#luigi thunderhand
nsbfenro · 6 months
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@s-creations I couldn't help myself, I was reading Growing Pains and got inspired.
Edit: made one with more lightning covering his body
PS. I have never drawn a background before or have done anything like this before.
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jell-o101 · 10 months
BGM- Goofball No Longer - Inside Out
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ACT 2 - 1 <<< 26 / 🔵🐢 27 / 28
And it all goes down hill from heeerrreeeee………
You can see why this took SO LONG to make! I was trying to figure out LIGHTNING MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Updates should be back to its usual 2 to 3 day updates until the next animation in ACT 3 nyehehehehehe.
Also, the music won’t be here until the next one because …kinda goes on for the next one. Stay tuned for despair.
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nintenjowo · 1 year
Thunderhand ⚡️
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Do you know a funny idea I had? Luigi, king penguin, the penguins and lumalee escaping from prison and defeating Bowser, I think they would be very capable of doing it without help XD
Ok, I take back everything I said about the penguins, I'd die for them all.
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Bonus Post-Revolution cuddles:
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spiderdotexe · 5 months
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the image of luigi as a ultrakill prime boss hasnt left my mind for a week or two and i dont know why . i have not even beat ultrakill
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iholli · 1 year
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can somebody come get this video out of my brain it's giving me psychological damage
on one hand I lean away from this concept bc it's so, so out of character for Luigi and I like the "eventually everyone comes to a truce" or whatever.
on the other hand. 👀
in my mind this is like. What if King Boo invited Luigi to the first mansion for help. bc we all know, E. Gadd is morally questionable at best. If Luigi actually got there first, and heard out Boo's plea for help, bro, can you imagine ??? Luigi's got a strong moral compass, is he really gonna stand by and let this old man imprison and do who knows what to beings minding their own business ??? And like, Mario's got a strong moral compass too. He follows his bro because the invitation seems weird, winds up in the middle of this altercation, protects E. Gadd out of first instinct because he's encountered Boos before but in the back of his mind, he knows Luigi. He knows this isn't just possession or mind control, something is wrong to make his little brother snap like this.
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dragonwritersblog · 1 year
Okay, so, I've got a little headcanon here. Does anyone remember the movie 'Stardust'? It's about a guy (Tristan) who finds this woman who's actually a fallen star (Yvaine), the original novel was also written by Neil Gaiman. Anyway, in that movie, whenever Yvaine is happy she starts to glow, like this:
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That got me thinking, we know that Luigi has his thunderhand from the superstar saga games. Well, what if as a result of his powers he glows whenever he's happy? Like, maybe he and Bowser are dancing for the first time together and he starts to glow a gold-greenish tint and Bowser's like:
"Wow, you're glowing!"
"Oh, thank you."
"No, like, literally, you're glowing!"
"Oh! I don't know how that happened, I guess I just got a little excited."
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Other examples that I can think of is when he and Mario are happy to see each other and Luigi starts glowing while hugging his brother, or when the koopalings form a cuddle pile around him and he glows from their cuteness.
Sometimes Bowser will try to provoke it himself by giving Luigi little kisses on the back of his neck or calling him little petnames like "stardust" (get it?) or "starlight", even saying stuff like "you look exceptionally beautiful today my stella" (he learnt that stella means star in italian and uses it to his advantage). Every time he does one of those things, weegee gets all flustered and literally shines from all the praise.
Anyway, that's all I've got for today, have a good one! :)
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xanderlovesluigi · 7 months
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idk if this is more violent than dramatic but THROWS THIS YOUR WAY!! this drawing was low key a struggle considering the posing and perspective and i barely have experience drawing mario or Mr L…. but considering all of that im very happy with this!! :D
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pianokantzart · 10 months
If magic in your Animal AU is strong connected to emotions then are Mario and Luigi’s magic the strongest when they are together/when they are thinking about each other? 🥹😫
Yeah! You get it!
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Mario and Luigi don't have any inherent magical abilities like King Bowser or Princess Peach do, but they prove a force to be reckoned with when wielding the magic of powerups, especially if they're fighting side by side.
If they have to fight alone, Mario is the more skilled at using powerups due to his unflinching confidence. Luigi is capable... more capable than the average animal, in fact, but not quite as adept as his brother.
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illdothehotvoice · 4 months
Isn't it wild that the only games where Luigi makes robots is Super Paper Mario and Mario + Rabbids and yet this is a key character trait to me
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elitadream · 8 months
This isn’t about the body swap. I was just curious, in your AU does your Mario and Luigi already have their powers while living in Brooklyn and just didn’t realize it or did they gain it after entering the Mushroom Kingdom? Will we eventually see Luigi’s electric abilities in your AU? I just wonder how they came about with these powers in your au.
