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karanseraph · 7 months ago
How many Titans do we need? (Transformers)
A list of Titans, from various continuities, which may not even be up to date in the sense it doesn't reflect the Titan Class toys of Decepticon Nemesis and Autobot Ark.
Planet    Associations  Titan
Antilla    history, rust, Alpha Trion   Croaton? 
Aquatron   water, Quintus Prime   Quintessa (Necrotitan)
Aquatron (Jellyfish City)  water     Hydratron
Arduria    cold, Alchemist Prime   Metrobase
Athenia -> colonies  Mobile Battleship    Grand Maximus
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Onyx Prime   Chela
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Scourge    Hyperborea
Botropolis (a comet)  guard     Botropolis?
Caminus (a moon)  forge, hammer, Solus Prime  Caminus
Combatron? (or Cybertron?) war, Alchemist Prime   Iaconus
Cybertron (Argon Sea)  horror     Dweller
Cybertron -> colonies  Mobile Cybertronian Embassy  Lodestar
Cybertron -> Earth  Mobile Seeker Station   Trypticon (Nemesis ship)
Devisun    combination, enigma, Nexus Prime  Devisun
Earth (Pacific NW US)  Mobile Ark Annex   Metrobase
Earth (Central US)  power, Ultra Magnus   Metroplex
Earth (Eastern US)  cube (sport), Scorch? Wedge?  Citadel Secundus
Earth (Atlantic)        Atlantis
Earth (Japan)        Brave Maximus
Elba (Garrus-9)   Mobile prison of Liege Maximo, Elita-1 Carcer (Vigilem)
Elonia    protection, Star Saber, Prima  Emissary
Gigantron   size, bridge-building   Citadel Lemuria
Gorlam Prime   death,     Necrotitan (Quintessa)
Junkion    gravity? Requiem Blaster? ???
LV-117    time, Vector Prime   Tempo 
Micron (Prion, Zone)  size, Mini-Cons, Micronus Prime  Prion
Nebulos (Dominus, Master)      Fortress Maximus
Nebulos (Dominus, Master) Zarak     Scorponok
Paradron   peace     Cargohold 
Szoria    apocalyses    Waypoint
Theophany (New Crystal City) light     Metrotitan
Titan (a moon)        Metrotitan
Tsiehshi    destruction, Megatronus   Emissary
Unicron    Galvatron    Nemesis (Titan)
Velocitron   speed, Amalgamus Prime   Navitas Delta (Ogygia)
This seems way too many to keep track of for one "All Media Types" continuity soup fanfic continuity. So, I need to combine where I can and reduce the list to the best most interesting and necessary ones.
(Soon, I have characters out scouting to find which ones are being built first.)
Opinions on which are most interesting or necessary?
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vintagelasvegas · 2 years ago
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El Rancho Vegas opened the midnight Chuck Wagon in November 1946, introducing Las Vegas to the all-you-can-eat buffet.
“Las Vegas officialdom and ‘cafe society’ turned out en masse last evening to attend the gigantic opening of the new Chuck Wagon service at El Rancho Vegas … the ‘chuck wagon’ will be a regular nightly feature of El Rancho’s entertainment and will be served from 1 o’clock in the morning until 4. Starting at 4 o’clock, a savory breakfast will be service ‘on the house’ until 6 o’clock.” (Review-Journal, 11/21/46.)
This local news did not credit the Chuck Wagon to anyone in particular. Some forty years later Herb McDonald, El Rancho's publicist in 1946, claimed credit for starting the buffet.
“About three nights in a row, I was working a late shift and I was hungry,” McDonald said. “So I went to the bar and brought out some cheeses and other things to a hidden area near the bar. Some customers saw said, Gee, I would like some of that. And I started a midnight buffet.”
Other sources have credited El Rancho owner Beldon Katleman's Buckaroo Buffet at El Rancho Vegas as the originator, however Katleman was not associated with the hotel until the 50s; Buckaroo Buffet was a service started in the mid 50s. In 1946, El Rancho Vegas was owned by Sanford Adler.
Pre-dating El Rancho's midnight Chuck Wagon by four years, Hotel Last Frontier had a midnight "snack bar" service on weekends which looks like the same concept. Swanky Club in Henderson featured buffet service in 1946. The concept was not entirely new but El Rancho's Chuck Wagon kicked off the buffet phenomenon in Las Vegas.
Photos: (1) Photo by Las Vegas News Bureau #0791 circa mid-50s, via UNLV History 117: Nevada History Photograph Collection (PH-00054), UNLV Special Collections & Archives. The mural behind the Chuck Wagon was painted by Dick Porter of Desert Designers. (2) LF Manis collection, UNLV Special Collections, probably also by Las Vegas News Bureau. Photos below: (3) Postcard. (4) Photo by Burton Frasher Sr. Frasher Foto Postcard Collection F5299, Pomona Public Library. Sources: W. Williams. Chuck Wagon: El Rancho Inaugurates New Feature. Review-Journal, 11/21/46; Herb McDonald: LV's Promoter Extraordinaire. The Nevadan, 1/3/82.
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hananoami · 11 months ago
[05/12] Deepspace Trials Progression
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I'm a day late to post my weekly Deepspace Trials Progression recap since it was late by the time I finished all my runs yesterday (a delayed maintenance happened), but overall this past Sunday was a very good prog day! ☆ Xavier : 3/3 - cleared stages 110 to 112; going on stage 113 ☆ Zayne : 3/3 - cleared stages 117 to 119; going on stage 120 ☆ Rafayel : 0/3 - currently stuck on stage 110 ☆ Open Orbit : currently stuck on stage 120
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Stage 110
FINALLY. AFTER WEEKS OF TRIAL AND ERROR AND INVESTING SO MANY RESOURCES INTO PROTOCORE FARMING! The game decided to bless me with 3-Emerald CRIT rate deltas. Sure, a couple of them weren't the most ideal substats but one of them was decent. I tapped one to +12 and two to +9 to replace 1-DMG to Weakened and 2-CRIT DMG protocores I was previously using. I also replaced a CRIT DMG with one I replaced for a CRIT rate. I also tapped that +9 CRIT DMG to +12 and a beta core to +12. Lots of upgrades and protocore shuffling were done, but that seem to give me damage I needed to clear the fight! I will upload my clear vod in another post and will update the link here.
Stage 111 + Stage 112
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Stage 111 required 5-Emerald + 1-Sapphire. Apparently my highest level sapphire memroy for Xavier is lv 30 LOL... I don't want to upgrade it right now cause I'm saving upgrade resources for Xavier's Shimmering Moonlight banner, but it's fine. I was able to clear the stage without any trouble on auto battle. Stage 112's Protofield Stellactrum is the same as Stage 111 so I didn't swap out my team set up or make any changes to their protocores. It was a very close one but I was able to clear it via auto battle with 1 second left on the timer...
