#lulu cortez
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expirisims · 2 months ago
Okay here are my favorite 24 screenshots from 2024! Thank you @treason-and-plot for the tag, it was hard to pick just 24!
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My first shared screenshot of the new Pickerling Cove! I have finally set aside a little time every week so I can get this puppy DONE! And heads up, Microsoft will stop ALL support for Origin in April, so I don't know how us world builders with the EA app are going to use Edit In Game 😞
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Joanna McAlister casually trying to give birth just outside of the hospital in Redwood Harbor Round 2!
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Howard taking baby Rob to a house party at Shayne's, only to leave him in the pouring rain 🤦 Redwood Harbor Round 2.
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Gerald and Simili just leaving an a'hem...date at the museum. St Bernie Round 1.
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Isaiah out for a peaceful morning surf! St Bernie Round 1
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Brianna getting over Reggie ( for a little bit anyways) on vacay with her bestie Cristina! Redwood Harbor Round 3.
Okay, a lot of these aren't separated into months from here on out because my posting got a little spotty!
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A random townie I found singing in the empty karaoke bar while my active sim was at work 🤣 Go for your dreams dude! Redwood Harbor Round 3.
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Dimitri giving an expression I can FEEL dealing with two crying kids and a begging cat. Redwood Harbor Round 3
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After I predicted these two as a couple back in round 2, Clark and Edith did eventually get together on their own and tie the knot in Round 3 of Redwood Harbor! Now if my game can STOP throwing Clark into flirtation situations... it's not in his personality so I don't know why it keeps happening 😭
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Antonio and Joanna worked on this car for YEARS!! Redwood harbor Round 3.
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Howard breaking the fourth wall with some mad side eye while on a date with Rayne in Round 3 of Redwood Harbor.
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Lulu rolling in her own pee, oh how I know the mess our favorite fur babies can make! Redwood Harbor Round 3.
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Maggie Marks (the cat) who ran across town to the Chadwick household when Woodrow and Sharon threw a rager of a party! Redwood Harbor Round 3.
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The Gale's (minus 1 kiddo because there was no one to carry her) finally moving out of their TINY houseboat! Redwood Harbor Round 3.
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I love this picture of Clark playing games in Round 3 of Redwood Harbor.
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Little Jerrod Thigpen was so excited to finally get his own room! Redwood Harbor Round 3.
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Jill Garrett just bustin out the Chicken Dance at the ballet studio! LOL! St. Bernie Round 1.
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Petunia Lum watching for Teddy to get home out the bathroom window! St. Bernie Round 1.
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Poor Kasey, who tried (and failed) to do her own tatoos! St. Bernie Round 1.
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An awesomely timed pic of Shorty and Brooks playing. St. Bernie Round 1.
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When I discovered there were random townies living in one of the apartments in St. Bernie and caught one of them practicing his flaming batons! Round 1 of St. Bernie.
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That time Gerald blew off Simili to attend this protest with questionable footing. St. Bernie Round 1.
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Bella's VERY crispy looking sunburn. St. Bernie Round 1.
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A wholesome pic of George Snooty autonomously helping Margo with homework. St. Bernie Round 1.
I'm tagging @satureja13, @mercury101, @leplumbobvert, @kevinvoncrastenburg, and anyone else who wants to share! As always, no pressure if you don't want to play!
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antonio-velardo · 2 years ago
Antonio Velardo shares: La evolución de Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by Lulu Garcia-Navarro
By Lulu Garcia-Navarro La congresista de Nueva York dice que es distinta a cuando asumió el cargo. Pero aún no se considera una ‘insider’ de la política. Published: August 30, 2023 at 08:33AM from NYT En español https://ift.tt/1tnufid via IFTTT
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raphael-schreave · 4 years ago
And now we bring to you the final part of all the SelectionOC8 Reveal RPs and Fics. Please read this before reading the article below.
[FIVE: The Decision]
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September 1, 2170 ANGELES, ILL | We’ve all been itching to find out the Ladies of the Selection ever since applications had closed earlier this week- but you won’t believe the events of yesterday!  Earlier on August 31, at around 9 AM: King Raphael Schreave, during a quick live video on Instagraph, accidentally showed the full list of Selected before immediately ending it. Many Illéans who watched the live ended up taking a screenshot of the list and managed to edit the video screenshots enough to circulate a list of names on social media.
A later press release released an hour later from the Office of Royal Communications confirmed this, and despite the King’s Instagraph mishap, he encouraged Illéa to stay tuned to the Report for the official release of the full list of Selected names and the King’s live and genuine reactions, as he had not read nor seen the names or details about the Ladies. The circulating list of Selected was shared online with Twits reaching 6-digits in shares and comments, garnering national and international attention. Illéans appear to be divided on this matter with a faction expressing their distrust and worry about how the King could let such a confidential document be seen in a live, while a greater number of people have theorized online that it was a Public Relations stunt to gain wider traction and attention on the Selection. No matter the reason for this, the list of Selected names were released via the screenshots of the live, the press release shared by the Royal family, and later on the Report, which happened at 8:00 PM that night.
ICYMI: Here is  the official list of the Ladies of the Selection:
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Lady Ivy Min of Allens | Bri
Lady B. Meredith Ryan of Angeles | Anna
Lady Denise Bouchard of Atlin
Lady Lulu Martin of Baffin
Lady Jasmine Piper of Bankston
Lady Soleil Tuohy of Belcourt | Elise
Lady Rosemarie Huffman of Bonita | Myr
Lady Iris Sanders of Calgary
Lady Diana Devan of Carolina | Sanji
Lady Melissa Clark of Clermont
Lady Michaela Robinson of Columbia
Lady Dahlia Steele of Dakota | Delani
Lady Alassie Marniq of Denbeigh | Myr
Lady Ramona Bausa Peláez of Dominica | Elise
Lady Rhea James of Fennley | Milo
Lady Cornelia Fisher of Hansport | Simone
Lady Renata Cortez of Honduragua
Lady Marissa Wasserman of Hudson | Milo
Lady Madison Day of Kent
Lady Nahla Hill of Labrador
Lady Giselle Onassis of Lakedon
Lady Gemma Chandler of Likely
Lady Kaden Price of Midston | Ester
Lady Emily Thompson of Ottaro
Lady Andrea Dominguez of Paloma | Milo
Lady Lana Trajano of Panama
Lady Andreia Oliveira-Knight of Sonage | Emi
Lady Arely Reid of Sota | Claire
Lady Susan Haring of St. George
Lady Bella Gardiner of Sumner
Lady Valentina Lockheart of Tammins | Simone
Lady Suzy  Choi of Waverly | Ana
Lady Kristal Reger of Whites
Lady Gianna Watson of Yukon
Lady Carmen Flores of Zuni | Emi
The official Selection site has now been updated as well with a complete profile of all 35 Selected, should curious Illéans would like to know more about the Ladies of the Selection. You may find it on www.selection.ill/meettheselected .-- The Illéan Inquirer
Thanks for waiting everyone, please expect invitations to the OC network within the next couple of days!
