#lunar settlement
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themetaphorical · 2 days ago
Lunar Waste-to-Energy System and Magnetic Moon Infrastructure: A Comprehensive Plan
Year: 2079Location: Earth’s Orbital Gateway Terminal, Low Earth Orbit “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the Eos Ascendant, the first passenger vessel bound for New Selene, humanity’s first self-sustaining lunar colony. I am Captain Elias Markov, and I’ll be your guide on this historic voyage. For many of you, this will be your first time experiencing interplanetary travel, and even for those…
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mexicanistnet · 1 year ago
Tiny Mexican robots, COLMENA, bravely hop on the first lunar mission, pushing tech and scientific boundaries. Trained by young minds, they'll study the harsh lunar environment and dust, paving the way for future moon settlements. Mexico's space race is on.
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proxycrit · 5 months ago
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What if I redesigned some horses to fit MY favorite narrative trope: fallen gods and forgotten myths of old? Anyways.
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Twilight’s mentor is a strange one. In a world of twilit planes forever shrouded in mystery, the older unicorn Lest and her adopted student Twilight are one in many common travelers, migrating the pitted wastelands and eeking survival within settlements that spring up around the glowing meteor shards. Despite living with Lest for the last four years, Twilight can’t help but seek answers to where her brother has gone— and in the process, perhaps dig a bit too deeply into the complexities of gods far older and dangerous then she can truly fathom.
On the otherhand, Celestia “Lest” Sol is having a terrible millenium. Her sister is no longer her sister, her student teleported herself halfway across the continent, and she got herself kidnapped by an old rival trying to attune with the elements of harmony to overthrow the current ruler of Equestria.
At least she gets a toxic yuri moment.
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Meanwhile, Chrysalis is having a great time. She’s got kingdoms to conquer and people to feed and a waning god to taunt.
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(The Selene Grace hates the sun monarch they deposed five centuries ago as they stay chained to their post, keeping the lunar and solar bodies from crashing into each other. Luna misses her sister, and the easier world where they haven’t hurt each other beyond reparation. Nightmare Moon misses their monstrosity, trapped in a host who’s grief has poisoned them with empathy.
Things are bound to tip. The celestial bodies are not bodies, but prisons, and the amalgamations we call alicorns the key. And something desperately wants to be freed…)
My mane 6 redesign here!
And my luna and celestia redesigns here!
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missmonstermel · 3 months ago
"Once the moon started to be colonized an astonishing thing occurred. As humans began to populate the surface of the moon, inevitably one of these travelers was... a werewolf. As soon as they made their first lunar walk there was a flash of light and heat as the werewolf instantly transformed. Instead of becoming a hairy, snarling creature of murderous frenzy they had become a spectacular being made of both light and void with serene golden eyes. The creature shed it's ruined space suit, unaffected by the lack of atmosphere and heat, floating away with a joyful howl not heard by ears but felt with one's soul...."
It turns out that werewolves were always meant to ascend to the moon to become fully transformed. It was truly a curse as the unlucky earth- bound lupine creatures , until recently, had no means of reaching through space to complete the life cycle. No wonder earth werewolves were so filled with rage for thousands of years! Their final form is that of a benevolent celestial being who's role is unknown. They can be found on the moon's surface in deep meditation or floating near settlements, curiously peering at inhabitants. They seem peaceful, with some grand unknowable role among the heavens. Once in a while a Space Werewolf can be observed floating out into the inky black void, howling in the eerie yet heartening way that they do. Where they go, we never know....
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mysticstronomy · 8 months ago
Wednesday, July 10th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Mars has called to us since ancient times. To humans across the eons, the red-tinted speck glinting in the night sky has garnered special attention, with myths and legends wound around its possible ties to Earth. As we observed Mars with telescopes, this fondness graduated into a scientific fascination.
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Within only about the last half century, as science has continued to advance, we gained the ability to land scientific instruments on the Red Planet. Beginning with the Viking probes in 1976 and continuing through the Perseverance rover and its flying companion, the Ingenuity helicopter drone, this robotic exploration has allowed humans to discover complex secrets of Mars.
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But this is far from the end of our ambitions. Indeed, humans have planned crewed missions to Mars since at least as far back as the 1950s. Scientists and CEOs alike have crafted intricate ideas to establish a presence on the Red Planet, ranging from small-scale research outposts to major settlements. Elon Musk’s plans to put a million people on Mars stand as a particularly bold example.
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Yet even with all the money and influence being poured into the goal of putting boot prints in the Martian regolith, there remain considerable doubts that we will ever actually get there. Between economic and ecological problems mounting here on Earth and the major challenges facing even the most basic mission to send humans to Mars, the impetus to spend the money necessary to fund such an initiative has ebbed with the political tides perhaps more so than any other space mission.
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But the fascination remains, and the call of Mars is still as loud as it was to the futurists of the past. There seems to be something of a destiny in this call that makes it all but inevitable that humans will one day step down onto the surface of Mars, much as we once first stepped onto the surface of the Moon.
This history itself is instructive. In the earliest days of the Space Race, many people thought it inevitable that humans would one day set foot on the lunar surface, even if it took decades as opposed to the scant few years promised by visionaries like John F. Kennedy. But the illusion of inevitability is not proof of its existence in fact, as many failed predictions through history have shown.
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Even the Moon landings were subject to faulty predictions. The New York Times’ 1920 declaration that rockets could not fly through space due to the lack of air comes readily to mind. Yet on July 21, 1969, two men from Earth stepped onto the surface of the Moon, proving all but the most determined doubters wrong. Will their spiritual successors at NASA and other space agencies one day follow suit on Mars? The first person to step on Mars likely walks among us now, and their moment in history may be coming soon.
Originally published on https://www.astronomy.com
(Saturday, July 13th, 2024)
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zeldadiarist · 2 months ago
Golden Chain AU: Worldbuilding
Hello! It's time I already shared these notes that have been sitting in my drive for ages - I wrote them in 2019!
Since I decided to gather everything in one post, it's going to be long, so read under the cut!
1. The basics
Name of the country: Great Kingdom of Hyrule
Regions: Central Hyrule, Hebra, Akkala, Eldin, Necluda, Lanayru, Faron, Gerudo.
Capital: Castletown.
Insular territories: Eventide Island, Tenoko Island, Wintre Island, Lanayru Sea Archipelago (Tingel, Ankel, Knuckel and Davide islands), Lomei Island.
Official Language: Hylian.
Measuring system: metric, established by Queen Zelda V (Botw) during Hyrule Restoration/Renaissance.
Approximate size: Hyrule is a small continent in itself. Every region has around 60-100k km2.