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Stage 117
This stage had no protofield stellactrum to match so I used highest leveled memories. I probably could have done this on auto with ease, but watching MC hold ALL of Zayne's stacks just made my soul die a little. A side note, I also leveled up Zayne's affinity here from 87 to 88!
Stage 118 + Stage 119
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Stage 118 is a break crystal stage. It required 5-Ruby + 1-Violet. If you've been following me for a while then you probably know how much of a struggle my ruby build is for Zayne. So I opted ignore the Protofield Stellactrum and go off color. Having a perfect match for this type of combat stage doesn't matter since my goal is to break the 2 crystals, not defeat all of the wanderers. Stage 119 had the same stellactrum as 118, but I also ignored the colors again to just manually brute force it for the clear! No changes were made. The same team set up and protocores were used in this fight. We do 120 on Tuesday!!
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Stage 110
I'm still at a loss here... I tapped beta core to +12, swapped a +9 CRIT DMG with a different one with better substats. Didn't see any improvements from the last time. I'm thinking I need to find better delta cores, so that'll be my focus going into this week after I level up Xavier's new solar myth pairs.
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Since my Rafayel Violet build is still lacking (as mentioned in his Directional Orbit: Fire - Stage 110 notes) I didn't bother trying any attempts for this.
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the-white-soul · 6 months ago
*an eye for an eye starts playing*
Howdy parders, I'm here to help out a bit
*raises LV to 20*
*lasso's the leader up*
Now, lemme tell ya something kiddo, who seems to be listening to this dork, monsters are kinda cool, really nice, and help raise up good folks, don't hurt em.
Or... well I'll show ya why people fear LV20
*the justice in clovers soul shines, accompanied by his determination*
Clover stats:
ATK:42 (30)
DEF:14 (22)
SPD normal (+10 boosted by cosmic herb)
INV normal (+10 boosted by cosmic herb)
(Noelle) "You heard the man! He's going to absolutely destroy you! Join us or face his wrath. And I'm talking from personal experience when I say he can get brutal."
(Mettaton) "*Walked up to Violet* You know, you could just leave. You don't need to bother us at this time. Come on, we're in the middle of a war! We don't need another problem! At least wait till the war is over! I don't want a war on two fronts."
(Noelle) "Though if it happens we can handle it!"
(Mettaton) "Probably. I wouldn't bet on it though."
(Noelle) "METTATON *Slaps head*"
(Mettaton) "I'm just being realistic."
(Noelle) "Why didn't you come sooner to help?"
(Mettaton) "I was with Sans when he was captured."
(Noelle) "Captured? I thought he was dead."
(Mettaton) "They said his execution would take place the same day as Asgore's."
(Noelle) "So there's a chance to save him."
(Mettaton) "Yes but can we please stop talking about saving one guy and instead talk about saving the whole freaking world!"
(Noelle) "Fine. So what do you say, kid?"
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olympusgenius · 4 months ago
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may 15th 1934 Rms Olympic is sailing at half speed through thick fog on her way to New York unknowingly a light ship Nantucket LV-117 quickly the ships captain orders all engines full reverse. her sea trials showed she takes 3 minutes to come to a full stop. The crew of the Nantucket on deck can only watch on in horror as the massive Leviathan of a ship impacts their ship sheering the Nantucket in two. Olympic's captain waits for his ship to come to a full stop before sending lifeboats to rescue the surviving crew 4 of which died upon impact and 7 saved but 3 succumbing to their injuries later out of the crew of 11 there were 7 fatalities the Olympics bow only suffered minor damage.
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oceanlinersmodeller · 2 years ago
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"On the morning of May 15, 1934, the Nantucket was on her mooring just outside the Shoal. Not far from her location, the massive White Star Liner Olympic, sister ship of the Titanic, was following the Lightship’s radio signal and, under reduced speed, was heading directly towards her. There was a heavy fog that blanketed the area around Nantucket Shoal that day. In order to avoid collision with the Lightship, the captain and crew of the Olympic had intended to change course; however, due to a grave miscalculation and riding the radio beam too closely, around 11 o’clock that morning the Olympic hit the Nantucket Lightship LV-117, essentially running the vessel over." - Egan Maritime Institute 
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newlifeprojects · 7 months ago
ket kerdesem van
miert csinalja a buvalbaszott gmail ket napja folyamatosan a Syncing mail...-t, es ahogy latom megsem sikerul neki, es
miert talalok a Gdriveomon olyan dokumentumokat, mint pl a Soproni Szemle egy 2001. LV. ÉVFOLYAM 2. szamanak 117 oldalas fuzete?
az elso kerdesre szamomra ismeretlen valasz, es igy a megoldas hianya azert sokkal jobban idegesit...
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thehumanofjustice · 10 months ago
clover stats
clover stats:
LV:1 (has lowered)
weapon:G.revolver (given by anon) (purified)
armor: nice hat (from starlo) (no Def)
Acssesories: silver and gold scarf (18)
ammo: SOUL pellets of hopes and dreams (gained from anon)
ATK 10 (boosted by cosmic herb by 10)
Equipment ATK: (22) (15 from ammo and 7 form gun) (can attack outside of his turn with the SOUL pellets) (easier to get perfect due to the G.revolver)
TOTAL ATK:10 (22)
DEF 10 (18) (boosted by cosmic herb to be 10 base)
SPD normal (+10 boosted by cosmic herb)
INV normal (+10 boosted by cosmic herb)
HP 34/34 (M!A boosted it by 14)
Passive healing of 2 per turn
LV20 stats:
ATK:42 (22)
DEF:15 (18)
All other stats same
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plasticdreams · 10 months ago
8: 名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) [MU] 2024/05/30(木) 17:09:45.85 ID:HTM9XJ6H0 泣きたいのは 誰か 117: 警備員[Lv.9][新芽](茸) [US] 2024/05/30(木) 17:39:08.76 ID:JQArOZDN0 >>8 泣いてたのは黒い赤ちゃんです
【悲報】白人カップル、黒人を出産 女「不倫したわね!ああそう言えば黒人女と話してたもんね貴方」 夫・医師「え?」 : 暇つぶしニュース
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actual-haise · 8 months ago
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victusinveritas · 2 years ago
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From the Foundation for Coast Guard History:
"We pause to remember...
