#lynne margulies
mariocki · 4 months
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The Aftermath (1982)
"What happens when you die?"
"I don't know, son. No one does."
"It's sad to die."
"No. Death isn't sad. We all have to die. What's sad is having to go on without someone you love. Just as we have to go on now."
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scifipinups · 4 months
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Lynne Margulies Zombie Aftermath [The Aftermath] (1982)
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dailyhistoryposts · 2 years
On This Day In History
March 5th, 1938: American biologist Lynn Margulis was born. Her widespread contributions rewrote our understanding of early life and her ideas were so radical they were rejected and ignore for a decade before she was vindicated.
It’s thanks to Dr. Margulis that we understand why the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!
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spilledreality · 1 year
On conflict theory
Basically, the first serious attempt at creating a scientific field of archaeology was done by 19th century Germans, and they looked around and dug some stuff up and concluded that the prehistoric world looked like the world of Conan the Barbarian: lots of “population replacement,” which is a euphemism for genocide and/or systematic slavery and mass rape. This 19th century German theory then became popular with some 20th century Germans who... uh... made the whole thing fall out of fashion by trying to put it into practice. After those 20th century Germans were squashed, any ideas they were even tangentially associated with them became very unfashionable, and so there was a scientific revolution in archaeology! I'm sure this was just crazy timing, and actually everybody rationally sat down and reexamined the evidence and came to the conclusion that the disgraced theory was wrong (lol, lmao). Whatever the case, the new view was that the prehistoric world was incredibly peaceful, and everybody was peacefully trading with one another, and this thing where sometimes in a geological stratum one kind of house totally disappears and is replaced by a different kind of house is just that everybody decided at once that the other kind of house was cooler. The high-water mark of this revisionist paradigm even had people saying that the Vikings were mostly peaceful traders who sailed around respecting the non-aggression principle. And then people started sequencing ancient DNA and...it turns out the bad old 19th century Germans were correct about pretty much everything. The genetic record is one of whole peoples frequently disappearing or, even more commonly, all of the men disappearing and other men carrying off the dead men's female relatives. There are some exceptions to this, but by and large the old theory wins.
from Mr & Mrs Smith, cf Margulis vs Dawkins, Graeber vs Hobbes, and critiques of Randall Collins's (via Weber) conflict theory
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There will be a layer in the fossil record where you'll know people were here because of the squashed remains of automobiles. Life did not take over the world by combat, but by networking.
Microcosmos by Lynn Margulis
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amalgamads-aneacc · 1 year
Omg i stumbled with an old nerdy comic that I made years ago
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That I definitely should remake
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citedesdames · 1 year
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vaxacahau · 1 month
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Symbiotic Earth, a film about Lynn Margulis, author of many microbiology books, including Microcosm...
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vainlungs · 6 months
“[A]ny process that recombines genes (DNA) in an individual cell or organism from more than a single source. . . . [It] may occur at the nucleic acid, nuclear, cytoplasmic, and other levels.” Sex may occur through cosmic irradiation, virus and symbiont acquisition, or exposure to ambient chemicals.
—Myra Hird, Digesting Difference: Metabolism and the Question of Sexual Difference in Configurations 20:3
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dudedearest · 1 year
man: “hey girl. you’re a biologist right?”
woman: “yes……. but I don’t understand physics. you must be so smart.”
man: “yes, physics is very complicated. but I can explain it to you.”
woman: “wow. forget being scientist in my own right, can I be your housewife?”
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yo-sostenible · 2 years
Lynn Margulis, la bióloga que situó la simbiosis en el centro de la evolución
▫️La bióloga evolutiva Lynn Margulis fue una de las principales contribuidoras a esta disciplina, gracias a su teoría de la endosimbiosis. Nació 5 de marzo de 1938, en Chicago (EE UU). Por Curro Oñate En su larga trayectoria recibió las máximas distinciones de la carrera científica en su campo, gracias al tamaño y calidad de su contribución investigadora. Los galardones incluyen la Medalla…
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View On WordPress
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mybeingthere · 3 months
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Jaume Llorens is a Spanish photographer who has been passionate about photography since his teens.
"Around the age of 16, in high school, we were introduced to a photography course, and I fell in love with it. So much so that once it was over, I asked my parents if I could enroll in a distance learning program to deepen my knowledge. There was no other means to enroll in a photography class where I lived at that time (early 1980s). Thus, my parents agreed. After completing the course, I was able to establish a small darkroom at home where I worked on black and white photography. Some friends and I would gather to develop our photos and enjoy the magic of the creative process.
I grew up in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Banyoles, a small town with only a few thousand residents at that time. It was a neighborhood of families mostly from rural backgrounds who had been forced to migrate to the city to work in factories. My entire family is of rural origin. Both my parents and grandparents never stopped working the land and raising livestock. I as well participated in many of these tasks. The connection with nature was always there.
