nasa · 2 years
The Artemis I Mission: To the Moon and Back
The Artemis I mission was the first integrated test of the Orion spacecraft, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, and Exploration Ground Systems at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. We’ll use these deep space exploration systems on future Artemis missions to send astronauts to the Moon and prepare for our next giant leap: sending the first humans to Mars.
Take a visual journey through the mission, starting from launch, to lunar orbit, to splashdown.
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The SLS rocket carrying the Orion spacecraft launched on Nov. 16, 2022, from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The world’s most powerful rocket performed with precision, meeting or exceeding all expectations during its debut launch on Artemis I.
"This is Your Moment"
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Following the successful launch of Artemis I, Launch Director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson congratulates the launch team.
“The harder the climb, the better the view,” she said. “We showed the space coast tonight what a beautiful view it is.”
That's Us
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On Orion’s first day of flight, a camera on the tip of one of Orion’s solar arrays captured this image of Earth.
Inside Orion
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On the third day of the mission, Artemis I engineers activated the Callisto payload, a technology demonstration developed by Lockheed Martin, Amazon, and Cisco that tested a digital voice assistant and video conferencing capabilities in a deep space environment. In the image, Commander Moonikin Campos occupies the commander’s seat inside the spacecraft. The Moonikin is wearing an Orion Crew Survival System suit, the same spacesuit that Artemis astronauts will use during launch, entry, and other dynamic phases of their missions. Campos is also equipped with sensors that recorded acceleration and vibration data throughout the mission that will help NASA protect astronauts during Artemis II. The Moonikin was one of three “passengers” that flew aboard Orion. Two female-bodied model human torsos, called phantoms, were aboard. Zohar and Helga, named by the Israel Space Agency (ISA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) respectively, supported the Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment (MARE), an experiment to provide data on radiation levels during lunar missions. Snoopy, wearing a mock orange spacesuit, also can be seen floating in the background. The character served as the zero-gravity indicator during the mission, providing a visual signifier that Orion is in space.
Far Side of the Moon
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A portion of the far side of the Moon looms large in this image taken by a camera on the tip of one of Orion’s solar arrays on the sixth day of the mission.
First Close Approach
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The Orion spacecraft captured some of the closest photos of the Moon from a spacecraft built for humans since the Apollo era — about 80 miles (128 km) above the lunar surface. This photo was taken using Orion’s optical navigational system, which captures black-and-white images of the Earth and Moon in different phases and distances.
Distant Retrograde Orbit
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Orion entered a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon almost two weeks into the mission. The orbit is “distant” in the sense that it’s at a high altitude approximately 50,000 miles (80,467 km) from the surface of the Moon. Orion broke the record for farthest distance of a spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and safely return them to Earth, reaching a maximum distance of 268,563 miles (432,210 km).
Second Close Approach
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On the 20th day of the mission, the spacecraft made its second and final close approach to the Moon flying 79.2 miles (127.5 km) above the lunar surface to harness the Moon’s gravity and accelerate for the journey back to Earth.
Cameras mounted on the crew module of the Orion spacecraft captured these views of the Moon’s surface before its return powered flyby burn.
Heading Home
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After passing behind the far side of the Moon on Flight Day 20, Orion powered a flyby burn that lasted approximately 3 minutes and 27 seconds to head home. Shortly after the burn was complete, the Orion spacecraft captured these views of the Moon and Earth, which appears as a distant crescent.
Parachutes Deployed
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Prior to entering the Earth’s atmosphere, Orion’s crew module separated from its service module, which is the propulsive powerhouse provided by ESA (European Space Agency). During re-entry, Orion endured temperatures about half as hot as the surface of the Sun at about 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,760 degrees Celsius). Within about 20 minutes, Orion slowed from nearly 25,000 mph (40,236 kph) to about 20 mph (32 kph) for its parachute-assisted splashdown.
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On Dec. 11, the Orion spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California after traveling 1.4 million miles (2.3 million km) over a total of 25.5 days in space. Teams are in the process of returning Orion to Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Once at Kennedy, teams will open the hatch and unload several payloads, including Commander Moonikin Campos, the space biology experiments, Snoopy, and the official flight kit. Next, the capsule and its heat shield will undergo testing and analysis over the course of several months.
