#lupin the third the first oc
theshmeepking · 1 month
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he is 6 years old
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ttimecode · 9 months
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holding onto your lover for dear life but in a gay way
original screenshot from farewell to nostradamus:
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iiiiiiits-m · 8 months
yall should go check out my fic on ao3.....
Jigen Daisuke/Original Female Character
PG-13 i guess (I'll allude to smutty times but i won't write them)
yes I know there's only one chapter I'm working on the second
here's a lil snippet!!!
“I need you two to trust me.” 
Jigen had never trusted him more.
“We’re going to have to jump.”
Jigen was already unlatching the window.
“I have a net set up to catch us.”
Jigen watched as his samurai companion perched on the windowsill.
“I’ve only lied to y’all once so far.”
Jigen watched with confusion as (fake?) Goemon leaped, voice still trailing behind him as he yelled back to the two men in the window. Since when did Goemon say “y’all”?
“I’m not Goemon!”
Jigen and Lupin stared at each other, dumbfounded by the imposter’s confession. 
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Tried something new sims 4 Attempted to make Jigens sister in it ya know for my first time making a character let alone a OC in sims, im happy with how she turns out :D
Might try something new with these so stay tuned!
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sotwk · 1 year
Transformed (Gelir Thranduilion x femReader )
Fanfic Request from the @fellowshipofthefics's AU-gust Mashup Event
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Prompt: Gelir, son of Thranduil (SotWK OC) + Mythical creatures + “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Summary: A Mirkwood huntress is attacked by a mythical beast and begins a slow and gradual transformation into a monster herself. Prince Gelir helps her through the frightening ordeal by overseeing her care.
Requested by and Dedicated to: @laneynoir I am so thrilled (and relieved) that I was finally able to complete one of your requests! Thank you for being so patient with me, and for giving me a chance to finally write an insert starring one of my OC Thranduilions. (How self-indulgent and exciting!) Love you, darling!
Word count: 2.4k
Content: AU, werewolf lore, romance, angst, mild gore, hidden feelings, oblivious to love
Rating: T (Teens and up)
Warnings: Mild sensuality, mention of blood and mild horror/violence
To Read on AO3: Link
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Third Age 1554
Legends had people believing that werewolves could shift from human to lupine form within a matter of minutes at the strike of the full moon. But legends, merely stories passed down across generations by word of mouth, often got certain details wrong. 
As was the case with you. 
The long iron chains that connected the shackles around your wrists to the wall clinked softly as you raised your loosely bound hands to your face. You brushed your fingers over the coarse hair that covered your neck, its growth making the slow, tedious crawl upward to your jawline, where a soft fuzz had developed overnight. By tomorrow, you would likely wake with your cheeks entirely covered in fur…perhaps among other worse changes. 
Heightened senses had manifested first, long before the physical changes began to show, and so the distinctly heady scents of warm rain and spring grass identified your visitor before he ever stepped through the door. But there was also the fact that hardly anyone else had dared to step foot into the same room as you, ever since your condition was identified. Despite folklore attesting that the mysterious affliction could only be transmitted by a creature’s bite, all the other elves were behaving as though merely breathing in the same air would get them infected. 
You were grateful that Gelir had never behaved very much like all the others. Still, the carefree boldness you had always admired in him now worried you.
“You really must stop coming here,” you mumbled, just barely raising your gaze towards him. He was a Prince of Eryn Galen, yes, and the leader of your company besides. But you had known each other for far too long to put on pretenses with each other. "I could lose control of myself any moment now and hurt you."
"You could try to hurt me," he countered with a smirk. "You would not succeed." He folded his arms over his chest and ran his gaze all over you, his unfailingly keen eyes assessing the physical changes that had occurred since his last visit merely a few hours ago. 
You turned away in a futile attempt to escape his stare. Gelir meant well, and was the only one whose concern for you overrode any instinct for self-preservation, the latter of which he never possessed much of, anyway. But even in your weary sadness and pit of despair you were embarrassed about being seen like this, especially by him. Your childhood friend who had always sauntered around oblivious to how annoyingly, stupidly, breathtakingly handsome he was. 
"I am serious," you said sharply, vaguely conscious of the feral rush of anger in your gut, rising into what sounded like a rumbling snarl in your throat. "I will not be responsible for inflicting this curse on the King's son."
"If hurting me is your main concern when you are the one suffering through all this…" Gelir shook his head, his face suddenly and uncharacteristically somber. "Then you are still very much like yourself and I have nothing to worry about."
You sighed and slumped back down on the edge of the bed. King Thranduil had decided you would be kept comfortable in a palace room instead of the safer and more practical choice of a dungeon cell. The cells are for prisoners, he said sternly, and would abide no more of your protests. 
A month into the ordeal and they were still tending to you like a guest, changing your bed linens like clockwork, bringing you water and fresh towels to clean yourself with, dropping off three meals a day along with stacks of books and paper and quills to help you pass the time. 
“You have not eaten all day.” Gelir gestured at the untouched dinner tray on the low table. "Nor did you yesterday. Or the day before that."
“I feel no hunger.”
“You must eat,” he said firmly. “Whatever appeals to you, tell me and I will send for it."
"What point is there? Perhaps starving myself is the best and cleanest way to end this mess."
"The point is I will not have you losing hope while the rest of us hold fast. The healers have not ceased tearing into the creature's corpse for answers. Must I remind you that both Arvellas and my mother are leading the efforts to find a cure?"
Tears sprang to the corners of your eyes. Knowing the royal family was devoting their time to helping you really was what kept you going through the moments of despair and self-pity. But it was hard not to question what made you worthy of such attention, even though the King and Queen were well-known for regarding every subject in their kingdom as family. 
The subtle shift of the firm mattress under his weight drew your thoughts to the fact that he had sat down next to you. On impulse, you shrank away to take back the distance that safely separated you from the elf-prince.
Gelir frowned, and you immediately held up both your hands to remind him of how they had gruesomely mutated over the past week. When you first noticed your fingers begin to stiffen at the joints and curl inward to your palms, until it pained you to fully stretch them, that was the first time you broke down sobbing over your condition. The ugly hair that sprouted at unsightly places all over your body to suffocate your skin had bothered you much less. But your hands-- lithe and strong and skilled with bow and knife and craft--those were your treasures. Now they were malformed and good for nothing except perhaps wanton slaughter, the only possible use for the razor-sharp claws that still continued to grow out of each fingertip. 
"I dare not have you within reach of these, your Highness,” you whispered, steeling your face against the threat of another breakdown. “Please."
Unsurprisingly, Gelir defied your plea. He reached out, and before you could resist--yet did you even attempt to?--one of his strong hands closed around your wrist, and he guided the deformed monstrosity to rest against his open palm. You flinched as the points of the claws touched the prince’s skin. 
"I am no delicate flower," Gelir said loudly. He pushed one of the sharp tips into the flesh of his palm, where it found resistance as hard as stone: a warrior’s hand inherited from his great forebears and strengthened by centuries of  training and battle. "And I can protect myself, even from you, no matter what form you take."
The mere thought of attacking him sickened you, and brought your mind back to that dark cave where you had recklessly given chase to an already dying orc. You had been so focused on revenge, on seeking payment for what the filth had done to your comrade, that you did not detect the more dangerous beast lurking in the deep tunnel until it leapt out at you.
Your struggle with the creature lasted a mere few seconds before an arrowhead burst through its eye, forcing its jaws to release your bloodied forearm. Gelir’s enraged scream echoed dreadfully through the cave as he threw the monster off you and ended it with a single swing of his longknife, nearly cleaving its midsection in half. 
Those images sent a shiver down your entire body. You pulled your hands away to wrap your arms around yourself, and stood up to pace alongside the bed. After a moment of Gelir just sitting there quietly watching you wrestle your anxiety, you stopped to face him and blurt out: 
"And when I become too much of a threat, how will you deal with it then? Will you kill me too?"
