aj-lethal · 2 years
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Images you can hear
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chaebolheir · 3 months
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artfight reference for jiaf! (she/they) she's a half-goliath lycanthrophe. oh but she doesnt want to bite.... oh, but the beast in her does hehe. and also she's very tall and could crush you but she wouldn't because she's always very calm and chill ...but underneath... oke you get the gist byee commissions are open!
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usagirln120 · 4 months
Kentaro Kyotani: Hogwarts AU
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Kentaro Kyoutani is a Half-Blood (Lycanthroph) wizard that was born on the 7th of December 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1990, being sorted into Gryffindor House.
His mother passed away during the First Wizarding War so he and his sister were raised by their father but since he was a professional Quidditch player, they lived for the most part with their grandmother due to their father's touring which caused the siblings to feel neglected which made their father feel very guilty but since he and the grandmother needed the money, he couldn't quit his job.
He ended up being one of the students that were attacked and turned by Silas' pack in his fourth year which caused him to withdrew from others and being grumpy about everything causing him to get the nickname "Mad-Dog" by the Slytherin Tooru Oikawa which quickly became the nickname that he was known for throughout school.
In his sixth year, he became a member of Makarov's Army and it was there he met the Slytherin boy Shigeru Yahaba who he developed a fierce rivalry with which eventually developed into a close friendship and later mutual crushes but neither of them wanted to admit it at first.
He eventually participated in the Battle of Hogwarts which he survived but it was one close call during the battle but he was saved by his fellow Gryffindor Hajime Iwaizumi which led to a great respect and eventual friendship between the two boys with Iwaizumi being one of the few people that didn't treat him any differently just because he was a werewolf.
It was thanks to Iwaizumi that Kyoutani eventually came to terms with his feelings for Yahaba and, while he did still hesitate to do it, he eventually confessed his feelings which led the duo to become lovers.
He eventually became one of the Kenmare Kestrels Beaters and got married to Yahaba after being in a relationship for five years but they never had any children due to Kyoutani not trusting himself with kids due to his curse.
He has a Red Oak wand with a Dragon Heartstring Core.
His Patronus is a Pittbull.
His favorite subjects are Flying and Care of Magical Creatures.
His least favorite subjects are History of Magic and Transfiguration.
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-Werewolf howl-
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"...Hm, sounds like a lycanthrophe is on the prowl somewhere. Formidable soldiers honestly, if a bit unruly. I wonder what that one's doing around here, this is not the kind of environment they usually like to hunt in. I'll keep an eye out for it just in case."
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blue-eyed-banshee · 11 months
A good friend of mine is DMing a campaign here at college. And what better way to challenge yourself than to play a 12-14 year old phallid elf who is not only a hollowed one but a ruidius born as well?
Another friend's character is a ruidius born lycanthroph character who takes on a guardianship-like role for Valith and a fellow exile.
Except Valith was killed for being ruidis born.
Combined with the natural child-like curiosity of the Phallid elves, Valith had to learn how to fend for herself at a young age until she met Emron, a ruidius born lycanthroph being.
Do not be fooled by Valith's small frame and child-like nature. She can fend for herself quite well using her trusty daggers, which is replaced with a quarter staff.
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thewolfseries · 2 years
WOLF Series Character Profile #3: Dr. Raven Jones
Character: Dr. Raven Jones
Species: Werewolf, shifter.
Affiliation: Team Wolf
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Emergency room physician, geneticist, specializes in lycanthrophic medicine and genetics.
Vital Stats
Human Form:
Height: 5'8"
Age: 30
Weight: 180lbs
Eye Color: Purple-violet
Hair: Chestnut brown
Werewolf Form:
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180lbs
Fur: Arctic Snow White
Eye Color: Purple violet. Glow violent in low light.
Tail: Yes.
Raven was born and raised in Surrey and is an only child. From a young age, she showed considerable aptitude for math and science, excelling early in her classes and being bumped ahead at least twice in grade level. At first, she wanted to be a veterinarian and even made a practice cast on her pet dog (for which she got grounded due to how hard paper mache was to et out of dog fur but secretly her parents were proud of her).
Half way through her education at Oxford for her degree in medicine, she learned that Duskhaven University was offering a new course on the cutting edge of genetics and the lycanthropic genome, sponsored by Madison Genetics and she took the opportunity, becoming an exchange student for a year before discovering that werewolf medicine was her calling. She applied for and after a time, gained a student visa and after a few graduation, she decided to become a US citizen.
She visits her parents once a year just before Christmas and serves as the Team Wolf chief scientist and medic. She's fast and furious when needs to be with a biting since of dry wit and humor and has tackled Dog Soldiers and monsters head on.
