#lulu reads the pale queen
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libraryleopard · 2 months ago
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Highly specific trend in 2024 media: nerdy protagonist commits magical transgression against yellow eyed, gender-nonconforming shapeshifter monarch who traps them with a magical bracelet and then subjects them to jealous romantic affections
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myxsweetxeverything · 2 years ago
"The Lights in the Sky" Chapter 3 - "After School"
Read on AO3
Summary: A white van at the boutique, a talk over ice cream, and headaches.
Author's Note: Sorry for how long this took. Also apologize that this chapter is mainly character and plot set up - but I promise things are going to get weirder.
As per the last chapter's edit, this and the previous chapter now take place on June 3rd (again, keep track of dates, would be writers - don't be like me).
June 3rd, 1994 4:52 Lulu's Boutique
Lavender Creek had - on a good day - a population of around three thousand. If someone somehow had the desire to visit, they would have to drive two and a half hours south of Portland, smack dab in the middle of nowhere. Greeting you upon arrival were ruins of locally owned businesses closed down by Walmart, the great carcasses of the steel plant and textile factory, and the number one destination of any Friday night - the Dairy Queen. On the outskirts of town, you'd find the Lavender Creek Dairy Plant, which in the last ten years had been plagued by issue after issue.
That wasn't getting into the seedier parts of town. The patches of cheap bars with cheaper booze, a gun shop run by someone convinced doomsday would happen at any moment, and a pair of gas stations with pale and twitchy men hanging around back trying to make a quick buck with questionable substances.
It was nothing but a dead end of a town. In the mind of a thirteen-year-old fashion-crazy girl like Mariqueen, the worst part was that the only place around to buy anything resembling cute clothes was Lulu's Boutique.
At the front desk, keeping a disinterested eye on would-be shoplifters, was gray-haired Lulu herself. Supposedly she had been the town beauty queen in her youth (“I was this close to becoming Miss Oregon - then I would have been Miss USA,” she once claimed unprompted to Mariqueen), and she had opened the shop after her attempted acting career floundered. The ‘boutique’ had its walls covered in flowery paper that hadn’t been in style in almost 40 years, but Lulu had grown too attached to the hideous patterns of dusty roses. Even though smoking had not been allowed in the shop for several years, everything down to the carpet still smelled of a mix of tobacco and Eau de Toilette. The clothes in the boutique were more often than not two years out of date, squashing Mariqueen and her friend’s desire to match the latest trend that the magazines talked about.
Lori's twenty-six-year-old stepmother stood boredly near the magazine rack, tapping her freshly manicured nails against her thigh. She shot a glare at the girls here and there; when she saw that they weren't getting in trouble, she went back to staring at photos of Hollywood couples. Throughout the boutique, the four girls ran around and blabbered about the season's hottest colors, what would attract boys the most, and if those adorable high heels they couldn't possibly walk around in or afford came in their sizes.
"Do you think I can get this in blue?"
"Lori, you always look bad in blue. Yellow is your color anyway."
"You know I hate yellow! And what about that blue dress I wore to the spring dance? You said I looked amazing in it!"
"I lied."
"You're so mean, Chrissy."
"Only because I'm right and you know it."
To say that Mariqueen hadn't been paying attention to her friends' ramblings would be an understatement. Usually all too willing to join in with their fashion talk, something else had caught her eye. It wasn't a dress, a pair of shoes, or a piece of sparkling jewelry. Of all things, it was a white van parked on the curb in front of the shop.
A dirty white van in desperate need of a carwash, but still. Why it caught her eye not even she knew - white vans were a dime a dozen, even in Lavender Creek. The only thing she knew was that she had never seen a white van parked in front of Lulu's before. There were no business logos on the side, which made it even harder to figure out why it was there at all.
Mariqueen moved closer to get a better view out the window, failing to look the least bit subtle about it ("Why is she being weird?" Melissa muttered before heading to the dressing room). With her face practically pressed against the glass, she caught sight of the driver's seat. Barely visible through the tinted glass was a tall, thin figure sitting still. Their head stared forward; Mariqueen glanced at the front of the van, but if anything was interesting going on over there, she must have missed it.
She looked back at the figure.
Their head turned. The hairs on Mariqueen's neck stood straight.
Somehow, she knew they were now staring right at her.
Mariqueen froze.
"Hello? Earth to Q, are you there? Looks like she's shut up for once…"
"Show her the perfume, she'll love it."
A thick, musky stench shoved its way into Mariqueen's nose.
"Hey!" Mariqueen shouted. With a grimace, she pushed away the source - Chrissy's perfume-drenched wrist. "Ich, what is that? Are you trying to suffocate me?"
Chrissy pouted at her. "It's the same perfume my cousin Amy uses, and she says all the boys in Seattle go crazy when she wears it." She shook her head. "You know Q, we looked all over for you after school and we brought you with us, the least you can do is be nice."
"And what were you even doing with that ugly Reznor kid anyway?" Lori piped in. "He and his friends are a bunch of weirdos, everyone knows that."
An engine came alive outside the shop. When Mariqueen turned her attention back on the window, it was too late - the van had already made its getaway. And despite its absence, Mariqueen didn't feel any more relieved
Instead, she felt a desperate need to talk. About what, she didn't know. She looked around the shop in search of anything that would spark a conversation before settling on the sunglasses rack next to her. The rack stood like a tall creature made of mirrored eyes, each one reflecting her barely-hidden panic.
"Do you think this-" Mariqueen grabbed a pair of tangerine-orange framed sunglasses, "-will go with my new swimsuit?" She hastily placed the sunglasses over her eyes. She grinned at her reflection, but even she knew how fake the expression was; an actress she was not.
Behind her, Lori said, "Orange is a terrible color, Q."
"And what do you know about color?" Mariqueen asked, extending the 'you' in a mock snobby tone.
"I don't think you are allowed to judge anyone," Lori snapped and took a pair of tortoise-shell framed glasses.
Putting the glasses back on the rack, Mariqueen shot Lori a glare. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Emerging from the dressing room, Melissa pranced across the boutique's plush carpet. Her sundress, yellow with subtle butterfly patterns, reached just past her knee. "You know what she's talking about."
"No, I don't."
"God, Q…" Lori picked up a bottle of shocking pink nail polish, eying it. "You're so clueless sometimes, you know that?"
Melissa tsk'd. "What do you expect from her?"
"Girls, have you picked out what you want yet?" Lori's stepmom walked over in between the girls, interrupting the argument that was surely about to erupt. "I don't have all day."
Melissa threw her hands up in protest. "I'm not done trying out clothes!"
"Do I look like I care?"
All four girls sighed. Melissa begrudgingly went back to the dressing room, while Chrissy and Lori picked out their respective perfume and nail polish. For Mariqueen, who had barely been looking at the merchandise since laying eyes on the white van, the decision of what to get was much more difficult. She had a decent amount of allowance saved up, but it wasn't nearly enough to buy anything she did want.
Her eyes wandered until she saw the turning jewelry display on the front counter. Lulu had gotten bored making sure they weren't stealing anything, as her nose was between a paperback romance novel. She didn't raise her eyes while Mariqueen approached the desk. Hanging from the display, shining and glittering under the fluorescent lights, was an elaborately-designed heart pendant attached to a silvery necklace. She moved in closer and looked at the price tag.
It was the exact amount of money she had saved up.
She picked it up from the display, grinning. "I know what I'm getting!"
5:01 PM The Dairy Queen on 5th and Walker
It was in between spoonfuls of cheap ice cream that Robin asked him the question. "How did you get away from Mr. Roberts anyway?"
Four of them were sitting on the sidewalk with their cones in hand. The Dairy Queen was near the edge of town, passed the abandoned textiles factory, where the trees became greater in number and provided ample shade from the early summer sun. Danny had wolfed down his Blizzard in record time, got a brain freeze, and was hanging and spinning by one hand around a nearby street lamp. Richard was trying to get a peanut out of his braces with his tongue from his peanut butter cup Blizzard, and Tori sat silently watching Danny while eating her strawberry sundae.
With a mouth full of ice cream, Trent froze. He swallowed hard. "What?"
"How did you get away from Mr. Roberts?" Robin repeated. "No way you just ran."
Richard excitedly piped up, "Yeah! Did you kick him in the balls or something?"
"No! But I wanted to." Trent shook his head.
"Then how did you get away?" Tori asked. "You're so…tiny compared to him."
Trent sneered at her. Why was she always treating him like he was so fragile? "No I'm not! I got away because-"
The image was all too fresh in Trent’s mind, and he still had no idea how to attempt to process it. The memory flashed in his head - the hand letting him go suddenly. Mr. Roberts staring wide-eyed in shock. The way the hand was suspended as if an invisible puppet master was holding it still.
The throbbing in Trent's head was back in full force. Each breath he drew made his brain react with another burst of pulsating pain. The sunlight, even with the shade, didn't help matters. He could almost excuse it as an intense brain freeze, but this hurt more than any brain freeze he ever had.
Trent stared back at the remainder of his chocolate-dipped cone and frowned, his appetite gone. "He let me go. I guess."
Tori looked at him worryingly.
"If I -" Danny let go of the street lamp, but continued spinning in his sugar high. "If I were you I woulda kicked him in the balls. And give him the finger." He stopped spinning, but couldn't keep his feet from stumbling or his head still. "And then I'd tell him to-" Danny's face turned a sickly green. "Oh fuck…"
No one turned around as Danny stammered over to the nearby garbage can and dry heaved. The grip on Trent's sugar cone loosened. He was starting to feel ill himself - and he hadn't even been spinning.
Pain pulsed through his head again.
"I wanna go home," He muttered. "Mr. Roberts probably called my grandma and told him what happened. She's probably wondering where I am."
Next to him, Tori rested her arm on his shoulder. "Worried she's gonna be upset?"
"It's not that. I just-" He stuttered. Tori gave him an incredulous look (her "mom" face, he called it), and his face flushed. "Okay, yeah, I am. Not that much though."
"Hey, at least you didn't spray paint a teacher's car like we did!" Shouted Danny, still face down towards the trash can. "Tell her that, it'll put shit in perspective."
"And then get us in trouble?" Richard protested.
"Yeah, about that, I still have no idea how you talked me into that," Said Tori. "I lose several IQ points when I'm around you guys, I swear…"
"Because you're the minister's daughter," Said Robin, who had just bitten off the last of his Dilly Bar and was twirling the stick between his fingers. "And who'd ever suspect her when she plays piano at every church function?"
Tori gave Robin a silent but coy look, then went back to playing with her strawberry sundae.
"Dude, are you even puking anymore?" Robin asked. He craned his neck to see Danny's head still facing the trash can.
"Nah. Didn't even puke, nothing came out."
"...then what are you still doing over there?"
"Come here, I'll show ya…"
As Robin stood up and walked towards the trash can, Tori rolled her eyes. "Anyway, listen, she's not gonna be that upset with you. She and your grandpa will probably just talk with you and leave it at that."
"Yeah, but…"
"But 'what'?"
"...never mind. I'm going home." Trent grabbed his backpack with his free hand and stood.
"I'll come with you!" Richard chimed, oblivious to Trent's dour mood. "I don't think I wanna be around Robin for a while anyway."
Mere feet away, Trent caught the sight of Danny forcing Robin's head into the all-too-full trash can. A muffled "Asshole!" emanated from inside the can as flies flew around in a frenzy. Danny laughed maniacally, even while Robin fruitlessly tried to kick him. Tori suppressed a gag from her spot on the sidewalk, while the only thing Trent suppressed was a laugh at Robin's expense.
"...You know, I do have a curfew tonight, so I should probably get going…" She looked up at Trent. "Are you gonna be alright? With your grandparents, I mean?"
Trent shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." He tried not to imagine his grandmother, all sad and disappointed, as he and Richard walked away.
5:50 PM
"Hey, Trent?"
"So, I overheard my parents talking earlier." Richard fidgeted with the straps of his backpack, while his steps developed a spring. "And we might go visit Robert in LA in July, and I was thinking about asking them if you, you know, wanted to come with us?"
"Um, I'm gonna have to think about it. Ummmm, I might be-"
Catching a brief glimpse of Richard's excited and waiting face, Trent felt like an idiot when he realized what he was saying - Richard wasn't asking him if he wanted to do a run-of-the-mill sleepover. He was getting another chance to leave town.
What was Trent even saying? What 'might' he be doing this summer anyway? At most, his grandparents might drag him to some crappy tent on Mt. Hood. It wasn't like he was visiting his mom and sister either - Tera was spending the next six weeks at camp, and his mom was too busy working.
But Los Angeles would be cool. It would be way different than Lavender Creek. Different and better. And Richard's brother, one of the lucky ones who managed to escape town, became a movie star - he lost count of the times Richard dragged them all to see Terminator 2 when it came out.
It could be fun. It would be fun.
