#lyla art is ranting
kawaiidemoneart · 1 month
So excited! I’m finally going to see Avril Lavigne in person!! 😍 I loved watching and listening to her song. Most of her music videos were pretty funny to watch.
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hisokaisdaddyz · 3 months
Art~ peachyypie
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☆Miguel releases some stress☆
❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄.ೃ࿐❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄.ೃ࿐❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄.ೃ
*Miguel sat hunched over in his chair, his fingers tapping away at the orange holographic screens in front of him. He had been working for hours, even days, in this office, keeping a watchful eye out for any anomalies that might threaten the safety and stability of the multiverse. The work was stressful, but he knew that it was necessary to keep everything in order, especially since he had someone he loved more than anything in the world. He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them.*
*Finally breaking the silence, he spoke up and addressed his AI assistant, LYLA. "LYLA, any anomalies within a 15-mile radius?"*
*LYLA responded in her soothing voice, "No anomalies detected, Miguel. However, I think you should rest."
*Miguel's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and irritation. "What? LYLA, it's not time for rest. The multiverse-"*
*Before he could finish his Multiverse Rant, LYLA, heard every second of the day, the door to his office was pushed open, interrupting him. His irritation only grew as he turned around to face the intruder, ready to blow up at them for interrupting his work. However, his anger dissipated instantly as he saw who was standing in front of him.*
*Miguel notice Y/N stood before him, wearing their spider suit, Miguel sighed, seeing Y/N gave him a sense of comfort, he had almost forgotten he sent them out to scan the area. Y/N came up to him, greeting him with a kiss, and ran their fingers through his hair causing a sigh of relief to push past his lips his body was sore.*
"Did you see anything out there?"
*Miguel asked as he shut his eyes, enjoying the feeling of their fingers running through his hair. He pressed his head against their stomach, and wrapped his arms around their waist bringing them down onto his lap. Miguel nodded listening to Y/N speak.*
"No? Good." *He responded, burying his face into their neck. He inhaled deeply taking in their scent, The air was filled with the lingering aroma of their signature fragrance, a blend of crisp citrus notes and warm vanilla undertones that seemed to envelop the room. Miguel groaned feeling himself get aroused. It had been days since he was last buried deep in them, pounding them, marking them with bite marks, hearing them moan his name, he wanted to feel them, he wanted to make love to them, get rid of the stress he felt.*
"LYLA, shut down for thirty- no an hour no interruptions"
*Miguel hears Y/N mentioned how stressed, Miguel seemed and he chuckled in response. Miguel's lips met their's passionately, his hands gripping their hips tightly as he pulled them closer. "You have no idea," he whispered against their mouth, his breath hot and heavy. "It's been days, mi amor. Days without touching you, without feeling your skin beneath my fingertips."*
*His grip tightened, pulling them even closer, his tongue darting out to taste their's, seeking comfort and solace in the familiar warmth of their embrace. "Te necesito, Mi amor, I crave you"
*His words were laced with desperation, his need for them palpable in every touch, every kiss. He needed this release, this connection to ground him amidst the chaos of his life. *
{Continue, on JanAI. I'm just posting my bot intros here.}
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Soooooooo...basically a rewrite of Hobie's entire part in the movie? Except more awkward teenager and much, much more rambling. This does feel a bit all over the place so...enjoy, if you wanna.
Meeting Gwen for the first time wasn’t anything particularly memorable or anything like that, Hobie didn’t think. It was a simple thing, really; LYLA had found an anomaly, Miguel had reluctantly put Hobie on the case, Hobie had gone out of his way to ramble on about how he wasn’t a cog in Miguel’s system (man looked like he wanted to punt Hobie out of the office, and that just added more pleasure to his insubordination), and then Jess had sort of insisted that Gwen tag along to learn how to inter-dimensional travel and also how to deal with the anomalies as they occurred. Her exact words, if he remembered right, were “she needs to learn how to deal with these things in a team setting, and also maybe get some more friends her own age” or something similar that Gwen had immediately protested against.
He’d protested as well, as if it would change anything, as if these two would take him any serious. Hobie told them that he didn’t believe in teams, or in teamwork, and Jess put her hand on his shoulder, looked him in the eye, and told him very sternly to get over himself. Miguel was in the back, rubbing his hand over his face with one hand and waving the other at them in a motion that screamed ‘just go’. The mission itself was fine, easy job for a sole Spider let alone two Spider-People, but Gwen had been pricklier than he’d been expecting. He thought she was spunky, but particularly withdrawn for a Spider, and she’d snapped at him several times before the mission had ended. Afterwards, they’d gone their separate ways and he didn’t think too much about her, focusing on being the one and only Spider-Man (Spider-Punk, the newspaper headlines screamed, and he’d hated the name with a passion when he was younger, but found the title had grown on him over the years) in Camden.
Then they got paired together again. And again. And again. There’d been a genuine moment of concern that Miguel and Jess were punishing him for something, because they kept sticking him together with this small wisp of a child who looked like she wanted to bite his head off any time he asked her anything remotely personal, whether it be about her family or even her favorite kind of music. Hobie couldn’t even begin to figure her out, but decided that if he kept pushing, especially if they kept getting put on missions together, she’d have to crack eventually, right?
(It was worse when he realized she was actually older than him, even if it was only by three months. She held it over him for days, blocking his every question and prompt with “I don’t have to tell you anything, I’m older than you are.” Like a kid. Like a little kid, and how in the hell was she older than he was? It was unjust, it was.)
The sad part was, Hobie wasn’t even sure when things changed, with Gwen. Rather, he wasn’t quite sure why they had changed, though far be it from him to criticize someone’s changing of their mind. They’d gone on a mission, catching an inter-dimensional Doc Ock in some bizarre backwards universe made up of graffiti art that had her particularly subdued and snappish with him; she’d just given a thirty second rant that had cut Hobie deeper than he’d wanted to admit and they were swinging around searching for the Doc in a strained silence that had lasted until they’d found the fucker; at some point in the fight, the Doc had her pinned and Hobie’d yelled for her to cover her ears, and used his guitar to blast the scientist off of her at the last second, using his regular webs to yank her from where she’d been embedded in the ground; they’d, somehow, ended up victorious back at HQ and handed the Doc to Margo to send back to the proper dimension, went to Miguel and Jess to report their success. Hobie set his watch to his home dimension, the portal had opened up, and then —
“Hey, can I…” He’d half-turned to Gwen, eyes wide on his mask to showcase his paying attention as Gwen held her left arm tightly in her right hand, pointedly not looking at him and using the longer left side of her hair to cover her face. She’d taken off her mask, though Hobie had never really felt comfortable enough in the Spider Society to do so very often, and he could see the uncertainty in her face as she finally spit out, “can I…crash with you? For a bit?”
“Like, in my dimension?” Hobie’d asked, and she rolled her eyes so hard that her head followed the motion automatically. Something warm and pleased grew in his chest as she pushed past him roughly, muttering something sarcastic under her breath, and he didn’t even notice Jess watching them from behind as he nudged her shoulder playfully while they walked through the portal together.
