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Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for March 23, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs - more lifestyle

*Aries (March 21-April 20): Travelling with like-minded people will be fun. A completed academic project will get you the recognition you seek. Be your own judge in personal matters. Monetary condition improves through returns from previous investments. Some health conscious persons can graduate to doing weight training. The weather on the professional front looks rough today, so remain cautious. You may be preparing for a celebration in the family. Love Focus: Positive signals on the love front will keep you in an upbeat mood.Lucky Colour: OrangeLucky Alphabet: PFriendly Numbers: 1, 10Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & PiscesBe careful of: Taurus*Taurus (April 21-May 20): An out of town leisure trip is possible for some and promises much excitement. Guiding a youngster on the academic front will give you an immense sense of fulfillment. Spending time with someone dear in a social gathering is foretold. Things on the work front will move with clockwork precision today. Stars foretell stability on the financial front. You will need to take better care of your health. Following the home budget strictly is important at this juncture. Love Focus: Physical closeness promises to give a boost to your relationship.Lucky Colour: Electric BlueLucky Alphabet: AFriendly Numbers: 9, 27Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & AriesBe careful of: Pisces*Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Planning a vacation with family or friends is a foregone conclusion, so expect a scintillating time! On the academic front, someone close will provide you good guidance. Enjoying the day in friends’ circle is indicated for some. You will achieve perfect health through your own endeavours. A change of job is in the offing for some and will prove favourable. You may find it difficult to get a loan sanctioned. Resetting the house may become a priority with some homemakers. Love Focus: You may be in the mood for some romance!Lucky Colour: Golden BrownLucky Alphabet: TFriendly Numbers: 3, 21, 6Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & LibraBe careful of: Aquarius*Cancer (Jun 22-July 22): Keep the family informed about your whereabouts will help prevent misunderstandings. Delays and disruptions in a journey need to be taken in your stride. Pressure is likely to ease a bit on the academic front. Your initiative on the social front will do much to bring you closer to others. A promotion is on the cards for some in government organisations. Financial troubles for those in debt are likely to be over soon. Pursuing a field sport will keep you trim and fit. Love Focus: Lover may strive to put you in a romantic mood.Lucky Colour: CreamLucky Alphabet: SFriendly Numbers: 4, 22, 14Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & LibraBe careful of: Sagittarius*Leo (July 23-August 23): Professionals can expect to make good money today. Wise investments will be needed to make money grow. Regular routine will keep you in the prime of health. A child becomes a source of great pride. Some of you may be busy packing for a long trip. Your lack of motivation may prove a hindrance on the academic front. Getting entertained in a social gathering is likely.Love Focus: Someone you are interested in on the romantic front may ignore you for no significant reason.Lucky Colour: BeigeLucky Alphabet: NFriendly Numbers: 5, 23, 15Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & ScorpioBe careful of: Libra*Virgo (August 24-September 23): A leisure trip is possible today. A word of praise is in store for something that you have achieved on the academic front. You are likely to enjoy spending time with an old friend or relation. There is a pleasant surprise in store for you on the work front. Keep a close tab on your expenditure. Health may become your priority at this juncture. This is a good time to commence spring cleaning and get things in order on the domestic front. Love Focus: Your romantic intentions are likely to get richly rewarded.Lucky Colour: PinkLucky Alphabet: RFriendly Numbers: 12, 6, 8Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & LibraBe careful of: Scorpio*Libra (September 24-October 23): This is the time to consolidate on the professional front. You may have to be at your persuasive best to get your way on the family front. Remember to put safety first while travelling. Pick up speed on the academic front and curb all kinds of distractions. Certain social issues may require your immediate attention. An excellent earning opportunity comes your way. Your love for workouts may overstrain you, so take adequate breaks in between. Love Focus: Lover may give you the silent treatment.Lucky Colour: Light BlueLucky Alphabet: LFriendly Numbers: 5, 15, 18Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & ScorpioBe careful of: Virgo*Scorpio (October 24-November 22): You will have enough to invest in a suitable property. Admission to a prestigious institute that you so desperately wanted may become a reality. This is the time for you to consolidate on the professional front. Good investment choices will make your money grow. Health looks up, as you feel more fit and energetic. Hectic schedule may make you crave for some space and privacy at home. An outing with friends is on the cards. Love Focus: Romantic front appears promising.Lucky Colour: Off WhiteLucky Alphabet: PFriendly Numbers: 8, 12, 22Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & TaurusBe careful of: Cancer*Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): A family youngster may require motivation and direction, so remain supportive. Making plans for a trip is on the cards. Good returns can be expected by those investing in property. On the academic front, your competitive spirit promises to take you to the very pinnacle of success. A healthy bank balance gives you added confidence. Those feeling unwell are likely to find their condition improving. Working women may find it difficult to balance both home and office. Love Focus: Spending time with lover at someplace exclusive is likely.Lucky Colour: Sandy BrownLucky Alphabet: GFriendly Numbers: 12, 14, 16Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & LeoBe careful of: Aries* Capricorn (December 22-January 21): An outing with friends is on the cards. Luck favours those buying or selling property. You may need to spend extra hours in completing an assignment on the academic front. Family life will be happy and happening. Money due to you may get released soon. Getting health conscious may make you take up walking or jogging. A project will need a push to see it to completion. Love Focus: Your caring attitude is likely to enamour you to your beloved.Lucky Colour: CoffeeLucky Alphabet: EFriendly Numbers: 4,6, 9Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & LibraBe careful of: Gemini*Aquarius (January 22-February 19): A lot of activity on the domestic front is foreseen and promises fun time. Taking friends for an outing is possible today. A property issue is certain to be decided in your favour. You will succeed in getting your work recognized by the ones who matter. Your money is likely to grow through wise investments. Adjusting to the daily workout schedule may prove difficult. This is the time to consolidate your position on the professional front. Love Focus: Those seeking love are likely to be richly rewarded.Lucky Colour: IndigoLucky Alphabet: HFriendly Numbers: 8, 4, 14Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & LibraBe careful of: Scorpio*Pisces (February 20-March 20): Going someplace exclusive is on the cards. Keep a close tab on your progress on the academic front. You are likely to devote time and attention to someone on the social front and earn praise. Adopting some health tips promises total fitness. You are likely to save a substantial amount by strict budgeting. Remaining tied up at work with extra workload is foreseen for some. You may need to give priority to a pressing family issue. Love Focus: A competitor may appear on the romantic scene and vie for your love.Lucky Colour: LavenderLucky Alphabet: JFriendly Numbers: 2, 10, 12Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & ScorpioBe careful of: TaurusThe astrologer can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected] more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Can you watch all 22 Marvel movies back-to-back in an insane 59-hour marathon? | Lifestyle News
That’s what comic book fans are doing to watch Avengers: Endgame one hour before its world premiere.
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The Taste With Vir: Kanika Kapoor is only a symptom of the elite’s irresponsibility - more lifestyle

