#x lucifer
activesplooger · 2 months
Radioapple Oneshot: A genuine moment <3
Okay so this was supposed to be a little short thing but it ended up being a little mini story so enjoy! I'm actually rlly happy w how this turned out it's so sweet ahhhh! Masterpost!
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Setting + Background: The Hotel hosts a black-tie gala to celebrate its newfound success! The venue is packed with residents and staff (as well as a few overlords and sins, courtesy of Lucifer and Alastor).
Lucifer sits at an empty table, sipping on his champagne as he watches his daughter manage everything and talk with the guests. Her bright genuine smile never faltering. He smiles softly, beaming with pride at his daughter’s determination finally paying off after years of struggling.
“Is anyone sitting here?” Alastor says, gesturing to the empty chair next to Lucifer. Snapping out of his trance, Lucifer looks up at the tall deer demon standing before him. “O-Oh! Yeah yeah of course, sit.”. Alastor takes a seat next to the blonde and sips his whiskey. Theres a long silence, Lucifer’s fixated on Charlie and not paying attention to The Radio Demon staring at him with a wide toothy grin.
”She takes after you, you know.”
Lucifer turns to face Alastor “Pardon?”
Alastor tilts his head slightly, his smile only growing “She takes after you. You have that same… look… in your eyes.” Surprised at the usually hostile demon, Lucifer furrows his eyebrows and gestures his cane toward him "Is this some kind of joke?" The Radio Demon waves a dismissive hand and chuckles, "Heavens no! Perish the thought, what would give you that idea?" Lucifer deadpans at Alastor and looks at him, a look that seems to say 'Get real'. Alastor takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes playfully, "Fine fine, I'll admit I haven't been the kindest-" Lucifer smirks and softly chuckles "That's an understatment" "Oh fuck you" "Hah, that's more like it!" The two demons share a laugh together, a raw moment between the two that was pretty uncommon. But, when moments like this did happen, it was everything. Typically, they would either argue, or just not talk at all. Every once in a while though, they’d set aside their pride and have a decent chat. Alastor sips his whiskey, looking back at the crowd of people fraternizing and dancing as he speaks. "But, seriously, as much as we don't necessarily get along... I do admire your ambition... More so how your ambition passed on to your daughter and brought us, well, here." Lucifer was about to retort with something snarky but, he saw the authentic look in his eyes... He wasn't smirking like a smartass, or having that strained smile on his face that he usually does... His ears weren't twitching, they were relaxed against his head... He almost looked... pure, and happy... Lucifer can't help the smile that starts to creep out from his teeth. "Thanks Al... That means a lot... Sometimes I feel so wrapped up in my own failure that I forget that it doesn't always turn out that way." Alastor looks back at him, the cocky grin returning "What? Afraid she was gonna follow in the footsteps of your short-comings?" "Well yeah I-" The comment processes in Lucifer's head, noticing the emphasis on the 'short'. The blonde looks back at The Radio Demon who was now stifling a laugh at his own joke. "Oh haha! Very funny! Asshole!" "Bwahahahahahah!" Alastor cackled while Lucifer pretended to be annoyed, eventually giving up and joining him in the laughter. The two engaged in playful banter, it wasn't hostile or a facade for Charlie to think they were fine... It was a nice conversation, nicer than the two would ever admit to others or themselves. As the night goes on, they talk until they're the last people in the venue. The only sounds being the two chatting and the soft, slow, music playing over the speakers.
For the first time in the night, there's a pause in the conversation... It wasn't uncomfortable, nor was it awkward, but it was there. Maybe it was time to end the night, despite the fact neither of them wanted to... Lucifer opens his mouth, but before he could speak Alastor interupts him. He was afraid Lucifer was going to leave, he couldn't allow that to happen. Alastor get's up from his seat abruptly and exclaims, a hint of desperation in his eyes "No!" Lucifer cocks his head to the side and furrows his eyebrows in confusion "Wha-?” "A-Ah, what I mean is..." The demon’s eyes dart around the room, searching for an excuse when his eyes flicker to the large, empty dance floor. He takes a breath, his compsure coming back in full force. Alastor leans down a bit and extends a hand to Lucifer "Care to dance?"
