#luxury trip to peru
alpacaexpeditions · 12 days
Discover the ancient Inca city with our Machu Picchu tours packages, designed to offer an unforgettable adventure. Whether you're looking to hike the renowned Inca Trail or prefer a more leisurely approach, our tours cater to all preferences and fitness levels. Alpaca Expeditions provides this, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience. Our packages include guided tours by knowledgeable experts, comfortable accommodations, and transportation, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the history and beauty of Machu Picchu. With our meticulously planned itineraries, you'll explore breathtaking landscapes, learn about the rich cultural heritage, and enjoy the mystical ambiance of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Join us for a journey through time and make memories that will last a lifetime with our exceptional Machu Picchu tours packages. Secure your spot today and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. 
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Unleashing Wanderlust: Top 10 Destinations for Your Next Adventure
Are you ready to feed your wanderlust and embark on an unforgettable adventure? Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first expedition, the world is brimming with breathtaking destinations waiting to be explored. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the top 10 must-visit destinations that promise to ignite your sense of adventure and leave you with lasting memories. 1. Breathtaking…
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embarq · 4 months
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Get the ultimate luxury road trip adventure in Peru with our expert road trip planners. Discover the awe-inspiring landscapes and vibrant culture of Peru on customized road trips to suit your preferences.
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hernonjr · 2 years
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Você pode ser um dos primeiros do dia a pisar em Machu Picchu! E logo pela manhã, enquanto os raios de sol começam a banhar as ruínas ao alvorecer. Vivência imperdível organizada pelo Sanctuary Lodge, localizado adjacente à entrada da cidadela. @belmondsanctuarylodge #belmondsanctuarylodge #machupicchu #peru #primetour #luxurytravelmag #passagens #viagens #viagensdeluxo #luxo #turismodeluxo #mercadodeluxo #luxury #luxurytravel #passagensaereas #hoteis #resort #resorts #travel #trip #hernonjr #hernonrosa #travelgram #travelgramtravel • • • @hernon @hernonjr @travelgramtravel (em Belmond Sanctuary Lodge Machu Picchu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmR4KRnuv-Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qxldnya · 2 years
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Part 1
Jude Bellingham x baller!reader
(ongoing series)
Sypnosis; it is clear that you and jude aren't very fond of eachother but what happens when both of you need to make a mutual deal?
Wc: 500
Warning: swearing, wall pinning:), jerk jude? (ik he is a sweartheart irl)
A/n: there's unfortunately a lack of enemies to lovers fics on jude so i decided to take matters in my own hands, yw;)
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It had all started with one stupid mistake that snowballed into a complete catastrophe.
Because, you know, it seemed like that was the common trend with your life nowadays. You'd been in the common area, sketching a few mindless doodles after training when your mom had called.
For a brief moment, staring at your vibrating phone with a scathing hatred, you'd considered just letting it go straight to voicemail.
This would mark the... seventh? Eighth time this week? That she'd called to ask about the same fucking topic.
It was never, "Hi sweetie! How's it going at the club?" or "Honey! Are you feeling ok?"
Picking up the phone, you're met with the same line you've grown to memorize over the course of the past month or so.
"Have you found a plus-one to the wedding yet?"
The question has you pondering whether or not it would really be a bad idea to just discreetly smash your phone into the brick wall next to you. Repeatedly. So you can't take any calls for the rest of the month.
So fucking tempting. Instead, you just turn the volume up, pressing the small buttons a bit too hard in your small fit of annoyance. It's just quiet enough to not disturb the other students across the room, but loud enough so you can continue to sketch comfortably without having to put the phone to your ear.
Plus, no one's sitting close enough to hear you anyways. The cause of this whole plus-one fiasco was a result of your Aunt Sylvie's wedding.
Had it been under normal circumstances, you'd have merely taken a Friday off for classes and driven down to the chosen venue, had a grand time, and been back by midnight.
These were not normal circumstances.
Because your aunt has never affiliated with anything that could be filed under "normal circumstances."
Why? She's loaded. Like. "Vacation homes in Peru" loaded. Oh, and famous, too. One of the most successful football managers in your country, to be precise.
An elite coach, she got you to step a foot in the football world at a young age and teached you everything you know. And you commended her for it, you truly did.
The occasional "gift" of joining almost any club you wanted was always proved to be a welcome perk of being her sole niece.
And she was truly a good aunt to you; overall, a very sweet woman with some fat stacks of cash. And maybe a bit of a controlling streak.
So it wasn't too surprising that she got engaged soon after her rise to fame, to another baller. Nor was it very surprising when they'd announced their wedding details: a fully paid wedding destination trip to none other than the Bahamas.
For an entire week. At first, you'd been absolutely psyched. College loans meant vacations of any sort were always out of the question, so this was some sort of god-sent miracle to rest your fatigued brain.
She'd reserved rooms for all the guests at one of the most luxurious resorts, planned numerous exciting activities and events throughout the week such as snorkeling and jet-skiing, prepared top-tier food accommodations - everything. Quite literally the experience of a lifetime. And you were certain the wedding ceremony was going to be absolutely beautiful as well.
There was only one catch. Every guest needed a plus-one
As in a romantic partner plus-one. Some bullshit about couples activities, photo symmetry, and singles proving to be too costly by taking up more rooms - apparently even the filthy rich needed to worry about budgeting sometimes.
To be honest, you didn't completely understand it. But hurrah! Your mother had come to save the day! By trying to set you up with fucking Tom. The son of a long-time family friend, whom you'd quickly grown to despise.
He was just... not it. At all. If you had to use one adjective to describe him, it would be slippery. Because he's as greasy as he is deceiving, you think to yourself sourly as you tighten your grip on your phone.
You'd had one too many bad encounters with him that just teetered on the edge of being socially unacceptable enough to warrant him a ban from family events.
But he was smart enough to take note of that, and often just barely toed the line around you, hence why your parents didn't see anything wrong with trying to get you two together for the wedding.
Despite your numerous protests and refusals, of course. Your mother's voice in your ear reminds you that you've forgotten to respond, and you just sigh, pinching your brow.
You'd tried getting a plus one! You really had! But it seemed like despite the whole "all expenses paid vacation" bait you'd used to keep any potential candidates on the hook, no one really felt like coming along as your romantic partner.
Especially not after one date. With a girl they met on Tinder. Fuck! There's a good chance you've been placed on a list for suspected organ traffickers at this point.
"Honey?!! Your mom asked again.
You don't want to cancel on a luxurious trip like this, but also, the thought of having to share a room with Tom, let alone act like his date, is enough to make you reconsider. Who knows what that creep would try to pull?
And then the doors to the common room open and in walks the infamous quartet that seems to be known everywhere across camp: James Reece, Trent Alexander Arnold, Phil foden, and of course, Jude. Your training partner for the upcoming World Cup.
"Honey? Did you find someone to be your plus one??" Her pitch rises a few octaves with excitement. For some reason, you're not really paying attention, just looking at the group, and specifically, Jude.
Man, fuck that guy.
"Uhh..." is all you can respond with, still distracted. And to be honest, you're not sure why.
He seems to be in a foul mood like always, teeth grit as he lets out a slew of insults towards his friends, who merely laugh good-naturedly in response.
And for a brief moment, he turns towards you. Your eyes meet, his crimson irises seemingly studying you intently, before he just curls his lip and turns away. Bitch. You scowl back at him. Out of everyone you could've been partnered up with, it had to be him.
Despite your best efforts or admittedly, failures he'd - turned down any prospect of friendship, or even a simple truce between the two of you, which had made this past season difficult.
Especially with partner duality as we call it where we basically have you compete with our partner. Those were awful to deal with. A small voice reminds you that although you did try to be nice, you kind of stuck your foot in your mouth and made a pretty awful first impression at the beginning of the season You bash the small voice with the one who held a grudge.
And for some reason, whether it be the frustration with the whole wedding situation, or because you just really hate seeing his face, you begin to sort of angrily fixate on him, as if you're silently blaming him for all of your current problems right now.
And so, not by your own accord though, your mind wanders. That fucking look he gave you. Like you were nothing but an insect for him to regard with absolute disgust. You knew being the only women to play with men would backlash. Even though you earned your spot and worked hard to get to your position despite your aunt being who she is.
You imagine confronting him someday, asking why he has to be such a complete jerk to everyone he encounters in his miserable life.
"What's his name?" Her question doesn't fully register, and to be honest, you've completely forgotten what she's talking about.
You're too absorbed in your own thoughts about your asshole of a teammate, and in this moment, the question seems to relate to just that. And so, you make a horrible mistake.
A truly, truly horrible mistake.
"Jude," you mumble with a glare, still focused on the retreating form of the brunette. There's silence. The four men exit the room.
"You found a plus one!" Comes the shriek of celebration, and you're immediately startled out of your stupor and almost drop your phone onto the floor.
"Jude, huh? Is that his first name or his surname? How long have you known him? Is he nice? Wait, you need to tell me the details later, I have to go call your aunt and tell her the good news! Oh, I'm so proud of you!"
"Wait, WAIT!" You try to interrupt, your notebook almost falling out of your lap as you lurch forward to bring the phone to your ear, but she hangs up before you can explain, leaving you with nothing but a dead line.
