#luka bp
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illustration i made for one of my buddies stories!!! @bearbeargrrrr
heres a version with some filters LOLE!!!!!!
#sirens call#beacon pines#riggs bp#luka bp#luka vanhorn#luka beacon pines#riggs wolfgang#beacon pines oc#(RIGGS ISNT MINE BTW HE BELONGS TO SAID BUDDY)#im so quirked up rn i learned how to back ground#i think the perspective's a bit off and the positioning of the characters but also it doesnt matter#Whertever#I think its fine#i liked shading the leather (?) jacket i have to do more texture studies#will do an alt text if requested#my art! 🎨
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unfinished art dump‼️ clearing up medibang of 1-2yr oldish wips that i wont touch again before i switch to ibis paint fully :3
#art dump#sampo koski#artem wing#nicholas d. wolfwood#nanami kento#luka strongarm#lads rafayel#close ur eyes when u see pale raf i wasnt Enlighted yet#wriothesley#toji fushiguro#hsr oc#xyx bp
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i love the double calyx events in sr, got all of argenti's stat traces maxed and his primary ones just a few points from max already, without going for nameless glory yet
#yay he's finally a real character i can use with my others#also good progress on luka's lvls and lc levels#then once i've got a start on him i can work on hanya yay phys team#please ignore my sr bs#still going to get the bp for this period and next as my xmas gift to myself#since i got myself an emote and a few starlight decorations in xiv
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Ilmu Parenting Dasar
oleh: Kuliah Psikologi- Bp. Dedy Susanto Ada anak yang tumbuh dalam ketakutan karena orang tua terlalu mengintimidasi dan ada anak yang tumbuh dalam rasa manja dan tidak punya ketegaran karena orang tuanya terlalu lembek. Bagaimana seharusnya orang tua bersikap kepada anak? Pertanyaan itu menjadi menarik untuk ditelusuri lebih lanjut.
Ketegasan dan Kehangatan
Orang tua perlu mempunyai dua sisi, yaitu sisi tegas dan sisi hangat. Jika salah satu sisi tidak ada, parenting akan gagal. Ilustrasi: Lihat tangan kita, ada telunjuk dan jempol. Gunakan itu secara bergantian. telunjuk -> menggambarkan tentang nasihat/ menasihati, meminta, menuntut, menyuruh, melarang. jempol -> menggambarkan kehangatan: pujian, apresiasi, membolehkan.
Parenting yang otoriter, apa itu?
Kita sebagai orang tua hanya menyuruh, menuntut, memerintah, sementara ketika anak bersikap baik, kita tidak pernah memuji, kita tidak pernah menghargai. Akhirnya anak menjadi lesu. Salah dimarahi, baik tidak pernah dipuji. Coba kita renungkan, jangankan anak-anak, kita pun jika selalu diminta, dituntut , disalahkan, maka akan capek juga. Apalagi tanpa pernah diapresiasi. Lalu bagaimana seharusnya bersikap? Memiliki sikap seimbang.
Sikap Seimbang?
Ketegasan perlu diseimbangan dengan kehangatan. Salah satu kehangatan adalah apresiasi. Apapun yang diapresiasi, akan diulangi dengan bahagia. Orang-orang yang terlalu memaksakan kehendak adalah orang yang lemah. Sementara orang yang bisa mengalah, bisa empatik, toleransi, itu adalah orang yang kuat. Sesekali kita perlu membolehkan. Misal biasanya anak tidak boleh main game, biasanya dibatasi. Namun ketika hari libur, kita boleh memberi opsi anak untuk maen game. Karena jika segala sesuatu selalu tidak dibolehkan, anak akan punya luka batin terhadap kita sebagai orang tua.
Jangan jadikan anak menjadi pribadi yang manja, serba dibolehkan, serba diiyakan. Nanti dia akan tumbuh menjadi orang yang berekspektasi begitu, ia ingin diiyakan oleh semua orang, tidak hanya oleh ayah dan ibunya. Iya ingin disetujui oleh semakin banyak orang. Sebaliknya, jangan juga anak selalu disuruh, disalahkan, diminta, dituduh, tapi tidak pernah kita memuji, tidak pernah kita memberi kehangatan dan support. Karena jika demikian, dia akan kering dan tidak dapat cinta. Contoh 1 Orang tua memberi perintah sekaligus kehangatan Tujuan perintah-> agar anak lebih lama membaca buku "Sayang, papa ingin kamu membaca bukunya diperlama ya. Sekarang sehari 1 jam (dulu setengah jam). Kehangatan-> "Kira-kira supaya kamu lebih rajin baca, perlu apa sayang? Papa belikan buku bacaan yang keren-keren? mau? Papa ubah wallpaper kamar kamu biar lebih sejuk? Mungkin kamu bosen sama wallpaper kamar kamu?" Ada dukungan, kehangatan, pengertian. Tidak hanya menyuruh saja, tetapi juga memfasilitasi. Contoh 2 Ketika hari ini kita memarahi anak, pastikan kita sudah memberikan juga kehangatan. "Nak, maaf ya, kamu sedih ya?" Jika dia menangis, biarkan. Biarkan dia mengeluarkan bebannya. Anak yang hari itu kita "sakiti" wajib setelahnya kita bungkus dengan cinta. Wajib kita datang dengan kehangatan.
