#luna tag <3
c2-eh · 1 year
the ship bingo. you already know what im gonna say. charlos and stony <3 love ya!
hi lunaa!! <33 ilyt
charlos. ofc. they make me crazy in the worst and best possible sense at the same time. the dying one is just ferrari. sometimes i need them to kill each other too but not always so yeah.
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stony. listen. i could choose every single thing and it would be right (except like 2). they're sooooooo. if ONLY they made tony stark bi in mcu too. if only.
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effervescentdragon · 5 months
tumblr is acting up for me so I wont try to add any pics but YOU ARE MARC MARQUEZ FROM THAT ASK <3 mwah <3 <3 <3
lunaaaa dearessssstttt 🥹❤️
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is this because of that dream where i fucked valentino rossi?? 🤔😌😹
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Mayaneeeee! Hi, hello, hi, how are you?
So long since the last time I screamed around here. If I remember correctly you asked about my tag (hey, a tag ❤️!.. I'm still worthy of a tag 🤔?)?.. I call myself Luna so any version of that (Lu, Luna... someone used to use Lupina hahaha) is fine by me.
So, last time I was screaming about your participation in Into the fic of it... it took me so long to hear it, I'm sorry. I was attacked by work and the preparations of an international trip. I heard it little by little I pieces but hey, I TOOK NOTES 😂😂, so here are my notes (a summary actually hahaha).
1. Don't know exactly why but I wrote to recommend you my favorite teenage book but hey, past-me probably had a good idea but I don't remember anymore. It's called Ilse Janda, 14 oder Die Ilse ist weg (in Spanish is Por favor vuelve a casa -Please come back home-, don't know how it is in English). Perhaps I had this thought when you were talking about kids books... because this is a beautiful book for a teenager, written for teenagers (and from their perspective, which is not easy), with complex and painful topics but treated having said kids in mind. I love it so much, even now.
2. I think that JK wrote 3 books for children (first 3) and then she just wrote what she wanted, period. My mom has a fun theory: She read somewhere that JK wrote HP for his son and then she develops this theory in which JK started writing with love for his young child and then he grew and then she wrote the rest of the series in revenge lmao. According to her, JK's son was probably a teenage nightmare and that's why she started killing beloved characters 😂
3. That brings me to: YES YES I GET SO MAD EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT THE UNNECESSARY DEATHS. Why kill Colin?! And why Hedwing (I actually stoped reading the book there and only took it again months later)?!
4. Talking about JK wonderful (/derogatory) writing: To this day I don't understand how she totally took all the responsibility from the adult characters. I mean, Dumbledore formed not one...BUT TWO armies with child soldiers. And don't let me start talking about Snape and Dumbledore behavior with Draco in yea (he was sixteeeeeen). That's something I really like about fanfics: how they somehow questioned how those characters behave.
Aaaaaaand I'm going to leave it here for now because it's getting toooooo long (we're half way in my notes and in the podcast you haven't started talking about the main topic, oh god 😂).
Have a nice day! Sorry this took me so long! I really enjoyed hearing you lot 🤗
Hey, hi, hello!!!!! I have no idea why I’m just seeing this but anyway, here we are.
I’m doing ok uni is a bit of a struggle but I’m enjoying the modules so far :) how have you been??? And are you kidding me?? Of course you still get a tag <3
Ahhh I’m so glad you enjoyed the episode! I had so much fun taking part and met some incredible people thanks to it so it makes me so happy that it inspired some thoughts.
1. That book sounds so good I will definitely be checking it out! Thanks for the recommendation
2. Bahahahah your moms theory had me laughing so loud my friend came in from the other room to ask what was going on. But yeah, I think she definitely did not put any thought into the fact that not only the original kids who were reading it would read it. Like, I think her idea was that the characters and themes would grow up with the kids reading it which is a lovely idea in theory but that’s just not how it works. As soon as media is out there, it’s there for anyone to read and with it being a children’s book these themes needed to be handled with so much more care. I mean, this also applies to adult content but especially with kids who are extremely impressionable .
3. Yeah there were so many unnecessary deaths and I will also stand by the fact that having Sirius stay alive (and Remus for that matter) would have made for a much better and more in depth story. And I don’t just say that because I love them. There was just so much potential for growth that was thrown away
4. Oh completely she wrote obviously morally gray characters as good which is so problematic
Ahhh this was so fun! If you want I’d love to see more of your thoughts on it (you mentioned there were more notes) and once again I’m sorry I only now saw this . Have a great day!