At first, you're too stunned to process what just happened. And when the realization finally dawns on you, the only rational decision seems to be: freak the fuck out. You try to call her back repeatedly, but the line is busy, and you assume that she's probably too busy gushing to your aunt about your "brand new boyfriend."
Oh, fuck. You bury your face into your hands, mortified that your mother now thinks you're taking Jude, of all people, as your stupid plus-one. And now she's gone and told your aunt. Fuck. You now have to tell them both the truth before this all gets too out of hand...
...And you'd rather do that from within the privacy of your own apartment. With a quick glance around the front of the room, you're pleased to note that nobody's looking at you funny or whispering to themselves, like you'd feared.
Maybe using speakerphone hadn't been the best decision, but the commotion that surrounds you has gone on like normal, and nobody even bothers to give you a second glance as you get up to leave.
Thank god nobody heard that, you think shamefully to yourself, snatching up your bag and hurrying out of the room.
Declan Rise finally turns around from the seat directly behind you to watch you leave, mouth agape in pure shock as he silently mumbles a "no wayyy-" And then, he whips his phone out and begins texting.
It takes about two hours before you're able to get ahold of your aunt. And she gives you the exact same treatment your mother did, if not worse.
"Darling!" She exclaims as soon as she picks up. "I am so overjoyed to hear you'll be able to attend the wedding! You're my only niece you know, and I was afraid you'd cancel on me! I just simply couldn't have dealt with that. The bridesmaid coordinations would've been thrown off entirely!"
"Actually," you begin with an awkward laugh, but she cuts you off. "Well, in other good news, you were actually the last person we needed to RSVP so the fiancé and I have officially booked everything! I'll have your ticket details sent to you within the next few hours. And I am so looking forward to meeting Jude, he is an excellent player! Even though I'm not that keen over you dating a fellow college who am I to stand in the way of true love! Just don't tell the rest of the world just yet I do not think they would take it that well. But you will have to tell me what he's like."
You try to speak again, starting to explain the situation, but she doesn't respond. There's a muffled voice from somewhere in the background, and she's silent for a few more moments before she clears her throat and giggles.
"I have to run, darling. I'm going to a meeting. But I'm just- I'm so excited! I'll see you in three weeks~" She hangs up. And you're left to sit on your bed, absolutely dumbstruck, because it seems that literally NOBODY is willing to let you get a single word in today. But now, there's a real problem.
She has reserved you and your NOT-boyfriend Jude spots at her wedding. Her ultra-expensive vacation resort wedding. And you sure as fuck can't pay her back for all of that if you decide to drop out last second.
Not that you think she'd charge you, but you'd assume it would be the most respectful thing to do in such a scenario
However, it's that... or go with Tom. You crash face first into your pillows and scream.
The universe is probably laughing in response. First day of the world cup training. You were really looking forward to it since it was theoretical and noy out on the field just yet. Today we were just taking it easy and just start out with a game plan on the board.
Each row sat two people, and you absent-mindedly wondered who you'd be paired up with. And as it turned out, you didn't have to wonder for long.
So here you are, standing awkwardly by your desk and trying not to full on gawk at Trent who's supposed to be sitting next to you for the rest of the season. Holy, shit. He looks like a fucking model, with his perfectly tanned skin and sharp crimson eyes that regard you without a single hint of interest.
His shoulders are broad, as well as his chest, and you can't help but let your eyes linger on his lips- Internally slapping yourself, you try your best to smile in a not-creepy way, forcing yourself to go back to a more normal headspace as you stick your hand out in greeting.
What you meant to say was "Hi," and then introduce yourself with a little, "hey?" But for some reason, you can't help but fumble your words like an idiot. So instead, you decided to just keep quiet anf not embarrass yourself even more.
You wake up the next day, groggy and disoriented. You'd been up all night trying to figure out how the hell you were going to get out of this, because if you tell your mom now, she's definitely going to guilt trip you into going with Tom. And speak of the devil, she sent you a text.
From: Mom
Hi honey! Good morning! I hope you're having a good day. And you better tell me all about this Jude guy soon
At least she's actually sending you good morning texts now instead of suspicious download links to dating websites! So, maybe paying your auntie back isn't such a bad option. At least less than 5,000$, right?
She messages you again. You groan, and pointedly ignore the text, along with a few others from your best friend mason who instantly clicked with you since you first started your career at the National team, tossing your phone off to the side as you roll out of bed to get ready for your first training.
You'll read them all later. And hopefully you'll get all of this bullshit sorted out later too, but for now, you just really need a coffee. Your cat jumps onto the bed with a loud purr, reminding you that it is, in fact, breakfast time.
At least for her, anyways. You stroke your fingers through her soft fur, smiling as she keens into your touch. Perhaps it won't be so bad. You'll get through this, no matter the outcome.
But something's off today, you note, as you make your way to the rest of the team forty minutes later. For some reason, it feels like a lot more people are looking at you than normal. Not a huge change, but you can feel a few lingering gazes that make you more than a bit uneasy
You quicken your pace. The attention - or more likely your own paranoia - only worsens as you make your way towards training, trying your best to keep calm.
Ok, something is up. Is there a hole in your shorts? An embarrassing stain you hadn't noticed? Fuck, you'll have to ask Mason when you see him. You swear if it's something along those lines, you're going to lose it. As if shit isn't already stressful enough for you. The group of people working at the camp start thinning out as everyone rushes to there oh so important planning for the upcoming World Cup, and you feel like you can finally breathe normally again.
The pitch is right up ahead, and you make a beeline for it, ready to find out if you really did publicly humiliate yourself in front of half of the team just by walking to training. But you never actually make it into the pitch
Because right as you're about to go outside through the doorway, someone yanks you to the side and against the wall beside it. You yelp, wincing at the sudden motion. It didn't hurt but it sure did startle the shit out of you.
Jude's eyes are boring right into yours, only inches from your face as he towers over you. Oh come on. You try to move away from him with a glare, but he keeps you firmly in place.
"What the hell are you doing?" You hiss, indignantly staring up at him. He doesn't respond. On any normal day, you would've shoved him off with a parting gift of some choice words and maybe even the middle finger as a garnish on top.
But this feels... much different from the usual spats you both have. You flinch away as he snarls at you with a scathing venom that drips from his every word.
"Why the FUCK am I hearing that we're dating?"
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neesieiumz · 2 years
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mellisonant - (adj) pleasant to the ear ————— | kento nanami |
Synopsis: he loves to take care of you, and loves to grant every wish you have, so when you ask to take him to a country club? How could he say no?
warnings: smut. 18+. semi-public sex. black-coded reader. possessiveness. praise kink. degradation. sir kink. kento is in his late thirties and early fourties. reader is in her late twenties.
ac: this the second time I’m posting this cause it flopped last time 😔. Hopefully y’all like it this time. I’m uploading Tokyo style after this one!
word count: 6.1k
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Kento doesn’t really remember how the two of you met, he recalls a restaurant, someone spilling something on someone, and the rest was history. At first, it started with small things, jewelry, packages sent to your address, and what-not. He loved it when you would wear them at your “meet-ups”, from the single charm ones to those of more refined taste, laid with jaded emeralds or ethereal sapphires. He would pay for your hair and nails, in exchange for choosing it every time of course, but he never left you high and dry with something you’d hate. You were a part of his life that he adores, despite his very… dreary life as a CEO. 
So when he had seen you come to him, crying about how your apartment was ruined, and all the gifts he had given you were gone or destroyed. All of your important things were torn up by a robber breaking in, he had no problem with immediately relocating you, having no thought about not paying for everything. He wanted to move you into your own house, but you compromised from a penthouse. Since then, your life has been nothing but luxury and high life, to the point when you even quit your job. The money he gave you was well enough to sustain you. 
He turned around, seeing you walk down the penthouse stairs, seeing your bright smile along with your outfit. It was a vintage floral bustier blouse, paired with a long silk skirt and clear open-toed heels that showed off your new pedicure, provided by him truly. Your hair was up, having long wavy braids in a high ponytail tied with a ribbon that matched the color of your skirt as well. You were smiling wide, reaching out your hands to wrap in a close hug. His hands slid down your waist while yours went up to his back, pulling each other in. He took in a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume. He pulled you away slightly, to be able to look into your eyes before pulling you into a deep kiss. Moaning slightly, his braids hands slid down your waist, easily cupping your behind and giving it a squeeze. 
“Kento, fuck, we’re gonna be late, fuck,” you let out breathily, despite your body grinding on him. 
He just chuckled, before letting your body go, but moving his hand towards yours. He held it, pulling you back into his body, face right near your cheek. You smiled, giggling as he left kisses along your cheek, slowly trailing them towards your neck/. He could feel wanting to pull away, so he let go, reluctantly he may add. He kept his hands on you somehow, resting them on your waist, still dangerously close to your pelvis. 
“Kento I know you missed me, but I really want to go to this,” your voice had a whiny edge to it, but you still had a wide smile on your face.
“Let’s go then,” he whispered against your ear, before leading and guiding you out of the penthouse. 
The two of you walked to the private elevator, going down to the private parking lot. Kento opened the passenger side of his luxury car, giving you a soft smile. The ride was smooth, he delved into the boring details about his recent business trip. Well, you didn’t think it was boring, it was as boring as what you would do (which is basically nothing.) He would soon drive on a private path, surrounded by trees and sunlight before revealing a wide vast land. At the end of the road, was the country club. A huge building, as if it was pulled out of Italy’s finest.