Gwen started hanging around more after that, even when they had to keep moving from abandoned house to abandoned house in order to keep a roof over their head for the night. She didn’t stay over every night, but it was often enough to leave some of her shit laying around for him to trip over. He discovered she like playing drums and incorporated her into his band, more or less the only permanent member aside from him despite the inter-dimensional shenanigans. ‘Gwen’ became ‘Gwennifer’ (she threw her drumstick at him) which then became ‘Guinevere’ (he’d barely dodged the swing she leveled at him for that) became ‘Gwendolyn’ (she’d webbed his mouth shut) became ‘Gwendy’ (she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, but he’d caught the pleased look on her face for that one). Over time, she started opening up about her dad, her indefinitely on-hold Spider-Woman work in her home ‘verse, her Peter…
The name lit up something at the back of his head, the first time she’d mentioned it, and Hobie couldn’t for the life of him figure out what it was. It wasn’t until she mentioned something about a particle collider that it came rushing to Hobie; he was Miguel’s “original anomaly”, the one who had apparently weakened the multiverse apart enough for the Spider Society to be kept busy damn near constantly. Hobie could respect a Spider who could throw the multiverse into chaos like that, even if was accidental and wasn’t even his fault to begin with. He tried prompting her, through trial and error, into talking about Miles damn near constantly; it worked better than he’d hoped, and for a hot minute all she would talk about was Miles. What he looked like, what he’d say, the way he’d stuck his hand to her hair when he’d first gotten his powers and she’d had to cut it off on the sides (“and you kept the hairstyle?” “Fuck off, Hobart — ” “Ew, no thanks mate, ‘o the fuck is Hobart — ”). She talked about him so much that Hobie felt like he knew the damn kid all on his own without ever having met him.
And then Gwen got herself assigned to a mission in his universe. Not only that, but she was allowing herself to miss her friend enough to stop off to visit when she went, though she had a brief moment of panic before she’d left and she’d called him for ‘moral support’ or whatever it was she’d hissed at him when she called. Hobie felt proud of her for that, even though he couldn’t find his chucks the day she left and he nearly brained himself tripping over her damn jumper when he headed to the bathroom.
It was her first mission on her own, officially, and Hobie was pulling out damn near every trick in the book to keep him from worrying. He was sitting at her drum set where they had it set up in a practice warehouse, listlessly banging on the cymbals when his watch went off a second time. Heart jumping up into his throat, Hobie answered the call and whipped his way into Mumbatten, which was exactly where Gwen was not supposed to be at this current moment. He’d barely even taken the time to suit up, nearly forgot to grab his damn guitar, and didn’t even pause to take in the situation before strumming the thing and bursting through what looked like a barrier. He’d heard Gwen and Pavitr shout, but he’d landed with his back to them and then he’d gotten rushed by Pav the second he caught his breath.
Then he’d turned fully, pushed Pav off of him, and nearly swallowed his tongue when he caught a good, solid look of him, dressed in his black suit with pops of red; it had to be Miles, the Spider-Man-Who-Wasn’t-Supposed-To-Exist-In-Earth-1610-Specifically, which for some reason both was a surprise and yet was completely expected.
“This the kid from 1610?” He asked first, like he wasn’t fully aware of who Miles was to begin with. Gwen’s head rolled, a sure sign she was rolling her eyes, and he’d glanced her way briefly before looking back at Miles, who was complaining to Gwen. He’d gotten close enough when Pav thanked him for destroying the barrier in time to hear him (“I weakened it!”) and shot a quick demonstration of “use your whole palm, mate, not just your fingertips”, complete with hand visuals. Miles looked, low-key through his mask, like he wanted to strangle him. Gwen looked away, but Hobie could tell her shoulders were shaking from held-back laughter.
He wanted to crawl into a small hole for a minute. For a hot second, Hobie debated the pros and cons of potentially just jumping back through the portal and going home, there were three Spiders to deal with the Dalmatian over there, he wasn’t really needed for this, was he? He was distracted for all of two seconds before remembering there was supposed to be a fight going on, and he was supposed to be helping, and that Miles was standing in front of him.
So, naturally, once he was back online and fully focused, he opened his mouth and immediately put his foot in it.
“What’s up with his suit, is he bleeding from the armpits?”
“Wha-Who even is this guy?” Gwen introduced them quickly, Hobie talking even faster as they prepared to fight the Dalmatian-looking dude in front of them, and though Miles looked slightly lost (“I thought you hated labels?”), Hobie had hope that they’d be able to get along swell.
Then he stuck his foot in it again.
“Gwendy, you left your jumper ‘round my place.”
“What’s a jumper?”
“It’s a sweater!”
“How many sweaters do you own?”
And, because he couldn’t keep his damn mouth shut to save his own damn life even as Gwen clearly tried to salvage that mess, Hobie continued.
“And your toothbrush.” He kind of wanted to die. What was the deal with this spotty dude? Hobie wondered if the dude would shoot him into another dimension if he asked him nicely enough. He hated asking nice though, and it was pretty obvious this guy happened to be the villain of the week (as it were), so his best bet was staying here. Shame, that. He was really fucking things up right about now, and he just knew Gwen was gonna give him shit for it later too.
Things happened…weirdly fast after that. They fought the Dalmatian, they lost the Dalmatian, Mumbatten’s AlcheMax began crumbling and they had to save the people. Normal Spider stuff, and Hobie was glad for the distraction — well, not glad glad, he didn’t want Mumbatten to fall apart and Pav was far too little a Spider to be dealing with this kind of cosmic mess — just because Miles took off with Pavitr and left him and Gwen to hold the building up. Even better, Gwen was all the way over there, so she couldn’t even give him shit for how he’d been acting the fool in front of Miles.
God, he just hoped it wasn’t noticeable. To Miles, at least.
Then after the building collapsing was the bridge falling apart, and Miles diving to save the Inspector. Hobie had skid to a stop next to Gwen, the both of them staring down as Pav tried to save the bus and his girl, and Miles tried to save the Inspector. Gwen’s eyes were wide, taking up the entirety of her face as she held onto the railing in a death grip with one hand, the other still outstretched; she’d grabbed Miles then, right before Hobie had gotten there, and for a moment he wasn’t sure why she’d done it.
“He’ll be aces, yea?” Hobie said to her quietly, eyes still on the bridge.
“It’s a canon event. He’s interfering with it.” Gwen said somberly, and Hobie scoffed with a roll of his eyes — she sounded just like Miguel, there, for a hot moment, and he wondered if he should begin extracting them both before the man’s ideals managed to get in any deeper — but Gwen didn’t seem to notice him. When the bridge finished collapsing, she didn’t hesitate to jump over the rail, yelling for Miles as she did so. Hobie followed after her, beelining his way to Pav first to help him with the bus. Once it was on solid ground, relatively speaking, the passengers disembarking and Pavitr trying to smooth things over with his girl, Hobie turned on time to see Gwen lift a giant piece of rubble to reveal —
Miles. Holding a small child, with the Inspector right behind him. Both were fine, probably filled with adrenaline but relatively unharmed, and Pav’s girl was rushing past them all to embrace her father. Hobie followed her, not to the Inspector, but to Miles; Miles, who had been facing Gwen, who hadn’t heard him approach and therefore wasn’t anticipating it when Hobie grabbed his shoulders from behind and shook him eagerly.
“Miles, my guy!” He said cheerfully, and even the city cheered for them (and wasn’t that just novel, that’s never happened to Hobie before), and then —
There was a hole, big and black and looking similar to the spots on the Spot, sucking in pieces of Mumbatten. There was Jess, and her team of Spiders trying to keep it contained (points to Spider Society!) and her just blatantly blowing off Miles in a way that made Hobie’s hackles rise and ordering them all back to HQ to talk to Miguel (negative points for their diligent leaders!). Panic spiked at that, briefly, for Hobie; he leaned on Miles and tried to get him out of it, get them both out of it, but Miles shrugged him off in order to practically run into the belly of the beast with his fist in the air like he’d won something. Hobie dropped his face into his palm, but followed along anyway. Just to see what was going to happen.
Miles looked slightly awed when he took off his mask, which was kind of an ego boost, if Hobie was being honest; his whispered comment was met with one of his own comebacks (“how are you even cooler under the mask?” “I was this cool the whole time.”) that made Gwen press her lips together as she repressed her snort of laughter. Hobie glowered at her slightly, and she rolled her eyes in the opposite direction. Even Jess looked somewhat amused, and Hobie grunted softly at both of them.
