#lyn this is for you specifically
I so badly want to talk to my irl friends about dndads but like. how do I even begin to explain why I’m going feral for a will-they-won’t-they between a high school mascot with an identity crisis and the literal joker
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astranauticus · 11 months
you ever in the middle of using an app and suddenly think damn i wish the way this app is built was industry practice. anyway i feel like we need to acknowledge that bilibili exists and has
no video ads
background play/in-window play/video download as default (read: NOT PAID) features
collaborative video credits so like you can upload a video and directly credit other users with their roles like editor/voice actor/etc. in the created by section
and youtube also exists and is the way that it is
#asto speaks#the ads thing has become more relevant recently but like i use opera so it wasnt exactly the Main FeatureTM for me but like#background play?? hello???#tbt that time last year when i was fully using bilibili as a music app bc theres a lot of lyn song covers you cant really find anywhere els#if youre wondering whats their business model they have homepage and sidebar ads#so i keep getting genshin and hsr ads on my bb lmao cuz bb has a bit of a reputation as like a platform for weebs and gamers#also they have like membership paywalled content so like all of link click is on bb but members only#bc like link click is essentially a bilibili original#which#hey what happened to youtube originals. anyway#the video credits thing is really interesting like it sounds very oddly specific but its *really* commonly used in certain sides of bb#like a lot of fansongs or just collaborative original songs get uploaded with like#uploader as main credit and then singer credits and editor credits#or like if a bunch of creators come together under like a “studio” or whatever and they have like a studio account#but also their own personal accounts then the studio account uploads can credit like#which specific creators in the collective worked on what parts of the video#ive seen some arknights like gameplay videos that work like this cuz there are like specific ak strategy groups that do like#challenge clears of levels so the strategy group will upload something and then credit like the editors separately and stuff#its really interesting! i just think its a neat feature
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koumeowkami · 1 year
i didn't just see people calling cozmez boring and the "incest bait group"... what the fuck
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lynsstrange · 11 months
I read one of my poems out loud in class today for extra credit, and everyone was complimenting me afterwards. It was so sweet and gratifying, but I think my favorite was when one of my friends, who I’ve known less than a year and hasn’t really heard my writing, told me “I see why you want to be a writer now.” 🥹🥹
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
My god I can't get Time Adventure out of my head
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cosmerelists · 9 days
How Kaladin Would Flirt With Other Cosmere Characters
As requested by @cam-ulu29 :)
Hot off the back of my post about other characters flirting with Kaladin, cam-ulu29 asked if I could also write about Kaladin being the big flirt with other characters. So let's just say that Kaladin had the ability & the desire to flirt...how might he do so?
1. Lyn
Kaladin: I'm glad that there are women Windrunners now. Lyn: Man, me too! Kaladin: And specifically I am glad that you. A woman. And a Windrunner. Are here. Lyn: Awww, thanks! Kaladin (visibly sweating): Yes you. As a woman. Who is a Windrunner. And is here. Lyn: Are you...are you having a stroke right now?
2. Renarin
Kaladin: Hey, Renarin...back when you first joined Bridge 4, did you have a crush on me? Renarin: ! Renarin: W-Was it obvious? Kaladin: N-No, not really! Syl told me. Later. That she thought you did. Renarin: Oh... Kaladin: ... Kaladin: Any chance you still do?
3. Leswhi
Kaladin: Hey, uh, Leshwi? I was wondering if you would be free for an honorable duel, maybe Tuesday night? Leshwi: Certainly. I will assemble the shanay-im. Kaladin: Oh, well, I was actually thinking of an honorable duel with just you and me, you know? Syl: And me! Kaladin: And also Syl. Leswhi: ... Leshwi: Tuesday you said? It's a date.
4. Rlain
Kaladin: Ugh, all these women keep coming to the clinic to flirt with me. Kaladin: I can't get any work done! Kaladin: I bet if they knew I was in a relationship already, they'd stop. Kaladin: Hey Rlain...do you want to hold hands? Rlain: ...Are you asking me to pretend to be your boyfriend? Kaladin: Pretend?
5. Laral
Kaladin: Crazy how we're both single now. Laral: ... Laral: You mean because you got dumped and my husband DIED? Kaladin: Uh... Laral: ... Kaladin: So...not the right moment to see if you want to get a drink and catch up? Laral: NOPE
6. Adolin
Kaladin: I think horses are mean and scary. Adolin: That's just 'cause you haven't been around them enough! I swear! They're cool and friendly! Kaladin (continuing as if Adolin said nothing): But I would accept being around horses. Lots of mean horses. Kaladin: If it meant. Kaladin: Being around you. Adolin: ...? Kaladin: ... Adolin: ... Adolin: Oh! Adolin: Nice.
7. Shallan
Kaladin: [sighing dramatically] Shallan: What's wrong? Kaladin: I want to flirt with someone, but she's much wittier than I am, so I don't know how to even start. Shallan: Oooh, that's exciting! Can I give you advice? Kaladin: I would LOVE advice. Shallan: Well, it depends on whether you can match her wit, or whether you think she's entirely too witty for that. Kaladin: I think I could. Sometimes. Probably not while also flirting, though. Shallan: Sure, sure. Well, you can always just enjoy her wit and let her enjoy how smart she is. Kaladin: Yeah? You think making her feel smart is a good tactic? Shallan: Well, it certainly can't hurt! Kaladin: [significant look] Shallan: ... Shallan: Oh! Shallan: Nice.
