smpneopronouns · 1 year
Can you do masc/fem wolf names and pronouns!!!
I tried to keep it Minecraft wolf a bit but I might've strayed into general wolf a bit lol
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cafe-gato-official · 8 months
Apparently Hana is the first ever case of a plant disease crossing the kingdom boundary and infecting humans so that's fun :))))))))
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Hello Dapper. I don’t really expect too much about this, but do you have any ideas for Wargs? They have an interesting relationship with goblins and are weird in that they’re essentially sapient wolf monsters, but I don’t think they’re ever really used that creatively.
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Monsters Reimagined: Wargs, wolf panics, and the Economics of Lupophobia
While the surface level answer is pretty simple (warg is a conversion of varger, an old Norse way to refer to mythological wolves like Fenrir) there's actually a surprising amount of material to drill into here on the topic of sapient wolf monsters, especially for someone like me who has a interest in moral panics and mass hysteria events. Wolves were effectively a boogyman for pre-industrial societies, a deep seated generational fear that we only recognize today through cultural relics like the big bad wolf or boy who cried wolf.
TLDR: If you want to do something interesting with wargs beyond just "wolves that talk" I'd advise playing to their folk / fairytale roots. They're creatures of embodied dread, drawn from the stuff of the feywild to sow fear among those who would travel off the path or too close to the wilderness. This lets you tell interesting stories about how the party/major characters respond to fear: Does fear of being attacked in the dark drive the party to make risky decisions that might endanger their quest? How do the villagers react when the wolves are very literally at the door, demanding just one of their neighbours as a meal in exchange for safety?
I'd also advise getting weirder with a warg's powers, playing into that fear of the unknown by doing unexpected things. The party can fight off a pack of wolves, sure, but what does it mean when the lead wolf rips off the bard's shadow and takes off into the night?
Background: If you want a window into the headspace of wolf-panic, think about the neigh omnipresent fear of sharks created by the Jaws franchise. Children who have never seen the movie, let alone seen a shark in person can become irrationally afraid of getting into deep water because they've absorbed the pervasive cultural phobia, which goes onto shape environmental policy as sharks are overhunted or killed out of spite for their perceived threat.
So it was for wolves, even after they were largely hunted to near extinction by medieval and postmedieval societies, the fear of them was so ingrained into cultural traditions that wolf and werewolf panics were a thing that went hand in hand with witchtrails. France had a country wide one as late as the 1760s and the movie based on it ended up inspiring Bloodborne. Alternatively look at the anti-wolf efforts during the colonization of the Americas, right up to the opposition to reintroducing wolves back to Yellowstone park.
On that note (and because we can't have a Monsters Reimagined without some kind of class analysis), lets talk about how these fears are propagated: On many levels it makes sense for everyday people to be afraid of wolves, they're a hunting species that can absolutely pose a danger to us, and when you're living or travelling outside the protection of a settlement you really are vulnerable to a coordinated pack of carnivores running you down.
However, the primary threat that wolves pose to humans isn't predation, it's property damage, specifically in how they kill livestock. While we can talk about individual farmsteads beset by beasts, in reality the herds that wolves were most likely to prey upon belonged to the landowning classes, powerful people who had a profit incentive in seeing wolves driven off or exterminated. This is where you get bounties on dead wolves, not just paying for the value of the hide but actively rewarding people for going out and killing as many wolves as possible to the point of it becoming a profession. This practice has existed for MILLENIA and is still active today, primarily in places where big agriculture influences governments.
It seems incidental at first but then you realize that it fits the model of just about every other kind of cultural panic: widespread ignorance and fear that just so happens to mobilize the populace in a way that financially benefits a select few. You can see the same thing happening today in england with badgers of all things, which have been identified with the local dairy industry as a threat to their herds. This is not only led them to petition the government to cull the badger population, but to put out anti-badger propaganda, eventually turning it into a culture war issure to the point where conservative mouthpieces like Jeremy Clarkson openly encourages killing and gassing badgers on sight.
Returning to the land of fantasy for now: I think it's worth taking the idea of the warg and mixing it with a few other "black dog" cultural archetypes, which can also include the creatures like the shuck or church grimm. In this instance the warg is a sort of curse made manifest, the fear of a haunted place given literal teeth. People who transgress into these forbidden spaces find themselves pursued by a manifestation that dogs them till they're exhausted and vulnerable, much like a wolf harrying its prey.