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Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing | ISRO | Explained | Science & Technology | UPSC CSE 2023/2024
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globalbuzz · 1 year
First of Four Supermoons, the "Buck Moon," to Illuminate the Sky Tonight
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Get ready for an extraordinary sight as the first of four supermoons graces the night sky tonight. Known as the "Buck Moon" during this time of the year, it will shine brighter and appear slightly larger than a typical full moon. The Buck Moon gets its name because it coincides with the period when male deer grow their antlers. Additionally, it is also called the "salmon moon" due to the timing of salmon runs. Some other names associated with this special moon include the "thunder," "hay," "mead," and "rose" moon. During a full moon, the sun, Earth, and moon align, allowing sunlight to directly illuminate the visible part of the moon that we see from Earth. However, a supermoon occurs because of the moon's elliptical orbit. As the moon follows its path, it reaches two crucial points: the apogee, where it is farthest from Earth, and the perigee, where it is closest to Earth. A supermoon happens when the moon is approximately 90 percent of the way toward its perigee position and is simultaneously in the full moon phase. This combination makes it appear larger and brighter in the night sky.
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July's buck moon is one of four supermoons to rise in 2023. The full moon will appear to be about 7% larger, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac. The Buck Moon marks the first supermoon of 2023, and we can look forward to three more in the upcoming months. In August, we will witness the "sturgeon moon" on the 1st and the "blue moon" on the 30th. The "harvest moon" will grace the sky on September 29th. To catch a glimpse of this magnificent supermoon, find a spot where you have a clear view of the southeastern sky after sunset. However, visibility may depend on the local weather conditions in your area. At the very least, you can enjoy the full moon on Sunday night through Monday morning and again on Monday night through Tuesday morning. Make sure not to miss this awe-inspiring celestial event as the Buck Moon illuminates the night sky, providing a mesmerizing experience for stargazers and moon enthusiasts alike. Read the full article
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2dkapsddr · 3 months
June 27th, 2024 - Arcaea, Phigros, DJMAX, vivid/stasis
HYOOOOOJ DAY TODAY!!! i'll try to condense it by packing all the Arcaea scores into this one top section, so basically: The Formula (FTR-9, MAX-43), cry of viyella (FTR-8+, MAX-28), CROSS+OVER (FTR-9, MAX-17), LunarOrbit -believe in the Espebranch road- (FTR-9, MAX-17), and Crystal Gravity (FTR-9, MAX-17) as FTR PMs #127, #128, #129, #130, and #131 respectively (so many MAX-17s though...), as well as this sweet and MASSIVE EX+ upscore on OMAKENO Stroke (BYD-10)!!!
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brief phigros jumpscare/mention: PIXEL REBELZ (IN Lv.15) RE-PHI!!! YAY!!! IMPOSSIBLE 4K CHART DONE!!! now all that's left for the Legacy Chapters folder All Phi is [PRAW] and Non-Melodic Ragez!!!!
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okay but here's the real huge kicker: MASSIVE DJMAX DAY!!! there's a lot of really funny funky scores and i can't really list all of them, so i'll list the highlights and y'all (my audience of maybe one or two people, i see y'all who still like my posts and i love y'all tytyty) can look through the rest!!! so the highlights include...
Revenger (4B SC 13*) sightread MAX COMBO 99.92%!!!
Carrot Carrot (4B SC 12*) MAX COMBO upscore to 99.91%!!!
Relation Again (ESTi's Remix) (6B SC 6*) MAX COMBO 99.82%!!!
clean 98.00% on Nightmare (4B SC 15*) :o
POP/STARS (6B SC 6*) 1 good... but HUGE UPSCORE
Void (6B SC 7*) MAX COMBO 99.65%!!!
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also got a bunch more sick scores in rank match on my way to Diamond rank, including stuff like a PERFECT PLAY on glory day (Mintorment Remix) (4B MX 14*), Jealousy (4B SC 2*), Carrot Carrot (4B MX 13*), Kartrider Mashup ~Pure 100% Remix~ (4B MX 14*), and Daydream (4B MX 14*)!!!