“Do you feel an urge to attack me?” Gelir rose slowly, keen green eyes searching your face. “Right now, at this moment? Are you overcome by a desire to rip my throat out?”
You stared at him, so handsome and flawless and immaculate a figure, the dream of many an elf in the kingdom. Such beauty and light was so loathed by the Darkness, that any evil festering within you would surely rise to try and destroy him.
But as you stood within arm’s reach of your friend, close enough to inflict serious damage if violent impulses demand it, all you could feel was the same thing you had felt for him since the day he first made you laugh. When you thought you would never laugh again after the raiding orcs claimed your family’s lives. 
“No,” you finally mumbled. “Not at this moment.”  
“Until then, I forbid you from even imagining me harming a hair on your body.” He caught your gaze and smiled. “Even though you certainly have more of it now than you did before.”
Laughter rang clear from your mouth, and went on so heartily and for so long that it blurred your vision and emptied your lungs. By the time you regained your composure, you noticed that Gelir had remained oddly silent the whole time, and returned to staring at you.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because I need to.” He exhaled softly, as an archer might to reduce tension in their body before loosing an arrow. “To remind me of why I must speak up now, and delay no longer.” 
The softness with which Gelir spoke your name was so abruptly different from the more common noises of his boisterous shouting and laughter. As noticeably different as a midday summer blaze was from a dawn’s early rays. 
Suddenly you realized how badly your heart was racing, and how loud it must sound to his ears. 
"This ordeal has changed nothing in the way I view you. This… this accident…” The bitterness  of self-hate, a self-blame that you have repeatedly failed to talk him out of, cut through his words. “This threat to you, has only forced me to stare down a truth that I have ignored for too long. Before I do this, I wish to make that clear.”
Your speeding heart came to a sudden halt, as did the world around you. "Before you do what?"
The moment his hands cupped the sides of your face, his fingers threading into your hair, you were trapped. All hesitation, all fears and worries, extinguished like a wavering candle against a sudden gale as his mouth descended on yours. Valar, his lips were so soft. They moved tenderly against yours, confident in their conquest yet pleading for requital. 
And answer it you did. The wild joy and thrill and desire that had long been locked up in a cage of denial within you now broke free, and you kissed your Captain and Prince. You felt the slight tremble of his jaw and heard the faintest of moans from his throat as you deepened the kiss, tasting sweet mead from the sweep of his tongue. 
More. More. You craved more, and a fierce hunger for him exploded from your chest past your torn defenses. 
And suddenly you tasted blood.
With a wail of shock and despair, you withdrew and lurched away from Gelir, watching in horror as he touched the bleeding cut at the center of his lower lip, where you had bitten him.
“Eru what have I done?! I am so sorry, Gelir, I--”
“Stop. It’s all right…” He tried to say, but his calmness in the situation aggravated you. How could it be all right? How could you be so careless with the one you loved?! You tried to withdraw to a corner of the room, to get as far away from him as you could, but the limits of your iron shackles prevented it. 
“I swore I would not let this evil touch you and now I--” You could barely find your words, you were breathing so hard, so infuriated with yourself. 
“And I swore that I would never let anything happen to you,” Gelir cut in heatedly. “Even though it was a vow I made only to myself, I swore. Yet I failed, and this is how I choose to right that wrong.”
He called out to you repeatedly, your name like a hymn on his lips with the warm timbre of his singer’s voice, and it soothed you enough that you allowed him to come near, to take your hands in his again. "When I assured you that you would not face this alone, I meant it." 
"B-but the King… the Queen…" It broke you to think that you had failed them as well, after everything they had done for you your entire life. 
"...knew exactly what they were risking by permitting me to come here." He brushed the heel of his palm over your cheek, his thumb catching a stricken tear before it could fall. “They have known far longer than I have, longer than either of us, that my heart has been yours for years. Meleth nin…”
He placed your grotesque, beastly hand on his chest, and you marveled at the strong, steady beat of his heart underneath your misshapen fingers, which did not hurt nearly as much anymore.
“Whatever this disease or curse may be, it shall take neither of us, or both of us. But it will not take you from me.” 
On the other side of the chamber doors, out in the hall, Elvenqueen Maereth gave her lord husband’s arm a squeeze. “Let us allow them their privacy; they waited so long for this moment,” she whispered. “An hour perhaps, to sort through these revelations.”
Thranduil smiled wryly. “Nothing opens a fool’s blind heart like the terror of loss.” He reached out to wrap an arm around his own beloved. “You are overspent, Endanya. Take your rest. I will send Arvellas to deliver the news to them later.”
Knowing it was fruitless to argue, Maereth allowed her husband to lead her in the direction of their rooms. “Gelir will likely insist on us testing the cure on him first, but it will be more effectively done on her, with her symptoms being so much further along…”
“He will do as he is told,” said Thranduil flatly, giving an impatient shake of his head. “It should be enough to satisfy him that their fates are now surely tied.” He paused, revealing the smallest of cracks in his nonchalance. “Are there concerns of the process being dangerous or painful?”
“It will certainly not be easy. But she is strong,” Maereth said with a faint smile. “And they will be strong for each other.”
“But the cure will work.”
“It may take time, but I have faith it will.” The Queen laced her fingers through Thranduil’s, seeking the comfort she always found in his hands. “If we have learned nothing else these past centuries, aran nin, it is that the Darkness can never prevail against light such as this.”
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Claflin (Daisy Jones and The Six) as Prince Gelir Thranduilion
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Elves Tag list: @quickslvxrr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @scyllas-revenge @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @tamurilofrivendell @guardianofrivendell @asianbutnotjapanese @ratsys @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @lathalea @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @heranintomyknife23times @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @freshalmondpandadonut @beekieboo @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @talkdifferently6
For more of my stories, please see My Masterlist.
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asexxxualerotica · 16 days
OC Muse List
~RWBY Muses~
Stark Ryker: Rough punk student of Beacon Academy, and member of Team VALR. Was previously partner to Roman Torchwick and Neo, but was offered a deal by Ozpin after a job gone wrong. Also apparently Cinder's long-lost twin.
Fenris Silbern: Wolf faunus mercenary originally hailing from Atlas. High-ranking member of the White Fang hierarchy and long-time friend of Sienna Khan. Has an on-again-off-again relationship with Willow Schnee behind her husband's back.
Midnight "Madds" Maddison: Former student of Beacon Academy, now an established clothing designer for Huntsmen Outfitters. Shop located in Vale, often lends his expertise to students.
Sebastian Silke: Moth faunus former student of Beacon Academy, now a wealthy Dust magnate based out of Eastern Vacuo. Largest commercial rival to the SDC, and personal rival and enemy to Jacques. Possibly has been providing Dust to the White Fang?
Hozukimaru Wukong: Sun's distant father. Monkey faunus, and Combat Instructor at Shade Academy in Vacuo. Also was third founding member of the White Fang, and continues to support their actions and missions in secret.
Team CROS: An all-Faunus team of Huntsman students at Beacon Academy, currently in their fourth and final year of studies.
Caine Taurus: Team Leader of CROS and younger brother to Adam/Eve Taurus. Secretly infiltrated Beacon to recruit other Faunus to the White Fang's mission. Bull faunus.
Roman Westward: Caine's partner and teammate, hailing from Vacuo. Grew up on a ranch and has a history dealing with bandits and cattle rustlers. Horse faunus.
Orion Verte: Seven foot tall and seven foot wide beast of muscle and mass. Hails from Patch and was a childhood friend of Ruby and Yang before he moved. Bear faunus.
Sirius Silbern: Orion's partner, hailing from Atlas. Son of Fenris Silbern and Willow Schnee, raised by his father when it became clear he was a faunus. Wolf faunus.
The Zirconias: A powerful family of Grimmfolk who live at the northern-most point of Solitas, hidden by a perpetual blizzard.
Baelfieyr Zirconia: Commonly referred to as Baelz. The father and founder of the house, turned into a Grimm by the Brothers over 10,000 years ago. Also generally married to Pyrrha Nikos, among a few others who stumbled upon his hidden castle.