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merdragoon · 1 year ago
Eh, I'll repost this on my thing for now since I neglet it. This was brought to my attention thanks to @shaylalaloohoo xD so I figured this may be a good way for some asks to come in if anyone was curious about the charater's I've been working with: The Charaters that I'm putting up here. All of them based in the same "universe" now but still have their own stories: from "Feather":
Tetsuko Rewall Reshell
Slobo Gadian
Radian Lansford
Yousie Vivian
Druid Ruth
Druid Merlin
Jadolf Gadian
Ortheiea Gadian
Guardian Yuki Onna
Shong-Shang/God of Death
from "Beloved":
Jala Sagewind
Fannar Sagewind
Oriana Reedgious
Felix Katz
Aelius Reedgious
Lantis Phenoixshade
Ca'thul Phenoixshade
Tamaru Rotrue
Trinity Forestreed
Barthemolew the Skeleton Knight
From "The Nutcracker and Princess":
Clara Drosslmeyer/Caroline Marzapan
Christian Drosslmeyer
Zee Rivian
Hansel Mousirinks
Markos Mousirinks
Alameth/The Pied Piper/ Erlking
Baccus Lansford
Captian Phouka
King Oberon
Prunlina/SugarPlum Fairy
Alcore Stalhbrum
Parlipat Marzapan
Rolith the Decayed Teddy Bear
Original Character Asks
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dyns33 · 6 years ago
Hell Brothers (6/?)
Summary : Hellblazer crossover. Antichrists Michael, Duncan and Jim, aka the triplets of Hell, are not okay. Their dear sister, aka favorite toy, is missing. Strangly, their Father is not helping them with this matter. He prefers to make a deal with the one who is protecting her, John Constantine.
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           "You went to see Cordelia Goode."
Billie Dean Howard was out to make one of her ridiculous shows, supposedly invited by one of the ghosts of the infamous Hotel Cortez, so during her absence John had agreed to stay at her home to watch the girl. The sun was long gone, after dinner Rachel had gone to her room to read on her bed, and he had thought that she had fallen asleep since ; that was why he had settled on the couch to enjoy his third glass of whiskey and a cigarette, in peace.
           "Go back to bed." he mumbled without looking at her.
           "I heard that you saw my father and that he agreed to free me against the Supreme. I searched on the Internet, Cordelia Goode is the Supreme of the witches."
           "You know a lot of things. But do you know that it's very rude to listen to other's conversations ?"
           "I... sorry."
At the sound of her voice, Constantine could have thought she was sorry and understood, but she came to sit next to him, before catching his cigarette. John thought she was going to smoke, but after a long look at it, she threw the cigarette into his glass.
           "It's bad for your health. My brothers often joke that you're going to die because of the stupidest pleasures, while other dead might open you the gates of heaven. It's still possible to be forgiven, you know that ?"
It was terribly funny to receive a lesson in morality, with the added bonus of an attempt to comfort his situation from a girl who knew, or at least should know, that she was seen by everyone as someone bad who was going to be punished for no reason. John did not know whether he should feel pathetic or angry against her, against himself, against God, Lulu, and the whole world who were not fair.
           "So... did you find a way to help me ?" she murmured, and he felt all her hope in the trembling of her voice.
           "Cordelia is doing research, but there is little hope."
           "I've done some research too. I know why she is important, why my father wants her to die. Without the Supreme, the balance can not be maintained and the Apocalypse will take place. However it is not specified that it must be Mrs. Goode. If the Internet is not wrong, I read that a new Supreme always appeared to take the place of the previous one... So, if we find the right witch, maybe Mrs. Goode will help me, no ?"
           "First of all, Cordelia is kind, but maybe not so kind as to sacrifice herself for a girl she does not know and who is the devil's daughter. And then there is nothing to predict when the next Supreme will appear. It could happen tomorrow as in years. First Cordelia's powers will diminish, then the young one will have to pass the seven Wonders, and in the end I imagine that she will want to use the remaining time to form the one who will succeed her."
           "What are the Seven Wonders ?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.
           "A test to determine if a witch is powerful enough to become the next Supreme. Except for the one in place, only the next one can succeed."
           "So all the witches need to pass this test and we'll find the right one quickly, that will leave Mrs. Goode enough time to train her and after that..."
It was almost adorable to see Rachel get excited, preparing all the details of her plan, when it was doomed to failure. Even if Cordelia agreed that they would pass it, which would never happen, no witch would want to try the seven wonders without having the certainty to get by without too much damage. Because already the test was dangerous in itself, there was especially a wonder scarier that the others : Descensum. For the other wonders, there was always a way to get the girls back if something happened, but if they could not escape from their personal hell, it would be impossible to bring them back. Rachel seemed to ignore this detail and her smile disappeared when Constantine explained what it was.
           "Stuck in Hell forever. You can imagine what that does, do not you ?"
           "But... I do not understand, why take such a risk ?"
           "Because it's the only way to designate the new Supreme."
           "It's insane. Even if they find the right one, they're not sure before, and so it's still possible that it's a mistake before she goes down."
           "And here's why your plan can not work. I'm sorry."
Rachel rose slowly, murmuring again and again, "They're crazy" while she was going back to her room. Even if he had finally achieved his goal, he had crushed any glimmer of hope in her, John did not feel any satisfaction.
             Everything was calm at Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, the night was still young, Cordelia had donned her satin nightie and she was reading one of the last books she had found, which could possibly have helped Constantine's client, when Myrtle Snow came running.
           "Delia, quick, John Henry Moore is in the living room and I'm afrad he will lose all his blood on our beautiful 18th century carpet !"
           "What ? He's hurt ?"
           "Oh, my dear, he's almost dead."
Indeed poor John Henry was badly wounded in the stomack and neck, and it was a real miracle that he managed to get here in this state. After closing his wounds with the help of Mallory, a very talented new student who was good with healing spells, Cordelia and Myrtle carried him to an empty room so that he could lie far from the prying eyes of the girls. He clearly needed rest, but they needed to know what had happened. They had to know if there was a threat to the school.
           "The triplets..." he sighed. "The sons of Lucifer, they came to Hawthorne for information. Their sister disappeared. We knew nothing about it, absolutely nothing, but Augustus offered to help them. Now that I think about it, I imagine that he did this to save the boys, because it was obvious that they were not going to leave us alive. Behold and I did not agree, it was out of the question to help demons, so... Cordelia, they're all dead. I could not do anything for my students, I fled, I'm a coward... "
           "Hush. You're a good man, I know you wanted to do well, and you probably did everything to save them, but with your wounds you could not do anything else... Sleep now."
With a wave of her hand, she soothed him and he closed his eyes without being able to resist. Myrtle then followed her to her office, uttering insults at the triplets of hell, the worst creatures that existed after their father. And that was why Cordelia did not have time to laugh at her mentor's comments, because the situation was critical. These three boys were a plague, a definite danger for her girls, so even though she understood Moore's reaction to the idea of ​​helping them, she would not hesitate for a second to give them what they wanted, if that would made them return to their hole. She did not understand why they had so much trouble finding their sister, who had no power and who could not have gone very far... until she made the connection with a story she had heard a few days ago. The story of a girl chased by demons, sent directly by Satan.
           "John..." she mumbled. "You are an idiot..."
           "I agree, but what Constantine has to do with this ?" Myrtle asked.
           "It does not matter. Wehave to prepare more protections, in case they come here, and if that ever happened... I know where their sister is."
             Installed in the best suite of the Cortez, for free, with the promise of James Patrick March to make every effort to find their little princess, the triplets yet felt like caged lions. And when there were many in the same cage, who were getting tired and impatient, things could quickly escalate.
           "Why do we not find her ?" Jim moaned, squirming on his bed, grimacing. "It's been almost a month, Michael. A fucking month !"
           "And you are the one complaining ?" Duncan groaned. "You got her last. It's because of you that she left, so shut up. Go get some stuff to calm yourself down and let us think between adults."
           "Fuck you Dunc ! We agreed we did not say it was my fault ! Why would it not be yours, since you had her before me ? After all the disgusting things you did to her, she thought about a plan to run away and she waited to be alone to do it !"
           "Bullshit ! That's bullshit ! You're already high, are you ? You can really not stay longer than ten minutes without taking something ?!"
           "Speak for yourself. You just came back from the restroom and everyone knows what you were doing here, so..."
           "It's enough."
