#lumbar radiculopathy
nitinkhanna · 7 days
Pinched Nerve in The Spine: Radiculopathy - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
The spine consists of several individual bones known as vertebrae. These are interconnected together to form the spine. The spinal cord passes through a central canal in these vertebrae. From the spinal cord, the splitting of nerve roots occurs.
These roots travel between the bones of the spinal and different parts of the body. When the nerve root that leaves the spinal cord to other body parts becomes pinched, irritated, or damaged, it results in a medical condition known as radiculopathy. This condition is also known as a pinched nerve.
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Types of Radiculopathy
Depending on where the condition happens in the spine, there are three types of radiculopathy. The symptoms of these types may range from mild to severe in individuals.
Cervical radiculopathy
Occurs due to pressure and compression of the nerve roots in the neck.
This portion of the spinal cord mainly affects the hands, arms, fingers, and shoulders.
Symptoms are usually visible in the hands and arms, which may include weakness or loss of sensation.
Lumbar radiculopathy
Occurs due to pressure and compression of the nerve roots in the lower back.
It may lead to sciatica, a condition that involves radiating pain in the sciatic nerve.
Thoracic radiculopathy
Occurs due to pressure and compression of the nerve roots in the upper back.
Chest pain is common in this condition.
There is a feeling of numbness and pain that moves to the front of the body in patients.
Causes of Radiculopathy and Risk Factors
Here are some of the commonly known causes of radiculopathy and the risk factors associated with it.
Change in size or shift in position of the tissues that surround the nerve root.
Herniated discs, also known as slip discs, are caused by to rupture of soft pads between spinal bones.
Bone spurs, bony outgrowths or projections resulting in constriction of the spinal passage. a condition in which the spaces within the spine get narrow.
Spondylosis is a wear and tear of the spinal disc with age.
Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a vertebra slips out of its normal position onto the bone below it.
Spinal stenosis, narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back.
Sciatica is pain travelling along with the sciatic nerve moving to the back of the thigh into the legs.
Thickening of spinal ligaments.
Spinal infections
Regular improper movements
Cancerous or non-cancerous growth in the spine
Radiculopathy Diagnosis
The diagnosis of radiculopathy begins with the patient giving a brief of their medical history to the doctor.
The doctor will ask questions about the type of symptoms, location of the pain, for how long has the pain been there, and also any other medical conditions which the patient is suffering from.
Once the medical history is known, the physician conducts a physical examination and tests.
This is to check the patient's muscular strength, reflexes, sensation, and also the possibility of any abnormalities.
Physical examination allows the medical practitioner to know the severity of the radiculopathy condition.
It also gives an idea about the location of the nerve root that is affected.
In some cases, radiculopathy diagnosis may require the use of advanced imaging techniques such as CT scan or MRI.
These tests aid in improving the visualization of the area where the problem lies.
In some cases, an expert like Dr Khanna orthopedic surgeon may also conduct a study on nerve conduction or Electromyography (EMG).
These tests help to know whether there is damage to the nerve or the problem is muscular.
Symptoms of Radiculopathy
The pinched nerve roots quickly become inflamed, which may result in the following symptoms:
Shooting pain in the back, legs, arms, and shoulders
Feeling of numbness and tingling sensation in the arms and legs.
Localized neck and back pain
Sharp pain when sitting idle or coughing
Sharp pain with movement
Loss of sensation
Radiating pain in the shoulders
Skin numbness
Muscular weakness
Loss of reflexes
Non-surgical treatment for Radiculopathy
Conservative treatment is usually recommended before surgery. Here are some of the non-surgical treatment options for radiculopathy.
Physical therapy to strengthen the areas of pain.
Limitation or complete elimination of activities that cause radiculopathy pain and stains of the back and neck.
Immobilizing the affected area with
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7 Facts About Sciatica That You Should Know About
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neuroticboyfriend · 4 months
hey uh, does anyone else (or someone you know) have lumbar radiculopathy w/nerve damage? not caused by disc issues, tumors, acute injury, or low conus medullara? or literally anything observable on a regular no contrast lumbosacral MRI or xray? if so, and you found the cause, what was it & how was it diagnosed? for reference i have a genetic hypermobile condition.
its been years. im just at a total loss and don't know what to do anymore. the only thing i can think of that may be causing it is nr-axspa, but idk how to get a doctor to look into it. if ppl could reblog to boost, that'd be great ♡
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
if you're still accepting prompts, #14? fine if not!
Jane hobbled from her unmarked parked a block or so away to Maura’s front door. She shoved her hands in her pockets, not because it was cold out, but because balling her fists in her coat pockets somehow dulled the already dull, heavy pain slithering from the middle of her back into her hips. Work had been long already, with the murder of a social worker starting their morning. But then, it ended with Jane in a foot race with the suspect, which in turn ended in a chasedown tackle worthy of the NFL. 
Jane had gotten her man.
But, she wondered, as she fished for her keys, if it was worth it. Thirty-five wasn’t old by any means, but sports and academy training and drug pursuits and near-death by serial killer had all taken their toll. And now, every morning when she woke up, she dealt with a twinge in her lower back before popping some over the counter pain meds and draining a cup of coffee. Usually, it was all she needed. When days like today rolled around, however, nighttime was filled with beer and heating pads until the moment she could respectably shuffle to bed and try to sleep the pain away.
She’d promised Maura a drink, however, to celebrate their break in the case. The compromise they came up with when Jane had texted that she didn’t feel like going out - in actually she didn’t feel like she could go out - was a bottle or two at home. 
Well, Maura’s home. 
