#luke skywalker os
dracowars · 10 months
Hi again sweetie! Luke and reader where theyre all celebrating the whole end of the empire/death star and she gets absolutely drunk off her mind and sits on his lap and plays with his hands all giggly and theyre "just friends" and han (and leia) are having the time of his life teasing tf out of them?? Maybe in the morning shes embarrassed and apologises so lukes all sad bcs it was a "mistake" but they end up tgt later? Thankss lovee
booze and confessions | luke skywalker
pairing: luke x reader
word count: 1,9k
summary: where y/n celebrates the end of the war a little too much, ending in a confession
a/n: i feel like it has been ages since i wrote something even though it's not true lmao hope you enjoy lovely!! <3
warnings: angst, mentions of war, mentions of death
universe: star wars
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To be honest, you have no idea how many drinks you already have in your system, but when if not today are you allowed to celebrate like this? After the Death Star was successfully destroyed, the Empire was defeated and peace and tranquility will return to the entirety of the galaxy. The age of fear and terror is over, the time of fighting is over and you can finally let yourself go. Finally, there is something to celebrate, something you have been working towards for years. And today, after all the suffering, that goal has been achieved and you could not be any happier to be right here, right now: on Endor, in the midst of numerous Ewoks dancing and partying, with your friends who fought alongside you all those years while the sky above you is lit up in a variety of colours.
However, the exertion of the day affects your body, your feet slowly starting to hurt from this long, fateful day and when you see Luke sitting at a table, with Han and Leia next to him, a break from all this celebrating suddenly sounds quite attractive and you stumble and stagger towards them.
"There he is! The man of the hour!", you chuckle happily as soon as you are near them, your arms spread wide as you head straight for Luke, who examines you with a small but shy smile. Before he can answer, however, you actually trip over your own feet and almost hit the ground if it wouldn't be for Luke's strong arms to prevent you from falling to the ground.
"Woah! Be careful!", Luke warns you, but what he does not expect is that you barely noticed your little misstep and just sit on his lap, giggling with joy. "I think someone had a drink or two too many."
"Are you talking about me? Don't you worry, Luke, I'm perfectly fine!", you cheekily smile at him, swaying a bit which is why he carefully puts one of his hands on your arm so you do not fall off your seat on top of him.
"Maybe you just didn’t have enough?", you tease him, showing him his glass, turning it upside down to emphasize that it is empty. Of course, this victory also comes with a lot of pain for Luke and Leia due to the loss of their father, but Luke has assured you several times that he is fine and that he still wants to celebrate this victory, in honor of his father.
That is also why you really wanted the two of you to have a good time together, but apparently you really had a few too many drinks.
"She definitely had too much", Han comments on your behaviour, sitting across from you with an arm around Leia, followed by a laugh. "I think I have rarely seen her like this and I have seen a lot."
"Han, you could use another drink, don't you think?", you answer him provocatively, but before you can elaborate, you feel the warmth of Luke's hand running up and down your arm. Heat rushes to your face, your cheeks turning red, but you just reach for his other hand and play with his fingers enthusiastically.
"I never thought I would see Ewoks in my life! I mean, did you look at them? They are so cute, I can't believe they stopped an army of stormtroopers by themselves!", you gush in awe upon watching these little creatures dance around their fire. "Don't worry, Luke. You are still cute as hell, too."
"Oh wow, it must sting to be compared to little furry bears", Han chuckles, putting his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud. Leia, also trying to hold back her laughter for her brother's sake, hits Han with her elbow.
"Stop it, Han. I am not even talking to you, just to Luke. Look at you! Such a beautiful face!", you grin, running your index finger along Luke's jawline. Your faces are so close now that they are almost touching and as soon as your eyes meet, the world around you becomes silent.
But just when Luke thinks you are about to close the gap between you, you throw your arms around his neck and place a kiss on his cheek, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
"I really love you, Luke", you whisper, or at least think you are whispering, because Han comments your words with inhaling in shock.
"No, that is news to me. I would never have expected that in my life, with the way you always look at each other-"
"Han!" Luke and Leia interrupt him at the same time and he immediately raises his hands in the air in defense, an expression of innocence on his face.
"It is not at all fun to say if you don't say it back, Luke", you sadly pout now, skillfully ignoring Han or not even noticing him due to your numbed senses. Because you are moving too much again, you almost slide off Luke's lap once more, but he holds you tight again in the last moment so that does not happen.
"Well, I think it is time for you to lie down now. It was a long evening and-"
"B-But we haven't even danced with each other yet!", you say indignantly as Luke stands up with you and immediately grab his hand, lifting it up to do several clumsy pirouettes underneath.
To prevent you from tripping over your own feet again, Luke casually lifts you into his arms, causing you to squeal as everything around you suddenly seems to spin even more. Not resisting or fighting back, enjoying the closeness you now have to him too much, you wave to Leia and Han over Luke's shoulder and let him carry you into one of the huts further up in the treetops.
Luke gently lays you down on the small mattress laid out in your hut and covers you with the blanket, sitting next to you. Your eyes are already half closed, but one of your hands is still clinging tightly to his.
"I love you too, you can't even imagine how much", Luke admits before giving you a kiss on the forehead and leaving you to your dreams, which for the first time are only consisting of positive things.
Scattered rays of light shine into your face, causing you to wake up far too early after the previous long night. Slowly, you open your eyes and listen to the soft rustling of the leaves outside. You stretch your arms above your head as you yawn and sit up, running your hands through your face as the first effects of last night make themselves noticeable.
You curse under your breath as you rise on shaky legs, having to hold onto the wall of the small hut to keep your balance. You already regret not drinking less yesterday, but it felt so good in the moment. Completely sleepy and not yet fully awake, you stumble out onto the wooden platform high up in the trees and stop in your tracks when you see Luke standing on the railing in front of you, looking out over the Ewok village.
The light wind blows through his hair and the sunlight causes his face to shine naturally. Barely able to take your eyes off him, memories of last night suddenly come to your mind and your heart beats faster. You can't remember everything, there are some missing parts in your memories, but what you can remember brings a blush to your cheeks in an instant.
Wanting nothing more than to immediately disappear back into your hut because you just do not want to be confronted with your actions of last night, you slowly turn around, retreating, but as soon as he says your name, you know he does not even need to see you to know you are there.
With a smile, Luke turns to you, leaning his back against the railing.
"Slept well?", he asks gently, but you think you can also hear a certain amount of concern in his voice.
With a nod, you slowly walk towards him, looking away because you just can't keep eye contact, too afraid of what you might see in his eyes.
"How are you?", you ask carefully as you lean over the railing next to him and he looks at you from the side, his focus solely on you which makes your cheek feel even warmer. Playing with a strand of rope that is holding the wood of the railing together, you wait for his answer, your heart beating loudly in your ears as your shoulders touch.
"I'm good. We won so..", Luke chuckles quietly, but immediately falls awkwardly silent again.
You stand next to each other in silence for several minutes, just listening to the wind and the peaceful sounds of the forest. But you both feel that there is something unspoken between you and neither of you knows how or whether to address it. Once Luke finally clears his throat, you brace yourself for the worst.
"You don't have to be embarrassed about what happened last night if that is why you are not speaking to me like you usually do", Luke addresses the rancor in the room and you want to run away and lock yourself up somewhere and just never come out again.
"Luke, I'm incredibly sorry. I-I had too much to drink and my behavior was completely inappropriate", you apologize to him, head down because you just can't manage to look at him without immediately turning bright red. Why are you suddenly so completely out of control of your emotions?