Population: around 30 million people. The population growth was really slow after the calamity (population was barely on the thousands)
Neighbors: Termina to the north (Frontier checkpoint is North Lomei/Deplian Badlands lol), Calatia to the Southwest (Checkpoint: Tanagar Canyon/Hemaars Descent). Both countries are considerably smaller, but developed and have active trade with Hyrule.
Time usage: 24-hour, sexagesimal system.
Seven day weeks. Naming convention:
Tuesday- Twiliday
Wednesday- Wingsday
Thursday- Faesday
Friday- Faronday
Saturday- Timeday
Sunday- Dinsday
13 months of 28 days (lunar calendar), the remaining day is New Year’s.
National flower: Silent Princess
National motto: Post Tenebras Lux (After Darkness, Light comes)
Flag: Hylian crest in gold over three bands (green, blue, red)
Anthem: none, but Zelda's lullaby is the only tune associated to the kingdom.
Demonym: Hyrulean for them all, but also are used the ones describing regions/races: Hebran, Rito, Akkalan, Goron, Eldinian, Faroner, Hatenite, Necludan, Kakaricon, Fielder (central Hyrule), Towners (Castletown).
2. Historical structure
The kingdom of Hyrule counts years since its foundation, everything previous (pre and skyward sword) is prehistory, since there were no written records. Year zero is the crowning of the first king of Hyrule - the grandson of Sksw Link and Zelda. The establishment of the monarchy leads to a dynasty that is interrupted by the Calamity.
The modern history of Hyrule begins when the Hero of the Wild saves the kingdom, and the monarchy is re-established under agreement of the remaining settlements, tribes and kingdoms, bringing another Golden Age that ended with the reign of king Rhoam II, father of the “Bastard Queen” - Zelda’s grandmother Zelda (born Viridiana).
3. Political and internal organization
The Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and the regent is active in politics, as head of the state/executive power. The King/Queen is also the Commander in Chief of Hyrule's Self-Defense Forces (HSDF), comprised by:
Knights of Hyrule
Gerudo Guard
Royal Guard
Zora Guard
Goron Fighters (army and spec ops such as rescue and first response stuff)
Coast guard (Navy)
Air Rangers (Air Force, led mostly exclusively by Rito Warriors)
Civil Guard (police, firefighters, lifeguards)
Each one of the branches of the HSDF has a leader, commanded by the ruler in power.
People who want to join the HSDF enter Hyrule's knight academy, and undergo training for four years (two years basic training, two years specialization), and rotate through the regiments.
Hyrule's intelligence is the Sheikah. They sort of separated the Sheikah as institution from the warrior clan, but it's still comprised mostly by them. They also develop a lot of technology for civilian and industrial/defense purposes.
The legislative power lies on the 150 representatives of the High Council, elected every five years, with only one re-election term. They have a president, elected to represent them all during official acts. Name of current president: Rhett Groose.
The King/Queen besides the council has a set of ministers to assess them more directly, chosen after receiving nameless dossiers (blind selection). They stay in their positions until the ruler deems necessary. Longest length of ministries have been under Zelda VI’s reign: her initial cabinet stayed with her for over fifteen years.
Each region has a governor, Except for Lanayru, Eldin, Gerudo, in which the Chief/Regent of the tribe is the highest political authority.
The King/Queen is the highest ranking civil servant of the country. The house of Hyrule has ruled more or less steadily for 500 years after the Calamity.
The crown has a matriarchal rule.
The firstborn by birthright inherits the crown, but if at any point before the current ruler passes away or abdicts, the title goes to the next of kin - preferentially a daughter of the house.
Upon coronation, the ruler names a cabinet of ministers, and designs a knight to be their champion.
Five years after coronation, the citizens evaluate the ruler through a binding referendum. If the ruler is disapproved (over 60% reprobation), they are forced to terminate their rule and the next of kin takes the crown (every prince and princess receives the same education to be fit to rule). This measure can be invoked anytime again during the reign, through the people themselves, who have to bring the request through the high council. Queen Zelda V put this measure to avoid abuse of power and tyranny from the crown.
3.Towns and Cities
The cities are mostly the same settlements after the Calamity, and some others were recovered, turning into boroughs of larger cities, or small towns. Several new towns match the former stables they were once.
Hebra: Snowfield, Rito Village, Pondo’s Lodge
Eldin: Goron City, Foothill Town, Shadow Hamlet
Akkala: Tarrey Town, East Town, South Town
Lanayru: Zora’s Domain
Necluda: Kakariko Village, Hateno Town, Dueling Peaks Town
Faron: Lurelin Town, Lakeside Town, Highland Town
Gerudo: Gerudo Town, Canyon Town.
Central Hyrule: Outskirt Town, Riverside Town, Gatepost Town, Outpost Town, East Post Town, Deya Village, Rauru Town, Serenne Town, Castletown.
Great Plateau: Eastern Abbey Village
The capital of the Kingdom grew massive after the restoration period ended, and has several boroughs: The Quarry, Mabe, LonLon, Civic Center (formerly Castletown jail), Downtown (divided in Upper-Lower West/Upper-Lower East side).
4. National Parks and protected areas
Hyrule takes extreme care of its environment, not only because of ecology, but also because nature is sacred for being one of Farore’s gifts. Zelda VI (Viridiana) had to undo several older laws regarding industrialization, because they weren't sustainable and would destroy nature and the balance long term.
Main parks:
Hebra Mountains
Hyrule Great Forest (Deku Tree, sacred site)
Eldin Canyon/Death Mountain
Deep Akkala (Spring of Power)
Mount Lanayru (Spring of Wisdom)
Farone great forest & lake Floria (the green lung of Hyrule)
Gerudo desert (specifically some archaeological sites)
Pillars of Levia
Tanagar Canyon
Oseira plains
5. Economy
Hyrule’s currency is still the Rupee, abbreviated Rp. It’s still used in the same physical form, and fifty years from the start of the story in digital form, for electronic transactions and such.
Since for a long time the country lived barely there during the Calamity, people worked strongly to have self-sustainable communities, and this remained as a trait of the economy, which is circular: there is a strong repair - reuse - recycle culture. Zelda does a lot of thrift shopping, not only because she’s a cheapskate, but because it’s most common for the average citizen. Link has mostly new clothes because he uses tech gear (and due to his size he needs to get things custom made).
Communities generate their own energy, having a clean energy plant in their regions, all connected for a general supply if needed (Hebra has windmills, Gerudo solar panels and so on).
Hebra produces wood for construction, paper and others, central Hyrule, cattle and dairy, faron does agriculture, and fishing, lanayru manages water and electricity (hydroelectric plant in upland Zorana), Eldin does all mining and manufacture, Akkala and Necluda do Farming and agriculture besides industrial activity (Sheikah tech). Gerudo produces fabrics, glassware, tapestry, and luxury items, such as jewelry, high fashion clothes, etc.
