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bvckbiter · 17 days ago
hi kai!! more lukronethan please? :3
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ethan never knows who he's gonna get <3
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m4gp13 · 1 month ago
@bvckbiter 's lukethan doodles has put kronos/luke/ethan on my brain so now I'm stuck thinking about that
Lukethan have the dynamic of Ethan being a former camper in cabin 11 who joined Luke in his rebellion (and seemed to believe that Luke was still fighting Kronos' possession in tlo) and became a soldier fighting under Luke.
Lukronos has that toxic yaoi of Kronos being a guiding hand and corrupting influence on Luke until he was all that Luke had left to the point that he took over Luke('s body) and the forced intimacy of Kronos being inside of Luke's head.
but I also love the idea of Luke having this affection for Ethan that, because Kronos is in his head, Kronos picks up on, and Kronos doesn't really care for mortals but as the lines between him and Luke start blurring, the distinction between Luke's desires and Kronos' also starts getting weird. Kronos' feelings towards Ethan aren't quite the same as the affection that Luke feels, instead he is just strangely fascinated with Ethan as a person because of what his proximity does to Luke (and Kronos, by extension) and Ethan mostly ends up being kept so close to Kronos so that he can indulge this fascination (and because this mortal vessel gives him an annoying compulsion to keep that boy around).
And Ethan is not having a great time. He knows that the person he's talking to isn't Luke. Kronos doesn't treat him like Luke did, he doesn't talk like Luke or act like Luke or do anything the way that Luke used to. But every now and then he catches a glimpse of Luke peeking through, whether it's the odd word in a voice that sounds more like Luke than Kronos, or Luke's arm catching him when Ethan trips. And, while the person behind the eyes isn't Luke, the body is. Whenever Ethan looks at him, he doesn't know if he's looking at the immortal titan lord or the boy he loves. Sometimes, when Kronos is just sitting down or looking at papers, Ethan can sometimes trick himself into thinking it's just Luke, so when Kronos wants to indulge his fascination by calling Ethan over, Ethan just lets him.
And maybe part of Kronos, knowing that Luke is still a conscious presence in their shared body and is trying to fight Kronos' control, is spending so much time with Ethan as a way to toy with and punish Luke. He knows how dangerous he could be to Ethan, and he knows that Luke is keenly aware of this, so he enjoys calling Ethan over and making vague threats disguised as conversation just to make Luke squirm, while Ethan sees through to all of these threats and doesn't know if Luke's hold over his body is strong enough to protect Ethan should Kronos ever chose to act on any of these threats.
But Kronos would never act on them, not without just cause. He has too much fun playing with these two, and that unconscious part of his brain that was probably borrowed from Luke would never let him do any harm to Ethan. At least not permanent harm.
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bvckbiter · 29 days ago
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the lukronethan demons are whispering into my ears and wriggling into my brain
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bvckbiter · 23 days ago
ethan and annabeth could be such mirror images of each other if you think about it
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bvckbiter · 13 days ago
the lukronethan fic would be so peak if/when i get around to writing and finishing it. forced frankenstein-esque romance, titan army shenanigans, percethan and ethabeth and annabaster and ethabaster parallels and crumbs, thalia going berserk as she deserved to, luke being stupid but also right about everything but also being a dickwad but in the most caring manner but also hes still the most selfish man alive, ethan being horrified that he's not not-enjoying being put through the pasta roller machine of Horrors™️, immortals varying from fascinated to uncomfortably obsessed with ethan, kronos being horrible (both derogatory and affectionate). but i have to actually sit down and write it
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bvckbiter · 7 days ago
lukethan/lukronethan being microwaved in the brain brrr…
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bvckbiter · 18 days ago
lukronethan grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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girlypopjazzy · 1 month ago
Reading this is just so smsjcirtdmdnciejeme
Like Lukethan is such a hyperfixation to me and I just love that their energy is like that.