Imported palm trees from Peru, and the building looked exactly as you saw it on the website. Your eyes shined as you looked onto the building as it got closer and closer, bigger and bigger. You smiled over at Kento who was face forward, pulling up to the valet right outside of the steps to the building. There was a man, wearing a red vest that had a cursive label indicating "valet", giving a customer service smile as Kento pulled up. He parked, and unlocked the door, allowing the man to open your door for you. You smiled at him, taking his hand and thanking him. You waited as Kento handed him his keys, and was given a valet tag. Kento then took you in his arms, one hand around your waist while he tucked in his pocket as you both walked up the cobblestone stairs into the lavish building. The inside was quite different from the outside, with much more obvious renovations, giving it a more modern look. The two of you walked towards the reception area, where the lady looked up from her computer and immediately smiled in your direction. 
“Mr. Nanami, it has been a while. Will you be joining Mr. Gojo for his tennis matches?”
Stifling a giggle, you turned away as Kento’s face twisted with contempt. A bit of a funny sight to you. You heard of “Gojo” before but had never seen him. All you know is that Nanami trusts him as a business partner but hates his personality so much. 
“Are those today?” He asked the lady, pulling out some kind of card and giving it to her. 
She nodded her head, taking the card and scanning it, “yes, both he and Mr. Geto are currently enjoying our facilities as well. I’m sure they’d love the extra company.”
“No, I don’t think I will, is there space in the greenhouse? We want to be able to enjoy the flora today,” he tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you closer. 
The lady giggled a bit, before nodding her head, “there is always room for you sir.”
You opted to ignore the added saccharine to her tone, too invested in the scenery around you. You kept your long gazes to a minimum, not wanting to seem like a child clinging onto Kento. He simply thanked the receptionist one more time before pulling you to the right, taking you down one of the many hallways connecting all throughout the recitation hall. The hall was lowly lit, the beige walls decorated with different paintings, each having its own spotlight on them. One of the paintings was labeled to be a self-portrait. The woman was staring straight out at the painting, her deep brown eyes holding a multitude of emotions. Her hair was a fluffy brown, going with her deep olive-brown skin. It was long, going past her collarbone and into the loose wrappings of the dress she was wearing. SHe had a thin veil laid loosely on her head, most of her hair hiding it, and her face held a slight smile upon her plump lips. 
Kento noticed your vested interest in the painting, making a small mental note before tugging on your hand. 
“Come on, let’s go.”
You nodded, allowing him to continue to lead you towards the greenhouse area. You could see the light seeping through a glass door, and you could see bits and pieces of the scenery. Closer and closer you got, and soon enough Kento pushed open the door, revealing the beautiful scenery. The entire area was made of glass, allowing the sun to provide its natural light to illuminate everywhere. All over on the walls were different vines and flora, plants and trees all around, giving it a verdure look. The air smelled of lightly breezed jasmine and amber. You gaped at the area, looking all around it. Kento looked over at you, relishing in the spaced-out look in your eyes. He never misses out on that, which is why he loves to take you to places, and show you new things you never even dreamed of looking at. 
“Table for two?” You heard a waitress call out, breaking you out of your slight trance. 
“Yes please, and a table near the glass walls if you could, please?” Kento answered for the two of you. 
You gave him a glossy smile, while the waitress simply nodded, grabbing two menus before leading the two of you towards a seat. As you walked, you took in the scenery more, loving it more and more. She gestured towards a table with a perfect view of the outside gardens, along with the scenery of the greenhouse all around. He pulled out your chair, much like the gentleman he is, gesturing for you to sit down. You thanked him, sitting down with a wide smile. Once he was seated, the two of you opened the menu, slightly discussing what was on the menu. A waitress comes by and takes your order, you get a cajun shrimp alfredo while Kento gets a well-done steak with some sides. He also orders a bottle of expensive white wine, with water of course. 
“White wine…? What’s the occasion?” You gave him a smile as you handed the waitress the menus, placing your arms on your table, leaning forwards, and resting your chest upon them. 
Kento just gave you a slight smirk, leaning forwards as well, “can’t I just want to celebrate being back in your presence after so long?”
You laughed a bit at that, “you were only away for two weeks.”
“And you’re telling me you didn't miss me during that time, those late-night phone calls say different things.”
If you could blush, you’d be beet red but you could still feel the heat of the moment burn through your cheeks, looking away coyly. The waitress interrupted the moment the two of you had, brought over the white wine Kento ordered, and placed the waters each in front of you. You thanked her, and watched Kento as he poured the both of you a glass. He handed it to you, and together you gave gaslight toast, before taking sips of it. The conversation between the two of you was light, easy-going as it usually is, finding yourself in easy territory. The food arrived thirty minutes into the conversation, the conversation soon ceasing to allow the two of you to eat in peace. Kento didn’t like when people ate while speaking so it was constantly quiet between you during this time. 
You enjoyed the hum of the people conversing all around you, all different people from different high-paying careers all within one place. The food in front of you was amazing, enjoyed the nicely-seasoned shrimp, which left a kick in your throat. You cooled it down with a sip of your wine, before turning your focus towards Kento. His sleeves were rolled up, as he cut into his steak, eating it piece by piece. Your eyes followed the piece of meat between the sprung of his fork, him placing it in his mouth and chewing away at it. You couldn’t keep your eyes off his tongue that came out, wiping away the juices that dribbled on his lips. Squirming in your seat, and crossing your legs caused Kento to look up at you, noticing your behavior. He just smirked, gave you a look, and was about to go back to his food when suddenly, 
The two of you jumped simultaneously, turning towards the sudden call of Kento’s last name. You could hear Kento curse under his breath as a man, sweaty and wearing a white collared shirt and shirt while holding a tennis racket. He had white spiky hair and had a sweatband holding it up, with black shades hovering under his eyes. He had a huge smile on his face as he approached your table. You looked over at Kento who had just placed his hands on his temples, rubbing away at them. You held back your giggles at his expression, as the man stopped right in front of your table, hovering over the blonde man. 
“Aww, look at you overcome with joy at seeing me that you can’t even speak!!”
You couldn't hold back your laughter as you threw your head back at the man using his hips to nudge Kento, who was easily gaining a migraine with every noise. 
“Gojo… what are you doing here…? Wait, that’s a stupid question, how did you know I was here?”
The man simply just smirked down at Nanami, before telling how the receptionist off-handily mentioned it, before shutting up and realizing her mistake but of course but it was too late. So immediately, he made his way over here to come and bother him of course. You just sat back, enjoying the banter between the two men. Before something caught your eyes. Standing a couple of feet away from him, was a woman, also dressed up in a white-collar shirt and skirt, holding her own tennis racket as well. Her deep tan skin had freckles along her body and face, and her red bushy hair was held up in a high ponytail, with a visor on top of her. A necklace dangled from her neck, gold with the initials S.G on them. She must have noticed eyes on her because she looked towards you. You flinched a bit from the sudden eye contact but still, gave her a slight smile, and a wave. She blinked at this, but waved back, giving you a small smile as well. 
“Anyways, why didn't you join me for tennis, you know I would have enjoyed your company!”
Kento simply rolled his eyes, “I’d rather not join you for your or Geto’s games. I have better things to do.”
Gojo didn't let that deter him, looking away from Kento for a moment, and looking at his table which in turn made him look at you for what seemed to be his first time. He looked down at the table before looking back towards you, before giving you a smirk. 
“Oh, better things to do indeed.”
Kento groaned a bit at his teasing words, making Gojoj laugh aloud, slapping him on the back with each loud chuckle. At this point, the entire room was looking over at you subtly, and you knew their conversations had shifted towards what was happening at the table. You looked back at Kento, reaching over to the table and placing your hand over his. He looked up at you, as you gave him a cautious smile. 
Gojo must have caught the looks between the two of you. Chase stood up straight, grabbing his tennis racket on the way up. 
“I’ll leave you to it, Nanamin, have fun.”
With that, he left, the woman joining him right away. Gojo wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. You turned your head, simply ignoring the way his hands slipped into her skirt as the two of them walked out of the greenhouse. You stared at Kento, waiting for him to say something. 
“Sometimes I wish I never met that man,” he sighed, pulling himself back into his seat. 
“He’s just… eccentric, he seems nice enough,” you smiled at him, placing your fork down on your now empty plate. 
“Nice way of saying pain in my ass.”
Kento took some time to finish his food, before placing his fork down and waving down your waitress who immediately took your plates, placing them on a cart before pulling out sleek smaller menus. Your eyes lit up, seeing the menu placed in front of the both of you. You saw all kinds of different treats you wanted, from sticky cinnamon rolls to squishy sponge cakes, it was all so good. Kento’s own countenance brightened at the sight of yours.
“Would you like to see the desserts today?”
You looked over at Kento, “can I get it to go, I don’t think I can take another bit.”
He smiled at you, before nodding his head, your eyes lightened up at his assurance, before using your manicured finger to guide your eyes as to what caught your eyes the most. 
“Can I get a slice of black cherry cake, the red velvet mini cakes, and the pull-apart cinnamon rolls to go please?”
