#luffy probably catches bugs in it
sailing-ever-west · 6 months
Sanji carries a handkerchief in hopes of giving it to a woman in her moment of dire need and being the perfect gentleman but this never happens and instead every time they have an adventure Usopp ends up stealing it to blow his nose while ugly crying in terror
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goingmerryfics · 5 months
Would they kill the spider for you? - Sanji, Law, Doflamingo, Shanks, Corazon
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Content: spiders!! (no images!)
Since he also hates bugs, this would be a struggle for him. Of course he wants to do it for you, but he gets the shivers when he sees bugs!
Usually when he finds a bug in the kitchen, he’ll ask Robin or Luffy to get it out of there, trying to play it off like he’s worried about it crawling into the food 
Robin knows what’s up, though
He would probably end up calling Zoro in and baiting him with insults into making him slice the spider in half. Like, “bet you can’t even slice that itty-bitty spider over there with those shitty swords of yours”
Zoro falls for it all the time, much to your and Sanji’s delight
You would think so, right? Surely this guy isn’t afraid of a little bug. Right?
Law’s eye twitches and he just watches the damn thing run around the wall
He finds bugs and especially spiders gross, even having to hold back a gag as he watches them scurry around with their little legs. UGH
He always tries to avoid bugs when he can, but the sub is a warm, damp place and sometimes they just manage to get in
He will use his Devil Fruit to get it out of the submarine, though. The poor spider will end up drowning and now you have to clean up wet seaweed off the floor, but that’s probably better than a spider, right?
Fuck no!
Doflamingo isn’t scared of bugs one bit. But he’s a prissy little bitch, and he’d complain about having to touch anything that seemed ‘dirty’.
Absolutely makes someone else get rid of it for you, as he would for himself as well
He also pokes fun at you for even asking him to do that for you, even though he probably would order you to get rid of a bug for him if the situation arose
Doffy was the type to burn ants with a magnifying glass, the prick
He lives for destruction, so I can just see him kicking over the anthills every time, too
Probably crushed a butterfly once! Cora cried
No, he would not kill the spider for you. He would pick it up and either toss it over the ship, or place it somewhere else, out of the way, while talking gently to it, like “Poor little thing, Y/N how could you ask me to murder a little creature?”
He’s only doing it to piss you off, because he’ll come right back to you and reaches for your face to touch you with his just-touched-a-bug hand
Even if you swat and scream at him, he’ll try to get his grimy little fingers on you somehow. You’d have to hide from him out of reach if he’s in that kind of mischievous mood
He thinks it’s hilarious how much you avoid bugs, while he is just used to insects of all kinds by now. Being a pirate wasn’t exactly luxurious living
The guy probably has some spider webs under his damn bed. Maybe that’s where they keep coming from
If you catch him while he’s drunk, he’ll pick it up and chase you around the goddamn ship with it
Cora is another type who would not kill it, but he would move it somewhere else
He is a gentle soul, and he’d tell you how it’s more afraid of you than you are of it
He finds the nicest spot to put it in, and he walks like all slow-motion because he knows how clumsy he is and doesn’t want to squish it by accident
He’d place it in grass if possible, or anywhere that it wouldn’t get stepped on by accident
I don’t believe he would be gutsy enough to actually touch the spider- it’s more of an aversion than a fear, but he would scoop it into a cup or something he had on hand
He is clumsy enough to step on the bugs if he’s just walking in, though. You’d have to make sure he doesn’t see it’s dead, squashed body, because he would cry
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velvateen · 1 year
monster trio + sleep talking! s/o
zoro luffy sanji w a sleep talking s/o
warnings: fluff ⭐️
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You and Zoro slept closely, his arms holding you tightly against his chest. With the proximity, it was no wonder that the whispers that escaped your lips resonated quickly in his ears. You must be dreaming, parts of it slipping from your mouth as you began to toss and turn with the story.
“No, what I said was… no I have to get to uh…” Your voice slowly rose with the excitement, and with your voice a deep breath filled the air as Zoro began to wake up from your antics.
“Well, if that’s the case, it’s probably bugs…” you mumbled, and Zoro couldn’t help but let out a tired laugh as he turned to watch you.
Your brows furrowed with the conflict in your mind, a frown gracing your features. Zoro thought you were staring to look a little upset, so rolled over to drape a heavy arm across you. At the touch, you stirred, and tried to sit up, still half-asleep and partly invested in your dream. Zoro’s arm stopped you, and he brought you closer to calm you down.
“It has to be through the, uh, the door,” you mumbled, out of breath and heart racing.
Zoro let out a deep hum, “it’s okay, beautiful, sleep now.” You turned to face him and smiled, letting your eyes shut and wrapping your arms around his one.
Luffy’s legs hung off the hammock to make space for you to lay between them, the both of you passed out for a post-lunch nap. Your head on his chest, you began to murmur and groan from the contents of your dream. The vibrations from your chest made Luffy begin to stir, but he was too heavy of a sleeper to be woken up from that alone.
Your face scrunched in concentration against him, “wait, don’t do…” you trailed off, beginning to get more and more restless. “Don’t eat that I said,” your voice rising with urgency.
“No, Luffy, what’s that in your mouth? Spit it out, that’s not meat,” you jolted forwards with Luffy as he woke up from your words.
Still half-asleep, Luffy grabbed your shoulders, “Meat? Where?” You blinked slowly at him, not knowing what he was talking about.
“Huh?” you rubbed your eyes. “You said meat, I’m hungry,” and with that he dropped back and fell dead asleep, leaving you very confused and a little pissed that your nap got interrupted, but once you settled back down on him and his arms found their way around you, it was hard to hold a grudge.
At the first hint of worry in your tired voice, Sanji was awake and scanning your face for any signs of distress, but the tone of your dream had evidently shifted, plastering a soft smile across your face. Sanji listened as you unknowingly regaled him with the inconsistent details of your dream.
“Thanks, I’ve been wanting to tell you that…” your words drifted away as he stroked loose hairs away from your face, making your nose scrunch.
“So beautiful,” he whispered to you, wondering if somehow he was starring in this silly dream of yours.
“Mm… no Sanji I love you so much I…” The rest of the sentence was lost to him, at the instant his name was mumbled, he turned away covering his face, barely containing his pure delight at your sweet words. When he regained control, he turned back to you, bringing his hand up to cup your face, your hands wrapping around his arm in contentment. He breathed in a deep breath and allowed himself to tear his gaze away from you in favor of catching another hour or two of sleep before he had to go start breakfast.
A/N we got any sleepy heads in the crowd?? any real silly sleepy heads who can’t think for a good 10 mins after waking up?? 🙋‍♀️🙋🙋‍♂️ <— my honest reaction
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buff-muffin · 9 months
ASL thoughts and head canons.
1. Sabo’s missing tooth he had as a kid didn’t actually fall out. He chipped it back when he was still living with his family. And his parents thinking that made him look disgusting and rowdy had the rest of the tooth removed before his adult tooth was even remotely ready to move in. Thus there was a gap in his teeth for ages. It started growing in when Sabo set sail.
2. Luffy loved using Ace’s freckles as a dot to dot. Both brothers heavily think he doesn’t have a fucking clue what animals he’s trying to conjure and Ace is getting sick of having to fight him tooth and nail every time Luffy finds a marker
3. In his early days of friendship with Ace. Sabo refused to believe that he could eat an entire bear by himself. He thought Ace was exaggerating like when someone says “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse” yet when he saw it with his own eyes he was horrified. Ace was also confused why Sabo didn’t want a bear to himself. But didn’t complain. Hunting one bear for the both of them and fighting over it was pretty fun. And scavenging berries for a desert never bothered them.