15 May 1934, Sinking of the Nantucket Lightship -- During the night of 14 May 1934 RMS Olympic, sister-ship to the lost Titanic, was homing in on the lightship's radio beacon. Nearly 75 times larger than the 630-ton lightship, the White Star liner was steaming at about 20 knots in the center of the western terminus of the trans-Atlantic shipping lanes. By 5:00 am on the morning of 15 May, Olympic was in thick fog that necessitated the reduction of its speed to 16 knots, then 12 knots.
The lightship's radio signal and fog signals were picked up by Olympic at about 10:55 am and appeared to be off the ship's starboard bow. Captain John Binks ordered Olympic's course to be changed ten degrees to port and her speed to be reduced to 10 knots. Her radio operator attempted unsuccessfully to make contact with LV-117 to determine her exact position, but the fog signals could still be heard, apparently at a longer distance off the starboard bow. It appeared that Olympic was well clear of the lightship, but a few minutes later the lookout spotted LV-117 dead ahead. Binks ordered the ship's rudder to be set full to port, the engines to be set full speed astern, and the watertight doors to be closed throughout the vessel. Olympic slowed to only about 3 knots but it was too late and she collided with the side of the lightship at 11:06 am. at 40°37′2″N 69°37′6″W. Although she was not moving fast, her sheer weight (52,000 tons when fully fuelled), and thus her kinetic energy, completely wrecked the smaller vessel.
Olympic's passengers barely noticed the collision, which First Class passenger Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland registered only as a "slight jar". The changed settings of the engines were much more noticeable, sending vibrations throughout the ship as they were put into reverse and brought up to maximum revolutions. Passengers came onto the deck to find out what was going on and were met by the smell of oil and the sight of debris in the sea around Olympic.
For those aboard LV-117, the collision was felt much more directly. "We saw the Olympic loom out of the fog a short distance away," stated C.E. Mosher, LV-117's first mate, in a newspaper interview two months after the accident. "The visibility was only 500 feet. A crash was inevitable. I sounded the collision alarm. We all donned life preservers. Then we waited." When the collision came, said Mosher, "it was more like a hard push and a terrific shaking, a crunching and grinding. It was not a loud smash as one might expect. The Olympic kept coming through ..." John Perry told the press, "At the time of the smash I was in the radio cabin. I barely had time to get on deck and swim for my life." Robert Laurent commented that as "it all happened so quickly, you had no chance to panic. We all had our life preservers and it was a good thing that we did."
Olympic responded extremely rapidly to the accident. The portside emergency lifeboat had already been swung outboard and was lowered just before Olympic came to a halt. The starboard emergency boat was launched a few minutes later, along with one of Olympic's motor boats.
The scene was described by The New York Times:
"Nosing through the dense pall of the fog, the boats searched the area for almost two hours, while those on board the liner prayed for their success. A hatch drifted past, bearing the figure of an unconscious man. Shouts from the liner directed one of the lifeboats to the rescue. The same boat picked up a swimmer not far away, and the floating body of a man who appeared to be dead went past.
The lifeboats disappeared from sight in the murk and the watchers from the liner waited breathlessly. A red buoy bearing the name 'Nantucket' floated by, informing most of the passengers for the first time what they had struck.
After three-quarters-of-an-hour the starboard lifeboat came into view. As those who eagerly lined the rails saw that it contained only one figure aside from those at the oars, and that [figure was] motionless, they groaned.
But a minute later the port boat appeared with five or six men in the blue 'monkey suits' of the Lighthouse Service. Two of those also appeared to be lifeless. One man in civilian clothes, Captain Braithwaite, sat stiff and upright ... a cut on his head bled profusely ..."
The three boats managed to rescue seven of the lightship's eleven crewmen and brought them aboard, but three of the seven died in Olympic's hospital. Captain Braithwaite, First Mate C.E. Mosher, Radio Operator John Perry and Oiler Laurent Robert all survived the disaster. Engineer William Perry, Oiler Justin Richmond, Cook Alfred Montero, First Cook I. Pinna, Seaman E.B. George, Seaman John Fortes and Seaman John Rodriques did not survive the sinking.
The lightship had sunk so quickly that anyone below decks had little chance of surviving.
Binks ordered Olympic to resume course for New York at 12:29 pm once it had become clear that there were no more survivors. The liner had suffered only minimal damage in the collision, comprising some dented hull plates which were repaired in a dry dock in Southampton in May–June 1934. She was allowed to leave New York at the scheduled time on 17 May after a brief inspection. The dependents of those killed in the accident were given restitution through the United States Employees's Compensation Act.
Image: Painting "Lightship Nantucket Collision Sunk by RMS Olympic" by artist Charles J. Mazoujian (Courtesy of US Coast Guard.)"
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jymeia · 2 years ago
All the elements of the periodic table in the Kichwa language
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Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, Sisa P. Chalán-Gualán, Santiago D. Gualapuro-Gualapuro, Simone Belli and Michelle B. Chicaiza-Lema recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education a proposal to adapt the names of the 118 elements of the periodic table to Kichwa (Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language; J. Chem. Ed., 2022 99 (1), 211-218, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00383).
