#please ignore my sr bs
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god i am the fucking worst at ocean fishing. two different guides up, whole bunch of advice from different people, even someone yelling tips during the trip, and i did a fuckton worse.
i'm just so stupid at this game, all i do is fail and waste time and hi cordials
#please ignore my sr bs#idk i guess i need the remedial version for old wow players who only ever had to cast and click a bobber over and over
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Okay I'm back with more ideas.
Since IPA, which we based the script on, has all of the English alphabet within it, I thought "Hey, why not just include all possible combinations of solely English alphabet consonants?".
There are 20 consonants in English, times 20 is 400, but I will take away 20 of them since they are just double consonants (like "bb" or "zz"). Thus we got 380 new symbols, leaving us with- -drumroll-
-symbols left unassigned.
And I think I have just the thing. In Google Docs, there is a category of insertable symbols called "Modifier > Non-spacing", thus, diacritics.
Out of the 196 diacritical marks that appear there, 25 have already been listed above in the script (see All subscript phonetic symbols and secondary articulations).
Thus, out of those 196, we can add the ones that haven't appeared in the list already and count them as new symbols - that's 171 new symbols, which leaves us with
Symbols left.
And that's a very simple and small number really. What we can do here is add some extended-Latin symbols which do not count as diacritic mutations of already existing symbols, and some other ones just in case.
% & @ ß þ ſ ƿ γ δ ζ η λ μ ξ π φ χ ψ ω ‘ = 17 symbols.
We have 5 symbols left (MISTAKE - YOU WILL SEE BELOW in All possible combining non-spacing symbols).
One I will make a letter-doubler, a symbol that doubles the previous letter. That's 4 symbols left. And I know just the ones I want to add:
© ® ° ꙮ
Yes that's the multiocular O.
Alright, so to the total count, we add:
All English alphabet consonant pair combinations excluding double letters bc bd bf bg bh bj bk bl bm bn bp bq br bs bt bv bw bx bz cb cd cf cg ch cj ck cl cm cn cp cq cr cs ct cv cw cx cz db dc df dg dh dj dk dl dm dn dp dq dr ds dt dv dw dx dz fb fc fd fg fh fj fk fl fm fn fp fq fr fs ft fv fw fx fz gb gc gd gf gh gj gk gl gm gn gp gq gr gs gt gv gw gx gz hb hc hd hf hg hj hk hl hm hn hp hq hr hs ht hv hw hx hz jb jc jd jf jg jh jk jl jm jn jp jq jr js jt jv jw jx jz kb kc kd kf kg kh kj kl km kn kp kq kr ks kt kv kw kx kz lb lc ld lf lg lh lj lk lm ln lp lq lr ls lt lv lw lx lz mb mc md mf mg mh mj mk ml mn mp mq mr ms mt mv mw mx mz nb nc nd nf ng nh nj nk nl nm np nq nr ns nt nv nw nx nz pb pc pd pf pg ph pj pk pl pm pn pq pr ps pt pv pw px pz qb qc qd qf qg qh qj qk ql qm qn qp qr qs qt qv qw qx qz rb rc rd rf rg rh rj rk rl rm rn rp rq rs rt rv rw rx rz sb sc sd sf sg sh sj sk sl sm sn sp sq sr st sv sw sx sz tb tc td tf tg th tj tk tl tm tn tp tq tr ts tv tw tx tz vb vc vd vf vg vh vj vk vl vm vn vp vq vr vs vt vw vx vz wb wc wd wf wg wh wj wk wl wm wn wp wq wr ws wt wv wx wz xb xc xd xf xg xh xj xk xl xm xn xp xq xr xs xt xv xw xz zb zc zd zf zg zh zj zk zl zm zn zp zq zr zs zt zv zw zx
All possible combining non-spacing symbols* à á â ā a̅ ȧ ả å a̋ ǎ a̍ a̎ a̐ ȃ a̒ a̓ a̔ a̕ a̖ a̗ a̡ a̢ ạ a̦ a̧ ą a̫ a̭ a̮ a̱ a̲ a̳ a̴ a̵ a̶ a̷ a̸ a̾ a̿ aͅ a͆ a͇ a͈ a͔ a͕ a͖ a͗ a͘ a͙ a͚ a͛ a͜ a͝ a�� a͟ a͠ a͢ a᳐ a᳑ a᳒ a᳔ a᳕ a᳖ a᳗ a᳘ a᳙ a᳚ a᳛ a᳜ a᳝ a᳞ a᳟ a᳠ a᳢ a᳣ a᳤ a᳥ a᳦ a᳧ a᳨ a᳭ a᳴ a᷄ a᷅ a᷆ a᷇ a᷈ a᷉ a᷊ a᷋ a᷌ a᷍ a᷼ a᷽ a⃐ a⃑ a⃒ a⃓ a⃔ a⃕ a⃖ a⃗ a⃘ a⃙ a⃚ a⃛ a⃜ a⃡ a⃥ a⃦ a⃧ a⃨ a⃩ a⃪ a⃫ a⃬ a⃭ a⃮ a⃯ a⃰ a𝅧 a𝅨 a𝅩 a𝅻 a𝅼 a𝅽 a𝅾 a𝅿 a𝆀 a𝆁 a𝆂 a𝆅 a𝆆 a𝆇 a𝆈 a𝆉 a𝆊 a𝆋 a𝆪 a𝆫 a𝆬 a︠ a︡ a︢ a︣ a︤ a︥ a︦ *turns out I made a mistake here and overestimated the number of symbols; the amount above is 148, not 171. That's 23 more symbols for assignment. I just threw some more symbols into the miscellaneous set below.
43 miscellaneous symbols ! $ % & * , . / : ; ? @ \ ^ ¡ ¢ £ ¥ § © ® ° ¶ · ¿ ß þ ſ ƿ γ δ ζ η λ μ ξ π φ χ ψ ω ‐ – — ‘ ” † ‰ ※ ‽ ⁂ ₤ ₱ ₽ ♀ ♂ ♯ ⚢ ⚣ ⚤ ⸺ ⸻ ꙮ
The Doubling Symbol which copies the glyph before it no matter what it is (ignores the CV->VC Flipper Symbol). Ж
...but the word counter in my Google doc says I fucked up somewhere, even after carefully cleaning and formatting the dataset and eliminating possible repeating symbols.
That's 138 extra symbols from somewhere.
Someone help please I am out of my mind.
I checked, if you don't count anything that goes after All English alphabet consonant pair combinations excluding double letters you get 4038 words. That means I got budget for 52 symbols. If I exclude the All possible combining non-spacing symbols and leave the 43 miscellaneous symbols + The Doubling Symbol, I will be left with uuuuh.
Yeah so like, in result I can put at least 8 diacritic marks in there. The most frequent ones around the world.
8 diacritic marks â ā ä á à ă å ą
So basically there's this monogram neography creation method I got.
It consists solely of breaking down a complex symbol into smaller ones.
The number of final glyphs can be predicted by replacing the "x" in 2^x with the number of separate lines in the monogram.
This monogram above has a total of 12 parts. This means it can yield 4096 combinations.
That's a huge number, considering that English got 26 letters in its alphabet (excluding the apostrophe and diacritical variations of letters). It can fit the English alphabet 157 times, and there will still be some space left.
But there are some problems somewhat - the monogram here has some repeating lines, primarily the parallel ones. But that's fixable,
Just add some distinction ditty dots.
But still the question of filling it out remains open. Say I add the entire English alphabet. That's 26. Then all possible bi-letter combinations in it. That's 676, which combined with just the letters gives 702. Tri-letter combinations would be impossible, since they yield a number greater than the total sum of symbols possible (17576).
But that does leave us with 3394 symbols out of the total 4096. The only way I see this going is by adding new letters to English, but here's the thing - where to stop?
Theoretically I could fit all the possible letters in the extended Latin script probably, at least the ones in the most widespread alphabets.
But what if I go phonetic?