He tried, honest to god, he tried so hard to keep Miles from meeting Miguel. Once he’d realized that Gwen had met with Miles and yet told him nothing about the Spider Society, told him nothing about how he fit into all of this as the supposed “original anomaly” (he had ThoughtsTM about Miguel’s thought process, is all, ThoughtsTM that he didn’t necessarily have time to delve into at this specific moment) — he couldn’t let him walk in blind. Miles didn’t deserve the way Miguel was gonna treat him on a normal day, short-tempered and blunt as the man was, let alone a day where a mission was fucked up bad enough that the BBG got away and another dimension was in peril of nonexistence. There was just no time to prepare him, not right at this moment, and he’d completely messed up his entrance to begin with so it wasn’t even like Miles would wanna even listen to anything Hobie had to say, let alone believe it, so…Hobie stalled.
Easily reaching out and grabbing anything potentially useful, Hobie distracted Miles as best he could. Bet this don’t even do anything. Why’d you wanna join up anyway? (The scoff Miles gave him when Hobie told him to make his own watch was not cute, Hobie did not find it endearing at all, and he was shit at lying to himself) What’s your set up — loving parents? (He was thankful Gwen was walking ahead of them for that one and not paying them any attention; the way he’d leaned on that unused portal more or less broadcasted his interest, especially combined with the way he’d fallen through it. He was also infinitely grateful Miles was too preoccupied to notice that blatant display). Hell, he even planted himself in front of the damn kid, sitting in the chair and stretching his legs out onto the table top so that Miles wouldn’t advance anymore, and felt his heart flutter in his chest when Miles simply pushed past him without even stopping.
Then it stopped when Miguel showed up, acting more Miguel-ish than usual. Miles greeted him brightly, holding up the empanada he’d gotten from the cafeteria, but Miguel was having none of it at the moment. Hobie glared at him out of the corner of his eye when he threw the empanada, then dipped out of sight in order to steal more tech that he needed; he lost track of what was happening all the way up to the loud crashing noise, and he’d popped his head back over to see Miguel yelling at both Gwen and Miles. Sniffing irritably, Hobie opened his mouth and was cut off immediately by Peter Parker from Earth 616 making his appearance. Miles was happy to see him, Hobie could hear it in his voice, and against his better judgement he went back to what he was doing.
When Miguel trapped Miles, way before literally trapping him in a cage, Hobie made his way to Miles’ side while keeping a small distance from him. He kept his eyes on him, watching how he ranted against Miguel’s idea of ‘keeping to the canon’, how he fought against the idea of letting one person die just to save others, how he argued that as Spider-Man they should be able to do both. Watched how he turned to his original allies, Peter 616 and Gwen and even Peni, and how they all couldn’t look him in the eye for longer than a few seconds. Encouraged him when it seemed like he needed it (“Here we go.” “Hobie, you’re not helping.” “Good.”). Miles realized it was a trap a second too late, and once Miguel had him caged, chaos began to descend upon them all. His friends were yelling at Miguel, who was yelling back, and Miles was panicking. He couldn’t break himself out, and Hobie’d had enough.
“Oi, Peter Pan.” Hobie hissed at him, and Miles stared at him with wide eyes. He didn’t touch the digital net, all too aware of the fact that it would draw attention from the others, but he spread his hands out just in front of it. Hobie repeated his advice from earlier, complete with visual demonstration, without speaking out loud. “Use your palms.” Miles seemed to take a breath at that, his shoulders lowering from around his ears as he pressed his hands fully against the barrier, palms and all. Since Hobie was the only one paying attention, he knew to brace himself when electricity started crackling up and down Miles’ arms; when the barrier exploded, he was the only one who wasn’t knocked over aside from Miles, who seemed to freeze for a sec when he realized he was free. He chuckled, smiling proudly when Miles’ wide brown eyes met his again, without the barrier this time.
Then Miles turned heel and booked it down the corridor, where the door was wide open and awaiting his exit. Hobie sort of regretted that breaking the door so it would stay open meant that the other Spiders also had easy access to go after Miles, but they were still trying to pick themselves up off the floor and that gave Miles a solid four second head start. It was the best Hobie could do for him, given the situation, along with one last thing.
Miguel yelled for everyone to go after Miles, and they complied. Hobie activated his watch, creating a portal to his home ‘verse. Sneering at all the Spiders rushing past him, Hobie shouted “for the record, I quit!” and threw his watch off once he was safely in the portal.
He crash landed towards the edge of the bed in the room, close enough to where he was aiming originally. Sighing heavily, Hobie sprawled out on the bed and listened to the drones flying overhead, watched as their lights illuminated the room he was staying in currently. Gwen’s jumper was still on the floor where she’d left it, her shoes dropped carelessly two feet beside it. (Seriously, her shoes were right there, did she really have to take his?) With a soft sigh and a quiet groan, he pulled himself back up, stretched, and started pulling shit out of his pockets. He’d actually grabbed a lot more things than he’d needed, courtesy of trying to hold the door for Miles, and he tossed aside the things he didn’t need in order to get started. Several other watches dropped out of his pocket as well, the ones he’d made before staying on him for safekeeping — one for him, one for Pav, one for Gwen.
Just because Miles didn’t want to make his own watch didn’t mean Hobie couldn’t make one for him.
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your-gay-emo-cousin · 2 months
About Me!
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(hey there! Go follow my rp acc @gay-emo-child-of-pluto)
(hi there pjo rp accs! If I followed you here, hi! This is my main. I suggest you go follow my rp acc listed above:D)
Hi! I'm new to Tumblr so I thought I'd make a little intro post :)
My name is lyla, I am not gonna say my age but I'm still in my teens so don't be weird you weird weirdos. My pronouns are she/they, I'm maybe genderfluid(???????gender is hard) I'm lesbian and ace. Also I have a really cool girlfriend. I love books, Greek mythology, musical theater, music in general, art, and a bunch more. I have ADHD and possibly other things I'm not sure. I have a few current hyperfixations including: Hamilton, EPIC: the Musical, Cavetown, My Chemical Romance also basic Greek mythology, and that's it as of now. I have had What The World Needs from Ride the Cyclone stuck in my head for at least a week.
Some of my favorite people:
@xn4seousx my literal best friend irl I love them as much as I love mcr
@forever-bi-panic we don't talk much lately but they're like my first tumblr friend
@alexisnotstraight I don't interact with him much either but he's so cool ahhh
@klondyke-the-bear she's amazing omg
@jadelemonadee literally so cool but I'm scared to talk to her
Now I'm gonna talk about my blog for a bit lol. I started on July 11, 2024 btw so it's brand new as of now.
This blog is gonna be a bunch of random posts, whenever I think of something post worthy. This blog is basically a brain dump for me lol. I might post about lighthearted stuff like musicals, but I might post about way heavier stuff like feminism and stuff. Just depends what I'm thinking. Sometimes I'll post about my life.
Previouse URLs:
Alt accs:
@when-i-was-a-yung-boi (to hide from my friend I don't post tho)
@gay-emo-child-of-pluto (riordanverse oc)
@mostlyjustfanfiction (to post updates to my fics and stories)
I'm also mod sky on @teen-safe-space
My tags:
#lylascreamsatyou (vents)
#lylaismentallyill (mental shiz)
#lylarantsatyou (rants)
#lylatalkstoyou (thoughts)
#lylaeducatesyou (the rare times I'm smart)
#lylagivesyouarts (art or picrews)
#lylareblogsforyou (reblogs)
#lylainterogatesyou (polls)
#lylatellsyou (asks)
#lylagivesyousillies (other)
This blog is a safe place for EVERYONE unless you are one of the following:
A jerk
Anything in that zone
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zxmickeyzx · 1 year
Mumbattan Ch.5
Barista! Pavitr x Artist! Miles
Miles came into the cafe for some chai tea, to see his friend Gwen on her shift and make some art while relaxing in the cafe. Instead he got some Barista who looked very annoyed when he tried to order and then became very passionate about ranting to him about how people say chai tea instead of just saying chai. Miles didn't mind him lecturing him on it though.