"Um, yeah, I'd like to go." He kept his tone calm, trying not to sound like an overly excited loser. "I have to um, check with my grandparents first."
Richard broke into a grin. "Yeah! I'll ask my mom. It'll be the best vacation ever!"
Trent nodded half-heartedly. He saw the familiar sight of the Patricks' house coming closer with every step. The family car sat in the driveway, but Trent couldn't spot any sign of life in the front yard or through the windows. Countless hours had been spent in the front and back yards, and despite not living there Trent knew that house like the back of his hand.
The front door opened, revealing a very displeased Mrs. Patrick. She crossed her arms. "Where have you been, young man?"
Richard sighed and visibly resisted the urge to roll his eyes. They were mere feet from the front lawn now, freshly cut by one of his older siblings. "I was hanging out with my friends, Mom!"
She shook her head. "Get inside and help me set the table."
The two of them reached the mailbox, and Richard looked at Trent, then at his mother. "Hey, Mom? So, Trent and I were talking, and, um, could he come with us to see Robert?"
Mrs. Patrick tightened her lips. "I'm sorry, honey, but your father and I…We've agreed to keep this a family vacation. Lord knows it's hectic just getting all seven of us under control for a vacation." She looked at Trent, still standing on the sidewalk with a newly crestfallen face. "Trent, dear, would you like to join us for dinner? It's casserole night, you like casseroles don't you?"
"Um, no thank you, Mrs. Patrick," Trent said dully. "I…I have plans with my grandparents."
Richard gave him a sheepish look. "Sorry, Trent."
"It's fine, whatever." Trent shrugged, but his muscles were stiff.
"Guess I'll see you later, man."
Trent nodded and went silent as Richard sprinted up the front porch, with his mom nagging him about something Trent couldn't make out. When the door closed, making mother and son invisible, Trent sighed and started his trek home. It wasn't a long walk, ten minutes if he walked fast enough. Just in time for his grandpa to get home from work.
He took one last look at the Patricks' house as he passed by the edge of their yard. It made him think of the day when he started kindergarten, and during recess, Richard had asked him if he wanted to play pretend. Trent said yes because he had just moved there and didn't know anyone. And then it turned out his grandparents didn't live too far from Richard's family, and his grandmother was quick to arrange a playdate between the two of them.
A seemingly endless amount of days had passed in that yard. A seemingly endless amount of days had passed in that street, in that neighborhood…
In all of Lavender Creek.
A frown crept over his face. He hadn’t always lived in Lavender Creek, but it sure as hell felt like it did. After he was born, he and his parents moved to Portland and lived in a one-bedroom apartment. Trent didn’t understand why they divorced, but he understood his mother’s reasoning for sending him to his grandparents even less. Why couldn’t he have stayed in Portland like his dad did? Like his mom and sister did? Why was he thrown out into the middle of nowhere? He loved his grandparents more than anyone else in the world, but did they have to live in a nothing town where the most exciting thing to happen was a bank robbery from when he was eight?
He was tired of Lavender Creek, absolutely sick of it. Seeing the same faces, the places, in and out every day made him want to puke sometimes. And his chance of getting out of Oregon just flew by just as he found out about it. It was like he was trapped in the same boring town until he died.
If he can't leave, why couldn't something just happen once? Just once he’d like something more to happen around there. Something interesting. Something he's never experienced before.
The wind rustled the bushes as he walked, his destination getting nearer. The sound of an engine caught his attention and he turned around. His heart sank with dread as he saw his grandparents’ worn-out station wagon slow down and pull over.
In the driver seat, his grandfather rolled down the window. Mr. Clark smiled at him. “Hey there, young man. Why the long face?”
Trent paled and looked down at his feet. “...I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Did it have to do with that call I got from the football coach at your school?"
No reply came.
"Why don't you come on in and we'll talk it out with Grandma when we get home? Sound like a plan?"
Before he could begrudgingly nod, a burst of pain struck Trent’s head.
Everything went black, with the only sound being Trent's grandfather yelling his name.
6:47 PM Ross Residence
"You have to see the plans, you really do. The mayor will have no choice but to agree to the proposal!" Uncle Marcus took another swig of his wine. "Iris honey, you think so, right? What am I saying? Of course, you do!"
Aunt Iris gave a reluctant nod as if even she was skeptical of her husband's ideas. Mr. and Mrs. Ross gave Uncle Marcus unsure looks, which they had kept for the entirety of the rather one-sided conversation. For their part, Atticus and his siblings paid zero attention to the extended business-related rant that their new uncle just gave at the dinner table. Atticus had barely looked up from the pile of vegetables that he poked repeatedly with his fork.
Mr. Ross sat his water glass down on the table. "That's…quite the project you have, Marcus."
Mrs. Ross was more direct. "This isn't going to work."
"Now don't say that!" Uncle Marcus exclaimed. "A mall is just what Lavender Creek's economy needs. And everyone will love it and want to go there! It'll be the crown jewel of the town" His eyes hovered over the Ross children, each one looking more bored than the last. His gaze settled on Atticus. "Hey kiddo, how's it hanging?"
Atticus felt a sense of dread coming on that he was powerless to stop. Holding in an annoyed sigh, he said, "Um, it's- yes?"
Uncle Marcus grinned. "Good! I have a question for you, and I'm sure that makes you feel special. A question just for hip, cool kids like you." Atticus hoped he didn't see him cringe at that. "Malls: like 'em, or love 'em?"
Atticus was paralyzed - mostly by embarrassment. He nervously looked to his mother, who stared at Uncle Marcus with bemusement.
"You're probably thinking, 'Why does an old man like him care about my opinion?' I just happen to think you're a cool kid, Alan."
"M-my name is Atticus."
"That's what I said, but anyway-" Just as Atticus stood up from his chair, Uncle Marcus put his hand up in a 'stop' gesture. "Wait right there, kiddo, you never did answer my question." Atticus slowly sat back down. "And why do you like malls so much? Go into as much detail as you want, don't be shy!"
"Um, I don't go to malls…"
"How can you not like malls? Oh, I get it, you're in that 'everything sucks' phase that all teens go through."
As everyone else started to gather their dishes and leave the dining room table, Atticus became more annoyed by him. If Uncle Marcus didn't speed this up, Leopold would get to the computer before he did. "I just don't like them much. I don't like shopping."
"Well I'm just gonna have to change your mind, aren't I? So, I was thinking of adding an ice rink right in the center of…"
Atticus never wanted someone to shut up so badly in his life. When he overheard Leopold telling their mother he was going on the computer, he wanted to scream.
7:04 PM Clark Residence
When he came to, his vision just barely made out the two dark, gray outlines above him. Quickly, they developed more features, becoming more human as his eyelids fluttered like butterflies.
"Oh thank God, he's awake!"
Trent looked up at his grandma's concerned face and in a hoarse voice, said, "I'm sorry I escaped detention."
A sad smile crossed Mrs. Clark's face. "Oh honey, what are you talking about?"
"Shh…" Next to Mrs. Clark, Mr. Clark held up a tall glass of ice water to Trent's view. "We'll talk about it tomorrow when you're feeling better, alright?"
Almost too weak to nod, Trent somehow managed to pick up the glass and put it to his dry lips. The speed at which he downed it would have earned him the envy of any hard-partying frat boy, and when he finished Mr. Clark took the glass back. His grandmother brushed his hair back gently, and it made him realize how sweaty his forehead was.
"How's your head?" She asked him.
He shrugged. "I guess it's okay."
"We'll let you get some more sleep and we'll talk in the morning, okay?"
His eyelids growing heavy, Trent whispered, "Okay…"
By the time they turned off the lamp on his nightstand, he had already fallen back to sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Clark exchanged worried looks at each other, then at their grandson. Despite how sound asleep he was in his bed, Trent's face was just as scrunched up as it was when he was awake and barely holding up his glass. His breaths were slow, but shaky. The blanket was warm and thick, but his small body still shivered.
Silently, they both hoped he would be better by morning.
11:59 PM
Thick, velvety darkness covered Lavender Creek like a blanket on a child's bed. Even the few remaining stragglers in the waking world - blue-collar workers in bars, bored teens with nothing to do - would soon become transfixed by sleep's spell. Each bedroom window light would soon be switched off one by one, plunging the town further into darkness.
None of it would last. Not the peaceful sleep. Not the directionless nightly activities. Not the familiar but comforting darkness. Not the idea of a normal, carefree summer vacation.
Because with a burst of light coming from the sky, it all came to a horrible, violent end.
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collecting-stories · 5 years ago
Stormy Weather - JJ Maybank
Request: could you possibly do something similar to the story where jj is afraid of the storm but switch it so jj comforts the girl instead?
A/N: I threw in a CHUD reference because my favorite thing about JJ is that we have the same taste in movies. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
☂︎ ☂︎ ☂︎ ☂︎
“What was that?” You asked, jumping at the sudden screeching noise that rang through from JJ’s phone. He grabbed it from the coffee table, nearly yanking the charger out of the wall in his haste, and slammed his thumb against the side to quiet the device.  
“It’s just my phone,” He promised as the noise abruptly stopped. The ringing continued in your ears as he unlocked the phone to read the notification, “storm warning I think?”
“Storm warning?” Realistically, you knew that it was a matter of hours, maybe minutes, until Agatha touched ground but you were still hoping that something would verve her off-course. Send her down to Georgia or Florida. You’d settle for South Carolina at this point.  
“Yeah. It says-”
“No. Don’t tell me what it says.”
JJ reached for your bare thigh, his warm hand coming down on the skin and rubbing as soothingly as possible. “It’s okay, it’s not for Kildare County yet.”  
“Yet?” You nearly shrieked at the word. JJ knew you hated storms, you had explained on multiple occasions how bad your anxiety got during storms and he tried, he really, really, tried, to be considerate and thoughtful but sometimes he just ended up sticking his foot in his mouth.  
“Hey, you’re fine.” JJ tried to point out as you got up off the couch and crossed the living room to the large bay window. The sky was already starting to get dark outside and you couldn’t tell if it was from the hour or the storm. Clouds blocked any view of the sun and the wind was starting to pick up. Soon it would rain and then the storm would start.
“I’m not fine JJ. There’s a hurricane coming. I know that. What if it hits here? What if it rips a tree out of the ground and throws it on top of the house? Then what?” You questioned, listing one of a dozen scenerios that were playing out in your head.  
“Babe, you need to-”
“Do not tell me to relax.”
JJ got up and crossed the room, hands fitting their place on your shoulders as he tried to steer you back toward the couch. “I was gonna say that you need to move away from the window. That isn’t gonna help you feel better.”
“I hate storms.”  
“I know.”
“And I hate weather alerts. Why do they have to alarm like that?” You took a deep breath, “what did it say?”
“It wasn’t for our county.” JJ replied.
“JJ, what did it say?”
“Flood watch. And severe storm moving inward.” He admitted.  
“Oh my god.”
“Hey, come on, come with me. Away from the window.” He pulled on your shoulders just enough to get your feet moving again as he finally walked you to the couch.
“You don’t need to see the storm, that’s not helping you. Just sit on the couch and let me do everything else.” JJ replied, sitting you down on the couch. He grabbed his phone and started to push the coffee table out of the way.  
“What are you doing?”  
“You’ll see. And you’ll feel better, I promise.”
“I hate storms.” You paled, leaning back against the cushions and looking up at him.
“I know.”  
“I hate hurricane season.”  
“I know that too.” JJ said. He stopped rearranging the furniture and leaned over to kiss you, soft lips pressed against yours before he pulled away, “it’ll be okay.”
“You shouldn’t have to babysit me either. I know John B asked you to surf the surge with him. You should be out having fun not sitting in the house with me.” You had been feeling guilty about calling JJ to come over ever since you had heard John B in the background of the call bitch that they were supposed to surf when Agatha hit. JJ had chosen you over his friend though, coming over and condemning himself to a night of calming you down as you freaked over an uncontrollable storm.  
“There is no where I would rather be than right here with you in the house okay?” JJ promised, “who gives a shit about surfing the surge.”  
“You’re a very good liar.” You teased, watching him continue to haul the kitchen chairs and table into the living room. When he got close you reached your arms out for him and he let you hug him, leaning down to kiss the top of your head.  
“It’s cause I’m not lying. Now let me go so I can get stuff together.”  
“You’ll be okay, I’m right here.” He reiterated as he left the living room for your bedroom down the hall.  
“Can you talk to me while you’re getting stuff?” You called, knowing the house was too quiet to distract you from the storm without constant chatter.  
“What do you want me to talk to you about?” He called down the hall. He was currently stripping the blankets and pillows off your bed, trying to hold them all in both arms so that he didn’t have to make more than one trip.  
“I don’t know...anything.”  
“I went to queen village this morning to get bait with Pope and I was getting ice and the guy that works there, you know the one who hates me?” He questioned, pausing as the comforter slipped from his arms.  
“He hates you because you stole from him like four times.” You reminded him, leaning back against the arm of the couch and stretching to lay down.  