There's a total of 128 phonetic symbols available on Vulgarlang.com, combing all into pairs would yield a number above that of the total possible symbols (16384). But we can do one thing. Take all the consonants and multiply them by the vowels, and then again by two (impossible since 95x26 is 2660, and x2 yields 5320 which is greater than the total amount of glyphs possible). Which is a mathematical way of saying "create all possible combinations of vowels and consonants in CV pairs". So say we combine every consonant with every vowel - that's 2660. Plus 5 tonal indicators, that's 2665. Plus all the newly available superscript modifiers and all the phonetic articulation superscripts (160), that's 2825.
So to recount what we have: - All possible consonant-vowel combinations. - All phonetic symbols. - All phonetic secondary articulation symbols. And we still have 1271 symbols left.
What else can we do?
Let's add a functional symbol that flips the previous letter backwards. Say, turns /ʃʌ/ into /ʌʃ/. That leaves us with 1270 symbols - a round number, which is good.
For the fun of it how about we make 360 of them numerals? A base-360, which is one of quite notable anti-primes. It will be amazing for counting, and will include countless other numeral systems inside it wouldn't it? To write in decimal just use the numerals from 0 to 9. Also this base is like the Sumerian sexadecimal but multiplied by itself. A complete beast. Thus, 1270 - 360 = 910.
910 symbols left huh, well fuck me. Well let's consider this: let's add in all the vowels with tones applied. That'd be 28x5, thus, 140. 910 - 140 = 770.
Thus we added to the recount: - All vowels with 5 tones applied. - Base-360 numerals.
Next what. We still have 770 possible symbols left. ...Logographic?
Oookay. So let's consider this, we're just going to take the Swadesh list, maybe? Swadesh 207 list includes 207 words, five of which are numerals (from 1 to 5). If we exclude them, we get 202 words:
bark (of a tree)
dull (as a knife)
fat (noun)
man (adult male)
man (human being)
sharp (as a knife)
they (plural)
they (singular)
to bite
to blow
to breathe
to burn
to come
to count
to cut
to die
to dig
to drink
to eat
to fall
to fear
to fight
to float
to flow
to fly
to freeze
to give
to hear
to hit
to hold
to hunt
to kill
to know
to laugh
to lie (as in a bed)
to live
to play
to pull
to push
to rub
to say
to scratch
to see
to sew
to sing
to sit
to sleep
to smell
to spit
to split
to squeeze
to stab
to stand
to suck
to swell
to swim
to think
to throw
to tie
to turn (intransitive)
to vomit
to walk
to wash
to wipe
tongue (organ)
you (plural)
you (singular)
Now we are left with 568 symbols. I would love someone to help me here please. I'm out of ideas, I've been writing this post for an hour while brainstorming and checking if my math is right.
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Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
"Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Cheapest car insurance south australia?
what is and the price, for the cheapest car insurance places in south australia for a japanese import car with a turbo for a p plater, 16 years old, nealry 17? thanks""
How to go about getting car insurance?
I live in California and I am moving to Texas in June. Im 23 and I dont have a car currently but I will buy one when I move to Texas. I dont know how to go about getting car insurance, though. What is the process of getting car insurance? When should I get it? Before I buy the car? How do I get it (or where do I go)? Do I need to give the insurance companies any documents to get the car insurance? What do you recommend that I do right now? Thanks.""
Business Insurance??
What kind of insurance will i need to carry for duct cleaning peoples homes and how much monthly would it cost
Do car insurance and registration have to be under the same name?
let's say Sally buys a car and it's under her name but gets car insurance under her sister's name. is that okay? or both have to be under Sally's name?
How does low income families apply for health insurence?
My family of 4 has about $32000 annual income. How do I apply for health insurance?
Switching car insurance?
I am thinking of switching to Esurance, it's about $25 a month cheaper than my current insurance. Anyone have any experience or knowledge of Esurance? How hard is it to switch?""
Cheap insurance in northern ireland?
I am a 21 year old driver with 3 years no claims bonus and my insurance is still a fortune!!! is there any dealers out there that is a bit better on it??
Estimate On Car Insurance ? ?
I have been using these comparison sites but I don't really find them much help. How much can a female at 17 whos just passed her test expect to pay on Vaxhall Corsa or a Ford KA.
Do i have to have car insurance?
Just wondering
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
Who are the top ten largest life insurance companies in the US today?
Who are the top ten largest life insurance companies in the US today?
Insurance deductible?
Someone rearended me and damaged my bumper.and my car did not start after that.I have insurance and she does too.wil I have to pay for any thing at all
Is it a legal requirement in Texas to have health insurance?
after i graduate high school and when i turn 18 and move out i will not be a full time student there for not covered under my parents insurances in any way... so is it a legal requirement in Texas for me to have health insurance like it is for car insurance? thanks in advance
6 month or Year car insurance?
Which one of these is more desirable? Seems like the year car insurance premium is higher than the 6 month. Also, how do you cancel a policy and get a policy with a new insurer without hurting your credit?""
How to get cheap car insurance at 19 ?
I passed my test on the second of January at 19, i have been looking at getting a ford fiesta , or a vauxhall corsa for around 500-1500. i might go on to do the pass plus but not sure if its a waste of money. Anyone got any tips on how to get cheap car insurance ?""
Can I get free health insurance?
I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks""
Im 71 years old will 1 speeding offence offence two years age effect my car insurance?
I have always used a Mobility car, hence the ignorance re, insurance""
What should I buy for my first car? Preferably something with cheap insurance!?
Okay, so I'm a 17 year old male in the UK. I'm looking to buy my first car fairly soon, but I realise I'm absolutely clueless about cars. I have quite a bit of money saved, but I would love to spend as little as possible on the car and insurance. I'm looking on auto trader and other second hand websites, but I really have no idea. Any suggestions of where to look, what make to buy, where to get insurance would be great. Thanks""
How much would insurance be on a 1986 honda civic si hatchback?
I need to know asap how much estimated it would be to add this car to insurance. (state farm) I just bought it for 800 bucks and i need to know also how much in total it would be to get on the road.. register, title switch , tags all that good stuff...im un VIRGINIA btw.. need any more info ask..""
Older cars and Insurance..?
Im young..I don't know too much about cars yet. I was wondering, do older cars typically cost less to insure??? I know it sounds dumb but I really dont know. I had a 99 explorer, 91 sentra, 86 accord, and now I am probably getting a 74 Dart. I know insurance changes depending on your age and violations on your record..but it seems like older cars cost less than 'newer' cars. Will my Dart cost more since it is a classic? It is not restored yet, or sportin classic plates either. Does that change anything??? Is there a difference because of color, or model (ss, suv, convertible, truck, etc?) Let me know..""
What Insurance company automatically covers anyone who drives your car? What is a cheap insurance company?
I'm tryin 2 get insurance for the 04 stratus that i'm buying, but my rates are high because i'm 18. I heard about an insurance who covers anyone who drives your car, like that i coul mak my dad take it then i'd be able 2 drive it. If you know a cheap company for people my age i'd appreciate it. The company dosnt have to be popular.""
Is there a cheaper way to drive my parents car with insurance.?
My parents won't let me drive their car without insurance (which i understand). To be added to their insurance policy will cost me $100 a month, but I would only use the car once or twice a week. I think its ridiculous to pay $100 when I would barely drive the car. Is there a cheaper way to drive their car just when i need it and still be insured?""
Best Insurance company?
What is the best insurrance company for both auto and home please let me know as soon as possible - I live in WV
Car insurance cost for expat?
Hi I am a 37y old male married moving to London from india soon. I checked som online quotes and it seems to be very expensive even if I buy a 10 yr old vw golf. I intend to get a uk license when I arrive, but will I be considered a new driver even though I have held a license in the us and India and have driven for close to 15 yrs""
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
California low cost health insurance?
i need an innsurance with a low cost monthly fee.. i just need it for birth control. i dont want to pay full price it gets pricy please let me know of some good ones that you have experience with
What would my insurance be for a supra?
i will soon be 16. i get As and Bs occasional C. i will be insured with my mom and brother she is 51. My idea is to get a very cheap car and after about a year when im 17 i want to buy a supra with a salvaged title. nothing to bad done ive seen a few go for about 10k. so what do you guys/girls think will be the total insurance for the supra and the cheap car?