"O-Oh! Yes! I-I mean sure, why not!" The blonde tries (and fails) to remain casual in his response, but Alastor could tell by the light blush that dusted his cheeks that he was anything but casual about this. A shakey hand takes Alastors and they walk to the dance floor, swaying softly to the music... Nothing too fancy, Alastor would spin Lucifer here and there but it was mainly swaying. Occasionally, they would lock eyes before they darted their eyes elsewhere and blushed furiously. 'Its just a dance between friends', a statement the two repeated furiously in their heads in an attempt to avoid the obvious tension between them. Song after song, they continued to dance and grew more comfortable with eachother. Lucifer pressed against Alastors chest and held his hand loosely as they swayed. Alastor hummed along to the song, relaxing Lucifer as he felt the vibrations from his chest against his head. "Enjoying youself, your higness?" "..." "Hm?" The tall demon feels Lucifer go limp against him, he had fallen asleep. Alastor chuckled softly and picked him up bridal style, going up the stairwell to Lucifer's room to ensure nobody saw him in such a compromising state. He walked into Lucifer's room. Rubber ducks were pilied into large bins around the room and the lavish furniture had a circus theme to it. 'So tacky...' Alastor thought to himself. He layed Lucifer down on his bed and tucked him in. Alastor took a moment, just staring at him as he slept. Not in a creepy way, but in a loving and affectionate way... He exhales softly and kisses Lucifer's forehead. "Goodnight, Luci" Alastor warps out of the room in a black shadow. After he left, Lucifer smiled to himself. He felt and heard the whole thing, the cheeky blonde just wanted to see what Alastor would do if he faked sleeping. He hugged his duck plushly tightly and fell asleep with a content smile.
The End! <3
Okay i actually ended up loving this lmk what you guys think i love radioapple its so cuteee kajfckaslnjlaf Masterpost!
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applepartysins · 8 months
Visiting your enemy's tower to drink a little bit AhAHa
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Weird way to start a truce but okay
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elisenel · 7 months
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This prolly doesn't make sense but I couldn't stop thinking about fizzarozzie getting Lucifer's blessing 🐤✨
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midascrow · 6 months
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I love him so much
insta: Midas.S.Crow
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honestlynotgonnalie · 7 months
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Lo and behold!! im back 😭
had work and then other life shit but we poppin now!
this was my girlfriends request,,, aka @berdteeth :)) love you bb ❤️💜❤️
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trisiyamoon · 7 months
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I need this duo🦌🍎
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mythbringer-mayhem · 7 months
Everyday Arguments - Rose-Tinted Comic
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sidsinning · 8 months
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Horrifying is not the word she’d use
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samzikei · 5 months
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Hmmm... Something about the new shopkeep next door seems sus.
print available on etsy
on twitter
speedpaint video
extra 1 | extra 2 | Comic Part 1 | Comic Part 2 | Comic Part 3 | Comic Part 4 | Comic Part 5 | Comic Part 6 | Comic Part 7 | Comic Part 8 | MUSIC PLAYLIST | Comic Part 9 | Comic Part 10 | Comic Part 11 | Comic Part 12 | Comic Part 13
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nifftyisgonnakillu · 3 months
LGBT stands for Let’s Get Blitzo Therapy
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valc0 · 3 months
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activesplooger · 1 month
Lucifer Comforting Your Chest Insecurity! | HAZBIN HOTEL | Lucifer x Reader
prompt: you’ve always felt insecure about your flat chest, but now that your married man to someone who’s ex-wife has textbook mommy milkers, it just got amplified to the max (little did u know that Luci doesnt gaf! he just loves ya!).
notes: idk i had a thought, enjoy!
cw: angst w/ comfort, fluff, suggestive
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“Ducklinggg! Im waiting~” your husband calls out from the bedroom.
“Just a sec!” Hastily, you finish putting on the straps of your sexy little gift from your husband. The gift is a gorgeous set of lingerie: The lace is a bright white, the fabric just barely covering your ass and reaches up to show your entire hip bone. A teasing slit is cut on the crotch, exposing your center just barely. The bodice is elegant and corset-like, with silk strands crossing your stomach and large cups to hold you breasts… But there was a problem…
You take a look in the mirror. ‘Fuckfuckfuck! No! God damn it!’ panicking internally you try to find some sort of tightening mechanism on the lingerie to make it fit. Unfortunately there isn’t any, no matter how hard you tried, it just wouldn’t fit your bust. You stared at the material hovering over your breast, tears start to form.
