soliloquics · 1 month
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@lumoire ─── x.
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pathstriders   of   notable   dedication   were   typically   quite   fascinating   to   encounter,   and   idrila's   followers   often   seemed   dotted   amidst   the   tales   spun   by   traveller's   from   afar.   the   group   was   most   assuredly   not   shrouded   in   obscurity,   but   the   general   still   enjoyed   meeting   one   of   them   by   virtue   of   the   stories   they   were   sure   to   hold.   ❛    i   heard   there   was   a   knight   of   beauty   aboard   the   luofu,   ❜   he   greeted,   a   small   spark   of   excitement   in   his   gaze.   ❛    i   am   fortunate   to   meet   you   before   you   depart   again,   indeed.   ❜
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timesunder · 1 month
Hands grip together upon seeing her, the woman so many adore and look up to in admiration, with a nearly angelic voice. It's almost funny how she — or, well, rather SAM — is the complete opposite ; infamous and wanted, with a ridiculous sum of money on her head. Yet here they stood, right across from each other.
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❝ O-oh — uhm.. ❞ Barely stumbling out, causing grip around her own hands to tighten. It's funny how she could go from entirely composed and even cold as SAM, go to a girl who'd stumble over her own words at times.
❝ I've been enjoying your songs a lot lately, Miss Robin ! To meet you here.. makes me extremely happy. I guess Penacony really is the Land of Dreams. ❞ Her tone is excited and happy — a fake facade she's used to, to prevent people from getting suspicious of her. But.. not like she was lying ; meeting @lumoire herself truly is an honor.
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
“ i’m concerned that you mightn’t understand what discreet means. because the path of chaos you’ve just created is exactly the opposite of discreet. ” (lucifer)
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The words spoken by Lucifer are met with a mildly exhausted look. Does he pretend not to know or did Lucilius forbid the knowledge of her inability to deny their creator a secret? Because she cannot deny him, she cannot deny any word and order Lucilius gives her. Discrepancies will not be tolerated and failures will be executed. The path of chaos she creates is one of blood, guts, and taken will. The primals and primarchs will never know of her existence in terms of her role, it’ll remain only known to the very first two creations - to Lucifer himself and Belial. 
Does it matter to him what path she chooses and what path she has to walk? As if he, who has free will against their creator, understands her. As if he can understand the importance of equality at this very moment. It’s quite draining to think about it, but Morael doesn’t change her expression. It’s hollow, quiet, and calm. As if she doesn’t hear him but looks past him. It does not matter what he does now, does it? He can destroy her if Lucilius ever leaves or he can watch what she decides to do. But orders are orders, she will never be able to disobey Lucilius. 
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“I’m concerned you might be forgetting who has complete power over me and it’s not you, Lucifer,” she looks down at her hands, her white clothes drenched in a variety of different liquids that can constitute as blood. The variety of colors is sickening against her seemingly pristine appearance, but she does not feel anything but hollowness while looking down at it.
The void makes her understand that there is a possibility that Lucifer will never understand that even this chaos means nothing. It echoes like white noise, there is no fixing it. Not when the orders are given and she must carry it out. The shackle around her neck will be her endless collar. If Lucilius orders, she will not be able to stop her body from carrying out God’s order.
However, the true problem comes not from the fact that she cannot disobey their creator's order, but that even if there were no shackles around her wrists, ankles and neck? She wouldn't feel a single thing about this arrangement either. Specifically, her work arrangement. The only emotion of disdain, unhappiness and envy is brought by the shackles placed on her. Not the kind of person their creator is, not how he sees the rest of them, not how he sees the world.  
“Please, bring it up with Master Lucilius next time you see him. My work is not as discreet as I’d like it to be either. I must continue disposing of failures to give our creator room for his work,” she speaks in a strange monotone, lacking any and all emotion to respond to Lucifer’s words. There should be concern, of course, but Morael simply knows there is no point in fussing over it. One order will have another following, it’s how they live and how they exist.
Each creation has its purpose and the first creation of Lucilius has the ‘perfection’ slapped on his forehead. It seems her plans of using her powers to make each and every primals who might see her ‘dispose of failures’ have all been wiped as expected. The power of her ‘word’ remains the prima example why she is such a useful ‘tool’. Ah, but does it really matter to Lucifer when he brings it up? 
“If you wish for this to remain more discreet, please do not ask me to go against orders. You would be…”
A sad and bitter smile appears on the woman’s face as she then looks down, eyes glossing over for a moment before she whispers: 
“...undeniably cruel to request that of me, Lucifer.”
Because while you can say 'no', and I cannot.
