Element Identifier
51 posts
I identify elements of the periodic table in posts.If you so wish, you may tag me in posts for identification.If you submit an inquiry, I will first identify the elements and then answer.Inquiries and mentions are encouraged.
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element-identifier · 5 days ago
Personally, I’d rank Iridium pretty highly. But I’m a sucker for it. Literal space element.
I'm making a numbers tierlist (And stuff related to it, like infinity and x), what are some good numbers to like have on there?
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element-identifier · 5 days ago
Oh. It's you. Well, I took care of this one. It was really tough, I am no fighter like you. But I got my way. After the last jailers, I felt you deserved a little more from me. Call it my contribution to our escape. We're in this together, now more than ever. All the jail worlds were built from here, by a genius architect. A perfectly designed, masterpiece of a prison. This impossible, IMPASSIBLE prison. I tried so many times to find some way out of here. But there wasn't one. Except for you. If only I could have found a way out. Without killing them. Without freeing you. But I couldn't outsmart my greatest work. And slowly that ancient, animal part of my brain took over. The urge that made me fast when she was in danger. That kept me awake when she was sick. The architect gave up and the father came up with a plan. I know what you're thinking. There's a thin line between love and madness. Time will tell. You go ahead, I'll be with you in a moment.
Boron - B - 5 - 10.811
Carbon - C - 6 - 12.011
Oxygen - O - 8 - 15.999
Aluminum - Al - 13 - 26.982
Phosphorus - P - 15 - 30.974
Sulfur - S - 16 - 32.065
Calcium - Ca - 20 - 40.078
Titanium - Ti - 22 - 47.867
Yttrium - Y - 39 - 88.906
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Tungsten - W - 74 - 183.84
Thorium - Th - 90 - 232.04
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element-identifier · 5 days ago
Hydrogen - H - 1 - 1.008
Helium - He - 2 - 4.003
Lithium - Li - 3 - 6.941
Beryllium - Be - 4 - 9.012
Boron - B - 5 - 10.811
Carbon - C - 6 - 12.011
Nitrogen - N - 7 - 14.007
Skizzleman - Sk - 8 - 15.999
Fluorine - F - 9 - 18.998
Neon - Ne - 10 - 20.180
Sodium - Na - 11 - 22.990
Magnesium - Mg - 12 - 24.305
Aluminum - Al - 13 - 26.982
Silicon - Si - 14 - 28.086
Phosphorus - P - 15 - 30.974
Sulfur - S - 16 - 32.065
Chlorine - Cl - 17 - 35.453
Argon - Ar - 18 - 39.948
Potassium - K - 19 - 39.098
Calcium - Ca - 20 - 40.078
Scandium - Sc - 21 - 44.956
Titanium - Ti - 22 - 47.867
Vanadium - V - 23 - 50.942
Chromium - Cr - 24 - 51.996
Manganese - Mn - 25 - 54.938
Iron - Fe - 26 - 55.845
Cobalt - Co - 27 - 58.933
Nickel - Ni - 28 - 58.693
Copper - Cu - 29 - 63.546
Zinc - Zn - 30 - 65.380
Gallium - Ga - 31 - 69.723
Germanium - Ge - 32 - 72.640
Arsenic - As - 33 - 74.922
Selenium - Se - 34 - 78.960
Bromine - Br - 35 - 79.904
Krypton - Kr - 36 - 83.798
Rubidium - Rb - 37 - 85.468
Strontium - Sr - 38 - 87.620
Yttrium - Y - 39 - 88.906
Zirconium - Zr - 40 - 91.224
Niobium - Nb - 41 - 92.906
Molybdenum - Mo - 42 - 95.950
Technetium - Tc - 43 - 98
Ruthenium - Ru - 44 - 101.07
Rhodium - Rh - 45 - 102.91
Palladium - Pd - 46 - 106.42
Silver - Ag - 47 - 107.87
Cadmium - Cd - 48 - 112.41
Indium - In - 49 - 114.82
Tin - Sn - 50 - 118.71
Antimony - Sb - 51 - 121.76
Tellurium - Te - 52 - 127.60