Knock Knock
“Duckling? Are you okay in there? Its been awhile…”. “Everything’s fine!” you lied, your voice cracking as you hold back tears. Lucifer hears the hurt in your voice and lets himself in, “Darli- Oh nonono! Why are you crying?”. He rushes to your side, reaching a hand out to touch your shoulder before you jerked his hand away. You just didn’t want to be touched right now… you didn’t want anything near your ‘inadequate’ body. “My love…? Whats wrong…?”. Finally, you turn to face him, your face was red and puffy from crying as you stood before him. You expected him to notice the ‘issue’ right away, but he didn’t. Instead, his eyes widened, pupils dilating to the size of quarters.
“You look-“
“Terrible… I know…”
Lucifer looks confused and almost repulsed that you could look anything but perfect. “What are you talking about..?”
“The cups are too big…”
“Wha-? Oh! Ah yes, I suppose they are.” He states nonchalantly, as if it were some minor insignificant detail.
You shake your head, feeling like he hadn’t understood the full extent of what you said, “No no… It’s supposed to fit perfectly… Not hover over my flat chest pathetically!”.
Your husband’s heart breaks a little that you think of yourself this way, “Baby… I don’t care, you’re perfect just the way you are!” he wiggles his eyebrows as his tone becomes suggestive, “Plus, we don’t need anything covering those beautiful breasts of yours for what were gonna do~”.
“No,” you protest, “You bought me this gift for me to wear a-and all I did was mess it up! I just wanted this to be perfect… I just want to be perfect…”. A sympathetic frown tugs at Lucifer’s lips, “Duckling I-“
Hot tears trickle down your cheek at your next words, “I just- I feel like you bought this with someone else in mind… Someone bigger… Like Lillith.”
Lucifer immediately wraps you in a comforting embrace. Despite your earlier reluctance to touch, you lean into it, burying your face into the crook of his neck as you sob.
“Don’t ever compare yourself to her, she doesn’t hold a candle to you, duckling… I don’t love Lillith, I love you… Only you… You’re the most beautiful perfect woman I could ask for. I only had you in mind when buying this, I promise… Hell, you’re the only thing in my mind constantly… I don’t ever stop thinking about you, my love…”.
A smile spreads across your tear streaked face, he always knew how to reassure you. “I love you, Lu-bear,” you kiss his cheek, “I-Is it okay of we just… chill tonight? I’m not really in the mood.”.
Your husband nods, “Of course, what’d you have in mind?”
“Cuddles and TV? We can watch that duck documentary~”
As soon as the words “duck documentary” leave your mouth, Lucifer effortlessly picks you up and ushers you to the couch. Carefully, he places you down and plops down beside you. While he turns on the documentary, you cozy your head in his lap. With a snap of his fingers, a blanket materializes around the two of you, creating a comfortable little cocoon. Your husband runs a hand through your hair, playing with the strands as his eyes are fixed on the ducks on screen. You two watch silently for a bit, until Lucifer speaks gently,
“You know what my favorite part about your chest is?”
You quirk an eyebrow, “What?”
He smiles softly, leaning down he whispers, “When we're close like this, I can feel your heart beating against me. Your chest being small just means I'm as close to your heart as I can possibly get...and knowing that makes me happy...”
Your heart swells, that’s the most adorable shit you’ve ever heard, “Oh Luci…”
“That and I can fit your whole breast in my mouth~”
“PFT LUCI!” you shove away his face playfully
The two of you laugh together, playfully pushing Luci away as he reaches for you. The night ended great, the two of you falling asleep on the couch while the documentary plays in the background.
yayy enjoy! this was a random thought i had and thought it’d be cute! btw this is how i imagined the lingerie reader wears
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bambygourl · 2 months
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myromantique · 7 months
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Human!au radioapple
I love drawing them smmmm!! ୧⁠(⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠Д⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠)⁠୨
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thethoriumreactor · 7 months
Have a meme because I have no self control
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Lucifer just seems like the kinda guy who’d lose his mind over ppl being too hot (our bi short king)
I spent way too much effort on this pls like it ily 🙏
Bonus (radioapple) doodles as always (edit: I. I just realised I forgot Al’s monocle in both doodles. I am dying inside. Why did no one tell me.):
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honestlynotgonnalie · 7 months
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heeeey,,,, some more :>
i felt like using subtitles will help with the context of the images now,,, and some more authenticity of something you’d see in a screenshot!
thanks for the suggestion!
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