#lydia i have already held your hand once i promise i would be so good at it all the time
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crossbackpoke-check · 8 months ago
shuffle said “your apartment” by wallows!!
Who said / I don’t understand or that I probably don’t remember / Time in the palm of your hand / we both let go together
Who’s been tryin’ to get their signal sent? / I promise I get your sentiment / I wonder who’s been at your apartment?
not like. lyrically the greatest song but i love that there’s a storyline that runs through the first few songs of the album and the ways they reference each other (you called me over to your apartment, whose signal sent? -> you can call me anytime -> i know you’re calling after me). shout out also to the pre-chorus pauses for questionable punctuation and interpretation because it’s one of my favorite things when the inflection and performance can change the meaning of the lyrics!!
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papriikau · 1 year ago
Sirius Black x fem!reader oneshot
SUMMARY you grew up as a pureblood Slytherin from Wales, after moving close to London with your mother, you meet the very particular Sirius Black at a housewarming party.
WARNINGS mentions of parental abuse, depictions of parental abuse
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Sirius Black has always been one for shows. He never really cared to sit still and be quiet. He always had something to say. While many might believe that it is good that he's an outspoken young man, many would disagree. Some of those people would happen to be his family: The Noble House of Black. He has always been scolded by his mother because of his need to cause trouble. He is left with hidden bruises and scars that he is forced to cover up with expensive robes and garments that he is both ashamed of but simultaneously proud.
He has never agreed with his parents on the topic of blood supremacy. While his family is associated exclusively with those they deem ‘pure’, Sirius is off galavanting around with ‘blood-traitors’, ‘half-breeds’ and ‘mudbloods’. This has infuriated his mother and father.
Naturally, at a ‘party’, so to speak, welcoming a brand new pureblood family to the area from France, Sirius decides he wants to act out. He starts to loudly defend his friends after an off-hand comment from his mother about Sirius’ habits, which led to a slap on the wrist and a promise for something much worse if he is to step even a toe out of line the rest of the night. Afterwards, his mother takes him to greet the hosts. He overheard a few adults talking about how they moved here from France. He also heard some slightly nastier comments about the woman's late husband.
“Thank you so much for coming Mrs. Black, It’s a pleasure,” The hostess greets, her french accent very prominent.
“Thank you for inviting us,” his mother responds, a hint of coldness in her tone.
“I take it you are enjoying yourselves?” She asks. Sirius doesn’t know how he feels about having another pureblood family living near him. There’s already too many of them to begin with. The two converse for a while. He tries to slip away but that just earns a tight grip around his wrist and a comment about how she wants to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t cause any trouble. 
“This is my daughter, Y/n.” Lydia, Sirius picked up from their conversation, pulls a young girl, looking to be close in age to him, over towards her. Y/n offers a polite smile and a curtsy.
“Walburga Black,” his mother introduces
“Pleasure,” she responds back, an accent similar to her mother. She stands up straight and keeps her head up, a stern look on her face, yet a small polite smile graced her lips. He is suddenly grabbed by the wrist by his mother and thrust forward so he is standing beside her instead of behind.
“This is my son,” She forces a smile. “Introduce yourself,” She scolds quietly behind gritted teeth.
“Sirius, Sirius Black,” He bows politely. When he stands up straight once more, he is met with the stern glare from the girl across from him. Her head is held high and her eyes narrowed, as if she was analysing him. While she was visibly shorter, her stare made him feel small. Sirius could already tell she was like them. She seems nasty like a lot of his family.
“Sirius,” Walburga scolds, her nails gripping his shoulder, causing him to look at her, then towards Lydia.
“I assume you also attend Hogwarts?” She repeats. His gaze flicks to Y/n, who has her brow raised.
“Yes, I’m a Gryffindor,” He says, somehow feeling ashamed to admit that in front of them. He’s never been ashamed of being a Gryffindor, but these bloody purebloods make him feel like he should be ashamed.
“Pity,” Y/n chimes in, venom lacing her voice.
“Y/n is a Slytherin,” Lydia beams. “Making prefect next year.” She says, almost a brag. She goes to Hogwarts? Sirius feels as if he would have recognized her. Apparently not. 
Walburga, Lydia and Y/n chat for a while, Sirius eventually moving back behind his mother once more, wanting to keep out of the conversation. They were talking about Y/n’s accomplishments, apparently she was a painter and made most of the paintings littered along the walls of their house. Sirius must admit it’s a lot more lively than his own. Instead of the walls being decorated with blacks and greys, the walls are painted dark green and the walls are adorned with hanging plants, pictures, paintings and all sorts of decorations and memorabilia. 
Of course, Sirius takes his mothers distraction as a ticket to walk away. He socializes with a few people, those he deems more interesting than his dear mother. Eventually, Bellatrix, his cousin, decides to spoil what little fun he was having by intentionally poking and prodding. Sirius likes to say he doesn’t have a short temper, and usually he doesn’t, but he has very little tolerance for slander about his friends of any kind.
He snaps at his cousin, and she pulls out her wand, causing a scene. After a nasty curse, he is on the ground holding his stomach in pain. Walburga is next to the scene, scolding Sirius for causing a scene.
“What seems to be the matter?” Lydia pushes through the crowd.
“I must apologize for Sirius. He isn’t the most well mannered child,” She spits through gritted teeth. Lydia looks at Sirius, a split second of pity is seen on her features before it being covered up by a hard exterior.
“No mind him,” she waves it off before turning her attention towards his cousin. “No hexing in my house,” She says sternly. Some other commotion goes on and the crowd dissipates as people whisper to one another, before returning to their conversations. 
Y/n walks over to him, standing in front of the spot he was still on the floor, his hand clinging to his stomach.
“Can you walk?” She asks harshly. He stands up quickly, regretting the decision and wincing at the pain. He composes himself, looking down at her.
“Im fine, thank you,” She nodded politely, just wanting to continue going about his business of conversing with anyone he could to make it through the night. He turns around to leave before Y/n pipes up once again.
“That was a nasty curse she threw at you,” He turns around at her words. He looks at her face, which bears no emotion, “You're not fine.”
“Just a scratch is all,” He waves it off.
“Come with me,” She demands, walking past him and towards an empty hallway. Sirius debates following her or not. After a moment, he makes his way through a crowd of people, many of whom scoff or jump out of his way as he passes through. He wanders down the hallway and up the stairs. He isn’t quite sure where she has gone, but he has to eventually find her. He notices an open door with the lights on, slicking out like a sore thumb in the dim hallway. He leans the doorway, watching Y/n standing on her toes, looking for something in the tall cupboard.
“Need a hand?” He offers, which makes Y/n turn her head to the side, before looking right back at the cupboard. She pulls down a glass bottle.
“Sit down,” She uses her foot to pull out a stand before pouring a small cup from the bottle. She shoves it into his hands. “Drink up,” She says as he sits down.
“What exactly is it?” He quirked an eyebrow. 
“Healing Drought,” she nodded. “It’ll help,” Y/n simply explained. Sirius looks down at the drink before chugging it down. He winces at the taste, but gets it all down. “You know you could just pretend.”
“Excuse me?” Sirius asks, looking up at her. She's leaning back against the counter.
“You could pretend,” She shrugs, seeming less stern than before. As if she dropped her mask.
“Pretend to do what?” She quirks an eyebrow, noticing the pain on his stomach slowly starts to dissipate. 
“Pretend you're like them. Stay quiet when they say things you don’t like. It’s not hard.” She furrowed her eyebrows, as if it's obvious. “Keeps you out of trouble and then when the hags are dead, you get all their money,” She shrugs. Her accent is thick and noticeable. Sirius has always liked French accents.
“It's not exactly that simple,” he raises an eyebrow. Curious why she's saying all of this.
“How so?”
“My mother and father will see right through any act I put on,” He says carefully, not knowing how much he should give away.
“Your mother found me charming,” She smirks, pushing herself up onto the counter, swinging her legs back and forth. Sirius furrows his brows in confusion. Y/n sighs.
“Mum and I pretend to get on good with the other purebloods to get information. All of these families are into some shady shit,” She shrugs. She really opened up to him. That could have easily been a horrible mistake on her part. If anyone else had heard that, and had told, Y/n and her mother could be in serious danger. He knew what his family was capable of, and getting rid of the L/n’s would be a simple task for the lot of them.
“You don’t even know who I am,” Sirius asks, concerned about his features.
“I know enough about you. Everyone knows who you are.” She shrugs. He forgot for a moment that she is also a student at Hogwarts.
“I’ve never noticed you before.”
“I keep to myself mostly, converse with people in my own house, keep out of trouble. Basically the opposite of everything you do,” She smirks.
“Hm, what would you do if I talked to you at school then,” he smirks in return.
“I think it could be good for your image to have a friend that your mother approves of,”
“You did say my mother found you charming,” She sits up from the counter and comes over to him. She moves her hand towards his stomach, but stops, glancing up as if she was asking if it was okay. He moves his arms away from his stomach, silently letting her inspect. She finds the torn fabric that he never had even noticed, and grabs her wand, muttering a spell under her breath and his blouse sews itself up on its own.
“Thank you, by the way,” he looks down at her, finally getting a good look at her face. She is quite beautiful. The way her hair frames on her face, and the slight imperfections on her skin. Maybe she really did have a point. If he held out a little longer then he could get everything. It would also be a lot easier if he had someone like her in his corner. Someone who was charming and well mannered in front of his mother, yet kind and open around him. He wants to get to know everything about her. Something about her is quite intriguing.
“It's nothing,” She stands up, once the spell is complete, and goes back to her spot on the counter adjacent to him. “Really,” She offered him a kind smile. They sit in a comfortable silence for a minute before she gets up and offers him a hand off of the stool. He takes it and they return back to the foyer. He walks behind her, and he can almost see her mask go up and she readjusts herself to look more proper the moment they return from the staircase. She goes over to a counter and grabs two glasses of red wine, handing one to Sirius.
“As long as your mother won't mind,” she sips from her glass, her posh accent returning once again.
“My mother doesn’t quite care,” he takes a sip from his as well. The two of them stand in the corner, just getting to know each other. While no one was looking, she still kept up her upright posture and polite mannerisms, but her voice was dripping with humour. They discussed their favourite books, music (Sirius was pleasantly surprised to hear she has a collection of muggle records), events that have happened at Hogwarts. Sirius comes to learn she sat behind him in potions back in fourth year. She talked about her paintings, her cats, and France. Sirius got to learn quite a lot about her in the span of two hours at the party. While the music playing was quite dry, and the conversations they overheard were the same, they kept themselves entertained, while keeping up manners, mostly to leave a good impression on Walburga.
“Sirius, we must get going!” Walburga approaches. Only then do the two of them notice the Witches and Wizards slowly dissipating. 
“Yes mother,” Sirius looks towards his mother, then back towards Y/n. She offers him her hand and he takes it, bowing down and planting a kiss to her knuckles. “It’s been a pleasure Ms. L/n,” He offered her a smirk and a wink, both of which were out of sight of his mothers watchful eyes.
“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Black,” She curtseys politely. She walks them to their front and bids them goodbye, as well as the rest of the guests. Once everyone had officially gone, both Y/n and her mother had dropped their masks. Lydia falls back dramatically onto the sofa, while y/n sprawls out on the loveseat.
“Posh purebloods are such a bore!” Her mother complains.
“At least they’re neat,” Y/n shrugs, unable to hide the ear to ear smile that she had to suppress during the party.
“I don’t feel like cleaning up right now, Help me in the morning will you,” Her mother yawned.
“Yeah, I'll help,” She sighs.
“What are you smiling about?” Her mother sits up and furrows her eyebrows.
“I made a friend,” Y/n smirks.
“That why I barely saw you all night?” She raises an eyebrow. “Who exactly?”
“Sirius, Walburga's son,”
“The one who got cursed?” Y/n nods.
“Thought you said you wouldn’t want to make friends?”
“He’s different,” She says simply, shrugging.
“How is he different?”
“He’s like us,” Y/n references her and her mothers views on, well, most of the things those pureblood families agree on. Clearly her mother gets it because she nods, as if she's in thought, before standing up.
“I’m going to bed now,” she says and Y/n stands up, giving her mom a big hug. “I’m glad you made friends today darling. It’ll make these bloody parties a little less miserable for you.” She smiles and heads up to bed. “I love you darling!” She yells from the staircase. Y/n peaks her head around the corner.
“Love you too mummy!” She says dramatically before sitting back down on the loveseat, picking up her book and reading by the fireplace until she hears the clock chime twelve. She stands up, yawning, ready to go to bed, when an owl suddenly appears at the window.
She goes over to the window, opens it and the owl leaves a black envelope before immediately flying away. The h/c haired girl shuts the window and looks at the letter. She can make out the shiny black lettering addressed to her on its matching matte black paper. 
“Who puts black on black?” She mutters to herself tiredly. She takes the letter upstairs and enters her room. The room is adorned with hanging plants and expensive wood furniture, along with an easel and painting supplies on a shelf on the opposite side of her canopy bed. She changes into her pajamas, which is pretty much just a Queen band shirt. She flops down onto her bed, ripping open the letter. She pulls out a (thankfully light) piece of parchment.
Dearest Y/n,
It was quite the pleasure to be graced with your company this evening. You seemed to have left a good impression on mother, she's been raving about how she wishes she had a daughter all night. Thinks I would have turned out differently if I were born the opposite sex. I definitely wouldn't have been, mind you. Anyways, I really enjoyed myself, and I hope to see you again before the beginning of September. I do not think my mother will take issue with me visiting or you visiting my house, as long as you want to, that is. I would also like to mention that when we return to Hogwarts, I would love it if you would accompany me to Hogsmeade one evening. I know I have a reputation as a Casanova, of sorts, but that does not mean I treat any woman with even a small bit less respect than they deserve.
Anyways, I am looking forward to seeing you again.
Sirius Black
She holds the letter in her hands, her cheeks glowing pink as she falls backwards into her bed, placing the letter back into its envelope and neatly onto her bedside table. While the letter was short and sweet, it still was able to make her blush. She imagined seeing him again and she got all giddy, kicking her feet a little. She’s never really had a boy been interested in her. She’s been on dates, but none of them seemed to take any real interest outside of the hard exterior she puts up. 
She’s also had experience with other elements to romance, like kissing, and other such activities. She might not get out much, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get out at all. It was quite awkward her first time, she wasn’t quite sure what to do. Her partner at the time did not make it much easier for that matter.
Eventually, she stops swooning over a man she had just met that evening and shut off her light and went to sleep. In the morning she wrote back, and the two of them decided to meet the next weekend, constantly lettering each other throughout the day. The two met up several times throughout the rest of the summer, usually him going to hers, and watching him fawn over her record collection. They had spent an entire day once just listening to all of the records that Sirius didn’t have. He only gets his from his cousin Andromeda, who he doesn’t really see that often. The few times she went off to his place, she had to put up her mask, which Sirius found a bit upsetting, but at least this way his mother would continue to approve of their friendship.
The two had planned to meet each other at the station on their way to Hogwarts come September, the station was quite crowded, and Sirius had quickly been drawn in by seeing his friends once again. 
“Oh Prongs, she’s absolutely unbelievable!” Sirius fawns, sitting next to James in the train compartment.
“Oh yeah, I imagine she is,” James jokes, seemingly not believing Sirius met a girl who they’ve never heard of before who is secretly trying to infiltrate the sacred twenty eight, and happens to be Sirius’ perfect girl.
“I’m serious! Moony please believe me!” He turns to his other friend.
“I dunno Padfoot, seems a little too good to be true,” At this point, Sirius believes his friends are just trying to get under his skin.
“I believe you Sirius!” Peter responds enthusiastically. While Peter usually agrees with anything he or James said, Sirius still takes it as a win.
“Thank you Peter!” Sirius beams.
Sirius kept his eye out for her familiar face when the train stopped and students started to head towards the carriages. Even at the feast in the great hall, Sirius wasn’t able to find her. There are quite a lot of students here at Hogwarts so Sirius isn’t too surprised, but it's still annoying that they haven’t seen each other. Only when he and his friends are heading back towards the Gryffindor common room does he recognize her voice booming throughout the almost empty halls.
“Sirius!” She spots him up ahead. She had noticed him leaving the great hall and quickly finished her pudding before rushing to catch up to him, wanting to see him before he retreated to the Gryffindor common room for the night. He whips around. So do his friends and a few other people in the nearly empty halls, but the big smile on his face is all she cares about at the moment.
“Hey!” he greets excitedly as she runs up to him, a little out of breath.
“Missed you at the station,” She teases.
“You saw how busy it was,” he laughs. “Still upset I didn’t get to see you earlier though,”
“What classes do you have?” She asks and and they pull out the schedule, beginning to converse about some of the classes they have together. The sound of someone clearing their throat draws the both of them towards the rest of the Marauders.
“Oh! Yes.” Sirius puts his schedule away, and Y/n follows suit. “This is Y/n,” He gestures towards the girl whose face is adorned with a large friendly smile.
“Pleasure to officially meet the lot of you,” She greets. On the surface, she had admitted to herself that she acts more like she should be in Hufflepuff, or even Gryffindor, with her seemingly bubbly personality and kind face. She wasn’t surprised when she was sorted into Slytherin all those years ago, and is constantly reminded of why when she spends a lot of her life hidden away behind a mask. A mask she quite likes. Makes her a better liar and a thief. She has a knack for mischief, but unlike some Gryffindors, she leaves the scene of the crime without anyone even knowing there was any mischief being committed.
She truly lives up to the conventional Slytherin cunningness.
“To be perfectly honest, we thought Sirius was making you up,” Remus says, being brutally honest, which earns a subtle shove from James.
“Well I’m glad I could help Sirius prove you wrong… Anyways,” She turns back to Sirius, adjusting her prefect’s badge. “I must get going, I don't want to leave Charles waiting.” She bids goodbye. She’s about to take off once more before Sirius catches her wrist.
“Not even going to let me say goodbye?” he smirks.
“I really do have to get going,” she smiles warmly.
“I know, I know, you’re a prefect after all.” She moved right up in front of him, before standing on her toes and leaving a kiss on his cheek. She slips her wrist from his grasp before running off in the direction she came from.
“Bye Sirius!” She turns around for a moment, before heading towards the dungeons, knowing full well she left Sirius a blushing mess.
Over the next week, the two are so busy with school and Y/n’s prefect duties to speak to each other outside of the class they shared. After potions class one day, he tried to talk to her, but she was quickly swept away by a group of first years who needed help finding one of their classes. Finally, that Friday night, he ‘borrowed’ James’ cloak and snuck out, trying to find her on patrol. He eventually spotted her patrolling around the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. He decided to give her a scare, and revealed himself suddenly from under the cloak. 
She let out a loud yelp, and covered her mouth. “What are you doing here!?” She scolds.
“I wanted to see you,” She says, smugly. The sound of quick approaching footsteps forces Sirius to hide under the cloak as the other Slytherin prefect runs around the corner.
“What's the matter?!” He asks worriedly, his eyes darting around the corridor. Y/n whips around to where Sirius had been, relieved to find him ‘gone’, turns back around.
“Nothing, was just Mrs. Norris sneaking up on me,” She waves it off.
“I don’t see Mrs. Norris,” he looks around. Y/n panics for a moment trying to think up an excuse.
“Must have spooked her when I yelled,” she shrugs. Charles just waves her off, annoyed, and heads back into his area. Once the coast is clear, Sirius laughs become audible as he removes the cloak once again. She punches his arm.
“You're lucky I like you or else I would give you detention with Filch!” She scolds quietly. He suppresses a laugh at her anger, finding it quite amusing.
“It's a good thing you like me then,” She says with a cocky smirk, taking a step towards Y/n.
“If I get caught with you I could get in serious trouble,” She crosses her arms. “And that will ruin my reputation of being Mummy's perfect little girl,” She rolls her eyes at her own comment.
“Oh why of course your excellency,” He bows down in front of her, planting a kiss gently on her knuckles. “Your reputation truly does proceed you,” he jokes in a posh accent.
“So what exactly is it that you want?” She crosses her arms sternly.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” He asks, and she quirks an eyebrow.
“No,” She says simply.
“Then would you be so kind as to accompany me to Hogsmeade tomorrow evening?” He asks and her stern expression fades into a playful smile.
“Are you finally making an attempt to court me?” She smirks. A red blush crosses his face at her directness. A thought nagging at him.
“Have you been expecting me to court you?”
“Then I’m attempting to court you,”
“And I would be more than happy to accompany you.”
Like a gentleman, he picks her up from outside the Slytherin common room, drawing in the attention of many Slytherins around there. The sound of Sirius and Y/n’s laughter as they leave the dungeon drowns out the sound of scowls and whispering amongst many of the Slytherins. By the time they reach the small village, it's already five. They wander up and down the streets, dragging each other around when they see something interesting on the display case of a shop. 
“Oh my!” She moans, taken aback by the taste of a cupcake from a bakery. “This is wonderful!” She takes another small bite.
“I’m starting to think you might like that cupcake more than me,” Sirius jokes. Y/n takes a step closer to him, a seductive hint in her eye.
“You're cute,” She says, staring at his face, taking it all in, before dipping her finger in the icing of her cupcake and quickly dapping it onto his nose. She laughs as he takes a startled step back. He used his finger to wipe it off his nose, before sucking the icing from the side of his finger.
“Well that’s not very nice, now is it?” He teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes. They have already had dinner and the sun has set, so the village is beautifully lit by lanterns in the streets.
“Well I shared some of my icing with you, I would call that nice,” She says, before taking the last bite of cupcake.
“I suppose you're right.” He plays along. She turns around, wanting to admire the castle and how the lights from the windows light it up during the night time. Sirius slowly comes up beside her, placing his hand on her back. She looks over, and then decides to lean her head on his shoulder. They stare up at the castle for a while longer, before Y/n turns towards him, grabbing his face in her hands. She stares at his face, her gaze flicking down to his lips. Sirius brings his hand up to brush a stray hair back into place before she pulls his face towards hers.
His arms wrap around her waist, while her hands remain on the side of his head. When they break apart, she leans her head on his shoulder, with her hands moving down to his shoulders as well.
“I really had a lot of fun tonight,” She says softly.
“So did I,”
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sourwolfandlilred · 4 years ago
Out in west texas, it hardly ever rains
(but when it does, it’s amazing grace)
Stiles Stilinski flipped off the radio, tired of the breathless play-by-play of the Friday night football game. Golden boy quarterback Derek Hale had already scored four touchdowns guaranteeing the “douba-yah”--as it was called around these parts--anyway. 
His jeep bounced along the rutted road as storm clouds gathered in the distance. Heat lightning flashed in the distance, but it would likely burn off before it got to Marfa. 
The church stood sentry on the edge of town, parched dust-cracked earth stretching for miles and miles behind it. Stiles parked the Jeep and headed inside. 
To the piano. 
It was an old model, the C key so worn the ivory dipped where a finger tip would rest. But it played just as pretty as the best grand out there. Stiles didn’t bother with lights, just sat on the bench, and played. 
The thunder accompanied him, a deep bass line that Stiles felt in his chest. By the time he finished the song, his cheeks were damp and the storm had passed. 
“You weren’t at the game.”
Stiles slammed his locker and rolled his eyes, side stepping Derek Hale in all his snapback, wanna-be frat boy glory. “While I’m oh-so-flattered that you noticed my absence, me thinks you should get an MRI to check for brain damage if you thought I would show in the first place.”
Derek wasn’t deterred by Stiles’s acid tongue. Instead, he fell in step beside him, despite the fact that Stiles--for reasons he wouldn’t admit to--knew that Derek’s first class was on the opposite side of the school. 
“Would you come if I asked you?”
Stiles stopped abruptly enough to earn himself a curse from the freshmen behind him who hadn’t been expecting. He met Derek’s eyes. “Why would you ask me to?”
The corner of Derek’s mouth ticked up, but it was almost self-conscious rather than smug. “Does it matter?”
Stiles went to the fucking game.
Lydia Martin hosted a party every friday night to fete the celebrities of their podunk town. Stiles had never been to one, though all sixty-three of their classmates were always invited. The place was too small for bullying tactics and popularity contests.
Someone shoved a red solo cup into Stiles’s hands, and he downed half the contents in one swallow. His fingers itched for smooth ivory and he tried to ignore the jittery sensation of looking for someone in particular. 
“Brooooo, you came,” Scott McCall slurred in Stiles’s ear while slinging an arm around his neck. Stiles took the weight of his drunk, pliant body, turning the tackle into a hug. They rocked like that as Stiles laughed. Scott loved everyone and everyone loved Scott, but Scott loved Stiles best. 
“Hey where’s your QB?” Stiles asked as casually as possible, and Scott beamed at him. Apparently he hadn’t been subtle. 
“Gazebo,” Scott waved, flashing all his white teeth so that his eyes squinted into tiny bits of happiness.
Stiles maneuvered him toward Kira and then wove his way through gyrating bodies and couples who had too little sense of what level of PDA was appropriate. 
When Stiles stepped outside, his skin tingled with the electricity in the air. Something was coming. 
Derek was alone, surprisingly. It seemed like he was forever surrounded by fawning groupies, or at the very least his phalanx of ride-or-die friends. Stiles didn’t bother saying hi as he sat on the bench next to him. 
“Did you have fun?” Derek asked as he took a hit on his joint. Golden-boy wasn’t always so golden. 
Stiles let his legs fall apart until their knees touched. “No.”
“But you came.” Derek said, said without looking at him. 
“But I came,” Stiles agreed, plucking the joint out of his loose fingers. Had they been doing this dance for years now? Stiles couldn’t tell. Derek was a part of the landscape as much as the snow-topped mountains in the distance. 
They’d never really been friends. Stiles’s father was the Sheriff, Derek’s mother the lawyer. They had enough crime that it caused friction between the two families. But they weren’t exactly Romeo and Juliet, either. They were just two dudes trying to make it out of this god-forsaken town anyway they could. 
For Derek that was football. From the Smurf League when they’d been kindergartners it had been obvious exactly where Derek was headed in life. First draft pick for the NFL. 
For Stiles it was the long-shot Juliard--a dream his mother had passed onto him the day she’d died. 
He and Derek were as different as could be, and yet still... 
Maybe it was the way Derek’s eyes lingered on Stiles’s mouth when he took a hit. Maybe it was the Stiles let his hand drop to Derek’s thigh after he handed back the joint. 
Something in the back of Stiles’s brain itched, though. Him and Derek? It wasn’t just two queer kids finding each other in bumble-fuck Texas. He just didn’t know what it was. 
