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kkyos · 4 months ago
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Laurence the first vicar and Ludwig the holy blade.. the men you two are 🥹
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madmachaca · 2 years ago
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My matching duckies in one frame.
I love them.
They get along so well and they were the exact same outfit
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nordleuchten · 8 months ago
The Story of Adrienne (1800) and Pauline (1797)
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I often go on and on about how fascinated I am by the time the La Fayette’s and the Noialles’ spend in exile at the estates Wittmoldt and Lehmkuhlen. Many modern books and publications cover this episode only sparsely – and to be honest, at first glance, events like the American and French Revolution for example appear to be the more interesting, more important and more dramatic chapters in La Fayette’s life. I would like to make the point, that the families time in exile should not be underestimated and that many things happen there, that profoundly influenced the La Fayette’s and their kin. This episode is also a fine example of the family interacting with people outside their usual sphere. People from a different country, a different culture, often with different perceptions.
The other day I was reading a book about Wittmoldt, both the Wittmoldt estate as well as the small village by the same name nearby. The book was written by the head teacher of the local school and a large part of his book deals with the school, its pupils and former teachers throughout time. The book mentions a former head teacher, Detlef Ludwig Petersen, who lived at the Wittmoldt estate during a time where Wittmoldt had many different owners and inhabitants – Madame de Tessé, Adrienne de La Fayette’s aunt, among them.
Now, what is so special about Petersen? He and his wife had four children. Three of them were born in Güsdorf, a neighbouring village, before the Petersen’s moved to Wittmoldt. While living at the Wittmoldt estate they had one last child, a daughter named Adrienne Pauline. My interest was immediately peaked since the name was not only very French – in contrast to the very German names of the first three children, but also the names of the French inhabitants of Wittmoldt at the time.
La Fayette’s wife and her aunt were both named Adrienne and there was also a younger sister, La Fayette’s sister-in-law, who stayed at Wittmoldt and that was named Pauline. This could hardly be a coincidence! I had a look at the archival records and found the entry of Adrienne Pauline’s baptism.
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Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche, Kirchenkreis Plön-Segeberg, Plön, Taufen 1764-1800, p. 247.
The child was born on April 23, 1800 and baptised four days later on April 27.
But wait! That is not all!
While going through the records, I found a second child with a name too extraordinary to be a coincidence.
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Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche, Kirchenkreis Plön-Segeberg, Plön, Taufen 1764-1800, p. 203.
Pauline Adrienne Alexandrine was born on September 23, 1797, and baptised on September 29. Not only is her name a direct reference to the two sisters and their aunt, but the record also reveals that both Madame de Tessé, as well as Pauline, Marquise de Montague were witnesses to the proceedings.
The name of Pauline Adrienne Alexandrine’s father does not ring a bell for me, but her mother’s maiden name was Petersen. Now, Petersen is and always has been a very, very common German surname and therefor this could be two different Petersen-families. But Wittmoldt is still a very small village with few inhabitants and things were not looking any different at the turn of the 19th century. It is therefore entirely possible (and in my opinion quite likely) that not one, but two couples in the Petersen-family decided to name their daughter after Adrienne and Pauline.
(I think that the Adrienne, Madame de Tessé, played a bigger role here then Adrienne, Marquise de La Fayette since de Tessé owned Wittmoldt, lived there longer than her niece and was directly referred by name in the records of the 1797 baptism.)
This might not be a big and flashy story compared with some of La Fayette’s exploits during the American Revolution for example, but I like to believe that this is a very human story. The little things, the silent connections that speak of respect and intimate relationships - stories that are history without making history.
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th3m0n4rch3s · 4 months ago
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blackswaneuroparedux · 2 years ago
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O, you men who think or say that I am malevolent, stubborn or misanthropic, how greatly do you wrong me. You do not know the secret cause which makes me seem that way to you, and I would have ended my life - it was only my art that held me back. Ah, it seemed impossible to leave the world until I had brought forth all that I felt was within me.