8. Moash:
Kaladin: You know...I bet I could swallow a WAY bigger sphere than you could... Moash: MY BED IS UPSTAIRS LET'S GO RIGHT NOW
9. Szeth
Kaladin: You know...I've been thinking that maybe this trip is a chance to find what I really need. Szeth: I feel the same way. Kaladin: You...you do? Szeth: I do. Nightblood: (Me too!) Kaladin: Well, good...because I think what I really need is... Kaladin: You... Szeth (simultaneously): Vengeance. Nightblood (simultaneously): The eradication of evil! Kaladin: ... Kaladin: I don't know what I expected.
10. Jasnah
Kaladin (talking to someone else): I mean...being partnered is fine, I guess, but the sex stuff I don't really get. Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin (to someone else): Darkeyed Radiants is good and all but, I mean, we still have slavery. Anyone who really cared about social change would do somehing about that! Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin: (to someone else): I like Wit, but storms can he be annoying sometimes. Small doses, you know? Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin (talking to someone else): So then I convinced the ardents that locking up the insane in dark rooms was NOT a good thing--they're gonna change the treatment! Jasnah: ... Jasnah: Has Stormblessed always been so attractive?
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felikatze · 2 months
listen to me. the Emblems are living existential horror. I am just going to talk about them and you can do nothing about this.
They are. Explicitly. not the people they seem to be. Emblem Marth knows he's not the real Marth. He's aware that he is simply a simulacrum, the personified image of Marth, as seen by myth and history, reconstructed into a person.
Listen to me. Look me in the eyes. What route is Corrin? What route is Byleth?
All of them. It's ALL OF THEM. And that's why they're so vague. That's why they're nigh contradictory. They're every telling of that character, rolled together into a ball.
And in Elyos? That's fine. There is only one Marth, and one Corrin, and one whoever Emblem. But you see, in Askr... There's so many of them. And they're just Another One. Just Another Marth.
But also, now suddenly all too keenly fake.
Any given Corrin in FEH is not filled with contradiction, because FEH is not restricted to having Just the One - you can have one for BR, one for CQ, another for Rev, keep some vague... The multiplicity of the characters can be portrayed in different figures in different stages of life.
But. the Emblems are just "stories".
My theory is. the Emblems only remember what is contained in their story, within their game.
Take for example, Emblem Lyn, and Emblem Roy. If Lyn truly is the Lyn-- how come she doesn't recognize one of her best friend's children?
And yes, Sigurd is keenly aware that he dies, but... His death is part of the story, no? It's not something that happens far off and far away, it's part of the plot. Of course he's going to know it.
Whereas Emblem Hector, who dies in a different game to his Emblem's origin, is blissfully unaware of his own fate. It's not part of his story, it's part of Roy's.
(Listen. This first crossed my mind when I read all of Emblem Hector's bond conversations. He references Serra thrice, and his own daughter not even ONCE.)
They are their games, down to the fundamental level. FEH can have a Celica be Queen of Valentia, but that's just one blurb of epilogue, so obviously Emblem Celica is not.
You cannot change my mind on this reading of them. You cannot.
And. The game of course never explores this. But how does it feel for them? To only have this nebulous sense of identity? To remember and feel iterations of you that contradict one another? FEH opens so many doors it is too cowardly to explore in depth.
How does Marth feel remembering both versions of his own past, one with Kris and one without? How does Corrin feel knowing every path she has walked? How do they feel seeing versions of themselves that are specific lived experiences, instead of just legends?
In Elyos, there is no one to contrast them. There are only the legends, only the Emblems. Nobody truly remembers exactly how their stories went, so they never need to specify and show their version of events. They just exist, as the holy, powerful, worshipped Emblems.
Does Lucina know who her mother is? Does Roy? Does Lyn know who she marries? Does Hector know he's going to die? Does Byleth see every student dead or saved?
They are their games and they are every version of their games they are every version of themselves which amounts to being NONE of them.
Which amounts to vague platitudes and allusions to other events and what is a doylist fear of spoilers and an advertisement is also a watsonian nightmare.
This isn't even the worst thing about them.
They're not just simulacra. They're also tools. Literal objects to be called upon and dismissed at will. Sure, in the Somniel, they can move around. But.
They can only affect the physical world in the arena. In combat. Because that's what they are! They are tools of war!
And sure, the divine dragons ask them nicely for their powers, and they get to keep their free will when summoned this way instead of having their souls subjugated.
or well. Do they...?
Do we ever.... see an Emblem say no...?
Of course, the divine dragons are Just and Good and Nice. Obviously the Emblems want to aid them. Obviously the Emblems would rather fight beside Alear than Sombron, saving the world they've been entrusted to. Because the Emblems are their stories, the manifestation of Good and Rightous Heroes, always ready to save the day and slay evil.
Which, of course, leaves us with something unconfirmed.
