#luke patterson! sister
Finally Mine-Luke Patterson
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(not my gif)
A/n: Thank you so much for asking for part 2. I hope you like this one just as much as you liked the first one. 
Taglist: @mallory69
Your POV
I was watching Julie on stage, when I saw the guys popping in. I felt myself smile until I noticed Luke having trouble. I grew nervous just watching him until I heard his voice. " I'm going out of my mind!" 
I was cheering them on from the crowd. I noticed Luke glancing my way a couple of times, which made me blush. I knew I shouldn't be nervous with him looking over at me, but I am. I was having the best time dancing and singing along. 
Once the show ended I felt a wave of sadness because I knew Luke, Reggie and Alex left for good. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around to find my dad. 
" Let's go find your sister." he said 
I smiled a little and nodded kind of zoned out since all I could think about was Luke right now. I followed behind my brother still thinking about how we didn't get a proper good-bye. 
When we found Julie I couldn't help but run over to her. "Omg! You did amazing on that stage." I said while wrapping my arms around her. She chuckled a little and thanked me. She then hugged everyone else while I stood back to get ready to leave. 
Julie's POV
After the hugs I could tell Y/n/n was thinking about the boys as much as I was. I knew she was feeling down for not getting to say good-bye. 
I waited until the three other members of our family was in front of us before I linked our arms to comfort her. She just gave me a smile before holding my arm a little tighter. 
We all were singing on the way to the front door until I paused looking over at the studio. " I'll be inside in a little bit." I told them
They nodded, but before she could sneak away I grabbed her wrist. "You want to come with me." I asked hopeful 
She looked over at me and I could tell she was hurting. " I can't walk in there, I'm sorry." She pulled her wrist out of my grip and rushed inside. I let out a deep sigh feeling bad for her. I just wish I could help her, but I know she just needs time to heal. 
I then decided to go to the studio to go and talk even though they're gone now. As I was talking I heard a grunt so I immediately flicked the light on to find all three of them on the ground in pain. I felt overwhelmed with sadness. I kept telling them to go since they did their unfinished business. 
Your POVI left Julie outside to immediately rush inside to my room to let my emotions out. I closed the door and crumbled to the ground not having the energy to stand anymore. This felt like the worst pain ever and I didn't like it. 
Julie's POV
I could feel tears falling down my face and when Luke went in for a hug my brain forgot that it wouldn't work, but what shocked me was that I could feel him. I pulled away and saw that he was glowing so I called...
" Alex, Reggie!" which made the both of them come over to me and we all did a group hug. We then started to jump around in a circle making me laugh. 
We then pulled away to find their marks that they got from the club were disappearing. " Julie, where's your sister?" Luke questioned 
I totally forgot about her. I looked over at the three of them. " She went to her room. She is pretty devastated because she thinks you guys are gone." I explained, but right after I finished Luke disappeared. I glanced at the other two confused where they looked more concerned. 
Luke's POV
I popped into her room feeling my heart break from the sight in front of me. I was super hesitant to walk over to her. I didn't want to startle her in any way. I quietly walked over, " Y/n/n...." I softly questioned 
I could see her freeze. " You're not real, it's not real." she mumbled 
I was now behind her. I gently tapped her shoulder making her jump. She stood up and spun around. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I went to ask her something, but she immediately started spitting words out. She was making it hard to answer them so I softly placed my hands on her shoulders. " How...how?" She questioned 
I looked amazed again. " I'm honestly not sure myself, but I'm right here." I whispered 
She started crying again making me nervous not knowing what to do. " Hey, hey, it's okay." I whispered, wiping her tears. I smiled some when she calmed down and then admitted. 
" I heard the song you sang to Julie." 
She immediately started blushing, making me laugh. " You were not supposed to hear that." She whispered 
I pulled her into a hug. " It's okay cause I actually really liked the song. I whispered 
Your POV
I couldn't believe I had my arms around Luke. This felt like a dream to me. He rubbed my back some. " What's on your mind?" he questioned 
I pulled away, " Just how all this is real. It feels like a dream." I whispered 
He smiled, " Well I'm here plus I'm still in my clothes from performing." He stated 
I nodded, " Luke about the song..." he interrupted me
He placed both his hands on my face. " Your song was amazing, plus no one's ever written me a song before." He said 
I blushed at his words and got lost in his eyes. I saw him lean in which made me nervous. " Is this okay?" he whispered only like an inch from my lips. 
I took a deep breath to get rid of the nerves. I then nodded, but he automatically said...
" Use your words Y/n/n." 
I immediately folded and whispered, " Yes it's okay." 
He then smiled and closed the gap. Feeling his lips on mine is making me get dizzy. He pulled away, but kept his forehead on mine. " How was that?" he whispered 
" Amazing." I mumbled 
He smiled down at me before kissing me again. All I'm saying is I could get used to the feeling of his lips. 
I hope you once again enjoy and I made her as Julie's sister not sure if I had her as one. Plus she's older than Julie by the way, so feel free to comment or request anything. Thank you guys for all the love and support. 
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fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
Just Like You 
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Luke Patterson X Reader
Imagine on my fandom instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 6,348
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: November 30th 2022
Post Time: 11:36 pm
Summary: Reader is Alex’s sister, but she also happens to be Luke’s best friend. She’s the person he always runs to for anything. so it doesn’t really come as a shock to anyone that she died alongside them. Reader also really hates shoes so it’s a huge shock to the boys when they find her hanging out around home in the one thing she really hates: shoes. 
Please refrain from stealing our work, thank you and please enjoy!!
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Y/n’s Pov: {December 12th, 1995} 
I stand off to the side of the stage by a table with my brother's and best friend’s towels in my hand. I wiggle my toes against the cold floor and smile at the soothing feeling. I hold my shoes with my socks stuffed in them and on my shoulder is my brother's fanny pack. 
I lightly drop my shoes down to the ground before pulling the fanny pack around to my front to get out a piece of gum. The boys start playing Now or Never, making me smile as I watch them dance around. I watch as they play and I see Luke look down at my feet before chuckling and shaking his head, then starting to sing. 
♪ Take off, last stop
Countdown 'til we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart ♪
I smile at the passion my brother and best friend have up on the stage. All the boys are sweating as they jump around and jam to the music. I continue to dance around and Luke keeps smiling when he looks at me, making my stomach flip every time. 
♪ Clocks move forward
But we don't get older, no
Kept on climbing
'Til our stars collided
And all the times we fell behind
Were just the keys to paradise ♪
Luke sings and as they come up onto the next part the others join in on the verse. I stop dancing for a moment to watch as Luke finishes his line so passionately. I smile at him as I wiggle my toes a bit. 
♪ Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now
And even if we hit the ground ♪
They all end the last verse together and Luke sings the next part. He continues to smile at me like a lovesick puppy and I can’t help but do the same. I watch in awe as he sings like he’s singing to me and I find myself wishing he would be. 
Being best friends with the guy you're in love with and one of your brother's best friends is hard. Alex of course knows how I feel, heck, he pegged me liking Luke even before I realized it. But he’d never in a million years spill my secrets. 
♪ We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never ♪
I blush lightly when Luke winks at me as he sings his heart out. He smirks when he sees my reaction, then goes back to singing and I wiggle my feet some more as they continue with the song. 
♪ Hear the noise in my head
It's calling out like a voice I can't forget
One life, no regrets
Catch up, got no time to catch my breath ♪
Luke continues to look at me and I can’t help but to have an overwhelming feeling of love for him even though we are very much not a couple. I move over and take Alex’s fanny pack off my shoulder and grab my water off the stool I had set it on. As I move the floor is colder on my feet and I can’t help but smile as I wiggle my toes again. 
♪ And clocks move faster
'Cause it's all we're after now, oh ♪
Luke finishes the last line and nods at Reggie for him to come sing with him. Reggie goes over to him and they sing together into the mic, facing each other and I smile even more. 
♪ Won't stop climbing
'Cause this is our time, yeah ♪
Reggie and Luke sing the line together, then Luke smiles as he pushes Reggie back to his spot on the stage as he continues to sing into his mic alone. Luke turns and looks back at me with a huge grin. He shakes his head again, but never wavers in his singing. 
♪ When all the days felt black and white
Those were the best shades of my life ♪
When Luke is done with the last line, they all come in to sing the next part and I sway with the song. If we were in the garage, I’d be full on rocking out, but we aren’t, so I dial my dancing down a bit. 
♪ Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now
And even if we hit the ground ♪
When they all finish, it goes back to Luke, who continues to have the most energy on the stage. I continue to lightly dance as my best friend and brother seem to push their passion on me. 
♪ We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever ♪
After Luke sings his line, the guys come back in to sing with him again. Now I quietly sing along, still enjoying the coolness of the floor on my feet.
♪ But live it like it's now or never ♪
When they all finish singing, Alex takes his part and Reggie does the background parts. I smile as my brother seems to have found something that makes him happy, which makes me happy. 
♪ We ain't searching for tomorrow (tomorrow)
'Cause we got all we need today (today) ♪ 
Once Alex and Reggie finish, Luke takes over singing again. I see Alex look at me briefly and I give him a thumbs up in encouragement with a huge grin. He smiles as he quickly gets back into it and I can’t help but smile proudly. 
♪ Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins ♪
After Luke’s line, Reggie then takes over this time to sing his part. I smile as Reggie, who's normally more shy than the others, gladly sings his part without even an ounce of shyness.
♪ We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain ♪
After Reggie sings they all come in again, but this time they bring claps into the mix. I smile as I clap along to their beat while they sing.
♪ Don’t look down 'Cause we're still rising up right now and even if we hit the ground ♪
“They're good, yeah?” A girl comes up and starts to clean the table that I’m next to. I turn to her with a smile. 
“Yeah, they really are. I'm proud to call the lead singer my best friend and the drummer my brother,” I say as we bop our heads to the very end of Now or Never. 
“You're one lucky girl to have their music in your life everyday,” she says and I smile. 
“Yeah, I am,” I say, turning back to watch the boys as I continue to dance lightly to the song. 
“Let me guess… don’t like shoes?” she asks as she points down to my feet while moving to a new table. 
“Yeah. I just don’t really like the construction of them…” I admit as I look down at my own shoeless feet. 
“My sister used to be the same. Then she started having to wear them more for pilates… that new workout thing…?” she explains before trailing off and I nod. 
“Yeah I’ve heard of it,” I tell her and she nods. 
“Well when she started that, she started wearing more workout shoes and now she loves them,” she continues to explain and I smile at her. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever be one to wear shoes. My mom tells me she’d put me in some when I was little and then not even two seconds later, Alex or Luke would be telling her I took them off,” I explain with a giggle and she giggles too. 
“Well that sounds like you definitely love being shoeless,” she comments and I nod in agreement. 
“Oh I definitely do,” I tell her and she grins before going back to whatever she was doing beforehand. 
♪ We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never
It's now or never (now or never) ♪
Just as we finish our conversation, the boys are finishing up and I smile as they all pat each other’s back. They stay on the stage, basking in the feeling, then they talk for a minute before coming down to where I’m standing.
“Hey, sweetheart. What'd you think? Wasn’t that awesome?!” Luke uses the nickname he’s always had for me, but I can’t help but wish it was in a different way. 
In all his sweaty glory, he comes over to hug me from behind. I squeal before giggling, nodding as he lets go of the hug and grabs his towel from my shoulder.
“Yeah, hon, it was electric,” I agree with him as I use my pet name for him and smile when Alex puts his arm over my shoulder. 
“I was on fire, sis!” he exclaims and I smile. 