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Xenon - Xe - 54 - 131.29
Cesium - Cs - 55 - 132.91
Barium - Ba - 56 - 137.33
Lanthanum - La - 57 - 138.91
Cerium - Ce - 58 - 140.12
Praseodymium - Pr - 59 - 140.91
Neodymium - Nd - 60 - 144.24
Promethium - Pm - 61 - 145
Samarium - Sm - 62 - 150.36
Europium - Eu - 63 - 151.96
Gadolinium - Gd - 64 - 157.25
Terbium - Tb - 65 - 158.93
Dysprosium - Dy - 66 - 162.5
Holmium - Ho - 67 - 164.93
Erbium - Er - 68 - 167.26
Thulium - Tm - 69 - 168.93
Ytterbium - Yb - 70 - 173.04
Lutetium - Lu - 71 - 174.97
Hafnium - Hf - 72 - 178.49
Tantalum - Ta - 73 - 180.95
Tungsten - W - 74 - 183.84
Rhenium - Re - 75 - 186.21
Osmium - Os - 76 - 190.23
Iridium - Ir - 77 - 192.22
Platinum - Pt - 78 - 195.08
Gold - Au - 79 - 196.97
Mercury - Hg - 80 - 200.59
Thallium - Tl - 81 - 204.38
Lead - Pb - 82 - 207.20
Bismuth - Bi - 83 - 208.98
Polonium - Po - 84 - 209
Astatine - At - 85 - 210
Radon - Rn - 86 - 222
Francium - Fr - 87 - 223
Radium - Ra - 88 - 226
Actinium - Ac - 89 - 227
Thorium - Th - 90 - 232.04
Protactinium - Pa - 91 - 231.04
Uranium - U - 92 - 238.03
Neptunium - Np - 93 - 237.05
Plutonium - Pu - 94 - 244
Americium - Am - 95 - 243
Curium - Cm - 96 - 247
Berkelium - Bk - 97 - 247
Californium - Cf - 98 - 251
Einsteinium - Es - 99 - 252
Fermium - Fm - 100 - 257
Mendelevium - Md - 101 - 258
Nobelium - No - 102 - 259
Lawrencium - Lr - 103 - 262
Rutherfordium - Rf - 104 - 267
Dubnium - Db - 105 - 262
Seaborgium - Sg - 106 - 269
Bohrium - Bh - 107 - 264
Hassium - Hs - 108 - 269
Meitnerium - Mt - 109 - 278
Darmstadtium - Ds - 110 - 281
Roentgenium - Rg - 111 - 282
Copernicium - Cn - 112 - 285
Nihonium - Nh - 113 - 286
Flerovium - Fl - 114 - 289
Moscovium - Mc - 115 - 289
Livermorium - Lv - 116 - 293
Tennessine - Ts - 117 - 294
Oganesson - Og - 118 - 294
New Element Unlocked! Unfortunately, we had to give up oxygen.
skizz shouldn’t be on the periodic table
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suggested by anonynous
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element-identifier · 5 days ago
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Bonus, Numerical:
Lithium - Li - 3 - 6.941
someone just asked me how many words I've said in my life and like
I don't know?????
probably at least like. 3????
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element-identifier · 5 days ago
Carbon - C - 6 - 12.011
Nitrogen - N - 7 - 14.007
Oxygen - O - 8 - 15.999
Sulfur - S - 16 - 32.065
Vanadium - V - 23 - 50.942
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
It's almost Valentine's Day, you know what that means.
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
I got through element and was worried there would be nothing.
ok gimmickverse let's all do this
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I would be oho-h-
@maryland-officially @the-real-catholic-church @north-dakota-unofficial @non-tyrannical-usa @thee0ne-whos-trying and anyone else!
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Element of the Day: Lithium
Chemical Symbol: Li
Atomic Number: 3
Atomic Mass: 6.941
Period: 2
Group: 1 / 1A
Category: Alkali Metals
Valence Electrons: 1
Number of Protons: 3
Number of Electrons for a Neutral Charge: 3
Average Number of Neutrons: 4
State at Room Temperature: Solid
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Fun Fact(s): Lithium is the least dense of the solid elements, and it weren’t highly reactive with water, it’s light enough that it would float!