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after that, i joined my friends in a practice session for our vivid/stasis sunrise showdown team and got this sick sightread MAX-6 AC on ANARCHIC LIGHT (FINALE 13)!!! that's all you're seeing from me, sneaky other team spies... muahahahahahahaaaa
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eksopolitiikka · 3 months
Rakennuksia Kuun pinnalla
Havaintopäivämäärä:4.10.2023 Havaintopaikka: Maan Kuu NASA-linkki: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/lunarorbiter/   Löysin tämän Lunar Orbiter 3:n kuvista, ja oli pakko jakaa se. Aivan kuin Kuun pinnan alla eläisi kehittynyt avaruusolentojen rotu. Tässä kuvassa näkyy joitain suuria rakenteita kraaterien pohjissa. Eipä ihme, että NASA ei ole palaamassa takaisin Kuuhun, avaruusolennot eivät päästä heitä! Scott C. Waring   Artikkelin julkaissut UFO […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/ufot/hehkuva-ufo-kiitaa-illinoisissa/
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datchscursedblog · 11 months
Ehh... Well...
Aparently spotify and soundcloud options exist....
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laocommunity · 1 year
NASA Discovers the Remains of Japan's Lunar Dream: The Untold Story of the Lost Moon Lander
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NASA Discovers the Remains of Japan's Lunar Dream: The Untold Story of the Lost Moon Lander NASA Discovers the Remains of Japan's Lunar Dream: The Untold Story of the Lost Moon Lander NASA has recently made a groundbreaking discovery that has shed light on an untold story of Japan's lost moon lander. The remains of the spacecraft have been found lying on the surface of the moon, providing a window into a little-known chapter of space exploration history. The lunar dream of the Japanese lasted only a few short months, but it left a legacy that is still being felt today. The Origins of the Lunar Dream The story of Japan's lunar dream began in 1990 when the country's space program, JAXA, announced its intention to send a spacecraft to the moon. The mission, called Hiten, was designed to study the moon's gravity and magnetic field, as well as to observe the lunar surface. #JAXA #Hiten #lunarmission In September of that year, Hiten was launched into space aboard an M-3SII rocket. The spacecraft successfully entered lunar orbit, and for the next few months, it orbited the moon, conducting experiments and gathering data. Hiten was not designed to land on the lunar surface, but it did include a small probe called Hagoromo, which was expected to detach from the spacecraft and enter the moon's gravity field. #spacecraft #lunarorbit #probe The Tragic End of the Lunar Dream Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. In March 1991, just a few months after its launch, Hagoromo was released from Hiten, but it failed to enter lunar orbit. Instead, it went into a heliocentric orbit around the sun, leaving the Hiten spacecraft to orbit the moon alone. #Hagoromo #lunarorbit #JAXAfail The Hiten spacecraft remained in lunar orbit for several more months before it was intentionally crashed into the moon's surface in April 1993. It was assumed that the spacecraft would be destroyed on impact, and the mission would be over. However, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has recently discovered the remains of the spacecraft, including its engine and a large metal structure, lying on the surface of the moon. #LRO #mooncrash #Hitenremains The Legacy of Japan's Lunar Dream Although the Hiten mission did not achieve its primary objective of placing a probe on the lunar surface, it did make significant contributions to our understanding of the moon and its properties. The data gathered by the Hiten spacecraft was used to produce a detailed map of the moon's gravitational field and to identify areas of interest for future lunar missions. #lunarlegacy #Hitenmission #graviationalmap Now, with the discovery of the remains of the Hiten spacecraft, scientists have a new opportunity to study the hardware and technology used in the mission. This information could help to advance our understanding of space exploration and inspire future generations of scientists and engineers. #Hitenremains #futuregenerations #spaceexploration Summary The discovery of the remains of Japan's lost moon lander, the Hiten spacecraft, has shed light on a little-known chapter of space exploration history. The Hiten mission, launched by JAXA in 1990, achieved significant scientific results in its short lifespan. Though the mission did not achieve its primary objective of placing a probe on the lunar surface, it made valuable contributions to our understanding of the moon's gravity and magnetic field. The discovery of the remains of the spacecraft has provided a new opportunity to study the hardware and technology used in the mission and could inspire future generations of scientists and engineers to continue the lunar dream. #Hitenremains #spaceexploration #lunardream #NEWS Read the full article