Home building insurance?
i had tenants in my house, while i was living with my sister, i did take out a building insurance, and last week my house got burned to ashes, it has no roof neither, so i phoned the insurance company which was halifax,to my shock they declined the insurance,as i didn't have landlord insurance, they said. when i took out the policy i did say to them that i wanted landlord building insurance, the woman at the branch assured me, how ever when i looked at my paper now it does say, i have building and contents insurance,i never asked for that, just wanted a simple landlords insurance, i have 40 thousand pounds worth of damage and really stressed don't now what to do, can anybody please give me some advice i would appreciate it very much
Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
Which car would the cheapest insurance (Civic ex (4dr) or Lancer ES)?
Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance?
Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance?
Life Insurance :?
can i stop paying my premium and get back the amount i paid for? . I took insurance for 15 yr. Already 2 years over. Is ther any option to get the invested money back?
Insurance declared car total loss?
Insurance declared car total loss does that mean i have no more car insurance???
How much cheaper will my insurance be ?
Want to no how much cheaper my insurance would be if my mum insured my car but put me down as a name driver? I have just passed my test, looking to get a fiesta 05 plate 1.2 something like that, also my mum has been driving for over 20 years ?""
Can you get arrested for not having car insurance in the state of florida?
My father was arrested and claims its because of him not having car insurance. is this possible?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Is Mass Mutual insurance affiliated with any other insurance companies?
any agencies affiliated to Mass Mutual life insurance
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
A question about car insurance?
My mom is afraid of her car insurance going up once I get my license, so she wants me to get the car in my name and get my own insurance, but can I still get my license first before all of that? What would be the sequence of which to obtain first? Thanks!""
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Where can i find a school to take classes for insurance health and life in missouri?
i wanna know if theres a school im not asking about online courses im asking about actualy class i can attend and also for property and casualty also. thanks
What do i do for auto insurance?
so i live in Calgary and i'm buying a car in Airdre. i have to drive it back to Calgary. but i need all the information to pay for insurance and registration. and a licence plate that matches the car.. what should i do??? i have a licence plate but its on a kia and im buying a toyota.. HELP!!!!!
""If women get low car insurance rates, because they are rated as a group, shouldn't men have low medical rates?""
Women get low car rates b/c they, as a group, are less likely to have accidents. Feminists quote this fact all the time. Yet women live 8+ yrs. longer than men, and spend the last years of their lives using numerous and costly medical resources. Women use ~50% more medical resources than men. Why, then, aren't women required to pay higher medical premiums? Why aren't feminists marching on Washington demanding that women pay more? Oh, sorry ... I forgot. Feminists say they want equality, but their actions show different.""
Is this too high for heath insurance or is this how they all are?
I pay 130/month for health insurance through Humana for 1 adult and 2 children, full coverage. I usually have to pay a $20 copay for minor doctor visits. Recently I found out Humana is going to start charging an extra $20/week so it will be $150/week, so about $500-600/month, which is a little more than our mortgage payment. We pay less in groceries every week than the amount it costs us to pay for this insurance and we rarely visit the doctor, maybe twice a year, and the amount that is charged hardly adds up to the amount paid throughout the whole year. It's really ridiculous, in my opinion. I get this insurance through my work. I only have the option to cancel or change things about the insurance twice a year and the time has come up. So I am considering canceling and looking elsewhere for health insurance, or just paying out of pocket because if I cancel that's an extra 150 bucks in the bank. I will still keep my vision and dental. Is this a good idea to cancel? Pros. vs. Cons.? Are there any better health insurance companies I could go with that would charge less in the state of Ohio? Honestly I am considering applying for medicaid because we are struggling. We are behind in several medical bills that the insurance wouldn't cover and they are less than what the insurance company charges us monthly, yet because all our money is spent on the insurance, we can't pay for the actual bills - what's the point in the insurance? Enlighten me someone? I was told once that the two biggest crooks are lawyers and insurance companies and I'm starting to see why.""
Can getting on-line auto insurance quotes adversely affect one's credit history?
Since insurance companies do pull one's credit history. Thanks. GG_007
I need help on a car insurance question....?
so i got in a car crash and got the guys information; aside from his house address.... so my question is there any way that i can get a copy of that information or something with his name and adress included??
""If i damage a car by like 5,000 worth in damages how much will my insurance go up by?
im only 18 and still havent told my dad about it..this is my first accident..and i still have not yet recieved any word if the accident was my fault(accident happened 2 days ago) but what happened was i entered traffic from coming out a place into traffic and got hit...i mean i think it was her fault because i entered in traffic slowly and i assumed that she was speeding and hit me or tried passing me...i didnt just pop out into traffic because she would of have it me on my back znd i saw her car from a distance..there was a camera there i think is one of those pic/video camera for people who run red lights and the officer said that i couldnt use it which i dont get it what i plan to do is once i get word that it was my fault im going to pay for damages to my car by myself i just wanna know will my dads insurance billl be a BIG difference of like thousands i just feel anxious and nervous
Do I need insurance to drive with an instruction permit?
I am 19 years old in California. I tried looking at the CA DMV website, but it does not specify anywhere whether I need insurance in order to drive with an instruction permit...""
How much do you pay for auto insurance?
I just spent a few hours getting an auto insurance quote from a number of companies. I got a real good rate ($573 for a whole year) for our 2004 car and all the extras. I think this is a pretty good rate but wonder if others are paying more or less. How much are you paying?
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
The average price of car insurance for VA drivers?
I'm planning on getting my license very soon. I've been planning ahead by saving up car money and figuring out what type of car I want. However, my dad often mentions how insurance is gonna bite you in the ***. so I would like to know what the average price of car insurance is for young or new Virginia drivers. please and thank you. (I've heard rumors that sometimes it helps if you have a beige or gray car. true?)""
What company offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance in Toronto?
I Want to buy a motorcycle around $ 5000 and wondering how much would be the insurance for the following motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda CBR RR 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR 125 How can I be able to get discount on my premium. I have a full M licence with no accidents for like 2 years. I live on Dufferin st close to bloor and I am 25 years old male Serious replies only please because having a car is too expensive for me.
Will my car insurance increase?
I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.""
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
How much will it cost to insure my house cleaning business?
How much will it cost to insure and bond my house cleaning business? I have been running it solo for the last 6 months so I didn't to get bonded or anything, but I will be hiring 2-3 employees within the next month. How much can I expect the insurance and the bond to cost? And, for extra credit, what is the best type of insurance to get? I run it out of my home, if that makes a difference.""
How much does a HSG test cost?
My gyno wants me to get an HSG test done. I have PCOS and am trying to get pregnant. I live in Georgia and have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. I wanted to know how much it would cost and if i truely need to have this test done to get the perscription I need to become pregnant.
How much does a 09' Honda Civic Coupe run on insurance?
I'm looking to buy A new car, & just curious about the insurance costs.""
""Im an 18yr old girl, and can not find car insurance for under 2000, help?!?""
The car i'm trying to insure is a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, it has no modifications. The cheapest insurance i've found is with Tesco but this is still just shy of 2000. The comparison sites have all been useless, all coming out at over 3500. Any ideas would be appriciated?""
Camaro z28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... insurance costs?
how much would insurance cost for a 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost for a 16 year old boy
Can you renew a car's registration with non-owners insurance?
I am driving a car that has no insurance that is owned by someone else. Obviously because of no insurance the secretary of state won't renew the tags. Will they renew the registration if I show them my non-owners insurance?
Can someone please explain what these new insurance laws are?
are we required to have insurance? do all companies have to offer insurance now? What percentage do companies have to pay for insurance? Thanks
How is insurance on a 2004 GLI?
I am a 17 year old High School Student I am a male and make Good grades, How much would insurance be on a 2004 VW GLI. Most of the cars I've been looking at are way to expensive to insure. Does it being a 4 door sedan lower the price at all.""
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
What is the web site that offers free / affordable dental care?
my cousin told me to go online and look up free dental care. she didn't remember the name of the website. i did that and i got the website for my own dental insurance. i applied ...show more
Car Insurance when you're 17?