They could try to prove otherwise, they could get offended when someone reminded it to them, they could play the tough guys, but Jim and Duncan never forgot that their eldest was the strongest, the one who had to lead the armies of theirs father on the day of the Last Judgment, the one that must not be annoyed. They knew it, but the circumstances and the tension in the room prevented them from thinking before speaking.
           "Do you not agree, Mikey ?" Duncan spat. "Or do you feel responsible ? Do you know something ? Oh, I know, our sister did not disappear, you killed her. Or you hid her, to have her for yourself alone, because, in reality, you are a selfish little baby who needs to be cuddled and reassured, because he is afraid that his daddy does not love him enough to..."
Jim watched with horror as his big brother fell on his knees, touching his throat in desperation, trying to breathe by loosening Michael's invisible grip, who was not even watching him choking.
           "Please, Michael, let him go. He did not think so, it's the stress that speaks. We all want to find her and it's long, so long... You know how we have no patience, unlike you."
           "Do you think compliments will change anything ?"
           "No... But that's the truth. And for our father... we all think he does not love us, he did not even answer us when we asked him to find our sister."
It seemed to be enough to calm Michael, who let Duncan breathe again. Several times they had begged their father to find the fugitive, but they had got no answer, not even a 'no', as if he was ignoring them. Yet they had been good boys, they had done everything he asked, they were ready to perform the Apocalypse when the time came. Did their father reproach them for asking for a sister ? To not have been cruel enough with her ? Too nice ? It was not fair, she was theirs, they could do what they wanted with her... and they were also responsible for her.   "I guess he thinks we have to fend for ourselves when it comes to finding what belongs to us and that we have lost. This story does not concern him, that's all."
           "And... what will happen... when we try everything... and we still have found... nothing ?" Duncan asked, trying to catch his breath, opening the collar of his shirt.
           "There will only be one place and where we are not allowed to go."
           "I asked my followers to take a look." Jim said. "They have not seen a girl at Constantine's, and he's not often at home lately."
For a few moments, Michael considered the possibility of strangling his younger brother for hiding this information because he was too silly to realize that it was essential. John Constantine was a lone wolf, who only came out of his lair for important business, before returning to hiding there as soon as possible. The triplets were aware of all the coming and going of the demons right now, so there was nothing that could justify his being away so often.
           "And do you know where he's going ?" he asked in a slow voice, which made Jim understand that if he did not know the answer, he would suffer the same fate as Duncan.
           "At... a psychic who's doing television, Billie Dean Howard. He's sleeping there sometimes, so I guess he's fucking her."
           "Lucky guy." Duncan said with a bitter smile.
If there was one thing their father had told them about Constantine, it was that he was a shy little prude, too kind to have relations with others, for fear of involving them in the conflict that he led against them. So it was certainly not about love or sex with this Howard. And they were going to pay her a visit.
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wholockedcumberwumber · 7 years ago
Welcome to the Shadows ~ Part 4
Authors Note 1: Face Claim for Manech Langonnet II is Gulliver McGrath From the 2012 Dark Shadows Movie
Author’s Note 2:  I began this in June 2017 and had writer's block, in regards to my fanfics, for a few months, then I kept getting distracted. as always the date i tag them with is when is when i finished them
Author’s Note 3: the blog for the fic i started this tory as companion to has been deactivated
Part One  Part Two Part Three
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He kissed her nose when he saw her crying again. ever since she had been Told Queenie was going to be staying at the Cortez she had been having nightmares. Well, Premonitions and she was afraid to tell Queenie or Cordelia that she knew it meant If Queenie went to that hotel she would never come back.
“You’ve been having this dream every night for almost two weeks. Why don't you just tell her?”
“I can’t. The Romanshel that camp out near Collinsport told me you are not supposed to tell someone when they’re going to die. But I really like Queenie and if she goes to the Hotel Cortez she won’t come back.”
“Explain to me what Ramnshel are again.”
“Until recently they are what people called Gypsies. The Collins family has a connection to The Romanshel who camp in Collinsport,” she said
“We both have the day off today. How about we go for a drive.” he smiled at her. it was hard to believe it had been two years since they had started working for Cordelia Foxx. “It’s been three years since the first time you came into one of the support group meetings at Tulane.”
“Really.” she follows him out to his car.hthey needed to get out of the City for a few hours and he was taking her to a county fair to unwind and also she wasn't expecting. What was going to Happen? He had been planning this for few months. Kyle was not 100% sure about most things in his life but he was sure he wanted Lucy to become Lucy Spencer.
a short time later he was looking at the sky as they sat on the hood of his car “Do you ever think of marriage?”  h placed a ring box shaped like Cinderella’s coach on her lap 
And she Opened it and next to the ring was an engraved sign that said will you marry me?
she looked at him “Yes Kyle.” she smiled at him “I love You Kyle.”  he slides off the hood of his car and gets a blanket out of the trunk and spreads it on the ground.
After they were done making out for a while they hear rustling and look up to see a 13-year-old boy looking at them “This kid has been following me around.”
Lucy “he’s not Dangerous His name is Manech Langonnet II. This means my friend the Romanshell are in the area.” later that evening at their house 
Manech “Magda told me I could stay with you if I wanted to.” 
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Lucy looked at Kyle “Go find yourself something to Eat Manech. I need to talk to Kyle.” she watched the boy go into the kitchen “He has precognition like some of the others in Collins bloodline, i didn’t even tell him where the Kitchen is.”
“Your family is very complex. Explain how a kid with a French name is a Collins.”
“his Great-grandmother Anastasia Was the cousin of my grandfather Jacob. She rumored to have had an affair with James Patrick march the man who Built the Hotel Cortez.”
“You were named after this woman?” 
“no i was named after the daughter of the first Quentin Collins who was born somewhere between 1810 and 1813.” she smiled “But I digress. So Manech is my fourth cousin and it was the Racosi Family who brought my mother and me to New Orleans.” 
Kyle “He can stay in your old room. it is fine with me.”  Kyle said with a smile “He is family.” 
“Hopefully the Racosi stopped doing arranged marriages like other tribes do. because he’s about the age to be introduced to the one they want him to marry.”
around 2am when Lucy was having a hard time sleeping “Lu, you should be sleeping.”
“so should you Manech you are ten years younger than i am.”
“Point taken.” he makes two glasses of chocolate milk. “Magda sensed that you were being plagued by visions.”
“just a single one,” she tells Manech about the dream she's been having
“So what you need is a way to help Queenie without directly telling her that going to this place will result in her death.” he sighed “Wait a minute. I recall Correctly Magda has a friend who lives nearby the Hotel Cortez. Who runs a bed and breakfast.”
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The Next Morning... “Miss Cordelia, May i speak to you in Private?” Lucy said “I don’t think you should book Queenie at the Hotel Cortez. it is a Spirit Cage. the only way to guarantee that she won’t die and is to somehow manage to free the souls trapped there so they don’t desire to murder people.” 
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Cordelia looked at her “Stop Talking, Miss Collins. Two things. Congratulations on your engagement.” she smiled “your empathy is your downfall, Lucy. You are worried Queenie will be angry or that something bad will happen if you tell her she’s in danger.” she paused and looked down “How do you know about this Hotel you’ve never been to California.” 
The young woman looked at the Supreme “Because I'm friends with a group of Romanshel, and they go to LA once a year.” she looked at her “Thank you. on both accounts I know I've been overthinking this i am just worried of how she will react because Queenie is  bit intimidating at times.”  she smiled as Cordelia placed her hand on top of her own “Am I member of the Coven?”
“Technically Yes. You were technically member when you arrived in New Orleans you just needed to come into your powers and accept what has happened to you.” she paused “You’re just fortunate My mother didn't know you were a witch or you would have likely met the same fate as a few of the members who arrived at the same time as Misty, Zoe, and Queenie.”