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gamenu · 8 months
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          [ goodbye hug ] a hug given to someone before they leave from claude!
                                                  -- @lumoire
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         "--!" Looking rather surprised when Claude turned to hug her, it had caught her off guard so much she didn't hug him back for a moment. When she did, it was tight and rather lingering. She didn't want to let go.
          He was her friend more than anything else, and she was always anxious whenever they had to fight. Apparently, he was concerned about her lack of sleep so she was sitting this battle out.
          But. . .
          She didn't want to. She still wanted to fight and help out as much as she can. Everyone here was her home too, and well. . .she apparently looked like such a sad little puppy sitting there. Claude's hug was warm like he was, personality, laugh, everything. And she knew he'd be alright. He always was. But then why was she shaking? . . .fatigue. It had to be the fatigue.
          Although, it was probably better that they let go of each other now. The longer they held on, the less she wanted to release him.
          When they finally did part, she smiled. It was a smile that betrayed how worried she felt, and how much like a let down she felt as since she couldn't fight. But he gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder before heading out with one last small wave.
          Everyone was going to come back. She's absolutely sure of it. Besides, how else were all of them supposed to get up to no good again if they all couldn't join in? Claude had a way of roping people into his mischief and fun. Maybe they could do something once everyone was done patching up and better.
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swordcoasted-arc · 1 year
* 𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 asked for a starter.  OLEANDER & NESTA.  ( based off of swordcoasted's nesta d'angelis playlist. )  CHOKEHOLD CHERRY PYTHON - ASHNIKKO
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inhale. exhale. in the nose, and then out the mouth. the stench of blood surrounds her, her vision unclouded, her mind open to the will of the great being of the outer realms. murder for the sake of justice is divine, and she is divinity in mortal form, that much she knows. that much has been told to her since the day she took her last breath of mortality and her first of the occult. if sparing the damned makes her the bigger person, then let her be small. she wipes the blood from her face, once more, and turns to look at her travelling party, stepping over the viscera.
" live a villain, die an icon, " she laughs, shaking the blood out of her boot. " you were quite impressive, new friend. and yet you swear you are not connected to the great old ones at all. what about your hypnosis, your manipulation of the mind? it's so familiar, and yet... not. " / @lumoire
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mcthernight · 2 years
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      " thanatos ? " her voice calls , echoey as always as she enters the room , looking for death . " you wished to speak to me , my child ? " the old being asks him once she comes closer , golden eyes settled upon his face as she waits for a response .
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starter call // @lumoire - thanatos !
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inmedianocte · 2 years
< closed starter for @lumoire >
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"What did you do?" Alicent questioned, barely moving a muscle in her face. She felt lightning crackle through her veins and time slowed down as she took a step back. Her eyebrow raised as she locked her gaze on Aemond.
"Aemond, what in the seven hells happened?"
Alicent knew something was wrong. Very. By the way he walked into the room, harshly closing the door behind him. The sound alone made her heart jump and her head jerk back and face him. And then she saw his face. His eye was wide, staring off into an unknown space behind her, his hand gripping the chair across from her. She got up, her stomach still sick with worry, only to rest her hands on her son's face, cupping it. "I'm sure we can fix it, you just need to tell me what happened. You went to Storm's end. What happened there? Did you talk to Lord Borros?"
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kingmakcr · 2 years
⚔️ || @lumoire has requested a starter
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QUIZICALLY, THE KNIGHT LOOKS UPON THE PRINCE. "There isn't more I can teach you, my prince," He says sincerely, polishing his sword as his own recreational activity. "You've become one of the most skilled swordsmen in all of the kingdoms."
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kuratm · 6 months
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@lumoire asked: ❝ sayu your journey is nothing short of extraordinary. despite the darkness of your own past, you continue to make a positive impact on the world. ❞ from argenti!
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to say sayu was left stunned would be an understatement. she knew galaxy was vast and held many types of people - from a little weird to straight up bizarre - but somehow, argenti managed to subpar her expectations. was it because she wasn't so used to compliments or the flowery language which he expressed such praise with? she couldn't tell.
either way, sayu only peered up at the knight of beauty for a moment or two before suddenly clearing her throat and averting her gaze, one finger gently scratching her cheek. ❛ umm...ehehe, i-i think you're exaggerating a bit, sir argenti... ❜ it felt right to refer to him by the title - part of manners, right? ❛ it's true i want my music to be able to help people, b-but i don't think i'm making, er...a positive impact, really... ❜ perhaps she sold herself short...curse her humbleness, she supposed.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
@lumoire — oleander.