I'm starting driving lessons soon, and hopefully wanting to pass my test by the time I'm 18 and get a car, can you pay car insurance monthly at 17 or do you have to wait until you are 18 to do this? I would just like to know for in the future :) thanks!""
""Young Driver on Mitsubishi L200, what's the insurance like?""
Hey, I want to buy myself a pickup truck as I've wanted one since I was little. I'm currently driving a little 1.2 Corsa and it's WAY too small. Anyway I passed my test over a year ago and have now got a years no claims bonus, I also have done my Pass Plus, I'm wondering, if I were to buy a truck, I'm 18 at the moment and will still be 18 when I have it, what will the insurance be like if i'm the named driver? also how does this compare to if my parents are named drivers and i'm on their insurance? thankyou""
Car insurance for a 1973 corvette?
I'm 14 now but am starting to work. I want to buy a 1973 corvette. I would get it when I'm 16. What would the car insurance be for that car with my age?
Do I need to purchase additional insurance for a rental car?
I have my own insurance with good coverages. I am going on vacation and renting a car. Do I need to purchase the additional rental car insurance that they always offer you? Will my car insurance cover me at all in the event of an accident?
Do I still have to pay car insurance if....?
This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm sixteen, so please just answer... I've had my permit since last September. I've practiced, but my parents won't let me get my license because they can't afford the car insurance. We only have one car anyway. Well, say I were to register a motor vehicle, such as a 50cc moped, which only requires a basic license to use. Would I still have to pay car insurance for my family car if I don't drive it, AND a moped? Or can I stick to paying the motor bike insurance instead? I'm sorry, it's such a stupid question, but I don't know much more about car insurance other than the fact that we can't afford it. Thank you. (:""
Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable health insurance for the self employed?
I am a self employed horse trainer and can't find an insurance company to insure me for a reasonalbe amount of money.
Car insurance and Road Tax?
How many cars can be covered with a fully comp.insurance cover ... and road tax Is a person with a fleet of vehicles allowed to run a business for repairing and selling cars in a no through road, which is also taking up space for visitors and residents (who have to pay community tax) to park.""
Are VW Passats affordable cars to insure?
By affordable I mean are they good in crash tests and other factors like that which effect insurance?
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in G.A.?
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in georgia? the car i am trying to insure is financed, so I require the insurance to be full coverage, and i am also a new driver""
What would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance?
what would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance ? and there was no help from god?
How much would car insurance be for a first time driver ?
I'm getting my first car next month and i'm curious on how much car insurance will cost me ?
""My car insurance company sent me forms to fill out, after an accident. Do I need to do it?""
The police report states that I am not at fault. The passenger in my was badly hurt. My insurer wants me/my passenger to fill out a medical release/history form. I see no benefit in doing so. If the other driver does not have insurance, and we are not yet sure that they do, my insurer would pay my claim/my passengers claim under my uninsured coverage. If they have my passenger's medical history, they could try to find reasons to limit how much to pay out. They also want me to fill out a Report of Traffic Accident form. I have given a statement to the police, who said I'm not at fault. The other driver was cited, and I have also given an oral/recorded statement to my insurer. I don't' see the need to fill out an accident form. It just seems that my insurer is trying to cover their on *** in case my uninsured coverage kicks in. What if I don't fill these form out?""
What if i stop paying my insurance when i have a car loan?
i am leasing a new car, been paying for 3 years and this month i couldn't afford insurance so i stopped driving and started bike riding. well the insurance was cancelled for like 2 ...show more""
What penalities will I get having invalid car insurance?
Two nights ago police stopped me when I was delivering food and checked my insurance details. I had insurance for social purpose only. They told me to change my insurance to business insurance and they let me go with warning. Last night same guys stopped me again and again they checked my car and found me delivering food. Luckily they let me go again but they reported of the offense. What will happen now? will I get points or fine or what?
Is a 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC considered a sports car when getting insurance will the rate be more than getting 4
i want to get a 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC but not sure if its considered a sports car since its a coupe any know if the rate will go up alot ??
Proof of insurance?
My friend wants to use my car for his driving test here in california. I know the DMV will ask for proof of insurance. I have the insurance card in my glovebox, and am under my parents insurance, but im not the actual insurance holder with my name on the card. Im just a driver under there insurance. Is my friend still able to use my car, even though im not the primary insurance holder, just a driver on the policy? Do the parents have to be there in order for it to take place?""
Insurance for two vechiles with teen driver?
getting my license very soon and I want to buy a truck for many reasons but thats not important. With gas prices going up a pickup isnt the cheapest to just drive around so I also wanted a economy car. I was gonna buy a truck for around 5 grand and put that under my moms name and rank me as a restricted driver. Then get a beater civic for like 2500 insure it under my name and I would be the primary driver, and I could use that to drive to school and around town and use the truck to haul things and such. What would I be looking at in insurance costs""
Does Florida auto insurance work in Virginia?
What if you have Florida auto insurance coverage but you move to Virginia? Are you still insured?
Cheap health insurance that will cover dental?
I need some help. I can no longer work at one of my jobs and my new job wont provide insurance since it is part-time I need help and scared that i cant afford anything. i already cant afford student loans. is there any cheap insurance packages i can get in ct?
What is the definite BEST car insurance company?
My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old and we own a 2001 honda civic dx hatchback. Right now were on a plan with my brother so it's cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) but we are going to be moving out and getting our place and start paying for our own stuff. I'm confused as to which car insurance company is really the best because they all they they're the best. So really... tell me which car insurance company is the best and why. Allstate, The general, 21st century, geico, progressive, farmers, esurance or nationwide? Also note we live in california.""
Car Insurance question reguarding the color of the car?
I wanted to know if buying a red or black car will make you car insurance go up? or will it make it higher? Im looking in to buying a red car and lots of people are tell me that if i buy a red car that my insurance will go up. Is this true? like what it the percentage of this? Can some one explain this theory to me?
Dairyland insurance company for motorcycle?
How can they issue me registration over the phone? I'm located in Michigan and the local office has a different price then what I was quoted over the phone. Over the phone I pay $168, the office said it would be $330. I don't feel uncomfortable getting insurance over the phone but looks like I may have to. Is this okay to do and has anyone else done this before?""
My car insurance is renewing March 25th If i switch insurance companies March 1st?
Am i responsible for the whole amount of my insurance payment or am i responsible for being covered Feb 25 thru March 1st??
Does a car insurance company need to know the state in which the car will be used?
I am buying car insurance for a 21 year old child who will attend graduate school out of state. Primary address will still be with me. Car will be in my name; child/student will be listed as primary driver. Child/student will live in an apartment while at graduate school. Does the insurance company need to know in what state the student will be?
""In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
""On average, how much does it cost to make your car completely legal in arizona?""
Im sitting here looking at cars, and in Illinois where I live it's like 266 to get plates & registration for our car on top of like 288 for car insurance. Is it alot more in arizona? How much more?""
Can I get my own car insurance policy with State Farm and still be covered on my parent's policy?
I have been on my parents' car insurance for a few years. I have a car that is covered by their policy, but I just bought another car (I still have my old one) and I need insurance. Can I get my own policy with State Farm, or do I have to bundle it with my parents' current policy? Will that be cheaper?""
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?
I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!
Totally outrageous car insurance quote?
I had some issues paying my car insurance and it was cancelled. I called by ins company today to renew it. They told me they couldn't renew my policy but they have a buddy company that can give me an insurance policy. So they get all my info and they quoted me 730 dollars a month! I understand I have bad driving history and I let my insurance get cancelled, but that doesn't seem right at all, I was paying 100 dollars a month before. That doesn't even seem like a real number to charge someone for car insurance, it's more than I pay for rent!""
Where can i get good health insurance?
i just got kicked off healthfirst with no warning so i need to find something fast please help :-)
K what insurance is the best?
car insurance. ?
Please recommend any cheap auto insurance companies in Kentucky!?
Louisville, Kentucky insurances are preferable or any national ones are fine.""
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
0 notes
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
"Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
How has the highly competitive and free market capitalism of Health Insurance Co worked for the last?