Contoh 3 Seimbangkan, kapan kita harus tegas, kapan harus memberi kehangatan. Misal: anak berbuat salah. Tetap dinasihati, "Nak, nggak boleh ya nak, itu tidak baik". Tetap kita tuntut untuk tidak berbuat demikian lagi. Tetap perlu kita berikan arahan mana yang baik dan benar, mana yang boleh dan tidak. Contoh 4 "Makasih ya nak, kamu sudah ngaku sama mama papa kalo kamu begini begini ke adikmu. Itu kesalahan memang. Nggak boleh gitu lagi ya sayang ya. Tapi mama papa bersyukur kamu mau jujur, kamu hebat kamu anak yang jujur." Contoh 5 Anak: "Ma, maaf ya, tadi aku dimarahin guru karena aku lupa nggak bawa buku yang disuruh bu guru. Padahal kemaren sudah disuruh bawa sih sama bu guru guru, tapi aku lupa.." Ortu: "Makasih ya nak, kamu sudah mau curhat. Kamu sudah mau jujur. Oke harusnya mama marah nih tapi karena kamu jujur, yaudah. Mama senang kamu mau curhat. Kalo begitu, gimana caranya biar kedepan kamu nggk lupa lagi? " Berikan Dukungan yang Berhubungan
Kita sebagai orang tua ingin anak demikian demikian, lalu, dukungan kita apa? Tanyakan itu kepada diri kita sendiri sebagai orang tua. Berikanlah dukungan yang berhubungan. Contoh: "Mama pingin kamu lebih rajin belajar, kira-kira kamu butuhnya apa biar lebih rajin belajar?" Anak" aku mau video game", "aku mau uang jajannya dinaikin" Jawabannya no karena itu tidak berhubungan. Demikian source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRENryMkYfE
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Okay so first of all, fuck you @polarized-here for what I’m about to rant about. (/j /lh, I could never b upset at you mootie 🤞)
So I’m just sitting here in my bed thinking: “it’s so easy to link mcsm and mutant busters and create a possibly cursed crossover.”
Like- like THINK ABOUT IT‼️ Jesse and the group would be travelling the portals tryna get home (obviously this would be before the whole PAMA thing) and they just end up in this post apocalyptic lookin world where mutants have taken over the world and the only way to cure it is by finding vegetables. They would definitely land in the courtyard thing of the base idk. And MB gang is like: “okay idfk who you guys are but your cool you can stay with us”
And this world is so much different to what they’re used to like, GUNS are fucking thing and- and like there’s all this high tech shit that they don’t understand.
But it would also be weird for the MB gang like- these newcomers from another world literally have pocket dimensions and can shove a whole ass swords in their pockets. Also there’s the whole enchanted gear thing. That’s not normal in their world. It would be strange for both parties but it would be an even better learning experience.
Also I imagine the mcsm group can’t leave till the world is fixed or whatever u wanna call it. in my head they end appearing in the MB world a little after Sheriff is revealed to be part mutant. also keep in mind that I believe time works differently when they’re in a different world, so days/weeks/months in a different world is just seconds/minutes/hours in their home world.
In this cursed crossover Sheriff and Jesse would be a force to be reckoned with. Those two would be absolute pranksters. Given they may not always go according to plan (even better imo) but it always ends up being a mess. They would also definitely spar, both are extremely skilled at using swords (a personal headcanon of mine is Sheriff knows how to sword fight). They also seem like the kind of guys to share leadership tips, for Jesse it would be to be a lil more loose (yeah I just said that.) and for Sheriff it would be to be more stern when needed. All in all they would be great friends. extra thing I wanna add: I think BP would also join in on the duo’s shenanigans.
VEGAN SU AND PETRA MY GIRLBOSSES 💪💪‼️😻! They could probably get away with murder tbh. I can see those two spending hours working on the buggy’s. And when they’re not? Probably boxing. They like- perfectly match each other’s personalities. (Scary and tough unless your someone they care about.) Petra and Vegan Su would totally complain about the lack of girls in their respective groups. This is also a bit OOC but they would spend hours gossiping and shit talking everyone else.
Shooter and Lukas are worried for the health and safety of their boyfriends (Sheriff and Jesse, respectively). I’m thinking that once Shooter pries Lukas out of his Shy & timid shell, the two spend hours competing against each other in various different video games. Mainly Mario Kart but others as well. Shooter would explain technology to Lukas so he could document it in his notebook.
Ivor, Brutux and Dr. White…
I’m loosing my focus so bullet points go!