“Do you want to play?” Stiles asked, his eyes on the lights from the house. “Professionally I mean.”
“Nah,” Derek shook his head, earning a sharp glance from Stiles. “It’s what I’m good at but... no.” He laughed softly. “I like my brain intact.”
Stiles huffed out a breath. “Same.”
Derek glanced over. It wasn’t often that Stiles complimented him. Then he lifted one shoulder. They were close enough that it brushed Stiles’s arm. “I’ll use it to pay for college. But I want to be...”
He took a hit instead of continuing, and then handed it over to Stiles. Stiles bumped his knee against Derek’s. “Yeah?”
A blush crawled along Derek’s perfect cheekbones, and Stiles had to look away lest he do something utterly mortifying. 
“I like gardening,” Derek mumbled. “I thought maybe landscape architecture.”
Maybe some version of Stiles would have laughed at the admission. The idea of snap-back wearing, pick-up truck driving, all-American stereotype in the flesh planting daisies should have been funny. 
It wasn’t.
Stiles took a hit. Held the smoke in. Then in one swift move shifted so that he was in Derek’s lap, his knees on either side of Derek’s hips. Derek’s fingers came up, gripped the skin just above the waistband of Stiles’s jeans. 
The moment seemed frozen in time, syrupy and unreal. Stiles leaned in and Derek’s lips parted. Smoke slipped out between them, but in the next moment, Stiles was pressing it into Derek’s mouth. 
Derek breathed it in. Breathed Stiles in, really. 
When they drew apart, Derek’s eyes were wide, almost vulnerable, and Stiles ached with every part of his being. He wanted this to be real. 
So he ran. 
The church was as quiet as it always was when Stiles came to practice at the old piano. He made sure of it. 
But for the first time in a long time he didn’t want to play. 
The keys had always offered him an escape, a dreamworld where his mother wasn’t dead, his father wasn’t an alcoholic, and he wasn’t a weird kid who talked too much and dreamed too big for this small Texas town. 
For once, he didn’t want to escape. 
He pressed a thumb to his lower lip, as if he could capture the warmth of Derek there. The way the tip of his tongue had darted out in what had turned into a goodbye. 
“Play for me?” 
Stiles didn’t startle. He’d almost expected Derek to show, though he couldn’t say why.
But you came. But I came. 
Without acknowledging the request, Stiles dropped his fingers onto the keys. Amazing Grace was so easy, he didn’t have to think about it. By the time he finished, Derek was on the bench beside him. “Beautiful.”
Stiles chewed on the inside of his mouth. “My mother taught me how to play.”
A beat. And then, “Do you play because she wanted you to, or do you play because you want to.”
The question struck, like lightning, in the very center of Stiles’s chest. “Does it matter?”
It was a deliberate echo and Derek huffed. “No.” 
Maybe it had seemed like walls going up when that wasn’t the case at all. So Stiles took a breath. “Aren’t all of our lives made up of a combination of that? Expectations and hopes and desires and rational thought and irrational emotions? Her wanting me to play doesn’t mean it’s any less important if it had come from nowhere. It just makes it all the more meaningful that I am doing it, doesn’t it?”
“But what about your life?” Derek asked, and in that moment Stiles realized how much Derek’s trajectory had been guided by other people. 
“It’s not an either or,” Stiles said as carefully as possible. “For me.”
Derek nodded, his eyes on the piano. In the smallest voice Stiles had ever heard him use, he said, “I don’t want to disappoint anyone.”
Stiles nearly laughed at that. But instead he nudged Derek’s shoulder. “No matter what you do, I’m pretty sure it would be impossible for you to disappoint anyone.” He searched for the right words, the ones that wouldn’t dismiss the fear, the ones that wouldn’t add more weight to Derek’s shoulders. “I would be proud of you no matter what you do.”
That blush again, the one that would drive Stiles to distraction. “Play it again for me?”
“Anytime,” Stiles promised and surprised himself by meaning it. 
Outside the clouds opened up and the rain beat against the windows. 
Inside, Derek hooked his ankle around Stiles’s, and the music played.
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maxineswritingcenter · 4 years ago
You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 11
As soon as I walked into the veterinarian office, I felt it. Like a total drain of my muscles and my head started to hurt. 
“Mountain ash.” Dr. Deaton said as he came out from around the corner, “It weakens werewolf abilities so they cannot shift their form.” 
“That would explain it.” I smiled, shoving my hands in my pockets. 
“How can I help you, (Y/N).” He knew my name.
I squinted at him, “Have we met?” 
“We have, but you wouldn’t remember. You were here with some minor injuries and your parents weren’t sure if you were going to turn and just in case…the hospital found something interesting.” He said, a small smile on his face, “But I see you have finally turned.” 
I nodded, “Yeah, but I don’t know how.” 
“I believe I may have an answer.” He pulled out a book from the front desk. It was a dark leather bound book, its pages were brown with age. 
“It was a spell used by werewolf clans that were being hunted hundreds of years ago, in France, Scotland, England. In some cases, werewolf hunters would test werewolves in their human form with Mountain ash, rendering them unconscious. Et obscuratus lupum. Wolf Eclipse.” I looked at the book, seeing a drawing of what looked like a child, half human, half wolf. 
“Parents would perform this spell to cloak their child from hunters. The Mountain ash wouldn’t affect them and they would be spared and safe until they could transform. This spell would also remove any memories of werewolf behavior from beyond that point so they couldn’t give away the rest of the clan by accident.” 
I looked down at the desk, “But why now? Why did I turn now? And why am I an alpha? I’ve never killed anyone.” 
“As for your turning now, many children are given back their power by their parents. Or if their parents were killed, they usually don’t unless something triggers the change - high stress, fear, terror, torture. But I can’t explain the alpha part, the only people who could were your parents.” 
“Derek? Derek!” Isaac’s voice echoed through the building. 
“What’s wrong?” Derek turned away from what he was doing. Isaac looked frantic and scared. 
“My dad… I think he’s dead…”
“What did you do?” Derek asked firmly. 
“That’s the thing…It wasn’t me.”
I woke up on the couch. Not the best place to sleep all night. 
I sat up and cracked my back, twisting from side to side. I shuffled into the kitchen, seeing Uncle Noah already there. 
“Morning, kiddo.” He said, sipping his coffee. He went with the dark roast this morning. Bitter. Something serious had happened. 
“We found Lydia, I don’t know if you heard.” He said. 
I nodded, “Of course, talk of the town. Stiles is gonna get an A in economics.” 
He shook his head, a small smile on his face. He was still slightly sleepy, meaning I could probably get something out of him about what’s making him leave this early. 
“What’s going on?”
He yawned and raised his eyebrows. He looked around the corner then back to me, “Promise you won’t tell Stiles. And I’m only telling you because it involves one of your players.”
“Isaac?” I asked, “Is he okay?” Uncle Noah narrowed his eyes at me, clearly confused how I knew. 
“I had my own questions about his home life. A guess.” 
“Well we found his dad dead this morning. Mauled to death in his car in an alleyway.”
“Mauled?” Great… This is exactly what we needed with this hunter situation going around. Didn’t Derek tell Isaac that humans were off limits, especially right now? Isaac didn’t seem like the type, but if he was getting abused, maybe he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Yeah, not pretty. Oh, by the way.” He rifled through the mail, “This came for you at the station.” It was a brown envelope. It had multiple stamps and postmarks. The text was written in old English calligraphy. 
“The Lunar Circle.” I shook my head, “Never heard of it.” I looked at the return address, “Scotland?” 
“I guess so.” He looked at his watch, “Alright, gotta go.” He kissed the top of my head, making his way out the door. 
I got into the locker room later than usual, but in time to watch Scott and Stiles stare at a chain that was falling out of Stiles’ locker. Coach walked between the two of them, staring at the chain as it finished pooling on the floor. 
“Part of me wants to ask… the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So, I’m gonna walk away.” Before I could speak to the two, Coach slipped the blind fold onto my eyes, the elastic slapping the back of my head. 
“Good looking out.” I nodded vaguely in his direction. Stiles shoved a bag in my hands, Scott and Stiles started shoving the chain into it and froze, Scott tensed up. 
Another scent. Someone like us. 
“There’s another in here.” Scott said. 
“Another what?” Stiles asked. 
“Another werewolf.” 
Once the players were on the field, Stiles pulled me aside. 
“Alright, switch Scott with Danny for goal and then you use your sniffer on the guys on the bench.” 
I raised my eyebrows at him, still not over what he said the other day. 
He stared for a minute, then closed his eyes, “The silent treatment, really?” 
I smiled slyly, nodding. 
“Oh my god.” He groaned, “Look, I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to protect me. I get it. We can have this conversation later, please.” 
I thought about it for a minute, then nodded, “Fine. I’ll go tell Coach.” I found Finstock and told him. 
“Why would I want McCall in goal? McCall is co-captain. He needs to play offense.” 
“That’s true, but what happens when Danny gets hurt during a match. Are you gonna put in someone from second line or someone with those reflexes?” He stared for a minute, thinking about what I just said. 
“Think about it like this. Danny’s out, it’s tied and we are ten seconds from overtime. Who are you putting in? Second line or McCall.” 
He nodded and chuckled, “Good thinking.” He turned back to the other players and blew his whistle, “Let’s go! Line up!” Players made their way onto the field, “Faster! Make daddy proud.” Daddy… I hate it. I scanned the line up, there was number fourteen at the end - Isaac. 
Coach blew the whistle again, signaling the drills to start. Scott ran from the goal, tackling the player. Scott was many things. Subtle was not one of them. 
“McCall!” Coach shouted, his eyes wide and his hair seemed even wilder. 
“Usually, the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal.”
“Yes, Coach.”
“Let’s try it again!”
“What the hell, man?” The player shouted. His name was…  Matt Daehler if I remembered correctly. 
Coach blew the whistle again, throwing another ball into play. Again, Scott knocked the next player down. 
“McCall!” Coach called again, “The position’s goalkeeper, not goal-abandoner!’
“Sorry, Coach…”
“Let’s go!” He blew the whistle. Again, Scott knocked the next man down. 
“Stiliniski!” Coach pulled Stiles up by his helmet. Stiles stood up from the bench on the other side of me, “What the hell is wrong with your friend?”
“Uh, he’s failing two classes, he’s a little socially awkward, and if you look close enough, his jawline is kinda uneven.” Stiles said in a rush. 
Coach and I turned heads to the side, looking at McCall. Was his jaw always crooked? Had I not noticed in all of this time?
“That’s interesting.” He said, dropping Stiles' helmet. Scott knocked over Danny next, landing on top of him. Danny was having a good year so far. 
“McCall!” Coach shouted, clearly frustrated, “You come out of that goal one more time, and you’ll be doing suicide runs ‘til you die! It’ll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide! Got it?” 
“Yes, Coach.”
“Yeah!” Coach glared. 
Jackson looked at Scott warily, “Uh, Coach, my shoulder’s hurting… I’m gonna-I’m gonna sit this one out…” He watched out of the line and onto the bench. What’s gotten into him? Besides not the bite. Scott ran forward at Isaac. But instead of Scott taking him down, they both collided and fell to the ground. That’s when I saw Scott pause, he found his werewolf. 
“Dad?” Stiles asked. I turned around, seeing Uncle Noah and two other officers heading towards the field. They must have been coming to bring Isaac in for questioning. 
“Don’t tell them…Please don’t tell him.” I heard Isaac say. 
I stayed back with the rest of the team while Finstock was talking to Uncle Noah. Scott was listening in on the conversation. 
“His father’s dead. They think he was murdered.” Scott said. 
Stiles looked at me, “Is that what you and my dad were talking about this morning?”
“There may have been something Uncle Noah told me not to tell you.” I grinned innocently. 
“Come on…” Stiles sighed, “Are they saying he’s a suspect?”
“I’m not sure. Why?”
“Because they can lock him in a holding cell for twenty-four hours…”
“Like, overnight?”
“Those generally are the same amount of time, yes.” I said. 
“During the full moon.” The full moon. Not only would it be Isaac’s first turn, it was going to be mine. 
“Crap.” I mumbled. 
“How good are these holding cells at holding people?”
“People? Good. Werewolves? Probably not that good.” Stiles said grimly.
“Stiles, remember when I said I don’t have the urge to maim and kill?”
“He does.” How Scott could tell that, I couldn’t tell. Because I didn’t get that vibe.
I made my way through the hall, seeing Uncle Noah in the hall outside the principal's office. 
“What’s going on?” I asked, not seeing Isaac near. 
“We’re interviewing Jackson Whittemore. He’s Isaac’s neighbor, we’re just trying to see if he knows anything. I’m just waiting to meet the new principal.” 
“New principal?” I asked. Right after I spoke, the door opened. And there stood Gerard Argent. I tried to hide my shock when I saw him, since the last time I saw him I watched him cut someone in half. 
“Sheriff Stilinski, I’m terribly sorry to keep you waiting. Just a phone call from one of my teachers.” He said in his brogue, he turned to me, “And Miss (Y/N), assistant coach for our lacrosse team. I have been anxious to meet you.” He held out his hand. Oh, he was anxious? Yeah definitely. 
I blinked, a small smile on my face, “It’s good to meet you as well. I apologize for my shock, I was not aware that you had been hired.” I shook his hand. His hands felt cold, like the ice in his heart spread through his veins. 
“I understand. It was quite unexpected. But I am excited to get started.” He played his role well. An older man happy to help and be accommodating to his new surroundings. I knew the truth though, and it terrified me. But I needed to lay low and stay on his good side for right now. He declared war, no longer following the code and Chris couldn’t stop him like he stopped Kate. 
“Of course. I’m excited to work with you too, Mr…?”
“Oh like Allison. She’s such a sweet girl, I always see her at games.” 
“She became a fan.” He nodded. In the distance, I could hear Jackson’ walking down the hall. How did I know it was Jackson? His brand new shoes squeaked.
“Well, I gotta head out. Delivery came to the front office for the team. Pearls and crosses. It was good meeting you, Principle Argent.” 
“Please, call me Gerard.” He smiled. 
I grinned and nodded, “Gerard.” I looked at Uncle Noah, “I’ll see you tonight.”  I made my way towards the front office, glad that the hunter couldn’t hear my heart beating out of my chest. 
“You okay?” Derek’s voice echoed in my head. 
I sighed, taking a deep breath, “No. They took Isaac into lock up, Gerard is the principal, and I am going to turn tonight whether I want to or not and I’m scared.”
“We’ll talk.” 
I sat on the front steps, looking over the envelope. The Lunar Circle. Was this something my parents were involved in? Just as I was about to open the envelope, I got a text from Scott to meet him and Derek at Isaac’s house. 
So I met them there, looking up at the sky. I had already cracked all of my knuckles so now I just was wearing a hole in my shoe from tapping. 
“Are you alright?” Scott asked. 
“I don’t know, Scott, were you okay when you turned the first time? Because I can recall you almost killing me the last time.” My eyes flashing red.
“Hey, I apologized for that.” Scott defended himself. 
“(Y/N), look at me.” Derek stood in my line of vision. The red left my eyes and I sighed. 
“Sorry, I’m just… anxious.” I clenched and unclenched my hands. 
We snuck into the Lahey household, making our way down to the basement. 
“If Isaac didn’t kill his father, who did?” Scott asked as Derek led us through the house. Derek moved slowly, keeping a flashlight beam ahead. 
“I don’t know yet.” 
“Then how do you know he’s telling the truth?”
“Because I trust my senses. And it’s a combination of them.” He looked at Scott over his shoulder, “Not just your sense of smell.” 
“You saw the lacrosse thing today?” Scott asked sheepishly. 
“So you saw him tackle and sniff everyone on the field, his big plan.” I added.
“Yeah.” Derek said plainly. 
“Did it look bad?” 
“Yeah.” Derek and I said together. Derek opened the door and we all looked down to the bottom of the basement, Scott and Derek’s eyes lit up the space a little, enough to see what was below. There were the usual things - chairs, dust bunnies, boxes.
“You wanna learn?” Derek asked, “Start now.”
“What’s down there?”
“Motive.” We started down the stairs. 
“And what are we looking for?”
“Follow your senses.” Derek said. I strayed from the group, seeing dust covered toys and games, covered with age and gray. It looked like a normal basement, but it felt like something terrible had happened here. Derek took my hand in his, pulling me back to them. 
“What happened down here?” Scott asked. 
“The kind of thing that leaves an impression.” Derek said in a low voice. It was kind of creepy, in addition to the spider web covered basement. As we went further into the basement, we saw chains hanging from the wall. My heart sank. I took Derek’s flashlight and lit up the floor, there were groove marks in the floor. Scott bent down and placed his fingers within the groove. Scratches in the cement floor. My attention was brought to a large freezer in the corner of the with a rusted padlock. The energy radiating from the cooler made my heart drop into my stomach. 
“Open it.” Derek told Scott as we stood in front of it. Scott took off the lock and lifted up the lid of the freezer. My mouth fell open in shock, tears burning at my eyes. Scratch marks, covering the entire inside of the freezer. The worst were the rust covered marks, meaning that Isaac was so desperate to fight his way to freedom that his fingers bled. I turned away from the freezer, feeling nauseous. Leaning over, my hands on my knees. 
“This is why he said yes to you?” Scott asked. 
“Everyone wants power.” 
“If I help you, you have to stop. You can’t just go around turning people into werewolves!” Scott had a point. It was dangerous to be a werewolf right now. That’s why my parents did that ritual on me. 
“I can if they’re willing.” 
“Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?”
“Yes, and he still asked.” 
“Then he’s an idiot!” Scott shouted. 
I stood back up and stared at Scott, “An idiot? He’s been tortured his whole life, Scott, and he’s the idiot for trying to save himself.” There was a growl in my voice as my anger rose. Derek put a hand on my arm.
“You’re the idiot dating Argent’s daughter.” Scott looked shocked at Derek’s words, “Yeah, I know your little secret. And if I know, how long do you think it’s gonna take for them to find out?”
Derek grabbed Scott by the shoulder, “You saw what happens to an omega. With me, you learn how to use all your senses. With me, you learn control.” He lifted Scott’s clawed hand, “Even on a full moon.” Seeing Scott’s hands, I lifted mine and saw the claws had grown in. I hadn’t even felt them come out. 
Scott pulled his hand away, “If I’m with you, I lose her.” 
“You’re gonna lose her anyway. You know that.” 
I shook my head, thinking about the night Peter was killed. The look in Allison’s eyes as she shot arrows into Derek and I was cold, no emotion at all. “Scott, don’t you remember what happened? She shot us down.” 
“That wasn’t her, that was Kate.” He defended her, like a love sick puppy. 
“Was it? You didn’t get to see her when Kate brought her down to that cellar and watched as Derek got electrocuted, over and over. She did nothing to stop her, she knew it was wrong but she didn’t stop her. Allison’s loyalties are never going to be with us.” My voice was calm but the shaking was starting to take over. It felt like my chest was going to burst at any moment. Even my gums ached. 
“Come on.” Derek said softly in my ear. He escorted me to the stairs, a gentle hand on the small of my back. 
“Wait!” We turned back to face Scott, “I’m not part of your pack… but I want him out. He’s my responsibility too.”
“Why? Because he’s one of us?” 
“Because he’s innocent.”
I sat in the parking lot of the Sheriff’s office, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. I can’t do this. How can I help break Isaac out of jail when I can’t even keep myself in control. I shouldn’t be around people. I shouldn’t be around Stiles or anyone else in the deputy department. I jumped when I heard the knocking at my window. Derek and Stiles stood there, looking a little concerned. I opened my door and got out, sticking close to Derek. If anyone could stop me from attacking Stiles it was him. 
“Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lock-box in my father’s office. The problem is getting past the front desk.” Stiles stared at me like I was from Mars, “I gotta tell ya, I don’t think I’m going to get used to the red eyes anytime soon.”
“Yeah, me either.” My voice had a growl too, quickly shutting my mouth. 
“Well, there goes plan A. Letting you distract the front desk.” I glanced inside, seeing a woman sitting there, sipping her coffee. 
“I’ll distract her.” Derek said, turning towards the building. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Stiles grabbed onto Derek’s jacket and pulled him back., “You? You’re going in there?” Derek eyed Stiles hand, then Stiles, telling him to get his hands off of him in his usual way - without words.
“I’m takin’ my hand off.” Stiles quickly pulled his hand away. 
“I was exonerated.”
“You’re still a person of interest.”
“An innocent person.” 
“Ah-” Stiles blew out air, “You? Yeah right.” He sighed, “What’s your plan?”
“To distract her.” Derek said impatiently. 
Stiles nodded, “Ahuh, how? By punching her in the face?” 
Derek let out a fake laugh, “By talking to her.” 
“Is he even charming?” Stiles looked at me. Derek looked at me expectantly while I thought for a minute. 
“Compared to when I first met him, he’s very charming.” I smiled awkwardly. 
Stiles rubbed his temples, “Okay. Alright. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?” Derek only stared. 
“Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?” Stiles asked sarcastically.
“I’m thinking about punching you in the face.” Derek said snidely. Once Stiles agreed, we made our way towards the station but before we went in, I pulled Derek aside. 
“I can’t do this.” I looked up at the moon, “My body feels like it's going to fall apart and I feel so angry and-” 
“Just hold out a little longer.” He placed a hand on my cheek, “As soon as we get Isaac out, I’m gonna bring you somewhere where you can let it all out and you won’t hurt anyone. But right now I need you to get inside and make sure nothing happens to Isaac. There’s a hunter in there who’s going to kill him.” 
“Okay, I’ll try.” 
Derek led the way into the station, Stiles and I stayed low to avoid the deputy. 
“Good evening, how can I help-” She paused, looking up at Derek, “you?”
Derek gave her a thousand watt smile, “Hi.”
“Hi.” The woman said with a little tremble in his voice. She leaned on the desk. 
“Um, I had a question…” he chuckled, “Um, sorry, I-I’m a little thrown. I wasn’t expecting someone…”
“Like me?” She asked. 
“Oh, I was going to say ‘so incredibly beautiful’, but yeah, I guess that’d be the same thing.” Derek said sheepishly. Stiles stared at Derek’s back in disbelief. I shoved his side. He shook his head and we crawled down the hall to uncle Noah’s office. 
Once inside, Stiles used a code on a keypad on the wall that opened a small hatch. It was empty inside. In the next room we heard the jingling of keys.
“Oh no…” Stiles and I ran towards the source of the noise, getting closer and closer to the cells. On our way there we were stopped short by a deputy. 
“Oh, sorry,” Stiles apologized, “Just lookin’ um…” I looked over the deputy, then I saw it - an arrow sticking out of his leg. I hit Stiles' side. He looked down, then back up at the deputy. 
“Ah shhh-'' We tried to run for it but he grabbed us, pressing his hands over our mouths so we couldn’t scream. I wanted to rip his hand off with my teeth but that would be putting Stiles in danger and outting myself as a werewolf to a hunter if he got away. As we were dragged back towards the cells, Stiles pulled the fire alarm. 
Once in the cells, he threw Stiles and I into one of them. I clenched my fists together tightly, desperately trying not to turn. Sharp teeth poking at my lips. Stiles grabbed my arm, bringing my attention to the other cell, the empty cell. Isaac was loose. The hunter’s shout brought us back to see him being attacked by Isaac. He pinned the hunter to an examination table, then threw him against a wall. The hunter struggled but got up, trying to stab Isaac with a syringe but Isaac grabbed his arm and broke it. Isaac slammed the hunter’s head into the wall, he fell, dropping the syringe. 
Derek came into the room shortly after, stepping on the syringe. The sound of glass breaking turned Isaac’s attention to us. His yellow eyes took us in, his fangs and claws sharp. He stalked forward towards us. I shoved Stiles behind me, baring my fangs at Isaac as he came closer. Derek’s roar broke Isaac out of his trance, making him fall to the floor and scramble to the corner. He looked up from the wall, looking more human. He was trembling in fear. 
“How did you do that?” Stiles asked, trying to catch his break. 
“I’m the alpha.” Derek smirked, his eyes red. 
Ignoring the trembling the best I could, I walked over and kneeled beside Isaac. He was breathing heavily, eyes darting around the room like he was expecting someone to show up. 
“Isaac.” his eyes focused on me, “Let’s get you home.” I smiled and held out my hand.
Read part 12 here!
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lifebeginsbyleaving · 5 years ago
Welcome To The Jungle
Stiles nearly fell out of his chair laughing. He shoved Danny's shoulder hard enough to make both of their computer chairs spin.
"It's true!"
Stiles wiped tears and replied, "Oh my god I cannot believe that!"
Danny held up a hand. "On my mother's butter mochi recipe, Coach and Greenburg walking out of the cinema hand in hand."
Stiles let out another disbelieving bark of laughter. "How the times have changed- Unless..." Stiles squinted at Danny. "You don't think they- while school- you know back then?"
Danny shook his head. "Dude, Coach is so against that. He would never. I called Jackson immediately and apparently Greenburg started one of Coach's courses he does at the college. I don't know man, love must've blossomed."
Stiles still looked bewildered. "Yeah, but Greenberg? I always though the Coach hated him."
Danny shrugged. "Maybe it was in a 'You're so hot, but you're my student so I'm going to hate you.' kind of way." He instantly wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Although, I have a hard time seeing anyone think of Greenburg as hot."
Stiles thought for a moment. "Well-"
Danny swiveled his chair. "Oh no. No! Stiles, I know we haven't always been the closest, but now I consider you a friend. If you have been so deprived of dick lately that you are thinking of Greenburg as cute, in any way, I have failed."
Stiles put his hands up. "I'm just saying th-"
"No! You stop that immediately! That's it. I'm taking you to the jungle next Thursday night. No more lame excuses or pack emergencies that Lydia says didn't actually happen. Next Thursday. Nine o'clock, don't be late. And I swear to God if you don't wear those tight black pants I will force you into an outfit of my choosing."
"Danny you know I-"
"No. Lydia tells me all about how you won't let her set you up on dates, because dating isn't your thing. Which I know is a lie. So casual sex it is. I know you like sex, good God you won't shut up about it, so stop. I can barely stand your sexual frustration anymore. We have to work on patching the bestiary mainframe for at least two more weeks, so I'm not dealing with your huffing and short fuse every five seconds for that much longer. You're so god damn snippy. We're going to the jungle unless you can detail your last sexual encounter well enough for me to believe it wasn't months ago." Danny crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
Stiles shifted in his seat. He couldn't go into great detail about his last sexual encounter to Danny, so instead he let out a sigh. "Fine, but I'm going just to appease you, and under no circumstances do I have to leave with someone."
