#lucy we bare bears
ignitedquils · 8 months
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Remake of my Lucy portrait from 2015!
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wolfboy222 · 9 months
New we bare bears tier list cz new year new me.
(Actually thats j bc i don't like my old tier list so
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Btw i got carried in the mood and did a little bit more just for fun
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(i was very very in doubt to put chloe in the "i'll help you" and about putting grizz on "what homework" btw but ig everything is on its right place)
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Sorryyyyy if you think its ooc i j wanted to do more wbb content since my brainrot on it is getting back. I feel like the puss in boots 2 scene where puss ask perrito "are you still here?" And he answers with "i didn't leave" (me being puss and perrito being my wbb brainrot), so i j wanted to having fun doing it :)
Before isaac defenders come for me, his always bored manner annoys me to the point of (almost) making me want to rip his head off of his neck, i think its pretty cruel to make this guy as ice b's humans version
And thats all folks happy new year watch we bare bears thanks for reading my first 2024 post
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yahoo201027 · 5 months
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Day in Fandom History: April 26…
In hopes of impressing Lucy, Panda has to take care of Lucy's little brother named Clifford while she's away, but found out that taking care of the asthmatic little boy is not as easy as he thought at first. “Lucy’s Brother” premiered on this day, 7 Years Ago.
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lonelyfanboy48 · 6 months
Canadian Freedom Or Hibernation Heartsick Chapters 1-3
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Chapter 1 Grizz’s Solidarity Forthcoming
Panda and Ice Bear took Grizz to one spot of the San Francisco forest after he put on his blindfold from home. They’ve been hiding the surprise from his brother for days, preventing him from anywhere in the forest especially San Francisco ever since they released all the bears from Agent Trout. A lot has changed since bears were fully accepted in society and it wasn’t easy for them to set up the surprise for their brother.
“Are we almost there?” Grizz asked.
“Yes, just keep walking.” Panda smiled.
“Still can’t believe I haven’t spent days in the forest.”
“Trust us, it’ll be worth it.”
“Ice Bear doesn’t mess with surprises.” Ice Bear commented.
They made their way to their destination where a fire took place. In no time, Panda and Ice Bear stopped Grizz in place as Ice Bear untied the blindfold.
“SURPRISE!!!” Chloe, her parents, Darrell, his wife Sofia, Lucy, her brother and boyfriend Clifford and Kale, Ranger Tabes, The Poppy Rangers, Griff, Tom, Isaac, Amanda, Samantha, Kazumi, and Karla shouted, catching Grizz by surprise.
“Wow!” Grizz reacted.
“Happy Bear Solidarity Day!” Panda cheered as the bears, small and big, jumped out of the brushes. They walked up to Grizz and they roared softly, not loud to disturb him.
“Happy Bear Solidarity Day?”
“It’s a holiday Panda and Ice Bear made back in San Francisco a week ago.” Chloe smiled.
“They’re celebrating the holiday over there, but it’s way better doing it here.��� Ranger Tabes added.
Grizz teared up from the sight itself. His friends, brothers, and bears are celebrating a holiday they earned. “This is awesome!”
“You bet!” Griff and Kale replied.
Grizz and his brothers sat down next to the fireplace while the other bears sat next to the other humans. “I never thought we would get our very own holiday!”
“Believe me, it wasn’t easy to make it a holiday.” Panda giggled.
“It’s a long story.” Lucy replied.
“I’m still surprised you managed to get a holiday thanks to a heroic rescue.” Karla commented. “I wasn’t there when you three came back.”
“Surprised you didn’t see it on TV.” Darrell turned to her. “Everyone saw it.”
“I was out of the city.”
“Ohh, that’s right.” Grizz remembered. “You took a trip to Los Angeles for a week.”
“It was the closest place I could take a vacation.”
This gave Grizz a thought when it came to him and his brothers escaping even if it was anything but a vacation. “If you had to escape a corrupt government agent, you would probably have to go far away from California.” Sofia added.
“The bears did tell me their story and about Agent Trout, it’s just it was my first vacation in almost a decade.”
“Not that we blame you, it’s Trout we’ve been worrying about.” Panda replied.
The bear cubs hid behind Amanda’s leg in fear, still remembering how intimidating Agent Trout was. The panda girl picked one of them up, hugging to give it comfort from fear. “We all have a lot to think about but all that matters is that he's arrested and he’s not gonna be released from jail anytime soon.” She nuzzled on the cub.
“I still can’t believe you almost went to Canada.” Clifford replied. “Even if it wasn’t by choice.”
Grizz did tell them why they couldn’t go to Canada, but he didn’t plan out what their new life would’ve been. He wasn’t sure if they were safe, but in the current duration, he and his brothers were far from harm. “I only glorified the idea of going to Canada with my brothers. But we never stepped foot in the land because we did not have passports.”
“Ice Bear never experienced Royal Canadian Mounted Police.” Ice Bear commented.
“Not to mention there’s more bears there from what I saw online.” Chloe replied.
This gave Karla a thought, knowing how Canada has a variety of bears in the high north. She sat by the bears, taking them by notice. “Do you want to go to Canada?” She asked. “Even after everything that happened?”
Grizz and his brothers looked at the bears all wanting to know their answer. “If we had passports…” Soon everyone paid attention to Grizz. “...we still don’t know what life is like there.”
“Life in Canada looks good from the outside.” Diaz replied. “On the inside…”
“It’s a wonderful world to explore.” Murphy added.
The Poppy Rangers loved the idea of going to Canada, but Ranger Tabes still feels unsure. “It is but do you know what adventure it would be like?” She pointed at the bears.
“That’s a great question.” Kale commented.
“You went through a lot.” Tom added. “Everywhere you go, something happens.”
“There’s no avoiding it.” Samantha added.
The bears remembered their journeys, endless and endless journeys even from their house alone. But in a new environment like Canada, they don’t even know what the unexpected would be like.
“I guess we could try giving it a shot but we still need time.” Grizz answered.
“Adventure or experience, we need to plan out before…obviously.” Panda still remembers the whole passport problem.
“Ice Bear qualifies blueprint odyssey.” Ice Bear spoked.
“That’s fine.” Lucy smiled. “Just remind us when you're ready.”
“We'll come if you do, even if it requires passports.” Griff replied.
“Isaac all the way.” Isaac added.
The bears and friends returned to their holiday as they ate marshmallows, heating them over the fireplace. Soon the other bears allowed The Poppy Rangers, Chloe, and Clifford to ride on their backs along with cubs in the front and back. Bear Solidarity Day put the bros back in the mood, hanging out with their friends and how the changed society improved their lives. When it comes to their plans, they get back to that when they head back to their home.
Chapter 2 Mom App In Motion
When everyone left the forest, the bears returned back to their home. When Charlie came over, Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear sat together on their sofa, thinking about their plan after telling Charlie their time with their friends.
“Canada?” Charlie blinked. “You three want to go there?”
“Yes, but we still need to plan this out.” Panda answered. “Passports are the first goal.”
“And taking people along.” Grizz remembered. “We really need to work out some of their schedules.”
Ice Bear knew he would take Chloe along, but there’s one person he wanted to bring, knowing it’ll take weeks until he reunites with her. He made a promise to himself to show her to his brothers but he didn’t know when the time was right.
“Ice Bear?” Grizz taped on Ice Bear’s shoulder. “Thinking of someone to bring along?”
Ice Bear nodded. “Ice Bear will show you tonight.”
Charlie crossed his arms, while looking at the ground. He wanted to come along, but at the same time, he still hasn’t got over his fear of being around humans. “Aren’t you gonna miss me if you do go?”
“Charlie, even if you do come along, you haven’t met all of our friends.” Grizz spoked.
“I was with a few of them when you came back.”
“Yeah up until you headed back to the forest.” Panda recalled.
“I didn’t have anything to do, even when you’re accepted in society, I just wanted to keep my distance from humans. I can’t let go of my fear.”
The bears wanted to help Charlie, but they’re aware how sensitive he is. Aside from Ranger Tabes, they still feel unsure about helping him meet their friends one by one. “We will miss you.” Grizz replied.
“Sorry bears, if only I can figure out a way to work out my problem.”
“It’s not like you couldn’t control your fear.” Panda replied. “I had fears I couldn’t let go.” As they got back to their Canada plan, there was only one way to resolve their passport problem. “Do you think we need someone to help us?”
“What do you mean?” Grizz asked.
“Like having someone to help out with the passports? Not to mention getting us in Canada? Our friends may be willing to come but if they can’t get their own passports on their own, we won’t be able to have our Canada adventure.”
“Ice Bear can’t get through the massive barrier.” Ice Bear commented.
Grizz couldn’t disagree. After the journey he and his brothers went through after being forced to leave San Francisco, they didn’t want the same set back to ruin everything all over again. Then an idea came to Grizz. “Panda, do you still have that Mom App?”
Panda blinked from the idea, he took out his phone while looking at the apps until the one his brother just mentioned. “Yes.” He responded. “I forgot to delete it.”
Grizz took the phone from Panda while pressing the Mom App. “We picked three moms while having one mom…get punished since we couldn’t cancel her.”
“You couldn’t cancel her?” Charlie asked.
“We called her mother, but it had nothing to do with cancel culture.” Panda answered.
When Grizz looked through the section of moms up until the one he picked last time. “This could work.” Grizz showing his brothers a picture of Gayle. “She could take care of not only our passports, but some of our friends too.”
“Wait, should we think about this? You know she embarrassed us and she’ll have to come with us.”
“It’ll be the only way to get to Canada. We can at least reason with her, she can be more than a mom.”
Panda and Ice Bear wanted to believe him, but they wished there’s another way. If they had the choice of picking a different mom, they would get themselves into the same predicament as before. But they agree that out of the three moms they picked, Gayle was the best.
“Okay, but there’s no going back.” Panda sighed.
“Ice Bear prays he doesn’t take violin lessons.” Ice Bear said, taking the risk.
“Charlie, you need to leave right now, the moment we press the button, she’ll be right at the front door.” Grizz pointed at the door.
“Okay.” Charlie makes his way to the back door of the house. “Good luck with your trip to Canada.”
“We'll find something to give you when we get back.”
Charlie felt a little better from their gesture before he headed out, finding a different route to prevent getting attention. Grizz pressed the button on the phone and in no time, Gayle knocked on their door. Like before, they walked up to the door as Grizz opened it, revealing Gayle.
“Oh it's you boys again.” She cheered. “Let’s throw a party to celebrate-”
“No! No! No! No!” Both Grizz and Panda shouted.
Ice Bear pulled Gayle inside while closing the door, placing her on the sofa. “Whoa! Then we can play party video games!”
“Maybe later, but please don’t do anything!” Grizz walked in front of Gayle.
“We support your supportiveness, but do it when we need it.” Panda added. “Even though…that’s not why we wanted you.”
Gayle felt confused after listening to the honesty from the bears. “Then what do you really want from me?”
Grizz sighed while telling the truth. “We want you to help us and our friends…to get passports to Canada.”
Gayle remained silent from the answer she received. She wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t mad either. All she wanted to do is support her boys with her part of the family, while in actuality, she’s only part of an app for services. “Do you love your mom?”
The bears looked at each other, not wanting to hurt her feelings. “Yes.”
“We’re doing activities in Canada. If you help us, we'll do anything to prove to you we love you.” Panda replied.
“Ice Bear won’t keep moms in the dark.” Ice Bear said.
“Well it’s not that I don’t like Canada, it’s just doing passports is the last thing I would want to do.” Gayle speaking honestly. “What kind of trip would it be like in Canada?”
“It’ll…be an adventure!” Grizz coming up for the solution. “We’re maybe separated in groups, but you will have a great adventure.”
“You can hang out with our friends. They’re really fun to be around.” Panda said.
Gayle found the idea appealing, especially with the surprises coming her way. Even a mother who takes their pride seriously, it still wouldn’t hurt to make friends if she helps coming along. She got up from the sofa, walked towards the bears while giving them a big hug.
“I love seeing my boys have their adventures!” She cheered. “Even if I’m not gonna be around for all of you three, you can still tell me everything that happened.”
“So you’re gonna help us with the passports?” Grizz wondered.
“You bet I am!”
“Great, we’re sending you to Ranger Tabes and The Poppy Rangers to help them out, after we play party video games!”
As Grizz turned on his video game system, he gave Gayle her controller and so did Panda. Just when he’s about to give Ice Bear his controller, he made his way to the kitchen. “Ice Bear, it won’t be family without you.”
Ice Bear turned around before heading into the kitchen. “Ice Bear needs an important item before Ice Bear forgets.”
“Oh that’s right, we don’t want to leave a single friend out from the adventure.”
“We’re waiting for y'all.” Panda added.
Ice Bear entered the kitchen while opening the refrigerator. He’s thankful Grizz and Panda didn’t find out soon but his time ran out when the unexpected happened. He took out the necklace, from someone who they forgot to bring, and Ice Bear kept it to himself since. He however doesn’t know if Grizz and Panda will catch on if they meet the person, especially Chloe, who he wanted to tell her about it. He’s lucky enough to get the person’s phone number the last time he crossed paths, but he’s unsure if the person’s willing to accept the trip to Canada.
Chapter 3 Icy B’s Undercover Ally
Later in the night, Ice Bear took Grizz, Panda, Isaac and Chloe to the destination he usually goes during nighttime. Unlike him and Isaac, Grizz, Panda, and Chloe were too tired, planning to go to sleep. They never bothered Ice Bear’s daily nights out, but they were never those types. When they tried to follow him, they couldn’t keep up with Ice Bear riding on Roomba.
“Icy B.” Grizz yarned. “I appreciate you getting your closest friend to come along, but is it really necessary to do it this late?”
Ice Bear turned around while maintaining his balance on Roomba. “Yes.” He responded.
“I have to go to bed, Ice Bear.” Chloe trying to keep her eyes open. “I also need to work out my problem of heading to Canada too.”
“We still have time, but can we not do this at night?” Panda added.
Ice Bear and his group entered the hidden ally only he went to from time to time. He got off Roomba as he knocked on the door but no one responded like last time. He expected the bouncer to answer but after ten seconds, it felt like he wasn’t by the door.
“Hm!” Ice Bear reacted.
“Isaac senses no one’s taking the job as bouncer.” Isaac commented.
Ice Bear looked at the door while eavesdropping on it. He didn’t hear everything from the other side, as if no one’s inside. Then he decided to push the door as it opened, learning it was unlocked the whole time. They all entered inside with all the lights off. Ice Bear clapped twice to have Roomba turn on its flashlight capability.
“I don’t think anyone’s here.” Chloe looked around.
“Are those computers?” Panda pointed.
“And a coffee bar?” Grizz added.
Ice Bear went to the electric switches, turned off when the employees usually keep them on. He turned them on as the red leon lights of the word Coffee lit up. The green lights turned on around the bar, while the computers slowly turned on, taking everyone by surprise.
“So what is the person you wanted us to meet?” Grizz asked.
“Yana.” He responded.
“Who’s Yana?” Panda asked.
Ice Bear then opened the necklace, showing his bros and friends the picture of her and their parents. He pointed at her underneath, her father as they looked at her closely. “How old is that picture?” Chloe asked.
“Twenty years old.” Ice Bear answered.
“Really? How do you know what she looks like now?”
Then they heard the door being pushed open, taking their attention and so did Ice Bear as he closed the necklace. When she saw Ice Bear in person, she wasn’t fazed at all, especially his group with two bears. “Ice Bear never forgets human faces.”
Isaac took notice from the lady with purple highlights in her black hair with a tattoo on her arm. When she walked up to the group, she looked down at Chloe, taking her by surprise. “You must be Yana right?” She backed away a little.
“You catch on quick from him, huh?” Yana smirked.
Ice Bear then walked up to her while handing her the necklace. “Ice Bear kept personal belongings.”
“You had my necklace this whole time?” She took her necklace from him. “I thought I lost it.” She opened it, and witnessed her photo of two parents.
“Wow, an undercover dude.” Grizz commented. “That’s an interesting friend you have, Icy B.”
Ice Bear didn’t want to retort to his brother, but he knew he won’t get the real truth from what his night outs are like. “Ice Bear, brothers, and friends are going to Canada. Ice Bear wants to know if you want to come.” He offered.
“Canada?” Yana responded. “Seems an odd place to go after the many places we went.”
“You went to different places?” Chloe took notice.
“Yes. Places all over the globe, Tokyo, just to name one of them.”
“Tokyo!?” Panda reacted. “Why didn’t you tell us Ice Bear!?”
“Okay, let’s not get over our heads.” Grizz pulling Panda away. “But still, you didn’t tell us about this?”
“Ice Bear wants to be a solo adventurer.” Ice Bear responded.
“Isaac was overthrown by a world traveling bear.” Issac replied.
Yana laughed from Ice Bear’s bros. “I have to say your bros are kind of funny. Not to mention your friend there seems to qualify for missions.” She stared at Isaac. “As for your offer, I’ll take it. Besides from how our troubles got last time, it’s better to go somewhere that isn’t a deathtrap.”
This caused Ice Bear to place his paws on his face, causing his brothers to take notice. “On second thought, it’s better if you never told us what you’ve been doing over night.” Panda awkwardly grinned.
“Why is this coffee place closed with the door unlocked?” Grizz asked.
“I had to quit my job and the people who used to work here abandoned this place due to…Barry finding out where I work.” Yana sighed. “Granted I wish he and his goons would leave me alone, but I knew it would just get uglier.”
“Just hearing the name Barry is someone I really don’t want to meet, just like how I met Agent Trout.” Chloe commented which caused Yana to lean down.
“I’ve heard of him and I saw Ice Bear on TV when I was at a bar. Haven’t heard of him since you came back.” She looked up at Ice Bear while back at Chloe. “If you saw me and him together, we would make an unstoppable team.”
Chloe looked back to Ice Bear, from time to time, they’ve done so much together but when it comes to missions, she looked at Roomba. She wished she experienced what Ice Bear accomplished, but living on the verge of danger is the last thing she wanted. But her attention was turned to Yana’s necklace, remembering her parents. “Do you remember the last time you met your parents?”
“Not much, life was different when I was with them and it changed when I came here.”
“It’s sad that your mom and dad aren’t gonna be in Canada.” Grizz spoked. “I believe it would make your time there.”
“It’s not like I was expecting more. If there's a will there’s a way of getting away from Barry.”
When Ice Bear looked at Roomba, he planned on bringing it along, but was having second thoughts. If Barry is still in San Francisco, he could find his home and rob it. But if he does bring it, he could encounter him with him being a step ahead of him. However with Yana by his side, she’s right about him and her being an unstoppable team. And with Isaac by his side, he has no problem telling him everything.
“Ice Bear makes sure our trip is harm free.” He responded.
“I’ll pack up and I’ll come when you’re ready.” Yana smiled. Just when she’s about to head out, she turned around. “By the way, I found your little kid my favorite.” As she headed out, it caused Chloe to smile a bit.
“Looks like I’m gonna be making a friend in Canada.” Chloe replied. “If I can still resolve to go to Canada.”