“He can’t prove it.”
“I don’t understand why he still lets you in the store.”
“Because he can’t prove it.” JJ repeated. “Anyway, I’m getting ice right and he tells me that the ice cup costs money!”  
“Yeah, it always does. That’s why I bring my own water bottle when we go there.” You replied as he came in and deposited the blankets and pillows on a chair.  
“Whose side are you on?”  
“Yours, obviously. So what happened?” You asked as he left down the hall again.  
“So I’m getting ice and he tells me the cup costs money so I said ‘but the ice is free?’ and he says ‘ice is free’. So I made a little pocket with my shirt, like so,” JJ lifts the hem of his shirt up to fold over so he can demonstrate the pocket for you. “and I emptied the cup into my pocket and he told me that the ice costs money!”  
You laughed, easily imagining your boyfriend trying to hold a cupful of ice in his shirt to avoid paying, “then what?”  
“Then I said that he was being a bitch because it doesn’t cost shit and he just said so!” JJ grabbed your arm, “come over here.”
“What are you doing?” you asked as you let him guide you over to one of the wing chairs your mom had inherited.  
“Constructing a fort. Sit.” JJ instructed, sitting you down and going back to his story, “so I tell him he’s a bitch and he said he would call the cops if I didn’t leave the store! You imagine him ringing Peterkin or Shoupe just cause I wanted some ice! It should be free!”  
“It should be but it isn’t. You know that guy is a stickler, why argue?”
“Because I’m right and he’s a douche!” JJ replied, obviously still heated over the whole ordeal.  
“I know I asked you to tell me a story but I’m thinking that maybe this wasn’t the story I wanted you to tell me.” You laughed, getting up to hold the sheet in place as he clipped it to the chair. He had pushed the table against the couch and thrown the comforter over it like a roof. Now he had the chairs lined up with their backs to each other, forming the tunnel.  
You moved onto the next part of the fort, grabbing for the sheet as thunder clapped outside and you jumped, suddenly aware again that the fort and the story were all just fancy distractions meant to draw your attention away from the outside. Before you could abandon the task to flock to the window JJ was there beside you, pressed against your back as his arms wrapped around you and he kissed your shoulder.  
“We’re okay.”  
“It sounds really bad out there.” You mentioned, looking to the closed up windows.  
“We’re okay.” He repeated, “we’re safe.” He moved his hands to cover yours, stepping away enough that he was no longer embracing you. “I’ll do this, you make popcorn.”  
“I thought I was supposed to be relaxing?”  
“And you will after you make popcorn. You make it better than me!” He insisted, pushing you toward the kitchen.  
“Okay but then relaxing. This storm is-“  
“We’ll be fine, I’m here. There’s nothing to worry about.” JJ called after you as you walked into the kitchen and grabbed the sauce pan to start popcorn. You were certain you were in for a creature feature and you thought maybe seeing Shockma or CHUD or some other monster flick would help ease the worries you had about the outdoors. Maybe JJ was on to something after all.  
“I didn’t tell you the end of the story!” He exclaimed suddenly, appearing in the doorway. “So-“
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops@gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie@mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee@crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @jolomez @timotaychalabae
419 notes · View notes
erekiosuncreativeideas · 4 years ago
Being Human - Chapter 23
<= Chapter 22
Summary : Snatcher is taken to a familiar room of the manor. Also available on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/24826561/chapters/74145501
(Trigger warning for this chapter : emotional abuse and creepy situation)
SO. Let me put some dates here.
Sunday 4th of April 2021 : chapter 24 will be posted. Thursday 8th of April 2021 : chapter 25 (last chapter) will be posted.
Why do I wait a few days to post the last chapters ? Because I want to draw for them, and, if possible, make as many drawings I can. Hopefully, you'll like this chapter and the last two as well ! Thank you for remaining so passionate about this story since its beginning, it means a lot to me !
The “Oh The Humanity” AU belongs to @doodledrawsthings​​ !
Uh if you’re interested, I post my progress on my chapters on Hatty Fan Time (the AHIT Discord server I’m moderating with two friends), so if you wanna join, go ahead !
Happy reading !
Chapter 23 : “I can do this, I can… I will do this.”   
-“There we are,” sing-sang the Queen, opening the door leading to the nursery. To Snatcher’s horror, while the room was still relatively damaged, mostly with claw marks on the walls, it remained recognizable. The sight was enough to give him flashbacks of the time they had commissioned this room, of the time they had entered it the first time after it was completed- The former ghost could remember it like it was yesterday: the couple had been so happy, staying in the room for a good hour, imagining how their child would be like, how they wanted to give them as much love as possible… But none of that ever happened.
Instead, the Subcon Freezing had happened, ruining all hope for Snatcher to ever have kids, ruining his dreams of having a family with the woman he loved so, so much.
And now, he was back in that cursed room, a room that was reminding him of what could have been, had things been different.
Snatcher had no choice but to rely on Vanessa so he wouldn’t put any weight on his broken ankle. No need to say this was frustrating… And extremely frightening, having to depend on the one who had mercilessly killed you. The former ghost knew he had no choice anyway and he could do nothing but clench his teeth, hoping nothing would happen. With a swift gesture, the Queen grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him inside, soon closing the door behind them. The sudden movement made him cry out in pain as it forced his body to put weight on his injured ankle. It didn’t take long for Vanessa to notice what had happened and she quickly helped him to straighten, a sickening smile painted on her face.
-“There, there,” she cooed: “It’s okay. You know what you need ?” she then asked, completely out of the blue. A look of fear crossed his features as he heard her words. Oh, this couldn’t be good, now, could it…? The Queen remained silent after her own question and her face grew irritated, which were pretty good indicators that she was waiting for an answer from him. With this realization, the child quickly realized he had to give her a sign, anything- and so, unable to speak, he just shook his head, his whole body trembling from the pain, the fear and the cold.
Seeming satisfied with Snatcher’s reply, even if non-vocal, she smiled again and quickly picked him up without any warning. Naturally, out of surprise, the former ghost gasped and started to struggle. How could he not, when his own murderer was holding him in her arms, without any difficulty? However, it didn’t take much to convince him otherwise: Vanessa’s warning glare and the pain in his ankle from the movements were more than enough.
-“Now, now,” she sermonized him, all while carrying him to the crib. As soon as she got them both closer, he guessed her intents, and his face paled up. God, this nightmare was just becoming even worse- she was going to put him into the crib where their child should have been hundreds of years ago, should they have been born.
This was so disturbing, so creepy-…! But, apparently, Vanessa wasn’t seeing anything wrong with this. She really was taking him for a child, a child she had to care for.
This was sickening.
-“W-wait!” he interrupted her just as she was about to lower him into the pink crib, and she gave him both a confused and annoyed look.
-“What’s the matter?” she asked back, narrowing her eyes and furrowing her brow. Oh, this wasn’t good.
-“I’m… I’m too old to be in a cradle,” he tried, hoping this would be enough, though he couldn’t help but giggle nervously, his eyes looking away in fear they’d see anger on the Queen’s face, maybe worse. She stared at him for a moment… And soon enough, a light laughter left her lips, all trace of annoyance gone from her face, as if those had never been there in the first place.
-“Oh ho ho,” she took a deep breath as she finished laughing, sighing. Snatcher… Didn’t like that.
-“W-what…?” he wondered, his voice trembling from uncertainty and dread. Why would she laugh at something like this?
-“Oh, silly one,” she replied, an even more sickening smile painted on her ghostly lips, one that was letting him see her sharp fangs: “You need to rest, and I have the perfect bed for that. Your age doesn’t matter, does it? Cribs are for children, and you are one, don’t you?” she retorted, as if this was oh so very obvious.
Perhaps she had remained too unstable for years to remember cradles were for young infants, or toddlers. Her madness had affected her perception of reality, so much that she couldn’t see the problem here- or maybe she did, though in that case, why would she care? She had murdered him centuries ago, she wouldn’t feel guilty about forcing a kid into a crib!
And, well, it wasn’t like he could struggle more, seeing his injured ankle. After all, not only did this hurt, but this was also a very good warning of what could happen to him should he resist more. All of his instincts were crystal clear: “wait for the right opportunity”, they instructed him. And so, as the Queen lowered him into the cradle, Snatcher did his best not to cringe at the thought and didn’t resist. Once done, Vanessa stepped back and looked at him with a twisted fondness, one that made Snatcher want to throw up. Though he knew better and stayed still and silent.
-“Aaaw, look at you!” the Queen cooed, as if this was the cutest thing she had even seen in years- which was probably the case, in hindsight: “See, you fit just right!” At this remark, the young Prince examined the crib. Yeah, sure, he could fit while sitting- but lying down? This was another story. With the body of a twelve years old kid, or around that age, it was obvious this was the worst choice ever for a bed.
Although… Although this was much, much better than being put in Vanessa’s, he just realized. A chill ran down his spine at the thought. Yeah… Yeah, the cradle wasn’t so bad in comparison.
Snatcher’s thoughts were interrupted as he heard a clap of hands next to him- and unsurprisingly, it was her.
-“Good!” she spoke again: “Now that you’re ready to rest, I’ll bake some cookies!” She started to walk to the door and the former shade felt relieved at the idea of her leaving him alone- but just before exiting the room, she stopped and turned to him, a knowing smile on her lips:
-“Stay in the bed and sleep, alright?” she told him, and Snatcher had no trouble to detect that this was not a suggestion: “I don’t want anyone running around here. Otherwise, there will be consequence. Have I made myself clear… Uh…” she stopped for a moment, thinking, before tilting her head to the side: “Wait, what is your name? I don’t think I asked you before, did I?”
Oh. Oh crap. He obviously couldn’t give her his old name, this was the worst possible thing to do- but what other name could he use? Obviously, if he took too much time to decide, she would know… And yet, no words could leave his mouth.
Snatcher was simply paralyzed. At no time he had expected her to ask about his name- but how could he not think of anything like this?
-“Well?” she urged him, getting suspicious. Oh no, oh no, he had to find something, quick…!
-“Lu...” he tried, hoping he’d find a name close to his old one, something that would easily evoke close forms of the name “Lukas”, he lacked too much time to think more. But nothing was coming in his mind: “Lu…!”
The Queen frowned, confused.
-“Lulu?” she repeated, as a confirmation she had understood. Instantly, a wave of relief washed over him, though he did his best to hide it as much as he could.
-“Y-yes,” he nodded weakly, with a trembling smile: “That’s… That’s my name, yes,” he lied, trying so hard to keep his “happy mask” on. As a response, Vanessa stared at him, as if she were watching for any sign of lie in his words, in his expression. Snatcher hands were becoming clammy from how dreadful this whole situation was, his heart was beating loud and fast in his chest, he was doing his best to keep his breathing under control, no matter how difficult this was… And, finally…!
-“This is such a cute name!” exclaimed Vanessa with glee, clasping her hands once more: “Well, Lulu. I hope I can trust you, right?” Another warning, one that was even more obvious than the last one. The former ghost forced himself to smile again, despite how insincere it must have looked- but perhaps Vanessa was too unstable to see it, or so he hoped.
-“Of… Of course!” he lied again, with a nod: “I’ll just… Sleep and wait for you to come back,” he assured, hoping this would suffice. And fortunately…
-“Perfect!” her face lightened up, yet Snatcher couldn’t tell if she was fully convinced. In any case, she grabbed the door handle and waved at him affectionately, like a mother would do to her child. This was… Extremely upsetting, given the circumstances. Still, the child merely forced another smile… And let out a huge sigh of relief as the Queen finally left the room.
Gods, this had been much, much more terrorizing than anything he could have potentially imagined.
Doing everything he could to remain silent, the young Prince listened closely to her steps slowly getting away, and waited a few more minutes, just to be sure. When he was sure she was definitely far away from this room, Snatcher tried to straighten up, only to be cut short by the acute pain on his ankle. Oh yeah.
There was this problem too.
The former ghost winced and frowned. What could he do for that? He couldn’t possibly escape with such an injury… Not only would it hurt, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to move discreetly. With Vanessa being in the room under this one… Oh, yes, she would definitely hear him. Then what? It wasn’t like he could miraculously heal that ankle-
However, his body froze as a stroke of genius burst in his mind. Maybe, just, maybe this could work… Frowning and wincing in advance, not really sure if this would succeed… Snatcher moved his hands to his broken ankle and closed his eyes, focusing.
He had learnt healing magic in his past life… Now, it was just a matter of hoping this small and frail body would allow him to use it. And so, the former ghost tried to find the small spark of magic he still had under this form. Breathing in and out, it was like trying to find something that was now hidden in the depth of his mind, something that felt so familiar and yet so foreign.