4. Sabo grew his hair out while he was a run away. He hated how it looked buzzed. And while he probably didn’t let it get any longer then his brother’s he loved the freedom. His mother cut his hair the second he was taken back home
5. Ace and Sabo hadn’t thought twice about bugs. Ace saw them as pests like the moths that would huddle around the candle light and Sabo was taught that they were gross. Luffy on the other hand adored them. He showed them bug fighting and showed them all sorts of cool and pretty bugs. He would also put beetles in his brothers’ shoes for fun but in the end they had come out of it for a new respect for bugs and a little bit more love-hate for Luffy.
6. Sabo tried to tell his adopted brother about his real brothers but he refused to believe Sabo was telling the truth. I mean beating up a giant tiger in the woods? Being made of rubber? Being able to eat 5 times their body weight in a matter of minutes? He thought Sabo was loony.
7. When taken back to his parents, Sabo refused to eat with his brother. Sharing a meal with someone made you friends and sharing a cup of sake made you brothers. And he wanted nothing to do with him.
8. Sabo was Dadans favourite. At first. Originally Sabo was… as well behaved as he was going to be around his brothers because that need to respect authority was so engrained in him. Though as he grew more comfortable with Dadan and trusting she really wasn’t going to kick him out other dumb things. He started joining in on the bullying Dadan band wagon. And she hated them all equally again.
9. Luffy and Ace find it absolutely hilarious how bad Sabo would get sun burnt in the summer. They would chase him around trying to slap him for hours. Dadan taught him how to make a remedy and over the years he gained a tan and freckles that he knew would have his bio dad blow a fuse.
10. Luffy always wants to be in fights of strength with his brothers to prove he’s strong. You know, arm wrestling. That weird thing were you put your feet together and push with all you’re might. And of course rough housing. But in the super early years of being a rubber man that was impossible cause his body would just. Bend. Arm wrestling? Womp womp no elbow for you. Foot wrestle? His legs fold like a piece of paper. He was humiliated and his face was bright red every time Ace and Sabo would laugh.
11. One of the best training methods the brothers had found for Luffy was actually made as a joke. Still completely pathetic at landing a damn punch Sabo jokingly said he should train by trying to catch bugs by stretching your arms. And after a lot of frustrated afternoons his aim did improve an alarming amount. Luffy to this day continues to train that way and he always thinks of Sabo when he does.
12. They never finished that bottle of sake they stole from Dadan. At the time they all thought the drink was absolutely putrid though drank their cups if it meant they were brothers. The bottle is still in the treehouse. Even after everything. It’s completely oxidised but the smell keeps animal from making their treehouse a nest so Ace and Luffy never minded all that much.
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autistic-piece · 2 months
Straw Hat Headcanons
SFW // Just soft stuff
Random headcanons about the crew! + Vivi
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✦ doesn't read unless it's something about bugs -- or he'll ask Robin to read for him ✦ actually knows everything about bugs, by the way. and will talk about it anytime he has a chance to ✦ probably tries to draw the bugs he catches before releasing them in the wild ✦ absolute adhd ✦ his favourite part of the museum is the souvenir shop ✦ he takes care of his den den mushi. like, that snail is almost a part of the crew ✦ gets overwhelmed when there are too many informations to process ✦ secretly likes cherry pies, especially Sanji's ✦ he'll definitely make faces at you if you feel bad and need to laugh ✦ considers Vivi, Carrot and Yamato part of his crew
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✦ absolute feminist. don't ever insult a woman in front of her, or that's the last thing you'll do. she hates terf's (and she's right) ✦ she showed the crew how to pick tangerines so that they wouldn't risk damaging her tree ✦ she loves brushing and styling people's hair -- especially Usopp's ✦ not a big fan of bugs, but will definitely listen to Luffy when he talks about them ✦ with the help of Usopp, she drew tattoo designs for each member of the crew. and even has a special one for Law ✦ enjoys gardening ✦ she likes visiting new islands ✦ and she loves when Robin talks about the island's history ✦ okay, Nami basically just loves seeing people excited about their interests -- she can listen to Franky when he builds new stuff as well! she doesn't get the hype, but seeing him so excited just makes her happy
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⚔️ Zoro
✦ he's already used every other straw hat as a pillow, at least once ✦ actually enjoys cleaning the dishes with Sanji ✦ he is bad at remembering birthdays. he can barely remember his own. but fortunately, when it's a straw hat's birthday, either Sanji or Usopp will remind him about it in the morning ✦ he doesn't shower after training. that dude takes a shower once a week, and nothing will change it ✦ but honestly no one really cares anymore now. they're used to it ✦ he just doesn't like water that much ✦ sometimes he'll use his katana to cook with Sanji. because he can't find the knife. Sanji probably lost it anyway ✦ (actually Zoro somehow dropped it in the crow's nest) ✦ never gives hugs, but likes to receive them ✦ secretly watches Luffy when he sits on Sunny's head to make sure he doesn't fall into the water
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🌱 Usopp
✦ is actually invited to girls' nights. literally the only one who has that privilege ✦ he decorated both the boys' and the girls' rooms, and everyone loves how he did it ✦ he cannot tell creepy stories. he'd scare himself too much ✦ if he finds an island pretty, or likes a certain view, you can be sure he'll paint it ✦ Luffy will come to see the painting every five minutes to see how it goes ✦ the crew hangs Usopp's paintings on the walls of the Sunny. they make good memories ✦ he made ceramic dishware for the crew ✦ always messing around with Luffy and Chopper ✦ probably attempts to write a story about his and the crew's adventures ✦ he loves gardening too. Nami is great with vegetables and fruits, and he's great with plants ✦ plant mum, by the way. he gives his plants names
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🍳 Sanji
✦ of course, Sanji knows everyone's favourite foods on the ship ✦ he writes his own recipe book, by the way ✦ and the first dishes are all named after the Straw Hats (it's the first time wrote Zoro's name, by the way, not just 'marimo') ✦ will most definitely buy or pick flowers when the crew docks on an island ✦ feeds stray dogs and cats ✦ gets lectured by Chopper very often about his smoking habit ✦ when the others are sick, he'll bring them their lunch to bed ✦ enjoys reading some poetry ✦ one time he tried to tell the verses aloud while cooking and Zoro was behind him. he thought Sanji was talking to him. Sanji still doesn't know ✦ he finds anyone who smiles genuinely beautiful
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🌸 Chopper
✦ absolute hugger, after Luffy ✦ he can just come behind anyone and hug them because he wants to ✦ he absolutely doesn't loves when you pat him on his head. "you know i hate that, don't pat me!" he says while blushing and wriggling and giggling ✦ laughs at Brook's bone jokes, even after all this time ✦ he can stare at Usopp's paintings for hours ✦ he wants to learn to paint too, now ✦ Choppers gets very excited whenever it's someone's birthday ✦ he'll want to help Sanji bake a cake, and if he can't, he'll definitely decorate the cake -- edible glitter, sugar hearts... ✦ he rests on Robin's lap whenever he needs a break
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📖 Robin
✦ reads before going to bed. of course she does ✦ she loves talking about history and ancient cultures. please listen to her. she's passionate ✦ absolutely loves when Nami brushes and styles her hair ✦ she loves holding hands, whether it's Chopper, Nami, Luffy, or anyone in the crew ✦ she can't focus much when Chopper sleeps in her lap, because he's way too cute. but really, she doesn't mind ✦ she doesn't say it often, but she finds Franky's skills impressive ✦ she doesn't like cooking much ✦ she's not much of a gardener either, but she absolutely loves looking at Usopp when he tends to his plants