Danny raised his hands, but he had a triumphant grin. "Hey that is entirely up to you. We'll go and see how the night takes us, or who takes us."
Stiles rolled his eyes. "There will be no taking. I'm going out to appease you. That's it."
Stiles' nerves went up seeing Danny's devilish grin. He knew that grin, that grin meant he would definitely try to set him up. It wasn't that he wasn't excited to go out, it was just Stiles hadn't been to a club since he got back to Beacon Hills after college. He'd been back for eight months and he'd rejected all attempts by the pack to set him up. If he left the jungle without someone on his arm Danny would know something was up, and it wasn't just him wanting to settle back in anymore.
Stiles was saddened when he found out no one from the pack was going to college near him. When Danny accepted Berkeley's offer he felt slightly better. Even if they weren't really close and not exactly pack it was good to have someone he knew going with him. The first year they barely talked at all. But right before the start of second year the nemeton started a shit fest and Danny needed a ride back. It was easier to go together, despite the painfully awkward first hour of the trip. Somewhere around hour three they found a groove and many things they had in common.
Stiles expected for things to go back to the way they were before once they got back, but Danny texted him with a time and the address of a club they had talked about. After that they went out to parties, studied, and were unexpected friends. Their third year they moved in together. Danny had been there through all his college relationships and hook ups, and for most of the best ones he had been the one to introduce them. Danny was good at knowing what people liked and how they would be together. He was the main reason Stiles got so many experiences, and mistakes, out of college. Stiles liked being around him. He made you feel like you were better than you actually were, that you could be more if you tried. Stiles could tell why him and Jackson had been such good friends. At first Jackson tried to insist Stiles kept his nerd cooties away from his best friend, but they could tell he was glad two of his pack members were taking care of each other.
At one point Stiles even confessed his high school crush to Danny. The asshole just said he knew and that every questioning boy had a crush on him. When Stiles asked him if he thought they would be good together Danny just shook his head. He told him he would date him, but he knew Stiles was the type you marry and he wasn't ready for that. Stiles had been awed and flattered by that and as soon as he asked, he knew they wouldn't ever go there. They were just friends. Some how that didn't bother him, it made him feel settled in the relationship they already had. Because it was good enough.
Stiles snapped back to attention looking at a talking Danny with a fond smile. "What?"
"You did that freaky zone out thing, didn't you? I swear one of these days you're going to walk in front of a bus. I said look hot and wear the cologne too."
Stiles gave a lazy salute and started to pack up. "Alright, I should head home soon. Dad will order pizza if I don't get there in time, and I don't want to have to wrestle a meat lovers out of his hands again. It was messy."
Danny nodded with a smile. "I'm busy tomorrow, but I'll see you Wednesday, and then Thursday."
"You got it."
"Dad I'm home." He rounded the corner to see his dad frozen with the phone in his hand.
"God damn it, I almost got it ordered in time. Tell Danny he needs to work you harder." He set the phone back down with a harsh look.
Stiles rolled his eyes as he set down his things. "We're just patching the bestiary, I don't actually work for him. I do have an actual job you know."
"So you're paying him for his help?"
Stiles shook his head. "He's helping out the pack. He said he would do it on his free time." He walked to the kitchen to start supper.
His dad leaned against the counter. "So is he in the pack? I thought you said he wasn't."
Stiles turned to look at his father after grabbing the chicken and veggies from the fridge. "Yes and no. Most of us consider him pack because he is to Jackson, but Danny hasn't accepted yet. He says he doesn't want the responsibility of it. He always shows up and helps when we need though." Stiles set up his knife and cutting board in silence.
"And what do you think?" The rhythmic sound of a sharp knife hitting a cutting board filled the kitchen until he was finished speaking.
Stiles looked down and started to move the board around. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, you said, 'He says,' instead of saying something like he doesn't because of whatever. You think he says something, but what do you think he means? And why won't you look at me when you talk about it? Son, did something happen between you and Danny?" His dad had been really nosey and pushy lately. He supposed it was because he could tell Stiles was hiding something, but it was still annoying.
Stiles popped a slice of green pepper in his mouth and turned to his father with a contemplative look. He looked in his father's eyes for a moment.
He sighed after making up his mind. "Nothing happened between us. Danny doesn't join the pack because it's a commitment. It's basically a family. He doesn't want the weight of that. He also thinks the only ones that want him there are Jackson and I, which isn't true. He just gets freaked out by people being there all the time, always knowing everything about him. He feels like he might lose them at anytime. The more you love something the more it hurts once it's gone, you know?"
His father looked at him with sad eyes. "I know."
Stiles nodded. He bit his lip to hold in the question begging to slip out.
"Why wouldn't you look at me before? I know it wasn't just because of something with Danny. There's something going on with you lately."
Stiles couldn't hold it in any longer. "Do you ever regret loving mom?"
"Never." It was immediate and without hesitation.
Stiles fidgeted. "Yeah, but what if you knew you would find another wife and son you would love just as much as you love us. Would you want to save yourself the heartbreak of loving someone you lost?"
His father's eyes were glistening as he walked up to Stiles and pulled him into a hug. "I wouldn't trade you both for anything. That I promise you kid. Never." He kissed the top of Stiles' head. "Never, ever. You're my boy, and she was the love of my life."
Stiles nodded into his chest and gripped his shirt.
His father pulled back and looked at him assessing his face. "Why do you think you're loving someone you're going to lose Stiles?"
Stiles closed his eyes, but his tears fell anyway. "There's something I haven't told the pack, and I can't tell you yet either. And I need you to be okay with that. I shouldn't have even started to talk about it. You can't push okay?" He opened his eyes to look at his father pleadingly.
His father gripped his shoulders and looked at him sternly. "This is serious Stiles. The last time you didn't tell the pack or me about something, you had been assaulted on campus. You have to be straight with me here, no lying. Is this like that? Should we know?"
Stiles once again felt the guilt of keeping him getting beat up on campus from his family, but he knew they would've gone ballistic. Besides, he could and did handle a cocky omega. The only reason they knew now was because Danny let it slip to Jackson on break and Jackson came to him spitting mad in front of everyone. Jackson got in touch with some of his families friends within two hours. It was dealt with soon enough, but they still were angry at him for keeping it from them. Scott and Lydia felt betrayed and the rest of them seemed hurt, but Derek just stood there with his arms crossed looking like he was ready to murder Stiles.
But this wasn't like that. This wasn't him keeping something from them, this was him waiting to tell them. "I do plan on telling them, I just have to see how somethings work out first."
"Do you think they could work out in a way that hurts you?"
Stiles hesitated. "Yes. But if they do it would be better for everyone if they didn't know." He saw his father's confused face. "It would be easier for me to heal without them poking."
His dad sighed. "Kiddo I hope you know what you're getting into. Hell, I hope I'm doing the right thing by listening to you."
"It's always the right idea to listen to me pops." Stiles smiled and winked.
"I take it all back. Tell Scott right now. God, what was I thinking."
"Har har. And to think I was going to let you have full fat cheese with your rice tonight."
Stiles tried to stuff his hands into his jeans, but they were so tight his fingers barely went down. He pulled them out and stuck his arms out before letting them slap against his legs. He huffed and checked the door for him again. Danny was always either way early or a half hour late. Stiles decided to get a booth to wait out the next twenty minutes.
Stiles was sipping his half empty drink when someone slid into his booth and stole his attention. "Um sorry, this booth is taken."
The unfamiliar man gave him a charming smile. "Right, okay. I'll only be a minute." The man ducked his head and Stiles looked behind their booth to see who he was hiding from.
There was a loud redhead at the bar that immediately stuck out. She had a small gathering of laughing men around her.
Stiles turned back and the man was staring and smiling at him in a way he supposed was to be disarming. "So, did you run into an ex?"
The man scoffed. "Not on your life. It was that woman." He laughed and made a face like Stiles should immediately understand.
Stiles narrowed his eyes. "Was she rude?"
The man looked flabbergasted. "She's a woman, hitting on men." Stiles raised an eyebrow. "In here! In a gay bar! I went up to her to give her a piece of my mind, but those jerks stood up for the bitch."
Stiles got the full picture now and started to get angry, but kept his cool. "She could be bi. Also you know friends can come here too right? Like sometimes people just come here to have a good time."
He looked at Stiles like he was the one not understanding yet. "Yes, but she was flirting. With a guy."
Stiles took a breath in. "The guy could also be bi. Or it could've been her boyfriend. Or he is gay and as long as she backed off, big whoop."
The man scoffed. "If they are straight they shouldn't be here. And if they're bi, I don't see why they would be here looking for a hetero relationship. They can find that anywhere. I mean, you come to a gay bar for one thing."
Stiles couldn't take it any more. "Yeah. Acceptance. So if you're going to be an exclusionist asshole or a biphobe troll I think it's you who should leave. Anyone that respects other people has a right to be here without fear of rejection or judgement. Maybe they're bi, maybe they're straight, maybe one of them is trans or non-binary, maybe one of them is asexual. Maybe that or a ton of other things, but one thing they sure as hell are is none of your damn business! This is a safe place, and you can fuck right off if you're going to threaten that!"
The man got up, but still tried one final attempt. "Look, I just mean if there's so many of them invading our space, soon enough there won't be enough room for us." He spoke with stress on certain words.
Stiles gave him a sweet smile with murderous eyes. "There's always room for love. This isn't the Titanic jackass. And if you're referring to me in that, 'our' I'll have you know- I like tits too. And I'm too proud of it to allow a self centered prick like you to bully me into feeling bad about it. Have a nice day up on that high horse trampling all over the people that helped build this safe space you think is just yours. Yee-haw, ride your intersectional bigot ass right out of here!" Stiles was two seconds away from throwing his drink, but he thought that might be a bit much. He thought he got his point across well enough.
The man opened his mouth.
Stiles rolled his eyes. It appeared not.
Stiles tossed his drink right in his face as Danny came into view.
The man instantly began making a commotion.
Danny looked shocked. "Dude what the hell? Who is he?"
Stiles saw a bouncer looking inquisitively at them as he drew closer. The jungle had a strict no drink throwing and no bitch slapping policy. It upset the vibe and sales. Stiles apologized as loudly as he could, so he was heard by many people over the music. "Sorry. Biphobe. Thems the breaks. Sometimes you gotta toss a drink in an asshole's face for saying you don't belong here." The people around them instantly gave the soaked man dirty looks.
The tall bulky black man gripped the asshole's arm and started to pull him towards the door. He had an intimidating aura, but Stiles could tell there was kindness and understanding behind those completely unnecessary glasses for the dark club.
Stiles noticed a magenta, blue, and purple pin on the bouncers jacket. He gave a thumbs up. "I like your pin."
The bouncer just gave him a private smile. "I like your eyes."
Stiles gaped and looked to Danny. When he looked back the bouncer was gone as was the man.
Danny looked at him shocked. "Dude, Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch just flirted with you! No fair!"
Stiles calmed and fell into the conversation. "What do you mean no fair?"
Danny scoffed. "I do not, and do not picture myself having a daddy kink, but if I did it would be for one man, and Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch only."
Stiles tilted his head back and forth in tentative agreement. "I guess he does exude a vibe of protection."
They were enough drinks in that he was still in control, but his vigorous nodding made the room shift slightly. "His hands! You're absolutely right! I've been a fool!"
Danny laughed and pushed away his face. "You're loud."
Stiles stuck out his tongue.
Danny pushed his empty drink to the edge of the table. "Why aren't you trying to find someone to hook up with?"
Stiles was taken off guard more that he would've been sober. "What? What do you mean, I'm enjoying a night out with my boy."
Danny looked sympathetic. "Did ending that thing with Jason when we left college hurt you more than you thought it would?"
Stiles had to wrack his brain for a moment to think of who Jason was. "What? No. He was just a booty call. No feelings there."
Danny looked puzzled. "Then why?"
"Maybe I've had enough dating in college."
Danny scoffed and shook his head. "I introduced you to my friend Marcus who loves comics and puppies and is so your type. I pointed out a great fuck that you turned down, and we both know from college we don't mind sharing. I told you about a guy I've seen around a few nights that only talks to guys that look like you. You've shot them all down. You, Stiles Stilinski, who loves to date, to have sex, and just generally get to know new people. I've been keeping Lydia off your back, but now I want to know. What happened?"
Stiles started to sweat and he tried to come up with a lie that normally would already be off his lips. He tried to think of a way out, but couldn't find one.
The song switched right as he opened his mouth and Stiles thanked the gods. "This is our song! We haven't danced all night!"
Danny looked firm, but he cast a glance to the moving bodies. "Explanation after?" Danny was terrible at interrogation, he usually didn't care unless someone wanted to tell him.
Stiles nodded knowing full well Danny wouldn't leave the dance floor, without finding someone to leave with. "Let's dance."
In college Stiles had managed to figure out that songs had rhythms and had become quite the dancer. His hips moved sinfully and he knew where to put his hands now, but every once and awhile he would throw in a move that reminded Danny of just how far he had come.
They had separated several songs ago and found new partners. Stiles had danced with a lot of people, but never the same person twice and if they got too handsy he moved on. He was just there with his friend to have a good time. He was actually starting to have fun and enjoy the night without worrying.
He had pushed away some rather insistent wandering hands when Danny came up behind him to whisper into his ear, "There's this really creepy guy watching you."
"What?" Stiles' mind instantly raced. Was it a werewolf from a rival pack? Kanima? Witch? He pissed of an incubus one time. Scratch that, he's pissed of pretty much every supernatural being he's ever met at one point or another. He couldn't see through the moving crowd enough to catch any faces.
Danny leaned in and grabbed Stiles' hip so they didn't get separated on the dance floor. He repeated a little louder, but if he wasn't so close it would be lost to the loud music, "There's a creepy guy watching you. I think he'll go away if he thinks we're together."
Stiles heart had picked up and he leaned back into Danny's comforting embrace. "Okay." Stiles wondered if he should call someone, just in case it was a supernatural issue.
Danny turned him around, but kept glancing over Stiles' shoulder out of the crowd to look for the creep. "He's still staring. Grind on me."
They had done this so much in college to lure cute boys Stiles didn't even think twice. He tried to seem like Danny and him were together. They danced for a few verses.
Danny shook his head with worry. "Okay, he's clenching his fists now. I don't think it's working Stiles. I'm going to kiss you."
Stiles' eyes went wide. "Wait Danny I have a-"
Danny kissed him.
It was chaste, but still made his stomach roll. "Well, did it work?"
Danny was squinting his eyes, but they went wide with shock and something like fear. "Shit, no. He looks like he's going to murder me! Fuck, he just slammed his drink and is coming over here."
"What! Oh my God we have to call someone!" Stiles' voice was panicked. He could fight, but he was slightly tipsy and if Danny was worried, Stiles was. Besides, if he was supernatural Stiles didn't have a chance without something to defend himself with.
"Take my hand. We have to go closer to the bar." Danny laced their fingers together.
Stiles had just hit dial as a firm hand grabbed his arm not currently being dragged by Danny. Stiles let out a shriek. Before he could turn around to face the attacker he was pulled out of his grip by Danny and was now behind him.
"Leave him alone asshole!"
A phone started ringing.
The guy looked absolutely murderous. "I want to talk to Stiles."
"How do you know his name creep?!" Danny spat at him.
Stiles peered around Danny, "Wait... Derek?"
"Stiles do you know him?" Danny asked unsure, he looked at the semi familiar man and tried to place him.
"Yes he does." The man stated gruffly.
Stiles flushed with embarrassment. "He's my boyfriend."
Danny's face lit with recognition, then confusion again. "Cousin Miguel?"
"Derek." He spoke with that same cold, flat tone. Derek still looked terrifying as he reached into his pocket and answered his phone staring at Stiles.
Stiles lifted his own phone and spoke, "Um, hello?"
"You better have a really good explanation that takes less than five minutes, or I'm dumping you."
Danny looked at him with a shocked look. "I didn't buy that Miguel story for a second, but you're dating him? Wait Derek as in, alpha hottie Hale, Derek? You're dating the pack alpha?! Does the pack know? Well, that explains why Lydia couldn't set you up. Huh, I guess Issac wins the pot. He was the only one who thought you had someone else. Wait till Jackson hears he was wrong about you getting a girl pregnant."
Stiles' eyes went wide. "You can't tell them!"
Derek interjected with a blank face. "Yeah, especially since in about four and a half minutes he won't actually be dating me anymore."
Stiles turned to him frazzled. "Can you just stop for a moment!"
Danny had his phone out and went to unlock it, but Stiles batted his hands down.
Stiles huffed. "Look, everyone stop! I need to explain to both of you." He turned to Derek with a pleading look. "I have to talk to Danny real quick, but I promise you." Stiles' voice was filled with emotion and dripped with sincerity, "I promise you, nothing is going on with me and Danny and I can explain everything, but if I don't talk to him first, he will text Lydia while we're talking and you and I agreed we don't want that. He has had too much liquor to not know it is a bad idea, and not enough to be incoherent enough for Lydia to not believe him."
Derek looked deeply into his eyes and sighed. "You're lucky I know when you're lying."
Stiles let out a relieved breath and rested their foreheads together. "Thank God for heartbeats."
In the next second he was snatching Danny's phone and dragging him off to another side of the club.
Derek uselessly whispered after him, "I don't need your heartbeat to know."
Stiles pulled Danny to a quiet and private enough corner.
Stiles was breathless and spoke in a rush, "Look, you can't tell the pack. Now before you get snippy about them needing to know, just listen. Derek and I started to text a lot our second to last year. We got close, but decided not to date until I was done with college. We both didn't wait for each other, but we never got into something too serious. We've been taking it slow ever since I got back. And we don't want the pack to know yet."
Danny gave him a speculative look. "How slow?"
Stiles rolled his eyes. "We've had sex. Lots. The whole me being frustrated thing? Different type of frustration. Definitely not from lack of sex."
Danny put his hands up with an easy grin. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't squandering all of that. Like hot damn Stilinski. You got a good one."
Stiles' face went soft. "Yeah I do."
"Then why don't you want the pack to know?"
Stiles looked over to where Derek was standing. He was far enough back to not be able to hear them, but close enough for Stiles to be able to signal if he needed help. He had a beer and one of Stiles' favorite drinks in the table beside him. He had found Stiles' hoodie and draped it over the chair so they wouldn't forget it. He knew Stiles always forgot his coat when he was drunk. Stiles smiled at him, even though he wasn't looking before turning back to Danny. "Because he's the type you marry."
Stiles scratched the back of his head and continued, "And I don't want to mess that up, but if I do, the pack knowing would make it a thousand times worse. They would be all sad and comforting and they would look at us if we're ever in a room together. And I don't want that. Even if things go wrong, I don't want us to feel weird. We're pack. And if we did split I don't want everyone thinking they had to pick sides or that we can't be friends anymore. I guess that's what I've been worrying about so much lately, if we are right for each other. I just want to know that this is right, that we are sure before we involve the pack or my dad. I just, I've been worried about losing him and how much it would hurt. God I've always worried about losing people since my mom, but I don't think I could lose him. Especially not if we tell everyone. If we tell them it makes it real, it means it will hurt more if we don't work out or if something happens. The pack means everything to us and if they know it means it has to work." Stiles looked down.
Danny nodded. "I get that, but when are you going to tell them? When will you know? Because it sounds like you already know Derek is the type you marry. Stiles, you don't actually have to marry him to be sure. You just have to see it. When you think of your future, is he in it? You talk like you're sure, just scared."
Stiles instantly pictured a big restored house and family enjoying themselves in the yard. He looked over and Derek was smiling at him with the smile he had only seen when they weren't with other people. He reached out to Stiles with a hand that had a silver band.
Stiles looked up to meet Danny's eyes and then he found Derek's across the room. Despite the weird circumstances Derek still smiled at him. Not like he was doing it as a courtesy. Like he loved him so much and he couldn't help it. "He isn't in it. He is it." Stiles turned back with a wide smile and tears in his eyes. "He's my future Danny."
Danny smiled back. "I won't tell the pack, but I think you should."
Stiles nodded as a giggle bubbled out of his throat. He started to back away as he spoke, "Do you need a ride?"
Danny smirked. "I think I might go home with tall, dark, and into me, but if not I'll use my app to call a ride. Go get your boy."
Stiles nodded and turned with a grin.
He found him where he knew he would be. Derek was a pensive drinker so his beer was almost gone. When he got to the table Stiles chugged his drink and Derek raised an eyebrow. "I have to tell you something, so I need the liquid courage."
Derek set his jaw. "I don't want to do this here. It's too loud. Let's go to my car."
Stiles was practically bursting with nerves by the time they got in the car.
They sat in silence for a few moments while Derek brooded and Stiles chewed his lip. When Derek reached to turn on the car Stiles stopped him and grabbed his hand. He smiled at it before pulling it close enough to push his lips softly against his knuckles.
Derek looked pained. "Stiles-"
"I love your hands." He snorted. "Even more than Bubble's"
Derek looked at him with raised eyebrows. "How much have you had?"
"Too much so I want to be as close to you for as long as I can, but sadly not enough to not know I can't cuddle you every second of every day."
Derek considered it for a moment. Fuck it, if this was going to be the last time he was close, he was going to be so close it hurt. Derek reached between his legs to the lever and slid back his seat. He tilted it to the perfect angle they had found and Stiles brightened. He climbed over the console and straddled his lap. Stiles settled in on top of him and tucked his head into his neck. Derek tried to not lose it as he felt the emotions welling up. He held onto Stiles' legs to ground himself.
Stiles kissed his neck softly. "I kissed Danny because he said some creep was staring at me." Derek could feel his smile pressed to his neck, then Stiles poked his side. "That's you. He thought you would go away if I was spoken for."
Derek gripped his legs harder.
"But if I would've known it was you, I could've told him that wouldn't work at all. Because, you see, I am spoken for. By you. Only by you. I only belong with you Derek."
Derek's grip relaxed, but he still asked, "Why were you there with him? I went out to pick up food and when I saw your Jeep here I was so confused."
Stiles didn't know where to start with that one. "Because he told me I'm the type you marry. And be-"
Derek grabbed him by the shoulders enough to pull him back. Derek looked positively sick to his stomach. "He wants to marry you?!"
Stiles tried to figure out where the conversation had been and where he meant it to be, all the while trying to figure out how the hell it got were it was. "What?"
"What did you say?"
"Nothing! He doesn't want to marry me, that's why he said he wouldn't date me!"
Derek looked no less hurt or shocked, but somehow more confused. "You asked him to date you?!"
"What? No! In college I asked him why he wouldn't date me. That was his answer, because I'm the type you marry."
Derek took a deep breath. "You're so confusing when you're drunk." Derek laughed lightly. "You're so confusing when you're sober."
Stiles looked petulant. "Can't you focus please?"
"Can't you make a point please?" Derek snarked.
"I'm the type you marry, and you're also the type you marry. Well not you, me."
Derek's eyebrows furrowed. "Stiles if you're suggesting we get drunk married in Vegas, you do realize I have to be drunk too? So that way I can't be the voice of reason."
Stiles sighed. "Ughhh you're not listening!" Stiles put both hands on each side of Derek's face with a bit too much force. "Danny tried to take me out to set me up, but he just made me realize something. I want to marry you. Not yet, but I do. Sometime. I don't want to be engaged yet either, but I wouldn't be opposed to that happening. Then we could get married. Maybe in the fall. Not the next next fall, that's too soon. Maybe summer though, because the next next next fall is too far away. I want to be married to you." Stiles looked into his eyes with tears brimming. "I want to love you every day of my life."
Derek just sat there with an open mouth and raised eyebrows. "I don't even know what to say to that."
Stiles smiled, but fidgeted. "Do you want that too?"
Derek spoke immediately, slightly breathlessly, "Yes."
"Then I think you could say, I love you too Stiles."
Derek pulled him by his neck down to kiss him. He leaned back and looked into Stiles' eyes with shining ones. "I love you too, Stiles. I want to love you for the rest of our lives."
Stiles smiled and kissed him again before leaning his forehead against Derek's.
"God I hope you're not too drunk to remember this. Or regret it in the morning."
Stiles smiled at him. "Take me home and fall asleep with me. Let's find out in the morning, lover."
Derek hugged Stiles to his chest with a crushing grip. "I will kill you if you forget this."
Stiles nodded into his neck. "Noted." He pulled back and climbed back to his seat.
"Please tell me Danny doesn't need a ride."
"He's fine. I checked before I left. He's more sober than me, and hard pressed I could probably fool my father in all except the breathalyzer."
"I don't think you'd pass any test. You got drunk enough to say you'd marry me."
Stiles looked over to him and shook his head. "I didn't get drunk enough to say it, stupid. I got drunk enough to finally realize it."
Derek pulled out of the parking lot and Stiles jolted. "Oh and I think we should tell the pack now!"
Derek smiled. "Yeah? Because of the proposal?"
Stiles rolled his eyes. "I did not propose. I just said that I would eventually be open to asking or saying yes."
Derek reached over and placed his hand on Stiles' thigh and swept his thumb in soothing motions. "I think we should too, darling."
Stiles laced their fingers together and smiled at the road ahead of them.
Stiles had a wide grin as he looked at the green lawn around him and the pack that filled it. It was a perfect summer day for the party. There was a game of frisbee and gossip circles his dad was even milling about close to the congrats cake hand in hand with Melissa.
Stiles looked down to the cool metal he was still getting used to. He smiled at it resting against the picnic table. The day had been filled with many congratulations and more than enough tears. Most from his father. Who joked he'd never thought he'd met someone stupid enough to propose to Stiles, but when he met Derek he knew. They both had been offended by that, but quickly forgave him when he said he had to give his two boys grief. Scotty had just beamed at Stiles and said he was happy he found his Allison. Jackson even showed up with his husband and smiled at them.
He was brought out of his thoughts by Danny sitting down on the side opposite of him.
After Derek knew he wasn't trying to steal his man, and was the reason they finally pulled their heads out of their asses about telling the pack, he took a liking to him. Stiles was awed by how well he fit in with everyone and some how he hadn't been there before. Eventually the pack wore him down enough that he joined. Erica was a menace and the best recruitment agent.
"So I guess no matter how awesome I was in college, I didn't get this one right. Some matchmaker I am."
"Actually..." Stiles smiled and went to his pocket for the piece of paper he had brought for this moment. It was crinkled from when he crumpled it to throw away, but saved last minute to show Scott.
He slid the smoothed out post-it note over to Danny and he read it out loud, "Stiles, marry 'cousin Miguel' He's hot and so not your cousin."