“Yes you were, Lex!” I concur with a nod before giving my brother a kiss on the cheek. 
“Anyway sweetheart, we’re going to get street dogs to celebrate. You gonna come?” Luke asks as he now replaces Alex's arm with his. 
“Yeah, I think I will,” I reply and Luke smiles before giving my cheek a kiss. I push back the thought that I wish that could be a kiss on the lips. 
“Well if you’re coming, you should put your shoes back on,” Alex tells me as he bends down to pick up my shoes. 
“Do I have too?!” I whine out like a five year old, making both Luke and Alex laugh. 
“Yes, sweetheart. You have to. I promise you can take them off as soon as we get to the alley,” Luke tells me and I grin at him. 
“Ok. I guess I can,” I reluctantly agree as Alex hands me my shoes, rolling his eyes before giving me the ‘we are so talking about this later’ look. 
“I’ll put them back on here in a minute,” I assure them and they both nod before Alex grabs his fanny pack along with my water. 
“Hey! Bobby, where are you going?!” Luke asks as we watch Bobby go up to the girl I talked to earlier.
“I’m good,” he replies, turning back to Luke for a moment with a shrug before he goes back to the girl with all of us now following. 
“Vegetarian. I could never hurt an animal,” Bobby boasts as he tries to flirt with the poor girl. 
We all come up next to him and Luke puts his other arm up onto Bobby’s shoulder. He holds my hand with his other hand, something we’ve just always done platonically. Reggie stands next to me with an arm on Alex’s shoulder as Alex is on the other side of him. 
“You guys are really good,” the girl praises them and smiles at the boys. 
“Thank you,” Luke sheepishly says with a big smile on his face. 
“I see lots of bands. Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it,” she emphasizes as she looks at us. 
“That’s what we do this for. I’m Luke, by the way,” Luke continues to flirt with her and my stomach twists with jealousy. 
But then Luke squeezes my hand and I smile at the fact that it’s for no reason but to let me know he loves me. We’ve always done that when one of us seems to be upset, just as a sign of ‘I’m here, you’re ok,’ to calm the other. It’s our way of saying we love one another without having to say it, always has been and always will be. Again, Alex gives me a look and I shrug, making him roll his eyes. 
“Hi, I’m Reggie,” Reggie introduces himself in a flustered tone. 
“Alex,” Alex chimes in, putting a hand up in a wave. 
“Y/n.. nice to meet you,” I interject with a sweet smile as I lift my hand and give a small wave like my brother did.
“Bobby,” Bobby chirps as he pushes Luke behind him a bit. 
“I’m Rose. Nice meeting you guys,” the girl says amusedly, and smiles a beautiful smile.
Luke then gives Bobby a wet willie and I giggle lightly when he does. I then hold a shoe out to Alex and he nods as he takes my left shoe to hold it for me. With my right shoe I take my sock out and Alex takes the right one as well. 
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I bend down and Luke keeps a hold on my arm to balance me. I smile up at him in thanks, then finish putting my socks and shoes on.
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“Oh, uh, here’s our demo. And a tee shirt, size beautiful,” Reggie croons, now flirting as well and I roll my eyes as I stand up right again. 
“Thanks. I’ll be sure not to wipe down the tables with this one,” she jokes as she holds it up to herself before she throws it over her shoulder.
“Oh, good call! Whenever they get wet, they kinda just fall apart in your hands,” Alex informs her and I smirk at him as he bashfully looks away. 
“Don’t you guys have to go get hot dogs?” Bobby asks as he tries to get us all to leave so he can be with Rose. 
“Yeah. He had a hamburger for lunch,” Luke informs Rose as he pushes Bobby back so he can talk to Rose. He then pushes off the table with his hands and grabs my hand again before leaving. 
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Luke exclaims and Reggie giggles as we all walk out the back door of the Orpheum. 
“The smell of sunset boulevard?” Alex asks and I snort as I start to giggle before groaning. 
“The shoes?” Alex asks me and I nod.
“No. It’s what that girl said in there tonight,” Luke explains as he swings our hands back and forth and kicks the puddle that’s in front of us. 
“About our music, right? It’s like an energy. It connects us with people,” he elaborates and I smile even though in my mind I’m only wanting to take my shoes off. 
“I mean, he’s got a point Lex, that’s what connected me and Luke,” I agree and Luke smiles, pulling me in so I’m against his side with his arm around my shoulders. 
“She’s not wrong, man, but they can feel us when we play. I want that connection with everybody,” Luke bursts happily and pulls the boys into our little huddle as well. 
“Then we’re gonna need more t-shirts,” Reggie jokes as he holds up one of the sunset curve shirts I helped them make a couple weeks ago and the rest of us laugh. 
“Let’s go,” Luke playfully orders and I giggle as Luke pulls me closer to leave a kiss to the side of my forehead. 
“I love you,” I muse, making him smile. 
“I love you too, precious,” he parrotes me, making me grin and nuzzle into his side. 
Out of my peripheral I see Alex shake his head lightly and I only cuddle Luke closer. Alex lets out a huff and I shrug as Luke lets go of me. 
“Let’s go boys,” Luke commands as pops his hood up over his head as we all head to the front of the Orpheum. “And best friend,” Luke adds, making me giggle. 
We continue walking forward until we pass a group of girls who are all talking and not noticing anything at all. 
“Ladies,” Reggie croons as he walks up to them and hands them the leftover shirts he has. 
We stop and wait for him as he hands them the shirts before coming back to us. Then we all continue walking and the girls open the shirts only to let out a scream. 
“Reggie, wait!” One of the girls yells out, making me giggle as Reggie smirks. 
We walk for a while before coming up to the alley to get our hot dogs. We get our hot dogs from the cook before we each pile condiments onto them from the back of an Oldsmobile. 
“Man…. I can’t wait until we eat someplace where the condiments aren’t served out of the back of an Oldsmobile,” Alex states as he turns to Luke and then walks off to the owner. 
“I mean, I can’t say I don’t agree,” I tell Luke and he chuckles as he grabs my hand. 
“Hey… sorry I got some pickle juice on your battery cables,” Alex informs the much older man and I hold back a giggle. 
“No problem. It’ll help with the rust,” the older man jokes with a laugh. 
“That can’t…. okay. What?” Alex asks in confusion, then just deciding to let it go as he walks away from the man. He shakes his head and I giggle when he comes back up next to me. 
“Confused?” I ask him and he nods. 
“Duh!” he tells me and I snort out a giggle. 
We walk over to a couch with our food and sit down. Reggie sits farthest to the left and Luke sits next to him before pulling me down onto his lap and Alex shakes his head as he sits down next to Luke. I push my hot dog into Alex’s hand and he rolls his eyes. 
“Uhh, ok sure. I’ll hold it for you, sis,” he sarcastically jokes and I giggle. 
I reach down and quickly pull off one shoe along with its sock before ripping the other off. I lean back into Luke with a sigh and he chuckles as I take my hot dog back from Alex. 
“This is awesome, you guys. We’re playing the Orpheum! I can’t even count how many bands have played here and ended up being huge,” Luke says excitedly as he keeps his arm around me while holding his hot dog with the other.
“We’re gonna be legends!” Luke exclaims with a smile. 
“Yes, you guys will be. And I’ll be right beside you the whole time,” I agree and promise them with a big smile. 
“Eat up, sweetheart. You too, boys. Cause after tonight, everything changes,” Luke informs us as he squeezes my hip while holding his hot dog in the air. 
We all put our hotdogs together as if toasting to something, then each take a big bite.
“That’s a new flavor,” Alex mentions with a mouth full of hotdog while looking at us. 
“Chill man, street dogs haven’t killed us yet,” Reggie jokes, making me giggle. 
“I mean he’s got a point. We’ve been eating here for how long?” I ask with a shrug before we all continue to eat.
Little did we know, the hotdogs had bad chemicals in them, chemicals that aren't good to ingest at all.
Y/n’s Pov:{2020 after the Orpheum performance} 
“Knock knock,” I speak as I stick my head through Julie's bedroom door. 
“Ahh, if it isn’t my favorite ghost that actually has manners. You can come all the way in,” Julie jokes as she turns to look at me and I grin as I step all the way in. 
“Hi, Julie. Yeah, the guys are not well mannered, that's something we can agree on,” I say with a laugh and she smiles, also laughing. 
“Come to get away again?” she asks and I quickly turn away from her before starting to look around her room again. 
“Yeah… he’s just…” I sigh and shake my head as I make my way to her closet. 
“Infuriating?” she fills in for me and I bite my lip as I nod. 
I start to look around her closet and find a shirt I really like. Smiling, I pull it off the hanger and turn to her as I hold it up. 
“Can I try this on?” I ask her and she nods as she gets up and grabs a notebook off her chair. 
“Sure. Just don’t do what your boyfriend apparently likes to do,” she tells me with a giggle as she sits back down and I pull it off the hanger. 
“One, he’s not my boyfriend. Two, Alex tells that story too much. It was one time!” I quickly defend Luke as I walk over to the mirror to slip it on over my shirt and Julie shakes her head. 
“Whatever, just make sure it stays the way it is and comes back to me,” she jokes and I roll my eyes in the mirror at her. 
“Yeah, yeah. One time. One time Luke steals a shirt and cuts it up, then we both become shirt villains,” I joke as I turn to look at her. 
“Well? Does it look good on me?” I ask her as I hold my arms out and spin a little. 
“Yeah. It does. Go ahead and borrow it whenever you want to,” she tells me when she looks up at me from writing and I grin at her.
“Thank you, Jules,” I tell her and she smiles sweetly back at me. 
“Of course. That’s what girlfriends are for,” Julie says as she continues to write in her book. 
“I’ve never really had girl friends. I’ve only ever had the boys…” I tell her, my voice thick with emotion and she gets up from the bed. 
“Well, you have me and Flynn now,” she tells me as she comes up beside me. 
“Wanna try on anything else?” she asks and I shrug, making her smile. 
“Really y/n, it’s ok. Try whatever you like,” she reiterates to me and I grin, making her smile as she goes and sits back on her bed. 
I excitedly walk over to her closet and look through it. I look at her shirts for a few minutes, but nothing jumps out at me. I sigh and let my head fall with my eyes falling closed, making Julie chuckle. 
“Nothing speaks to ya, huh?” she asks and I huff, opening my eyes. 
My eyes light up as I see something and Julie seems to notice as she once again gets up to come over to me. I bend down and pick them up with a smile on my face. Julie watches me carefully as I straighten up and look at her. 
“Do you have socks by chance? I don’t know if mine would even be in the bags in the garage or not. I never really kept any around,” I say excitedly and she smiles, walking over to her dresser. 
“Sure, what kind do you normally like?” she asks as she opens the drawer.
“Umm, you got any knee high?” I ask and she gives me a devilish smile. 
“Oh, I’ve got many…” she tells me as she begins to pull a bunch out:
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Julie lays out pair after pair and I marvel at all her choices of knee high socks. I find it hard to pick my favorite pair and Julie chuckles. 
“Pick two or three favorites and you can keep them along with the shoes,” Julie tells me and my head snaps up to look at her. 
“Really? I can keep the shoes and two pairs of socks?” I ask and she nods, smiling. 
“The shoes aren’t really my favorite anymore, so yeah. Keep ‘em. I also don’t really wear the knee highs anymore,” she says with a laugh as she motions to all the socks she has. 
“Thank you, Jules,” I tell her and she smiles, nodding at me. 
“There’s so many new patterns from when I was younger. How will I ever pick?” I ask and she chuckles as she lifts a pair off the bed. 
