#♦♢kokichi oma♢♦
clowndictator · 6 years
A note is written in purple pen and pinned to the inside of Oma’s door.
- Date with Miu tomorrow. - Ask Hope for strawberry cake - Go to the apartment tonight
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“I’m making masks.”
The scene Harukawa had wandered into was an odd one. It was many hours past lights off- nearly 3 in the morning- and yet the fifteen-year-old was painting alone in the orphanage’s dining hall. Old paint bottles revived with water laid about the table at random. A stack of unpainted white masks were on a chair beside him, and two partially painted masks were still drying.
“It’s for my secret organization,” Oma continued to explain with a smirk. For fifteen, this was incredibly silly, or at least childish, but it was better than the tantrums he’d been throwing since he’d arrived in the orphanage. “My secret evil organization. When I get out of here, I’m going to take over the world.”
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clowndictator · 6 years
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Since it’s pride month also...!
My interpretation of Kokichi Oma is pansexual. As stated before, Oma has no sense of “pride”- he knows very little about the LGBTQ+ community, and if he did, I doubt he would really count himself among them even considering his attraction to all genders.
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clowndictator · 6 years
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Seeing Fukawa in a dress really was bizarre! The unlovable girl- if she could be called such- usually didn’t try to fool others by acting femininely. But even in the dress, surely nobody was tricked. She was still hideous, stinky, and a chore to listen to. 
Oma approached with a sweet expression.
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“Fukawa, this isn’t like you,” he started. It was fun to imagine the school dance as a gathering of the most powerful people in the world. He, of course, was above them all. And instead of holding punch in a plastic cup, he imagined wine in a proper glass. He glanced at the wine, swirled it, then looked back to Fukawa with a new malicious smirk. 
“You should be in your dorm, rotting in your bed like old cheese that’s been dropped behind a couch cushion.” He looked her up and down for effect. “Do you even have a date? This is such a pathetic show. Nobody’s going to like you just because you put on a dress.”
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clowndictator · 6 years
“It’s not murder if it’s for the sake of Hope~”
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“My heart is full of love; I’m bursting with sweet affection for every one of my wonderful classmates! Every time I see them, I wanna give them biiiig hugs!”
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“Kaito... has ruined everything.”
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“You did nothing to help anyone! Don’t tell me what I did was wrong! Don’t tell me it was right either; you don’t get to judge! That was my life!”
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“Do you remember your death? There really isn’t any excuse. You were betrayed, not just by the person who killed you, but by all of us. It must have been terrifying to die all alone- especially by the hands of someone who just wanted to get ahead. You must hate us.”
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“If you killed someone in Danganronpa, you’re still a killer. You are capable of killing, just like I am.”
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clowndictator · 6 years
Oma likes his romantic partners powerful.
He wants to show them off. They should be as great as he is. He definitely believes they are if they got that far!
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“So... what are you going to do? Do you think you could discard your Danganronpa life so easily?”
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clowndictator · 6 years
How Pure is Your Soul Gem?
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((The soul gem is beginning to accumulate filth and it should be purified as soon as possible))
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“I’m surprised it’s not worse, but we still have time, right?”
Tagged by: @missinnocentscarlet
Tagging: @robot-fxcker @digitalloved @isaaccecilbryant @snoozemagic and the beta friends @fabricatedblood @funny-fxcker @mosquitodictator
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clowndictator · 6 years
Ramblings On Oma’s Title and His Relationship With D.I.C.E.
He wears a n/azi hat. The only two options are (1) he’s an actual fan of n/az/ism or (2) he’s being ironic and thus making a joke out of it. (the uniforms: x; kokichi’s hat: x)
His title means a very specific thing, it is a descriptive title used for many dictators. (the Japanese wikipedia entry for 総統 (his title in Japanese): x, the english wikipedia entry for Supreme Leader: x)
He saw his own motive video and was unwilling to kill. While of course anyone who sees their own video shouldn’t kill, it brings up the question of how much he actually cared about DICE. Even though the video claims they were like family, he doesn’t show any sign of being distressed by their supposed situation.
If there’s anyone in the cast that Oma likes, he shows it very badly. Oma’s support for people is very situational, and in some cases, he’ll support one person only to upset others. He manipulates just about everyone he interacts with. It’s hard to imagine that he’s all that different with D.I.C.E., considering how naturally it comes to him.
He asserts himself as evil and a liar. At the same time, when people don’t want to face a terrible truth, he’s the first to say something. People who both disregard labels and believe in dark truths- like the young orphans that make up D.I.C.E.- would find Oma to be a trustworthy authority.
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clowndictator · 6 years
Trust / Truth
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@luminaryblood from x
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“Sorry for what? You did everything perfectly...” He wrapped his arms around Kaito’s torso, under his dark black jacket. It didn’t feel quite the same as their last hug. Maybe that was for the best.
“It wasn’t your fault it went bad, okay?” Kokichi barely registered that everything was fake. His neck felt too exposed without a scarf that never existed, belonging to him and his members that never existed, part of a past that never existed. It was all messed up in his head, a jumbling of two lives fully realized and confused. This is a common feeling, they were told, but you have to accept that was simply a work of fiction. 
Well, this wasn’t fiction, right? His feelings were real, at the very least. This hug felt pretty real too. It was a lot easier to think of solid things in the present like that.
“Hah...” he breathed into Kaito’s chest, which smelled unfamiliar. “Thanks. For just staying around. I feel like I barely know anyone anymore, but you’re still kinda normal.
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clowndictator · 6 years
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“People with moms are gross.”
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