kisstheshslcook · 3 years
✏️ If you want to!
🖌 || @luminaryblood
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I would die for these boots
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distancedisowned · 6 years
The Cursed Puppet: Karakuri.
This was terrible! Horrible!! Stomach churning!!! The thought of hurting a friend; someone she cared about so much and who cared about her. It made Karakuri sick to her stomach.
But Orders Were Orders and she had been told by Kokichi that she needed to attack Kaito Momota and have him fight back, no matter what. The Villain was sending out another lackey- his personal puppet- out as the next boss and she wondered if he could see the panic behind the stoic face she’d put on after he was given her the mission. The smallest wondered if he was confused by the request to make the ‘necessary preparations.’ Did anything she did confuse him, anymore?
Nevertheless, preparations were simple: Steal a couple things, transport her speakers to a location she’d fund and choose a theme and routine, as well as the persona she’d dawn. If there was one thing she’d learned from Kokichi, it was that you committed to the roles you played. No matter what.
Once everything was ready, she shot her friend a message:
[Sent to; Kaito Momota:] Hey, meet me at the front gates, we’re going on a late-night adventure! There’s someplace I wanna show ya! C’mon!
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clowndictator · 7 years
@luminaryblood is : ))))
“You shouldn’t want to be friends with my people.”
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“And don’t you dare lie to me. Karakuri was hanging out with you in the dining hall. I saw her curled up in the chair next to you. She’s already pledged loyalty to me.” And more… He wanted to believe he wasn’t possessive, but the thought of some dumbass hero warming up to the girl he won over actually got Kokichi legitimately angry.
“You know his name?! What the fuck… are you trying to pull?”
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feebledetective · 6 years
|| Questions for the mun, but my muse will answer… || Accepting!!
Ψ  An old photo of you (or with you in it) and what was happening in it. 
– “Eh-ehm…Well…” 
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“…Need I say more..? This is…Dove in her natural habitat…” –
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dicegiveslies-blog · 6 years
@luminaryblood from here
“Aww~ Guess I have to actually use my knowledge then~ “ Anya smiles, thinking for a few moments before continuing. “Is that the Helix Nebula I'm currently observing, Oh sorry...that's your eyes~”
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ahogedetective · 6 years
{ 📂Lil Headcannons!! }
When I was looking at some of Shuichi’s favorite free time gifts, one of them was a teddy bear. And that was honestly something I didn’t expect, but now it got me wondering: maybe Shuichi secretly has a weak spot for cute things? :3c
Maybe in his room, he secretly has one that he keeps on his dresser, but hides it if he has company over because he would probably be embarrassed if someone knew he liked teddy bears and other cute plushies in general, sjdnjsnjdcns
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glitchy-aus · 7 years
Not exactly the best thing to hear near the science labs.  Before much could be done, whatever it was exploded and flying through a door was a kid with goggles on covered in green goop.  Faintly smelled of sulfur.
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falskhed · 7 years
[Continued from here] @luminaryblood
Of course being grabby was necessary. Most people wouldn’t notice the occultist right away, mainly because of his height, something that’s kind of irked him over the years. His hands then moved to grab hold of one of Kaito’s to start pulling him along. Not that the other needed any extra motivation.
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Though, overall, Ouma was mildly surprised the taller male accepted his request; he knew of the other’s dislike of his talent. He couldn’t love space that much he didn’t care who he spent time with in that regard?
“Well, let’s go! I wanna see ‘em. Maybe the stars switched up today...”
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mosquitodictator · 6 years
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“Wait, you’re not Kaito... why did you say ‘yeah’..? Uh...” Kokichi visibly shook as he stepped back as well. “I... I’m Kokichi Oma...”
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clowndictator · 6 years
Everyone in Shared HPA verse: Do stuff in the group verse ashe Me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Sammy: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Everyone in Shared HPA verse: For fcks sake 
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feebledetective · 6 years
@luminaryblood  replied to your post: – “…The shape of the Earth is round…?? Pass it...