“I think you’d like these maroon ones or maybe the navy blue, but if you're ever looking to impress a certain someone, then I’d take one of the music notes,” she tells me as she lifts each one to show me. 
“I’ll take the maroon and the yellow and black ones, those ones kinda remind me of when Luke used to call me bee…” I fondly tell her as I pick up the socks before looking up at her to see she has an amused look on her face. 
“What?” I ask and she giggles. 
“He used to call you, bee? Really?” she asks and I blush lightly. 
“It was because bumblebee was my favorite transformer. He used it when we were like 8!” I exclaim when she raises an eyebrow at me. 
“Ok. No, that's actually a very cute reason…” she admits as she crosses her arms and I smile. 
“Isn’t it, though? If Lex were here he’d totally be gagging and rolling his eyes,” I tell her and she chuckles. 
“I could totally see that. Alex seems very protective over you,” she agrees with me and I roll my eyes. 
“You have no idea,” I joke and she laughs again. 
“You can come take my socks whenever. Like I said, I don’t wear them very often. But keep those ones, they’re yours now,” she tells me with a grin and I grin back. 
“Really, thank you,” I tell her again and she shrugs. 
“Hey. It’s nothing. I know you hate shoes, so if you like those and I mean really like them, go right ahead and keep ‘em,” she tells me with a smile and I jump up, grabbing the shoes and socks. 
“I’ll see you later. Thank you for my new shoes and socks. You think Luke will like ‘em? They match his…” I say in a bashful tone and Julie smirks. 
“I’m sure he’ll love them. Heck, he’ll probably just like seeing you excited about shoes for once,” Julie jokes with another shrug and I giggle. 
“You're right. I’ll see you later?” I ask her and she nods, grinning. 
“Got a gig with the boys tonight so I’m sure I’ll see you there. You never pass our gigs up,” she tells me as she starts picking up the other socks. 
“That’s ‘cause I’m the cheerleader. I cheer everyone on, especially now that I’m more of a background manager now that Flynn’s the real manager,” I admit and she shakes her head. 
“You’re part of the team too, even if you do more background stuff. Plus, I think of you more as our stylist than a cheerleader. Those shirts you used to make were awesome. Not to mention how you dressed the guys and me for the last gig,” she raves and I blush at all the praise. 
“Oh… that was nothing, really,” I wave her compliment off and she shakes her head. 
“Y/n, take the compliment. You're awesome at style,” she demands and I slowly smile while nodding. 
“Ok… ok. Thank you,” I tell her shyly and she laughs. 
“Now go try your new shoes out,” she jokes with me, rolling her eyes with a smile and I grin. 
“Ok. See you later!” I wave at her and she waves back. 
I quickly walk out of her room—when she opened the door I have no clue, probably when my head was buried in the closet—and I decide to just apparate to the garage. My feet lightly land on the garage floor and I quickly rush over to the couch. 
I put the bumblebee striped socks on, then the shoes and smile when I finish tying them. I stand up and grin as I dance around a little bit. Soon I get bored waiting for the guys so I decide to figure out the guy’s clothes for the gig tonight. 
I go up into the loft where all of our clothes are and look through Alex’s first. I find him a real nice light pink shirt, knowing he’d want his pink. I then look through his pants and find him one of his many pairs of black sweats. 
I then go over to his new collection of fanny packs and find him a nice jean jacket style one. I lay that all out and look over it. I then grab one of his many snapback hats and add it in. 
The blue of the snapback pairs perfectly with the fanny pack and I decide to let him pick shoes, making me smile as I’m satisfied with the outfit. I then move on to Luke’s outfit, starting with his favorite skull shirt and lay it out. I start to riffle through his pants when I hear the boys land downstairs from apparating. 
“Sweetheart, where are you?” I hear Luke shout out and I smile. 
“In the loft, Lukey!” I shout back and smile when I find the right pants. 
“There you are. Come down and cuddle?” he asks me and I shake my head, smiling more. 
“Sorry, Lukey boy. Can’t. I’ve still got yours, Reggie’s, and Julie's outfits to do before tonight,” I sadly tell him and he frowns. 
“But… if you help me, maybe I can get them done faster,” I appeal to him and he takes a moment to think it over before his frown slowly turns to a smile. 
“Deal,” he tells me and I smile softly at him as he comes closer. 
“Ok. Do you want to finish your outfit then while I start on Regsters?” I ask and he laughs.
“What?” I ask him and he chuckles. 
“You haven’t called Reggie Regsters since we were like ten,” he tells me with a smirk and I shrug. 
“I guess I’m just feeling very nostalgic today,” I comment as I continue to put Reggie’s outfit together. 
“Ok. I’m done with Reginald’s. Are you done with yours?” I ask as I turn around to look at him and again he has a smirk on. 
“What is with you today? Old nicknames and full names?” he asks and I giggle as I look over what he’s added to his outfit. 
“I really don’t know. I was hanging out with Jules today and for some reason it’s put me in a very weird happy and nostalgic mood,” I explain as I give his outfit a few minor changes. 
When I finish his outfit I fully stand up and when I do, I hear him let out a gasp. I look at him and realize he’s looking down at my feet. 
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I grin as I stand on my heels, letting my toes angle out before bringing them back in. 
“Oh! Jules gave me ‘em. Aren’t they rockin’?” I ask and he gives me a sideways look. 
“Sweetheart, don’t get me wrong, they are rockin’, but why are you wearing them? You hate shoes…” he asks me and I feel a blush creep up my neck. 
“I really liked them and Julie told me I could have them, so I took them. Do you not like them? They match yours…” I tell him as I bite my lip as I look down at them. 
“No. I love them. It’s just… I’m not used to seeing you wear shoes, sweetie,” he explains as he comes over to me. 
“Oh…ok. I liked em ‘cause they matched yours. Not to mention they’re  too,” I meekly point out and I hear him chuckle. 
“Is that all we had to do all these years to get you to wear shoes? Just find you a pair that matched mine?” he asks, making me look up at him and my breath gets caught in my throat with how close he is. 
If I moved just a little bit more, my lips could touch his. Oh how badly I want to just surge forward and close the small distance, but I don’t. I look down at his lips before quickly looking back up at his eyes in hopes he didn’t catch it. To my relief, it seems like he didn’t. 
“If that’s the case, we shoulda done that years ago,” he jokes and I just watch him as he keeps a smile on his face. 
“Hey. What’s wrong?” he asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts. 
“Oh… nothing, I promise. Just… stuck in thought I guess,” I tell him with a shrug before going around him to try and go down the ladder. 
“Hey. No. I know something is up, y/n. Come on, you can tell me,” he prompts me as he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. 
“Really. It’s nothing. I’m fine…” I try to lie the best I can, knowing he’ll read me like an open book. 
“No. You’re not leaving till you tell me what’s wrong…” he informs as he again pulls me back, but this time he pulls me into a hug and holds me there. 
“Lukey… come on. Let me go. I can’t talk to you about it, ok…?” I plead with him and he gives me a confused look. 
“What can’t you tell me? You tell me everything, sweetheart. It’s ok. You can tell me,” he promises and I sigh, realizing he won’t be letting this go. 
“I can’t tell you because it’s about you. You’ll stop talking to me and I don’t want that,” I admit in a fast jumble of words. 
“What do you mean it’s about me? Did I do something to make you upset with me? I’m sorry if I did,” he quickly apologizes and I shake my head. 
“Goodness no, Luke… I… uh… like someone…” I tell him as I bite my lip and his face falls. 
“Oh. So you’re…” he trails off and I nod. 
“Yeah. I’m in love with you…” I admit sheepishly and his eyes widen. 
“Wait, what?!” he asks and I give a nervous giggle. 
“What did you think I meant?” I ask him and he chuckles. 
“I thought you were trying to tell me you were going to go out with another guy. Ya know, dial everything back…” he explains with a slow smile making way to his face. 
“Oh… well, no…” I again nervously trail off and he chuckles again. 
“Sweetheart, look at me please…” he asks me and I do, only to see him smiling. 
“Wha-” I start off, but he cuts me off as he slams his lips to mine and I freeze. 
The kiss lasts for a few minutes and it's exactly how I always dreamed of it. At first, Luke kisses me and I can’t move out of shock, but once I’ve snapped out of it I kiss him back. Our lips move in sync and it’s so full of love. 
It’s nice and slow as Luke keeps his hands on my cheeks. My arms slowly wrap around his neck and I play with the hair at the nip of his neck. All too soon though, we are both pulling away for air. 
He lays his forehead against mine as he now wraps his arms around my waist and mine stay around his neck. He gives me one last peck before he’s smiling, making me smile too. 
“I’ve wanted to do that since fourth grade…” he whispers out as he nudges my nose with his. 
“Well… why didn’t you?” I ask him with a giggle when his face scrunches up. 
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” he sassily asks and I giggle again. 
“Because I didn’t know how you felt. I didn’t want to risk losing you,” I admit and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“I had the same reasoning,” he admits and I grin before we both start laughing. 
“Wait, so we’ve both been oblivious idiots this whole time?” I ask and he nods while still laughing. 
“I could have told you that! As a matter of fact, I did!” Alex shouts from downstairs, making me and Luke laugh harder. 
“Well, that’s definitely one way to do it,” I giggle out and Luke shrugs. 
“I guess so, bee…” he says with a grin on his face and I immediately look down at my socks. 
“You figured it out!” I excitedly exclaim and he nods, smiling. 
“That I did. How could I forget about bee? Now if we had known that all we had to was get bumblebee striped socks and shoes that matched mine, maybe we would’ve had you in shows years ago,” Luke jokes with an eye roll and I scoff. 
“Oh, shut up. At least now I’m just like you,” I tell him with a grin and he smiles more, if that’s even possible. 
“Yes, you are and I love it,” he tells me with a smile before pulling me back to him by the waist. 
“Can I kiss you again?” he asks and I giggle. 
“Well you didn’t even ask the first time around, but you're lucky I love you or else it’d be a no,” I joke before realizing what I had actually said and I pause, waiting for his response. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he replies with a big cheeky smile and I can’t help but smile with him. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he jokingly tells me and I smile, nodding. 
He leans forward and kisses me again. This time feels just like the first, so full of love and care. I smile into the kiss as does he before again we’re pulling away. 
“You gonna come give me those cuddles now?” he asks and I laugh before playfully sighing. 
“I guess we can go cuddle now…” I reply playfully and he grins. 
“Ok. Come on,” he tells me and before I know it, I’m being pulled towards the ladder. 
We make it down to the bottom and he pulls me over to his couch before he’s plopping down onto it. He looks up at me before holding his arms out and doing grabby hands like a five year old would. I laugh as I sit down on the couch.
He wraps his arms around me and I cuddle into his chest. I sigh when all he brings is a protective warmth over me. Soon before I know it, my eyes slowly drop and I’m off into dreamland, sleeping peacefully in my best friend's arms (well, boyfriend now, I guess). Only the peaceful sleep doesn’t last very long because soon I’m jumping awake. 
“Are you wearing shoes?!” Alex shouts as I sleepily look up at him. 
“Yes, I am. Now go away, I’m going back to sleep,” I grumble as I cuddle back into Luke, who lets out a small breathy laugh and that’s the last thing I hear before falling back into a deep, peaceful sleep. 
The End…
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kodiakwhiskey · 2 years
We're Not Friends
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Pairing: Alive!Luke Patterson x Fem!Peters!Reader
Friends don't look at each other the way I look at you
CW: implied smut, food descriptions, jealous Julie, College apps, music, movie mention (deep impact and dante's peak)
Dividers from @firefly-graphics
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Luke looked at the feast she had put together for their movie night.
