#lunda x reader
artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
Reader Requests?
Hello! I've been thinking for a bit and I had some ideas. I thought, between my writings, I would do some × Reader requests!
I won't be one them often and they might be short oneshots but I'll give it my best!
Please do not pester me about getting it done, it'll be done when I feel like it.
Feel free to leave any type of reader suggestions as long it's not inappropriate or nasty. NO NASTY ONLY FLUFFY!!!
I can do any gender identity (Female, male, non-binary, etc) and race (human, fae, elf, etc)
Headcanons are welcome
Ok here are the CURRENT fandoms I can do for now and I will list the characters I will do!
(this is out in left field but I am "willing" to do Flash/Felix from my God of War series as long as you're nice and not nasty)
Any character as long as it's appropriate to da prompt suggestion and rules. F.L.U.F.F.Y
Katherine Hearts (since I've done art of her just not a lot of writing but might be a little iffy)(same rules apply from above)
I can do FF7/remake & FF15 characters
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remycroft · 1 month
Cross my heart, Hope you die || Heimdall X Reader
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Chapter 14 - Imprisoned
She was to die tomorrow. It had been three days since the Einherjar stole her from her bed and transported her to the cells beneath the Great Lodge. I thought that it wouldn't matter, that I could continue on with my duties and not care what happens in the morning. Yet, when I tried to focus, I would go back to her taking that lightning for me, to when we first fought and met, all my memories of her would attack my mind and no matter how hard I fought - the thought of her would stay and my emotions would cloud my head. I didn't understand any of this and I hated it, hated her. She was my enemy, absolutely nothing to me, why is she now haunting my every waking moment?
Surely, it wouldn't matter after tomorrow. She would walk up the stake, she would say her final words, and then she would burn. Her ashes would then spread into the wind that had been causing chaos since she was imprisoned.
In that moment the sound of her screams and the crackling of fire filled my ears. It overwhelmed my senses, and I lost my balance. Why was I like this? I don't care for her. Yes, she was tolerable but nothing particularly special. Was it because she sacrificed herself for me? That was the only answer that made any kind of sense. My life was never in danger (obviously), but the intent to protect me was clear. 
It would just be one moment, a singular moment, and then I could go back to my normal life and never think of her again. I reminded myself of the dream where she burned Asgard to a crisp. She can't hurt my home if she's dead.
What have I done to deserve this?
I came here, to enemy territory, because I could not bear the thought of Atreus being here alone. I stayed true to myself no matter what was done. I stuck to my aim and did my best. Before this, I was the loyal daughter to a grieving mother who mistreated her. I did everything that was asked, even if there was protest. Was it my desire for vengeance? Was it my naivety? Was it because I felt emotion and wasn't purely logical, therefore failing as a Goddess? Maybe that was it, I needed to feel less.
If I was mortal I'd curse the Gods. I walk among them, so I will not curse all, just the ones who deserve it. I curse Odin. I curse Thor. I hope they die screaming; I hope they lose everything and are begging for mercy when they're time comes but it is not bestowed. 
I curse Loki. My old friend is a traitorous little brat and I hope he dies in agonising pain. 
The Einherjar barely speak, the only time they did was when they told me when I was to be executed. I would die tomorrow. I would be dragged from this dark cell, clasped in chains, and burned at the stake. There would be no escape. All I could do was ensure my head was high. I would not scream either, I will not give them that pleasure. 
I wish I had a single moment where I could return to the dwarves home. I would see my mother and Kratos again. I could apologise to Lunda and Brok for not being able to hold onto my knives and arrows. I could strangle Loki; watch as the light in his eyes fades and relish in the sounds of him choking to death. I suppose I could remove the air from his body, but I'd prefer to use my hands.
I had been staring into darkness for hours now. I couldn't really do anything at all. I'm still weak from the lightning, and my healing factor was dormant all together due to the chain. I haven't eaten or drank a thing since I was placed in here, and while I could last longer than normal mortals, I couldn't last forever, and the effects of starvation and dehydration began yesterday (I think). At least I would die tomorrow. 
I was also unable to sleep, whenever my eyes started to flutter and I felt sleep start to take me, the chain would constrict around my ankle, and it would force me awake. It was horrendous and all it did was make my hatred burn even brighter. 
The sound of two arrows flying and the Einherjar dropping caught my attention. I stay as I am. If they're here to kill me, an arrow will be faster than the flames. "I told you to take the poison." The sound of Dagna wakes me up entirely, how the hel did she get here? Why is she here? Does she have a death wish? , "In these circumstances, my lady, I'm quite glad you didn't. I wouldn't be able to save your life otherwise." 
I freeze in shock as she approached my cell door, took out a gem glistening with bifrost, and unlocked the cell door with it. "Why are you -? How?" I ask.