The authors explain that the Kichwa lacks scientific tools to respond to educational needs, triggering the gradual loss of intercultural diversity. To adapt the periodic table to Kichwa, they took into account the different linguistic variations of the language and the opinion of the speakers. This is the adaptation compared to the Spanish version, the language most widely spoken in Ecuador:
Lo autores explican que que el kichwa carece de herramientas científicas para responder a las necesidades educativas, desencadenando la pérdida gradual de la diversidad intercultural. Para adaptar la tabla periódica al kichwa tuvieron en cuenta las diferentes variaciones lingüísticas del idioma y la opinión de los hablantes. Así quedó la adaptación:
Kichwa Spanish
1 H Yakutiksi Hidrógeno 2 He Hilyu Helio 3 Li Lityu Litio 4 Be Wirilyu Berilio 5 B Puru Boro 6 C Killimsa Carbono 7 N Nitrohinyu Nitrógeno 8 O Wayrasamay Oxígeno 9 F Flur Flúor 10 Ne Nyun Neón 11 Na Sutyu Sodio 12 Mg Maknisyu Magnesio 13 Al Aluminyu Aluminio 14 Si Silisyu Silicio 15 P Puspuru Fósforo 16 S Salliy Azufre 17 Cl Kluru Cloro 18 Ar Arkun Argón 19 K Putasyu Potasio 20 Ca Kalsyu Calcio 21 Sc Iskantyu Escandio 22 Ti Titanyu Titanio 23 V Panatyu Vanadio 24 Cr Krumyu Cromo 25 Mn Mankanisyu Manganeso 26 Fe Hirr Hierro 27 Co Ankasi Cobalto 28 Ni Nikyl Níquel 29 Cu Anta Cobre 30 Zn Zink Zinc 31 Ga Kalyu Galio 32 Ge Hirmanyu Germanio 33 As Arsyniku Arsénico 34 Se Silinyu Selenio 35 Br Prumyu Bromo 36 Kr Kriptun Kriptón 37 Rb Rupityu Rubidio 38 Sr Instrunsyu Estroncio 39 Y Itryu Itrio 40 Zr Zirkunyu Zirconio 41 Nb Nyupyu Niobio 42 Mo Muliptinyu Molibdeno 43 Tc Tiknisyu Tecnecio 44 Ru Rutinyu Rutenio 45 Rh Rutyu Rodio 46 Pd Palatyu Paladio 47 Ag Kullki Plata 48 Cd Katmyu Cadmio 49 In Intyu Indio 50 Sn Istanyu Estaño 51 Sb Antimonyu Antimonio 52 Te Tiluryu Telurio 53 I Iwtyu Yodo 54 Xe Sinun Xenón 55 Cs Sisyu Cesio 56 Ba Paryu Bario 57 La Lantanyu Lantano 58 Ce Siryu Cerio 59 Pr Prasyutimyu Praseodimio 60 Nd Nyutimyu Neodimio 61 Pm Prumisyu Prometio 62 Sm Samaryu Samario 63 Eu Yurupyu Europio 64 Gd Katulinyu Gadolinio 65 Tb Tirpyu Terbio 66 Dy Tisprusyu Disprosio 67 Ho Hulmyu Holmio 68 Er Irpyu Erbio 69 Tm Tulyu Tulio 70 Yb Itirpyu Iterbio 71 Lu Lutisyu Lutecio 72 Hf Hafnyu Hafnio 73 Ta Tantalyu Tántalo 74 W Ulpramyu Wolframio 75 Re Rinyu Renio 76 Os Usmyu Osmio 77 Ir Irityu Iridio 78 Pt Platinyu Platino 79 Au Kuri Oro 80 Hg Mirkuryu Mercurio 81 Tl Talyu Talio 82 Pb Antaki Plomo 83 Bi Pismutyu Bismuto 84 Po Polunyu Polonio 85 At Astatyu Astato 86 Rn Ratun Radón 87 Fr Fransyu Francio 88 Ra Ratyu Radio 89 Ac Aktinyu Actinio 90 Th Turyu Torio 91 Pa Prutaktinyu Protactinio 92 U Uranyu Uranio 93 Np Niptunyu Neptunio 94 Pu Plutonyu Plutonio 95 Am Amerisyu Americio 96 Cm Kuryu Curio 97 Bk Pirkilyu Berkelio 98 Cf Kalifurnyu Californio 99 Es Instinyu Einstenio 100 Fm Firmyu Fermio 101 Md Mintilipyu Mendelevio 102 No Nupilyu Nobelio 103 Lw Lawrinsyu Lawrencio 104 Rf Rutirfurtyu Rutherfordio 105 Db Tupnyu Dubnio 106 Sg Syapurhyu Seaborgio 107 Bh Puhryu Bohrio 108 Hs Hasyu Hasio 109 Mt Mitniryu Meitnerio 110 Ds Tarmastatyu Darmstatio 111 Rg Runtihinyu Roentgenio 112 Cn Kupirnisyu Copernicio 113 Nh Nihunyu Nihonio 114 Fl Flirupyu Flerovio 115 Mc Muskupyu Moscovio 116 Lv Lipirmuryu Livermorio 117 Ts Tinisyu Teneso 118 Og Ukanisun Oganesón
Reprinted with permission from “Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language. Author: Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, et al. Publication:  Journal of Chemical Education Publisher: American Chemical Society. Date: Jan 1, 2022. Copyright © 2022, American Chemical Society”.
(For an individual, for non-commercial purposes, permission is granted at no charge for a cumulative total of 4 or fewer figures, tables, or micrographs, or an excerpt of 400 or fewer words for a single article. Appropriate credit should be given. Appropriate credit should read: "Reprinted with permission from {COMPLETE REFERENCE CITATION}. Copyright {YEAR} American Chemical Society." Insert appropriate information in place of the capitalized words. Please save this page for your records and for publication in print provide a copy to your publisher).
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red-son-yj-fan-b-16 · 2 years ago
Ship: HMS Olympic sailing through the fog off the coast of Nantucket
Doggo: Crew of USL Nantucket LV 117
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hananoami · 11 months ago
[ Deepspace Trial ] Open Orbit prog notes
An informal post on mobile to record some of my thoughts, events and open orbit progression from today.
Thank goodness for the hunting season event rn bc the double rewards drop for any bounty hunt made farming for crystals a little less miserable for up to 30x pulls. Dedicated a lot of stamina for this, but worth it.
Leveled up quite a few memories in order to progress in open orbit stages; currently working on getting [Your Fragrance] to 80 to help with stage 120B.
Finally cleared stage 110 after being stuck on it for weeks. Had to get [Hearts Within Reach] to lv.80 and swapped out a delta protocore for a Crit Rate one after leveling it up to +9. I finally got one from the core farm, even if the substats weren’t the most ideal. The extra crit rate was more helpful than the dmg to weakened one I was previously using. My play was really sloppy imo, but a clear is a clear. I didn’t expect it to end the way it did. See clear video for more detail.
After the hurdle of stage 110 I was able to keep progressing until my next challenge at 113. This stage required 6-emerald memories to match the protofield stellactrum?* it was a frenzied type battle. I leveled up [Close Feelings] from lv 50 to 60 and [Romantic Afternoon] from lv 60 to 70 to gain more ATK stats and used the Hunters Wand. It was easier to use that to damage the frenzy wanderer, even if I can’t focus target it. I just needed to make sure they were all at least grouped up together when I dropped my aoe.
Stage 117 required 6 violet to match the protofield stellactrum, but i opted to not have a perfect match in favor of using Sea God with my highest leveled Rafayel lunars. This was okay because it was a recharge beacon stage, so I just had to make sure the wanderers didn't get close enough to interrupt me.
Currently stuck on stage 120 with the epic bgm. Team 01 requires 6 emerald memories and team 02 requires 6 violet* memories to match protofield stellactrum. I’ve been using the hunters wand with Xavier, which is still a really close fight. Been progging with phantasma sands gun for Rafayel. I don’t have enough damage with around 2 and a half HP bars left by the time the timer runs out. Will make a more detailed post about this later. Currently working on leveling up memories.
I know there’s a spreadsheet out there that documents all the protofield stellactrum for the Deepspace trials, but I would like to keep one on hand here as well since this is my gaming blog. Will do that with source credit.