Tourism is another of Hyrule's forte. People travel a lot, whether nationals or foreigners. The crown has always incentivated tourism (although they do not travel for leisure often, specially Zelda, who only knows Gerudo Town and Kakariko).
Monopolies are illegal, and the law establishes limits to the riches people can gain to avoid inequality gaps.
Taxes are according to income, and the return is very low, since they finance social insurance, health and education,and basic housing, which is free and universal.
Private property is allowed, and the trade is free but overseen by the state. Excess accumulation of riches is frowned upon - and researched by the Internal Revenue Service of Hyrule’s Treasury.
The minimum wage is for minimum work, but still a livable wage.
Hyrule as a secular state has no official religion. The church of Hylia is the most important one though, for Hylia is the guardian Goddess of the land, besides the Golden Three, the mother Goddesses.
The cult is very lax and open, pretty much like Shinto, with small shrines scattered across the land, taken care of by a Sheikah monk, or a priest or priestess of Hylia. The priests/ess hold no particular vow. They train for their duty at the great plateau complex. Zelda is a priestess of Hylia due to her powers, but she only partakes in certain rites, like funerals, weddings, and naming ceremonies.
People worship certain things/values associated with the Goddesses: Nature is revered for it is Farore's gift, same with education for Nayru, and martial discipline for Din (sorta like Greek areté/Roman Virtus). Hylia's attribute is spiritual enlightenment.
The Sage head of the great plateau complex is the highest spiritual authority in Hyrule along the high priestess of Hylia (role fulfilled by the ordained daughters of the royal line.)
By definition is the ability to use the energy that surrounds us in order to defend oneself or others. Most of the time invoking natural forces, like in the case of Din’s Fire, or akin to it.
Magic generated with the purpose of malicious harm, torture, cursing is considered dark magic and deemed forbidden. Exception: Zelda’s Phantom.
Magic has a set of rules:
use it for self preservation or to protect others, never for harm.
actions have consequences of equal dimension.
clear and pure intention must always be behind it, you cannot use it for evil purposes or illegal gain.
You cannot revive the dead. Necromancy is taboo.
The golden rule: what magic gives, magic takes, aka Equivalent Exchange. For a magic user to grow or earn power (such as unlocking sealing magic/the Triforce) they must let go of something as a sort of tribute.
Glamour spells are used as camouflage in certain occasions (like undercover missions), mostly by Sheikah agents.
There are incredibly few magic users nowadays in Hyrule: some Sheikah (less than ten, and mostly on glamour spells. Impa is one of them), Sage Rauru, and Princess Rutela of the Zora, a renowned healer (skilled, but not to the level of her aunt Mipha, who could almost bring people from the verge of death).
8. Culture
Common customs:
Every baby has a naming ceremony, ten days after their birth.
When children turn 10, there’s a small celebration about cherishing childhood, related to the hero of time. Kids (no matter the gender) wear green.
Coming of age is at 17. It is celebrated in a formal fashion, with a sort of party that is halfway between a graduation and a debutante ball. Zelda hated it because she felt like she was a walking meringue pie with her formal dress.
The structure of their society is matriarchal. Men generally have the role of caretakers, and do housework. Before the Calamity they were kept out of town, but after it, they were welcomed, incorporating to their society, participating in a more domestic fashion.
Since men were scarce or away, lesbian/pan relationships are completely normal. Women would take a concubine to procreate, or adopt. Now it's IVF and/or adoption.
Clothing is genderless for them, there’s no "feminine" or " masculine" style. The basic garments are linen caftans and pants, very colorful, and use lots of jewels. They are considered the most stylish and fashionable amongst the peoples of Hyrule.
They are extremely polite and well-mannered. You’ll never see a Gerudo cursing, lest in public. For the same reason, they are the best diplomats and speakers. Gorons are always thankful of how easy to understand they are.
They tend to be politely distant with strangers, but once they warm up to them, they are ride or die, brethren for life.
They were the first to recognize a third gender, and call them “vae” (portmanteau of vai+voe). The word permeated throughout the land. Vae covers all non-conforming gender expressions.
They are the masters of women’s studies, health, pregnancy and childrearing. If you have fertility issues, no matter the race, you go to see a Gerudo Ob-gyn, they’re the best.
Sand seals are still the region’s mascot.
Their cuisine is always flavorful, spicy, and fragrant - they will silently judge you if you don't season your food properly.
Youngsters at seventeen - last year of hs- go into a compulsory exchange program, equivalent to when the tribe women left the town to see the world.
Gerudo weddings have a very romantic ritual: couples meet under the full moon on Lover's Pond and eat a pomegranate together before the wedding. On the wedding day, after taking their vows (written on their own), one of their spouses takes the other on a ride around the town.
Funerals last a week: after a day of wake, the ceremony is held, then the body is cremated. At the seventh day, the ashes are thrown to the desert. After that, relatives stop wearing mourning clothes. They keep a small shrine at home with a picture and burning incense.
Live the same as humans, with an average of 85 years.
Very art-focused, they excel in music, but are into all arts and crafts as well. Every Rito knows to sing and play at least one instrument.
They used to be a very formal society regarding gender roles (women were discouraged into participating in martial arts and combat), but they slowly changed.
The Rito still have the tradition of a Village Bard. The current bearer of the position is Sagi Blackwing, father of Taka, Marshall of the Air Rangers.
Rito elect their chief democratically, and they have indefinite reelection terms.
They are very blunt and straightforward in nature, despite their graceful forms and manners. Gorons like that.
They are pescetarians. Fowl is kinda taboo, but will eat game or beef if necessary.
Rito families are very large. When a Rito sees another one somewhere, they say “I’m from the [insert family name] of [insert place]”, similarly to Scottish clans.
Weddings are lavish and have a very colorful party with lots of music and dancing.
Births have a very domestic celebration, but they go all over when their little ones learn to fly.
Funerals are very solemn. They burn the body, and throw the ashes to the wind, as the bard plays a beautiful requiem.
They live around 60-80 years.
Due to their status as the most long-lasting of the Hyrulean species, they are the keepers of the history of Hyrule, in charge of records and archives outside the castle.
Said records are kept in stone, like they have done for ages. But they use digital copies too nowadays.
They still pretty much have the same structure they had before and after the Calamity.
They have a strong sense of collectivity and equality. The ruler never takes political actions without the agreement of their subdits.
They excel in arts, history, and traditional martial arts.
Mostly pescetarian. They tolerate chicken, but don't eat red meat.
Masters of water sports and swimming. King Sidon is still the diving and swimming champ of the Domain - he still teaches the little ones to swim, “just like my sister taught me”.