“We’re still working it out.” Grizz looked at Chloe. “Do you need to convince your college principals your trip to Canada is important?”
“They wanted me to do research in Canada, but I turned it down. Too much work for me to handle nor have fun.”
“You could write a story about your experiences in Canada.”
“Yeah, it’s still an adventure and it’s also your adventure.” Panda added.
“Ice Bear’s happy to read Chloe’s Canada adventure.” Ice Bear replied.
“Okay, I’ll tell them that.” Chloe smiled. “That’s something I would have fun to do.”
“I do want you to meet someone tomorrow. Ranger Tabes, Griff, and Karla are gonna come also. If he wants to come, that is.” Grizz placed his paws on his body. “I still can’t believe you haven’t heard of him yet.”
“Isaac is aware of celebrity animals, but never knew them personally.” Isaac commented.
“I can tell he won’t like Ranger Tabes at all.”
“I’m still looking forward to meeting him. Especially since I might make a friend with someone we just met.” Chloe said.
“Trust us, he’s not gonna be like Yana.” Panda replied. “Anyway, we should head home. Me, Lucy, Clifford, Kale, Kazumi, and Tom are gonna go to Amanda’s house first thing in the morning.”
The Bears and two humans left the coffee building as Ice Bear took Chloe home, the same way he did after the camping day he had not too long ago. The moment he arrives in Canada with Yana by his side, he’ll be prepared if any foe similar to Barry or Trout gets in his way.
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cherrybear-artist · 2 years
Can we all agree that making the bears (mostly panda) fall in love with a human girl in the show is very weird and wrong? like, if they were humans who can turn themselves into bears it would not be a huge problem to me, but noooo "let's make a panda bear, a ANIMAL being obsessed about getting a HUMAN girlfriend because it's fun watching that 💕💕💕💕"
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Safe Keeping | 3
Part 1 2 3 4
"What say you, lady? Don't you think the Hound would make a fine husband? He would protect you, yes, and you would bear him many babes." I curtsy again but this time, my voice falters when I speak, "I- I think he would," I turn to my left, "Lord Sandor would make a fine husband... a fine father."
Sandor Clegane x Reader | 6k+ | cw: fem!reader, forced marriage, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, emotional unavailability, The Hound being abrasive, jealousy, canon typical casual misogyny/violence, themes/mentions of menstruation/pregnancy/miscarriage, baby fever, typos, etc.
A/N: i made a bunch of shit up in this this chapter so just roll with it (: originally posted on ao3 but felt like posting it on here
Tagging: @otteropera @poisonsage808 @glitterandgoldfinds
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I blink harshly and pinch myself, willing my body awake. I force my eyes wide open, doing my best to make sense of the surroundings that were cloaked in black.
We were heading to my family's abandoned estate in the Brown Wood by the Sterling Rivers; finally, the people there would have a present preceding lord to govern them.
I had not been to the estate since my family was murdered when I was 10 and 3. There was a dread and an excitement that tingled in my body at the idea of return.
Right now, however, my head was starting to hurt from sleepiness.
It seemed we could cease for nothing. We, or rather, the horse and Sandor, have been walking for what felt like ages towards naught.
"Perhaps we should stop for the night," I turn to the Hound from atop my horse, whose face was barely visible in the darkness.
"And do what, little girl?" he groans, "you wanna sleep in the mud?"
I feel Lucy lean further into my shoulder from behind. She nuzzles into my neck and sighs; her arms, which were wrapped around me, loosened as she deeper fell into slumber. Daisy, too, was asleep. Much like Lucy, she nuzzled into Sandor's neck, who's been carrying her since King's Landing.
"Our options are currently limited," I tell him.
He scoffs, "a prissy lady like you thinks she can catch a wink of sleep with her head on a rock?" The Hound adjusts his hold on the reins of the horse, "if you find it hard to sleep on horseback, gods, do I have news for you."
I knit my brows at his words, "I don't find it hard to sleep. I'm choosing to stay up with y-"
"And which of us asked you to do that?" he scoffs and eyes me, "shut your mouth and sleep."
"You've been walking for leagues," I whine, "yours and the horse's backs must hurt from carrying-"
"Then shall I throw you away?" he snaps and stops in his tracks. The horse neighs at the sudden halt. I tighten Lucy's arms around me as I look down at him.
He was truly so large; even now as I was perched upon a steed, he barely had to crane his neck up to look at me.
"It'll be fucking easier for me to get by without 3 bitches weighing me down."
I turn away and huff.
Regardless of this, unlike most times, I feel no threat with his words. If he really wanted to get rid of us, he wouldn't have taken us in the first place. This much I knew. Still, I keep my silence on the matter and mutter instead, "I hope we find lodging soon."
Sandor scoffs and continues walking. He adjusts his grip on Daisy as he looks forward, "your hope is just as helpful as your dollies, little girl."
It's nothing short of a miracle that wandered to a town and found an inn. The moment I thanked the gods tough, they laughed at my face.
We flock outside the inn and Sandor immediately calls the worker girl carrying a bucket of potatoes, telling her to prepare us a room. She turns to him, swallowing the immediate terror she felt over his appearance, and choked out there were no rooms left for many claimed rooms tonight. She says we should try the inn another town away.
You could guess how much The Hound liked that.
The girl and I both gasped when the massive man blocked her passage and imposed upon her, "I suggest you fucking make room for us."
"Sandor!" I cry out, feeling Lucy wake behind me.
The girl drops her bucket; it breaks with a crash and out spills the potatoes. She scrams to pick it all up.
Daisy whines in shock of the noise, wakes, and lifts her head. I pull Lucy's arms off me when Sandor kicks the girl's bucket away. She squeals and falls on her bum just as I jump down from the horse gracelessly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I stand in his way before he can do anything further to the girl. This causes us to collide and I shuffle back in contact. My feet hit the girl's legs and I lose my balance.
I yelp the same time the Hound grabs me by the arm and snarls, "you stupid fucking girl!"
He rips me into his chest. His iron grip on my arm stings so bad I feel my eyes water. I hiss, "let go of me!"
Daisy begins to stir in his arms. She barks and he wrangles out of his grip. The Hound releases the both of us; the dog jumps out of his arms and comes to my side.
At this point, Lucy is wide awake and jumps off the horse. She fixes her satchel around her and comes to my side. She asks me if I'm hurt and rubs my arm as I did. I tell her to help the girl up as I glare at Sandor.
Daisy is losing her mind barking. It makes the Hound more furious than he was already. He tries to kick her, but Daisy was thankfully quick and managed to run off before he could hit her. She continues barking behind me.
I walk towards him when he makes an attempt to hurt Daisy again. I block his path and grabbing his thick arms, "STOP IT!"
The Hound's eye twitches. He reaches out and yanks my head back by the hair, "you really think you can stop me?"
I whine. I grab the hand on my hair, "she's just a child! It's not her fault there are no more rooms!"
The Hound growls. He releases me roughly.
I shuffle back.
Lucy glares at him as she collects the potatoes and gives it to the weeping girl; she gathers them in her skirts.
"I'm doing this for you, hen-peck," The Hound quips, "and you'd prefer to make me suffer all the way to the next rat infested village!"
"That's not what I'm asking you to do!" I rebut, blood pumping hot with anger, "I'm asking you to leave the girl alone because she's done nothing but be honest to us!"
A chill runs down my spine when I hear him laugh; it's the first time I've ever heard him make such a sound.
"You know what happens to you lot of honest people?" he steps forward and leans down to meet me eye level. I step back but hold his gaze. He he snorts then spits by his side before straightening up, "we lot kill you."
I am equal parts frustrated and scared when he turns around and walks off. Gods know what he will do now.
I call out to him, "I'll find us lodging! I swear it!"
"You go do that, little girl," he growls back as he disappears into the thicket.
I release a breath as I turn around and walk up to Lucy and the girl. Daisy finally stops barking.
"Forgive me, sweet girl," I mutter as I help the weeping thing up. I give Lucy a look and she immediately nods and goes through her satchel. I frown at the girl and brush away the hair sticking to her dampened face, "my husband has rough hands and a sharp tongue."
Her face falls upon hearing this.
Lucy pulls out a coin and shows it to her before slipping it between her belt.
"For your trouble, my dear," I pull away from her, "I hope no one will bother you again tonight."
With that, the girl curtsies and walks off.
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"Would you like some wine, my lady?"
I turn to the man, sat diagonal to me. He gives me a beaming smile from ear to ear, hazel eyes twinkling with the morning sunshine. His his rosy cheeks are framed by his mousy blonde hair. He motions to his servant, but then changes his mind a second later. He stands from his seat on the table and grabs the ewer, ready to pour me a glass.
I cover the chalice before me and smile, "water is enough for me, my lord. Thank you."
"Oh," he raises the object, "please. This is special wine from my uncle's vineyard. I tell you there is none like it."
Lucy, sat to my right, lifts her eyes as she chews the duck we had been served.
I shake my head, "I do not doubt it. I do not think it appropriate for me to drink wine, however."
"Nonsense," he shakes his head and smiles, "a cup of wine in the morning will get your blood pumping."
"No, Lord, I do not make issue of drinking during this time of day," I purse my lips, "I mean I am..." I trail off trying to think of the simplest way to explain it, "expecting."
The man tilts his head in confusion.
"Of course, I am uncertain, but..." I turn to my lap then turn back to him.
Lucy chews slowly as she straightens up beside me.
"... I could be with child."
The man freezes upon hearing that. His lips part and his arm slowly lowers.
I offer him a soft smile. He makes a cautious sound, "my apologies, Lady Clegane."
"No. All is well, I assure you, Lo-"
"No," he clears his throat, "it was quite impertinent of me to press upon such a thing with a lady," he nods, "you have taught me a valuable lesson."
I let out a polite chuckle, "glad to be of service, Lord Alistair."
"Please, the Lord of house Alistair is my father," he smiles, "I bid you call me Cedric."
Lucy pretends to clear her throat and then grabs her cup. Our host sees this then stands up to offer, "perhaps you would like to try the wine instead?"
Lucy blinks and looks between him and I. I give her a look then she says, "don't mind if I do, milord."
I chuckle under my breath.
He pours her a cup and she immediately drinks it.
She lets out a breath, "wow. Cedric's right about the wine!"
Both of us perk in shock of Lucy's words.
"Lucy!" I quip.
"What, milady?" she makes an innocent face, "it really is god wine!'
"You cannot call our Lord by his name!"
"But he said not to call him Lord Alistair!"
My jaw drops, "Lucy!"
Cedric laughs, "no. She is right. I did say that." He looks between us, "I pray both of you call me by my name."
I turn to Cedric but do not get to respond as Lucy does it for me, "I am your obedient servant."
Cedric laughs and we make small talk as we continue to finish our morning meal.
Cedric Alistair was a most courteous host. Last night, as our options went dry, I asked the townsfolk where their lord resided, and we walked all the way to the Alistair stronghold in hopes of amity. We were met with much more than that
Not only did he feed me, Lucy, Daisy, and the horse, but he had his servants draw us baths and give us a change of clothes. He refused any of the coin I had to give him, and said it was only right to host a lady this way. He even said he would also have his men look for my missing husband.
Sandor wandered off after our squabble, thus we looked for a place to stay ourselves. I knew partially, he probably needed this time to cool his temper, but I obviously didn't want to be separated from him. And yet, the idea of having Lord Alistair's men look for the Hound made me anxious, as I knew the chances of a fight breaking out between them was high. In the end, told him he did not need to deploy his men because my husband would find his way to us eventually.
Cedric chuckled in surprise when I told him this, remarking I must have quite the capable husband.
Neither of us expected him to walk into the room in the middle of our conversation.
I stand from my seat when I spot him, "Sandor!"
Lord Cedric stands with me.
The Hound is expressionless, save for the way his brows were furrowed. His skin and armor is still covered in blood from the battle of the Blackwater; it's now dried up and brown. His hair and beard is matted.
Daisy, who had been graciously kept indoors and was being fed at the end of the room, runs as fast as her three legs can take her, towards the Hound.
Lucy finds herself standing because of this. She runs up to Daisy, who was now near Sandor. She scolds the dog who is excited to see him. Sandor ignores them both and heads towards me. I meet him halfway, looking his body once over.
Sandor halts when I place my hands on his arms. In truth, the action was instinctive. Seeing him like this in daylight was making my stomach churn. I look up at him, "this is not your blood, right?"
His eyes look heavy as he looks down at me. He huffs, "no."
I nod in relief, "here," I pull away and motion to my seat, "you can have my food-"
"Nonsense," Cedric interjects, turning from us to the entrance of the dining room, "could someone prepare a plate for Lord-"
Sandor reaches past me and grabs the duck on my plate, stuffing it into his mouth.
Cedric turns to him as he does this.
I ask, "could I request a damp cloth?"
Lucy finally calms Daisy down and convinces her to go back to her bowl and finish eating.
Cedric eyes me, then Sandor, then the entrance, "and a damp cloth!"
I watch as Sandor devours the meat, "where did you sleep last night?"
He huffs as he chews. "On a rock in the fucking forest," the Hound grumbles before swallows the duck in his mouth.
I frown at him, "we tried looking for you for a while after you stormed off, but I did not want to lead us any deeper into the forest beyond what torchlight touched."
Sandor gives me a nod, "smart girl."
The compliment fades in an instant when he pushes me aside and sits on my spot, finishing whatever was left on my plate. Cedric and I watch him eat. At the same time, two servants come in with a plate and cutlery, and a small basin bowl and a cloth.
"Good morn, milord," Lucy curtsies at Sandor, who spares her a glance but nothing more.
I circle around to grab a chair from across Sandor and bring it to his side. Cedric holds back whatever he is meant to say as he watches me thank his servant for the bowl and cloth, and prop it on the chair I took.
"Stop!" I hiss at Sandor,  just as he reaches to a leg of chicken with his bare hand.
The Hound pulls back and turns to me with slightly wide eyes. In contrast, Lucy's eyes are as big as the moon.
I wring out the towel before taking Sandor's left hand, wiping it. I mumble, "I know you're starving, but you should eat with clean hands, my Lord."
Cedric finally sits down on his chair. Lucy turns to her own hands and wonders if she should wash after touching Daisy.
Sandor gives me his other hand to clean, silently watching me do this.
"Would you like milk of the poppy for your wounds, Lord Clegane?" Cedric asks, unable to tear his eyes from the man's face, "for your burn?"
I turn to him when he says this while. I motion to Sandor, wordlessly allowing him to continue eating now. I wash the towel in the basin, "he's not inju-"
"I would like some milk," Sandor says as he tears himself some chicken.
I furrow my brows at this, turning to him, "but you said-"
Cedric is about to call the order but then my husband's voice cuts him off. The Hound blurts just as I begin to wipe his face, "but only if it's from my wife's teat."
Lucy begins to choke on the wine she was drinking.
My freeze in my spot. I feel my face burn like a thousand suns.
There is a thick tension in the air, only thinned by the sound of Lucy's coughing.
I don't know what to say and so I decide not to say anything. I simply wipe the man's face with bit more force than necessary. He didn't even seem to notice.
The Hound eyes Lord Alistair the whole time he eats. It makes both the Lord, himself, and I severely uncomfortable.
"Sandor," I scold warily.
He does not turn to me as he picks up a cup, "wife."
I watch him chug down water then turn to me. The Hound asks, "you want some duck?"
I do my best not to roll my eyes.
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The horses grazed as we took a break near a river. I watch Sandor kneel down by the water and wash his face. I scoff at him, sitting down on a rock.
We were on our way to my family's estate again. Cedric had been kind enough to offer us each a horse. The Hound, however, was too proud to accept a horse for himself, arguing he would not be able to carry the stupid bitch if he got on horseback.
He also rejected a bath, as 'we ought to not waste daylight.'
I look around the surroundings, finding solace in the fact that at least the weather was clear and kind. I watch Daisy run around and dig a hole with her paws; her broken leg did not really help, and yet that did not stop her from using it. I smile at the animal.
I watch Lucy lean into her horse and stroke it's mane. I can barely make out what she was whispering to the steed Cedric gave her. Still, the sight intensified my smile.
I so badly want to give them a good life.
I turn to the tree by my side. I remember how we used to have a tree in Brown Wood, how my father made my brothers and I a swing himself. I want that. I want to do the same for my children. I wonder if that tree was still there. I gasp when I spot a squirrel on the branch.
The Hound is immediately alerted by this and grabs his hilt, "what is it?"
"A squirrel," I point and stand. I walk over to the tree, "look, it's so little!"
Sandor makes a noise and makes a face, "Little?" he releases his grip, "what like you? Shall I get it for you as a pet?"
I turn to him, shocked by his offer. He would get a pet for me?
He walks towards me, "I won't be the one to kill it. Your dog will."
My expression morphs into a scowl.
He clicks his tongue twice then whistles. Daisy barks in response and follows after him. I am somehow angered by her obedience to him. I scoff under my breath, "I suppose dogs recognize each other."
The moment I see Daisy's excitement towards him, I regret speaking such harsh words. I'm glad Sandor did not hear it.
Lucy watches me as I walk up to my horse. Sandor takes me by the waist and lifts me with no fuss. I easily mount the horse and look down at him. I finally find it in me to bring it up after a painfully quiet travel, "you did not have to be so icy to Lord Alistair. He was a temperate host."
Sandor chuckles dryly and grabs the reins of my horse. He begins to walk. Daisy walks beside him as he says, "I'm sure he'd love to warm your bed. And I'm sure you'd want him to."
My face falls at his accusation.
"I'm sure you'd let him."
"Do not speak so low and surely of me, Hound!" I hiss, "these words you sputter weigh heavily on the both of us."
He chuckles again, "is that supposed to be a threat?" He turns to me, "you think I give a shit about words?"
"Well, I do!" I snap, eyes watering in anger and frustration, "and your words hurt me!" I turn away from him, "I have done nothing but try to please you, and you do nothing but try to hurt me!"
"Please me," he grumbles and looks away, "you've done nothing but nag and slow me down!"
I ignore him as I ruefully wipe away my tears, cursing myself for crying over him again.
The Hound is about to bark another string of complaints but stops himself as he whips back at me. He looks for a second, adjusting his hold onto he reins, then turns away, "you should have married the likes of fucking Lord Alistair, little squirrel."
I scoff and shake my head at his new nickname, "well, I didn't choose you, didn't I, Hound?"
Lucy's looks at me, lips parting at sound of the remark.
Sandor turns to Daisy, watching her keep up with him with her three paws, "no, you did not."
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We were finally... home.
It was the dead of night when we arrived, and my family estate was as abandoned as ever. The place was called Brown Wood, as it was near a forest which was home to many brown bears. The forest extended to the Sterling Rivers, which got its name for it's clear waters where you could fish for gold. It used to be a haven for both men and beasts alike, now, it was a ruin of darkness.
The people that remained there stayed as far from the forest as they could, fearing what lurked in the shadows.
Sandor had to open the gates himself, as there would be no one to do it for us. The moment we were inside, a chill ran down my spine.