At least it was from someone so cute.
First ~ Prev ~ Masterlist ~ Next
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The customer who he learned was named Miles from Gwen, did not show up the very next day again much to Pavitrs disappointment. After the talk with his Maya Auntie, he wanted to make sure he apologized properly, but it had been about two weeks since he last saw him. He thought back to their last interaction and didn't remember anything he did or say to warrant him not come back again. Hopefully he did not cause another misunderstanding and he was just overthinking it as usual. 
The cafe was less busy at the moment, as it was the middle of the day most people were either working or in school at the moment. So he took advantage of this moment to just stare into space. Honestly it was not his fault, he was cleaning but he was just so bored. He hated slow days. Maybe he could call one of his friends to keep him company, while he did enjoy Ben's company at a certain point he needed a break from the man and his dramatic flair and Gwen wouldn't come until much later. Gayatri was here earlier but she left as soon as her shift was done. ‘Hmph Traitor’ 
While lost in his train of thought he didn’t hear his name being called.
He jumped and froze a bit outta shock, he turned to see who called his name with such urgency. Turns out that person was Gwen. She looked frustrated with him at the moment.
“Oh! Hi Gwen!” He beams a smile at her, but she gives him a frustrated sigh in response. 
“Pav, are you okay? I have been trying to get your attention for a bit.” She gave him a bit of a concerned look. He just shook his head in disagreement. 
“No, I'm okay. I am just so bored. Are you clocking in now? I thought you worked later.” Maybe he got the times wrong. 
“Hm no. I am not working yet, Ben is covering my shift for a bit longer, said he needed the cash. I will work later though.I start when the rush starts later at around 3. You’ll be working with Ben til then?”
He groans. More Ben. 
“Don't worry I heard that Lyla is taking over more shifts when she comes back.”
“Lyla is coming back?! I thought she quit because of school?” He said in disbelief.
Gwen chuckles. “Yeah, but remember she was going to come back when her mister as TA was over. Mr. O’hara is a hard ass.” 
Lyla used to work at the cafe when she was 16 until her 2nd year in college when she became a TA for her class. Apparently Mr. O'hara, who he has heard so much about, is very strict and hard to please. It takes an extreme amount of effort to pass his classes. Before her no one wanted to deal with him, many of his former TA’s would quit within a week so it was surprising that she was his TA for a whole year. She actually recommended that they hire Gwen.
“I am excited to see her again. I missed her so much!” Pavitr really meant it, they barely saw her when she was TA but when they did it was always a joy. 
“Yeah, it’s gonna be great to work with her.” Gwen then looks around the cafe. “Hey Pav, since it's slow, why don't you take a break and hang out with us.”
“Yeah, me and Miles.” She points in the direction of where Miles was sitting. It seemed that he was lost in whatever he was writing, or was it drawing. He couldn't really tell. 
“Oh, um, I wouldn’t want to intrude! Besides, I am still working, never know when it needs to be all hands on deck.”
“Fine. But can you make me my usual and Miles some Chai. I swear he is addicted to it. What did you put in it to make him crave it all the time? Drugs?” She jokes.
“Of course not! I am just that good.” He smiles. “Anything you want to eat with it?” 
“You know what, can I get some strawberry cheesecake and for miles, get him two croissants buttered and toasted. I’ll pay for it now.” He nods. 
“I’ll bring it over to you guys when the order is done then.” Gwen hands him cash, and tells him thanks before walking back to where her friend was. As she seats down he goes to the coffee bar and gets started on the order. At least now he had something to do that wasn't just recleaning everything to look busy. As he started to focus on making the order, a certain someone was using him as a reference for his art studies. 
Miles was mesmerized by the way Pavitr moved while making their orders. The sun seemed to always hit him with the right lighting. His hair was so majestic, so dark and lucious, and his eyes were so bright and beautiful it pulled you in. He wanted to capture it in his art. Even though they were quick sketches, he was pretty satisfied with where the art direction was going. He was so focused he didn't notice Gwen calling him. 
He jumped a bit and looked up to see Gwen just staring at him. 
“Oh! Hi Gwen, "he smiles. She gives him a sigh.
“What is up with you and Pav today?” She sits down next to him. “So what's got you all hyper focused?” She leans to look at what he is drawing in his sketchbook. A bad habit that he just accepted over the years that she will forever be nosy and can never control her curiosity.  She looks at his sketches and then at him with a raised eyebrow. “Pav?”
He looks away from her for a bit and rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah. He’s just so mesmerizing, I had to draw him. You don't think he would mind right?”
Gwen chuckles. “I don't think he will mind once he sees the work when you’re finished with it. Are you sure it's only cause he is mesmerizing?” Miles, knowing what she was implying, shakes his head. 
“It ain't like that. I just thought he would be nice to draw ya know.” He turns back to continue drawing Pavitr. 
“Yeah right. Just like how you drew me before in high school cause I was nice to draw.” She teases. 
“That was different. I just met him, plus I didnt even introduce myself. He doesn't even know my name.”
“He does. I’ve talked about you to him before.” She mentions nonchalantly.
“That doesn't count, I have not introduced myself as anything other than the customer you corrected the other day.” He looks at Pavitr making the drinks to see what new position he was in to quickly sketch. “Anyway. When does your shift start?”
“In about an hour and a half. So I get to bug you more!” She lightly punches his shoulders. He just rolls his eyes and smiles. Gwen is one of his best friends, every just flows so naturally when they are together. They just vibe. He sometimes sees her as an annoying sibling that likes to bother him from time to time. His father could attest to that, calling her an emo leech who liked to come over and eat. Even though he wouldn't say it out loud he was very fond of her, like a reluctant uncle who has an honorary niece he had no say in. 
About 15 minutes later, he started to try and add more details to the quick sketches he made of the barista while Gwen was talking to him about how her band were prepping to do more shows and the difficulty to get everyone's times synced up.
“Yeah, our lead guitarist is also very inconsistent even though he usually has the most time out of all of us. Though I will say, I do enjoy being a part of this band more than the last one.” 
“That's great you finally found one that suits you. I know you’ve been looking for one ever since I met you.” 
“Yeah, now if only we can sync up so I can play more. Margo said she could help us with our scheduling problem. I believe in her, if anyone can help us organize our messy style it's her.”
Margo was a computer science major, and was practically a tech wiz. She was also extremely detail oriented and particular with her things. It was really funny because Ganke was the opposite of her while also being a tech wiz. They would always group up together even though they clash with how they do things. If you ask them why they always partner up they’ll tell you that it's convenient because they have so many classes in common.  
“Thank Pav!” He hears Gwen say, taking him out of his train of thoughts. He looks up from his sketchbook to see Pavitr places their order in front of them giving them a smile that rivals the sun.
“No problem! I hope you guys enjoy!” 
“We will!” Gwen grabs her drink and takes a sip. “Pav, I don't think I have properly introduced you to my friend. Pav this is Miles, he’s been my best friend since sophomore year in high school. Miles this Pav the chai activist.” She teases. 
Pavitr hesitates to respond but Miles does not. 
“Hey man, it's nice to finally properly be introduced to you. I realized I never gave you my name before, sorry ‘bout that.”  He gives him a small smile. 
“That's no problem! I know our first meeting wasn’t the best, sorry about that.” Pavitr rubs his neck a bit nervously. 
Miles gives him a small chuckle. “Its no problem man. Like I said before I didn't mind being corrected. At least I won't be sayin ‘Tea Tea’ anymore. Feel free to tell me any other things I may be sayin wrong.”
“Well people like to say ‘naan bread’ which is the same as saying ‘bread bread’.” Miles groans in response.
“Youre kiddin! I've been saying ‘bread bread’ this entire time?!” 
Pavitr laughs and relaxes, he finally apologizes and it seems he really was worried for no reason. Miles was very respectful and liked to lighten the mood. He can see why Gwen liked to hang out with him a lot. 