How has the highly competitive and free market capitalism of Health Insurance Co worked for the last? 70 years for Americans? I can only speak for Kanucks... the #1 most popular service the gov't provides for is Universal Health Care coverage, I think the #2 is a Timmies LgDD and a Maple Dipped..""
Question about a car accident insurance?
i was crashed into yesterday by some one who ran a red light, we made a police report and the man has claimed responsibility, he told me not to notify the insurance company and that he would have someone take care of the damage himself, the total estimate was 1856.00 dollars, he said he does not have the money to pay me but will have his :friend do the repairs for him, keep in mind this does not include car rentals fees and the inconvenience of not having my vehicle for a week, I'm set on ignoring this man and calling my insurance company today, my question is what should I do, I'm right for just ignoring this man who seams to have mental issues and going straight threw the insurance.""
What is the average price of business insurance?
What is the average price of business insurance?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
""Im pregnant , no insurance, what doctors will see me?
i know i can apply for wic and etc however i still need to go to the doc asap and was wondering if there are any that will see me without having insurance that are affordable in the knoxville tn area
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
Where do I get SR-22 insurance?
I got a DUI and obviously need SR-22... I have an 05 Grand Prix which is currently under my parent's insurance policy (which saves me a about $150/month) Here's my problem- I need SR-22 to get my license back, and to get SR-22 added to the policy I need my license.. Catch 22 (ha) SO I've been dealing with this for a while now. Heres the question- How, and where can I get SR-22 without having to put my car on a new policy? Having my own policy as a single female under the age of 25 (with 2 wrecks and 1 DUI on my record) is OUTRAGEOUS... Any ideas??? I'm tired of being illeagal. Thank you SO much. -Oh Yeah- Non-Owners insurance won't work because the car is in my name.""
Can i get sr22 insurance without a VEHICLE ?
my liscence is suspended because i have lost the privelage to operate a motor vehicle in the state of rhode ialand and need sr22 to reinstate. however my liscence is issued in massachusetts. i need to clear up RI before MA reissues. i keep getting answers how to get sr22 without a liscense, but how do u get one WITHOUT A VEHICLE to insure. insurance is not required in MA without a vehicle. PLEASE HELP !!""
Do you need proof of insurance to obtain a Florida Intermediate Restricted Driver License?
I live in Tennessee and moving down to Florida in early August and in Tennessee at age 16 you can get a license called Intermediate Restricted Driver License which just has more restrictions then a 17 year old and less restrictions then a 15 year old/permit. I'm not sure if Florida has these type of licenses but at the age of 16 with a Tennessee Intermediate Restricted License, to get a Florida license, must you show proof of insurance before you get your Florida license? The reason why i'm asking this is because obviously in Tennessee you do not need proof of insurance to get a Driver License. Thanks Guys!""
Im 19 need health insurance?
Im 19 and I really need affordable health insurance. Neither for my parents can afford to put me on their insurance. Also i have a few preexisting medical conditions that makes it harder for me to find insurance.
""I have three inflatable jumpers, do I need to have liability insurance?""
Well I just bought three jumpers to start my own business, but I'm wondering if I need liability insurance and permit? In the state of California, please help""
Why do kids with lower grades pay more for car insurance?
And would a kid with a C average compared to a kid with a A average pay the same after 1 year of both them having a clean driving record and no accidents... if not that is bs.... grades shouldn't come into play it should be how good of a driver you are its unfair to do that I am so sick and tired of how good grades get you this that..... I have a c- average in high school and i dont do any drugs or alcohol or w/e.I workout on a daily basis,eat right, and i am extremely physically fit. I really just hate school and never put my mind to it.""
Where can I get motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
What website can I get motorcycle insurance in Ontario for a SPORT BIKE. Thanks
Car insurance help please?
so i stoped by at state farm agency last week and got a quote, she told told me to call her the next day if i wanted it. So i called and told her that i want it. They havent sent me my card in the mail yet. Last night i was in my neighborhood coming back home and this guy opened his door and hit the front of my car. The cop asked for my license and proof of insurance, i gave him the license and told him that i havent got the insurance card yet. He is giving me till tonight to provide it but when i called state farm they told me that i am not insured and that i have to call on Monday to talk to that same lady that i talked to when i got i. I dont know what to do, i have nevr been in a situation like this before. Please help""
What is insurance? Pls tell me what are the different types of insurances?
""If I start working, will my insurance get taken away?""
I'm currently a junior in high school and recently got hired for a opening job position. I receive free health care and my mom is unemployed and is receiving disability benefits. If I take this job, will my health care and my mom's benefits get taken away? Will it affect me or just my mom or both of us? My parents said that if I make money, it will have to be included in the family income and if we exceed a certain amount, then all of our benefits will be taken away. Does anyone have any insight on this? I'm not sure how many hours I will be assigned to work if i take this job, but it is minimum wage and they do limit high school students to work a limited number of hours.""
Speeding and insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket 2 years ago. It was for 20 km over in a 50 km zone. There was a fine but no demerit points to my licence. Will this affect my insurance rate when applying for a new policy this month? Thanks.
What would the insurance cost be for a toyota MR2?
im lookin at buying a 1991 toyota mr2 but i need to figure out wat an average cost for insurance would be?? any help??
What kind of document do I need do register a motorcycle in my name in California?
What kind of document do I need do register a motorcicle in my name in California, and get the plates, How long does it takes? It's possible for a non US resident?""
""What are some good, low cost family health insurance plans for...?""
My husband and I need health insurance. He is a full time student and I am full time worker. We cannot get decent health insurance through his school or my work. We are looking for a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, and we need something with great maternity coverage, since we're planning on starting a family soon. If you know of any great plans like this, please share! Thank you for your help!""
Can i get some help in writing my job application to an Insurance Comapny?
Recently I have developed a special interest in banking and if I am given the opportunity I am prepared to work diligently to serve the nation . ...this is what im writing in my application but i want a word to replace banking , since its an insurance company what should i put instead of banking ?""
Can the insurance handle it?
I was parking and accidentally bumped into someones car and made a small scratch. The bmw driver made a big deal over it and got my insurance information.he supposedly got an estimate and tried to handle things under the table without having to go thru the insurance.however I think the estimate is tooo much money for fixing a little scratch that literally can be buffed out.I think he already got it fixed and still wants me to pay cause he said the supposed estimate also incluided a three day shop fee.will the insurance still cover me?what can I do?how do I handle this situation?this accident happened last week on Tuesday and he gave me the estimate Saturday.
Is marriage really that important?
Is marriage really that important?
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
What is the estimated price of being added onto a parents car insurance?
i am 16 sorting out the finances of my future car and have noticed the unreal car insurance price for a little car such as a nissan almera and am thinking of going onto my parents car insurance.
What is a semi fast car that has a semi cheap insurance rate for a 16 year old new driver?
I am trying to find a car that is fast enough that i can have some fun in but im not going to be spending a lot for insurance. I also want to have a car htat would be good to hook up.
Motorcycle insurance requirements in KY?
My son is financing a motorcycle through HSHB. If he gets full coverage its $1000 a year. If he gets just liability is $400 a year. The dealer says he doesn't have to get anything but Liability in Kentucky. He has extended 36 month warranty plan. His bike cost $4000. My son wants to get just liability. My question is will he have any coverage if someone steals his bike if he doesn't have full coverage?
Does 1500 seem ok insurance?
ive got multiple quotes for 1st car 1st year driving. its going to be a 1.1 pug 106 independence and have been quoted 1500 is that reasonable? how much did your 1st car insurance year cost you? im 23.
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
I dont understand how kids can afford a car and insurance?
for me it will take about a year to save up for a decent car, but the insurance is like 5000 a year, how could someone afford that, is there something im missing? and is it only like this where i live (ontario)?""
How much would it cost to insure a new Mazda3?
I want to buy a new ('08 or '09) Mazda 3. It would go on my parents insurance, and they both have a clean record. How much would it cost to insure? I live in Nassau County, NY (Long Island).""
For Piper Cherokee 140-160 Owners. How much does it cost to insure your plane?