I am not going to be part of the lynch mob that is targeting the singer Kanika Kapoor. From the information that is in the public domain, it seems that she flew back from London, was screened at the airport, was declared healthy enough to enter India and at that time, had no visible symptoms.So far, at least, despite the public anger, it does not seem that she deliberately avoided screening, recognised that she had the infection and knowingly infected others.She is not blameless, of course, even if all this is accurate. She should have realised that the Coronavirus has been rapidly spreading in the UK and voluntarily quarantined herself for two weeks. Instead, she travelled to Lucknow, attended parties and, in the process, became a greater risk to others.But the reason I will not be part of any public lynching is that Kapoor is not the only one to have behaved badly. Over the last ten days or so it has rapidly become clear that all of us should isolate ourselves from people as much as possible.The company I work with decided, a week ago, that people would work from home. We were aware that this would cause disruption to the progress of our work. But like many other responsible companies, we took the line that public health was far more important than work disruptions. (This column, for instance, is being edited from home by the staff of HindustanTimes.com.)And yet, India’s so-called elite (i.e. the rich and powerful) went off partying, socialising and pretending that nothing was wrong. Kapoor did not throw the party in Lucknow where she may (or may not) have infected others. She travelled to Lucknow to be at the party as did many other invitees. These people were all aware of the danger of Covid. Yet they acted as though the risks would not apply to them.Why did they do this?Simple: it is the mindset of India’s rich.For years and years, they have been brought up to believe that epidemic-type diseases only affect the poor. It is people who live in slums, who they regard as dirty, who are really at risk. Whether it is cholera, the plague, or any other dangerous disease, the rich always believe that they are immune to it because of their affluent lifestyles. It is the poor who, they believe, wallow in unsanitary conditions, that will be hit.Fortunately or unfortunately, they have been largely right till now. Even when dengue or malaria hit our cities, the victims are usually the poor. Relatively few rich people get affected.But Corona is different. At this stage, it may well affect the rich more than it hurts the poor.Most of the cases that we have seen reported in India are of people who got the infection abroad or of those who got it from someone who had recently been abroad. (Like Kanika Kapoor.)So, contrary, to what the rich and privileged think, their servants (over whose hygiene they agonise so much on Facebook these days) are less likely to give it to them than a friend or a colleague who has been abroad --- and it doesn’t matter whether it is the US, the Middle East, Europe or East Asia; the virus seems to be everywhere.Even after the Kanika Kapoor case, I am not sure the rich still get it. For example, I have been advising people on Twitter to order takeaway dishes from their favourite restaurants (which are now closed because of Covid) and I still get responses like “won’t I be in danger of getting infected because of the delivery boy?”Given the carelessness with which the powerful and the privileged have treated this disease (escaping from quarantine, hiding their travel history etc.), it is not surprising that we are now either on the edge of Stage Three or have already got there. (Stage Three is when the transmission does not come from abroad but from the community itself.)Once it truly gets to stage three, the effects can be horrendous. All of the rich’s worst fears will finally be realised. There are two ways of avoiding being infected. One is not to be in close proximity with others so that you do not get infected by the virus-filled droplets that emerge from their respiratory tracts. That’s not always going to be possible for poor people who live in small rooms in overcrowded housing. The other means of avoiding infection is to wash your hands with soap obsessively. But this only works for people who have access to water all day – and in India, many of our countrymen do not.I am hoping that as the elite realises how much danger we are all in, we will finally take the steps that should have been taken at least a week ago. It is dangerous for Parliament to have continued with its session. And I’m glad that Rashtrapati Bhawan has finally cancelled the President’s meetings. He should never have been made to meet MPs and ministers while the epidemic was spreading.There is a second factor that may possibly impede our ability to cope with this serious threat: a medieval sense of national pride.Any Indian doctor you meet will tell you that he or she believes that the numbers released by the government seriously underestimate the extent to which the disease has spread. There has not been enough testing and because only some government hospitals have been allowed to conduct tests, it is often difficult for worried citizens to get themselves tested.I understand some of the reasons for the government’s policy on testing so I am not ascribing blame. But let’s accept that as of today, we have no real idea of how many Indians have been infected by the virus.Whenever foreign publications write that the official Indian figures may be underestimates, a large section of Indians react with anger and outrage. The New York Times is committed to attacking India, we are told. The Washington Post is full of lies. The British press is jealous of our success as a nation. Let’s throw out foreign correspondents and teach them a lesson. And so on.The trouble with all this nonsense is not just that it is based on ignorance. I have yet to meet a single Indian doctor who disagrees with the foreign press’ claim that we are underestimating the real numbers. It is the geniuses of Twitter and WhatsApp who make the most noise. The tragedy is that this kind of misplaced national pride has a certain ideological sanction in India.A couple of days ago, the Minister of State for Health, an advocate of gau mutra, played down the dangers posed by the epidemic. All we needed, he said, was to get 15 minutes of sunlight and that would kill viruses.Obviously, this man should never have been put in the Health Ministry. I suspect that the original reasoning was that the Cabinet Minister (Dr Harsh Vardhan) is a sensible chap so they thought they could park this guy as his junior in the Health Ministry where he could do no real harm.At that time, nobody had expected this crisis or imagined that the minister’s foolish beliefs would attract attention. But when the crisis exploded, they should have quickly shut him up. Instead, pro-BJP figures took to social media to defend him and troll farms were instructed to abuse his critics. All that the minister had said, we were told, was that the body needs Vitamin D for immunity and that sunlight is a good source of Vitamin D.That was not what he had said, of course. But the worrying thing is the ruling party felt obliged to use its resources to defend him and his medieval views. Even more worrying was that many of those who defended him actually thought he was right and that his critics were anti-Hindu and pro-West and therefore looked down on the wisdom of the sages over the centuries, etc.You can’t be fighting a pandemic with this level of ignorance, lying and plain old mumbo jumbo. You need a well-informed health minister, not a witch doctor.Fortunately, the rest of the Cabinet has been more responsible. The Prime Minister‘s Janata Curfew this Sunday is probably one way of testing how India would react to a full-scale shut-down. And as private labs will be involved in testing and in the battle against Covid, things may get better.This weekend will tell us if all this is enough to slow down the spread of the virus. Because if it is not, then it won’t just be the Coronavirus that has triumphed.It will be our rich and our mindless, ‘nationalists’ who will have defeated India and the damaged the health of our people.To read more on The Taste With Vir, click hereFollow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Holi Recipes 2020: Diabetic friendly Gujiya recipe for this Holi - more lifestyle