Popcorn, candy, loaded nachos, samosas, pizza, there was a pack of soda under the coffee table. He was just waiting for her to come downstairs. 
They got lucky their parents didn't care about these sleepovers. Luke's parents loved you, and your parents loved Luke. It helps that you grew up next to him and was his best friend’s sister. It was a tradition since they were kids where they'd pull a random movie out of the movie hat, though over the years it's changed into Genres so she could keep the boys over longer. Eventually when they'd met Julie and Flynn the girls would come over too, but tonight, it had just been the two of them. Not that either of them minded. They were best friends for a reason.
"Okay so tonight's roster is…." She dug around in the old top hat, pulling out a slip of paper. "Disaster movies!" She put the hat under the coffee table, and walked over to the DVD rack. "We have twister, twister two. Dante's peak, the day after tomorrow, 2012, Armageddon, the core, and deep impact."
"I don't think we've seen Dante's Peak or Deep impact." 
She slipped one of the DVDs into the player, sitting down on the couch, pulling her blanket on her, scooching just a smidgen closer to Luke. The two of them were quietly watching, passing snacks back and for, occasionally making jokes about something happening in the movie
It's coffee time! Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee! Cappuccino, java, YES!
He heard her giggle knowing her obsession with coffee already.
At some point she ended up curled into his side, his arm around her. Neither of them had second thoughts about it, the feeling being natural.
As the credits started rolling Luke looked down to see her sleeping lightly. His face flushed but he dared not move. Her long hair had been pulled until a messy top knot, and now a few of her white streaks hung in her face, a tiny bit of drool in the corner of her mouth. They had eaten a fair amount of the food, the samosas being the first to go as they were her favorite. 
He heard the basement door open and Reggie came downstairs. 
"Did sis fall asleep again?" Luke just nodded and Reggie stood in front of them, hoisting her over his shoulder. Luke started cleaning up the basement as Reggie took her to her bedroom.
Alex came down shortly after, followed by Flynn and Julie.
“Looks like we missed the party.”
“She fell asleep, but I’m sure Reg wouldn’t mind if we stayed and watched another movie. Flynn was already plopping on the couch as the next dvd started, her favorite move starting.
“What even is this?”
“Deep Impact! It’s her favorite movie and we pulled the disaster genre today.” Luke smiled to himself as he picked the cases up. She had been obsessed with it ever since she saw it, always watching Storm Chasers. She had wanted to be a meteorologist when they were little, but it’s been a while since they had that kind of talk. He noticed the room go quiet and looked up from the dvd case to see the four of them, Reggie having made it back down, staring at him.
“Dude, just ask her out already.” Luke sputtered a bit at Alex’s blunt statement. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. She’s my best friend.”
“You have my blessing if that's what you need bro.” Reggie made his way over to the couch. “She totally likes you too in case it wasn’t obvious.” Julie paid them no mind and scrolled through her phone. It was the truth, but it still hurt. She could tell when they’d all first met, but regardless she caught feelings.
While everyone found spots around the basement, Julie and Flynn taking the guest room, Reggie went upstairs to his room.
Luke couldn't sleep. No matter how hard he tried, how many sheep he counted. He kept thinking about her.  Maybe it was those thoughts that compelled him to sneak his way upstairs to her room. 
He knocked quietly before slipping in through the door,  his feet finding its way through the dark to her, the layout of her room memorized.  He slips in under the covers facing her. When her eyes open slightly he puts his hand on her cheek. "It's just me, Elm." She smiles at his voice, nuzzling into his palm slightly and moving closer to him. Luke lets out a soft chuckle, gladly pulling her into him and smelling her pomegranate shampoo. He wanted to believe she stuck with it because he liked the smell, but he knew deep down it was only because it smelled like her. 
"Skyguy?" He tilted his head down at her. "Can you take me flying again tonight?"
"Whatever you want, Elm." She settles back into him, falling again into her deep slumber.
Luke still had problems falling asleep, but when he focused on her breathing he found himself pulled quickly to sleep.
When they first met, it had been nothing but talks of star wars. She turned towards him with those big green eyes, they were 8 that year, and very simply said "You're going to take me flying someday." 
He made it a vow then.
'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes
And that's where I find a glimpse of us
And I try to fall for her touch
He has this dream often. The two of them racing towards the edge of the world. Jumping off the ledge and soaring through the skys
But I'm thinking of the way it was
Said I'm fine and said I moved on
Her standing front row of his front row show
I'm only here passing time in her arms
Hoping I'll find
A glimpse of us
His home, her family, Alex, they were all his home
Luke awoke in the morning grabbing one of her notebooks from her night stand, and scribbling away some lyrics. Something to save for later so he doesn't forget. 
He peeked over at her, still asleep, her white strands hanging in her face. He thought back to the nickname, refusing to see him as the Skywalker he'd been named after "You're way too dramatic to be Luke. Your dad should have named you Anakin."
He smiled and tucked around her again.
She had woken up to find Luke still wrapped around her, their legs and arms a tangled mess. She should just tell him. Ask him to stay like this with her, just the two of them. But instead she carefully untangled herself and padded downstairs. Their parents left a note, officially designating their much needed vacation. The Peters siblings had the house for the next 4 days. She smiled softly and heard Reggie pad down the stairs, immediately pulling out breakfast. 
"Do you think pancakes or French toast?" He pondered his option when you put the bread back in the fridge. 
"French toast calls for the special bread from Madame Alexandra's. Do pancakes today." She smiled and walked outside into the back, unlocking the shed their dad let her and Reggie use for a music room. 
Alex, Julie, and Flynn awoke to the smell of breakfast, the three of them migrating upstairs where Reggie had almost finished.
“Welcome! Julie and Flynn this is your first annual Vacation weekend at the Peters House!” He was putting massive plates of food on the table, and Alex started grabbing drinks from the fridge. “Typically the guys stay over all weekend, but it’s totally optional, my parents are out of town until Tuesday for their yearly ‘Alone Time’.” 
Luke rolled out of her bed, his face hitting the floor. Groaning, he sat up, giving himself a minute to wake up. He peeked over, saw your side of the bed empty and peeked out of your window, noticing the door to the music shed open. He walked down to the kitchen, everyone else already getting seated at the table. “Hey Luke, can you go get Y/N? I think she was practicing out back.”
“Already on it. Save me one of those weird bubbly juices your mom gets?” Reggie threw a cheesy grin and grabbed their normal breakfast drinks.
“I’m sorry, bubbly juice?” Flynn was curiously eyeing the can put down in front of her. “Why have I never seen this before?”
“My mom has Champagne taste on a beer budget is what my dad always says.” Reggie sits down at the end of the table his dad usually sits, scrolling through his phone. “It’s just carbonated juice though. My mom buys in bulk.”
“Hey, speaking of which, we should go get food for the weekend.” Alex pulled out a pen and notepad from one of the drawers. “Can we take your sister's car?”
Reggie feigned offense at this comment, scoffing at his suggestion.
“Yeah we can take my car, but I have to drop my audition tape off while we’re out.” She sat down in her normal spot at the end of the table after setting the case down on the counter, Luke sitting next to her.
“Audition tape?” Julie didn’t realize she was in music, but she also went to a different school than the rest of them. There was a lot she realized she didn’t know about her.  
“Yeah um… Itsmyjulliardapplication.” she flushed and hid behind her hair, mumbling to herself before grabbing food from the table. Luke smiled at her, his heart fluttering. 
After breakfast the 6 of them piled into her blue SUV, Alex confirming everything on the way to Wholesale Sam’s.
She dropped the four of them off, and the two of them went to the post office down the street.
“Are you excited”
“A bit. I’m also a bit nervous and a bit scared and worried and…” She trailed off when Luke put his hand over hers. “It’s a lot to take in… I doubt I’ll make it in, I don’t go to a music prestigious high school like you guys.”
“Okay true, but you’re amazing. I’ve never met anyone who would beatbox and play an instrument, let alone write the way you do.” She smiled slightly at his words, a pink heat dusting her cheeks. He held her hand the whole time as she dropped off the parcel, and the entire way back to the store. 
“Luke?” He turned towards her as they parked, his bright eyes gleaming.
“Thank you. I’m really glad to have you as a friend.” The words stung both of them, but he smiled, and just walked with her into the store, meeting up with the rest of their friends.
It was really like any wholesale store, and soon they found themselves heading towards the back of the store where the freezer section was, forgetting that Luke was holding her hand.
Reggie nudged Alex when they approached, but no one said anything out of the ordinary. It wasn’t until she surged forward towards a bin of giant Stuffies that Luke realized he had been holding her hand the whole time. It felt empty and cold, and his face fell slightly at the absence, but seeing her stand there with a giant round penguin-looking thing made him smile. “Look, it's a penguin! But also a mango!” She dropped it by the bin and dug through it again, producing a watermelon with a pugs face on it. “We can be matching!” He never saw her get so excited over squishies before but before he knew it she had dug up a stuffed Plague Doctor and Nurse B, almost as big as her. Luke had no idea where he’d put it in his room, but the smile on her face convinced him he’d do anything to keep it there.
“Sis those are pretty big, You wouldn’t have room for it.” She seemed to ponder this for a moment before putting all the giant stuffies back and producing two smaller keychain stuffies of the same pair. 
“I can settle for this then.” She put them in the cart, and the 6 of them continued shopping.
The trip ended with a stop at Her favorite bakery, getting the special french toast bread she loved so much, but also treating everyone else.
“Julie, do you want something?” Her question caught Julie off guard who just nodded, and Flynn pulled her over to the case. 
The rest of the day everyone spent hanging around the house. She excused herself upstairs during their game tournament, padding up to her room. Truth be told she felt too anxious to be around people, and she had hoped the olive branch of food would be enough to show Julie she wanted to be friends. She didn’t notice she had been crying until she heard a soft knock on her door. She quickly wiped her tears and opened the door to a concerned Luke. She moved aside slightly for him to come in, and he wrapped his arms around her. 
“Are you okay?” She nodded and felt his lips against her forehead.
“I’m just a little overwhelmed lately.” He nodded and pulled away looking down slightly at her face. He couldn’t help but look at her lips, his concern still festering seeing them chewed up. He hadn’t realized she’d been doing it all day. “Luke…”
“I’m sorry… I should go back downstairs.”
“No wait…” Her hand was warm against his arm, and he faced her again.
“Be honest. Are we friends?”
“Of course we are.” He almost scoffed at her question. “You’re my best friend…”
“Am I? Cause there are times when I think… no I want-”
“-to be more…” His eyes fell to her lips again as he finished her sentence for her. 
“Luke I-” She’s cut off by his lips on hers, his hands on her cheeks. He pulls away slightly, kicking the door closed and walks to the bed with her. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“I want to.” He kisses her again, hungrier, and faster “I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve wanted you for so long.” 
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3 months later
“Oh my god.” Luke hears the ripping of an envelope, and all 6 of them jump up. “Oh god I can’t read it. I can’t face this rejection.” She hands the letter to Reggie, who rips it out of the envelope and hungrily reads the words. 
“Dear Miss Y/N Peters, We are pleased to announce that your application has been accepted and you will be attending Julliard for the next Fall semester!” She screams in excitement and the group rushes to hug her.
She cries while muttering about how she couldn’t believe she was accepted. The group celebrates later that evening with the rest of their families.