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"Oh, dear Oleander, I certainly enjoy a sprinkle of chaos in our dull and boring lives," there is a quirk of her lips as words are spoken in a sing-a-long voice. Her eyes glimmer in the light of the sun as they continue their travel ahead. Her steps are careful, but despite their terrains - elegant and light. Unlike many other companions, she almost makes no sound aside from when she opens her mouth. "We've just met and you already make some assumptions? Good for you and your survival." It's a jest, naturally. Zarina pluck a leaf off the branch they've passed, infusing it with magic to see if she can sense anything in the area only to be left disappointed. For now. What is she searching for? Who knows. "But, I must say, it was a delight to watch you irritate those people at the tavern. Have you always had such a charming quality to yourself?" Charming meaning 'hitting people under the belt with words alone.' Bards... What wonderful people. She likes them a bit too much. Their quick wit and sharp tongue.
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gamenu · 1 year
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          he notices nicole standing at the harbor, gazing at the ocean ahead of them. come to think of it, she has been more absent as of late. claude makes his way over to her, covering her eyes, ❝ guess who, ❞ as if it isn't obvious. removing his hands again he takes a seat, his feet dangling over the edge. ❝ everything alright ? ❞
                                                       -- @lumoire
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          Needless to say, ever since Leon had been back, Nicole had been more than ecstatic. She had been practically glued to his side for three days straight until he was fully acclimated with everyone and everything they had around. Then of course, he had to go do his own Prince Leon things.She was fine letting him off on his own. He was safe, and that was all she could have ever asked for.
          She thought, until he voiced what happened and why he was there to begin with. That he had been searching for her as well.
          Every kind of thought wandered as to what would have happened had he not been searching for her. Claude and the rest of the Deer would have gained a rather powerful enemy, and while she's sure of everyone's capabilities...someone who lost their home is desperate. And even then, Nicole doesn't want either of them fighting. So while it's good all three of them are here, she knows it's putting Leon in a tough spot.
          He's got to tell his siblings something. They sent him out to find and seek alliance with the Adrestian Empire. Nicole has now idea how that's going to go down when they discover he's thrown his lot in with the Leicester Alliance. If nothing more, than on the word of a girl he hasn't seen in years.
          It left Nicole with a feeling of guilt. A small feeling of like she was getting in the way of rebuilding Nohr. Just the thought caused her pain, she loved Nohr. It was her home too, and to make the feeling worse, she's actually somewhat glad she doesn't have to choose where she stays now. Nicole always wondered that when Leon would seek her out, would she have to choose between staying with him and Claude. And while she made her choice to stay with Claude...it felt like a small slap in the face to Leon.
          Or what if she had to leave anyway, because they planned to rebuild everything. Her assistance...her branch of magic could actually be extremely useful and quicken the pace by a long shot.
          All of her thoughts were swarming like an angry wasps nest, overwhelming and loud, Nicole hadn't even realized where she wandered or how long she had been there until being pulled from her thoughts.
          Those hands on her face...they were warm and familiar. Spent enough time around them to even recognize the lines in them.
          It's a soft, almost tired smile when Claude removes his hands and sits. Nicole opts to sit beside him, offering an acknowledging nod before looking back out to sea.
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         "Eh...jus' thinkin', really. Been thinkin' a lot lately. An'...I guess...I'm jus' sad. Like, I'm happy Leon is here...bu' tha news he brough' gives me more questions an' uncertainty than before. So I guess I'm overthinkin' things like I do. Like how I used ta do when I first joined ya'll back at tha academy, ya know?"
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aventvrina · 6 months
❝ in the game of life, you, aventurine, are a master strategist. maneuvering through the complexities of human relationships with a finesse that few possess. never lose that boldness despite the burdens you bear. ❞ - from argenti!
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The day was just turning weirder and weirder. Now he finds a simple card with flourished penmanship and a strong scent of roses. Truly, there's nothing more that could surprise him.
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At least this one is motivational, albeit touching a bit on the intense. With a curious hum, he decides to save the card into his pocket before he gets his phone.
[text] Aventurine: Don't know what prompted this but it is appreciated
[text] Aventurine: Let me buy you a drink the next time we cross paths
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orexias · 11 months
  to kill or be killed ,          the same goes for the enemies that they have faced.  their existence having come to an end.  a mere victory or perhaps a twisted act of devotion to their gods.  whatever it was,  it is over now.  dark minstrel steps over a dead body,  careful not to taint his clothing more than it already was.  he's fortunate to be able to remain in the back,  but there is always a slippery one that manages to sneak past undetected.  fortunately it's nothing oleander cannot handle. 