During Holi, apart from the celebrations and parties that take place, one also ends up eating and drinking a lot. For the ones who have health issues, this could turn out to be a problem. Which is why, we have come up with a Gujiya recipe that is diabetic friendly. So if you want to enjoy Gujiya and at the same time take care of your health, try out the recipe below this Holi. Ingredients for cover 1 cup khapli atta (approx. 125 gms) 1½ tablespoons cold pressed peanut oil (Heated) Pinch of salt Chilled water as needed (approx. 1/4 cup) Ingredients for stuffing 1/4 cup almond or cashew powder 1 cup fresh grated coconut 2 dates chopped finely 4 to 5 drops stevia 1/4 cup chopped mixed nuts (Cashew Nuts, Almonds) 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder Oil, for deep frying Method Directions for cover 1. Add khapli atta, salt, and Hot oil to the kneading bowl and mix well to make a crumbly mixture. 2. Add chilled water as needed and knead stiff dough (stiffer than paratha dough). Cover it with a moist muslin cloth and keep aside for 15-20 minutes. While the dough is resting, let’s make the stuffing. Directions for stuffing Mix all stuffing ingredients together and keep aside. How to shape gujiya/ghughara/karanji 1. Knead the dough again for a minute and divide it into two equal portions. Take each portion and give a shape like long cylindrical roll. Cut each into 6-7 equal portions. Make a round shaped ball from each portion. (Keep the dough/dough balls/raw gujiyas covered all the time with moist cloth to prevent them from drying.) 2. Take one ball and press it a little on rolling board. Roll it out into a 3-inch diameter circle like puri. 3. Put 2-3 teaspoons stuffing (more or less, depending on the size) on one side of the puri. Lightly moisten the edges of puri with a wet fingertip. 4. Cover the stuffing by folding the puri over to make a semi circle. Crimp the edges with a fork or with fingers to seal the stuffing inside. 5. Place raw gujiya in a plate. Cover it with a damp cloth. Make all the gujiyas in similar way and cover with damp cloth. 6. Heat oil in frying pan over medium flame. When oil is medium hot, add 3-4 gujiyas at a time. Deep fry them until light golden brown and crispy over low-medium flame. 7. It will take around 4-5 minutes to deep fry each batch. Drain excess oil with slotted spoon and transfer gujia to a plate covered with kitchen paper towels. Gujiyas are ready. When they cool down completely, store them in an airtight container and consume within 3 - 4 days. With inputs from Dr Pramod Tripathi, Founder of Freedom From Diabetes Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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A secret sex museum in Amsterdam lets you be the girl in the window - travel

To start with, Amsterdam’s Red Light Secrets museum is beautiful. It is housed in a one-time brothel, set against the city’s picturesque canals and brick houses. The audio tour is voiced by Inga, a Russian prostitute. Her commentary blends her experiences with the history of the profession in The Netherlands’ capital city. Prostitution is legal here, and subject to strict rules and standards. Sex workers pay taxes, get health coverage and are eligible for unemployment benefits, Inga tells you. Her tour will take you through the various ‘departments’ of a typical brothel in the city. The Office is where the deals are done between the prostitutes and brothel operators. A room can cost as much as €300 a day, depending on location, size, decor and frills such as free champagne for guests. Then there’s the Window, that quintessential element of Amsterdam’s red-light district. Here, you can play the part yourself – looking out onto the street and posing (if you like), for a sense of what it is really like to be your own brand, product and marketing executive. It’s a chance to get a rather rare photograph too, since across the city, photography of such windows is prohibited, unless they are empty. The Workshop is the prettiest part of the museum. This is the sex worker’s private space: typically, a high-end bath and dressing room full of enough make-up and toiletries to rival the airport’s Duty Free section. Then there’s the Masochism room, which looks straight out of Fifty Shades of Grey. A sombre exhibition room reminds you of the dark side of the trade. Over 100 prostitutes are murdered at work in Amsterdam every year, Inga tells you. The Lost and Found department will make you want to laugh and cry at the same time. What do clients leave behind? Everything from dentures to walking sticks.A Confession Wall lets customers leave reviews. There are sex museums all over the world, but this one is less biology and more cultural experience. It’s a celebration, of sex, commerce, and free will. And a place to make memories unlike any you’ve made elsewhere in the world.Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Women’s Day 2020: The power of women at work and how to ensure you lead a healthy lifestyle - more lifestyle