"Oh... I see. Uhm, you don't have to apologize. I mean, if it was just the effects of having too much to drink, then it was probably just a mistake.."
"W-What do you mean?", you ask in surprise, not knowing what he is trying to imply. Or maybe you do know and just do not want to admit it.
"Well, I mean- So I- Would it be wrong of me if, deep down, I hoped that it was more than that? That it was, maybe, real?"
"Luke, what are you talking about...?"
"Would it be so bad if it was real? Do you really feel about me that way?", he asks you and now you finally look into each other's eyes and you hold your breath, searching his eyes for any signs that will tell you what is going on, if he actually means his words.
"Because if that were the case, then all I can say is that I feel the same way about you. Maybe even more", he continues, not letting you speak as he takes your hands in his. "I really really love you too. I told you yesterday, but I don't think-"
"I know. I think I heard it", is the only thing you can say in response to his confession, your thoughts swirling around in your head. You never would have thought that he would feel the same way about you and for some reason your heart now beats a little more painfully than before because you just feel so much love for this man in front of you.
"As I told you yesterday, Luke: I really love you too", you admit openly and before you know it, he wraps you in his arms and hugs you as tightly as if you wouldn't experience the next day.
And in that moment you realize that you would never find a safer place than right here, in his arms. That no matter what comes your way in the future, nothing matters as long as you have each other. And finally, after all this time, you do have each other.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Ruth: he's luke he's luke you're luke...I'M LUKE?? Are there any other Lukes I should know about??!
Tsum Tsum:
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geekpopnews · 2 months
Star Wars Day: Quais seriam os animes favoritos dos personagens?
Hoje é Star Wars Day e em comemoração a esta data especial, imaginamos quais seriam os animes favoritos de alguns personagens. #StarWarsDay #StarWars #anime
Hoje é 04 de maio e você sabe o que isso significa, hoje é Star Wars Day, ou Dia de Star Wars. Nós do portal, com o intuito de comemorar a data, pensamos em quais seriam os animes favoritos de cada personagem principal da franquia Star Wars. Então, fique ligado e confira aqui quais são os animes. O Dia de Star Wars, celebrado em 4 de maio, é um evento anual que reúne fãs de todas as galáxias…
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 10 months
l need Luke Skywalker x Jedi!reader x Din djarin imagine Please
Hello dear love,
I'm so sorry it took so long to have this written for you. But I hope I did it justice.
SUMMARY: Your past and your future collide, what decision will you make?
A/N: Hello lovelies,
It's been a while since I have posted. Life has been one blow after another. Good news is that my mother is doing very well. I had COVID for two weeks almost, thankfully it wasn't too bad, but it did drain me quite a bit.
I don't write poly-ships, but I hope I did this request justice; also it's not necessarily a Jedi reader, but a reader who is force sensitive.
Thank you to the lovely @firstofficerwiggles for beta reading.
This will be a 7-parter. Updated weekly.
Love oo
Italics - flashback
WARNINGS: Angst, anger, sacrifice, force use
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Words: 1601 | Next
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Luke wiped the sweat from his face as he ran through his drills, he couldn’t help but think back to his time on Dagobah, running through that humid and dense forest with Yoda on his back. The jokes his old master would share with him, the conversations they would have, and the wisdom he could impart.
Now, he was alone. 
Sure he had his twin sister, Han, Chewie, and R2 but it wasn’t the same. They didn’t understand the responsibility of becoming a Jedi, and Leia all but decided she didn’t want this life. She wanted to raise a family with Han. 
A family.
His eyes focused on the stars overhead as he lay down on the grassy field, the breeze cooling his body, as he wondered what would happen if he did have a family. 
Someone to love. 
Who was he kidding, it would be a pipe dream. Who would he even have a family with? 
It’s not like he couldn’t find some random person to start a family with, but he didn’t want just someone he could pick up at a bar. He wanted to have a deeper connection. Someone who would understand the responsibility of being with a Jedi, and the issues a long distance relationship could have. 
That one word kept him up unsettled. Not because of the responsibility but because of you.
He tried to push you out of his mind, clearing his thoughts so he could focus on his meditation, however now whenever he mediated and that word kept popping up, there was one face he saw. It was yours, and all the firsts you two had shared. 
His heart began to ache when he thought of the last time he saw you. 
The music from the Ewok’s impromptu party still filled the night air, he looked around to find you, he hadn’t seen you since he told Leia he was turning himself in to the Empire, only to walk right into you waiting on the next catwalk. 
You tried to stop him, told him you’d overheard his conversation with Leia, that he was crazy and out of his mind for going to face Vader. He did his best to reassure you, but you weren’t hearing it. He did the only thing he could think of, he leaned in and gently kissed your cheek lingering for a few seconds longer than necessary. It was the sure fire way of making sure you stopped talking, he’d used once or twice to win an argument between the two of you. As you stood there, tears in your eyes, he wished you the best and left you standing as tears streamed down your face. 
He spent a good portion of the night trying to find you, and now that he had found you standing away from the party, looking out into the forest of Endor, all the words in that moment flew out of his mind as he remember the first time you two kissed. 
Turned out it was both your first kiss, you were both clumsy and awkward, however, it was special. A special moment that started the both of you through a journey of friendship and love that neither of you had expected. 
You looked beautiful, standing there with a drink in your hand, your eyes shined even though they seemed lost and sad. He was glad he made it back. He didn’t want to have any regrets about leaving things the way they had before he went to meet Vader, but he also knew things might never be the same between the two of you. 
He took a deep breath, calming down his racing heart, taking one step towards you, “I’m surprised you’re here” Luke’s voice called over, he could see how you flinched at hearing his voice, “I thought you would’ve been having a drinking contest with Chewie by now.”
You simply hummed an acknowledgement not bothering to turn to look at him. 
He ran his hand through his hair, letting out a sigh, he could sense your annoyance at having him stand beside you. He leaned on the balcony doing his best to keep his distance without looking like he was keeping his distance, he just needed to appear casual “Still mad at me?”
Your hand clenched around the mug that contained some obscure liquor the Ewok’s made, it wasn’t the tastiest thing but it certainly had a kick, you took a sip trying to calm the annoyance in your heart. Taking in a deep breath, you closed your eyes and exhaled doing your best to let your frustration go. “Let me ask you, what would you do if it had been me?”
“But it wasn’t you”
You squeezed the mug, “So because it wasn’t me, I have no right to feel anything?”
“That’s not what I said”
“Then what did you mean? I’m asking you to put yourself in my shoes, my friend … my partner or someone I thought loved me, goes to sacrifice himself, and the last thing you said to me was ‘I’m glad you’re my friend.’ Then you walked away. You didn’t turn back, you didn’t falter, you just left. If it had been me, wouldn’t you still be mad at me?”
Luke rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, I probably would be” he felt bad for leaving you standing there, “If there had been another way to save Vader, if it was possible for me to do it any other way, don’t you think I would’ve tried?” He looked over to you, hoping you’d understand his predicament.
A defeated sigh left you, you knew how much saving Vader meant to Luke. It was his father after all, what would you do for your family? 
“I’m sorry. I know, I shouldn’t hold it against you. I know what you went through with Vader, and how much it meant for you to save him, it’s just …” You ran your hand down your face, “It just … you scared me. I thought I’d never see you again.” Tears began to well-up, “Do you know how much I love you?” 