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🤖 Franky
✦ definitely had to install more shelves in the girls' rooms for Robin's books ✦ history is not exactly his cup of tea, but Robin knows how to make it interesting, so he'll listen to her when she wants to talk about something she learnt ✦ Franky has already created bug-like robots for Luffy ✦ and Usopp painted them ✦ they look like real bugs, but bigger. Luffy loves them ✦ Likes working with music. if Brook starts playing he'll just sit next to him while working on his next project
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🎻 Brook
✦ this man is just so happy to be alive ✦ he'll play music all day long if the crew asks him too ✦ Luffy tried to learn music with him. ("yohoho! thank got i don't have ears!") ✦ but Brook didn't really mind because Luffy seemed to have fun. that's really the most important part in music ✦ he will play lullabies if someone can't sleep ✦ he tries to write his own scores. Robin and Usopp are usually the first ones to listen to them ✦ Usopp made him a custom violin
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🌊 Jinbei
✦ probably speaks a lot of languages. he loves learning about people's cultures ✦ loves traveling as well, especially with friends. after all, there's no fun in traveling alone ✦ if Sanji ever gets sick, tired, or is too busy too cook (which rarely happens), Jinbei can definitely replace him ✦ he will help Sanji in the kitchen very often, too ✦ he likes animals. there could be a cat on the ship and he would take care of it ✦ sometimes he also gets invited to the girls' nights ✦ Nami loves touching his hair ✦ the crew likes to listen to his adventures from when he was a membre of the sun pirates ✦ undiagnosed autistic
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💧 Vivi
✦ adhd, just like Luffy. she can't stand still, she needs to do something with her hands ✦ she reads the newspapers daily to see if the straw hats are mentioned ✦ she started to read books about pirates after travelling with them. it brought back memories ✦ she owns a ceramic bowl that Usopp made for her ✦ she puts her jewellery in it ✦ she also planted tangerines in the castle garden ✦ sometimes she writes letters to the crew that she's never sent, but hopes to give them when she meets them again
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grapefives · 1 year
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luffy x gn!reader
post time-skip (fishman island) + flight luff + light angst + realization of feelings + oblivious luffy
A/N : light fluff cus idk how to write fluff. lowkey this is probs off character but wtvr
the day his crew disappeared from sight, one after another, was one of the worst days of luffy’s life
tragedy after tragedy, he kept feeling on edge and absolutely useless. and after ace’s death? he didn’t know how to live anymore
his crew was everything he had left now. and while reminiscing that and acknowledging how he has to keep going, how his nakama are dear to him, deep down, the strong urge to see you first ignited
from time to time, he’d visualize your smile, your laugh. he’d remember how you’d joke around with sanji, straying away from an initial memory of how good sanji’s food is. that craving for sanji’s menu straying to a craving of you.
whatever initial thought he had started with on his moments of thinking to himself, they’d stray to you.
as he travels back to sabaody, he wonders. when did these feelings surge?
was it because of how close you to had become during the first few moments in sabaody, and then being ripped away from his grasp to disappear into thin air, screaming for luffy, that made him think of you the most?
the way you were the last to escape his efforts pf saving?
no, it couldn’t be that. he’d always had an eye out for you. he realizes this when he finally sees the others on the new ship, how his eyes dart from one face to another, bright and joyful, but grow more when they land on you.
it’s an afterthought, his feelings, after that. he stands firm with the belief of suppressing them. not wanting something to give him a minor setback like these last few times.
if he loves you, and you two hit it off, he wouldn’t stand losing you. not again, not when, hypothetically, you two were now one.
it’s dumb, probably, but…
“luffy, have you eaten?” you ask gently, but there’s still a firmness to your voice, as you pull him away from the bubble’s wall.
“y/n i’m trying to catch fish for a reason,” he says playfully but to his surprise it comes out cold and harsh.
you give him a bizarre look, and drift your attention to what zoro says instead, and luffy almost complies to poking holes in the bubble, to which usopp and chopper hit them for.
to their dismay, sanji enters a frenzy drop so it diverts everyone’s attention to the food luffy brought and decided to share.
one thing luffy seems to forget to acknowledge is how impulsive he is.
he grabs enough food for himself sure, stuffing his face full as everyone listens to franky, but he eventually notices how you hand him meat once he’s done with the previous one.
when your hands finally touch, he blinks at you, and your small, soft smile makes his heart leap to his throat.
“gimme that,” he says as he yanks the meat from your hand and scarfs it down.
your laugh rings in his ears.
“there’s plenty more, captain.” you say, and he feels himself blush at the attention you give him.
time goes on and as they (him, sanji and zoro) return from their side quest (taming the octopus) you voice out your worries but still praise them for taming such a creature
for some reason, when luffy tries to ignore something, it bugs him even more.
and recently, he’s become hyper aware of your existence.
when the bubble pops in their escape from the fishman pirates, he’s aware of how close you were to him when the current dragged everyone
yet, when he wakes up, his immediate reaction was to question his surroundings and reach out to you
mildly upset at the separation, he ignores it and goes on with the journey. eventually, he finds you again, with brook.
“hatty! how about we go for a meal? i believe you mentioned something that i believe my captain would love,” you say as you walk away from brook being bombarded with mermaids.
“i was getting to that,” pappagu grins, “what do y’all say to some sea-monster meat?”
“YOU HAVE MEAAAT!?” luffy is delighted, to say the least.
and his feelings for you are an afterthought he desperately tries to suppress. this sudden raging desire to have you close, to keep you safe enough is driving him insane.
don’t get him wrong, he knows you’re strong, he knows you can fend for yourself, but this fear of losing you like he had two years ago, without knowing (only hoping and trusting) your situation gives him serious nerves.
but he’s your captain, he has to worry for you. every now and then. sometimes.
but man, seeing you light up at his jokes, and seeing you safe and sound with the others makes him feel so good.
and knowing you’d follow him through and through just makes him feel a certain way.
“HELL NO! I’M THE CAPTAIN!!” luffy barks.
with a laugh, you say “he’s the captain.”
“Y/N WHO’s SIDE ARE YOU ON!” usopp grunts.
and as they go up to the surface once more, exited for a new adventure and getting closer to his dream, he reminisces once more.
he has his nakama, all that’s left for him.
“y/n,” he calls for you unconsciously as you walk by.
you pause, giving him your undivided attention.
“are you ready?”
“for the new world?”
he nods.
you smile, so bright. “nope, but i’ll follow you,” you me eyes are warm and your aura is gentle, “through and through.”
but luffy… as he stares at you, feels his feelings surge with more force.
he can be a little more selfish. he could take advantage of what the world has put in his hands.
“good,” he says with a smile, “cus i need you.”
“i’m at your service-“
“more than a nakama.”
you blink, surprised and taken aback. “m-more?” you furrow your brows, heat threatening to reach your cheeks.
“more.” he says softly. so soft you couldn’t believe this was luffy, your loud and impulsive captain.
but… this was also impulsive, you can tell when his face freezes.
“are you sure?” you ask, your heart hammering.
“when am i not sure of something?”
you stare at him before cracking a smile, “ah.”
“it was driving me crazy.” he pauses, then looks to the side, puckering his lips shyly, “you.. you were driving me insane.”