“I am going to go look for Queenie.” when she wanders around the house she finds Lee Dancing with Queenie to Hip Hop music.
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“Lee. when did you get here? I will talk to you Later brother.”
“You forget little Sister since the powers come from our family i have them too.” Lucy looked at him and he steps forward and catches her as she faints “Grandmother was the same way she would avoid telling people vision and when someone else beat her to it she would faint.”
As Lucy slowly woke up Queenie Looked at her “Listen, girl,  I never will judge you for something you can’t control.”
“I know Queenie but the Coven is the first time I've ever had friends i am afraid of losing anyone.” she looked at her Friend 
“Nice ring. Congrats on your engagement.” Queenie said 
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“Kyle said it made him think of me when he saw it. it is Star Sapphire.” she said, “I admire you I wish I felt like someone people noticed me when i came into a room.”
“That is not why you are here. You are honest and you managed to make friends. Lu, we all have baggage.” Queenie said, “Your brother is hilarious you never mentioned having a gay brother?”
“You didn’t ask.” she said, “I don’t mean to sound like a smart ass but there is no way to just casually mention I have a half brother who was raised as my cousin because his mother was my Uncle’s Wife.” she sighed and looked down at her hands “Don't stay at the Hotel Cortez. If you go there you will die.” Lucy said looking at Queenie. “Manech is a direct blood descendant of one of the few people to make it out of the Cortez alive in the 1930s. My Namesake Anastasia Collins stayed there after she left her husband.  James Patrick March is a murderer who was killed in his hotel and ow he resides there and murders people who enter that hotel never come out. Ther only reason Ana was able to Leave was that James showed his little bit of Humanity towards her.” 
Queenie looked at her “Lulu, you have an unusual family but in the short time, I’ve known you. You’ve only been known to be honest.”  she rubbed her chin “But who should i stay with?”
“Kyle and I have a friend who lives in Hollywood. who looks a lot like Kyle. His name is Rory Monahan. The head of the costume department at the studio he works for is an exiled Member of the Racosi tribe. the same that has been raising Manech. You can stay with her.”
“They most hold you in high regard if you are the first person they sent Manech too.”
Lucy would only succeed at delaying the deaths of people around her. 
But ofr now they were happy.
The End
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klluu · 4 years ago
Activity 6B: Past,  Present and Future Style
For my future style, I want to continue to wear coordinated outfits, and super unique and femimine styles, such as for love & lemons. I also want to own power suits for work, inspired by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I want to support small businesses and shops, so I’d like to buy from online boutiques, as well as continuing to shop at the brands I love such as Forever 21, lulu’s, Pretty Little Thing, ASOS, H&M, Zara, etc. I hope that these large companies will shift to more sustainable methods of making clothes, and treat their workers ethically, because I want to also be mindful of where my money is going.
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yourbeautifulghosts · 5 years ago
@hellsforbes​ (lulu/march)
Presents. Lulu had always been told by her mother that presents were a good way to make someone like you. Or at the very least not hate you and that is certainly the feeling that Lulu was getting from James March since she'd taken up residence in the hotel. While she didn't have much to offer, she left little things outside his door. Paintings that she made with blood from her kills and jars of hearts. Sometimes accompanied by cookies.
She steered clear of him otherwise, occupying her time by playing in her room or making kills in an alley off the Cortez property and avoiding that Countess woman the best she could. She didn't like the woman. Far too cruel for Lulu and the Countess didn't like her much either after Tristan had taken an interest in the vampire briefly.
Tonight, she placed a jar filled with two hearts outside of March's door along with a painting of the Cortez and knocked twice. Running to the end of the hall, the blonde peeked around the corner to watch and for once see what his reaction was to the 'gifts'.
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seanklingelhoefer · 8 years ago
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Dieter and Lulu Cortez, CO 2017. Yashcia T4 Super | Kodak Max 400
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troiantroian · 8 years ago
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Troian Bellisario and her hubby Patrick J. Adams had a date night at the movies!
The super cute couple stepped out to attend Arclight Theater’s Slamdance Cinema Club on Monday night (April 10) in Hollywood.
Troian and Patrick checked out a screening of indie flick Cortez and were joined by the movie’s stars Arron Shiver and Cheryl Nichols.
The couple were also joined by their friends Lulu Brud, Alex McKenna and Josh Lose.
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inovaniteroi · 7 years ago
Mari Gonzalez admite briga com Nicole Bahls na época do ‘Pânico’
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Famosa por ter participado do programa “Pânico”, a modelo e repórter Mari Gonzalez foi a convidada de Rafael Cortez para um papo revelador no canal dele no YouTube. Na conversa, ela admitiu que chegou a ter desavenças com Nicole Bahls na época em que as duas trabalharam na atração.
“O problema vinha dela, não de mim. Quando eu entrei, acho que foi meio difícil. O ‘Pânico’ tinha mania de quando entrava uma pessoa, deixava as outras de lado. E isso causa problemas. As meninas ficavam chateadas. Acho que foi o que aconteceu com a Nicole. Mas eu nunca tive problema com ela. A gente já se viu depois, ela fala comigo. Mas teve treta lá. Bastante treta. Ouvi cada coisa… Nunca agressão, só verbal mesmo, falar besteira”, disse.
+ Ivete, Teló e mais famosos celebram namoro de Lulu Santos
Namorada do ex-BBB Jonas Sulzbach, Mari assegurou que não se incomoda com o vídeo íntimo dele que vazou logo após ele entrar no reality show da Globo (em 2012).
“Quando saiu o vídeo eu não estava com o Jonas. Foi quando ele saiu do ‘BBB’. A primeira pergunta que fizeram para ele foi essa. Quando comecei a namorar com ele não mudou nada. Até hoje tem muitos comentários em foto, pessoalmente também as pessoas brincam. Para mim não afeta em nada. Ciúme zero, não sou ciumenta”, garantiu ela.
Ainda sobre a exposição, ela contou que o modelo é que fica mais chateado com isso. “Ele se incomoda mais do que eu. Com esse negócio ele perdeu trabalhos. Dá uma queimada, né? Na época ele ficou triste”, entregou. Com informações da Folhapress.