- they all watch musicals together and make comments on some parts
- somehow all end up with matching “#1 dad” mugs
- Ivor practically absorbs anything Dr. White says. (When it’s related to technology)
I think that’s alll i gots right now.
Idk what anyone is going to do with my thoughts but I pray only good things
Have fun! Take care!
#aaaaaaaa#shit post#mutant busters#mcsm#help#HSKSKSKS#LOOSING IT#crossover ig#idfk#just me rambling#dw about it#or me#just don’t#please#Bagels rambles
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wsg chat
time for another fire life update
this one is gonna be BORING RAHHHHH
first thing…
THIS GIRL IN FASHION IS ACC ANNOYING THE FUCK OUTTA ME. she said that i would grow out of playing gacha games (SUUUUUUPER CONDESCENDINGLY BTW)… we were making leather keychains and we had to stamp letters in them so i was like “hehe what if i put aventurine” (AVENTURINE MY LOVE I LOVE AVENTURINE) and she asks who? and i explain he’s from hsr. and she says AND I QUOTE “ohhhh honkai star rail, thats a gacha game, yeah i used to play gacha games like a few years ago, dont worry you’ll grow out of it” and she like waves her hand and im thinking grow out of it? tf you mean? so i hs respond “uhh i like gacha games… they r pretty fun, esp hsr i like the story and the characters” and she says SUUUUUPER CONDESCENDINGLY “haha dont worry you’ll grow out of them” LIKE SHE SOOOOOOO MUCH OLDER THAN ME AND SOOOOO MUCH MORE WISE (WE ARE THE SAME FUCKING AGE. IF ANYTHING IM OLDER THAN HER BY A COUPLE MONTHS). LIKE WTF YOU DONT JS SAY THAT. SHE WAS LITERALLY SINGING A CHAPPEL ROAN SONG AND I WAS SOOOOO ABOUT TO BE LIKE “oh you like pop???? i used to like that too, i dont anymore dw you grow out of it” but unfortunately i didnt… i dont have the balls… there was another time before that where she said onyl rich white ppl live in (my neighborhood) AND I SOOOOOO GOT HER cuz later that class i made a joke abt what she was saying and she asked where i lived and i was like “(my neighborhood)” AND HER FACE WAS PRICELESS, SHE WAS LIKE “OH SHIT 😃” ngl chat she is so CHOPPED.
anyways, i had a dream abt eggrolls. I LITERALLY HATE VRO SO MUCH. (the dream was that he broke up with his gf and we got tgther and we were a cutsey ahh couple and played 3ds games tgther chat.) i am literally being tortured by my subconscious chat.
other than that ive js felt so bleh, like im so drained and js dont wanna do nothin. like i can barely pull myself outta bed 😋 would rather die than go to school another day but yolo!!!!
ive been rlly tryna complete the strinova bp 😝 i think im arounf level 60 rn!! and i also only have a couple quests left so i think ill be able to get this bp as well!!!! i rlly like the pass this update it legit SOOOOO CUTE (i love yugiri shes such a cutey)
ive also been working a lil more on my acnh island, its been going pretty well, i made a hidden shrine and am tryna place buildings rn so i can do the decorating 😋
AAAAAAND i played the new dti update!!!! i now have aalllll the gamepasses which is kind silly but it acc made farming sooooo much easier esp since i didnt have x2 money before. i LOVE all the new items and making ethereal ahh fits is SOOOOO FUN 😍😍 rn am a trendsetter but i RLLLLYY wanna try a get to AT LEAST top model maybe before end of march (esp since im like 5k away from runway diva)🫰
WIEGE CAME OUT AND I HAVE NAWT RECOVERED. as a day 1 alnst fan im literally dying holy shit. wiege literally broke me into pieces. its shattered my heart. MIZI AND SUA SWAPPED OUTFITS. LUKA AND HYUNA WOULDVE BEEN MARRIED. I HATE YOU VIVNOS RAHIDHWBDBEOQ YOU BREAK ME (i love vivinos chat.) THIS SHIT BROKE ME THE SAME WAY CURE DID.
besides that i think we chill, idk why but ive js been kinda down lately, its weird
im literally just a girl </3
anyhoodles,, byebye !!!
( song for chu cuz ur kewl :3 , i literally found it yesterday and its SOOOO satisfying )
#blog#girlblogging#im just a girl#silly#thoughts#random thoughts#meow#honkai star rail#hsr#rant#dress to impress#dti roblox#alnst#alien stage wiege#alien stage#big ahh rant#strinova#life update#life#song#favorite songs#song of the day
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Gempa 4,6 SR Guncang Batang, Sejumlah Rumah dan Bangunan Rusak




Pekalongannews, Batang – Gempa bumi berkekuatan 4,6 Skala Richter mengguncang Kabupaten Batang, Minggu (7/7/2024) pukul 14.35 WIB.
Berdasarkan informasi dari Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), gempa tersebut terjadi pada koordinat 7.00 LS dan 109.71 BT, dengan kedalaman 10 kilometer di barat daya Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah.