A special shout out to P-chan again for having faith and believing in me by saying we’re going all the way from stage 110 to 120 today. Because we did and honestly I wouldn’t have made it this far without their help and support. ♡ and appreciate u always. 🌸
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iwanttopi · 2 months ago
🌹Cambio Region🌹
🏳️‍🌈 POKéMON ROSE 🏳️‍⚧️
283 pokemon to discover! 587 to catch!
0🌀mewzero °
AREA 1 • (46)
rosy maple
1⚡️🪲pichu lv15>
2 ⚡️🪲pikachu lv30>
3 ⚡️🌸raichu 🍬
4🌱⛰️meganium (bayleef lv32+family tree>)
5🔥🪽delphox (braixen lv36+ancestral ash>)
6💧💀primarina (brionne lv34+gene pool>)
7❄️🪽hoothoot lv20>
8❄️🪽noctowl lvup+beartic in party>
9❄️🪽bjornowl °
10🪲💀sewaddle lv13>
11🪲💀swadloon lv25>
13⚪️bunnelby lv20>
14⚪️🪽skippersby °
15🌱🌸gogoat (skiddo friendship>)
16🔥🌸darmanitan • (darumaka friendship>)
17💧🌸lumineon (finneon friendship>)
18👁‍🗨⚪️yungoos lv23>
19👁‍🗨⚪️gumshoos power trip+ lvup>
20👁‍🗨⚪️ballishoos °
21💧igglybuff lv20>
22💧jigglypuff water stone>
23💧wigglytuff •💧🌸
24🏔phanpy lv25>
26❄️munchlax friendship>
28🏔rufflet lv40>
30⚪️🔥furret (sentret lv15>)
31🔥 bounsweet lv18>
32🔥 steenee lvup + fruit punch>
33🔥🌸 tsareena
34❄️dunsparce lvup+ brain freeze> ••
35❄️dudunsparce ••
36⚪️eevee *> 🛡️
37⚪️reyneon *white shrine °
38🪲apameon *olive shrine °
39🥊dedeon *auburn shrine °
40🪽breezeon *sky blue shrine °
41🏔crageon *mahogany shrine °
42🌎canyeon *sienna shrine °
43🧪inkeon *iris shrine °
44⚙️forgeon *silver shrine °
45💀azreon *midnight shrine °
46🐉wajeon (eevee friendship +dragon shout>) °
AREA 2 • (31)
47🔮meowth friendship> 🛡️
48🔮persian +
mad hungry
🔮🌸persian (hungry meowth dried tongue +lv up>)
49🪲⚪️ kricketave (kricketune lv28>) °
50🪲🪽apoidron (combee lv21>) °
51🌱🥊budew lv20>
52🌱🥊roselia lv40>
54⚡️🪽natu lv25>
56🌎minccino sun stone>
super star
58🪲🔮ledyba lv28+night>
60🪽azurill lv18>
61🪽marill lv28>
63🌸cherubi lv25+day>
64🌸cherrim •
66💧⚡️milotic (feebas thunder stone>)
67⚪️ opushep (smeargle lv40 or given paint kit>) ° ••
68💧tatsugiri ••
tater-tot / relict
69🌎🌱sunkern leaf stone> •🌱❄️ lv18>
70🌎🌱spudflora °
72💀 drowzee lv31+night+pumpkaboo in party>
74⚪️smoochum max friendship w/ holding soothe bell>
75⚪️ jynx
76👁‍🗨elgyem lv42>
AREA 2.5 (9)
78🔥💧carvanha lv30>
cold sleep
80❄️tympole lv25>
81❄️🔮palpitoad ice stone>
83🌎castform •🌎🌱•🌎⚡️•🌎🔮•🌎🌸
84💧⚙️qwilfish lv33+4:00am-8:00am>
85💧⚙️drilfish °
86⚪️🌱shrubwool (wooloo lv24@bb diamond>) °
AREA 3 • (55)
87🌱🧪lilligant (petilil lv30+night>)
88⚡️skitty lv26>
90🥊electrike lv26>
93🪽spoink lv32>
94🪽🌸grumpig 🛡️
95⚪️🔮teddiursa friendship+another teddiursa in party>
97🧪audino 🍬🧪🔥
98⚙️riolu bodymod>
99⚙️🔮lucario 🍬•⚙️ •🔮
101🥊 panshonen (pancham lv32>) °
big top
102🧪🌸croagunk lv37>
103🧪🌸toxijoak °
104⚙️chinchou lv27>
106⚡️💀gastly lv25>
107⚡️💀haunter lv38>
109⚡️🔮magnemite lv30>
110⚡️🔮magneton lvup+modern power>
112🌸houndour lv31+certain nature>
114🧪🪲porygon-z (porygon2 + free music>)
dirt pie
115🌎🐉goomy lv30>
116🌎🐉sliggoo lv50+sand>
118👁‍🗨glameow lv31+certain nature>
120⚡️⚙️scraggy lv35>
121⚡️⚙️scrafty lvup+overdrive> 🛡️
122⚡️⚙️scrafrettz °
125🪲🌱cutiefly lv25>
126🪲🌱ribombee +
bitter nectar
⚡️🌱ribombee (nectar cutiefly roasted bean+ lvup>)
127👁️‍🗨️🥊espurr lv25+night>
128👁‍🗨🥊meowstic • 🍬
129💀gothita lv32>
130💀gothorita lv41>
132⚪️solosis lv32>
133⚪️duosion lv41>
135❄️gulpin lv26>
137🌸ralts lv22>
138����kirlia lvup+scathing review> / lvup+career ender>
139🌸👁‍🗨gardevoir 🍬
140🌸🥊gallade 🍬
AREA 4 • (28)
142🪲👁‍🗨pinsir 🍬
143🐉applin *>
144🐉🧪berthorp *unripe fruit °
145🐉🏔miopeach *juicy rock °
146🐉💧juipepo *tiny umbrella °
147🌱komala lvup+grass pledge>
148🌱👁‍🗨gonala °
149🔥falinks lvup+fire pledge>
150🔥🥊 xinkshu °
151💧carbink lvup+water pledge>
152💧🔮carzuli °
153⚙️aron lv32>
154⚙️🧪lairon lv42>
156🌸charmander lv36>
157🌸charmeleon lv56>
158🌸🐉charizard 🍬
159🏔️🌸cleffa lv20>
160🏔️🌸clefairy shiny stone>
162🧪slugma lv38>
164🏔⚙️carkol (rolycoly lv18>) lv44> ••••
165🏔⚙️coalossal ••••
166🐉🪽zubat lv28>
167🐉🪽golbat lv48>
169🥊🔮hariyama (makuhita lv24+ sp attack up nature>)
AREA 5 • (37)
171👁‍🗨🧪misdreavus dusk stone>
172👁‍🗨🧪mismagius +
murky cauldron
💧🧪mismagius (cauldron misdreavus lvup+ waterlogged doll>)
173🔥💀pumpkaboo fire stone>
176💀 snorunt lv42>/female+moonstone>
179💀🧪foongus lv39>
181⛰️❄️timburr lv21>
182⛰️❄️gurdurr lv46>
184🔥tangela lvup+rest>
186👁‍🗨⚙️ tinkatink lv24>
187👁‍🗨⚙️ tinkatuff lv38>
188👁‍🗨⚙️ tinkaton