The bhargest is also of special interest here, considering how I like to relate goblins back to the feywild. You could easily see bhargests as agents of fey that feed on human fear, leading a pack of goblins or hobs that occupy the desolate lands they've called to haunt. My version of Maglubiyet would also delight in employing such creatures as his emissaries.
Going back to the vargr/ Norse mythology angle, it's interesting that most of the wolves that show up are destined to devour something, whether it be a god or celestial certanty like the moon and sun. It's like the concept of an inevitable chase is so fundimental to what a wolf IS that it became a theme of ragnarok's inevitable certantly. Consider having certan packs of wargs be offspring of some fenrir style god eater, beasts of forboding doom who's mere presence is an omen of ill times.
Alternatively, if you wanted to play on the big bad wolf angle, give wargs the ability to take on flimsy human disguises, all the better to get close to their pray and sow fear among the townsfolk. Historical wolf panics after all are not all that different than serial killer panics, and it'd be a fun twist on a traditional werewolf adventure to have the party on a creature that didn't play by the usual lycanthropic rules.
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sir-davey · 17 days
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King Saul’s evil spirit, also known as the Ruach Ra’ah
I want to show some of the characters from my Saul retelling, The Book of Saul, and one of the major ones that take part of Saul’s life is Ze’ev, who is King Saul’s evil spirit but personified as a spirit always taking the form of a wolf in Saul’s visions.
I have yet to properly introduce him, but I will now lol.
I draw him frequently with Saul and I have a lot planned for him. He’s his own character instead of simply being the vaguely mentioned evil spirit that attacks Saul in the Bible lol. In the story, there’s some heavy lore that Ze’ev carries, and when he first actively interacts with Saul (right after being rejected as king), he becomes Saul’s conscience, and a guide, as he twists truths for his own benefit and amusement.
To summarize Ze’ev’s character, Ze’ev can be interpreted in many ways. He is basically the essence of Saul’s subconscious containing his deepest fears and regrets. Saul’s mentality will be reflected on Ze’ev who guides Saul, seeking truths he desperately yearns for, through 7 seven visions. No matter how hard Saul tries, he cannot escape the spirit always appearing before him. And also, those 7 visions are basically Saul’s hell with different truths revealed to him. Ze’ev finds so much joy in watching him suffer, yet he is able to have Saul always running back to him for help. Ze’ev knows very well that Saul has absolutely no one to turn to as he takes advantage of his helplessness.
As for Ze’ev’s appearance, he is usually a wolf, and there are two reasons why Ze’ev appears as a wolf. One being the tribe symbol for Benjamin, the tribe Saul’s from, which is represented with a wolf, and in the past I had called Ze’ev the “Wolf of Benjamin”, but I ended up changing his name lol. But the second reason resonates with Saul more deeply, where in the story, Saul is terrified of wolves due to traumatic experiences with them, and it comes off basically as a phobia Saul has (I believe the phobia for wolves is called “lupophobia”, that’s what Saul would have oof). But ironically, Saul is from Benjamin, and he’d be surrounded by wolf symbols as a benjaminite king ruling the place. And plus, Ze’ev is almost always a wolf, and if you recall what I’ve said, Ze’ev is the essence of Saul’s mind made up of his darkest fears and regrets while appearing in Saul’s visions.
I could literally go on and on about the evil spirit Ze’ev, but I would be crossing spoiler territory if I do loll.
But some small things about him: Ze’ev shapeshifts a lot, and his form is always moving in place. And he has a HUGE tail that constantly flows.
But lastly, this one means a lot to me lmaoo, but hear me out on this. When it comes to Ze’ev’s voice, I usually either have him speak with both a male and a female voice that intermingles at the same time (for reference, it’s just like Satan’s voice from that creepy Mark Twain clay animation movie. Look it up if you’re curious lol). Or, Ze’ev speaks as a distorted version of Saul’s voice.
Butttt, I can’t help but headcanon his voice as Will Wood when it comes to visualizing him in my head. Ze’ev sings as well (he sometimes sings to lure Saul), and whenever he sings, all I can hear is Will Wood. Ack, Will Wood!!! 🔥 And I know I’m being biased because I LOVE Will Wood (pls if you’re a Will Wood fan you gotta let me know 😭). But outside of the book, I imagine Ze’ev’s voice as Will Wood’s lolllll.