“Well now you know.” He teases. He sees Miles take a sip of the chai he had just made.
“Man, this really hits the spot. You know your stuff.”
Pavitr’s skin turns a bit redder at the compliment. “Thanks.” 
Just then a group of teenagers walked into the cafe which caused Pavitr to sigh. He was just getting to know Miles but he guesses the conversation would be cut short for another time. 
“Looks like duty calls for me. I guess we have to cut this conversation short.” He pouted a bit.
“Don’t worry Pav, we can always talk later when I work on shift. Plus Miles will be coming here more often. He said he likes the cafe vibes. I think he is really here cause I’m so awesome he can't handle not havin our vibe sessions as much.” She jokes.
“Yeah right. I’m glad I don't have to see your face as often. Plus who said I am coming for you, if anything it's Pavitr’s Chai that’s bringing me in here.” Miles jokes back to switch Gwen just rolls her eyes. 
“Sure buddy, whatever you say. I know you love me.”
Pavitr chuckles as he walks away. “Well I’ll talk to you guys later! Enjoy your stay Miles!”
“Hey! What about me?” Gwen shouts a bit to him.
“You're gonna be working later!” He responds before arriving at the coffee bar.
Gwen groans. “He’s right. I do love working here even if not all the customers are great.”
“At least you have me here to keep you company. You can’t get rid of me easily.” Miles gives her a pat on the shoulder. 
“Yeah you're right. Are you gonna stay the whole time? You know I can go home by myself.” Miles just shakes his head.
“My parents would kill me if I don't walk you back late. I know you can handle yourself but you're like my sister I gotta make sure you get home safe.”
“Yeah, thanks Miles. I appreciate it.”
“It's no problem!” He goes back to continue his art trying to capture Pavitrs essence on paper. Gwen peeks again to see his process. 
“You sure you're drawing Pavitr just for reference?” She teases.
“Oh shut up!”
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@ar1-thecat, @marrz-sucks, @amaterasusanowo, @l3m0n4d3-st4nd @aesthetichoney2111
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sarohy · 6 months
Ahh, hello, I am lyla, and I may (or may not) have popped up on your fyp.
I also have seen your art, which is adorable❤❤ as I remember first getting into the fandom of mo4 back in 2022...but now I am growing up....And it's slowly leaving me..... (Maybe I'm just emotional.)
But anyway, before I tear up, what made you get into the fandom of mo4?
Hi Lyla! Thank you for your kind words, im glad that you take a liking to my work hehe 🥺
I think I alr answered something similar to this question but it's not the full story so we're in for a ride.
So I actually knew about MO4 during 2020-2021(?) from Pinterest, at that time I still learning how to draw better so I just surfing Pin for some ref. I think it kinda painful to see MO4 fanart still got listed as a base btw, but at that time I just minding my own business so I don't paying much attention.
Now, fast forward to 2023, I gradually lost my interest in my other fandom, so I just search for something to spice my life up a bit. That when I actually care to search up information about MO4. At first I thought I will only look at some fanarts (dude MO4 fan artists is cracked) or originally my Twitter account was for ranting.
Hell no I fell right into the rabbit hole, I start getting addicted to the game, the fandom. I met soo many new permanent friends and peoples are so nice there 😭
The fandom was really quiet but friendly, and the interaction between fans are so fun! Such a drastic change to my other fandom - drama every single day 💀.
Yeah it's just that... I'm just really grateful for have joining this fandom, well ofcourse all fandom can't escape from toxicity, but at least it brings me peace and comfort.
I even play the whole game and engage deep in the lore! (even though it in full Japanese, luckily there are translation on YouTube)
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Finally finished Professor Time's Family Adventures! Ft. @candace-gertrude-flynn 's son Matias Platypus Time, Time Agent Lyla Lolliberry, Congresswoman Doofenshmirtz, Norm's Floating Head, Cavenpus, Perry the Platypus Time, and Professor Time Himself.
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Not so charming (Jax x reader)
Warnings: swearing, blood, violence 
Charming, what a funny word for a place full of so much death and decay.
You roll your eyes again as you listen to Opie rant about how you're not to leave the house without one of the guys. They didn't know if the streets were safe enough yet and he wasn't going to let his little sister walk around town by herself. 
Opie had always been protective of you, Jackson was just as bad. Jackson Teller, your brothers life long best friend, your childhood tormenter and now your boyfriend, much to Opie’s dismay. He didn't take it too well at first, but then grew to the idea, at least he knew Jax well enough to know he'd never hurt you. 
You sighed, still not really paying attention to Opie, who was still lecturing you about not  leaving the house. You looked at your watch conscious of the time. You were already running late for college. Great. You snapped out of your day dream when you heard the rev of bike engines. You had wanted to make an escape before they had appeared. You and Jax were arguing at the minute, not talking, and the tension was thick enough you could cut it with a knife. 
 The crew had just pulled up outside the house. Thank god Opie finally stopped talking. You grabbed your backpack and slung one strap across your shoulder, almost throwing yourself sideways in the process forgetting how heavy your art supplies were. Kissing your brothers cheek, you bound outside and down the porch steps to where everyone was waiting. 
Jax was at the front, he turned his head to look at you, brooding but handsome in every way possible. Your chest tightened but you snapped yourself out of your saddened daze. Tara had gone to visit him the other day, trying to seduce him, begging Jax to take her back, and You had to find out from Gemma. With a scowl on your face, you walked over to him as he handed you your helmet. He expected you to get on no doubt but you didn’t. You were finally taking a stand for yourself, time to stop being treated like a baby. Everyone always tried to shield you from everything and you'd finally had enough. Making your own decisions for once, you took the helmet and clipped the strap under your chin, walking away from Jax. 
“C’mon darling what are you doing.” Jax huffed and started to get off his bike. You hugged Chibs and Tig and swung a leg over the back of Juice’s bike. 
“You mind Juicy?” You asked sweetly and Juice gulped. He’d always had a soft spot for you, everyone knew it. Especially Jackson. You looked over to see his jaw clenched and his fists balled up by his sides. Opie rolled his eyes at you knowing you were doing this on purpose. He patted Juice on the shoulder and told him to get you to college, no stops. You wrapped your arms around Juice’s waist as he started the engine, taking off fast, leaving Jax and the rest of the club in a cloud of smoke. 
-Jax P.O.V.-
I swore under my breath as I watched her walk out of the house. Wearing a light coloured blouse and denim short shorts, she floated across to us like a little angel. I scowled, stupid fucking Tara, always ruining a good thing when i’ve finally got it. My princess was hurting and I could tell but it pissed me off that she was ignoring me when I felt I hadn't done anything wrong. I didn't tell her about Tara coming to see me for her own protection. It had a negative effect because my mother couldn't keep her mouth shut. I thought she’d forgiven me when she walked up and took her helmet. But I saw red when she walked away and swung her long legs over juices bike. I was halfway to them when Opie told them to leave, a cloud of dust the only thing left by the time i’d walked to where they had been. 
“Chibs, Tig, meet Juice and stay with Y/N all day. Don't let her leave that college without at least one of you with her at all times.” Yeah we were arguing, but it didn't mean I wasn't going to keep my girl safe. She would just have to deal with it, she could act like a brat all she wanted but she would deal with the consequences later. As frustrating as it was, at the minute I had bigger issues to deal with. A new player had come to town and had already killed two of my men. The threat was great and the town wasn't safe. The club was on lockdown once again and I had to come up with a plan. Getting on my bike, Opie and Happy followed as we rode back to the club. Chibs and Tig rode in the opposite direction, I sighed, hopefully Y/N would forgive me later once we had chance to talk. 
-Y/N P.O.V.-
The day had started out okay I guess. After Juice had dropped me off, I quickly made my way to the art centre where I had my lessons. My teacher was only mildly pissed off which made my life a little easier, I dumped my stuff and got to work on my latest project, my friend Alex asking me questions over my shoulder as to why I was late yet again. I filled him in on all the latest and then got to work. 