Emails that arrive almost all the time, travel arrangements that make you think twice about family, the struggle of work-life balance - working women tend to be like a pendulum oscillating between demands of office and home chores. And between these oscillations, there are endless social expectations to match up to and the constant anxiety of keeping up with demands of both the worlds. Geeta Sharma, 33, a bank manager says, “Being a working woman feels like it’s a double-edged sword hanging on my head. Most of the times I find myself sacrificing on my social life, family life and me time to be efficient in everything. My productivity often suffers due to anxiety. Juggling such different responsibilities takes a huge toll on my health which I usually ignore. This is the case with every working woman. I think we should all take care of ourselves and look out for each other.” And for working mothers with toddlers, the pressure - be it self-imposed or designated, increases manifold. After all, motherhood is constant, demanding and exhausting. Nikita Joseph, teacher and mother of a 6 month old says, “Thankfully, my mother-in-law helps me out handling my baby. However, it is still pretty much difficult. I have to wake up really early in the morning and feed her, finish my work in the kitchen, then go to school. Professional life is also extremely busy and mind boggling. At the end of the day I am so stressed and tired. Thankfully, my colleagues look out for me.” Mental stress This combination of juggling multiple commitments could lead to physical health problems as well as mental distress. Clinical psychologist and author Pulkit Sharma says, “The main source of stress for working women is the multiple things in their life. They expect themselves to do extremely well at work and home and people also expect the same out of them. I believe that one should take a more rational approach and not make everything so performance oriented. Then only they’ll be able to multitask and also get a space to breathe. Otherwise, it makes them more at a risk of depression because being the best in everything is not realistically possible.” He adds, “I have had many cases like such. This is something very common. You can’t be running marathons in every sphere of life.” Buy related products: B006Q6C4Y2, B00PFFB8V0 Why is women’s health so important? Obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Rachna Rohatgi says, “Working women undergo a lot of stress because they have to keep a balance between all the fronts. The whole foundation of a family or a society is based on a woman’s health. If she is not healthy, the whole family gets neglected. In fact, women are very reluctant to get themselves checked and keep on ignoring their health. While doing justice to both their profession and family, they are prone to a lot of medical complications.” Every woman should have a priority for herself. She adds, “Women need to find time for themselves. Every day, they should do a half hour workout session as well as go for regular health checkups. Adequate breaks are also important. They should have a sense of self care.” Adopting a healthier lifestyle Trying to lead a healthier and less stressful life is not a bad thing. Holistic wellness expert Mickey Mehta gives some lifestyle tips: •Women tend to ignore their health and that is a disaster. Disciple, self love and sleeping early are some of the most primary things they should consider. •At home, they should do simple yoga exercises like Surya Namaskar, Bhujangasana to improve immunity, little bit of spot jog, and a yoga form where they hug themselves. ALSO READ: 10 minutes of Surya Namaskar daily is highly beneficial for body and mind, here’s how •At office, taking the staircase is very important and while coming home in the evening, a 10 minute walk in the garden would add up a lot to the immunity and energy of the person. •Once or twice a week they should have an all-fruit day to keep their weight in check and keep higher energy liberated within them. They should also pamper themselves with a spa treatment once or twice a week. •They should do meditation once before sleeping and after waking up. Do seven minutes of observing silence. Settle the mind down and breathe the mind out. Be selfish and serve yourself so much so that you can serve the world better. The combination of all these things put together will make sure that today’s woman can also be fit and healthy despite so many job roles that she plays. These are the endeavours she should keep integrated. Buy related products: B01LP0UKJE, 1409343472 The diet to consider Women should always eat well at every stage of their lives. Dietician Esther John says, “Trying to balance the demands of family and work can make it difficult for any woman to maintain a healthy diet. But the right food can support your mood, boost your energy, and help you maintain a healthy weight.” She gives some nutrition and diet tips: •While women tend to need fewer calories than men, their requirements for certain vitamins and minerals are much higher. Hormonal changes associated with menstruation, child-bearing, and menopause mean that women have a higher risk of anaemia, weakened bones, and osteoporosis, requiring a higher intake of nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin B9 (folate). •Among other things, you need calcium to build healthy bones and teeth, , regulate the heart’s rhythm, and ensure your nervous system functions properly. Calcium deficiency can lead to, or exacerbate, mood problems such as irritability, anxiety, depression, and sleep difficulties. If you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, your body will take calcium from your bones to ensure normal cell function, which can lead to weakened bones or osteoporosis. Women are at a greater risk than men of developing osteoporosis, so it’s important to get plenty of calcium, in combination with magnesium and vitamin D, to support your bone health. •Magnesium increases calcium absorption form the blood into the bone. In fact, your body can’t utilize calcium without it. The USDA recommended daily allowance for magnesium is 320 to 400 mg/day. Good sources include leafy green vegetables, summer squash, broccoli, halibut, cucumber, green beans, celery, and a variety of seeds. •Vitamin D is also crucial to the proper metabolism of calcium. Aim for 600 IU (international units) daily. You can get Vitamin D from about half an hour of direct sunlight, and from foods such as salmon, shrimp, vitamin-D fortified milk, cod, and eggs. •Some of the best sources of calcium are dairy products. However, dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, and yogurt also tend to contain high levels of saturated fat. The USDA recommends limiting your saturated fat intake to no more than 10% of your daily calories, meaning you can enjoy whole milk dairy in moderation and opt for no- or low-fat dairy products when possible. •If you are planning pregnancy while working eat organic foods and grass-fed or free-range meat and eggs, in order to limit pollutants and pesticides that may interfere with fertility. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine as they are known to decrease fertility. Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter At Hindustan Times, we help you stay up-to-date with latest trends and products. Hindustan Times has affiliate partnership, so we may get a part of the revenue when you make a purchase. Read the full article
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International Women’s Day 2020: How you can intervene and make public spaces safer for women - more lifestyle

To commemorate International Women’s Day, Uber has brought its global “Driving Change” campaign to India and announced a partnership with Breakthrough, a non-profit organisation which works to reduce violence against women and girls in India. As part of the collaboration, Breakthrough is launching a campaign, #IgnoreNoMore, which encourages bystander intervention and supports collective action to end gender-based violence in public spaces.“#IgnoreNoMore is designed to drive awareness, inspire action and encourage more Indians to say “no more” to gender-based violence and bystander apathy. The campaign will push people to understand their own role as changemakers for building safer public spaces,” said Sohini Bhattacharya, President and CEO, Breakthrough. During the announcement, Sohini also spoke about ‘Bystander intervention’ giving a few examples on the same. She mentioned how years ago she was juggling for space in a Kolkata tram, with two men standing very close to her. Due to the intervention of some women who asked the men to go stand elsewhere, Sohini could finally get some space. She also highlighted how we can practice bystander intervention in our everyday lives. If for example we are witnessing a domestic abuse situation right in front of us, spilling some coffee on the oppressor ‘by mistake’ or stepping on their toe could help delay and defuse the situation.