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         ❝   well aren't those words to live by ,   ❞          he responds with a flicker of amusement in his eyes.   ❝   though i would hope you don't intend on dying any time soon,  finding someone capable in this area has been troublesome enough as it is.   ❞   certainly no alliance worth investing in,  unlike this one.   ❝   i imagine the gods have a certain  ...  fondness for such techniques.  some just pretend to be nicer about it than others.   ❞   putting away his violin he adds,   ❝   but no i do not dedicate my songs to the old ones,  but to her instead.  ❞
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" ... to her. "  this is a statement made in curiosity, yet still somehow not a question. amusement sits on the lady of hunger's lips as her eyes flicker towards the dark minstrel. soon the blood on their bodies will dry and flake off with their adventures, if a bath in the streams at camp does not arrive first. despite this, nesta tries to wipe her face best she can, as if the idea of having blood obscure her visage is heretical in nature. a melodious laugh leaves her - a nice rhythm, almost complimenting the vice of his songs, almost an effigy of the horror he had played but a moment ago. 
this new alliance has had its merit, yet nesta has not begun to advance upon the personals, upon the notes that make this less of an agreement and more of a friendship. companions have become but currency in a world plagued by the need to survive, holding value in their presence. nesta is no mercantilist, but she does know the value of coin despite her eagerness to spend - and temporary companions can be spent. as she looks to the minstrel again, ready to add on the end of her question, she wonders if their proposed value to one-another ends when they reach their destination. " ... and who is the her in question, might i ask? " / @lumoire , continued from @swordcoasted .
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infernalbarbarian · 1 year
❛  i  owe  you  a  heap  of  thanks .  and  my  life .  ❜ from zhera!
goblins are unyielding, especially in numbers. the battle was long and arduous, and a lot of blood was spilled, however, it's nothing karlach isn't accustomed to. killing things is what the barbarian is best at, but it still would have been nearly unachievable without the help of her newfangled, tadpole plagued comrades.
back at the grove, still steaming from combat and splattered with goblin viscera, a fanged smile decorates the barbarian’s expression. the tieflings here are nothing but grateful to the heroes who made it possible for them to make their travels safely, no longer a slog to the fear of being trawled in the night. plus, there is going to be a party at their camp that night to celebrate! gods, it’s been so long since karlach got to enjoy an evening of good company, high spirits, and a nice, frosty pint.
the larger tiefling turns as she hears a voice speaking to her, offering more acknowledgement of their triumph. karlach recognizes this tiefling from the last time she was at the grove, though they’d never spoken before until now. the first thing the red tiefling notices is how stunning in appearance the other is, but perhaps karlach is just too pent up for her own good. ten years without a gentle touch can do that to a person, “you don’t owe me anything, us tieflings got to stick together, yeah?” karlach smiles, wishing she could reach out to greet the other with a handshake, “will ya be joining in on the festivities at our camp tonight?”
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pulchramsolis · 1 year
he has been pacing around for a while now, what if she does not like the present he got her? young boy practically jumps when he hears the door open for he did not hear her due to being too lost in thought. ❝     i — uh .      ❞ take a deep breathe aemond. revealing the book he held behind him. ❝    got you something, i saw you looking at it last time so .      ❞ he hands it to her, giving a kind, albeit a bit awkward smile ( ' i am not good at this ' ) ❝    i hope you like it .      ❞
Abby was on her own for the afternoon. Helaena wasn't feeling well and was tucked in bed, which meant after making sure she had everything that was required, the Strong was left mostly to her own devices. Which meant she was lingering along the edges of the Queen's ladies, practicing her embroidery and being seen and not heard. Boredom had eventually gotten to her so when she entered the family solar, jumping as Aemond jumped to see him.
"What?" she blinked owlishly, not used to seeing her friend so tongue tied and it took her a moment to register the small tome he was holding out to her. "You got this for me?"
Unused to receiving gifts that weren't from her father or brother, or even Helaena, the girl blushed pink beneath her freckles and instinctively bobbed a curtsy - courtesies when she knew not what to say - and took the book in hand. "Aemond, this is so kind of you." She grinned at him, eyes bright, dimples creasing in her round cheeks. "You didn't have to do this... I... thank you. Thank you so much." She wrapped her arms around the book and clutched it to her chest for she wasn't quite sure if Aemond would appreciate it if she hugged him in thanks.
Another uncertain shift, giddy. "Um, are you doing anything else right now? Do you have to go practice in the yard? Because, well, I could read it, if you like. If you want to. Listen, or something."
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withouthonor-a · 2 years
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send me   “ what am i?”    and my muse will describe yours in 3 words. 
@lumoire sent : “ what am i?” aemond for daeron
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idol. protector. warmth.
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