“Knock knock,” called Jane when she pushed into the warm air of the front hall, though she didn’t knock and didn’t wait for Maura to reply before heading to the refrigerator. She pulled three bottles of Peroni from the top shelf, two for her, one for Maura if Maura was in a beer mood. She banged the first bottle against the countertop, and the cap popped off, clattering against the granite with finality.
“Jane is that you?” Maura did reply eventually, her voice carrying from the hall before her. She appeared, in leggings and an off-the-shoulder sweater, barefoot as she padded toward Jane. “It is.” she answered for herself.
Jane bit back the satisfied little sigh that settled in her chest whenever she saw the soft skin of Maura’s neck, sloping uninterruptedly into the soft skin of her rounded shoulder. 
Just like Jane could admit she was aging, that her body wasn’t as resilient as it used to be, she could admit that she liked Maura. She was attracted to her. There never seemed to be a right time to say it, especially after Maura’s sadness, her anger at Jane shooting herself, but Jane regarded it as the most adult crush she’d ever had. None of the butterflies or the embarrassment or the fear of rejection could compare to the eventual net positive that confessing would be, it just… hadn’t happened organically yet. “It is. You want a beer? Or should I get out that cabernet?”
Maura smiled for the smallest of moments, until it bled away into a furrowed brow and a frown as she marched toward Jane, who had reached up for the cabinet with the wine glasses in it -something about Maura’s countenance that told her the answer to her question before Maura’s mouth could. Jane regretted wincing, though, because it apparently derailed the entire moment. “Lumbar radiculopathy,” Maura stated just before she palpated Jane’s mid-to-lower back, causing a couple ego-bruising yelps.
“Jesus,” Jane exclaimed when she regained the ability to say English words, “is it fatal?”
Maura huffed, and continued to feel. “Pinched nerve, sciatica,” she said. “How long have you been feeling like this?”
“Since I was twenty-three?” Jane joked. “Ouch!” she screamed when Maura put pressure. “Sorry. Uh, it’s been bad since I took down that chucklehead.”
Maura stopped. She forewent the wine for the beer that already sat on the counter, though she used a bottle opener rather than her expensive countertops to bust it open.  “It’s been bad? Does that mean it was present before taking down the chucklehead?”
Jane laughed at Maura’s use of the term. “It’s uh, it’s always there, kinda barkin’. But I can usually manage with some tylenol and a few stretches.”
Maura shook her head. “Upstairs. My room please,” she ordered, taking the beer from Jane’s hand so that she held two. 
Jane blinked. Not where she thought this was going. “Uh, what?” She sputtered. What the hell was there to say to that? She reached back for her drink but Maura pulled away.
“I will bring these up,” Maura answered. “But you need heat and some site-specific stretching,” she said, “and I happen to have a new massage oil that smells like mint.”
“Oh no,” Jane put her hands up and waved them. “I don’t need that. You don’t need to do that,” she backed up when Maura stepped closer, and shook her head. Her entire body tensed and she stood as straight as her spine would allow.
“You have degenerative disc disease,” Maura admonished. But, she softened when she saw the apprehension on Jane’s face. “It will help,” she said softly, “trust me.”
Jane let that sigh go finally, but for a different reason altogether. “A’right,” she said. “I’m goin’.”
When she had stumbled from the driver’s side of her car to the front door, Jane had no idea she’d end up half naked in Maura’s bed. Under Maura. Christ.
It was almost as sensual as it sounded, given how thin Maura’s leggings were and the heat Jane could feel from between Maura’s thighs resting on her own ass, but…
“You’re stiff,” Maura said quietly. Her fingers had warmed up the skin on Jane’s back, and the oil on them made a wet sound in addition to the very moist pressure of each rub. “And not because of the pain. You need to relax. This isn’t any different than any other massage you’ve gotten.”
Jane detested the mood lighting Maura apparently insisted upon, because it made Maura’s voice syrupy thick and deep. Jane wasn’t sure how, but it did and she had to contend with its potency. “Well I wouldn’t know,” she snarked just to grasp onto some wisp of control. 
Maura’s hands stopped moving, but stayed heavy on Jane. “Wait. You’ve never had a professional massage?”
Jane shook her head this time. It swished on the pillow. Maura felt good putting all her weight on Jane despite the awkward conversation. “Do I look like I’m made of money?”
Maura resumed a light rub, more affectionate than remedial. “Well… then treat it like any other back rub you’ve been given. Obviously relaxing is paramount,” she said. Jane froze, stiffened under her, and she gasped. “Jane. No one’s ever… for you?”
“Never,” Jane answered, into the feathery down below her face. At least it hid her blush. “I don’t really… trust a whole lot of people. After Hoyt. And imagine some guy puttin’ his paws all over me when I’ve got sciatica. Sounds like hell.”
“Oh. I’m sorry,” Maura said. “That’s a shame.” Immediately her touch shifted from medical to loving. 
And the vulnerability actually felt kind of nice. Jane couldn’t move, especially not injured, but at least Maura couldn’t see her face, and at least Maura was being kind. If Jane weren’t so thrown off by her own feelings, she’d think that Maura was also communicating something else. Something more. “Hey, listen,” said Jane, deciding it would be improper to wait any longer. “I gotta tell you somethin’.”
As if to make whatever forthcoming confession easier, Maura leaned forward, curling herself on top of Jane until her face nestled between Jane’s shoulder blades. “What?” she asked, her breath hot against Jane’s already hot spine. 
“I… I am so into you it hurts,” Jane whispered, emboldened by their positions. 
Maura laughed rich and loud into the cavern of Jane’s stretched muscles. “Is that what caused all this pain?” she asked. “Your attraction to me?”
Jane laughed, too, because it was the best response she could have expected. “It is a heavy burden to carry, let me tell you. Especially when you show up to work in those heels,” she teased.