189🌱absol 🛡️🍬🌱💀
190🐉🔮draginigami ( lv55 + placebo>) °
play date
191⚪️💀shuppet lv37>
192⚪️💀banette •👁‍🗨
193⚙️🌸aegislash (doublade lv45 in Castle of Managala>) •
194⛰️eiscue •
196🐉spritzee lvup +daemon resin>
197🐉dragincense °
love bug
198🪲🌸joltik lv36+hp draining move>
199🪲🌸romantik °
201⚙️happiny any type gem>
202⚙️chansey friendship>
204🪲unown •x13
205💧🌱fomantis lv34+day>
AREA 6 • (26)
207🌎🌸baltoy lv36>
209🏔👁‍🗨cranidos lv34>
210🏔👁‍🗨bashardos °
212🌎🪲 beedrill (kakuna lvup+desert glass wings>)
213🌱stufful lv27>
215🔮muspashae (musharna dawn stone>) °
216🔮🌎mudbray lv30>
217🔮🌎mudsdale 🛡️
219⚡️colliddorb (electrode lvup+piston pounder>) ° •⚡️⛰️
220🏔🔥numel lv33>
221🏔🔥camerupt 🍬
222🔥🧪salavage (salandit lv30+male>) °
223⛰️🥊marowak (cubone lv28>)
224⚡️🌎shinx lv18>
225⚡️🌎luxio lv36>
226⚡️🌎luxray +
burn dune
⚡️🔥luxray (dune luxio shock glass +lvup>)
227🌱🔥cacnea lv32>
230🌎spheal lv32>
231🌎🏔sealeo lv44>
AREA 7 • (22)
233🌎🥊sandsummit (sandslash lvup+ land scrape>) °
234⚪️❄️litleo lv35>
235⚪️❄️pyroar •
236⛰🪽astariki (minior feed 7 minior chunks>) ° ••••••• 🛡️
237🪲❄️ butterfree (metapod lvup+ delicate paper wings>)
238🥊⚡️machop lv28>
239🥊⚡️machoke lvup+piston pounder>
240🥊⚡️machgoma °
241🔮💀sneasel razor claw @ dusk>
242🔮💀sneascera °
243🔥🌎snover lv40>
244🔥🌎abomasnow 🍬
245💀❄️mawile lv50>
246💀❄️mawenter ° +
feral pixel
🥊❄️mawenter (pixel mawile flint mirror lvup>)
double diamond
248🥊🪽meditite lv37>
250🧪❄️cryogonal •🔥❄️
251🥊chingling friendship>
252🥊chimecho lv49>
253🥊🌸daimepeko °
AREA 8 • (17)
255❄️🌸swirlix lvup +peppermint bonbon>
256❄️🌸slurpumoni °
257🌱buizel leaf stone>
259🔥staryu fire stone>
261💧ekans water stone>
263🪽wailmer lv40>
265❄️💧vanillite lv35>
266❄️💧vanillish lv47>
267❄️💧vanillarge ° +
fried slushie
❄️🔥vanillarge (slushie vanillish crispy snow+ lvup>)
268💧❄️queensno (seadra lv45+crystal scale>) °
269💧🥊corphish lv30+mach punch>)
big brain
AREA 9 • (8)
272🔥wooper lv50+Lamuki Mountain>
273🔥🐉quagatoa °
274🪲🐉yanma lvup+modern power>
275🪲🐉yanmagnum °
276⚪️ komoleon (kecleon lv34>) ° •••
277🐉⚡️tyrunt lv45>
278🐉⚡️tyrantrum 🛡️
279🐉 togetrix (togepi friendship +fed the 3 kallaias delicacies>) °
AREA 10 • (4)
280⚙️shradia °
281🪽⚙️xerneas •🌀
282🌀mystreon °
1🌸Alcremie (chocolate+all sweets)
2⚪️🌸 Meloetta (diva)
3⚪️👁‍🗨 Meloetta (scream)
4⚪️💀 Meloetta (goth)
5⚪️🐉 Meloetta (bard)
6🌸Flabébé (black flower)
7🌸Floette (black flower)
8🌸Florges (black flower)
9⚪️Smeargle (red,blue)
10💧🪽Gyarados (golden)
11🪲🪽Vivillon (abyss)
12🐉 Togepi (kallaias fed)
returning pokemon: (328, 303) -25
🟥🟦🇯🇵45 caterpie, ✨metapod, weedle, ✨kakuna, sandshrew, ✨sandslash, vulpix+alola, ninetales+alola, oddish, gloom, vileplume, venonat, venomoth, mankey, primeape, growlithe, arcanine, bellsprout, weepinbell, victreebel, ponyta+galar, rapidash+galar, onix, voltorb+hisui, ✨electrode+hisui, ✨cubone, kangaskhan🍬, horsea, ✨seadra, mr.mime+galar, magikarp, ✨gyarados🍬, lapras, 🌹✨eevee, vaporeon, jolteon, flareon, porygon, omanyte, omastar, kabuto, kabutops, dratini, ✨dragonair, dragonite
🟨⬜️🇯🇵26 chikorita, ✨bayleef,
🌹✨meganium, ✨sentret, ✨togepi, togetic, mareep, flaaffy, ampharos🍬, bellossom, espeon, umbreon, pineco, forretress, gligar, steelix, heracross🍬,
🌹✨sneasel+hisui, swinub, piloswine, mantine, 🌹✨houndour, 🌹✨houndoom🍬, kingdra, ✨porygon2, ✨smeargle
🔴🔵🇯🇵45 poochyena, mightyena, seedot, nuzleaf, shiftry, nincada, ninjask, shedinja, ✨makuhita, ✨🌹hariyama, 🌹✨sableye🍬, 🌹✨mawile🍬, volbeat, illumise, spinda, trapinch, vibrava, flygon, swablu, altaria🍬, zangoose, seviper, barboach, whiscash, lileep, cradily, anorith, armaldo, ✨feebas, ✨kecleon, duskull, dusclops, clamperl, huntail, gorebyss, relicanth, bagon, shelgon, salamence🍬, beldum, metang, metagross🍬, latias🍬, latios🍬, jirachi
🩵💖🇯🇵27 bidoof, bibarel, kricketot, ✨kricketune, shieldon, bastiodon, ✨combee, vespiquen, pachirisu, mime jr., stunky, skuntank, hippopotas, hippowdon, carnivine, ✨finneon, mantyke,
🌹✨snover, 🌹✨abomasnow🍬, weavile, togekiss, leafeon, glaceon, gliscor, mamoswine, dusknoir, rotom
⬛️⬜️🇺🇸50 patrat, watchog, munna, ✨musharna, blitzle, zebstrika, venipede, whirlipede, scolipede, petilil,
🌹✨lilligant+hisui, 🌹✨sandile,
🌹✨krokorok,🌹✨krookodile, ✨darumaka, yamask+galar, cofagrigus, tirtouga, carracosta, archen, archeops, zorua, zoroark, deerling, sawsbuck, frillish, jellicent, ferroseed, ferrothorn, tynamo, eelektrik, eelektross, litwick, lampent, chandelure, cubchoo, beartic, mienfoo, mienshao, druddigon, golett, golurk, vullaby, mandibuzz, larvesta, volcarona,deino,zweilous,hydreigon,