Fonte: Noticias ao Minuto
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imagekeepr · 8 years ago
*** VIDEOSS A "A Day in the Life" – The Beatles (1967) ... BBC - suggestive line, "..we’d love to turn you on..” "A Pair of Brown Eyes" - The Pougues ... BBC's Top of the Pops - a music video ban "A Rose and a Baby Ruth" – George Hamilton IV (1956) ... BBC - thought to be advertising, although the candy bar Baby Ruth was not sold in the UK "A Russian Love Song" – The Goons (1957) ... BBC - ridicules the cold war "A Theme from the Threepenny Opera (Mack the Knife)" – Louis Armstrong (1956) ... banned by: NYC radio, BBC - bloodthirsty words *** "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" - Procol Harum (1967) ... Top Of The Pops - the usage of Vietnam War newsreel footage. "A Worried Man" – The Kingston Trio (1959) ... BBC - didn’t like the word “closet” being used for “cupboard”. "A-huggin' and A-chalkin'" – Johnny Mercer (1946) ... BBC /USA - offensive to fat people ** "All For You" - Janet Jackson (2001) ... Singapore - lyrics to 'Would You Mind', were too sexually explicit and not acceptable to their society "Anarchy in the UK" - Sex Pistols (1976) ... BBC - banned following their controversial appearance on the TV news programme, Today. "Annie Had A Baby" - Hank Ballard & The Midnighters (1954) ... banned for radio play by the FCC. overtly sexual lyrics "Annie's Aunt Fannie" - Hank Ballard & The Midnighters (1954) ... banned for radio play by the FCC. overtly sexual lyrics "Angels in the Sky" – The Crew-Cuts (1955) ... BBC - Thought too offensive by the head of religious broadcasting "Answer Me" – Frankie Laine (1953) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting as a "sentimental mockery of Christian prayer" "Armchair Anarchist" - Kingmaker (1992) ... BBC/others - offensive lyrics "Bomb the idiots" and "Viva Dynamite" ** "As Nasty As They Wanna Be" (1989 album) - 2 Live Crew ... USA - Southern District of Florida ruled that the album was legally obscene. B "Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix-A-Lot (1992) ... MTV - briefly banned the outrageous video about women with big butts, and men who like them. "Baby, Let Me Follow You Down" – Bob Dylan (1962) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Cher () ... BBC - banned during Gulf War "Baubles, Bangles and Beads" – Kirby Stone Four (1958) ... BBC - "pop" version of classical piece, Alexander Borodin's String Quartet in D "Be Prepared" – Tom Lehrer (1953) ... BBC - sexually suggestive "Beep Beep" – The Playmates (1958) ... BBC - the mention of Cadillac and Nash Rambler considered advertising, also promoted dangerous driving. "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" - The Beatles ... BBC - the phrase "Henry the Horse", contains two common slang terms for heroin. "Big 6, Big 7,Big 8, 10 etc" - Judge Dredd (1972-75) ... BBC - sexual references and swear words. "Big Boys Bickering" - Paul McCartney ... BBC - overtly political message "Bitch" - The Rolling Stones ... many radio stations - sexual content and outrageous title. "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" – Ella Fitzgerald (1958) ... BBC - content where considered objectionable. "Be Chrool To Your Scuel" - Twisted Sister (1985) ... MTV - banned the video for excessive violence and gore "Blurred Lines" - Robin Thicke (2013) ... YouTube - banned the music video featuring nude models. (a new video was shot with clothed models) "Bobby Brown" - Frank Zappa (1979) ... USA - sexually explicit lyrics "Bring The Boys Home" - Freda Payne (1971) ... American Forces Network - fear that it would "give aid and comfort to the enemy" "Body Language" - Queen (1982) ... MTV ... music video blatantly sexy and too racey "Boom Bang-a-Bang" – Lulu (1969) ... BBC - banned during Gulf War "Burn My Candle" – Shirley Bassey (1956) ... BBC - risqué connotations C "(Celebrate) The Day After You" – The Blow Monkeys and Curtis Mayfield (1987) ... Australia, BBC Can't Stand Losing You - The Police (1978) ... BBC - morbid content (teenager who commits suicide) Cardiac Arrest - Madness (1981) ... BBC - lyrical content, "gasping for the hot air, but the chest pain it won't go" etc "Charlie Brown" – The Coasters (1959) ... BBC - the "disgusting, delinquent word" spitball "Come Together" – The Beatles (1970) ... BBC - product placement with the lyrics "He shoot Coca-Cola" "Come Again" – Au Pairs (1981) BBC ... refers to orgasms "Cop Killer" - Body Count (1992) ... USA / New Zealand - vile messages and promoting anti-police sentiment. ”Cortez The Killer” - Neil Young (1975) ... some Spanish speaking countries/stations - criticism of one of their national heroes "Cradle Song (Brahms' Lullaby)" – Frank Sinatra (1944) ... BBC - disrespectful to classical music "Croce di Oro (Cross of Gold)" – Joan Regan (1955) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting as sentimentalisation of religion "Crazy Horses" - The Osmonds (1972) ... South Africa - "horses" is a slang term for heroin there, so it was thought to be referring to drugs. "Crying in the Chapel" – Lee Lawrence (1953) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting because it was "nauseating". "Cuddle Me" – Ted Heath ft Dennis Lotis (1954) ... BBC - lewd and suggestive D "Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover" - Sophie B. Hawkins (1992) ... MTV - rejected the original version of the video on grounds of erotic content. "Danny Boy" – Conway Twitty (1959) ... BBC - Conway Twitty holds the distinction of having recorded the only version of “Danny Boy” to have been banned! "Deep in the Heart of Texas" – Bing Crosby and Woody Herman (1942) ... BBC - too infectious "Devil Woman" - Marty Robbins ... Eire - adulterous theme ** "Devils and Dust" - Bruce Springsteen (2005 album) ... Starbucks, USA - concerns about adult content and his stances on corporate politics "Diggin' My Potatoes" – Lonnie Donegan (1954) ... BBC - lyrics not suitable "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead" - Judy Garland ... BBC - found it disrespectful when a Facebook campaign and other anti-Thatcher camps tried do make the song a No.1 hit after the sad death of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. "Dinner with Drac" – John Zacherle (1958) ... BBC - lyrics considered despicable "Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans" – Noël Coward (1943) BBC ... WWII reminder of Germany "Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)" - The Outhere Brothers ... BBC / others - shockingly explicit "Disarm" - Smashing Pumpkins (1994) BBC ... banned the song from appearing on Top of the Pops, because of the lyric "cut that little child". E "Ebeneezer Goode" – The Shamen (1992) ... BBC - drug fuelled song, "Eezer Goode..." in the chorus sounds like E's are good. "Ebony Eyes" – The Everly Brothers (1961) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Eight Miles High - The Byrds () ... USA - drug connotations in its lyrics. ** "Electric Ladyland" - Jimi Hendrix Experience (1968 album) ... many retail stores - the cover depicted nineteen nude women lounging in front of a black background. "Eve of Destruction" – Barry McGuire (1965) ... BBC - on the restricted list, for its bombast; USA - "it was an aid to the enemy in Vietnam" F "F--k tha Police" - N.W.A (1988) ... USA / other countries - encouraged violence against, and disrespect for, law enforcement officers. "Fairytale of New York" – The Pogues ft Kirsty MacColl (1987) - BBC/UK MTV - banned the words "faggot" and "slut" "Fat Bottomed Girls" - Queen (1978) ... Shops and Stores - the cover featured a nude woman riding a bicycle; the new version was the same image with panties drawn over the woman. "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer" - Queens of the Stone Age (2000) ... many radio stations / Wal-Mart - the lyrics list drugs: nicotine, valium, vicodin, ecstasy, marijuana, alcohol and cocaine "French Kiss" – Lil Louis (1989) ... BBC - too much heavy breathing G "Gimme a Pigfoot (And a Bottle of Beer)" – Bessie Smith (1933) ... BBC - unsuitable content "Girl Don't Come" - Sandie Shaw (1964) ... Because of this song although it reached number 42 on the Billboard Hot 100, Sandy was unable to do US promotion – including a Shindig! appearance scheduled for March – due to the U.S. Federation of TV and Radio Artists refusing her a US work permit "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" – Wings (1972) ... BBC - political, references to Northern Ireland. "Glad to Be Gay" – Tom Robinson