You giggled, walking along the cobblestone paths through the huge private gardens and forest. Holding your box of deserts close to you, the light breeze blew into the trees, cooling you down slightly from the heat. Kento trailed behind you slightly, smiling at the way you enjoyed the environment. Turning around, you looked at Kento who was looking at you. You gave him a smile, before turning back to your surroundings. The grove of Sakura trees lined the main pathway, leaving breaks for the smaller pathways that lead deeper into the club’s forests. The sun peeked through above the branches, often trees, shining through the baby pink leaves. There were  some leaves on the ground, not as much as one would expect. According to Kento, they get cleaned up every three hours, to provide a “clean” experience. Gojo’s words, not his, Kento said. The air smelled slightly sweet, mostly due to the cherry blossom trees you were just ogling at. 
“Baby,” you hear Kento call out to you, causing you to turn towards him. 
He stopped near the entrance of another trail, one hand in his pocket. The other was out, two fingers slowly gesturing for you to come close to him, which you immediately followed. You held your box of sweets close as you stepped right in front of him, bending your neck back to look into his deep brown eyes. For a moment, the two of you were silent a bit, the language of the winds and nature speaking in between you. Soon after that, you could feel his free hand up and cup the side of your face, caressing and holding it gently. 
“Kento?” You whispered against his hand, ever so gently, nuzzling into it. 
You could feel his thumb move over your lips, pulling down the bottom one ever so slightly, revealing some of your bottom teeth. He didn't mind the lip gloss staining his finger, ignoring the shining spot as he moved his hand from your face to your hands. He slowly took the box from your hands, holding it in one hand before taking your other, leading down the smaller private path. The sun slowly hid behind the sun of the much taller, thicker trees. The area became darker and darker as the two of you went further and further into the miniature forest. 
“Kento,” you couldn't hold back your giggles, “where are we going?”
All you got was a look and a smile that showed rays of that hidden mischievousness he would show ever so often. He continued leading you down until you got to a clear patch, the tree lined so rays of sunlight would peak out perfect for you to be able to see the wooden bench someone had clearly put there. Your smile beamed as he led you to the bench, placing your box down before sitting down and pulling you down right into his lap. 
You laughed at the feeling of his breath near your neck, the feeling tickling you as you could feel his hands caressing your lower back, rubbing circles into it. Your hands slid up his body, feeling his muscles underneath his shirt, before wrapping your hands around his neck, pulling his head towards your own. You licked your lips, the taste of your strawberry lip gloss tainting your lips before feeling Kento's own lips encapture your own. The kiss quickly became ravenous, much like he was right before you left for the country club. You could hold back the moan that fell from your lips, Kento’s hands went from your lower back to your thighs, hands digging under your skirt and slowly lifting the silk garment up. His fingers thumbed at the thong you were wearing, lifting it up ever-so-slightly before letting it go, snapping against your skin. 
You gasped into the kiss, letting go and hissing in pleasure at the twitch of pain. He smirked, lifting his hands up to rest them right on your plump bottom. 
“Kento,” you let out a breathy moan, “K-kento, fuck we're in public, we shouldn’t do this here.”
You could feel his wet lips lay kisses align your neck, the toe-curling feeling making you squirm within his hold. 
“Mmm, you telling me you don’t like the way you're feeling? Because I can stop right now.”
You could feel his movements slowing down and before you knew it, your hands flew up to his shoulders, your sharp nails gripping his shoulders. Your hips moved, grinding again this hard-on threatening to break his zipper and button. Kento smirked against your necks, before continuing his ministrations against you, having a good grip on your ass. 
“Kento,” you dragged out his name, whining, hoping, and begging he would stop teasing you. 
You could hear him chuckle against you, relishing in the way you squirmed against him. Your skirt was bunched around your waist, ass shown to the depths of nature. You could feel your braids grazing against your bare skin, the chirping of the birds in the distance, the silver ray of sun hitting your skin just right. Everything around you was heightened as you took in Kento’s actions. Your pussy was drenched at this point, leaving stains upon his dark pants. Kento groaned against your body, his dick twitching against its confines. Your hands moved back down, fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, only getting a couple off revealing part of his toned chest. 
“Kent--, sir, oh sir,” you moaned out loud as you could feel his hand move from your bottom to your wet cunt. 
His fingers skilly fully moved past the string covering your entrance, one of his thick, long fingers entered inside you while another rubbed away at your clit. You gasped at the euphoric feel, head thrown back and keening at the rush flowing through veins from your lower abdomen. His pace quickened, and your pussy only dropped even more, possibly coating his hands at this point. Despite all your writhing, Kento had a good grip on you, with one hand only. That realization only made your body willing and long for him more. Yout out a scream, legs twisting in anticipation as you could feel your first climax building up, so quick like a hasty bomb ready to explode. 
“Sir, I’m gonna cum, “ you let out a high pitched scream, and before you knew it, clear liquid came out, making a mess all over your thighs and Nanami’s shirt and clothes. 
You let out deep heavy breaths, spit and drool dripping down your lips and against your chin. You were a mess, eyes dripping tears, slightly dark from the mascara and eyeliner you wore today. Kento relished in the way you looked, good despite all appearances, and how much he loved to see you smile, he loved to see you cry and beg for him more. To know that he has you crying out for him, to forget all morals that you had for yourself. To let him break you down each time you fucked him, or rather he fucked you. Suddenly tasting pennies, Nanami glanced down to find his lip broken open from him biting his lips too hard. Look at him, it seems he got a bit carried away. 
Your sobs had quieted down a little, but he could still hear you as you spoke, whined really, begging for “sir to fuck you.” His debauched little slut, oh how he wished he could spend time forever floating with nothing but the two of you. That, however, requires a deeper conversation that both of you are willing to avoid, so rather he’ll take what he can get, or rather what you can give him until the both of you are ready. 
Kento moved the thin strap to the side once again, before whispering to your ear, “pull my cock out sweetie.”
His sudden command shook you out of your trance, but immediately you nodded your head. Your hands flew down to his pants, fumbling and hitting the button cause it was slightly slippery with your juices, but you got it off and you unzipped his pants. Only pulling down his boxers slightly, you gasped slightly as his dick basically flew out, making you jump slightly in his lap. The usually punk tip was an angry red, and it was slick with pre-cum, it was thick and throbbing in your hands. With every movement you made, you could feel him move, hear him hiss slightly, and groan. Slowly you moved your hands up and down, the pad of your thumb pressing against the very tip of his cock. 
“Fuck, Princess stop teasing me,” you smirked slightly as he groaned out, before gasping at the sudden smack he left on your bottom. 
Slowly, he held you underneath your bottom, lifting you up before placing you right over his cock. Slowly, you could feel pressure, choking on your spit as he slowly entered inside of you. You could feel your excitement tingling underneath your skin. The stretch felt so good, the pain making you yelp as you went lower and lower against him. Sweat dripped down your back, the same for Kento’s face and chest as you held him by the back of his head. His hands held a tight grip on your ass, as you gasped, the full feeling slowly etched itself into your veins. The smell of his musky cologne, the hint of vanilla, and the strong smoky smell of cardamom. You couldn’t help but clench around his length, pulling yourself close to him as he grunted. He was breathing heavily underneath you as he took in your wetness, placing a kiss along the side of your head, right near your ears. 
“So big,” you are your head back in complete ecstasy, eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
All of this immense pleasure had you forgetting you were even outside, you were lucky that Kento even took you someplace with a bit more privacy, but honestly, at this moment, you could not give a damn. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” you stuttered out curses as you slowly lift your hips, your body still getting used to his size. 
Kento took your slow pace, allowing you to take control as best as you could. With every movement, you could feel him twitch and move within you. You could feel your wetness dripping all over him, allowing you to move more and more rapidly. Kento’s head was spinning, moving his arms up and down to help stabilize you as you rode him faster and faster. Your moans and screams echoed throughout the forest, and underneath he knew no one would come and disturb you. Your fingers weaved themselves with his short blonde hair, messing up the slicked-back style he had this morning. One of Kento’s hands moved from where he placed them, to the back of your neck, pulling your head even closer before swallowing your lips into a rough kiss, almost bruising your lips. Kento leg’s spread, making your own spread as well. He stabilized his feet, and before you knew it, he had started thrusting his hips into you, outpacing your now-medium one. 
“Oh fuck!” The sudden change of pace had you muffling your screams into his mouth, legs trembling and shaking. 
“God,” Kento grunted in your ear, “I can't get enough of you.” He whispered in your ear, as he let go of your lips, swollen from the harsh and intense kiss. 
“So full,” you babbled, “fuck you make me feel so full, sir,” you spewed out curses as Kento behind huff and puffing. 
“Hmm, I do, huh?” His teasing voices caused an almost visceral reaction within you, your body involuntary thrashing within his hold. 
“Yes sir,” you keened in his hold once again, feeling a pool of heat and pressure build-up within yourself. 
“All out in the open, all for me right?” His teasing tone took on a more slightly possessive one as he continued to ramble on, a signal that he was soon reaching his climax. 
You could only hum out confirmations, too tongued at this point to even speak. He continued to speak in your ear, getting more and more talkative by the second. You couldn't concentrate on his words, anymore, your ears filling with cotton with every second.
“So sweet and all for me, right. No one can fuck you like I can, isn't that right.”
You couldn't even respond to him, your moans going higher and higher in octaves as your hands moved from his hands to his shoulders, gripping onto him tightly as you dug your face into the base of his neck. A sudden smack to your ass jolted you out of your trance. 