- Ludwing van Beethoven
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guillottiine · 4 months ago
Wax play??? Naaah yall really wanna hear him go AAAAUAHAUAHHAUOOOOO in your room?? Crazyyyyy
personally i wouldn't but we support freaks in this blog
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las-microfisuras · 10 months ago
“3.3. Para Wittgenstein, los fríos engranajes de la lógica son un elemento conductor. En última instancia su empeño también es ético, y hasta metafísico. Pero los espejos, como las palabras, son hechiceros: quizás contienen el mundo, o quizás solo lo repiten espectralmente. Si se dirigen a lo más alto, hacia el sol, la luz que recogen y multiplican puede cegar la vista. Un trasfondo místico recorre las últimas páginas del Tractatus logico-philosophicus (1921): en la medida en que el autor ha delegado en el lenguaje de la lógica todos los poderes, la obra acaba por declarar, nítidamente, la estrechez de sus límites. Todo está ya dicho en el breve prólogo:
Para consumar la tarea mi fuerza es demasiado escasa. Otros vendrán, espero, que lo harán mejor. La verdad de los pensamientos aquí comunicados me parece, en cambio, intocable y definitiva. Soy, pues, de la opinión de haber solucionado definitivamente, en lo esencial, los problemas. Y, si no me equivoco en ello, el valor de este trabajo se cifra, en segundo lugar, en haber mostrado cuán poco se ha hecho con haber resuelto estos problemas.
Y está de nuevo enunciado en el mismo final de la obra:
Mis proposiciones esclarecen porque quien me entiende las reconoce al final como absurdas, cuando a través de ellas —sobre ellas— ha salido fuera de ellas. (Tiene, por así decirlo, que arrojar la escalera después de haber subido por ella.) Tiene que superar estas proposiciones; entonces ve correctamente el mundo.
7. De lo que no se puede hablar hay que callar.
Lo que no se puede verbalizar es lo que no se puede poner en claro, y lo que no se puede poner en claro es, con diferencia, lo que guarda mayor importancia. Nunca sabremos, con certeza, acerca de la muerte, acerca de Dios o del arte.”
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wispisstillverybored67 · 2 years ago
Latin swear words that I'm 72% sure Ludwig would use to flex his superiority.
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kkyos · 2 months ago
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makeuphall · 2 years ago
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thisgameisaplateaux · 2 years ago
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kkyos · 3 months ago
not really selfship more canon x oc but Rivkah and Ludwig are my doomed by the narrative sweeties 🥺🥺
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Calling #Bloodborne Selfshippers🩸❗️❗️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
I want to doodle bloodborne #ships, as well as make friends with those people 👉👈 Please introduce me your selfship and show me photos❤️
Photo of my Shipi
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angstyhikka · 5 months ago
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Sooo Time loop au...
I have few scenes in my mind but Im not sure if I gonna draw themmm
Also Ludwing wrote a drable! Its in russian but theres not that much so I leave it here for now
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ask-p2-germany · 1 year ago
Who has the bigger moobs/ titties? Ludwing and Lutz or Ivan and Victor 🤔
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months ago
Need Ludwig to slap my cooch 😔 hard
[You might be joking, but I seriously think pussy slapping/grabbing/squeezing is underrated and very hot.]
And that's something he'd like to do.
Given what Ludwig has endured in life and how much of his time has been spent on the surface, he's learned to do something that not many wrathful demons do, which is test the waters. He tests what you may or may not be willing to put up with sexually and silently takes notes.
That doesn't mean that Ludwing doesn't fantasize. Wildly, in fact. When he's at whatever new job he's gotten into, watching time trickle away, perhaps dealing with people that grind his nerves... He thinks about storming home to you, not even a greeting making it past your lips before Ludwig has sunk his claws onto your cunt through your underwear, dragging you to the nearest conveniently placed furniture to get the thoughts railed out of your head. The force of his grip would make you whine, of course, but he wonders if the dirty submission of being led by own genitals would secretly turn you on. Ludwig wants to see if you'd stop him from bending you over, swiping the fabric of your panties away and clapping a rough palm over your poor pussy.
He's no concubus, but when work drags on, when he's caught in a loop, he can only attempt to imagine the sounds you'd make as you try to guess if he's going to crash his hand on your throbbing pussy or slip his fingers inside to reward you.
He'd never admit how much his work hours are filled with daydreams of fucking you to sore tears.
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spanishducktalesheadcanons · 9 months ago
Daphne y Matilda, después de enviudar Dapnhe se acercó a Matilda y debido a su trabajo o por el secuestro Von Drake no convivió suficiente con Gladstone
I've got another weird poll for Ducktales 2017 fans. Who raised Gladstone??
Feel free to comment or reblog with other ideas or answers.
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