King Sidon is the longest living individual being in the land with 605 years of age, he has the honorary title of “Venerable Sage”. He says he probably is going to be ready to pass onto the Sacred Realm when he sees “another Link being a Hylian Champion”.
They love being verbose. The Gorons have difficulty to understand them sometimes.
They are not so favorable of interspecies relationships, because of their longevity/ past history of tragic relationships.
Births are warmly celebrated. When Princess Rutela was born, the celebration lasted a month.
The funeral of a Zora is epic: they go Viking, and after a wake and a ceremony, they burn the body on a raft on the Lanayru sea. After that, the family hosts a feast to celebrate the departed.
You don’t have a family? 100% chance you’re getting adopted by them. Say hi to your 94976937832 new brothers.
Prepare to eat rocks, literally.
They don’t get puns unless they are rocky. Nor double entendres, so communication always has to be very clear and literal with them. They get along wonderfully with the Gerudo/Rito because of this, not so much with the Zora. Hylians/humans and Sheikah have to explain always things twice.
They reproduce asexually. They all come from the “mother rock”, a sort of nursery cave near the caldera of Death Mountain (a la Kindergarten from Steven Universe). They are all aces.
They use “goro goro” as pet word.
They have an almost childlike sense of wonder; they are super warm, open and welcoming to everyone.
They practice tough love, in the sense a goron hug is really tight. Like, you’ll be kinda dizzy for a solid 15 minutes.
They choose their chief through a trial of strength.
Goron sumo is the national sport, followed closely by goron golf.
They still don’t understand why all other races use those shiny rocks that are inedible (i.e. rubies, sapphires, diamonds, etc.). They say “why do you like to wear rubbish?” - I guess someone’s garbage is someone else’s treasure, bro.
Never interrupt an argument between two Gorons. It's RUDE.
They live around a hundred years. When they are about to die, they go back to the mother rock, to the same book they came from,and they fuse with it, giving way to the formation of another goron. They don't make a big deal over it, since they say 'brother went back to our mother'.
The only difference between a Hylian and a human is the ears. Who proved that? Science. It's a mutation. Deal with it. Thus, they have gotten over this complex of “race blessed by the goddesses” that existed until before the Calamity - except for a handful of twits.
Humans were scarce during the Calamity, but they slowly reappeared. The current rate is 55% Hylian, 45% human. They are more an ethnicity than a race.
Hospitality is very important for everyone, ever since the Calamity. There is always a spare room or couch to crash in, and there is always a seat at the table for anyone who needs it.
Every family acquaintance is dubbed "aunt/uncle/entle (nb term)".
Learned a lesson from the Gerudo and the Sheikah, and broke gender barriers to the point sports are not divided by gender.
Hylians are specialists in bakery and pastries. During the Restoration, hylians took to heart to recover the culinary traditions of central Hyrule.
Because of their love of carbs, they don't mind a bit of roundness around the edges (a chubby girl is dubbed 'a tiny Goddess', after the goddess statues)
Weddings are simple, mostly held at the house of a relative doing written vows, or a city hall one, to be later crowned with a feast with plenty of food, and a huge wedding cake.
Funerals are short, one day of wake, one day of funeral. The body is cremated, and the ashes put in a box that goes to a small grave relatives visit oftentimes.
The life span is in average 85-90 years.
"Pure" Sheikah do not exist. They can be mostly Sheikah, but they are mixed. Despite that, their genetic features (white hair, reddish brown eyes) are strong, and tend to be passed down.
Matriarchal society. The chief is almost always a woman, although male chiefs have existed, such as Lord Shigure, father of Impaz, current chief.
They still use their traditional clothes most of the time, and/or mix them with modern ones.
They still prefer traditional housing over modern buildings, at least at a residential/suburban level. The manor of the chief is built in traditional style too, and it's located at the center of the city. It's the oldest building in Necluda, and one of the oldest in modern Hyrule.
They cultivate traditional martial arts and other combat techniques, besides science (Akkala and Hateno labs are the tech centers).
Prepare to eat pumpkins in everything. And rice. And apple pie.
Extremely respectful of other people in general. They are amazing hosts. Their parties are incredible.
Weddings are very symbolic and full of rituals. The Sheikah chief offices it. Bride and groom meet each other at the gates of a shrine along their families, and the chief "merges" them by tying the bride and groom's hands with a red ribbon. Then both drink rice wine from the same cup, and then received the blessings of the Goddesses and the spirits of the land. Once married, they parade around the shrine along the whole family. At the gate the receive another blessing, as their families are now one.
Funerals are very solemn. They burn the body and bury the ashes at the cemetery, placing a jizo/goddess statue on top of it. Kakariko cemetery is the largest and most ancient of the country. Even the Royal family used to be buried there.
Their life span is the longest among humanoid species: 150 years.
9. Holidays
Hyrule has 6 big holidays:
“Day without time”: New Year, coincides with Spring Equinox, because of association with rebirth. People gather at home and feast on a big family dinner. One hour before midnight, all lights are out everywhere, and stay like that until midnight, where the royal family rings the bell of the castle at the same time as the new Temple of Time and light a torch that is used to light paper lamps, and get released to the sky. Everyone does the same at home with candles, and welcome the new year going to shrines/temple (if they are believers) or spend the day with their families - making resolutions you generally never accomplish or wishes at the temple is a funny tradition for everyone. Flower arrangements are the key decoration for the event, and goddess statues all over wear wildflower garlands, generally made by children. Zelda and Link love this holiday because they get to eat to their heart’s content. She also enjoys touring kids over the royal gardens - the great plateau temples and the Castle are fully open for visitors, King Daphnes and Queen Amaya welcoming them personally along Zelda, an activity that reinforces their image of “down to earth” royalty. Celebration lasts 5 days (it’s the two previous days, new year’s, the two following days to recover lol).
Summer Solstice/ Midsummer: Everybody loves this holiday because it’s all about having fun in the sun: people go on picnics, to the parks, or to the beach/lakes. Maypoles are placed everywhere, and a huge one is set in Hyrule Castle. Zelda hates the festivity because she sweats like a pig in a suit - it’s one of her official outings and has to dress formally, then change into an elaborate gown with floral motifs and a flower crown. Link loves it because he likes outdoor activities (and Zelda looking like a forest goddess). Similar to Japanese Obon (almost nobody works in the entire week). Goddess Statues are decorated with braided ribbons (blue,red,green).
Autumn Equinox/Harvest Festivities: Fall celebration is focused on thanking Farore for a good harvest, so the theme is gratitude… and food. Cornucopias are everywhere - so is anything pumpkin (Kakariko made a good campaign some decades ago to market their most beloved fall crop), and apple cider. Goddess Statues are decorated with offerings of apples and warm colored Akkala maple branches. The ugly sweater season begins - Link LOVES THEM.