🔵🔴🇫🇷36 fennekin, ✨braixen,
🌹✨delphox, scatterbug, spewpa, vivillon, fletchling, fletchinder, talonflame, ✨flabébé, ✨floette, ✨florges, ✨skiddo, ✨pancham, pangoro, honedge, ✨doublade, 🌹✨aegislash, inkay, malamar, skrelp, dragalge, helioptile, heliolisk, amaura, aurorus, sylveon, 🌹✨hawlucha, dedenne, phantump, trevenant, 🌹✨pumpkaboo, 🌹✨gourgeist, noibat, noivern,
🟧🟪🇺🇸29 popplio, ✨brionne,
🌹✨primarina, crabrawler, crabominable, oricorio, rockruff, lycanroc, mareanie, toxapex, dewpider, araquanid, morelull, shiinotic, ✨salandit, salazzle, sandygast, palossand, ✨minior, bruxish, turtonator, alola-geodude, alola-graveler, alola-golem, dhelmise, jangmo-o, hakamo-o, kommo-o, blacephalon
🔷♦️🇬🇧33 rookidee, corvisquire, corviknight,✨wooloo, dubwool, ✨rolycoly, 🌹✨applin, flapple, appletun, silicobra, sandaconda, toxel, toxtricity, sinistea, polteageist, hatenna, hattrem, hatterene, impidimp, morgrem, grimmsnarl, mr.rime, runerigus, milcery, ✨alcremie, pincurchin, snom, frosmoth, duraludon, dreepy, drakloak, dragapult
🆘⚛️🇪🇸37 lechonk, oinkologne, nymble, lokix, fidough, dachsbun, nacli, naclstack, garganacl, charcadet, armarouge, ceruledge, wattrel, kilowattrel, maschiff, mabosstiff, shroodle, grafaiai, capsakid, scovillain, 🌹✨varoom, 🌹✨revavroom, cyclizar, orthworm, glimmet, glimmora, greavard, houndstone, annihilape,
🌹✨paldea-wooper, clodsire, gimmighoul, gholdengo, slither wing, dipplin, hydrapple,archaludon
type changes:
❄️ now resists ⚡️&🪽
🪲⚪️kricketot, 🪲⚪️kricketune
changed evolution methods:
sun stone> espeon / moon stone> umbreon / having topsy-turvy and leveling up inkay>malamar / choosing ingredients and mixing> alcremie / lv21+ female+ holding royal jelly> vespiquen
🍬 = can mega evolve
°= new pokemon
•= has form
🛡️= pillar
✨= has regional form/evolution/etc.
🌹= not counted in final dex number
+= has split form
*50 new pokemon
🌀(??? type) - every turn, one type is ineffective against ??? types.
DLC POKéMON 🧁 vanilla cupcake
40 new forms! (43) 102 to catch! (145)
AREA 11 • (40)
💀meowth dusk stone>
284💀perrish °
⚪️gothita lv30>
⚪️gothorita friendship>
285⚪️gothadona °
286👁️‍🗨️💀rattata lvup then faint in same battle>
287👁️‍🗨️💀ratribution °
288🧪🪽spinarak lv22 w/asleep>
290🔥⚙️varoom lv40>
292🪲🔮ledastro (ss-ledian space rock+lvup>) °
293🧪binacle lv39>
day job
295🌎⚪️dugtrio (diglett lv26>)
296🧪sandile lv29>
297🧪🥊krokorok lv40>
299🌸buneary high friendship>
300🌸chipangora °
301🌸whipcraft x69 (alcremie lvup+ fromagic>) °
302⚪️🐉maushold (tandemaus lv25+>) lv45 after walking 10,000 steps>
303⚙️🐉slodermaus °
304⚪️🔮ursaluna (c-ursaring corsage+fullmoon+lvup>)
305🥊⚙️bronzor lv33>
wind blown
308🌱trubbish lv33>
310🔥krabby lv33>
312💧cufant lv33>
314🌸🧪exeggutor (exeggcute lv30>)
315🐉💧juibrosia (juipepo dragon cheer+lvup>) °
316💧smoliv lv25>
317💧👁️‍🗨️dolliv lvup+kismet call>
318💧👁️‍🗨️eeturliva °
319❄️🐉gible lv24>
320❄️🐉gabite lv48>
322🌸gagapop °
13⛰️🌸4 new carbink variants (Sancy, Jubilee, Hortensia, Cullinan) (original being Hope)
14⚪️⚙️meloetta (vintage)
15⚪️🧪meloetta (spittin’)
16⚪️🪲meloetta (indie)
returning pokemon: (99, 62) -37
🟥🟦5 ✨diglett, koffing, weezing, ✨exeggcute, ✨🌹marowak
🟨⬜️5 ✨🌹natu, ✨🌹xatu, snubbull, granbull, murkrow
🔴🔵11 lunatone, solrock, ✨🌹baltoy, ✨🌹claydol, tropius, ✨🌹absol🍬,
🌹✨snorunt, 🌹✨glalie🍬,
🌹✨spheal, 🌹✨sealeo,🌹✨walrein
🩵💖6 honchkrow, drifloon, drifblim,
✨🌹riolu, ✨🌹lucario🍬,✨🌹froslass
⬛️⬜️32 snivy, servine, serperior, tepig, pignite, emboar, oshawott, dewott, samurott, lillipup, herdier, stoutland, pidove, tranquill, unfezant, drilbur, excadrill, ✨🌹timburr, ✨🌹gurdurr,
✨🌹conkeldurr, cottonee, whimsicott,
✨🌹scraggy, ✨🌹scrafty,
✨🌹minccino, ✨🌹cinccino,
✨🌹joltik, galvantula, klink, klang, klinklang, stunfisk
🔵🔴12 ✨🌹bunnelby, diggersby,
✨🌹spritzee, aromatisse,✨🌹swirlix, slurpuff, furfrou, ✨🌹espurr,
✨🌹meowstic, bergmite, avalugg,
🟧🟪7 ✨🌹stufful, ✨🌹bewear, togedemaru, ✨🌹mudbray,
✨🌹mudsdale, grimer-alola, muk-alola
🔷♦️13 galar-zigzagoon, galar-linoone, obstagoon, nickit, thievul, sizzlipede, centiskorch, yamper, boltund,
✨🌹carkol, ✨🌹coalossal, clobbopus, grapploct
🔆 -
🆘⚛️8 ✨tandemaus, ✨🌹tinkatink,
✨🌹tinkatuff, ✨🌹tinkaton, tadbulb, bellibolt, cetoddle, cetitan
10 new pokemon (60 all tgtr)
688 pokemon to catch!