Zephyr Zirconia-Nikos: Baelz's firstborn and eldest son. Takes after his father closest out of all of his children, and has already been made aware will be taking over lordship once Baelz decides to move on.
Scarlet Zirconia-Nikos: Baelz's second-born and eldest daughter. A prodigy in magic and the first of his children to learn how to travel across the dimensions. Also has a great love of the arts.
Lupin Zirconia-Nikos: Baelz's third-born and last by Pyrrha. Woefully untalented in magic, but known for being extremely hard working and genuinely dangerous in hand-to-hand combat. Tends to wander, looking for a place to be useful.
Bast Zirconia-Belladonna: Baelz's first-born by Kali. Partially a cat faunus and notoriously lazy. Tends to sleep her days away, avoiding responsibilities, and sneaking away for lively night parties.
Shrike Zirconia-Branwen: Baelz's first-born by Raven. Known for being extremely shy as a child and nervous around people when she was younger. Now a bit more open, enjoys traveling to other dimensions and doing some sight-seeing and friend-making.
Krystal Zirconia-Schnee: Baelz's first-born by Weiss. Extremely gifted in both her mother's Glyphs and her father's Magic. Particularly mischievous, leading more people to the castle.
Cherrybomb Alistair: Shark Faunus daughter of Fox Alistair and Neopolitan in the not too distant future. Known for her spunky and cavalier attitude, and her attraction to older men—especially professors. Currently attending Beacon Academy.
Garnet Foxx: Fox faunus performer and porn star, very popular on the spicy porn site OnlyFauns. Attended lower-level Huntsman schools but never pursued a full Huntsman training. Based out of Vale.
Yukon Gold: Bison faunus hailing from central Vale, mostly a humble woodsman handling a diminishing logging business. Has an innate distrust of Huntsmen, and so deals with Grimm by himself.
Calypso Nightshade: The younger sister of Kali Belladonna. Known as Lady Nightshade, a popular lounge singer in Mistral. Also known for her sexual performances in White Fang associated hang outs.
Acai Nymphaea: Third year Haven student known for skipping classes and sneaking off campus for some extra fun. Would rather be doing anything other than learning to be a huntress.
Chandra Nocturne: The boss of the Midnight Crime family in Atlas. Keeps up the appearance of a beautiful and mysterious socialite and entrepreneur in social life while secretly controlling the city.
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saph-y · 5 months
Tagged by @dingoat♥ A while ago BUT today I have trouble getting to work grading some students so thank you for the procrastination instead xD
3 ships (did the first that came into my mind !)
Siv(my oc)/Archibald(selkys's oc) : Truly The Ship, at the core of the story I'm rp-ing with Selkys. They fought the plot AND tons of shit in-universe to be together. How to sumarize them... ha, picture an evil genius Sith Lord suddenly switching his whole reason of living from revenge to absolute devotion toward his fiery sunshine smol wife and you get and idea !
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Hazel(OC)/Sycamore (Pokemon) : Basically started because I wanted to explore a ship with Sycamore and Hazel was my only Pokemon OC at the time - I didn't even knew much about him except I liked his design and vibes immensely. I actually managed to write a deliciously complicated story around them and I really hope to explore more♥
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Willow(OC)/Grimsley(Pokemon) : Willow is my pokemas protag and in a game were you basically meet all pokemon trainers, I do have many ships with her and that is originally why she was created, just a character to be indulgent and explore different stuff. But Grimsley is my fav pairing for her because I imagined such a """fun""" (for me 8D) dynamic between them ! Two word : trust issues.
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First Ship
I can't really remember my first FIRST ship, but growing up I wasn't too much into romance stories I think. But I do vividly remember my first "holy shit you can do THAT??" when playing Mass Effect 2 for the first time and discovering you could romance Garrus. Thus, my first "active" ship was born (meaning I was actively searching/producing works around it) Guess I was a monsterfucker all along Thank you Bioware for expanding my imagination 🫶
Last Song
At this very moment I'm listening to Wild Child by The Black Keys (love vibing to this band.)
Currently Reading
Just started Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett and I'm delighted to be finally reunited with the idiots of the city watch♥ I waited for MONTHS to get to a proper library that had it...
Last Film
...Not sure ? A silly spy film I forgot the title I think ? ...If I can offer a serie instead, I'm currently watching Lupin the Third part 4 and 5 ! It's funny how every Lupin thing I watch feels like meeting with long time dear friends even tho it's not a universe I've been aware of for that long... is that weird ? xD But given how fanartists for this fandom influenced my artstyle for years before I even saw a single film (yep, do you understand some stuff about it now ? :p) it might be the reason !
Currently Craving
Hum... idk ? ...Maybe another coffee xD But that would not be a good idea and thus I must resist u_u
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natade-art · 1 year
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messing around with a style i could do commissions in maybe
ID: four circular icons, drawn in pencil and colored digitally, each with shading both in color and crosshatching, with a solid color background. First is Dizzy from Guilty Gear, second is Jigen from Lupin the Third, and the fourth are my OC’s Léon and Alice. end ID
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Drunk (Part four)
pairing: George Weasley + OC
word count: 2493
warnings: injuries, mentions miscarriage, affection, voldemort, the L word. I think that's it
Part five
Hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist
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When Juliette reached Grimmauld Place 12 with Neville she was immediately greeted with an old face. “Professor Lupin!” Neville exclaimed loudly.
He gave them both a soft smile and said “I’m not your Professor anymore Neville, call me Remus.” He then set his gaze on Juliette who was standing awkwardly beside them, her brain still unable to process the information; noticing that Remus added, “I suppose you have a lot of questions, let’s sit in the living room and I’ll answer what I can.”
They both followed their old professor to the living room and they sat on the couch and he sat in front of them. They sat in a uncomfortable silence -at least it was uncomfortable for Juliette- for a few seconds, then Remus clapped his hands and began “well first of all, Sirius Black is your Godfather while Neville’s godmother is Marlene McKinnon; The reason why Juliette was not taken with you neville is because during that time the ministry thought it was important to have juliette be raised with a proper family, and things were more tight with neville due to a certain prophecy made some time ago. The Lores had wanted a child, a female to be exact and after their miscarraige to a girl they made the rash decision of taking you Juliette.” His face kept turning from one of them to the other as he addressed each one of them in a part of the explanation.
“Secondly Juliette, Sirius is innocent, he didn’t do any of the things that the prophet or the ministry says he does; if you want to know the rest of the story you can go ask harry. Who is your Godbrother by the way. Sirius had a talk with Dumbledore and they agreed that you could stay here until Christmas break ends; since it is the First of December it will be less than two months.” They sat in silence for a few minutes, to give them enough time to process each word he said, knowing that Dumbledore doesn’t take in their feelings. “ I’m going to give you both sometime to take it all in and I’m going to go find Sirius.”
They were both left alone with their thoughts, then she processed the thought that the person sitting next to her is her real brother. She jumped on him and hugged him, Neville tensed and then wrapped his arms around her after a few seconds.
They heard an obnoxiously loud “AWWWW” and then an even louder frustrated “SHHHH”. They unwrapped their arms from around each other and looked at the source of the noises. They were greeted by an awestruck Sirius Black and an aggravated Remus Lupin looking at them. Juliette recognised her Godfather from the newspapers from her third year.
Sirius crossed the room, finding no reason for him to hide anymore since their embrace was finished; and hugged Juliette. She, like Neville, tensed at the gesture but did not return it. He let go of her and then cleared his throat and then said “probably too soon for that.”
“Sorry I'm not used to it.” She replied, feeling guilty.
“Oh, okay then.” He said shrugging his shoulders and then slide between them on the couch and slinged his arms around both of their shoulders and said, turning to Neville “you know kid, the only reason I wasn’t your godfather was because alice didn’t trust me with both of her children; as if McKinnon was better than me or something.” He let out a scoff at the send of his words.
Juliette let out a chuckle, now getting to understand the personality of this man. She was excited about how the rest of winter break was going to be. She then looked meekly at her godfather and said “can I stay here for the rest of the term?”