Danny let out a bark of laughter. "I forgot I wrote this."
Stiles shrugged. "So you were right."
He looked up when he heard someone clear their throat. Derek held out a hand and Stiles' eyes were drawn to that silver band. "I think it's time for cake, before your dad eats it all with his eyes. Come along beloved."
Stiles rolled his eyes, but took his hand as he got up. "You can't call me that if you don't call me that when we're all old and wrinkled."
Derek used their entwined hands to yank him closer to his chest. "If I don't call you pet names when we are old and wrinkled, it is because I have forgotten every word that compares to how much I love you."
Derek grinned. "You love it."
Stiles rolled his eyes and looked into Derek's. "I love you."
Derek beamed and held up his hand proudly. "Yeah you do! You're gonna be stuck with me."
Stiles replied with adoration in his eyes, "I already am."
"Guuuys! Cake."
Their eyes didn't move from each other as they spoke in unison.
"Shut up Cora."
"Cora fuck off."
Stiles dropped his voice lower, "I think we should stay here and make them wait. Or we could excuse ourselves for a moment and have sex upstairs."
"You're terrible. Utterly deviant. That's such a good idea." Derek rested their noses together.
"I know."
Derek smiled. "But cake. You love cake."
Stiles grinned lecherously. "I also love other things I can put in my mouth."
"Dude, gross!"
"Eavesdrop on the newly engaged couple and you deserve what you hear Scott!" Stiles shouted.
Derek was beaming and Stiles looked at him confused. "You hate when I embarrass you. Wha-"
"You're engaged to me. I'm engaged to you. We're engaged. It sounds so..."
Stiles finished for him, "Weird. But good."
Derek had a momentary flash of doubt. "You feel like this is right too, right?"
Stiles nodded. "The kind of right that makes you sure nothing but this was ever supposed to happen. I'm meant to marry you Derek Hale, and you're meant to marry me. Come witches, werewolves, Jackson being a lovable asshole, or fighting over what colors to paint the house I'm going to be with you through it all. Our lives were meant to be given to each other. Why else do you think I keep saving your sourwolf ass?" Stiles' emotional face faded to a smirk.
Derek looked contemplative for a second before he looked certain. "Were you exaggerating when you said you didn't want to plan a wedding and have a big fancy party?"
Stiles looked suspicious. "I don't need any of that. What are you talking about Derek?"
Derek looked excited. "Look me in the eyes and tell me everything you need for your future isn't in this yard. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to start that life."
Stiles still looked confused.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want it today. Just say it and I'll wait. I'll wait for you to decide which flowers you like best. I'll wait to think over who's side Erica is on. I'll wait to let you pick out a tux. I'll wait for you to go back and forth on a venue until you realize that under the tree right next to our house is perfect. I'll wait for the day saying things like our house doesn't make me feel impatient. I'll wait for that God awfully long walk down the aisle. Tell me right now and I swear to God Stiles I'll wait for it all. But if you want it today as bad as I do, I'll carry you to the courthouse."
Stiles grinned at him. "I'm the type you marry, Derek Hale. So what are you waiting for?"
They met in the middle and there was so much love in that kiss it almost ached.
Erica smirked and shouted as everyone handed her and Melissa dollar bills. "Everyone get your ass in a vehicle. It doesn't matter which one. We have a wedding to attend."
Derek and his father both signed the papers with shaky hands and teared eyes.
When they were declared the Stilinski-Hales Stiles let out a punched breath. He looked over at Derek through the tears left over from their vows and he smiled.
Derek beamed wide and bright as Stiles thought to himself. This, this is what my future looks like.
This is for @sterek-bingo
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cxplqnce · 4 years ago
Liam Dunbar - Immortality
Word Count: 2,016
You’re a 600 year-old-vampire that has been a friend to the Hale’s for years and when Derek met Scott, you became friends with him too. Now Scott has to deal with a new beta that you accidently fall madly in love with after a promise to never love again.
“You guys are idiots, do you know that?” You whisper-yelled at Scott and Stiles outside of Scott’s bedroom – where a freshman named Liam was tied up after Scott had bitten him.
“I didn’t know what else to do!” Scott whisper-yelled back, a definite ‘I need help’ look in his eyes.
You sighed, a few possible solutions running through your brain, “He’s definitely going to turn, right?” The two boys hesitantly nodded their heads as you continued to think, “Then we just talk to him. I mean, he’ll understand. We just need to explain it right.”
The boys agreed and pulled Liam out of the bathtub and into a chair which they placed in front of Scott’s bed. They then looked to you as you leant forward to look in his eyes, “Don’t scream when we take the tape off your mouth.” You said, using your compulsion powers.
You moved and Stiles leant forward to peel the tape off his mouth, a pained groan leaving his throat. “Okay, Liam, now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?”
“Not really.” Liam replied with both you and Scott agreeing with his answer.
Stiles nodded his head, “Good. That's good.”
“I don't understand either.” Scott said, looking up slightly and trying to work it out in his head.
Stiles pointed to Scott and then to Liam, “Maybe you should tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Liam demanded as you rubbed your head and sighed.
Scott took a step forward and softened his tone as he spoke, “Liam... What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's going to change you.”
“Unless it kills you.” Stiles interrupted but quickly followed with, “Shouldn't have said that.”
“What?” Liam asked, his eyes widened and his heart rate speeding up. Liam’s eyes started to water as he let his head drop. You definitely felt bad for the kid, I mean he was even younger than Scott was when he was turned and younger than you were when you were turned into a vampire.
“Uh... Uh-oh. Oh-oh. Is he... Is he crying?” Stiles questioned as Scott kneeled down in front of Liam.
“Liam, it's okay. You're going to be all right… You're not going to die.” He consoled, as Stiles knelt next to him.
“Probably not.”
“Stop it.” Scott scolded.
Stiles nodded, “Okay, possibly not.”
“Would you just help me untie him?” Scott asked, the two boys moving to pull the tape off Liam and the chair before standing back in front of him, “Liam? Are you okay?”
Stiles looked down for a second before looking back at Liam, “We're sorry about that. We're really sorry.” He spoke, slowly and in almost a whisper.
Liam turned around and before any of you could do anything he grabbed the chair and whacked Scott with it, causing him to fall to the ground – taking Stiles with him. You snorted, a chuckle coming from your throat as Stiles pulled himself up just to get punched by Liam. Your hands flew to your mouth, trying to conceal the laugh in your throat as Liam ran out of the room.
You just watched while Scott and Stiles clumsily got up from the floor and stumbled out the room, following Liam. You shook your head and sighed following the loud noises before finding Scott and Stiles at the bottom of the stairs in a heap and the door wide open. “You boys okay?”
“What the hell were you doing?” Stiles shouted.
“Watching and laughing, a lot.”
You stood with the rest of your pack in Lydia’s lake house watching the chaos unfold as Kira brought Liam through the door.
“What the hell is this?” Liam demanded, a stern look covering his face.
“Think of it like an intervention.” Stiles began, “You have a problem, Liam.”
“And we're the only ones that can help.” Scott finished.
You sat down, pouring a blood bag into a glass and lifting it up, “This is going to be fun, cheers!”
You stood watching as Scott and Stiles held a very riled up Liam underneath the shower in an effort to calm him down after he went for one of the students at Devenford Prep.
“Okay! Okay!” Liam yelled, after his face had gone back to normal.
Scott and Stiles pulled back and turned the shower off as Liam slid down the tiled wall and onto the floor, “That car you smashed... I thought you said that was your teacher's?” Scott asked.
“He was also my coach. He benched me for the entire season.” Liam replied.
“What did you do?” You asked, intrigued.
Liam looked down at the floor, “I got a couple of red cards...”
“Just a couple?” Stiles remarked, earning him a jab in the ribs from your elbow.
Scott ignored your little disagreement and continued the conversation, “You gotta be honest with us-- what else happened?”
“Nothing. I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for an evaluation.”
“What did they call it?” Scott asked, kneeling down to Liam’s level.
Liam replied while doing everything he could not to meet Scott’s eyes, “Intermittent explosive disorder.”
“I.E.D.? You're literally an I.E.D.? That's great. That's great… You gave powers to a walking time bomb!” Stiles exclaimed, earning him another jab in ribs from your elbow that seemed to put a slight smile on Liam’s face – however fleeting it was.
“Did they give you anything for it?” Scott asked.
“Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic.”
“Oh, this just gets better...” Stiles mumbled.
“But I don't take it—” Liam interjected.
You shook your head, “Shut up, Stiles.”
“I can't play lacrosse on it, it makes me too tired.” Liam said, looking down at the floor again.
“Okay. I think you should bail out of the game. Tell Coach your leg is still hurting.” Scott suggested.
“No! No. I can do this-- especially if you're there.” Liam retorted, standing up from his position on the floor.
Scott sighed, “But Liam... this isn't just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco may have been on our team.”
“Who's Demarco?” Liam asked.
“The one who brought the beer to the party? The guy who was beheaded, remember?” Stiles replied.
“We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco.” Scott continued. Liam looked down, thinking for a second. “Liam...? What, you know something?”
“I don't know who ordered the keg... But I know who paid for it.”
After Liam had told Scott that Garrett had ordered the keg, Scott and Stiles left the room – leaving you alone with Liam.
“You okay?” You asked, taking a step closer to him, from your position against a locker. “That was pretty intense.”
Liam nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay… you must’ve seen that before, right? With Scott.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen out of control werewolves millions of times.” You chuckled, sitting down on a bench in the locker room. “I mean, if you hadn’t have done something like that at least once or twice, I’d think there was something wrong with you.”
Liam sat down on the bench next to you, “How do you know so much about werewolves?”
“I mean, I’ve spent my extremely long life surrounded by the supernatural – mainly werewolves. And I’ve been helping the Hale family for decades… You pick things up.”
“Wait… decades?” Liam questioned, his brows furrowed, “I thought you were 16.”
You nodded, “Physically, yeah. But technically I’m six-hundred and… something – maybe like fourteen or fifteen. I don’t know – I’ve lost count.” You explained, the look of confusion still evident on Liam’s face. “Did Scott and Stiles not tell you that I’m a vampire?”
Liam’s eyes widened, “You’re a vampire? Those exist?”
“Yeah… They do.” You replied, chuckling at his reaction. “And before you ask, I have a ring that lets me walk in the daylight, the reflection thing is a myth and so is the garlic and holy water thing. Also, yes, I do drink blood.”
“That’s insane!” Liam exclaimed, “That’s really cool.”
For the next two weeks you ended up getting closer to Liam, helping him through his anger and then just generally spending time with him. Unfortunately, you had figured out that you had started to like him – so you started avoiding him. You couldn’t fall in love again, not after what had happened the last time.
It was 1749, you were living in London and had met a man, someone that you connected with and eventually fell in love with. You were about to leave town – as you routinely did every few years – when he found you leaving and you admitted to him what you were. He said he didn’t care so you continued to stay with him. Eventually, you had to leave but he decided to come with you – you found a place in the middle of nowhere, where you could live together.
You got engaged, then married and spent the rest of his life with him. When he died, it broke you and you made a promise to never love again, to never put that life on anyone else.
“Y/N!” Liam yelled from the end of the corridor you had turned into. You tried to turn around but he had already caught up to you, “Are you avoiding me or something? Cause I haven’t seen you in days.”
“No, no I’m not avoiding – I’ve just been busy. Vampire stuff.” You lied, however not very well, but before Liam could reply you made an excuse to leave.
It was raining when Liam called you, you weren’t sure whether to pick up the phone or not but since it could’ve been some kind of emergency – you did.
“Hello?” You asked into the phone.
“Y/N, can you come over please.” He whispered, his voice was shaking and you could hear that he was nervous.
You thought for a second, debating in your head, “Okay, I’ll be there soon.” You hung up the phone and drove to Liam’s house, parking a few houses down and jumping up to his window. You saw him sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his hands together. You gently tapped on the window, his head whipping around to you before he stood up and came over to open it.
“What do you need at 2 in the morning?” You asked, climbing into his room and closing the window behind you.
Liam debated over what he was going to say before sighing, “I keep seeing the Berserkers, I can’t sleep and I keep going over in my head why you won’t talk to me.” He said, looking at the ground almost the entire time until he mentioned you.
You sighed, sitting down on his bed, “It’s not you, per say. I have been alive for a long time, Liam, and one of the worst things about immortality is love.” You started. Liam sat down next to you, giving you his full attention. “I will outlive everyone that I love, which is why I try not to love very many people. And I promised myself almost 300 years ago, that I would never fall in love with someone again… and then you happened. The reason I’ve been distant is so I can try to stop myself from falling in love with you because I know that one day… I’ll lose you.”
Liam’s eyes widened when you mentioned love and him in the same sentence, “Did it work?” He asked, “Avoiding me to stop falling in love with me?”
You looked up at him, staring right into his blue eyes. “No.” You said, simply, only now realising just how close you were.
“You can’t live without love, Y/N.” Liam said, “It’s one of the most beautiful things in the world.”
You smiled, leaning closer to him, “Then maybe I should give it a shot.”
“You definitely should.” Liam whispered, the small space between your lips closed as he leaned down to kiss you.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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bunnys-beetlejuice-blog · 4 years ago
airhorn sounds in your ear as you try to sleep ITS FIC TIME, CHILDREN
His father’s first reaction is, predictably, nervous. They’re sitting in the living room as a family, all sort of hanging out, but doing their own thing. Hoarders is passively playing, Lydia is tucked under the couch with a book and flashlight, Emily is in the corner with her laptop, and BJ and Charles are each sitting on opposite ends of the couch, going through their phones. He gets a very sweet text from Adam, showing that the other teen has put the photo Lydia took of them in a frame, and he grins, and holds the device to his chest, feeling giddy and flustered. His dad notices. “What’s got you in such a good mood?” Charles smiles, and BJ figures this is as good a time as any. “I got a text from my boyfriend.” Charles stares. From her chair in the corner, Emily’s typing slows, and then stops, as her brain catches up with that sentence. His phone pings again, and he looks back down at a message from Barbara, then back to his parents. “And my girlfriend.” Emily closes her computer. Her smile is enormous. “Shut up.” “No, seriously!” he grins back at his mother, and then notes the color Charles is going. “Adam and Barbara?” Emily asks, knowingly, and he nods. “We made it official yesterday. I took em to th’ Smallpox Hospital.” “Awww! That’s so romantic!” “You’re dating?” Charles finally finds words. “Unclench your everything, dad, jeezus.” “It’s just… do you think that’s a good idea?” “I think it’s a great idea,” BJ says, a little defensive. “What, I’m not allowed to date? M’too weird for it?” “That’s not what I meant, BJ,” Charles frowns. But he can tell it kind of is.
“Charles, honey, he’s sixteen. He’s going to date,” Emily says softly, and Charles looks back at her. “But two people at once? And they’re-” “They’re what, Chuck?” “Humans. They’re human, BJ.” “Holy shit, they are? Here I thought they were just really crappy demons.” “I just don’t know if you’ve thought this through. Wouldn’t you be happier dating another demon?” “I don’t know any other demons, dad,” he growls, temper flaring. “Unless you want me to date Sam, an’ look like a total creep, since he’s stuck at like, ten.” “Stop it, BJ.” “You stop it! Just be happy for me!” “I am.. Happy. For you.” BJ sits back, crosses his arms, and scowls. “Got a funny way of showin’ it.” His father stands, and takes to pacing. Christ. “We should lay out ground rules.” “Me an’ Adam an’ Barb did that already.” “No, I mean, house rules,” Charles says, rubbing at his beard. “Things you’re allowed to do, and not. Oh, god, first things first, I’m going to get you a box of condoms.” Betelgeuse feels himself flush, and then Lydia finally pipes up, sticking her head out from under the couch. “Gross.”
“You’re seriously blowin’ this out of proportion. We’ve barely held hands!” “I was a teenager. I remember how things escalate. The last thing we need is someone pregnant. Especially with whatever a human and a demon would make.” “Th’ anti-Christ, maybe,” he says, unhelpfully, and he sees the way his dad’s expression twists into further worry. “It was a joke! Oh my god!”
His mother, bless her, swoops in, just then. “BJ’s just told us good news,” she says, standing, and putting a hand on Charles’ arm, which stops his pacing. “I need you to reassess how you’re making him feel, right now.” Charles looks from his wife to his son. BJ rubs at his nose, embarrassed and upset, and probably purple, and he sees his father make a choice. “BJ, I’m sorry,” Charles comes over, hesitantly reaches down, and Betelgeuse responds by throwing his arms around his dad. Chuck rubs his back. “Tell me about them,” he says, “and I promise to be cool. As cool as I can be, at least.”
That’s at least something. He can tell his dad is still worried, but he does listen, as Betelgeuse describes his two partners. “We spend a lotta time together,” he tells his father. “An’ they’re both goody two shoes. Seriously, they’re borin’, nice people.” “Tell us how you met them, BJ,” Emily smiles. He regales them with the story of Barbara and the flower, and then Adam in the library, and by the time he’s done, he’s back to feeling green, all smiles and excitement and stimming hands. It feels really, really good to not be alone.
Monday comes a day too soon, and he sort of misses the atmosphere of the library, because at lunch, he’s forced to pick up trash, with Honeywell watching him intently from a bench. The only consolation prize to this is the vice principal’s time is also being wasted. He doesn’t miss how a few kids walk by and intentionally throw things at his feet for him to pick up. They don’t get away with it, though, because either they trip and find their shoelaces are mysteriously tied together, or for those unlucky ones without laces, they’ll find a snake in their lockers. The miserable part is, Adam and Barbara aren’t allowed to hang out with him while he’s working. They’d tried, and were told in no uncertain terms to leave him alone, leave him to his task, or they’d be sent to the other side of the campus to do the same thing. A little bit of punishment, he understands. But he draws the line at threatening Sexy and Babs. He’s absolutely plotting exactly how he’s going to ruin the overbearing adult’s day when he feels a strange sensation in his chest, like a slight tug. He pauses. It’s not a pain, not really, more like a pull away from himself, which doesn’t make any sense, but that’s what it is. He has to assume it’s another demon thing.
He glances at his watcher, who seems engrossed in paperwork.
Man, if only this guy would fuck off, he could be enjoying lunch with his friends- The pull away from himself is stronger, this time. He concentrates on it, and then remembers how physical the summoning of clones is, requiring a motion like he’s tossing something, and he gives that a try, this time, gently lobbing nothing at a student passing by. The kid looks surprised, and then goes rigid, and he thinks maybe he’s killed someone for the first time, but then the teen straightens up, and stands, stiff, facing him, and BJ feels mentally split, between two bodies. He raises his right hand. The student mirrors the action, eyes wide, confused. He lowers it, then kicks his leg out to the side, and again, he’s copied. Not copied.. Followed? The other student is like a marionette, and his mind is the strings, or something close to that. “Possession,” he grins, wickedly, and then he pulls himself back all to one body, and the kid falls on his ass, confused, and scrambles away.
Oh, he is so going to use this new power for evil.
“BJ Deetz! I don’t see this quad getting any cleaner!” Honeywell has looked up from his paperwork to find Betelgeuse standing there, grinning to himself, and the teen responds by spinning around, and throwing nothing at the overbearing authority figure. Honeywell also goes rigid, and BJ lifts his hands, directing the VP to stand, and the hapless adult does so. “Looks clean enough to me,” he mouths, and hears that sentence come out of Honeywell’s lips. “Clean enough to eat offa!” With a swiping motion, he forces the man to knock his own hardly touched lunch to the ground, and then BJ crouches low, and the adult follows, shoving his face into what was clearly leftovers from some night’s dinner, and coming back up with a mouthful of noodles and dirt. The big man’s eyes are wide. He’s scared, confused. It’s thrilling. With a hand motion, BJ forces the breather’s face back into the mess of food and dirt, and doesn’t let him up until the muffled cries become truly panicked. Possession out in public might be a bit too noticeable, though, because there’s a gathering group of kids watching what the teacher is doing, their phones out, taking video, and he doesn’t need them connecting his own strange movements back to Honeywell’s. He makes a final hand motion, releasing the adult, and shoves his hands in his pockets, just in time for Adam and Barbara to appear as faces in the crowd. Honeywell, freed, sits up, coughing and sputtering, and looking horrified. “What the heck happened?” Adam asks, and BJ shrugs. “He started throwin’ a fit, outta no where,” he lies, but he feels the vice principal watching him, staring up from the dirt, where he’s still sat, dazed. He gives the adult a grin. “Totally fuckin’ weird.”
The rest of his lunch period is freed up, suddenly, as Honeywell goes to clean himself off in the men’s room.
This fun new ability requires further testing, but not right now, now when Adam and Barbara are around. Soon, though. Very soon. “I’m really bummed we can’t be in the library anymore. I tried to pop in to grab something this morning and the librarian chased me out.” Adam looks genuinely sad, at that, which startles BJ out of his downright vicious thoughts. “By the way,” Adam adds, “They put up the casting sheet today. Want to guess who got that dentist part?” Barbara is grinning wide. “Me?” he croaks. A few other kids tried for it.. He didn’t think he’d get picked, honestly, thought that maybe someone more likable, or more friendly, would be chosen over him, but Barbara squishes his cheeks in her hands. “You!” she cheers, and he blushes. “You’re going to be amazing! But that means,” she tells him, suddenly serious, “-that you have to actually try.” He nods, as much as he can, her hands still on either side of his face. “Effort,” he grunts. “Got it.” She leans forward and kisses the tip of his nose. He scrambles to throw his hood over his head, and cinches it closed, knowing for a fact he’s gone pink from the tips of his hair down to the roots. “BJ?” Barbara giggles, as he peers out at her from his hood. “Should I not do that?” “NO! No, no, I, uh, just.. Warn a guy, next time.”
He hadn’t thought through the logistics of this, clearly, because he can’t be scrambling away from them every time one of them kisses him, just because his stupid hair won’t behave itself. God, he’s going to have to start wearing a beanie, or something, until he can get this color thing under control. Annoyingly, his dad was right. He really hadn’t given this much thought, beyond, Adam and Barbara pretty, wanna kiss them. Now he’s got to work out the logistics of how he’s going to actually achieve that goal, without basically, for lack of a better word, outing himself. He doesn’t want to think that something like what happened with Kevin could happen again, but he hadn’t really seen that situation coming, and it had ended about as poorly as a budding romance can, with parental murder. So yeah, he’s not exactly confident he can trust them with this secret. Better to keep it to himself, play his cards close to the chest, not let them all the way in. That’s safest for all of them. Good plan, BJ, he thinks to himself, watching Barbara dust wood shavings out of Adam’s hair, a leftover byproduct of his shop class. No one gets hurt. No one has to know anything. He can keep playing human with his cute new partners for as long as they’ll let him.
Stretching before him, suddenly, he foresees a lifetime, several lifetimes actually, given the span of existence for a demon, lifetimes full of deceit and lies and partners who age without him, and it all makes him very tired, and sad. This is going to be how it is, he realizes. He’s going to pretend and mimic and do his best to fit himself into a template that he wasn’t made for, and he’s presumably going to be doing it forever, maybe until the minute the last human takes their last breath, because playing human is as close as he can get. It's easier to play pretend, throw a glamour on and act along, than to be himself and risk the pain and rejection, or the truth that maybe his worth is tied into what he can do, not who he is. It all leaves him dizzy, this sudden moment of unwanted clarity. He pushes it down, far down at it can go, to somewhere deep in his chest, and tries to come back to this moment, right now, because his boyfriend is looking at him. “You going to stay in that hood all day, shy guy?” Adam smiles, and BJ peels the hood back, and runs a hand through the mop of green mess that passes for his hair, and smiles, like he didn’t just have a mini existential crisis in the middle of a Monday afternoon. “What do you guys do for lunch when you’re not being wooed by an errant library assistant?” Betelgeuse forces an extra bit of pep that he doesn’t feel into his voice, and Barbara brightens. “You can come meet my friends!” She says, and he lets her lead him by the hand, across the quad, a corpse playing pretend at being alive, holding hands with the living.
They find Barbara’s friends at the lunch tables. He’s never sat over here, never really had reason to be over here at all, actually, because each table is always claimed by a friend group, and he’s never felt welcome enough to try and squeeze in with any of them. But he sort of has a group now, he supposes. If three can be a crowd, it can be a group. He does feel eyes on him as he’s directed on where to sit by Barbara, other kids at other tables watching him, maybe confused on how he’s ingratiated himself enough to actually have a place to sit. Barbara arranges where they sit, seemingly very intentionally, with herself between Betelgeuse and Adam, and Allison and Blair on the other side of the table, and they begin eating. The air is a little tense. He picks at his lunch, leftovers Charles packed for him. It smells amazing, but he doesn’t want to scarf it all down, not when he’s feeling watched, the way he is. And he is being watched, very intently so, by Barbara’s friends, who are apparently also Adam’s friends. Everyone but him seems to know so many other people. It’s almost insane, like, how do they keep them all straight? He’s only vaguely aware of which one of these similar white girls is Blair, because he’s spoken to her, at least once. Allison might as well be a balloon with a face painted on it. “So,” Blair puts down her fork. She’s eating a dry salad with little chunks of chicken in it, low carb, low cal. He’d be worried for her health if he gave a shit. “So,” he copies her instinctively, tilting her head the same way she does, holding his hands in front of himself in a mirror of her own movements. Barbara catches what he’s doing, and gives his arm a gentle pinch. “Is this for real?” Blair isn’t asking him, she’s looking between Adam and Barbara, who are both looking a little surprised at the sudden question. “What do you mean?” Adam asks, unsure, and Blair gestures between the three of them. “This whole.. This! When Barbara said she suddenly had two boyfriends, I had to check my calendar, make sure it wasn’t April Fool’s. And then it turns out to be you and..” Her eyes fall back on Betelgeuse. “Him. You, Adam, I get. You and Barbara together, that makes sense. But, like, BJ?” “Sure, if you’re offerin’,” he says, and Blair makes a face. Go on over to Ao3 to read the rest!! There's more waiting for your hungry eyes over there
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writingsbychlo · 4 years ago
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let me down slow (epilogue)
word count; 2830
summary; it’s moving day, and stiles is getting his dorm all set up with the sheriff, while you and mitch still have a considerable amount more unpacking to do.
notes; I know some of y’all didn’t like the events of part eight, but you’re just gonna’ have to deal with it, because they’re adorable, it was all a misunderstanding, and they deserve the world.
warnings; none, really. some vaguely dirty innuendoes, that’s it.