“Come on…” he urged himself, feeling himself getting closer and closer to that feeling he was trying so hard to find. Healing magic wasn’t as easy as fire one for him, one of the main reasons being that his mother’s family had been gifted with the power of fire. Summoning flames was thus easier for him- healing magic, though? This was a complete new story. While fire had been easy to learn at the time, him being a natural at it, the other types of magic had to be learnt the traditional way, with teachers, a lot of reading and study times, and getting familiarized with the elements you were learning.
Of course, in his situation, Snatcher couldn’t really use any of those things. All he could do was trying to focus… And soon enough, he began to feel tingles at the tips of his fingers. Yes, this is what he had been looking for! A small smile of victory spread on his lips, but he did his best to remain focused. In the meantime, the child could feel his injured ankle becoming number and number to the pain, and maybe… Bones shifting around a bit, though it was more uncomfortable than actually painful. This was working, this was working, he knew it, he knew he could-!
And suddenly, Snatcher felt like he lost all grasp on his magic. Shocked, the former shade opened his eyes, the tingling sensation in his fingertips quickly disappearing as if it had never been there at all. Why? Confusion spread onto his features and he looked at his hands, almost hoping he’d see what went wrong. But everything seemed normal.
And in fact, it was, thinking about it. The fact that he had been able to summon healing magic when he was in a body inexperienced with it… Was already quite an achievement, and it made sense it wouldn’t last, that this would be too unstable for that.
The former ghost tentatively moved his ankle, already wincing in advance in fear of how much it would hurt- but it wasn’t as painful as he had first thought. He slowly and carefully palpated his skin, trying to feel what had changed. Sure, touching it hurt, however… However, he was almost sure that his bones weren’t broken anymore.
He had managed to heal the biggest part of his injury. A long sigh of relief left his lips: things were… Going really well. But Snatcher was far from being over with this, oh, very, very far. He still had to escape this cursed place.
As silently as he could, Snatcher straightened up and hopped over the guardrail of the crib. His feet met the floor with a muffled sound, which was enough to scare him: had Vanessa heard anything? The sudden pressure on his ankle made his face tensed greatly though he managed to contain the urge to whine in pain.
This body was definitely one of a child… But to the former shade, he was sure that his mind had been altered to a degree, and this was not something he liked. He had to find the kids and Moonjumper, making sure they were alive, that he had managed to save them… And have the brats returning him to his adult for- no, his spirit form. Yes, that was what he wanted, and for a moment, he felt confused as to why this hadn’t been the first thing popping in his mind.
What was happening to him…?
The child forced his mind to focus back on reality: this wasn’t the time for questions. Who knew how much time he had before Vanessa decided to check up on him? If he had to try something, without getting caught, this was literally now or never. Waiting was dangerous, especially if his friends needed him- it was really cold outside, freezing even… Would he even get there on time? He was pretty far away, especially on foot…
“No,” he tried to reassure himself: “I can do this, I can… I will do this.”
Determination was now fueling inside of him, almost making him forget the pain in his ankle and how low the temperatures were in the manor. He himself was also on a time limit: his fragile body would become less efficient the colder it would get- Snatcher couldn’t lose any more time.
Slowly, silently, the child moved to the door and slightly opened it. Good, it hadn’t been locked, and he couldn’t hear anything coming closer, whether it was a voice or steps. Another sigh of relief left his lips, and after hesitating a bit… The young Prince took a deep breath and moved forward, entering the hallway with a mix of apprehension, fear, and resolve.
He was going to leave this manor and find his friends again.
This was a promise.
I hope you liked this chapter, I can't wait to show you the ending of this fanfiction ! Thank you so much for following me this far, and I hope you'll be there for my next fanfic too ! (I already have an idea of the story, so now it's a matter of making it better and actually writing it).
See you next Sunday !
=> Chapter 24
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prince-claremont-diaz · 5 years ago
étoiles et fleurs
Summary: Lucas is next in line for the throne, about to be engaged to marry a young noble woman and he hates it. That is, until he runs into the curious florist, Eliott, on a walk through the city. Lucas has little choices in life, but will one of them be Eliott?
Word count: 2.9k 
Warnings: none
ao3 version:
Lucas sighed, putting his book down on his knees and turning to look out the window and onto the grounds. The massive garden was alive with colour, the lawn a vibrant green, flowers of every kind covering the hedges and trees and bushes. Roses and marigolds and lilies and carnations, perfectly trimmed and watered.
That day, it was a particularly clear afternoon, only a few pale white clouds bobbing along the pale blue June sky. Lucas could see one of the gardeners out with his clippers, trimming the hedges neatly.
Lucas looked along the corridor for any signs of life, tilting his head back against the window frame, tucking his knees in closer on the bay window. He could barely get a second of peace anymore now that he was technically dating Chloé. Although it was hardly dating since it was arranged and he couldn't stand the girl. The more he got to know her, the more he realised she was physically incapable of not talking, always going on and on about complete nonsense. She talked his ear off at dinner about annoying servants, complained in the garden about friends back home, babbled in the library about her new clothes she was sent.
Opening his book once again, Lucas pushed all thoughts about Chloé out of his mind and continued to read his book.
He was almost onto the next chapter, starting to get into the scene, when he heard quick footsteps behind him, followed by someone grabbing his shoulders. Lucas startled, dropping his book onto the floor with a thud and spinning around so fast his neck clicked. When he came face to face with none other than Yann, his startled frown melted into a grin. "You gave me a fucking heart attack, Yann!" he whined, shoving his friend and getting off the window sill.
Yann snorted, shoving his shoulder back. "Don't be such a drama queen—sorry, prince. It's not my fault you're jumpier than a kitten," Yann replied, smirking and jumping out of the way of Lucas' swat. "Oho, that's not very nice, is it? I know I'm just a servant, but surely you don't have to be so cruel!" Yann mocked defense, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.
"Can I help you, Yann?" Lucas asked, crossing his own arms.
Yann shrugged casually, plopping onto the windowsill with his back against the window. "Shouldn't I be asking you that, your Royal Highness?" Yann teased. He digressed, straightening up. "But really, no. Mum let me go for a wander and I was bored so I came to exactly where I knew you'd be."
"How'd you know I'd be here? No one else knows about this area," Lucas asked, furrowing his eyebrows together, "No one ever comes here because it's not even near any staff quarters."
"Oh, Lulu, you underestimate me," Yann replied, "Of course I know where you hide from your little girlfriend. You're far too predictable, really." Lucas rolled his eyes. "A distant, mostly deserted corner of the castle which is relatively close to the library and has a good enough view of the gardens? Hmm, I wonder how I figured out you'd be here…"
Lucas leaned against the wall by the window and slid down to the floor with his back against the wall. "Okay, so maybe I am a little predictable," Lucas admitted. He lifted his fallen book and flattened out its pages, closing it properly and setting it down by his side. "But can you blame me for hiding? That girl never stops. I needed a break before dinner later on."
"How on earth would I ever manage to talk to her, Lucas?" Yann deadpanned, staring at Lucas, "I'm just the butler's son and she's a noble who is soon-to-most-likely-be-engaged to the heir to the throne."
Lucas groaned, shut his eyes and hit his head against the wall. "Fuck. Sorry," he muttered, "I don't use my head at all."
Yann poked his nose with his finger. "No, you don't," Yann said, "But it's okay. I forgive you."
They fell into amicable silence, Yann watching the gardener water the plats while Lucas fiddled with the pages of his book, legs outstretched in front of him. If he really strained, Lucas could just about hear the chirping of birds outside the window.
"Do you really think I'm going to have to be engaged to Chloé?" Lucas asked after they had been sitting in silence for almost 20 minutes. He looked over his shoulder, making Yann turn his head from the window down to him.
Yann sighed, placing a comforting hand on one of Lucas' shoulders. "I hate to break it to you, but yes," Yann admitted sadly, "Most likely. She's from a noble family that has pretty much always backed your family and she's been basically living here since late April. And you're of marrying age. I think it's safe to say you'll be engaged at least by the end of summer."
Lucas groaned, falling onto his side on the itchy carpet, burying his face in his hands. "But I don't want to marry her," Lucas whined, distorted by his hands, "She's annoying and talks too much and I'm not even 21 yet. I don't wanna marry anybody yet." Yann climbed off the bay window and settled down beside Lucas, forcing him to sit up. "I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I really hate being the prince." Lucas rested his head on Yann's shoulder, scowling.
Yann reached up and patted his head. "I know, Lucas," he said, "I'm sorry." Lucas frowned deeper, glancing sideways.
"Sorry? What for?"
"Even though you're a royal and have all these privileges, at least I have more choices in life than you."
Dinner that evening was a disaster. Lucas' father called him out for hiding from Chloé all day because she asked multiple people where he was (including the king!). This turned into his father yelling about duty and chivalry and honour and how Lucas would never be a good enough king. Chloé cried, his mother left the dining hall shaking, his father accidentally broke a plate slamming his hand on it in anger and Lucas stormed out of the dining hall with his hands curled into tight fists.
Lucas burst into the hallway, pacing the floor and breathing heavily, tightening and loosening his fists. The doors to the dining hall swung open again and Manon hurried out, holding up her scarlet dress, hair a mess. Lucas was hunched, leaned against the wall, eyes burning with hot tears as he tried to keep himself from punching the wall out of anger.
"Lucas? Lucas, are you okay?" she asked, striding over to him. She held his fists in both her hands, uncurling his fingers to reveal red rimmed crescents indenting his palms. "He's wrong, Lucas. None of that is true. You'll be a far better king than he ever has been, okay? You have more chivalry and honour in your big toe than he does in his entire body." She wiped the tears from his cheeks, smiling sadly.
"But what if he's not wrong? What if, when I become king, I ruin everything?" Lucas cried, sniffling. "And I'm hardly ready to marry anyone nevermind her."
"Maybe if you tell mother—"
Lucas cut her off and shoved her away. "No! I'm never going to be satisfied with my spouse and you know it," Lucas snapped, "I'll never be happy enough with who I marry and our parents won't ever care." Manon started to reply, but Lucas was already marching out of the hallway, heels clicking on the stone floor.
"Lucas, where are you going?" Manon called after him, hands on her hips and worried frown on her face.
"Out! Anywhere is better than here!" he called over his shoulder, storming down a flight of stairs. He heard Manon's heels following him down the stairs frantically, hair flowing behind her and skirt bunched into her fists. "You're not stopping me, Manon."
"Come on, Lucas. Don't do this. You can't just leave the castle."
Lucas stopped and spun around, fresh tears in his eyes, making Manon blur in his vision. "I'm just going for a walk, okay? I'll be back later." And before Manon could protest further, Lucas spun back around and stormed out the front doors once again.
It was sunset by the time Lucas reached the middle of the city. He was mostly calm now, walking through the winding streets. The evening air was cool against his skin, having neglected wearing a coat, which left him in his simple white button down. All the market stalls were shut for the night as well, only a few shops and restaurants still open. The streets were almost deserted and Lucas only passed a handful of people, thankfully. He was considering turning back, shivering with cold, when he stumbled upon a small florists still open, warm light flooding onto the dim street.
Lucas pulled his sleeves over his hands and stepped inside the shop. He was instantly overwhelmed by the strong floral scent filling the air, along with the pleasant heat coming from a small fireplace in the corner. Lucas glanced around the entire store, brushing his fingers over the soft petals and leaves, occasionally leaning down to smell one.
"Hello," a voice said in his ear. Lucas lept to the side, whipping his head up, eyes wide. He found himself barely an inch away from the same florist from the market stall pess than a month ago.
"Fuck, you scared me!" Lucas exclaimed, clutching his chest.
The man chuckled, eyes crinkling as he smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to!" he replied, still laughing, "I was just coming to see if my customer needed anything. Looks like I found my favourite one."
Lucas flushed, distracting himself by fidgeting with the stem of a gloxinia.
"It's been a while. I was starting to think you were a dream," the man continued, "Or at least that you weren't coming back." The man was standing so close to Lucas he could feel his breath on the side of his face and neck. It sent a chill down his spine.
"Yeah, I've been, uh, busy," Lucas replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "And I live just outside of the city, so it's hard to come here often, I guess."
"What a shame," the man said. "Where's your companion from last time? The magnolia girl."
Lucas snorted at the memory. "She's back home. I came here myself."
The man nodded and clapped his hands together once. "Right. Well, can I do anything for you today?" he asked, stepping away finally to gesture towards the flowers surrounding them. "I'm Eliott, by the way. I don't believe I introduced myself last time. Silly me." He held out his hand in front of Lucas.
Lucas shook his hand, lingering for far too long to be considered normal. "Lu—Louis."
Eliott smirked, a knowing glint in his eye. He's onto me. "Well, Louis, what can I do for you? Another arrangement for a special someone?" Eliott asked with a teasing lilt to his voice. He gestured around the shop again. "I can do loads of different bouquets for all occasions."