“didn’t seem like it,” you tease. it was true but you knew deep down there was no chance, or so you believed. after all, he’s your… “captain.”
luffy blushes, “i didn’t know… what.. or … how.”
“i’m glad you’re honest,” you smile, “luffy.”
and his ears ring, eyes wide and amazed. you’ve only called him captain.
“i’ll work hard,” he says.
you burst into laughter, “luffy,” you say as you put a hand on his arm, close enough to see his red ears. “go with the flow. we’ll be fine.”
“yeah,” he smiles a bit, darting between your lips and your eyes.
and luffy is impulsive. but above all, he thinks he’ll add in love to the list as well.
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fizzyren · 9 months
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hehe, my zolu hcs
horny/awkward/jealous levels:
Zoro feels them much more strongly, but hides them well when he's feeling them. Very stoic on the outside but inside he's fucking frothing at the bit.
Luffy doesn't feel these very much, but when he does it's so obvious, he's horrible at hiding them.
Big vs Little spoon: They fight about who gets to be what every time and it's some complicated wrestling match until one submits. Usually Zoro wins because Luffy likes being hugged and turns into a snuggly octopus if Zoro squeezes him the right way. But Zoro has many many nights been subjected to being an awkward little spoon while Luffy backpacks him.
Luffy is always stealing Zoro's clothes, and Zoro doesn't care much. Luffy also is too small to be sharing clothes with Zoro, especially after the time skip and he's beefed up more.
Pet names are rare for the both of them, outside of their typical "idiot, dumbass, stupid" banter namecalling. Zoro sticks to Captain, Lu, Luff, but they can't really be called nicknames.
Zoro is too scared to confess first, doesn't think his feelings are reciprocated. Luffy on the other hand, is very in tune with his feelings and emotions, probably picks up on Zoro's crush on him earlier than Zoro even realizes it himself, but Luffy feels like he's not allowed to point it out. So he waits until he literally can't anymore and blurts out that he likes Zoro. There's lots of tears, yelling, kissing.
Bugs don't bother either of them. Zoro squishes them immediately with no mercy. Luffy absolutely screams about them, but it's usually excited screaming as he tries to catch it with a jar or his hands, until he accidentally steps on it :(
Neither can cook a proper meal. Luffy can heat up meat over a fire. That's about it. Zoro can put together two or three meals if there's less than three steps to cooking it. But it's bare minimum.
They're both crazy overprotective, but knows there's boundaries. Zoro knows when to back off, and let Luffy handle his own fights. Luffy even more so, and doesn't often jump to Zoro's protection unless there's a very serious, real, and imminent threat to Zoro's life.
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jei-rifni · 2 months
Do you think Zoro would get to meet the other strawhats in your Odd Goth Family au? Because I have been thinking about how he’d meet Luffy for way too long long at this point.
Picture this: You’re Mihawk, opening the door after an ungodly amount of ringing at rapid speed to see a … sticky little thing looking up at you with a wild grin. You realize that this is Garps boy and he probably shouldn’t even be here, but you know that Shanks is in the neighborhood again and that this kid follows him around like a lost puppy, so it’s not like he’s technically unsupervised. „May I…. Help-„ You get interrupted immediately„Can the green haired boy come out and play?“ The sticky thing cranes his neck to look behind you into the hallway, like you have hidden said green haired boy like a delightful surprise at a birthday party he’s not supposed to see yet, and makes a step forward. You hastily step aside in front of him again to stop him from getting any further, hoping you to not discourage this overeager boy from wanting to play with your son, while also trying to stay away far enough from his grubby little hands to not risk staining your white dress shirt. „He’s… upstairs. I can certainly ask him if he wants to play, but he just got home and wanted to take a na-„ „I caught a beetle!“
Your son gasps and dashes from his lookout spot behind the plant on the first floor, abandoning his hiding spot from where he has been watching both of you with suspicion ever since you opened the door to this weird child. Said child holds up a a dirty old Tupperware box, containing a large atlas beetle. Great care has been employed to make sure the bug has enough soil, sticks and leaves, as well as making sure to dutifully poke some holes into the old lid for airflow.
„I CAUGHT A BEETLE!“ „AWESOME!“ „I’m Luffy. Want to go catch frogs?“ „Hell yeah!“ „ZORO! Put your shoes on before you go outside!“ Your son grumbles and dashes back in, not even bothering to lace up his sneakers before he zips right back. „AND MAKE SURE YOU GET BACK BEFORE ITS DARK!“
Aw this is so cuutte!
Ive already had an idea to how he meets the strawhats for a while! (I want the order to be similar to canon with a twist hehe) I just never got to continuing the comic yet. Ive been mega busy with things my life so thats gonna be a while. I love this though its adorable! Mihawk’s first impression of the strawhats will be very silly and hes gonna be very confused (and so will zoro)
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dittolicous · 7 months
More on my One Piece x Pokemon train:
Sanji's Milotic is his Little Princess, even before she evolved. Daddy's little girl. Queen of doing no wrong. It's a good thing she's actually quite well-mannered and sweet, because he'd honestly let her get away with murder.
If her and Gyarados do ever have an egg, Zoro will have a fight to keep Sanji from turning Gyarados into sushi. For now, both are entirely unaware their Pokemon are mated.
Actually imagine one day she finally DOES, Sanji coming across her curled around an egg and losing his ever-loving-shit - immediately calls a crew meeting to find out who DEFLOWERED HIS PRECIOUS BABY GIRL, demanding to see every water type in her egg group (which lbr they wouldn't keep up with that so that would then devolve into a debate over egg grouping and pokemon breeding all while sanji is fuming). of course, except for zoro, everyone else knows who the father but is staying quiet either 1) for the lulz 2) to keep damages down or 3) isnt paying attention (aka luffy). this goes on for a while when suddenly
CRRK CRRK the egg begins to hatch! theres silence on the deck as the new baby burst free, sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle
its a shiny fucking magikarp
sanjis neck cracks so loud from the speed he turns on zoro, steam pouring out his ears, chopper almost drags him to the infirmary just to check him out
he'd rather kick Zoro's ass
sends him flying off deck bcuz he was napping the entire time
here come the swords!
its mass chaos
poor franky is overworked
once things calm down it turns into a debate on who takes ownership of the magikarp, zoro n sanji feuding like bitter exes divorced thrice over determining custody time for lil timmy
(they end up leaving it in Momo's care as symbol of friendship - he takes very good care of them)
Luffy never just catches Pokemon. He's the Ash, his team is entirely composed of Pokemon that are like ‘his vibes are immaculate’ and join him. There are numerous Pokemon he considers ‘his’ or part of his crew strewn out across the seas, but he never caught them and they stayed behind for one reason or another.
For a good portion of his travels, he didn’t even actually catch them with Pokeballs. He only did so after Marineford, because having them in Pokeballs would've made things easier and safer for them. Still doesn't keep them put away often.
Sanji and Nami are scared of Bug Types, which made getting along with Zoro's Scythor and Usopp's Spinarak difficult at first. They got used to Sythor easier thanks to his less buggy nature, but Spinarak took time. This was not helped by Spinarak constantly trying to get chummy with them only to accidentally scare them.
One incident involved him pulling a Charlotte's Web in the gally, writing a compliment to Sanji in his web (Usopp taught him how to read and write because why not - bored island kids do whatever). Unfortunately, Sanji's horrified screams could probably be heard in Skypiea. Usopp spent hours cleaning all the webbing up and Sanji smoked about three packs that day.