His face brightened at her words and she was sure that if he wasn’t sitting he would’ve jumped with joy. He replied “yeah, of course.” He then turned his face to Neville and added “not sure about you though.”
Neville then looked at the floor and said “I have to go back because classes and the DA, and my plants.”
“Yeah, Dumbledore thought you would say that, so he told me to tell you that you can come visit Juliette every Saturday until Break.” Sirius said, pulling his arms away from their shoulders and standing up from the couch. “Tell me when you’re going back to Hogwarts-” he then saw the look that Remus was giving him so he added “I’m going to leave you both now, do sibling stuff, but don’t kill each other; if necessary maim only.”
When he exited the room, Neville was the one to embrace Juliette this time and Juliette felt like she could cry but then she realised he might get freaked out or something. They stayed for a few hours talking, until he had to leave.
They bid each other farewell with probably their 100th hug, and then Juliette went to Sirius to talk to him.
»»————-  ————-««
It’s been 20 days since Juliette’s adoptive parents died and 20 days since George had seen her last. To say that he’s worried is an understatement, and he wasn’t the only one that was worried a specific bleach blonde Slytherin seems to be facing the same emotions.
Has no feelings for me, my ass; he thought. He’s looking at the Slytherin who has the same dark circles under his eyes that he has; and isn’t eating anything. George had been forced multiple times to eat by his siblings and multiple letters from his mother.
This event showed George that his feelings are in-fact as fucking obvious as the ferret’s feelings for her.
He couldn’t focus on his classes, not that he did in the first place; but not focusing is much more unpleasant than he anticipated when having a reason.
He knew that by that day that she had left Hogwarts, he had tried to go to her dorm several times and got no answer. He would try to send her a letter, but not knowing her address and not knowing where she would be without her parents prevents that action.
Even if he had sent a letter, he knows that whatever information he would’ve gotten wouldn’t have made him cheerier; once again looked at the bleached blonde ferret.
Tristan has gotten over the fact quickly he skipped one day of classes and then he came back as if nothing happened in the first place; and those were his actual birth parents that died.
He assumed that she would grieve their death, but he didn’t think that she would grieve their deaths for this long; and from the stories that he was told by her they had treated her like shit and that she couldn’t have possibly loved them.
George didn’t assume that he could be anymore worried that day, but he was proven wrong when his family and harry were all taken to Dumbledore’s office in the middle of the night; saying that his father was under attack from Voldemort’s fucking snake.
Ginny started crying and Fred had taken her into his arms, trying to appear strong for her; Ron on the other hand wasn’t doing much to appear strong for your younger sister thing. His eyes were watery and he seemed on the edge of bursting out crying just like Ginny.
George is about to have a panic attack or at least that’s what it felt like to him. His hands are placed in his pockets to prevent Ginny from seeing his shaking hands; he tried to think positively, but the lack of sleep and the amount of worry prevented him from doing so.
They were all sent to Grimmauld Place 12 while his mother went to St. Mungo’s. It was the middle of the night, but Sirius greeted them with hope.
George tried to talk to Harry to question him about his father but he seemed to snap at him every time he tried. They were all standing in the hallway that was right beside the staircase and in front of the kitchen, where all the order’s meetings were made.
Once they reached the living room after the kitchen, George sat on the couch head back trying to calm down his nerves; while Ron held Ginny trying to calm her down and Fred was blaming Sirius for not helping their father saying “ I don’t see you risking your neck-”
George resisted the urge to punch his brother from stupidity, Sirius was wanted in the ministry, of course he wasn’t going to go to the ministry to help their father. George blocked out the rest of their conversation until they heard a voice that made them all quiet down.
“What the FUCK, is all this noise for?” Juliette said, entering the room. She was wearing a red silk night gown that reached her thighs and her hair down, slightly messy. -from sleeping he assumed- George felt relief rush through his entire body, and he jumped off the couch and hurried to her. Before he tightly wrapped his arms around her, he heard a soft, surprised “George?”
He tightened his arms around her and for a few seconds he forgot everything that's wrong at this moment in his life, feeling relieved by the familiar smell of Lavender, almonds, and coconut.
“Are you okay? What happened?” He asked her to unwrap his arms from her torso and lift them to cup her face in his hands. He could see a blush decorating her cheeks when she lifted her hands to hold his hands on her face and say, “Nevermind me, what happened to you guys?”
The few seconds of comfort were demolished by the question, remembering that his father might very well be dying, or maybe even dead right now. He moved away from her, his hands falling and sat back down on the couch; his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands as he let out an exhale.
He could hear Sirius whispering to whom he thought was Juliette and then he heard Juliette let out a small ‘oh.’
He felt the couch dip from beside him and two small arms wrap around his torso, lifting his head and he saw her hugging him. She leaned closer to his ears and she whispered “you should sleep, you look really tired.”
He cracked a small smile and looked at her “that’s because I am tired it’s two in the morning.” She gave him a small sympathetic smile and then laid his head on her lap, she gave him a kiss on his forehead that made his heart skip several beats.
“Sleep George, I’ll wake you if anything happens.”
Her words were the last thing he heard before he fell into the deepest sleep he’s had in eighteen days, with her hands in his hairs and the butterflies in his stomach; he fell asleep with the girl he loves. Leaving him to deal with his problems the next day. His last thought was:
Shit, I think I love her.
I really hope he can’t hear how hard my heart is beating, Juliette thinks as she continues to play with a sleeping George’s hair. After about an hour, Mrs. Weasley sends a letter about Mr. Weasley’s health; and even though Juliette doesn’t want to, she has to wake George up. She promised to wake him up if they receive any news. She slowly takes out her hand from his hair and leans in closer to his ear and starts saying his name in whispers.
“George, wake up.”
“George, We got a letter from Mrs. Weasley.”
He started shuffling around slightly, and his eyes slowly fluttered open. A cute smile graced his features when his eyes fully opened, She felt butterflies. A smile took over her own features, and she said in a soft voice “we got a letter from Mrs. Weasley.”
As if he remembered the situation they were in, and the smile left his face and so did her’s. He lifted his head from her lap, but still took her hand in his; as Sirius started to read the letter. She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze hoping that he’d know that she was there for him.
She had spent the past sixteen days, spending more time with Sirius, Remus, and Neville. She would lose in chess with Remus, but beat Sirius in an exploding snap game; and Neville came from Hogwarts six times to spend time with her. He told her if she wanted to come visit their parents in St. Mungo’s at Christmas with him, and she agreed; even though she was actually terrified of their Gran from what Neville told her.
She saw Harry head up the stairs, as soon as Sirius finished reading the letter. She turned to George and said “I have to go, I’ll come back” He looked at her and nodded, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
She hurried up the stairs after Harry, and saw her room’s door open. She entered and saw Harry panicking on the floor, his head resting on the wall. She rushed beside him and placed a calming hand on his shoulder, he started crying and saying “what’s wrong with me?”
“Nothings wrong with you Harry, you saved Mr. Weasley’s life from what I heard from Sirius. You need to stop blaming yourself.” She replied, she heard him start sniffling and slowly calming down.
After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Harry scanned the room with his eyes and said with a confused look on his face “who’s room is this?”
Juliette let out a small chuckle and said with her hand slightly raised up “mine.”
Harry looked at her quizzically “since when?”
“Since Sirius decided it was about two weeks ago.”
Harry looked at her even more confused, “you’re staying here?”
“Well of course godbrother, where else am I supposed to go?” She replied and asked with a smile.
His eyes widened slightly, and he looked at her skeptically. “Godbrother?”
“Yeah well Sirius is also my godfather too, so you’re kinda like my godbrother.” She said, shrugging her shoulders and lifting herself up from the floor. She held out a hand to him and he accepted it.
“I’m sorry about your parents by the way.” He said sympathetically.
She lifted her right hand in front of her and waved a dismissing motion and said “don’t be I’m adopted, turns out Neville’s my brother.” He raised an eyebrow. She replied saying, “You can just ask Sirius.”