Winter solstice/ The Longest Night: This is a celebration focused on the “light in the dark”: in the daytime, people go to cemeteries to pay respects to their dead, and after 6 pm people gather around to have nice evenings with friends and family, dining, baking treats, and drinking eggnog. People light bonfires on parks and gather around in the evening, singing folk songs, and houses are decorated with fairy lights, and paper lamps they buy for the occasion and keep one of them lit through winter until day of remembrance. Horrid thematic sweaters are almost mandatory, stars and snowfolk being the most common thematic (Link loves them; ironically for a desert child, he likes snow). Celebration lasts over the weekend.
Day of remembrance: third day of the third moon. A very solemn celebration regarding all the people that died during the Calamity, and the survival of all the races. It's tied with the Winter solstice and new year rites. People leave the now unlit paper lamps used through winter solstice, and garlands of silent princesses (they bloom all year round) as offerings at the memorial in Castletown square, fort Hateno, Akkala Citadel, Zora's domain, and the Temple of Time. Those lamps then are gathered and used in the new year.
Day of victory: celebration of the end of the calamity and the establishment of the new kingdom. Castle opens gates and all people dress up in historical costumes of the time. Zelda lives for this shit. Happens during the second week of the eighth month.
There are other regional celebrations, but they are not as relevant as those.
Music day (Rito): 22nd day of the eleventh moon
Goron Bowl (Goron sumo tournament finale, not a holiday in itself, but they go big about it): 28th of the second moon.
Guardian Mothers' day (Gerudo): 7th of the fifth moon
Champion festival (Zora): 14th of the sixth moon.
Other, more general celebrations exist (Teachers’ day, science day, arts day, etc), but they are not holidays.
On the legend of the hero
The relevance of the legends is very important, but has reached a status of pop culture staple, like the Greek gods. Reversions and reinterpretations of the legends are commonplace in media.
The childhood ceremony revolves around the legend of the child heroes, who wore bright green.
That's all, sorry not sorry for the wall of text, I hope you find this interesting and complements your reading!
Tagging @expanding-hyrule because it's fitting!
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astrobuggy · 3 months ago
New Beginning Au
Heyyy, so I decided to take my Lunar flower business au into a whole new idea :] That idea being, "What if Lunar and Eclipse were truly brothers?"
This au would take place in the TEAPS world (The Eclipse and Puppet show)
Eclipse doesn't take care of the killcode au as carefully as he does in the actual universe (sunshine & moonlight are separated since that will make this au make sense 😀). Making a whole new Eclipse. He isn't discovered for a week (?, Maybe like a month or half since Eclipss hate will have to boil to some degree) and was already in the making of a robot that being Bloodmoon. Yknow what happens he leaves but July 16th doesn't happen (hip-hip- hooray!) Puppet and Eclipse find out about Bloodmoon and for that to happen and Eclipse must be around. So, they make their way to Sunshines head and see NB! Eclipse. They talk and plan to take him out of Sunshines head and capture Bloodmoon. Though NB! Eclipse was already planning a new robot, Lunar. He still plans to build Lunar behind Eclipse and Puppets back
He does, and Lunar is a success! He isn't hungry for blood and gore. He just wants to have fun and help Eclipse, help him. Help him. That's the most important thing. Eclipse finds out and meets early Lunar in Moonlights head (I want him to see how different Lunar was to how he is now. He has to see the consequences of "his" actions) Lunar is giddy and happy to see his "brother." Eclipse is overwhelmed with his energy. One thing leads to another, and Eclipse wants to change the outcome of this Lunar and Eclipses fate with each other. He wants to see what they could've been like
Lunar and Eclipse both get removed from Sunshines and Moonlights head. Puppet tries to make them as close as possible. Lunar has no problem with his, but Eclipse isn't all that fond of it. Eclipse (TEAPS, basically ours) doesn't take any of it but is still taking inconsideration of the other Eclipses' feelings. NB! Lunar and NB! Eclipse actually do become close and treat each other as brothers. They do decide to leave the pizzaplex and start anew. Somewhere far. A distant and small town in the outskirts of the city
NB! Lunar starts a business, a flower business at that! He finds them neat and funky (pretty too!). NB! Eclipse becomes an inventor. A great one at that with some video game knowledge at the side (he creates games too for fun). They do own a home. It's a decent size for two robots :]
But, they do handle their own problems. That being Bloodmoon. They want to find him. NB! Eclipse wants to decommission him or change his coding. NB! Lunar wants to accept him into the little family they have created. Bloodmoon is technically his big brother! So, they track him down and try to talk it out between them. They come to some settlement, and Bloodmoon comes home with them. They try to make Bloodmoon comfortable in the new setting and accommodate him. It takes a LONG ASS while, but hey, you found your long-lost brother! 🤷‍♂️
I tried to shorten the story, and I'm still building it and finding plot holes in it cause, o.m.g there are so many 😭😭 I am sleep deprived btw while writing this 👍
Drawing of NB! Eclipse and NB! Lunar at the bottom:
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I will try to make Bloodmoon... some day! Bloodmoon will be SHORT 😠
Shorter than Lunar >:]
(NB! Eclipse is overprotective of both of them)
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arsene-inc · 9 months ago
GilaRPGs and the Novaverse : Getting the setting out of the game line
Or What is a game line really ?
Getting out of the game line to develop a setting. What does it mean ? Well there's no better start than an exemple so let's check what Spencer Campbell or GilaRPGs is doing.
Actually no, a better start is defining the terms. Curse you leftovers from uni. So what is a game line ? In the TTRPG scene, it is usually thought as all the games that shares a Name, or all the books that share the same setting AND system. We all know the D&D line even if we sometimes wish we didn't. But there's other lines : Pathfinder, Nephilim, Knight, Vampire the Mascarade, etc...
Multiple editions ? Supplements ? That's a line, don't cross it.
But if games with the same setting and the same system are of the same line, what about game with the same setting but different systems ?
A New Challenger appears : Spencer Campbell, one of my fav. His name is often reason enough for me to buy.
(translation for a future video on my french ttrpg channel)
I could talk about the evolution of LUMEN toward a diceless,healthless system, how every other games influence this transition. I'll leave you waiting on this one.
In short, one of his big games is Nova, inspired by Warframe, Destiny and the likes. To summarize : Sun exploded. Nobody knows why. Sun shards implanted on the planet. Now the night won't leave me alone.
A Measly lot of years later, the power of these shards can be harnessed, Humanity can continue. Sparks are invented, mecha-armour to explore the Dusk and defend settlements from their many ennemies. Cause we weren't alone when the sun exploded.