Band (1978) ... BBC - refernces to the gay community "Gloomy Sunday" – Billie Holiday (1941) ... BBC - just.. bad taste! "God Bless the Child" – Billie Holiday (1942) ... BBC - unsuitable for broadcast because of its title - prayers in popular music were not allowed. "God Only Knows" - The Beach Boys (1966) ... Some USA radio stations - deemed as blasphamy having a pop song with God in the title. Because of this, it was released as the B-side of "Wouldn't It Be Nice" in the United States. In other countries, "God Only Knows" was the single's A-side. "God Save the Queen" – Sex Pistols (1977) ... BBC - vulgar and offensive Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks (1999) ... Some radio stations - stirred controversy for its take on spousal abuse and banned by several male radio programmers. "Great Balls of Fire" - Jerry Lee Lewis () ... Some radio stations - sexual innuendoes "Green Jeans" – The Flee-Rekkers (1960) ... BBC - mutilation of the classics, "distortion of melody, harmony and rhythm" "Greensleeves" – The Beverley Sisters (1956) ... BBC - mutilation of the classics, "distortion of melody, harmony and rhythm" "Guess Things Happen That Way" – Johnny Cash (1958) ... BBC - objected to by head of religious broadcasting "Gypsy Roadhog - Slade (1977) ... BBC - references to drugs H "Hall Of The Mountain King" - Nero & The Gladiators (1961) ... BBC - the banning of pop versions of classical tunes policy. "Have a Whiff on Me" – Mungo Jerry (1971) ... BBC - drug references "Hard Headed Woman" – Elvis Presley (1958) ... BBC - religious theme, BUT it could be played, only with special permission "He" – Al Hibbler/Robert Earl (1955) ... BBC - objected to by the head of religious broadcasting as being solely for commercial gain. "He Bought My Soul At Calvary" - Jo Stafford (1951) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting as a 'misguided' presentation of the Gospel "Hi, Hi, Hi" – Wings (1972) ... BBC - explicit sexual lyrics "High Class Baby" – Cliff Richard and the Drifters (1958) ... BBC - considered to be advertising Cadillac cars "Hold My Hand" – Don Cornell (1954) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, a girlfriend cannot be compared to the "kingdom of heaven" **"Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death)" - Marilyn Manson (2000 album) ... many retail stores - refused to stock the album, the cover art, depicting Manson on a crucifix "Homosapien" - Pete Shelley (1982) ... BBC - banned because of the line "Homo superior in my interior" "Honey Hush" – The Rock and Roll Trio/Johnny Burnette (1956) ... BBC - sexual lyrics and promotes violence. "Honey Love" – Dennis Lotis (1954) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, lewd and suggestive "Honeycomb" – Jimmie Rodgers (1957) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting "Honky Tonk Angel" - Cliff Richard (1975) ... Cliff found out a "honky tonk angel" was a hooker he withdrew the record. "(How Little It Matters) How Little We Know" – Frank Sinatra (1956) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, lewd and suggestive "House Of The Rising Sun" - Josh White ... BBC - lyrics about prostitution I "I Am the Walrus" – The Beatles (1967) "I Can't Control Myself" – The Troggs (1966) ... BBC - sexual reference "I Hear the Angels Singing" – Frankie Laine (1954) "I Leaned on a Man" – Connie Francis (1957) "I Want To Be Evil" – Eartha Kitt (1953) ... BBC - title and content where considered objectionable. "I Want You to Be My Baby" – Annie Ross (1956) "I Want Your Sex" - George Michael (1987) ... BBC - banned between the hours of 5:50am-9pm "I Went to Your Wedding" – Spike Jones and His City Slickers (1953) "I'll Be Home for Christmas" – Bing Crosby (1943) "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" – Perry Como (1949)/Ken Dodd (1963) ... BBC - "pop" version of a classical piece, Frédéric Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu. "I'm Nobody's Baby" – Frankie Howerd (1948) "Imagine" - John Lennon (1971) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "In the Air Tonight" – Phil Collins (1981) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "In the Beginning" – Frankie Laine (1955) ... BBC - objected to by the head of religious broadcasting "In the Hall of the Mountain King" – Nero and the Gladiators (1961) "Invisible Sun" – The Police (1981) ... BBC - due to the content of the song, violence and turmoil in Northern Ireland "It Is No Secret" – Jo Stafford (1954) "It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels" – Kitty Kallen (1962) "It Would Be So Nice" – Pink Floyd (1968) "I've Come of Age" – Billy Storm (1959) J "Jackie" – Scott Walker (1967) ... BBC - refers to "authentic queers" "Je t'aime... moi non plus" – Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg (1969) ... BBC - sexual references "John and Marsha" – Stan Freberg (1950) ... BBC - sexual, too suggestive "Johnny Remember Me" – John Leyton (1961) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Jungle Fever" – The Chakachas (1972) ***"Justify My Love" - Madonna (1990 video) ... MTV - sexual content . K "Keep Me in Mind" – Lita Roza and Al Timothy (1955) "Killing an Arab" – The Cure (1979) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "Kodachrome" – Paul Simon (1973) ... BBC - would not play the trademarked name. L "La Petite Tonkenoise" – Josephine Baker (1930) "Lazy Mary" – Lou Monte (1958) ... BBC - Italian lyric deemed objectionable "Leader of the Pack" – The Shangri-Las (1964) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Let the People Go" – McGuinness Flint (1972) "Let's Spend the Night Together" – The Rolling Stones (1967) ... BBC - encourages promiscuity "Light a Candle in the Chapel" – Frank Sinatra (1942) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, the song was "so nauseatingly sentimental that it debased the Christian religion". "Light My Fire" – Jose Feliciano (1968) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "Lili Marleen" – Lale Andersen (1939) "Little Star" – The Elegants (1958) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting to use of God in a pop song. "Louie Louie" - Kingsmen (1957) ... Indiana USA declared it pornographic "Lola" – The Kinks (1970) ... BBC - banned for advertising coca cola, until they changed the lyrics. "Louie Louie" - The Kingsmen (1963) ... USA - FBI investigation supposed obscenity of the lyrics, an investigation that ended without prosecution. "Love for Sale" – Cole Porter (1930) / Ella Fitzgerald (1956) ... BBC - sexual references, prostitution. "Love Is a Word" – Alma Cogan (1965) "Love Is Strange" – Mickey & Sylvia (1956) ... BBC - the line "love is money in the hand" would encourage prostitution "Love to Love You Baby" – Donna Summer (1975) ... BBC - too much heavy breathing, grunts and groans. ** "Lovesexy" - Prince (1988 album) ... Shops around the world - nude photo of Prince on cover "Lovin' Machine" – Wynonie Harris (1951) ... BBC - crude implications associated with a "lovin' machine" "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" – The Beatles (1967) ... BBC - drug refernces M "Mack the Knife" – Bobby Darin (1959) ... banned by: NYC radio, BBC - bloodthirsty words "Made You" – Adam Faith (1960) ... BBC - sexual references "Maggie May" – The Vipers Skiffle Group (1957) ... BBC - song is about a prostitute "Maybellene" – Chuck Berry (1955) "Mighty Mighty Man" – Bobby Darin (1958) "Minnie the Moocher" – Cab Calloway (1931) "Miss Morse" - Pearls Before Swine (1967) ... USA radio - Tom Rapp was singing F-U-C-K in Morse code "Miss You" – Bing Crosby (1942) ... BBC - The War Office felt that it too sentimental and might lower morale at home "Monster Mash" – Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers (1962) ... BBC - it was offensive and in poor taste. "Moonlight Love" – Perry Como (1956) ... BBC - mutilation of the classics, took it’s melody from Debussy "My Christmas Prayer" – Billy Fury (1959) ... BBC - religious grounds. "My Friend" – Eddie Fisher (1954) "My Friend Jack" – The Smoke (1967) "My Generation" - The Who (1965) ... BBC - initially refused to play the song because it might offend people who stutter. "My Little Ukulele" – Joe Brown and The Bruvvers (1963) ... BBC - "too rique" N "Night of the Vampire" – The Moontrekkers (1961) "Ninety-Nine Years (Dead or Alive)" – Guy Mitchell (1961) "Nobody Loves Like an Irishman" – Lonnie Donegan (1958) ... BBC - Line about the Quran deemed to be offensive to Muslims O "(Oh) Pretty Woman" - Van Halen (1982) ... MTV