Luke stepped closer to you, resting his hand on your elbow, turning you to face him, “I know how much you care for me; it’s because I had your support I was able to do what I needed” his hand cupped your cheek, “I appreciate you more than you can possibly imagine.”
“Appreciate?” You clarified, as you stepped away from him, “You appreciate me?” You felt a nervousness rising, as your stomach fluttered, you could feel your heart breaking, “You don’t love me, do you?”
Maker how he wished he didn’t have to have this conversation, how he wished thing didn’t have to be this way. 
“I … I'm the last Jedi, and with that comes a responsibility. If things were different, if I wasn’t my father’s child, if …” Luke took in a shaky breath, as he stepped closer to you again, “If I had the freedom to say what is pressing on my heart to say, what you are wanting to hear …” his hand caressed your cheek, “However, I can’t tell you what you want to hear. It’d be unfair and cruel, especially since I’m not able to give you the life you want. It’s my responsibility to train the future generations, to pass on the knowledge I have gained.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, “What are you trying to say?”
His hand dropped to his side, as he took a minute to steady his nerves, he closed his eyes using the force to give him the strength of what he needed to do. He took in a deep breath before looking into your eyes, as resolve settled within his heart. 
“We need to be honest about our future”
“Our future?”
“We’re heading in different directions, love. I can’t …” he cleared his throat, forcing the words to come out, “I'm not able to dedicate myself you. I am a Jedi Knight, like my father before me, my will is the will of the force, and you deserve someone who will focus on you completely”
“I don’t care what you think I deserve, I want you.” He could see how your mind was racing a million miles a minute to keep this from happening, “I can … I can help with training. I can provide support. I … I can’t …” your bottom lip started to tremble, as your eyes welled up, “I can’t walk away from you. I can’t …”
Luke wiped the tears that had slipped down your cheek, “I’m sorry. I wished things were different, but I can’t turn my back on the legacy that has been placed before me.”
You took another step back, you closed your eyes steading your nerves as much as possible, “I understand.” You did your best to fight back the tears, you were sure he could hear your heart breaking, “I know you’ll do an amazing job. I wish you all the best.” 
His eyes opened as the rocks floating around him plummeted to the floor, maker how he regretted walking away from you. The next day you had left without so much as a goodbye, he didn’t blame you, after all it was his fault for making you leave. 
Now, however, all he really wanted, was to see you again, to tell you he did love you. He never stopped loving you. Walking away, was the hardest and most painful thing he had to do. 
He realized his mistake, especially after Grogu decided to go back to his Mandalorian, to have his family.
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funkyphonophorae · 2 months
Starlight, Hughie, Artificer, Sliver OS, the Rivulet, Anakin Skywalker, Leia Organa (the BBB version to make things exciting), Carlos Robles,
Aaaand let's add a few blorbos by-proxy, Luke Skywalker, Michael Door (heh), Jonathan Sims, Indiana Jones, Jane Prentiss.
Go long.
VEEEEEEE ough you gave me so many im gonna put them under a cut so it doesnt look too long
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sliver of straw:
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tumblr wont let me add any more pictures so ill put them in a reblog :)
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all4theluvoflizzy · 9 months
💖F/O List💖
💕Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman (Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul)⚖️
Ship Tag: 💕Something Perfect
💕Austin Powers (Austin Powers movie franchise)☮️
Ship Tag: 💕Catching Up On Fun
💝Dale Gribble (King of the Hill)
Ship Tag: 💝Our True Story
💝Bojack Horseman and Mr Peanutbutter as a polyship (Bojack Horseman)
Ship Tags: 💝My Noble Steed (Bojack specifically), 💝My Good Boy (Mr Peanutbutter specifically), 💝Hooray for Hollywoo (both of them)
💝Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane (Dukes of Hazzard)
Ship Tag: 💝Grand Theft Heart
💝Beach Ken (Barbie 2023)
Ship Tag: 💝 I'll Compliment You Frequently
💝Tuca Toucan (Tuca and Bertie)
Ship Tag: 💝Two Can Play
💝Ginger (Criminal Case)
Ship Tag: 💝Hooked On A Feeling
💝Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Ship Tag: 💝Ringmaster of my Heart
💝Rocky Rickaby and Ivy Pepper as a polyship (Lackadaisy)
Ship Tags: 💝Walk in your Rainbow Paradise (Rocky specifically), 💝The Rising of the Sun (Ivy specifically), 💝You're the milk I'm the cookie (both of them)
💝Willy Wonka (both the 2023 version and the 1971 version)
Ship Tag: 💝Candy Hearts
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Ship Tag: 💝Sugar Sugar
Diavolo (Obey Me)
Ship Tag: 💝Burnin Love
Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Ship Tag: 💝 Jailbreak
😍Crushes/Potential F/Os
💘Captain America (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
💘Hank Schrader (Breaking Bad)
💘Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
💘Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
💘 Barnaby B Beagle (Welcome Home)
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micjimbles777 · 2 months
Small Introduction: MicJimbles777
I’m a male Self Shipper! I have Autism and Really like Cartoons and Nostalgic Things!
My f/os (Romantic)
1. Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Franchise)
2. Monica Geller (Friends TV show)
3. Hera syndulla (Star Wars Franchise)
4. Envy Adams (Scott pilgrim)
5. Estella/Cruella (Disney) (Live action)
6. Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Marvel franchise)
7. Rey Skywalker (Star wars Franchise)
8. Megara (Disney) (Hercules)
9. Julie Powers (Scott pilgrim)
My f/os (Familial)
1. natasha romanoff/Black Widow (Marvel Franchise)
2. Luke Skywalker (Star wars Franchise)
3. Peitro Maximoff (Marvel franchise)
Billy & Tommy Maximoff (Marvel franchise)
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tengoku--to--jigoku · 2 years
Nuevo capitulo de Free Stars. Espero que os guste ♥
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fabiansteinhauer · 8 months
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I am your father, Aby!
I am your law, Aby!
I love you, Aby!
Soviel os hört und sieht man selten, wie in Luke Skywalkers noooooo. Die Negation schlägt zurück, sie vermisst und verfehlt etwas. Welche Diagnosen sind da zu haben?
Diagnosen sind immer leicht und schnell zu haben, man muss nur sagen, was einem fehlt. Aby Warburg bekam erst die Diagnose, schizoid zu sein, da fehlte ihm die Vernetzung. Dann bekam er die Diagnose, manisch-depressiv zu sein, da fehlte ihm die Welt im Rücken, ihre Drehung. Die Diagnose war leicht zu haben, dauerte trotzdem etwas.
Warburg musste nur erzählen (das geht schnell), dass er passioniert zurückschlagt. Er musste nur erzählen, dass er passioniert gegen andere, aber auch gegen sich selbst zurückschlägt. Solche Diagnosen sind irritierend schnell zu haben, auch heute braucht man bei einem belieben Arzt in Frankfurt keine 7 Minuten, um so eine Diagnose zu erhalten, wenn man es schafft, in 7 Minuten zu erzählen, dass man passioniert zurückschlägt.