Could an Emblem say no if it wanted to?
The line between divine and fell is dangerously thin. (That is a conspiracy rant for another day.) Like, we see Alear combine prayers and incantations into one package with just prayer effects. You can use an incantation as a prayer if you put your mind to it and you can probably also do it the other way around.
The Emblems either have no choice at all, or are given a choice with one option they would never pick, which renders having a choice moot in the first place.
They are tools, and they know this. They are swords, and it's all a matter of how nice the sheath is.
And yet. All of them remember being human. All of them have loved ones that do not exist, not for them. And what strikes me about the Emblems added to FEH so far... they're all universally stoked to be able to eat.
It's like a fucking sensory deprivation chamber. Unable to touch, to eat, to decide where you go, and the only physical sensation they DO feel is when someone touches their ring. Like I'm realizing this as I write this goddamn post. An Emblem going "That spot was bothering me" when being polished is the only time they ever express physical sensation. Like feeling the dirt on the metal is all they get.
(Side note: you know you're fucked when you look up the petting minigame for Lore)
Like. They know they're fake. That they never had anything outside of this half existence. But they remember it anyways. Of course these memories are going to be precious to them, as vague and muddled and contradictory as they are.
They're tools. They're literal objects. They're alive. They just want to eat some good food again. They want to be with people they love, with people that are long dead and gone.
And this weird spirit existence has to be enough. Smell good food instead of eating it. Make friends with your wielders, enjoy the scarce scenery you get to witness after every battle.
It has to be enough. There's nothing else for them.
And when their duty is done, they can finally rest.
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noellefan101 · 8 months
Nick-Names - Genshin
Characters: Xiao, Scaramouche, Venti, Lyney, Albedo, Kaveh, Thoma, Diluc, Childe, Heizou, Kazuha x GN reader
Warnings: a lot of cheesy and weird nicknames, if you dont like some for a specific char you're welcome to send me your ideas, could be modern au, established relationship
(you can clearly see that i prob put in an OC, so im so sry, but some i just also really head-canon as the "would rather date a loving person than be loving" if you get what i mean)
Summary: both of your pet names for each other, some silly some sweet
Note: you can really tell where i had no ideas for nicknames. and ik i use both 'pet names' and 'nicknames' but im just kinda stupid and didnt care to change stuff when i was already done with it. also i may just have a problem but why does princess sound 10x better than prince, no matter your gender, anyway love youuuu
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He will always say what is on his mind, and he did the same thing when you brought up using pet names. he wasn't very fond of the idea, and sometimes he still isn't(depending on the situation). but he has gotten used to it more over time, like when you burst open his door and to talk to him while using the most absurd nicknames he´s ever heard of.
Pet names for you: lovely, qinxing, [shorter version of your name](sry people with short names, i fell ya)
Pet names for him: babe, baby, cutie, dove, birdy, my alatus
Will never admit he likes being called weird things by you, EVER. if he did then he was drunk and he was totally lying. and that counts with calling you stuff as well, he would rather die than admit he doesn't just call you that bc you wanted him to.
Pet names for you: idiot, princess/prince, dear
Pet names for him: smoochi, love
He was probably the one who suggested the idea at first, like two days/weeks (seconds) into your relationship. i also think he already had at least one nickname for you when you were "just friends", in the crushing phase, and has some for all his other friends as well(prob also his teachers if school au, lul).
Pet names for you: windblume, cecilia, [insert the cheesiest thing you can think of], my love
Pet names for him: venni, my dear, sweetheart, my bard
He would be over the moon if you gave him a nickname, and would instantly be looking like a tomato too. would increase its usage by tenfolds if you said you liked one of his nicknames. you cannot stop him even if you somehow got 'Father' involved.
Pet names for you: babe, mon trésor, mon amour, beautiful
Pet names for him: sweetie, amour, lyn
He didn't really see a use for it at first, finding it kind of useless. but sooner or later realized how happy you looked when he had somehow slipped up and called you 'love' when he needed your assistance. and later just didn't bother to stop.
Pet names for you: love, my cecelia, my dear
Pet names for him: 'bedo, lovely, (my) genius
He LOVES nick-names, probably made one for everyone in the friend group(yk alhaitham, tighnari n cyno), and would be delighted to make some up for you.
Pet names for you: beloved, lovely
Pet names for him: baby,
He really wanted to try using them, yes he calls Ayato and Ayaka my lord and my lady, but its just not the same as calling your lover something sweet. and good luck if you don't like it, he's keeping those names forever.
Pet names for you: babe, sweetheart, baby, sleepyhead, lovely
Pet names for him: babe, love
He honestly wasn't a fan at first, he hated it even. but of course, you being you, insisted on using names for him, and encouraged him to at least try to use some for you. so he kinda got into routine with it.
Pet names for you: my love, my dear
Pet names for him: dear, red head, love, my hero
Of course, he would use nick-names and such, he uses nick-names for the traveler and paimon, so of course he would be using such with you. honestly how could he not, especially when you're looking all cute cuddled up in his hoodie.