"This was your home, milady?" Lucy asks, looking around the place as our horses tread inside.
I sniffle and offer a smile, mostly to mask the fear building in my stomach, "it wasn't always like this."
"How old were you when you left again?" she asks as she readies to dismount her horse.
Sandor shoos Daisy away before reaching out to help me down. I reply before I do, "10 & 3."
I huff as Sandor sets me down. I look up at him. He looks down on me, pulling his hands that lingered too long away from my waist. Daisy begins to run around and bark. The Hound walks off and shushes her.
Lucy takes my arm and we go inside together.
I thought if we lit candles and the fireplace, I'd feel less scared, but I think I was terrified now. I thought that if I ignored that feeling as I showed everyone around my old home, I'd feel better, but I didn't.
Lucy had decided to take the room near the kitchen, so she wouldn't have to walk so far in the mornings to cook for us. I wasn't exactly sure where Daisy was. It was now only Sandor and I walking down the halls. I was leading us to the master bedroom with a single candle in my hand.
I open the door and step in, "here it is."
I turn to Sandor, stood by the door. I place the candle down my the bedside table. He surveys the room, taking in the cob webs and the dusty furniture, "it's big room."
I lick my lips, "it was bigger in my head, but... it must have just been because I was a child when I was last here."
Sandor looks at me and nods, "I will sleep in the room beside you."
"Wha- wait!" I step forward.
Sandor's boots skid on the floor as he stops himself.
"Y-you're-- y-you're not going to sleep with me?"
Sandor grips the knob, "have I ever slept with you before?"
I feel like I'm going to be sick.
A moment of silence passes.
"You could start sleeping with me now," I offer weakly as I motion around, "there's more than enough space for the two of us."
Sandor shifts before speaking, "I'm going to take a bath before going to bed." And with that, he closes the door behind him.
I gasp when he does. I feeling a heavy dread sliver up my spine.
I roll my shoulders back and roughly brush my arms. I light the other candles in the room and busy myself with changing the sheets. There was a bittersweetness in doing so. This used to be my parents room. I knew where they kept their things and all their things were still in place. One would wonder why every item was still intact and untouched, but then one clearly does not know the horrid tales that befell Brown Wood.
I rip the sheets off the bed, coughing as dust flew around. I do my best attempt at changing the sheets and chuck the musty ones by the edge of the bed.
Once I gave up in fitting the sheets the way Lucy did, I huffed and undid my dress, remaining in nothing but my shift. I then hid under the covers.
My exhaustion should have made it easier to sleep, but the setting was triggering my memories. It wasn't long until I was recounting the one I hated the most. Fear was clawing at me, and soon enough, my mind was playing tricks.
The next thing I knew I was frozen in bed, too petrified to move, but wanting nothing more than to get up and flee, to where, I did not know. I begin to feel tears stream from my eyes, but I'm too scared to make a noise, too scared that it will bring forth the darkness lurking in the shadows.
Somehow, I eventually manage to convince myself to call a name, I do this against a pillow though. Slowly, I call the name louder and louder until I was screaming into the bed, "SANDOR!"
I burst into a shriek when I feel something touch my shoulders.
"IT'S ME! It's me!" he groans, ripping my blanket down, turning me to face him. I sit up and grab hold of his arms. I look at his face, I look at Sandor's alarmed expression. He was in nothing but his breeches but that didn't stop me from grabbing his bare shoulders as I sobbed.
"What's wrong, squirrel?" he pushes my hair away from my face, "why are you calling out to me like this?"
I feel him wipe my cheeks. I miss the gentleness of his touch because I'm too wrapped up in my terror.
I shake my head, "I can't do it."
"Do what?"
"Sleep on my own," I choke out, grabbing his wrists, "please."
Sandor remains still as I move closer to him.
"I swear to you I will stay on my side," I shake my head rapidly, "I will not move. I will not make a sound. I will make myself as small as possible, but I beg that you sleep with me, that you stay with me."
Sandor considers my desperation in silence.
I whine when he pulls away. I repel his actions and throw myself onto him, "please-"
"I'm just going to get my shirt."
"There are shirts here!" I say as I grab his arm and stand from bed. I drag him towards the closet and hand him my one of my father's old shirt. I get on my tiptoes and begin to put it on him. He grunts as I do this, but lets me do it anyway.
"I got it," he quips when I try helping him put the sleeve on.
I watch him put on the shirt. It looked a bit tight on him but I couldn't care less, he would have to make due. I grab his bicep, "so, you'll stay with me?"
Sandor eyes me, pushing his hair back, "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
I release a breath, "I swear," I shake my head again, "I will not make a fuss! I am a light sleeper! If I do something, simply wake me so that I do not both-"
"I get it," Sandor says, pulling his arm away. I follow him closely as he steps into bed. I quickly follow after him, taking the smallest portion of the bed possible.
"I'm not that fucking massive, girl," he grumbles once he's on his side.
I turn to him, "I don't want to-"
"I'm bothered with you sleeping so on edge that you're going to roll off any second."
I scoot a tad closer to him.
Sandor makes himself comfortable. I slowly let myself do the same.
I anticipate an interrogation from him. I'm sure he wanted to ask why I was crying, why I wanted him here, why I'm so scared, but they never come. He just lays there with me in the quiet. I instead find myself focusing on the sound of his breathing as a distraction to my racing mind. I eventually tire myself out and slowly doze off.
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I wake up with a groan. I bite my lip and reach out to the other side of the bed. Empty again.
I sigh and roll under the covers. I freeze when I feel a dampness between my thighs.
I push myself up and pull the sheets down as I sit up. A pool of red was seeping through my shift. A panic shoots through me. I clutch my belly, mortified as I rip up my skirt and see how much blood I've lost. Was this...
I lie back down and try to count the days that I last bled and the day Sandor and I laid together.
I release a breath. The counting is both calming and frustrating.
I sit back up and call, "Lucy!"
I stand from the bed and pull the sheets off, "Margaret!"
I walk to the closet and fish for a change of clothes, "Annetta!"
A voice from afar calls out, "coming, milady!"
Lucy was the one that responded. She gasps when she walks in, eyes immediately on the red of my otherwise white attire, "you're-"
"Not with child," I finish for her, looking over my shoulder, "is a bath prepared for me?"
Lucy takes a moment before nodding, "yes. It's why it took me a while to get here," she walks over to the sheets, "the girls didn't prepare the bath the way you like it."
"I do not mind not having lavender," I pull out a dress from the closet.
"Well, I mind," Lucy turns to me, "you have been aching for a two days now."
I hum, "and now we know why," I motion to the bed she was fixing.
Lucy takes my arm before I can walk off to the bathroom. She speaks my name; she says it in a soft and wary manner. I purse my lips and turn to her. I raise my brows expectantly.
She clenches her jaw, "do you think it is monthly blood or..." Lucy's face hardens.
"My love," I shake my head and offer a smile, "it is simply my that."
My handmaiden is unconvinced, "it's been three moons since you've bled."
"And has that not happened to me before when I was a maiden?" I tilt my head and brush her hair behind her shoulders.
The both of us turn to the door when someone knocks. I tell whoever it is to enter and in comes Annetta. The young farmer's girl was one of the now many servants in Brown Wood. Her eyes widen when she sees the red on my clothes. She scrambles to get something to cover me. I chuckle and assure her it is alright because I will be bathing anyway.
This haunted place lost its ghosts once we took in people to employ. The estate now resembled something like that of my childhood; plenty of rooms were now being used, people were bustling in and out, only except now, all the responsibility was glaringly obvious to me for it was my responsibility... and Sandor's.
It was tedious work, managing a house, managing an estate, managing the whole expanse of what was within the Brown Wood and the Sterling River. The Hound was keen on being obvious to how tedious it was.
I am partially grateful that he was doing his duties-- no, I am grateful that he was. But-
"My Lord," I rise from my seat on the dining table when I see Sandor march down the halls towards me. I smile softy and nod, "good morrow."
"Nothing's good about morrows," he grumbles. Sandor draws the chair at the head of the table back with a screech. He looks down at the table. He turns to me and asks, "where's the grub?"
I decide not to respond and only look over to where the kitchen was, calling for the servants. I sit down and smile when I turn to him, "I was hoping you would join me today."
Three servants walk in carrying our plates of food and an ewer. The Hound watches them place it down and leave.
I stand up again when he takes his plate, "please."
"You know I've got no time for this," he hisses in annoyance, "I have a bunch of sorry fucks' complaints to listen to-"
"I can do that!" I place my hand on my chest, "I can fill in those duties for you."
Sandor freezes.
I turn to the table, "I wanted to speak to you about these things as we ate."
My belly swirls at his silence.
I turn back to him and catch the way he rolls his jaw and wrists. I manage to repress the way I jolt at how he roughly sits himself down. I take a deep breath before sitting down.
The Hound immediately feasts. He makes soft sounds as he chews. The cutlery clanks against the china.
I begin to eat as well, "did you wake before sunrise again?"
He responds by stuffing more food in his mouth.
I look at him as I chew. I look at his burn scar, where his hair started and ended on that side of his face. I notice at how, though he is quick to eat, he is mindful not to get anything on his beard. I notice how he not once looks back at me.
"You needn't wake so early," I offer softly, "you can have someone else-"
"None of the sorry fucks in this town know how to use a sword, not properly. Once I train a few of them, they can train themselves," he takes the ewer and pours himself a cup of wine. He mutters as he brings the cup to his lips, "they keep complaining about the woodland monsters stealing their sheep, but I reckon it's them thieving on each other."
I put my silverware down, "you might not believe it, but the woodland monsters are real."
The Hound sets his cup before him and continues to eat.
I feel a frustrated ire build in me, "I've told you, those creatures are what killed my family. You saw my scar. You know why I cannot sleep without you."
"I didn't say I didn't believe your story," he finally turns to me, "I said they're stealing each other's sheep."
I turn back to my plate and cut up my food, "will you investigate the theft then?"
"What for?" he continues to eat, "I scared those pricks shitless. If anyone is stealing, now they won't."
My face twitches at the thought.
Sandor notices.
He chews for a moment before asking, "what?"
I tense as I turn to him.
He looks expectantly.
I purse my lips tightly before curving it into a smile, "you have been working tirelessly and have... very surely established lordship to Brown Wood, a role that is immensely different to the one you used to have. I know that this is not the life you want or ever thought of having, but I am grateful for your a-"
"You don't have to shield my heart and kiss my ass, squirrel," he leans back on his chair and waves impatiently, "get to the point."
I lick my lips and huff, "your time in service has hardened you, as it would any other man. It has helped you become the valiant warrior you are, but--" I cut myself off to gently mutter, "I feel your way is a bit too coarse."
The Hound says nothing.
I straighten up, "that is why I would like to take upon your load of relating with the people," I reach for the ewer and pour myself some wine, "in this way, you will not have to rise so early to fit all your errands in a day."
He places his hand atop my cup when I try to pick it up.
I pull my head back as he straightens up, "you know I used to wake at the ass crack of dawn for the stupid boy-king, doncha?"
My stomach drops when he leans in.
"So, what?" he narrows his eyes, "you'd do all the talking by yourself?"
I gulp, "ideally-"
"Ideally," he chuckles and pulls away.
"-so that you may use that time for your other responsibilities, your patrols. That is something you're much more accustomed to."
My skin pricks as when laughs harder. It felt like his amusement was laced with poison.
He shakes his head and sighs deeply. He looks at me for a good long moment then tilts his head, "you think I can't do it."
I furrow my brows.
"You think I'm an imbecile who can't solve petty arguments between illiterate boneheads," he begins to flare, "and you don't want the pretty memory of your dead fucking family to be tainted by my monstrosity."
I am appalled by his words, "that's not what I said!"
"You didn't need to," he nods, "shackled to a Hound, you ought to use him like one, right? Never mind giving him a chance."
I feel like a stake pierced through my ribs. His low chuckle squeezes my heart. I rebut, "that is not what I meant."
"And what did you mean?!"
"I want to help you!" I fight back the way my eyes wanted to water, "I want to share your burden! I grew up watching my uncle speak to his people in his house, while you grew up learning the ways of the blade. What I offer is a more logical setup."
"Just like it was logical of you to keep a three legged dog," he quips back.
I scoff in disbelief.
"I suppose you want me to hunt the creatures that butchered your family next, huh?" he scratches his beard.
My face drops at the thought. I rapidly shake my head I disagreement.
He clenches his fist and grits his teeth, "why not? Maybe then you can have your kid with that pretty boy-lord across the meadow."
His words make belly contract. I clutch my belly, painfully aware that I was bleeding between my thighs this moment.
"I'm not with child," I blurt out, unable to contain my tears any longer.
Sandor is freezes, at the sight of the tears and the statement.
"I woke up bleeding," I say between cries, "I've never been regular bleeder. It's not unusual for me to skip through multiple moons."
The next words he says butchers me.
"Maybe it's the gods' will for you not to be a mother."
I stare at him in horror after hearing this. His blank expression is chilling to the bone.
He suddenly stands, "there's always something awry when we speak, and you always end up weeping."
Is this why he thinks I shouldn't be a mother?
"In any case, we ought to not speak to each other at all."
My jaw drops. I nearly choke on my heart, "now you don't even want to speak to me."
"Look at yourself," he raises a hand, "you don't want to speak to me."
"Because you are treating me so cruelly!" I spring up from my seat.
The Hound shakes his head, "I'm treating you just fine. I'm doing you a favor."
Sandor tenses as he watches me shove my chair back and walk away.
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activesplooger · 2 months
𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂! | 𝓗𝓪𝔃𝓫𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓵 | 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽: you’ve always felt insecure about your flat chest, but now that your married man to someone who’s ex-wife has textbook mommy milkers, it just got amplified to the max (little did u know that Luci doesnt gaf! he just loves ya!).
𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼: idk i had a thought, enjoy!
𝓒𝓦: angst w/ comfort, fluff, suggestive
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“Ducklinggg! Im waiting~” your husband calls out from the bedroom.
“Just a sec!” Hastily, you finish putting on the straps of your sexy little gift from your husband. The gift is a gorgeous set of lingerie: The lace is a bright white, the fabric just barely covering your ass and reaches up to show your entire hip bone. A teasing slit is cut on the crotch, exposing your center just barely. The bodice is elegant and corset-like, with silk strands crossing your stomach and large cups to hold you breasts… But there was a problem…
You take a look in the mirror. ‘Fuckfuckfuck! No! God damn it!’ panicking internally you try to find some sort of tightening mechanism on the lingerie to make it fit. Unfortunately there isn’t any, no matter how hard you tried, it just wouldn’t fit your bust. You stared at the material hovering over your breast, tears start to form.
Knock Knock
“Duckling? Are you okay in there? Its been awhile…”. “Everything’s fine!” you lied, your voice cracking as you hold back tears. Lucifer hears the hurt in your voice and lets himself in, “Darli- Oh nonono! Why are you crying?”. He rushes to your side, reaching a hand out to touch your shoulder before you jerked his hand away. You just didn’t want to be touched right now… you didn’t want anything near your ‘inadequate’ body. “My love…? Whats wrong…?”. Finally, you turn to face him, your face was red and puffy from crying as you stood before him. You expected him to notice the ‘issue’ right away, but he didn’t. Instead, his eyes widened, pupils dilating to the size of quarters.
“You look-“
“Terrible… I know…”
Lucifer looks confused and almost repulsed that you could look anything but perfect. “What are you talking about..?”
“The cups are too big…”
“Wha-? Oh! Ah yes, I suppose they are.” He states nonchalantly, as if it were some minor insignificant detail.
You shake your head, feeling like he hadn’t understood the full extent of what you said, “No no… It’s supposed to fit perfectly… Not hover over my flat chest pathetically!”.
Your husband’s heart breaks a little that you think of yourself this way, “Baby… I don’t care, you’re perfect just the way you are!” he wiggles his eyebrows as his tone becomes suggestive, “Plus, we don’t need anything covering those beautiful breasts of yours for what were gonna do~”.
“No,” you protest, “You bought me this gift for me to wear a-and all I did was mess it up! I just wanted this to be perfect… I just want to be perfect…”. A sympathetic frown tugs at Lucifer’s lips, “Duckling I-“
Hot tears trickle down your cheek at your next words, “I just- I feel like you bought this with someone else in mind… Someone bigger… Like Lillith.”
Lucifer immediately wraps you in a comforting embrace. Despite your earlier reluctance to touch, you lean into it, burying your face into the crook of his neck as you sob.
“Don’t ever compare yourself to her, she doesn’t hold a candle to you, duckling… I don’t love Lillith, I love you… Only you… You’re the most beautiful perfect woman I could ask for. I only had you in mind when buying this, I promise… Hell, you’re the only thing in my mind constantly… I don’t ever stop thinking about you, my love…”.
A smile spreads across your tear streaked face, he always knew how to reassure you. “I love you, Lu-bear,” you kiss his cheek, “I-Is it okay of we just… chill tonight? I’m not really in the mood.”.
Your husband nods, “Of course, what’d you have in mind?”
“Cuddles and TV? We can watch that duck documentary~”
As soon as the words “duck documentary” leave your mouth, Lucifer effortlessly picks you up and ushers you to the couch. Carefully, he places you down and plops down beside you. While he turns on the documentary, you cozy your head in his lap. With a snap of his fingers, a blanket materializes around the two of you, creating a comfortable little cocoon. Your husband runs a hand through your hair, playing with the strands as his eyes are fixed on the ducks on screen. You two watch silently for a bit, until Lucifer speaks gently,
“You know what my favorite part about your chest is?”
You quirk an eyebrow, “What?”
He smiles softly, leaning down he whispers, “When we're close like this, I can feel your heart beating against me. Your chest being small just means I'm as close to your heart as I can possibly get...and knowing that makes me happy...”
Your heart swells, that’s the most adorable shit you’ve ever heard, “Oh Luci…”
“That and I can fit your whole breast in my mouth~”
“PFT LUCI!” you shove away his face playfully
The two of you laugh together, playfully pushing Luci away as he reaches for you. The night ended great, the two of you falling asleep on the couch while the documentary plays in the background.
yayy enjoy! this was a random thought i had and thought it’d be cute! btw this is how i imagined the lingerie reader wears
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jaegeraether · 8 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 65)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (11) / Lucy Bronze x Reader (55)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Join our WOSO Discord chat! Link in bio :)
((** 4.6k**))
Mostly Leah and Jordan :)
Leah POV
“I didn’t wake you, did I? I completely blanked… you stopped replying and I didn’t even think.” Leah stressed as she drove.
“No, no, you’re all good. I’m a little too wound up to sleep for long until Luce gets home, I think. I’m just waiting for the next shoe to drop with this whole drama.”
“Is Ridley still there?”
“She left after I fell asleep, she has some meetings in town.”
“So you were asleep?”
“Barely… it’s okay. It’s probably a good thing you have someone to talk to for your drive…” She cleared her throat and yawned. “Oh shit, did you see Beth scored a brace?”
“No?! I was there for her first. First one back since her ACL, I was crying.”