Lucas stepped past Eliott further into the shop, looking around the room at the seemingly endless array of flowers filling the room. They were set in baskets and vases and paper bags on the wall, overlapping endlessly in a rainbow of petals and leaves and ribbons. Lucas made his way all the way to the back of the shop where he found a bunch of parchment stuck to the wall, adorned with what looked like pressed azaleas and peonies.
"They're my favourite flowers," Eliott said, appearing by Lucas' side, "They symbolise my soul. Like spirit flowers or something."
Lucas walked ever closer to the wall, lightly touching one of the azalea petals. "So like floriography?" Lucas asked casually, glancing sideways at Eliott. Eliott's smile softened, looking down at Lucas through his lashes.
He nodded. "Yeah. Exactly like that."
"So." Lucas turned his entire body towards Eliott, who mirrored him. "What flowers am I? What's my soul flower?" Lucas asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly, suggestively.
A sharp intake of breath. A grin. A pause. Eliott looked Lucas up and down thoughtfully, tilting his head to the side. The silence in the air hung heavy and charged, but no less comfortable. "I don't know. I'll think about it," Eliott said after a moment. "Maybe come back and I'll have one in mind."
"Okay then…" Lucas turned around, circling the store once again. "Will you make me an arrangement at least? Any that you like. Any occasion you can think of," he said, walking backwards, grinning. Eliott followed him, eyes full of mirth.
"Now that I can do." And then Eliott was hurrying around the small shop, knocking down baskets and grabbing flowers here and there seemingly haphazardly. Lucas hopped up onto the cash desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he watched Eliott hurtling around the room collecting the flowers for the bouquet. It was the most fun Lucas had had in weeks, watching Eliott stumble and scatter around, a man on a mission, barely pausing for breath.
After five minutes, Eliott came over to the table with a bundle of flowers, laying them down and searching through the stack of ribbons. He pulled out a baby blue one and went to work arranging the flower assortment into the way he liked. Lucas watched with interest, giggling when Eliott dropped flowers or struggled over tying the neat bow to perfection. Finally, after making sure the bouquet was satisfactory, Eliott presented the bouquet with a flick of the wrist, holding it up for Lucas to take.
Lucas gasped as he looked over the arrangement. It was made with gloxinias, yellow tulips, white carnations and a few sprigs of heathers, all bunched together perfectly tied with the baby blue ribbon. Love at first sight, loveliness, admiration, Lucas thought to himself. The mixture of flowers smelled divine. Lucas glanced back up at Eliott, cheeks burning, and smiled flirtatiously. Eliott watched Lucas inspecting the floral arrangement, smirking, eyes glinting hopefully. Lucas took another whiff of the bouquet, eyes closing with contentment.
He looked back at Eliott and raised his eyebrows. "This is quite the selection of flowers you chose," Lucas said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Well I thought they would suit you, now," Eliott replied simply, "I'm glad you like it." He stepped forwards, closing the majority of the gap between them. He was only a few inches away, warm breath hitting Lucas' face with mint and coffee. Lucas sucked in a breath, eyes wide as he peered up at the taller man with awe and something he thought was attraction. Lucas could have sworn he saw a similar look in Eliott's bright eyes that stared straight into his soul.
"How much is the bouquet?" Lucas asked, taking a step back and clearing his throat.
Eliott blinked, stepping back as well, face falling briefly before returning to a polite smile. Lucas' heart fell with it. "You can have it for free," Eliott said, "Take it as a gift from me."
"Are you sure? I assure you I can afford it—"
Eliott nodded. "I insist. Your sweetheart must get gifts like these often. Perhaps you should get something for a change." Eliott pushed the bouquet closer to Lucas' chest, still forcing a polite smile. Lucas caught Eliott's wrist, staring at him.
"Thank you, Eliott."
Eliott gulped. He glanced at Lucas' grasp on his wrist and back at Lucas, eyes wide. "I'm serious. No one's ever done something like this for me. So, thank you," Lucas repeated, deadly serious. His heart was racing with the intensity in the air between them, eyes burning from staring at Eliott so long.
"Well, I'm glad I can be the one to do it for you," Eliott replied, finally breaking their eye contact, glancing at the bouquet. "You deserve—"
"Eliott? Are you ready to go?"
Lucas ripped his hand off of Eliott's wrist, jumping back and nearly tossing his flowers behind him. Both men turned towards the door to the shop where a young woman was standing looking at them curiously. She glanced at Lucas and he turned away, avoiding her eyes.
Eliott peered at Lucas and back at the woman. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "Lucille. I apologise, but I was just speaking with this customer and, er, got a bit distracted," Eliott replied, moving towards the back of the shop and disappearing behind the desk. Lucas watched the exchange with his heart at his knees, face scarlet.
Lucas took a deep breath, straightening his trousers and pushing past the woman–Lucille and into the street. "Thanks for the flowers, sir," he said over his shoulder, ignoring the woman and looking at Eliott behind her. "The recipient will love them, I'm sure," he added cryptically, smiling politely. Lucas turned fully away and began his trek back down the street, sighing.
"I'll see you again soon, sir." Lucas stopped walking. He turned back around and found Eliott standing outside of the shop, hands in his pockets. Lucille was unlocking the door to the shop, back turned to them. "Please." Lucille finished, turning to face Eliott and Lucas.
Lucas nodded stiffly, gesturing with the flowers. "If you can find my soul flower, I'll certainly be back for more of these arrangements," he replied. Before Eliott even had the chance to react or reply, Lucas was already hurrying away down the street. He looked down at the bouquet once again and couldn't help but smile despite the discomfort caused by the girl interrupting them.
Maybe he would be coming back to the city more often.
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agrippinaes · 7 years ago
books i read in 2017
this year has been an absolute rollercoaster in more ways than one. i was firmly back in the world of academia and left with very little time to read as a result, especially compared to 2016 when i had a lot of time on my hands, especially in the first half of the year.
i spent most of the year in a reading slump, especially towards the end. i initially set my reading challenge on goodreads to 72, to beat last years achievement of 71, but i ended up reducing this to 60. ultimately, i guess i cheated a little bit at the final hurdle by including a short story, just to complete the challenge and get it out of the way.
as well as a reading slump, i also read more indulgently - and by that i mean i read more romance ebooks than i have since my late teens. when i first began doing goodreads challenges, i did so to try and encourage myself to read more widely, especially out of my comfort zone, but this year i definitely did less of that and i think it was a good thing. i also put less pressure on myself to finish books; my currently reading on goodreads is full of things i never got round to finishing. maybe next year i will manage it.
overall, this year was the one i’ve least enjoyed since doing the reading challenges because of the pressure i put on myself. i found myself choosing shorter books, disregarding any that would be hard-going (with a few exceptions), and that’s not how i want to read. so this year, i’m going to use the challenge function to set my goal at 1. that way i will definitely beat my goal and be able to neatly keep track of things.
my absolute favourite book this year was the hating game by sally thorne, mainly because it cheered me up a lot and i reread it 4 times this year.
i also adored the murder most unladylike series by robin stevens, which were definitely the best series i’ve read in a long while. they were solid mystery stories and a lot of fun, and i can’t wait for the next one to come out.
i also want to give a special mention to i found you by lisa jewell for being one of the most surprising thriller novels i’ve read in a long time. it was nothing like i expected,and was incredibly captivating; it managed to be lighter in tone than i was used to, but completely threw me with it’s sudden change in direction plot-wise.
so, here are all of the books i read in 2017. my favourites are in bold, with my absolute favourite italicised as well, rereads ware in italics, and any with an * beside them were read for academic purposes.
It Had To Be You by Ellie Adams
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
Cogheart by Peter Bunzl
Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine
Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson
She-Wolves: The Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth by Helen Castor
The Summer Queen by Elizabeth Chadwick
The Winter Crown by Elizabeth Chadwick
The Autumn Throne by Elizabeth Chadwick
The Summer Seaside Kitchen by Jenny Colgan
The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell
The River at Night by Erica Ferencik
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith
The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith
Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith
Caraval by Stephanie Garber
The Deaths of December by Susi Holliday
Casting the Runes by M.R. James
I Found You by Lisa Jewell
Moonshine by Christina Jones
The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses and the Rise of the Tudors by Dan Jones
The Killer on the Wall by Emma Kavanagh
The Play of the Unmentionable: An Installation by Joseph Kosuth at the Brooklyn Museum by Joseph Kosuth*
Dark Tourism: The Attraction of Death and Disaster by John Lennon and Malcolm Foley*
A Cold Season by Alison Littlewood
Switch by Adriana Locke
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
Museum as Muse by Kynaston McShine*
The Studying Hours by Sara Ney
The Failing Hours by Sara Ney
The Learning Hours by Sara Ney
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Thin Air by Michelle Paver
Truth or Beard by Penny Reid
Grin and Beard It by Penny Reid
Beard Science by Penny Read
Beard in Mind by Penny Reid
A Crown of Lights by Phil Rickman
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab
Experience or Interpretation: The Dilemma of Museums of Modern Art by Nicholas Serota*
Murder Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens
Arsenic for Tea by Robin Stevens
First Class Murder by Robin Stevens
Jolly Foul Play by Robin Stevens
Mistletoe and Murder by Robin Stevens
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
The Ashes of London by Andrew Taylor
The Escape by C.L. Taylor
Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor
The Snow Rose by Lulu Taylor
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
The Fire Child by S.K. Tremayne
The Lying Game by Ruth Ware
Interpreting Art in Museums and Galleries by Christopher Whitehead*
The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow by Katherine Woodfine
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
Oscars 2020 red carpet: Soft pink, basic black and some big statements - fashion and trends
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Oscars night is the most glamorous in Hollywood, and the best in showbiz did not disappoint with their sartorial choices on Sunday. Pink gowns were a serious trend, along with basic black and statement necklaces. And then of course, there were showstopping fashion moments that don’t neatly fit into any category.Here is a look at the highlights from the Oscars red carpet:- Pretty in pink -Several A-listers went for feminine elegance in shades of pink.Laura Dern, seen as a shoo-in for the best supporting actress crown for her work as a divorce lawyer in “Marriage Story”, wore a custom Armani gown with a bead-encrusted, tasseled black bodice and a flowing baby pink skirt.ALSO SEE: Oscars 2020 red carpet fashion, in picturesAnd she brought the ultimate accessory: her actress mom Diane Ladd, a three-time Oscar nominee herself.Regina King, who won the same award last year for her role in “If Beale Street Could Talk”, stunned in a blush Versace gown with an asymmetrical neckline, one strap and sparkling silver detailing across the bodice.And Idina Menzel -- who will perform the nominated song from Frozen II with several other actresses who voice Queen Elsa in foreign-language versions of Disney’s animated film -- wore a strapless magenta J Mendel gown with a voluminous sash.Completing the look was a massive teardrop diamond necklace.And young Julia Butters, the child actress who featured in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, joined the pink parade in a frothy cotton candy pink Christian Siriano dress.- The showstoppers -Some outfits just pop the instant you see them.Janelle Monae, who will sing during Sunday’s gala, shut the red carpet down in head-to-toe glittering silver Ralph Lauren. The backless gown had long sleeves, a full ball skirt and a slouchy hood. Pop iconoclast Billie Eilish, the big winner at the Grammys two weeks ago and a performer on Sunday, kept up her signature “pajama couture” look in a white Chanel jacket and trousers, blinged out in the interlocking double-C logo.Her lime green hair and claw-like black fingernails provided major contrast.And actor Billy Porter, who rocked the Oscars red carpet last year in a head-turning Christian Siriano tuxedo gown, donned a daring Giles Deacon gown with a sleeveless, gold, feather-detailed bodice and a wild print skirt.- Making a statement -Natalie Portman, a best actress Oscar winner in 2011 for Black Swan, let her feelings about the lack of nominations for female filmmakers be known -- she had their names stitched into the black Dior cape she wore over her gown.Those names included Lorene Scafaria (Hustlers), Lulu Wang (The Farewell), Greta Gerwig (Little Women) and Marielle Heller (A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood).“I wanted to recognize the women who were not recognized for their incredible work this year in my subtle way,” Portman told the Los Angeles Times.- Basic black -Portman was not the only Hollywood star in basic black. Penelope Cruz turned heads in her Chanel halter gown with the house’s signature white camellia on the bodice.Saoirse Ronan, a nominee for best actress for her turn as Jo March in Little Women, wore a Gucci gown with a black bodice that exploded in a cream-colored flounce at the waist and a pale lilac skirt.And by and large, the men went for the classic black tux, including best actor nominee Joaquin Phoenix, who has worn the same Stella McCartney suit for the entire awards season.- Remembering Kobe -Veteran director Spike Lee, who won the best adapted screenplay Oscar last year for race drama BlacKkKlansman, rocked purple on the red carpet once again -- this time to honor late basketball legend Kobe Bryant. His jacket lapels bore the number 24, worn by the Lakers icon and Oscar winner, who was killed in a helicopter crash two weeks ago.“Tribute. Honor. Homage. We all miss him,” Lee told ABC.(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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sunshinelulusplatoon · 8 years ago
(So I’ve been on and off about this but I’m going to do this because I’ve found a love for this character and I can do what I want because it’s my blog. What do I mean? Well, simply put, I”m bring Athena Entra back from the grave? How well, you will just have to read this then. For now, give me a few to get her profile up and she will be open to ask and RP’s if you so choose.)