"Don't trouble yourself with that, we need to get to the wall and quickly. My Lord is on his watch and is waiting to send you home to Midgard."
"You're here on his orders?" I was absolutely bewildered. I had thought about being saved in the past. I thought maybe my mother would have found a way to get through to Asgard, would kill Odin, and rescue me. Sometimes, I would think Forseti would try, and then in one moment of desperation, when that mortal instinct to survive kicked in, I did think that maybe Heimdall and I had grown closer, and he would come. I then came to my senses and called it insanity, as this is what it is. 
I slap myself to check I wasn't being delirious. Holy shit, this is actually happening. I might actually live.
Dagna came forward with the gem and as she approached, I flinched. She stepped back slightly. I'm actually a pathetic piece of shit. Oh no, my body is fragile, what a nightmare? It shouldn't mean I should act like this/
She gives me a look of sympathy, "I'm sorry." 
"I don't want your pity." 
"This isn't pity. You did not deserve this."
"At least you believe it. I don't know how long I've been in here for, but I came to think that there must be something."
"Don't be so stupid. This is war. Yet, you do not deserve an execution, you should die fighting for what you believe in." There was a long intense stare between us and I looked for if she was lying at all. It was pointless, she was one of the few here who did not lie. She took my hand as the chain loosened around my ankle and I stood for the first time in who knows long. "You've only been here for three days by the way."
"It felt so much longer."
"That is not surprising, when you are trapped in the dark."
"How am I this fragile then?"
"The chain wasn't inhibiting anything. It was draining your power and your strength. It's used for the strongest of prisoners." 
"I'll take that as a compliment."
She throws a long beige cloak to put on and I do just that. "Odin is gone for the remainder of this day, we have an hour before Thor gets back. Keep your head low and do not speak a word, are we understood?" I drop my head to signal that I did understand. "Good, hopefully we make it out of this alive."
We begin our walk out of the cells, and I'm blinded by the beginning of the evening's light. The halls were crowded with people, but they were either drunk or in conversation. I had to hand it to Dagna and Heimdall, they chose the best time for a prison break. 
I hated that I couldn't look up. In my peripherals I could see how dusk had truly begun, the sun's light was fading and the bright blue of day was turning to the darker one of night. I'm sure stars were starting to spread across the sky, I wish I could see them.
As we walk through the wind starts to curl around my body, welcoming my presence and renewed control of the element. "The wind has been erratic in your absence. One day we were fighting off tornadoes, and the next it was silent. My Lord said it was the same across all the realms." she whispers. It was mourning for me. I held my free hand out to it, and I felt its cool caress.
"How did the people of New Midgard fare?"
"What did I say about talking?" She scalds. There is a moment of silence, "They were left untouched. You cannot see it due to your hood but the people in Gladsheim have had to repair roofs, walls. Odin has had the most difficult time of anyone, the wind keeps trying to knock him over." I try not to laugh but can't help myself. Dagna looks cross, and then immediately starts bursting with laughter, "it is a very funny thought, but the aftermaths were far from it." I raise my eyebrow, telling her to continue, "He started getting really angry, sometimes civilians would get the brunt of it." I place my spare hand on her shoulder in comfort, she welcomes it.
We reach the platform and Dagna takes out the crystal to start the ascent. "What will happen when Odin realises?" I ask, we were up where no one could hear us, I don't need to keep my mouth shut. 
"Something bad, probably. My Lord will probably make it out alive, but me? I'll probably take your place."
"Then why risk yourself?"
"My Lord asked me, how could I say no after all he's done for me? Besides, I'm quite fond of you, I did not want you to die." What if she came with me? She would be out of Odin's reach, she would live. I start to ask the question but we reach the top of the wall and my voice catches in my throat as my senses come to me full force.
The familiar heartbeat, the smell of steel, the steady breathing of Heimdall paralyses me. I turn around and am face to face with the orchestrator of my salvation. "I know, I saved your life, blah blah blah, we do not have all day." Heimdall grabs my hand and my wits return. "I'll run you through what is going to happen; you will stand at the edge of the wall and I will shoot two beams of bifrost around you which should propel you to Midgard. You'll probably be incredibly weak when you arrive so get somewhere safe fast." I don't get a chance to respond as he rushes me towards the edge, he raises his hands to begin. I quickly grab his wrist to stop him, "What are you doing?"
"What about Dagna?" 
"What about her?" 
I resist the desire to slap him, "She'll be executed for this."
"She knew the risk. Now, we are running short on time and I'd prefer this was successful." He forces himself out of my grip with ease.
I won't let Dagna die after all she's done. I put both my hands on his shoulders. "She has been nothing but loyal to you! Send her with me, she'll be safe and won't have to suffer Odin's cruelty!" 