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Smoothing your hands over the poster on the wall, you pressed it flat to the plaster, holding it steady as Stiles pinned it down straight, and you cheered once the final one was up, the collection of Star Wars posters lining the walls making the room seem entirely perfect for your best friend. Hopping down from the bed, you smoothed out the covers, before letting both of your hands fly up to meet Stiles’ in a set of high fives, and the pair of you cheered as you took it all in.
“It’s really getting there!”
The oversized corkboard he loved so much was sitting against one wall, a shelf you’d spent almost an hour trying to put up between the pair of you as the Sheriff laughed was now assembled, with three baskets sitting along it. The first contained bundles of assorted pins and paperclips for putting up the vast assortment of photos and collage pieces that added, the space freshly cleared so that he could build it up ready for the new year. The second basket contained his camera, with a selection of different types of film for interesting shots, and the third was filled with pens and note pads for all the annotations and quotes he would put under each picture. 
The opposite wall was lined with six matching Star Wars posters, showing off the promotional pictures and titles of the originals and the prequels, a prized possession that you’d bought for Stiles as a graduation present, so that he didn’t have to take his collection at home down and travel them across the country. His desk was already cluttered with notebooks and pens, and the closet was brimming with flannelled shirts. The bookcase was stacked with textbooks and DVDs. Above the desk was pinned a campus map, class schedule, time table and a calendar, all for his convenience, because Stiles had already voiced his desire to cram as many college experiences into his first year as he possibly could, he wanted to live life to the fullest.
Along the windowsill were photo frames with his favourite pictures of everyone from back home, and he was proudly staring at the final few boxes on the floor, as his dad carried the last one in, the final clothes he had ready to be unpacked into the set of drawers beside his bed, your hand coming up to wipe across your forehead in false exhaustion as you looked around. 
“It’s fitting for you, kid.”
His voice was a little rough, and you could tell that the Sheriff was holding back his emotions as he sent his youngest son off to college, too. He held his arms out of you both, and Stiles rolled his eyes as he let out a string of curses at the affection, but pressed his face into his father’s neck as he wrapped around one side of his body, not covering the little sniffle he let out as well as he thought he had. You were quick to follow in his footsteps, tucking yourself happily under the older man’s chin, and you squeezed the two men in a tight hug. 
You easily remained that way, knowing that the two were each trying to hide their emotions, and you smiled to yourself at the thought, rolling your eyes softly. “You know, dad, I’m going to be checking with Melissa that you’re still eating healthy. Don’t think you can start eating bacon and fries every day now just because I’m gone.”
“You’re the worst.”
You giggled as he pushed you both away, but he ruffled your hair fondly, and you decided to lighten the mood a little, turning to swipe the camera from its place on the shelf, checking it was loaded with film before handing the polaroid device over to Noah. “I think we need to take the first picture to put up, don’t you?”
Stiles gasped, nodding happily before turning to you, and you pressed your hands to his shoulder once he’d turned back to face his father, and you jumped up as high as you could, sealing you legs above his hips and he gripped at your thighs, letting out a laugh as you landed on his back, your hands wrapping around his neck. With the cheesiest grin that you could muster, the Sheriff gave you a count down, before clicking the camera and waiting as the small piece of paper pushed it’s way out of the device, before handing it over to you both and putting the camera down on the desk.
Holding up the little slip, he waited patiently as the colour began to drip into it, the picture slowly revealing itself, and you let out a squeal once it became properly formed, so that you could see the image clearly. “I love it! Pin it!”
You tapped his shoulders, and he moved eagerly across to the board, selecting a pin and pushing it through the card, securing it to the very centre of the board. Only a second later, he was grabbing a red pen and a yellow post-it note, scribbling down a reminder before adding the note to the photo, and you peaked over his shoulder to read it. 
‘Move-in Day, August 2020’
You grinned, taking the pen and adding a little heart to it, before placing your hands on your hips and looking around the room. The phone you’d left on the bedside table a while ago buzzed loudly, chiming a little tune as it did, and you jumped at the interruption. Stiles moved across the room for you, picking up the device before letting out a long groan, and you chuckled at his reaction, already knowing who it must be.
“It’s my brother. Your boyfriend. Ew, I hate the sound of it, still.” You grinned at his words, sticking your tongue out as you took it from him, scanning your eyes over the message, before reaching for your bag and sealing the device inside, lifting it up onto your shoulder. “Time to go?”
“Yeah, unfortunately. You’re unpacking these last few boxes alone.” You joked, and he huffed, kicking at one lightly with the toe of his shoes. 
“Not alone, Dad is here to h-”
“Dad is going back to the hotel to rest his back and take a shower. Stiles is alone and putting his own laundry away for the first time in his life.” His dad grinned, and the boy let out a whine at it, stomping his foot a little before giving in. 
“See you tonight, at the restaurant?”
“We will meet you there.” His face scrunched up once again.
“I can’t get with the referring to you and Mitch as a ‘we’. I’m not used to it.” You shrugged, but leaned up to press a friendly kiss to his cheek, before letting him wrap you up in a tight hug, and brush his lips to your temple. “I’ll get used to it. I’m just glad you’re happy.”
His dad left the room, leaving you both to your moment, even though you were only saying goodbye for a few hours, but he was a little jittery once the door had closed. 
“Can I tell you something, before you go? I don’t want it to be a big deal, but I do want to tell you first.” You nodded, brows furrowing as he fiddled with his fingers between your bodies worriedly, and you reached up to place your hand over his own, letting him lace your fingers together. “Now that I’m not obsessing over Lydia anymore, and I’m in college and really taking a minute to get to know myself, I think I discovered something.”
“Is it good?”
“Yeah.. yeah, I think so.” He was nervous, biting down on his lower lip, and you squeezed his hand reassuringly in an attempt to tell him that it was okay. “I think I might be bi.”
A blushing tinge spread over his cheeks, his eyes ducked to avoid your own as the heat spread up to his ears and painted his pale skin pink, and you leaned in to press your body to his, your arms wrapping around him tightly, and he let out a deep sigh, before wrapping himself around you once again, his body sagging out of relief. 
“There was this guy in my welcome lecture, and he was really good looking, and while I was still in my Lydia phase I didn’t really think about anyone else that way, so I was pretty shocked when my first thought was about a guy, but then he asked me if I wanted to get coffee before the semester starts, and I said yes. We’ve been texting for a few days, now.” The words came out jumbled and hurried, and you stepped back to look at him, making sure to catch his gaze as he gave you a nervous smile. 
“I’m so happy for you, Stiles.”
“I’m going to tell my dad and brother at dinner tonight, but I just needed some support.” You nodded, before stepping back as he let out a relieved laugh and wiped a hand over his face. “God, I feel so much better. I hate keeping things from you. I don’t know how you did it for months, having secrets with you kills me.”
“It wasn’t without a lot of suffering, trust me.”
He grinned, before nudging you towards the door. “See you in a couple of hours.” You simply nodded, waving your goodbye to the Sheriff as he chatted with the other parents of Stiles’ various roommates for the year, and you made your way to the door, stepping out into the corridor. 
With hurried steps, you made your way down the stairs, knowing it would be quicker than taking the elevator, and you were just glad Stiles was living on the first floor, you really weren’t sure he’d be able to handle hiking up twelve layers worth of stairs to the top floor on a tired day if the lift ever broke. 
It wasn’t a short walk to the place you had promised to meet your boyfriend, and the walk was enjoyable, hot sun shining down and a light breeze carrying through the campus, cooling you down from the heat. Shuffling through your bag, you searched for your sunglasses, lifting them out to place them on your face, and letting out a happy sigh when you no longer had to squint. 
You could already see the man you were waiting to meet, his body coming into view as he sat on the edge of the fountain, scrolling idly on his phone as he waited for you, the bag slumped on the floor beside his feet was spilling out with textbooks and his laptop, and his hair was messy from constantly running through it. Picking up your speed a little, you made your way over to him and took up before him, your shadow falling across him. He glanced up, expression stoic and stony before he realised who it was, and his face split open in a wide grin as his entire demeanour brightened. 
“Thought you were standing me up for a second there. You’re late.”
“Yeah, well, I got caught up. You can believe that I will never just leave you hanging.” You offered, and he scooped up his bag, swinging the strap over his shoulder before standing up, and he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
Pulling you in towards himself, he bumped the tip of his nose with your own, before letting out a sigh. “I know you wouldn't.” He pressed his lips to your own, a sweet kiss that made your heart thud and your mind spin, before you were pushing up into him a little further. Resting your hands on his shoulders, his own slipped down to your waist, holding your body to his as his mouth moved with your own in gentle rhythms, and giving you one final peck when he pulled away. “Ready to go?”
“Absolutely.” He took your hand in his, pulling you away toward the direction of the apartment the two of you had so carefully chosen together, and you leaned your head against his shoulder as the two of you walked. He twisted, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of your head, and you squeezed you hand in acknowledgement of his affections. “Guess who I ran into earlier?”
“The redhead from a few weeks back.” He stiffened underneath you, only relaxing when you paused, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his lips as he fixed you with a worried glance. “Her name is Cassandra, which you never told me, and she’s actually really nice. We arranged to go for coffee.”
He practically choked on his breath, turning to look at you with wide and worried eyes as he held the door to the building open for you, and you slipped through, letting him follow as you laughed lightly at his reaction. “What was she doing there?”
“Her friend was moving into Stiles’ building, and she was helping out.” You shrugged, the two of you stepping into the elevator and you were glad to be alone, leaning back against the wall and pushing your glasses up onto the top of your head to peer at him, raising a brow. “Hey, stop freaking out. I can see the cogs working in your head. She asked about us, you know.”
“What did she say?”
“Just wanted to know if I was all good, and if things worked out.” You shrugged a little, your glasses slipping on your head, and you detangled them from your loose hair and put them away once again. “I told her that we’re doing amazing, and that I’ve never been so happy, and that we have a place together with a whole bunch of plans for the future.”
He finally let his shoulders drop from the tension he’d built up, before tucking some hair away behind your ears and stepping in towards you, crowding you into the wall a little further. “Never been so happy, huh?”
“Totally and one hundred percent in love with you.”
“I love you too.” He whispered the words into your mouth as he leaned down to kiss you, barely getting a chance to do so before the elevator was chiming and the doors were sliding open. You grinned in the kiss as he huffed out, pulling away and letting the two of you walk along, both of you patting down your bags to find your keys, but he found his own first, and lifting the set up to the door to open it.
Boxes still littered the room, labelled with things to be unpacked and brought out, but whereas Stiles had been unpacking only one room, the two of you had been unpacking an entire apartment, and there was still a lot to buy and a lot to set up, the flat-pack furniture box holding the coffee table the two of you had yet to assemble was sitting with coasters out and rings on top from drinks, using it for its purpose before it was even constructed. 
“We’re still on for dinner with Dad and Stiles, right? I don’t think we have any leftovers from last night’s takeout and I’m too lazy to go for a supermarket trip.” He flopped down onto the couch, and you nodded, hanging up your bag on the hooks and taking your phone from it, running you fingers through your hair and tugging on some of the knots that had built up.
“Yes, we are. Are you going to get changed, or wash up?”
“No, I'm going to take a nap.” He grinned, settling along the couch and tucking a hand behind his head, pouting his lips when he felt you lean over him. Pressing a soft and quick peck to his lips, you brushed some hair off of his forehead and out of his eyes, before standing up. 
“Okay, well, I’m going to take a shower before we go.”
You jumped when his eyes snapped back open, and he rolled up from the couch, grinning cheekily as his hands found your hips and he turned you around. “You know what, maybe I should wash up. We haven’t christened the bathroom yet, and I bet you look great on your knees in the shower.”
He tapped your ass cheekily in a light spank, and you gasped at the impact, but laughed anyway as he guided you through the halls, tugging at the bottom of your sundress as you went, until he had the material over your head, dropping it to the floor in the doorway to the bathroom. “You’re incorrigible.”
“You love it.” He teased, switching on the water and waiting for it to get hot as he stripped himself down, and you let out an exaggerated sigh. 
“I love you.”
“Good, because I love you too.”
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redhoodedwolf · 5 years ago
“Oh shit I just spilled you coffee everywhere” sterek prompt
The first time Stiles made coffee for his boss, he was halfway to a panic attack, which was a weird thing to be anxious over. Except for the fact that his boss was Derek Hale. And Derek Hale liked his coffee made by one person in the office only, and that was Erica Reyes, his old assistant.
Stiles had always been told he was shit at making coffee. It was the one thing he’d lied about being good at in order to get this job.
Thankfully, Erica still worked for Hale Corp, just under a different position, so Stiles had struck a deal with her. She would have Derek’s coffee ready for him every morning so he could pass it off as his own. In return, he had to keep her up to date on all Derek gossip, apparently the one fun thing her new job lacked.
Easy decision. Stiles shook his soul away, but he got Derek his coffee every morning, and had even seen him smile a few times.
All was well for a few weeks, up until Jackson Douchemore came back from an extended business trip. Stiles knew Jackson from outside of the job, because he was friends with Lydia. Jackson also knew Stiles and knew exactly how to ruin his day, just because he could.
Feet from Derek’s office, Jackson rounded the corner, an evil look in his eyes, and proceed to trip Stiles, sending him and the coffee to the floor.
“Whoops,” Jackson crowed.
Derek stuck his head out of his office, stopping Stiles form either punching Jackson in the face or just melting through the ground and ceasing to exist.
Jackson’s triumphant look cowed under Derek’s glare. “Whittemore, call maintenance and have them clean this up before it stains too badly. And bring Stiles your extra shirt.” Jackson opened his mouth, probably to protest, but Derek added, “Now,” and the blond was gone.
“You okay?”
Stiles looked up at Derek and tried to ignore his brain adding angel wings and a halo to Derek’s figure. “Yeah, yeah, fine. Sorry about your coffee.”
“It’s fine. Just rinse out the mug and make it again, after you get changed.”
“Right.” Stiles froze. “Wait. Again?”
Derek smirked. “The company is doing well enough that every employee can have more than one cup a day. It won’t break the bank.”
“Ha! Right!” Stiles jumped to his feet and took the plain white button up that Jackson threw at him as he passed. “I’ll just go change and do that!”
He swiped the mug from the floor and raced for the kitchen. Depositing the mug in the sink, he swung around the corner into the Men’s and undid his shirt, wincing at the stain that would never come out. Stiles was keeping Jackson’s shirt forever, he owed him a new one anyway.
One problem solved. Now...
Stiles stared at the mug of steaming coffee. Easy part done, he just had to press the buttons on the machine. Now came the cream and sugar. How many spoonfuls of sugar does Erica usually add? Three? Dammit, he should have taken notes!
Creamer was easier, at least. He added until the coffee looked like the right lighter shade, then stopped, stirring it all together. Okay, maybe the coffee was a touch lighter than usual, but maybe Derek wouldn’t notice and would just be happy he had coffee at all? Right, sure.
Stiles was going to be fired over coffee.
To amuse himself, Stiles played a funeral dirge in his head as he trudged to Derek’s office, eyes peeled for sneaky Jacksons.
Stiles knocked on the office door, and Derek called him in.
“Coffee!” Stiles declared, lowering the mug onto Derek’s coaster at the corner of his desk.
“Thanks,” Derek said, a small smile given to Stiles. His eyes flicked down, then back up. He cleared his throat. “Shirt looks good on you.”
Stiles glanced down. It was maybe a bit tight. Stiles had shoulders where Jackson had none, so it stretched a bit (it was probably fitted, the rich bastard), but it was wearable for sure.
“Certainly nicer than anything I can afford,” Stiles agreed.
Derek reached for the mug and Stiles flinched back.
“Right, I’ll just...” he jerked his thumb behind him to the door.
“Actually if you wait just a second, I just have to moved the files onto this flashdrive, but then could you take it down to Argent for me?”
“Sure, no problem,” Stiles rushed to say, rocking back and forth on his heels.
Derek brought the mug to his lips, tilted it to sip, and Stiles stared.
Derek glanced up, lips detaching from the mug’s rim. “Everything okay?”
“Yep!” Stiles squeaked.
Derek took a long drag of the coffee this time and then sighed. Stiles’ shoulders relaxed. Somehow he’d managed it. Miracle of miracles. 
Derek handed him the flashdrive seconds later, and Stiles was out of there.
Jackson had not given up, it seems, on his venture to get Stiles fired through coffee, because he struck again the week after.
“Oh, was that yours? My bad, I thought it was old so I dumped it,” Jackson said, Derek’s mug upside down over the kitchen sink, the last drips hitting the metal basin with a sad plop.
“What the fuck, Jackson?” Stiles hissed, looking back to see if Erica was still around and could remake the mug she’d expertly crafted, but she was gone. He tore the mug from Jackson’s hands. “Seriously, go to therapy. It’ll do you wonders.”
Stiles violently threw a new pod into the Keurig and shoved the mug under the spout before turning back to the snake of a man. “Who knows, maybe Lydia will take you back then.”
Jackson’s face shut down, and he turned and left the kitchen without another word.
Not letting the guilt get to him, because Jackson deserved what he’d said, Stiles reached for the sugar and creamer, once again going to guess Derek’s flavor combination.
It looked to be the correct shade this time, and Derek hadn’t said anything against it last time, so maybe he wasn’t such a coffee snob?
“I bring good juice and good news, both piping hot,” Stiles declared upon entering Derek’s office.
Derek stared at him for a moment, lips parted, before his mouth snapped shut and he gestured Stiles to come forward. “Hot. Yes?”
“The good news is that someone is going to be calling today about her United States debut,” Stiles sang, setting Derek’s mug down on its space.
Derek’s eyes lit up. “Cora?”
Stiles nodded. “Mhmm. It’s already in your schedule and everything. I scheduled it right before lunch, in case you want extra time to talk with her about, you know, logistics.” Stiles waved a hand.
Derek took a gentle sip of his coffee, eyes slipping closed, clearly happy to discuss his sister’s joining of the company. Stiles may have stared at the happy-bliss look for too long. He averted his eyes just in time.
“Thank you, Stiles.”
Stiles shrugged his shoulders, hands shoved into his pockets. “Just my job.”
Stiles left the office then, closing the door behind him and taking a steadying breath. His heart should not be going so wild. Derek was his boss. It was totally unprofessional.
Stiles’ spine went ramrod straight, and he turned towards the sharp voice of Jackson, ready to give as good as he got, when he saw the other man’s face and he paused.
Jackson wouldn’t meet his eyes. “You really think therapy will help me get her back?” He sounded like a broken man. 
Stiles groaned loudly and slumped over in half, head pressing against Jackson’s chest.
Derek popped his head out of his office, asking what the noise was about.
Stiles didn’t have the energy to move off of Jackson’s unfairly sculpted torso, just waved his hand in Derek’s direction. “Just releasing my pride.”
Jackson awkwardly patted him on the back, and Stiles raised his head enough to give him a tight-lipped smile.
Derek said nothing for a moment, but then his office door closed swiftly with an audible click.
“Okay, dude, let’s reconvene at lunch, eh? We’ll talk it out then.”
Jackson nodded tersely and then turned around and went back to his office. Stiles wanted to groan again, but apparently Derek didn’t like it, going by the practical slam of his soft-close door, so he held back and decided to save it for later.
The third time was truly all Stiles. He’d grown out of his clumsy ways after high school, but he still had the occasional twitch that caused a commotion.
He supposed he could blame Derek too, but he couldn’t blame another man for his reactive emotions. 
It had been two weeks since Jackson and Stiles had met for lunch and Stiles listened to Jackson for perhaps the first time in his life. He’d recommended a psychologist, gently suggested anger management classes, and promised he’d put in a good word with Lydia and assured Jackson that she was single and wasn’t interested in anyone else. 
Since then, Jackson had gone back to mostly ignoring his presence, which Stiles was fine with. But they greeted each other in the halls when they passed. The one time Derek and Jackson were having a meeting and Stiles had come in to deliver mail, Derek had stared with wide eyes at the smile Jackson gave him when asking how his day was going. 
So that issue was solved. Stiles thought he was in the clear. Shame on him, really.
He held Derek’s mug securely in his hands, reveling in the warmth from the drink. It had been a cold walk from the bus this morning, and the coffee was finally zapping the lingering cold from his phalanges. 
Stiles raised a fist to knock on Derek’s door, but heard someone’s voice first. And not Derek’s.
Now, Stiles was Derek’s assistant, so he had a right to be a bit nosy into who was ruining his perfect schedule for Derek, right? 
Stiles unashamedly pressed his ear against the door.
“You should take him,” Derek said, then added something else Stiles couldn’t catch.
The other person in the room laughed, and Stiles realized it was Cora. She did start work on Monday, so it made sense for her to be here to get everything squared away. Still...
“... can’t be his boss anymore...”
“Cora... better suited...”
“Sure, that’s why...coffee?”
Stiles startled, the voice much louder than it had been, and he didn’t step away in time before the door opened. The mug flew from his hand, thankfully away from other people, and once more the carpet was stained. 
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, Stiles!”
Stiles recovered the thankfully unbroken mug from the floor and stared dejected at its emptiness. “Nope, that was all on me. I was, um, not paying enough attention to hear you?”
“I’ll call maintenance. You go bring my brother his lifeblood,” she joked. 
Derek stood in the doorway, face surprisingly blank, and Stiles wondered if Derek had guessed he’d been eavesdropping. 
“I’ll be right back, Stiles mumbled and escaped. Because the look on Derek’s face was worrisome. Why would Derek need to hide his emotions regarding their conversation from Stiles, unless...
“Shit, I made him shit coffee twice and now I’m sacked!” Stiles shouted to the sink. Thankfully, the kitchen was empty, but the sink gave him nothing to work with. 
Screw it, he was already a gonner.
Stiles mixed the coffee haphazardly, not even sure he’d added sugar. Maybe he’d grabbed the salt. Either way, Derek deserved it for shipping him off to Cora because of two bad mugs of coffee. 
“Here,” Stiles offered, voice terse, holding the mug out to Derek a few minutes later. He refused to set it down on principal.
Derek was keeping his neutral face mask on, which pissed him off even more. Still, he took the mug gingerly and then stared down into it.
“Drink it,” Stiles challenged.
“Did you poison it?” Derek asked, eyebrow raised.
“Do you know of a reason I would poison your coffee, Derek?” Stiles asked batting his eyelashes innocently. 
Derek blanched, but clearly had nothing to say. He brought the mug to his lips and took a careful sip. He smacked his lips afterwards and set the mug on the coaster. “I think I’ll live,” he declared, a few seconds later.
“It’s shit,” Stiles spat, throwing himself into the chair across from Derek’s desk. Might as well get the transfer done sooner rather than later.
“The coffee? Tastes fine to me.”
“How can it?!” Stiles exclaimed. “I made it!”
“I’m not picky about my coffee, Stiles,” Derek argued, which. 
“But... when I was interviewed, I was told that getting your coffee just right was first and foremost.”
Derek rolled his eyes. “Erica interviewed you, didn’t she? I think she went with that excuse to weed out the weaklings, or something.”
So, Stiles had been plying Erica with Derek gossip for months while she just made a random cup of coffee?!
But, wait.
“If it’s not my coffee-making skills, why are you firing me?”
Derek’s eyes went wide. “You were-- Eavesdropping, Stiles, really?” He sighed heavily. “Also, you’re not getting fired. I’m suggesting you transfer over to Cora’s assistant because she’s working in a division that suits your job advancement better. This was never a permanent position for you at Hale Corp, Stiles. You’re far too smart to organize my calendar all day.”
Stiles’ head was reeling. “Wait, so... wait. I’m. You think I’m smart?” he squeaked.
Derek chuckled and stood, walking out from behind the desk. “Yes, I do. And so does the company. But I also think you’re very attractive and if I’m your supervisor I can’t do anything about it. So?”
Derek leaned over Stiles, arms bracketing him in as the clutched at the arms of the chair. 
Stiles swallowed thickly, eyes bouncing all over Derek’s face, looking for any sign of a joke.
“How--” he cleared his throat and felt his face burning in embarrassment over the crack in his voice, “how fast can we get the transfer paperwork done?”
Derek grinned. “Fast enough that you’ll be under Cora by Friday night. Say six thirty?”
“Rather be under you Friday night, but yeah, Sounds great,” Stiles spoke on a exhale as Derek rocked closer, the foreheads touching. 
Stiles sighed heavily. “Jackson,” he snapped, eyes sliding closed as he felt Derek pull back. “I thought we were done with the bullshit.”
Stiles turned in the chair to look at the blond who simply shrugged. “I already got Lydia’s forgiveness, what more do I need you for?”
Dammit. Lydia was fickle in love. Then again, who was Stiles to judge?
“Forget it. What do you need?”
“It is the middle of a work day, in case you forgot,” Jackson pointed out, and Stiles felt the urge to punch him rising.
“I’ll be with you in a second, Jackson,” Derek said, managing to sound not pissed off.
Jackson backed out of the office, but left the door wide open. 
Stiles glanced back at Derek. “Look, I know he’s the illegitimate son of your wild and estranged uncle, so technically, despite the fact that he was adopted into a different wildly rich family, he is Hale by blood, but does he have to work here?”
“You should meet Peter’s illegitimate daughter.”
Stiles scrunched up his nose. “No thanks.”
Derek smirked. “Get back to work, Stiles. We can iron out Friday’s details later.”
Stiles grinned, bubbling happiness filling his chest. “I’ll pencil it in.”
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giveemhales · 4 years ago
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Moodboards for Sterek AUs: 13/?
For @averysterekfall
Fall Festival AU
Stiles was a little worried he was about to be murdered.
He had been a bit suspicious when Derek agreed to go on a date with him, but he had been too excited to care.
But now Derek was driving them to a date, and they had been in the can longer than Stiles had expected. They had already made it out of Beacon Hills, and Derek refused to tell Stiles where they were going. Beacon Hills was a small town surrounded by smaller towns surrounded by nothing, so Stiles really had no clue where they could be going.
So with Derek’s lips sealed, Stiles had to rely on his imagination. And the best Stiles could up with was that Derek planned to murder him.
It seemed like the most logical option. What reason do people ever have to go out to the middle of nowhere except to deposit of a dead body? Derek was way out of his league, anyway, so it honestly seemed more likely he would want to kill him than date him.
I mean, yes, Derek had saved his life countless times and Stiles trusted him with his life, so it wouldn’t really make sense for Derek to kill him now. Not to mention that it would be pretty stupid, since Stiles had told basically anyone that would listen that he was going on a date with Derek. Not to mention that his dad was the sheriff.