I'm thinking about getting one of these little planes to build time in when I get back to the states. Just curious of insurance cost and things that can burn your wallet during an annual.
Do I have to pay for insurance on a moving van rental?
I want to rent a moving van from Uhaul. They won't let me rent the van unless I pay for their insurance coverage. Is that legal?
Is it your own fault if you are in the USA and have no health insurance?
I am in the UK, and the impression I get is that many people in the USA blame the 46 million or so people in the USA who have no insurance for not having any. Is it your own fault if you have no health insurance?""
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
I am interested in getting my own car insurance separate from my parents but I have NO IDEA what to do or what I actually need. Keep in mind I am a 17 year old high school/college student so I really can't pay more than $100/month. Can you explain car insurance to me and what is required and what is optional? I really do need the cheapest car insurance possible but I do not know anything about insurance.
Nineteen and no insurance?
so i have a Q im 19 and i have no health insurance i live in chicago IL and i was wondering is their any help that i can receive from like the goverment that will offer my health insurance ??
Can Geico save you 10% on car insurance?
Bonus question: I have AllState, am I in good hands?""
Life insurance rates in CA vs TX?
for the same coverage (i.e. $500K 30 years term life) is life insurance cheaper in CA or in TX? We are going to be moving to TX in the next couple of months, and we want to buy life insurance. I'd like to know if we are better of buying it here in CA or wait till we get to TX.""
Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance?
Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance? I was helping my friend move her car today and got pulled over for going 10 mph + the speed limit (in a different state). I showed the cop her insurance and my license. He said he is going to mail me the ticket. Now, I am wondering after I pay this ticket, will my insurance increase even though this was not my vehicle, vehicle insurance, and it was in a different state (California). Please help with any advice, I cannot have my insurance go up. Cop still gave me ticket even after ten hours of driving and crying afterwards..""
Car insurance i need it so what are some cheap ways of getting it?
OK i an 17 year old and i just got and 1987 mercury cougar and i been looking around for car insurance and why do all of them want like 406-719 a mouth!!!!! that is crazy what should i do i need car insurance to get a license plate so what are some car insurance for a 17 year old cheap i can get o yea my dad said hes not putting me on his policy so now what
""Insurance Claim estimate lower than expected, what do I do?""
An elderly lady backed up into my car a few days ago and we decided it'd be best to file an insurance claim. After the claim was ruled in my favor I was sent to a body shop for an estimate of the repair. The damage was to the rear quarter panel of my car which consisted of a scrape across the panel and a quarter sized dent in the panel. The insurance adjuster gave me an estimate and check for 855$. My question is in regards to the repairs, I feel that since this is 100% the other party's fault and since I am the person who has to drive the car that I am entitled to the maximum premium in repairs. I have been reading on Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) and most will say that its the cheap way of making a repair. Does anyone know if it would be possible to go back and get a new estimate/settlement for a new rear quarter panel? Basically my logic is this, if you damage any of my property it should be 100% my call if I want to settle for a compromise or not.""
What is the difference between ordinary life insurance and term insurance?
I heard about term insurance whose meaning is not clear to me. Can anybody please explain what is the difference between ordinary life insurance (like those offered by LIC) and a term insurance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two?
Buying insurance right after an accident?
Just a question, and I don't want assumptions that I'm the person in the scenario because I'm not and this has just been a burning question of mine for a long time. Ok, so someone gets into an accident and buys insurance right after. The thing is that the insurance papers will have the DATE it took effect, not the TIME it took effect. So in all respects, it was active on the day the accident happened and the person in question has to go to court to provide proof of insurance, in which the judge will see that it took effect on the day the accident happened, so the question remains, is this person covered?""
Does anyone know of an insurance company that would insure a car for a newbie?
Looking for cheap car insurance Does anyone know of an insurance company that would insure a car for a newbie? I am looking at buying a used car ASAP to get to work.
""Pregnant, on my parents insurance, can I get medicaid for my baby?""
I am a 23 year old student, working part time in retail and living with my mother. I am 25 weeks pregnant. My parents' insurance covers my prenatal appointments, but it will not cover my baby. Will I qualify for medicaid? (I live in California, so here it is actually called medi-cal).... I went to the office to apply, but the lady told me to come back when I was in my third trimester. I really want my baby to get insurance, but I am worried that I won't qualify. I would appreciate hearing your experience if you have been in a similar situation, or know how it works. Thanks!""
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
How do insurance companies make money?
i know not everyone is going to be sick at once, and that they assess risk, but what's their model for actually making money?""
What does insurance go by?
someone said insurance is determined by the weight of the vechicle. Can't it be by the age of the vechicle? Or the driver?
What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?
What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
Is healthcare ever going to be affordable again in our country?
I just got an e-mail saying that my insurance premiums are going up again and now I'm going to be paying $500+ per month for insurance premiums. This is for a high deductable plan where I have to meet $2,500 in deductable before I get covered at 100%! It's like my raises don't matter anymore and they only serve to keep my head above water when each year when my insurance spikes. I get hit harder than anyone because I am in the employee plus family category. 1. Is there a ray of hope at the end of this tunnel? Will we ever get back to affordable health care (us guys that don't work for huge companies)? 2. Are there any alternative solutions for me out there? I can get covered 100% for employee only, but my wife and child need coverage. Please Help
About bussines car insurance.?
I have plan to be selfemployed(car mechanic) and I wanna use my own car for my bussines proposal.So what kind of insurance i need to buy? I have problem to choose between trade insurance and bussines car insurance. Sometimes I will need to use my customer's car to pick them up to garage, but mostly I will use my own car and I wanna put advertise sticker on my car with my contact details. (one time i was stopped by police and I had before adverise on my car without bussines insurance, but they let me go and I had to take the stickers off) Have you any idea about which insurance is better? Many thanks""
I just got a great site for car insurance on here... lets go for dental.?
I now need some affordable dental insurance... please send me a site or two?
How long until driving on a suspended license ticket on DMV record is ignored by insurance companies?
How long until driving on a suspended license ticket on DMV record is ignored by insurance companies?
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
What is the cheapest BMW on insurance and fuel?
Just was wondering which car would be the economical one. I'm guessing its probably something in the 3 series but not sure, Anyone know?""
""Car insurance, change of profession?""
Hi All, I pay my car insurance in full every year. I am currently a Technologist - and this is what I specified when applying. I will be returning to full time education in September - so will be a full-time student rather than a technologist. I am fully comp. insured for social use. Do I have to let them know about my change in profession and will this affect how much I pay (even though I've already paid for year up to next April)? Any advice would be much appreciated.""
RWD Japanese sports cars that are cheap to insure?
I.E. Not Skylines or 350Z's.
Where can I check and insurance company's ratings?
I am shopping for life insurance. Where can I check out an insurance companies ratings and credit ratings? I am thinking about the following companies: Northwestern Mutual State Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING New York Life TIA
Do you have to get insurance as soon as you get your license?
I plan on going to get my drivers license in a few weeks (hopefully I pass!) and I've been told you have to have insurance right away. I'm currently on my parents plan with my permit but it's not costing them anything. Their agent said to immediately notify her once I get my license. Could she have said this just because she thought I would be getting a car? I don't plan on getting a car anytime soon but drive my parents cars occasionally. So will the insurance go up any if I don't have my own car that needs to be insured? If so will it be a lot? All answers will be greatly appreciated, because my parents are trying to make me put off getting my license because their car insurance is sky high already because of all the tickets & wrecks my brother has gotten in & I really want my license! Thanks in advance!""
""Where can I find the absolute cheapest auto insurance in Kennwick, WA?""
I need cheap basic liability auto insurance for my car, who can help?""
Can I get arested 4 driving my car w/my name on the insurance if my dad calls the car(undr his nam) in stolen?
The car is under his name my name is on the insurance can I be arrested if my name is on the insurance and he calls it in stolen because he is mad that I left the state with it?
Car insurance for a 21 yr old?
I am a 21 year old male and I plan on buying a brand new car at the end of the year. does anyone know of a car insurance with full coverage that will charge me just a leg instead of ...show more
Can someone give me a rough estimate?