And amidst the crowd she finds herself and Luke alone in her bedroom. “So… New York huh?” A sad smile washes over her face, and the tears she was holding back came through. “Hey don’t cry babe you got in! That’s good isn’t it?” He moves so he’s sitting on the floor beside her. He wraps his arms around her, and she nestled into his side, the two of them leaning against the wall. 
“Luke I… Reggie and I have never been separated. I haven’t been without you for more than a few weeks since you became friends with him too and…”
“Hey…” He pulls her face up to meet him. “I never said you’d be going alone.” Her eyes widened a bit at his statement. “Besides, New York sounds fun. And if you decide we don’t like it there we can always come back home.”
“Luke Patterson, you are my home.” 
“And I’d follow you anywhere.”
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voidvannie · 7 days
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⋆✩⋆ ─── 🎶long drives, blue skies, straight to the horizon. dancing in the rain, even through all the lightening!🎶 - Always Been You, Michael Sanzone
⋆✩⋆ ─── series masterlist
⋆✩⋆ ─── pairing : luke hughes x charlotte lazar
⋆✩⋆ ─── main masterlist
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─── profile.ᐟ
─── favorites.ᐟ
─── extra facts.ᐟ
𝜗𝜚 Charlotte is going to NYU for film and photography.
𝜗𝜚 The New Jersey Devils team often lets her film and take pictures of the players for her classes.
𝜗𝜚 Her loves the color green, but ONLY sage green.
𝜗𝜚 She use to live in New York, but when Curtis was drafted to the Devils, she moved in with him in New Jersey.
𝜗𝜚 She started a YouTube channel in 2019 with the name ❛Life With Charlie❜ where she post daily vlogs of her life and often collabs in LA with various other YouTubers and TikTok stars.
𝜗𝜚 She absolutely adores her nephews Owen and Cayden. Owen is definitely an auntie’s boy.
𝜗𝜚 She’s really shy when you first meet her, but it takes no time for her to warm up to you.
𝜗𝜚 When she first met the Devils, Jack actually freaked her out with the amount of talking he had done with her.
𝜗𝜚 Her brother is super overprotective and always tries to scare boys away from her ❪ which she’s really grateful for at times ❫
𝜗𝜚 She met Benson Boone during a trip to LA and the two instantly hit it off, becoming best friends.
𝜗𝜚 She loves to read and sometimes gets lost in another world when she’s ready.
𝜗𝜚 She’s always wanted to fall in love in the rain.
𝜗𝜚 When she gets nervous, she bakes a ton which results in her making goodie bags for the team.
𝜗𝜚 When she flirts with someone or finds someone attractive, she always giggles and twirls her hair around her finger.
𝜗𝜚 When she meets Luke, she’s instantly playing with her hair and giggling while the youngest Hughes boy is grinning widely as his brother watches on with a look of disbelief on his face.
𝜗𝜚 Despite the playful banter that goes on between Luke and Curtis, he’d rather Luke date his little sister rather than Jack or anyone else on the team.
𝜗𝜚 She makes sure she attends as many Devil’s games as she possibly can to support her boys.
𝜗𝜚 Out of everyone on the team, Jack is definitely her best friend.
𝜗𝜚 She wants to meet actor, Dylan O’Brien.
𝜗𝜚 She’s a natural brunette but she dyes her hair blonde.
𝜗𝜚 When her and Luke begin dating, Ellen and Jim fell in love with her.
𝜗𝜚 Quinn instantly begins treating Charlotte like his sister, and the two often find themselves making fun of the other two Hughes brothers when they’re all together.
𝜗𝜚 She has a group chat between herself and the three Hughes brothers.
𝜗𝜚 Luke absolutely loves that his brothers love his girlfriend.
𝜗𝜚 One day, before they are dating, it’s raining and the boys are at practice, Charlotte having joined for the day, and remember that she has always wanted to fall in love in the rain, Luke instantly pulls her into the parking lot where he kisses her for the first time.
─── charlie’s aesthetic.ᐟ
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─── charlie’s closet.ᐟ
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─── charlie’s bedroom.ᐟ
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lomlkenji · 17 days
༊*·˚ prank royalty | reggie peters
★ summary: after two weeks of preparation, the prank on april fools is finally in commence. 
★ warnings: fake fighting (?) but other than that it's safe <3
★ word count: 1.8k
── ⋆⋅☆
IT WAS APRIL 1ST, and it was your day. well, you and your boyfriend.
you guys were known as the prank royalty. the king of tricks meets the queen of sneaky. 
you guys wouldn't have met if it wasn't for your friends. but now that you have, all of your friends kind of regret bringing you two together. 
of course they were happy for you guys, you guys are literally meant for each other. but there wasn't a month where someone wouldn't get pranked.
it started with small pranks, putting hot sauce in someone's food, changing toothpaste with cream cheese and then it went big. pushing someone in a bathtub full of syrup, putting clown faces in all of the walls, a fake pregnant test, and a whole lot more. 
and as april fools rolled by them were scared shitless, and it was a funny sight to see. 
"morning!" you greeted your family walking your way to the kitchen to have a bowl of cereal. 
you took a bowl putting some corn flakes and went to the refrigerator to grab the milk. when you were done, you took a spoon, turned your body and leaned against the counter getting ready to eat it. 
but when you looked up, you saw your dad, mom and younger sister all looking at you with their mouths open. 
"what?" you said, shrugging your shoulders. 
"you feeling okay kiddo?" your dad asked as he closed his newspaper. 
"yeah why?" you said and continue to eat your cereal. 
"do you by any chance remember what day it is?" your younger sister asks. 
"um" you took your phone out of your pocket and look at the date, "april first"
"and?" your younger sister asked. 
"and?" you asked back, playing oblivious. you know damn well that it's april fools but this is just too much fun. 
you and your boyfriend, reggie, have planned a prank two weeks ago. it was to make everyone think you didn't remember that you're too 'tired' or even didn't remember that it's april fools. 
and maybe something else but we'll get to that later. 
your family has always been close to the peters and the peters are close with the pattersons and the pattersons are close with the mercers. so you guys often all have dinner together. 
"nothing?" you answered in a questioning tone. 
"so do you remember what people do on april first?" your mom asked as she walks closer to you and puts the back of her hand on your forehead, checking if you're sick. 
"i don't know. april fools?" you acted cluelessly. 
"i don't know, are you family?" your younger sister sarcastically said, picking up to your act, but you're not going to break just yet. 
"lia!" your mom scolded the youngster. 
"this is just too weird, i'm gonna go to my room" you brushed past them and went to your room with their eyes still lingering at your retreating figure. 
!  time skip brought to you by luke's six string ¡
you straighten your dress and give yourself some finishing touches before dinner. 
"dumbhead!" your sister yelled from downstairs. 
you rolled your eyes and replied "what butthead?" 
"your boyfriend and his really cute friends are here," she said, clearly trying to flirt with one of the boys. 
you rolled your eyes, yet again. but smiled remembering that everyone's here. 
"coming!" you yelled. 
you get out of your room and move downstairs where you see all of the families together, some in the kitchen, other in the living room. 
you see your boyfriend talking to your mother and the sight brought a huge smile to your face but it quickly went away as you made your way to them. 
the plan was in motion.. 
"hey" you muttered not even glancing at them as you went to the refrigerator acting to look for something to drink. 
"hi sweetie" your mom chirped, smiling. 
"hey" reggie mumbled back lazily.  
your mom's face is full of confusion as she asks,"you guys alright?" 
"of course" 
you both said simultaneously. your mom looks at you guys weirdly before leaving and saying she left you two to talk. 
you timidly rolled your eyes but smiled nevertheless. 
"so..." you started. 
"so..." reggie continued, as you stood in front of him, the only thing that's in between you both is the counter. 
you and reggie talked but tried to keep yourself from smiling the entire time. you both were trying to make it look like you were in an awkward conversation, which in reality, was far from it. 
on the other side of the room, your mom tapped your father's shoulder. as he looked to his wife, "what's wrong?"
"do they seem.. i don't know.. weird?" she asked his husband. 
"they do look tense" your sister pipes into the conversation. 
"i'm sure it's nothing" your father reassured the two. 
back to the counter, reggie was trying hard to make you laugh. but you can't break. not now at least. 
"reggie i swear to god if this fails-" you said, breathing heavily, trying to control your laughter. 
"it's not gonna fail babe" he whined quietly. 
you nodded in determination "yeah your right" 
"dinner's ready!" your mom yelled. 
you look at reggie and he gives you a reassuring nod as you two made your way to the table and sat the farthest you can from each other. 
the whole family and friends look at you two weirdly, especially luke and alex, they both know how you two are attached to the hip and seeing you not beside each other is weird. 
and your mom spoke after assessing the situation. "honey, don't you want to sit next to reggie?" her voice was soft, trying not to meddle much. 
"nah i'm good" you said, smiling at her. 
she hesitantly nodded. they didn't say anything after that as you all said grace and eat the food. 
the dinner was fun, families sharing stories, adventures and just bonding like they didn't know everything about each other already. 
but the tense and awkward aura was not unnoticeable by them. they tried to ignore it the best they could by not flickering their eyes to reggie or you every two minutes. 
it was exactly nine o'clock as you look at your watch. you look at reggie in and look at the bowl of pasta in front of him. 
he subtly nodded as you said, "reggie can you pass me the pasta?" giving him a forced smile. 
"get it yourself" he said bitterly. 
the whole table went silent as gasps are heard. reggie was always sweet and caring what was the tone change? they thought. 
"that's kind of rude don't you think?" you hissed at him. 
"you'd know all about rude don't you?" he snapped back. 
you have to keep yourself from giving him a round of applause at his amazing performance. you guys did practise this countless of times. 
"just pass me the pasta-" 
"i got it" reggie's dad said, moving to grab the bowl. 
reggie quickly stopped his dad from doing so "no dad, she can get it herself" 
"you're so immature" you said, acting angrily at him. 
"oh! i'm being immature?" he said exasperatedly as he stood up from his seat. 
you stood up from your seat glaring at the boy. "yes. yes you are" you said to him. 
"maybe we should have a mature talk somewhere. not that you'd know what that's like, but let's try" he said moving to walk up the stairs. 
"fine" you scoffed as you two made your way upstairs to your room. 
you carefully open the door and tip toed your way to the bed careful not touching the strings of traps. 
reggie followed in your footsteps as you both manoeuvred to your bed. 
you have to bit your lip to contain the huge laugh that was trying to get out. 
reggie shook his head smiling as he motioned for you to continue. 
you took a deep breath before getting into character. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" you yelled. 
"ME? NO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" he raised his voice dramatically. 
you guys banter back and forth. the family downstairs paying all their attention to you guys. 
you moved to your bookshelf and took the books, throwing them to the floor. the sound made everyone go silent. 
"Y/N?" your younger sister yelled, worried. 
"should we check on them?" luke asks. 
"maybe we should" alex agrees with his best friend. this is more than weird for you guys to react. 
"let's all go together" your mom said as everyone stood up from their spot and walked upstairs. 
it was like a silent rule. we watch movies together all the time and we have made a decision that splitting up is not the best idea. 
luke slowly opens the door to your room to see that all of it was wrapped in plastic. 
your wardrobe, your shelf, the bed, the carpet was no longer there, and all the books are gone. 
the family filled the room, confusion written all over their faces. 
suddenly your dad tripped down a string as water came from water guns across the room making all of them scream. 
another string was tripped by alex as a bucket tipped over and they all were soaked. 
you and reggie came from opposite sides of the room with a bucket of flour in your hands. 
alex looked at you in horror as he braced himself, "NO!" he yelled. 