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Hydrogen - H - 1 - 1.008
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Uranium - U - 92 - 238.03
Hands down my favourite posts on this website are the long ones that occur when the gimmick blogs are just bullying each other. Usually ganging up on one gimmick and just absolutely trouncing them. it amuses me greatly
EDIT: getting notifications for this post feels like I have my own personal sitcom. excellent work everyone
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Hydrogen - H - 1 - 1.008
Helium - He - 2 - 4.003
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Iridium - Ir - 77 - 192.22
5 notes: I'll get up
10 notes: I'll get dressed
20 notes: I'll get breakfast
40 notes: I'll start my homework(it's due today by like four pm)
60 notes: I'll organize my closet (or start)
100 notes: I'll start my art study
edit: 150 notes: I'll start reading the books i need to read
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Sulfur - S - 16 - 32.065
Indium - In - 49 - 114.82
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Samarium - Sm - 62 - 150.36
Tungsten - W - 74 - 183.84
Actinium - Ac - 89 - 227
Thorium - Th - 90 - 232.04
Uranium - U - 92 - 238.03
i am not calling twitter fucking x
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Hydrogen - H - 1 - 1.008
Phosphorus - P - 15 - 30.974
Yttrium - Y - 39 - 88.906
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Uranium - U - 92 - 238.03
this too shall pass
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Hydrogen - H - 1 - 1.008
Have you ever thought about the fact that couches are just big soft chairs
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Carbon - C - 6 - 12.011
Nitrogen - N - 7 - 14.007
Oxygen - O - 8 - 15.999
Fluorine - F - 9 - 18.998
Neon - Ne - 10 - 20.180
Aluminum - Al - 13 - 26.982
Cerium - Ce - 58 - 140.12
Tungsten - W - 74 - 183.84
Thorium - Th - 90 - 232.04
Uranium - U - 92 - 238.03
Octopus filmed changing colours while sleeping.
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Hydrogen - H - 1 - 1.008
Boron - B - 5 - 10.811
Carbon - C - 6 - 12.011
Nitrogen - N - 7 - 14.007
Oxygen - O - 8 - 15.999
Fluorine - F - 9 - 18.998
Phosphorus - P - 15 - 30.974
Sulfur - S - 16 - 32.065
Yttrium - Y - 39 - 88.906
Praseodymium - Pr - 59 - 140.91
Tungsten - W - 74 - 183.84
Uranium - U - 92 - 238.03
Fiddleford and Joe Hills are the same guy. Prove me wrong.
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Element of the Day: Helium
Chemical Symbol: He
Atomic Number: 2
Atomic Mass: 4.003
Period: 1
Group: 18 / 8A
Category: Noble Gases
Valence Electrons: 2
Number of Protons: 2
Number of Electrons for a Neutral Charge: 2
Average Number of Neutrons: 2
State at Room Temperature: Gas
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Fun Fact(s): Helium has the lowest boiling point of any element, being gas at any temperature above 4.22 K (-268.9°C / -452.1°F).
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
Fluorine - F - 9 - 18.998
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Bonus, the elements with the listed atomic numbers:
Lithium - Li - 3 - 6.941
Boron - B - 5 - 10.811
Fluorine - F - 9 - 18.998
Potassium - K - 19 - 39.098
It’s funny because my brain works so weird. For example, all even numbers are good and all odd numbers are bad except for multiples of 5 and 9. 3 is neutral but 19 is evil instead of bad
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element-identifier · 4 months ago
No new elements detected. Elements in this reblog:
Iodine - I - 53 - 126.90
Thorium - Th - 90 - 232.04
One time I was chatting with some folks through the internet. As ya do.
When one of them said 'happy birthday!'
To which I responded 'who told you?!'
And then he went 'wait it's actually your birthday? That was a joke'
And that's how some internet folks found out my birthday once.
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