Well I said invented but some Sparks...... One of them was inspired by Satan and the only thing we know about it is thus : The Sky went red and it appeard out of the Dusk. Great. No reason to worry at all. It's not like you can't make a horseman of the Apocalypse party with some other Sparks... (something my player actually did, these edgy mfers) The setting is very succint, it's a small book. But it's the Start of the Novaverse.
No, we can also find Luna and Nest in the same setting. Interesting detail : they focus on two of the enemies' factions found in Nova. And none of them have the same system. Well that may be a little exaggeration. Dusk also exists with a similar system and on the Sparks side.
Before writing about them, I will note that supplements for Nova exist. Nova Dusk Denizen. Zine sized, each zine on a singular faction with more lore, more enemies, more tactics for the GM.
So Dusk is the first new game of this Novaverse. The first to use the LUMEN 2.0, now diceless and based on ressources. For me, it's a debate if Lumen and Lumen 2.0 can be considered the same system. More importantly, this is not a supplement. This is a full game. A modular game (another discussion for the future). Nova's focus was on combat, action. Dusk is not. It is exploration. The monsters usually die in 1 hit. Clearly two distinct experiences.
Then Spencer crowdfunded and published Luna. Another change. Here we play a Nova enemy faction : The Lunar Cult. Their goal : infiltrate a city and convert its sun shard for holy moonstone. This is not the type of adventures Lumen is built for. So the game uses the Resistance system, from Spire and Heart, a more adapted system.
This rpg also does something I appreciate more and more : One type of story only, we know what we want and we will play it in a fewshot campaign, 5 sessions max.
To go back to the original question, I ask of you : Same lore, same setting, but is it the same line ? It is a different experience and a different system after all.
Last May, GilaRPGs crowdfunded Nest. Back to Lumen 2.0, still an enemy faction : the Corvus Dominion, an avian alien race. And again, a game for fewshots. Since nothing has been published about it yet,I can't tell you more.
Same setting, sorta same system, but another game.
Thus what is a line ? How do you conceive it ? A base game and supplements ? Including the various editions of its base game ?
It's not like I can't use these games for Nova. Here we have two problems for the sparks to solve. How about multitable ? Between Nest and Nova ? Between Dusk and Nova ? The players of one game reacting to the actions from the other game and vice verse ? Wouldn't that be an interesting experience ? Wouldn't you want to try ?
Plus, the novaverse is not Spencer's only setting like this. He also has Obron, starting with Rune, his solo game inspired by Elden Ring and Dark Souls, where we play an Engraved. Then comes Reap, also solo in Obron, same system, but this time, you're a necromancer.
Since the game designer opens his game to 3rd party content (another reason to love him), someone had the great and terrific idea of a Realm that works for both games. Both characters are there at the same time. On the Rune side, you fight the Necromancer. On the Reap side, you fight the Engraved.
Now we leave the Rune system to go back to Lumen 2.0 again, with a group, for Thorn, also happening in Obron. And that's all I will say about it, the game is not completed yet.
I love this concept, especially with smaller games. While not zine sized, Spencer's game usually count around 50 pages.
We can focus our game on one type of story, of adventure in a particular setting, with an apropos system. Then make another game in this setting but for another story, another system adapted to this story. No more breaking your brain to try and make a size fit all system.
Generally, with a game it's the system that gets out of the line. We create an SRD for other creators. (Don't be afraid to use SRDs , they're here for you) It's rarer to take a setting and make a new different game in it.
Imagine the possibilities : Multitables with different games, reacting to each other, especially if they have opposed goals. There are players who love a setting but hate the system, the types of adventures the base book proposes. Now they can find a game for them in this setting.
 It is (or is it ?) a new direction for ttrpgs. The world of darkness games may profess to happen in the same world, but I always found them too separated. It is something I think about when creating my own games. What would happen if I take this and change the system ? We can find similar ideas in other games.
Starfinder and Pathfinder share the same setting, the same system, bur with different scopes, in different genres.
Spire and Heart : same setting, same system, different stories. Knight and Parias share the same setting too, for the system, it is the same base, but one is heroic horror, the other is survival of the outcasts. The french author Vivien Féasson also does something similar with Perdus sous la pluie. 3 games in the same setting but one is an horror experience, one is exploration and settlement building, and the last is Life in the biggest citadel.
Let's see what sort of discussions this causes...
Wait a minute ! Isn't Obron the name he gave to the planet in the Novaverse game Dusk ? What is happening ? What secrets are you hiding Spencer !?
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bayporwave · 1 year ago
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Before the students left Rek, the rakii had been in the process of developing their own AI. At first they were gifted such intelligence by the students, providing washed-down copies of themselves to add to their tech and craft management. But when the need for more personalized AI and general curiosity arose, they went to work, using the student provided AI as a base or reference point. From there, three types of AI sprouted off these projects: • Student AI - Highly valuable, practical holy relics of what remains of the students. These are "purest" AI and are strictly held within Iot's control, only able to function off student tech. There are only 4 existing and 2 remain within the Idle Library. These AI are again, much more watered-down and while are fairly sentient they aren't 100% sapient.
• Hybrid or Steward AI - A mix between student and rakii coding. Since rakii couldn't exactly copy paste the student AI's themselves, what was given, they managed add on it. These AI were specialized and trained to understand the workings of rakii history, and language, while also being able to work on both student and rakii devices. They are still held under Iot control but with special permission, they can be granted to important government official or funded servers. These AI are a tad more self-aware, understanding their purpose and history just fine.