I already have a bunch of Saul and Ze’ev animatics planned, but if I do make an animatic/animation with Ze’ev, it’s going to be a Will Wood song.
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does john have lupophobia?
(the fear of wolves)
"I think anyone would be scared of wolves after being attacked by 'em."
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sigyn-foxyposts · 2 months
"Thjalfi and Röskva!"
I can't get enough of making up headcannons for my favorite sister-brother servant duo, they're iconic little farmer children! ✨ Also for those who don't know:
Megalophobia is an extreme fear of large things and objects! (Which I feel like poor Röskva developed after going to Utgard and seeing just how small she was.)
Lupophobia is an extreme fear of wolves (which I thought would fit because in the Poetic Edda: poem Hárbarðsljóð. Thjalfi is said to have been chased after by she-wolves. He was probably traumatized)
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rhymeswithswaggness · 5 months
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Magnus Chase
Hotel Valhalla, Floor 19
Dating Friends with @sharpwitandwire
Magnus is participating in the Curse of Echo M!A for 24 hours.
Info here
See below the cut for some Magnus Trivia
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Fun facts about Magnus
His birthday is January 13th.
Magnus is Annabeth’s cousin.
The name “Magnus” means “great”, and was a popular Scandinavian name after the time of an 11th century king, Magnus I. The name “Chase” means “hunter”, so Magnus’s name means “Great Hunter”.
He is Left Handed.
He was the first POV protagonist to openly swear, but he does filter his and others language throughout his series.
His favorite colors are Black and Beige. (and he hates blue. Nailed it uncle Rick.)
Magnus does not like physical contact.
Magnus likes to read. Before Natalie died, he had a huge collection of books which was lost in the fire. He spent much of his time on the streets at the Boston Public Library. His favorite authors are Steven King, Darren Shan, Neil Shusterman, Michael Grant, and Joe Hill.
Before he died, Magnus had tried alcohol, thrown up, tried alcohol again, and thrown up again.
In addition to being his son, Magnus is also a Legacy of Frey, since the Chase family is descended from Swedish nobility, and Frey was the first of one of the most prominent houses of Swedish Kings.
When he was young, Magnus struggled with severe asthma. He describes that his mother would just hold him through these episodes since there was nothing else she could do. This may have only been a side effect of other potential issues, since he also described himself as being thin and having a chest that “almost sunk in” before he died. His mother would take him out to national parks every weekend because being in nature was the only thing that really helped him.
He has a fear of wolves, which is called Lupophobia.
Due to being a son of Frey, Magnus is good with horses, since Horses are one of Frey’s sacred animals.
Magnus has control to a degree over telepathy. He is able to see into people’s minds while healing them, but he also was able to reach out to and hear the thoughts of both the fish in the stream and Andvarti when looking for the treasure in book 2.
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Here’s a playlist of songs I think Magnus would like
(Gonna keep updating it)
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justm3di0cr3 · 10 months
𖦹 𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓱 𖦹
This post is basically going to be explaining the effect of Poppy's back story on her mentally and emotionally. Tagging: @midnightmah07 @leonistic @viilpstick
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Stunned Emotional Growth
Poppy experiences this after her Mother death. Her brain was unable to deal with the event properly which is why it slowed the mind's ability to grow normally according to age. This is the reason as to why she acts like a child and relates people and refers to them as family.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Poppy suffers from this on a lower scale being spared from a lot of symptoms like agression. However she has trouble sleeping at night and often has nightmares regarding the event. These nightmares vary from being a replay of the entire night or being haunted by her "mother's" spirit, getting blamed for her death. She is diagnosed with sleeping pills to help with this however.
Lupophobia is the intense fear of wolves. For the most part, the reason behind this is self explanatory. Anything that is related or reminds Poppy of wolves can send her in to a state of panic and anxiety. If she ever sees an actual wolf once more however, she will begin to have full blown panic attacks.
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midnightmah07 · 10 months
Barbs hear me out- Poppy probably feels the most comfortable around Rook through her recovery from PTSD and lupophobia cuz He reminds her of the hunter from that night and since she has stunted emotional growth, she sees everything from a child's view so trusting him is easy 😭😭
Bro Poppy and Epel are lagging cuz don't get me wrong I love my babies together (Epel went into a panic when he first saw Poppy-insists he was js embarrassed)
👆 An ask I sent barbs and I wanted to add more here.