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Made myself a celebratory art piece for getting IL Dan Heng 🥺💚❤💖
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alevolpe · 4 months
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Inner moms tea party! Say “thank you Pluto”!🫖☕️
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vault-kid · 21 days
please, what's the song you associate your fallout oc with the most? like you hear it and you immediately think of them, or feel like its them singing it, or theres an amv of them in your head .
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leopardsealz · 5 months
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redraw of an old piece! they are still besties
please reblog my art!
i can barely stand to look at this anymore but showing it to compare with the new piece </3 drawn in Ye Olde Times of 2021
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5zzall · 6 months
AU arts I forgot to post here:')
If you are in pjmcord you don't need to read thiz. It's just making up for my laziness.. Sorry tumblr people if u wanted me to post these earlier??😭
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Marie, Cameron's lil sister, being Lion Heart who is a lion-themed hero🦁
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Spooky ninjalinos>:) you know, if I were only allowed to draw 1 thing, it 100% would be a ninjalino. haha
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The teacher being a hero as well! Hero name is Care-Bear🐻 (I love inky's naming skills)
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Luna girl & Motsuki genderswaped au🌙🌙🌙 Genderswaping characters is always so fun:) and actually I'm making 1 more genderswaped au...not telling you who it is yet😏
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The final thing
Lunaverse>:D I used to hc that luna's powers, form and/or character changes when she uses a crystal from another planet, this au is based on that hc.😌
Now there is no pj masks art I haven't showed you guys!! And I promise not to forget again.😅
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Percy dosen't just have traditional and edgy pins on his battle jacket,he also has a few of these bad boys
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luna7822 · 28 days
marina apprecation post cuz she deserves it :3
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imagine having a special interest for a random squid girl that u met many years ago and ends up slowly but surely taking over ur mind so hard even after all these years to the point where shes practically the main reason why u and her are still together living life to the fullest and being happy anyways
absolute sweetheart cat face emoticon incarnate in every way possible that deserves every1 and everything including pearl :3
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gryficowa · 6 days
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It would be easier if it weren't for the link limit, because it creates more posts than it should, which becomes an example of an avalanche…
Now that I have your attention:
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c2-eh · 1 year
ok so ...what's your favourite stony moment? :D good or bad, doesn't matter, hit me with it. i read your reply to c's question and now im thinking about them.
LUNA HI!!! excellent question actually, i'll answer with both "sad" and "happy" moments.
so for sad it's for sure the endgame dialogue at the start. damn bro stab me it would hurt less "I got nothin' for you, Cap! I've got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options! Zero, zip, nada. No trust - liar." 😭 also the scenes in infinity war with the flip phone. HELLOO?? divorced husband Tony missing Steve although he does not want to admit it.
for happy one it's wood chopping scene. pls that was so !!!???!?? also tony giving steve back his shield. i SOBBED
thank you soooo much for the question, thinking about them again made me happyyyy 🥰
get to know the blogger
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
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Hi Mayane!
Yey! I have a tag 💜
I'm glad uni is going well, what modules are you seeing this semester?
I'm so glad my moms theory made you laugh, she has had it for ages now. And yes of course I'll continue with my screaming around here when I get to have a little time.
For now, this are my notes for you to laugh a little (yep, Spanish is my mother tongue and yes, this is the translation Siri made of my ramblings while I was walking, so I had to decipher them in orden to scream to you something mildly coherent)
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Have a beautiful day and start this weekend with the right foot 😄
So… you know how I said uni was going well… yeah so reading week is approaching and I have four essays to write so the fun didn’t last very long. Although tbf my modules are interesting so at least there’s that. I’m taking political philosophy, ethics, philosophy of race and Greek philosophy. I’m enjoying political and ethics, loving philosophy of race and very much hate Greek philosophy but oh well��
Hahah I do not speak a work of Spanish… actually maybe a few word’s because of my Spanish friends but i think I may have kind of put some things together because of French . It will be interesting to see if I got anything right when you send it in English 😂
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kaiyabax · 11 months
A rougher piece I did of Luna and Swordtail-! I imagine they often like intertwining their tails like this, kind of like another way to hold hands. They do that too, but this is also super cute. Weirdly enough after the completion of arc 3, I think they're one of my favorite WoF couples.