“That’ll be you soon, mate.”
“Not this year,” she almost grumbled.
“Oh? January?” YFN’s tired voice piped up with excitement for her.
“I’m hoping so. I feel bad for leaving – I should be there to celebrate with Beth after the game.”
“Okay stop right there, that’s your anxiety talking. Beth knows that you needed to do go.” YFN’s support calmed Leah, and she knew she’d called the exact right person.
“Yeah… wait, did you speak to her?”
“I’m always chatting with the girls. A few of them are coming over after the game actually. It was last minute. I think Kyra got excited when she saw Lucy and invited herself and-”
“-and the rest of the girls jumped on board?”
“Something like that,” she laughed wearily. “So it’s a good thing I’m awake because I need to organise some food for when they get here.”
“Don’t you go over-exerting yourself mate.”
“Pfft, I’ve spent the last week laying or sitting… I’m happy to hop around and stretch my leg.”
Leah laughed at the way she’d said that. Her one leg. “You’ll have two legs next week!”
“Hopefully the doctor’s okay with me walking on it. I get to switch from a wheelchair to sexy walking stick. I really hope it’s okay enough to because I’m worried about Luce’s knee when she carries me everywhere.”
“Not surprised. Has her knee been acting up?”
“At the risk of getting her in trouble with her England Captain… yes. It’s been a bit swollen and I can tell it’s giving her pain. She tries to hide it.”
“She’ll never admit it’s sore, especially while you’re still healing.”
“I know, she’s a pain. I’ve been massaging it and insisting she ice it, though. She and Alexia have been working out and training together, so I just hope she’s being careful.”
Leah heard the worry in her voice and it made her think about Jordan. She was never nervous to watch anyone play… except Jordan. She couldn’t bear to watch her be pushed around. She was only small, after all.
“She’s been through this a lot, YFN. She knows her limits better than anyone I know. She’ll definitely be looking after herself.” Leah reassured her.
“Mmn. I know you’re right; I just worry.”
“Well let me distract you then. I spoke to Jill and Alex and they’re both excited for the podcast idea. They said you’ve been chatting with them?”
“Not as much as I’ve wanted to because of this drama, but yeah I’ve chatted to them a few times over the week. Alex is coming over tomorrow to talk a bit more about it all, and we’ll catch up with Jill when we go to Manchester next week.”
“Oh? Lucy’s missing home?”
“Always. Missing home and family so we’re going to see them.”
“When will you be back? I’m happy to do my interview whenever.”
She heard her clicking on what was potentially her laptop. “Uh… so next week I have pencilled in to bring a few of the girls into the office and do some interviews there.”
“Didn’t work out at your house?”
“Oh, no it definitely did,” she yawned again. “I figured it would build morale of my staff to meet some players, and we’ve set up a big studio there for content… and there’s a wall I’d like you all to sign.”
“A wall?”
“Just a little side-project of mine,” she chuckled. “It’ll make sense when you see it. Viv’s just been subbed on.”
“What minute?”
“Looks like overtime?”
“I missed most of the game but maybe three to five minutes.”
“A good ten minutes at least then. She’s been dying to stretch her legs out there.”
“They’re long enough.”
Leah laughed. She was glad she’d called her; their conversation was calming her at almost the same rate that she became more anxious as she got closer to Villa Park. YFN must have noticed.
“Are you far out?”
“Thirty minutes out. I was thinking of stopping and getting her some flowers. What do you think?”
“Well she loves flowers. I think she’d really like that Leah…” Her voice softened. “Just remember what I told you about when she sees you.”
Leah nodded even though she knew she couldn’t see it. ‘You watch her face when she sees you, Leah. In that first split second that it takes to recover her expression… you’ll see everything she’s feeling.’
This is why Leah thought she was so nervous. What if she was angry she hadn’t told her… or showing how heartbroken she still was? It would hurt, but Leah knew she’d accept whatever came her way, as it was all her own doing. She just wanted her, and their life back – though only if Jordan wanted that too.
“I will.”
“Are you sitting close to the benches?”
“Right near them in the family and friends’ section, yeah.” She didn’t know if she was imagining her voice wavering, or if it actually was.
“She’s going to be excited to see you, mate. I promise.”
Leah arrived just in time for the girls to exit the tunnel, having been delayed in the flower shop procrastinating over which was the best for her. She put it in the back seat of her black Mercedes, right next to the toy she’d bought for Blu.
She couldn’t believe how nervous she was, and YFN was right there with her, on the phone and then texting back and forth with her after they’d hung up. She knew she was busy with the Arsenal and West Ham girls dropping by, but she still made time for her. A few weeks ago, Leah would have thought she was doing it for Jordan’s sake, but she’d gotten so close to the Australian that she knew it was for hers also.
She sat in her assigned seat, saying a polite hello to the people she knew, and felt herself almost hyperventilate when Jordan entered the pitch in the starting line-up. She’d never had this reaction to her – or anyone before. It confused her, but at the same time, it made her realise just how much she meant to her. Jordan was looking too small for her clothes as always, her shorts and socks almost reaching each other. She wore that expression she did when she was on the pitch, her serious face. Football was serious for Jordan, and that was evident by just how aggressive and impatient she was on the pitch; a sharp contrast to what she was usually like in person. So sweet and kind and shy almost. Her Jordan. She felt her body tingling and her hands shake a little as she watched her taking their line-up photos and start to play.
Leah’s phone dinged and she looked down.
YFN: A bit of a healthy distraction for you.
YFN sent a photo.
YFN sent a photo.
The first was a photo of the group who’d invaded Lucy and YFN’s house. YFN had obviously asked Lucy to take a selfie of the group as they were all doing strange poses to the camera mid eating or talking, standing and sitting. Most of the Arsenal girls were there, along with half of the West Ham team. She grinned at the photo.
The second was a photo obviously taken from YFN’s position on the couch, pointing at Beth who was showing two fingers, Katie hanging off her with a ‘COME ON’ expression for Beth’s brace.
YFN’s efforts to distract her from herself were definitely working.
Leah: You’re not getting sleep anytime soon. *melting face emoji*
YFN: My bigger concern is that I didn’t order enough for a fucking tribe.
Leah chuckled. The girls were always extra hungry after games. She should have warned her. She looked up to see the ball nowhere near Jordan, and looked back down again to reply.
Leah: Why do I feel like I’m going to get home, and the party will still be going?
She looked back up to see Jordan crash into someone. She touched the ball, but was still warned by the referee and threw her hands up. That made her smile. That is… after she’d stood up and she knew she was okay.
Her phone buzzed.
YFN: Come 9pm I’ll be dragging them out kicking
YFN: That was Lucy ^^ but she’s not joking. *nervous laugh emoji*
YFN: She gets grumpy when she’s tired.
Leah knew that all too well, having been in many camps with Lucy.
Leah: She’s worse when she’s hungry!
YFN: I’ve learnt to sort that out before it becomes a problem.
YFN sent a photo.
It was a selfie of YFN sitting in the corner of the couch and angled up to Lucy not so elegantly stuffing her face. Regardless of Lucy’s full mouth, YFN looked at her with an expression of adoration. They looked so happy. Leah craved that happiness she’d once had with Jordan. For seven years they were the envy of the party and sitting in the stands now, watching her play from afar, she cursed herself for taking that… for taking her for granted.
She put her phone down to watch her play, again adoring the way Jordan jogged after whoever had the ball, her shorts almost falling off of her, and then attacking the players with the ball whenever she was close. It was evident just how much she loved the game. And as if all of that wasn’t adorable enough, she wore black gloves to fight the cold she felt. There wasn’t much to her, so she was always cold. Their house always needed to be hot enough that she didn’t feel the cold, but Leah had always sneakily liked to have it just the perfect temperature that she’d snuggle into her as they slept or tuck herself into her body on the couch or as she just went about her day. She too loved their hugs, just as much as Jordan. The way she fit into her body was like it was made for her. Jordan was so affectionate that she’d always kiss her neck in thanks.
Not recently of course. Recently there had been the soft hugs without the kissing, and without the talking. It was nice, but she missed all of it.
Jordan was knocked to the ground hard as she went for the ball and Leah flinched, leaning to the edge of her seat to get a better view. When Jordan didn’t get up straight away, she stood with several of the crowd and watched worriedly. As more people stood, she was up on her tip-toes to peer over everyone to see Jordan clutching her knee and the medics run over. Her heart sunk.
The teams used the opportunity to chat while she was being seen to, her face contorting in pain. Leah didn’t want to admit to herself that the smallest part of her wanted something to be wrong so she’d have time off and Leah could look after her. She felt so ashamed and shoved the thought aside as her other feeling took hold. ‘Not the knee,’ she thought. ‘Please not the knee. Get up Jord. Please get up.’
Someone tried to get her attention and she brushed them off, her eyes only on Jordan. The medics helped for several minutes until Jordan was standing again and hobbling across the pitch. She wanted to stay on.
Of course she did. She loved playing football.
They stopped for half time an even nil score, and Leah waited for Jordan to look up and see her as she wandered towards the tunnel, but she didn’t. To say she was disappointed would be an understatement. She let herself mingle with the people around her who she knew, and fifteen minutes later, the girls were re-entering the pitch. Jordan hadn’t been subbed, which was great, and although it wasn’t yet dark, it was even colder and she couldn’t help but stress about her getting sick. It was raining now, and so cold she could see her breath as she jogged back out. Her knee looked to be okay though, which was a good sign.
The first goal came in the 54th minute by an unfortunate own goal from Aston Villa’s Anna Patten. Jordan looked frustrated as she shook her head and jogged back to her spot.
It only took a minute for Rachel Daly to score an equaliser, Leah smiling as she watched Jordan jump and shout excitedly, though she didn’t run to celebrate with her team. There was something different about watching her with Villa. Leah had noticed watching Jordan’s games that she didn’t look as happy when she celebrated with Villa, and she’d always wondered if she was just biased, though seeing her not celebrate with them made her realise she wasn’t imagining it. She remembered the giant grin on her face as she used to run and jump into their group when she celebrated with Arsenal. She was always so light that Leah could barely feel her as she ran and jumped onto her.
Oh, Jord. She missed seeing her at training every day. But it wasn’t even that. As she watched her, she missed living together, driving in together, training together, going home together. They’d always sit next to each other when travelling and share hotel rooms.
She was ripped from her thoughts by Jordan stealing the ball in a clean move. She smiled. The game was back and forth pretty even following that, though Aston Villa were controlling the ball more. They just couldn’t seem to get past the Everton defence. It started raining heavier and Leah pulled her coat tighter around her. A penalty kick to Everton in the 74th minute had Jordan throwing her arms up again in frustration. The kick came… and it was a goal. It wasn’t looking good.
Three minutes later, Jordan was subbed off. She walked off looking defeated, though as she high-fived her subbed teammate at the boundary line, her head raised as if she knew she was there. Mid high-five her eyes caught Leah’s and she froze. Leah stopped breathing as she watch Jordan’s eyes widen with… yearning. Her eyes reflected the emotions Leah felt. Jordan recovered her expression and looked at the substitute, dropping her hands. As she stepped off the field, she let herself look back up with wonder. She could see the happiness in her eyes that she was there. Leah gave her a smile and a wave. Jordan didn’t wave back, but she did smile shyly as she ducked onto the bench where she could no longer see her.
Only then, could Leah breathe again. YFN was right. That surprised expression from Jordan had showed her everything. She wanted her, just as much as Leah did. She breathed a deep breath out and the built up anxiety disappeared with it. She should have never been worried. She knew Jordan.
The game ended 1-2 to Everton, and Leah stood in the stands until the girls disappeared into the tunnel. Jordan had looked up again only once… fleetingly, but Leah had seen it. She grinned to herself at that as she made her way outside to her car. She was hindered a few times by fans and autographs but by the time she stepped foot outside, her phone buzzed. She excitedly grabbed at it, assuming it was Jordan, but it wasn’t. She stopped at her car and looked down disappointedly at the notification on her phone.
“You’re here?” Came a slightly out of breath voice behind her.
She spun around to see Jordan standing all rugged up in her puffer jacket, her nose red and her legs looking freezing where they weren’t covered.
“I… came to see you play.”
Half of Jordan’s face was hidden beneath her collar, and Leah couldn’t tell if she was upset.
“Did I overste-”
She was interrupted by Jordan’s body meeting hers, her head finding her shoulder, forehead pressing against her neck. Jordan’s hands slid around Leah’s body inside her coat to keep warm. Jord. Leah’s arms were moving around her before she even told them to, holding her close and keeping her warm. It felt right to let them stay in their silence for a while until Jordan was ready.
“Thank you for coming to watch my game.”
She let her head lean against Jordan’s. “Of course I came. You pencilled in a hug, remember? I didn’t want you to drive so far after your game.”
She let out a grateful sigh and pressed herself further into Leah. “Thank you, Lea. I’m really tired.”
“Would you like to reschedule?”
A few fans must have spotted them then and Leah saw them getting excited and start to run over from the stadium.
“No!” She stressed and pulled back. “No… we can still-”
“-did you drive?” Leah cut off.
“One of the girls drove me…” She responded, unsure about Leah’s change of pace.
“Do you have all of your things?” She asked, gesturing to her backpack.
“Yeah.. I mean I think so-”
Leah took her bag off and opened her passenger door. Jordan hesitated, still unsure about Leah’s impatience. Leah saw her hesitating and softened. “Let me drive you home please, Jord.”
Jordan’s eyes wandered over Leah’s face before she nodded and slipped into the car. As quickly as she could, Leah placed her backpack in the back seat and jumped in the driver’s seat as the mob of fans were almost on top of them. She saw Jordan’s eyes widen in realisation as Leah started the car and put some distance between them.
Most of the time, she’d be open and welcoming and go out of her way for the fans. Tonight, she just wanted to protect Jordan from that. She just wanted to get her home into where she knew she’d be warm and comfortable and could sleep.
Leah stopped the car abruptly at the exit of the car park.
“I…” She turned to Jordan. “I don’t know where you live…” she admitted. She hated not knowing that.
Jordan gave her a supportive smile and leant forward towards Leah’s phone mounted to the dash. She paused, looking for permission first, but Leah wasn’t worried at all. She had nothing to hide from Jordan, ever, and she showed that by looking at her with patience. Jordan hid a smile as she typed her address into Leah’s phone and soon enough, they were on their way.
“Do you want to have dinner?”
“Are you sure you’re not too tired?”
“I’d like dinner with you…”
Leah smiled as she drove. She dared not look at her, but knew Jordan was watching her. She wanted to have dinner with her.
“We can do that, Jord. Whatever you want.”
“And maybe we can watch the Lord of the Rings?”
“I thought it scared you?”
“Well, yeah, but you like it.”
It also meant they had more time together, as they’d barely gotten through any of it that last time they were alone. She also liked the idea of Jordan hiding behind her at the scary parts. “You’re okay to stay up late?”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s only gone seven. It’ll be done by eleven.”
Leah frowned. “I’m confused… you want to go out for dinner?”
“God no, I think we should order in.”
“We only had an hour and a half left, Jord.”
“Well, yeah, but I figured we could start at the beginning because I forgot what happened.”
Leah chuckled. It wasn’t beyond Jordan to forget, but as she snuck a look at her, she looked more like it was a sneaky excuse for more time together. “We can do that. I don’t mind a late drive.”
“You can stay… I can take the couch.”
Jordan’s obvious willingness to spend time with Leah softened her. She hadn’t felt so happy in a long, long time. Over a year, when she and Jordan were previously together.
“YFN offered me her bed on the condition that you let me stay…”
Jordan laughed. “Of course she did. You can take her bed then, we don’t want you driving home so late. Did she say anything else?”
“I just have a few things to pick up for her… clothes and what-not.”
“She said she wants to stick around London while she’s healing,” she nodded. “I’ll help you pack her stuff up.”
“Thanks Jord.”
There were a few minutes of silence then as Leah went into her own headspace, her face falling into its natural grumpy look as she did so. Jordan noticed.
“What are you thinking?”
Leah considered brushing her off, but she knew better now. “I have something to tell you but I don’t want it to ruin the night. You just need to know.”
“The video is handled.”
She waited for questions, for emotion, but there was none. She replied after a few seconds of thought. “Okay, Lea.”
Lea pulled into the driveway and put the car in park, turning to look at her. “Okay?”
Jordan nodded and gave her a little smile. “Okay, Lea. I trust you.”
“Okay…” she replied huskily and reached into the back seat. “This is for Blu,” she said as she handed her the toy. She reached back again. “And these are for you.”
Jordan took the flowers with an excited expression. “Thanks, they’re pretty. And you can give this to him if you want… I think he’s going to be excited to see you.”
She handed the toy back to Leah.
Blu was all over her when they entered the apartment. She chuckled and gave him love and pats before his attention turned to Jordan. Leah couldn’t help but look around her and take in the place Jordan now called home. It suited her. She recognised all of the photos and little trinkets she had around, and the smell was even the same with the incense she liked to burn. And it was warm… Jordan warm.
They ordered take-away and Leah played with Blu while Jordan showered and changed. As they waited for their food, they found a vase for the flowers and packed the few clothes and items YFN needed in London. They chatted, laughed, and caught up with the recent activities in each other’s lives. Jordan shared her frustrations about her game and Leah cheered her up with photos YFN had sent her of the chaos at her and Lucy’s apartment. It felt so normal. She was happy for them to be talking again, and their recent silent dates together had developed a sense of calm and comfort in those silent moments between them.
The food arrived and they settled onto the couch with blankets and began the movie. Jordan let Leah set Blu up in his little bed in front of them and he fell asleep quickly. He was always a big sleeper, tired from walking around on those little legs all day, Leah imagined with a chuckle at the thought. There were sat close enough that their arms were partially against each other and Leah relished the moments where Jordan had to pause eating to hide her head behind her shoulder at the scenes that scared her. Jordan finished eating first, obviously, as she was so tiny she barely ate anything and the next time she came up from her hiding place behind Leah, her head stayed on her shoulder, her hand gently holding her arm. Leah let her rest in that spot, trying to keep her movements small as she ate with her left hand. After only a few minutes, though, she felt uncomfortable. She put her food down on the coffee table and sat back again, Jordan laying back down on the spot she’d claimed. Leah lasted another ten minutes until she wriggled uncomfortably, unable to keep still.
Jordan lifted her head. “Are you okay, Lea?”
“I…” she paused and pulled herself in check. Honesty always. “It’s just the cramps. They’re bad today.”
“Your endo?”
“Yeah,” she sighed. The drive had been bad enough.
Another cramp seized her and she squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered in pain.
“Did you bring your medication?”
“It’s in my bag,” she groaned.
“Stay here.” Jordan said as she stood, pausing their movie and taking the food to the kitchen. She returned quickly and leant over the couch, giving her a glass of water and her painkillers.
“Thanks, Jord.”
“Is it your lower back too?”
She nodded as she swallowed the pills, angry at herself for again ruining a night with Jordan.
She disappeared again and Leah heard the microwave, and the fridge doors.