"That’s my sidekick for ya! Shuuichi always knows what’s going on!”
-- "At least someone agrees with me...Thank you, M-Momota-san." --
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lxckyinsxnity-a · 6 years
Listening to Nagito talk badly about himself had been getting on Kaito's nerves for awhile. Upon realizing his words weren't working, he decided he needed a more aggressive approach. Said approach just happened to be punching him in the jaw. "Quit putting yourself down! It's unbecoming of a man, and just isn't fucking true! You don't gotta do anything special to deserve to live! Everyone does, just for being a person!"
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It was a simple conversation at first, but things had gone sour around the time that admiration came into play. One could only imagine that his love for ultimates and hope was quickly mentioned. But like the plague, his utter distaste for himself soon followed into the conversation. But what Nagito hadn’t expected was that Kaito didn’t agree with him.
Maybe he had gone too far? He could only imagine so, but he was only speaking the truth. Maybe he should have just closed his mouth, and agreed with Kaito. Instead he had decided to argue his point, with an ultimate no less, how disgraceful. The punch was well deserved, and he’d take another without hesitation. 
Nagito slowly lifted his hand to his jaw, where the pain from Kaito’s punch rang true. He rubbed it for a moment, before adjusting it and giving a very forced smile. “Of course Momota-san, please forgive me for arguing with you! If something as talented as you say it, then it must be true. How silly of me...”
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 6 years
@luminaryblood replied to your post “�� //I'd love to see them be friends! also I'm really sorry for my icon...”
//I was going to respond to this earlier but never did, whoops. Anyway this made me smile, and if Ko understands bro code, they're gonna get along well lmao
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“The only rule in the Bro Code that matters is to always strive to bolster your friends’ hope, and to never let them fall to despair! Of course, in Momota-kun’s case, the latter is highly unlikely, since he’s already---” 
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I think Kaito has a little work to do with this one. 
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giftedtalent-blog1 · 6 years
@luminaryblood liked for a starter with Hajime Hinata!
Ultimates- the real reason for Hope’s Peak Academy existed- did sometimes come by the Reserve Course classrooms. Some had friends or family in the courses, others were simply curious about the kind of person that would choose to spend an inordinate amount of money to take the same courses they got for free.
This guy seemed to be neither.
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“Are you looking for something? You are an Ultimate, right?”
If not, he sure had balls. None of the Reserve Course kids he knew would dress to a theme like that.
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ultequivocator · 7 years
“Look, all I’m saying is that I reeeaally don’t get why you’re so obsessed with the stars.”
And he really didn’t. Considering the circumstances he grew up in, Kokichi hadn’t gotten to see the stars that often...really, not at all.
Were they really so special that the astronaut wouldn’t shut up about them and the rest of space?
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“I mean, I can’t really HAVE an opinion on them myself, since I’ve barely ever gotten to see them, but still. It’s kinda weird.”
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distancedisowned · 6 years
What Could Have Been?
The friday after Valentine’s Day. Actually a day to go stock up on snacks and sweets until Easter rolled around. Hope Aster had been out all day doing just that, with her usual hooded sweater covering her face as not to be recognised by anyone off-campus. She had gotten scouted because of the internet, after all… she didn’t want anyone recognising her as the telekinetic freak.
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Fortunately no one seemed to notice she as she walked on to camps, stepping over what she assumed was a tripwire trap and kept on going towards the girl’s dormitories. That would be easier said than done, however, as snow still covered the ground and along with it.
The grocery bags made it incredibly hard to see and uniform flats never had traction, so Hope ended up slipping and careening right into someone- Another student no doubt. She squeaked upon impact, falling on her rear and dropping her things, spilling boxes and wrapped candy all over the ground.
A normal person would have apologised and cleaned up, but instead the girl cowered. She hadn’t even seen the boy yet, and she was terrified.
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“Ah, I... I... I’m so... sorry...! I... I slipped and I... I... I’m so sorry... P... please don’t hurt me...! I... I’m so sorry...! T... take whatever y... you want j... just don’t hurt me...!”
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