Maura settled into her further and slid her arms up until they rested on top of Jane’s under the pillow. “Hmm,” she exhaled. “I can’t say it was on purpose even if I’d like to.”
“I just… things seemed to be getting a little hot and heavy in here,” Jane explained. “And I wanted you to know before anything went any further. I don’t wanna be a creep.”
“It’s sweet that you think this was hot and heavy,” Maura responded. She kissed the back of Jane’s head before sitting back up and stretching the skin around Jane’s lumbar spine all over again. “And it’s sweet that you would want to warn me. But I feel the same. Ok? I feel the same. But we really should work this out; it’s only going to hurt worse if I don’t finish.”
Her thumbs picked up the pressure in their work again, and Jane slammed her fists into the mattress. “Youch, fuck!”
“Maybe later,” said Maura, with a smile that Jane could hear in her voice.
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vtforpedro · 2 years
update- TWs in tags
Thank you all very much for your replies to my last post. I’ve had zero energy this past week and yesterday was a very hard day. Got my decision in the mail and wow, they sure are long. It’s not good, folks!!! Not good at all. This guy is an SSA shill and I’m flabbergasted. Hopefully my attorney gets back to me next week asap because not only do I have grounds for an appeal, I believe I’ve been denied my rights by law. Some highlights from his decision. They’re very painful to read and my case manager way back in November of 2021 said that they love to tell people they’re disabled but here’s why you can work. Basically what this dude did but I’m seriously confused and angry. I think it also speaks to the type of person and biases he has. -I meet the disability insurance thing, as in he considers my record to start back in October 2015, which is how my attorney laid it out. And it’s true because that’s the last time I was able to work. -I am severely limited and cannot perform the work I once did. The work I once did was, uh, retail/customer service, and a ‘stay at home’ job if you will by being a caregiver to a veteran (my ex). -My disabilities as the SSA listed them: chiari malformation, leukemia, major depressive disorder recurrent, severe, PTSD w/dissociative affects, headache, s1 radiculopathy (nerve damage), and idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH, my number one enemy) -Chiari and leukemia aren’t considered disabilities, which I knew they wouldn’t be. I’m in remission and people often work with debilitating cancers even tho they should absolutely not have to. Let’s begin with what he got wrong lol -He dates that I got an EMG done in March of 2022 before the lumbar puncture. I did not get an EMG until September of 2022. The LP was in April of 2022. -Nerve damage. I have zero evidence of nerve damage in my medical record, according to him. Zero. I do not have a single symptom to suggest nerve damage and I need at least one from both ‘categories’ the SSA lists. But I have none. I was bedbound for eight months because of nerve damage. I had noted swelling (with pictures) of my paraspinal muscles which might have contributed. I had an EMG because of nerve pain. My dr ordered an EMG because of nerve pain. Shooting pain down my leg and numbness/tingling. Also the severe pain in my lower back causing me to not be able to sit up or walk without excruciating pain 💀 I was referred by my neuro to a pain specialist who really wanted to do steroid shots in my lumbar region FOR NERVE PAIN. I was in physical therapy for months to relearn how to like walk and sit up but also for NERVE PAIN. Legit have no words. It’s noted in my neuro’s and his PA’s file about the radiculopathy explaining what happened to me finally. Hhhhhh. -MDD/PTSD/suicidal ideation. I have extensive medical records going back to 2015--NPs, therapists, my psychiatrist, and the neuro psych eval I had in Sept of 2021 + more since. The eval is one of my most important medical documents. He said the medical evidence did not support major depression/anxiety/PTSD for 2+ years with no improvement, which is not factual. My medical records from my NP in 2015-2017 show how many medications I was on that did not work. How long I was in therapy because it did not work. My current psychiatrist is on my side and tells me every time I see him that I’ve been on everything and we’re limited lol I believe this summer I will be with him for two years alone. The judge notes I have no medical evidence of panic attacks despite them being listed in my medical record. At most of these places. Again. Plus the ER at the very beginning discuss panic attacks. This man read my neuro psych eval where she diagnosed me with those MH disorders (beyond already being diagnosed elsewhere). This is an intimately personal document because it details a SA that occurred in 2012 plus the abuse my ex put me through for 2yrs, which made me unable to work starting in 2015. She noted high concern for my well being as my suicidal ideation is, uh, high lmao and the effects of PTSD from multiple traumatic things. He said there is no evidence in my medical record beyond a depressive and anxious mood which do not fit the bill for MH disabilities. He completely ignored the neuro psych eval (and everything else) so I think that speaks volumes of the type of person he is. -IIH. This is where I get very angry. He lists it as something I was diagnosed with and it was in consideration, yet he completely fails to consider it. He considered ‘headaches’. Not IIH, not multi-feature chronic migraines that are well documented, not the recommended brain shunt by my neurosurgeon if pressure was high, which it was. He is, by SSA law, supposed to argue for/against the conditions listed. He didn’t. -Allegations. He says that the “allegations” I have made don’t completely match my medical records by, like, existing or severity. Except the things that he says I alleged but are not supported are because of IIH. Which he had plenty of medical evidence of + the burden of deciding I meet criteria for disability is on the SSA at this point. He has to by law complete my medical record himself once it goes to him (almost a year ago) so he has the entire picture to make an accurate and fair judgment. He says I allege symptoms not endorsed by medical record but they are symptoms of IIH lmao -He implies I lied (”allegations”). He said that in my records it has been noted I stopped driving once all this happened (dec 2019) and have not driven since. It is noted *everywhere*. But he says that I indicated I drove one (1) time in December 2021. Obviously, this is not true and I have no idea where he got this from. My mom was pissed because she has driven me everywhere for 3+ yrs lmao I have a feeling someone misheard me say dec 2019 for dec 2021, so the judge thinks this makes me a liar. He completely ignored the vocational expert’s testimony in the opposite way I have read happens--narrowing me down to 1 job, then 0, but deciding himself I could perform jobs like ‘mail clerk, router, or marker’ whatever the fuck those last two are. A dr who reviewed my case (I didn’t even know they did lkafaja) said I could only have occasional interactions with people. The judge said that he felt that was not true and increased it to frequent. I don’t trust people. At all. I never want to make friends irl again because it feels way too fucking vulnerable. This is in my medical records. Anyway. I truly believe I have grounds for an appeal b/c of mistakes he made and I hope my attorney agrees with that. The judge is not supposed to fuck up dates or ignore medical evidence entirely in his judgment. BY LAW. Angry, hurt, tired. Why does this keep happening to me lol why can one thing not go right but instead everything always gets worse. I feel like I try to put good out into the world when I can but it spits on me in return. I want to give up.
