#lukes meditations
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meditating-cat · 2 months ago
whoever decided to blind write a bunch of theatre paperwork (costume plot, master prop list) I blame you for my lack of sleep. me. i blame me. also jorge and his inexplicable need for luke holt in so many roles. *tears hair out here* anyways it is 3 in the morning, and I need to move onto blind writing a cue sheet even though I have never done that before
also here is a link for others to join me in my madness:
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Luke - the Gospel for Revolutionaries. Do you love the poor and outcast? Are you upset with the way things are in the world? Do you think love and compassion will save the world? Luke is the Gospel for you.
Fr Casey Cole
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bodycatcher · 1 year ago
Gardening the Mind.
Gouache and ink.
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magicdashworkss · 10 months ago
When Luke Skywalker meet Butterfly 🦋 🥰
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oceanofsoup · 2 years ago
I like to think that when Luke and Anakin experienced rain for the first time they just stood out in it for as long as they could.
Little 9 year old anakin standing out by the steps of the temple as the light mist grows to a downpour, qui-gon watching from just inside to stay dry. He brings him back inside after a bit, not wanting to be responsible for letting anakin get sick so soon after bring him to the temple.
19 year old luke experiencing a days long thunderstorm shortly after arriving on yavin 4. The first day of the storm he dissappears and no one can find him for a while. Leia ends ups finding him a while later outside the base, hidden away, letting himself realize everything that has happened in such a short time. In the following days he can be found out it the rain whenever he's able to sneak away.
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year ago
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The Madonna of Mercy Sheltering a Group of Nuns, by Sano di Pietro, 1440s.
Over the centuries, the Church has always looked to Mary as the summa contemplatrix. From the Annunciation to the Resurrection, through the pilgrimage of faith that reached its climax at the foot of the Cross, Mary persevered in contemplation of the mystery dwelling within her. In Mary, we glimpse the mystical journey of the consecrated person, grounded in a humble wisdom that savours the mystery of the ultimate fulfillment. Following Mary's example, the contemplative is a person centred in God and for whom God is the unum necessarium (cf. Lk 10:42), in comparison with which all else is seen from a different perspective, because seen through new eyes. [...] Persevere, then, in profound communion with the Church so that in Her midst you may become a living continuation of the mystery of Mary, Virgin, Bride, and Mother, who welcomes and treasures the Word in order to give it back to the world. Thus you will help to bring Christ to birth and increase in the hearts of men and women who, often unconsciously, are thirsting for the One who is the "Way, the Truth, and the Life" (Jn 14:6). Like Mary, you too strive to be a "stairway" by which God descends to encounter humanity, and humanity ascends to encounter God and contemplate His Face in the Face of Christ.
Pope Francis (Vultum Dei quaerere, §10, 37)
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jedidryad · 1 year ago
It seemed that in the years since my schooling at the Palace, I had become a terrible student.
Mara has her first official lesson with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. It goes about as well as one might expect... Lightsabers Are Always Loaded: Chapter 19
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year ago
Oh waitttttt I love Medstar
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addoves · 2 years ago
have you guys heard abt the duke's son back in baticul. i can't wait for him to return back to the city so i can thank him for saving us. i'm sure he'll come back safe and hale and whole.
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martyschoenleber · 6 months ago
If You are Wearing Out Bibles
If you are wearing out Bibles, praise God for your healthy soul. If you are NOT wearing out Bibles, remember that “we live by every word that issues from the mouth of God.” (cf. Proverbs 30:5, Matthew 4:4; Luke 19:48) What the Old Testament said: Proverbs 30:5. Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. What Jesus said: Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, “It…
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compassionmattersmost · 7 months ago
Book Review: The Crystal and the Way of Light: Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen by Namkhai Norbu
Exploring the Parallels Between Tibetan Dzogchen and the Teachings of Jesus Namkhai Norbu’s “The Crystal and the Way of Light” serves as a profound introduction to the ancient teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, particularly Dzogchen. In this book, Norbu presents the essence of Dzogchen as a path that emphasizes the direct recognition of our true nature, transcending the complexities of conceptual…
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allskywalkerswhine · 1 year ago
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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The ROI on LOL's: How Humor Closes More Deals
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Humor sells… or at least it helps. But why is that? I dug deeper than a dog after a bone so you don’t have to. Here’s the science-backed truth about why laughter is a strategic advantage in sales and in business interactions. Let’s think about selling at a neuro-chemical level. Before you ask if I’ve lost my marbles – stay with me a moment. When someone laughs, you’re not just getting a reaction.. you’re sort of hacking their brain’s reward system. Here’s what I mean. When we laugh, the brain releases three key neurotransmitters:
Dopamine: Boosts focus, motivation and memory retention.