They headed down the stairs and Juliette sat beside George once again, intertwining their fingers as Harry sat next to George on the other side.
George rested his head on her shoulder and kept a firm grip on her hand, as they all waited for Mrs. Weasley to return from St. Mungo’s.
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Taming ofthe Shrew
Snippet of something I tried to write years ago that never went anywhere. Remus Lupin X OC, Sirius Black scheming, nerdy flirting. kink if you squint
1.2k words
"Juuuniiiii" I could hear Sirius whine from the row behind, stage whispering to get my attention. Merlin, I just want to get this question done, can't he let me be for one goddamn moment. " I know you can hear me" Sirius shifts in his seat to lean closer "I need help with the muggle studies essay meet me in the Gryffindor common room?"
"Aye no, I need to run through new plays with my team" trying to focus on the work in front of me.
"tomorrow?" He looks at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes. Sirius doesn't ask for help, he's up to something.
I hesitate "Fine." What is that boy up to? I didnae think he studied, on a Friday night no less!
If I get one more look from one of these bloody Gryffindors I'm leaving, he's fecking late, I guess I'll help him some other time. I turn back to my book, try and ignore the gits walking by and gaggle of Third years giggling coming up with reasons I'm sat in their common room.
The amount of people in the common room dwindles, it's getting dark out where the bloody hell is he?
"Juniper!" merlins beard gimme a heart attack why don't you! Remus was stood at the bottom of the stairs looking equally surprised by my presence.
"Hullo, Remus" I swear this boy is getting taller.
"hi...sorry um not to sound rude but what are you doing here?" he stumbles over his words, how precious "I-just mean, 'cause you're a Hufflepuff ya'know?
"oh aye thank you for noticing, no I'm meant to be helping Sirius with Muggle Studies" meant to be.
"Oh, well he actually asked me to help him with the potions essay hence" Lifting the books and parchment in his hands.
"Funny. He's not in your dorm I take it?" Remus shakes his head, merlin those curls are bouncy. "well I'll just have to wait here to tell 'im off then" turning back to my book.
"Do you like him?" What? He quickly clarifies "Shakespeare I mean, well his work," he says clearing his throat.
"oh aye this one's my favourite 'taming of the shrew', bit problematic but it has some good scenes ." I wonder if he's read it. "I have to admit it's always better performed," I turn back to the page I was on and murmur "s'not meant to be read."
"What part are you on?"
"where Kate and Petruchio meet for the first time." I smile, hoping he knows why. It can be a hilarious scene if it's done right. He nods and I go back to my book, play? script, no um-.
"Good morrow, Kate for that's your name, I hear." Hmm, he knows the first line, okay let's see how much boy wonder remembers.
"Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing. They call me Katherine that do talk of me." I attempt to put on the character, probably a good thing I didn't decide to be an actor as a bairn.
"Liar." I feel myself getting warm as he looks at me, eyes boring into me" for you are called plain Kate, and bonnie Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst, but Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate, For dainties are all Kate and therefore," he pauses slowing himself "Kate. Take this of me, Kate of my consolation: Hearing thy mildness praised in every town, thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded, yet not so deeply as to thee belongs. I am moved to woo thee for my wife."
Shite okay, pretty boy. I get up from my seat to stand in front of him just to be sure he cannae read my book.
"'Moved,' in good time. Let him that moved you hither, remove you hence." I feel myself smile a little as I watch him think over his next lines, "I knew at first you were a moveable."
"Why, what's a moveable?" He asks already knowing the answer.
"A joint stool."
"You're right, actually." his confidence falters as he hesitates on the rest o' the line "Come, sit on me."
I didnae think he was actually going to continue, well, I'm gonna have some fun with this one. I decide to do it and sit in his lap. Good lord, does he always smell like this? what is that, chocolate? line, what's the line. "Asses are made to bear, and so are you." I read attempting to regain my stubborn kate-like demeanour.
"Women are made to bear, and so are you," he says lightly patting my stomach. that smug mother fecker.
"Not by the likes of you!" I get up in an attempt to seem angry and not at all flustered.
Mockingly "Oh heavens, Kate, I wouldn't think of burdening you. I know how light and carefree you are." my he's really gotten into character, who knew.
"Too light for such a swain as you to catch, and yet as heavy as my weight should be." ooh we're getting to the fun bit, I wonder if he'll-
"' Should be'—should buzz!" he gets up off the lounge.
"Well like a buzzard, Buzz off!" he continues to move closer.
"If I'm a buzzard, you're a turtledove." He winks! what's this boy trying to do to me."Come, my little wasp, you're too angry."
Hmph well " If I be waspish, best beware my sting." I step toward him in an attempt to regain my composure. bad Idea.
"My remedy is then to pluck it out." he says, has his teeth always been this nice? Gods I wish I could wipe that stupid, smug look off his stupid face.
"Oh aye, if the fool could find it" I wonder how far he's going to take it, he clearly knows the play well.
"Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? In his tail." he's bloody close, merlin's beard.
"In his tongue." keep it cool, it is just a boy, wow he has so many little scars you wouldnae see until you get this close, they're faded, old.
"Whose tongue?" oh um-.
"Yours, if you talk of tales. And so farewell." I move back toward my things picking them up off the couch.
"What, with my tongue in your tail?"He's stood directly behind Merlin oh mighty "Nay, come again, Good Kate. I am a gentleman." oh my lord his hand slides down my waist, I smack it away before he moves any lower trying to stay in character.
"A gentleman? that I'll try!" whipping around to face him. Bloody hell he's staring into my soul I swear, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer.
"I swear I'll cuff you if you strike again." Holy shit who are you and what have you done with boy wonder. No stop we're friends, but that cuffing thing dinnae sound so bad. oh crap, he's looking at me. you know kissing him wouldnae be a bad idea right now. If I just leaned forward a bit-
"Nice one James!" oh shite,
Remus and I quickly sort ourselves. Like nothing happened, hm."Oi, what happened to muggle studies hmm? what happened to 'oh please I'm failing I need your help' 'it has to be Friday night'?" I turn my attention to Sirius.
"I forgot?" of fucking course, I collect my stuff and proceed to walk toward the portrait hole.
"wait!" Remus stumbles over pulling on his robes "I'll walk you back if we get caught this late I can say I caught you out during rounds and am escorting you back."
"oh yeah, Mr prefect" I forgot about that." you hoping for head boy next year?"
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kordeliiius · 8 months
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More OC stuff, this time focusing on Nova and their band during the "prologue." Descriptions and thoughts and stuff under the cut!
Color variations for the outfit Nova wears during their first lead performance! They bring a particularly unique energy to a diverse group that started out primarily doing jazz; Kagura is something they learned growing up (or sumn like it) and incorporated some motifs into the performance. The ribbon colors in the first two are like the real thing, while the third is more Nowhere-specific. Will see if this idea remains viable in the future
First concepts of the band's founders/lead singers at the time of the prologue; their names are Sola and Lupin. Starting out, I at least wanted to make the leaders black, seeing as they're where jazz came from, and as such Sola is coded African-American. I considered making all of them black with each member having different roots from around the world, but would it be fair to cram them all into one group? Regardless, Lupin is coded Aeta and Nova might be mixed. I'll mess with their designs a bit more before deciding for certain. Also I recently had the idea of making Sola someone else with ancient lineage, making her taller than the rest.