Guncangan gempa menyebabkan kerusakan di berbagai lokasi di Kabupaten Batang, termasuk Kecamatan Batang, Kecamatan Warungasem, dan Kecamatan Wonotunggal.
Kapolres Batang, AKBP Nur Cahyo Ari Prasetyo, menyatakan bahwa pihaknya bersama tim gabungan TNI/Polri dan BPBD Kabupaten Batang segera bergerak membantu evakuasi korban serta menyisir rumah-rumah warga dan bangunan lain yang terdampak gempa.
"Hingga saat ini kami masih menyebar di beberapa lokasi. Alhamdulillah, seluruh aparat kepolisian, TNI, dan BPBD kompak demi membantu warga yang terdampak bencana," ujar Nur Cahyo. "
Sejak gempa terjadi, aparat TNI/Polri bersama BPBD Kabupaten Batang segera bergerak membantu warga yang terdampak.
Intinya, kami bergerak cepat melakukan identifikasi dan membantu evakuasi awal," tambahnya.
Evakuasi dan penyisiran rumah-rumah yang mengalami kerusakan dilakukan dengan cepat.
"Kami telah berkoordinasi dengan semua pihak terkait, termasuk TNI, Polri, dan tim medis untuk memastikan bahwa warga yang membutuhkan pertolongan segera mendapatkan bantuan," kata Nur Cahyo.
Berdasarkan laporan BPBD Kabupaten Batang, terdapat tiga kecamatan yang terdampak gempa. Berikut rincian kerusakan di masing-masing kecamatan:
Kecamatan Batang
• Kelurahan Proyonanggan Utara: Rumah Cati roboh di Dk. Ketandan.
• Kelurahan Proyonanggan Tengah: Rumah warga di Dk. Legoksari mengalami kerusakan.
• Kelurahan Kauman: Gedung Aisyiyah mengalami kerusakan.
• Kelurahan Karangasem Utara dan Selatan: Beberapa bangunan mengalami retak-retak.
• Desa Kalisalak: Rumah Yuyun Safaroh mengalami kerusakan.
Kecamatan Warungasem
• Desa Cepagan: Beberapa rumah mengalami kerusakan dan satu rumah roboh.
• Desa Candiareng: Kerusakan ringan pada beberapa bangunan.
• Desa Lebo: Rumah Wahyudi RT 04/004 Gg 11 roboh, rumah Bp. Fahrurozi RT 04/RW 04 Gg. 11 retak, dan rumah Bapak Kasiron RT 04/RW 004 Gg. 11 mengalami retak.
Kecamatan Wonotunggal
• Siwungu: Rumah Rasbai di Dk. Siwungu, Ds. Siwatu roboh.
Gempa bumi ini menyebabkan sejumlah kerusakan signifikan pada beberapa bangunan dan rumah warga. Berikut adalah rincian kerusakan yang tercatat:
• Kaca bagian atas Masjid Agung pecah dan atap mengalami kerusakan ringan.
• Atap ruang kelas 7B SMP N 7 Batang roboh.
• Rumah Ibu Cati di Dukuh Ketandan, Kelurahan Proyonanggan Utara, roboh.
• Gedung Aisyiyah di Kelurahan Kauman, Kecamatan Batang, mengalami kerusakan.
• Rumah warga di Dukuh Legoksari, Kelurahan Proyonanggan Tengah, mengalami kerusakan.
• Rumah di Desa Cepagan, Kecamatan Warungasem, roboh.
• Rumah milik Wahyudi di RT 04/004 Gg 11, Desa Lebo, Kecamatan Warungasem, roboh.
• Rumah milik Rasbai di Dukuh Siwungu, Desa Siwatu, Kecamatan Wonotunggal, roboh.
• Rumah Fahrurozi di RT 04/RW 04 Gg. 11, Desa Lebo, Kecamatan Warungasem, mengalami retak.
• Rumah milik Kasiron di RT 04/RW 004 Gg. 11, Desa Lebo, Kecamatan Warungasem, mengalami retak.
• Kantor Bupati Batang mengalami kerusakan.
Gempa bumi ini juga mengakibatkan beberapa warga mengalami luka-luka. Berikut adalah daftar korban luka akibat gempa:
• Sri Mukartuna (37 tahun): Warga Dukuh Ketandan, Kelurahan Proyonanggan Utara, mengalami luka ringan.
• Yati (78 tahun): Warga Dukuh Ketandan, Kelurahan Proyonanggan Utara, mengalami robek di kepala.
• Yuyun Safaroh (42 tahun): Warga Desa Kalisalak, mengalami robek di kepala.
• Sapiin (65 tahun): Warga Kelurahan Karangasem Selatan, mengalami luka ringan.
Para korban luka tersebut telah dirujuk ke RSUD Kalisari Batang untuk mendapatkan perawatan lebih lanjut.