Epel totally would get jealous of Rook and how Poppy finds comfort in him 😭 like Poppy coming to NRC with a basket for Rook asking where he is and Epel is like "uhh dudes out walking his fish or smth so ANYWAYS we should totally have a picnic(date ) so the stuff doesn't go bad "
And I also imagine Poppy had a friend (based on Chip, basically filler like Pierre) and Kid! Epel would get jealous of him too trying to impress poppy with his Apple carving skills cuz that's js what girls are into yknow? Dude has Rizz
ANYWAYS THIS IS SO CUTE!!! Yeah like ever since u first thought of her I always assumed her and Rook would be close-ish (back then I said romantic but even with them being just platonic it fits so well) and it makes so much sense now that you say it!! Ofc she'd find comfort in him🥹🥹
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viilpstick · 9 months
I've realized I've not emphasized on this enough but Poppy's only trauma is not her mom dying
She has had a near death experience and That's the reason she has lupophobia
I also realize I never told you and @midnightmah07 that Charley is a transfer student in Rosantée :')
we are world dominating everyone to rosantée
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
🫵 fellow Min enjoyer spotted, i shall share a headcanon with you because it’s been rotating around in my mind ever since the conclusion of the chap 1 trial
i always found it a bit odd that she was killed by wolves instead of, i dunno, being crushed to death by a giant book or something. it would match her talent better, which is sort of the point of a danganronpa execution. what do wolves have in relation with the Ultimate Student?
well, what if she had lupophobia? we know she’s not just scared of wild animals in general (probably) because of her fondness for insects. executions also tend to mess with the blackened’s fears, so it would make sense.
(i know it would likely be confirmed by the devs if she was afraid of wolves but this is my headcanon and i’m clinging onto it)
what are your thoughts on this? :D
Oooh, that’s a cool (and sad) headcanon! I like it! I’ve always figured the wolves tie into the name of the execution, “Thrown to the Wolves”. As in, “if Min makes too many mistakes, she’ll be discarded and abandoned”. But lupophobia could work really well, too!
Now, the next step would be headcanoning how the mastermind would even find out about this. Maybe while watching some of Veronika’s movies, Min got really scared of werewolves? Or they went on a school trip to a zoo and Min got nervous around wolves?
In any case, it’s a pretty fun headcanon! Thanks for sharing!
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Icelyn Lee from Swimming Lessons, who has phasmophobia, sanguivoriphobia, lupophobia, serenephobia, and teraphobia
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a serious looking girl with short black hair and brown eyes standing what appears to be a track and field track. She's wearing her hair in a ponytail, and wears an open baseball shirt with a blue undershirt and black shorts.]
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anxious-ace · 8 months
Who asked for EI phobias, no one? Here they are anyway:
Thalassophobia- sea/ocean/open water
Cynophobia- dogs
Lupophobia- wolves
Claustrophobia- enclosed spaces/having no escape/being closed in
Astraphobia- thunder and lightning
Frigophobia- becoming too cold
Mycophobia- fungus
Chemophobia- chemicals
Orithophobia- birds
Acrophobia- heights
Older men- Androphobia or Gerontophobia
Aphenphosmphobia- being touched
Body dysmorphic disorder- obsession with real or imaginary body defect
Older men (pretty much just toilet toucher)- Androphobia or Gerontophobia
Zymarikaphobia- pasta (canonically fears macaroni and has nightmares of it eating him)
Trypophobia- holes/textures w/ pattern of holes
Chiroptophobia- bats
Emetophobia- vomiting
Hemophobia- blood
Panphobia- everything/constant fear of unknown cause
Aphenphosmphobia- being touched
Atychiphobia- failure/negative evaluations of others
Enchlophobia- crowds
Gelotophobia- being laughed at
Musophobia- mice/rats
Dendrophobia- trees
Lepidoterophobia- butterflies and moths
Submechanophobia- partially/fully submerged man-made objects
Arachnophobia- spiders, scorpions, and other arachnids
Belonephobia- needles or pins
Equinophobia- horses
Toxiphobia- being poisoned
Apiphobia- bees
Coimetrophobia- cemeteries
Gephyrophobia- bridges
Lilasophobia- tornadoes or hurricanes
Automatonophobia- lifelike robots/animatronics/wax figures etc
Cibophobia- aversion to food (synonymous with anorexia nervosa)
Frigophobia- becoming too cold