They do eat Pokemon but it's less common compared to regular animals. There are debates that Pokemon just tend to not taste very good regardless of cooking skills, which lends itself to the idea that their powers are somehow connected to the ever nasty Devil Fruit.
Y'know that gag from Pokemon where Brock's own Pokemon would knock him around when he goes girl-crazy? Ya, that but Sanji. His team absolutely takes him down a peg when he gets too fuck-boy.
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It's usually his Blaziken, who will just straight up knock him out and carry him away if need be
The only one who doesn't is Milotic and that's because Sanji is her baby just as much as she is his and she wuvs him too much. Spoils him, really
Usopp gets Robin one of those baby slings for her Houndour as a joke but they love it (she puts on matching sunglasses too so he can travel in style)
it's to the point that Chopper gets a little jealous so they have to get him one too
Usopp's Octillary is still a lil shit no matter how much he respects Usopp, so it's not uncommon for her to cover whoever happens to be nearby in either ink or water
her favorite victim is Sanji - she never did forgive him calling her scrawny (even tho it meant they wouldn't eat her)
All of Franky's Pokemon have a star painted or carved somewhere on their body. They like posing with him!
Franky does want a Blastoisite but they haven't had much luck finding one
Brook's Chatot picks up many, many phrases…. unfortunately he, much like Brook, favors the one asking to see panties - the only upside is that he asks everyone regardless of gender
Chatot is not allowed to talk to strangers for totally unrelated reasons
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milotraflgkl · 4 months
note: THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! content: fluff, sfw, reader and usopp are both oblivious losers, requited feelings, confessions. WC: 1934
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Everyone on the crew knew. Everyone.
It was going old how often Nami would have to grab Usopp's attention from looking your way or when Sanji would have to hold his hand out while you mindlessly walked somewhere, too infatuated with the Usopp as he went about his “real” adventures. The small side glances you'd often share as you sat beside each other at the dinner table, it was obvious the feelings you two had for each other.
Well, expect the two of you.
It was aggravating for the rest of the crew to have to witness, desperately wishing that one day one of you would slip up and finally say something to the other but the day just seemed like it was never gonna show up. No matter how many attempts Sanji made to hint towards Usopp about your feelings, causing you to turn into a bright red tomato.
Today was like any normal day, minus the quick stop because your captain was becoming restless and Nami just couldn’t stand it anymore. You hummed as you put things into your bag, keeping it light so you’d have space to store more things within. Just in case you found anything interesting, for yourself or Usopp. You reached over to grab something and stopped as you stared at the small necklace that Usopp had gotten you a while back, he handed it to you in a rush with a quick jumble of words before he ran off somewhere. You giggled as you grabbed the necklace, bringing it up to your neck and hooking together letting it hang down your chest.
You hummed pleased with the assortment of items you had, so you stood yourself up and placed the bag over your shoulder. You pivoted on your shoes and made your way out of the room that you shared with Nami, you had noticed that everyone had already rushed off wasting no time to get off the boat and walk through the grass and find new interesting bugs; well mostly Luffy. You frowned slightly, not wanting to have to venture to the island by yourself. You let out a small huff as you began to walk towards the ladder to get off the ship, “Hey!” You heard a voice call out from behind you making you immediately snap to see holding your hands up ready to punch whoever. You froze as you saw Usopp stare at you shocked before chuckling, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He says while you let out a sigh of relief and drop your hands to the side, “You scared the shit out of me Usopp!” You scold the boy.
Usopp just let out a laugh, a laugh that made your stomach do flips. “I just wanted to wait for you…” He says, his voice trailing off for a moment. “Cause like you know… for protection…” He says trying to sound all cool but it is obvious he was getting a bit nervous. You let out a laugh that caused Usopp to turn his attention straight back to you, “Thank you, Oh brave captain Usopp~” You teased him. Usopp stood there in shock for a moment before he chuckled and nodded, "That's me!" He hummed out in excitement, as he made his way past you and to the ladder off the ship. "Ladies first~" He motioned with his arms for you to go ahead of him, and you gladly went ahead and flung your leg over the ladder. Make sure to take your foot landed on the bar before you swing your other leg over.
He watched you intently to make sure that not even for a second would you slip and fall, he couldn’t risk seeing you hurt. As he watched you he started to think about the fact that he probably should’ve gone first so he would have been able to catch you. While lost in his thought he hadn’t realized that you had safely made it to the bottom and were waiting patiently for him to come down. “Usopp?” Your voice broke him out of his thoughts, “Huh?- Oh!” He blinked staring at you for a moment wondering how long he had simply just stood there whilst you waited so patiently, then his mind went off again. You were so kind and so trusting, it truly amazed him how you were still his friend even after everything.
As he reached the bottom of the ladder he jumped off, landing on the solid ground with a small thud.
He shifted around to look at you with a smile on his face, “Ready?” He asked you as he held out his arm to interlock it with yours, you obliged sliding your arm to hook with his. “Always.” You hum to him, before beginning to lead the way for the both of you. You talked on and on about something that Usopp was not taking in, he was watching the way you used your free hand to talk almost as if you were painting a picture. You asked a question but Usopp didn’t hear it, oblivious to the fact you were asking him and he just admired you. “Usopp?” Your voice broke his thoughts again, usually when any of the straw hats would do that it would upset him. But when you did it, it was like an angel from heaven was bringing him back down to earth before he died simply because of how amazing you were.
“Yeah [name]?” He asked back, as he looked at you hoping that you’d take the lead in making sure they went in the right direction and not run into anyone. “Were you even paying attention?” You asked him, as you turned your attention ahead of the two of you. Making sure the two of you didn’t bump into any island people, weaving in and out of the crowd. “Uhm… Yeah totally!” He responded in a cheerful tone and a cheesy smile on his face, you glanced at his expression immediately knowing that the boy had caught nothing of what you had just explained to him. You let out a soft giggle before the smile quickly faded and your eyebrows furrowed with irritation, “Do people not know how to walk properly?!” You said out in anger, eventually shoving your way through people and into an alleyway that had fewer people.
You let out a sigh of relief, finally free from the busy street and annoyingly slow people. Usopp stood there in shock having not been fully prepared to be shoved through those people and suddenly ending up somewhere a lot more calm, he looked at you before letting out a chuckle. “You hate crowds huh?” He asked, teasing you. You rolled your eyes a small smirk on your lips as you looked around the alleyway, “Some people just don’t deserve legs.” You joked, the joke causing the boy to let out a loud laugh. You turned your head to look at him, you looked at him in slight shock at how he found your joke so funny. The way his head slightly tilted back and his eyes closed as he laughed, it was a beautiful sound and it made your face grow warm from the blush suddenly appearing.
You cleared out your throat before a thought popped up into your head. “Hey, I have an idea.” You say to him in almost a whisper not allowing him time to respond or even think of what you said dragging him along through the alleyway. “[Name]!” He called out, his feet almost struggling to keep up with how fast yours were going. He let out huffs as he started to run out of breath from having to keep up with you, “[Name]..!!” He whined out wanting you to slow down, but even after a small tug, you kept your speed rushing through the alleyway.
As the two of you made your way, you eventually stopped as you came up to a small area. Vines grew down the wall and it was slightly dark small amounts of the sun peeking through the cracks between the buildings, and you decided this place was the perfect area.