Saat ini, BPBD Kabupaten Batang bersama dengan instansi terkait terus melakukan penanganan di lapangan.
“Mereka melakukan pendataan lebih lanjut untuk memastikan tidak ada korban atau kerusakan yang terlewat. Selain itu, bantuan logistik dan medis juga telah disalurkan kepada warga yang terdampak,”jelasnya.
Aaparat TNI/Polri, BPBD, dan tim relawan terus melakukan pemantauan dan evakuasi di berbagai lokasi yang terdampak gempa.
BPBD Kabupaten Batang mengimbau warga untuk tetap tenang dan tidak panik.
“ Warga juga diminta untuk selalu mengikuti arahan dari petugas di lapangan dan tidak mudah terpengaruh oleh informasi yang belum tentu benar,” pungkasnya.
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Tatiana Chunhua Zheng (MÁ HRU) novy현욱최 (hyunwook choi) (JO)Choi Chanhee 양비 (yang hongwon - kat) (JO) Jihyo Park (JO) Joseph Kim (JO) (NEBUDE DĚLAT AC) 西村 リキ (niki enhypen) (JO) (NEBUDE DĚLAT AC) Anton Lee (JO)재민김 (kim jaemin ne nct) (JO)전선희 (kim jennie) (JO)안원심 (wonsim) (JO) Ken Le (JO) Nakemoto Yoshinori (JO)원재최 (kid mili) (JO) Jiung Choi (JO)Minatozaki Sana (JO) Jihoon Park (JO) (NEBUDE DĚLAT AC) Ennik Douma (JO)임진아 (im nana - jinah after school) (JO)黃熙旭 (lucas nct) (JO)จักรพันธ์ พุทธา บิว (build) (JO)扬扬 (yangyang) (JO)เต นล์ (ten nct) (JO)Nicholas (JO)Jiwon Park (JO)Noah Lee (JO)Ahn Hyoseop (JO)김규빈 (kim gyuvin - zb1) (JO)真悠 (Nakakita Yuma) (JO)Skye Verne (JO)Yeosang Kang (JO)Seungmin Kim (JO)Mingyu Kim (JO)Yunho Jeong (JO)호기 (seulgi rv) (JO)김태형 (taehyung bts) (JO)Sooji Yoon (JO)종성박 (jay enhypen) (JO)昊章 (zheng hao) (JO)Evan Hart (JO)E. S. (eric sohn?) (JO)민호 (kindlemin) (JO)슈가 (yoongi bts) (JO)Gowon Lee (JO)Park Kyungjun (JO)찬욱유 (yoo chanwook - beo) (JO)혜인 - (hyein new jeans) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) 서수진 (seo soojin gidle) (MÁ HRU) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) Konon Nishimura (MÁ HRU) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) 김채원 (kim chaewon) (MÁ HRU) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) 정진형 (jung jinhyeong) (MÁ HRU) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) Seungjoo Lee (MÁ HRU) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) Benjiro Yamauchi (MÁ HRU) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) (ČEKÁ SE NA AC) (AC SPLNĚNO) 白翔太 (soul) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 현아 (ahyeon) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Felix Lee (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 띠나 (hana - natty lee kiss of life) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 沈泉锐 (ricky zb1) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Rita Park (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Christopher Bang (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Minhyung Lee (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 빈원 (park wonbin) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 유지민 (karina yoo) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) โรซาน สวน (rose bp) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Baek Hyun (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Ning Ava (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 이툥 (taeyong) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 다하루 (do haru) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 정윤오 (jaehyun nct) (neMÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Jung Hongjoong (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Ephraim Ban (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 빈빈 (changbin seo) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 종섭 (jongseob) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 손채영 (chaeyoung twice) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 이제노 (lee jeno) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Kim Minjae (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Mia Maddie Lee (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 김현웅 (hyunwoong) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 정카이 (Huening Kai) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Choi Hyunsuk (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 이툥 (taeyong) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Hailey Nicha (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Yuta Arai (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Seokmin Lee (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) โซมี จอน (yunjin le sserafim) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 권민식 (kwon minsik - sik-k) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 유준영 (yoo junyoung) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 김종 (kai exo) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Hyuk Kwon (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Shotaro Osaki (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Jinsik Ham (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) เจฟ ซาเตอร์ (jeff satur) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 灿 烈 (chanyeol) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) สุเมตติกุล ไบเบิ้ล วิชญ์ภาส (vegas) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Kim Yoel (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Myung Jaehyun (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) cha eunwoo (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) oliver hansol (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Park Jae-beom (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Bam-Beom Park (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 小鳥遊 もなこ (monako) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 奈良徹 (winwin nct) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Watanabe Haruto (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Damien Choi (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Beomgyu Choi (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Julie Han (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) Yuna Shin (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) You Ha (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 배성빈 (bae seongbin) (MÁ HRU) (AC SPLNĚNO) 도한비 (kaya) (AC SPLNĚNO) (AC SPLNĚNO) (AC SPLNĚNO) (AC SPLNĚNO)