Another thing to add onto is that in TLO Ethan is the first one to mention that Luke might be fighting Kronos. Not Percy, not Thalia, and not even Annabeth. This surprised me since when I first read TLO I didn’t get quite far and I just reread it this year, so I remembered Annabeth being the first one to start thinking Luke was fighting Kronos bc it just seemed so obvious, but hearing Ethan say it first was interesting. I mean this is how I preceved it and Lukethan is still a rarepair with no real evidence (Plus my obsession only started when I was reading TSATS and thought Will and Nico were just too sweet and I wanted a sort of more doomed and tragic gay love story). I mainly found it interesting bc I saw it as Ethan having hope. Like the thing Kronos did, the way he faltered, it was explained to be just him adapting to his new form, but then Ethan was the first person to bring to light that it might be Luke fighting Kronos. To double down on Luke and Ethan’s dynamic, is Luke’s final words before he died, and if you know anything about Luke or the Titan Army you’ll know what his last words were. I made a post about it before, but to bring it up again why was Ethan the only other person he mentioned aside from himself? I mean the logical explanation would be that like, oh Luke’s asking that for the unclaimed half bloods and for the half bloods that feel the same way he does, that they don’t follow in his footsteps and that the children of the minor gods aren’t forgoten and forced into a position like Ethan, but it begs the question of why didn’t he mention any other child of a minor god or hell why didn’t he just say and all the children of the minor gods? There was something between these two.
(Sidenote the way Ethan and Annabeth talk??? Like they have some history and you can tell, and my personal headcannon is that Ethan was jealous of Luke’s affection towards Annabeth.)
@bvckbiter 's lukethan doodles has put kronos/luke/ethan on my brain so now I'm stuck thinking about that
Lukethan have the dynamic of Ethan being a former camper in cabin 11 who joined Luke in his rebellion (and seemed to believe that Luke was still fighting Kronos' possession in tlo) and became a soldier fighting under Luke.
Lukronos has that toxic yaoi of Kronos being a guiding hand and corrupting influence on Luke until he was all that Luke had left to the point that he took over Luke('s body) and the forced intimacy of Kronos being inside of Luke's head.
but I also love the idea of Luke having this affection for Ethan that, because Kronos is in his head, Kronos picks up on, and Kronos doesn't really care for mortals but as the lines between him and Luke start blurring, the distinction between Luke's desires and Kronos' also starts getting weird. Kronos' feelings towards Ethan aren't quite the same as the affection that Luke feels, instead he is just strangely fascinated with Ethan as a person because of what his proximity does to Luke (and Kronos, by extension) and Ethan mostly ends up being kept so close to Kronos so that he can indulge this fascination (and because this mortal vessel gives him an annoying compulsion to keep that boy around).
And Ethan is not having a great time. He knows that the person he's talking to isn't Luke. Kronos doesn't treat him like Luke did, he doesn't talk like Luke or act like Luke or do anything the way that Luke used to. But every now and then he catches a glimpse of Luke peeking through, whether it's the odd word in a voice that sounds more like Luke than Kronos, or Luke's arm catching him when Ethan trips. And, while the person behind the eyes isn't Luke, the body is. Whenever Ethan looks at him, he doesn't know if he's looking at the immortal titan lord or the boy he loves. Sometimes, when Kronos is just sitting down or looking at papers, Ethan can sometimes trick himself into thinking it's just Luke, so when Kronos wants to indulge his fascination by calling Ethan over, Ethan just lets him.
And maybe part of Kronos, knowing that Luke is still a conscious presence in their shared body and is trying to fight Kronos' control, is spending so much time with Ethan as a way to toy with and punish Luke. He knows how dangerous he could be to Ethan, and he knows that Luke is keenly aware of this, so he enjoys calling Ethan over and making vague threats disguised as conversation just to make Luke squirm, while Ethan sees through to all of these threats and doesn't know if Luke's hold over his body is strong enough to protect Ethan should Kronos ever chose to act on any of these threats.
But Kronos would never act on them, not without just cause. He has too much fun playing with these two, and that unconscious part of his brain that was probably borrowed from Luke would never let him do any harm to Ethan. At least not permanent harm.
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chubbybunny25 · 17 days ago
AAAAAHHHH.. i am so unwell 🥹🥹🥹 they are just so.. aagh, i love them 🔥🔥🔥 thank you :3
hi kai!! more lukronethan please? :3
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ethan never knows who he's gonna get <3
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