Usopp looked around the area, his brows raised as he let out a quiet “oooo…” His eyes darted around the area and you smiled softly as you watched them, before eventually, his eyes met with yours. You feel your posture suddenly straighten out as his attention is on you, you turn to look at the area trying to cover the blush on your cheeks. “It’s pretty isn’t it?” You asked him with a small hum coming from your lips. What you didn’t notice was the way that when Usopp responded his eyes never left your face, “Yeah, it’s beautiful.” He nodded before eventually turning to look around the small area the two of you were now standing in, he slowly walked further in and looked up. The buildings left a small space so that when you looked up it was a perfect view of the sky, you watched him for a moment before you went and stood next to him.
The two of you enjoyed the silence, the sound of distant chatter and seagulls flying overhead.
As you watched the clouds move past quickly you eventually felt your neck begin to hurt, you brought your head down and rolled the knot that started to grow out. You then turned to look at Usopp whose eyes were already on you, your eyebrows raised in shock and your face suddenly became extremely warm. “[Name].” He spoke out to you causing you to lock eyes with him, “Yeah..?” You spoke out with a small sigh, you hadn’t realized but you had been holding your breath. Usopp stared at you for a moment longer before bringing a hand up to your cheek, “I… I think I like you.” He says, letting a sigh of his own from holding his breath.
You stare at him for a moment, it is like a wave of realization has just crashed over you. The more you thought about it the more obvious it became, how he would try to flirt with you and be around you more than the rest of the crew. Usopp hesitated for a moment before slowly bringing his hand down from your face, “My bad, I shouldn’t have…” “No! No…” You cut him off quickly bringing your hand to grab him, “I like you too Usopp.” You told him, and you watched as his face went from sadness to excited shock. “Really??!” He squeezed your hand.
You nod back to him, “Really.” You say. The two of you stare at each other for a minute or so, before you take notice of the way his eyes glance down to your lips and then quickly back up to your eyes. You smile softly, “You can kiss me Usopp.” you whisper as if there would be anyone in a dark alleyway other than you two. Usopp wasted no time before he softly pressed his lips against yours, his free hand going up to cup your cheek. It felt like a dream and you didn’t wanna wake up and you never did, when you opened your eyes and pulled from the kiss he was still there looking back at you.
You couldn’t wait to hear him tell the crew about how he took you to a spot and kissed you. And you knew you wouldn’t correct him.
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mangokabuto · 7 months
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Just for fun I mapped the strawhats onto Brian David Gilbert's "Mortal Comfort" Ideal Cuddler Chart. I don't think i have them 100% right but i wanted to start the Discussion yk?
Here is my reasoning (sorta-ranked from most to least ideal according to BDG's criteria, though your personal preference may differ (as does mine)) :
MOST IDEAL STRAWHAT CUDDLER AWARD goes to Jinbe! He is big and soft and kind. I think he would be very good at it. He would take initiative to rub your back and have pleasant conversation, but he let you fall asleep if you wanted to.
Nami: Not a super adventurous cuddler, nor does she do it often. She WILL pickpocket you, so be ready for that. She's probably the closest to normal you're going to get.
Usopp: He needs to fidget with his hands and is happy to comb your hair or rub your back or massage your shoulders, but he's going to talk your ear off whether you like it or not, and he'll whine if you try to leave. Extremely clingy and needy in a cuddle, and his pockets are full of little gadgets and tools that are not super comfortable to lay against.
Luffy: Very enthusiastic but he will not sit still long enough, man is constantly adjusting or twitching. He's prone to squeeze too tight with the wrap-around rubber hugs, and if you aren't paying close attention he WILL put bugs and beetles on you. He's also the type to think it's funny to wipe boogers on you, or put his cold hands up your shirt. If your arm or leg fall asleep he's not gonna move for you, he's gonna think it's funny.
Chopper: He hasn't had enough practice yet, he mostly just wants to be held. Very enthusiastic though. Constantly making sure you're comfortable, to the point where it's distracting/a little annoying.
Brook: Bones are not extremely comfortable, but he is able to summon a cool/chilling wind so the temperature control will be ideal, and he's very polite and gentlemanly when he's not trying to see your underwear. As long as you stack some pillows around him to actually lean against, you're golden.
Robin: She will be up to some freak shit with her devil fruit I know it. Being cuddled by a dozen hands may sound very nice but she will turn them against you, either to tickle you right when you're falling asleep or grab your ankle and let you think it was a monster under the bed. She WILL be up to mischief.
Sanji: Also constantly making sure you're comfortable, much more than necessary, and will dote on you WAY too much while you're trying to sleep. He'll keep getting up to grab water or a snack or another blanket or something and won't just settle into the cuddle unless you make him. Also he is likely to either catch on fire or start violently bleeding from his nose depending on the circumstances.
Zoro: Very open to the idea of cuddling but not an active participant; he just falls asleep. He is essentially a very hard body pillow. (If he WAS actively participating he may match where Robin or Luffy is instead.)
Franky: Not a single part of his body is comfortable or free of hidden guns, but he will damn sure try his best!! He will also try and hold conversation and compliment you, but much too loudly. The enthusiasm is there, but...man he's struggling everywhere else.
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empressofmankind · 10 months
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[Part I] [Part II]
It's only a dozen odd pirates with billionaire Wanted Poster status on the loose again.
No big deal.
You better mention the mens now, Robin.
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Catch me shouting 'Frreee Wanniii!' when she talked about setting the mens free to the sea, where they belong.
Me but w Croc, ngl
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I imagine you recognised LOTR, but this is probably well, truly and comfortably before ya'll's time.
I forgive you.
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me having pants problem
At any rate, the boys are back!
The BoYs R BaCk iN ToWn
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In sepia, no less. So classy. Much WoW.
I feel robbed of a sepia Bugs though!!
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Clownboi gets a dramatic full colour we haven't seen.
Me over here, rubbing Croc's shoulders like, don't be upset. Nobody thinks you're the clown's errand boy. Nobody. I promise.
I am completely NORMAL about them.
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WHEEZES. Me @ing Croc: See??????? Nobody is buying it. Not even sticks-for-brains over here.
I love how Luffy is always like. 110% unto the plot. But then everyone is like "oh Luffy…"
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He's so adorkable, I wanna adopt him.
Benji needs a big brother anyway!
And we aren't asking Law to babysit, omfg. He'd probably let her smoke weed or something. SHE'S TEN.
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ARGH, I hate getting cock-teased about Luffy's true/secret/actual dream cccccccmonnnn tell me???
But it's probably the end all, be all, plot line. We can't be far off now. How much more, 2 years? 3 years? We're getting there.
I've said it before and I am saying it again - the One Piece is freedom.
The kind of freedom only a ship and the wide open sea can provide, literally or otherwise.
THAT is Luffy's dream.
To be free, and to bring freedom to everyone else.
Just like Roger did.
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That notion is as old as the age of piracy itself, mind. And isn't that what the manga calls it, the "great age of piracy"?
I am telling you:
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kenz1e · 2 years
Hey, nice to meet you! I saw that your request is open & you write for One Piece 😌❤️ May i request fluffy headcanons for Monster Trio with Fem!Reader? 😳 What if the reader is the devil queen. I hope my request is safe, do tell me if you feel uncomfortable 😔 Thank you!
a/n: nice to meet you too!! and ofc! oo! devil queen huh? interesting!! oh, and it didn’t make me uncomfortable at all!<3 please do excuse me if i’m a little shitty though💀 but i had so much fun writing this! and i’m sorry for it being a little late:( my sister wouldn’t quit bugging me about going to the mall, but i tried my best to write inbetween shopping! i hope you enjoy this!