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countkunt · 2 years
im so fucking tired.
i just released my latest MRI records (which i sent to my pain clinic a long time ago...) for personal use and found out that i have 2 bulging disks in my neck and may have "Cervical Disk Disorder With Radiculopathy" (i don't understand what "Clinical Indications" is referring to here. is it the diagnosis? its certainly not the reason i was referred to get an MRI, at least not ot my knowledge).
the MRI of my neck was done NOV. 7 and i IMMEDIATELY released the records to the pain clinic ive been going to. this entire time i never received a phone call from SHIELDS or my pain clinic. i went to the clinic on Nov. 16th for radiofrequency ablation for pain at end ends of my hardware and asked the doctor abt the MRI then. he said they never received anything. went back for the second radiofrequency ablation treatment on Nov. 30th and they didn't say shit, then the nurse tried to tell me that my treatment was OVER, and that they dont expect to see me again except to check on my recovery on JAN 14. i said no? i still have several other issues w my back and neck??? and rescheduled the visit to be asap (the 4th).
i called the clinic yesterday asking abt the MRI and that nurse said they've had the records for weeks now, but it seems no one's bothered to look at them. so when were any of yall planning to let me know i have two bulging disks in my neck and possibly/definitely pinched nerve/s????
im the one who had to push for an MRI in the first place since my pain doctor didn't even feel like giving me one, and now he can't even be assed to fucking read the report. i hate doctors so much. i literally spoonfeed them the information they need to treat my pain and fight for the most basic care and they STILL refuse to take me seriously. they can't even be bothered to READ. or be honest, apparently. throwback to 6 YEARS ago when i told my surgeon abt all the symptoms im currently having at 100x the severity they were at then, and all he said was "well you shouldn't" and sent me to PT.
btw i have a thoracic-lumbar spinal fusion, fibromyalgia, and constant muscle spasms, not to mention hip pain (probably from my unevem hips due to scoliosis, which the fusion was not able to totally correct) and all they have me on is 20mg duloxetine and tizanidine. im a dropout and ive been out of work for 6 months and in agony for way longer and im so tired of living like this
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Lumbar Radiculopathy Manhattan, NY
Lumbar Radiculopathy is a condition in which patients experience pain and inflammation due to the compression of a spinal nerve root, along the lower back or lumbar spine. This pain will often radiate down the sciatic nerve, running down one or both legs from the lower back - often called SCIATICA.
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hardgoateepost · 24 days
Common Symptoms of Lower Back Pain: When to Seek Treatment in Jaipur
Lower back pain is a widespread issue that can range from mild discomfort to severe, chronic pain. Recognizing the symptoms early on is essential for effective treatment and preventing further complications. At Aarav Spine & Bone Common Symptoms of Lower Back Pain: When to Seek Treatment in Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, we are dedicated to providing expert care for lower back pain, helping our patients regain mobility and live pain-free lives. Below are some common symptoms that indicate you may need lower back pain treatment.
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Common Symptoms of Lower Back Pain
1 . Persistent Dull Ache
Description: A continuous, dull pain in the lower back that doesn’t subside with rest. This ache may be present for weeks or months, often worsening with physical activity.
Possible Causes: Muscle strain, ligament sprain, or degenerative disc disease.
2 . Sharp, Stabbing Pain
Description: A sudden, sharp pain that can radiate down to the legs, often described as a “shooting” or “electric shock” sensation.
Possible Causes: Herniated disc, sciatica, or spinal stenosis.
3 . Limited Range of Motion
Description: Difficulty in bending, twisting, or moving the lower back due to pain or stiffness. This may also include a noticeable decrease in flexibility.
Possible Causes: Arthritis, spinal stenosis, or muscle spasms.
4 . Pain that Radiates to the Legs
Description: Lower back pain that extends into the buttocks, thighs, or down the legs, often affecting one side of the body.
Possible Causes: Sciatica, herniated disc, or lumbar radiculopathy.
When to Seek Treatment
If you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen over time, it’s important to seek professional treatment. Early intervention can prevent further damage and significantly improve your quality of life.
Get Expert Care at Aarav Spine & Bone
Don’t let lower back pain control your life. At Aarav Spine & Bone in Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, our experienced spine specialists and orthopedic surgeons are here to help you find relief and restore your mobility.
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drbahaadin · 2 months
تزحزح الفقرات السبب والعلاج آلام الفقرات
تزحزح الفقرات السبب والعلاج آلام الفقرات
#العمود_الفقري (Vertebral column)
• جسم الإنسان إلى خمسة مناطق أساسية تبدأ من المنطقة العنقية، والصدرية والقطنية، والعجزية، وتنتهي في المنطقة العصعصية، بالإضافة إلى ذلك يحتوي العمود الفقري على 4 مكونات رئيسة، تشمل: الفقرات، والأعصاب، والمفاصل، والأقراص.