Weil das so schnell gehen kann, sollte einen das nicht dazu verleiten, die Diagnose nicht ernst zu nehmen, ohne gleichzeitig das Hoffnunglose darin zu sehen. Die Lage ist hoffnungslos, aber nicht ernst. Sie ist hoffnungsfrei, von dort aus gibt und nimmt sie Hoffnung. Ist das gut? Ja, aber umgekehrt würde ich sagen (Ino Augsberg). Man soll die Diagnose ernst nehmen und ihren Witz erkennen, das ist die Diagnose eines limitierten Zustandes. Geht es einem mit der Diagnose gut? Fantastisch, aber nur- weise und wegweisend. Geht es einem mit der Diagnose furchtbar? Ja sicher, aber nur-weise und wegweisend. Es kann sein, dass man das Falsche erhofft hat, dann ist Hoffnungslosigkeit das beste, was noch passieren kann. Es kann sein, dass man das Beste erhofft hat, dann geht es nach dem ersehnten Eintritt des Besten eben bergab.
Wer nicht zurückschlagen kann und nicht erzählen kann, dass er zurückschlägt, der bekommt keine Diagnose, dass er bipolar sei. Wer nicht zurückschlägt und das auch erzählt oder aber vom Rückschlag nichts erzählt, der kann nur die Diagnose bekommen, zu polarisieren, aber nicht diejenige, bipolar zu sein. Polarität machen alle mit, die einen einseitig, die anderen zweiseitig und zweiseitig ist vierseitig, zwei auf der Innenseite, zwei auf der Aussenseite.
Manche haben Väter, schlagen dauernd ihr Väter: Luke seinen Darth Vader auch. Der Darth habe nix verstanden, der sei alt und weiß und überhaupt ein Mann. Der liebe nicht, was zu lieben sei und hasse nicht, was zu hassen sei. Wer so den Vater zurückschlägt und dann in sich selbst zurückschlägt - den Vater damit also eines Tages liebt, eines Tages hasst, eines Tages liebt, eines Tages hasst, der kann schnell die Diagnose bekommen, bipolar oder manisch-depressiv zu sein. Man kann das besser manisch-pressiv nennen, Energie ist immer da, Druck und Passionen auch.
Schlägt der Vater nicht zurück, bekommt der Vater die Diagnose der Bipolarität nicht. Muss er auch nicht. Er kann sich auch so darüber wundern, warum die Leute immer auf ihn einschlagen, wenn er es mal wieder gut mit ihnen meint. Die Welt dreht sich sowieso, alle Objekt verdreht sie, auch die minoren Objekte, auch die diplomatischen Polobjekte. An den Drehungen haftet man ohnehin.Die Gabe des melancholischen Talentes, des polaren Charakters liegt in der Wendigkeit, das ist nicht viel. Aber auch nicht wenig.
Aby Warburg hat die Diagnose bekommen, er hat sich nicht darauf ausgeruht. Diagnosen sind keine Ausreden. Die sind Helferlein, die helfen können, Umgang mit dem Rückschlag so zu üben, dass alle damit umgehen können, der polare Charakter und diejenigen in seiner Umwelt. Der polare Charakter haftet, für alles, was durch ihn und in ihm und mit ihm zurückschlägt. Er kann ein Graus sein, sich und anderen. Die Übung, so wäre eine stoische Hoffnung, das mitamchende Übung, die Sortierung von Pathosformeln, also Passionsformularen, soll aus der Mäßigung den Druck nehmen.
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roseyjustice · 10 months
hello, i have luke skywalker as a platonic f/o, i assume it’s still cool for me to interact! if not, just let me know :) — @v0latileromantic
Oh yea, You can totally interact ! I love meeting peeps who have my romantic f/os as platonic or familia, it's so fun !! c:
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dracowars · 2 years
hii! could i request a luke skywalker and reader (if you write for him) where they "rescue" grogu together and one of the dark troopers hurt her and he heals her and dotes over her?? just really cute? maybe she falls asleep on him and he carries her to her bed and she asks him to stay, they wake up cuddling and maybe a confession too??? totally fine if you dont write forhim but thanks!!!
counting on you | luke skywalker
pairing: luke x jedi!reader
word count: 2,5k
summary: where luke and y/n rescue grogu, but y/n gets hurt
a/n: i hope it's alright that i changed it up a bit, i went with the flow~ and thank you for always providing me with star wars requests <33
warnings: angst, violence, mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, force healing
universe: star wars
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A spooky stillness reigns on the giant light cruiser, even the dark troopers pause for a moment. Even though you sneak around, the droids’ sensors pick up your presence with ease. The silence vanishes just as quickly as it appeared as the troopers line up their blasters and start firing at you.
Your years of training have specialized you for these kinds of moments, which is why it is not difficult for you to take out the droids one by one with a targeted and well-considered movement of your glowing blade. You decapitate one of them, the heavy head banging on the hard floor, while another one sneaks up on you from behind. As a result of its actions, a green lightsaber is rammed through its upper body from behind in the next second. The red light behind the lifeless eyes extinguishes and the droid collapses, smoke emanating from the inside.
Quickly, you raise your own lightsaber in front of your body, allowing you to deflect the blaster fire from the dark troopers who have not yet fallen. Again and again, you block their attacks and direct the dangerous projectiles in the other direction. Shortly, you catch a glimpse of one of the surveillance cameras mounted in the upper corner of the ceiling before it is destroyed by a deflected shot.
You know you are being watched.
Together and as a team, it does not take long until you have fought your way through the entire cruiser, through almost all enemy troops, and are now close to your final destination. The Force that called you here is incredibly strong, even stronger than you expected. And you can clearly feel it.
“Y/N!”, your name echoes through the battle as you pound one of the troopers against the wall with a flying ammo box, crushing it motionless. “This way.”
Disposing of your last opponent by severing its mechanical arms and legs, you extinguish your lightsaber blade and follow Luke into an elevator, adjusting the hood of your cloak that has slightly slipped during combat. You stand closely next to him, breathing heavily and trying to control your breathing, while the fight did not bother Luke at all. Which is pretty unfair considering how many dark troopers he took out on his own.
“Did you count?”, is the only thing Luke asks you, his gaze fixed ahead, his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber. Nodding, you answer his question, and a small smile pulls at the corner of your lips. You can’t fully reply, however, when the elevator abruptly stops on the selected floor and the doors hiss open.
As if in slow motion, Luke steps out first, the green blade already lit again, and faces the crowd of dark troopers who have just been waiting for the both of you. Immediately, Luke deflects and dodges each trooper’s blaster shots, severing the first of them in two. Startled, you take a step back all of a sudden, not knowing exactly what made you do it, the adrenaline dulling all your senses.
Moving quickly, closely behind Luke, you also take out a dark trooper who has gotten a little to close for your liking. You use the Force to pull one of them towards you, but do not manage to pull him as close as you originally intended, which surprises you once again. Luke does not realize, however, as he swipes his green lightsaber across the trooper from top to the bottom. The next one he pushes backwards with a boost of the Force.
Thrilled and exhausted, you watch as he effectively crushes the very last enemy with the Force in a matter of seconds with a tiny flick of his hand, an action that only makes you realize just how powerful Luke really is.
You still have a lot to learn.
Now, you stand alone in front of the locked blast door that protects those you came here for. A deep indentation in the door indicates that you got here just in time.
As you stagger, preparing to open the thick door with your lightsaber, it already hisses to the side on its own, opening up a view of the bridge. The sliding doors reveal, even though blurry, a group of the most diverse inhabitants of the galaxy: bounty hunters, Mandalorians, Imperials, and…
“Are you Jedi?”, the Mandalorian in shining silver armor asks after you have removed your hoods and revealed your faces upon entering.
“We are”, Luke replies calmly, his eyes shifting to the left toward the small green figure hiding behind the back of a chair. You watch as Luke reaches out to the Force-sensitive child and asks him to come along. His words ring in your head from afar, as if he weren’t standing right next to you.
