
THE VAULT CREW!!! afhdsf I technically have....many uh. 7 NAMED psykers (including Echo & Barclay’s parents lol) all of which have different/unique MAIN abilities, but imma just cover the VC lol
-Samara “Echo” Gray - she is the one I most talk about because I’m still goddamn happy with coming up with her main ability: she calls them echoes or flashes of memories. With a touch, or being in an area she can see/hear/smell etc glimpses of the past. She also has two other abilities...telekinesis and electrokinesis. Can tell when she’s actively focusing on using her powers when she gets a bit of a nosebleed. Otherwise... will work on its own if she’s experiencing HIGH EMOTIONS (be it stress, or pissed off, flustered...etc but like BIG) or if she’s in danger, OR if she drank quantum nukacola which is BAD very fuckin bad. She and Deacon learned the hard way.
-Barclay “Lyrebird” Gray - Echo’s older brother whom I based his main power off of a raider conversation you can listen in on...about a guy who mimic’d machine guns, motorcycle, and frag grenade sounds. He can do that and MORE. Basically he can choose whether or not something is real if he mimics the sound while miming it, like holding a shot gun. He shoots with it, yes..it will work.... He can also ride around on an invisible motorcycle. His other ability includes: being a cryptid (ie naturally blurred in photos and videos/video feeds)
-Poppy “Nova” [REDACTED] - she’s the shortest of the crew and also the STRONGEST! Her psyker ability iiiis: pyrokinesis. She can snap her fingers and at the tip of her thumb is fire! Just like a lighter lol. You could say she’s basically a firebender XD She also does not get burned and when drinking alcohol she doesnt get drunk...instead her body immediately converts it into FUEL FOR THE FLAMES! Which...is very fuckin bad. Her body heats up, and whoops now her hair is on fire...uh oh.
-Alice “Whisper” Ashencroft - A telepath who cannot speak (due to an injury to her throat at an early age). While she can use her telepathy to ‘speak’ with others...she’ll really only use it when she’s too lazy to move her arms to sign something...or really wants to fuck with somebody lol. She’ll usually use her telepathy to listen in on other people’s thoughts and hear the drama that’s going on. Its her main form of entertainment lol And she, like Echo, has telekinesis, however, she is much stronger than Echo when it comes to that ability.
-Danny “Watts” Joule - this absolute dumbass insomniac is a technopath. He can easily read code and manipulate it without even touching the terminal. He’s brilliant when it comes to machines. Can build and tinker for days....anything else he’s absolute shit at. 
[ 🖊 OC time]
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zinzinina · 2 years
I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of the harp room, no lie
Dia you can’t send me this and not expect me to lose my mind. Euterpe walking among the mortals! x
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perahn · 2 years
top 5 birbs!?
That is an excellent question, and by that I mean, one that is nearly impossible to answer. Here's an attempt, but it's not in order, and I have no doubt I will wake up at 3am and kick myself for missing a favourite.
Let's start with the White-Bellied Sea Eagle. I have had a soft spot for these magnificent raptors since I was in high school, and two of them hung out in a tree visible from my backyard for about a week. A trip to the beach isn't complete without spotting one somewhere about.
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I'm going to give the second spot to the Black-Shouldered Kite, which is another shockingly elegant raptor, but is much smaller and has the advantage of being much easier to encounter. In fact, I have had bad moments when driving and being distracted by one hovering right there.
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Okay, it's such an obvious one, but I have to list the Rainbow Lorrikeet, especially because I don't want to get stuck among monochrome raptors forever. The colours of this one are just insane. I like to imagine a kindergarten-age Jesus prattling to Our Lady.
"I made a bird today! It's got a blue head with an orange beak and red eyes, and green wings, and a yellow and orange front, and blue legs, and it lives in trees."
Mary, busy kneading dough, says gently, "It sounds very colourful. Won't it be a bit conspicuous among those grey-green leaves?"
"No," says Jesus, with complete confidence. "And in the evenings, all its friends will gather in the same tree and they'll squeak together."
It really seems the only explanation for how you can hear one, and still fail to spot it.
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Let's hop just a little way across the Pacific and snuggle a Kakapo. I can't remember how much I loved these before reading Douglas Adams' Last Chance to See, in which he details going to look for them in the wild and talks about these beautiful and horribly endangered big parrots.
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We'll head back home for a final pick. The world is full of gorgeous birds, but the ones I love most are almost all here. After two raptors and two parrots, let's choose a third family... and while I love our classics, like the kookaburra, the sulphur-crested cockatoo, the fairy wren, the fairy penguin, I know I'm overlooking someone...
It's not the magpie, no. Not the lyrebird, not the bowerbird, not even the spoonbill.
Honestly, I think it's the Black Swan - another one I see virtually every time I take a picnic lunch out to a lake or dam. I love watching the progress from the fluffy grey cygnets to the graceful black adults, with that startling flash of white flight feathers when they take off (and I realise we came back to elegant monochrome birds somehow. Weird, I love colours).
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freebirdyance · 2 years
Long hallways. Dusty floors and tall walls. The light is coming from somewhere and nowhere. A turn, another turn, another turn, it's always the same hallway, you're not going anywhere.
Running hooves behind you. You look as you try to flee but there are no shadows or shapes, you can't see what's chasing you. He's getting closer but you can't see him, and there's no way out.
"Lyrebird, why are you running? Don't you want to stay with me forever? I love you, why are you making me do this?"
Yancy caught up on a good amount of sleep in the few days of his return. If you didn't count the nightmares that plagued him.
When he wasn't dreaming of being dragged away, he was endlessly running through the labyrinth. The same hallway repeating, again and again, chest heaving and throat burning from the air being gulped into his lungs.
He's calling for him. But Yancy doesn't stop, he can't. GET AWAY GET AWAY GET AWAY a chant in his head as he forces tired legs to keep moving.
Was this the other option? If Yancy didn't force Asterius to make a choice, would this have been his fate?
He doesn't like the answer he comes up with.
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