“Fucking answer me.”
You squealed, “M’sorry sir!”
He smirked at that, that final “sir” sending him over the edge, and it seemed you had reached that same peak. With a few more hasty and uneven thrusts, he came right inside of you, with no intentions of ever pulling out of you, that��s what he put you on birth control for right. At the same time, you let out a final squeal, your nails dragging themselves into his shirt to the point where they tore through, allowing them to leave a few things all scratched on his skin. He hissed slightly at the pain, however it didn't deter him as you planted your lips on his once again. This time the kiss was softer and sweeter, allowing the two of you to ride out your sudden climaxes. Slowly he released his hold on you, allowing you to move around him just a bit, your joints cracking a bit. 
He let you release the kick, sitting up a bit as you moved around, grimacing at the wet sounds. Your bustier top had fallen due to the pressure, hand moving to your breast to push the top back up. He placed a kiss on your temple, before helping you up and off of him. You squealed at the sudden empty feeling, a mixture of both you and his cum dripping down the sides of your thighs. 
“I’m gonna get all sticky,” you whined, looking down at the juices slowly sliding down your skin. 
You moved your skirt back to its original position, but you knew that wouldn’t help the situation any better. Kento chuckled slightly at your situation, pulling his boxers back over himself before zipping and buttoning up his pants. Once situated, he stood up straight just as you were pulling down your skirt which was wrinkled to the extreme. You couldn't see yourself but you knew that your makeup was ruined. Kento could feel a cool breeze enter through the rips you made into his shirt as he approached you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, slightly grinding himself on you. 
“Don’t rile me up again, Kento. I’m already sticky and dirty,” but you couldn't hold back your giggles as your body followed along with his own. 
He simply smiled, giving you a peck on your lips before letting go of you, grabbing you by your hand before pulling you back down the path. On the way, he bent back down on the bench, picking up your box of sweets before going back the way you came. You soon made it back to the main path when you realized that Kento was leading you back to the country club building. Quickly, you pulled out your phone, realizing your intuition was right about your appearance. 
“Wait Kento, I can't go back there looking like this?!”
He looked over at you, tilting his head a bit before turning back towards the path. You tried to fight him every step of the way, but he just continued you on. You could see the tennis court up ahead, Gojo and his black-haired companion along with those girls no longer there. You tried to speak up again but then Kneto went off the main path again, this time leading to another one that led to the side of the building. There was an armored door, and on the side, you could see a card swipe mechanism. Kento went into his wallet, pulling out the same card the receptionist had scanned, and swiping it. Immediately the door had beeped a bright sound, the red light in the machine turned green and you could hear the door unlocking. Kento reached past you, going for the door and pulling it open, and gesturing for you to go inside. 
Immediately, you found yourself in a dimmed hallway, all with doors, all closed. As you took a couple of steps down, you looked at the door to your left and found the black door had its own card swipe locking machine, and there was a name plaque a few feet above it. You looked around and saw the different doors all looked the same, a black door with a card swipe machine but a different name on the plaque above. Kento got in front of you, leading you down a few doors, before stopping right in front of one. You peeked from behind just as he was unlocking the door, looking at the name plaque near the door. 
Nanami Kento.
The door unlocked, revealing a dark room at first, Kento had leaned over, turning on the lights revealing a well-decorated room, reminding you of the living room at Kento’s Osaka mansion. The room was mostly tan and beige, with wooden floors to align with it. In the middle of the room was a sunken circular sofa much like the mansion this area reminded you of. You took a few steps in before Kento grabbed you by the arm, leading you down throughout the room before arriving at another door. He opened it this time, revealing a smaller room. One look around has you realizing that this was a closet filled with Kento’s clothes. 
You turned towards him, eyes filled with stupor, “how-- how long have you had this place?”
He gave you a look, not even saying a word before going to another door that was connected to the closet. You stammered and sputtered, going after him about to give him a piece of your mind when you joined him in the other room you were looking at him and stopped right in your tracks. 
It was another closet, but this one was filled with… dresses and other outfits. You took even more steps inside, going to one of the racks connected to the many drawers and tall dressers. You pulled one of the dresses off the rack, before placing it right in front of your body, turning up to the overarching mirror on the walls. The dress was see-through and sleeveless, silver and shimmering with the design of a butterfly wing as the main design. It was short and asymmetrical, one side longer than the other, imitating a slit. There was one chain going from the neckline that seemed to wrap around your neck. You grabbed at the tag within the inside of the dress, seeing that it was exactly your size.
You turned towards Kento who was simply smirking at your reaction leaving against the doorframe. 
“The moment you asked about coming here. I had a simple membership before, but upgraded to the one that gives me my own private room.”
He stood up straight, reaching in his pocket and pulling out his wallet, before pulling out a card. Kento handed it to you, and you looked at it, eyes widening at what was on it. It was a membership card, allowing you complete access. You looked back up at him, eyes wide once again, before looking down at it. 
“This is for me?” Your voice was small, uncertain as to what was in front of you.
He confirmed it, using one of his fingers to push your head up to look at him, and a soft smile on his face. You broke out into a big smile, dropping the dress and wrapping your arms around him, squealing. Kento immediately responded, wrapping his arms around you, before hoisting you up. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled against his lips, right before he encaptured them into a deep kiss. 
Kento stumbled back into the wall near the door, holding you by the waist. Your hands trailed down his ruined shirt, fiddling with buttons once again. Breaking off the kiss, a sliver of spit connecting your lips, you gave Kento a devious look. 
“How about we,” you ground against his hips, feeling that familiar length rising up, “break in the new room?”
He looked down at you, giving you a slight smirk before immediately swishing and carrying you out of the room, making you laugh out loud, the joyous sound echoing all throughout the private room. 
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aquaticlime · 3 months
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In no particular order here are some projects I Star or just take part in.
Feel free to use these ideas for your own DR, not all of these are my own original ideas, I borrowed some from TikTok.
|‘𝑩𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒚𝒂𝒍𝒆’|
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"A group of treasure hunters race against rival teams to find a hidden treasure in an ancient temple, but they soon discover that the temple contains a powerful entity that will stop at nothing to defend its treasure. Suspense, adventure, and danger ensue as the treasure hunters face off against not only other teams but also the power of the ancient temple's protective entity. Exciting and thrilling, ‘Battle Royale’ is sure to be an action-packed and adrenaline-fueled adventure."
|‘𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆’ |
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"Set in the heart of the 1960s counterculture revolution, follow a couple of young free spirits as they find themselves at the iconic Woodstock festival, As the music plays on and the world around them transforms before their eyes. Set amidst the music that inspired a generation, enjoy the heartwarming tale of love and discovery as our couple takes a chance to follow their hearts and embrace a connection they never knew possible."
|‘𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔: 𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒔’|
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“Archeologist Dr. June Moone uncovers an ancient artifact, unleashing a spirit hailing from another dimension. This leads to a dangerous and thrilling adventure deep into the jungles of Peru, where she must fight for survival as well as uncover the hidden truths behind the her newfound superhuman abilities. Suspense, action, and mystery abound as ancient truths behind the entity’s origins come to light, after millennia in the dark.”
|‘𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒍’ |
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"A hilarious and entertaining comedy-drama that perfectly captures the comedic and dramatic side of roommate living. With engaging conflicts and amusing misunderstandings, the movie follows a group of roommates who try to throw a surprise birthday party for their difficult but beloved landlord. ‘Party Foul’ successfully balances the chaos and craziness of living with roommates while also highlighting the importance of friendship and empathy. It's a wonderfully entertaining and heartwarming tale that leaves viewers with satisfaction and delight."
|‘𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒅’|
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“A group of friends decide to take a trip to a vacation spot, but they soon realize that their hotel has been double-booked and they must compete with another group for the best rooms and amenities. Comedy and competition ensue as both parties fight for the best accommodations while also trying to enjoy their holiday, resulting in a hilarious and action-packed vacation experience."
|‘𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚’|
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"In this hilarious and heartfelt tale, enter the extravagant world of Versailles Palace, where our band of maidens work tirelessly in the background to provide the essential services that keep the palace of Versailles running smoothly and the royals satisfied. Despite their seemingly minor role in the court hierarchy, they soon discover that their presence is not limited to just scrubbing floors and polishing silver. Amid the eccentric demands of their employers and the constant struggle to keep up with the court's social dynamics, our maids find a way to carve out their own space and make a name for themselves in this wild and luxurious world. Full of humor and hijinks, this comedic story is sure to entertain readers of all ages.”