ما هي #الفقرات_القطنية :
• تتكون الفقرات القطنية من خمس فقرات وأحيانًا ست فقرات لدى بعض الأشخاص، وتسمى الفقرات القطنية حسب تسلسلها بالفقرة القطنية الأولى إلى #الفقرة_القطنية_الخامسة (L1 ،L2 ،L3 ،L4 ،L5)، إذ تترتب بشكل الحرف C بحيث تكون قاعدة المنحنى إلى الداخل، ويسمى هذا المنحنى بالمنحنى القعس (Lordotic curve).
• تقع الفقرات القطنية أسفل الظهر بين الفقرات الصدرية و العجزية، وتتميز بأنها أكبر حجمًا وأكثر سماكة من الفقرات الصدرية والعنقية كونها تتحمل الجزء الأكبر من وزن الجسم، وتُعد ثاني أكبر فقرات العمود الفقري حجمًا بعد الفقرات العجزية.
ما هي #أجزاء_الفقرات_القطنية :
1. جسم الفقرة جسم الفقرة القطني هو الجزء الأمامي المستدير للفقرة، ويعد الهيكل الرئيس لها الذي يتحمل الوزن.
2. النتوءات الشوكية (Spinous process) النتوءات الشوكية وهي بروزات عظمية تتواجد في الجزء الخلفي من الفقرة.
3. القوس الفقري (Vertebral arch) يتكون القوس الفقري من عظام مستديرة تحيط بالقناة الشوكية، ويقع في الجهة الخلفية من الفقرة، إضافةً يحتوي على التراكيب الآتية :
• العُنيقة (Pedicle) : هي زوج من النتوءات العظمية القصيرة والسميكة، وتقع خلف جسم الفقرة في الجزء العلوي.
• الصفيحة (lamina) : الصفيحة هي زوج من الصفائح العظمية الرقيقة، وتتواجد في الجزء الخلفي من الفقرة ووظيفتها حماية القناة الشوكية.
4. القرص الفقري يوجد بين الفقرات القطنية أقراص غضروفية تسمى القرص بين الفقرات (Intervertebral discs) تعمل هذه الأقراص كوسائد تحمي الفقرات من الاحتكاك مع بعضها، وتمتص الصدمات، وتوفر المرونة والدعم الظهر أثناء الحركة.
5. مفاصل الفقرات القطنية مفاصل وُجَيهِيَّة أو المفاصل المشتركة (Facet joints)، وهي عبارة عن فراغ موجود بين عظام الفقرات متواجدة على طول العمود الفقري تقوم بربط الفقرات مع بعضها البعض، حيث أن كل فقرة تمتلك زوجين من هذه المفاصل المشتركة، زوج علوي يربط الفقرة مع الفقرة التي تسبقها، وزوج سفلي يربط الفقرة مع التي تليها.
ما هي #أهمية_الفقرات_القطنية :
• تقوم بالدعم الهيكلي خاصةً دعم وزن الجزء العلوي من الجسم.
• تساعد على حركة جسم الإنسان.
• تعمل على حماية الأنسجة الرخوة المحيطة بها، مثل: الحبل الشوكي، والأعصاب، والأربطة، والأوتار.
ما هي #اضطرابات_الفقرات_القطنية :
1. الديسك (Lumbar disc herniation) الديسك أو كما يعرف بالانزلاق الغضروفي القطني ويسمى أيضًا القرص المنفتق القطني، هو أحد اضطرابات الفقرات القطنية التنكسية التي تسبب ألم أسفل الظهر والذي ينجم عن تهيج الأعصاب، ويحدث نتيجة تهتك الوسائد الغضروفية المتواجدة بين مفاصل الفقرات الذي قد يؤدي إلى الضغط على الأعصاب مسببًا اعتلال الجذور العصبية القطنية (Lumbar radiculopathy).
2. الإجهاد القطني (Lumbar strain) يحدث الإجهاد القطني نتيجة تمزق العضلات والأربطة والأوتار للفقرات القطنية، مما يؤدي إلى تمدد إحدى هذه الأنسجة، وغالبًا ما ينجم عن إصابات الحوادث أو حمل أو سحب شيئًا ثقيل.
3. الانزلاق الفُقاري القطني (Spondylolisthesis) يحدث الانزلاق الفُقاري نتيجة إزاحة الفقرات القطنية من مكانها بشكلٍ جانبي، ويُعد الانزلاق الفُقاري القطني من أحد الأسباب الشائعة التي تُتسبب آلامًا في أسفل الظهر خاصةً لدى كبار السن أو الأشخاص الذين يمارسون النشاطات البدنية التي تؤثر على الفقرات القطنية، مثل: والجمباز، ورفع الأثقال، وكرة القدم.
ما هي اضطرابات الفقرات القطنية الأخرى :
1. تضيق #القناة_الشوكية.
2. #التهاب_المفاصل الروماتويدي.
3. كسر الفقرات.
4. تكون العظمة الشوكية (النتوءات الشوكية).
5. هشاشة العظام.
6. إصابة العمود الفقري بالعدوى الجرثومية التي تسبب التهاب العظم والنقي (Osteomyelitis)، أو التهاب الأقراص الإنتاني (Septic discitis).
7. أورام العمود الفقري.
8. بعض الأمراض الخلقية أو الوراثية التي تؤدي إلى تشوه عظام الفقرات مثل مرض باجيت (Paget's disease).
تقوس أسفل الظهر (Lordosis).
9. داء باستروب (Baastrup disease)، ويسمى أيضًا بمتلازمة تقبيل العمود الفقري، وهو أحد الأمراض التنكسية للعمود الفقري التي تحدث نتيجة تشكل أكثر من عظمة شوكية بشكل متقارب أو متقابل، بحيث يكون مظهرها مشابه للعُناق.