I'd like to get a vr6 Vw gti as a first car. How much would insurance be ( roughly ) for a 16 yr old male? NO LINKS TO INSURANCE QUOTES!!!
How much will it cost to replace my alloy wheels wih normal wheels/tyres?
My fiat punto has non-standard alloy wheels and they're making my car insurance too high. How much will it cost to replace them with normal wheels/tyres?
LoJack on a motorcycle or comprehensive insurance?
I just bought a brand new bike and I live in Florida where bike theft is very big. I want to get some protection as soon as possible. Comprehensive insurance which would cover theft will run me about 730 per year with a 500 dollar deductible. The Lo Jack unit will cost me about 800 installed and it is a one time fee, no monthly payments and it lasts forever. The recovery rates on a bike with lojack are very good from what I've read, I just want to see what everyone thinks. These are the two options and please only answer if you have good knowledge of lojack and how well it works. The only problem is that it doesnt cover things such as damage during theft, storm damage, and things that the insurance would (Then again it still has that 500 or 1000 dollar deductible). An alarm would possibly be an option but I'm leaning towards the two I discussed above. Just let me know what you think because I dont want this bike leaving without me on it.""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a young female?
This is for a car, and i was thinking about sharing with my mum on her vehicle ( a rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don't know if that will help/make a difference, but any help from you would be greatly appreciated, Thanks [=""
Is there a cheap car insurance place in New Jersey for a 17 year old girl to get insurance?
Im 17 and I turn 18 in July and I bought my own car, its a 1992 toyota and I want my own insurance, I know it's going to be pricey a lot but I don't want to be under my parents insurance. I don't mind only getting liability but I need some help finding a cheaper insurance place in New Jersey on the upper east coast. Thanks!!""
Can I add a non-family member to my auto-insurance plan?
I use USAA. I was wondering if I could add my boyfriend as part of my insurance plan, and he would just pay me when the bill comes. We do not live together yet, so I'm wondering if this is possible. He'd be driving his own car. The reason I'm asking is because USAA has good rates and I was wondering if I could share it with him.""
Looking for an insurance plan to switch to with good maternity?
I'm getting married in less than a month & will no longer be on my insurance, my husband to be can stay on his till he's 26 however my current job doesn't offer me ...show more""
Can anyone tell me about selling insurance as a career?
A friend of the family sales insurance through State Farm. He has offered to mentor me and show me the ropes in the insurance business. I know absalutly nothing about insuarance. Is ita good career? Is it difficult to do? How much money do you make? Im in California. thanks
Whats a good health insurance that covers everything that a dermatologist does? but that isn't very expensive?
something that can cover everything in a dermatologist like accutane and blood work . i dont make a lot of money so i need one that is afordable but is good and can cover everything
Cheap auto insurance for 18 year old?
Cheap auto insurance for 18 year old?
Bankers home insurance in Florida dog question?
I currently have bankers home insurance for home insurance and wondered if there are any dogs that are not allowed or would cause my insurance bill to go up?
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
How much would my insurance go up if i add a K N filter on to my car? if its 800 Now?
i drive a 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi?
Would you get heath insurance and if so who through?
Me and my husband married young, when we married I had insurance through my job which was great but now, since I went back to school we are without insurance. I am in school ft and he also works but is two hours under what he has to be working to get insurance a week. We are 21 now and are wondering if you view health insurance as something someone our age needs and if so how to shop for it, what type to get and where to get a quote. We are both EMTS and have ran rescue before and we have seen lots of people without insurance but we want to make a well informed decision regarding this health insurance. Might I add that we are generally healthy, have a general practitioner at the moment that we rarely use, and during our marriage of two years have never been to an ER for any reason... Any insite that you have into this situation would be great! Thanks and God Bless""
If someone hits my car does my insurance go up?
So basically I was stopped at a stop sign and someone came from behind my car and hit me. afterwards I looked at my rear bumper where I was hit and there was no major damage that I can see. Just paint from her car and a some scratches but no dents. Do I even report something like this? if I do does my insurance go up, because it seems like it is 100% their fault since I was going 0 mph at a stop sign.""
Cheap truck insurance in ontario?
Cheap truck insurance in ontario?
Where to find good car insurance for 17 year old boy and a decent car to go with it?
hi im 17 year old boy, just passed my theory test, i have around 1500 for a car, but the insurance is so high, best quotes ive been getting are around 4000 on corsa's and clio's , do u know where i could get cheaper insurance, or an alternative car that will have cheaper insurace, i dont like KA's or micras or cars like that, HELP PLEASE""
Who generally has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I need a place I can trust. My state farm insurance guy who does my car put an offer on the tabel that was huge. I'm 23 years old, male, great driving record. I feel like he is trying to take advantage of me with the price. it was going to be $800 a year. Also, what is the bare minimum you need to ride a bike? Medical, liability? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Mike""
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario Canada? for a 49cc?
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario Canada? for a 49cc?
Car insurance for LHD car ?
Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed""
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Do you usually get better quotes on car insurance if you call a local office?
Like as opposed to doing a quote online?
Can I have Medicaid Share of Cost and private health insurance?
I was approved for Medicaid in FL with a Share of Cost of $425. Can I also buy private health insurance with medicaid?
What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?
I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!
What the youngest age someone can get auto insurance?
What the youngest age someone can get auto insurance?
How much will Insurance cost me?
I'm 16, and I want to buy the 2012 Ford Mustang GT. I live in a nice area where the auto theft is low. I live in nothern Ohio if that makes a difference. And my parents are not paying for my insurance. Can any 1 give be a ball park estimate on a 16 year old with a sports car?""
Insurance companies?
Which company is better out of Elephant and Admiral for car insurance. They have both given the same quote but I don't know anything about the customer services or anything
Need auto insurance info on transferring to another state?
My son just moved to IA from NY. He is using one of my cars, registered in MY name. I tried to transfer the insurance to HIS name, at his address in IA, but was told that its illegal to do so. I don't understand why I cant be the owner of a car in one state and have it insured in someone else name in another state. Is this true?""
Which insurance companies are cover homes in High Brushes Areas in California?
which insurance companies are cover homes in High Brushes Areas in California beside Farmers and State Farm?
Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?
small Matiz. 7years Ncd
Car insurance for new license holder?
what will be the prize of normal car insurance??? (i meant % of car prize) If the license is new what will the prize?? Im from dubai.. so i want to according to dubai market rate..
""How much is liability insurance for a Home Health Aide Agency located in Miami, Fl?""
I am looking to open a home health care agency in Miami, Fl and I am trying to figure out how much money I'll need to start. I heard the most expensive cost for starting will be insurance. About how much will that be?""
What are different basic insurance certification programs?
Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.
Car Accident - Auto insurance Question?
Today I was involved in a horrible collision. Car made a complete stop put hazard lights on, I made a complete stop at a reasonable distance however 15 seconds after I stopped I look at the mirror and a taxi van cab slams right into me my car goes flying forward hits the truck infront of me and bounces back, air bag goes off . Long story short I'm in horrible pain and have evident bruises . Police arrived filled out reports. The man that hit me was found at fault for both collisions. So my major concern is : I called my insurance company , made the claim they took down all the info but at the end of the conversation she told me that if I don't have full coverage I'm out of luck then she asked me if I do which I don't remember . So I'm taking a look at my policy contract and I don't see anywhere where it says full coverage ... I think it is full coverage since my car was being financed. All it basically says on the contract is liability limit $ 1 000, 000 So if they write off my car what happens next?""
How much is a 16 year old guys car insurance for every month ?
How much is a 16 year old guys car insurance for every month ?
Where can I find non-owners insurance?
I need what is known as an SR22 which is also non-owners insurance. I have looked everywhere and it seems like nobody has a policy for it. If anyone knows anything about it. Please let me know.