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fem!devil queen!reader
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i feel like luffy would most DEFINITELY a touch your horns, wings, and tail, in a playful manner way of course, *smirks* that is if you have them though. otherwise he would probably bug you about using your powers 25/8!
yk whenever he catches fish? yeah, he would ask you to fry them with your fire so he wouldn’t get beaten by sanji (AGAIN.).
oh boy and once he sees you in battle, you bet he has STAR EYES! you look so cool!? he’s so happy to have you as his girlfriend AND a crew mate! whenever you get out of the fight and back onto the sunny, he’s gonna be yelling about how cool your powers were while attached to your back with his arms wrapped around you.
he definitely brags about you to zoro, and to basically everyone (cue sanji sulking in the corner). he can’t help how cool he thinks your abilities are! if i’m honest he probably thinks it’s cooler than sanjis raidsuit😭
and during cuddles in winter he wraps himself around you tenfold with a dorky smile on his face at your natural body heat.
in conclusion: luffy thinks you’re an absolute BADASS
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Roronoa Zoro
zoro definitely plays with your wings/horns/tail just to mess with you, (if you have any ofc) he smirks and mentally takes a picture of your reaction when he sees your expressions.
whenever it’s winter, and he’s taking a nap on the sunny, he may just wake up for a few minutes, go and get you from whatever you’re doing and plop you right down beside him! he might have the physique of a god but he still gets cold sometimes…
since he has a horrible sense of directions at times, yes, you will have to wrap your tail (if you have you yk the drill) around him in order to keep him on the actual path and not off wandering. (totally not requested by the whole crew….)
whenever he sees you in battle, he most definitely looks like he is in the gif. (bonus points if you’re using a sword!) he quite literally goes over to you, and says, "when did you learn that total badassery babe?!” (he may be a little bit sour if you stole his spotlight)
he’d most definitely call himself your devil king though
in conclusion: zoro loves every bit of this
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Vinsmoke Sanji
oh boy, i’m sure you know how sanji is with nami and robin? yeah, he’s like that with you, but tenfold. each time you fight he’d most definitely be like, "Y/NNNNNNN! MY LOVEE~ YOUR FIGHTING STYLE IS ABSOLUTELY DEVIL-ISH!~" and he would be proud of his little pun. (don’t ruin it for him please</3)
he would help you with trimming up some of the spikes on your wings if they got outrageous or uncomfortable, same with your horns! yet ofc while praising you, saying how beautiful you are either way
if you ever believed that he should get with somebody else because of your powers, or how dangerous you are, or any other reason, he might just get on his knees and start saying how you’re a goddess besides how you’re a devil queen, saying how he wouldn’t want anybody else
in conclusion: sanji is madly inlove as always
none of these characters are mine! they all belong to Eiichiro Oda!
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firaloveatea · 4 months
Della met Shanks
With a hint of a smile, Della stands at her rustic oven, the aroma of breakfast filling her cozy, sunlit kitchen. Her daughter, Neon, and her little friend, Luffy, sit in the living room of her quaint home, their voices mingling with the chirping of birds outside. With a mix of curiosity and excitement, the children read a book about beetles and bugs, something that had caught Luffy’s attention, so Della bought him a book to help him work on his reading. There are plenty of pictures and information he would want to know. With a determined look, the stubborn boy would sit there and learn those things, even if he didn’t like reading. Neon, on the other hand, reads just fine for her age. Homeschooling the two came as a small challenge for Della as a parent, one she rather enjoys with the young boy’s stubborn streak.
“Breakfast, kids,” Della calls, setting the table.
“Meat!” Luffy shouts, racing into the kitchen with the book to his chest.
“It smells yummy!” Neon exclaims, climbing into her seat.
Della smiles, watching them eat, “what are you two going to do today?” she inquires. As a mother, she is always curious about her children's plans and eager to support their interests. She takes pride in their independence and growing sense of responsibility, even as she worries about their safety and the challenges they might face.
“Probably head to the forest to see if we can find some beetles,” Luffy grins.
“Luffy, we promised Makino we’d help clean the pub!” Neon argues.
The mother smiles as she watches the two bicker over what item they will do first. Seeing an Eight-year-old and seven-year-old making promises to work around the village warms her heart, as she knows she is helping guide the next generation to some level of responsibility.
“You’re children, go play in the woods,” Della tells them. “Catch me some beetles and we can study them before we release them after dinner.” Luffy yells in excitement, flinging his scrambled eggs across the table, “We get to hunt beetles!”
Neon looks at her mother in confusion, trying to understand why her mother would tell her to break a promise. But Della smiles and kisses her daughter’s head, removing some eggs from her hair, “Makino will understand if you go tomorrow.” Neon, torn between her desire to keep her promise and her eagerness to join Luffy in the beetle hunt, pouts a bit, her brows furrowing in thought.
“If you think so,” Neon pouts a bit.
“You sure like doing work for Makino,” Della comments.
“Makino’s really nice, and it’s good to return the favor,” Neon replies.
“All done!” Luffy says, jumping down from his seat and heading for the backdoor.
“Luffy, put your plate in the sink,” Della calls after him.
“Awww,” he whines, returning and following as told.
By the afternoon, the children race into the house, yelling about pirates. Excitement and joy in their voices as they yell over each other. Jumping up and down and tugging on her hands. Guiding her out of the house and to Party’s Pub. A lot of laughter and cheer comes from the building. Even Della hasn’t seen the pub so rowdy unless a village-wide celebration is in swing. Makino will likely need help if the pirates are this energetic, so soon after entering the town, it seems to spell trouble for the village.
“I’m going to see if there are any kids to play with!” a young girl calls out over the cheers, crashing into Della’s legs. “Whoa, sorry!”
“Are you alright?” Della asks, bending down.
The young girl’s red and white hair stood out. Della knew all the kids in town, but this little girl had come off a pirate ship. It surprises her because of how dangerous life on the sea can be, yet she can tell the girl is happy and healthy. Even her clothes are in good condition.
“I’m fine,” the girl smiles, her large purple eyes taking notice of the Luffy and Neon. “Hi! I’m Uta of the Red-Haired Pirates! Do you wanna play?”
Luffy bounces, “Yeah! Yeah!”
Neon looks up to Della, “Can we play with her?”
The swinging doors open as someone steps out, pausing to see the scene of three children interacting with each other and the young woman with wild waves of ebony black waves. The sweet smile on her face toward his daughter is pure, unbiased and kind.
“Of course, show Uta around and bring her back before dark,” Della tells them. With a cheer, all three kids take off. Luffy exclaims about all the cool things he wants to show Uta. At the same time, Neon tells him that they should see what Uta wants to do. Della can’t help but chuckle as the three go back and forth before using rock, paper, scissors. Luffy losing to the girls.
“Well, I’m glad Uta is making friends,” a man’s voice says. Della turns around to find a man with red hair and three scars over his left eye. The air around him is relaxed but she could sense the beast under that calm and cheerful state. “And here I thought, some local kids wouldn’t play with a pirate’s kid.”
“We don’t judge that easily,” Della assures him. “Neon might be cautious, but Luffy is reckless.”
“Both of them yours?” the man asks.
Della shakes her head, “No, just the girl, but I look after Luffy for his grandfather.”
“I’m Shanks, by the way,” he introduces himself. “I’m captain of this crew, so any complaints come right to me.”
The name rings a bell in her mind, yet she cannot pinpoint it. Someone spoke the name to her before, but she can’t recall the context around Shanks being used.
He extends his hand out to her, which Della takes, “I’m Chaos Della. I’ll keep that in mind, though I doubt they’ll be too much of a bother.”
Shanks's dark eyes look her up and down before his gaze returns to the children. “I feel we will spend some time together, Della.”