"NOW!" you yelled at reggie who nodded. 
you two started throwing flour to all of them, walking in circles, rounding them like preys. 
in this situation, they were preys. preys to your prank. 
"OH NO!" 
they all yelled as you and reggie couldn't stop laughing. 
"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!" your mom yelled, covering her eyes. 
"REGINALD!" reggie's mom scolded. 
when the flour was gone you and reggie sat on the edge of the bed, his arm around your shoulder. 
all of them look at you in confusion, bewilderment, anger, irritation but also awe. they couldn't believe they stepped in your guy's trap. 
"really? flour?" your younger sister said, her hand on her hips. 
"really" you agree, chuckling and giving her a sweet smile. 
"i gotta say that was pretty damn good" your dad complimented which made your mom hit his arm. 
you and reggie both have grins on your faces as your laughter died down. 
"PRANK ROYALTY BABYYYY" reggie stood up, smiling as he picked you up, bridal style and spinning you around.
the family shook their heads but couldn't help the smile from forming on their faces. seeing you both so happy made them happy. 
reggie put you down as you pecked his lips, "prank royalty indeed" 
reblog for a kiss!
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m4ybanks · 1 month
stiles stilinski   . . .   head of the fbi. pansexual. [ dylan o’brien ]
scott mccall   . . .   the true alpha. veterinarian. pansexual. [ alex meraz ]
isaac lahey   . . .   chef. werewolf. pansexual. [ daniel sharman ]
derek hale   . . .   co-owner of apollo hale’s photography company. werewolf. pansexual. [ tyler hoechlin ]
meilani mccall   . . .   nurse. scott mccall’s twin. necromancer. pansexual. [ melissa barrera ]
odette lahey   . . .   journalist. isaac lahey’s younger sister. werewolf. pansexual. [ virginia gardner ]
apollo hale   . . .   photographer. derek hale & cora hale older brother.  werewolf. pansexual. [ casey deidrick ]
colby newman   . . .   31. drummer for rebel crew. pansexual. [ colby newman ]
kellin st james   . . .   32. bassist for rebel crew. pansexual. [ taylor zakhar perez ]
luke monroe   . . .   25. guitarist for rebel crew. pansexual. [ chris briney ]
braxton patterson   . . .   25. lead singer for rebel crew. pansexual. [ charlie gillespie ]
kaden  newman   . . .   22. dj. colby newman’s son.  pansexual. [ evan roderick ]
kinsley murphy   . . .   21. guitarist for mortal monkeys. pansexual. [ lola tung ]
elliott fowler   . . .   22. lead singer for mortal monkeys. pansexual. [ joshua macqueen ]
veronica lochlan   . . .   23. bassist for mortal monkeys. pansexual. [ halle bailey ]
kai delgado   . . .   24. drummer for mortal monkeys. pansexual. [ michael cimino ]
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blahblahblees · 7 months
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this includes all of my fanfic on wattpad! the majority of my fanfics are female led original characters unless stated otherwise. these fics are either ongoing, fully completed, completed until that season returns, or are in a undecided phase!
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already over — cole walter (my life with the walter boys)
teenage dream — maya hart (girl meets world)
eldest daughter — percy jackson’s sister (pjotv)
bad for business — zed necrodopolis (z-o-m-b-i-e-s)
delicate — robby keene (cobra kai)
misery business — jordan li (gen v)
glimpse of us — conrad & jeremiah fisher (the summer i turned pretty)
this side of paradise — wally clark (school spirits)
alright — jay kelso & nate runck (that 90s show)
looking at me — jack brewer (kickin’ it)
womanizer — zack martin (suite life on deck)
just wanna be with you — luke patterson (julie and the phantoms)
name game — kendall knight (big time rush)
the love club — ricky bowen (high school musical: the musical: the series)
feel something — joshua bassett (irl)
long story short — freddie benson book 1 (icarly)
back to you — freddie benson book 2 (icarly)
lollie — lucas friar (girl meets world)
nasa — austin moon (austin & ally)
my song for you — ricky bowen book 1 (hsmtmts)
lover — ricky bowen book 2 (hsmtmts)
golden — carlos de vil (descendants)
boyfriend — ben gross (never have i ever)
call out my name — harry bingham (the society)
are you bored yet — rodrick heffley (diary of a wimpy kid)
you belong with me — lucas friar (girl meets world)
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felicitysmoaksx · 11 months
JJ’s Fic and Moodboard Masterlist Updated 7/14/24
Best Friends Brother AU || One Chicago || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese: Police Officer || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Single Dad!Severide || One Chicago || Kelly Severide Centric
Halstead Brothers Adopt Reese || One Chicago || Gen
Merlyn Twins au || One Chicago & Arrow || Tommy Merlyn & Connor Rhodes
One Chicago x Jatp Fusion || One | Two | Three || One Chicago & Julie and The Phantoms || Mult-ship
The Andi AU || One | Two || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric & Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
The Resident x One Chicago Crossover || One | Two || The Resident & One Chicago || Gen: Conrad Hawkins & Sarah Reese
Ballet au || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Voight Family Values || One Chicago || Gen and Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese as a Former Black Widow || One Chicago & Marvel Studios || Gen: Sarah Reese & Bucky Barnes
The Sisters Halstead || One Chicago || Gen: Makayla Ward & OC
MCU Spiderman Meets The Amazing Spiderman || Marvel Studios || Gen
Mockingbird || One Chicago & DC TV || Gen: Sarah Reese & Dick Grayson & Mult-Ship
Severide & Reese Step-Siblings au || One Chicago || Gen: Sarah Reese & Kelly Severide
Burgstead Pregnancy AU || One Chicago || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Superstar Juke AU || Julie and The Phantoms || Julie Molina x Luke Patterson
NHL Star! Connor Rhodes || One Chicago || Connor Rhodes Centric
What if Paulo took Daisy with him when he left Clump? || Irreverent || Gen: Paulo Keegan & Daisy
Some Kind of Haunted || One | Two || One Chicago & Criminal Minds & CBS FBI International || Gen: Brian Lang & Connor Rhodes && Connor Rhodes x Sarah Reese
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Interlude: What If || Chicago Med || Complete || Drabble || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
DC TV/Chicago Med Crossover
Mockingbird & Co.
The Same Little Breaks In Your Soul || Chicago Med || Arrow || Titans ||  WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
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inspiredjatp · 5 months
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/55207480"><strong>When a door closes, a window opens</strong></a> (1822 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Inspiredjatp"><strong>Inspiredjatp</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Julie%20and%20The%20Phantoms%20(TV%202020)">Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020)</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: Major Character Death<br />Relationships: Reggie Peters & Steve Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Steve Peters & original character<br />Characters: Steve Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters's Parents (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters's Siblings (Julie and The Phantoms), Steve Peters’ friends, Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Emily Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Mitch Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Mercer's Parents (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Mercer's Sister (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson's Parents, Original Characters, Original Male Character(s)<br />Additional Tags: Steve Peters’ band, Sunset Curve (Julie and The Phantoms), Loss, Grief/Mourning, Steve Peters deserves happiness, Bass - Freeform, High School, Friendship/Love<br />Summary: <p>Steve thought his life ended when his brother died, in 1995<br />Little did he know, high school will change the course of his life in a way he never expected</p>
It’s finally hereeee! I hope you’ll enjoy!
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Electric hammer to the heart
(Sunset Curve 2.0-> Alex Mercer, Aricka Mercer, Aricka Shaw, Bobby Shaw, Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters)
(CW: mentions of how the band dies: death by food poisoning. Implied that Luke vomited blood from the tainted hotdogs. Heavy mentions of death/dying.)
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*Aricka Mercer*
It was electric. 18 year old Aricka Mercer felt the music thrumming in her veins as she poured everything she had into the song, letting the sound wash over her and envelope her in a loud but powerful embrace, and suddenly it was her solo; and she belted out,
“Hear the noise
In my head
It's calling out like a voice I can't forget-!”
Bobby and Luke continued singing after her; so she put all her focus into her guitar- a purple Ibanez AEG70 electric-acoustic guitar; with her initials on the guitar strap. She’d saved up for months to be able to buy it; and it was her baby, her pride and joy. Soon it was time for the chorus; and herself and the other girl in the band- Bobby Shaw’s twin sister, also named Aricka- took over once more,
“Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now
And even if we
Hit the ground
We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never-!” And then she got to step back and listen to her brother and boyfriend take over for their solos; her favorite part of the song:
“We ain't searching for tomorrow-!” Alex lit up every time he was behind the drum kit; his blue eyes shining brighter than any other point of day, and he exuded an effortless sort of confidence. Aricka loved to see her twin so comfortable and in his element.
“Tomorrow-!” Reggie, her boyfriend of two years, echoed her brother, looking over and winking at her, automatically resulting in her blushing as red as Aricka Shaw’s jacket.
“'Cause we got all we need today - !” Alex held and sustained the last note, one he’d been worried about all week. Aricka pumped her fist in excitement, and then Reggie finished his solo,
“Today-!” Luke and his girlfriend- Aricka Shaw, took over, Aricka S effortlessly harmonizing with her boy, both grinning and near breathless; but still managing to blow everyone away with the power of their chemistry,
“Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins…”
Reggie beckoned to Aricka and she slid across the stage just in time for their solo,
“We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain-!” Reggie flicked his hair, running his hand through it, and Aricka copied him, before kissing his cheek and dancing off, singing the chorus with her family- her chosen family, the ones she couldn’t ever imagine life without,
“Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now
And even if we
Hit the ground
We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never
It's now or never -!” Aricka jumped up onto her brother’s stand just in time for their final solo, the twins grinning at each other as he took off into an improvised drum solo,
“Now or never-!”
*Aricka Shaw*
She took a breath; letting the post-rehearsal adrenaline fade; and grinned at the smattering of applause from the crew prepping the Orpheum for the show that night. Her twin slung an arm around her shoulder and squeezed; Luke gripping her hand at the same time.
“Thanks, we’re Sunset Curve-,” Reggie started.
“Tell your friends-!” Aricka Mercer finishes. The pair had always had a knack for finishing each other’s sentences; it was sickeningly adorable.
“Too bad we wasted the tightest we've played on a sound check!” Bobby jokes. Luke- ever the casual touchy-feely boy; squeezes Bobby’s shoulders and counters,
“Wait until tonight, man, when this place gets packed with record execs-!” Aricka M did a little dance in place: hopping from one foot to the other; flapping her hands happily. The movement was endearing to the few onstage who knew she only got like that when extremely positive emotions filled her.
“Alex, you were SMOKING-!” Reggie says, and the drummer boy blushes, twisting his sticks and glancing at his sister for assurance,
“Oh no. I was just warming up. You guys were the ones on fire.” Aricka M laughs and wraps both her arms around him, as Reggie protests,
“Could you just own your awesomeness for once?”
Alex rolls his lips inward, twisting side to side before finally admitting, “Alright, I was killing it-!”
Aricka M beams as she kisses Alex’s cheek; and he playfully shoved her away and pretends to wipe the kiss off. This only made her protest; and she proceeded to jump on his back and kiss his cheek repeatedly until he finally jabbed his fingers into her sides and tickled her.
“Alright: well I was thinking we fuel up before the show. I’m thinking street dogs-?” Luke suggests.
Aricka M, Aricka S, Alex and Reggie all agreed with Luke. Bobby declined; and stayed behind to flirt with one of the girls helping set up. Aricka S hugged Bobby quickly before promising to return as soon as she finished her hotdog.