You can tell from the Mandalorian’s movement that they are still talking, but their conversation is drowned out by a loud and uncomfortable beeping in your ear. When a sudden rush of pain shoots through you all of a sudden, you wince and take another step back, as if something invisible hit you out of nowhere.
Instinctively, your hand grabs your side and when it comes into contact with your skin you can’t help but cry out in pain. The moment you look down at yourself and there is dark blood all over your hand, your blood, the realization hits you roughly.
You weren’t hit by something invisible. Unnoticedly, you were hit by a blaster shot, one that neither Luke nor you were able to deflect after stepping out of the elevator. This also explains why you staggered all of a sudden, why you were suddenly unconcentrated and could no longer properly recognize the figures in front of you, why you are now on the fastest way to the hard, cold ground.
If it weren’t for Luke, who catches you in one swift movement and slowly slides you to the ground, his hands tightly wrapped around your body, you would have hit your head. You do not want to seem weak, especially not in front of him, which is probably why you have been subconsciously suppressing the pain all along. However, you are wounded more severely than you thought, at least judging by the expression on Luke’s face after he took a closer look at your bleeding wound.
Perplexed and no longer able to fully comprehend what is happening around you, your vision only gets clear for short intervals. At first, you recognize several silhouettes looking at you, including the tiny green creature, while the next moment you hear R2-D2’s worried squeak. Then you are blinded by a bright light before feeling severe pain that suddenly vanishes again and then, out of nowhere, an X-Wing appears in front of you. Before you know it, you are in the endless vastness of space and then you slip into pure darkness.
When you can open your eyes properly for the first time after what feels like hours of being unconscious, even though your head is still constantly buzzing, it takes you a moment to find your way back to the here and now. A brown wall made of some kind of fabric reveals in front of you and you realize that you are lying on a makeshift bamboo bed, your jedi robe on top of you, turned into a blanket. Outside of what appears to be a tent you hear the soft cracking of a fire that casts eerie shadows on the tent wall. Unable to hear any other sounds, you quickly want to get up and search for Luke as the fear coursing through you due to his absence is quickly replaced by pain.
Groaning, you touch the familiar spot, where you were hit by blaster fire not too long ago, with your hand. Now, there is a large bacta patch attached to your skin, covering and protecting the wound. Slowly but surely acquainting yourself with your new immobility, you crawl to the entrance of the makeshift tent and pull the fabric that works as a door aside.
The light of the flames blinds you for a brief moment, but at the same time greets you with a pleasant warmth immediately.
“Y/N! You are awake”, Luke says, visibly glad as he quickly gets up from his cross-legged position next to the fire and rushes to you, dropping to the ground next to you while putting a safe arm around your shoulders. His other hand he places on your cheek and his eyes search your face for cluses as to how you are doing.
“I- Where are we?”, you ask in amazement, not being able to clearly see where you are even when you take a look at your surroundings. All you can recognize is that you are hidden in some forest in the galaxy. Your train of thought is interrupted, however, when a childlike cooing sounds next to you. You are shocked to find that the little green creature has come along this journey with you.
“May I introduce you, this is Grogu”, Luke introduces the two of you, and Grogu coos at the mention of his name, ears pricked. “Grogu, this is Y/N.”
Grogu’s little green hand touches your leg, seemingly his own way of greeting you, causing you to briefly giggle. You have to stop yourself, however, as the excruciating pain washes over you once more.
“I don’t know how it happened! I deflected all the shots, but this one must have escaped me and got you straight”, Luke chatters away, the guilt clearly written on his face. “The medical bay on this damn cruiser had hardly any equipment, so I could only put a bacta patch on the wound. I hope-”
“Luke”, you interrupt him gently, putting your hand on the side of his face now in order to force him to look directly at you. “It’s fine, I’m fine. It only hurts a little when I move. Or breathe.”
Luke immediately takes a breath in, ready to interject once more, presumably to tell you to lie down, but this time he remains silent as you pull his face towards you and bring your lips together in a gentle kiss. You don’t know what exactly made you do it, maybe it is the adrenaline that is still rushing through your veins, or it just felt right in that exact moment, here and now. Whatever it was, here you are, kissing Luke Skywalker and he seems to agree, actually deepening the kiss while leaning his torso more over your body, running his hand down the sides of your body, the side that is not injured. Wait a minute..
With a sudden jerk you promptly move away from Luke and look down at yourself, startled, examining the bacta patch that is still in place. However, the painful tug you felt when moving suddenly disappeared. Puzzled and not quite understanding what happened, Luke also looks at your wound, immediately grabbing your hand when you start to remove the patch, trying to prevent you from doing so.
“Wait, wait. It.. doesn’t hurt anymore”, you brush him off and he lets you remove the patch. Together you draw in a sharp breath at the same time as the bacta patch reveals your shining skin, no traces of a wound left. As if it never even existed.  
“What..”, both of you start, when Grogu, who has settled down right next to you in the meantime, answers with a coo, stretching out one of his tiny hands. At that exact moment the realization what this little guy apparently tries to tell you dawns upon you, and apparently also on Luke.
“No, no. That is absolutely impossible”, Luke immediately denies what you are both trying to comprehend at that moment, examining his own hands closely with wide eyes. He tries to understand that he healed you and did it with nothing but the Force itself.
“The sacred jedi texts say that-”
“Of course I just magically healed you with the Force and he tells me it’s what he always does”, Luke murmurs softly under his breath, causing you to look at him, placing Grogu on your lap while your heartbeat picks up again when you lock eyes with Luke. Questioningly, you stare at him, although you know exactly what he means. “I suppose now I will never have the courage to-”
“This is incredible!”, you yelp with delight, taking Grogu by surprise as the next moment he is stumbling backwards, R2 next to him beeping at you reproachfully as the protective brother he is. Happy and completely pain-free, you grab the little one and hold him in your arms so that he examines you with his huge eyes. Even though you know he can’t answer you or you wouldn’t understand since you don’t know how Luke is able to communicate with him, you smile at the little creature that reminds you of an old master while Luke still has to process the situation.
Which is more than fine with you, because that way he will not notice how fast your heart is beating after you have just kissed him out of nowhere.
“Courage for what?”, you interrupt him now, actually curious, but still a bit shy and reserved. The hope that he is triggering inside of you scares you. You weren’t even this scared when facing the dark troopers as you are in this moment. And Luke feels exactly the same.
“I- Well-”, Luke begins, but when he finds himself at a loss for the right words, he is the one leaning in and joining your lips in a soft kiss that you did not see coming at all. He gently moves his lips against yours and if you did not know better, you feel him smile against you every now and then.
Only when he breaks the kiss do you dare to take a deep breath in, although his face is still incredibly close in front of yours. His beautiful shining eyes light up at the sight of you, saying so much more than words ever could. Never again can you imagine living without that feeling inside of you, that mutual feeling of being loved feels so intoxicating.
R2-D2, who is currently talking to the child, does not seem to be bothered by the renewed awkward silence between the two of you. Rather, he takes this as an opportunity to beep even louder and tell one of his great stories.
“I-”, you try to start another conversation with Luke, who is still looking at you with so much affection that you could melt right there and then. Pulling yourself together, however, you slowly continue, emphasizing every single word: “By the way, I have eliminated fifteen dark troopers.”
There is a brief silence, and it almost looks as if Luke has stopped breathing for a second. But then he snorts loudly, and his beautiful laugh rings out to you. You can’t help but join his laughter until he abruptly stops and looks at you with all seriousness, his hand on your cheek and his thumb caressing your bottom lip.