---Park Seonghwa (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) ---Hong Joshua (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) ---Nikolai Katarov (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 오순 (sehun oh) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Theo Choi (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 허성현 (sunghun - huh) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 田柾 (jungkook bts) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) スノ オ (sunwoo the boyz) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Luka Choi (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Кира Александрова (Lisa BP) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 서수진 (seo soojin) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Han Jisung (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Jung Wooyoung (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Kevin Moon (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 던말릭 (don malik) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 허승 (heo sung - justhis) - nema dopsano (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Hyunjin Hwang (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 산태 (taesan) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) ภาริตา ไชยคง (pharita) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Jo Se-rim (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 채홍은 (hong eunchae) (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Alex Hwang (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Rina Choi (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Doyoung Kim (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Jiwu Jeon (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Ji Changmin (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Minjeong Kim (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Kyungmin Cho (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Sakura Miyawaki (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) Cho Wooju (HIATUS - NEDĚLÁ AC) 최승철 (scoups svt) 우원재 (wonjae) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) 沈泉锐 (yechan shin) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) 김한빈 (kim hanbin) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Lee Jaehyun (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Jaemin Kim (nct jaemin) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Andrew Song (mingi ateez) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Enami Asa (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) 김예림 (yerim kim rv) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) 훈박지 (park jihoon) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Wonwoo Elsie Chen (MÁ HRU) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Taehyun Kang (MÁ HRU) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Ryujin Shin (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Ash Yoon (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) Hong Myungho (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) 김도연 (doyeon kim) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) 창균임 (im changkyun) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) 산최 (choi san) (NOVÁČEK - NEDĚLÁ AC) sohee lee
(UŽ NENÍ NA RP) Yang Hyuk (UŽ NENÍ NA RP) サン ドラ (nayeon twice) (UŽ NENÍ NA RP) Jungmo Koo 전혁준 (goopy) (ODEŠEL)
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The environmental group Friends of the Earth on Wednesday called on U.S. senators to oppose one of President Joe Biden's regulatory nominees, citing his "disturbing pattern of dirty energy advocacy."
Last month, Biden nominated West Virginia Solicitor-General Lindsay See, energy economics and policy expert Judy Chang, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission analyst David Rosner to serve on FERC's five-member executive body. Chang and Rosner are Democrats. See is a Republican, as there can be no more than three commissioners from the same party.
Friends of the Earth (FOE)—which will publish an online ad urging senators to reject Rosner—noted that the nominee is a former staffer for Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), one of the most fossil fuel-friendly members of Congress, and that he previously worked at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), "where he sided with industry over consumers and the climate on multiple energy issues. BPC funders include BP, Chevron, Conoco, and Shell."
"David Rosner was a paid cheerleader for the LNG boom before it was fashionable," said Lukas Ross, FOE's deputy climate and energy director, referring to the nominee's support for liquefied natural gas exports. "We're calling on Democrats not named Manchin to reject this nomination."
Noting the senator's decision to not seek reelection this year, Ross added that "letting Joe Manchin control FERC from beyond his political grave should be a nonstarter for every other Democrat in the caucus."
#ecology#enviromentalism#us politics#let wolves live#lng#Federal energy regulatory commission#lng exports#joe manchin
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Keluarga Siapa Ini? Pengendara Honda Revo BP 2243 CG Korban Tabrak Lari di Simpang Dua
Keluarga Siapa Ini? Pengendara Honda Revo BP 2243 CG Korban Tabrak Lari di Simpang Dua https://ift.tt/vELh5dp Via DUTAMEDAN.COM (DM/01) SIANTAR, DUTAMEDAN.COM – Seorang laki laki mengendarai sepedamotor jenis Honda Revo plat nomor polisi (Nopol) BP 2243 CG belum diketahui identitasnya menjadi korban tabrak lari di Jalan Parapat simpang dua Kelurahan Naga Huta Kecamatan Siantar Marimbun Kota Siantar tepatnya depan loket mobil angkutan umum KBT, Jumat (9/2/2024) malam sekira pukul 22.00 Wib. Sesuai informasi, awalnya pengendara sepedamotor Honda Revo BP 2243 CG datang dari arah Parapat Kabupaten Simalungun menuju arah Inti Kota Siantar. Setiba dilokasi kejadian tepatnya depan loket mobil angkutan umum KBT, tiba tiba pengendara sepedamotor Honda Revo BP 2243 CG tersebut menabrak sisi depan sebelah kiri mobil truk Hino BK 8788 ZZ yang berhenti di sisi kanan jalan. Dimana sebelumnya truk Hino BK 8788 ZZ itu datang dari arau Kota Siantar menuju arah Parapat. Akibat tabrakan tersebut pengendara sepedamotor Honda Revo BP 2243 CG terhempas hingga terkapar di badan jalan, sedangkan pengemudi langsung kabur mengemudikan truk Hino BK 8788 ZZ tersebut sehingga tidak diketahui identitasnya pengemudinya. Warga setempat langsung menolong pengendara sepedamotor Honda Revo BP 2243 CG tersebut kondisi tidak sadarkan diri dan luka luka dengan membawa ke Rumah Sakit (RS) Tentara Kota Siantar. Menerima laporan masyarakat, personil piket Unit Gakkum Sat Lantas Polres Siantar datang melakukan olah TKP sekaligus mengamankan barang bukti sepedamotor Honda Revo BP 2243 CG tersebut. “Hingga saat ini pengendara sepedamotor Honda Revo BP 2243 CG sudah mendapatkan perawatan di rumah sakit dan identitasnya atau keluarganya masih dalam pencarian,”Kata Kanit Gakkum Sat Lantas Polres Siantar IPDA Syawal Nasution SH dikonfirmasi, Sab tu (10/2024) sore. (Fred) The post Keluarga Siapa Ini? Pengendara Honda Revo BP 2243 CG Korban Tabrak Lari di Simpang Dua first appeared on DUTA MEDAN - Media Informasi Terkini Sumatera 2024.