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katsbooks · 6 years
Down With The Fallen - Chapter One
The Captain x Self-Insert
After being captured with several other women, Kat is given to the Captain of the group called Millennium. 
I’m still really uncertain about posting this, tbh, between the self-insert and the risque themes. Not the smut, I’m not ashamed by that, but the other stuff I’m pretty hesitant about. Worse comes to worse, you can always ignore it.
           Cold. It was so cold, freezing really. Even more so in the thin, short halter dress she was forced to don, like the other women there with her. She stood pressed in the corner of the room, her hands tied in front of her, half hidden by a couple of women in front of her.
             They were all being looked at like they were pieces of meat, the demented red-eyed men grinning lecherously. Behind them was the man that planned this, a short portly man with glasses and an insane grin.
             “Vell gentlemen, I present to you a gift for all your hard vork and persistence. The highest ranking officers vill have their pick of the lot…and the rest of them are free for the taking. Only rules are no bloodletting, no biting,” he grinned widely and the men—soldiers—all cheered. He had a thick German accent, much like many of the others around him.
             The highest ranking officers stepped forward, taking their pick of the group of women, leading them away crying and fighting. Kat pressed back further in her corner, going unnoticed by the approaching men, but she still had the unpleasant sensation of someone’s eyes on her.
             “Hm? Ach, is zere someone who’s caught your eye Captain?” the Major inquired, noticing the lycanthrope’s gaze towards the corner of the room. He caught sight of the young woman trying to make herself as least noticeable as possible as her companions were picked through. “Ze one in the corner, hm?”
             The Captain glanced at him from the corner of his eye and the Major took that as an affirmative. He spoke to Warrant Officer, pointing the girl out and telling him to bring her to him. The officer nodded and made his way over, nudging aside the other women to reach the girl, who seemed to realize whom he was after. She looked terrified, but she didn’t fight too much after the first initial attempt of digging her heels into the floor.
             The officer led her back to the Major and stopped her in front of him.
             The young woman was taller than most, and a little softer than the Major had expected, her hips, breasts and waist holding most of that suppleness. She was trying her hardest to keep from trembling, though it was quite difficult considering how cold it was in there. Her skin was a blotchy purple from the chill. She had dark hair, tied back in a messy braid down her back and pretty brown eyes.
             “Zis is the one, ja?” the Major smiled up at the Captain, whose eyes were on the woman noticeably. She nervously looked back, shifting a little from the intensity of his gaze. “Zat would be a yes. Vell then, Captain, vhy don’t you keep this one? You’ve worked long and loyally for me, I believe a reward is in order.”
             Kat wasn’t sure if she should be relieved at that or horrified. Honestly, she would rather one than many, but it was the fact of the matter that she was being used, period, that bothered her. This…man was easily the largest in the room, tall and broad and she was sure there wasn’t an ounce of fat on his body either. He could probably crush her if he really wanted to.
             “Vhat is your name, girl?” the Major turned his attention to her again. She was quiet for a moment, hesitant about answering him, but she finally, reluctantly, whispered,
             “It…it’s Kat, sir…”
             “Kat? My, zat is a cute name. The cat and the volf! Ha!” he laughed at his own inside joke, chortles following from the surrounding soldiers. “Vell zen Kat, allow me to congratulate you. It is an honor to be picked out for such a prestigious soldier. You vill be treated vith the proper respect from ze others. A thanks is in order?”
             Kat twitched a little. He wanted her to thank him? For kidnapping her to be used for God knows what by this beast of a man?
             ….she suppose it could be worse…she could be stuck with that psychotic Doctor.
           So clenching her jaw tightly and staring down at her feet, she mumbled out a forced ‘thanks.’
             The Major grinned, looking back up at the Captain. “You are dismissed, Captain. Go and take your female. Enjoy yourself!”
             ‘….sick bastard…hope you choke on your dinner…’ Kat thought, flinching a little when the Captain reached out and wrapped a large hand around her upper arm, his skin searing compared to the temperature of the room. She was led out of the room and down the halls, her bare feet freezing on the metal tiles.
             She lost track of the turns and number of halls they passed, before they stopped in front of a grey door with a plaque stating ‘Captain Hans Gunsche’ on it. Well, at least she knew his name now. It gave little comfort.
             He opened the door and gave a gentle push to her back. She walked inside with much reluctance, stopping in the middle of the room. She heard him shut the door, but didn’t turn around, not even when he flipped the lock. It was a little warmer in here, thankfully. Not by much, but at least she was starting to be able to feel her fingers and toes again.