0 notes
element-identifier · 1 month ago
Hydrogen - H - 1 - 1.008
Helium - He - 2 - 4.003
Lithium - Li - 3 - 6.941
Beryllium - Be - 4 - 9.012
Boron - B - 5 - 10.811
Carbon - C - 6 - 12.011
Nitrogen - N - 7 - 14.007
Skizzleman - Sk - 8 - 15.999
Fluorine - F - 9 - 18.998
Neon - Ne - 10 - 20.180
Sodium - Na - 11 - 22.990
Magnesium - Mg - 12 - 24.305
Aluminum - Al - 13 - 26.982
Silicon - Si - 14 - 28.086
Phosphorus - P - 15 - 30.974
Sulfur - S - 16 - 32.065
Chlorine - Cl - 17 - 35.453
Argon - Ar - 18 - 39.948
Potassium - K - 19 - 39.098
Calcium - Ca - 20 - 40.078
Scandium - Sc - 21 - 44.956
Titanium - Ti - 22 - 47.867
Vanadium - V - 23 - 50.942
Chromium - Cr - 24 - 51.996
Manganese - Mn - 25 - 54.938
Iron - Fe - 26 - 55.845
Cobalt - Co - 27 - 58.933
Nickel - Ni - 28 - 58.693
Copper - Cu - 29 - 63.546
Zinc - Zn - 30 - 65.380
Gallium - Ga - 31 - 69.723
Germanium - Ge - 32 - 72.640
Arsenic - As - 33 - 74.922
Selenium - Se - 34 - 78.960
Bromine - Br - 35 - 79.904
Krypton - Kr - 36 - 83.798
Rubidium - Rb - 37 - 85.468
Strontium - Sr - 38 - 87.620
Yttrium - Y - 39 - 88.906
Zirconium - Zr - 40 - 91.224
Niobium - Nb - 41 - 92.906
Molybdenum - Mo - 42 - 95.950
Technetium - Tc - 43 - 98
Ruthenium - Ru - 44 - 101.07
Rhodium - Rh - 45 - 102.91
Palladium - Pd - 46 - 106.42
Silver - Ag - 47 - 107.87
Cadmium - Cd - 48 - 112.41
Indium - In - 49 - 114.82
Tin - Sn - 50 - 118.71
Antimony - Sb - 51 - 121.76
Tellurium - Te - 52 - 127.60
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Xenon - Xe - 54 - 131.29
Cesium - Cs - 55 - 132.91
Barium - Ba - 56 - 137.33
Lanthanum - La - 57 - 138.91
Cerium - Ce - 58 - 140.12
Praseodymium - Pr - 59 - 140.91
Neodymium - Nd - 60 - 144.24
Promethium - Pm - 61 - 145
Samarium - Sm - 62 - 150.36
Europium - Eu - 63 - 151.96
Gadolinium - Gd - 64 - 157.25
Terbium - Tb - 65 - 158.93
Dysprosium - Dy - 66 - 162.5
Holmium - Ho - 67 - 164.93
Erbium - Er - 68 - 167.26
Thulium - Tm - 69 - 168.93
Ytterbium - Yb - 70 - 173.04
Lutetium - Lu - 71 - 174.97
Hafnium - Hf - 72 - 178.49
Tantalum - Ta - 73 - 180.95
Tungsten - W - 74 - 183.84
Rhenium - Re - 75 - 186.21
Osmium - Os - 76 - 190.23
Iridium - Ir - 77 - 192.22
Platinum - Pt - 78 - 195.08
Gold - Au - 79 - 196.97
Mercury - Hg - 80 - 200.59
Thallium - Tl - 81 - 204.38
Lead - Pb - 82 - 207.20
Bismuth - Bi - 83 - 208.98
Polonium - Po - 84 - 209
Astatine - At - 85 - 210
Radon - Rn - 86 - 222
Francium - Fr - 87 - 223
Radium - Ra - 88 - 226
Actinium - Ac - 89 - 227
Thorium - Th - 90 - 232.04
Protactinium - Pa - 91 - 231.04
Uranium - U - 92 - 238.03
Neptunium - Np - 93 - 237.05
Plutonium - Pu - 94 - 244
Americium - Am - 95 - 243
Curium - Cm - 96 - 247
Berkelium - Bk - 97 - 247
Californium - Cf - 98 - 251
Einsteinium - Es - 99 - 252
Fermium - Fm - 100 - 257
Mendelevium - Md - 101 - 258
Nobelium - No - 102 - 259
Lawrencium - Lr - 103 - 262
Rutherfordium - Rf - 104 - 267
Dubnium - Db - 105 - 262
Seaborgium - Sg - 106 - 269
Bohrium - Bh - 107 - 264
Hassium - Hs - 108 - 269
Meitnerium - Mt - 109 - 278
Darmstadtium - Ds - 110 - 281
Roentgenium - Rg - 111 - 282
Copernicium - Cn - 112 - 285
Nihonium - Nh - 113 - 286
Flerovium - Fl - 114 - 289
Moscovium - Mc - 115 - 289
Livermorium - Lv - 116 - 293
Tennessine - Ts - 117 - 294
Oganesson - Og - 118 - 294
New Element Unlocked! Unfortunately, we had to give up oxygen.
skizz shouldn’t be on the periodic table
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suggested by anonynous
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