Sohini Bhattacharya, President and CEO, Breakthrough with Pavan Vaish, Head of Central Operations, India, Uber.Crimes against women and girls, especially in public spaces, have seen a steady rise in recent years. According to the National Crime Record Bureau report of 2018 (NCRB), nearly 3.78 lakh cases of crime against women were reported across the country. The #IgnoreNoMore campaign aims to raise awareness on how bystanders can become agents of change rather than just spectators. The approach will empower bystanders to recognise unhealthy and problematic behaviours and intervene before abuse or assault takes place. ALSO READ: This is what happened when clowns took over the Delhi Metro“We’re committing major funding for awareness and prevention programs with members of courageous, thought-leading organisations like Breakthrough and we will continue to seek advice from them on how we can do more to prevent violence and to help keep women safe,” said Pavan Vaish, Head of Central Operations, India, Uber.Pavan also spoke about Uber Bhavishya, which is Uber India and South Asia’s program to get more women and gender-diverse partners on board as Uber drivers.The author tweets at @shadowwarior and can be reached at [email protected] and Instagram.com/kabirsinghbhandariFollow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Bollywood actress Tanuja shows how to be a diva, age-no-bar in this blue swimsuit at daughter Tanisha’s birthday celebrations - fashion and trends

Veteran actress Tanuja, known for her girl-next-door image in the late-60s and 70s Bollywood, is setting new goals for every woman this International Women’s Day.From what seems to be a picture from a holiday she’s at with daughter and actress Tanisha along with other celebrities, Tanuja proves that age is just a number when it comes to showing her diva-esque side.She was spotted in a cobalt-blue one-piece swimsuit, enjoying poolside smiles with the other ladies in the picture. Tanisha recently celebrated her birthday in Alibaug and celebrated with her friends and mother at a resort in Alibaug, about an hour’s boat ride away from Mumbai. Bikinis in the history of women’s clothing has been traced back to as early as 5600 BC. Actress Brigitte Bardot, Rita Hayworth and Ava Gardner are some of the names known to have popularised this garment at Cannes Film Festival in 1953 and movie appearances subsequently.According to French fashion historian Olivier Saillard, the bikini is the most popular type of female beachwear around the globe because of “the power of women, and not the power of fashion”. He explains, “The emancipation of swimwear has always been linked to the emancipation of women.”

Sharmila Tagore in a scene from An Evening in Paris.The National Legion of Decency lay pressure on Hollywood to keep bikinis from being featured in movies. The Hays production code for US movies, introduced in 1930 and strictly enforced in 1934, allowed two-piece gowns but prohibited navels on screen.Raquel Welch’s fur bikini in the 1966 film One Million Years B.C. gave the world the most iconic bikini shot of all time and the poster image became an iconic moment in cinema history.Bollywood actress Sharmila Tagore appeared in a bikini in her 1967 film An Evening in Paris, followed by a magazine cover. This was the first time an Indian actress had appeared in a bikini. This then set a trend for other actresses namely Zeenat Aman, Parveen Babi, Dimple Kapadia and others in the 1970s.In the 1983 Star Wars’ franchise, Return of the Jedi, Princess Leia Organa was captured by Jabba the Hutt and forced to wear a metal bikini complete with shackles. The costume was made of brass and was so uncomfortable that actress Carrie Fisher described it as “what supermodels will eventually wear in the seventh ring of hell.” The ‘slave Leia’ look is often imitated by female fans at Star Wars conventions.What did you think of Tanuja’s look? Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Indian women take reins in birthplace of modern polo - more lifestyle

Laishram Thadoi’s face is a picture of concentration as she adjusts her helmet and prepares to play in Manipur, the remote Indian state regarded as the birthplace of modern polo.The 35-year-old, who is soon wielding her mallet and riding a pony at a full gallop, is among a group of women players challenging the rural region’s all-male traditions in the sport.“If men can play polo why can’t we do it too?” Thadoi, a member of the Linthoingambi Kangjei Lup Polo Club, told AFP.“We want female junior players to think like this... We tell them ‘Don’t be scared, you will also play like us’.”Manipur, in the foothills of the Himalayas, has produced some of India’s top athletes including champion boxer Mary Kom.Even so, polo -- which resembles horseback field hockey, and whose Manipuri version, “Sagol Kangjei”, is played with riders on indigenous ponies -- is usually viewed as a male-only sport in the state.“It was a men’s game. It was a martial arts form, it was warrior-like,” Manipur Horse Riding and Polo Association president Hawaibam Deleep Singh told AFP. “It was very brutal and rough -- like practising for a real war.”The game dates back centuries in Manipur, where it first came to the attention of British colonialists who formalised it as polo and spread it around the world.But by the late 1980s, few men were playing it in insurgency-wracked Manipur and the ponies -- sacred in the state, and central to its culture and identity -- were dwindling in numbers as their habitat shrank due to urban development. Fearing their beloved sport and ponies would die out, Singh and others banded together to revive the game by attracting new players.“The natural extension... was to start with women,” Singh said.“We are working to promote women’s polo and the government of Manipur now sponsors a women’s polo tournament every year.”- ‘Deep connection’ -The involvement of female players was intertwined with the survival of the ponies, which experts feared were on the brink of extinction.The ponies were once worth next to nothing but as more women started playing, demand rose and their value increased.Singh said some of the women have also become experts at caring for the animals, and rescue them from accidents like falling into construction pits and drains.“Sometimes when we can’t save them they die. It’s very sad, we cry,” said Khundongbam Habe, who with her sister cares for more than 40 ponies.“You wouldn’t believe how much we love the ponies. We live with them from morning till night every day and they are like a part of us.“We have this deep connection with them.”Polo is a rich man’s game in other parts of the world but in Manipur, it is integral to regional traditions and is embraced by all levels of society.The women’s involvement flies in the face of the usual expectations in Manipur that they should primarily be caregivers.Thadoi is a mother of two and works as a PE teacher in the state’s sports department, as do the Khundongbam sisters.Teammate Okram Ashalucky, 23, who is an accountant, said her father initially did not want her to pick up the sport, fearing she would get hurt.“But still we are working hard and playing with courage and belief that we will play better than men,” she said.(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Low fruit, vegetable intake can lead to anxiety disorders. Here’s why - more lifestyle