             Kat nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a hot hand on the bare section of her upper back. She realized after a moment that he was tracing her tattoo—a scrolled design of her Zodiac sign across her left shoulder. He paused for a moment, then started to trail his fingers along the expanse of her back, lightly trailing down her spin until he hit the edge of her dress. He paused again, then walked around her to stand in front of her. He had tossed aside his hat, letting his messy white hair fall even more into his face. He took her hands and nimbly untied her restraints, before sliding his hands up to her arms and squeezing lightly.
             It was a silent order—stay right there.
             Kat’s trembling began again as his hands moved higher yet, to the loop of her halter dress. He slid his fingers underneath it, then lifted it up, over her head…and then he let it go, and the dress fluttered down around her ankles, leaving her as bare as the day she was born. She wanted so badly to cover herself, but was afraid of how he would respond. She forced herself to keep her arms at her sides.
             He did nothing at first. Just looked at her, studying her really.
             Took in her flaws and imperfections, the largeness of her breasts and the roundness of her hips. Her plump stomach, her long legs and broader than normal shoulders.
             He looked at her with an interest she rarely experienced from men.
             Then he slowly knelt down in front of her, surprising her and making her a little more nervous. What was he doing? He gripped her hips and leaned forward, pressing his nose against her lower stomach, before breathing in deeply. He was…smelling her? Kat’s brows furrowed a little in confusion, looking down at the top of his head (good lord, his hair looked soft).
             What on earth was he doing?
             Well, whatever it was, he seemed to approve because he stood again, a slightly different look in his eyes. He seemed more eager now.
             The man unfastened his overcoat and tossed it aside, leaving him only in his pants and boots. At least she had been correct to assume he had no body fat on him. The man was all muscle. Off went his boots, but he stopped at his pants for the moment. No, now he was approaching her again, those unnerving red eyes darkened a little.
             Kat nearly jumped out of her skin a second time when his hand brushed against her stomach, pressing the full width of his palm and fingers against her skin, the tips of those long fingers brushing the underside of a breast. Dear God, he was a large man.
             Then his hand went up, sliding his fingers along the side of her breast, exploring. Her nipples, already hard from the cold, tightened even more at the touch of a curious fingertip. She watched him carefully, edgy and scared. He cupped her breast in his large hand, his thumb playing with her nipple for a moment, before he continued traveling his hands along her body. He was feeling her out, quite literally. One of his hands griped her hip suddenly while its twin slid between her thighs and Kat let out a gasp, reaching out to grasp his arms out of reflex, looking up at him with wide eyes and a blush.
             He cupped her heat, those long fingers easily slipping between her nether lips and rubbing her clit. Her knees nearly buckled and she had to lean a little against him to keep from hitting the floor, gripping his arms tightly. Dear God, he was arousing her. She supposed it was a little thoughtful on his part, but also a little horrifying at the fact her body was actually responding to his ministrations, growing wet and hot.
             He pulled his hand away to grasp her arms, tugging her back with him as he backed up to the bed. He sat down and had her stand in front of him, blushing and quivering. He reached down again and tapped her thighs, silently telling her to part them more. She didn’t at first and those red eyes rolled up to look at her through his pale lashes. He waited patiently as she struggled with herself, before deciding she would rather much enjoy it as much as she could, rather than it hurt. She inched her feet apart, spreading her thighs enough for him to slip his hand back between them and continue with his play.
             Kat grasped his shoulders, as they were easier to reach now, to steady herself. He stroked her, playing with her sensitive pearl, and her body responded in kind, heating enough for her to not even notice the chill in the room anymore. Her toes curled when he pressed a digit against her entrance and slowly pushed it inside. Her slick walls clenched and dripped, so she felt no discomfort.
             Kat was no virgin, by any means. Granted, she only ever had one partner in her entire life, but she was no innocent when it came to sex. After he left her, though, she had moved to Germany to continue her education and forget about her pain. Instead, she ended up getting jumped and kidnapped, and the rest was history.
             She gasped when he curled his finger inside her and rubbed a sensitive bundle of nerves inside of her. He took note of that and continued to repeat the action against that same spot, while his thumb rubbed her clit. It was amazing how quickly she climaxed from that stimulation, and her knees did buckle underneath her.
             She didn’t hit the floor though, no, the Captain had moved quickly and had her stretched out on the bed while she was still experiencing the aftershocks of her orgasm. Kat looked up at him, wide-eyed. He gazed back for a moment, before his hand returned to her cunt and began rubbing her again. He didn’t let her climax again though, he pulled back before she did, leaving her panting and dazed. She heard a belt being unbuckled and heavy clothing hit the floor and she clenched her eyes shut, biting her lip.