Lunch had rolled around pretty quickly. I grabbed a bite to eat in the cafeteria after noticing Juice, Chibs and Tig were still hanging around outside. Damnit Jackson. I scowled, my face turning red slightly. God he was infuriating! I wasn't really listening when Alex was reminding about the party we had tonight. I knew I wouldn't be aloud to go even If I wanted to. Guess I would just have to break the news to him gently. He’d live, just not so sure my social life will. 
It was the end of the day, I was about to leave the building when someone called my name. I could see the guys waiting for me at the bottom of the street. Tara was walking towards me with a stupid grin on her face. I glowered at her. Great, the last person I wanted to fucking see today. 
“What do you want Tara, I have to get home.” I was walking towards Chibs, he could see Tara walking next to me, trying to keep up as I started to walk a bit faster. He started towards us but I held my hand up slightly. I wanted to hear what she had to say. 
“I just wanted to let you know, you’ll never have him the way I had him. You're just a little girl, a little spoilt club brat who will never be woman enough for Jax and you know it.” 
You had tears in your eyes but looked away from the woman who was standing next to you, taunting you. To top it all of she handed you one of Jax’s rings. How would she have even of gotten that when he’d just been wearing it this morning when you'd seen him outside your house. 
Your heart broke. He must have seen her again. After he told you, promised you he wouldn’t. You turned to Tara with your fist balled, full of anger and you swung with all your strength, planting your fist right into her cheek, you watched as she fell to the curb clutching her face, the boys ran up to you, Chibs holding you back before you could do any real damage. Shoving the ring into Tigs hand, you looked at them with tears in your eyes. 
“Tell Jackson to go fuck himself.” With that you ignored the men yelling at you to come back and ran towards Alex as he was getting in his car. You swung the door open demanding he just drive. You would fill him in later, but right now you just needed to escape. 
After you had finished crying, you had managed to fill Alex in on everything that had happened. Normally you wouldn't be aloud to discuss club life and situations with friends but Alex was related to a member of the club so you were aloud. Also, he was the only real friend you had, you had grown up together and you'd been friends ever since pre-school. On the way to Alex’s house you had text Lyla, Opie’s wife, to bring you a change of clothes. You couldn't risk heading home, you knew someone would be waiting for you. You just hoped Lyla wouldn't tell Opie where you were, you had explained what had happened and that you just needed some time alone, you were safe. Hopefully she understood that. 
A couple of hours later, Lyla had been and gone, dropping off a change of clothes and some over-night bits, she sat and talked with you and Alex for a while and promised not to tell Jax where you were. Sisters code and all that. She just asked you to stay safe and then left. Luckily she hadn't questioned your choice in clothing, as you pulled out the items you were going to wear to the party. That’s right, time to be a big girl, you had decided to take your life into your own hands and you were going whether Jax liked it or not. He was your boyfriend not your dad, even if you did call him daddy sometimes. You shook the thought from your head and tipped back the shot of tequila Alex handed to you. You smiled at him gratefully, the burn from the alcohol helping to numb the pain of your heart…. and your hand. Oh yeah, tonight was going to be good. 
-A few hours later-
You looked at your cellphone through blurry eyes. You hiccuped and giggled, the alcohol had consumed you now and you were feeling happier than you had in the last couple of days. You knew you'd regret the amount you had drank in the morning, but right now, you were so drunk it felt as if you were weightless. Jax’s caller picture lit up on your phone. You smiled at the picture of the two of you and then scowled as you hit the answer button. 
“-Hiccup- what doooo you wan jackieeeee.” You giggled into the phone and tipped back another shot, the music pounding in your ears, finding it hard to hear your boyfriend on the other end of the phone. You could hear he was shouting, but that was about it. Uh ohhhh I'm in trouble. 
“Y/N where the fuck are you god damnit.” Oh yeah he was angry, but I couldn't help but remember what Tara had said to me earlier. 
“Leave me alone Jackson Teller!” You practically screamed down the phone at him and then hung up, Tara had his ring, she would have only managed to have got it after seeing him this morning. That was enough to make you have another four tequila shots and throw your phone in the bottom of your clutch bag. Fucking SAMCRO. 
-Jax P.O.V-
Fuck, fuck, fuck. She hung up and I ran a hand over my face, the boys had filled me in with what had happened at the college this afternoon. It wasn't what it seemed like but obviously Y/N didn't really know what had happened with Tara this morning after she had left for college. 
I had gotten back to the club, Tara was waiting for me in my room. She had let herself in and I was fucking pissed. I all but grabbed her by the hair and chucked her out onto the street and in the process she must have grabbed my ring from the side of the bed. I swear, if she ever goes near Y/N again i’ll kill her. My fucking princess, she’s fucked up this time. Not knowing where she is and if she's safe is killing me. I know she's with Alex and i’m gonna kill him the little punk. I laughed slightly, imagining my girl landing a punch on Tara. That’s my girl. I shook my head. It shouldn't have come to this. If I had just told her what had happened when Tara had come to see me the first time. None of this would have happened. Not only am I dealing with this Tara shit, the new people in town are stirring up trouble and Have no idea where my girl is. 
All I could hear when she was on the phone was loud music and voices. She was slurring like she was drunk, she was obviously at some sort of party. I just wanted to get her and take her home. Make sure she was safe in my arms and then punish her for taking things too far. 
I turned my head as Opie walked through the door with a bang. Lyla was following quietly behind him, she looked a little worried. Ah, here we go. “Please tell me you have some sort of fucking idea where my girl is hmm.” Lyla nodded, half hiding behind Opies large frame and told us everything. Time to go get her. 
-Y/N P.O.V.- 
I had been drinking water for the past half hour now. My head had started swimming and as much as I enjoyed the feeling of being numb, I knew I didn't enjoy throwing up, so started to slow down a little. My phone dinged and I rummaged around in the bottom of my bag trying to find it. I walked outside as I was searching for the small device, god it was cold. I could hardly unlock the screen from shaking as I managed to fish it out of my bag. It was a text from Lyla. “Sorry.” That’s all it said. But that’s all I needed to see, my stomach started doing butterflies and my heart started pounding, I started to get sweaty and I thought about running for a second as I heard the screeching and rumble of engines making its way down the street. Leather clad angels pulled up right in front of where I was standing and I dropped my phone back into the bottom of my bag. Whoops. Too late to run now. Fucking Lyla what happened to girl code. 
I gulped as I watched my man swing his leg off his bike. The other club members held back, and I watched my dark knight stalk towards me like a predator hunting his pray. He walked so close my nose was practically touching his chest. His calloused fingers took my chin and he jerked my face up to meet his as I gulped. I knew not to challenge him when he was like this. His other hand grabbed my waist and pulled my hips flush against his and a blush rose up the sides of my face. He silently placed a kiss on my forehead and then led me over to his bike. No words were needed. We will deal with this later.
The drive home was quite, the rumble of the bikes, the odd disapproving glance from my brother. My arms tightened around Jackson and I pulled his hoodie around myself more to shield my body from the bitter nights air. Shit! I forgot to tell Alex I’d left. Now he was gonna be mad at me too. As much as Jax had the right to be mad at me, I still couldn't stop thinking about the thing that had got us to this point. Hopefully i’ll get some answers when we reach the club. 
We were almost home when the first shot rang out. I panicked and looked behind us to notice an SUV following closely behind, someone sticking out the side shooting at the bikes. The guys had noticed too, the bullet had pinged off the metal of Chibs’ bike and now they were firing back. Jax swerved as another car pulled to the side of us trying to box us in. My heart was racing, I clutched onto Jax for dear life and squeezed my eyes shut but it was no use. The car sent us flying, the bike skid and we both came off, the side of my body hitting the rough ground. I screamed out as we hit the floor, I couldn't see Jackson, there was a cloud of dust and screeching of tires. My hand moved to touch my side, blood. I looked down through blurry eyes and noticed the cuts in my skin. I groaned and pressed what was left of the side of the hoodie into my bleeding wound and tried to stand. 