“Well, the children need some level of looking after,” she agrees.
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theunderneath · 3 years
Hi 👋 so this is my first time asking and I was wondering if you could do a platonic yandere asl brothers with a young reader (14-13) that isn't very open with others because of family problems, but they still show they care through small cute gestures? 🤔 Ofc you don't have to if you don't want to but if you do, I'd like it in headcanon format. Thanks!
Thanks for asking! I love all of the ASL guys, all dumb guys being dorks.
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Portgas D. Ace
“(Name)! Wanna grab something to eat!”
Ace would ignore how you're so distant. Since he can understand how it feels to be hurt and distance yourself from others. So he is very understanding and not too pushy. Still, he can't help the creeping anxiety in the pit of his stomach.
Ace feels like you hate him, but that’s just his dumb mind and he knows that. Every time you look at him without saying hello or keeping things from him, he feels like he's being pushed away. Which you kinda are but not because of him. Still, he can't help what his brain is telling him.
Those thoughts kinda disappear once you start doing little things for him. If you gave him something. He'll stare down at it like he'd holding a weak child in his arms. Ace stares down at whatever you gave him, whether it be a cool rock or a dead bug with the utmost honor.
If you do something more physically for him. Like getting him food, remembering to bring something he forgot from the house, or even making sure he's drinking enough water. Ace will look at you like a dumbfounded child. Like why are you being nice to him all of a sudden? He'll soften up soon, no worries.
Ace while being a little hard-headed will try and return these small favors. It isn't much but he'll share food, his bed, and even clothes if you want. He can't remember to do the little things because he has shit memory, but he'll try.
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“Come one (Name), talk to me.”
Sabo is very bothered by your apparent distantness. He wants you to rely on him so he can manipulate you better, but in his attempts, he just pushes you away more. He so badly wants to be there for you, he can't help but intrude. He is still very loving but just comes out like a helicopter parent.
When you do small things for Sabo. He is sadly so blind in getting you to like him, that he can't notice them. Sabo might wonder why there are candies in his pocket or why his shoes are shinier than usual, but that's it. There is a small chance he will notice after a long time.
Once Sabo does notice all the little things you do, he'll back off. He comes quickly to the understanding that you show your affection in different ways than his brothers. He'll accept this but he definitely wants you to talk to him more.
Overall he seems a bit pushy at first and takes a lot of time to catch up (even though he sees himself as the smartest of the group) before softening his nagging. Sadly he still is like a helicopter parent in different ways. Always wanting to know where you are or what you are doing. If you're not gonna tell him, he's gonna ask.
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Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy couldn't care less about you being distant. You're still his little sister that he adores. So he's probably the one you'd feel most comfortable with since he doesn't push you to do anything. Like Sabo is a helicopter parent and Ace makes awkward conversations you feel kinda force to continue.
Luffy loves you so he doesn't care to make conversation. He'd just drag you around doing all the things he loves. He'd eat with you, play with you, run around with you. All stuff that doesn't need too much talking.
I think Luffy, as the people person he is, knows you mean no harm when you are so closed off. He can tell that you just feel like not talking, so he won't talk either. He is the one who will pull you out of your shell, making you feel comfortable and pleasant with him.
When you do your small gestures, he won't notice at first. A little too in his dumb little monkey brain while doing things with you. Over time he will start to notice, especially if it has to do with food. Sadly he is afraid if he tells you he's been noticing, you'll stop doing it. So he holds off on that while doing things for you. His things arent as small, mostly protecting you. He shows his thanks like that.
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thegrandlinesimp · 3 years
Eyyyyy! New blog! New blog!! ahdlkasjd
For the Pokemon crossover event, can I maybe request a marimo swordsman with 5 or 7 maybe? Thank you and I hope you have a nice day! :3
Ah yes, from mochi husband to ‘no-left-dumbass-LEFT’ husband, aka my first One Piece boo and the actual reason I got into the franchise.
Thank you so much! I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
Zoro: Which Pokémon do they consider their ace?
Note: since he’s part of the main cast this turned into a list of fights, facts, and moments leading up to how it fully evolved, unlike with Katakuri’s which was more defined
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· So, let’s get this straight, by the time the crew is fighting Kaido, Zoro’s team is filled with bladed/martial arts Pokémon: Gallade, Bisharp, Lucario, Hitmonchan, Parasect (a favourite as Sanji is terrified of Bug Pokémon) and – you guessed it – Aegislash.
· Yeah, Zoro’s ace is a sword, shocking.
· Boi likes attacking alongside Aegislash and calling it ‘Four Sword Style’.
· Wields it whenever he’s down a blade, first time was against Mihawk when his buddy was just a little Honedge.
· Fun fact is, this fine specimen of a haunted sword is shiny!
· But Zoro refuses to believe it as he’s only ever seen his one.
· Mihawk forgot to bring his Aegislash and was mildly pissed when Zoro didn’t believe him.
· While facing Hatchan and his six spinning blades of death, Honedge evolved into Doublade to protect his best friend, jamming his now two sword body into the fishman’s whirlwind of swords and catching Zoro with the dual bits of cloth attached to his hilts.
· This guy is fiercely loyal.
· And some argue a little smarter than his trainer.
· Struggled against Sir Crocodile’s Krookodile due to the terrible type match-up – Crocodile trained his ace exclusively in its Attack so even this Pokémon’s Steel-Type Defense couldn’t handle Krookodile’s chompers. Crunch kept lowering his Defense which it desperately kept trying to counter with Iron Defense but the Ground/Dark-Type was just a little faster in dishing out attacks – sometimes getting two Crunch attacks in before Doublade could buff back up, and Earthquake bought him down for the count.
· Though thanks to now being two blades he could keep up with Zoro’s Three Sword Style whenever they sparred.
· This boi is baby though.
· Cried while following the overgrown Toucannon as it flew away with Zoro and his backpack and nearly rusted himself when the giant Serviper appeared.
· Ended up helping Luffy against Enel as he acted as a pretty good lightning rod.
· Had a good relationship with Usopp and was pissed when Sogeking joined the crew, feeling the sniper had replaced his friend who looked oddly similar in stature.
· While on Thriller Bark Zoro came across a Dusk Stone and asked his near life-long companion if he wanted to evolve, strangely enough, Doublade didn’t.
· He felt he’d be weaker with only one blade again, even if it meant gaining a shield among other things.
· Thankfully Zoro kept the Dusk Stone, cause that shit probably saved his life.
· It was only during the final moments of the battle with Kuma that he changed his mind when Zoro knocked Sanji out, the sword saw no one was going to save his best friend and – once again using its pink cloths – snatched the Dusk Stone out of the swordsman’s pocket, immediately beginning to evolve upon contact with the stone.
· Zoro ended up arguing with Aegislash in front of Kuma: “First you don’t wanna evolve, now you do, make up your damn mind!”
· Then Aegislash pressed itself against the sheaths of Zoro’s swords, bringing its new shield up to protect his best friend.
· Zoro understood, he’d hatched this Pokémon when he was only five, it was his earliest and dearest memory of the two of them; they’d been together for 14 years, he knew exactly what his partner was saying.
· “Maybe I can’t always be your blade, but I can sure as hell be the bearer of your shield.”
· Kuma, ever so slightly moved by the deep display of loyalty, gave both trainer and Pokémon half the damage their captain had suffered each. Which, considering some of that was inflicted by a Tornadus in this Universe and Luffy was actually dying from his injuries (unknown to Zoro), may have saved Zoro’s life.
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