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conatic · 2 years
50 Years ago today Apollo 17 EVA-1
After unloading and setting up the Lunar Roving Vehicle, Gene Cernan gives it a test drive to check out all is working as it should
#apollo17 #orion #apolloprogram #nasa #moon #lunarorbit #apollo50 #elonmusk #spaceexploration #spacetravel #artemis1 #geology #moonlanding #lunarmodule #ronevans #genecernan #space #dearmoon #projectapollo #artemis1 #harrisonschmitt #jwst #spacex
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razzykidz · 4 years
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There are aliens 👽 among us 👽👽👽 ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #lunarorbiter #ufofiles #aliens👽 #ufos #alien #secretspaceprogram #nasa #scifi #ufo #apollomissions #structuresonthemoon #spaceart #moon #earth #architecture #extraterrestrials #anomalies #illustration #enhancedmoon #intelligentlife #extraterrestrial #apollo10 #apollo8 #apollo9 #ufologia #space #apollo11 #alienfreshjerky #razzykidz (at Alien Fresh Jerky) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFQL-doHtnj/?igshid=5zgben8lyprc
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lucasciences · 5 years
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The lunar scouts. Before the Apollo astronauts could land on the Moon 🌙 , NASA’s Lunar Orbiter program was key in finding the appropriate landing sites. . The program consisted of 5 unmanned probes that were launched between 1966 and 1967. . The probes used an ingenious method to capture images using dual lens camera 📷 (bottom left) - one which provided high resolution images and the other low resolution ones on the same film. In addition to photographing the Moon’s surface, the program also provided us the first picture of Earth from the Moon 🌚 (bottom right). . Credit: NASA/LOIRP/RotemDan / public domain. . #apollomission #lunar #lunarsurface #spaceprobe #apollomissions #spacecraft #lunarorbiter #space https://www.instagram.com/p/B8XB1-DJ04f/?igshid=b8sphx6iou9l
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jasonwentcrazy · 8 years
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Another layer of the Hangar One image in purple and this thing is almost finished. The foreground image of the moon is all that's left. #nasa #screenprint #hangarone #moffettfield #mcmoons #lunarorbiter #print
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krcscbhavnagar · 3 years
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Now, Live Talk on Exploring our Neighbourhood beyond planet #Earth organised by #SAC @isro & @InfoGujcost to celebrate 2 years of #Chandrayaan2 in #Lunarorbit as a part of the #AzadiKaAmrutMahotsav Bhavnagar District Schools students participate live talk @jitu.vaghani @isro.in @infogujcost https://www.instagram.com/p/CT6ZdKkg_MO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Smut Masterlist #4
Love and Glory by persephoneggsy
After a competition, Phichit drags Yuuri out for a night of fun and debauchery at a gay nightclub. Rumor has it there’s an honest-to-god glory-hole there. Yuuri decides to check it out… and so does someone else.
The Novice Teleporter’s Guide to Love by Salty_Caramel
“(…) in a world where a small number of people have supernatural abilities, Yuuri has just discovered that he can teleport. However, he hasn’t learned to control his ability yet, since he’s only ever managed to use it accidentally while in a heightened emotional state. Unfortunately for Yuuri, many of his strongest emotions have some sort of connection to his figure skating idol, meaning he ends up dropping into Viktor’s life at random and sometimes less-than-ideal moments.”
(Alternatively titled: why walk one thousand miles/win gold medals for love when you can bend the space-time continuum and obtain similar results.)
You Say Good Morning When It's Midnight by RobotSquid
“Look on the bright side,” Victor teased, pressing the tips of their noses together. “When I’m gone you’ll have the whole bed to yourself.”
Yuuri scoffed. “Not if Makkachin has anything to say about it.”