“Do you need help?”
“I’m fine, just putting the food away. Give me a minute.”
The microwave finished and Leah heard the door opening and Jordan padding back over with two heat packs. Her mouth parted in awe as she looked up into her eyes. Jordan was taking care of her.
“Lay down, Lea.” She said as she guided her down, pulling a pillow under her head. Leah did as she was told, letting herself be looked after by her. Jordan gently put her on her side facing the tv, and placed a heat pack on her lower abdomen, and her lower back, tucking them into the waistband of her pants and pulling her shirt back down.
“Feel better?”
Leah couldn’t speak, so she just nodded.
“Do you need anything else?”
She was about to shake her head when she stopped herself and instead tugged lightly on Jordan who smiled. She took the remote and pressed play, slipping behind Leah, under the blanket. She pulled another pillow over so her head was higher and hesitantly, her hand found her abdomen which she tenderly rubbed in circles above her shirt. They’d done this so many times over the years, but this time it felt more personal, and even more special.
“Can you see the tv?” She murmured, relishing the feel of a warm Jordan pressed up against her back, her arm slung over her.
Leah inhaled sharply again at another cramp. Jordan paused her circling to hold pressure against the heat bag over her lower abdomen. That always helped.
“Why didn’t you cancel?”
“I told you I won’t make another mistake.”
She’d thought back to the promise she’d left her in a note, ‘…that was the last fault I’ll make…. no more mistakes…’
Jordan was silent for a moment as she thought about that. Her hand began circling her abdomen again reassuringly. “How do you feel?”
“Comfy.” Leah responded, proud of her little inside joke as she felt and heard Jordan chuckle behind her.
And then she felt Jordan’s lips touch the nape of her neck and linger, pouring affection and reassurance into her. Leah leant back into the kiss and felt that feeling she’d been missing for so long.
She felt like she was home.
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cinebration · 1 year
5 Times Cyclone (Barely) Kept His Cool (& 1 Time He Didn’t) (Cyclone x Reader) [One-shot]
Disclaimer: I know nothing about how the Navy and Air Force work.
I had originally planned an entirely different multipart fic, but my brain won't let me write.
Tagged: @crispysublimecupcake, @failure-of-a-student, @abaker74, @green-parx, @ahopelessromanticwritersworld, @deanscroissant, @b-bradshaw, @alldaysdreamer, @bat-luna-cat, @auntiegigi, @another-bookwyrm, @littlewhiterose, @lucy-sky
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: garethamm
Beau “Cyclone” Simpson rarely frequented the bar, not merely because he didn’t much care for the atmosphere but because he felt it necessary to remain distant and aloof from his subordinates—even ones that were just names on paper to him.
After the success of Maverick and his team in destroying the unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant, however, Cyclone found himself alongside Warlock in the bar, watching the TOPGUN pilots toast their triumph. Music thumped a steady beat in the background as the chatter, laughter, and cheers swelled in rolling waves through the enclosed space. Sweat trickled down the back of Cyclone’s neck as the heat of the room pressed down on him.
He tried to let his professional façade relax a fraction. He was just as elated as the flyboys at the success of the mission—more so, considering he had known the full ramifications of the crisis should they have failed. His relief was as palpable as the strength of the relieved expression on Warlock’s face.
Sipping his beer, he scanned the room, lips bearing the faint ghost of a smile as he noted the euphoric faces of his subordinates. Beyond the core group clustered around the pool table, several pilots sat or stood in scattered groups, elbowing each other and laughing, beers in hand.
Beyond them, in the far corner beside one of the windows overlooking the beach, you sat at a table, a half-filled glass in front of you. One foot propped up on the chair across from you, aviators hanging from the collar of your blouse, dark jeans, and ankle boots the same color of brown as your faux leather jacket, you had the same easy confidence tinged with a hint of arrogance as Maverick, of all people.
Cyclone stared.
“Cyclone? Beau?”
Cyclone’s attention snapped to Warlock. “What?”
“Are you really so incapable of enjoying yourself?”
He frowned. “What?”
“You really weren’t listening.” Warlock shook his head. “We’re here to relax and enjoy the win.”
“There are too many other things to win,” Cyclone countered. “This is just one.”
He glanced at your table.
Your seat was empty.
Cyclone straightened in his seat, scanned the room. The flyboys blocked his view, flaring his irritation as he strained to see past them.
Cyclone ground his teeth in disappointment.
“What’s the matter?”
He shook his head, biting back the retort surging through him: You let her get away. Again.
“Nothing,” he muttered. He sucked on his beer, the taste of it flat on his tongue. “Nothing at all.”
A week and a half later when Cyclone had finally succeeded in pushing away the frustration and disappointment, he sat in a war room across from his counterpart in the Air Force, a man he begrudgingly respected not so much for his track record as for his personality. The man had managed to rise with a stellar career through the Air Force without turning into a total asshole.
Seated at the head of the table, the Secretary of Defense, a retired general of significant pedigree, intoned in a deep, buttery voice, “The mission requires a joint operation between the Air Force and the Navy. The Commander-in-Chief is demanding that it be done quickly and with such precision that it would make a neurosurgeon eat his shirt.”
General Charles Mcloughlin chuffed a quiet laugh. “The neurosurgeons I know would never.”
Unamused, SECDEV continued, “This mission is top priority. I don’t need to remind you that we need top-level talent and genius thinking to get this done. So do it.”
With that, the man left the room, his aide scurrying after him like a remora trying to keep up with a shark. Cyclone turned to Mcloughlin, who returned his hard stare with a heavy calm, unaffected gaze.
“I take it you heard about this beforehand,” Cyclone noted, inclining his head at the folder in front of the other man. “You already have a plan?”
“A semblance of one,” Mcloughlin demurred. “I already have two pilots selected from our end, the real crème-de-la-crème of the entire Force.”
Cyclone sighed. “But?”
“We need to use F-22s.”
Raking a hand over his face, Cyclone leaned forward, forearms digging hard into the table. “F-22s can’t land on aircraft carriers.”
“No, but the carriers can launch support for one.”
“Why would an F-22 need support from anything? No other aircraft matches it.”
“Because we’re going to crash it.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
Mcloughlin shook his head. “They’re being phased out by the F-35s. This mission requires us to complete the objective and then make it look like our aircraft can’t handle it anymore.”
“And you want my men to, what? Take enemy fire to make your crash look good?”
“Something like that.”
This job is going to give me an ulcer. The muscle in his jaw jumping, Cyclone stretched out a hand. Mcloughlin placed the folder in his palm. Leaning back in his chair, Cyclone flipped it open.
Your eyes stared at him from the first page. The ghost of a smirk played on your lips, the lens flare in your eyes a mischievous glimmer.
Cyclone swallowed thickly, his heart flinging itself against his ribs. Carefully, he flipped past your dossier, spent as many seconds on the second one as he had on yours.
He snapped the folder shut.
“When do I meet them?”
Cyclone’s general dislike for the Air Force stemmed from a well-hidden jealousy. He had always wanted to get his hands on an F-22 Raptor, but the Navy didn’t use it. Even in his flyboy days, he hadn’t even been able to share the same airspace as one. He had never seen one in person, grounded or airborne.
Standing in a hanger on the Pearl Harbor-Hickam base in Hawai’i, Cyclone could barely contain his excitement and awe as he took in the F-22 Raptor standing but a few yards away. It took all of his control to keep his expression an impassive, unimpressed mask, even with only the general and Warlock in the hanger with him.
“Couldn’t bother to do this back on our home turf,” Warlock muttered to him, shaking his head as he stared up at the fighter. “No, they want to rub it in our faces.”
Cyclone made a noncommittal noise in his throat, then added, “Our pilots could use the humbling.”
“Nevertheless.” Warlock shook his head again.
Mcloughlin stood behind a small podium they had set up off to the side, a number of seats arrayed before it. The TOPGUN pilots and the two Air Force ones were yet to arrive to fill them. With each passing minute, Cyclone felt his heartrate kick up another notch. He ascribed it to the proximity of the stealth aircraft he had once dreamed of being close enough to touch.
It wasn’t until the soft tread of several booted feet scuffed over the cement floor that the blood roared through his ears. Woodenly, he turned to face the assembled pilots taking their seats. Despite their newfound friendship, Rooster sat in the row behind Hangman with Phoenix and Bob, the latter two taking surreptitious glances at the two Air Force pilots. Fanboy and Payback were the least discrete, staring both at the F-22 and the Air Force pilots in turn.
You sat at the back, dressed in a flight suit not dissimilar to the ones the TOPGUN pilots used. The two bars signifying your rank as a captain gleamed sharply in the light streaming through the open hanger doors.
You met Cyclone’s stare. One eyebrow rose up your forehead.
Hands clasped behind his back, Cyclone fought to keep his eyes ahead as Mcloughlin outlined the mission to the pilots. Your stare was magnetic, the pull of it almost irresistible.
By the time he stepped up to the podium, his wrist ached from squeezing it so tightly.
“This mission is a joint Navy and Air Force mission,” he reiterated, his throat straining not to give his nerves away. “That means General Mcloughlin and I retain the same authority.”
Sweat collected beneath the collar of his uniform. He glanced at the Air Force pilot leading the F-22 mission, a Daniel Hummel.
Your stare burned fire through him from the back of the room.
“If you don’t play nice with my men, if you are insubordinate in any way, you are off the mission. The general won’t listen to any appeal.”
His gaze shifted to his own men and women, careful not to pass over you.
“The same holds true for you.” He made a point of looking at Hangman. “There is no inter-branch rivalry here. We’re all on the same mission, which means you have to trust each other. If you don’t play nice, if you are insubordinate in any way, you are off the mission.”
His hands gripped the edges of the podium hard enough for his knuckles to turn white.
“Is that understood??”
A chorus of “yessirs” filled the room.
He risked a glance in your direction as you stood to file out with the others. The ache in his hands hardly matched the one in his chest when you didn’t look back.
Rage burned in Cyclone’s veins. It would be one of his own men that instigated the fight during training for a mission crucial not only to the objective but to strengthening Navy-Air Force relations.
He could already hear the Air Force brass whispering up the ladder about the lack of discipline in the Naval Air Forces.
Nerves buzzing, he felt like pacing and screaming at the two troublemakers standing in his office. Instead, he sat rigidly behind his desk, a glower on his face as he stared at Hangman and Rooster. Both men barely met his eye, their postures just as rigid, hands clenched behind their backs.
“What were you thinking?” he asked, the steel in his voice dangerous.
“Nothing, sir,” Rooster answered.
“We were being challenged, sir,” Hangman answered.
Cyclone clenched his teeth. “Did I or did I not say to play nice?”
“Yessir,” the men agreed in unison.
“Then why is Captain Hummel in the hospital?”
“Airmen are made of weaker stuff,” Hangman quipped.
Cyclone’s jaw audibly popped. The faint smirk on Hangman’s face evaporated.
“Thanks to you, the primary on this mission can no longer serve on the mission. We don’t have the time to train another pilot to act as this mission’s secondary, so you both are relieved of duty. I can’t risk you injuring the other pilot. Dismissed.”
Both men shouted “sir, yessir” and filed out of the room so stiffly they threatened to snap their spines. Cyclone passed a hand over his face, releasing an explosive sigh when the door swung shut. His stomach spasmed as he thought of you taking Hummel’s place on the mission. The mission was dangerous as it already was, given the enemy aircraft that were likely to be encountered, but to deliberately trash a fighter in the middle of potential dogfighting another layer of suicidal to an already insane mission.
He hadn’t even spoken to you directly yet. The opportunity hadn’t yet arrived.
There’s no point, he thought to himself. You aren’t built for…anything but this job. It is your only mistress.
His nails dug into his palms.
Now he might never have the chance to find out otherwise.
Chaos reigned on the aircraft carrier. The last of the F-18s had yet to land, instead doing circles above the aircraft. The enemy fighters had disengaged when the carrier had come into view, but not before launching a missile that hadn’t been intercepted.
It hit your win, as you rolled, sending you into an out-of-control spiral. Your engines clipped the edge of the aircraft carrier, a quarter-of-a-mile off your intended target.
The crash had been real, taking a section of the landing strip with it.
The urge to vomit overwhelmed Cyclone. Breathing shallowly through his nose, he waited. He waited an eternity for the final F-18 to touch down, Phoenix and Bob climbing out of the cockpit with unsteady legs. He waited an eternity for the rescue team to launch out after you, your parachute a clear beacon on the choppy water.
He waited an eternity for you to be brought onboard. Another eternity for the medics to flock to your side, surrounding you like vultures around carrion.
His stomach dropped when the chopper lifted off, carrying you to the nearest base for emergency medical assistance.
He slumped in the chair of his tiny office onboard the carrier. Numb, he reached for the phone already connected to General Mcloughlin’s line.
The general answered immediately.
“I heard,” he said.
The silence felt like a vacuum sucking out Cyclone’s breath.
“You ever bring a mission like this to my table again,” he hissed, “I will make you eat the proposal.”
He slammed the phone back in its cradle. Stared at it.
Picked it up again and slammed, slammed, slammed it against the desk until it shattered in his hands. A roar filled his skull.
Anything not bolted down smashed across the room, tore in his hands. The rage and despair gripped him in a dark whirlwind that violence didn’t satisfy.
He sunk back down into his chair, slid off it in a heap as its broken leg gave way.
Warlock found him sitting up against the wall, shirt unbuttoned, hair a mess.
“She’s back at Pearl Harbor,” he said simply.
“Get me there.”
When he arrived, you were out of surgery and recovering. Forced to wait half a day before he could see you, Cyclone diverted all his calls to Warlock and delegated everything else. He sat statuesque in the waiting room, consuming nothing but bitter, thick coffee that made his stomach burn.
You were awake when the nurses let him into the room. Bruises mottled your face, your broken arm in a cast.
He almost couldn’t bear to look at you.
You tilted your head to better see him. A faint smile split your cracked lips. “Did that catch your attention?”
He choked on his tongue. “What?”
“I’m glad to see I’m important.”
Cyclone gently grabbed your hand. “You were always important.”
You laughed brokenly. “Come back when I’m not hopped up on meds. We have a lot to talk about.”
He promised quietly to return the next day.
Only when you were out of eyesight did he lean against the nearest wall and thank God for your survival. He fought back tears of relief through the prayer.
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
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I've got her! I've got her!! Right there. Here. Come on! Here she is. Help me.
I can't express how much I love this episode. It is such a masterpiece that I know that anything I write will automatically pale in comparison… So I'm just going to gush over some of my favorite moments.
The way Tim's emotions are so palpable during the whole episode, but particularly here… For someone who's usually good at compartmentalising, it says a lot about his feelings that he can barely keep it together. The only time we saw him this feral and this distraught was over Isabel and she was his wife… The cinematography and music just enhance everything he is going through here : the golden lights that remind us that Lucy is running out of time… the haunting piano notes or silence that give an eerie atmosphere… the looming dead tree… All of this serve to heighten Tim's feeling of despair.
His distress when Angela announces that she can't tell from the video if Lucy's still alive, is written all over his face. So is the confusion that quickly changes to hope when he spots her moonstone ring… And how symbolic is it that he finds her ring. Or that Lucy threw it as a breadcrumb - for him specifically. He once told her that the most important thing she needed was her eyes - cop eyes - and she remembered it. She left something for him to find, knowing that he would, as she admitted to him later. Because he also taught her during the manhunt that she's never alone. But it goes beyond trust : what she had was faith in him. And the fact that he rapidly recognises her ring just shows how attuned he already is to her. As far as we know, she only wore it twice in his presence : when they won the roundup competition and when she gave him her "evaluation" of him. And yet, he remembered and knew that it wasn't just some random piece of jewellery. Granted, the odds that someone else lost a ring there were minimal. But as we've seen with his Valentine's day present, he was paying attention to her.
And then there's this mix of desperation and hope when he finds out where she's buried, calling the others frantically, digging her out with his bare hands, not even stopping for a shovel… Or when he opens the barrel, not knowing if she's merely unconscious or not breathing… When he breathes life back to her… Armstrong's look says it all : what's driving Tim is something far more powerful than just guilt. Or duty.
There's also this immense sigh of relief that can be heard once Lucy regains consciousness… The way he's gently putting one hand under her head to make her more comfortable and help her get her bearings, maintaining contact with her to ground her… It's such a contrast to how feral he was before. Or the way he holds her close to him at first when she starts crying, trying to comfort her before hugging her tightly, cradling her, swaying a bit, with his hand in her hair… The way her trembling hand is gripping Tim, holding onto him like a lifeline… How she's hiding in his embrace and he's giving her some sense of privacy when she breaks down… How he's whispering soothing words to her - and I love that we can't really hear what he's telling her, that everybody else are giving them time and space. It adds to this feeling of intimacy, to this idea of privacy he's giving her despite the fact that they're surrounded by their friends and colleagues - and commander. It's just the two of them in that moment. That hug was as much for her than for him. After the ordeal she went through, Lucy desperately needed to feel safe again - or as safe as possible. And Tim himself needed the reassurance that she was alive. To quote another show - he cares, a lot more than he's supposed to. And it was in full display in this episode.
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julietasgf · 2 months
i’m late for the character game but marcus :)
for this ask game. tysm for the ask lily!! <3
my first impression: "very interesting guy. he's constantly described as tall and strong, so I imagine he must be a strong contender for the games... also, D2!! traditional career district!! and he's named marcus, a very recognizable roman empire name and with interesting meaning, let's see how this goes :))"
my impression now: god take all of marcus' suffering and give it to coriolanus snow. my boy, my baby, I would go to war for him. sometimes he lives in my mind rent free. I'm too interested to know what the hell was going on in his mind.
favorite thing about that character: I really like that there's a high contrast on how marcus is EXPLICITLY one of, if not THE, strongest tributes. he's tall, he's strong, coriolanus compares him to a BEAR. he was able to launch two tributes across the cage in the zoo like it was nothing. and still, he ended the games not killing one single person. as much as we don't know much about him, we know one single thing sejanus tells about him over and over again: marcus is kind. and I appreciate this a lot.
least favorite thing: I wish he wasn't so deep on his lonely path. by that I mean: I don't remember a single time we've seen him interacting with other tributes, trying to talk to them; much the contrary, I still can't get over that scene when he throws the poor two boys across the cagelsklsksl yes, it was funny, but at the same, I wish he was more into trying to seek interaction with others.
favorite line/scene: marcus throwing the two tributes across the cage okay, no, but the memory sejanus has of marcus helping him with his hurt finger is very precious and dear to me.
favorite interaction that character has to another: I'm going to have to repeat myself and say once again the memory of him helping sejanus with his finger when they were children!!
a character that I wish that character would interact with more: LUCY GRAY. I would've loved to see an interaction of them!!
another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: vi from arcane
a headcanon about that character: (I'm going to cheat a bit and give more than one) only brother among two three sister, one older than him and two baby sisters. he got a single mother who's a healer around their corner of D2. when he was still going to school, he was really good at volleyball. he got a lot of scars on his arms and some of his face from when he started working into the quarries.
a song that reminds me of that character: american pie by don mclean
an unpopular opinion about that character: I don't know if this is indeed an unpopular opinion, but I really wish that the part of the fandom that's more into sejanus as a character talked more about marcus because I personally feel like he's SUCH an important piece for sejanus' story and character development. I would go as far to say marcus was haunting sejanus even before his death, let alone after it, and that there's a clear and striking before and after marcus' death. and still, they are barely talked about even as mentor-tribute duo when it comes to sejanus' character, yk? it kinda bothers me how a lot of time he goes unnoticed or barely mentioned, like, c'mon :/
favorite picture: I particular don't go for imagining the characters with the movie cast so 😭 I don't have a fav pic of him I think
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Enamored [47] - The End
A.N: And the last chapter❤ I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful support throughout the story my loves, ILYSM ❤ And as always, thank you @theskytraveler for helping me with the chapter and the story❤
Summary: Everyone finds their home, sooner or later.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, mentions of sex, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of pregnancy.