The kid with the long hair is Mars, she's a skilled pianist who also helps out backstage a lot. She's an amiable and talkative kid who befriends Nova pretty quickly after they're first roped in. She's also Sola's daughter, which I guess would make Lupin her stepfather?? i'll think about it
The way I'd describe Nova gender-wise is transfem nb teetering a fine line between tomboy and femboy, while Mars is genderfluid but generally fem-leaning. Nova had probably already been questioning herself at this point, while Mars hadn't started until meeting different kinds of people, and they find opportunities to talk about it when they're alone together. I'm aiming to strike a huge visual contrast between the before and after
One other thing about the band that's not really alluded to in these images is that they're not actually from Metronome. They're kind of meant to represent what life is like outside the controlling city environment, and provide a feeling of hope to the people they meet. (At the same time they've evaded the Nowhere's jaws of despair time and time again, and it's never been easy.) As such, they probably have to have special permission to enter the city, but once they play their first gig at a somewhat dive-y place, word spreads FAST. They make the rounds again during the main story, but had to jump thru more hoops than last time,, they might even get caught in the crossfires of destruction towards the end
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
Harry Potter OC Masterlist ( L-Z )
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Name: Laurel Prewett
Story: Wilted Rose
Series: Garden Song
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Kennedy McMann
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Name: Lianne Slughorn
Story: Still Waters
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Ashley Liao & Natasha Liu Bordizzo
Love Interest: Ernie Macmillan
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Name: Lucinda Bones
Story: Bones’ Gambit
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Leah Jeffries & Savannah Lee Smith
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Name: Lyarra Vance
Story: Evergreen
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: McKenna Grace & Anya Taylor-Joy
Love Interest: Rolf Scamander
It wasn’t unusual that no one knew who Lyarra Vance’s father was. She was born during a war; when communication was closely guarded and only necessary information was shared, when those who weren’t committed sought comfort with whomever may have been sharing their safe house for the night.  A one night stand was hardly worth alerting the Order about, even when Emmeline found herself pregnant.  She simply, quietly, withdrew from field duty and took to managing communications and information, giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, and never even told Peter that the child was his. And really, Lyarra never needed to know the gruesome truth about what happened to him.  She knew that her father died in the war, that she had his nose, that he hadn’t known her mom was pregnant, and that Emmeline had no regrets.  But when she starts Hogwarts, she finds herself falling deeper and deeper into a web of mysteries, and the truth about her father is only the tip of an iceberg that threatens to send the Wizarding World back to war.
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Name: Lysithea Selwyn
Story: Edge Of Dawn
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Fred Weasley
Lysithea Selwyn could remember a time before the visions.  They hadn’t started until the summer after her first year of Hogwarts, nightmares of girls with her face all meeting violent deaths.  Waking up screaming every night, feeling the echoes of their deaths in her bones, she knew that they couldn’t be mere nightmares.  But it isn’t until her third year, until her first class with Professor Lupin, that she gets her first hint at the bigger picture: she isn’t the first girl to wear this face.
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Name: Maia Lupin
Story: Blood Moon
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Meg Donnelly
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Name: Malea Selwyn
Story: War Of Hearts
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Josephine Langford & Margot Robbie
Love Interest: Regulus Black
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Name: Maretta Longbottom
Story: Hours Before Morning
House: TBD
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Odeya Rush
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Name: Maristela Carrillo
Story: Faithless Love
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Rachel Zegler
Love Interest: Blaise Zabini & Theodore Nott
Maristella had her entire life figured out. The perfect Slytherin princess, ambitious and calculating and willing to do anything to get what she wanted, and she knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted everything. Top grades, a ministry career, the perfect, successful life, and she was going to get it all. And if that meant dating both Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini until one of them finally admitted that their fourth year joke had gotten out of hand, then she would not be the one to break first. No matter where it took her.
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Name: Mavis Bardot
Story: Sparks Fly
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Hannah Dodd
Love Interest: Lavender Brown
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Name: Meissa Black
Story: Alchemical
Series: Family Jewels
House: TBD
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Avi Lake & Thomasin McKenzie
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Name: Miranda Granger
Story: Tragedy Tonight
House: Gryffindor?
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Malina Weissman & Emilia Jones
Love Interest: Harry Potter
 All Miranda Granger had ever wanted was to be special.  Sure she was a genius, but Hermione still beat her at every test, at every… well, at everything.  Until one day, while trying to reach the top shelf in the library, she found herself floating.  And for an entire glorious, secret, month, she was special.  Until Hermione showed the same abilities and it was back to second place for Miranda.  And when they both got invited to Hogwarts, she resigned herself to another seven years in her sister’s shadow.  Until, on the Hogwarts Express, they find a compartment with two boys and a rat and, for the first time in eleven years, Miranda sees the opportunity to be something more than Hermione Granger’s lesser half
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Name: Nineve Weasley
Story: Reckoning
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Sadie Sink & Kat McNamara
Love Interest: Draco Malfoy; Harry Potter
Weasleys were Gryffindors through and through.  Gryffindor parents who married Gryffindor spouses and had Gryffindor children, generation after generation, on and on forever.  So when Ron and Nineve board the Hogwarts Express in their first year, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that another two Gryffindors are on the way, especially after they befriend none other than The Boy Who Lived himself.   But Nineve has never quite fit in with the rest of her family, has always felt like something was wrong with her.  When the hat shouts “Slytherin!” barely a moment after touching her head, she finally understands why.  Weasleys are Gryffindors, and Nineve is a Slytherin, and nobody quite knows what that means.
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Name: Pandora Black
Story: Danse Macabre
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Olivia Cooke
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Pandora Black has always known what was expected of her.  She would go to Hogwarts with her brothers, carry on the Slytherin legacy that the Black Family was so proud of, meet a suitably pureblood man to marry, and take the Dark Mark as soon as she was old enough. Much like her older brother, Pandora has never been good at doing what she’s told, and the war gives her teenage rebellion a life of its own as she finds herself forced to choose between family loyalty and what she believes in.
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Name: Phoenix Dumbledore
Story: Dwell On Dreams
House: Beauxbatons; Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Anna Cathcart & Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Fred Weasley
Phoenix Dumbledore knew why she hadn’t been sent to Hogwarts; knew that her Great Uncle Albus wanted nothing to do with her; with Aberforth’s orphaned granddaughter.  But when the Triwizard Tournament roles around and Madame Maxime insists on bringing the prodigal witch as part of her delegation, Phoenix knows that she can’t hide from her legacy any longer.
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Name: Rosalind Greengrass
Story: Songbird
Series: Lament
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauder’s Era
Face Claim: Florence Pugh
Love Interest: Regulus Black
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Name: Sadie Bishop
Story: The Ending Is The Same
Era: Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them
Face Claim:  Blake Lively
After the tragic and unexpected death of her husband and child, Sadie Bishop withdrew from both the magical and no-mag societies. She went back to her maiden name and slowly started to reenter the world, but promised herself that she wouldn’t get involved again; that she would keep her distance. The only exception was her best friend of twenty years, Percival Graves. And she could have kept it that way, she really could have, until a British wizard showed up in New York and she heard Percival introduce her with her married name, the name he knew she hadn’t used since the day she buried her husband.
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Name: Sunny Cavanagh
Story: Linger
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Haley Lu Richardson
Love Interest: Ron Weasley
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Name: Tabitha Scamander
Story: Chasing Twisters
Series: Chasing Storms
House: Gryffindor
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Giorgia Whigham & Teresa Palmer
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Name: Talia Lovegood
Story: Fortune Favours
House: Gryffindor
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Kathryn Newton
Love Interest: Oliver Wood
Before she died, Pandora Lovegood had promised her daughters that Hogwarts would be the best time of their lives.  It’s that very promise that gets Talia on the train, despite her fears about leaving her little sister behind, that gets her through her first few lonely nights in Gryffindor Tower, and that eventually guides her to the best friends she’s ever had.  For a few years, her mother’s promise stays true, as Talia's days are filled with laughter, pranks, quidditch, and friendship. But when, in Luna’s first year, students start getting petrified and messages are painted onto walls in blood, she worries that the best may be behind her, as she sees war looming just beyond the horizon.
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Name: Venus Malfoy
Story: Writing On The Walls
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Kiernan Shipka & Jenny Boyd
Love Interest: Cedric Diggory; Harry Potter
Venus Malfoy’s life had always been planned out for her.  She was a Malfoy; the Malfoy Princess; and she had to do what she was told.  She would go to Hogwarts, carry on the Slytherin Legacy of both of her parents’ families, and then marry a suitably well-bred man of her father’s choosing.  But when whispers start to rise about the Voldemort’s return, Venus has to make a choice: to do what’s right, or what’s expected of her.