• Factotum AI - Completely rakii made and trained AI. With little to no student involvement, these AI are either standard algorithmic run assistants or commercially used for things like personal computers, phones, self-driven vehicles (mainly rail cars and public transit) or vending machines. Not ALL devices have AI of course, as the general public have a lot of mixed feelings towards, not such distain but prefer to be the only one in control of their tools. On the upside, they are heavily regulated and lack any possibility for self-awareness or sapience. The ones displayed here are two steward AI named Wyrr'Yoii (left) and Booror (right). Wyrr'Yoii is currently housed on the lunar settlement, Wubu maintaining life support and security, taking the avatar of a temperate. They were handed over to the rakii aerospace committee by Iot, which is heavily funded by the city for the investment of seeking out their missing gods. Wyrr'Yoii is described to be standardly monotone and critical, yet easy-going and understanding. They know exactly where their functionally lies and are always willing to lookout for the inhabitants within them. They have long-range communication with ground control, and furthest orbiting station in their system, "The Needle of Shwati" (A Wubu settler checking in with Wyrr'Yoii)
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Booror, is housed within an arctic government building in the Shto Dominion hence taking an arctic avatar. Having accepted trading offers and territory with Iot, they were later granted a steward to keep purpose tabs and documents on community. Ensuring those higher up are up-to-date with any possible trading changes. Though the general public are often wary of this development as recently there has been a project in the works of providing AI with RC units, wanting to see how these AI can interact with the physical world. One unit being an elaborate success, however the reactions of many were generally, "It looks creepy." and it became more of an underground project. (Cartographer Wa'chaa "Quiibii" Iot, speaking with Saiba in their RC unit)
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manasurge · 10 months ago
I kinda wish the Sylvari got to have a festival. The four winds is Zephyrite, therefore human (with the Queen’s Jubilee being obviously human and taking place in DR). Halloween is more or less human originated too (mad king Thorn and now Joko, also who used to be human). Wintersday takes place in DR, tho I forgot what was up with the snowmen, but it’s in the main human settlement (with Asura as a secondary bc of the infinarium with Tixx playing a huge part and capitalizing on it lmao). Dragon bash seems to be the most neutral one, but I’m glad the Norn got to inherit this one by having it be in Hoelbrak (would be cool if they got their own unique festival, but I’ll give this half points at least. I’m not sure if the holograms are their doing or maybe collaboration with the Asura?). Lunar new year is in, again, DR, but this one is very understandable at least. And SAB is the the quintessential Asura holiday.
Kinda sad we don’t even get to really host anything either. I know they’re a young race, but it still makes me sad. If I misremembered anything don’t be afraid to remind me >>’ believe me, I want to be wrong about this haha.
So many of these take place in Divinity’s reach o|-<
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trotting-on-by · 3 months ago
Lunar Forge : Spike
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The Ever Loyal Dragon, Twilight Spike
Following Twilight Velvet’s naming convention , gave Spike a “first name”
Spike’s story mostly remains the same, being born from an egg hatched by Twilight Sparkle and raised as a baby brother rather than some pet (seriously, who thought it would be wise for a filly to raise a dragon)
slightly revamped lore courtesy of @wolfofbluestardust who’s my RP partner in this AU lol
I'm going under the motive of Celestia not irresponsibly handing out literal dragons to kids and all that jazz.
Celestia watched to see how well her magic was progressing and if she could artificially make a perfect magma environment or an area of perfect hatching temperature, as twilight showed a lot of magic knowledge, but apply the knowledge was iffy.
The egg was a long way from hatching and Celestia was gonna hatch the egg anyway (as to help the real parents or show dragons that they could also rely on the ponies for help if need be) so she didn't see how this would be a problem.
Que sonic rainboom and actual hatching. While Celestia definitely praised and congratulated Twilight she was gonna remove spike and send him to a dragon settlement for proper raising.
But baby spike got attatched to twilight and twilight to spike. Celestia was still gonna remove the baby dragon because she can't let a baby raise a baby. No teen mom bs here. But then Twilight's parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, basically volunteer to be Spike's parents. They always wanted a third kid, but twilights birth was too draining for her to safely have another foal.
Celestia does warn them that dragon cubs and pony foals are not the same and that they would need major parenting classes to properly care for a dragon. They agree and Celestia let's them adopt Spike, but not before grumbling about having to smooth things over with the dragon delegation. They kick up a fuss but when they see how well spike is being treated, they let it slide.
The delegation let's it slide easily because Spike is a runt and dragons are usually rough with runts unless it was your very own. So they weren't too unwilling to load off Spike.
Spike is a runt because the magic artificially sped up his hatch rate. He had to sucm up the egg nutrients and grow fast in a short time so by the time he hatched, he wasn't as big as the other dragon hatchling
Because of the speed of his birth, he was born with small wings which remained small until his first greed caused massive changes in his body
Celestia helps set up Night Light and Twilight Velvet with raising the baby from his gem food supply and bedding
He’s much smaller than average dragons his height even with how old he is
Due to his strange birth , Spike had adopted some magic. He can make use of weak telekinesis, his near translucent veil like spines glowing and shifting with ease (search Aurorus Pokémon) (reference below). His horn is at best vestigial as his magic manifests in his crests
On his back is a star shaped pattern near similar to Twilight’s cutie mark right between his wings
He wears a little backpack that Carries up to eight (8) scrolls and a pen
Due to his short height, he can often be found riding on Twilight’s back
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yokowan · 1 year ago
sci fi cooking show set in the near future that depicts life in various space settlements with recipes used as a framing device.
remember to use less yeast in your martian focaccia, the lower air pressure and gravity mean it rises a whole lot more.
as you all know, the recent trade embargos have prohibited the export of alcohol off-world. today we'll learn how to make a pot still that works without gravity.
the lunar colonies have become famous for their delectable and unique mochi treats. but what is it that makes them so special?
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vaultureculture · 18 days ago
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Quick notes on Wolfsbane's family
The Ardeleans are part of a people nomadic in spirit and ancient in culture that worships the Lunar God. Their particular denomination of the Lunar Church follows an entirely nocturnal lifestyle. Like moths and certain types of scarabs, they use the Moon to navigate and orientate themselves. Their eternal pursuit of the Moon is their ultimate pledge of devotion towards their God.
After a particularly harsh winter that closed up the strait's crossings with fragile ice, the Ardeleans and their group were forced to set up a settlement and want until spring came to thaw the world. That is when David Ardelean became a Preacher of the Lunar God, or so he said. His church gained followers and they soon became their own branch, abandoning their traveling to make this new place their forever home. It was not their God that they revered anymore, but rather a tyrant's unorthodox folly.
Kavi is the eldest of Ioana and David's children. He's a sour-faced man the size of a wardrobe that usually takes on the role of the family's protector.
Dorin is the "village beauty", or so everyone says, and they believe it. They're vain, frivolous, and tremendously hedonistic— good and compassionate at heart, regardless.
Andrei and Mihai were born together yet they can't stand one another. They're always following each other, though. Blood runs thick, it seems.
Avram is the only child of the Ardeleans to have a learning disability. The lack of support available for him made him focus his attention on practical matters rather than academics. He is an excellent carpenter, a good shepherd, and an admirable man.
Iza was quiet and responsible. He was always smiling about something, always giving his own things and meals to the rest. He worked extremely hard to make the settlement welcoming, and would often be busy running errands all day. Of all their siblings, Wolfsbane was the closest to Iza, which is why his unnatural death turned their world upside down.
Wolfsbane (Albany) was a cheerful kid that explored the world through their incredibly curious mind and eyes. A quick learner, a back talker, they were never quite liked by the rest of their peers, least of all their father.
Anairis is philosophical and kind but slightly naive. She's clueless about the nature of their cult and is often the most gullible and the first one to blindly follow orders.