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
Kamay Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76369
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aven made me suffer and wait (83 pity only to lose my 50/50 to gepard), but then 20 pity later he finally showed up lol. and got his lc too <3
for once i'd seriously pre-farmed, so had him at 80/80 and in fairly decent relics immediately, and a significant start on his traces.
still have a good amount of passes, so that plus what i can save by whichever phase of 2.2, i should be ready to try for boothill and his lc, yay.
but i do wonder if i should've tried for acheron after all, or for fx back during her rerelase. though i'll def be trying for both when they show up again. i just like acheron, like she's probably my favorite female character. and fx is still such a useful pres character, esp since she functions differently than the shielders (plus she would work so well with jl and blade what with the healing).
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wow. now i'm at 70 pity, after 10 more warps, and still no fucking ratio lc. and all i got was one single dan heng 4* lc, the billionth one i STILL don't fucking need. i hate this game. i don't get what i have to do to make this game give me the same fucking goddamned rng luck it gives everyone else.
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at least i got blade to 80/80
#please ignore my sr bs#still traces tho and ofc relics#rng on upgrading relics on him and some others have been SUPER shitty too#i'm so tired of upgrading pieces to 12-15 and it just doesn't touch crit rate#like i only need his to 50 but no i LITERALLY can't get it past 33.5#so tired of upgrading items with crr and it stays at the value it started with#then ofc game doesn't give me anything worth shit out of cavern to even try switching out#i swear all my chars are so half assed bc i put so fucking many hours into developing them#and the game just gives me trash for all that time spent it's always just junk that does nothing i'm so frustrated and tired today#please game i spend HOURS every fucking day on you make me feel like i'm at least making progress PLEASE
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i hate you stellar warp, i hate you i hate you i hate you i fucking HATE you
#YELLS WITH FRUSTRATION#now up to 70 pity#271/300 so 29 more pulls until choosing#just...all i've gotten from this fucking warp the ENTIRE time i've played this game is a bronya himeko and one 5* lc#i want other peoples' luck SO BADLY i want to cry#like all i got from the starter warp was bronya and then those 3 things from regular/stellar and like#why am i so fucking unlucky why is my rng so bad#every time it's the same thing just one shitty 4* thing and that's it#and yet there's people who're like wow i got two 5* and three 4* and i got it at 35 pity lol#like here's the spots for gepard and bailu or even welt or yanqing or clara in my roster IF I EVER FUCKING WON THIS WARP#/sigh#all i wanted for fucking month after month after month for what 3/4 of a year has been gepard (or now him or bailu)#and nothing just jack shit nothing#and none of the other 5*s either like there's fucking seven of them i've gotten two there are FIVE others it could give#but it never does#if i finally win one to pity and it's a duplicate himeko or bronya i am going to literally learn chinese to yell at their entire staff#now to wait another 3-4 weeks until i can scrape together another 10 passes to see how it screws me over next time#please ignore my sr bs
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#fuck this fucking bullshit game#please ignore my sr bs#bc ofc i didn't get freed until they'd ko'd two people and then next round ko'd a third#then oh gee my luocha was finally free gee lucky me#to do pitiful amounts of shit as they then killed him at their leisure#that elite is FUCKING BULLSHIT and i am SO FUCKING PISSED#i will not accept that as just 'part of the game' that is BULLSHIT WRONG#i am literally going to punch a dev in the head#i am so fucking angry rn
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i'm so slow to get to the new sr patch stuff this week. mon i barely had any time to cram any gaming in super late, and yesterday i was so exhausted i only did the bare minimum and the first couple stages of sim u world 8 bc they were low lvl and thus easy/no brain (checked my retainers and turned in wondrous tales in xiv, but was so tired i didn't do more beyond that). today was super tiring too, though not as bad. though i did have to crash and nap in the afternoon. didn't even look at xiv but did at least finally check out the new questline in sr and get the event bit of it started.
i won't lie, i honestly didn't care about any of the new girl characters being released, but at least the new storyline made me like them (even if i'm not interested in warping for them).
tried the new cavern, ofc it gave me a bunch of shitty relics lol
#at least spouse is finally start to improve and is able to move around and do stuff on his own#so i'll have just a little extra to do but not nearly so much#and tomorrow i only have a couple house related tasks to do so less on that front as well#please ignore my sr bs
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i'm so tired of the rutilant arena relic set, so damned tired of chasing super mega crit rating on so many characters and constantly being short. worst was pushing everything on qq to lvl 15 to still only end up at 69.3%. at least some chars get some from traces, but ofc not her. uuuuuuuugh.
killing me that i kept trying for fx knowing she was such a great tank, with great dmg absorption/reduction and ability to heal others, and failed to win. and now to find out her matrix buff *also buffs crit rate*. i SO fucking needed her for multiple reasons and i didn't even know how badly at the time i was failing and failing on her warp. FFFFFFF.
anyway. finished the pokethereum wars story questline, though i still need to do the last (red) hyperlink fights. did pick luka, though i'll wait to work on him until i try for argenti. gave him a lc/relics though since i had extras. is worth exploring the arena area after, ran into some interesting things (though i'm annoyed i screwed up the 'chat with friends' in between championship fights, i only found 2 of 3 for almost all, until the very last one i noticed where the last person was standing. wonder if i can find somewhere that at least says who all the people were. if any were dh or jy and i missed them i'm going to punch myself ed: okay at least the wiki had transcrips. didn't miss any dh/jy but did miss a lot of characters--including ALL conversations before any of the fights, didn't even realize there were any then, didn't see any indication until after the first fight. blargh.).
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#THE TINGYUN I'VE BEEN TRYING SO HARD FOR ON THE EVENT WARP???#and the march eidolon i've been needing to get her to e6 and finally trigger that bit of healing from her shield??#and dang i don't need march's light cone but i might need it someday for someone else maybe?#or maybe i will if i do get gepard someday and want her landau's choice on him instead#please ignore my sr bs#i was mega excited bc i thought that was bailu herself but fuck it i'll save that light cone for her#or better yet put it on lynx and shared feeling on nat then if i do get bailu someday i can just reshuffle#goddamn standard warp still needs to give me freaking gepard but i'll take the tingyun i've been wanting so much and the march e6#but like damn two chracters a 5* light cone and two 4* light cones honestly that's the best standard warp has ever treated me
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#please ignore my sr bs#i have been trying to clear this world for SO LONG#SO. LONG.#SO MANY ATTEMPTS#fuck you gepard#someday i'm gonna kill you with yourself just you wait#(it could be a long wait bc standard warp fucking hates me but w/e)
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ffly is such a bad fanfiction m4ry su3 oc author self insert. like oh it's a sekrit member of the shunters and she's buddies with sw and she shops for kf and bl cares about her and she's got a bounty nearly as high as kf and she's SO SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME AND ALL THE NPCS THINK SHE'S SO KEWL AND YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH NO YOU DON'T GET A CHOICE IN IT YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH
like i get on tumblr we're not supposed to hate on m4ry su3s, but i think ppl forget there's a difference between an oc and a m4ry su3 and when there's one in your PROFESSIONALLY MADE MEDIA that looks like bad writing on ffnet you'd click back out if, it's just. not. cool.
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i don't think i'm very psyched about the new sr patch. like i'm so fucking tired of firefly, and they keep SHOVING her down our throats. and i dislike sparkle a ton. and i'm just not interested in how the devs seem to be jacking themselves off over their own creation (jade) or how fandom seems to turn her into a ~loving mother figure~ to aven.
only thing that looks interesting is screwllum showing up. but also it's been bugging me--why the fuck did they literally make a short before penacony about the members of the inferno gang if that group was LITERALLY never going to show up at all. why did they waste all that time and animation budget? what was the point??
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in hsr, i did get boot hill and his light cone, yay. he took awhile but his lc happened quick. then tried for fu xuan...and got yanqing. am not pleased with yanquing, he's going to have to live in the basement. did finally then get fu xuan, but still am trying for her light cone. at least if it doesn't happen i have alternatives.
and today did my first ever character event wishing in genshin. took 80 fucking pulls but got alhaitham (and also bennett, sethos, yaoyao, and freminet. oh yeah and another sucrose). chose the path on the weapon banner for alhaitham's sword...and got clorinde's. what. yeah. so now i'm still trying to get haitham's sword when i have enough primos. really, really hope it shows up.
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