The Past to Complete the Future
 “Sako! What the hell did you do??”
“How the hell should I know? The prototype test all came out positive! Nothing should have gone wrong”
“Well we are out of power and the warning systems are going off for something so you must have calculated something wrong!”
“Well get the fucking power back one so we can get this figured out instead of yelling at me!”
“We are you damn fool!”
 Lulu and Kane were returning home from playing turf wars all morning as both of their stomachs growled for food as they got inside their family dome in Octo Valley. “Hmmm, the leftover soup Grandpa made yesterday or the chili from Tuesday?” Lulu questioned. “Chili! It’s still pretty cold and a nice warm bowl of it sounds pretty nice right now, hehe,” Kane chuckled. “Chili it is then,” Lulu replied chuckling with Kane. Coming down the hill, the house was in view as the siblings walked up on the porch but then stopped abruptly. Rustling of papers and footsteps could be heard inside the house which confused the two as nobody should have been home at the time. “I thought Mom and Gramps said they wouldn’t be home for lunch today,” Kane questioned in a whisper. “I thought so too and the door is still locked,” Lulu whispered back as she slowly opened the panel on the side to type the code in and place her key in to unlock the sliding door. “It’s not Zappy is it?” Kane questioned. “No, he doesn’t make that loud of noise if he is in things,” Lulu replies as she slowly opens the sliding door.
Peaking in, two looked around before spotting someone near the music cabinet by the TV. From behind, it looked to be an female octoling with long pale yellow tentacles and blue rings around her suckers; indicating she was a blue ring octopus. Rustling again through something, it turned out the octoling was looking through one of the many binders Octavio kept in the cabinet. “That’s where Gramps keeps all his documentations right?” Kane whispered as the two slowly walked into the house, trying not to make a sound to startle the intruder. “Yeah. Valley, work, any of it,” Lulu replied. “Who do you think they are?” Kane whispered. “No idea right now but be on your guard incase anything happens,” Lulu replied.
Getting close as they could, the siblings held their turf wars guns up before Lulu spoke up. “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AND HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?” Lulu called out. Jumping in fright the octoling turned around to be a young octoling slightly taller than Lulu with blue eyes and pale skin. She wore a light blue sun dress and just seemed confused about something. “PLEASE DON’T SHOOT! WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?” the octoling questioned in panic, seeing the guns. “I think we should be asking you that question!” Kane remarked, about to walk forward when Lulu stuck a tentacle out to block him. “Wait,” Lulu spoke; Kane looking at her funny. “What do you mean wait? She’s obviously delusional and an intruder,” Kane questioned. “Kane…I don’t think so…” Lulu replied before lowering her gun and walking up to her. Looking her over, Lulu recognized this octoling. At least from photos that hung on the walls of the house.
“You’re…You’re Athena…aren’t you?” Lulu asked, realization on her face. The octoling looked puzzled at Lulu. “Yes..,” the octoling replied confused as she looked Lulu over before pointing to the pictures hanging on the wall and asking, “Are…are you the one in these photos? The one with my husband?” Lulu nodded. “Who…who are you?” the octoling questioned. “My name is Lulu. Lulu Helia Entra and that man there, your husband as you say, is our grandpa,” Lulu replied, pointing to Kane and herself. The octoling just shook her head in confusion. “Grandpa? What do you mean? Precious is only 10! What is going on here? Why is the house different? Who are you two and where is my husband?” the octoling questioned, panicking and about to cry. “Lulu is this really Grandma Athena,” Kane questioned. “I think so…I recognize her from Grandpa’s photos. Like that one hanging right there,” Lulu replied, pointing to the picture on the wall, one of the same octoling standing in front of them. “Holy cod….but how?” Kane questioned confused, “I thought Gramps said she was dead!” “DEAD?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEAD???” the octoling replied shocked and tears down her face. “Woah. Shoo! It’s okay,” Lulu remarked, coming up to the octoling and rubbing her hands in comfort. The octoling was startled at first but seemed to warm up some to Lulu’s presence. “I don’t understand what’s going on. One minute I’m in bed for the night and then the next I wake up and my house is different. Everything is different. I thought I could find answers in my husband’s paperwork but it’s all confusing. Dates are different. Things I don’t know. How? And what does he mean that I’m dead?” the octoling questioned. “I don’t know how but I do know this. If you are our Grandma Athena…then you have been dead and gone for almost 40 years,” Lulu replied, watching the shock overwhelm the octoling’s face.
An hour passed as the three took a seat in the kitchen with the octoling recounted what she knew as Lulu tried to explain everything to her in the last 40 years. “I never would have thought they would have been so hard on each other. And for you to suffer for it. Oh Lulu, I’m so sorry!” Athena stated, trying to wipe tears away. It seemed Athena was taking well what Kane and Lulu had explained to her but some events where hard for her to take in. Moving over to comfort her, Lulu rubbed her grandmother’s back before replying, “Hey it’s okay. Mom and Grandpa are fine now and everything and everybody is doing great. The valley is repaired and life is going great. It’s okay.” “Still Lulu. Where did she come from if she is supposed to be dead?” Kane questioned, holding a tissue out for Athena. “I don’t know. Fact is she doesn’t know what happen after she went to sleep that night but I do know that it started to rain like Grandpa had told me before, turning into a freak thunder storm. Such a heavy weather and temperature switch, she got sick which lead to her death and the rift between Grandpa and Mom,” Lulu replied. “Maybe some time anomaly of some sort?” Kane suggested. “Maybe. Probably would explain why she doesn’t know what happen but how?” Lulu replied. Looking at each other, the siblings sighed as the woman blew into the tissue.
Just then there was a knock on the front door. Getting up, Lulu walked over to it and opened it to see Sako with an energy reader in one of his tentacles. “Afternoon Lulu,” Sako stated. “Afternoon Sako. What brings you here?” Lulu asked. “Business! Tell me Lulu, do you have company?” Surprised, Lulu replied, “Sort of…why do you ask?” “Well, I was doing an experiment up at the space station when our systems when down. The alarm system went on and tracking the data and energy, we found an anomaly which I have tracked to here,” Sako replied. Before Lulu could say anything, Athena walked up and stated, “Sako, is that you? My you grew a mustache out since the last time I saw you.” Startled and in shock, Sako was lost for words. “Que…Queen Athena?? How?? It couldn’t be! Could it? Yes! Yes! So the data was correct. Interesting! Quite interesting indeed! Hohoho! What an interesting achievement!” Sako boasted. “Sako, what are you talking about? Do you know why Grandma Athena is here when last I checked she was dead?” Lulu questioned. “That I do! Do you mind if I come in?” Sako asked.
Letting him in, they all took a seat on the couches by the TV. “Now then. Lulu do you remember the last time we talked and I said was working on a project for our space technology?” Sako asked. “Yeah. It was something about a more powerful machine to detect and collect images from further reaches of space than our telescopes now could reach. What does that have to deal with this?” Lulu replied. “Everything actually! About a few weeks ago, I got a prototype working and had tested it and found positive results. I was collecting images somewhat farther than anything we had collected before so I got the approval from your grandfather and my boss to make a full on scale version. Having finished it yesterday, we moved to the space station and hooked it up. Now for understanding purposes, this was how it was suppose to work and how it did with the prototype. What it was supposed to do was create a type of worm hole that would decrease the distance between our position and the position that we were aiming for to take pictures to our liking. Now to do this I had to borrow technology from our multiple dimensional portals which we use to create said worm holes to cut through the dimensions of other universes,” Sako explained. “The ones part of our phones now right?” Lulu asked. “Correct. Using the technology would give enough of a power source and kinetic energy needed to create the said worm hole. Now when we hooked up the machine to the system in the space station I had calculated values needed to equate to the values of the prototype. Except…I made a few errors. Errors that resulted in not only overload the system and knocking the power out in the station for over 10 minutes from such a power overload but did not make a worm hole but some type of time portal. Now remember, this was supposed to take images from a far off distance that would not have reached us for some time. Like the images of the KR-5 nebula that we discovered back in January. Instead it took something from a distance in time. An image of the past. But because of the errors I had made, instead of an image, there was enough energy to made a copy of what it was looking at and bring it here to our time, causing our systems to go on alarm because of this strange anomaly. Which we know now is the Athena that is sitting here with us.”
“So, has this effected time in some way?” Lulu questioned. “Has it effected the past? No. I think of all people, you would know that if your past had changed any should she have been pulled out of her time. No, instead, she is more of a segment taking from herself from the past and brought here to the future,” Sako stated. “So the machine grabbed her while she was asleep and in a way, brought her here to the future while still leaving her in the past?” Lulu questioned kind of confused in all this. “In a sense, yes and as data has shown, this hasn’t caused an effect on anything. Which is a good thing,” Sako explained. “But is she like here to stay? Or is she going to disappear any time soon?” Kane asked. “From what the energy reader has taken, her body and energy waves are stable. If anything was to happen to her, there would have be an imbalance in either her or the energy of our universe, neither which is showing up on the reader nor back at the station. So I think she is here to stay. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing. It’s not like two of her are running around causing time distortions and the valley has seen stranger things so I doubt her returning presence would cause any major commotion. Tell me Lulu, how is that balloon friend of yours doing?” Sako said. “Donny is doing fine Sako. Thanks for asking,” Lulu replied in a dry and annoyed tone at Sako’s notion of Donbalon. “Good, good. Well, this will definitely go down in the records. And with that, I suppose I will take my leave. I assume you will explain this all to your grandfather for me when he goes home, yes?” Sako stated as he got up from the cough. “Yeah, but what about the machine?” Kane questioned. “Fried for now and probably going to stay that way. Although in a smaller size it has achievable results, I don’t want to take the risk again of trying to make a full scale model, should I get the numbers wrong again. We got lucky this time and only Queen Ahtena’s revival being the end result of said error,” Sako replied.
Walking Sako out, the three waved him goodbye as Sako left them on the porch and headed out of the dome. Back inside the house, the three looked at each other, not sure what to say. “Well…I guess I’m here to stay,” Athena finally spoke. “Guess so,” Lulu replied, “And I guess we have a lot of catching up to do.” “I guess so. Perhaps over some lunch I guess,” Athena stated. “Yes, please! I’m starving!” Kane remarked; Lulu and Athena giggling. Settling down for the rest of the afternoon, the three talked over enjoying left over chili as Athena got to know her grandchildren. The siblings found their grandmother to be quite sweet and endearing as she laughed and listened to them talk about their lives and adventures together as they came into contact with each other and became one family. Athena talked about the past, telling her grandchildren her times singing and how she came here from the states. As evening started to set in, Lulu searched for some of Athena’s old clothes to change into after her bath in the dresser in the bedroom; stuff Octavio couldn’t bear to throw out and instead kept safe in the dresser.  “I know Grandpa is going to flip when he sees you but I know he’s going to be really happy too,” Lulu remarked, rubbing in her aloe for her tentacles as her grandmother washed herself. “How is he? Still the old samurai I married?” Athena asked. “If you mean stubborn in his ways but still lovable than yes and then some,” Lulu joked. Giggling, Athena replied, “That sounds like him. From the photos he doesn’t seem like he has aged much. That’s the X-trace for yah.” “True. He still holds up like bear and fights like a samurai,” Lulu giggled.