             ‘Don’t cry, Kat. Don’t cry. Crying will do nothing for your benefit,’ she thought as a lump rose in her throat. It hurt to swallow and she tensed when she felt the Captain return to the bed, his hands sliding up her thighs and pushing them further apart to make room for his body. Her breathing quickened as his hand rested on the bed beside her head, holding his weight up while the other gripped his length, guiding it to her entrance.
             He pressed the tip against her and moved his hand to rest on the other side of her head. Then he surged forward and Kat choked out a cry.
             She was tight already, and it had been several months since her last sexual encounter. The Captain was not small by any means and it stung a lot when he entered her. She writhed underneath him, trying to catch her breath as tears burned at her eyes. He pressed down onto her, lowering himself onto his elbows, keeping her still. He wasn’t moving, letting her adjust to his size.
             Kat whined a little, looking up at him through tear-blurred eyes. He leaned down and nuzzled her neck, right underneath her jaw, breathing deeply, taking in her scent and feeling her heart rate pound underneath his lips.
             He began to move, slowly, languidly at first. She winced and fisted the sheets beneath her hands and whimpered softly. But he kept that lazy pace without increasing any force or depth, and she adjusted, relaxing a little underneath him. He lifted a little of his weight off her so she could move a little easier and started to thrust at a slightly faster pace.
             She could feel his hot breath on her neck, his body sliding against hers as he moved, his shaft reaching deep inside her. It…actually began to feel good. She relaxed further, fingers twisting the sheets a little. He moved an arm, reaching down to catch her leg behind the knee and lifting it up, hooking it around his waist. He touched a new angle and she gave a soft hum in her throat unintentionally.
             He lifted his head to look at her at the noise and she flushed and looked away. She hadn’t meant to make any noise. She shouldn’t be enjoying this in the least, yet there she was, enjoying every thrust inside her more and more. She heard a soft sound, like deep thunder, and realized after a moment he was chuckling softly.
             “Oh, stop laughing at me!” She threw her arms over her face. He merely chuckled again and gave a sharp thrust inside her that had her arching and gasping for the air that had suddenly left her lungs. Kat grasped the sheets above her head, wanting some sort of purchase as he did it again, twisting his hips in such a way he hit that bundle of nerves inside her. “Oh my God…”
             He rumbled deep in his chest in approval, keeping up with the deep, intense thrusts. Her toes curled in pleasure and her back arched. A low moan left her throat unbidden, and she wanted to cry.
             The coil of pleasure in her belly was growing tighter and tighter, her breath becoming more ragged and quick the tighter it clenched. The Captain was also becoming winded as he grew closer to his own climax, his thrusts becoming more erratic and hard. When she reached orgasm, she gave a keening cry, losing her breath from how hard she came. Her body clenched tight around the Captain and with a low growl within his chest, he quickly followed, filling her womb with his seed.
             It took a few minutes for the aftershocks to ebb away, leaving Kat panting and trembling underneath the winded Captain, whose face was pressed into her neck. He slowly relaxed and lowered her leg, pulling out and sitting back his haunches. Kat peered at him through her half-lidded eyes and arms, still in a haze from her orgasm.
             He was absently tracing his fingertips against her quivering thigh, having caught his breath already and looking completely unfazed, if considerably more relaxed. Kat lowered her arms, letting her hands rest on her ribs, watching him, wondering what he was thinking or planning. He sensed her gaze on him and glanced up, catching her eyes.
             The intense red had softened to a gentle glow, hinting that he was content for now. He paused for a moment, before he reached out and caught a lock of hair between his fingers, feeling it. She watched him curiously, her fear having mostly worn itself out. She was still wary, but she figured that if he was going to hurt her, he would have done so already.
             Kat’s lips twitched a little at the sight of him stretching out, just to play with her hair. She hesitated, then slowly sat up, so he could reach a little easier. He seemed pleased with that, because a small smile graced his lips.  He ran his fingers through her hair until he reached her braid, which he pulled over her shoulder and slid his hand over, feeling every twist and bump in it.
             What an odd man, she thought. He had no interest on wearing her out to the point of exhaustion, like she was sure the other women were enduring at the moment, no he seemed fully interested in her. How she felt, how she looked, how she smelled. He seemed entertained when she spoke earlier, pleading that he stop laughing at her, instead of irritated like most others would have been. He had brought her pleasure before he brought his own, waited for her to adjust to his large girth so she wouldn’t hurt. It was an odd feeling, having this large and intimidating male mind her.
             True, he still got what he wanted from her, but at least he wasn’t sending her to some cell to wait for the next session or tying her up again. No, he was sitting there with her, playing with her hair and touching her skin. He lifted her braid to his nose and breathed in, smiling a little. At least she smelled good. Kat had a love affair with anything coconut-scented, so she often smelled very sweet.