“Y/N!?” I could hear my brother and the guys all shouting my name, my hearing was fuzzy, the knock on the head from the concrete the reason. I stumbled forward and winced, the wound on my side worse than I thought. I took the fabric away and gasped as the blood gushed freely. More gunshots. My body, tackled to the ground. Chibs was hovering over me, I couldn't hear a word he was saying, my heart felt like it was pounding in my ears. 
“Wheres Ja-jackson?” I looked around at all the carnage. Bikes on their side, Two cars engulfed in flames and smoke, leather clad bikers moving quickly, and then my knight in leather armour. He was running towards me, seemingly unscathed. This is why they don't let me leave the house. This is all my fault. 
“Y/n! Babe i’m so sorry Darlin, it’s gonna be okay, we’ll get you fixed up baby.” You could see the panic clear in his eyes. I was about to reply but I noticed a man draw his gun and he was heading towards us, the others had gone to sort out the bikes, Chibs had gone and was replaced with Opie who was running a hand over his face. The boys were too distracted by my state to notice anything. I tried to speak but it was too late. The gang member had his gun pointed towards Jackson. 
“The King without his army is no king at all.” I screamed and before I knew it was reaching for Opie’s gun that was by his side. I fired. Shocking Opie and Jax, and myself and then watched as the mans lifeless body dropped to the ground. His blood spattered across my face and I started to shake. 
“Whats a King without his Queen.” And with that. I passed out. 
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#9)
I really really loved 3x10! Like one of my favorite episodes so far, for sure. so here’s another post about just one episode, “The Giving Tree.”
@lockitin I saw your comment saying I’d like this episode like an hour after I watched! You were very right!
-Aw I love Julie and Tyra’s friendship. Julie trying to help Tyra strategize on how to catch up in school after her ill-advised trip with the cowboy — that’s what we love to see!
-this flirtatious girl (later, we learn, MADISON) insisting on pouring milk into a wine glass for JD is up there as one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen happen in a teen drama party scene
“Do you need silence to watch naked women? Is that what you’re saying to me?” The things that come out of Buddy Garrity’s mouth are truly wild.
-oh boy and then Buddy got into a getting-arrested level fight! Wish I could say I was surprised, but...
ANYWAY MATT AND JULIE DO IT NOW yet they’re still so fucking cute it’s wild
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-I am truly HERE for Matt and Julie post coital and naked, just laying in his bed after school saying “I love you” while listening to the radio and HOLDING HANDS?? This is so beautiful.
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-so of course, here comes Coach Taylor to walk in on them. Honestly this scenario kind of like NEEDED to happen? Inevitably? I mean, “quarterback sleeping with the coach’s daughter,” as Riggins said. (And now it’s finally actually true.) The comedy of Eric just walking right back out the house, stone-faced. Oh I am living.
-Hahahaha Landry’s bandmates exchanging looks while Tyra comes to ask Landry for help with the SATs. This show does such a good job of actually conveying teens being teens in little moments like this.
-oh yes to the Lyla/Julie tooth brushing scene where she confides what happened with her dad walking in on her and Matt!! then transitioning right into Tami brushing her teeth while Eric sits on the side of the bed, pained and disturbed by his teenage daughter’s burgeoning sexuality. Cinematic.
-what I love about this episode is how well crafted the plot is — Eric only catchs Matt and Julie because he had to pick Julie up so Tami could tell Lyla about Buddy’s night in jail. and Eric clearly showed up earlier than Tami would have. After all, they thought they had time for one more song. It’s just...such good writing. Ugh! Yes.
-I love how this development actually left Tami speechless too, when usually she’d be running into Julie’s room with exactly the right words to say
-I really do love how this plot lines up so that Lyla is in the Taylor house to comfort Julie.
“Your punishment is you have to have a conversation with me about it.” Fair, Tami, fair. Bc there should not be a punishment at all for a teenage girl having consensual sex with a boy she loves!
-Did Buddy really just plead not guilty??? Sir you did all of the things they just charged you with!!!!
-Tyra’s mom immediately wanting Landry to change the pilot light when she sees him in the house helping Tyra is....too real. Also reminds me of Lorelai joking about how she liked how Dean would change the water bottle in Gilmore girls
-fuck you buddy!!!! Why would you gamble your daughters college money??? Related: I love how betty cooper had a similar plotline to Lyla garrity here but in the Riverdale version her mom gave the $$ to a cult
“Please tell me the lesson we’ve learned.” “Always lock the door.” “...when having sex with the coach’s daughter.” HAHAHAHA omg this show is so good, having Eric glance at Saracen in the locker room to see his eyes downcast. That’s that shit we like.
-I’m proud of Landry in this episode standing up for himself bc Tyra was totallyyy taking advantage of him. Like she expects him to ditch his bandmates bc she wants to take a break and lengthen their study session which he’s doing as a favor to her??
-oh yes and the Giving Tree metaphor! Amazing. Art.
“That’s exactly what I feel like, just a stump.” Damn. I felt that.
“What about birth control?” “I don’t want to talk about that!” “Hon, that IS the conversation.” Damn right it is! Tami is a good mom.
“Chasin skirts,” Mr. McCoy? You’re gross. Ew and now he’s literally trying to control his son’s love life. Disgusting.
-Julie’s long pause after Tyra asks if Landry is right about how she’s the little boy in the Giving Tree. I cackled.
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-I CACKLED at the fear in his eyes when Tami suggest he wait in the back with Coach Taylor
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-Lol at coach aggressively cleaning his grill while lecturing Saracen, who is literally one of the most mild mannered and sweet boys you could ever want your daughter to lose her virginity to tbh. Especially if it’s gonna be a football player.
-ugh Lyla I’m sorry your dad is so trash. Riggins is sweet and hot though. “What do you want me to do?” he says when Buddy bangs at the door. He respects her wishes. We stan.
“I was the idiot who stuck with you! Don’t call me spoiled. We’ve been saving that money since I was a baby. You said if I made the grades, it was mine.” GO OFF LYLA this is cathartic to watch. Also LOL I have mad student loans now bc my dad the cheater similarly lied about our financial situation for most of my life so that hit HARD for me. 😭😬🥺 I sent Lyla’s rant to my mom and she said lol did you write those words
-omg Tim at the door being like “you need to go” to Buddy?!?! Oops I’m aroused.
-oh god poor JD is actually listening to his dad and breaking things off with Madison?? Fuck man. That is so not cool. But wait there’s more! Riggins called him on it right away, we love him. “How do you expect all these boys to battle for you if you can’t make a decision like that on your own?” YES Riggins! Now that’s some good team captain mentoring shit! With the ear buds in one ear. Ugh yes.
-I’m surprised we haven’t gotten angry Coach Taylor chasing a ref sooner. “HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT”
-I love how Coach Taylor said “we’re gonna not lose our temper out there” about the refs to the players earlier in the week then ended up getting ejected from the game himself. Classic.
-omg and he’s calling the other coaches on the field on a flip phone, that’s. Mmhmm. Yep. Early 2000s gold.
-but oop now Wade Aikmen is gonna be getting all the attention. Oh boy. This show keeps ya on your toes!!
-JD’s mom wants her 15 year old son to date wayyyy too much and JD’s dad wants to control his love life wayyyy too much. Maybe they should both just chill???
-omg Katie McCoy totally would’ve kept JD’s date with Madison a secret if the dad hasn’t seen it. This is a *sings* deeply unhealthy family dynamic~
-Saracen is so cute being nervous that Landry’s gonna bomb. Friendshipppp
-okay Landry’s band got a decent turnout! Anyway I hope a girl throws her bra at Devin.