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cyssiesdiary · 10 months
100 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
Inspired by Zom 100
Do ballet
Perform the lac des signes
Get married
Drive an F1 car
Drive a motorcycle
Go to an F1 Grand Prix
Go to a Formula E GP
Climb a mountain
Release Music
Be the lead in a movie
Go on a Safari
See the Norwegian fjords
Go to Monaco
See the Northern Lights
Read the Whole Bible
Get my Master’s Degree 
Have a 4.0 GPA
Draw a self-portrait 
Paint a mural
See every Caravaggio paintings irl
See every Monet paintings irl
See every Goya Art piece irl
See every Basquiat paintings irl
Sculpt something
Plant a tree
Give a speech
Create a clothing brand
Do pottery
Work at a farm
Swim in the ocean
Hold a Spider
Perform a play
Go scuba diving
Go skiing
Get fluent in German
Get fluent in Mandarin
Get fluent in Italian
Get fluent in Korean
Eat at every Michelin 3 star restaurants in Paris
Get a cat
See a show on Broadway
Tour Tuscany alone
Get a bellybutton piercing
Make a vlog
Play a Tennis match against Serena Williams
Go see a ballet
Go see an Opera
Finish One Piece (or get up to date)
Interview Lewis Hamilton
Try out MMA
Get my driver's license
Learn how to ollie
Go whale watching in Iceland
Get a facial
Get laser
Go to Busan
Go Snorkling
Get to 58 kg
Have abs
Play golf
Stay in a luxury hotel
Stay the night in a castle
Go to Scotland
Travel with my bestie
Get a car
Do a concert
Do a 24h fast
Finish a giant(ish) lego
Read all of the books in my library
Make notes on every book in my library
Go on a road trip with friends
Go to the 24 Hours of Le Mans
Go to a moto GP
Visit Japan
Go to Transilvania
Go to Ibiza
Visit Australia
Go to Venice
Visit the Forbidden City in Beijing
Interview Daniel Ricciardo
Glow Up
See the Kilimanjaro
Go to Cusco, Peru
Donate Blood
Go skydiving
Go to New York City alone
Get a camera
Get an instant film camera
Go on a blind date
Make a music video
Win an escape game
Complete a triathlon
Visit the Admont Abbey Library
Take pretty ID pictures
Learn how to do the splits
Visit Switzerland
Get rid of my acne
Move out
Become financially independent
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Beyond Accommodation: The Unique Experiences Offered by The Park Holidays
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When planning a vacation, finding a comfortable place to stay is just the beginning. The real essence of travel lies in the experiences that one gathers as he goes along. This is well understood by The Park Holidays International which has gone beyond mere accommodation. They create unique and fulfilling experiences that ensure that your trips are unforgettable. From cultural immersion to thrilling adventures, The Park Holidays international reviews continue to reveal diversity and memorable experiences. Here’s how The Park Holidays International review shows off differentiating extraordinary encounters.
Cultural immersion
A significant feature of The Park Holidays International is their emphasis on cultural immersion. By offering deeper and more authentic experiences they give chances for tourists to delve into local culture.
Local Festivals and Events
Frequently, The Park Holidays International matches up vacations with local festivities and happenings for members to engage in customary ceremonies. Whether it’s the vibrant colors of Holi in India, the serene beauty of the Lantern Festival in Thailand, or the grandeur of Carnival in Brazil these experiences offer us insight into what it means to live like a local.
Culinary Experiences
The Park Holidays international reviews often praise the food moments provided by this company since food plays an imperative role in defining cultures within a society such as India. Travelers can taste original dishes or have a chance to prepare them through guided food tours, and cooking classes with local chefs among other activities introduced by this firm. Just think of making traditional Italian meals at Tuscany or exploring the Bangkok street food scene — all these are possible with The Park Holidays International.
Art and Craft Workshops
Art and craft workshops enable people to immerse themselves in the local culture too. Local craftsmen usually guide members through hands-on workshops organized by The Park Holidays International. You can easily be able to make out pottery from Japan, batik painting from Indonesia or even weaving from Peru thereby having something you have made yourself and appreciation for the local artistry.
Adventure and Exploration
The Park Holidays International has a wide range of activities that cater to adventurous individuals or those seeking a thrill.
Outdoor Adventures
The Park Holidays international reviews often identify different outdoor adventures accessible by members. In this case, these guided hikes and treks take you through the Himalayas or Costa Rica’s lush forests, providing an opportunity to explore the natural world, safely. For instance, water enthusiasts can participate in snorkeling at The Great Barrier Reef; surf at Bali, or even enjoy white-water rafting at the Colorado River.
Wildlife Safaris
This is a unique experience where clients watch animals in their habitats. The Park Holidays International organizes safaris in renowned national parks as well as wildlife reserves. For example, such great migrations include spotting the Big Five of Africa, tracking tigers in India’s Ranthambore, or observing orangutans on Borneo among others.
Wellness and Relaxation
Vacations are also a time to relax and rejuvenate, and The Park Holidays International excels in offering wellness experiences that promote physical and mental well-being.
Spa and Wellness Retreats
These luxurious spas and wellness retreats are highly recommended by The Park Holidays international reviews. At these retreat centers, they offer various services like massages, facials, yoga sessions as well as meditation classes. Some destinations popular for their holistic wellness practices and tranquil atmospheres include Bali, Thailand besides India specifically.
Nature Getaways
(The Park Holidays International) offers access to serene retreats at some of the most beautiful places on earth for those who want to commune with nature again. They include, for instance, Swiss Alps cabins, Maldives seafront villas, or Canada forest lodges offering peace as well as opportunities to relax surrounded by nature.
Family-Friendly Activities
When you are traveling with your family, be ready for a hard experience but The Park Holidays International simplifies it by providing a range of services that cater to all ages.
Amusement Parks and Attractions
Several The Park Holidays international reviews have cited partnerships between the company and various global theme parks. For example, a trip to Disneyland in California or Universal Studios in Singapore will guarantee thrilling rides, entertaining shows, and meeting different characters.
Educational Visits
Families can explore and learn at the same time through educational tours. The firm arranges visits to museums, science centers, or even historic sites such as the Smithsonian in Washington DC; the British Museum in London; and the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru among others which are fun and informative.
Exclusive Member Events
These events bring together members who may socialize or network with other travelers thus they are important activities that The Park Holidays International organizes.
Gala Dinners and Parties
Many The Park Holidays international reviews mention gala dinners and themed parties as one of their highlights. These take place at scenic spots with gourmet meals being served accompanied by live performers making it feel like party time. This might be an island beach party somewhere around the Caribbean or it could be a formal dinner in a European castle bringing more glamour into the vacation experience.
Workshops and Seminars
Interested individuals will find workshops in different areas organized by The Park Holidays International. Wellness programs cooking sessions photography classes money matters led by experts can also be sourced from here. In addition, they get new skills and valuable connections since they interact with the like-minded.
Sustainable Tourism Initiatives
The Park Holidays International, given the growing importance of sustainable tourism, is committed to promoting responsible travel.
Eco-Friendly Accommodations
According to numerous The Park Holidays international reviews, the firm has chosen to work with environmentally conscious hotels and resorts. These accommodations have green initiatives such as power saving, waste management, and eco-friendly products. This way members can enjoy lavish stays while lessening their ecological impact.
Community Support Programs
Besides this, there are several other contributions that The Park Holidays International makes towards supporting local communities. They relate to using local staff, sourcing from local suppliers, or contributing towards community development programs. What’s more, travelers can always visit these projects and witness the positive transformation that results from each stay.
Tailored Itineraries and Concierge Services
One particular attribute that sets The Park Holidays International apart is its personalization approach when it comes to trip planning. The firm offers concierge services that ensure that all vacation aspects are customized according to the individual preferences of their customers.
Personalized Vacation Packages
Since you make your reservation, The Park Holidays International takes the initiative of designing a vacation package that is personalized and has all your favorite activities, dining options as well as sightseeing. You could be interested in a Napa Valley wine-tasting tour, a historical exploration of Rome, or rather Maldives beach relaxation which will be planned into the itinerary to guarantee an enjoyable holiday experience.
Exclusive Concierge Services
For every aspect of your journey, The Park Holidays International has committed concierge services. Do you need assistance with booking a dinner table for two? Would you like to organize transport around town? Or do you have some special requests? Anything can be done by the team of concierges who are available at any time of day or night so that you don’t worry during your rest.
Apart from providing accommodation, The Park Holidays International offers different experiences to various types of tourists. The travel company consistently rated among the best in terms of offering cultural immersion adventure traveling wellness activities family fun exclusive occasions sustainable trips Park Holidays International reviews show it does more than just provide unique and memorable experiences for its customers by prioritizing personalization quality accommodation and customer satisfaction Through delivering what is expected from each trip while maintaining personalized service high-quality accommodations and customer satisfaction The Park Holidays International. It is therefore not merely a vacation but a tour full of unique moments that guests should experience and cherish.
The Park Holidays International Lets one see beyond ordinary vacations into amazing adventures. They offer everything from culinary tours and cultural festivals to wildlife safaris and wellness retreats — The Park Holidays International review. Get ready for your next dream trip enriched by those rare moments that go beyond imagination!
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Golden triangle tour 3 Days by India Golden Triangles Company.
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India's 3-day Golden Triangle Tour Golden Triangles Enterprises India's rich cultural legacy and architectural wonders are on display on the 3-Day Golden Triangle Tour, an enthralling trip through Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. This India itinerary for three days With its brief yet insightful tours of Northern India's most famous destinations, Golden Triangles Company is ideal for time-constrained guests.