Pet names for you: my love, beloved, cupcake
Pet names for him: ginger, ma strong man(only for teasing purposes), hubby
He'll almost never call you by your actual name, he didnt even when you two were just friends, only in the most serious of times would he do that. so it was no surprise that when you actually started dating, they could only become sweeter and cheesier as time goes by.
Pet names for you: princess/prince, baby, beautiful, (my) sunshine
Pet names for him: hei, zou-zou, babe
He loves it bc no matter what you call him he'll be happy. and he makes sure you have "some" as well, and i guess he just can't stop coming up with more, and they're always more cheesy than the last. you don't know how he does it, but maybe its just his poetry skills coming through.
Pet names for you: dove, (my) love, sweetheart, sweetie, my dear
Pet names for him: kazu, dear
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thank u for reading whatever this thing is(totally not a filler bc i habe been working on that streamer au for too long), luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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here’s a little challenge for you: steve + bucky + reader + one bed. make what you want of it hehe 😇 congrats on 1k, jen! <3
In the middle of the night
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AN: Another day, and once again, beds appear to be in short supply. Thank you for this thot, Lyn!
Beta’d by @lfnr-blog-blog-blog, dividers by @firefly-graphics, moodboard and banner by me
Main Master list | Challenge Master list
Summary: What’s worse than sharing a motel room with the supersoldier boyfriends you have a crush on? Having to share a bed with them.
Relationship: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
CW: THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, Smidge Angst, Minor miscommunication, pining, teasing, implied smut about to commence.
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“Guys, I’ll just take the sofa. I’ll manage.” You weren’t sure if you were trying to convince them or yourself. It didn’t work though; Bucky just looked at you with his eyebrow raised.
“Really,doll? You might be shorter than us, but you’re not that short.”
He was right, of course. At 5ft 10 you were far too tall for most sofas let alone the one in the room of this ratty motel. 
“What do you suggest then? That we all sleep in that?” You nodded your head at it. It being the king sized bed in the middle of the room.
Steve looked up from where he was rummaging through his go bag.
“Seems like the only sensible option to me. Normally we’d offer to sleep on the floor, but…” He eyed what passed for a carpet in the room. You had to agree with him. The chances were that anything placed upon it for any length of time would be carried off by the roaches that were probably living in it. You shuddered at the thought and repressed a gag.
“Well as long as you two keep the mushy stuff to a minimum, I suppose. It’s bad enough when I’ve shared a room with you both before and you’re being all cuddly and shit. Makes a single girl sick.” This time your gag was for comedic effect.
Bucky grinned at you, and in two strides was next to you, arm slung around your shoulder, giving you a slight squeeze.
“Are you just jealous in general, or jealous of one of us, specifically. Wouldn’t blame you; we are both hot.”
“You wish!” You pulled a face and shoved him away. “Now go get a shower, Barnes. You smell of swamp.”
He pouted back, but his light blue eyes sparkled with amusement.
“Me! What about Stevie! And you, doll. We all fell in that water.”
“Yeah, but you’ve still got swamp weed in your hair.”
You reached up and plucked the offending piece of flora from his chestnut locks then, feeling impish, threw it at Steve. It landed on his shoulder, but he just turned on ‘the Captain glare’ as you and Bucky started giggling like children.
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An hour later you were finishing off in the small, and frankly disgusting, bathroom. 
Bucky had used it first, scurrying in to escape Steve’s overdramatic ire and you had gone in search of food. When you got back Bucky was sitting on the edge of the bed, in his sweats and rubbing his hair dry with a threadbare towel. You threw bags full of food for your two enhanced teammates onto the coffee table.
“Cap in the shower?”
“Yeah - he won’t be too long. I’ve known that guy to have a full shower in less than 2 minutes. And after all these years, I’m still not sure how he does it.”
True to Bucky’s, Steve had stepped out just then, clad in his own sweats, short blond hair sticking up from where he’d given it a quick scrub. Gathering your own wash things and clean clothes to sleep in, you’d slipped around him, trying to ignore the loving look Bucky was throwing at his boyfriend.
Luckily there was enough hot water left for you. The boys wouldn’t have heard the end of it otherwise.
Returning to the bedroom, you mentally prepared yourself for an awful night’s sleep.It was bad enough that you were, once again, sharing a room with two men you had massive crushes on - who only had eyes for each other, this time you’d also be squished on the same bed, no doubt clinging onto the edge of the mattress and trying not to fall out.
The two supersoldiers were already lying in the bed, eyes closed, Bucky being the little spoon to Steve’s big one. They were scootched over so far that you were worried that Steve was about to drop off his side. Gingerly you climbed into the remaining space, your back to Bucky, and you switched off the small lamp they’d left on for you.
Moonlight shone through the thin curtains, casting weak shadows. You tried to relax but found yourself just staring at the strange shapes thrown on the wall in front of you. You could hear both of them breathing. 
Completely fake.
Bucky shifted behind your back, his arm brushing over your ass and hip. If he had been asleep you could have believed it to be accidental. It settled across your waist, a copy of how you imagined Steve’s was lying over his.
“Um…Buck?” You whispered out of habit. “What are you doing?”