I like to think that while Mario and Luigi are normal guys that only obtained these powers in the magical realm, they also had a predisposition for those. The same way Mario is unnaturally strong, or Luigi can jump unnaturally high in my version. They're regular human beings, but there was always a little something special about them too. 🎇
You guys saw Mario's Firebrand in my collab with Drones, but that's obviously not all. ;3 I don't know if I'll delve further in the context of these specific powers per say, but something I'll soon share and which I had never shown before is... kinda similar to that. 👀
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gingergari · 6 months
realized i hadn’t drawn luigi in a hot min so
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jell-o101 · 1 year
BGM- Planet (laughing version) - Kaiba
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ACT 1 - 1
ACT 2 - 1 <<< 10 / 11 / 12
If the translation is wrong, please tell me 😅. I will edit the correct one in.
EDIT- fixed a typo in the Italian
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
To be honest, as disappointed as I am by it, I highly doubt Firebrand and Thunderhand will ever be in the movieverse aside from a possible reference.
I get what you are saying; but I am still holding out hope as I want it so bad!
If they can introduce obscure characters like the penguins, and Foreman Spike (a character that was in ONE game way back in the 80s - and yet still got a pretty integral role), I have confidence that the team will pull from some more stuff like this, and maybe in some way, include the hand powers.
How they go about it depends on where they take the story...but here are some ideas on how they can make it similar to the game!
spoilers for Superstar Saga
In the game, the Bros come across the Sun and Moon temples, where they meet the Sun and Moon gods who grant them the hand powers respectively (Mario Firebrand, and Luigi Thunderhand).
The game doesn't give any explanation as to why these gods just give away these powers to these two random strangers (not that I can recall at least), but they could explain it in the movie verse!
Suppose that the Bros adventure in the Beanbean Kingdom (or another place - or even just the Mushroom Kingdom again), and during the journey they come across the Sun and Moon Temples. Both the gods recognise the courage of these new heroes, and decide that they are worthy - but only after they complete a test!
Ooh here's an idea - perhaps the test that the Sun and Moon gods put them through is one where both brothers have to save the other! They are shown their worst fears (like a dreamscape or something similar), and they have to prove their courage in order to save the one they love the most. It will be a perfect scene full of emotion and angst 😁
Do with this idea as you please, my fellow Mario fans! Write your fanfics!
The explanation as to why the Bros each get their respective hand powers can be put down to the powers reflecting their inner selves (also have mentioned it here):
Fire represents for Mario that he is passionate at what he does and what he feels. The love he feels for his brother, his family, and friends burns so deep and is primary the core of his being. Of course, these emotions can give way to him being a spit-fire. When upset or determined, his fire burns and never stops until he succeeds or he's calmed down.
Lightning on the other hand is different. It's powerful, but unlike fire it momentarily shows itself and then goes away, and it only forms under certain atmospherically changes. That represents Luigi. He is often quiet, and rarely chooses to physically fight - but when he does, when the situation changes...it hits hard! Like the moment he saved Mario from Bowser's fire with the manhole cover - it's Luigi's loyalty and bravery that becomes his inner power.
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Here's some more ideas they could do with the Firebrand, and Thunderhand in the movie verse:
- During some down time, after some battles, the Bros get the same idea (not even talking they just both mentally communicate) to try something new with their powers. If they can be used in battle...can they be used in other ways...?
So Mario gently cups Luigi's hands in his, and makes a small flame. It sparks up through not only his hand, but also Luigi's - and it doesn't cause his brother pain! Luigi gasps in wonder at the beauty and the warmth of this flame. After briefly meeting Mario's eyes, Luigi follows suit and creates a small spark. Both gasp and smile in excitement at this beautiful combination ❤️️💚
- Mario makes campfires very easily with his Firebrand.
- Luigi can mess with electrical equipment and entire electrical panels.
- Luigi can read the electrical impulses in people's hearts, in order to read their heart rates (he can also read/sense any electrical currents in the air).
- Mario's Firebrand in battle is mostly used for pure power.
- Luigi can use his Thunderhand for defence (electrical shields around himself and others).
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Since Luigi is growing his hair out wouldn't he be growing out of beard as well? Now I'm just thinking of his mustache being even longer than before, being like rapunzel
Ngl, in hindsight I realize this is kinda giving Aragorn vibes... Ah, well.
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electricblue2000 · 11 months
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(or lighting lol)
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