Day 1: Journey to Delhi and Accommodation in Agra Morning: Upon your arrival in Delhi, you will be met by an India Golden Triangles Company representative. In order to appreciate the magnificence of India's political hub, start with a quick tour of Delhi, stopping at important sites like the India Gate, a war memorial, and driving by the President's House and Parliament House. Drive to Agra in the afternoon (it will take about three to four hours). Once you're there, settle into your hotel and unwind. Evening: Take a tour of the famous Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, when it is glowing golden at dusk. Discover the fascinating history that surrounded its development as you explore its stunning architecture. Remain overnight in Agra. Day 2: Travel from Agra via Fatehpur Sikri to Jaipur Morning: Visit the Agra Fort to begin your day. It is a magnificent example of Mughal architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Discover its historical significance while exploring the palaces and courtyards. Mid-morning: Travel to Jaipur by car, stopping along the way at Fatehpur Sikri (travel time: 5–6 hours). Known for its historically significant and well-preserved architecture, Fatehpur Sikri is an abandoned Mughal city. The Buland Darwaza, Panch Mahal, and Jama Masjid are important sites. The Pink City, or Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is the next stop on your itinerary. Once you're there, settle into your hotel and relax. Evening: Take in the colorful bazaars of Jaipur, which are well-known for their traditional fabrics, jewelry, and handicrafts. Remain overnight in Jaipur. Day 3: Sightseeing in Jaipur and Leaving for Delhi Morning: Start your tour of Jaipur by paying a visit to the imposing Amber Fort. Riding an elephant or riding a jeep up to the fort, tour its expansive courtyards, palaces, and the Sheesh Mahal (Hall of Mirrors). Visit the Jantar Mantar, an astronomical observatory with remarkable stone instruments, and the City Palace, a royal home featuring museums displaying Rajasthani antiques, in the late morning. In the afternoon, take a drive by the Hawa Mahal, also called the Palace of Winds, which is renowned for its unusual honeycomb structure. Late afternoon: Set out for Delhi, which will take around six hours to reach by car. Evening: Complete your Golden Triangle Tour by arriving in Delhi and being transferred to the airport or another place of your choice. Crucial Items Accommodations: Cozy stays in luxurious hotels. Transport: A professional driver will drive an air-conditioned vehicle during the entire excursion. Tours with knowledgeable local guides at each location: guided tours. Meals: Breakfast is served, and you can have other meals whenever you'd like. Entrance fees apply to all of the itinerary's major monuments and locations. India Golden Triangles Company: Why Opt for Us? Asia The Golden Triangles Company offers well thought-out itineraries, knowledgeable guides, and individualized service to guarantee a smooth and rewarding vacation experience. They can be trusted when it comes to experiencing the Golden Triangle because of their dedication to quality and client satisfaction.
You can create priceless memories in a brief but thorough tour by selecting this 3-day Golden Triangle Tour, which will allow you to discover the highlights of India's tradition, culture, and architectural splendors.
Two South American neighbors, Peru and Chile, each have a rich past, varied cultures, and thriving economy. Because to their close proximity, they have certain things in common, yet they also stand out from one another thanks to their distinctive differences. This article offers a thorough analysis of Peru and Chile, comparing many elements such as geography, culture, economy, and social programs.
Regional Variations The Amazon rainforest, the Andes mountains, and the coastal deserts are just a few of the varied landscapes that make up Peru. The climates of the nation are diverse, ranging from tropical in the Amazon basin to desert near the coast to temperate in the mountains. Arequipa, Cusco, and Lima are major cities.
Conversely, Chile lies on the western border of South America, bounded by the Andes mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Its long, narrow form allows it to span a variety of climates, from the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world, in the north, to Mediterranean conditions in the center, and temperate rainforests in the south. Santiago, Valparaíso, and Concepción are among of the major cities.
Background History Ancient civilizations play a major role in Peru's history, especially the Inca Empire, which left a lasting legacy of sites like Machu Picchu. Later Spanish colonization of the nation resulted in a blending of Spanish and indigenous traditions. Important moments in history include the 16th-century advent of Spanish conquistadors and the 19th-century independence movement.
With ancient cultures like the Mapuche and Tiwanaku, Chile has a rich past as well. Much of its current culture was shaped by Spanish colonialism, which started in the sixteenth century. Significant historical turning points include the Pacific War, which established its northern boundaries, and the late 20th century shift from military dictatorship to democracy.
Historical Culture Peru's cultural legacy includes a mosaic of Spanish and indigenous elements. This blending is on display at festivals such as Inti Raymi and saint festivities. Peruvian music comprises traditional instruments like the panpipes and charango, and the country's art is recognized for its pre-Columbian textiles and ceramics.
With a considerable influence from its indigenous peoples, particularly the Mapuche, Chile has an equally rich cultural legacy. Chile's cultural identity is greatly influenced by its literature, which is best represented by Nobel laureates Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral. Folk dances that are a reflection of the nation's rural past, such as the cueca, are included in traditional music.
Language In Chile and Peru, Spanish is the official language. But there is also great cultural value associated with indigenous languages. The Andean areas of Peru are home to many speakers of Quechua and Aymara. The Mapuche people of Chile, especially those in the south, speak Mapudungun.
The economy The mining industry—especially that of gold and copper—agricultural, and tourism are important components of Peru's varied economy. The export of natural resources and the expansion of the service sector have been the main drivers of the nation's consistent economic growth during the last ten years.
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alpacaexpeditions · 2 months
Exploring Peru's Majesty: Tours to Machu Picchu from Lima 
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Embark on an unforgettable journey with tours to Machu Picchu from Lima, where the wonders of ancient civilizations await. Tours to Machu Picchu from Lima offer a mesmerizing blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the mysteries of the Inca Empire. With Alpaca Expeditions as your guide, you'll traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Peru, from the bustling streets of Lima to the serene valleys of the Sacred Valley. Expertly crafted itineraries ensure a seamless experience, with knowledgeable guides leading the way to Machu Picchu's iconic ruins. Along the way, discover hidden gems, such as the Inca Trail and the picturesque town of Aguas Calientes. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a first-time visitor, tours to Machu Picchu from Lima promise an unparalleled exploration of one of the world's most extraordinary destinations. 
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support1212 · 24 days
trips to the amazon,
trips to the amazon,
The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," is one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Spanning over 5.5 million square kilometers across nine South American countries, the Amazon offers an unparalleled adventure for nature enthusiasts, thrill-seekers, and anyone looking to experience one of the last great frontiers on Earth. Here’s everything you need to know to plan an unforgettable trip to this incredible destination.
Why Visit the Amazon? The Amazon is a living, breathing entity, home to an estimated 390 billion individual trees, 2.5 million insect species, tens of thousands of plants, and over 2,000 birds and mammals. It provides critical ecological functions, including climate regulation and carbon dioxide absorption. A visit to the Amazon is not just a trip; it’s a journey into the very essence of our planet’s ecological and biological wealth.
Planning Your Trip Best Time to Visit The Amazon can be visited year-round, but the experience varies depending on the season. The wet season (December to May) sees higher water levels, allowing for easier navigation by boat but also more rain. The dry season (June to November) offers better hiking conditions and more opportunities to see wildlife as animals congregate around dwindling water sources.
Entry Points The most common entry points to the Amazon are through Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Key cities like Manaus in Brazil, Iquitos in Peru, and Coca in Ecuador serve as gateways to various parts of the rainforest. Each location offers unique experiences and access to different parts of the Amazon Basin.
Top Activities Wildlife Watching The Amazon is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Guided tours provide opportunities to spot anacondas, jaguars, capybaras, pink river dolphins, and a myriad of bird species. Nighttime excursions offer a chance to see nocturnal creatures and the symphony of sounds that define the Amazonian night.
River Cruises One of the best ways to explore the Amazon is by taking a river cruise. These range from luxurious vessels to basic boats, each offering a unique way to experience the river's vast network of waterways. Cruises often include guided excursions, visits to indigenous communities, and chances to fish for piranhas.
Jungle Treks For the adventurous, jungle treks provide an immersive way to experience the Amazon. Knowledgeable guides lead hikes through dense forest, revealing medicinal plants, hidden wildlife, and the secrets of survival in the jungle. Some treks even include overnight camping for a true wilderness experience.
Indigenous Culture The Amazon is home to numerous indigenous communities who have lived in harmony with the forest for centuries. Visiting these communities offers insights into their traditions, crafts, and way of life. It’s a unique opportunity to learn about sustainable living and the deep connection between people and nature.
Tips for a Successful Trip Pack Wisely: Light, moisture-wicking clothing, sturdy hiking boots, insect repellent, and a good rain jacket are essential. Stay Healthy: Consult a travel doctor about vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis. Drink only bottled or purified water. Respect Nature: Follow the Leave No Trace principles. Avoid disturbing wildlife and do not remove anything from the natural environment. Choose Responsible Tours: Select tour operators committed to sustainable and responsible tourism. This ensures your visit supports conservation efforts and local communities. Final Thoughts A trip to the Amazon is more than a vacation; it’s a life-changing experience that deepens your appreciation for the natural world. Whether navigating its winding rivers, trekking through its dense jungles, or connecting with its indigenous peoples, the Amazon promises an adventure filled with wonder and discovery. Prepare well, respect the environment, and open yourself to the marvels of one of Earth’s most extraordinary places.
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sitatoursandtravels1 · 4 months
Experience Unmatched Luxury: Sita Tours' Peru Luxury Tours
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Embark on a journey of opulence and exploration with Sita Tours' exclusive Peru Luxury Tours. Peru, a land of ancient civilizations, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture, beckons travelers with its allure and mystique. With Sita Tours, you'll experience the wonders of Peru in unparalleled luxury and style.