I suppose this early interaction with nature was this initial bond the permeates my current work. Over the years, the countryside has been depopulated. However, the more in-land we go, the further our contact is with nature and our origins. I believe the need to regain that contact is a continuous theme in my work."
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hazelfoureyes · 1 month
You asked for it :> Grant me with answers, almighty Hazel, leader of the HDC and saviour of us slutty souls! 24, 37, 56, 78, 100, 113, 133, 142, 148 and 150
I can always count on you to make me feel wanted~ 🥹💖
Give me numbers~
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
My daily Mocha (which is just instant coffee, water, cocoa powder, and chocolate oat milk)
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Whatever fact I recently learned. “Apparently if you’re withdrawing more than 5000usd in China, many banks are making you get police approval. There’s an issue with cash flow that’s really concerning.” “Did you know we have a ghost? I have a video but it’s not very convincing…” “Fun Fact, there is a level of heat where planes can’t fly because the air is too thin for take off. It’s something that’s already happening.”
56. Favourite colour?
The color that makes me happiest to see is green. It reminds me of nature, which reminds me of deep breaths and sunshine and soft breezes.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
100. How are you feeling?
Frau, my first author love and first internet wife, I am so fucking tired haha it is 2:36 am, I am waiting for laundry to finish that I have to hang up, and I have to be awake at 7:30am.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Melmizer--- my first name starts with Mel and the mizer is for Miser (a person who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible). I had (past tense) a knack for selling anything to anyone. I once sold phonebooks that were actually free to take and made 15$ selling two lmao. Admittedly, I was very cute. Oh, and as a child I worked for the office by picking up trash and doing filing. But that’s illegal so instead I was paid in candy and was allowed to exchange the candy for money! I normally kept the candy cuz I was like 10, and I started a cleaning business with my friends when I was like 9 haha oooh and I made needlepoint plastic canvas necklaces in Elementary and took commissions from other kids for $10 a piece. My father raised me to be very business minded, but I did hoard my little money hehehe
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
142. Favourite month?
....oh geez...November. It's cozy. Right between two big holidays but not too busy. Feels full of hope.
148. What’s your favourite quote?
No matter how high and dry the mountaintop, no matter how modern and secluded the retreat, we sweat and cry what is basically sea water. - The Ghost Map but the quote is by evolutionary biologist Lynn Margulis. While this quote is about how cholera kills through dehyrdation and affected everyone from all walks of life because of this common need for water, I love it because it reminds me that no matter how we live our lives we all are from the oceans. We all have the same beginning, no matter how different we are now. I have part of it tattooed on my arm as a reminder to myself to be kind and patient. It's also a reminder we carry the sea in our bodies still, which I think is a beautiful thing. We never are far from home.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
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spilledreality · 2 years
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elbiotipo · 2 months
This book I'm reading called Lynn Margulis "a biologist" in such and such university, SHE'S LYNN MARGULIS
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strawberryqueen00 · 11 months
Hell no we are not letting this OFMD finale distract from that THIS LETTER.
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Had a signature from Taika Waititi. I understand the sensitivity here this issue with Taika being Jewish(and that’s not my place as someone that’s Not Jewish or in those regions to condemn him on that perspective’s behalf) but this letter is directly bastardizing the situation.
Now, when there is a major production from a major figure in this platform that did this, is when we can make the most impact. Remember our values, even when those values involve a show that is strengthening the LGBTQ community.
Because this letter tore down the strength of the movement in support of Gaza. There are going to be so many people that saw this letter and take it completely uncritically, unchallenged.
Standing up for our values means sacrificing our interests, holding accountable the things we enjoy.
And also. I don’t want to see ANYONE. Being fucking antisemitic or racist towards Taika here. That is never appropriate and absolutely inexcusable behavior. You should he ashamed if you think that’s okay even after Taika’s actions.
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[Text of Letter]
October 23, 2023
Dear President Biden, We are heartened by Friday's release of the two American hostages, Judith Ranaan and her daughter Natalie Ranaan and by today's release of two Israelis, Nurit Cooper and
Yocheved Lifshitz, whose husbands remain in captivity. But our relief is tempered by our overwhelming concern that 220 innocent people,
including 30 children, remain captive by terrorists, threatened with torture and death.
They were taken by Hamas in the savage massacre of October 7, where over 1,400
Israelis were slaughtered - women raped, families burned alive, and infants beheaded. Thank you for your unshakable moral conviction, leadership, and support for the Jewish people, who have been terrorized by Hamas since the group's founding over 35 years ago, and for the Palestinians, who have also been terrorized, oppressed, and victimized
by Hamas for the last 17 years that the group has been governing Gaza. We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace. Freedom from the brutal violence spread by Hamas. And most urgently, in this
moment, freedom for the hostages. We urge everyone to not rest until all hostages are released. No hostage can be left behind. Whether American, Argentinian, Australian, Azerbaijani, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Eritrean, Filipino, French, German, Indian, Israeli, Italian, Kazakh, Mexican, Panamanian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, South African, Spanish, Sri Lankan, Thai, Ukrainian,
Uzbekistani or otherwise, we need to bring them home.