“‘S not a lot of space, doll. We need to cosy up, so you and Stevie don��t fall out.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“He’s also like a radiator, sweetheart. And we’ve noticed you don’t like to get cold. Just go with it.” Great. Now Steve was joining in.
“It just feels… you know… weird.” Something about the darkness was making you feel braver than you had in a while. Although that bravery started to wane slightly when Bucky shuffled even closer and you could feel his breath on the back of your neck.
“Whaddya mean ‘weird’? I think it feels nice.”
You flipped over to face him, despite the fact that there was so little light it made the gesture pointless. You were getting frustrated. Both emotionally and sexually.
“Bucky. Your boyfriend is right there, cuddling you, but apparently cuddling me is nice. And for some reason Steve is fine with it.”
The shadows behind Bucky shifted; Steve lifting his head.
“Wanna know why I’m fine with it?”
“Cos you’re secure in your and Bucky’s relationship, and you know this is just practical?”
He chuckled, low and deep, and boy did the sound do things to you. Oh, god! How keen were his senses? Would he be able to smell your arousal?
“Well, yes, but also, no…”
Before you could question him, Bucky’s arm tightened around your waist and suddenly he flipped you both, placing you in the middle of the bed, wedged between him and Steve. Your hands were pressed up against Steve’s chest, his coarse chest hairs tickling your palms. Bucky’s hand was splayed against your stomach, keeping you in place, pressed against him.
“What the hell?”
“We realised something, doll.” Bucky was practically purring in your ear. His hips pressed up against your ass and…oh!
“W-what’s that?” You could barely breathe, frozen rigid in the bed, afraid to move.
Steve wiggled down the bed in front of you, so that your hands were on his shoulders and both your faces were level.
“That you aren’t jealous of either of us when Buck and I are being affectionate. You’re jealous of both of us. You’ve got the hots for both of us.”
You scowled, hoping that despite the low light he could see your annoyance.
“So, what? You decided you’d both tease me. Thanks so much.” You shuffled violently and sat up, kicking off the last part of the coverlet. You pushed up on your knees, but Steve copied you, effectively blocking you.
“We’re not teasing you, sweetheart. Let me finish. Please.”
The bed dipped behind you; Bucky getting to his knees too. Your head was a swirl of emotions. Confusion, want, frustration, and something that might have been hope. Steve took hold of your hands, rubbing his thumbs across the backs of your knuckles.
“We’re trying to tell you… we’ve got the hots for you too.”
“Majorly,” Bucky interjected. “It’s been torture these last few months. Fighting beside you. Sharing a room. You, being so close, but not attainable.” You could feel the heat radiating off him and all you wanted to do was relax back onto his firm chest. And you wanted to believe what they were apparently telling you.
Steve tugged on your hands, pulling you closer to him.
“You can’t begin to imagine how Buck and I have been when we’ve got back to our apartment at the compound after missions with you. How we’ve been so wound up, so goddamn horny thinking about you. Thank goodness for sound-proofing. I think we’ve fucked each other seven ways from Sunday everytime.”
Bucky had moved again; regained his previous spot plastered against your back. Both his hands were settled on your waist, just above your hips. He dipped his head, and his hair brushed your neck before his lips settled just below your ear. Testing you.
“Do you want us, doll?” His lips trailed down your neck and you tilted it to bare your throat to him. Your busy mind had cleared. Now only the want remained. Bucky and Steve were pressed against you in the moonlight, surrounding you with their scent and promising you pleasure. All you had to do was answer.
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @marvelstarker-mha98 @talia-rumlow
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The FE fandom is unfairly criticized for their treatment of main women leads because not enough people factor in how sexist the writing is. Edelgard would get less hate if she was held more accountable. Micaiah would get less hate if she didn't get written out of the final part and awful blood-pact device. Celica and Erika would get less hate if the writers didn't hand them the idiot ball. Female leads are often awful units compared to male counterparts. The male leads always upstage the female ones or are written overall better bc they were unconcerned with making them a sellable waifu. There's definitely sexist people in the fandom, and male characters everywhere get cut more slack, and I'm not denying an element of sexism in all of this, but holding the writers accountable something that needs to get brought up more.
Edelgard is held accountable and punished for her actions by literally dying in 3 out of the 4 routes. Like the Agarthans are not blamed for what Edelgard did. She takes complete responsibility and suffers the consequences for starting a war.
Erika giving the Sacred Stone to Formortis because she believes Lyon, an extremely skilled healer and magic user who has been studying the stones will get rid of him through using it is a smarter decision than Ephraim attempting to kill THE DEMON KING ALL BY HIMSELF. Like at least Erika's plan made sense and could have worked if Lyon was able to resist Formortis. People who call Erika stupid for her scene while not doing the same for Ephraim's are hypocritical in this regard.
While SOV is quite sexist in how so many of the women are damseled, Celica sacrificing herself for Mila makes complete sense and is not rooted in sexism because at that point in the game most people believe that they still need the gods to survive and a single human life is worth less than the life of a god. Celica trusted Jedah because to her that was her only choice. What is sexist is her having to be repeatedly saved by men while nothing similar happens to Alm.
I admit I'm being extremely nitpicky with this point, but Erika and Celica both act completely in character when they make their mistakes and therefore are not Idiot Balled. Idiot Balling is when a character acts uncharacteristically stupid and out of character to serve the plot.