د. / بهاء الدين سعيد :
• القناة الرسمية للدكتور بهاء الدين سعيد دكتوراة جراحة العظام جامعة القاهرة.
• استشاري جراحة العظام والمناظير والكسور مستشفيات جامعة القاهرة ومستشفى السلام الدولي و مستشفى مصر الدولي ومستشفى دار الفؤاد.
عناوين العيادات :
• القاهرة المعادي : ٢٠ شارع النصر بجوار مطعم جندوفلي ومكتبة ألوان و امام التوحيد والنور.
• لدينا فروع اخرى التجمع الخامس والجزيرة بلازا الشيخ زايد و فرع الهرم وبرج دار الفؤاد مدينه نصر.
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synapsespine · 3 months
Top Radiculopathy Treatment in Mumbai: Synapse Spine
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Radiculopathy is a condition affecting the spinal nerve roots, causing pain, weakness, and numbness in various body parts. If you're experiencing radiculopathy symptoms and seeking the Top Radiculopathy Treatment in Mumbai, it's crucial to consult a specialist for personalized treatment. At Synapse Spine, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for radiculopathy patients, ensuring they receive top-notch treatment and support.
Types of Radiculopathy
Radiculopathy can occur in different spine regions, each with unique symptoms:
Cervical Radiculopathy: Affects the neck, causing pain, weakness, and numbness in the shoulders, arms, and hands.
Lumbar Radiculopathy: Impacts nerves in the lower back, leading to pain, weakness, and numbness in the legs and feet.
Thoracic Radiculopathy: Targets nerves in the middle back, resulting in pain, weakness, and numbness in the chest and abdominal area.
Causes and Symptoms of Radiculopathy
Disc herniation
Spinal stenosis
Degenerative disc disease
Bone spurs
Radiating Pain: Sharp or shooting pain along the affected nerve path.
Weakness: Reduced muscle strength connected to the affected nerve.
Numbness: Loss of sensation or tingling in the affected areas.
Tingling: Sensations of prickling or "pins and needles" in the extremities.
Muscle Atrophy: Gradual weakening or wasting of muscles due to nerve dysfunction.
Diagnosing Radiculopathy
At Synapse Spine, our experts use a comprehensive approach to diagnose radiculopathy, including:
Clinical Assessment: Detailed evaluation of symptom nature and progression.
Neurological Examination: Assessment of nerve function, reflexes, and sensory responses.
Imaging Studies: X-rays and other imaging techniques.
Electrodiagnostic Tests: Electromyography (EMG) and myelogram.
Blood Tests: To rule out other conditions.
Treatment for Radiculopathy
At Synapse Spine, we adopt a multidisciplinary approach, tailoring treatment plans to each patient's unique needs. Our options include:
Medication/Ice/Heat: Prescription anti-inflammatory drugs or muscle relaxants and the application of ice or heat.
Physical Therapy/Specific Exercises: Exercises to improve range of motion and strengthen muscles around the affected nerve.
Epidural Steroid Injection: To alleviate nerve pain in the back or leg.
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS): Remote-operated implants for severe, unresponsive pain.
Surgical Treatments for Radiculopathy
In some cases, surgery may be necessary. Our experienced surgeons offer various surgical treatments, including:
Spinal Fusion
Artificial Disc Replacement
Endoscopic Surgery
Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (IDET)
Peripheral Nerve Surgery
If you are experiencing radiculopathy symptoms in Mumbai, consult a specialized doctor for personalized treatment and optimal spinal health. At Synapse Spine, Top Radiculopathy Treatment in Mumbai offers comprehensive care, ensuring the best possible treatment and support. Take the first step towards a pain-free life by booking your appointment today. Call us at 93726 71858 | 93211 24611 or click here.
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miraridoctor · 4 months
Chronic lumbar radiculopathy, also known as chronic L5 radiculopathy or chronic S1 radiculopathy, is a persistent and often debilitating condition that affects the lower back and legs. It occurs when there is damage or compression of the nerve roots ... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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Lower Back Pain Treatment Chennai - Shri Bone & Joint Clinic
Lower Back Pain
Lumbago is another name for lower back pain. This is a disorder that affects the muscles, nerves, and bones in the back between lower edge of ribs and lower folds of buttocks. Lumbago can be a constant, dull ache or a sharp, sudden sensation that causes difficulty in moving.
More than 9 to 12 percent of people experience lower back pain when they move. People between the ages of 40 and 80 are more likely to experience lower back pain. The number of people with this condition is expected to grow as the population grows older.
Lower Back Pain can be classified according to its duration. It may last less than six week, or it could be sub-chronic up to 6-12 weeks. Lower back pain symptoms usually subside within a couple of weeks, and 40 to 90 percent of people recover by six months.
Treatment for lower back pain includes a combination therapies including rest, physical activity, physical therapy, and medications that manage pain and inflammation. In some cases, invasive treatment like surgery is necessary.
Below are the symptoms that may be experienced by people with lower back pain. They can vary depending on their causes and individual factors.
Sharp stabbing pain which may radiate to the legs or buttocks.
Lower back pain that is dull and aching.
Lower back pain can be characterized by stiffness or a limited range of motion.
Standing up straight and walking is difficult.
Pain that gets worse when you bend, lift or twist.
Lower back muscle spasms.
Reclining can help with pain.
The following can cause a muscle strain or ligament sprain:
Poor body mechanics when lifting a heavy object
Sudden movements, like a road traffic accident or a fall, that place too much pressure on the lower spine.
Poor ergonomics for a prolonged period
Sports injuries are those that involve twisting or significant impacts.