“I got twenty-five.”
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manhwalizando · 1 year
Os mais poderosos de Star Wars
Vamos nos aprofundar um pouco mais no ranking dos personagens mais poderosos em Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader: Anakin é um personagem excepcionalmente poderoso na Força, tanto como Jedi quanto como Sith. Seu treinamento como Jedi o tornou habilidoso em telecinesia, habilidades de combate com sabre de luz e premonições. Após se transformar em Darth Vader, ele ganhou ainda mais poder, usando seu domínio da Força para sufocar seus oponentes e executar acrobacias impressionantes. Sua força bruta na Força, combinada com sua habilidade de manipulação emocional, o tornam extremamente formidável.
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Luke Skywalker: Luke é filho de Anakin e possui um talento natural para a Força. Ele passou por um treinamento Jedi rudimentar com Obi-Wan Kenobi e Yoda, mas seu verdadeiro potencial é revelado em "O Retorno de Jedi" e nos filmes da trilogia sequencial. Luke exibe habilidades incríveis de telecinesia, projeção astral e uma conexão profunda com a Força. Sua batalha final contra Palpatine em "A Ascensão Skywalker" demonstra seu domínio da Força e sua capacidade de superar desafios aparentemente insuperáveis.
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Yoda: Yoda é amplamente reconhecido como um dos mestres Jedi mais poderosos de todos os tempos. Sua pequena estatura esconde seu incrível domínio da Força. Ele é hábil em telecinesia, ilusões da mente, batalha com sabre de luz e meditação profunda. Sua sabedoria e conexão com a Força lhe permitem acessar conhecimentos antigos e guiar outros Jedi. Yoda também possui uma presença imponente e um senso aguçado para perceber o lado sombrio naqueles que o cercam.
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Palpatine/Darth Sidious: Palpatine é um dos Sith mais poderosos e manipuladores que já existiu. Ele é um mestre na arte das trevas e domina o lado sombrio da Força. Palpatine é habilidoso em telecinesia, raios da Força e manipulação mental. Sua capacidade de enganar até mesmo os Jedi mais sábios, como Yoda, demonstra seu controle imenso sobre a Força. Sua batalha final contra Rey em "A Ascensão Skywalker" exibe sua formidabilidade e sua sede implacável de poder.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan é um Jedi altamente habilidoso, conhecido por seu domínio técnico e moral da Força. Ele é um duelista exímio com sabre de luz, demonstrando uma defesa impenetrável e ataques precisos. Obi-Wan também tem uma conexão profunda com a Força, sendo capaz de utilizar técnicas avançadas, como a persuasão mental e a invisibilidade. Sua sabedoria, determinação e habilidades de combate estratégico o tornam um dos Jedi mais respeitados.
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Essa classificação é uma interpretação geral, mas é importante ressaltar que a Força é um conceito subjetivo e muitos outros personagens, como Mace Windu, Rey, Kylo Ren, entre
outros, também possuem habilidades significativas e momentos poderosos ao longo da saga. A diversidade de poderes e a maneira como cada personagem utiliza a Força contribuem para a riqueza do universo de Star Wars.
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amaurifilho · 6 months
Se é série de terror assinada pelo Mike Flanagan, eu já sei que vai ser boa. “A Maldição da Residência Hill” foi espetacular, “A Maldição da Mansão Bly” foi excelente e “Missa da Meia Noite” foi simplesmente sublime! OK... “Clube da Meia Noite” foi uma exceção, mas eu passo pano pro Mikinho nesse caso. Quem não erra de vez em quando, né? Não que essa tenha sido ruim, é até divertidinha, mas definitivamente não chega nem aos pés das outras três. Mas ele definitivamente não errou com a sua mais nova série feita em parceria com a Netflix, “A Queda da Casa de Usher”, baseada em incontáveis poemas de Edgar Allan Poe que, aqui, juntam-se com o objetivo de criar uma história única. História essa que gira em torno da poderosíssima família Usher, dona da farmacêutico Fortunato e que alcançou um poder financeiro impensável para a maioria dos mortais com a venda de uma única medicação, o Ligodone, capaz de curar toda e qualquer dor sem causar vício ou dependência (pelo menos, é o que a empresa promete).
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Na série, a família Usher, no auge de seu poder e riqueza, é completamente abalada quando os herdeiros do patriarca e magnata, Roderick Usher, começam a morrer violenta e misteriosamente. E isso não é um spoiler: é a própria sinopse presente na página da série na Netflix. Nesse momento tão singular de sua vida, Roderick junta forças com sua irmã gêmea, Madeline, para entender o que está acontecendo, por que e, principalmente, quem está causando tudo isso. Para isso, os dois revisitam o passado em busca de potenciais inimigos e, consequentemente, de uma solução para a catástrofe que estão vivendo. Afinal, não há absolutamente nada que a família Usher não possa fazer com seu dinheiro, seu advogado (aqui, brilhantemente interpretado pelo eterno Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill) e com assassinatos encomendados. Ou será que, pela primeira vez, a grandiosa família Usher está incapaz de agir, sendo uma mera expectadora da própria ruína?
Inicialmente, quero discutir o brilhantismo com o qual Mike Flanagan trata suas histórias. Primeiro, pelo fato de que ele é um dos cineastas que mais demonstra entender que o gênero de um filme não é a história, mas um veículo para se contar a história. Isso, é claro, parece ser muito óbvio, mas transportar isso para um roteiro e técnicas de filmagem deve ser extremamente difícil. Ainda mais quando se trabalhada com o gênero de terror, recheado de clichês e que pode ser facilmente manipulável com incontáveis jumpscares para criar uma falsa sensação de medo enquanto, na verdade, apenas está assustado o espectador. Mas não aqui. O terror em “A Queda da Casa de Usher” não está em sustos distribuídos a cada 5 minutos nos 8 episódios da série. Não... Os sustos existem, mas são artifícios narrativos pontualmente utilizados em momentos muito específicos. O terror nessa história está, na verdade, em cada canto, de cada sala, de cada cena da série. Está na atmosfera criada pelas mortes dos membros da família Usher. Está no não saber o que está acontecendo. Está no mistério sem respostas que se torna cada vez mais assombroso. E está no medo que vai sendo construído pouco a pouco, a cada episódio, até que, no último, transformar-se em pleno pavor. Nada diferente do que o tio Mike fez em suas séries anteriores, é claro, mas que faz com que a sua narrativa seja brilhante.
Aliás, a narrativa é outro ponto que merece um destaque. Assim como eu suas duas minisséries sobre mansões assombrada, a narrativa não é linear. A história é narrada pelo próprio Roderick Usher na forma de uma confissão para Auguste Dupin, um promotor de justiça que passou a vida toda tentando, frustradamente, responsabilizar a família Usher por todos os (incontáveis) crimes que cometeram em sua escalada até a riqueza absoluta. Durante essa confissão, dividida ao longo de todos os 8 episódios, transitamos por flashbacks dos dias anteriores e por flashbacks de um passado muito distante em que Roderick e Medeline ainda eram apenas jovens desajustados com sonhos que não conseguiam tirar do papel. O vai-e-vem, como nas outras séries do diretor, é um pouco confuso no começo. Mas essa confusão dura pouco tempo, pois, aos poucos, vamos conhecendo os personagens nos vários momentos de suas vidas e conectando informações de uma época com a outra, construindo em nossas mentes um quebra-cabeças que só se completa, em sua totalidade, nas cenas finais do último episódio. E, nessa narrativa, somos convidados a refletir sobre as consequências de nossos atos, as consequências das mentiras que contamos e sobre como essas consequências existem para os outros (mesmo que nós não saibamos de sua existência), sobre o potencial lesivo da corrupção e da mentira, sobre como apenas nós podemos ser responsabilizados pelos nossos próprios erros e, principalmente, sobre como, mais cedo ou mais tarde, o universo vai nos mandar a conta. E, justamente por essas questões, “A Queda da Casa de Usher” é uma série com o magnífico e inesperado diferencial de fazer o expectador não sentir empatia alguma pelos protagonistas – o que sentimos é um ódio imenso e indescritível de cada membro da família Usher, além do desejo insaciável de que eles sejam punidos por cada um de seus atos bárbaros.