Idk about the specifics with Micaiah in Radiant Dawn but yeah it sucks how Ike takes most of the spotlight from both her and Elincia :/
The only female lead that is a substantially worse unit than her male counterpart is Erika. She is an outlier that should not be counted. Celica, Micaiah and Elincia all have utility that Alm and Ike Lack while Edelgard is literally just as good of a frontliner as Dimitri. And Lyn is just as weak as Eliwood.
Character writing is subjective.
You are severely overestimating the importance of waifus and underestimating the importance of husbandos to the franchise. Straight and Bi women play Fire Emblem too.
Also characters who have depth tend to be more popular regardless of their gender. It is profitable to have waifus with layers.
I am not denying that sexism was and somewhat still is a thing in the writing and gameplay of this series; However, the fandom is just as guilty in how female characters are treated - perhaps more guilty in the newest two games where these issues rarely rear their ugly head in the story and the gameplay. The fandom should be held accountable too instead shifting most of the blame on the writers.
Anyway if you read all of this, have a heavenly creature i found recently <3
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Crime committed by Anusia, Billie and Lyn from ArchiveCon.
Date: June 23rd
From the Archive Con Q & A panel, as part of Anusia’s response to the question "Do you ever get scared by any of the horror scripts you have to read?"
Transcript Under the cut.
(For anyone who was at Archive con, the timestamp for this in the panel is 27:34 - 29:19!)
Transcript of the Crimes:
Anusia: "I have very specific phobias when it comes to horror. Um, eye horror is one of them, um, in terms of eye body horror. And there was..."
Billie: "Well, you're in the right place for that then, aren't ya."
Anusia: "Yeah. No, no, no, I, I love like the whole, the whole Magnussy kinda, Yeah. I said the word, didn't I? Thank God for, emphasis. Umm, but..."
Billie: "Magnussy in chat"
Lyn (ArchiveCon host): "Magnussy in the chat!"
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astranauticus · 2 years
been thinking about this for a while but like. wow i really wanna pick up my old hobby of translating chinese music again
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emblemxeno · 6 months
For as good-natured and open-minded as Alear is, effectively he's still extremely young and easily swayed.
While sweet to his friends, he's not at all merciful to enemies, such as outright saying he's going to kill Nelucce for what he's done to Alfred and Celine's family and home. Similarly, he lacks nuance/perspective on Veyle's situation later, thinking that such a blatant switch in personality was just her being a master manipulator this whole time, and lets his anger take control of what he says to her. A classic, good use of dramatic irony.
He doesn't run from things cuz Lumera told him that a Divine Dragon shouldn't run from anything, but Alear took that to an extreme by walking into danger even when advised against it by someone who absolutely knew better-Marth. It's precisely why Lucina and Lyn later have to explain the difference between running away from everything that scares you, and making a retreat when things don't look good. Courage is knowing the risks and recognizing your fear, but rising up to the challenge when it's still possible to win; folly and stubbornness is ignoring the risks as a whole due to getting a swollen head about your own abilities.
Specifically, what's great about this to me, is that Alear is still a work in progress in the story proper. He's compassionate to not want others to experience the pain he has, but not enough to fully grasp the kinds of things people would do because they, their country, or their families were hurt (Zephia, Hortensia, Hyacinth, etc.). He has much general wisdom and good day-to-day advice, but is still susceptible to being full of himself (Chapters 10 and 11). Even after getting a hold of himself when he lost the first six Emblems, he's still not mature enough to see Veyle as anything other than a selfish, monstrous murderer.
When learning he's a Fell Dragon, he sinks into despair, feeling as if he's been deceiving everyone this whole time, even though that perspective logically doesn't make sense. But it doesn't have to! Alear is convinced that Fell Dragons = Bad News, and that it doesn't matter what kind of person he actually is, his heritage is enough for derision.
That's why it matters so much that his friends immediately reassure him of the opposite! Dude, you just spent the entire game learning and growing with us, helping people from royal to citizen, using your power to protect others. You've proven your own version of Divinity, not just because of your hair color, but because of your unending goodness. You're a good dragon!
Alear doesn't have to be all powerful, he just has to be himself; encouraging, calming, inspiring, leader-like. He just has to connect himself to others so they can overcome challenges together. It's also why his interactions with Veyle (and Mauvier as well tbh) are incredibly well done, since now that Alear's been through the process of healing and accepting who he is versus who he can be, he can do the same for his precious sister.
What a lovely character Alear is.
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maniculum · 3 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Wimchlat
Very similar art this week, which kind of can't be helped because the entry does specifically say that it looks like a wolf with spots. There's some range here, though.
If you're not sure what this is about, you can find an explanation and previous posts here: https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
The entry artists are working from this week can be found here:
And if you want to participate in the next round, here's that entry:
...huh. I didn't realize which one was up next until I went looking for the link just now. That'll be an interesting artistic experience, I'm sure.
(Pursuant to some previous speculation on the "-bael" morpheme in the Dikebael and Dirubael, now I'm wondering if the "-at" morpheme in our randomly-generated words might have something to do with bodily waste.)