He looks at the girl and I notice her stare of hope, one she was trying to hide. When Heimdall hatched this insane plan she was prepared to be killed with no hesitation, for him, and saw it as incredibly likely she would die. Now, she actually has a chance to live and I'm sure that human instinct for survival has surely kicked in. "I've only done this once, ages ago, as practice. It was with one mortal." He pauses, "I will try, but her going with you risks your life. If you die than this was for nothing."
"If it was ages ago, then you've surely grown in strength." I let go of his shoulders and outstretch my hand to Dagna, she takes it. 
Heimdall spreads his arms and closes his eyes. He flicks his wrists and two glowing beams of bifrost shine like shimmering diamonds in his hands. He turns his palms to face towards and the beams move out of his hands and surround us, leading to a bridge behind us. "Thank you, Heimdall." I say as a goodbye. He snaps his fingers and the beams release from his hands and fully circle us. The bifrost moves towards us and then we are flung back, away from Gladsheim, away from the enemy, away from Heimdall. 
I wake up cold. "Dagna?" I sit up on what feels like snow. I pick up the fluffy substance I'm sat on and it was snow. I looked up and saw broken branches with seared ends. We made it. Holy shit, we actually made it. "Dagna?" I hear a groan behind me and see the girl try to sit. I rush over to her and help her up. 
"We made it?" I smile, "Oh my Heimdall, we actually made it." she jumps and hugs me so tight that I feel suffocated.
"Alright, that's enough. My bones are still brittle after that chain." She lets go, "This place is also crawling with monsters so we need to contact my mother as fast as possible." 
"How do we find Frigg - I mean your mother?"
"I'd use Freya in front of her. Frigg was her Aesir name. She's not too fond of it."
She lowers her head in shame, "Of course, forgive me, my lady." 
"Quit it with the titles, I'm [N], your friend. Heimdall can lord over you all he wants but I am not your superior. You knew that the day of Loki's celebration, don't change it now." 
"Of course. I only changed it because I respected you then."
"Respect doesn't mean you need to give me a title." She nods her head.
Dagna's bow and arrows had broken in the fall and I unfortunately had my weapons confiscated when I was imprisoned and I don't think Odin will be so kind as to give them back. We were lucky on the walk to Tyr's temple. We encountered few creatures and the wind forced them back to ensure that Dagna and I - still weak from realm travel - would make it safely. 
A few minutes pass, I hear the beating of wings, and then a sword appears at Dagna's throats, that sword specifically was Mardoll. "Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?"
I dropped to the floor out of exhaustion the moment they were sent to Midgard. I knew it would weaken me exponentially, but I genuinely believe the mortal should live after all she's done for me. 
A raven appears in front of me, Huginn, the All-father was back. He'd sensed people leaving his realm and came back immediately. Another thing I knew would happen. It was waiting for my consent to be taken, "take me." the bird doesn't hesitate in bringing me. 
The moment I land in his office, the All-father traps me in his circular prison. "You know, son, out of all my children I never expected you to be a traitor. Tyr is, Thor listens to his wife too much, and Baldur was a nut job focused on revenge, you were always wanting to prove yourself. What makes one little witch so important to you?" 
"I owed her my life." the All-father laughs, then he slams his spear onto the floor again and I feel the skin along my entire torso separate and I feel the searing pain of cuts re - opening. He proceeds to lift his hand and purple streaks pour out of my head which causes an agonising, throbbing sensation in my head, it felt as if my head was being torn open. 
"To think I was willing to give you a bit of free will, make you loyal to Asgard and not me. I suppose even I can make mistakes." He sighs, what was he taking about? "I didn't think that anyone would actually make you feel indebted to them, I never thought someone would sacrifice themselves for you. I mean, no offence son, but you're a prick. That was the beauty of you." He sets his spear to one side, "From now on, every action you make will be at my command. If I tell you to hold your breath and kill yourself, you will have no choice but to do so." He spits out, his voice was cold and venomous. It made me feel cold, I was scared. He then grabs hold of the purple streaks in my head and tightens them, and I couldn't help but scream. It hurt so much.
The threads went back in my head and the pain immediately stopped. The prison beneath me was gone and my skin had stitched itself back together. I stayed on my knees before the All-father. If he wanted me to stand, I would. So far, being on my knees is what he wanted and therefore I will be on my knees. I live to serve him after all. 
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bluewritesao3 · 4 years
Weird question but ive recently tried my hand at writing x readers and Ive really enjoy it and it has allowed me to blast throught more than writing ocs.
I was thinking would y'all be interested if i were to re do the handyman as a x reader? Like it'll stay the same just instead of Lunda and stuff I'll be the usual you, your and stuff
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