Adults who consume less fruits and vegetables, according to a new study, are more likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. “For those who consumed less than 3 sources of fruits and vegetables daily, there was at least at 24 per cent higher odds of anxiety disorder diagnosis,” says the lead author of the Canadian Longitudinal Study, Karen Davison, who is a health science faculty member, nutrition informatics lab director at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, (KPU) and North American Primary Care Research Group Fellow.“This may also partly explain the findings associated with body composition measures. As levels of total body fat increased beyond 36 per cent, the likelihood of anxiety disorder was increased by more than 70 per cent,” states co-author Jose Mora-Almanza, a Mitacs Globalink intern who worked with the study at KPU.“Increased body fat may be linked to greater inflammation. Emerging research suggests that some anxiety disorders can be linked to inflammation,” says Davison.In addition to diet and body composition measures, the prevalence of anxiety disorders also differed by gender, marital status, income, immigrant status and several health issues.An important limitation of the study was that the assessment of anxiety disorders was mostly based upon self-reporting of a medical diagnosis.“It is estimated that 10 per cent of the global population will suffer from anxiety disorders which are a leading cause of disability,” says Karen Davison“Our findings suggest that comprehensive approaches that target health behaviours, including diet, as well as social factors, such as economic status, may help to minimize the burden of anxiety disorders among middle-aged and older adults, including immigrants,” she concluded. (This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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1 in 3 adolescent internet users in India have gone through negative experience - more lifestyle

One in every three adolescent internet users queried in a survey have gone through a negative experience, including cyber-bullying, a study has claimed. According to a study conducted by child rights body Child Rights and You (CRY), around 10 per cent adolescent internet users were subjected to cyber-bullying and one out of the two among them reported such incidents.The study named ‘Online Safety and Internet Addiction: A study conducted amongst Adolescents in Delhi-NCR’ was conducted among 630 adolescents across eight schools in the national capital within the age group of 13 to 18 years.The study revealed that 60 per cent of the boys and 40 per cent of the girls among the respondents owned their own device while almost half of the respondents reportedly used two or more devices to access the Internet.“Three in every five adolescents (63 per cent) said they accepted friendship/connect request only from people they knew, while the rest said they accepted requests from friends of friends and strangers,” the study said.The risks and harms to the adolescents on the internet are cybercrimes like – cyber bullying, hacking and misuse of online profile, morphing of images or videos, and Internet addiction, it said.“One is every three adolescent users reported going through negative experience on the internet, while around 10 per cent of them disclosed being subjected to cyber-bullying,” the study said.Around 10 per cent of adolescents also reported being victims of hacking of profile or misuse of account, but this decreased sharply with age. “One in four adolescents also reported seeing a morphed image or video, and only 50 per cent of them reported the incident. In general, reporting of any kind of abuse increased steeply with age,” the study found.Ramesh Negi, chairperson of Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights, said the biggest issue is to educate people on safety of children in the internet space. “I find it as serious as an addiction. There is a need to educate people on right use of internet. Then we will come to vulnerable areas of children which is more of an area of study for IT professionals than a policymaker. How did this monster (internet addiction) grow, that has to be understood,” Negi said at the launch of the report.Some of the recommendations given by the study included awareness and capacity building of children on keeping themselves safe online, convergence of internet safety rules and curriculum, proactive engagement of parents and caregivers and review of existing cyber laws among others. (This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Harper Lee death anniversary: Remembering the author of To Kill a Mockingbird - books

Pulitzer Prize winning author Nelle Harper Lee, who is best known for her 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird, wrote only two novels during her lifetime. Despite the amazing success of her first novel, the author would not publish any other work for almost the entirety of her life, coming out with a sequel of To Kill a Mockingbird in Go Set a Watchman, a year prior to her demise. Even though she had a small literary career, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007 for her contribution to literature. Harper Lee breathed her last on February 19, 2016. She was 89. To Kill a Mockingbird, which was declared by the Library Journal as being the best novel of the 20th century, not only deals with issues of rape and racial inequality, but to the credit of the author is also noted for its warmth in tone as it celebrates the father-daughter bond and humour. Harper Lee’s works are replete with memorable and thought provoking dialogues. Here are a few quotes attributed to the author. • You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. • Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing. • I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. • The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience. • People in their right minds never take pride in their talents. Speaking about the success of To Kill a Mockingbird in a 1964 interview to Newquist, Lee had famously said she didn’t expect any sort of success and was hoping for a quick and merciful death at the hands of critics. However, the author had added that she was hoping someone would like it enough to encourage her. On the author’s fourth death anniversary, here are some interesting facts about her: 1. Nelle was her grandmother’s name spelled backwards 2.One of Lee’s closest friends was another famous author, Truman Capote, who wrote the books Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood. In fact, Lee travelled with Capote to Holcomb, Kansas to research about the murder which led to the book In Cold Blood. Through Capote, Lee met music composer and lyricist Michael Brown. The lyricist and his wife Joy went on to give Lee the gift of a year’s financial support in 1956 to pursue her literary career. 3. The tomboy Scout of the novel who is the daughter of a respected small-town Alabama attorney was based on Lee, while Scout’s friend Dill was inspired by her childhood friend and neighbour Capote. 4. Though Go Set A Watchman, which was published in 2015, was promoted as a sequel of To Kill A Mockingbird, it was later accepted as being a first draft of the Pulitzer Prize winning novel. Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Deepika Padukone stuns in black gown, Anushka Sharma, Ananya Panday shimmer in metallic outfits at Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards 2020 - fashion and trends

The Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards 2020 saw some of the best-dressed divas and hunks on the red carpet last night in Mumbai. In its sixth edition, the award ceremony that celebrates the essence of beauty in its purest form had stars such as Anushka Sharma, Deepika Padukone, Ananya Panday, Alaya F, Kartik Aaryan and many other names from both the TV and digital content industry. Anushka Sharma’s dull gold metallic dress had an interesting asymmetrical silhouette which sat well on her slender frame. The dramatic sleeves spoke volumes on this outfit. Anushka kept her make-up dewy that complemented the shimmery dress. Deepika Padukone who is just back from her beach vacation with husband Ranveer Singh was styled by her go-to stylist Shaleena Nathani in Yanina Couture. There is no doubt that Deepika yet again stunned in her black gown for the award ceremony. Her new hairdo is adding to the actor’s diva-esque attitude. The fishtail silhouette of the gown with (once again) dramatic sleeves were one to look out for on the red carpet. Deepika paired her outfit with diamond jewellery and kept her make-up subtle, with just a hint of highlighter. Ananya Panday, styled by Ami Patel, was seen in an Amit Aggarwal off-shoulder short dress in shimmery violet. Ananya paired her dress with a pair of Louboutins. Also seen was Urvashi Rautela who did not fail to disappoint us with her choice of dress - a feather single-shoulder dress with a pink satin ribbon. Rhea Chakraborty went for a risque outfit in gold for the red carpet look. She was styled by Sanam Ratansi for the award night. Sanam is also the stylist behind Tabu’s ‘hippie’ avatar in the recent release, Jawaani Jaaneman that also saw the debut of Alaya F along with the stylish actor, Saif Ali Khan.

Rakulpreet stunned in a glossy white bodycon gown while Alaya F was seen in a sheer dress with a tulle skirt. Who was your favourite from the Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards 2020? Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Ditch your wallet, grab your sneakers for happiness, better mental health - sex and relationships

Not the money or wealth but physical exercising makes a person happier, suggests a new study published in The Hill. The study conducted by researchers from the Oxford and Yale universities suggests that people who engage in daily physical exercises are happier than those who do not irrespective of the wealth that they possess. The researchers conducted the research through a survey of 1.2 million people and the study has been published in the medical journal - Lancet.The study reports that people who are active have reported about 35 days of poor mental health in a given year while the ones who are more sedentary have reported an additional 18 days of poor mental health.Another striking finding of the study is that income and wealth seem to have a lesser impact on the happiness of the individuals contrary to popular opinion. According to the study, a sedentary person has to earn an additional USD 25,000 on average to be as happy as a person who exercises. The study has also suggested that exercising three times a week for about 30 to 60 minutes affects the happiness of individuals.(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for February 18, what’s in store for Aquarius, Capricorn, Aries, Leo and other zodiac signs - more lifestyle