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Aqui, cada ator e atriz nos papéis principais tem o seu momento de brilhar. Como de praxe, Mike Flanagan resgata o caráter antológico de suas séries e, aqui, vemos muitos rostos conhecidos de suas séries de casas assombradas ou de “Missa da Meia-Noite”. Nesse grupo de rostos conhecidos, vemos Kate Siegel, a esposa de Mike, que, apesar do seu pouquíssimo tempo de tela consegue roubar a cena e ofuscar quase qualquer outro ator ou atriz que contracene com ela. Mas, talvez, o rosto mais conhecido aqui, presente em quase todas as séries do diretor, seja o da atriz Carla Gugino (daqui ao final do parágrafo, pode haver informações que sejam sugestivas de spoilers, então, prossiga por sua conta e risco). E, para quem acompanha as séries do Mike Flanagan, existe uma verdade absoluta: se a Carla Gugino está no elenco, ela, com certeza, será a personagem esquisita, doida, misteriosa e com segredos assombrosos capazes de render os melhores plot twists em algum momento da história. E a série não decepciona: aqui, Carla interpreta Verna, uma figura do passado de Roderick e Madeline, desaparecida durante tantas e tantas décadas, mas que ressurge em suas vidas justamente no momento em que seus herdeiros começam a ser eliminados, um a um. Ao meu ver, Verna é a personagem mais importante da história, um livro de poesias e liricismo tão singelo e deliciado que é a personagem responsável por dar à “A Queda da Casa de Usher” uma das características mais marcantes das série do tio Mike: a profundida das reflexões sobre os temas do qual a série aborda. Carlinha faz um trabalho ímpar, poético, delicado e, apesar da natureza (bem) incomum de sua personagem, belo. Pessoalmente, não sei se a interpretação da Carla lhe renderá algum prêmio na temporada de premiações do ano que vem, mas, ao meu nada especializado julgamento, seria no mínimo justo que ela fosse indicada nas categorias de atuação (e eu digo isso considerando, principalmente, mas não só, a sua participação nos dois episódios finais da série, que concentram quase 50% das cenas de suas personagem, e, em especial, à única cena que divide exclusivamente com o personagem de Mark Hamill). Como disse o próprio Mike Flanagan, "cada membro da família Usher é como um instrumento, mas Verna é uma sinfonia".
E, como prova de tudo o que falo sobre a Carla Gugino, eu vos ofereço a cena final de sua personagem (e, por sinal, a última cena da série). Em uma sequência de frames que não mostram seu rosto em nenhum momento, apenas a sua mão, você, expectador, sabe EXATAMENTE o que a personagem sente por cada um dos membros da família Usher. Com apenas as mãos, sem precisar usar suas expressões faciais, a Carla consegue comunicar o juízo de valor de sua personagem em relação aos outros. ARTISTA!
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Apenas para deixar registrado, queria pontuar também a atuação de Willa Fitzgerald, que interpreta a versão jovem-adulta de Madeline Usher em diversos flahsbacks. Todo o ódio, ranço e nojo que sinto da personagem em sua velhice são causados pela participação brilhante de Willa em suas cenas. Um trabalho de construção de personagem primoroso.
Como as outras séries que fez, é possível ver o quanto Mike Flanagan ama o seu trabalho e o quanto ele ama as histórias que cria. Mais uma vez, ele se prova como um excelente storyteller, tanto quanto roteirista quanto como diretor, enquanto deposita sua obra de arte na mãos de atores e atrizes tão talentosos que se repetem em cada um de seus projetos. “A Queda da Casa de Usher” é, talvez, a série mais profunda e atual de todas as que Mike já fez até então, mas sem precisar duvidar da inteligência do expectador e lhe explicar tim-tim-por-tim-tim de tudo o que está acontecendo, mas explicando apenas o essencial e permitindo que o expectador preencha sozinho as lacunas do que está acontecendo enquanto se deleita com uma história absurdamente bem contada.
Nota: 5/5
Edit 1: Acabei de descobrir que a Carla Gugino foi indicada como Melhor Atriz em Série Limitada no Critics Choice Awards 2024 por esse papel.
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sulan1809 · 9 months
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Star Wars - Personagens que perdoariam Anakin pelos crimes dele e outros que seriam extremamente hostis contra ele
Para quem assistiu Star Wars, Anakin Skywalker era um rapaz com um passado não tão ameno, em razão de ter vivido forçosamente sob um regime escravocrata, mas quando ele foi encontrado por Qui-Gon Jinn e Obi-Wan Kenobi, eles viram grande potencial no jovem, e mais tarde, Anakin foi aprovado como Jedi, no entanto, a Ordem Jedi ainda desconfiava dele. Anakin seria o escolhido que traria equilíbrio para a Força, mas também passaria para o Lado Sombrio. Depois de ter sido negado como Mestre Jedi pelo conselho, Anakin tomou uma nova e equivocada decisão: Ele aceitou os ensinamentos de `Palpatine em troca de um poder especial para salvar Padmé, no entanto, ele acabou caindo na armadilha do Mestre Sith e se transformou em Darth Vader, trilhando um caminho de barbaridades insanas como o segundo em comando do Imperador. No entanto, a alegria de Palpatine não duraria para sempre, pois Luke, sendo muito persistente, conseguiu livrar Anakin do domínio psíquico do Demônio Sith Oportunista. Eis aqui os personagens que perdoariam Darth Vader, e outros que jamais perdoariam o temido lorde Sith.
Perdoaria - Luke Skywalker
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Luke Skywalker certamente perdoaria Darth Vader e ouviria o lado dele. Pai e filho reunidos teriam muito a compartilhar e poderiam certamente compensar as décadas que o Imperador roubou de ambos. Um aspecto muito triste do relacionamento entre Luke e Vader é que eles passaram boa parte do tempo como inimigos, atacando um ao outro com sabres de luz e nunca tiveram uma chance de consertar as desavenças de ambos como pai e filho.
Não Perdoaria - Leia
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Vamos ser francos, o relacionamento entre Leia e Vader não é dos melhores, e para jogar mais lenha na fogueira, Leia foi forçada a assistir a destruição de Alderaan, o planeta onde ela viveu boa parte da vida dela. Esse tipo de cicatriz nunca poderia ser curada, mesmo que Vader tivesse sido redimido por Luke para o Lado da Luz...