This type of acute discomfort can be severe, but it usually does not last for long. It can be treated conservatively.
Normaly, discs act as cushions and are placed between the vertebrae. Each disc is made up of a gelatinous, soft inner layer that's covered by a tougher outer layer.
Degenerative disk disease: As we age, the discs thin out and become flatter. The discs' reduced water content makes them less able to cushion vertebrae and more prone to tears.
Herniated disk Due to age or overuse, discs' protective covering can tear and the inner soft material may herniate out through the outer layer.
This condition is also known as a slipped or bulging disc. It can compress the nerve roots and cause symptoms like pain (which could radiate or not), tingling or weakness around the nerve.
Sciatica : The sciatic artery, which runs from the lower spine through the hips and buttocks to the legs, can be pinched or irritated causing pain. Doctors may refer to it as lumbar-radiculopathy if the pain is felt down the leg.
Spondylolisthesis A vertebra sliding forward can disrupt spine alignment, and even compress nerve roots. This can happen anywhere along the spine, but it is most common in the lower back. This slippage can be caused by disc degeneration (spondylolysis) or a fractured spine.
Spinal Stenosis: The narrowing of the spaces inside the spine can cause pain due to pressure on the spinal nerves. This is often caused by a herniated disk or bone spurs as a result of spinal osteoarthritis. Spinal stenosis occurs more frequently in the lumbar area, followed by the neck region.
Spinal Osteoarthritis (Spondylosis).: Lower back pain is a common symptom of osteoarthritis, which occurs with age.
Vertebral Osteoporosis Brittle, porous bone can cause fractures and pain, especially in older individuals and women who are menopausal.
Back pain can be caused by kidney stones.
The following can cause a muscle strain or ligament sprain:
Poor body mechanics when lifting a heavy object
Sudden movements, like a road traffic accident or a fall, that place too much pressure on the lower spine.
Poor ergonomics for a prolonged period
Sports injuries are those that involve twisting or significant impacts.
This type of acute discomfort can be severe, but it usually does not last for long. It can be treated conservatively.
Normaly, discs act as cushions and are placed between the vertebrae. Each disc is made up of a gelatinous, soft inner layer that's covered by a tougher outer layer.
Degenerative disk disease: As we age, the discs thin out and become flatter. The discs' reduced water content makes them less able to cushion vertebrae and more prone to tears.
Herniated disk Due to age or overuse, discs' protective covering can tear, which causes the inner soft material to herniate out through the outer layer.
This condition is also known as a slipped or bulging disc. It can compress the nerve roots and cause symptoms like pain (which could radiate or not), tingling or numbness in the area of the nerve affected.
Sciatica : The sciatic artery, which runs from the lower spine through the hips and buttocks to the legs, can be pinched or irritated causing pain. Doctors may refer to it as lumbar-radiculopathy if the pain is felt down the leg.
Spondylolisthesis A vertebra sliding forward can disrupt spine alignment, and even compress nerve roots. This can happen anywhere along the spine, but it is most common in the lower back. This slippage can be caused by disc degeneration (spondylolysis) or a fractured spine.
Spinal Stenosis: The narrowing of the spaces inside the spine can cause pain due to pressure on the spinal nerves. This is often caused by a herniated disk or bone spurs as a result of spinal osteoarthritis. Spinal stenosis occurs more frequently in the lumbar area, followed by the neck region.
Spinal Osteoarthritis (Spondylosis).: Lower back pain is a common symptom of osteoarthritis, which occurs with age.
Vertebral Osteoporosis Brittle, porous bone can cause fractures and pain, especially in older individuals and women who are menopausal.
Back pain can be caused by kidney stones.
The diagnosis of lower back discomfort is usually based on a combination medical history, physical exam and imaging test. The healthcare provider may ask about the duration of pain, its characteristics, and factors that can worsen or relieve it.
A physical exam will be performed to determine the range of motion and muscle strength. Imaging tests, such as X rays or MRIs or CT scans, may be ordered in order to visualize the spine.
Blood tests or nerve studies can be used to rule out certain conditions.
Treatment Options
Acetaminophen, an over-the-counter pain reliever, can reduce inflammation and pain. Muscle relaxants may be prescribed for muscle spasms.
Physical Therapy
Exercise programs that are structured can help improve flexibility, posture, strength and posture. They also alleviate pain and prevent future episodes.
Heat and Cool Treatment
Heat or cold packs can be applied to the affected area to help reduce pain and inflammation.
Massage Therapy
Massage helps to relax muscles and improves blood flow in the affected area.
Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractic adjustments and osteopathic manipulations can reduce spinal pain by improving spinal alignment.
The traditional Chinese medicine technique of acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points to relieve pain and promote healing.
Lifestyle Changes
If you want to prevent or reduce lower back pain, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight. You can also practice good posture when lifting and use proper body mechanics.
The following are some of the most effective ways to reduce your risk.
Surgery may be recommended in severe cases when conservative treatment has failed. The surgery may be performed to remove a disc herniation, stabilize the spine, or relieve nerve pressure.
Prevention Tips
Maintain healthy weight
Exercise regularly
Good posture is important
Lifting techniques should be used correctly
Take frequent breaks
Use ergonomic furniture
Supportive mattresses are the best way to sleep
Quit smoking
Stay Active
Manage stress
Specialized Treatments
Epidural steroid injections
Radiofrequency ablation
Spinal decompression therapy
Spinal cord stimulation
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty (Kyphoplasty)
Sacroiliac Joint injection
Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy
Laser Therapy
Best Lower Back Pain Treatment Hospitals in Chennai
Numerous hospitals in Chennai offer lower back pain treatments. Shri Bone & Joint Clinic, however, is the most reputable and best hospital to treat lower back pain. We have the most experienced Orthopedic Specialists on staff to treat all knee problems.