             She tilted her head a little as she observed the Captain. What was his name again? Hans? Hans Gunsche. She rubbed her neck absently, shifting a little on the bed—then making a face of disgust, looking down between her thighs. Semen and vaginal fluid seeped from her entrance, soaking the bed. Gross.
             Hans noticed and blinked, looking as well. He sat there for a moment, before letting go of her hair and moving to his feet, walking across the room to a tall cabinet. Even Kat had to admire the hard muscle moving smoothly underneath his tan skin. He opened it and pulled out a towel, making her blink as he walked back over, sitting back down in front of her again. Kat flushed as he tapped her thigh, silently telling her to move it further. She did so and watched with a heavy blush as he carefully cleaned her up, before setting the towel on the ground beside the bed.
             Hans shifted back on the bed so his back rested against the wall it was pushed against, before motioning for her to approach him. Kat paused, then shifted to her hands and knees, crawling closer to him. His eyes flickered a little, he liked that. He gently grabbed her arms and lifted her up, moving her to straddle his lap. Kat rested her hands against his chest naturally. ‘My God, this man is ripped….like, Arnold Schwarzenegger ripped, just without the bulk,’ she thought. His hands rested against her thighs, tracing designs on her soft skin.
             He leaned forward and nuzzled against her neck, which of course tickled her and made her squirm while trying not to giggle. No, no laughing. Honestly, what was she doing getting comfortable with this man anyway?
             ….well, she was going to be stuck there for a long time, may as well accept that. And he could easily hurt her if she tried to resist. So yeah, logic dictated that she may as well get comfortable with him.
             Kat squeaked when she felt what seemed like fangs against her flesh. What the hell, was this guy a vampire?! Oh God, please don’t let him drink her blood, she couldn’t handle that. Another low rumble of laughter from him. He was teasing her, what a prick.
             ….Hm, he seemed too…complacent to be a vampire. What else was there? As she started to ponder this, Hans was becoming busy with arousing her again, breaking off her train of thought. His hot tongue slid over her neck, followed by a scrape of fangs again, his hands massaging her hips. She shivered a little, sliding her hands up hesitantly to rest her arms loosely around his neck. He gave a soft rumble and she relaxed, he was alright with it. He seemed pleased that she was responding like she was.
             He didn’t touch her heat again, no, he was finding new ways to arouse her. Sucking at her neck was a good start, and his fingers tracing the inside of her thighs was definitely a way to rev her engines. Kat gave a soft sigh and hummed quietly in pleasure, the faint sound echoed by one of his own. He seemed more vocal than she thought, but she doubted he would actually speak. He showed no inclination of talking, preferring to use his actions to speak for himself.
             She didn’t know how he did it, but he got her wet again without ever touching her cunt. He smirked a little against her neck and gripped her hips again, lifting them up, hovering her over his straining erection. He slid into her much easier this time, as she was pulled down over him until her hips met his. Kat pressed her face into his shoulder, shuddering. It hadn’t ever felt this good before, this man definitely knew what he was doing to pleasure a woman.
             The rhythm was slow and easy at first, he let her move herself over him after he tapped her hips. She rocked her hips a little as she moved him inside her. He let his hands wander over her, following her curves. As she started to grew needier, he gripped her hips again, now starting to rock his own hips to meet hers as the pace increased.
             Kat softly moaned, almost unperceivable to a human’s ears. Yet, he proved he definitely wasn’t that and he heard her loud and clear. Giving a low growl, he moved faster and harder into her, now helping her move over him. She whined and rocked her hips harder, her breathing growing ragged from the exertion and the growing pleasure thrumming through her once again. When she felt those sharp fangs on her shoulder, right by the junction of her neck, she couldn’t have stopped the mewl that left her lips even if she wanted to.
             Hans growled in approval, and he sucked hard on that spot as he thrust hard and fast into her from below, making her whole body quake. When she climaxed for the third time that night, he quickly followed and sank his teeth deep into her shoulder, making her yelp at the sudden mixture of pain and pleasure that made her orgasm again unexpectedly.
             She collapsed against him as he withdrew his teeth from her skin, licking it to stop the blood flow. She twitched against and around him, panting for air.
             She felt….something strange in her mind. A…a nudging, like a presence knocking at her door. She furrowed her brows, trying to figure it out. This was a foreign sensation to her, one she was unfamiliar with. Was she about to get a migraine? Or was it the effects of what was happening to her? ….she wasn’t losing her mind, was she?
             Hans gave a soft snort, as if he heard her wild thoughts, and nuzzled the bite mark on her shoulder. The presence seemed to stroke at her mind, caressing it.