Word Count: 5700
Series Masterlist
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The morning of the ball was nothing if not complete chaos.
It felt as if nothing would be completely ready by the time for the ball to start, even though you had basically stayed up until dawn to make sure you hadn’t overlooked anything. You barely had any time to eat or sit down during the day and instead spent the whole time either in the ballroom or in the yard but now that you were looking at the result—
It looked absolutely amazing.
The opposites theme of the yard and the ballroom was impossible to miss. While the yard looked like it was made of chaos and fire, the ballroom seemed almost otherworldly with the waterfall in the middle, white and gold adorning the whole room. The foyer would serve as a transition point between the chaos and the peace –vices and virtues- and it was filled with pastel colors and flowers leading to the ballroom.
You and Lucie had been in your bedroom for almost two hours now. The modiste had worked her expertise yet again, as you could see from the gown you were in. Just as you wanted, it seemed to be the perfect depiction of wrath; blood red and nearly intimidating. The skirts of the gown was slightly wider than the rest, and the top of the bodice matched the thin crown placed on your head; both had sharp and pointy rubies like red shards of glass, gleaming in the candlelight. There was no doubt that your costume alone would be talked about by the ton, seeing how unusual it would appear among the sea of light colored gowns symbolizing virtues.
Well, it was the night for revenge after all.
Speaking of the night, now that you knew for sure Frederick would be captured tonight at the ball –Anthony had presented the papers and the proof to the court earlier today—, you could hardly control yourself. You had been feeling guilty for lying to everyone around you, so when Lucie was finished with your hair and gown, you had sat her down to explain to her what had been happening lately.
“So that’s why we have been fighting,” you finished your story while Lucie gawked at you, still covering her mouth. “Well…feigning fighting that is.”
“You’re jesting.”
You shook your head. “No. I’m sorry that I had to keep it from you Lucie, I couldn’t tell anyone.”
“But all those arguments…”
“It was for the ton to hear about, from the staff. You know how it is.”
“And sleeping apart?”
You nodded in the direction of the door leading to Anthony’s room from yours. “We exchanged rooms when everyone went to sleep.”
“The divorce?”
You waved a hand in the air. “Not happening of course. We’re madly in love, and the mere rumor of it was enough to lure Frederick. It worked better than I expected.”
Lucie let out a laugh and rushed to wrap her arms around you to hug you tight, making you let out a giggle.
“Oh I was so worried!” she said, pulling back. “I’ve never felt happier to be tricked.”
You clasped your hands over hers and sat down on the bed, pulling her to do the same. “Will you forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” she said, shaking her head. “Except for my sleepless nights for worrying about you, that is.”
“Everything is alright,” you assured her. “And I apologize again.”
“Does anyone else know?”
“Us, Elias and Cece and my father.”
“No one else?”
“Father told Aunt Lavinia I think,” you said. “Everyone else will know tonight, thankfully. I could no longer bear this deception.”
“God, it must’ve been so hard…”
“It was,” you said. “But it’ll be over tonight. And besides; the season is ending, we’re all going back to the countryside next week so it’ll be even better. I could use a break from London and this whole thing.”
Her smile faded slightly and she stole a look at you, making you tilt your head.
“What is it?”
“My lady, there is something I must tell you,” she said. “I—I didn’t even entertain the possibility because I thought you were unhappy, and I would never leave you alone if you were but…”
You pulled your brows together. “Lucie, I’m happy beyond words. I assure you—and I happen to think this has strengthened the bond Anthony and I have.”
“Yes, and I’m so happy to hear it,” she said. “But I was wondering, since we will go to the countryside after the season is over… After we settle you down in the Aubrey Hall of course, I was wondering if I could have a change of employment?”
You pulled back slightly, your heart doing a painful flip.
“I mean now that I know you will be in good hands…”
“Wait Lucie—is this because I had to lie to you?” you asked almost frantically, “I really do apologize and it was never my intention to hurt you, you must believe me—”
“No that’s not the reason at all, it’s a much more pleasant reason actually,” she assured you and you licked your lips.
“I wish to have a change of employment because,” she swallowed thickly. “Because I’m in love.”
You gasped, pressing your hands over your chest. “You’re in love?” you repeated. “Oh Lucie, that’s amazing! With whom?”
She paused for a moment and took a deep breath.
“Your cousin.”
You blinked a couple of times and your stomach sank.
“Oh no…” you whispered to yourself. “Lucie, you’re the loveliest person in the entire world but I’m afraid Kenneth is—um—he has someone in mind—”
“It’s not the future Earl of Ashdown,” she cut you off. “It’s Lady Iona and…I’m glad to say that she returns my affections.”
You stared at her for a moment before it dawned on you and your jaw dropped.
“Oh my goodness!” you said before reaching out to hold her hands again, a huge smile pulling at your lips. “Isn’t it the most wonderful feeling in the world Lucie? Falling in love?”
She let out a relieved breath and nodded, blinking back the tears. “It is,” she said. “And you’re not…angry at me for not telling you?”
You shook your head fervently.
“God no!” you said. “I do apologize wholeheartedly though.”
“You apologize?” she asked. “For what?”
“For trying to matchmake you with that jeweler’s son back in Paris,” you said. “And then the chef’s apprentice. And then the—well you understand my point, had I known beforehand I would’ve tried to matchmake you with a lady, or a maid, or oh!” Your head shot up. “Or my modiste back in Paris, she was very beautiful if you ask me— but I suppose it was fate. You were meant to find love in London just like me.”
She let out a happy sob and hugged you tight again.
“Thank you my lady,” she said. “And yes. I suppose I was.”
You pressed a kiss on her cheek and pulled back to look at her better.
“So you wish to go to Scotland to be with Iona?”
“Yes my lady,” she said. “She offered multiple times and I said no but now that I know you’re going to be happy, I was wondering if it would be such a terrible thing to do.”
“It’s the best thing to do,” you said and wiped at your eyes. “I must admit it pains me to even think of being apart from you, but you must follow your heart Lucie. It would be incredibly hypocritical of me to ask for anything otherwise. You found love, so you should be with the one you love.”
She offered you a small smile, blinking back the tears and you took a deep breath.
“But you must promise me you will come to visit as much as possible,” you said. “And I will visit Scotland too, Aunt Lavinia invited me before, and—and it takes a week for the letters to arrive in England from France, and it probably takes less time between here and Scotland, so we will exchange letters all the time.”
She nodded. “I couldn’t bear not knowing what you’re doing.”
“The feeling is mutual,” you said with a smile and sat up straighter. “And now I will tell you what my father and Elias told me before I married Anthony. Before I left Avon House to move here.”
“What is it?”
“No matter who you decide to be with, or for how long,” you said. “My house will be always open to you, and you can come back whenever you wish. No questions asked. Bridgerton House and Aubrey Hall will always be your home, and it will always welcome you whenever you wish it to.”
A sob climbed up her throat and you cupped her cheek.
“And I’m afraid I must put my foot down because it is not up to negotiation,” you said. “You may be employed there and such, but in addition to your salary from there, your salary from me will keep coming to Scotland—”
“My lady, I can’t possibly—”
“I’m not going to hear it Lucie, my decision is final,” you said and offered her a small smile. “My father made sure I was protected in every way before letting me marry, you must simply let me do the same even though it’s in unofficial ways.”
She smiled back at you and sniffled. “Thank you.”
You wiped at your eyes and let out a small laugh.
“Well now I’m afraid no one will see me as wrath because I cried,” you joked and she chuckled.
“No no, I’d say you still look intimidating.”
A knock on the door made you turn your head.
“Come in?”
The door opened to reveal Anthony and he paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on you, a look of surprise crossing his face.
“I will leave you be,” Lucie rushed to her feet. “My lady. My lord.”
With that, she left the room and you got up from the bed to drop an exaggerated curtsy.
“So what do you think?”
Anthony closed the door behind him and strode to you to pull you into a kiss, making you giggle.
“Darling you look divine,” he muttered to your lips and you ran your fingertips over the lapels of his jacket that were lined with gold threads, gleaming against black fabric.
“And you look very handsome as always,” you said. “Are the guests here?”
“Most of them. They’re by the yard for the fireworks, and your fire breathers are gathering quite the attention.”
You gave him a proud smile and he tilted your chin up to look at you better.
“Were you crying?”
“Oh I was just…emotional.”
“What happened?”
“I will tell you later,” you said. “Shall we go then?”
He grinned and stole another kiss from you, then offered you his arm. You let out a laugh and took it, and walked out of the room with him.
When you got to the yard, you were nearly pulled away from Anthony. Not that you could say anything, considering you two were still pretending to be on bad terms, but almost all the guests seemed to have something to say to you. After greeting all the Bridgertons and Lady Danbury— and managing to dodge their questions— you caught the sight of your family entering the yard so you quickly excused yourself to make your way to them.
“Hello everyone!”
“Wow,” Kenneth commented. “I knew you would wear something scandalous but not this,”
You shot him a grin and pressed a kiss on your father’s cheek.
“Father,” you said before kissing Aunt Lavinia’s cheek as well. “And welcome!”
“Y/N, this is amazing.” Aunt Lavinia said and your father nodded.
“You look so lovely my dearest.”
“Thank you!” you said. “Let me guess, Aunt Lavinia you are wisdom and father, you are…”
“Y/N guess what I am!” Iona said excitedly and you tilted your head.
“Give me a clue?”
“Me and Ken decided to come as Aristotle’s virtues!” Iona said, motioning at herself. “I am friendliness and Ken is truthfulness.”
“I was going to come as a vice but she insisted,” Kenneth said, pointing at Iona and you giggled.
“Well you both look amazing!”
“I cannot believe there are fire breathers,” your father said. “Are we sure that’s safe considering you and Elias being here?”
“I’m just expression a safety concern,” he held up his hands, gesturing surrender with a grin and you heaved a sigh.
“Speaking of, where are they?”
Kenneth pointed at somewhere over your shoulder and you turned your head to see Elias and Cecily entering the yard. A smile pulled at your lips and as if on cue, the fireworks started, drawing gasps and noises of admiration from the crowd. You quickly approached Elias and Cecily and hugged Cecily, then Elias.
“It looks wonderful Chérie,” Elias smiled at you. “And so do you.”
“Everyone is already talking about your gown,” Cecily said and you grinned.
“Why thank you,” you said. “So Cece, I know you are Hope and Elias you are...”
“Love!” he said, motioning at the small heart pinned on his jacket. “I’m Love. I figured since you’re not going as that…”
“Good choice, it suits you.”
“And wrath suits you,” he said before his eyes caught the sight of something to your left and his jaw clenched. “Speaking of wrath…”
You stole a look in that direction and that familiar fury roared through you as soon as your eyes fell on Frederick. He raised his glass and looked around, then made his way to you.
“Make sure father is alright,” you told Elias and he took a deep breath.
“These are his last hours, Elias,” you murmured. “Anthony already presented the court the papers, they know where he will be tonight. It’s just a matter of time until he’s gone for good.”
Cecily squeezed at Elias’s arm.
“We will be with Lord Avon and Aunt Lavinia,” she told you and pulled him in their direction as soon as Frederick reached you.
“Well well…” he said, “It seems that you took after your mother on how to throw a ball as well. She certainly knew how to gather attention, both to the ball and to herself.”
You narrowed your eyes.
“I didn’t know you would be here.”
“Why would I not?” he asked. “Your husband invited me.”
Of course. Frederick would have got suspicious if you had invited him, but having Anthony invite him had only served to make him believe this deception even further.
“Oh did he?”
“A smart man, your husband,” he said as the fireworks kept exploding in the sky and you grabbed a drink from one of the trays. “Too bad he was blinded by love before you got married but I’m glad he’s seeing sense now.”
“And let me guess, you’re helping him?”
“It’s only fair,” he pointed out. “After all, you have come between me and the one and only thing I wanted in the world.”
“My mother never wanted you,” you deadpanned and his jaw clenched.
“Careful there.”
You tilted your head. “Or what?” you asked and he gripped the glass tighter. “It hurts doesn’t it? Deep down?”
“You hate me and my father wholeheartedly,” you said. “But my mother loved us both. She loved me and Elias and my father more than anyone or anything in the world. But you? You went through all that, even more than 20 years later you’re trying to take some sort of revenge because you made yourself believe you loved her, she on the other hand didn’t even care about you at all.”
“You have no idea what you speak of.”
“I do though,” you said, looking him dead in the eye. “It’s not that you lost her, you do realize that? You never had her to begin with.”
He gritted his teeth.
“Let me tell you something about my parents,” you said. “My mother was so in love with my father that even after not seeing him for more than twenty years, his name was the only name she was saying on her deathbed, like she was talking to him. The same with my father, after his incident, when he had fever, when he was on death’s doorstep, all he could see or think about was her, he thought he was speaking to her. In their case it makes sense but in your case, I can’t help but find it ironic, almost.”
“Ironic?” he repeated. “And why is that?”
“Because when it’s time for you to die,” you said. “You’re going to go through the same. You’re going to see her, but…she won’t answer.”
A shadow crossed his eyes and you smiled.
“So yes, it’s ironic,” you said. “Because my mother felt love when she was dying, and I’m sure so will my father. But you? You will only feel the pain of never being loved by the one and only person you wanted the most in the entire world.”
He stared at you and your smile widened.
“Enjoy the ball,” you said and walked away from him to your family, fireworks still exploding in the sky.
By the time the firework show was finished, everyone was already impressed by your ball but you were nowhere near done. The ballroom made the exact impact you wanted as soon as the doors were opened, and people had spent so much time just admiring the setting and complimenting you before the orchestra started.
You and Anthony hadn’t danced yet, you didn’t want to raise any suspicions in Frederick until the last moment, but you could almost feel how much he wanted to be close to you because you were taken by the same urge as well. You absentmindedly played with your necklace and stole a look at him to see him repress a smile, twisting his ring around his finger. You stopped the warm smile threatening to pull at your lips as well, and turned your head when you heard someone clear their throat.
“Hugh!” you said, grinning at him and he bowed his head.
“Lady Bridgerton.”
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.”
“And miss your first ball?” he asked. “Never. Apparently my sister is in love with one of the lords in here, so I had to wait for her to pick the perfect gown. Took an hour.”
“Abby and Edith are here too?”
“Mm hm. Just over there, see?”
You looked to the corner of the room and waved at them.
“I will welcome them in person and thank them for coming,” you said and tilted your head at Hugh. “How angry would you be at me if I told you I’m planning on matchmaking Abby with the one she loves?”
“You know who it is?”
“Mm hm.”
“Who is it?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’ve had my experiences with my own very protective brother, I will not betray Abby that way thank you very much.”
He threw his head back and groaned. “Y/N!”
“What?” you asked airily. “Besides if it’s true love, you cannot possibly be thinking of standing in their way.”
“Will you not rest until you wed all my sisters?”
“I will not rest until everyone that I love finds true love,” you corrected him and he stole a look at you before sipping his drink.
“And how do you feel?”
“I heard about the…” he motioned in Anthony’s way. “Rumors. Are you alright?”
“Oh!” you said and nodded. “Of course.”
“You don’t have to lie to me, you know that.”
“I’m not lying to you,” you said. “Trust me. It will all be alright in the end.”
He heaved a sigh and you offered him a small smile.
“But enough about my love story,” you said. “How about yours?”
You looked around to check whether anyone was listening and leaned in closer.
“How are you and my cousin?”
He shot you a light hearted glare. “Your cousin and I decided that we should remain friends actually.”
You gasped, pressing a hand over your chest. “What?”
“Mm hm.”
“Oh no, that’s a disaster!”
He pulled his brows together. “Not it’s not, I told you—”
“Are you very heartbroken Hugh?” you cut him off. “When I was heartbroken I locked myself in the house and I refused to see anyone, do you feel the urge to do the same? Because I can be there for you and visit you every day if you’d like, I have experience in heartbreak now so if you ever need—”
“Y/N, I’m perfectly alright, and so is he,” he said, nodding in his direction and you looked over your shoulder to see Kenneth catching his gaze, then raised a glass in his direction. There was no hostility whatsoever in his eyes and you frowned in confusion before you turned back to Hugh.
“But you were in love!”
“No we were not, as we both told you over and over again.”
“But I saw you two…um—”
“You do realize that not everyone whom you happen to like spending time together has to be your one and only love?”
“You were kissing though!
“To repeat, it doesn’t mean we’re each other’s true love.”
Your frown deepened before you heaved a dramatic sigh.
“Very well then,” you said. “I had originally planned to put all my efforts into finding Edith her one true love after I was finished with Abby, but I’m afraid this is more urgent.”
“Uh oh.”
“I will find you your one true love, a lady or a lord,” you said. “And I shall do the same for Ken when I visit Scotland. I think he prefers lords though, so I shall find him a dashing lord.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Besides, we’re family now,” you said, motioning between yourself and him. “We will visit each other a lot after the season is over, remember?”
“You’re always welcome in my house but I’m begging you, please—”
“I will throw a ball at the Aubrey Hall as well, I think that would multiply the chance to find someone who happens to catch your interest.”
“Why is love like the plague for you?” Hugh asked. “Just because you have it, does not mean you should infect everyone with it.”
“I will not stop until the whole world is as happy and in love as I am,” you said, wagging your finger at him in a threatening manner and he repressed a laugh, holding up his hands.
“You don’t have to be so menacing about it.”
“It appears that I must,” you said and he heaved a dramatic sigh, shaking his head.
“Will you change your mind if I fight you on this?”
“Of course not.”
“Thought so,” he said before holding out his hand. “A dance with the lady of the house then?”
You smiled at him and took his hand, then let him lead you to the dance floor.
An hour into the ball, you had already danced with Kenneth, Elias and even your father before accepting Mr. Sinclair’s dance request. Now that he was completely smitten by Jane, for the whole dance he hadn’t stopped talking about her and made sure to thank you for introducing him to his true love, a statement that put a smile on your face. However, towards the end of your dance with him, you caught the sight of Cecily walking out of the ballroom so as soon as the dance was over, you grabbed another drink and excused yourself to look for Cecily. After a maid informed you that she had gone upstairs to the washroom, you quickly made your way to upstairs as well to knock on the door.