So Derek probably wasn’t planning on killing Stiles. Maybe he needed help hiding a body? It wasn’t very on brand for Derek (obviously he could just hide a body in the preserve). And it definitely wasn’t very romantic, although it could be a good bonding exercise.
They had been driving for almost an hour, and those were Stiles’ best guesses. Derek remained tight lipped, no matter how much Stiles prodded and begged. At this point, Stiles didn’t even care if the plan was to be murdered, since the anticipation was killing him anyway.
Finally (!!!), they pulled into a parking. Stiles looked up in excitement to see where they were.
... It was a Burger King.
“What the hell, man!” Stiles exclaimed. “There are plenty of Burger Kings in Beacon Hills. Plus, McDonald’s is better anyway.”
Derek just rolled his eyes, as if Stiles was the ridiculous one. “This isn’t where we’re having the date. I need to put a blindfold on you.”
Stiles was a bit shocked, but went along with it anyway. “Oh... well, I mean, okay. I didn’t know you were into that kinky shit, but I can roll with that. We probably should have discussed this beforehand, you know, communication is key to a healthy relationship, and I don’t know why we had to come to a fast food parking lot in the middle of nowhere... is it an exhibitionist things? Because I’m not sure-“
“Stiles!” Derek interrupted, looking flabbergasted, “That’s... I don’t even know what you’re talking about. The blindfold is just for the surprise.”
Stiles chuckled awkwardly. “Oh yeah... that makes sense.” Stiles didn’t particularly want to wear a blindfold since it would extend the time until he could find out what the date was, but it just felt too awkward at this point to say no.
Stiles turned his head so that Derek could put on the blindfold, which was just a bandana.
As Derek finished tying the knot, he leaned in close and breathed into Stiles’ ear. “Don’t worry, if you are into that “kinky shit,” we can use this again later.”
Great, now he probably stunk the car up with his arousal. As if he hadn’t humiliated himself enough.
And, even with the blindfold, he just knew Derek had that smug look he always wore on his face.
And now he was thinking about said face, and that wasn’t helping with the arousal at all. Ugh.
At least he was no longer thinking about murder.
It was just a few more minutes of driving before the car parked once again, and Stiles felt like he wasn’t about to buzz out of his skin from the nerves and excitement. He needed to know what place was so great that Derek drove him over an hour for their first date.
Stiles waited not so patiently as Derek exited the vehicle, not wanting to attempt to get out on his own while blindfolded, knowing he would almost certainly fall flat on his face.
Derek opened his door and guided him out of the car, all gentleman like. He grabbed Stiles by the shoulders and led him to wherever it was they were going.
Finally, finally, Derek untied his blindfold.
Stiles’ jaw dropped.
In front of him was a crudely painted sign advertising a fall festival, and right past that was a booth to buy tickets.
It was perfect.
“Oh my god, Derek. I don’t- What?”
It was Derek’s turn to be embarrassed, a blush rising on his cheeks as he looked away from Stiles. “I heard you talking once to Lydia about how you always used to go to a fall festival when you were younger with your parents, but hadn’t been since your mother died. You said you had always wanted to go back, but knew it would just upset your dad, and you felt like it was too childish of an event to invite any of your friends. So I just thought...”
“Holy shit, dude! I told Lydia that last fall. And in passing. How do you even remember that?”
Derek cleared his throat. “Well... you’re important to me. And I thought this would make you happy,” He was getting visibly more flustered. “I don’t know, maybe it’s creepy. I didn’t mean to cross any boundaries, I know it’s a family thing and this is just a first date. We don’t have to go. There’s always Burger King. If you even want to go on a date still. I don’t know.”
Stiles stared at Derek with something akin to awe. “No way! You better not bail out and take me out to Burger King. This is literally the most perfect date you could have planned. This is honestly probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you.”
Derek finally looked Stiles in the eyes, and a pleased smile appeared on his face. “Well, good. We better go get tickets then.”
They walked up to the kiosk to buy their tickets, and then set out to explore the whole festival.
At the corn maze, were both taller than the corn, which took a bit of difficulty out of the maze aspect. On the hayride, they both managed to get hay in places hay should never be. At the pumpkin patch, Stiles stepped on a rotten pumpkin and got pumpkin guts everywhere. On the Ferris wheel, they got stuck at the top, and it wasn’t fixed for another 20 minutes.
It was a bit of a mess.
But at the corn maze, Derek held Stiles’ hand the whole time. On the hayride, they cuddled. At the pumpkin patch, a worker offered them a complimentary pumpkin for their troubles, which Derek promised they would carve on their second date. And on the Ferris wheel, well, the extra time meant their romantic first kiss ended up a little bit heated.
It was a bit of a mess, but it was perfect.
Stiles had no doubt that would describe the rest of their relationship, too.
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envision-fandom · 4 years ago
Isaac Lahey fanfiction 
Reader x Isaac Lahey
Prompt - This fanfiction is based loosely off of Teen Wolf Season 2, where Isaac first becomes a werewolf. You are new to Beacon Hills High School and you can’t help but develop a crush on your Chemistry partner. But how will your relationship evolve, once your crush is bitten by Derek and becomes a werewolf?
It was your first day at Beacon Hills High School. 
Your mother had dragged you with her, out of the country and away from your comfortable, ordinary life in England. 
You were conflicted. Part of you was excited to begin this new adventure, but the other part of you was terrified of being thrown head first into the unknown. 
You walked along the fast paced corridors, looking around with curiosity at the different atmosphere of an American School. You made your way to your locker and took out the slip of paper with your locker combination on it. 
You entered the code and exhaled with relief when you heard the click of the locker opening. You emptied out your bag, keeping only the books you would need for your first two classes in your bag.
You had decided to get to school early so you could get to know your surroundings and you still had time before your first class. You gazed out at the crowd of teens filling the halls, all laughing and joking with one another and you let out a long sigh. 
“Classes haven’t even begun yet and you already sound fed up. That’s not a good sign.” You jump slightly at the sudden voice coming from behind you and spin around. 
You were met by an amused look, and the guy smirked across at you. “Hi, you must by Y/N, the new girl from England. My names Stiles. My dads the Sheriff.” He offers his hand out to you and you shake it, glad that you had someone to talk to. 
“Hi Stiles. My name is Y/N, I am from England and you sound pretty proud that your dad’s the Sheriff.” You smile at him, wanting to make a good first impression. 
He laughs “Yeah, I guess you could say that. So what’s your first class?” He asks, continuing your conversation. 
You pull out your class schedule, but before you can even answer, Stiles takes the paper from you and begins scanning the page. “Hey, my first class is also Chemistry, let’s go together, I can show you to the classroom!” He beams at you and you smile in return.
As you enter the classroom together, you were laughing at a joke Stiles was telling you. You were thankful that he had approached you and you were beginning to feel more at ease, until a stern voice cuts off your conversation. 
“I see you’ve already latched yourself onto the new girl Stilinski? I hope you’re not planning on distracting her during my class and bringing her down to your level?” He looks down his nose at Stiles, before turning to face you. “My name is Mr Harris, I am you Chemistry teacher and I will not tolerate any misbehavior in my classroom.” 
“M-my name is Y/N Y/L/N.” You stuttered, slightly intimidated by Mr Harris’s glare “And I promise to behave.” 
“Yes, I know who you are Miss Y/L/N... and I will keep you to that promise. Now take your seat.” 
You nodded in understanding and followed after Stiles, he pulled out the chair next to him, offering you a seat, but before you could sit down Mr Harris let out a condescending laugh. “Yeah, that’s not happening. Miss Y/L/N, please can you take a seat towards the back, next to Mr Lahey?” 
You looked behind you and saw a tall, wavy haired boy look up suddenly at the mention of his name. The seat next to him was empty, so you assumed he was Lahey and you were meant to sit next to him. You looked back at Stiles and let out a small smile of apology and he smiled and shrugged in response.  
You carried on walking to the back of the classroom and awkwardly sat next to the tall, wavy haired boy. He shuffled away from you slightly as you sat down and you couldn’t help but feel slightly offended. He was clearly uncomfortable having you sit next to him, but you didn’t want the rest of the year to be as awkward so you plucked up the courage to talk to him “Hi, I’m Y/N.” You introduce yourself and smile in his direction. He risks a glance at you and his eyes widen suddenly, before quickly looking a way. 
You were about to look away feeling slightly defeated, until he whispers under his breath “Isaac... that’s my name.” His cheeks suddenly flush red and you’re shocked to feel a small tingling of butterflies forming in your stomach. 
You tried to communicate with Isaac a few times throughout the lesson, but he would only respond if you asked him a question about the work and not once did he make eye contact with you. Usually you would find his behaviour rude, but you couldn’t help but find him endearing. Every time you spoke to him he would either play with his hair awkwardly, or a blush would form on his cheeks and you would find yourself thinking about how cute he looked. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he behaved this way with everyone, or with just you. So throughout the rest of the day, you couldn’t help but scout out the area, trying to catch a glimpse of him interacting with someone else.
You sat with Stiles and the rest of his friends at lunch. Glad that he also had some female friends you could speak to. Allison was the more welcoming of the two, but after half an hour, you could feel Lydia beginning to warm up to you. You tried to focus on the conversation at hand, desperately wanting to make a good impression and hopefully become part of the gang, but the sight of the slender boy sitting alone in the corner kept pulling away your focus. 
You hear Stiles chuckle next to you, finally pulling your attention away from Isaac. You look away from him quickly and turn to face Stiles, not wanting to make it obvious you were staring. Except it was clear that the whole group had already noticed “I feel there may be a lot of actual Chemistry happening in Mr Harris’ class this year.” Stiles jokes, nudging at your arm. 
You couldn’t help but blush and hit him back playfully “Yeah I agree, I could feel the sexual tension radiating between you and Mr Harris. I’m sure you’ll make a great couple.” You cause the rest of the group to laugh, glad to take the attention away from you and your obvious crush on Isaac. 
It was finally time for your last class of the day and you were honestly surprised at how well your first day at Beacon Hills high School had gone. You had actually managed to make some friends and you had made a good impression in most of your classes. 
You entered the classroom and looked around for an empty seat. There was no seating plan for this lesson and you noticed most students had already formed small groups and were sitting beside their friends. You spotted a free seat next to Scott and was about to approach him and ask to sit there when you noticed Isaac at the back of the classroom, with another student sitting alone in front of him.  
You had noticed the other boy earlier at lunch, when you were scanning the room for Isaac and he had also been sitting alone then. You began to sypathise with him, knowing that if Stiles hadn’t approached you that morning then you might have been in the same position. Sitting alone with no one to talk to. You made up your mind and approached the large boy. “Hi I’m Y/n. Do you mind if I sit here?”
He looked up, clearly shocked that someone was communicating with him “O-oh, yeah...sure.” He responded. 
You smiled warmly at him and began asking questions about himself. You found out his name was Boyd and he worked nights at the ice rink. You were glad to find him opening up to you as the lesson progressed and nearing the end of the class you were even laughing together like close friends. You couldn’t believe he had no friends at School, but he told you about how he got suspended last year for fighting, even though it was self defense and since then everyone else had been too afraid to approach him. You sort of understood why, as it was almost hard to believe Boyd was still in high school due to the sheer size of him. But luckily you hadn’t heard the false rumours about him yet and had gotten to know his true personality for yourself. 
You were glad you had made another friend at school and you had gotten on that well together, that you had barely even registered Isaac sitting behind you both. However, you couldn’t help but risk a quick glance behind you before the lesson ended and you instantly made eye contact with Isaac. You swiveled around in your chair so fast you thought you had given yourself whiplash. How long had he been looking at you? Surely it was just a coincidence? Maybe he was actually looking at the board and you just thought he was looking at you? Or maybe he was just drawn to the movement of you turning around? Yeah that was probably it. I mean he had barely even looked at you during your first class. You let out a small sigh, and tried to calm down the beating of your heart. 
Boyd glanced at you and smirked knowingly, passing you a note. You read it and your heart instantly began to beat out of control once again. It read ‘Isaac is a lucky guy.’ You scribbled a hasty response ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ You thrust the note at Boyd and he leaned over and whispers in your ear “You know what it means.” 
Over the next few weeks you had grown closer to both Boyd and Stiles and his group. Sadly, the one person you did want to get closer to was still barely paying you any attention and would mostly ignore you during class, unless you asked him a question about the work. That’s why, you were surprised when you showed up to your first class on Monday morning and Isaac was in his usual seat next to you. Except the aura surrounding him had completely changed, as well as his outfit and the way he was sitting. He was now sporting a black leather jacket, black jeans and converse. He was leaning back in his chair, rocking back and forth with his head held high, as he looked around the classroom. You noticed Scott glaring daggers in his direction and Stiles was looking back and forth between you and Isaac on the edge of his chair, as if he was readying himself to jump between the two of you. You looked back towards Isaac curiously and your heart skipped a beat when you noticed his dark eyes looking you over, a slow smirk beginning to form on his face. 
You held your breath, not knowing how to react. He had never looked at you that way before and the seductive way he was staring at you caused your whole body to heat up. You began to walk towards him, almost as if you were in a trance. You were drawn in by his allure and you found yourself wanting to just give yourself to him there and then. You cautiously sat down beside him and it took all of your strength to greet him the same as usual “Hi Isaac. I hope you had a good weekend?” You internally screamed at how faint your voice had come out. It was so clear you had no control in this situation. 
He chuckles darkly, the seductive sound causes a shiver to run through your body “My weekend was great. You could even say one of the best. But nothing compares to today...” He leans forward and whispers into your ear “This is my favourite class after all.” 
You spent the rest of the lesson literally on the edge of your seat. A flood of emotions had passed through you in the space of an hour and just when you had begun to calm down, Isaac would lean in and whisper something into your ear or would “accidentally” brush his knee with yours. 
You had no idea what had come over him. The quiet, shy Isaac you had come to know and like, had completely disappeared over night and was replaced with an overly confident, flirtatious persona. You had no idea which Isaac was the real one anymore, but either way you found yourself attracted to him.  
You sat with Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison at lunch and Isaac was the main topic of conversation. “I think he’s better this way.” Lydia announced “He actually seems attractive now.” 
Stiles looked at you “You better be careful Y/N, or Lydia is going to swoop in and steal your man.” 
You punched Stiles lightly on his arm “He is not my man!” You turn to face Lydia “And he was attractive before! You just didn’t know the real him.” You confront her. 
“And you did?” She responds “He barely even spoke two words to you before today.” She rolls her eyes at you. 
You were about to respond before Scott interrupts “The main point is, he’s changed suddenly and I’d like to figure out how or why he’s suddenly acting different.” He gave the rest of the group a cryptic look and you let out a sigh. 
You had a feeling there was something the rest of the group was hiding from you and you only hoped they would trust you enough soon, to be able to tell you what it was. 
It was once again your last lesson of the day and you smiled at Boyd as you entered the classroom. You decided not to look at Isaac, as you couldn’t take another moment of his alluring stare. 
It was only a few minutes into the class however, when you felt a sudden kick to your chair. You looked behind you and noticed Isaac's foot on the back of your seat. You turned back around and decided to ignore it. It wasn’t causing you too much of an issue and you weren’t feeling strong enough to face the new Isaac at the moment. 
A few moments later you felt another kick, but you just rolled your eyes and carried on writing. However, after the fourth kick, you had had enough. You looked over your shoulder at Isaac, but he pretended not to notice and acted like he had done nothing wrong. You made eye contact with Boyd and rolled your eyes, causing him to chuckle. Isaac suddenly kicked your chair again, however this time he kicked it with some force and you were pushed harshly against your desk, bruising your ribs. You let out a grunt of pain and for a moment you were shocked that Isaac had hurt you. 
However, your shock didn’t last long and you found yourself suddenly angry at his actions. You pushed your chair back with force, causing him to remove his foot from your chair and you twisted around ferociously, glaring daggers at him. For a moment he looked like the usual Isaac you had grown to like. You saw a flash of remorse and worry spread across his face and for a moment you thought he was going to apologise. 
But then Boyd also turned to face Isaac protectively and you were glad to have him by your side as a trusted friend. Isaac looked towards Boyd and then back to you, a sadistic smirk slowly spreading across his face. He chuckled lightly and rolled his eyes at you, before leaning back in his chair and looking out of the window. 
You had decided to sit with Boyd at lunch the next day, as you had plans to go over your history homework. You couldn’t help but glance over at the table where Isaac usually sat alone and were shocked to see him sitting beside a blonde girl. His arm draped casually over her shoulder. Did Isaac get himself a girlfriend? 
You quickly looked away, not wanting to get caught staring. Especially after what went down between you two yesterday. However, Boyd had noticed you looking over at Isaac and even he seemed to be shocked at what he saw “Are Isaac and Erica dating now?!” He exclaimed. 
Your eyes widened in shock “Wait, that’s Erica?!” You risked another glance over at them and quickly turned away. Both Isaac and Erica were staring in your direction, both of them smirking wildly. 
You looked up at Boyd and noticed him still looking over at them. You grabbed a hold of his arm and yanked at him, causing him to look away “Why did you do that?” He asked. 
You whispered harshly at him “Because you were staring! Do you want them to know we were talking about them?!” 
Boyd whispered back “I don’t really care either way. And is that why you’re whispering?” 
You rolled your eyes “Well I do! And yes obviously.” 
Boyd began to laugh “Y/n, they’re sitting at the other end of the hall, I really doubt they can hear us.” He reasoned, no longer whispering. 
You sat up straight and flipped back your hair “Yes, well... I guess you’re right.” Soon enough you were both laughing at your stupidity and you were glad for the distraction. You didn’t want to think about Isaac dating anyone else, even after how much of a jerk he was being. 
Your laughter was interrupted not long after, when Scott and Stiles approached you both. “Hey Y/N, hey Boyd.” Stiles waved before sitting opposite you. 
“Hey guys.” You respond “What can we do for you?” 
Scott suddenly spoke up “Well actually we are here to receive the keys to the ice rink off Boyd.” He beamed at Boyd, clearly trying to charm him with a bright smile. 
Boyd leaned forward “I told Stilinski it would be 50 dollars.”
Stiles moved forward to meet Boyd half way “I’m pretty sure you said it would be 20.” He slides 20 dollars across the table. 
Boyd huffs and slides the notes back towards him “I said 50.” He was holding his ground. You watched the exchange with amusement. 
“Okay, how about 30?” Stiles asks hopefully. 
“50.” Boys responds. 
Stiles sighs and gets out his wallet and counts his money “Look I’ve only got 40 and...” He searched around in his pockets and pulls out a chocolate bar “some chocolate?” 
Boyd stays silent for a while, before taking a set of keys out of his pocket “Deal.” He trows the keys to Stiles and reaches for the money and chocolate bar. 
“What are you guys doing at the ice rink?” You finally ask, breaking the silence. 
Scott smiles at you, we are taking Allison and Lydia on a double date.” You smile back at him, before turning to Stiles, smirking slightly. 
“Does Lydia know it’s a date?” You ask and he stumbles over his words. 
“Not exactly, but hopefully she will realise half way through and will see it as the best date she’s ever had.” You can’t help but laugh at his optimism. “We were gonna ask if you wanted to come actually, but we thought it would be awkward if you didn’t have a date of your own...” 
Scott chimed in “You’re still welcome to join us though... if you find a date.” Scott looks away sheepishly.
Stiles glances over at Isaac, who was now sitting alone “Why don’t you ask him?” 
You can’t help but sigh “I probably would have, but not anymore. He’s become a real jerk and I don’t date bullies.” A sudden idea springs to mind “Hey Boyd?” Your friend turns away from counting his money from Stiles and looks at you. “Want to go on a date with me?” You ask. 
Boyd lets out a laugh “Sure thing!” He exclaims excited. 
Stiles lets out a low groan “Are you serious? We basically just paid him to go on a date with you!” 
You and Boyd look at each other and laugh “Yeah I guess you did!” Scott and Stiles walk away in defeat “We will see you tonight!” You call after them still laughing. Boyd opens up the chocolate bar from Stiles and splits it in half, handing you a piece. 
You accept it gratefully and begin eating contentedly, looking forward to your date tonight. 
You picked Boyd up on your way to the Ice rink. You were meeting the rest of the gang there and you were glad that Boyd had agreed to come with you, as you wanted him to get to know your other friends and maybe even join the group himself.
Everyone else was already there when you arrived and you were impressed at Lydia’s ice skating abilities. Whilst she was spinning around on the ice like a professional ice skater, Scott was barely managing to stay upright and was grabbing hold of Allison for support. You turned to Boyd and held your hand out to him, “Care to take me on a tour of your work?” You ask and he gladly accepts your invitation. Soon enough you were both skating along the rink, laughing merrily.
After a few hours of skating around with everyone, your toes were beginning to get too cold, so you and Boyd decided to head home. You made your way out of the entrance of the ice rink and out into the car park, still laughing happily. You were glad Scott and Stiles had invited you out, needing the distraction to keep your mind off Isaac.
However, just before you reached your car. A black SUV pulled into the car park and skidded to a halt in front of you both. The driver door opened and a muscly, dark haired man got out. He began walking towards Boyd with purpose. You grabbed hold of Boyd's sleeve on instinct, slightly intimidated by the unknown man. The passenger door and one of the back doors of the car then opened and to your surprise Erica, followed by Isaac got out of the car and stood beside the dark haired man.
You couldn’t help but stare at Isaac, but after glancing in your direction once, he didn’t even look at you again. Erica, however, was smirking at you. Her full focus drawn in your direction. You glared back at her, not wanting her to think she managed to get under your skin. After a moment, you turned your attention back to the mysterious male.
He walked forward slowly “Hi Boyd, my name is Derek Hale. Is it okay if we can talk? Isaac here has told me all about you.” He gestures towards Isaac and smiles at Boyd.
You were surprised at Derek's words, why was Isaac talking to this man about Boyd?
“Erm... sure.” Boyd replies, before turning to me “Are you okay to wait here for a minute whilst we talk?”
You nod at him and look back towards Derek, who is finally acknowledging your presence “Actually, this may take a while. I can drop Boyd home, so you can go on ahead. We wouldn’t want you to stay out too late.” He smiles at you, clearly trying to be friendly. But for some unknown reason, it causes a tingle down your spine.
“I don’t mind waiting.” You say, not wanting to leave Boyd alone “I can just wait in the car if it's private-” You were about to continue when Isaac suddenly cut you off.
“Y/N. Just go home. This is none of your business.” He was so abrupt with you, that it caused a pain in your chest. He didn’t even bother to face you, but instead turned his head to the side away from you and crossed his arms in annoyance.
“Oh.. okay.” You say quietly and Erica lets out a laugh, but you decided to ignore her and instead turn to face Boyd “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t have to stay you know.”
He smiles down at you “I’m sure it will be fine. I will just hear what they have to say.”
You smile back at him and let go of his sleeve “Okay then, but text me when you’re home?” He nods in response and you turn back towards your car. You risk one last glance at Isaac and the others, but he refuses to look at you.
“It was nice to meet you Y/N.” Derek calls after you and you smile back at him.
“Don’t worry we won’t keep your boyfriend long!” Erica calls after you, but you carry on walking to your car. Not caring enough to respond.
You received a text from Boyd an hour later, saying he had gotten home safe. You sighed in relief, and finally allow yourself to drift off to sleep.
You had planned to ask Boyd about what had happened at school the next day, but he never showed. You dropped him a text during first period in case he was just running late, but he didn’t respond.
“You know, if you keep frowning like that you’ll get wrinkles.”
You jumped at the sudden voice beside you and glance down to see Isaac with his head on the desk, facing towards you. He had been sleeping through most of the class, so you were surprised to hear him speak.
You let out a sigh and face the board, ignoring Isaac.
“Hey, don’t ignore me.” Isaac sat up suddenly, but you continued with your work.
He let out a light chuckle “You know it’s rude to ignore people...”
You quickly cut him off “If you know it’s rude to ignore people, then why did you ignore me last night?” You instantly cursed yourself for responding. He was clearly looking for a reaction and you had given him one.
He smiled darkly at you “Is that what you’re mad about? If you want me to give you attention, all you have to do is ask.” He places his hand under the desk and reaches over to put his hand on your knee.
You are frozen in place. He edges towards you, his hand slowly moving up your thigh. Your heart began to beat out of control. A range of emotions washed over you. Panic. Pleasure. Anger. Lust. You finally got your thoughts into place, just before he reached a certain private spot. You reached under the table and grabbed his hand and thrust it away from you with as much force as you could muster.
You then stood up abruptly and smacked Isaac hard across the face. The sound echoed throughout the whole class room and everyone turned to face you in shock.
Mr Harris rounded on you in an instant “Miss Y/L/N! Make your way to the headteachers office this instant!” You were about to argue, when you were cut off “And Mr Lahey, you will come see me after class. Now go.”
You picked up your stuff off of the desk and threw it into your bag, before glaring down at Isaac, who was still sitting there stunned. You then stormed out of the classroom, not bothering to look back. 
Luckily you weren’t in trouble with the headteacher, after explaining what had happened. And even more surprisingly, you found yourself defending Isaac so he wouldn’t get expelled. His punishment would be a week of detention instead.
After skipping your next class, you decided to study on the bleachers. The weather was nice, and you thought a Vitamin D boost would help. You had managed to get most of your homework done and you were glad to keep yourself distracted. Your mind had been whirling with thoughts of Isaac and also worry for your friend Boyd, who had yet to text you back.
You decided to try calling Boyd, but it went straight to answer phone. You let out a heavy sigh and looked out across the field. A group of boys began sprinting across the field in their jerseys. You had completely forgotten that today they had practice for Lacrosse. Which meant the whole team, including Isaac, would be on the field. You began to pack up your homework, not wanting to bump into him, but someone called out to you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Hey Y/N!” You were glad to see Scott and Isaac coming towards you. “We heard about what happened in class, are you okay?!” Stiles asked, looking genuinely concerned.
You smiled at him, glad that you had good friends you could rely on “Yeah, I’m fine. Just an issue involving a certain someone getting a little handsy.” You nodded towards Isaac who had just made his way onto the field and was clearly trying his hardest not to look in your direction.
This time Scott spoke up “Wait, he put his hands on you?!” He was beginning to look mad and you smiled at him, trying to show him that you were okay.
“I’m fine, he only touched my leg. I stopped him before he could do anything worse.” You let out a sigh “Anyway, you guys have practice, so I’m going to go. Good luck to you both!” You patted them both on the shoulders and went to stand up.
Suddenly there were police officers on the field, being led by Stiles’s dad, the Sheriff. “I wonder what’s going on?” You say out loud.