Oxytocin: The “trust hormone” that builds social bonds.
Endorphins: Natural stress relievers that create a sense of ease.
From a sales perspective, a happy, relaxed prospect is generally less skeptical, more engaged, and can even be more receptive to new ideas. I'll take a dozen please! Kidding aside - ever had a call or meeting where one well placed joke broke the ice in the best of ways? That’s oxytocin in action. Building instant, incremental trust without selling them anything. Now let’s go back to the dopamine for a second – increased memory retention. When you mix in humor, your message isn’t just more likely to be heard.. it’s remembered. Gatekeepers for example. Making them laugh might just be the difference between them remembering why you called or tossing your name in the ever-dreaded “back-burner” pile. See ya next year! Not convinced yet? Neuroscientists at Stanford found that laughter reduces activation in the part of the brain responsible for fear and risk assessment (amygdala). What’s that mean? It means humor, when done properly and professionally, will go so far as to lower a buyer’s anxiety around decision making. Beyond that, it encourages quicker, more intuitive choices and disrupts negative thought patterns. Would anyone be mad about closing deals faster? Didn't think so! Trust accelerates deals, and humor builds trust faster than you can say, “sign here, press hard, third copy’s yours.”
Be calculated and use sparingly! Now before you break out the finest one-liners you read on some corner of the internet, recognize this truth. It’s not about telling jokes. It’s about making human connections with timing and authenticity. Don’t be “that guy” (or gal!) who goes off the rails with something edgy. Instead, think of humor as one tactical tool you have that signals confidence and builds rapport. A True Story: How Humor Won a Negotiation One of the toughest negotiations I ever had wasn’t in a boardroom or a Zoom meeting – it was with my property manager. The rent was going up – by $120 a month. GULP. Fresh off the heels of a Negotiations course, I walked in ready to test my skills.
Step 1: Kindness. Smiles. Handshakes. I requested no increase. She didn’t budge.
Step 2: Logic. Direct. Cited market conditions. Still nothing.
Step 3: Boiling Point. “We’ve been perfect tenants.” She replied, “That’s what you agreed to do.”
I was stuck. I’d tried it all.. or so I thought. Then, she asked my name. “Shaw” I said. She looked in her system and chuckled. “Oh wow. You’re the first Shaw in our system since we opened in the early 1970s!” “You’re kidding! That’s got to be worth at least $120!” She burst out laughing. “That’s the best one I’ve ever heard. I’ll tell you what.. I'll waive your increase as a one-time courtesy this year only.” Hadn’t learned that one in Negotiations! Humor sells. So, what’s the ROI on LOL’s? If you want to close more, don’t just pitch people your best one-liners – connect with your buyers. Make them laugh and they’ll not only listen to and trust you more.. they’ll remember why. It's amazing what science-backed information can tell us about things we wouldn't normally related it to. Next week, we’re keeping the scientific momentum going as we dissect the sales methodologies baked into Go-To-Market strategies. We're on a mission not just to identify what works.. but (say it with me now) WHY. Stay tuned! Find this useful? Share it with someone who could use the help. I provide sales coaching and training for professionals and organizations that want to scale revenue without sacrificing ethics. If that sounds like something you need, let’s talk.
Next Issue: The Science Behind Sales: Decoding GTM Strategies
Source: The ROI on LOL's: How Humor Closes More Deals
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rubixcuby · 11 months ago
This is what Luke hears every night when he sleeps with Castin btw
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jeandejard3n · 11 months ago
Star Wars: The Loneliness of the Senate
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shamballalin · 1 year ago
Ascended Master Mary Magdalene ~ The Gospel of Mary ~ Pearls of Wisdom
The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) in The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Codex BG8502,1, begins with The Nature of Sin and the Good (7,10-8,11). Peter is asking Jesus postresurrection, “… What is the sin of the world?” Jesus replied, “There is no such thing as sin, rather, you yourselves are what produce sin when you act in accordance with the nature of adultery, which is called ‘sin.’ For this reason, the…
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lamajigme · 1 year ago
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