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yoga-onion · 2 years ago
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (16)
D for Duir (Royal Oak) - June 10th - July 17th
“June Tree - 7th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
metal: gold; Gemstone: diamond; Gender: male; Patrons: Dagda, Esus, Taranis, Artemis, Zeus, Jupiter, Thor; Symbols: strength + patience, generosity + protection, justice + nobility, honesty + courage
The oak was the most revered tree of the Celts, with a tall, round, stout trunk that is thick and round, spreading out like a crown. They grew into huge, imposing trees and lived long lives, so they became objects of worship for the Celts, who wished to live forever. 
Another reason for their worship was their high level of usefulness. It was used for housing and furniture. The round table around which the knights of King Arthur's Round Table were surrounded was made of one solid piece of oak wood. Merlin the Wizard used magic in the oak forests and his magic wand was made from the finest oak branch. The ancients also believed that with the help of acorns, they could come into contact with the gods who ruled the natural world.
The bark was used for tanning, dyes and medicinal purposes and had a wide range of uses. Oak wood was also used for coffins to hold the remains of the dead and was associated with the afterlife. Oak acorns were a favourite food of pigs in ancient times and helped in the mass rearing of pigs. Oak trees, as well as the mistletoe that inhabits them, were a factor in oak worship. Because it was believed to have fertility and reproductive benefits, a ceremony was held on the sixth day of every month in the lunar calendar to reap the mistletoe by the druids (Ref2).
The oak woodland was revered as a sanctuary by the Celts and was called Nemeton. Druidic rituals were held under the oak trees of this Nemeton. There is evidence of the presence of many Nemetons in continental Gallia (the ancient name for the ancient Celtic settlements).
The oak tree, imbued with energy, power and vitality, represents divinity in nature as a gateway to the inner world, a passage to the Kingdom of God, and communicates its divine will to us in the company of the gods.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (16)
D for Duir (Royal Oak) - 6月10日~7月17日
『6月の木〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第7月』
金属: 金; 宝石: ダイヤモンド; 性: 男性; 守護神: ダクダ、エスス、タラニス、アルテミス、ゼウス、ユピテル、トール; シンボル: 力+忍耐、寛容+保護、正義+高貴さ、正直+勇気
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spectrolitha · 2 months ago
❗blood (a bit)❗
I managed to get some blood and edginess into my flufftober. Yay.
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These guys are my OCs for Exalted ttrpg, but in modern spy (and/or mafia) AU, as prompt required. (You could have seen two of these characters in my previous exaltedposting)
Quartz Crumbs of Wyrm's Teeth, or Quartz for short, a gentleman with white hair – Dusk Abyssal. Aggressive and idiotic loser (/affectionate) with sad backstory™. Is currently in servitude to my Deathlord OC, who uses Quartz's yearning for affection and praise to manipulate him into unhealthy devotion. In this AU Quartz is a mafia underling who is just trying to get through his life and is completely ignorant of the fact that both of his best friends are secretly government agents.
First Among the Chickadees, or Chickadee for short, a lady in black dress – Changing Moon Lunar. Free spirit in love with simple life, she absolutely didn't want Luna's blessing (despite living in Lunar settlement outside of Realm her whole life), but fate (me) said otherwise. She is Quartz's Lunar mate, but their dynamic is devoid of romance and is something more about being frenemies, with strong emphasis on "enemies" – they usually don't get along too well, even if though they don't actively try to harm eachother. In this AU Chickadee is a government assassin, though general public sees her as a vigilante punishing bastards among high society (read: Dragon-Blooded)
Winter That Has Frozen the Heart, or Heart for short, a gentleman with black hair – Midnight Abyssal. Weak and ill in childhood, he got fed up with his inability to protect his sister, Chickadee, pretty quickly. So when Dragon-Blooded attacked their settlement, he tried to play the hero. Got killed, then got better when Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears came to him with Abyssal deal. Heart is a powerful necromancer, incredibly cynical and just as incredibly caring about Chickadee and Quartz, whom he kinda sees as a younger brother. Which doesn't save any of them from his messed up sense of humour. In this AU Heart is a government spy in the mafia, trying to get as close to destroying it as possible, while also keeping Quartz and Chickadee out of harm's way.
Close-ups + bonus under the cut
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Bonus: Heart in his canon variant (and some random OC in the first picture, ignore him)
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Text from last sketch: "Serving a Deathlord is painful, unpleasant and so on..." → "But if you refuse..." → "I'll break all of your bones and will make your corpse my marionette :)"
Heart's ways of recruiting captive Dragon-Blooded to his Deathlord's side are pretty mean, yeah.
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mjrtaurus · 2 months ago
So I think Sky Islander wings aren’t/weren’t actually vestigial, but this requires some mental gymnastics, so bear with me.
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So, we know from Enel’s cover story that the winged races (sans Lunarians, but I have Thoughts) that we see on the One Piece planet originated from the moon, right?
We also know that the city on the moon must have had some sort of atmospheric control system in place for Enel to not suffocate (assuming he was in electricity/plasma form running through the conductive current of the Ark Maxim’s gold on the ride up there). My guess is that it was a bubble barrier similar to the ones in Sabaody and Weatheria, but tailored to tank space weather like solar storms and meteor showers.
This is important to the theory.
As we see the sky islander wings on the One Piece planet, they are small and incapable of flight, but if you put someone with those wings into the lower gravitational pull of the moon and add the artificial atmosphere for the wind resistance… you could theoretically have those wings be fully flight worthy.
This also implies that the Lunarians- who are fully capable of flight at normal planetary gravity- have been on the planet longer than any of the winged races, and I have a theory as to why.
All of the winged races (including Lunarians) originated from a common winged ancestor from the One Piece planet long before the Void Century.
Some of them settled on blue sea islands (who became the Shandia), some who settled on the sky islands (who became the Skypieans and the Birkans), and some who settled on the Red Line (who became the Lunarians). Or perhaps the split between the moon fairing winged peoples happened on the moon over time, and they settled their respective areas when they returned, if they returned at all. It very well could have been that if the former was true, the moon settlers could have died out up there.
We don’t have enough information to work with here.
The reason- I believe- that there is such a drastic difference between the Lunarians and the other winged peoples is because when the others went to the moon, they chose not to. They stayed on the planet, developing their wings and their protective flames through travel, while the other winged races focused more on laying roots and establishing long-haul settlements, losing the size of their wings and not developing any flames because there was no need for such a level of protection or to fly as often.
So in essence, Sky Islander wings technically aren’t vestigal because they were more suited to flight under lunar gravity, but have become vestigial due to either returning to the planetary gravity, or through lack of need for flight due to alternate means of travel.
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