You can reach us at any time, we are available 24 hours a day. We are open 24 hours a day. You can book an appointment and check the availability of the doctor by calling (9363 6060206) before you visit us.
The Best Doctors / Surgeons for Lower Back Pain in Chennai
DR. Shriram Krishnamoorthy, from Shri Bone & Joint Clinic is the best doctor to treat Lower Back Ache. He has more than ten years' experience in the orthopedic field. He is a great doctor at solving problems with effective remedies. He is an orthopedic surgeon who has been certified by the National Board of Certification.
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The Spine & Rehab Group 140 NJ-17, Paramus, NJ 07652 (201) 523-9590 https://www.thespineandrehabgroup.com https://thespineandrehabgroup.business.site/
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
me, talking about how i have severely painful lumbar radiculopathy that's causing nerve damage, with no known cause: it's bizarre!
neurosurgeon: well better to be bizarre than have something serious going on
... do these doctors not hear themselves lol. i think i'd call this serious, and it's worse since without a cause we can't really treat it!
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brainspinemd02 · 5 months
Navigating Lumbar Spine Pain: Insights from Orange County Experts
Lumbar Spine Treatment in Orange County pain, commonly referred to as lower back pain, is a prevalent condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It can arise from various causes, including muscle strains, ligament sprains, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs. Lumbar spine pain can be debilitating, impacting daily activities and reducing quality of life for those affected. In Orange County, experts offer valuable insights into the diagnosis, management, and treatment options for lumbar spine pain, aiming to alleviate symptoms and improve patient outcomes.
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Understanding Lumbar Spine Pain
Lumbar spine pain is characterized by discomfort, stiffness, or soreness in the lower back region, typically between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the legs. It can range from mild to severe and may be acute or chronic in nature. Acute lower back pain often occurs suddenly and is usually the result of a specific injury or trauma, such as lifting heavy objects incorrectly or twisting the spine forcefully. Chronic lower back pain, on the other hand, persists for longer than three months and may be caused by underlying conditions such as arthritis, degenerative disc disease, or spinal abnormalities.
Diagnosing the underlying cause of lumbar spine pain is essential for developing an effective treatment plan. Healthcare providers typically begin by conducting a thorough medical history and physical examination to assess the patient's symptoms, range of motion, and neurological function. Imaging studies, such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans, may be ordered to visualize the structures of the lumbar spine and identify any abnormalities, such as herniated discs, bone spurs, or spinal stenosis.
In some cases, additional diagnostic tests, such as nerve conduction studies or electromyography (EMG), may be performed to assess nerve function and rule out conditions such as radiculopathy or neuropathy. By accurately diagnosing the underlying cause of lumbar spine pain, healthcare providers can tailor treatment approaches to address the specific needs of each patient.
Non-Surgical Treatment Options
Many cases of lumbar spine pain can be effectively managed with non-surgical treatment modalities. These may include:
Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises and techniques can help strengthen the muscles supporting the lumbar spine, improve flexibility, and alleviate pain. Therapeutic modalities such as heat, ice, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation may also be used to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
Medications: Over-the-counter or prescription medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, and analgesics may be prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation associated with lumbar spine pain. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be administered directly into the affected area to provide temporary relief of pain and inflammation.
Lifestyle Modifications: Making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, adopting proper body mechanics and ergonomics, and avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms can help prevent and manage lumbar spine pain. Regular exercise, including low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, or yoga, can also help improve spinal flexibility and strengthen the muscles supporting the lumbar spine.
Surgical Treatment Options
In cases where conservative treatments fail to provide adequate relief or when lumbar spine pain is caused by a structural abnormality that requires surgical intervention, surgical treatment options may be considered. These may include:
Lumbar Discectomy: A lumbar discectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing a herniated or damaged disc in the lumbar spine that is compressing nearby nerves and causing pain. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the portion of the disc that is protruding into the spinal canal, relieving pressure on the nerves and alleviating symptoms.
Lumbar Fusion: Lumbar fusion is a surgical procedure that involves fusing two or more vertebrae in the lumbar spine together to stabilize the spine and reduce pain. It may be recommended for conditions such as degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, or spinal instability. During the procedure, bone graft material is placed between the affected vertebrae, and metal hardware such as screws, rods, or plates may be used to hold the vertebrae in place while fusion occurs.
Laminectomy: A laminectomy, also known as decompression surgery, involves removing a portion of the lamina (the bony arch of the vertebra) to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves caused by spinal stenosis or other spinal abnormalities. By creating more space within the spinal canal, a laminectomy can help alleviate pain, numbness, and weakness in the lower back and legs.
Rehabilitation and Recovery
Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in the recovery process following surgical treatment for lumbar spine pain. Physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises are often prescribed to help restore mobility, strength, and flexibility in the lumbar spine and surrounding musculature. Patients may also receive education and guidance on proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and lifestyle modifications to prevent future episodes of lower back pain and optimize long-term outcomes.
In conclusion, lumbar spine pain is a common condition that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. In Orange County, experts offer valuable insights into the diagnosis, management, and treatment options for lumbar spine pain, aiming to alleviate symptoms and improve patient outcomes. By accurately diagnosing the underlying cause of lumbar spine pain and tailoring treatment approaches to address the specific needs of each patient, healthcare providers can help individuals regain function and mobility and return to a pain-free lifestyle.
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premierspinenj · 8 months
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Pinched nerves can strike anywhere along your spine, causing back pain and discomfort. Reach out to Premier Brain & Spine in NJ and NY for expert care, including lumbar radiculopathy treatment. Visit our website for more information at https://premierspinenj.com/
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