-wait really? Landry in a metal band now suddenly has Tyra feeling him? Again I DO NOT UNDERSTAND TYRA AND LANDRY.
-wow Buddy said Lyla was right AND apologized? I’m actually surprised. Can he call MY dad and teach him how to apologize? Kthxbye.
Yeah seriously I think that was my favorite episode so far!
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idolshineitai · 2 years
hey how are you doing? i should be writing an essay right now but its so hard. got any advice? no worries if not lol. anyway, have you been working on any fun projects lately? any new interests or especially prominent old interests? anything you wanna vent about or excitedly rant about? i hope youre doing well and no pressure to answer all this!
^o^ wawawa thank u !!!! Very very much!! i appreciate this ask a lot !! ♡
IM FEELIN kinda restless n weird Im gettin more job training on friday which im Not excited abt ;; so not great but not too bad either !!!!!!! ALSO HMMMM idk on the advice front but i wish u tons of luck n energy n inspiration!! Pls take breaks when needed ! if u want to talk more abt it u can :D
Am working on a lot of art n writing sporadically :33 and thats been good!!! i reeeaally wanna finish something anything 💔 BUT I MADE AN ART PIECE THAT IM SUPER PROUD OF !!!!!!!! as an artfight ref (SAME USER AS HERE BTW to anyone participating. menherapunzel)! This is my girl lyla and i love her sooo much
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thank u again for sending this in, it was vry vry nice of u ❤️❤️❤️
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kawaiidemoneart · 2 months
Just saw my golden run around in my backyard with pot plant on his head… Love this dog😍. (The gif was made by me. This is my dog Kobe, he is still just 8 months old. He is so happy)
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jewelphan · 7 years
Caught Up in a Dream - Ch. 2
Summary:  Dan is Phil’s best friend, and he has been for the better half of the year. The only problem is that Dan doesn’t exist, not really. Dan is just a person who appears in Phil’s dreams; someone who’s made up. At least, that’s what Phil believes.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
Previous Chapter
Phil didn't hate school like most kids his age. He actually rather enjoyed everything about it; he didn't even mind getting up so early in the morning, well, not anymore. He used to despise waking up in the mornings, but that was mostly cause he never went to sleep in the first place. But ever since Dan started showing up in his dreams he had been getting a lot of sleep. It was weird to say the least, going to sleep only to talk all night yet by morning he felt perfectly rested, he wasn't sure how it all worked. If anything, one would think he'd feel like he didn't get any sleep at all.
Sleep wasn't the point though, the point was that Phil liked school. He liked learning, he liked his teachers, but above all, he liked all the drama that went on. He loved how people can take the simplest of problems that should take seconds to fix and blow them up to seem like it's the most important thing in the world. It fascinated him. He always wondered why people did it though. Was it to distract themselves from the actual important things happening in the world? Or perhaps it was because they found it just as fascinating as Phil did. Whatever their reasons, Phil didn't care, he was just happy that people caused such drama.
Don't get him wrong though. He may love watching people be put in the spotlight and become absolutely butchered by the school, but he didn’t love being put in the spotlight himself. He hated attention and he tried his best to stay away from the people who commonly started rumors. Well, Phil stayed away from everyone, really.
He didn't have any friends at school. He didn't even have the occasional person to say ‘hi’ to in the hallway. Phil wasn't sure why he was coming to this realization now. It's not like it was anything new. He always knew he didn't have any friends, he never thought them necessary. But for some reason the thought was suddenly bothering him.
Then it hit him. Here he was, sat in the back of the classroom, surrounded by his classmates that he had come to know quite well. He knew everyone. He knew Lyla, the girl who was so loud and outgoing that it was a miracle no one went crazy while in the same room with her. He knew Jack, the school bully that thought he was so cool, when in actuality he was just a total prick. He knew Maria, the artist that always thought she wasn’t good enough, but really her art was something that should’ve been shown to the world. He knew Michael, the star athlete of the school who was honestly one of the nicest people. The list goes on, but you get the point. Phil knew everyone. He knew their names, their social status, their looks and personalities, he knew everything about everyone. The only problem was that nobody knew him.
Phil was the social outcast of the school, and everyone knew it. He wasn’t bullied, he was just never talked to. Not one person took the time to know him. But that was just it, if people wanted friends at this school then they had to make an effort and speak up. Phil, however, never spoke up. He stayed quiet and he stayed by himself; that's just the way it was. And it never bothered him before, he never cared to have friends, but recently he's felt alone and ignored.
He blamed Dan for it. Dan taught him what it was like to have a friend, he taught him what it was like to feel needed- and it felt nice. Phil loved having Dan around: he loved hearing him laugh, he loved his lame jokes, he loved his ongoing and highly philosophical rants, and he overall just loved having him around. But because he got so used to having Dan around, he started realizing that this is what normal people have. Not that Phil ever really classified himself as normal, but he still felt wrong not having friends.
Later that night, Phil decided to address his concerns to Dan. He says address, but really, he was flat out ranting.
“I need friends, Dan,” Phil groaned.
“You have me,” Dan said.
“But you don't count, you're not real-”
“-rude,” Dan scoffed, cutting Phil off.
Phil rolled his eyes and kept talking, “you know what I mean. But that's besides the point. The point is that I don't know anyone, Dan. Not one person. There are only two people I have ever talked to in the last few years of my life. Y’know who those two people are, Dan?”
“It was a rhetorical question,” Phil grumbled, “but to give you a hint, it's you and my mom.”
“That's not a hint, that's just the answer,” Dan stated.
“Dan, just shush. You rant to me all the time, it's my turn to rant to you.”
“Alright, fine. I'll stop interrupting.”
“Good,” Phil said.
There was a long pause in their conversation, “...well?” Dan asked, “you gonna talk?”
Phil let out a exasperated sigh, “I don't know, I'm not sure what to say anymore.”
Dan chuckled, “you're hopeless.”
“I know,” Phil smiled, “Hey, Dan?”
“Wouldn't it be amazing if you were real? Like really real.”
Dan shrugged, “I don't know, I've never really thought about it.”
“I think it would be the best thing ever,” Phil muttered, “could you imagine, though? I think I'd be the happiest person alive if you existed.”
Dan looked up at that, “you would?”
Phil thought for a moment, “yeah, I think I would.”
When Phil woke up that morning, he had a weird feeling as if something was going to happen. Nothing bad necessarily, but something different- life changing possibly. But he shook it off and didn't think much of it; after all, it was only a feeling.
He got up off his bed and did his morning routine: brushing his teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast. Morning things. They were simple enough, but all the while he couldn't shake that weird feeling. He just didn't feel right.
When he arrived at school, the feeling was still there, but he still ignored it, just like he had been since he woke up.
As Phil was walking through the halls, he kept his head downcast as to not attract attention to himself. Which was a stupid idea because he suddenly ran into someone and they fell over- straight onto their butt. Phil mentally cringed and started rushing out apologizes while trying to collect the person’s books that they dropped when they fell.
“Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you-”
Phil suddenly stopped his onslaught of apologies when he saw who he had run into.
Next Chapter
a/n: I still don’t have an updating schedule for this, but it’s probably gonna be roughly once a week (it really depends on my mood)... also I apologize that this chapter is so dang short,, it was supposed to be longer but I kinda rushed it
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kawaiidemoneart · 2 months
… I really want to play D&D. I never played it but it seems so fun!! 😭
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Professor Time's Family Adventures! Ft. @candace-gertrude-flynn 's perryshmirtz son, Time Agent Lyla Lolliberry, Congresswoman Doofenshmirtz, Cavenpus, Norm's Floating Head, and Perry the Platypus Time.
I'll color it later but for now, enjoy!
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I finished coloring @candace-gertrude-flynn 's son Matias Platypus Time, so I thought I'd share a quick progress update on Professor Time's Family Adventures!
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