Perdoaria - Obi Wan Kenobi
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Durante um certo tempo, o fracasso de Obi-Wan como Mestre Jedi ficou evidente, no entanto, com a morte do Imperador pelas mãos do ex-aprendiz dele, o reencontro com Anakin seria uma das melhores coisas com a qual ele se alegraria. Mesmo que Anakin estivesse dominado pelas Trevas, parte dos ensinamentos de Obi-Wan ainda estava em Anakin e isso ajudou ele a salvar Luke e a destruir Palpatine. Vader pode ter matado Obi-Wan, no entanto, o Mestre Jedi jamais seria capaz de guardar rancor contra o padawan dele.
Não Perdoaria - Han Solo
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Han Solo jamais perdoaria Vader. Embora Vader não tivesse destruído o planeta-natal de Han, a tortura à qual ele foi submetido na cidade nublada de Bespin, na qual ele foi transformado em uma placa de carbonita foi a pior das experiências pela qual Han passou.
Perdoaria - Ahsoka
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Ahsoka, assim como Luke, jamais desistiu de acreditar que o coração de Anakin ainda era nobre, mesmo depois de ter visto o rosto do Mestre dela por trás da máscara de Darth Vader. Anakin retornando como um Fantasma da Força certamente faria ela se alegrar. Ahsoka seria uma das poucas pessoas, ao lado de Luke, que certamente passaria a maior parte do tempo ao lado de um redimido Anakin.
Não Perdoaria - Conde Dookan
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Essa foi forçada demais. Conde Dookan antes era um leal membro da ordem. Ele era mentor de um importante Mestre Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn. No entanto, após à morte de Qui-Gon pelas mãos de Darth Maul, Dookan passou a questionar seriamente o lugar dele entre os Jedi. Não, Dookan jamais perdoaria Anakin, muito menos Palpatine. Dookan jamais perdoaria o Imperador por tê-lo descartado como um mero peão depois de perceber que ele já não tinha mais utilidade para os planos dele, e muito menos Anakin por ter-lhe cortado as mãos e cabeça... Mas peraí, não foi Dookan um dos estopins para a derrocada de Anakin para o Lado Sombrio?! Vale lembrar que ele decepou uma das mãos de Anakin, e tendo o orgulho ferido, ele quis vingança contra Dookan. Hipocrisia não tem limites para Dookan...
Perdoaria - Mestre Yoda
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Não tem como saber se Mestre Yoda seria mais ou menos indulgente quando comparado com Obi-Wan, no entanto, de uma coisa podemos ter certeza: o sábio baixinho verde veria Anakin como um aliado, considerando o evento decisivo que resultou na destruição da Segunda Estrela da Morte. Em Star Wars III: A Vingança dos Sith(2005), Yoda nunca perdeu esperança em Anakin como fez Obi Wan. Durante o duelo com o Imperador, Yoda disse que ele estaria seriamente equivocado a colocar muita confiança no aprendiz dele.
Não Perdoaria - Chewbacca
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Chewbacca não é um membro da Ordem Jedi, e não tem nenhuma história com Anakin. Na visão do Wookie, Vader não causou nada além de dor e sofrimento irreparável para os amigos dele, então, se ele fosse fazer contato com o Fantasma da Força de Anakin, o encontro não provocaria nada mais do que um rosnado furioso. Chewie também se lembraria da tentativa de assassinato contra Yoda, na qual Anakin estava envolvido, embora indiretamente.
Perdoaria - Capitão Rex
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Não está claro se Rex saberia que Anakin havia se tornando o temido Darth Vader. E mesmo que ele soubesse, seria ilógIco afirmar que Rex sentiria hostilidade pelo Fantasma da Força de Anakin, justamente porque ele iria se lembrar daquele que era um comandante e amigo. Vader esteve no comando da 501ª Legião durante as décadas de reinado do império, e sempre tratou os subordinados dele com extremo respeito, um fato que um clone como Rex apreciaria... Vale destacar que Ahsoka libertou Rex do chip inibidor dele, o que fez com que ele fosse um dos poucos clones dentro do agrupamento militar clonado a questionar a Ordem 66, na qual muitos Jedi morreram.
Não Perdoaria - R2-D2
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R2-D2 é um personagem único, porque ele parecia ser o epicentro de toda a saga Skywalker do começo ao fim. O pequeno astrodroide mecânico estava lá para ver a queda de Anakin e testemunhar os desafios de Luke. R2-D2 é raramente expressional, e não haveria nenhuma indicação de que ele trataria Anakin com respeito mesmo depois das coisas terríveis que ele fez. Quando Obi-Wan terminou o que começou em Mustafar, estranhamente R2-D2 não demonstrou hostilidade contra ele. Como ele se sentiu?! O que ele pensaria?! Sem sombra de dúvidas, o silêncio de R2-D2 não traz uma resposta clara para essas questões, mas as ações dele falam por si - R2-D2 escolheu ajudar os Rebeldes, que se opuseram a Vader e ao Império.
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denisestories · 11 months
Filmes vistos por Denise
Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar(Spider-Man Homecoming) - 2017 - 2h 13 min
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Peter Parker(Tom Holland) começa a se aventurar com sua nova identidade secreta como atirador de teias, o Homem-Aranha. Com o apoio da Tia May(Marisa Tomei), dos seus amigos e ainda com os conselhos de Tony Stark(Robert Downey Jr.), ele vai enfrentar uma terrível ameaça, o Abutre. 
O filme está disponível na Netflix e Prime Video(por aluguel) 
Thor: Ragnarok - 2017 - 2h 10 min
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Imagem: divulgação
O terceiro filme do Deus do Trovão, Thor(Chris Hemsworth) está preso em algum lugar do universo e precisa correr contra o tempo para voltar a Asgard e parar o Ragnarok, a destruição do seu mundo, que está nas mãos da poderosa e vilã Hela(Cate Blanchett). 
O filme está disponível no Disney + 
Star Wars: Os Últimos Jedi(Star Wars: The Last Jedi) - 2017 - 2h 32 min
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Imagem: divulgação
Após encontrar o recluso Luke Skywalker(Mark Hamill) em uma ilha isolada, Rey(Daisy Ridley) busca entender a oscilação da Força seguindo os ensinamentos do mestre Jedi. No Primeiro Império, Kylo Ren(Adam Driver) se reorganiza para enfrentar a Aliança Rebelde. 
O filme está disponível no Disney +
Cinquenta Tons de Liberdade(Fifty Shades Freed) - 2018 - 1h 41 min 
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Imagem: divulgação
O terceiro filme da trilogia, mostra os recém-casados Christian(Jamie Dornan) e Anastasia(Dakota Johnson) tem um futuro promissor juntos, mas ainda reserva surpresas para os dois. Eles estão finalmente juntos, mas ainda existem interesses que podem ameaçar a felicidade do casal. 
O filme está disponível no Globoplay(Telecine) e Prime Video
obs: se um era ruim, o outro mal, agora esse piorou, um final totalmente feito as pressas, um vilão esquisito e o casal mais sem noção do que nunca, triste, não era nunca ter saído do livro, é só a minha opinião, blz? 
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Star Wars: Os Últimos Jedi Online fácil
Assistir Filme Star Wars: Os Últimos Jedi Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/star-wars-os-ultimos-jedi/
Star Wars: Os Últimos Jedi - Filmes Online Fácil
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A tranquila e solitária vida de Luke Skywalker sofre uma reviravolta quando ele conhece Rey, uma jovem que mostra fortes sinais da Força. O desejo dela de aprender o estilo dos Jedi força Luke a tomar uma decisão que mudará sua vida para sempre. Enquanto isso, Kylo Ren e o General Hux lideram a Primeira Ordem para um ataque total contra Leia e a Resistência pela supremacia da galáxia.
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