Little did she know; she’d never perform with her twin again. Nor would she perform at the Orpheum that night.
Up and coming rock band Sunset Curve strikes tragedy-!
At 9:00, just an hour before they were to headline the Orpheum, 5/6th of the band Sunset Curve died due to food poisoning by tainted hotdogs. The deceased were:
Lead singer and guitarist Luke Patterson.
Lead singer and guitarist Aricka Mercer.
Bassist and backup singer Aricka Shaw.
Bassist and backup singer Reginald “Reggie” Peters.
Drummer and backup singer Alexander “Alex” Mercer.
Mercer and Peters were reportedly “DOA holding hands,” according to eyewitness testimony. Patterson was dead, clutching his stomach with dried blood around his mouth. Shaw was revived, but died after being transported to the ambulance. Alexander was still alive when taken to the hospital; however his condition was critical. Later we learned that just as band member Robert “Bobby” Shaw arrived at the hospital; Alexander Mercer was declared dead, the time being 11:15 PM.
Funerals and other information about the victims of this tragic loss will be disclosed as we find out.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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oscarhopeful · 1 year
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if you’re hearing WONDER by SHAWN MENDES playing, you have to know GABRIEL DE LA CRUZ (HE/HIM; CIS-MALE) is near by! the TWENTY-SIX year old ACTOR has been in denver for, like, SIX MONTHS. they’re known to be quite PRIDEFUL, but being DETERMINED seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble TAYLOR ZAKHAR PEREZ . personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those, FRESHLY PRINTED SCRIPT, ENJOYING AN ICED VANILLA COFFEE, and WEARING HIS SIGNATURE BLACK TOM FORD SUNGLASSES vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the DOWNTOWN DISTRICT long enough!
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                                                        ○ ′ ✨  loved  by taco
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  gabriel ángel rahal-de la cruz 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  gabe, gabby ( best friend & sister ), ángel ( parents ) 𝐃𝐎𝐁  october 31, 1996 𝐀𝐆𝐄  twenty - six 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  scorpio 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  cismale 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  he/him 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  bisexual, demiromantic ( closeted from the world ) 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 los angeles, california 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍  denver, colorado 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  english, spanish 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  actor
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𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌  taylor zakhar perez 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑  black 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒  honey brown eyes 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  6′1″ 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  none 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒  none 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄  white shirts, button up, cardigans or sweaters in the fall, tom ford shades
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  protagonist ( enfj ) 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  hardworking, vibrant, charosmatic, loyal, determined 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  self-critical, selfish, prideful, perfectionist 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓  acting, photography, hiking, baking, writing, soccer, tennis, working out, watching movies 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  cheetos
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𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  juliano de la cruz, sixty-one, senator 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  yasmin rahal, fifty-eight, writer 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  two siblings ( twin or older sister & older half brother )
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒 alex claremont-diaz ( red, white and royal blue ) , finnick odair ( the hunger games ) , peter kavinsky ( to all the boys ) , luke patterson ( julie and the phantoms ) , harry styles , kit connor , noah beck , charles melton
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growing up in a household where following your dreams end up being a reality, gabriel rahal-de la cruz really felt like anything he strived for he could easily achieve. and gabe had a lot of different interest, from playing soccer, to playing tennis, writing like his mom, and then there was acting. he never thought acting would be in the picture, but when he starred in his first role for a franchise, it felt like a dream come true. until real life came at him and the dream seemed just that, a dream.
realizing that he was going to always be remembered for his one role, casting for something else as a teenager was much more difficult than he thought. and with both his parents busy with their own careers, his mom on her third hit book, and his father winning the ticket for a senate seat in california, he felt like the focus had shifted to represent them. and now he had a new role to play, of the perfect younger son.
but there was still a bit of wild child in him, even when he went to a boarding school in los angeles. he became the golden boy, the athlete, the party boy. but throughout those four years, he came to a realization that he was losing himself, the closer he was reaching the end of his high school years. he had missed the one thing that brought joy to him, and he knew that acting was the one thing that gave him that.
so when he graduated, he decided to study film while also doing auditions. as years went on, one of his mother's books got auctioned to become a film, and he auditioned for the main role, which he couldn't believe he had gotten the role. there was a part of him that felt that nepotism was involved, but he always worked hard in whatever he did, and he knew he would kill it in this role.
mixed reviews. it had gotten mixed reviews, many critics calling it a good adaptation, but the acting could have been better, and well, he took it personal and to heart reading that he got this role because he was the son of the author. but did that stop him. no.
he graduated university, and he kept auditioning. and he got another role, a huge one. a love story, and he couldn't believe how much people loved the film. but the reason for their success was because of the rumors that gabe was dating his co-star. the thing is, he was secretly hooking up with one of the camera guys. once the studio found out, they highly recommended that gabe not lean into his sexuality, even though he was bisexual. they wanted bigger success, and that meant leaning into the romance that was already on screen. he didn't realize that hollywood was still like this. but if he wanted a bigger career, he had to play along.
gabe was feeling all sorts of ways. he didn't like the fact that he was hiding his sexuality, but he didn't want to stop acting. but was it a lie if he was dating women, he was still attracted to them. and he was so excited for his next role. so he decided to play the part, and eventually he picked up another role. his new role dealt with immigration, and it was close to home, knowing that he had family members that were immigrants, his own grandfather being one. so taking this role, he felt close to it. and the buzz going around that this could easily get some big award noms put a little more pressure, but he knew he'd give it his full attention and make sure he gave his character justice.
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currently living in denver where he is studying up background for a character
he has been casted for a role that starts filming in denver in the fall.
currently writing a script of his own, which has been more of a hobby and isn't sure if he will ever finish since he's so self critical about everything he writes.
been seen at the local library more often, with a stack of books at a table while he reads and writes in a notebook.
has officially fell in love with denver that he is debating if he wants to buy a home and grow roots there.
if he ever meets guys, they don't last long, and if they do, they are sent an nda, but it never goes far than the one night stand.
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you are my blood: ⦗ older half brother (35-40) or older full/half sister (30-32) ⦘ this could be either one that may already be living in town. they had moved here years before gabe did. he isn't close to his older half brother, because of age difference, but perhaps this is their chance to finally be. his sister on the other hand, gabe is much closer with. either character can be from their dad side who is latin, or their mom side who is middle eastern.
best friends for life: this is someone who has been best friends with gabe since they were kids. it so happens that they moved to denver a year ago, and when they realize that gabe was going to be out there to film his next movie, they planned the entire move together, excited to be in the same city again.
we are each others found family: so this person was someone that he befriended later in life. perhaps in college or after he graduated. this person is someone he feels like a twin to. every secret, every love, every heartbreak, they knew all about it. and when gabe got this role, he told them to move out with him to denver. now they both are living together in an apartment downtown.
can't stand this costar: this is someone he has worked with, and perhaps they work together now in this new film that's filming in denver. it's usually the two of them always fighting for similar roles. they were once friends before, but jealousy has come between them. they know gabe's secret about him being bisexual, as they may have hooked up in the past.
can you be friends with a fan?: it's a question that's always been asked. would you befriend a fan, would you date them? the real question here though is, could the fan have an obsession. who knows. and maybe this fan might be a little obsessive, or maybe just admires them for the work they do. but either way, gabe ends up befriending them. will he regret it later, time will tell.
i would leave it all for you: this is someone that gabe never thought he'd get close to. they had crossed paths in the past, but now they are here, and there's something about him that he likes. gabe at first isn't sure if they are just trying to get close to him because of his fame or for him. and even after denying the feelings, he realizes that he may be the one for him. but would he risk outing himself to the world for him? // taken by @allexei
other costars
film crew
photographer/fashion friends
writing friends
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solibrie · 10 months
OKAY. watched ten things i hate about you. it would translate into the softest au bc julie really isn't that shrewish, juke really have that insant connection on lock, and i loathe to mischaracterize anyone for the sake of the story, but i still think it works, conceptually.
first off, the obvious
julie is kat, luke is patrick, alex is cameron, reggie is michael, BOBBY? is joey??????, willie is bianca, ohmygod typing this out made that so funny does that mean bobby is trying to get in willie's pants. Help.
anyways. new kid alex falls in love with universally adored senior willie but he can't date until his little sister julie does. i think victoria instilled a general no dating rule after rose died, and ray softens it by saying if julie dates first, willie can. also Yeah willie is julie's older brother here for the sake of Plot.
i don't think willie actually cares that much btw he loves his sister very much and their MOM died and she's DEPRESSED he just wants her to be happy again :(
julie isn't shrewish, not really, she's just depressed and snappy 😭 she used to be bubbly and nice, but then her mom died and she broke up with bobby??? i guess?????????? and she's been labeled "a bitch" ever since.
anyways. bobby is trying to get into willie's pants i guess. but he can't because of the dating rule. alex is also trying to get into willie's pants, but HE can't because of the dating rule.
enter: luke patterson, the junior who transferred to LF arts that year. rumor has it he ran away from home and wouldn't come back unless his parents let him transfer. rumor has it he almost Made It, but got wicked food poisoning the day his life was going to change ever.
rumor has it, he's brave enough to pursue julie molina.
reggie convinces bobby to pay luke to go after julie so willie will be made available. there's a subplot here of alex and reggie actually befriending luke and making sunset curve happen.
luke does it, expecting a fight since he's heard soooo much about the shrewish julie molina. she's standoffish, sure, especially because he opens with music, but she isn't mean. luke has no idea who this girl really is, has no conception of the julie molina of Before was, so julie is caught soooo off guard by their interaction and?? kind of likes it?????
then she rushes home because she's a little freaked out that she was able to talk about music. I DON'T KNOW. I THINK I'M ONTO SOMETHING.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 11 months
✍️ + Kat Patterson?
Kat my girl yes! Could still change something more but this is what I've already planned! (Actually, most of this are things added but whatever lol)
Major thing of all: Julie and Luke relationship. If in the show is "Cuties! They like each other! Cuties cuties!" in Kat's fic is more like "Lmao my sister likes you, I'm going to set you two up"
Gonna give Bobby/Trevor an actual personality and I will explain why he did what he did
Way more songs for everyone
One of my favourite hc ever: Alex and Luke had a thing. Decided they were better as friends, but still...
All canonically queer btw
Julie still "sings" Perfect Harmony but with someone else 👀
Molinas are way more present bc I love them
And Carrie as well!
(Luke x Reggie? Maybe so, maybe so 👀)
Caleb gets punched in the face bc he deserves it
Willie actually interacts with the others and not just with Alex (even if I love them)
Fic will get an actual finale (don't know how/what, but it will)
Maybe more things coming but that's what I'm thinking about rn
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innytoes · 2 years
Sleepy prompts 👀 10 for Reggie/Carrie?
Set in the Nuclear Apocalypse Bunker AU.
After Reggie got better, things with Carrie got better too. Tía Victoria kept him under observation for another week, but she visited every day, bringing him food and talking to him. When it was just the two of them, she was different. Less tightly wound.
Reggie came back to the rest of the bunker and immediately got pulled into a Molina family group hug, and then another one with Luke and Alex (his parents frowning in the background). Even Trevor gave him a part on the back, smiling. Things were kind of weird between them, seeing as how Trevor kind of saved his life but also kind of broke the rules to do so.
So things settled down again. Reggie returned to his chores, returned to cracking jokes with Willie over the comms, returned to doing whatever he could to make himself useful around the bunker. But now, he got to joke and hang out with Carrie as well. And maybe even, you know, hold hands. They were taking things slow, since they literally had all the time in what was left in the world, but it was pretty awesome.