Once done, the two went to work on dinner as Kane took his own bath. Taking the leftover vegetable soup out of the fridge, they decided to make it into a beef stew as the cooked the beef in the crock pot while heating the soup and then pouring it in with the beef to let it sit and cook. As they sat in the kitchen as Kane came out of the bathroom, noise from the front door could be heard. “That’s them. Grandma, hide in the laundry room till we tell yah,” Lulu spoke. Nodding, Athena took to the laundry room next to the kitchen and hid in one of the corners out of sight. As the door open, a tired Octavio and Precious walked in. “See why I don’t deal with dealers in Inkopolis?” Octavio spoke. “Ugh, I have never met a more ridiculous dealer in my life. Never again!” Precious replied. “Hi Grandpa!” Lulu spoke. “Hi Mom!” Kane stated. “Evening you two. Hope your day was more enjoyable then ours,” Octavio spoke. “Ugh, what I would give for a drink right now,” Precious moaned as both of them took a seat at the table in the kitchen. “It’s been…interesting. Has Sako told either of you anything?” Lulu asked. “Other than just telling me not to worry about the alarm system and that they have it covered, no. Why?” Octavio questioned. “Well, because we kind of need to talk about that,” Kane replied. “Hmmm? Kane did something happen today while we were gone?” Precious questioned. “Sort of Mom. Nothing bad but it pertains to all of us,” Kane replied. Confused, Octavio asked, “Lulu, baby girl, what is going on?” “A blast from the past Grandpa. One that is here to stay and one I think both of you will be very happy to see again,” Lulu replied with a smile. Looking at each other then back at Lulu and Kane, Octavio and Precious were confused. “You can come out now Grandma,” Lulu called out, confusing Octavio and Precious even more until shock fell on their faces when Athena walked out of the laundry room. Things went silent as the two got up and walked over to her, not sure if what they were seeing was true. “Hi Vio. Hey Funny Bean, did you two miss me?” Athena said, hold arms out. “Mom? Mom is that really you?” Precious questioned before grabbing onto her and holding her mother tight. “It’s me Funny Bean. Oh, how much you have grown. I’m sorry for being gone so long,” Athena stated, holding her daughter close. “Mama, I should be the one saying sorry. I’m the one that wasn’t there when you needed me. I’m sorry Mama!” Precious whimpered, tears now rolling down her face. “It’s okay sweetheart. It’s okay. Mama’s here now,” Athena replied. Finally letting go, the two women looked at Octavio, who was still in shock, just standing there. Walking over to him, Athena grabbed his hand and gave it a soft kiss. “Hey. It’s me. You’re not seeing things you old samurai. I’m here. I’m sorry for leaving you alone for so long. Can you forgive me?” Tears rolling down his face, feeling the warm of Athena’s fingers on his hand, Octavio scooped her up and spinning her around before kissing her. Holding her close, his knees hit the ground before loud sobbing could be heard from him. Not letting her go, Athena nuzzled into Octavio shoulder, entwining her fingers in his tentacles as Precious watched, tears still her face. From the bracing from the kitchen to the living room, Lulu and Kane stood before looking at each other and giving a fist bump.
After getting Octavio and Precious to calm down, Kane and Lulu explained everything over dinner. “Mom you have a lot of catching up to do. So much has changed. So much advancement. Including the medical field. There are probably better medications for you now,” Precious stated. “I know sweetie. But it will be an interesting experience,” Athena replied. “Honey, how are you handling all this? It’s a different time than what you know,” Octavio asked concerned for his wife now alive again. “I’ll be okay. It’s strange but I’ll get through it. I’m not alone and I have new family now to help me through things,” Athena replied, Kane and Lulu smiling at her remark. Finishing dinner, the family sat down in the living room to chat and figure out how they wanted to go about things in the morning. They knew it was best for the valley to find out sooner than later about their late queen returning from the dead so to speak. Figuring it best to give an announcement in the morning, the family retired to bed early. Having less and less troubles with her nightmares, Lulu took to her own bedroom for the night as she had been for a while as Athena took to bed with her husband and Precious and Kane went to their new rooms downstairs.
In the morning it was like trying to fight a bear for Athena to get out of Octavio’s sleeping grip. Starting breakfast but not use to the pans having Teflon on them, she almost threw the eggs off the pan when she realized they weren’t sticking to it. The smell of breakfast woke Lulu up as she walked in the Kitchen and proceeded to help her grandma out before she set something on fire. In time the others got up with Kane and Lulu trying to comfort Octavio and Precious from their thoughts that what happened yesterday was just a dream. Breakfast finished and ate; everybody got dressed in formal attire to have the meeting and announcement done. “Oh Lulu, you look in my robes. Fitting for a future queen,” Athena cooed. “Thanks Grandma,” Lulu chuckled sheepishly. With everybody ready, the family left the house and arrived at the palace mostly unnoticed till Octavio gave word of the meeting and the announcement of the returning queen. As Octo Valley watched from their TV’s, most were quite shocked about what happen with Athena’s return. But as the day went on, most settled in on the return of their late queen and were happy to see her again as most knew this needed to stay quite from outside eyes of Octo Valley. Cuttlefish, who as word got to him, came down and welcomed an old friend back with warm arms with his granddaughters to let them meet Athena. As days passed things just went back into place and routine as Athena got use to things. Greeting the whole family in the morning with breakfast, she gave goodbyes for the day to her husband and daughter as they left for work and would either help Lulu and Kane with their studies as they stayed home for the day or give them goodbyes as well as they left to practice and play turf wars till lunch time. Her day spent doing what most mothers do. Clean the house for the family, organize Octavio and Lulu’s music equipment and music sheets from Octavio’s unorganized chaos of a music room, wash clothes and dishes, tend to the crops, and other small chores while taking her own time to work on her singing again. As Athena found out, Precious was right and better medications were out there for her. She became less sickly than what she once was and having more energy now, liked to go out and about more with her family and enjoy time with them. Nobody minded as Lulu and Kane got to more about their grandmother and found someone else to play with them with their video games. She also became someone else to stand up for them besides their mother about playing turf wars and Precious didn’t have to complain anymore about the messy house. Octavio was probably the most content out of all of them as he had his family completely whole again. In all, the Entra family was happy as the future seemed bright for them as one mistake brought a part of the past back to them.
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michellemaphoto · 7 years ago
Danehill Manor, Nicasio, CA
A few days ago, I took a much-needed break from work, my phone, and work laptop to spend a long weekend at Danehill Manor in Nicasio, found through Airbnb. My initial intent was to learn a bit of horseback riding basics in preparation for my Mongolia trip in July (cannot wait!), but as with all these cases where I go in with expectations, I experienced something wholly different.
More photos here! 
Danehill Manor
The manor, built in the last 1990s by owner Karin Dilou, is situated on 35 acres in Nicasio, on a peninsula, proudly overlooking the Nicasio reservoir. Not only is the house beautiful to behold, the design details inside and throughout the house really show off the Karin’s aesthetic and purposeful attention to detail. I loved the beautiful, pale terra cotta exterior, that blends in with the yellow grass in the summer time, the large, floor to ceiling windows with black frames to focus the eye on the grassland and water, and the exposed beams overhead with the peaked roof. The house is breathtaking in design and architecture, and beautifully appointed inside, with some horse-themed decorations that are tasteful and also whimsical, making me laugh. The house felt solid, intentional. It’s not going anywhere! I felt immediately at home, particularly as Karin was an incredibly warm host, teacher, and life coach.
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The house is beautiful, but it was designed to showcase the property it sits on, which is, quite honestly, the most beautiful place I have ever beheld. The manor grounds are particularly captivating when the morning mist hovers over the hills and water, with the horses cropping the grass soothingly in the foreground.
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Well, the manor is beautiful any time of day, really. On our second day there, we went for a walk along a private hiking trail on the property, paved with a trail of planted wildflowers, to enjoy the afternoon view of the reservoir and rolling hills. I even picked some flowers for the dinner table, only to have one bouquet eaten by a few members of the herd!
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After a short nap and lounge in the Treehouse, it was time to watch the horses run by the manor during golden hour, herded by Karin’s two energetic Belgian Malinois, Lulu and Daisy. This stuff’s better than TV.
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The Treehouse and Loo with a View
So, even though the manor itself was beautiful and stately, we didn’t stay there. We stayed somewhere incredibly cozy, warm, and homey, in The Treehouse. This treehouse is built on top of a 400+ year old bay tree that sits next to the manor itself, with the bathroom underneath in a separate structure. This is the stuff of dreams, dear reader. I’ve dreamt of staying in a treehouse, tucked away in the foliage, so that I could read, nap, and savor the sunlight dancing over the leaves, but I never thought I’d actually find a place that captured that childhood longing. 
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This Treehouse is massive, holding a queen bed and small sitting area, with a deck wrapping around the treehouse on three sides. The bathroom, in a separate structure at ground level, is also luxurious, with windows on almost all sides, affording a view at all times of day, and with radiant floor heating to boot.
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Natural Horsemanship
As my main purpose for the trip, aside from relaxing and unplugging from life, was to learn to ride a horse before my venture to Mongolia, Ryan and I took a couple natural horesmanship lessons from Karin, who was won awards in dressage, and her Danish Warmbloods, who roam freely on the property. These classes weren’t merely about how to ride a horse, but were about communication with horses, leadership, and empathy. I left feeling changed, invigorated, and excited for more lessons to come. 
Ok, More Horse Pictures.
I’m not ashamed to post more horse pictures, just because they were so lovely to spend time with, roaming all over the property in horse heaven. They sure have their own personalities, and I loved getting to know each one, and learning how to communicate.
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I rode Donnelly, a gelding who is so gentle, kind, and chill.
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Investigating a newcomer.
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Dining at the Manor
Karin’s cooking is incredible, and so in line with my palate. So, I had a great time eating here, no surprise. Our package for the Treehouse included breakfast, so we enjoyed two mornings of fresh fruit and granola over yogurt for starters, and a hearty omelette with spinach, mushrooms, and bacon, all in perfect proportions of savory. The omelette was light and soft in consistency, and had a small bite of salt from the bacon on top. Yum.
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Dinner at the manor was another exquisite experience, which is an add-on, and topped all my expectations of dining. Karin prepared and cooked everything herself, but you would have expected a team to have helped, with the refined texture and flavors, and beautiful plating. On our second and last night, after watching the herd run by during golden hour, we enjoyed the first half of dinner on the terrace to soak in the last rays of the day, munching on a generous charcuterie plate, and then turned into the house for the main course and dinner, after the sun had set. 
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Pear and arugula salad.
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Duck breast with crispy skin, asparagus and potatoes, with braised mushrooms on the side. Best duck I have had, aside from the Peking duck I rave about in Beijing.
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Strauss coffee ice cream with roasted, crushed hazelnuts, shaved Belgian chocolate, and fresh raspberry. So simple and delicious.
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Dinner at Stellina, Downtown Point Reyes Station 
On our first evening, Ryan and I went for a stroll in downtown Point Reyes Station to explore the area and search for food, having skipped lunch so we could attend the horsemanship class in the afternoon. I was hangry, I tell you. We started with cheese and salami picante with local sourdough batard at Cowgirl Creamery, then meandered over to Stellina, on Karin’s recommendation. No longer hangry, but still not full. This restaurant served absolutely delicious local oysters and pasta, which quenched my craving for pasta. Y’know, the food here rocked. But Karin’s dinner was better, so it’s a good thing I had Stellina first!
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Strozapreti with Double 8 Dairy grass fed water buffalo ragu, fresh oregano and Parmigiano Reggiano.
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Side of Brussels sprouts with walnuts.
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Spaghetti Nero with fresh local Hog Island manila clams, garlic, extra virgin olive oil and Italian Parsley.
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Water buffalo gelato with fior d’latte and pistachio.
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All in all, a life-changing trip where I learned about myself and other beings, and felt right at home. I’ll be back!
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maharaniweddings · 8 years ago
CA Indian Wedding by CVP Studios
Today's darling couple was living on opposite coasts - Trisha was based in Los Angeles and Sanju resided in Pennsylvania - when fate brought them together. After a few Facetime conversations filled with laughter and familiarity, these two knew they had found something precious. The rest is history! Scroll below to read more relationship details from our interview with Trisha! Since the couple had family and friends on both coasts, they had a ceremony and reception in California, as well as a reception in New Jersey. For such elaborate, bicoastal celebrations, Trisha and Sanju brought in an all star team to make their wedding visions of a breezy and beautiful SoCal garden oasis wedding come to life. They looked no further than the fabulous Synx Events for their planning, design, florals, and rentals, and CVP Studios for the photography and cinematography of their West Coast event. Plus, Synx Events had done the decor for Trisha's sister's wedding, so Trisha & Sanju were absolutely certain they were in superb hands! The twosome chose the Almansor Court for their wedding venue due to their beautiful gazebo overlooking a serene lake. Trisha chose a unique royal blue lehenga to stand out against the outdoor colors, and had her glamorous ceremony hair and makeup done by her cousin, and well-known California makeup artist, Rani Chatha. The incredible Dolled up by Lulu then created a queen like reception look for Trisha. She was a complete bombshell in her pale pink lehenga, smoky eyes, and side swept waves! Later today we'll take you to New Jersey for Trisha & Sanju's magnificent reception photographed by A.S. Nagpal Photography at the Royal Albert's Palace, with video by Ambrosial Films. In the meantime, check out the full gallery here! http://dlvr.it/P2Y4Br
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denisekacahyani · 8 years ago
Oleh :  Ario Muhammad
Namanya Jun, lelaki berkacamata dengan tinggi 170 cm asal Tiongkok ini setiap hari akan berjalan mendaki dari park street – area city centre of Bristol – menuju gedung Queens, University of Bristol untuk melakukan rutinitasnya: menjalani tugasnya sebagai sponsorship PhD student. Perusahaan yang membiyai riset S3nya mengharuskan ia menghasilkan sebuah produk baru dalam waktu 4 tahun. Sebuah task yang sebenarnya bisa diselesaikan dengan baik jika dia menikmatinya. Namun harapannya untuk menjalani studi S3 dengan baik dan penuh karya tidak seperti yang dia bayangkan sebelumnya. Istrinya yang baru ia nikahi di usia yang cukup muda – 23 tahun – terkadang membersamainya sambil menuntaskan perannya sebagai pendiri shopping online website yang baru dirintis beberapa bulan. Wajah Jun lebih sering kusut sambil berujar kalimat ini: “I regret taking a PhD, I should take a job in a company.”