#Berita Harian Siantar#Kabar Terbaru Siantar#Media Terkini Siantar#Siantar » DUTA MEDAN - Media Informasi Terkini Sumatera 2024
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Sudah 2 bulan kehidupan klinik ini, cukup banyak ups and downs nya, walaupun emang kalau dirasa, kebanyakan down nya karena masih adaptasi dan sudah tidak bisa haha hihi karena selalu diiming-imingi pikiran "kalo gw gini, nanti pasien gw gimana"
Walaupun di bedah rasanya ga terlalu banyak dapet ilmu, tapi syukurnya banyak dapet hal hal lain selain itu; ketemu ppds gokil yang mau banget diajak diskusi bahkan sampai cerita cerita kehidupan mereka kenapa memutuskan untuk lanjut ppds (bang Aprizal, Bang Hasya, Bang Haryo, Bang Hoschea, Bang Tafdhil, Bang Dzul, Bang Hardian, Bang Ghifari, also special thanks to Bang Bela yang sudah nemenin,support diriku untuk ujian mini-cex di btkv, dan menjadi inspirasi untuk lanjut btkv karena saya tidak puas dengan ujian kemaren wkwk), ketemu korban luka bakar yang sangat menghantam mental saya karena ternyata seperti yang di film horror dan harus gw yang ganti perbannya di hari pertama masuk koas (makasi ya Lektor dr. Aditya Wardhana Sp. BP-RE (K), mentor divisi pertama yang membuat saya merasa ada harapan disini), ujian mini-cex yang sepertinya saya dikira ppds btkv karena yang ditanyakan sangat jauh dari kemampuan dokter umum (dr. Suprayitno Wardhoyo Sp. BTKV-KPJB) dan tentu saya akan balas dendam di kemudian hari, tunggu saya ya dok, stase healing di RSUI hingga bertemu dr. Tata pembimbing skripsiku yang sudah seperti ibu angkat kami, dan tentunya berbagai macam oportunity lainnya di ruang operasi dimana gw bisa jait kulit (yang harusnya hanya simpel interupted saja malah disuruh matras wtf) dan melihat berbagai macam organ langsung secara real tidak lagi dari buku yokochi wkwk.
Terima kasih banyak bedah, walaupun hanya 9 minggu tapi sukses membuat saya ingin melanjutkan lagi untuk 5 tahun kembali belajar bedah di suatu saat nanti, dalam waktu dekat.
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Jasa Raharja Kepri Santuni Korban Luka-Luka Kecelakaan di Jalan Raja Oesman Tanjung Balai Karimun
SUARABATAM.COM, Batam – Pada hari Minggu, 22 Januari 2023 sekira pukul 14.00 WIB siang, korban yang berinisial FKN, laki-laki, 11 tahun seorang penumpang yang dibonceng oleh inisial J pengendara sepeda motor Honda Beat berwarna hitam BP-3140-KF yang datang dari arah Batu Lipai menuju RSUD Muhammad Sani bertabrakan dengan kendaraan sepeda motor Honda Vario BP-3515-PA warna hitam yang dikendarai…

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Labored breaths accompany him as he lowers his arm after shooting, watching Denning take charge swiftly and decisively. They strike at the woman's silhouette with no mercy and hesitation, showing no fear for her fiery form, and knock her to the ground. The command is given - regroup - and he follows, tugging on the reins to prompt his mount to safety.
Soon after he does, a healing wave soothes his body, closing his wounds fully and refreshing him from the exhaustion. Their hands meet, so do their eyes; he can feel the warmth and support from her, and his first thought is to apologize again for the concern he had caused - but perhaps they should be past that, now.
Instead, he does his best to return her smile. "Thank you, Veyle. I'm alright. I'm here for you as well, alright? You can count on me."
Indeed, they are a team. He is not alone, and neither are they.