Victor smiled and kissed him again. This time, the kiss was deeper, longer, and after a moment, Yuuri opened his lips to let Victor’s tongue inside. Victor ran his fingers down’s Yuuri’s sides, feeling the muscles under his shirt, savoring the dips of his curves. When he reached the hem of the shirt, he pushed his fingers underneath the fabric and back up Yuuri’s spine, pressing down against the raised vertebrae as he went. Yuuri made a little sound, something between a sigh and a whimper, sucked in a breath through his nostrils, and pushed his tongue back against Victor’s.
i know my madness by astoryaboutwar
It's hardly a secret that Victor Nikiforov is a massive player.
(In which Yuuri doesn't blow the Grand Prix Finals the first time round, does blow Victor, and everything changes but ends up the same.)
Naughty List by lucycamui
After mending their relationship, Victor and Yuuri are still adjusting to their new status as boyfriends. Nationals has Yuuri victorious but alone in his hotel room in Osaka. A call to Victor should help him raise his spirits, amongst other things.
Dancing on borrowed blades by KingKestrel
“Dance with me.” Victor breathed.
Yuuri rose to his knees in surprise before responding “I-I don’t know any pairs routines” he stuttered, blushing a little.
Victor went quiet, deep in thought before his eyes widened.
“Eros.” Victor responded after a moment “Dance Eros, I’ll work around you… please”
After a text from Victor at 3 in the morning. Yuuri finds himself sharing the ice with his idol. At night reality always seemed a little... altered and the ice-rink always felt a little more.... personal.
We'll Make It Happen by lunarorbits 
“Yuri.” Victor's voice is calm like pond water, but there’s something vaguely frantic in the way his eyes study the smooth black planes of his body. Yuri itches under the gaze, under the suit, under his skin.
“It seems like there’s more to your eros that we can explore.”
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liindakyx3 · 8 years
Finding someone you love and who loves you back is wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other. As many of you know me and Rickie go way way back so faith has brought us back together once again. I just want to thank the love of my life for making this day and every single day amazing ❤️️ it's not the presents or the fancy restaurants that make me lucky but it's the fact that you always go out of your way to make me feel special and loved. Thanks for always guiding and supporting me! Happy 2 years Anniversary ✨🍾🎉 #moreyearstogo #2yearanniversary #iloveyou #lunarorbiter #bestdessert #lindanrickie #12132k14 (at SkyCity at the Needle Restaurant - Space Needle)
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sheeperson · 2 years
Things that you'd never expect to be good: The Chipmunks but sludgemetal Things that are good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU-MYe0SL9Q&ab_channel=LunarOrbit
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Songs for reading my writing! (No links)
Angst/Gentle: Kanagawa Cyber Culvert, Equilibrium, Arcahv, Ether Strike, Axium Crisis(?), Solitary Dream, Moonlight of Sand Castle, Oracle, Journey(Lanota), April Showers(maimai), Paradise, Glory : Road, Alice a la mode (i dont feel like putting the a thing in), Memoryfactor.izh, Give me a nightmare. (im not good at angst songs most of the songs i listen to are hype)
Just good songs: Evening in Scarlet, Cross Soul/ Cross over (both by hyuN), Diode, LunarOrbit -belive in the Espebranch road-, Rabbit in the black room, Illegal Paradise, Purgatorium, Kanagawa Cyber Culvert, inkar-usi, HIVEMIND, Arcahv, Equilibrium, lost desire, Dantalion, #1f1e33, Antagonism, tempestissimo, Ringed genesis, BLRINK, vindication, Ether strike, Fracture ray, Grievous lady, Trappola bewitching, SOUNDWITCH, Axium Crisis, Conflict, Solitary dream, Cry of viyella, Essence of Twilight, Sheriruth, PRAGMATISM, Aegleseeker, Divine light of Myriad, Seclusion, Loschen, Far away light, Crystal Gravity, AI[UE]OON, A wandering melody of love, Tie me down gently, Cyaegha, Singularity, Strongholds, Lethaeus, Moonheart, corpse-sans-organes, GLORY : ROAD, with U (massive new krew), Viyellas tears, GIMME DA BLOOD, Malicious Mischance, Izana, Summer Fireworks of Love.
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