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mothbart · 5 months
12 days of kolowv: day 9
my baby @theapocryphaofantares's birthday is in nine days, and because i love him with all my heart he gets a small microfic every day until he gets his big present on his actual birthday.
prompt: salt | frenemies jarty | words: 848
“You’re such a—not a nice person,” James grits out. He’s angry, he’s so fucking annoyed, and he has two eleven-year-olds in the minivan with him so of course he can’t fully express how he’s feeling. Barty is sitting in the front seat, feet on the dashboard, and analyzing the stupid hand tattoos that James never failed to remind him looked like shit.
See, here’s the issue: James did not want to go to the beach. He wanted to stay home and sit on his porch with his kid, but Barty had other plans. Barty had busted inside their house and walked into the kitchen with Luna in tow in a bathing suit and heart-shaped sunglasses on her head. Barty’s holding a large beach bag, and sticking out of it were sand castle molds. James and Harry sat at the small dining table eating a late breakfast. And as Harry was mid-bite of his pancakes, he looked at Luna, then looked at Barty, then looked at James.
“Appa,” Harry said. “Are we going—”
“No,” James answered quickly. “No way.”
But yet, here is James, driving Harry, Luna, and the idiotic man-child to the beach.
“Not a nice person, huh?” Barty questions. “I have two other people in this car who beg to differ.”
“Don’t speak for my kid,” James says, eyes still on the road. He sighs. “I hate the beach.”
“I know,” Barty replies. “Why do you think we’re going?”
And it takes everything in James not to stop the car and throw Barty out.
“Appa,” Harry says, standing in the ocean with James. Harry’s wiggling his toes in the sand and they’re watching Barty and Luna play in the water, splashing each other. Luna’s laughter is loud, and it brings a small smile to James’ face. “Uncle Barty said that the foam in the water is whale sperm.”
“What?” James asks, smile quickly replaced by a look of disgust. “No, Harry, don’t listen to him.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not true.”
“So what it is then?”
“Not—not whatever Uncle Barty said.”
“Whale sperm.”
“Okay, you don’t need to say it again,” James mutters. “Don’t tell anyone else that.”
“Why not?”
“Because you shouldn’t be spreading misinformation to others,” James replies. “Your uncle is a moron who doesn’t know what’s coming out of his mouth half the time.”
Harry shrugs, and James knows that Harry isn’t going to listen to him anyway. Barty is carrying Luna out of the water, who looks exhausted but has a big smile plastered on her face. When they get closer to James and Harry, Barty looks down at James and where he’s standing and looks back up at him.
“Gross,” Barty says.
“What?” James deadpans, clearly not in the mood to deal with Barty's bullshit. “What is so gross?”
“Harry,” Barty says, nodding towards James. “Your dad is stepping in whale sperm.”
Harry and Luna break out into laughter, and James wants to bury Barty in the sand and make him suffocate.
“Uncle James,” Luna whispers, crouching next to him. James jumps a little, not expecting Luna to be right there. “Uncle James, what are you doing with Uncle Barty’s soda?”
James had this incredible idea while Barty and Harry trekked a little further down the beach to build sand castles. Barty had left his can of soda near James, opened and half empty. When Barty had his back turned, James took the can and dumped out the contents. He waited when Barty wasn’t paying attention to him before jogging up to the ocean and carefully replacing the soda with ocean water.
“Shh,” James says, putting his finger against his lips. “Don’t tell Uncle Barty.”
“Are we playing a prank?” She asks, tilting her head.
“Yeah,” James answers, nodding. “But we have to be sneaky, okay?”
“Can I help?”
“Sure, of course,” James says.
Luna holds out her hand, and James looks at her with a confused look. Once he realizes she’s waiting for him to give her the can, he hands it to her. He watches as she slightly jogs over to Barty, and he quickly gets up and walks as far as he can from the ocean and gets settled at their spot to make it look like he has no idea what’s going on.
He watches Luna hand him the can, and Barty stands up and ruffles her hair before taking the can and sipping on it. James snorts when he watches Barty spit the salt water out. He can hear him say something to Luna, but then he sees Luna pointing at him. Barty follows where Luna is pointing at and James doesn’t have to be up close to know that Barty is pissed.
James makes himself comfortable on the beach towel, lays down, and closes his eyes.
That’s what Barty gets for fucking dragging James to the beach in the first place.
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