His body refreshed, he gets ready for another attack, before Professor Lukas approaches him on a mount of his own. Leonardo nods, hearing him out with the utmost attention, soaking up both the advice and the support he provides. The expression with which he nods is a smile full of determination. "Yes, sir. Thank you."
The supportive spell then comes over him. Anew - as though he was never tired to begin with, his energy comes back full force, and his grip on the bow tightens. He looks at the enemy - she has summoned a new aide to her side to support her - then back at Lukas, nodding one more time before spurring his mount forward.
He charges, drawing a semicircle around the scorching embers emanated by her power, drawing quickly two arrows just as he signals to stop. Then aims, and fires. One, then another.
Leonardo attacks Supreme Infernal Mistress with Rienfleche: 2d20=11, 11. Hit, Hit Leonardo deals 5 damage. Supreme Infernal Mistress HP: 10 → 5 Shield BP: 5 → 3 Leonardo takes recoil damage. Leonardo HP: 10 → 8
Both strike true once more. She takes a step back, unsteady, the arrows embedded in her side and chest already catching on fire. This is their chance - they cannot let her recover, cannot give her aide the time to react and pull her own tricks out -
"Now's your chance, Leif! You can do it!"
Leonardo uses Rally Speed. Leif gains +6 Spd for one round
> @diadic
Beloboggling the Mind || Team Four Silver Round
#beholdenning#diadic#redmessenger#misericordel#【 thread ⁎ beloboggling the mind 】#【 i have my orders ⁎ ic 】#【 mission season ⁎ snowglobe 】#toaarena2023summer#((chara tags later))
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Describing My Work in One Sentence
Cracked Porcelain: Local sweat pea recovers from trauma while experiencing more trauma. (Discontinued)
Mastermind: Studies find that most teens commit felonies to do well in school. (Discontinued)
Give ‘Em Enough Hope to Hang Themselves: Group capitalizes on the power of friendship to cause the apocalypse. (Completed)
Baton Pass: Ragtag group of delinquents sees bullied child and immediately sign adoption papers.
A Meadow Watered by Tears (father can’t you hear your baby crying): Bastards bond over horrible fathers, with one of those fathers happening to be God. (Discontinued)
I Keep Throwing All These Bottles (but I don’t know if they ever reach you): The longest game of telephone that only has two participants. (Completed)
The Truth We Pursue: In attempt to stop murder, three teens end up causing more murder.
Life Sucks (and then you die): Chaos child becomes a medium for no reason other than to piss off a bear.
Hey, Little Songbird: Smug boy meets nice girl and is confused by emotion while also trying to rob people. (Completed)
Pomegranate Seeds: Rewrite of HLS, but there’s more drama.
Mariharem Yandere AU: The correct answer to “Who should date this beautiful danger magnet?” (Completed)
High Priest: Some French guy got Mayan mythology really wrong and decided to inflict it on others. (Completed)
Ghost Brother AU: Dead guy looks at tiny superhero and asks “Is anyone gonna mentor that?” and does so instead of waiting for an answer.
Daddy’s Coming: Dad learns how to use the power of evil for good when two of his daughters are kidnapped by his ex-wife. (Discontinued)
The Devil’s Daughter: Child realizes that family is shit sometimes and decides to go on a road trip where she falls in love with a farmer.
Another Opening, Another Show: Reincarnation is bullshit, get revenge on the people who did former you wrong.
Love Me Not: This girl’s got a yandere after her, what better way to fight him off than with another yandere? (Completed)
Get in the Water AU: The dead’s desire for revenge VS the living’s desire to be a funny prank boy.
Percy and Grandpa’s Totally Epic Road Trip | Luke and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Quest: A small child has the time of his life after getting kidnapped, and the homeless teens trying to save him don’t appreciate his joy. (Unwritten)
Dick Grayson V Parenthood: I basically remade Detective Conan with significantly more ghosts.
Teen Villain Alliance: And the eldritch monstrosity descended from the heavens to say four words: “Be gay, do crimes.”
Would you like to sponsor an update? Visit my Ko-fi!
#writing funny#fictag CrP#fictag MM#fictag: GEEHHT#fictag: BP#fictag: MWT#fiveya#fictag TTWP#hey little songbird#mariharem yandere au#ghost brother au#fictag: DC#fictag: DD#fictag AOAS#the many akumatizations of luka couffiane#love me not#fictag PS#constantine jr au#teen villain alliance#percy and grandpa's totally epic road trip#luke and the terrible horrible no good very bad quest#get in the water au
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I just finished the Demo for Beacon Pines Luka... needs to be protected
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Sent by @transkingblade
‘If Bachelorette Party doesn’t end with a choice of fucking whoever you want from the entire story what’s the point? -Sincerely, A Guy Horny AF For Lukas’
#choices bachelorette party#bacherlorette party#choices bp#bp#bp lukas#confessions#mod bruffle#queue#playchoices#ns*w
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