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which tell us a lot about a person’s personality. Now wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? So, go ahead and find out whether the odds are in your favour today.* Aries (March 21-April 20): Avoid crowded places and heavy traffic today. Students having a tough time with studies are likely to find an excellent guide. Don’t offend or hurt anyone, even if you feel wronged, as it may show you in bad light. A new opening offers many opportunities for those seeking jobs. A fine balance of exercise and diet will find you full of energy. Remain extra careful in transacting money. Your overbearing nature is likely to rub partner the wrong way and may disturb the domestic peace. Love Focus: Prospects of marriage may brighten the horizon of a long-term relationship.Lucky colour: ChocolateLucky Alphabet: EFriendly Numbers: 5, 10Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & LeoBe careful of: Virgo* Taurus (April 21-May 20): You are likely to share a special equation with a youngster. A trekking or strenuous outdoor activity is best avoided. House owners looking for suitable tenants will find someone good. Keep your cool even in trying circumstances. An expensive item is likely to be gifted to you. A health tip will prove to be of immense benefit. Manufacturers and retailers may have to deal with stiff competition on the business front. Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours may get the kind of response you expect, so keep at it!Lucky colour: Peach Lucky Alphabet: MFriendly Numbers: 2, 4, 8Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & PiscesBe careful of: Scorpio* Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): On the academic front, it is time to stop wallowing in self-pity and look at life in a positive light. If you long for a change from drab daily routine, wait some more as things are likely to become most exciting. If you gain from betting or playing the stocks, consider it as a one off achievement. Someone’s opinions in both your personal and professional life will matter. Steer clear of stress to attain peace of mind. You may have to go the extra mile to ensure that an event or a function is concluded satisfactorily. Love Focus: Romance may not exactly be on your mind today.Lucky colour: All Shades of Green Lucky Alphabet: LFriendly Numbers: 17, 21Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & LeoBe careful of: Libra* Cancer (June 22-July 22): A family youngster will be instrumental in furthering the business. This is the day to spend with the family at an exotic holiday resort. Those into buying and selling are likely to expand their business. On the social front, this is the day to remain on guard. It seems that good earning opportunities will be few and far between, but things are likely to improve. Regular exercising will make you feel on top of the world. Assess the marketability of what you buy in bulk beforehand to prevent losses. Love Focus: Lavishing gifts and goodies on lover will strengthen the bonds of love.Lucky colour: Light RedLucky Alphabet: YFriendly Numbers: 4, 9, 12Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & ScorpioBe careful of: Taurus* Leo (July 23-August 23): You will need to cater to the whims and fancies of a family elder. Thorough preparation will hold you in good stead in a competitive situation on the academic front. A cheerful day is foreseen for those who make an effort to get negativity out of their systems. Good bank balance may make you think on the lines of saving for a rainy day. Those obsessed with weight loss need to be careful today. You may like to take one step at a time at work, but someone will be there to rush you along. Love Focus: Pick your brains for some new romantic ideas, only they are going to work in the present situation.Lucky colour: Olive GreenLucky Alphabet: BFriendly Numbers: 7, 4, 11Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & SagittariusBe careful of: Taurus* Virgo (August 24-September 23): A good start in something you are passionate about will find you surging ahead of others. Investing in an offbeat project is like playing with fire, so consider it well. Those on a vacation should not throw caution to the wind regarding their health. It is wise to maintain your energy level by pacing yourself at work through the day. A child may complain of boredom, so do something that catches his or her imagination! You may plan to visit an out of town distant relative in the near future. Love Focus: Your attempts to win over an opposite number may not initially succeed, but perseverance will pay!Lucky colour: YellowLucky Alphabet: SFriendly Numbers: Gemini & LibraFriendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & ScorpioBe careful of: Leo* Libra (September 24- October 23): Much running around is indicated for those wanting to enter a particular profession. Domestic front will seem in turmoil due to partner’s mood swings and dominating nature. An overseas journey is indicated for attending a wedding or ceremony. It is time you recognized the importance of someone who is contributing to your efforts quietly. Something that you are spending money on is likely to become a great source of satisfaction. Success on the professional or domestic front will put all health problems in the background. Love Focus: The one you love may become incommunicado for no rhyme or reason.Lucky colour: IndigoLucky Alphabet: NFriendly Numbers: 9, 6Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & CancerBe careful of: Aquarius * Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Those bored of the daily grind may seek an outlet. A lot of socializing is foreseen, so get set to have an enjoyable time. It is best to take a break from studies to refresh your mind. Managers and senior executives will find the day favourable. Taking adequate measures will keep you on a safe wicket. Unavoidable expenditure is in the offing and may put you in a spot. Spouse will be supportive, but don’t things for granted! Love Focus: On the romantic front, partner’s sweet nothings will prove most soothing to the mind.Lucky colour: Light RedLucky Alphabet: PFriendly Numbers: 9, 18Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & TaurusBe careful of: Capricorn* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): Celebrating an achievement of a child or sibling is on the cards. Driving to enjoy the weather is very much on the cards for some youngsters. A family youngster may require a push to perform on the academic front. If you want others to participate in your cause, announce it from the rooftops. A financial transaction may turn in your favour, if you make the right moves. Exercise books are good, but you cannot beat an expert. Work related matters may take precedence over other things. Love Focus: A relationship with no strings attached proves exhilarating.Lucky colour: Baby PinkLucky Alphabet: NFriendly Numbers: 14, 16Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & VirgoBe careful of: Libra* Capricorn (December 22-January 21): Family life runs smoothly, but makes it exciting to avoid boredom from setting in. Those connected with the media are likely to travel out of town or abroad on an assignment. The spotlight is about to turn on you and will add to your reputation and prestige. The aches and pains that had been troubling you simply disappear, making you feel fit as a fiddle. It will be important to manoeuvre yourself into a position of bargain in a deal. Keep low priority work aside as it may hinder with your current task. Love Focus: Don’t make unnecessary demands on lover’s time today.Lucky colour: Sandy BrownLucky Alphabet: MFriendly Numbers: 7, 14Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & ScorpioBe careful of: Taurus* Aquarius (January 22-February 19): It is best to ignore the sugary sweet words of an acquaintance and take his or her bait. Expect a pat on the back on the academic front for something achieved. Good investment opportunities will have to be seized the moment they arise. Managers and technocrats can expect a positive development on the financial front. Eating may be a tool to counter frustrations, but don’t overdo it and eat healthy. You may need to impress upon a subordinate the need to imbibe your style of functioning. Love Focus: Couples will manage to remove differences that had cropped up in the relationship. Lucky colour: Parrot GreenLucky Alphabet: TFriendly Numbers: 7, 14Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & TaurusBe careful of: Cancer* Pisces (February 20-March 20): Good earning is certain to make a difference to the quality of life, especially of engineers and architects. Your sitting at home may not be welcomed by spouse today, so get a move on. Those fond of travel may find their wish coming true. You may need some time off to plan out certain important things today. You will be adequately prepared on the academic front. Health of a sibling or child, not keeping well for long is set to improve. You must inspect the item thoroughly before buying. Love Focus: Those romantically inclined are likely to make some headway on the love front.Lucky colour: CoffeeLucky Alphabet: MFriendly Numbers: 4, 9Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & ScorpioBe careful of: GeminiThe astrologer can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected] more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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Smart jumpsuit to track neurological development, more of infants. Here’s how - more lifestyle

In a first, researchers have come up with a smart jumpsuit that is capable of measuring the spontaneous and voluntary movement of infants starting from the age of five months. The information which is subsequently gathered could possibly help in assessing abnormal neurological development, among other things. The study on the smart jumpsuit and the related analysis method applied to seven-month-old infants was published in the Scientific Reports journal. In the future, the jumpsuit can also be used to study older children.Previously, the quantitative tracking of children’s spontaneous motility in the natural environment has not been possible. Instead, children have been primarily qualitatively assessed at the physician’s or physiotherapist’s practice, which requires taking into account the fact that the infant’s behaviour in the practice setting does not necessarily entirely match that seen at home.“The smart jumpsuit provides us with the first opportunity to quantify infants’ spontaneous and voluntary movements outside the laboratory. The child can be sent back home with the suit for the rest of the day. The next day, it will be returned to the hospital where the results will then be processed,” explains Sampsa Vanhatalo, professor of clinical neurophysiology at the University of Helsinki.Vanhatalo says that the new analysis method quantifies infant motility as reliably as a human being would be able to do by viewing a video recording.After the measurement, the infant’s actual movements and physical positions will be known to the second, after which computational measures can be applied to the data.“This is a revolutionary step forward. The measurements provide a tool to detect the precise variation in motility from the age of five months, something which medical smart clothes have not been able to do until now,” added Vanhatalo.The data gleaned by the smart jumpsuit is valuable since the detection of abnormalities in the neurological development of infants at an early stage enables early support.Brain plasticity is at its strongest in early childhood and is benefited by measures supporting development, which are targeted at recurring everyday activities.At least 5% of Finnish children suffer from problems associated with language development, attention regulation, and motor development.Often, such problems overlap. The pathogenic mechanisms underlying developmental disorders are complex, but preterm birth, perinatal brain damage and the lack of early care, as well as insufficient stimulation in the growth environment, aggravate the risk of developmental problems.According to Leena Haataja, professor of pediatric neurology, developmental disorders in today’s pressure-dominated world pose a considerable risk that can lead to learning difficulties and obstacles in the competition for education and jobs. Furthermore, they are a risk factor associated with exclusion from contemporary society.In the future, smart jumpsuit can be used for the objective measurement of how various therapies and treatments affect children’s development. (This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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