Ranidaphobia- frogs
Thanatophobia- dying
Toast Sr.:
Orithophobia- birds
Trypanophobia- needles/injections
Tomophobia- invasive medical procedures
Aerophobia- aircraft/flying
Emetophobia- vomiting
Myrmecophobia- ants
Ailurophobia- cats
Gelotophobia- being laughed at
Lilapsophobia- tornadoes/hurricanes
Coimetrophobia- cemeteries
Coulrophobia- clowns
Hippophobia- horses
Dentophobia- dentists
Entomophobia- insects
Masklophobia- people in masks/costumes/mascots
Alliumphobia- strongly scented allium genus (garlic, onions, chives, shallots)
Bacteriophobia- bacteria
Ophidiophobia- snakes
Spheksophobia- wasps
Agoraphobia- open spaces
Astraphobia- thunder and lightning
Hypochondria- illness
Lepidopterophobia- butterflies and moths
Eisoptrophobia- mirrors/seeing one's reflection in a mirror
Herpetophobia- reptiles/amphibians
Ichthyophobia- fish (includes eating fish and dead fish)
Atychiphobia- failure/negative evaluations of others
Autophobia- isolation
Body dysmorphic disorder- obsession with real or imaginary body defect
Enchlophobia- crowds
Gelotophobia- being laughed at
Thanatophobia- dying
Achluophobia- darkness
Aerophobia- aircraft or flying
Coulrophobia- clowns
Globophobia- balloons
Alektorophobia- chickens
Aichnmophobia- sharp/pointed objects like needles/knives
Masklophobia- people in masks/costumes/mascots
Phonophobia- loud sounds or voices
Frigophobia- becoming too cold
Helminthophobia- worms
Mysophobia- germs/contamination/dirt
Taphophobia- graves or being placed in one while still alive
Atelophobia- imperfection
Atychiphobia- failure/negative evaluations of others
Ecophobia- cataclysmic environmental change
Haphephobia- being touched
Eisoptrophobia- mirrors/seeing one's reflection in a mirror
Aichnmophobia- sharp/pointed objects like needles/knives
Melissophobia- bees
Necrophobia- death or the dead
Pupaphobia- puppets
Pyrophobia- fire
Enochlophobia- crowds
Scopophobia- being looked/stared at
(if you want me to explain certain ones, I'd be willing too)
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margindoodles2407 · 1 year
Just a Twilight Princess Idea
Dawnbringer's whole village was killed by a murderous wolfpack. His mother was barely able to put him on baby Epona alive, and was torn to pieces after he fled the village. The Ordonians are startled and confused when a two-year-old hanging off of a year-old filly stumbles into their village, but of course the kindhearted Rusl and Uli Moi take him in and ask no questions when he can't answer where he came from.
So he grows up in Ordon, and he loses his memories of his old village and the terrible tragedy that happened here, but he's always a bit uneasy around the townsfolk's dogs. And then one day, about 5 years later, Rusl kills a wolf that had been stalking the woods on the town's borders and brings it home- for Uli to cook the meat, and to skin to provide warm pelts for 7-year-old Link and newborn baby Colin- and, to everyone's horror, the minute Link sees the carcass slung over the back of the family steed, he starts screaming and doesn't stop until Uli takes him inside and the wolf has been quietly disposed of.
After looking into it, the Mois are shocked to learn that their adopted son suffers from acute Lupophobia- explaining the panic attack with the dead wolf and the reason that Link has never been completely at ease with the village dogs. Needless to say, all the canines in Ordon become strictly inside pets, and no wolves, dead or alive, are brought in ever again.
Until, that is, 10 years later, when four village children, the mayor's daughter, and Link all go missing, and a grey wolf is sighted near Ordon. Rusl, grieving over the loss of two sons but determined not to lose anyone else, takes a search party out to investigate. He needs to get rid of the wolf before Link gets back. The poor boy would be terrified if he found out how close to the town this beast is.
He is disgusted to hear that the wolf's eyes are identical to Link's.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
toast: has lupophobia (and as an extension/headcanon, cynophobia)
also toast: is a werewolf
Toast DID get healed right before the puppet arc, but we as a fandom decided… NAAAAAH which I think is GREAT and I’m glad we do it.
But from what I’m hearing until Spooker joined the team toast and ghost could’ve been Bodied by Banjo and Kazooie or the smash bros duck hunt pair
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yurithejapanese · 3 months
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Don't tell me to go to forests.
I have Lupophobia.
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