Anyway, this week's art is below the cut:
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) notes that their version ended up quite fluffy, which I have also noted and enjoyed. For some additional detail, which includes some interesting animal facts, click on the linked post.
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@doodlebethel (link to post here) is joining us for the first time, and has drawn an excellent not-quite-a-wolf. I feel the depiction of it aggressively guarding that sparkly sand is very well-executed.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has made the decision that the urine in question solidifies into a jewel basically immediately, which I think raises a lot of interesting questions (complimentary). Also, thank you for providing alt text.
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@citrvsdrake (link to post here) observes that the creature hiding its urine sounds like cat behavior, so they leaned a little harder towards the leopard side than the wolf one. I think it came out well; an animal that is both relatively wolf-shaped and clearly feline has an interesting look to it.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) decided to base theirs on the maned wolf, which I think came out really well in this art style. I also like the decision to make the spots look like eyes -- together with the color scheme and the long limbs, it really has a fascinating (and slightly sinister?) effect. I kind of love this design, really. I want to know more about this creature. (Also, thank you for including alt text.)
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@wendievergreen (link to post here) also decided to mix it up a bit animal-wise, and also landed on the maned wolf as an interesting non-wolf wolf option. It's also got ocelot features rather than leopard. I just really like the vibes here -- something about this art style is very charming to me. I'm not an art critic, so I can't elaborate on that. I would recommend clicking on the linked post, which has more information and also some tags I find quite funny.
On to the Aberdeen Bestiary!
... or not, actually. This is one of the folios missing from that manuscript, so the text actually came from Bodley MS 764, and we'll be taking the illustration from the Ashmole Bestiary.
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That illustration doesn't help a whole lot, though it does also lean more feline, so we can get something there -- but I saw a number of comments saying that people had recognized it in the process of drawing, so it's probably no surprise that this is the lynx.
No, I don't know why people thought its urine turned into gemstones. Ask Pliny the Elder. (The supposed gemstone in question is called ligurius, by the way.)
I also don't know why the lynx in the Ashmole illustration appears to be having a staring contest with a ram... hold on, let me see something...
... okay, bestiary.ca doesn't have anything that explains that. It might just be an artistic decision. Things I did learn from bestiary.ca just now, though:
Ovid (yes, that Ovid) specified that the lynx's urine solidifies on contact with air, which means that those interesting questions (mostly along the lines of what is in that stuff) raised by CheapSweets's drawing are definitely still on the table.
Thomas of Cantimpre also says that the lynx has the hilarious combination of comic-book-style x-ray vision and a total inability to remember anything it's not currently looking at. So it can see through walls but just immediately forgets what it saw. I love that.
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cosmerelists · 16 days
How Cosmere Characters Would Flirt With Kaladin
Warning: Adolin & Shallan are NOT in this post! Before you cry, "How DARE you?!", please understand that it's only because I already wrote an entire post that was just Adolin & Shallan flirting with Kaladin. It's linked here.
Anyway, here's how various other characters would flirt with Kaladin if they were so inclined!
Edit: I have this tagged as WAT spoilers- just so you know, it’s the only the last entry that contains a spoiler-y joke so I put it under a read-more. The rest is safe!
1. Leshwi
Leshwi: [stabbing Kaladin straight through the chest] Leshwi: Your eyes look so beautiful tonight. Kaladin: [spitting blood] I-- I'm getting kinda mixed messages here... Leshwi: Mixed how?
2. Azure
Azure: [Stabbing a Fused at the same time as Kaladin does] Azure: Your eyes look so beautiful tonight. Kaladin: IS NOW THE TIME
3. Teft
Teft: I mean to be by your side forever, you know, Kal. Kaladin: I know that, Teft. Teft: Specifically tonight. Kaladin: Why what happens tonight?? Teft: Dinner happens. Teft: While you're there and I'm there. By your side. Kaladin: Uh...okay? Teft: ... Teft: I am not nailing this.
4. Szeth
Szeth: You know...I no longer fantasize about killing you. Kaladin: You fantasize about killing me?? Szeth: I just said that I do not do that. Any longer. Kaladin: Well that's...good, I suppose. Szeth: You still share space in mind with all of the voices, though. But sometimes your presence in there stills them momentarily. Kaladin: ...yay? Nightblood: Eeee, you are SO nailing this!
5. Renarin
Renarin: Hey, uh, Kaladin? Renarin: I had Jasnah help me, and I looked into the history of the treatment of insane people. Renarin: I found some really interesting historical facts about ways the treatment and methodology has changed over time! Kaladin: Yeah? Well, I'd be interested to hear about it. Renarin: (I knew researching your special interest would work!) Kaladin: What was that? Renarin: N-Nothing!
6. Veil
Veil: Oi! Stormblessed! I challenge you to a DRINKING CONTEST Kaladin: We both know you can beat me at that, Veil. Veil: Awwww, you're supposed to say, "How dare you challenge me? I can take you! I can take you right now! I can take you all night long!" Kaladin: In what world does that sound like me? Veil: ...This went so much better in my head.