“A minute!” she called out before the noise of heaving reached your ears and you scrunched up your nose, then leaned back to the wall.
“Are you alright?”
“Do you want me to get Elias?”
“Oh no, I don’t want him to worry, this is—” she was cut off as she heaved again, then cleared her throat. “This is completely normal, as terrible as it sounds.”
You repressed a small chuckle and soon enough she opened the door of the washroom, wiping at her mouth with a towel.
“Should I send for a maid?”
She shook her head and offered you a smile.
“I’m getting used to it actually,” she said. “As much as one could get used to it, that is.”
“I do not envy you on that part,” you pointed out. “But I admit, I envy you on every other aspect of it.”
“Oh don’t worry, I’m very certain that soon enough you will be going through the same thing that I am going through right now.”
You sipped your drink. “Who knows?”
“I do,” she said and frowned. “Where’s your other earring?”
You touched your earlobes and let out a whine.
“I must have dropped it on the dance floor,” you said. “Great. I’ll just change them and look for it after everyone else leaves.”
She grinned. “Maybe a jealous lady stole it.”
You burst into a laugh. “Cece!”
“Could happen.”
“No it couldn’t,” you said and her grin widened.
“Alright alright…” she said. “I’m going back to the ballroom then.”
“I’ll be right there,” you said and made your way to your bedroom. You put your glass on the vanity, quickly grabbed another pair of ruby earrings –the spare ones you had saved for tonight- and checked your reflection in the mirror. You turned a little to check if your gown still looked as good as it did when you first walked into the ballroom, then smiled and grabbed your drink again before leaving the room.
It was only when you reached the hallway that you saw Anthony on the other side and you tilted your head.
“What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you,” he said with a small smile and you grinned.
“I had an earring emergency,” you said. “Why were you looking for me? Is everything alright?”
He looked over his shoulder as some noises reached you from the foyer downstairs and then turned to you again.
“You wanted to enjoy the view from a good spot, did you not?” he asked and as soon as it dawned on you what he was implying, your breath got caught in your throat, then you rushed past him to reach the mezzanine, where you could look down at the foyer that seemed to be swarming with people now, giving you a clear view.
“Let go of me at once!” Frederick’s voice rang through the foyer as two men –armed guards, as you could see- yanked him into the foyer. “How dare you? What is this?”
“Earl Woodhall, the parliament found that you have committed forgery and fraud,” one of the guards by the foyer said, not even moving an inch as your eyes caught the sight of your family, Lady Danbury and the Bridgertons leaving the ballroom as well to step into the foyer, the remaining guests following them. “You have broken her majesty the Queen’s laws as well as the parliament’s, and you will be punished accordingly.”
Even you could tell that all blood had left Frederick’s face as Anthony came to stand beside you while a dark smile curled your lips.
You wanted to see the look on his face one last time.
You held out your arm and let the glass slip from your grasp and in mere seconds it hit the marble floor, shattering into pieces, the sound gathering everyone’s attention considering how it was completely quiet because of people’s shock. Frederick’s head snapped up and Anthony threw an arm over your shoulder, raising his glass at him with a small smirk while you tilted your head, a pleased smile apparent on your lips.
“…You.” Frederick growled and you leaned your elbows on the railings, letting out a small laugh.
“It was about time you saw what real revenge looked like, and you’ve made it very easy,” you commented, entwining your fingers with Anthony. “Goodbye Frederick.”
With that, the guards dragged him out of the house and you stole a look at Elias and your father, who were both wearing similar smiles before turning to the rest of the guests who were staring at you and Anthony.
“Speech?” Anthony murmured and you nodded, then cleared your throat.
“Well now that the only traitor among us has been taken away and soon to meet his fate,” you said with a smile. “Allow us to welcome you to the Bridgerton House, and the last ball of the season.”
“Hear hear,” Elias called out, raising his glass and you let out a laugh as people started clapping.
“First of all, we would like to thank our dearest friends here who knew what has been happening for the last month was nothing but a necessary deception to uncover Earl Woodhall’s crimes,” you said. “Thank you so much for keeping our secret and not telling anyone.”
Anthony raised his brows and repressed a smirk.
Of course. The ton liked to be involved in anything and everything, especially any kind of secret. So by making them think some people among them knew your fights and divorce rumors were nothing but a deception, you were making sure that they wouldn’t suspect anything otherwise.
You were certain that so many people were going to tell each other they had known all along, even if they had been the first ones to jump on the divorce rumors.
“And to the rest who did not know,” you said. “For not being able to share it with you and for making you worry, we apologize.”
“Wholeheartedly,” Anthony said, pulling you closer to press a kiss on top of your head, earning a chorus of “aww” from the guests and you giggled.
“The second part of fireworks are going to start in half an hour as a celebration,” you said. “So yes, thank you so much for coming, and we hope you will enjoy the rest of the ball!”
Another round of applause exploded through the hallway and Anthony kissed the back of your hand, then winked at you.
“Come on,” he said. “We should go and get scolded by my family before we celebrate with yours.”
                                          ��      *
The ball was finished towards the dawn, and in your opinion –and also in almost all guests’ opinion, as they kept telling you- it had been the best ball of the season. After everyone left, instead of going back to your bedroom, you pulled Anthony by the hand to step outside, and went to the yard to sit down on the grass, with him following you. He leaned back to the tree you were sitting under, then pulled you closer to hold you in his arms, nuzzling to the top of your hair while you made yourself comfortable, resting your head on his chest, twisting his ring around his finger.
“I can’t believe it’s over,” you murmured, keeping your eyes on the gorgeous shades of orange and red painting the sky and he chuckled.
“Me neither,” he said. “I’m actually relieved, I kept thinking something would come up at the last second. That he would somehow figure it out.”
“He was too blinded by his hate to figure it out.”
“Lord Moore told me that his wife didn’t even tell him about our plan, but apparently she knew.”
“Mm, I overheard the same from Lady Bolton,” you said. “Apparently she knew as well.”
Anthony scoffed a laugh. “Unbelievable…”
“Do you think your mother and Lady Danbury forgave us when we explained it to them?” you asked. “They looked like they forgave us.”
“I think they did forgive us, but I can’t say the same for Eloise.”
“Oh me neither,” you said. “But I mean, this time next week we will all be together at Aubrey Hall, so she will have to forgive us.”
“After some bribe yes, I’m sure she will.”
You let out a giggle and craned your neck to look up at him only for him to dip his head to brush his lips against yours, then caressed your cheekbone with his thumb, smiling softly.
“Have I told you how beautiful you looked tonight?”
You hummed, pretending to be in deep thought. “Only once.”
“Ah that’s simply not acceptable,” he joked, making you giggle again. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on my love.”
“And you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever laid my eyes on, so we make quite a fine pair in my humble opinion,” you said with a grin, making him chuckle.
“We do.”
“And I love you.”
“I love you too darling. With my whole being.”
You squeezed at his arm and nibbled on your lip.
“Anthony mon amour, I realized something tonight.”
He buried his nose into your hair again. “What is it?”
“I feel like…” you paused for a moment. “Every single thing that has happened, it had to be. It was all supposed to happen from the beginning, and now I feel—I feel like I am home now. Like I actually belong here, like this right there was where I was meant to be all along. We were meant to find each other and be together, it was just meant to be.”
Anthony pressed a kiss on your temple, holding you tighter.
“It was,” he murmured. “And you are home now.”
You smiled slightly and took a deep breath, leaning your head back to his chest and inhaling his scent, a sense of relief washing over you.
“Yes,” you said. “Yes I think I am.”
                                  The End.
 PS: Wow, this was a long ride!😁 Thank you so so much to every single one of you my loves who has given me amazing support and HCs and ideas! I wouldn’t be able to write this without you, I love you so much!❤
And special thanks to my wonderful friend and beta Bea for helping me with the whole story and making it so much better with her ideas and editing skills, and TM anon for their wonderful analyses of the chapters! You are awesome! ❤
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Day in Fandom History: April 26…
In hopes to impress Lucy, Panda has to take care of Lucy's little brother named Clifford while she's away, but found out that taking care of the asthmatic little boy is not as easy as he thought at first. “Lucy’s Brother” premiered on this day, 6 Years Ago.
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lonelyfanboy48 · 6 months
Canadian Freedom Or Hibernation Heartsick Chapter 4
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The following morning, Lucy, Clifford, and Kale picked up Panda after they picked up Kazumi and Tom. Amanda texted them that she has a surprise for what she’s bringing along for their trip to Canada. “I still can’t believe you haven’t been to her house yet.” Kale said, sitting on the front seat.
“Or met her parents yet.” Kazumi added.
“Well she never told me where she lived in San Francisco.” Panda replied, sitting in the back. “Her profile here felt like me and my brothers were, except she appeared less in San Francisco, only hanging out with me while mostly at my place.”
“She never told you where she lives?” Tom replied. “I did kidnap you, but I still showed you where I lived…up until I moved into Griff and Isaac’s place.”
“People don’t always stay in San Francisco, which is why she texted me her home address.” Lucy took out her phone. “When she moved along with her family, she moved to Sausalito.”
“Her friends told me about Amanda being at Sausalito after Christmas. It’s just me and my brothers who never had an interest in going there.”
“You’re in for a surprise.” Kale looked back. “Lucy and I went there and it’s amazing. You get a great view of San Francisco in the distance across the sea.”
“And the houses there are great.” Lucy added.
“I enjoyed the olives there. They were much fresher.” Clifford commented.
“Huh, it’s weird she never asked me to hang at her place when her parents aren’t there.” Panda said to himself.
“It’s probably because her parents love their new home deeply.” Kuzumi smiled. “Can’t wait to see what it looks like.”
Lucy drove through the buildings of Sausalito while paying attention to Amanda’s home address. She parked by the end of the road while the dock houses are located. Upon coming out, Panda followed Lucy, Clifford, and Kale from behind. He looked at the dock houses floating on the water, while Tom enjoyed the sight of the ocean. Mornings make Sausalito beautiful, especially when boats appear in the sea for more sightseeing. It wasn’t long until they arrived at Amanda's house, it was painted in pink, but wasn’t big like Chloe’s house. They slowly stepped on the front porch where the water lapped underneath.
When Panda looked at the house itself, he took a deep breath, knowing the moment inevitably had to arrive. “Well, there’s no going back now.” He pressed the doorbell, waiting along with his friends by his side. Soon, it was answered with Amanda’s dad revealing to Panda for the first time. He didn’t hesitate the moment he saw Amanda’s boyfriend after the pictures she took with him.
“Panda.” He responded. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Yeah, long overdue, but hello.” Panda lifted his hand up while Amanda’s father gave him a hand shake. He invited them inside as he closed the door behind Tom, while taking them to the living room.
“I’ve heard you are going to Canada…and my daughter wants to go.”
“It was technically Grizz’s idea when it came to our holiday last night.”
“We’re still making preparations.” Lucy added.
“I know how that felt when we made the choice to move here.” Amanda’s father commented. “Even if you are only taking a vacation up north, we had so many preparations on which place we should move to.”
“Must’ve been a rough time before moving here.” Clifford replied.
“There’s so many choices, but in the end, you can only pick one.”
Then Amanda’s mother entered the living room, taking notice of Panda himself. “Oh you’re finally here.” She smiled.
“Hi Amanda’s mom.”
“Amanda’s upstairs in case you’re wondering. She just finished breakfast.”
“Are you gonna be alright with Amanda leaving if we do go?”
“No, not at all. Amanda went on vacation on her own without us. She had a lot of fun activities.”
“What was her favorite place she wanted to go?” Kuzumi wondered.
This caused the ramen chief to smile. “Oh, is it because there’s pandas over there?” She gently hit her elbow on Panda.
“We all know where pandas come from.” Panda smiled. “But to be realistic, she wouldn’t have met me since I’ve lived in San Francisco my whole life.”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t even get a boyfriend who’s willing to cross overseas just to be with her.” Amanda’s mom replied.
Panda knew it wasn’t a coincidence for Amanda to just accept to be his girlfriend, knowing that his brothers helped him out before heading to camp. “Should we meet your daughter now?” Kale asked.
“Of course, she’s outside, on the balcony from her room.” Amanda’s dad pointed upstairs.
“She has an outdoor balcony?” Tom replied.
“Dock houses here have balconies, just to have a clear view of the ocean. You couldn’t imagine how lucky we are just to have this place.”
“You all can meet her upstairs. She has a surprise for you.” Amanda’s mom said.
“Yeah, she texted me about it.” Lucy showed her phone to Amanda’s parents. “We should be on our way.”
Panda’s group wasted little time as they headed upstairs. Panda saw Amanda’s door open, all the while seeing her room for the first time. Tons of panda accessories all around the room didn’t even phase Panda. He knew she adores pandas the many times she hung out with him, even when their profile slowly became accepted thanks to society changing.
“Wow, talk about panda mania.” Kale wrapped his arm around Panda. “Imagine her being dressed up as a panda in Canada.”
“Everyone up north will definitely get the picture on who you and Amanda truly are.” Lucy added, while rubbing Panda’s head.
“That is if pandas actually live in Canada rather than China.”
“People in Canada still like Pandas, just like your girlfriend.” Kale replied.
Tom and Kuzumi’s attention were turned to the outside balcony where Amanda and Samantha are out; however, it wasn’t Amanda nor her friend themselves. “Uhh, Panda…” Tom getting his friend’s attention. “Look.”
Panda, Lucy, and Kale turned to the balcony which took them by notice. Clifford went past everyone to see the balcony himself, as he and the others saw two young kids playing with Amanda and Samantha. “Two kids.” He responded.
When they made their way out on the balcony, Amanda took notice as she stood up. “Panda.” She smiled while giving him a hug. Panda’s attention was still glued on the two kids, one of which looked at Clifford the moment he stepped outside. One is a boy and the other is a girl who both have the same hair color as Amanda.
“Amanda, who are these kids?” He replied as Amanda broke the hug.
“These kids are my younger brother and sister.” She answered as she pointed at them one by one. “My brother Chanda, my sister Tatiana.”
When Panda looked down at Amanda’s siblings, he always thought that Amanda was a single daughter in her family. “Was this the surprise you meant?”
“Yes. If we go to Canada, I want to bring my brother and sister along.”
“We heard so many cute things about you.” Tatiana smiled.
“That Christmas Eve when you and your brothers turned into cubs.” Chanda added. “I want to hang out with you.”
“Christmas miracles don’t always happen to everyone you know.” Amanda looked down on his brother.
“Besides, you haven’t even heard most of what happened on that day.” Samantha recalled. “You would probably want to hang out with Ice Bear for what he's been through.”
“I’m still having a hard time, a wish caused them to turn into cubs.” Kale commented.
“I’ve watched Grizz’s latest Crowbar Jones movie.” Lucy replied. “It didn’t fool me that Grizz was a cub in that.”
“Anyway…” Panda getting back on topic. “...so many cute things about me huh? Are you panda fans like…”
“They are.” Amanda giggled.
“Well…” Panda blushed.
“I’m sure they saw all the photos of you and your girlfriend.” Kuzumi replied. “Especially the ones from Valentine's Day.”
“You look so cute with the kiss marks on your face.” Tatiana said.
“Seriously, am I the only one who didn’t enjoy that?” Clifford replied.
“I mostly felt jealous the moment I saw it to be honest.” Tom added.
“I’m really looking forward to our trip to Canada.” Chanda replied. “I can’t wait for the adventure we’re gonna have there.”
Panda would want to be respectful towards Amanda’s siblings, but if there’s one thing he didn’t think about is what his adventure would be like with or without his girlfriend. “I would be happy to have you being part of the adventure but…aren’t you two a little concerned about the unexpected?”
“Relax Panda, nothing horrible is gonna happen.” Kale replied.
“Yeah, we’ve watched so many movies with tons of unexpected moments.” Tatiana commented.
“Do they have anything to do with Canada?”
“Like, we can do anything fun there, it’s just the unexpected I’m referring to is Canada itself. Even if we’re gonna be away from anything bad happening to us, I just hope it’s something extraordinary.”
“It will be.” Samantha chimed in. “Not only am I coming too, but extraordinary is the point when it comes our way.”
“Yeah!” Chanda cheered. “I just know it!”
“Can we at least slow down on the fact we need to plan out the activities there?” Tom asked. “We are planning to bring tons of people but…the things we’re doing there is what we should be thinking about.”
“I’m gonna work on that with Grizz and Ice Bear later.” Panda replied as he turned back to Chanda and Tatiana. “As for you two, I have no problem giving Amanda’s brother and sister some anime fun.”
“Well this is gonna be weird knowing I’m not gonna be Panda’s only friend.” Clifford said which caused Tatiana to pull him, giving him a hug with Chanda also joining in.
“You're Amanda's brother and sister's new friend!” Tatiana replied.
“I’m gonna ask Ranger Tabes if she’s willing to add more kids in the Poppy Rangers.” Lucy leaned next to her boyfriend.
“Good luck seeing your brother having his own adventure then.” Kale giggled.
Kuzumi had a thought of her own when it came to Canada itself. “I mostly want to see how you and your brothers are doing since it has been a long time since we’ve met.”
“Yeah, you never told me how you and the others left her back from Japan.”
“We had to go somewhere, Japan just isn’t our place for a home.” Panda answered.
“It’s true.” Kuzumi filling in. “Karla and I wanted to be supportive since we agreed to spend more time with you. I also wanted to spread my ramen talents in different places in the world.”
“Don’t worry, we could stay in Canada longer. Like Tom said, we can plan out activities, you, Karla, me, and my brothers can do something when we get the chance.”
“I’ll look forward to that, especially Gayla who’s gonna take care of the passports today.”
“You will like her.”
When everyone made their settlements, they all took a group picture back in the living room with Amanda’s parents. From snaps from Panda and Amanda’s phones, they upload them on the internet which gained attention right away from their followers. It may be the beginning of preparations, but a slow process to keep everything on track. What matters to Panda is what he’s gonna have in store with Amanda, including her brother and sister.
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xoxo-surfergirl · 2 months
wash my sins away
I. The Ocean has it's silent caves
aemond targaryen x fem!lucerys velaryon
abstract: lucera and aemond awake on a beach in storm's end, with no recollection of how they got there. they sense the brewing war, but amnesia has ripped away the memory of visery's passing.
themes: amnesia, dark aemond (he's a dark character so he's gonna come off as dark in this fic), all of rhaenyra's children are girls, enemies to enemies to lovers, eventual smut, medium burn
lucy's notes: this is cross-posted on ao3, where I currently have 8 out of about 13-14 chapters posted. i'm currently in the process of bringing the entire fic over here and updating at the same time--the rest should be uploaded to tumblr later this evening! The first two chapters are shorter in length, where as the rest average at about 6k words.
word count: 3.3k
The rumble of the sea took over. The sound was atmospherically encompassing, the only thing Lucera knew. As she was beginning to feel more tethered to earth, she could hardly bear to open her eyes. Tiredness had sunken deep beneath her skin and anchored there. Feeling made its way through her body again, and the aches in her muscles turned into burns. 
