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thepoetoaster · 4 years ago
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New moon is best for Manifesting your intentions 🌚 got my lunar abundance journal out!! 🌙✨ #spiritual #spirituality #astrology #aries #moonphases #moonmagic #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes #abundance #lunarabundance #writing #writer #affirmations #raiseyourvibration #goodvibes #journaling #healing #healingjourney (at The Lenox Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNijg1UBNBV/?igshid=12cul5p2qe482
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castingiron · 5 years ago
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Setting my intention. A blank paper ready to bringing it into solid form, a fire lit to give it to the universe, and of course tea to start and finish this new moon ceremony. #witch #newmoonceremony #lunarabundance #settingintentions #newmoonritual https://www.instagram.com/p/B7umPaEJSVO/?igshid=1326fqomkcx85
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earthfulandelevated · 7 years ago
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my intentions this lunar cycle: plant seeds in the career bed of my garden, move my body in ways that dissolve the cobwebs in my energy centers, connect to mother Earth and to my true Self through meditation of various forms 🙏🏼 and find myself a home//community in which i feel like i’m viiibratin on cloud 10 baby ✨ . #lunarabundance #intentions #killarneynationalpark #ireland (at Muckross Abbey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmfBzssglKt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kkm76m11l9jw
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radicalshetarot · 7 years ago
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I forgot that this book arrived a while back, saw it on @tatiannatarot's IG stories and ordered it before I finished her video. Love it! I haven't had a chance to really sit down with it yet but it's packed! A nice addition to my Moon practice. #lunarabundance #ezziespencer #moonlover #moon #booknerd
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jessicathestorywitch · 5 years ago
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New Sagittarius Moon - STRETCH . The Sagittarius New Moon falls on November 26th (15:05 GMT). A new cycle is beginning, and it is a cycle that promotes growth and expansion. . Mercury is direct, cohabiting with, a, comfortable in Scorpio, Mars. Jupiter is alongside the sun and moon, revelling in Sagittarius. Projects that are started now have a very good chance of success. . Things just feel easier now. You can work harder without getting as tired. Results come more quickly. People in authority, or who have influence, will notice your efforts. Time to put those grand plans into action. You do not need to be perfect to start. . . “I am in love and I am lost But I'd rather be Broken than empty Oh, I'd rather be Shattered than hollow” -First Aid Kit @firstaidkitband . . Divination/ Journaling Prompts . *What have I learned? *What have I lost/ shed? *Where do I start? *Where am I going? *Who/ what is my companion? *How far do I dare to go? . Ritual/ EveryDayMagic/ Spellwork Suggestions . *Pretty much anything you turn your hand to will do well now, so use this time wisely *sigil making - be bold! *Get going on your Great Work (or, if you don't know what it is yet, use this time to try and work it out, but don't stress, let what you love guide you). . . I hope this post is useful. I share these moon wisdom posts here on instagram on the new, full, and quarter moons, but if you’d like to make sure you don’t miss them you can get them sent to your email. Just click the Museletter link in my bio and choose the “Museletter and Blog Posts” option. . . Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash . . . . #newmoonreading #newmoontarot #moonwitch #witchytips #moonmagick #moonvibes #moonenergy #mooncycles #mooncycle #lunarcycle #waxingmoon #novemberrmoon #moonphases #moonchild #staywildmoonchild #moonology #lunarabundance #moonspells #moonsign #witchy #witchtips #spirituality #witchesofinstagram #makeeverydaymagic #solitarywitch #eclecticwitch #witchesofinsta #witching #modernwitch (at Caerphilly Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5S47A1HUOr/?igshid=1ibff0essud1q
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momasarah · 6 years ago
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@ezziespencer #lunarabundance Www.shop.conjuredcardea.com #hoodoo #voodoo #witchcraft #rootwork #conjure #rootworker #brujeria #spellcasting #witchesofinstagram #professionalwitch #conjurewoman #prosperitymagic #pagan #paganism #bruja #spellcastingwitch #spellcandle #spellcaster #spellsupplies #botanica #tarotreaders #tarotreader #tarotreading #tarot #tarotcards #metaphysical #lunareclipse #astrology #moonmagic (at House of Hoodoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs4R7mzHhQ8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p1ar548buusr
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luxelinda · 4 years ago
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Healing through Dainty Jewelry 😍 🧡🧡🧡 #manifest#crystalhealingtechniques #crystaljeweleryforsale #luxehumanity#strengthandpower #gemstonejewelrydesigner #lunarabundance #mercuryretroshade #mecuryretrograde #christopherwitecki#siriusjoy #queencuptarot #tarot#divinationdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/CP3NP2sLWRu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sophlore · 7 years ago
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Getting inspired on this beautiful morning #lunarabundance #ezziespencer #fullmoon
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dragonflykeep · 8 years ago
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New moon 🌚 tomorrow - getting ready to Journal my #intentions ~ what's yours going to be? #lunarabundance #midoritravelersnotebook #bulletjournal #moleskine #prisma #rhonnadesigns_app #dragonflykeep