7. Moash
Moash: [Is sitting in front of his beer, eyes downcast. Various members of Bridge 4 sit around him, looking at him sympathetically] Moash: I just--I can't storming believe it. Skar: We know, man. We know. Moash: I storming looked RIGHT at him and said, "I bet I can swallow it." Rock: You did. You did say that. Moash: Were my eyes not glittering hungrily?? Did I not indicate a GIANT gemstone and say how good I was at swallowing?? Is Kal STUPID?! Sigzil: Like I keep telling you all, formality exists to avoid misunderstandings like... Moash: I AM NOT GIVING HIM A NOTARIZED FORM OF INTEREST, SIGZIL Sigzil: (muttering) Like YOUR way is working...
8. Sigzil
Kaladin: ...What is this? Sigzil: It's...well, it's a notarized form. Of interest. Kaladin: Interest in what? Sigzil: In, uh, you. Kaladin: What for? Sigzil: ... Kaladin: You know I can't read, Sigzil. You gotta help me out here. Sigzil: ...Maybe Moash did have a point...
9. Lyn
Lyn: Hey Kaladin, let's try dating. Kaladin: A-Are you flirting me with me?! Lyn: It's more that I am asking you directly, but the fact that only that level of directness gets through to you is admittedly pretty cute. Lyn: (THAT was a bit flirtatious) Kaladin: Wait what do you mean "only" that level of directness...? Lyn: Come on! We'll discuss it over drinks! <3
10. Dalinar & Navani
Dalinar: Kaladin, you know how I asked you to become king of Urithiru? Kaladin: You said I could think about it! Navani: We're not trying to rush you. Dalinar: We just wanted to know if you wanted to be "king" of "Urithiru" along with me and Navani tonight. Kaladin: What Navani: You did an amazing job of pronouncing those quotation marks! Dalinar: I learn from the best. Kaladin: WHOOPSITHINKIHEARSZETHCALLINGME
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rosypenguins · 2 months
💙Saisy Headcanons🤍
(May or may not be doing this for a friend lol. These can be interpreted as either platonic or romantic.)
💙Sean and Daisy call sometimes while Daisy’s doing homework. She doesn’t have much time to do it during the day, so she’ll sometimes be up ‘til midnight just trying to get everything done. Sean usually stays awake with her until she gets everything done, and she’s always apologizing for keeping him up. Sean, who never sleeps regardless, just says: “It’s fine. I like spending time with you. :3”
🤍Daisy’s also probably fallen asleep on call a few times, and Sean finds her sleepy voice really cute.
💙Daisy’s probably overheard Sean’s parents arguing one time while they were calling, but when Daisy asked about it, he sort of brushed it off.
🤍Whenever Sean asks how Daisy’s been doing, she’ll usually start off with: “I’m doing fine, but-” and then end up rambling about her problems for about 30-minutes and then profusely apologizes for it afterward. (Despite Sean telling her countless times to not apologize.)
💙Meanwhile Daisy will ask Sean how he’s doing and he’s just: “I’m good :)”
🤍So much stress hides behind their smiles do not be fooled.
💙They both need hugs. (And think each other’s hugs are the best.)
🤍Daisy definitely has a Tumblr and definitely follows the Girlblogger tag. (Specifically for all the posts about feeling like a disappointment and wanting to cry and run away to practice Witchcraft.) (She also probably really likes the Croquette aesthetic.)
💙Sean loves the Cyberpunk aesthetic and he too wishes he could run away to a futuristic city full of loud music and neon lights.
🤍Daisy’s genuinely worried about Sean’s hearing since he keeps his headphones on for most of the day and has them at full blast. (She keeps telling him he’s gonna go deaf at 30 and he just shrugs it off.)
💙Sean’s headphones are one of his prized possessions he’d trade his own soul for.
🤍Daisy definitely listens to Lofi to help her study. (She also probably listens to Egg, Lyn Lapid and Lana Del Ray.)
💙Sean’s the type of guy to die for you. Daisy’s the type of girl to kill for you. I will not elaborate.
🤍Daisy really likes the scent and flavor of vanilla. (And Sean has taken note of this.)
💙Sean will usually either make or pack little snacks for Daisy to have throughout the day, since she probably doesn’t have enough time for breakfast and her busy schedule doesn’t give her much time to eat lunch either.
🤍Daisy’s obsessed with Sean’s cooking.
💙Sean has taught Daisy a couple of broom tricks, and was surprised by how quickly she picked them up.
🤍Both Daisy and Sean treat Mr. Broom like an actual person. They’re very respectful and apologize if they ever drop him.
💙When Daisy’s schedule permits it, Sean will take her on late night walks throughout the city, and they end up getting into the most outlandish, existential conversations about life.
🤍They both really like stars, and hope to one day head to the countryside where they can better see all the stars in the sky.
💙They both really like dogs, specifically tiny dogs. Anytime they see one while walking, they have to go and ask for permission to pet them.
🤍Daisy could EASILY kick Sean’s ass if she wanted and Sean’s fully aware of this.
💙Bonus: If the world wasn’t so difficult and they didn’t have so many responsibilities, Sean and Daisy would 100% hop on a random train and run away together. (They’ve fantasized about this a lot.)
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