aired the video very sparingly - too racey and distasteful "Old Man Atom" – The Sons of the Pioneers (1950) ... BBC - Controversial topics such as the atom bomb "One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)" – Jimmy Wakely (1948) ... BBC - encouraged adultery "Open Your Box" - Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band (1970) ... BBC - banned because of the line "Open your legs" "Original Prankster" - The Offspring (2000) ... HMV stores - refused to stock the record after the band decided to give the track away as a free download on their official website, prior to it's release. P "Paper Doll" – The Mills Brothers (1943) ... BBC - theme of feminine unfaithfulness. deemed unacceptable during war time. "Peaches" – The Stranglers (1977) ... BBC - too "woman baiting" "Peaceful Street" – Ernest Butcher (1936) **"Permission To Land" - The Darkness (2003 album) ... Wal-Mart - the album sleeve featured a woman's bottom. "Plastic Jesus" - King Earl Boogie Band ... BBC - on grounds of blasphemy. "Please No Squeeza da Banana" – Louis Prima (1963) Q R "Radio Times" – The BBC Dance Orchestra (1935) "Randy Scouse Git" - The Monkees (19--) ... BBC - title was "actually somewhat taboo to the British audience" it was re-released as "Alternate Title" "Reefer Man " - Fats Waller () ... BBC - drug references "Relax" – Frankie Goes to Hollywood (1984) ... BBC - sexual references "Rock You Sinners" – Art Baxter and His Rock 'n' Roll Sinners (1958) "Rockin' Through The Rye" - Bill Haley and His Comets (1956) ... BBC - the song went against traditional British standards and used 50's hip slang. "Rum and Coca-Cola" – The Andrews Sisters (1945) ... BBC - advertising Coca -Cola ”Rumble” - Link Wray (1959) ... USA certain stations - although an instrumental the title was thought too suggestive of teen violence. S "Sad Affair" – Marxman (1993) ... BBC - contains IRA slogan "Saturday Nite at the Duckpond" – The Cougars (1963) ... BBC - "pop" versions of a classical piece "Say a Prayer for the Boys Over There" – Deanna Durbin (1943) "Send Me to the 'lectric Chair" – George Melly (1953) "Shall We Take a Trip" – Northside (1990) "She Had to Go and Lose It at the Astor" – Johnny Messner (1939) "She Was Only a Postmaster's Daughter" – Durium Dance Band (1933) **"Sheryl Crow" - Sheryl Crow (1996 album) ... Wal-Mart - The song "Love Is a Good Thing" contains the lyrics "Watch out sister, watch out brother, watch our children while they kill each other with a gun they bought at Walmart discount stores". "Sincerely" – Liberace (1955) ... BBC - "Sixty Minute Man" – The Dominoes (1951) ... BBC - sexually suggestive "Song of India" – Tommy Dorsey (1938) ... BBC - because it was based on a classical work, Rimsky-Korsakov's Sadko. "So What?" – Anti-Nowhere League (1981) ... BBC - obscene, contains the word fuck countless times, references to drugs, bestiality and STIs. "Soldier" – Harvey Andrews (1972) ... BBC - lest feelings be exacerbated in the nationalist community of Northern Ireland, or the British public be incited to attack innocent Irish people. The Ministry of Defence still advises British soldiers not to sing the song in pubs "Somebody Up There Likes Me" – Perry Como (1956) ... BBC - head of religious broadcasting objection . "Spasticus Autisticus" - Ian Dury (1981) ... BBC - deemed the lyrics offensive "Statue of Liberty" – XTC (1978) ... BBC - the lyrics "In my fantasy I sail beneath your skirt". 'Star Star' - Rolling Stones (1973) ... BBC - it contained the word "Star-fucker" in the chorus a dozen times. "St. Therese of the Roses" – Malcolm Vaughan (1956) ... BBC - head of religious broadcasting felt it was contrary to Catholic and Protestant beliefs "Stranger in Paradise" – The Four Aces (1953) ... BBC - "prohibited from broadcast due to unacceptable performance" disrespectful to the classics. "Street Fighting Man" - Rolling Stones (1968) ... several radio stations in Chicago, IL. - Authorities feared it might incite public disorder. "Such a Night" – Johnnie Ray (1954) ... BBC - lewd and suggestive "Summer Smash" – Denim (1997) ... EMI self-banned - the planned release date was in the same period when Princess Diana died by a car crash. T "Teen Angel" – Mark Dinning (1959) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Teenage Prayer" – Gale Storm (1955) "Tell Laura I Love Her" – Ray Peterson/Ricky Valance (1960) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Terry" – Twinkle (1964) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "The Ballad Of John and Yoko" - The Beatles ... Spain/USA various radio stations - mention of crucifixion offended radio listeners. "The Battle of New Orleans" – Johnny Horton (1959) "The Blue Danube" – Spike Jones and His City Slickers (1945) ... BBC - takes liberties with a serious work of music "The Christening" – Arthur Askey (1943) "The Cover of Rolling Stone" – Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show (1973) "The Deck of Cards" – T. Texas Tyler (1948) "The Devil Is a Woman" – Herb Jeffries (1957) "The Foggy, Foggy, Dew" – Peter Pears (1950) "The Garden of Eden" – Frankie Vaughan (1957) ... BBC - song is "fairly blasphemous" "The Heel" – Eartha Kitt (1955) "The Man with the Golden Arm" – Eddie Calvert (1956) ... BBC - although it's an instrumental, the BBC objected to the sordid nature of the film!! "The Mocking Bird" – The Four Lads (1952) "The Monster Mash" - Bobby (Boris) Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers (1962) ... BBC - too morbid *** "The Next Day" - David Bowie (2013 video) ... Youtube (temporarily) - its graphic content "The Old Dope Peddler" – Tom Lehrer (1953) "The Reefer Song (If You're a Viper)" – Fats Waller (1943) "The Sabre Dance" – Woody Herman (1948) "The Shag (Is Totally Cool)" – Billy Graves (1958) ... BBC - the shag is a dance, but also it is slang for sexual intercourse "The Silver Madonna" – Kirk Stevens (1957) "The Sky" – Petula Clark (1957) "The Story of a Starry Night" – Glenn Miller (1954) ... BBC - distorted representation of the original Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony "The Story Of My Life" - Alma Cogan (1958) ... BBC - too morbid, refers to death "The Story of Three Loves" – Ray Martin (1957) "The Test of Time" – Robert Earl (1959) "The Tommy Rot Story" – Morris & Mitch (1957) "The Unbeliever" – Guy Mitchell (1957) "The Voice in My Heart" – Eydie Gormé (1958) "The Winker's Song" - Ivor Biggun (1978) ... BBC - sexual references "They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha-Haaa!" – Napoleon XIV (1966) "Three Stars" – Ruby Wright (1959) "Til the Following Night" – Screaming Lord Sutch (1961) "Till the End of Time" – Perry Como (1945) "Ting Tong Tang" – Ken Platt (1958) "To Keep My Love Alive" – Ella Fitzgerald (1956) "Toll the Bell Easy" – Les Hobeaux (1957) "Too Drunk to Fuck" – Dead Kennedys (1981) "Tribute to Buddy Holly" – Mike Berry and The Outlaws (1961) U ”Unknown Soldier” - The Doors () ... USA - political, the song’s anti-war stance. "Urban Guerrilla" – Hawkwind (1973) V W "Wake Up Little Suzie" - Everley Brothers ... USA certain stations - would influence and corrupt teenagers. "Walk Hand in Hand" – Tony Martin (1956) ... BBC - religous reasons, disrespectful to God. "We Call It Acieeed" – D-Mob (1988) "We Can't Let You Broadcast That" – Norman Long (1932) ... BBC - made fun of the BBC's policies of 'banning' recordings "(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang" – Heaven 17 (1981) ... BBC - concerns by Radio 1's legal department that it libeled Reagan. "We Have to Be So Careful" – The Beverley Sisters (1953) ... BBC - because it ridiculed BBC policy "We Will All Go Together When We Go" – Tom Lehrer (1959) "Wet Dream" – Max Romeo (1969) ... BBC - due to its lyrics which are of an explicit sexual nature "When I'm Cleaning Windows" – George Formby (1936) ... BBC - Sexual innuendo, too racy, "A disgusting little ditty" "Whoa Buck" – Lonnie Donegan (1959) "With My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock" – George Formby (1937) "With My Little Ukelele in Hand" – George Formby (1933) "Woman Love" – Gene Vincent (1956) ... BBC - lyrics offensive and can't be understood. "Work With Me, Annie" - Hank Ballard & the Midnighters (1954) ... banned for radio play by the FCC. overtly sexual lyrics "Worried Man" - Kingston Trio (1959) ... BBC - didn’t like the word “closet” being used for “cupboard”. X Y "You'll Get Yours" – Frank Sinatra (1956) *** "You're All I Need" - Mötley Crüe (1987 video) ... MTV - because of the level of violence.