Seperti halnya Jun, Dr. Goda juga melakukan rutinitas yang sama dengannya setiap hari. Melewati jalur Queens Road bersisian dengan gedung Wills Memorial, kemudian mengambil jalan mendaki menuju gedung Queens Building, University of Bristol. Rutinitasnya akan dimulai pukul 9 pagi dengan tumpukan paper yang siap dibaca. Di depan pintunya, sebuah tanda “not available” tergantung manis selama beliau membaca paper hingga siang hari. Setelah makan siang, beliau akan melanjutkan dengan menulis, melakukan simulasi, meeting, atau membagi waktunya untuk bimbingan dengan 3 PhD students-nya. Jika Jun sering mengungkapkan kata “I regret doing this”, maka Dr. Goda punya kalimat pamungkas yang berbeda “You have to love what you are doing. It is not a matter of doing what you love. It is about hard works”.
Jika melihat background Jun dan Dr. Goda, kita akan menemukan dua hal yang cukup berseberangan. Jun adalah lulusan S2 Electrical Engineering dari University of Nottingham, salah satu dari 100 universitas terbaik di dunia. Dia lulus dengan nilai fantastis, DISTINCTION, tentu saja dengan average nilai di atas 80. Sebagai gambaran, untuk memperoleh nilai distinction di UK, umumnya seseorang harus melewati angka 70. Jadi angka 80 untuk nilai rata-rata selama S2nya termasuk angka yang fantastis. Disertasi riset S2nya bahkan menembus angka 84. Pilihannya menjadi mahasiswa S3 adalah karena alasan klasik: this is my passion. I do really enjoy doing a research project.
Berbeda cerita dengan Jun, Dr. Goda justru memulai karirnya di dunia Academia karena terjebak cinta. Apa daya, dia harus memperjuangkan gadis pilihannya yang merupakan warga negara Canada dengan memutuskan melanjutkan S3 di University of Western Ontario, Canada mengambil bidang yang berbeda sama sekali dengan latar belakang S2nya di Pertanian yaitu seismologi. Kala itu, Goda (belum menggondol gelar Doctor tentunya) menyadari bahwa proses membangun karir harus dimulai dengan membangun skill dan pengalaman yang kuat. Dan skill yang mumpuni terbentuk lewat proses belajar yang penuh komitmen, konsistensi, dan tentu saja kedisiplinan. Maka berbeda dengan Jun, Goda melewati PhD dengan penuh semangat, menghabiskan nyaris 80 jam per minggu untuk menuntaskan project S3nya yang berbeda 180 derajat dari background pendidikan sebelumnya. Hasilnya, Dr. Goda akhirnya mendapatkan lecturer position di Nanyang Technological University dan University of Bristol (dua dari 50 kampus terbaik di dunia versi QS) 4 tahun setelah menjalani masa-masa penuh perjuangan mengasah skill dan pengalamannya sebagai researcher di Kanada.
Dua cerita ini kembali terngiang dipikiran saya setelah menamatkan buku So Good They Cant Ignore You karya Dr. Calvin Newport. Cerita tentang Jun adalah potret bahwa tak selamanya kata-kata “saya passion dengan bidang ini” lalu dengan terburu-buru memutuskan berkecimpung di bidang tersebut akan mampu menjaga semangat Anda dalam bekerja atau berkarya. Justru sebaliknya, teori follow your passion terkadang atau bahkan sebagian besar justru menjadi ancaman yang mampu mengantarkan kepada pilihan karir yang salah.
“In real world, the vast majority of people don’t have pre-existing passions waiting to be discovered and matched to a career. The real path to work you love, it noted, is often more complicated’ -Cal Newport-
Passion is rare and takes time to capture it
Adalah di tahun 2002, Robert J. Vallerand seorang psikolog asal Kanada melakukan sebuah riset yang didasari atas pertanyaan sederhana: Apakah para mahasiswa mempunyai passion? jika ia, apa passion mereka?
Maka diambillah 539 mahasiswa diberbagai universitas di Kanada sebagai sampel penelitian. Hasilnya 84% dari mahasiswa yang di survey mengatakan jika mereka benar-benar memiliki passion. Sebuah kabar yang menarik tentunya. Lalu apa passion mereka? 5 passion yang umumnya diyakini milik mereka adalah: Dancce, hockey, skiing, reading and swimming. Sayangnya 5 passion ini tidak punya kaitan langsung dengan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan di dunia nyata. Hanya 4 % dari jawaban para mahasiswa yang langsung berhubungan dengan pekerjaan [1].
Riset lain yang dilakukan oleh Amy Wrzesniewski seorang professor di bidang perilaku organisasi di Yale University lewat suvey yang mendalam dari ribuan responden yang menggeluti berbagai bidang pekerjaan dari programmer hingga dokter menyimpulkan bahwa [2]:
“The happiest, most passionate employees are not those who followed their passion into a position, but instead those who have been long enough to become good at what they do.”
Temuan ini membuka ruang berpikir kita untuk memandang kalimat passion sebagai hal yang tidak mudah ditemukan dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menggalinya. Bagi beberapa orang tertentu, sebut saja Joy Alexander, seorang prodigy dalam music jazz asal Indonesia yang memang terlahir dengan bakat yang memukau. Tentu saja bakat semacam ini jarang ada dan merupakan gift dari Tuhan Sang pencipta. Atau sebutlah Lilyana Natsir, kekuatan tangannya dan skill bulutangkisnya adalah salah satu yang terbaik dan langka yang sulit ditemukan di pemain puteri ganda campuran Indonesia lain saat ini.
Building your career capital is more important than soul calling
Adalah Zhao Yun Lei, penerima dua medali emas olimpiade London 2012 yang membuka mata kita bahwa tak selamanya skill dan gift dari Tuhan sebagai talenta yang akan mengantarkan kita menjadi tangga juara di dunia. Usianya ketika menjadi juara dunia di ganda campuran pertama kali adalah 25 tahun, seusatu yang cukup tertinggal dibanding dengan Lilyana Natsir yang sudah menjadi juara dunia di usia 19 tahun. Ketekunan dan latihan yang keras bisa mengalahkan bakat alam yang sudah dimiliki seseorang sejak lahir. Inilah yang mengantarkan Zhao Yun Lei menjadi salah satu pebulutangkis terbaik sepanjang sejarah mengalahkan capaian prestasi seorang Lilyana Natsir. Contoh lain adalah Carolina Marin. Pebulutangkis tungal puteri asal Spanyol ini membuat sejarah yang cukup menggemparkan dunia karena berhasil menjadi puteri Eropa pertama yang meraih medali emas di Olimpiade. Sesuatu yang aneh mengingat Spanyol bukanlah seperti Denmark yang merupakan negara penghasil pemain tingkat dunia dalam olahraga bulutangkis. Dia mengunguli Ratchanok Inthanon (Thailand) yang merupakan prodigy tunggal putri bulutangkis yang sudah memenangkan kejuaran dunia junior 3 kali berturut-turut. Rekor yang belum terkalahkan hingga kini. Carolina Marin selalu menjadi bayang-bayang May (sapaan akran Inthanon) selam di Junior dan baru mengalahkannya di tahun ini. Namun prestasinya di senior terkalahkan oleh Carolina Marin yang lebih bersinar karena kerja keras yang dimilikinya.
Contoh dari Zhao Yun Lei dan Carolina Marin ini mirip dengan yang ditulis oleh Dr. Newport yang menyebutkan bahwa bagian terpenting dari memandang pekerjaan kita adalah keseriusannya dalam membangun career capital. Sebuah istilah yang dipakai oleh Dr. Newport untuk menamai skill. Carolina Marin berkali-kali harus latihan keberbagai negara yang kesohor bulitangkisnya seperti Indonesia dan China hanya untuk mengembangkan skillnya. Zhao Yun Lei sendiri pernah bercerita bahwa proses latihannya justru lebih menyengsarakan dibandingkan bertanding dua nomor sekaligur (ganda puteri dan ganda campuran).
Maka jangan mengambil keputusan terburu-buru dengan berhenti dari sebuah pekerjaan atau memutuskan menjadi seorang freelancer dari rumah jika Anda belum memiliki skill (baca career capital) yang mumpuni, apalagi venue (pasar) yang belum memadai. Menseriusi diri dengan mengasah secara terus menerus skill di bidang yang kita tekuni saat ini adalah cara yang paling tepat dibanding Anda melamun dan bergumam setiap hari sambil memikirkan panggilan jiwa Anda. Panggilan jiwa yang terburu-buru bisa jadi menyesatkan. Maka tetaplah bertahan dengan konsistennya Anda mengembangkan diri. Di titik tertentu, Anda akan menyadari bahwa carrer capital yang suda Anda asah dengan sabar dan dalam waktu yang lama akan mengantarkan kepada sebuah capaian cita-cita yang lebih besar dari yang Anda bayangkan.
Then how can you love what you do?
Ada dua hal penting yang disebut Dr. Newport agar kita bisa mencintai apa yang kita kerjakan saat ini.
Pertama: we have control.
Punya kontrol yang besar dalam pekerjaan kita akan lebih membuat kita bahagia dibanding berada pada posisi dimana kontrol menjadi hal yang langka. Banyak riset-riset tentang kebahagiaan dalam bekerja sudah menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang punya kontrol dalam pekerjaan mereka cenderung lebih puas dan bahagia dibanding dengan mereka yang tidak memiliknya. Maka tidak usah heran jika melihat Radyum Ikono atau Novan Maulana, beberapa contoh dari CEO-CEO muda Indonesia yang sangat antusias menjalani karirnya membangun perusahaan Nano Technology di Indonesia. Latar belakang pendidikan mereka tentu saja bisa membuat mereka memilih jalur karir lain. Dosen misalnya atau yang lebih mentereng bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan kelas wahid dengan gaji wah. Namun sadar atau tida sadar, kemampuan mereka untuk mengontrol pekerjaan mereka dengan lebih luas adalah salah satu alasan kenapa mereka begitu antusias menjalani perannya saat ini. Contoh lain adalah dr. Gamal Albinsaid. Seseorang yang dikenal sebagai dokter sampah yang sudah mendapatkan penghargaan tingkat dunia dari berbagai negara. Pertemuan dan diskusi dengannya beberapa tahun lalu ketika mengisi seminar bersama-sama menunjukkan kepada saya bahwa dr. Albinsaid lebih menikmati perannnya mengembangkan project asuransi sampah dibanding menyelesaikan masa-masa co-ass yang waktu itu masih digelutinya (tahun 2013). Karena disanalah dia lebih bisa melakukan kontrol atas karyanya. Lebih bisa amengatur ritme, waktu dan misi yang sedang dirancangnya.
Kedua: harus menghasilkan uang
“When deciding whether to follow an appealing pursuit that will introduce more control into your work life, ask yourself whether people are willing to pay for it. If so, continue. If not, move on” – the law of financial viability by Cal Newport –
Mempunyai control saja tentulah tidak cukup. Seseorang akan lebih menikmati pekerjaannya jika dia mampu memiliki kestabilan secara finansial. Bayangkan saja jika anda punya kontrol yang kuat dengan pekerjaan anda, sebutlah jika anda seorang web designer freelancer yang bekerja dari rumah dan bebas memulai pekerjaan kapan saja tapi kemudian Anda tidak memiliki klien yang tetap dan membawa keuntungan secara finansial kepada Anda secara stabil. Maka bisa dipastikan, Anda justru akan memilih karir lain untuk mengamankan isi kantong Anda. Sebutlah dengan melamar ke perusahaan yang lebih settle yang menerima background Anda.
Maka jika Anda sudah memiliki career capital yang mumpuni, pastikan menekuni sebuah pekerjaan yang juga menghasilkan kestabilan secara finansial. Dengan kontrol yang kuat dan kestabilan finansial ini, seseorang cenderung akan lebih bahagia dan in the end, akan lebih passionate dengan pekerjaan yang dia geluti.
Bristol, 29 November 2016
[1] Vallerand et al., (2003), “Les passions de l’ame: on obsessive and harmonious passion,” journal of personality and social psychology 85, 156-67. http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/psp/85/4/756/
[2] Wrzesniewski et al., (1997), “Jobs, Careers, and Callings: People’s Relations to Their Work”, Journal of research in personality, 31, 21-33.
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libraryleopard · 2 months ago
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Highly specific trend in 2024 media: nerdy protagonist commits magical transgression against yellow eyed, gender-nonconforming shapeshifter monarch who traps them with a magical bracelet and then subjects them to jealous romantic affections
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