The clouds were dark and hanging low overhead. A light rain was falling, and the time of day was hidden in ambiguity. Quickly, she felt the body behind her, the arms that were tightly bound around her chest and waist. The body had curled itself into her, their knees slightly tucked together. Lucera looked down, and saw large, lithe hands adorned with rings settled on her. 
The Targaryen crest was featured prominently on his middle finger. She knew very little of herself, of where she was, but she knew it was him. Aemond was holding her so close to himself that it was nearly hard to breathe. 
But she didn’t know anything right now, and could hardly recall her own name. And for some reason, him holding her like this felt okay. Something told her that it shouldn’t, but it did. Lucera could nearly feel the moment his eye opened, as his hands and arms flexed around her, and a deep breath pressed his chest further into her back. But he did not let go. If anything, he held her tighter. His deep breathing continued, and they laid curled into each other on the beach for long enough that the sun began to barely peek through the clouds after being hidden in darkness. 
She began to sit up, and he followed suit. “Aemond,” her voice croaked. It sounded foreign to her. 
“Lucie,” he replied, his voice sounding just as strange to him. 
Part of her remembered that he never called her anything but Lucera. The last time he had called her Lucie, they had been children. He looked at her with shock. It was as if he couldn’t look away. 
“W—we should…where are we?” Lucera looked around, taking in their surroundings. 
Aemond took in the large rocks on either side of them down the beach, the dark clouds overhead, and the warbled waves. 
“I think we’re in the Storm Lands. There is nowhere else in the south that looks like this.” He said upon his assessment.
A shudder moved through Lucera, her body reminding her that the clothes she wore were soaking wet, she didn’t have a cloak, the sea that she had clearly emerged from was a gripping temperature. What little heat Aemond’s body had to offer was now gone. 
Aemond. What in the gods had happened? She thought she remembered her family—white and dark hair curling in her memory. Nyra. Jace. The only memories she could truly access were of her younger self at the Red Keep. 
Her confusion mounted and a myriad of questions surrounded her. What was Aemond doing here, with her, in the Storm Lands of all places? Most of all, why was there a creeping part of her that was deeply afraid of him? 
“W-we should find a village then,” she chattered out, jaw tense from holding in shuddering the cold, “th—there must be a fi—fishing village somewhere.” She pulled herself off of the sand, every joint echoing pain. Aemond looked at her with what she could mistake as a hint of concern. 
“Yes, there must be,” he replied, pulling himself up along with her. Lucera was having a hard time walking, and he felt…what was it? Guilt? It bit like an ulcer in his stomach. “Put your arm around me.” 
Lucera looked up at him, with slight hesitancy. She looked into his eye, her fear no doubt shining through hers. 
“I’m going to help you walk.” He looked at her expectantly. After taking a moment in hesitation, she looped her arm around his waist. He held his arm through her other arm, taking a decent portion of the weight off of her legs. 
The relief was needed. They trudged through the sand, the water from what appeared to be a night’s rainfall had soaked through and hardened it, making it easier to walk on. In the daze of fog, she could make out the broken remains of ships that had found their end on the reef beneath the water. Large, splintered wood that creaked with the tide. The sense of foreboding that it gave her was hard to ignore. 
The higher ground above the beach allowed them to see a glowing cluster of lights not too far in the distance that was no doubt a village. Tiredness overwhelmed them greatly, but their determination to warm themselves was more pressing. The glow grew larger until they were standing underneath it, the flames in the lanterns dancing. Even in this state of confusion, Aemond was no fool. He was perhaps the easiest to spot from afar, his long silver hair shining brightly even in the dimness of the storm, and there was the matter of his brilliant sapphire. 
He knew that he and Lucera were nowhere near returning to their families, and may be here in this village for longer than either of them would hope for. Concealing their identities as much as possible was necessary. They strolled the outskirts, attempting to find a cloth maker. Their presence made the other uneasy. She had let him know that she believed she could walk on her own now, and surveyed the merchants around her. 
She was plain. Her brown eyes and brown hair swayed and searched as she clung to him for support. Bastard. Common-born.  The words echoed in his head, but at the thought, something pulled deep in his chest. Every time he looked at her he felt overwhelming guilt and relief. It was oppressive, and he would fulfill the desire to run away from her and never see her again if it wasn’t for the accompanying frantic need to watch over her. 
When did this happen? Why is his mind betraying him so? All he remembered of her was a little girl with freckled pudgy cheeks and a pig nose staring up at him, a puppy who chased after her older sister Jacaera, the girlish giggles that would echo down the halls. He remembers her round face smiling up at him as they played hide-and-seek, the both of them in the same spot waiting for Jacaera to catch them. How they all got a little bit older and Aegon began roping her into his pranks and jests at his expense. How that grew his dislike for her. 
How she cut out his eye on Driftmark soon after that. 
The coldness of resentment swept him over as he watched her walk up to a woman with an assortment of clothes hanging from various lines, ready to be sold, on the edge of the square. He has every reason to dislike her. She had been careless that night. But then his emotions switched as the wind—that immense guilt that was coming from something he couldn’t grasp, and that desire to…protect her? 
The woman was gesturing to several different dresses and cloaks, all drab compared to their royal attire. Her arms reached around her neck and unclasped her necklace, moonstone and silver, and held it out for the woman who took it in with widened eyes. She became much more enthusiastic in her motions, and brought out different styles for Lucera’s choosing. 
Aemond looked at her with confusion. He wasn’t sure what to do or how to treat her, but a voice inside guided him to be calm and reserved. 
Lucera returned with dark cloaks for the two of them, two dresses for herself, two shirts and pairs of breeches for him, and a pair of shoes. He quickly threw the cloak over himself with the hood on. She kept hers down. 
“I saw an inn over at the corner there, on the right” Aemond said while nodding towards the light glow. “There looks to be a tavern underneath.” 
Once inside the walls of the tavern, the cold, salty air was quickly replaced by the thick stuffiness that only numerous bodies confined in walls could produce. There was an underlying hum accumulated from the many voices that wafted through the air with the smell of ale and fried fish. The two slid into a booth on the far side, settling in as a barmaid hastily set down two large horns of ale, the cups overflowing and sloshing onto the table. 
“We’ll have whatever is the most filling, and a room.” Aemond’s voice was void of emotion, and he took off one of his gold rings and put it on the table. “I’m sure this will suffice for anything we might need during our stay?” 
The barmaid was surprised, but nodded fervently. “Yes, of course.” stumbled out of her mouth and she made her way to the kitchens.
Lucera laughed lightly, “You don’t think we’ll be giving away our identities by giving away our jewelry?” 
“Not exactly,” Aemond replied dryly. “Although they will know we are highborn”
“What if someone tries to attack us or hold us captive in hopes that they will receive gold for our safe return? Even if they don’t know who we are?” Lucera looked at him, with true concern behind her eyes. 
Aemond laughed darkly, and looked up at her with a strange look in his eye. “Do you forget my skills with a sword, Lucie? Do you forget how the best knights in Westeros struggle against my blade?” He leaned forward. “I am not worried about a few scoundrels trying their hand against me for a few gold dragons.” 
The fear from the beach coursed through Lucera once more. She looked at the man across from her—a dangerous man, a powerful one, and there was something unexplainable and dark lurking behind the mist. She could feel it. It must have been written all over her face. 
Remorse surged him as he read her expression, but then he saw her two eyes and thought of the way she maimed him, the way she altered his life completely, how she held all of the power in her hands that night. He had been afraid of her in that moment, seeing the blade strike down and feeling the impending tear of flesh, and he wanted her to feel the same fear he felt that day. The feeling of utter weakness and hopelessness haunted him, and he felt that she deserved to feel it too. 
“Are you afraid of me, Lucie? Do I make you scared?” He taunted her. 
She looked away from him. Good, he thought. A rush ran through his veins, the kind that only power can give. 
In truth, she was terrified. He did scare her. He sent fear wrapping around her neck, her chest, her legs and arms, holding her still. 
“No, uncle. I am not afraid of you.” her voice shook as she spoke, and they both knew the truth. She just had to be stubborn about it too, didn’t she? 
But then the feeling stopped. The power trip faded, and Aemond was left with that…other feeling creeping into him. The one that made him feel gross, and overly concerned with her. He couldn’t even sink back into the overly domineering part of himself if he tried. Her eyes locked with his eye and she swore his expression had softened. It was foreign, so out of imagination that he was capable of feeling self-reproach. 
The barmaid gently set their food on the table, clay plates hot and steaming with spices and butter. The loaf of bread was still warm, fresh from the oven. Neither of them wasted any time on getting to their food, their bodies aching from hunger and a heavy wariness. Words were not needed; fulfilling themselves proved to be a far more important task. Yet, both were grateful for the excuse. 
The tavern was alight with song and dance, and Lucera smiled at the joy of the dancers as she ate. The moment had turned pleasant and light, and eating alongside the smallfolk had lifted her spirits more than she thought it would. Her own body didn’t have the energy to sustain a dance, and to her dismay, realized that she didn’t know any of the smallfolk dances. 
The barmaid returned with a key. “Up the stairs, down the hall, take a right, it will be the second door on the left.” She refilled their ale. 
“Thank you, we appreciate your hospitality,” Lucera smiled at her. The barmaid thanked her for her kindness in turn, and left the two be. 
The pair sat and watched the music for a while, contemplating everything they knew, and everything they didn’t. The smallfolk looked genuinely happy. The women’s skirts were swaying and the men were swinging in their dances. Life seemed simple, and for a moment Lucera wondered for the first time if highborn life was too complicated. She wanted to feel this happiness, this ease. 
Aemond was quick to snap her out of it, however, as he stood up. “We need to rest Lucera”. She mumbled something in agreement, and followed him as he walked towards the back of the tavern where the staircase was hidden slightly from view. 
Each step sang differently as their boots made contact with the worn wood. The stairway was narrow, and the bright noise of the people below faded into a hum as they ascended. She watched him walk through the hallways, his tall figure taking up space, making it seem crowded by his very existence. The hallway was just as tapered, and quickly Lucera thought about the room they would be sharing. Would it have one bed or two? The thought of there being one bed was an odd one. Would he rather sleep on the ground than with her? Would it bother her if he did think that way? How did he view her? She had never fully considered it, but then he pushed the door open and they were met by two small beds. 
There was one on either side of the quaint room, and in between them sat a desk with a few candles. There were two windows that overlooked the street below. It was a quiet and quaint space, and the silence between them hung thick. 
Aemond began taking off his cloak, and setting it on the wooden bedframe. He leaned against the wall. “I don’t know how we ended up on that beach, Lucera, but our reasons for being there must have been significant.” 
Lucera was debating on how honest she felt like being with her uncle. They hadn’t always been the nicest to each other growing up, but they had known each other for nearly their whole lives. Given the circumstances, and that he was just as in the dark as she was, she figured that honesty, even at the cost of a little vulnerability, would be worth it. 
“It is strange, uncle. I don’t remember much of anything besides many of my older memories, and who my family is, and who I am. All of what would be my  recent memories…there’s just an empty space there.” Lucera looked at him. 
“My mind is the same. I’m curious where Vhagar is, if she’s around at all or if she’s back at the Dragonpit. I just can’t imagine myself traveling anywhere in the Seven Kingdoms without her.” 
At the mention of Vhagar, Lucera’s body tensed. She wasn’t quite sure why. Arrax came into her mind, and a deep feeling sunk into her heart. “I feel the same about Arrax, though if he were to have flown me here, it would have been the longest flight we’d ever been on.” She paused, then continued. “I don’t know what I would have been doing in the Storm Lands in the first place, especially on my own. I don’t exactly travel without my family.” 
Aemond laughed underneath his breath at that. 
“What? He’s a young dragon, and I’m a Princess of the Realm. It isn’t weird that we haven’t gotten out much” Lucera insisted. 
“Whatever you say Princess.” Aemond looked at her with a smug look on his face, one that told her he felt greater than her. 
“Just because you ride the biggest dragon in the world, doesn’t mean you’re better than everyone else”. Lucera huffed at him. His smile only grew larger. 
“No, it’s the fact that I am well studied, am a great swordsman, and I ride the biggest dragon that makes me better than everything else.” She knew he meant it as a joke, but it was obviously true. 
“Your greatest weakness is your ego, uncle”. Lucera laughed slightly, and she began taking off her shoes. 
The mattress was no featherbed, but it wasn’t a pile of sand either. They discussed finding horses, or a boat to take them back to King's Landing, but both dismissed the idea as a last resort, as they each had felt wary of the ocean after having washed up on shore together. 
She watched Aemond as she crawled into bed, his eye lost in thought looking out the window beyond the square. Her mental space was deeply disturbed, and her heart was pulling in many different directions. She felt afraid of Aemond, deeply afraid. She felt heartbroken almost, as if there were certain feelings bubbling to the surface that weren’t there until he acted. She was nearly appalled at her discovery of their existence, and she refused to acknowledge or name it. 
The soft licks of the flame in the lantern spread a light glow to the town, leading derelicts and drunks back to their homes at the late hour. Aemond watched them, contemplating his arrival here, and his companion. Gods, her mere existence drew him mad. She was so…stupid sometimes, naive, and annoying in a way that younger people often are. She was innocent—regardless of if she had taken his eye—she maintained her innocence, somehow. He didn’t. He knew part of his resentment of her sprouted from that—the fact that he had to grow up. He had to learn how to live with one eye, with the pain. How he looked terrifying to most. How he would never be able to compete in tournaments because vision is already limited in a visor. He had to find glory elsewhere, as a second son no less. 
He felt the fire of resentment grow, and then something else rushed in. There was something else there, something that cooled the resentment and told him that they were even now. He didn’t know how, or by what. She still had both eyes. 
And suddenly he was scared again, looking over at her, wanting to protect her. His heart rate increased and to his own surprise he felt pulled to wrap his arms around her and hold her in his chest. That she might disappear any moment if he didn’t. 
Aemond spent the night watching over her from his side of the bed, contemplating. He was smart , he could figure this out. He knew better than to ignore his instincts. He knew, deep down, that he had hurt her somehow, and that they were even. Something pulled at his heart, and the guilt rushed in. It was not a feeling he was familiar with. The unfamiliarity of it alone disturbed him. He could make this better, improve things before they both found out the truth for good. He hated to admit it, and he barely let himself think for a moment that he couldn’t stomach the thought of her disliking him. 
When had he ever given second thought to her feelings, her emotions? The dark part of himself loved her fear of him. But for the first time in his life, the good part of him felt sickened by it. 
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Hiya! It's me- ya annoyingly persistent, sad au creator! (I sent you the bimbo!au idea, succubus au, deadpool x wolverine au and other less important ones-)
I've come bearing gifts! kind of- more horny stuff than gifts but you get the point!
I'm absolutely loving all the things you're posting for this au, I LOVE how horny you and everyone else is making Adam (and how slightly done and exhausted Lucifer is), everything about it is perfect!
I'm so into this idea I'm about to share with you that I've hopped onto my pc, so i can use the keyboard because my phone is killing my thumbs, so, sorry for the lack of emojis, I feel so naked without them *sad face*.
Anyway- I was thinking about what it would have been like for Adam when he first spawned in Hell. I've always liked the idea that he doesn't go straight to the hotel or Lucifer- because why would he? they killed him and he wont admit it but Luci kicked his ass WAY too easily for his liking (so he's a tad scared of him- not that he'd ever admit that).
So I think he wandered around Hell for a bit, I'm not sure what his sinner form would look like- maybe something that looks human with slight demon features? I like the smallish horns with a long tail? Kinda like a tiefling, specifically the ones from Baldur's Gate 3 (I love the ridges and scale type look their bodies have, I think that would look so cool on Adam). But curvy of course- man already has that ass he needs the hips to.
I don't think his bimbo-ness would come in till an hour or so after waking up, so he's basically in the middle of Hell when he starts going through it. Maybe he goes into an alleyway cause he's kinda freaked out about why he's so horny all of a sudden and he can barely remember the plan he came up with and when he tries to remember he gets a small headache. Of course he's been cat called since he walked into the busy part of town, so maaybe a couple of sinners (of different sizes, cause we both know he's a size queen now), follow him into the alley a few minutes later. He's completely gone at this point, begging them to fuck him- which they do- very happily btw.
Even though it's been HOURS since he walked into the alley, he can't cum no matter who's fucking him or how their fucking him. The sinners don't care, as long as their finishing.
How does Lucifer find him I hear you asking? He's walking around town, checking in on some sinners- because he's trying to be more kingly- he promised Charlie he would try harder. And he sees this huge line coming out from an alley. He watches as sinners (mainly male- some female) walk out, looking pretty pleased. He knows that means trouble so he goes to have a look. everyone scarpers because they really don't want to mess with him. He strolls in- expecting to see some poor sinner beaten or dead but instead he sees Adam sucking this dude off- poor dude hasn't seen Lucifer yet because he's a bit busy.
As much as Lucifer hates Adam, he doesn't want to see him be taken advantage of, so he pulls the guy off him and scares him off (demon form- you know how it is), he looks at Adam, expecting to see him utterly defeated- but instead he's a moaning mess, whining and trying to reach for the guy who was just here. Words are a tad difficult for Adam atm so he's just grabbing at anything- which becomes Lucifer once he crawls closer.
Luci has no idea what's going on, just staring at Adam. He only snaps out of it when Adam finds his zip, lucky for Lucifer he can't seem to undo his button.
As soon as Adam touches Lucifer, he knows he's the only one that can get him to cum, he doesn't care where they are or who sees he just needs Lucifer in him.
Slightly freaked out, Luci teleports them back to the Hotel (he cleaned Adam up first), luckily for Lucifer it's in the middle of the night, so no ones in the lobby.
Well- except Alastor's shadow- you just know he has to be involved in every au we have. We need the drama lol.
That's all I have- so far. Please don't stop with your posts about this au, it brings me so much joy. rip Adams everything but most importantly- rip Luci's dick.
I was lowkey thinking of having Adam not meet up with Luci for a while- maybe Val finds him? I could see him working for Val. Not that he's know, he's just there for the dick.
But that's whatever, feel free to have a play around with the Val idea if you want- I'm curious with how that could go lol.
Okay, I'll take my leave- bye!
I like the idea of him being used as a glory hole in a fucking alleyway before Lucifer finds him.
I also like the idea of Val getting wind of him after Lucifer has taken him to the hotel. A sinner that's just giving it away for free AND he's good looking
That will sell.
Meanwhile, since Adam now can feel it in his body that he can only cum for Lucifer hes trying so fucking hard to get that dick lol
Lucifer: Woah! Take it easy there buddy.
Adam: Oh come on Luci, like you haven't thought about me riding your dick.~
Lucifer: ..... Well I am now!
Because Adam is desperate and needy and looking at Lucifer like he's the only being in the universe and fuck! If he doesn't actually want it but it's wrong.
And oh shit Adams making a move for his dick!
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