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gaminghardware0 · 5 years ago
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reaches Silver III in League of Legends
Last year, US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, US Representative for New York's 14th congressional district, announced that she'd made it to the rank of Silver IV in League of Legends - a pretty big improvement over her Bronze V position the year before. Now, AOC has revealed she's topped this again - she's hit Silver III in the MOBA game, and it seems quarantine has helped play a part in the accomplishment.
Ocasio-Cortez's announced the achievement on Twitter, saying: "My small quarantine accomplishment: made it to Silver III", also clarifying for any followers who might not be familiar with Riot Games' flagship MOBA that she's referring to League of Legends. In addition, she's even shared which LoL Champions and roles she tends to play. "Won my promos on Sona," she replies to a user asking who her main is, "but I also play Janna, Lux, and Morg."
"Working on my Lulu, but it’s not ready for prime time yet," she says, adding that she also sometimes plays enchanter Champ, Soraka, whose "ult is definitely the Medicare for All of the game". As for her role, she simply explains: "One can say my role is to support the people", with a little smile emoji.
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RELATED LINKS: Best LoL Champions , League of Legends patch 10.13, LoL tier list from https://www.pcgamesn.com/league-of-legends/josh-harder-aoc
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neilarmst66-blog · 6 years ago
Mengenal AOC, Wanita Radikal di Kongres AS
Menurut Wholeads tersedia peningkatan 75 prosen partisipasi calon perempuan dalam Pileg tahun 2018 di Amerika Serikat kecuali dibandingkan 2012. Salah satu perempuan itu adalah Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez atau yang lebih akrab disapa AOC.
AOC yang singgah berasal dari sayap progresif partai Demokrat berhasil menyabet gelar perempuan termuda yang dulu dilantik menjadi anggota kongres.
Perempuan 29 tahun itu lantas menjadi tajuk besar di media-media nasional dan internasional karena berhasil mengalahkan Joe Crowley, petahana sepuluh periode (20 tahun) berasal dari Partai Demokrat dan Anthony Pappas berasal dari Partai Republik.
Tak cuma selagi itu, kini ia masih setia berada di puncak perhatian media. Yang terakhir, karena ia menampik berdiri dan bertepuk tangan usai pidato kenegaraan Trump.
Bagaimana latar belakang AOC dan kenapa ia dicap radikal apalagi oleh partainya sendiri?
Kekuatan Kolektif VS Kekuatan Uang
Mengenal Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Wanita Radikal di Kongres AS Ocasio atau AOC lahir berasal dari rahim Bronx, New York City, pada 13 Oktober 1989. Ia berasal berasal dari keluarga kelas pekerja keturunan Puerto Rico.
Saat berkuliah di Boston University, ia bekerja sebagai tenaga magang di kantor imigrasi Amerika Serikat dan lulus bersama dengan predikat cum laude bidang Hubungan Internasional dan Ekonomi.
Usai mengenyam pendidikan ia lagi ke Bronx dan bekerja sebagai bartender dan pramusaji di dua area sekaligus. Sementara itu ibunya terhitung kudu menjadi pembantu tempat tinggal tangga dan sopir bus sekolah karena sang papa meninggal akibat kanker paru-paru.
Karir politiknya di mulai selagi ia join menjadi juru kampanye keliru satu calon presiden Partai Demokrat pada tahun 2016. Ia berkelana sambil mengadvokasi isu-isu lingkungan dan menjalin kontak bersama dengan kelompok aktivis. Lalu pada tahun 2018, ia mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota legislatif sambil bekerja sebagai pramusaji.
Ia pasti berhadapan bersama dengan kesusahan finansial selagi itu. Tapi AOC berkata, “Kamu tidak mampu mengalahkan duwit bersama dengan uang. Kamu kudu mengalahkan mereka bersama dengan langkah lainnya.”
Hampir 75% dana kampanyenya berasal berasal dari sumbangan-sumbangan individu. Total ongkos yang dikeluarkannya selagi kampanye cuma US$194.000, tetapi Joe Crowley kudu merogoh kocek hingga US$3,4 juta.
Belakangan Crowley mengakui bahwa dirinya sebetulnya sudah tercerabut berasal dari akar para pemilihnya. Ia lebih kerap melobi dan bekerja untuk partai ketimbang konstituennya.
Pertanyaannya, kenapa kampanye mampu semurah itu?
AOC memakai kebolehan sarana sosial dan komunitas-komunitas relawan kecil di penduduk untuk berkampanye. Ia biasa memberi salam langsung dan berdiskusi tentang program politiknya di Twitter, satu perihal yang masih ia melakukan hingga hari ini.
Saat pidato kemenangan, AOC mengatakan, “Inilah yang mampu dikerjakan dikala rakyat biasa berkumpul dalam kesadaran kolektif. Hasilnya kuat, sepadan, dan mampu bertahan.”
Duri dalam Partai Demokrat
Mengenal Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Wanita Radikal di Kongres AS Sebagai anggota kelompok Sosialis Demokrat Amerika, AOC terhitung dalam golongan Demokrat progresif yang mendorong partai untuk lebih ke “kiri”.
Ia menampik dana berasal dari PAC (Komite Aksi Politik) yang isinya perusahaan, lembaga, dan idealis yang mampu membiayai aksi politik untuk mengangkat atau menjatuhkan kandidat politik serta memengaruhi kebijakan negara.
Kini, ia terhitung mengusulkan New Green Deal. Ini adalah sebuah paket kebijakan jaminan sosial yang dibiayai oleh pajak dan metode untuk menyingkirkan kecanduan Amerika bersama dengan minyak bumi.
Dalam penjelasannya, kebijakan ini punya tujuan untuk menciptakan jutaan lapangan kerja berupah tinggi, membangun sarana jaminan kesehatan untuk semua (seperti BPJS Kesehatan) dan menciptakan pengaman ekonomi bagi semua rakyat AS. Termasuk menambahkan santunan kepada orang-orang yang tidak mampu bekerja.
Untuk membiayai New Green Deal, AOC terhitung mengusulkan kenaikan pajak menjadi 70% bagi perusahaan atau individu yang menghasilkan profit lebih berasal dari US$10 juta per tahun.
Proposal ini justru mengakibatkan berang partai Republik. Mereka menyebut kebijakan ini adalah “akal-akalan kaum sosialis”, berpotensi menyingkirkan lapangan kerja serta merugikan negara triliunan dollar.
Rekan satu partainya pun terlihat enggan menyokong rancangan undang-undang ini sehingga mampu lolos dalam pembahasan. Terlebih dikala AOC tidak idamkan berkompromi bersama dengan kepentingan partai dalam penyusunan klausul New Green Deal.
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