             ….this would take some time to figure out, but she was having suspicions on what was causing the feeling. Related mostly to the white-haired man wrapping his arms around her waist.
             …she would figure it out in the morning. She was a little exhausted at the moment. She rested her head against Hans’ shoulder and let her eyes flutter shut. Might as well try to get some rest while she was able to.
             She heard Hans give a low rumble, but she was already too far gone. She vaguely remembered him pulling out of her and moving her to lay down on the bed, before she completely slipped off into a dreamless sleep.
Holy crow, I can’t believe I’m uploading this. But, I couldn’t properly convert this one into a reader-insert, and honestly I felt it was a little too disturbing to have reader-chan subjected to it.
I don’t think I’m going to make it a super long fic, but we’ll see.
NEXT: https://katsbooks.tumblr.com/post/181947339497/down-with-the-fallen-chapter-two
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thehomelybrewster · 3 years
The Lythari (5e Elven Lineage Variant)
Here is my take on the lythari, DnD's lycanthrophic elves. Enjoy!
PS: I had uploaded them once earlier but I forgot to add a watermark.
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Vampire Diaries
These are some of my favourite Vampire Diaries fanfiction. They are a wild mix of stories, stories with an Original Main Character and stories that only contain canon characters.
"She will not lose herself and she will cling onto the name that has defined her for ten years. Elena Gilbert is not going to be the thief of hearts or a plot-tool. No, she will be her own character in this tale, the heroine who will not let anyone dictate who she should be.
A smile curled her lips, a new one this face has never made.
Write her own story.
She liked the sound of that.
(Where Elena Gilbert remembers her past doppelganger lives and isn’t going to stand being used as a sacrifice or a martyr this time around. Doppelganger mythology, Original drama, the Salvatores, and a whole lot more come into play. Let the dices roll. Let it begin.)"
"Giulia loves it when her 'uncle' Damon comes home to Mystic Falls: When his brother Stefan starts dating her best friend, she has to lie to protect her family; and when her father is killed, things start spiraling out of control. Vampires, lycanthrophic exes, dating drama, drunken binges, funerals and formals. If someone looked out for the 'collateral damage'."
"Leah stumbles into Mystic Falls with her children one cold night in October, desperate to protect them at all costs -even if that means protecting them from herself. However, her son has other ideas, and singles out the one person who can save her and change their family's future. "Sir, can you help my mom?" Set mid-season 3."
"Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side.
A fic that integrates Malivore and the larger supernatural universe into TVD from the start."
"After the chaos of the cure results in the supposed deaths of newly human Katherine, Original Kol, and Caroline - 25 years later, unbeknownst to the faces of the past, they are revived under new circumstances: human Katherine was given the gift of life - and with it, Kol is reborn, too, and both are under Caroline's vigilant protection. 25 years hidden with the aid of older magic than now runs through Kol's veins.
Will Caroline's loyalties come into question when she's indebted?
How will a promising young warlock respond when his previous life begins to clash with the only family he's grown to love?
and will Katherine ever truly learn to live freely despite how frail her condition?"
"Davina and Kol just went to Mystic Falls to check in on their niece and research a mysterious dark object that just appeared on their kitchen counter.
Next thing Davina knew she was waking up the day after the Harvest, and last thing she clearly remembered was dying. Now she's stuck in her 16 year old body! Well... Since she's here she might as well fix things before the Mikaelsons can mess it up, again. History isn't stuck on repeat after all."
"Suzanne was just minding her own business at the local diner when the dark haired stranger sat down at her booth and spilled his guts. - "She felt strangely protective of the vampire that had inserted himself into her life. Maybe it was the cliché tragic back story or their matching love of leather jackets, but Suzanne was going to see where this friendship took her.""
"In which Elena is a reborn soul with too much knowledge, Klaus has never dealt with an agreeable doppelgänger this helpful before, and Kol's just here for the fuck of it (and has totally not been bullied into becoming a school-boy-bodyguard or anything, no matter what Nik says)"
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bpdjennamaroney · 3 years
For the books ask: 1, 7, 50, and 88!
a book that is close to your heart: Sorry but H**** P***** was formative and will never not be. Especially the P****** of A******. A certain gay lycanthrophic professor is the template for all my crushes.
a book you did not finish: If We Were Villains by ML Rio. Absolutely overhyped and way out of its depth. Also, I've tried to read The Little Friend by Donna Tartt like three times and could not get through it, and considering I've read The Secret History like 10 times and I finished The Goldfinch...that's saying something.
a book that made you cry a LOT: The Amber Spyglass never fails to make me weep.
a book that made you angry: Atlas Shrugged, obviously
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spellnbone · 5 years
silver trays of warmth
Location: McKinnon Farm, Edge of the Forest Time: Afternoon, 28th of November Status: Closed, for @silveranddittany
While Miss Nora Lynch might’ve meant it as a venomous joke when she suggested Edgar should bring silver trays of tea down to the small pack of lycanthrophic people that now lived near the McKinnon Farm, Edgar had thought it quite the beautiful idea. The Order had decided to give them shelter and food, and in Edgar’s opinion this was already a great step into the right direction. But sometimes people who had been ostracized for so long needed more than just the bare necessities. Deserved more. And what was a tray of tea if not a gesture of acceptance, of warmth?