“I don’t know.” Stiles admits.
You watched from the bleachers as Stiles’ dad approached Isaac. Suddenly Isaac was being escorted away, a shocked look on his face.
“Why are they taking Isaac?” You ask, slightly panicked.
“Because his dad was murdered.” Scott answers “And they think he’s a suspect.”
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years ago
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Twelve Days of Rarepairs: Sciles | Scott McCall x Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @childofsquidward & anonymous
It's a lot colder inside the ice rink than Stiles remembers. He can't even take his jacket off, and his fingers are practically numb trying to do up his skates. But he's not letting that stop him. 
Well. Mostly. He's just warming up a bit before he actually skates, staying seated in the stands, eating a Reese's cup. For energy! 
Of course, when he tries to use that on Scott, he just gives him a look and a smile.
"Come on," Scott says, holding out a hand. "Neither of us have skated since Sophomore year. We're both totally out of practice compared to everyone else here."
"Not inspiring much confidence, buddy." 
Stiles glances out at their friends, already on the rink as Scott laughs. Allison and Kira gliding along, both laughing as they try and hold onto each other. Malia carefully edging along the side, a hand firmly gripping the barrier while Erica tries to be encouraging while laughing. Even Boyd and Isaac are doing their own thing on the ice. And Lydia and Jackson, skating along perfectly together. Doing little twirls and practically dancing—this isn't a competitive tv show! 
But he'll admit… they do look happier than they have in a while. That breakup, moving away, being with other people for a while thing then reuniting really seemed to help.
"I meant that it'll be fine, because we're both… not great at it," Scott says.
Stiles glances from their friends to Scott, to the hand he still has held out to him. 
"Fine," he groans, with a theatrical roll of his eyes, taking his hand. Because actually, he doesn't mind. Especially when Scott's holding his hand, lacing their fingers together. 
He allows Scott to pull him up off the bench and stumble their way to the ice. 
"But if we fall and I break something—" Stiles starts.
"I will carry you to the hospital," Scott says, his smile widening.
"I absolutely, one-hundred-percent give you my word," Scott promises, stepping closer. "I'll even do it bridal style if you want."
"No, seriously, because my jeep broke down from the cold when we got here and I don't even know how we're getting home, you'd need to carry me," Stiles says. 
Scott laughs, rolling his eyes. But he's nodding and saying, "We'll take a look at the jeep later, but yeah, I promise."
"Then lead me to the death trap!" Stiles says. 
"You" —Scott leans forward, lips inches from Stiles, pressing a kiss to them with a barely contained smile— "are the biggest dork."
"And you only enable me with your love," Stiles quips back, quickly stealing another kiss. 
Scott just shakes his head, his smile making his eyes crinkle slightly. The look he gives him has been the same for the fifteen years they've known each other, not once changed from when they were four. And yet somehow it still never fails to bring a fluttering warmth to Stiles' chest.
He thought that he would become more immune after the first couple months of being together, but if anything he's just softened to it more. And to Scott.
"Come on," he says, pulling himself of his daze with a gentle nudge to Scott's shoulder and a tug of his hand.
"Before we start to annoy all of our friends?" Scott asks, grinning as he complies and allows Stiles to guide him onto the ice.
"Oh, no, we've been annoying them since the day we met," Stiles replies, turning slightly to face Scott, taking the other hand he holds out to him to keep them both balanced. "We are sickeningly in love and they knew before we did."
"I can't disagree with that one," Scott says, and he looks utterly delighted about it. 
Stiles misjudges his control and nearly flies backwards when he goes to move his foot a little too far. Fortunately, supernaturally quick reflexes on Scott's part keeps him upright. Except he's also fumbling to keep himself steady, and they're both yelping as they go down. 
So, falling on ice hurts. Quite a bit. 
"Okay, we're definitely not good at this," Scott groans, and Stiles grunts in agreement. 
There is most definitely laughter coming fron somewhere, as well as a few concerned people asking, "oh god, are you okay?" 
But after a beat, the laughter takes over in all of them, espscially when there's another yelp from across the rink, followed by, "I'm sorry! I was distracted, I thought you were holding on!"
Scott and Stiles push themselves up into sitting positions, still trying to catch breath from the fall and the laughter that hasn't quite died down yet. 
"Why did we think ice skating was a good idea?" Stiles asks.
"Because it's Christmas Eve and Boyd had the keys?" Scott says, shrugging. He's laughing even as he winces and rubs the back of his head. "It's fun!"
"Yeah, breaking your limbs is fun," Stiles says drily. But he's already got an urge to get back up and do it again. Without the falling part.
"Rematch?" Scott suggests.
Stiles turns his head to look at him, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, this is a competition now, is it? What happened to being on my team?"
"I'm always technically on your team," Scott says, then shrugs, his grin widening. "But wouldn't this be more fun?"
Stiles considers it for a moment. Then he nods, holding out his hand.
"All right, a competition it is then," he says.
There's a muttered, "oh no" from close by. He ignores it as Scott happily takes his hand and they manage to stumble back to their feet. And then it's every person for themselves on the ice (aside from Boyd and Lydia, who are smart enough to stand to the side to avoid being plowed over). 
Their competition turns into all of them screaming at each other to help them stay upright, or for trying to knock them over. Fortunately, and miraculously, the night does not end in any broken bones or dislocated limbs. Just a few scrapes here and there. 
And a jeep that refuses to start back up. Everyone tries to chip in and help fix it, some googling what could be wrong with it while Scott and Stiles mess around with the engine and some wires they probably should be leaving alone. 
But when they're taking a break from trying to fix it, and they're just joking around in the snow, Scott and Stiles sitting on the roof of the jeep, just staring up at the stars, it all feels worth it. Especially when the jeeps lights suddenly flash to life after an hour and the engine starts up on its own. Maybe it just wanted the night to last a little longer, like they all did. 
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shinobirain24 · 4 years ago
It was a Saturday afternoon and Weiss and Neptune held hands to meet his parents for the first time. It was then that the two looked at each other and blushed, smiling. "What's wrong, Snow Angel?" Asked Neptune.
Weiss ran her hand into her cheek in nervousness. Thinking of the reaction of his parents once introduced. "I don't know, Neptune. Ever since we got engaged. I am not sure how your parents would react, cause you know..." Weiss said.
Neptune figured that because she is a Schnee. She thought she would get rejected. But he knew otherwise that her personality counts and not her name. "Hey, don't worry about it. I am sure my parents would have to get to know you first. Least my brother won't be here to ruin the mood. On the bright side when I met your mom, she is actually nice, and too exciting when we told her the news."
-One month ago-
Willow gripped on Neptune's hand a bit tightly as she just got excited for their engagement. And saw some kindness in him. Unlike Weiss' father, Jacques. Weiss never saw this side of her mother before. Normally she would be more composed.
"Give me grandchildren!" She told him. Making Neptune eye-widened. Weiss is also jolted at this reaction.
"Mother!" Weiss and Whitley sighed.
"Sorry about that. I never saw this side of my mother before. But she seemed better than before since my father is now gone." Weiss said. Even a bit shocked at her mother's reaction. She was glad that she accepted her fiancé. If her father were here, he would've went after him like a tyrant, which he already was.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm glad things gotten better since the wars." Neptune said. Recalling the events of meeting Willow. "Also, I might have to want you about my sisters." Neptune stammered. Weiss looked at him with surprise as m she did not know he has sisters.
"I don't know you have sisters." Weiss blinked. "What about them?"
"They are triplets, Vesta and Juno went to Haven together, while Ceres is a doctor, she's sweet and all, so there's nothing to worry about cause I think you might get along with her just fine. Needless to say, Juno and Vesta can be a bit of a powerhouse. It's safe to say they are overprotective of me. The last guy who picked on me got sent to the hospital after Juno and Vesta beat him up badly." Neptune rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh, I guess they couldn't help but love their little brother. Take it from my sister, she always believed I have to be on my own feet. But it doesn't stop her from helping me find my own ground." Weiss said.
Then minute they knocked the door. Weiss breathed a bit to keep calm when meeting others. Then when the door opened and Neptune's father Saturn is the first on the front door. "Son?" He greeted.
"Hey, dad. Sorry it's been too long...and..." Before he could say anything, Saturn greeted his son with a hug. "I am so happy you finally come for a visit!" He teared up. And then turned to Weiss. "Oh, who is this lovely young lady?" Weiss then introduced herself.
"Please to meet you, Mr. Vasilias. My name is Weiss Schnee, and your son is very wonderful." She smiled whole blushing at the same time seeing how sweet the reunion was between father and son. "It's a pleasure, Miss Schnee." He greets.
"Saturn, what's this all about?! I thought I heard panic, but..." His wife, Lydia covered her mouth in shock to see her son in person. She then launched herself into a hug. "My baby! Look how big you've grown!" She noticed his height almost as tall as her husband. "Great to see you too, mom."
Weiss is a bit astonished to see her fiancé's mother looking a bit younger than her husband. She must've been in good health. Lydia turned to Weiss and greeted her with a smile. "Oh my goodness. Neptune told me about you and you looked very beautiful!" Lydia squealed. As Weiss paled a bit that she never expect this kind of greeting before but did not say a word.
"Uh...thank you..." Weiss stammered. "You look also lovely as well." She told her back to ease up a bit. That's when Lydia gave her a hug, unexpectedly. The same reaction far joyful. Like Willow. "Come here!" She said. Weiss blushed, a little taken aback by the surprise. But tried to be polite. Then Lydia wrapped her arm around Weiss as she showed her the entrance. "Come on in, teriyaki and sushi can't eat themselves. Help yourselves!" She said cheerfully.
Then they all entered the house for a meeting. Later in the living room. "So I heard your sister is leading the military now, you must be very proud of her." Lydia said. Weiss nodded in agreement. "I am, she taught me in some way of gaining my own ground. Since my father is long gone, our family is free to chose our own paths."
Lydia sighed in relief for the mentioning of Jacques now deceased. "Well, I for one relieved. Ever since he framed Saturn for weaponry trafficking. I had to defend him in court. Not once he was ever locked up until now." Lydia recalled the case. This made Weiss paled a bit. But maintain her composure. "I for one, agreed. Not once did my father paid the price. I am also happy he is out of our lives."
"I am sure you don't deserve your father's treatment towards you. Your mother and I had been close at a young age. And for some reason, Jacques had been depriving her right to contact me. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. And as a result of the past, Jupiter grew to resent your sister."
"That I did not know. But once the wedding starts. You and my mother can make up for lost time." Weiss insisted. This got Saturn and Lydia surprised to hear that word. "You don't mean...?" They paused as Neptune and Weiss nodded as she showed them a silver ring that he used to propose to her. "Yep, he proposed to me." This brought joy.
Later, after the meeting. They decided to have some time to themselves. "Your parents are actually nice. Never have I thought they would be this joyful." Weiss admits. "From what I heard, your dad and your mom. They did work together on multiple cases. They seemed so happy together." Weiss said. A bit jealous that she never had parents like that.
"How so, Snow Angel?"
"The thing is, my parents were never like that. Form what I can remember, my father always kept his distance from my mother. All he did was give her a cold shoulder. For me, it was way harsher. The more I saw this, the more I thought some parents are like this, but it just wasn't right." Weiss told him.
"I get where you're coming from. Mom saw cases like that before. That's why I decided to work with law enforcement. To help others in need. When I was a kid. I used to call myself a coward. All those negative thoughts kinda blocked me from reality. I hate hurting others because of my semblance."
"Maybe that makes two of us. I'm glad you decided this yourself. I for one learned one thing. Seeing the world today, it was crazy, but it was also fun. If I were to still be an heiress, I wouldn't have met you today." Neptune took her by surprise by wrapping her arms around her in an embrace.
"You are the best one that's ever happened to me. I promised you, I'll do whatever so can for you. I don't care if you're a Schnee anyway. Your happiness is my happiness."
"Neptune, there's no need to be worked up about this! I appreciate it, really! But..."
"But I really mean it." Neptune finished. As they looked into each other's eyes.
Later, Saturn and Lydia present them the kimonos they were never familiar with. "Ta-da!" Lydia cheered. "Mom, what are these?" Neptune asked, a bit confused.
"These are what your father and I wore for our wedding! Black for the groom and white for the bride! Those are actually Mistral's traditional wear. Dont they look so beautiful?!" Asked Lydia.
Weiss and Neptune looked at each other. "Actually, they are. What do you think?" Neptune is at a loss for words. "I am not sure..."
"Come on, son. It won't hurt if you tried it on first." Saturn said. Suddenly they heard a crash from the kitchen and they ran to check it out. It was two of the triplets, Vesta and Juno. Standing above a Nevermore they killed and made a hole in the walls. "Haha! Another day, another Grimm down! Take that!" Vesta then paid attention to her parents. "Sorry, Daddy! Juno is not the type to find landing spaces." Vesta apologized while Juno is too busy celebrating another hunt completed.
"Guys, seriously?!" Neptune groaned. Then his sisters jumped off to hug him. "Our baby brother is back!" Making Neptune feeling embarrassed. "Nice to see you too! Please let me go!" Neptune pleaded while his sisters gripped on him, being overly affectionate. "Aw, come on, don't be baby! Just a few more minutes!" Juno cheered. Then eyed on Weiss. "Who is she?"
"Um...hi." Waved Weiss. Suddenly, Ceres came home from work in the hospital. "Daddy! I'm home! I heard Neptune's back and...!" Ceres paused to see her sisters and the Nevermore. The turned to Weiss. "You must me Weiss. It's nice to meet you. Sorry about my sisters. Also, I have to warn you. Don't get me wrong. I love my brother, but he is a flirt." She whispered the last thing near her ear.
"Don't worry about it, it's nice to meet you too." Ceres seems genuine, but more likely to save other girls from heartbreak. Since she seems to be gentle but strict out of the triplets. Not sure is her brother changed or not. "Ceres! I'm not that guy anymore!" Snapped Neptune.
"Don't worry, I knew you grown. I am sure your sisters are amazing too." Weiss assured. Then Lydia grasped her hand. The same reaction Willow had shown before. "Please say you'll give me grandchildren!" Pleaded Lydia. Making the rest of the Vasilias household, except Vesta and Juno, paled. "Mom!" Shouted Neptune.
"Lydia! It's too soon to ask something too personal!" Saturn joined Neptune. "Mom!" Added Ceres. As much as Saturn wanted grandchildren, he knows patience is a virtue. And Lydia did not seemed to get any older, physically. As for Vesta and Juno, they are getting too excited to have a niece or a nephew. But for Weiss and Neptune, it was getting too much. But decides to wait until things have calmed down a bit.
"Eeek! Did you hear that?!" Juno squealed.
"Yeah, just give us a niece or a nephew! I don't care!" The sisters held hands and jumped up and down. Much to the dismay of their third triplet sister, Ceres. "Vesta, Juno, not you too. Did you not see the damage you caused there." Ceres gestured at the broken walls. "Lighten up, sweet sister! Think of all the fun we can have with their kids!"
"Want my advice? Get yourselves some boyfriends." Ceres advised strictly. But they are not listening.
"So, when's the wedding?" Saturn asked. Awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "We've been thinking a month later." Weiss replied. The couple looked at each other and smiled, knowing that it might not be a perfect wedding, but it will be a great time to spend with their families.
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spideythot · 5 years ago
high school au request where peter is a feminine looking highschool science teacher and tony is a bad boy student who has the hots for his science teacher
It’s late here, but I just finished this. I hope you enjoy what I’ve got. It kinda turned into an edging fic(a forewarning). Anyway, thanks for your patients
Warning: edging/orgasm delay, NFF, teacher/student relationship
Soft. That’s how Tony would describe the new science teacher. Soft hair, soft skin, and soft sweater vests. Tony liked it - despite what many people would think about him. He had a rough and tough appearance - but he liked soft things. He liked Peter Parker. Mr. Parker, who was so fresh out of college, he’d already been mistaken for a student.
Mr. Parker’s class was the one he paid most attention in - all his other classes were boring anyway. He could sit in Mr. Parker’s class, just dreaming about his lips or his eyes, or the way his pants clung to his ass.
“Tony,” Mr. Parker called him softly, and oh, Tony could get used to hearing that. “Tony...” Yeah, that was really nice.
“Tones.” James kicked Tony’s shin with his steel-toe. Tony glared at his best friend and then realized the class was staring at him. And so was Mr. Parker. He must have called on Tony. A glance at the board told him they were talking about chemical reactions. His eyes darted back to Mr. Parker, who smiled and mouthed the word ‘example’. Tony gave a brief nod, “Um, combustion,” he said, “Like lighting a match.”
Mr. Parker nodded. “Good, any one else?” He asked turning to the rest of the class. Lydia, give us another example.” Tony sighed softly and looked over at James who made a kissy face at him.
“Can it, Rhodes,” Tony grumbled.
“You go it bad for teacher...” James teased quietly.
“Shut up,” Tony muttered. He huffed and pointedly looked down at his opened textbook. He sat through the rest of class with his head mostly down - though he could t stop himself from peeking at Mr. Parker for long. When class was finally over, Tony and James were the last to leave as usual.
Mr. Parker caught Tony by the door. “Are you free after classes, Tony?” He asked. Tony gaped a little before his teacher clarified, “I’d like to speak to you about your grade briefly.”
“S-sure,” Tony replied, ignoring how hot his face felt and James’ sniggering. Tony shoves his friend roughly when they walked away from the classroom together.
After classes were let out, Tony quickly returned to the chemistry lab - but he didn’t want to seem too eager. So he waited a couple minutes in the hallway. Tony wasn’t nervous - no, he had nothing to worry about. He was smart enough to ace all his classes without trying. Nobody really knew that or expected it of him, thanks to the gang persona.
When he’d waited long enough, he went to the door and raised his hand. Then he put it down. No need to knock, that wasn’t as suave as just walking in. So, Tony inhaled deeply and opened the door.
Mr. Parker was at his desk, grading lab books it looked like. He glanced up at Tony and smiled. “Have a seat, Tony,” he said. Tony did so, sitting in the chair obviously positioned in front of Mr. Parker’s desk. Mr. Parker got up from his desk and closed the door, clicking the lock shut. He closed the blinds over the small window near the door too.
“So, I don’t really need to talk about your grade,” the teacher confessed. “You’re an incredibly smart young man - and doing extraordinary.” He moved back to his desk and sat down. Mr. Parker met Tony’s eyes. “I’m more concerned about your attention and participation in class. Something’s distracting you lately.”
Tony’s eyes widened and he felt the blush creeping across his face again. He looked away from Mr. Parker’s gaze too quickly. “It’s nothing...” he muttered.
Mr. Parker chuckled slightly. “I don’t think it’s nothing,” He said. “Tony. You’re a senior and I know you’ve already been accepted to MIT. But if you’re having trouble focusing in class, your grades could slip.”
“I’m not having trouble though,” Tony replied in a low voice. “Nothing’s gonna slip. I’m just - I’ll get a handle on it.”
“Well... would you be less distracted if we transferred you into Mr. Xavier’s class?” Mr. Parker said.
Tony almost jumped out of the chair. “No!” He blurted. Mr. Parker’s eyes twinkled with something other than shock. Tony lowered his voice again. “No, I don’t want to transfer.”
“So it is me,” Mr. Parker said.
Tony met the man’s gaze again, stunned. Mr. Parker’s smile seemed a little more smug. “I thought I was imagining it at first,” he added. “But you’ve got a crush, don’t you? I can’t promise I can be less distracting to you Tony. I need you to pay attention more than just the way I look.”
Tony blinked. “Please, don’t make me transfer,” he said again. He couldn’t believe Mr. Parker had figured him out so precisely - actually, he could believe it. Mr. Parker was so intelligent.
“Well, what are going to then Tony?” Mr. Parker. Tony shrugged and Mr. Parker sighed.
“Maybe... maybe if you and me...” Tony said after a moment of silence.
“Tony you’re my student,” Mr. Parker said immediately.
“But I’m already 18,” Tony protested. And - if I know what it’s like to be with you, I’ll stop day dreaming about it in class.”
Mr. Parker raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips. “Is that so?” He asked, clearly thinking otherwise.
Tony nodded insistent it would work. Mr. Parker stood. “Well, let’s test your theory,” he said as he approached Tony. Tony in turn gulped and sat up a little straighter in his seat. He waited as Mr. Parker leaned over him. Tony even closed his eyes, letting them flutter shut as he anticipated those soft lips against his own.
He got lips against his neck instead, and a whisper against his ear lobe. “You’re very cute, Tony,” Mr. Parker said. “They said there would be adorable little students like you. I’ve always had a thing for bad boys.”
Tony shivered. He tried to banter back but his mouth was suddenly too dry.
“Are you gonna be my bad boy, Tony?” Mr. Parker asked. “Or will you be good for me?”
“I-“ Tony wet his lips and shuddered again as Mr. Parker’s lips dragged over his throat again. “I’ll be good. For you.”
Mr. Parker rewarded him with a kiss - a small peck - on the lips. Tony opened his eyes again and looked at his teacher. Mr. Parker was standing behind him, so he had to tilt his head back. Those perfect honey brown eyes seemed darker now, and he still grinned at Tony, cocky but pleased. “I want you to tell me you want what I’m going to do to you,” Mr. Parker said. “I need to know you’re consenting.”
Tony held his gaze for a moment. “What are you going to do to me?” He asked.
“I’m going to bring you to the edge of orgasm and hold you there until you’re begging for release,” Mr. Parker said. “And when you finally cum, you’re going to do anything I ask so you can feel that way again.”
“O-okay,” Tony breathed out. “Yes... I want that.”
“Thought you might,” Mr. Parker replied. He tussled Tony’s messy hair, playfully. “Stand up and take your pants off.”
Tony scrambled to his feet and did as he was told. He dropped his pants and let them clatter to the floor. He took off his studded, leather jacket as well. Tony stood a little awkward in his boxer briefs and ripped up tank top.
He felt as though he were naked as Mr. Parker’s eyes slowly raked over him. “Up on the desk, and spread your legs,” the teacher said.
Tony hopped up and sat on Mr. Parker’s desk. He spread his legs slightly, though he kept his hands over his already embarrassingly hard dick. Mr. Parker moved in; he kissed Tony’s cheek and gently took hold of his wrist. “Don’t be embarrassed,” Mr. Parker said. “I want to see how much you want me.”
Tony let Mr. Parker move his hands away. The man stood between Tony’s legs, and gently palmed his cock through his boxers. Tony gasped, and then bit his tongue - that was an unmanly sound. “Don’t hide,” Mr. Parker said. He took Tony’s cock out of the boy’s underwear and gently pumped it. Tony shuddered again and gripped the edge of the desk. Mr. Parker kept staring, observing Tony carefully and he couldn’t meet the teacher’s gaze at all. Mr. Parker kissed him, fully on the lips now. Tony kissed back, eager to show off his limited skill. His tongue prodded against Mr. Parker’s lips but the man pulled back. He pumped Tony’s cock faster, eliciting a whine from the student. “F-fuck...” Tony moaned.
Mr. Parker tsked. “Naughty boy,” he chided. Tony flushed a deeper shade of red - hot all the way to the tips of his ears. His cock twitched and leaked at the scolding. “Watch that pretty mouth.”
“Sorry...” Tony mumbled.
“Sorry, Mr. Parker,” the teacher corrected.
“Sorry, Mr. Parker,” Tony repeated.
Mr. Parker kissed his cheek as a reward. His hand slowed slightly as he pumped Tony’s dick. Tony whined again and bucked his hips on the desk.
“Please...Mr. Parker,” he moaned, his voice quiet, “I’m so close.”
Mr. Parker hummed. “But I’m not done with you yet.” He kissed Tony again and shoved his tongue into the boy’s mouth this time. He squeezed the base of Tony’s cock as his tongue explored the boy’s mouth. He pulled back, leaving Tony panting.
Mr. Parker pushed his hand up Tony’s tank top and brushed his fingers over the boy’s nipples. Tony shuddered and gasped - but he bit his lip quickly to keep his moans in. He squeezed his eyes shut as Mr. Parker rolled finger around one of his nipples. He heard the man hum and felt fingers on his dick again. Tony’s cock jumped, eager to be held again.
“Do you touch yourself often?” Mr. Parker asked.
“Wha- like, yeah,” Tony breathed out his answer, “Yeah... yeah I touch myself.” He blushed again at the admission.
“And you cum quickly each time?” Mr. Parker pried.
“Y-yeah... sometimes multiple times...” Tony said.
“Well, you’re gonna cum for me just once,” Mr. Parker said, “And it’s going to be all of it. I’m gonna drain you... so you can focus on your studies tonight.”
“R-right...” Tony moaned. He shuddered as he felt Mr. Parker fingers lazily stroke his shaft. He bucked his hips into his teacher’s hands and he groaned. Mr. Parker’s grip tightened over Tony’s tip, teasing and then loosening over the boy’s length. Tony closed his eyes as Mr. Parker’s fingers moved back down to the base of his cock. They squeezed the base of his dick, but not too tightly. Mr. Parker’s other hand gently cupped his balls, massaging them as they tightened.
Tony gasped and tossed his head back. “C-cumming...” he panted.
And Mr. Parker’s hand were gone. The tightness in his lower abs stung. His cock leaked just a little and felt as though is was burning. Tony groaned in frustration - he was so close to edge. Just another touch would put him over. Maybe if he could just give himself a little relief.
His head snapped up and he gazed down at his red, angry cock.
Mr. Parker’s hands were on his thighs, thumbs stroking small circles on his skin. The man met Tony’s gaze. “Don’t even think about it,” he said, sending Tony’s next move. “I won’t hesitate to restrain you.”
Tony’s fingers twitched on the hard surface of the desk. He could provoke Mr. Parker cuz, damn, being tied up sounded hot. But he didn’t want to ruin his orgasm... he could be good and control himself. He took in a shaky, deep breath and then pursed his lips. Mr. Parker read him easily and kissed him gently.
“There you go,” Mr. Parker soothed. “Breathe and relax. I know you want it so badly. Just a little longer.”
Tony tried to breathe - tried to calm himself down - but all he focus on was Mr. Parker’s fingers on his dick... his lips so close... his cock. God, Tony hadn’t even seen Mr. Parker’s dick yet. His eyes opened and locked with the teacher’s. Then they dropped to the crotch of Mr. Parker’s dark corduroy slacks. They were tented but Mr. Parker didn’t seem to care. Tony had imagined his cock before, but now... he had a chance to see it. Maybe even touch it. The thought sent a spike of heat right to his crotch.