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maverickminnie · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @hannah_galliers (@get_regrann) - Yes Gandalf the grey did say that. - This really stood out for me when I watched the film because he's right. - We get to make the choice of what to do with our time everyday. - Write of a list of your top 5things to spend your time on. - Now write a list of the 5 things your spend most of your time on. - Compare the two. - What do you notice? 👇👇👇 . . . . #mindfulnessbox #mindfulnessforchildren #selflovetips #abundancecoach #mindfulnessretreat #lifecoachschool #selfcaretip #selfcareeveryday #selfcarehacks #abundancequotes #lifecoachtowomen #mindfulnessinschools #selfcarelove #selflovery #positivityisthekey #abundanceofblessings #abundanceliving #mindfulnesseating #selfcareishealthcare #lifecoachformoms #lifecoachesofinstagram #abundancelife #selflovematters #lifecoaching101 #selflover #selflovethreads #lifecoachlife #lunarabundance #selfcarecoach #lordoftherings https://www.instagram.com/p/B64Mp26gX2q/?igshid=e6swjwa2cjy0
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Interesting take on the moon cycle by @ezziespencer follow @lunarabundance ____________________________________ #moon #fullmoon #sky #universe #space #astronomy #moonlight #moons #fridaynifht #tonight #night #stars #galaxy #moonchild #indigo #chakras #selfcare #higherself #holistichealth #meditate #spirituality #positiveenergy #energy #energyhealing (at The Moon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1QQ0HJHgWu/?igshid=jwndweh8d7rc
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earthfulandelevated · 7 years ago
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🌙waxing crescent🌙 a yin phase - a time of being, restoring, listening, and receiving. • keep the heart, mind, and ears wide open, take time for self care, and remember what you are aiming for. • #lunarabundance #selfcare #yin #yogilove #killarneynationalpark (at Killarney National Park)
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authorkristenmartin · 6 years ago
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It’s a little late this week (oops!), but a new episode just dropped on That Smart Hustle Podcast 🎙 Many of you were interested in lunar abundance and how I use the phases of the moon to co-create and manifest, so that’s what we’re talking about in episode 58 🌙 Available to listen on iTunes and SoundCloud. Link in bio or go here: https://soundcloud.com/kristen-martin-615859706/episode-58-lunar-abundance-how-to-use-the-phases-of-the-moon #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleenergy #thefutureisfemale #buildingmyempire #elevate #elevateyourself #bossbabetribe #bossbabemovement #passions #businesscoachforwomen #pursueyourpassion #soulful #lawofattraction #manifesting #passiveincome #soulpurpose #makemoneyathome #dreamlife #dreamlifestyle #iamworthy #podcasts #thatsmarthustle #lunarabundance https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9dRJwHCar/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8lvo7vvbzaqw
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jessicathestorywitch · 5 years ago
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Third Quarter Moon in Leo - FOLLOW THE LIGHT We are nearing the end of this powerful Scorpio New Moon cycle, and this third quarter point will likely feel like a welcome outbreath. There is light at the end of the tunnel (and that is not to say that the tunnel is bad, it is necessary). We are not totally off the hook yet, but the deep shifts that have been taking place internally are feeling more natural - easier - now. This third quarter moon in Leo (19th November, 21:10 GMT) is trine both the benefics, which should give this time a feeling of being blessed and lucky (if we have been sticking with the gratitude I mentioned at the full moon). "... Has it never occurred to you that maybe your brother brings out the worst in people?" "Or the best," he said, "depending on which way you look at it." "You're as bad as he is." "Actually, I'm much worse.” ― J.A. Belfield, Darkness & Light . Divination/ Journal Prompts *Who am I now? *What is my Work? *What is my purpose? *Where should I place my attention now? . Ritual/ EveryDayMagic/ Spellwork Suggestions *Fire scrying *Sunbathing, if you have enough sun where you are (unlikely I will here in wales) *Candle magic . I hope this post is useful. I share these moon wisdom posts here on instagram on the new, full, and quarter moons, but if you’d like to make sure you don’t miss them you can get them sent to your email. Just click the Museletter link in my bio and choose the “Museletter and Blog Posts” option. . Photo by Hikersbay Hikersbay on Unsplash #thirdquartermoon #leomoon #moonwitch #witchytips #moonmagick #moonvibes #moonenergy #mooncycles #mooncycle #lunarcycle #waxingmoon #novemberrmoon #moonphases #moonchild #staywildmoonchild #moonology #lunarabundance #moonspells #moonsign #witchy #witchtips #spirituality #witchesofinstagram #makeeverydaymagic #solitarywitch #eclecticwitch #witchesofinsta #witching #modernwitch (at Bedwas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5C2xlIHDsM/?igshid=1ctkg9vh6dsop
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sheenahfreitas · 7 years ago
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Lately I’ve been finding myself gravitating more toward spirituality and I realize how much it’s lacking in my life (are you there, Universe? It’s me, Sheenah). In celebrating the launch of @ezziespencer’s Lunar Abundance book #lunarabundance I’m sharing my supercharged New Moon intention for March. My New Moon intention is to carve out time for the creative things that bring me joy and make me feel whole. http://ift.tt/2FZp5IC
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momasarah · 6 years ago
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From "Lunar Abundance " by ezzie Spencer. #lunarabundance #lunarabundancebook https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZ8ktFgDZV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19wif91cbqr6x
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