The only problem was that Edgar didn’t know if it was all right to just go down there. Those people were surely skeptical of anyone who just visited them, let alone if they came with tea. Morgana herself knew what this tea could contain. And the last thing Edgar wanted was for them to doubt him. Not for his own sake, but for theirs. He wanted this gesture to actually do some good. Especially considering that in a few days a big mission was to begun, and if anything went wrong, who knew if this wasn’t the last thing he’d do?
Remus Lupin was the name that came to mind, then. On the one hand the other Order member -- he was barely more than a boy, wasn’t he? So young and yet with such pain in his eyes, always -- had attracted Edgar’s curiosity by returning from what he assumed was a nameless battle with a Death Eater recently, and by being accused by other Order members and the Farm residents to be the cause for the mysterious illness that had befallen them. There was surely a lot to talk about. To find out. To inquire, especially his health. On the other hand Lupin had attracted Edgar’s admiration. Leaving for such a long mission for Dumbledore, it demanded courage and loyalty, surely. And then this suggestion about bringing in the werewolves, giving them shelter. In a way this had been the moment when Edgar had really noticed Lupin for the first time. Every information he had picked up on previously now gathered into a solid image, received a face, handsome and hurt, and Edgar had begun to carefully study it.
Contrary to most, he trusted him. Unless proven guilty, he had no interest in doubting someone’s innocence, and he didn’t think himself in the position to speculate about someone’s intentions. For now it even seemed rather counterproductive to just go around accusing people you were supposed to trust your life with, but that was a topic for another time. Today, what mattered to him when he wandered over the McKinnon Farm, inquiring where he could find the young Mister Lupin, was that he was trusted by the werewolves. They would accept tea from him.
“Would you think a silver tray insensitive?” he asked as he approached Lupin by the edge of the forest, ease in his steps and casualness in his tone. His eyes had briefly scanned over the chopped wood, the piled logs, but now they fastened on Lupin, in that way of his that was filled with, both, an urgent curiosity and an ever-lasting patience.
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aj-lethal · 2 years
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Quick drawing I made for Valentine's, featuring my wandering werewolf girl doing the elbow heart thingy. Hope you fellas had a good Valentine's today! Inspired by this
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remedialpotions · 6 years
I love reading your prompts! Can you write a romione prompt with “You’re always number one" ? thanks!
A/N: You asked for this SO long ago. Like, SO long. I am so slow and you have my deepest apologies, but I do hope you like this, you sweet anon you!
You’re Always Number One
“Of course I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Ron had been racing around their kitchen like a Cornish pixie when he’d spoken those words, but, Hermione insisted to herself, that didn’t make them any less true. Just because he’d been buttoning up his shirt with one hand and trying to shave with the other - resulting in a sizable slice on his jaw - as he had kissed her goodbye, and ended up running to the Floo with a slice of toast clamped between his teeth and a scrap of tissue stuck to the cut on his face didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be there for her. She had known him twelve years, after all, and all of that time had shown her the sort of man he was. If he said he’d be somewhere, he would be.
And it was no one’s fault, really, that the Hogsmeade branch of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes was opening on the same day as the awards ceremony. Hermione had certainly not felt she needed any sort of public recognition for her humanitarian work with the werewolf population, but this particular award was only bestowed upon one recipient every four years, which meant - in Ron’s ever-eloquent phrasing - that it was a pretty huge deal.
“I’ll leave the shop around six,” Ron had said as he’d been stumbling frantically into his trousers that morning. “I’m just gonna come home, change, and then I’ll meet you there by seven, yeah?”
Hermione hadn’t had a chance to answer before he had darted, barefoot, from the room.
But seven had come and gone, and Hermione found herself in the ballroom at the Ministry of Magic with only Harry to keep her company in the sea of bureaucrats. She appreciated his support, of course, but he had never been Ron.
“He’ll be here,” Harry said bracingly, passing Hermione another flute of champagne as they stood around a high-top table. “You know he will.”
“I know,” she replied confidently, shifting her weight to ease some of the pinching brought on by her high-heeled shoes. “They’ve been planning the shop opening for months, it isn’t his fault.”