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Name: Verona Rosier
Story: Violent Delights
Series: Invictus
House: Gryffindor
Era: Marauders Era
Face Claim: Millie Bobby Brown & Zoey Deutch & Natalie Portman
Love Interest: Sirius Black; Regulus Black; Feliks Volkov
Verona Rosier had her entire life planned out from the day she was born.  Just like her brothers, she would carry on the family legacy and be sorted into Slytherin, she would maintain perfect grades, and, when the time came, she would marry Sirius Black, just as her father decreed.  She would produce perfect pureblood heirs and be the perfect pureblood wife.  Every moment was meticulously planned out, and Verona had accepted that — but when the Sorting Ceremony comes, and the Hat, barely even touching her head, shouts “Gryffindor!” her perfectly planned life shatters in an instant.
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Name: Violetta Greengrass
Story: Angel On Fire
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Emma Myers & Natalie Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Draco Malfoy
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Name: Zaria Selwyn
Story: War Of Hearts
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Sydney Sweeney & Samara Weaving
Love Interest: Rabastian Lestrange
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oseathepebble · 1 year
🌋 Damian and Adrian in their camping gear?
OC Outfit Doodle Asks
Oh you don't know hard it was to not put Damien in a suit for shits and giggles
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Anyways this is what Damien and Adrian wear when it's their turn for the Camp Vargas event!
Possible Marwood twins Camp Vargas cards coming soon??? (It's a big maybe)
Design Notes:
Adrian has a hair clip and Damien has that little ribbon thingy around his neck as a reference to Anastasia's hair clip and Drizella's hair ribbon
Damien puts his ring on a necklace so he can still have it with him without wearing it on his finger
Adrian wears his brooch on his jacket
Adrian's outfit (mostly the shorts and bag) is partly inspired by Laetitia's outfit in Lupin the Third: The First
The flowers on Adrian's jacket pocket are a reference to the flowers Anastasia and the Baker in Cinderella II try to give each other
The feather on Damien's jacket pocket is a reference to the feather Drizella and Anastasia wear with the ball gowns when attending the Prince's ball
The word "nightingale" above Damien's jacket pocket is a reference to the song Drizella sings in the Cinderella movie "Sing Sweet Nightingale"
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fensherohair · 1 year
The Marauders & The Metamorphmagus Part 6
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Words: 1.5k Warning: None (Unless you count pranks) Pairings: Sirius Black/Reader (Eventual), Lily Evans/James Potter (eventual), Remus Lupin/Marlene Mckinnon (eventually) Pronouns: She/Her Contains: OC characters.
The start of the third year had started out like any other. The train ride to Hogwarts had been filled with friends catching up and talking about their adventures over the summer holidays, speaking of things that weren't written about in letters. First-year students hopelessly tried to navigate the tight halls of the train cars to find an empty compartment to sit in and mind their own business. Marlene had all but dragged her little brother with her, doing as she promised and keeping an eye on him. The eleven-year-old was quiet, sitting near the window, only speaking up when pulled into the conversation or asked a question. 
He seemed to perk up a little bit when Sirius entered the already crowded compartment, Regulus following along behind. It was obvious the pair were brothers, both having the same silvery blue eyes and dark curly hair. Both had that mystique about them. Almost instantly Sirius was dragged into a conversation by Allegra, the teenager hoping this would be different this year, although she still had her mind set on becoming a powerful witch, and she had yet to make up for what she'd done to Marlene the year prior. 
Regulus on the other hand had quickly found common ground with (Y/N) of all people, something that seemed to coax the younger Black out of his shell. Marlene's brother Mason, seemed to be brought out of his nervous shell by Isolde and Lily, both asking questions and doing their best to learn about him, if only so he knew if he had a problem he could go to them. Much like (Y/N) seemed to be doing for Regulus. 
"You're drooling" whispered Remus from next to Sirius. The latter had been watching (Y/N) for some time, to the point he'd zone out of the debate going on between Peter and James. 
"He's staring let alone drooling" commented Marlene with a giggle, although she didn't tease him any further. 
"Not staring, gazing" commented Sirius. 
"You were staring" replied Remus, continuing to tease one of his best friends, noticing Allegra had gone quiet now, instead seemingly observing the interactions around the small compartment as if she silently questioned if she truly belonged among them, silently questioning if she planned to be with them for the foreseeable future, or if she could get what she truly desired from the group huddled together. 
"Take a picture, Sirius, it will last longer" voiced (Y/N), a chuckle escaping her after a few seconds of trying to keep a straight face. 
"And it's less dangerous. Won't blow anything up" spoke James, seeing the way (Y/N) cocked an eyebrow as if James had given her an idea. 
"We'll see" she simply responded, a mischievous undertone to her voice. One that ticked Regulus, sat beside her. Soon enough (Y/N)'s hair began to change, something that appeared to intrigue both Regulus and Mason. 
"I'm afraid to ask what that meant" squeaked Peter, as if he was afraid a simple photo of (Y/N) would snap and crackle like the exploding snap cards, or she would put the potion she made the previous year to good use and cause another blast. 
"If you do turn a photo in an explosive device, please do give a kind heads up, so we can get to a safe distance" laughed Isolde, speaking up for the first time, while motioning to Lily, Marlene, and herself. "Might I suggest trying it out on a few miscellaneous items first" commented the muggle-born, throwing a helpful suggestion into the mix. 
"That's not helping" called James, especially when he recalled all the boogy traps from the year prior. Everything from sinkholes to the firepowder in books. On top of that (Y/N) had mastered some difficult spells and caused havoc on the Quidditch pitch. The prank war had served to entertain the school and sway Peeves to (Y/N) side. 
"So the stories are true?" spoke Regulus, his words nonchalant as if he hadn't meant to speak them aloud. Nonetheless, Sirius' cheeks began to heat up, as it became knowledge he had spoken of (Y/N) while at home. "Sirius talks about the mischief and chaos all the time, almost like he's a fan" added the youngest Black, a grin appearing on his features, as Sirius attempted to hide by the magazine Isolde had previously been flicking through. Attempting to hide his reddened cheeks. 
"Sirius and (Y/N) sitting in a tree" started James, as if to add to the embarrassment. Refusing to stop even when Remus kicked his shins and Sirius all but glared at him, in an attempt to will his best friend to shut up. 
"Come on mate, shut up before you make it rain more than Allegra did last year with her singing" exclaimed Sirius, not hearing Allegra huff in annoyance at the comment, a comment she took as an insult almost immediately. 
"K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes love ..." continued James as if he had not heard a single word anyone had spoken to dissuade him otherwise. "Then comes marriage" 
"(Y/N), What was the potion you put in James' drink earlier?" casually asked Lily, almost instantly the singing stopped and the deafening silence took its place. 
"Essence of Insanity" replied (Y/N), as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Makes the drinker suspicious of everything, until they think they're losing their marbles" she explained, winking to Regulus, as if cluing him into the joke, Marlene whispering to her little brother, doing the same. 
"That's a terrible joke" squeaked Peter, not catching on to the joke and becoming suspicious of his own bottle of water from the treat trolly. Eying it carefully, as if expecting it to suddenly begin to glow and change color. Remus could only chuckle when James all but jumped up and pressed his face to the window, the rain and thick clouds preventing him from seeing much. The moment James left the compartment to look out the other windows, Peter followed as if to try and talk some sense into him. 
"What was it really?" asked Remus, looking between the girls, quickly suspecting Allegra had nothing to do with the joke at hand. 
"Pumpkin juice" replied (Y/N) with a sly grin and amusement ringing through her voice. 
"Cleaver" commented Sirius. "If he's calmed down by the time we're sent to our dorms, we'll tell him the truth then" he laughed, watching as James ran past the compartment, followed by Peter seconds later who acted as if he too had been spiked with pumpkin juice. 