[Text of the names presented. This isn’t all of them, just the copy of this with Taika’s name on it)
Jessica Biel
Jessica Elbaum
Jessica Seinfeld
Jill Littman
Jimmy Carr
Jody Gerson
Joe Hipps
Joe Quinn
Joe Russo
Joe Tippett
Joel Fields
Joey King
John Landgraf
John Slattery
Jon Bernthal
Jon Glickman
Jon Hamm
Jon Harmon Feldman
Jon Liebman
Jon Watts
Jon Weinbach
Jonathan Baruch
Jonathan Groff
Jonathan Marc Sherman
Jonathan Ross
Jonathan Steinberg
Jonathan Tisch
Jonathan Tropper
Jordan Peele
Josh Brolin
Josh Charles
Josh Dallas
Josh Goldstine
Josh Greenstein
Josh Grode
Josh Singer
Judd Apatow
Judge Judy Sheindlin
Julia Fox
Julia Garner
Julia Lester
Julianna Margulies
Julie Greenwald
Julie Rudd
Julie Singer
Juliette Lewis
Jullian Morris
Justin Theroux
Justin Timberlake
KJ Steinberg
Karen Pollock
Karlie Kloss
Katy Perry
Kelley Lynch
Kevin Kane
Kevin Zegers
Kirsten Dunst
Kitao Sakurai
Kristen Schaal
Kristin Chenoweth
Lana Del Rey
Laura Benanti
Laura Dern
Laura Pradelska
Lauren Schuker Blum
Laurence Mark
Laurie David
Lea Michele
Lee Eisenberg
Leo Pearlman
Leslie Siebert
Liev Schreiber
Limor Gott
Lina Esco
Liz Garbus
Lizanne Rosenstein
Lizzie Tisch
Lorraine Schwartz
Lynn Harris
Lyor Cohen
Mandana Dayani
Mara Buxbaum
Marc Webb
Marco Perego
Maria Dizzia
Mark Feuerstein
Mark Foster
Mark Scheinberg
Mark Shedletsky
Martin Short
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Mary McCormack
Mathew Rosengart
Matt Geller
Matt Lucas
Matt Miller
Matthew Bronfman
Matthew Hiltzik
Matthew Weiner
Matti Leshem
Max Mutchnik
Maya Lasry
Meaghan Oppenheimer
Melissa Zukerman
Melissa rudderman
Michael Aloni
Michael Ellenberg
Michael Green
Michael Rapino
Neil Blair
Neil Druckmann
Neil Paris
Nicola Peltz
Nicole Avant
Nina Jacobson
Noa Kirel
Noa Tishby
Noah Oppenheim
Noah Schnapp
Noreena Hertz
Octavia Spencer
Odeya Rush
Olivia Wilde
Oran Zegman
Orlando Bloom
Pasha Kovalev
Pattie LuPone
Patty Jenkins
Paul Haas
Paul Pflug
Paul & Julie Rudd
Peter Baynham
Peter Traugott
Rachel Douglas
Rachel Riley
Rafi Marmor
Ram Bergman
Raphael Margulies
Rebecca Angelo
Rebecca Mall
Regina Spektor
Reinaldo Marcus Green
Rich Statter
Richard Jenkins
Richard Kind
Rick Hoffman
Rick Rosen
Rita Ora
Rob Rinder
Robert Newman
Roger Birnbaum
Roger Green
Rosie O’Donnell
Ross Duffer
Ryan Feldman
Sacha Baron Cohen
Sam Levinson
Sam Trammell
Sara Berman
Sara Foster
Sarah Baker
Sarah Bremner
Sarah Cooper
Sarah Paulson
Sarah Treem
Scott Braun
Scott Braun
Scott Neustadter
Scott Tenley
Sean Combs
Sean Levy
Seth Meyers
Seth Oster
Shannon Watts
Shari Redstone
Sharon Jackson
Sharon Stone
Shauna Perlman
Shawn Levy
Sheila Nevins
Shira Haas
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Simon Tikhman
Skylar Astin
Stacey Snider
Stephen Fry
Steve Agee
Steve Rifkind
Sting & Trudie Styler
Susanna Felleman
Susie Arons
Taika Waititi
Thomas Kail
Tiffany Haddish
Todd Lieberman
Todd Moscowitz
Todd Waldman
Tom Freston
Tom Werner
Tomer Capone
Tracy Ann Oberman
Trudie Styler
Tyler Henry
Tyler James Williams
Tyler Perry
Vanessa Bayer
Veronica Grazer
Veronica Smiley
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Will Ferrell
Will Graham
Yamanieka Saunders
Yariv Milchan
Ynon Kreiz
Zack Snyder
Zoe Saldana
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