Peru is a destination rich in history, with iconic landmarks such as Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley, and the Nazca Lines captivating visitors from around the world. With Sita Tours' Peru Luxury Tours, you'll have the opportunity to explore these legendary sites and more, all while enjoying the utmost in comfort and luxury.
From the moment you arrive in Peru, you'll be treated to VIP treatment and personalized service every step of the way. Our expert guides, fluent in English and knowledgeable about Peruvian history and culture, will accompany you on your journey, providing fascinating insights and ensuring a seamless and enriching experience.
Sita Tours' Peru Luxury Tours offer a range of exclusive experiences designed to immerse you in the beauty and majesty of Peru. Whether it's dining at Michelin-starred restaurants in Lima, exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu aboard the luxurious Belmond Hiram Bingham train, or indulging in a private helicopter tour of the Nazca Lines, every moment of your trip will be filled with luxury and adventure.
In addition to iconic landmarks, Sita Tours' Peru Luxury Tours also offer the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Peru. Explore the charming colonial streets of Cusco, wander through the colorful markets of Pisac, or embark on a gourmet culinary tour of Lima's renowned gastronomic scene. Whatever your interests may be, our Peru Luxury Tours offer a wealth of experiences to suit every taste and preference.
At Sita Tours, we understand that luxury is not just about extravagance, but about creating unforgettable memories that last a lifetime. With our Peru Luxury Tours, you'll experience the best that Peru has to offer in comfort, style, and sophistication. Book your Peru Luxury Tour with Sita Tours today and embark on a journey of luxury, adventure, and discovery in the heart of the Andes.
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yoyojuggernaut · 6 months
Lazy Saturdays
Now that I'm in a safe environment, my brain sometimes takes me on trips down memory lane during the weekend when our busy lives slow down. The first weekend we snuggled up in our apartment, and the ink on the lease was still wet, was kind of tough for me. That first Saturday when the clock hit 10 am, and you were still fast asleep—it was a bit horrifying. Might sound silly, but you sleeping so soundly after moving all our furniture in the day before, felt like you forgot about me!
"ofcourse he forgot about me, I'm not important," I thought.
I even shed a few dramatic silent tears while washing dishes and making our little space all tidy.
Then suddenly, a flashback to Aunt G and her super shiny place that was cleaner than a hospital. Saturday mornings at 8 am meant chore time in Virginia. My job was to clean my room until it was just right, or Aunt G would make a big show of waving her arms and tossing everything on the floor. "Try again," she'd say, with a bit of kindness that hurt more than it helped. Soon enough, chore time turned into a time of tears and panic for me. This would also be an opportunity for Aunt G would sneak through my notebooks and school stuff, taking away any sense of privacy. Over my first few years in America, Aunt G found letters I wrote to my mom in Peru. She didn't say much, but she promised to mail them for me. I was so happy! I wrote to my mom about how much I missed her and everyone back at home and about Aunt G was being mean and how my dad wasn't around. I once complained about not having a cool backpack, just a plain red one.
Of course, Aunt G didn't mail my complaints to Peru. As a little girl, not getting a letter back from my mom made me think she had forgotten about me...or maybe could it be that she was happy I was gone..?
The ability to just laze around on a Saturday, take a nap, and casually hang out at home with you feels like the height of luxury :) I've found solace in the simple joy of feeling safe and unburdened. Here's to weekends and the delightful escape from the clenches of cleanliness tyranny!
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troncotambopata · 7 months
Top 7 Attractions to See on Peru Amazon Tours
Taking a tour of the Peruvian Amazon is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You can experience the sights and sounds of the world's largest rainforest. Peru Amazon toursoffer wildlife encounters. They also offer indigenous cultural experiences. Adventure and relaxation options are available, too.
These tours have something for every type of traveler. There are many options available. Narrowing down the top attractions can be difficult. This blog highlights seven popular sights and activities for Amazon tours in Peru. It is an epic jungle expedition.
1. Puerto Maldonado’s Inkaterra Reserva Amazónica Lodge
You must stay at the famous Inkaterra Reserva Amazónica during your Peru Amazon tour. This eco-lodge in Amazon Rainforest Peru offers amazing access to its diverse wildlife. Guests can enjoy various activities such as exploring nature trails, climbing the canopy tower for great views, visiting the butterfly house, and relaxing in luxurious accommodations. The guides teach visitors about the rainforest through excursions and lectures to ensure a full experience.
2. Chuncho Macaw Clay Lick
Visiting a macaw clay lick is a very exciting wildlife experience in the Peruvian rainforest. These places attract many brightly colored macaws and parrots during the day. The Chuncho Macaw Clay Lick along the Tambopata River is very impressive. The stunning red and green macaws and other species, such as parakeets and parrots, are attracted to it. 
Peru Amazon Tours stop at platforms with views of the lick. You can see hundreds of squawking macaws jostling for position on the clay banks. Don't miss the explosion of color and activity.
3. Tres Chimbadas Oxbow Lake
Visitors on Amazon Tours Peru can experience the rainforest at Tres Chimbadas Oxbow Lake by riding in a dugout canoe. You can see caiman, turtles, and songbirds while gliding on the calm water under the jungle trees. If you love fishing, you can try catching piranhas on the lake in the Peruvian Amazon. It's a unique and exciting adventure.
4. Infierno Ecotourism Community & Conservation Area
The Infierno region has the Ese'eja indigenous community. They welcome visitors to Peru Jungle Tours. Visitors can learn about their culture and traditions. 
Guests can experience traditional practices such as harvesting yucca, watching sacred dances, trying delicious homegrown Rainforest cuisine, and buying beautiful handicrafts. When travelers support sustainable tourism initiatives like this, they help conserve the Amazon and preserve traditions in Peru.
5. Night Hikes & Night Safaris
Lots of interesting animals in the Amazon Rainforest appear at night. Peru Amazon Jungletours include nighttime activities such as hiking and safaris to see hard-to-find jungle animals. On a lucky night, with flashlights and expert guides, you might see tarantulas, tree frogs, bats, kinkajous, owls, and even big cats like jaguars or pumas.
6. Canopy Walkways & Canopy Ziplining
Peru Amazon Jungle offers amazing views of the rainforest from the treetops. You can walk on suspended bridges in the jungle or go on ziplines for exciting rainforest views. You can see colorful birds and butterflies flying through the trees in the Tambopata Tour. There are also flowering orchids on the branches.
7. Wildlife Spotting Excursions
The Peruvian Amazon has a lot of biodiversity. This makes it a great place to see wildlife. Amazon Trips Peru, you can go on river cruises to see river dolphins, fishing bats, exotic birds, and aquatic life. On land, you can see monkeys, sloths, armadillos, tapirs, and if you're lucky, a wild jungle cat. Peru Amazon tours are great for nature lovers. Experienced guides help travelers spot and identify many species of wildlife.
Booking a Peru Travel Agency like TroncoTambopata.com helps plan an exceptional Peru Amazon tour. They cover the top sites and activities, so you can see and do much. An adventure in the Amazon in Peru is better than expected. You can see lots of wildlife and learn about different cultures. At the end of the day, you can relax and recharge in luxury ecolodges like Inkaterra. The Peruvian Amazon rainforest is amazing and will leave you in awe!
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unitywedding · 8 months
Honeymoon Trends for 2024
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If you are planning on getting married in 2024, you might be wondering where to go for your honeymoon. The world is full of amazing destinations, but some of them are more popular than others. Here are some of the top honeymoon trends for 2024, according to travel experts and couples who have already booked their trips. - Eco-friendly honeymoons: More and more couples are choosing to travel in a way that minimizes their environmental impact and supports local communities. This can mean staying in eco-lodges, volunteering for conservation projects, or opting for low-carbon transportation. Some of the best places to enjoy an eco-friendly honeymoon are Costa Rica, New Zealand, Iceland, and Kenya. - Adventure honeymoons: For those who love adrenaline and excitement, an adventure honeymoon is a great way to spice up your relationship and create unforgettable memories. You can try activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, rafting, zip-lining, or hiking in some of the most scenic and thrilling locations in the world. Some of the best places to enjoy an adventure honeymoon are South Africa, Australia, Peru, and Nepal. - Wellness honeymoons: If you want to relax and rejuvenate after your wedding, a wellness honeymoon is a perfect choice. You can indulge in spa treatments, yoga sessions, meditation classes, or healthy cuisine in some of the most serene and soothing places in the world. Some of the best places to enjoy a wellness honeymoon are Bali, Thailand, India, and Greece. - Cultural honeymoons: If you are interested in learning about different cultures and traditions, a cultural honeymoon is a great way to enrich your mind and soul. You can visit historical sites, museums, art galleries, or festivals in some of the most fascinating and diverse places in the world. Some of the best places to enjoy a cultural honeymoon are Italy, Japan, Morocco, and Mexico. - Romantic honeymoons: Of course, you can never go wrong with a classic romantic honeymoon. You can enjoy candlelit dinners, sunset walks, cozy fireplaces, or private pools in some of the most romantic and luxurious places in the world. Some of the best places to enjoy a romantic honeymoon are Maldives, France, Hawaii, and Fiji. #WeddingPlanning #WeddingDirectory #WeddingTips #Weddings #unitytheweddingdirectory #unity #weddingdirectory #weddingplanner #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #honeymoon #planninghoneymoons Read the full article
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