"Wasn't there a singing potion in Allegra's one" commented Lily, looking to Isolde this time, recalling the younger Smith twin was attempting to brew the simple potion before the holiday. Her reasoning was simple, if Allegra was going to instant of tormenting everyone with her singing, then the potion was needed, to ensure the singing was in tune and did not sound like a hippogriff was being strangled. 
Almost instantly Allegra looked at her drink, before standing opening the small window and tossing her drink from it, before eyeing the empty plastic cup with more suspicion. James by now was saying the windows weren't letting him see anything, much to the confusion of other students. 
"Better get changed, we'll be arriving soon" commented Marlene, sweeping her little brother out of the compartment and offering to take Regulus as well. On the way to the toilet in the car, she grabbed hold of James, sending him back to their small compartment while resisting the urge to slap him silly. A small chuckle escaped her as he regained some of his lost senses. 
"Is it normally like that with your friends?" asked Mason, curiosity ringing through his voice. He could recall Marlene mentioning a prank war of sorts, with (Y/N) being one of the participants, but he couldn't remember the things she'd said that happened. Regulus too had heard of the prank war, but more Sirius's going super fan mode, even now it was becoming increasingly obvious, that his older brother had a crush on the only girl involved in the pranks and mischief. 
"From what I heard, that's a calmer one. Sirius mentioned something about a powder in books and an explosive potion" voiced Regulus, a small smile forming on his lips, as he waited beside Marlene, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket. 
"Firepowder, harmless and hidden in books, both James and Sirius found it among countless others" replied Marlene. "The potion was just an experiment (Y/N) was doing to occupy herself. To say it made a bit of a mess was an understatement. She ended up in the hospital wing for a few days after that" she admitted, although when she thought about it, most of (Y/N)"s chaos had come from the spells she used. "The Patronus charm caused the most havoc. Scared everyone in the common room, including herself" laughed Marlene, recalling (Y/N) had fallen off the back of the sofa. 
"Suddenly, I'm curious what she'll get up to this year" commented Regulus as he entered the bathroom, when Mason came out clad in his black Hogwarts robes, robes that would soon be representing the house they were sorted into. Although Regulus found himself in a bit of a dilemma now. He'd always wanted to be in Slytherin, as most members of his family had been before him. But now he found himself with a wish to follow in Sirius' footsteps and be in Gryffindor. 
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fantomette22 · 4 months
bloodborne asks : 1, 11, 19 (besides Gehrman), 30, 50 !!
Ask game from here.
Favorite boss fight
Hm good question as well XD (I'm bad at choice I love many bosses!) But my favorite is of course Lady Maria. As in the boss fight. I need to redo her for sure but I always very enjoy the most fight. It's like a dance I love it! it's hard but not too hard as well. It's impressive, frightening and beautiful all at once.
11. If stats weren't a thing, what would you wear?
Well except when I need to go in the poison swamp or fight the winter lanterns, fight a very strong boss or try a new outfit just for the drip or references I do stay all the time with the same clothes.
That mean this : +the hat
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very gender I know I love it. Wish it was real I would buy it x)
19. Favorite Old Hunter?
Besides Gehrman? Well Lady Maria obliviously duh.
😂 Ok i am joking let's not count her either. And let's not take Ludwig into account too. Well this 3 gone I would say hm Archibald and Izzy perhaps? Gratia as well. (80% of the shit I made about them are basically headcanons but it's not like 98% of the stuff I made up for Paarl jfeznfbf) + I really like Valtr, Henryk & co of course! (a bit everyone lol). But if we count like the nightmare hunters from that era my fav is literally an OC who became the beast possess soul 😭
30. Is there anything you always do in your playthroughs, even if it's not necessary to beat the game?
Hm get at least 3 Umbilical cord at least XD. and do all the bosses + try to have all the set & weapons! (items, runes etc Well the expensive weapons & outfits not all the time for sure.)
50. Tell me about your hunters!
Well I have Lucen Venator of course! (hunter on the pic above!) And I made a 2nd one for a new playthrough, I think I named her Claire bc I didn't want just a feminized version of Lucen's name lol but she's an equivalent of him for sure. One day I would need to make a third hunters for sure.
I made a couple of posts about Lucen & art + my friends did amazing drawings of him 🥺 (from Katy, Chess, Crow & Odds)
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(He looks way too much like me smt help. I need to change my icon to the small chibi one day)
SO hm what can I say... ah yeah let's go with the oblivious for me :
In my main headcanon (fic verse) He was born the night MP was summon, but far from Yharnam.
His parents came from Yharnam but flew the city
He's related to Cainhurst a bit. (His mom (Louise) & uncle are from a servant family). The amount of her stress this poor woman had to go through during her pregnancy was quite insane too.
He have an uncle (Lupin) who still live in Yharnam, an old hunter that he don't have news off since some times.
His grandpa on his father side (Blaine/Blair) was an old hunter as well, he's an old friend of Gehrman.
Gehrman literally babysit Lucen's dad (Emil) when he was a baby and save him from being crucified decades later.
Somehow Bloody Crow (Voron) was around when he was born lol. Before he return to Yharnam. Do what you want with all those crazy infos.
Either he became the next crow hunter or baby squid great one.
On my first playthrough I choose "last survivor" but I'm not very settle on what happened exactly besides he got scars on his face for it.
He's a kind individual most of the time except when it's time to kick ass if that make sense.
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saph-y · 5 months
What inspired you to do the wonderful nomads story and what helped shaped the setting and ideas around it and the characters?
Oh yeah a NOMADS RELATED QUESTION ! *vibrating* (sorry. I'm sure a lot of you know what it is to talk about personnal projects xD)
I think first I'll never repeat enough that this universe isn't mine but @selkys'. She came up with the post-apo setting and the vast majority of its concepts and characters, I merely poke around it. ...Ok, I do it a LOT. But still.
But the core ideas have been around for way longer than my involvement in it ! Long story short, I started when Selkys invited some of her friends (same french team who was very into swtor ocs a few years ago, I'm sure most of you are here from this time period !) to roleplay in this universe, where she had previously done tabletop and written rp, as well as planned a novel in it. That is how I created Siv.
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(For fun : here's an art comparison I made on patreon a while back !)
Several campaigns with several players started and eventually died out - life reasons, mainly... But around the time of the second french lockdown (I think ?) Selkys proposed me to pick up our story again, and both of us got reaaaally involved and naturally started to expand with more characters, more plots, more concepts ! It became less of a rp with a game master and a player, but more of a big ass four hands novel and worldbuilding... if that makes sense ?
It's been our main creative sandbox for a while now, where we just throw whatever we feel like, and I know we're both so happy with being able to have this collab going on♥ I doubt Selkys will read that because she's no longer on tumblr but I'm so so lucky and grateful for it 🥺
...And now I realize this wasn't exactly the question xD What shapes the setting or characters these days is generally just our fancy and what fits right in the story, I couldn't be more specific unless given a specific character or element to talk about !
But for a few examples for fun ?
- moving the action to a desert region was definitely influenced by Dune. We did wanted to go there because it was already in the worldbuilding and we had plot ideas for it, but seeing the recent film (the first one) was definitely a "hell yeah lets do desert survival !" moment xD
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(we're not subtle about it, or anything, because we just do that for fun) - Jasper exists because one day I showed and old art from my skyrim dragonborn to Selkys and she found him pretty so we transposed him in Nomades (yep. Jasper was my Skyrim dovahkin xD even tho he had another name/not quite the same look ofcouse.) He's a mix of a nordic, HZD Aloy, Prince of Persia and a shit ton of other things...
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(this is his design sheet ! The black makeup is totally stolen from Skyrim - and classic viking representation of course. The bow is Aloy's. His core story "banned for exploring secrets of the past" is too !) - Siv was inspired by ...nothing in particular, I just wanted a character that "didn't fit" in her hometown so that she could leave it. - Archibald gained the longest legs in the world, his flirty side and much of his looks when Selkys got into Lupin the Third.
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