Which was why he was the one who was pulled aside by Julie. "Hey, have you noticed something off about Carrie?" she asked. For a second, he was offended, like 'she's suddenly likes you now' was something weird and off. But now that he thought about it, she had been more and more tired lately. And snappy, but not like before, not just to him. More like she was having trouble keeping it together with everyone.
"She's been kind of tired," he agreed.
"I'm worried about her," Julie said. "And I think someone should talk to her. Someone like her boyfriend."
He flushed. "Oh we... we haven't... it's not... We haven't labeled it yet." Julie gave him a knowing look. She was like the sister he always wanted, he loved her so much. "But yeah, I'll talk to her."
So, after dinner, that's what he did. Trevor was out... schmoozing, or something. He was usually over at the Mercers or the Pattersons or even the Molinas, or holed up in the comms room talking to people in other bunkers. So he could manage to slip into their pod pretty easily without anyone noticing.
Carrie was in her room. He'd never actually been in Carrie's room yet, and he smiled at how she made the sterile place her own, just like she'd made the pretty standard uniform her own. There were sparkly stars made from food packaging stuck to the walls and ceiling, and little paper origami flowers strung up, and all the sad metal railings had been draped with fabric.
Carrie herself was hunched over her desk in a posture Reggie was very familiar with. It was the same one she used to get in math class, before he started tutoring her. Frustrated but trying not to show it.
"Hey babe," he said quietly, and she whirled around, clutching... a science book to her chest? "Whatcha doing?"
"What are you doing here?" she snapped. But Reggie knew better than to be intimidated by that now.
"Just wanted to check in with you," he said, flopping on her bed. She looked like she wanted to say something about him messing up her bedding, but he just smiled at her. "Missed you. You've been holed up in your room after dinner these past few..." Now that he thought about it, almost as long as he'd been better. "Weeks."
"I've been busy," she said.
"Doing science homework?" he asked. They did get lessons, sometimes. A lot of it was improvised, between the adults here and adults from other bunkers when they had time. Music class from The Trevor Wilson kind of was the coolest thing ever. Ray taught them Spanish, Mr and Mrs Patterson taught them all kinds of stuff about history, modern history, politics... basically what lead up to them being stuck here. Like if the understood, they weren't doomed to repeat it.
The Mercers, when they could be torn away from their Top Secret Whatever in the Bunker taught them science-y stuff like chemistry and physics, and Tía Victoria taught them biology and medicine. But this book was way beyond what Victoria was teaching them. "You aiming for an internship with the Mercers?" he asked. If anyone could talk her way into that top secret lab, it was Carrie.
"Oh very funny, Reginald," Carrie snapped, throwing the book at his head. He dodged, flinching. "We both know I'm not fucking smart enough for that." Part of him wanted to run, but then he saw the unshed tears in Carrie's eyes.
"Babe, you're plenty smart," he soothed.
"No I'm not!" Carrie shouted. "When you got sick I didn't understand a word of Victoria's explanation, and I can't do math, and I heard Mrs Mercer tell Mr Mercer that it was a good thing I was pretty and healthy, so I could be a good wife to Alex and have plenty of babies to keep civilization going, because I was never going to be a scientist." She burst into tears, and Reggie gathered her up in a hug.
"I'm just so tired," she sobbed as he stroked her back. "I don't understand it and I keep rereading the same things and I'm just so tired."
"Okay first of all, fuck what the Mercers think," he said. "They've been stuck in here for years and they still haven't realised their son is gay as fuck." Okay maybe they'd all been helping cover up Alex' conversations with Willie, but it wasn't like he was that subtle. "Also, just like, ew. To all of that." Carrie sniffled her face buried against his chest.
"And second of all, who cares if you're not gonna be a scientist? There's more to rebuilding civilization than scientists." Carrie opened her mouth, probably to say something about being a... a broodmare or whatever creepy philosophy the Mercers had. "You know how to talk to any of the adults here, like an equal. You're literally the only one who understands Mr Patterson when he forgets he's not giving a university Philosophy class, or when figuring out what Mrs Patterson means when we're dissecting what went wrong with the world and politics and stuff."
"But that stuff is easy," she said.
"Yeah, to you!" Reggie hugged her close. "Babe, you're not a future scientist. You're like, the future President. You know how to talk to people, and get them to like you, and you know how they tick." He didn't mention that when she used her powers for evil, like when she'd been mad at him, she was pretty devastating as well. He was pretty sure she knew that. "The world doesn't just need scientists. We also need leaders."
Carrie swallowed hard, rubbing at her eyes. "You mean it?"
"Of course," he said. He leaned down and nuzzled his nose against hers. "Besides, I have my hopes set on being First Husband." She laughed, before looking at him. He flushed when he realised the implications of what he just said.
"I think I can work with that," Carrie said, smiling at him. She sat up. "I should... I should make a list. Talk to Emily. See about connecting with all the other bunkers, start forming relationships with..."
"Okay, POTUS," he said, reeling her in and pulling her back onto the bed. "First, you are going to take a nap. You look exhausted, Carebear. The world, or what's left of it, will still be there for you to conquer tomorrow."
For a moment, he thought Carrie was going to argue with him. "Will you stay?" she asked instead.
"For as long as you want me too," he agreed.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt: What do they wear on Christmas?
Day Twenty One: You Will Get A Sentimental Feeling <-AO3!
Luke would be the first to admit he doesn’t know a damn thing about style. He’s happy enough in his cut off band tees and baggy jeans. He reserves sleeves for when he’s feeling low, and even then it’s usually his oversized flannel or one of the two sweaters he owns.
So when he and Reggie start dating and Reggie brings up wanting him to meet his family for a pre-Christmas dinner, Luke panics a little.
He loves Reggie, and Reggie adores his family, talks about them all the time to the point that Luke feels like he knows them. So he wants them to approve of him, because he doesn’t want Reggie to have to choose, because Luke isn’t sure he’d win that fight.
So Luke doesn’t think his usual magenta sweatshirt or flannel of sadness are gonna cut it for a meet the family dinner. He could ask his dad to borrow a shirt, but they are such different sizes that Luke would drown in his dad’s clothes. And asking for money for a new shirt would just start yet another fight about where all his money had gone (new guitar strings, if anyone needed to know) that he’d rather avoid.
He idly wonders if he could get away with an ugly Christmas sweater, but figures that might be a bit much.
Instead he asks Alex and Bobby. Neither of them have any money to lend him, and Alex left behind most of his formal wear when he got kicked out. Bobby however, comes through in a pinch, giving Luke a white dress shirt. The arms are a bit short, but he figures he can get away with rolling the sleeves up.
He does have some dress slacks, and even neatens up his hair before taking off towards Los Feliz. He wanted to wipe his sweaty palms in his pants, but he didn’t dare stain the soft grey fabric with his excess perspiration. So he rubbed his forearms, shivering at the clammy feeling but his hands were dry by the time he arrived at Reggie’s house to knock on the door.
It was Reggie who answered, but he stopped when he caught sight of Luke. “Babe, you look adorable… but what are you wearing?”
“I-I wanted to look nice for your family,” Luke offered lamely. “Figured my cut offs weren’t appropriate.”
“I love your cut offs,” Reggie replied. “And I want my family to meet you, not some spiffed up version of you. But I adore that you went to all this trouble to impress them.”
“I have a cut off on underneath,” Luke admitted. Reggie grinned, and Luke whipped off the button up, his usual Rush shirt hanging out, and he ruffled his hair so it resembled his usual bird’s nest look.
“Perfect,” Reggie said, pecking him on the lips and pulling him inside.
Reggie’s family loved him, cut off or not. His dad Ray was super nice and welcoming, his aunt ensuring he was fed until his bust. Even made up a plate of food to bring home with him, which will definitely earn her points in Emily Patterson’s book. Plus Reggie’s little brother was hilarious with his weird supernatural theories involving the ghosts from A Christmas Carol.
It turned out that Luke already knew his sister Julie though. “Hey, you’re in my dance class!” she said as they were introduced. “You and Carrie did an amazing waltz last week.”
“Thanks,” he replied with a blush, rubbing the back of his neck. “You did great with your rhumba.”
“I mean I would have if my partner wasn’t so distracted staring at yours,” Julie snarked. “Next time we should just pair up and force those two to sort themselves out.”
“Deal,” Luke chuckled.
The night went incredibly well, and Luke found he didn’t need to be nervous, given how nice the Molina’s were. He really liked them, and Reggie whispered that the feeling was mutual as they snuggled in front of the twinkling tree.
“So… when do you wanna come over and meet my folks?” Luke asked and giggled when Reggie stammered and fidgeted, avoiding giving him a straight answer. “Don’t worry babe, they’ll be sure to love you. I mean, how could anybody not?”
“I love you too,” Reggie whispered, pulling Luke into a sweet kiss, and Luke found that with Reggie, it didn’t matter what he wore, with him he was all dressed up in love.
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
Chopping Wood
ok, so this popped in my head after seeing the video of the guy chopping wood go past my dash a couple times this evening. I probably should save it for Juke Jeudi, but while it IS juke it just doesn't feel juke enough... Anyway. I think it's funny. Enjoy...
She was startled when Carrie sat down beside her and quickly tried to hide her phone.
“Nope,” Carrie laughed. “I’ve been calling your name for a solid minute what has got you so engrossed in your phone?”
Julie bit her lip as the slightly muffled sound of chopping still sounded too loud in the quiet room. “Um, so I was just checking the cameras at home to see if Luke had had a chance to clear the snow from the front porch and the back deck.”
Carrie raised her eyebrows in interest. “And…”
She nodded quickly. “He did.” Julie tried to make her face look innocent as the sound of something being cleaved continued to come from her phone.
Carrie frowned just as an auditable grunt issued from her phone and she couldn’t stop herself from glancing down at it.
“Julie… come on share.” Carrie bumped her shoulder against hers. “If you’re worried I’m gonna make fun or something I promise I won’t.” she held up three fingers. “Scouts honor.”
“I know for a fact that you’ve never been a scout.” Julie pursed her lips before giving in, “fine.” She reluctantly pulled her phone out and looked down at the image in the distance of the back yard camera.
Carrie was quiet for a long minute before he shoulders started to shake and she let out a howl of laughter. “Julie Patterson! Are you seriously ogling your husband chopping wood?”
Julie glanced up at Carrie with a frown, “Thought you said you weren’t going to make fun?”
“Apparently I lied.” Carrie laughed harder.
Julie ignored her friend and zoomed in on Luke a little when she noticed him stop and take a drink of something. Water she assumed. He sat it on the ground then took the flannel he’d had on as a jacket off and tied it around his waist leaving him in just a black tank top.
Carrie stopped laughing by the time he started chopping again.
“Ok, fine.” She leaned in a little closer. “Your husband is hot.”
She giggled, “Yes he is.”
They were quiet for several minutes as they watch Luke work.
“You know,” Carrie broke the silence. “I think we can be done for the day.”
“Yeah?” Julie looked over at her.
“Yeah…” Carrie breathed out. “I’ma go home to Reggie and see if we have any wood that needs chopping.”
Julie snickered, “Sounds good.” She reluctantly closed down the security app and pocketed her phone. “We can get back to work tomorrow.”
Carrie nodded quickly packing her bag. “Not too early though.” She looked up smirking at Julie. “I don’t plan on getting a good night’s sleep.”
Julie winked at her as she pulled on her coat and picked up her own bag. “Me neither sister, me neither.”
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