“No,” Harry agreed. “It’s George’s.”
Laughing, Hermione took a sip of her champagne. Try as she might to maintain her poise, she couldn’t help but keep a close watch on the double doors to the ballroom, as though sheer force of will might compel her husband to walk through them. Patience was never her strong suit, but she reminded herself to stay calm, that Ron would never let her down, and swallowed down more champagne to dull her nerves.
But with every second that ticked by, she found herself more and more on edge. The champagne that Harry kept bringing her had gone straight to her head, and his platitudes, she noticed, had evolved from “he’ll be here” to “something must have happened”. The doors to the ballroom had remained tightly shut as though taunting her, and the enormous grandfather clock in the corner told her that she was due on stage to accept her award in exactly four minutes.
“Do you want me to pop round the shop?” Harry offered. “Check if the place has caught fire or something?”
“No, it’s fine,” she said calmly, fidgeting with the neckline of her dress. “I’m sure something just held him up.”
“All right.”
“I didn’t even want an award,” she added.
“I know that.”
“And he’s co-owner of two stores now, he’s got a lot going on with his own work.”
Hermione let out an exasperated sigh and picked up yet another glass of champagne. Harry was blindly agreeing with her, probably apprehensive of rattling her further, but she believed her own words. Ron was no longer a teenager helping his older brother out at a Diagon Alley storefront. He was an entrepreneur in his own right, managing a rapidly-growing brand. She wanted him to have his own success, and if that meant he couldn’t make it tonight, she could be okay with that.
The lights dimmed, and Kingsley Shacklebolt took to the stage. As he stepped behind a podium and began to expound upon the progress made in the lycanthrophic community, Hermione nodded to herself in resignation. Whatever happened now, it was too late - any second now, Shacklebolt would announce her name, and the moment would be over-
She felt the tickling of fingertips on either side of her waist and whirled around, ready to to cast a hex on whichever inebriated young Ministry employee felt bold enough to get handsy, only to see herself standing before a tall, extremely apologetic redhead. His hair was a bit disheveled, and that cut on his jaw from the morning really looked like it needed some dittany, but he was there, bedecked in his finest dress robes, his hands on her waist.
“I’m so sorry,” he hissed, keeping his voice low as Shacklebolt’s words about greater accessibility to Wolfsbane Potion echoed through the ballroom. “You look so beautiful - I haven’t missed it, have I?”
“No, you haven’t-” Even in her heels, she still had to stand on tiptoe to hug him around the neck. “I didn’t think you’d make it.”
“I promised you that I would,” he reminded her, hugging her torso close. “And I meant it.”
“I know, but I know you’ve been busy at the shop-”
“Yeah, but that’s just the shop.” He released her just enough to touch his lips to her forehead. “You’re always number one.”
you can find more four word prompts here!
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usagirln120 · 4 months
Asahi Azumane: Hogwarts AU
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Asahi Azumane is a Half-Blood (Lycanthroph) wizard that was born on the 1st of January 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1989, being sorted into Hufflepuff House.
His parents were members of the Order of the Phoenix during the First Wizarding War and because of this, Silas' pack attacked Asahi and his older sister as a way to punish his parents.
While Asahi survived the attack, his sister unfortunately passed away which left Asahi with life-long survivor's guilt and self-hatred which impacted his Hogwarts life a lot.
When he started attending Hogwarts, he kept to himself for the most part out of fear that his secret would leak but he did eventually gain a few close friends who he trusted enough to tell.
He eventually became a member of Makarov's Army and later on the Order of the Phoenix for them, showcasing just how loyal he is to his friends despite his fearful demeanor.
Despite his great fear and his parents' objections, he still choose to return to Hogwarts to participate in the Battle of Hogwarts which he and his friends all survived.
After the Second Wizarding War was officially over, he started working at Best Jeanist's Robes For All Occasions and got married to Noya but they never had any children due to being satisfied with the roles as uncles to their friends children.
He has a Larch wand with a Unicorn Hair Core.
His Patronus is an Emperor Penguin.
His favorite subjects are Transfiguration and Charms.
His least favorite subjects are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions.
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askvladdraculatepes · 2 years
Hello there! Does werewolves exist?
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"Hello! Yes, werewolves do exist. Werecats too as a matter of fact! And even werebats. Lycanthropy takes on many shapes and sizes in Wallachia and back in the day, I had many kinds of lycanthrophes amongst my army's ranks."
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blankerthought · 3 years
woke up today after a dream that involved lycanthrophism with the words "by contrast, Normal Space Hulk's spread was more like Baby Matchmaking Services. granted, it was Unexpected Baby Matchmaking Services, and the baby came with a knife, but much happier overall."
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