“Oh, god...” Tony moaned. Mr. Parker’s hand slowed on his dick again. The teacher gazed him deciding if he should continue or hold back. Tony bucked his hips into Mr. Parker’s hands and whined. “No, please...” he gasped.
Mr. Parker’s fingers squeezed the base of Tony’s cock again. “Your balls are so full, baby,” He teased. “But I don’t know if you’re ready...”
“I can’t take it anymore,” Tony begged, “I wanna cum so bad.”
Mr. Parker hummed and cupped Tony’s balls again, giving them a good squeeze. Tony bit back a gasp. He shivered and watched his cock jump in the teacher’s hand. “You have to give me everything,” Mr. Parker said, “Every last drop.”
Tony nodded, eager to finally be allowed to cum. Mr. Parker used both of his hands, pumping the full length of Tony’s cock with quick, short pulls. Tony moaned and writhed on the desk, gripping the edges of it with white knuckled hands. Orgasm hit him fast. His lower ab muscles tightened with heat as his cock splattered all over Mr. Parker’s hand and his own stomach.
He breathed a sigh as his orgasm simmered. But Mr. Parker’s hands didn’t stop. He continued wringing a hand lazily over Tony’s shaft, dragging his pulls upward and pushing a loose grip downward. Tony’s brain shorted and he whimpered. “Wha-please- oh- Mr. Parker!” He moaned. He was finished - he’d cum and now this was- his cock was burning at the sensation.
Mr. Parker didn’t stop and suddenly Tony’s cock jumped and he came again - not as much as before but more spurted out.
Tony groaned and panted again. “M-mr. Parker,” Tony whined. The teacher’s hands finally stilled. He stepped back and kissed Tony’s cheek.
“Well done, good boy,” he said. He tussled Tony’s messy hair and kissed him once more. “What do we say?”
Tony breathed, shakily and raised an eyebrow at the teacher. He babbled out a few incoherent words and shook his head. Mr. Parker simply chuckled and wrapped his hand around Tony’s cock again. Tony tried to protest but a wave of pleasure took him again. His heart pounded in his ears and his head was spinning.
“What do you say?” Mr. Parker prompted again.
“I- I don’t know...” Tony confessed as Mr. Parker teased him relentlessly.
“I just gave you an amazing orgasm,” Mr. Parker explained. “You say thank you for something like that.”
Tony nodded and breathed in little gasps. Mr. Parker’s fingers continued to dance around his sensitive cock head. He looked at Tony expectantly. “T-thank you, Mr. Parker,” Tony finally managed to gasp out.
The teacher released his dick and smiled. “Good boy,” he said again. He kissed Tony’s lips and rubbed small circles on his back. “Breathe deep now. I’m done teasing you.”
Tony listened to Mr. Parker, taking in deep breaths and calming down with the teacher’s help. He was kissed a few more times too and praised. Mr. Parker helped him down from the desk and held him steady as his legs quivered for a moment.
“Felt good to get all of that out, didn’t it?” Mr. Parker asked.
Tony nodded and mumbled. “Y-Yeah. It was amazing. I saw stars.”
Mr. Parker laughed happily at the admission. “Well, then I’m glad I did it,” he said. “I was worried it might be too much.” He kissed Tony again.
Tony looked at Mr. Parker when they parted, his gaze dropped back to man’s bulge. “What about you?” He asked. “Can I... I can suck you off.”
Mr. Parker’s eyes fluttered closed and he groaned low in his chest. “As much as I appreciate your eagerness,” he said, “I’ll take care of myself this time.”
Mr. Parker pressed a finger to Tony’s lips. “If you’re a good boy tomorrow in class, and pay attention, I’ll let you suck my cock all you want afterward,” he said.
Tony’s eyes widened and he nodded vigorously. “Yes please,” he said against the teacher’s fingers.
Mr. Parker moved his hand. “And If you can manage to not touch yourself until tomorrow, I may even let you cum when your finished with my dick.”
Tony wanted to protest the no-touching rule, but a wave a realization hit him. If he didn’t touch himself, Mr. Parker would touch him again. And make him cum so hard he’d see sparkles behind his eyelids.
“Okay...” Tony breathed out with a small moan. He was sure he was blushing again.
Mr. Parker kissed Tony once more. “Good boy,” he said, “Now, you better head home. You’ve got homework to do, right? That should distract you from being naughty.”
Tony nodded. He really did hope his school work would be enough to keep his fantasies at bay. Mr. Parker’s eyes were on him still as he redressed and packed up his belongings. He could feel his spent dick trying to get hard again. His night was going to be long...
“Until tomorrow, Tony,” Mr. Parker said. He opened up the classroom door for Tony. “I’ll be looking forward to hearing about your evening.”
Tony flushed hot and stammered a little. “Y-Yeah... I’ll tell you about it tomorrow,” he said. “Promise.”
“Can’t wait,” Mr. Parker said as Tony exited to room. He looked back at the teacher, who was still watching him go. God, he couldn’t wait either.
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maxineswritingcenter · 4 years ago
You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 18
I’ll be switching point of views for this one so buckle your seat belts. I just hope I do the character’s justice because it’s been a minute since I watched the show. Also going to be changing the perspective because... My writing makes no sense and it probably never will. 
“I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is going to be too hurt to heal.” Derek led Scott and I into the subway car in the middle of the abandoned depot. The unfortunate reality is that Jackson was no longer Jackson, and we only had one option left. 
Scott sighed, “Ugh, I get it. We can't save Jackson.”
Derek sat down on one of the seats, “We can't seem to kill him, either. I've seen a lot of things, Scott. I've never seen anything like this. Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger.” He said grimly.
“But how do we stop him?”
“I don't know. I don't even know if we can.” He shrugged, sounding defeated. I could imagine how he felt, powerful but so helpless. 
“Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it...” He suggested. 
“I don’t know if they could help.” I crossed my arms over my chest, “Chris filled him with lead and it didn’t stop him. I don’t think they could handle it either.”
“I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault.” Derek let his head hang. 
“That’s not true.” I looked at him sternly.
“You didn't turn him into this! I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?” Scott asked.
Derek scoffed, “That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple.”
“What do you mean? What aren't you telling me?”
“Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?” He looked up at Scott.
“Because you always are keeping something from me!”
“Well, maybe I do it to protect you. Both of you.”
“Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets?”
Derek sighed, looking down at his hands, “Go home, Scott. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe... 'Cause the full moon's coming, and with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one.” Scott left with a huff, leaving Derek and I alone. 
“Der...” I said softly, running my fingers through his dark hair. He closed his eyes, humming softly. 
“You can’t blame yourself, you could have never imagined what could have happened.” 
“I thought there was something wrong with my bite.” His voice was barely audible, “Something wrong with me.” 
“No, no, no.” Kneeling down, I cupped his cheeks in my hands, “There is nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect.” 
“You have to say that. I’m your mate.” 
I only cringed a little at his use of the word “mate” unironically, “That’s not true. I give you criticism at any chance I get. But that’s mostly because you keep turning kids into soldiers.”
“I guess you’re right.” His lips turned up slightly, “You’re like my conscience, but a lot better looking than this mug.”  He leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. Grinning, I kissed his nose and stood up. 
“I gotta get home, make sure everyone’s alright. I’ll see you later.” I winked, making my way out of the depot. 
I got home late, but not any later than the usual lately. As soon as I closed the door, I saw Uncle Noah at the kitchen table. He was pouring whiskey into a glass, probably wasn’t his wish. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked like he hadn’t slept or showered in a while. Walking quietly, I placed my hands on his shoulders, squeezing lightly. 
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” He looked up at me slowly, blinking his pale green eyes at me. 
“I don’t know what I did wrong, (Your Mom’s Name).” He said, “(Y/N) is so distant and she won’t talk to me anymore.” I was told once or twice that I resembled my mother, but in his drunkenness, he must have thought I was her.
“I mean, hell... She was dating someone for months and she didn’t even tell me. Sure, he was a person of interest... But he was also her friend.” 
Smiling softly, I guided him to a standing position, “No, Noah, she’s just going through a lot right now. She’s still learning and growing. And you’re doing the best job you can and she loves you for it.” I helped him to his room and into bed.
“Goodnight, (Y/M/N).” He yawned, pulling the covers over himself and closing his eyes. 
“Goodnight, Noah.” I said, closing the door behind me. I took a deep breath and went down the hall to Stiles’ room. He was sleeping away in the most ridiculous position possible, having fought off a kanima and saving his friend from death. I was just happy to see him there, alive and breathing. 
“Goodnight, Stiles.” I whispered, closing his door all the way. 
It was the night of the full moon and my body was already feeling the effects of it. But since my self training/ anger management was doing well, Derek gave a hesitant okay for working with Scott’s Scooby Gang to keep a look out at Lydia’s birthday party. Derek and I had the betas in the railway car in the depot. He was looking through his family’s chest again. 
“What is that?” Isaac asked, looking quizzically at the symbol on the box. 
“It’s a triskele.” Boyd said, “The spirals mean different things: past, present, future; mother, father, child.” 
“Do you know what it means to me?” Derek asked. 
“Alpha, Beta, Omega?”
“That’s right. It’s a spiral, it reminds us that we can rise to one.”
“And fall to another.” I finished. It was one of the few things I remembered word for word from the research we did back when Derek was cousin Miguel. 
“Betas can become Alpha, but Alphas can fall to Betas, or even Omegas.” Derek said, continuing to look through the box. 
“Like Scott?” Isaac asked. 
“Scott’s with us.” 
“Really?” Isaac’s voice held just a touch of sarcasm, “Then where is he now?”
“They’re looking for Jackson.” He looked pointedly at me, then back to the group, “Don’t worry, they’re not gonna have it easy either. None of us will. There’s a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal” He handed a leather belt connected to a chain to Isaac, “But tonight, you’re gonna want to kill anything you can find.”
“Good thing I had my period last week then.” Erica chuckled. Derek pulled a metal crown from the box, there were screws turned inwards towards where someone’s head would be. 
“Well, this one's for you.” Erica’s face immediately changed. Beeping made me look down at my phone. 
2006 Swim Team - Lahey was the Coach.
“That’s my cue to leave.” I shoved my phone in my pocket and backed out of the open door, heading out into the open depot. 
“Wait.” Derek called after me, catching me before leaving out the door in my car that was finally back from the shop. 
“Yes?” I sing-songed, turning around to face him. 
“I wanted to give you something.” He said, reaching into the pocket of his jeans, “You have something from Stiles but you should have something from me. Something that means... More.” From his pocket he produced a silver ring, it had a twisted band towards the top with a triskele cut out of the metal. 
I started down at the ring in shock, “Is... Is this a proposal?” His eyes widened.
“No.” He squeezed his eyes shut, “I mean, not yet. This... This is a promise. For both of us. You uh, could wear it on your ring finger if you want though-That is if you want it-” I silenced his babbling with my lips.
“I love it.” I smiled, taking the ring and sliding it on my left ring finger. It fit surprisingly, “Thank you.”
“Tonight... I’m probably going to get hurt. Just try to block it out as much as you can.” 
“Sounds good. I love you.” I cupped his cheek. 
“I love you.” He smiled. My hand slipped from his cheek and I made my way out of the depot. 
I parked outside of Lydia’s house and I was actually able to park in her driveway. From what I remember, Lydia’s parties, especially her birthday parties, were supposed to be insane and packed. Yet, I could only see Roscoe. Which meant that Stiles was finally invited. Good for him. I knocked on the front door and waited, slipping my hands into my jacket pockets. 
The door opened, revealing Lydia who was vaguely confused by my being at her door. She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at me. 
“(Y/N).” I corrected her. 
“Oh. Well, come in.” She opened the door further, revealing the tray of pink cocktails in her hand, “Have a drink.” I grabbed a pink drink from the tray and cheered it towards her as I went inside, going straight to the back where Scott, Stiles and Allison were sitting on the deck of the pool. 
“Is this... everyone?” I asked, sitting besides Stiles in a lawn chair. 
"Maybe it's just early?" Scott said, not believing it himself.
Stiles said grimly, "Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia turned into the town whack job."
"Well, we have to do something because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks..." Allison said.
"She's completely ignored Stiles for the past ten years." Scott pointed out.
"I prefer to think of it as I haven't been on her radar." Stiles said in an offended tone.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I patted his shoulder. 
Scott sighed, “We don't owe her a party.”
“What about the chance to get back to normal?” Allison crossed her arms over her chest.
She shrugged, “She wouldn't be the "town whackjob" if it wasn't for us.”
Scott nodded, “I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here...”
I pulled out my phone, “I could pull some strings with some people from my year.” I found the group text I had gotten from when I had been abducted, typing in Lydia’s address and the promise of a party and booze. 
“Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going. Like, really going.” Stiles said, looking down at his phone. He was looking through his contacts, finding: Drag Queen from Jungle.
“Who?” She asked. 
“I met them the other night... Let's just say, they know how to party.” He sent off the text then looked over at me. 
“What is that?” He asked, motioning with his phone to my left hand. 
“A ring. You know what those are, right?” I sipped my drink. 
Stiles’ jaw clenched, looking towards the sidewalk, “You gonna marry him.” 
“It’s not an engagement ring, it’s a promise ring.” 
“Whatever.” He got up, walking inside. I avoided Scott and Allison’s awkward gaze and just took a large gulp of my drink. 
In the next ten minutes, the amount of people who showed up was pretty astounding. Town whack job or not, promise people booze and they will come. Walking through the crowd, I saw people that I used to hang around with. A lot of people gave their condolences, lots of staring, sad smiles, but that’s how it was. 
“A little jumpy are we, Jackson?” I took a sip out of my drink. 
While walking through it hit me - shitty, over priced cologne. And possibly, a terrible attitude. And lizard. I turned quickly and saw Jackson. He was startled by my sudden movement. 
He narrowed his eyes at me, then looked away, “I don’t have to explain myself to someone who makes minimum wage.”
"I would watch my back if I were you, (Y/L/N). Full moon makes me feel a certain way." I chuckled and looked down, craning my neck back up to flash him my red eyes.
“Maybe it’s because you’re not a disgusting lizard thing right now, but I could care less that you are trying to intimidate me. You don’t even know why you came here tonight, do you? You’re certainly not here for Lydia.” 
It was my turn to narrow my eyes, “You don’t know why you’re here. So that means...” The puppeteer was here, “Good talk, gotta go.” As I walked quickly, trying to find Scott or Stiles, I found Matt getting a drink from Lydia, but he really wasn’t looking at Lydia. He had his eyes trained on Allison and the way he wasn’t looking at her reminded me of the night Michael took me. I didn’t like Allison at the best of times considering she shot me and all, but this was too much to ignore. As I walked towards Matt I was halted, like my feet didn’t want to move from what I saw. Derek was standing by himself near the outside of the house. I walked up to him quickly. 
“Derek, what are you doing here? Where are the others?” They couldn’t have transformed then transformed back by now, there was no way. 
“There’s been something I’ve been thinking about.” He swirled the drink in his hand, the same drink everyone else had, “You have a habit of making people miserable or getting them killed.”
“Excuse me?” I squinted at me, swallowing thickly. My throat felt dry and was it getting hotter?
“Think about it. Your parents think you’re too weak to keep your secret so they take your life from you, taking you from me. You’re the reason your parents are dead. You got Michael killed.” He stepped forward and with every step, I took one back, “I’m just wondering when it’s my turn to die or even Stiles.” 
“Derek, I-” My eyes were watering. 
“How about I kill Stiles for you? Save some blood for your hands. Or,” He chuckled, “Would you rather do it yourself.” He started to walk back towards the party. I grabbed his arm to stop him when he abruptly turned. 
“You know what, I’ll just let you kill me. You can handle the rest on your own.” He grabbed my wrist and jerked it, my claws flicking out. I tried to pull my wrist away but his grip was too strong. 
“No, stop!” I screamed as he slashed my claws across his throat, blood spraying across my face. Suddenly, Derek and blood were gone. All the party goers were going about their business, I was the only one who had seen Derek use my own hands to kill him. I looked over my hand and made sure the blood had been imagined. My eyes were then brought to the pink drink in my hand. This had to be the reason... Lydia spiked the drinks, but with what? I couldn’t even remember how many of these I had. To make matters worse, my stomach got super queasy-
I turned to the bushes and threw up everything that I had eaten that day. If I didn’t feel great, it was worse now. I got a few disgusted looks but that was the least of my problems. I dumped my drink in the bushes and started to stumble forward, looking to find Scott or Stiles. Thinking about it now, my mouth was starting to get itchy which was possibly the worst possible feeling to add onto everything else. I went into the house and upstairs, finding Matt groaning on the floor and Allison rushing passed me. 
“Matt?” I asked, helping him off the ground, “What happened to you?” Once on his feet, he rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Allison happened. She put me flat on my ass.” Probably with good reason. 
He squinted at me, “Are you alright?” I shook my head. 
“Not really. You got gum or something, that drink left the worst taste in my mouth.”
“No,” He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a white pill bottle, “But I have some pain meds.” 
“That’ll work.” I took the bottle then looked behind me, grabbing a water bottle out of someone’s hands.
“Hey!” The person glared. I glared right back, “Not the time, freshman.” This seemed to scare him enough for the kid to walk away. I opened the bottle and popped the blue capsule in my mouth and chased it with what was not water but actually vodka. 
“Jesus!” I spat to the side, “What is wrong with people?” I looked at the bottle, realizing that it had no label. 
“Hey, what was that? Tylenol? Ibuprofen?” 
Matt smiled, “Mistletoe actually.” I blinked at him, my heart dropping into my stomach. 
“Mistletoe.” He chuckled, “That’s supposed to knock you guys out, right?” I took a step back and hit the doorframe, already feeling the effects of the poison in my system. 
“Using Jackson to kill my murderers is good, but I need protection. You protected me once. From Lahey. And you’re gonna protect me again, whether you like it or not.” 
Scott pushed through the crowd, asking anyone who would listen if they had seen Lydia. The drinks she had made had been spiked to create hallucinations. We had to find out why. She spiked the punch with wolfsbane petals which seemed to cause Stiles and Allison to hallucinate too.
Outside, Stiles ran up to Scott, “Hey, I can't find her. And dude? Anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out.” They watched two people cannonball into Lydia’s pool with all their clothes on. 
“...I can see that.”
“What the hell do we do?”
“I don't know, but we gotta-”
“I can't swim!” Both their heads turned. Matt was being carried by three people, he was flailing and panicking, “No, no, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim! I can't-I can't-” The partiers didn’t listen, throwing him into the pool. He went under immediately. And to their surprise, Jackson and (Y/N) ran to the poolside and both pulled him out. 
Once on the pool deck, (Y/N) got Matt on his side, helping him cough up any water he swallowed. They both helped him to stand. Everyone was staring at that point.
“...What are you looking at?” Matt barked at the gawking crowd. Jackson took the time to make his exit. (Y/N) walked towards Scott and Stiles, Matt close behind her. 
“Move.” She growled, flashing her bright red eyes. The two parted, letting (Y/N) and Matt through. Immediately after, a siren cut through the air. 
“COPS ARE HERE!” Someone in the crowd shouted, causing the party goers to scatter. Scott and Stiles followed the ground out and onto the street. Scott looked down the street and saw them. Matt was standing in front of his car, dripping wet and seething with rage. Jackson in his kanima form was in front of him on all fours and (Y/N) stood at his right, claws out and fangs bared. He’d been under their noses for so long but now that they know, that meant they were in danger, all of them.
Read Part 19 here!
Who needs a point a view when you’re under mind control, ammi right?
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mollygetssherlockcoffee · 5 years ago
Twenty-Four Hours
Pairing: Spencer x Fem!Reader
Summary: (Five Minutes, Part 5) It all comes to a head.
Warning: Knife, blood, kidnapping, gun, swearing, violence
Words: 1,555
A/N: Here you go :)
Part One HERE   Part Two HERE   Part Three HERE   Part Four HERE  Part Six HERE
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The funeral was beautiful. It was a warm day for autumn, and he knew she would have enjoyed it. The sun shone brightly, as if to say that she was looking down on them and saying, ‘it’s okay’. Its not okay though, she was gone, and he missed her.
It wasn’t a very large funeral. The attendees were family and close friends, a selected handful that she loved like family. Of course, she had many friends but her parents thought it best to have a quiet goodbye to their daughter. Its what she would have wanted.
 It wasn’t overly religious. She didn’t pray unless it was a special holiday, ‘Just enough to get me into heaven, just in case’, she’d joke with a wink. He’d thought it was a cute little joke but now, it just made him home that if there is a heaven, she’d be there.
 He hoped her heaven was nice. He hoped that the family she had lost were up with her, taking care of her. He hoped they ate in heaven, because he knew how much she loved to cook and eat. He hoped there were libraries filled with all the books that have been written, and all the books that will ever be written. He hoped they had a way of watching TV and movies in heaven, because she had always joked about how she’d hate to die before her series ended or before the next movie sequel was released.
 He hoped she was happy up there.
 He missed her. Missed her more than anything. He missed her laugh, her smile. He missed how she would chew on her pen. One time, she had got ink on her chin. He missed the face she’d make when she picked up a cookie and bit into it, thinking it was chocolate chip, only to discover it was raisin. He had been the one to leave them out for her, he had wanted to see her reaction.
 He would hold onto those memories for the rest of his life. He promised himself that he would think of her every day, would smile for her at least once a day. Though he knew he’d move on, he had to, that he would go on to marry someone, potentially have children, in the future… he would always think fondly of her.
 The funeral came to an end and he turned from grave. Two figures stood a few feet away, silently watching the funeral. They nodded to him, silently beckoning him over. He walked over to them slowly, not having the will power to move any faster.
 They stood is silence for a moment, watching as the other attendees left. Some nodded at them, and they politely smiled softly back. When they had left and the men were alone, he let out a sigh.
 “We got him” one of the men, David Rossi, informed him.
“Good” nodded Lucas King, looking back at the grave of his girlfriend. “Lydia… Lydia can rest easy now.”
 24 Hours Earlier
 You had failed the task. The stupid riddle with random letters. Letter number one was ‘O’, two was ‘T’, three was ‘T’ – wait… oh. That was the pattern. Of course, how could you have been so stupid? In all fairness, you barely had three minutes to solve the riddle and reading the riddle was included in those minutes. Your panic and stupidity had got you killed.
 It was dark and you knew what would come next. The unsub would come in, and you’d be killed. However, this didn’t fit the profile you had formed in your mind. From the display of details of the victim’s deaths in the first room, and the blood stain in the maze, you knew that he’d want to be able to see him victim and for them to see him. He would want to see the fear in his victims eyes, you had no doubt that there were cameras throughout the self-made basement which had captured your ordeal thus far.
 He wouldn’t kill you in the dark.
 You put your hands out on either side of you. You carefully took steps backwards, putting yourself in the corner of the small space. The area was small, it wouldn’t allow the unsub much room to attack you and you couldn’t help but wonder if this was really where he was going to kill you.
 The lights came on and you squinted, blinking against the harsh light to focus your eyes. You gasped, pushing yourself further against the wall as your eyes landed on the man in front of you.
 He was tall, with dark hair and small light eyes. His eyebrows were thick, casting shadows over his eyes and causing him to look like he was frowning, though you noticed he seemed relaxed. He was in his element, standing there in front of a woman with a sharp knife in his hand.
 “Move” he instructed, flicking his wrist to point you at the door.
 It was the door which you had failed to open. You took a deep breath, keeping your eyes on him as you edged your way through the door. It was with annoyance as you realised this section was much larger and was obviously the end of ‘task three’. You had been so close.
 You backed away from the unsub, your arms slightly raised at your sides and your palms open. You knew what came next.
 He lunged at you, the knife aiming towards your stomach. You stepped to the right, moving your arm forward, up and to the left in order to knock his arm and push the knife away. Your right arm came up, fist formed, and you threw a punch at his nose. He stumbled backwards a step and you brought your leg up, planting your foot hard and fast onto his chest to push him further back.
 “I’m an FBI agent, you thought I wouldn’t fight back?” you growled, bringing your arms up in front of you.
“You stupid bitch” he hissed, wiping under his nose with his sleeve.
“Yeah, come on, get angry” you encouraged, smirking at him. “I’m not just going to lay down for you.”
 You wanted him angry, you wanted him furious. ‘Remember, Y/N, never fight when your angry or upset, it’ll effect your judgement and you’ll probably lose’. Derek’s words filled your mind and you hoped it was true, that it would impact of anger would haze his mind and cloud his judgement.
 He came you again, swinging the knife to the left before quickly changing direction and going right. You grit your teeth, falling back to avoid the knife but let out a shout as the knife slices against your side. You throw yourself left and away from him, your hand reaching to brace against your wound.
 Blood seeped through your shirt and the wound burned. Thankfully, the blood wasn’t gushing and so you knew it was too deep. Still, your side felt like it was on fire and your eyes stung at the pain but you had to push through. You couldn’t give up now.
 He lunged forward; the knife held high above his head in one hand while his other hand reached to grab you. You lifted your left hand, grabbing the wrist which hand began to bring the knife down. Your arm stained under the force he was exerting and then you squealed as his free hand closed around your throat.
 You right hand clawed at his, your teeth bared as you kicked out at him. Your left up shook and you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold him off for long. You hadn’t had anything to eat, had only had a few sips of water and you hadn’t slept. You were exhausted, the energy in your body coming from pure adrenalin as you fought for your life.
 You weren’t going to win this fight though. you knew that. You weren’t going to be able to hold him off for much longer, but you were determined to make him work for your death. You weren’t going to go easily for him. You had already broken his nose and given him a selection of bruises, hopefully he’ll at least get muscle strain too.
  A crash sounded to your right behind one of two closed doors. You tried not to let your eyes wonder to the door as it crashed open, two figures quickly entering.
 “FBI-” Hotch shouted, gun pointed at the unsub.
“-Drop the knife!” Morgan finished.
 It was at that moment your arm gave out from the pressure and the unsub drove the knife down with force. You couldn’t even scream at the knife pierced your skin; your brain unable to focus on what was going on around you as your eyes widened from the pain of the knife cutting into you.
 A gun went off and then you were falling. The unsub was no longer holding you up and your legs gave out from under you.
 “Y/N, Y/N, hold on” Derek shouted, falling to his knees besides you and bring his hands up to your wounds.
 You grabbed his wrists, your eyes, wide with fear, meeting his as you gasped for breath.
 Your team had found you; they had come for you. But it was too late. 
A/N: Yes, I made this chapter Angst to spite you all. I can’t believe how quickly you solved the riddle. You nerds, I love you
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