#lucy stockworth
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thelightwillbreakthrough · 1 year ago
happy international women’s day to all my favorite ladies including: baristas who love weed, incredibly stressed out office workers, cult leading karens, psychic autistic tweens, girls who hate their retail jobs, nurses who have killed two people, alt girls down bad for tiny nerds, sex-obsessed lighting techs, deeply unhinged fundamentalists, executive assistants who moonlight as serial killers, ghosts possessing their husband’s cars, camp counselors with dark secrets, serial-killing Boy Moms(TM), retro diner owning witches, and british nobles who are secretly monsterfuckers.
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jetsteelyourheart · 1 month ago
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The Brainrot is so bad that I gave myself a big project that will keep me busy for a while
Welcome to the first card in my Hatchetverse Tarot Deck Project
The Ace of Cups: Chumby (and Duchess Lucy Stockworth)
Upright Meaning:
The beginning of a new emotional connection or fresh start, potential for love, and trust in your intuition. Listen to your inner voice and stay true to it.
Emotional instability and pain have taken over your inner life. Something that once gave you joy is not doing so any more and you may be feeling unmotivated or creatively blocked.
I included the full color version as well as the Alt Lord in Black Coloration (I went with Nibbly because Witchwood Forest for these two, even though they don't really have a patron Eldritch god).
And yes, the suit of cups is going to be all Beanie's Coffee Cups
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wetcatschwartzy · 1 year ago
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based off ideas i saw here
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thearcanecat · 7 months ago
Hatchetfield headcanons?
Let’s see…
Holloway has lots of scars from living for centuries and hides them with the jacket. These include:
Lightning scars
Wiggly: sucker/tentacle marks
Pokey: cracks
Blinky: eye like circular pattern. Red vein squiggles at end.
Tinky: hoof print
Nibbly: bite marks
Her accent gets stronger when she’s mad. Same for Duke, but you rarely hear it.
Original name was Holly-May Logan.
The strange carving it’s mentioned she has in Killer Track, is a part of Pokey’s mask.
Ryan Reynolds is the person running against Solomon for mayor. He’s pushing the problematic pooch story because it shows how horrible the town has gotten under Solomon’s rule. You’d think the disappearance of his wife right before he got elected would be a bigger deal, but no, time for our daily Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel segment!
The Obnoxious Teen is actually different versions of Pete after an encounter with the Bastard Box. He now lives in a never ending hell of minimum wage jobs.
Grace’s birthday is September 9th, buy a priest a beer day.
The Honey Queen sacrifice takes place on the summer solstice at midnight.
Description of the tree that grew from Willabella: Gnarled roots extend from a bulbous center. No leaves hang from its crown of branches. It is not natural. Nothing grows near it, except the apples that grow for its branches, never ripe and always rotten. A hollow in the center is swarming with spiders whose web spans across it. Several scars are evident from where the Hatchetmen, once they realized their mistake, tried to cut it down. From its branches hand charms of protection and containment that replace old ones of worship. It grows behind the old Waylon Hall, over the sight of Willabella’s execution. Like the Hall, many rumors swirl around it and foolish children often dare each other to touch the bark.
The Blade of Truth that MacNamara uses on the Sniggles is one of multiple PEIP has constructed. With help from Holloway, they were able to harness the White’s energy into physical form. Each Blade requires a secret to be whispered into it as it forms, one no one has ever heard before. If someone tells a lie while holding the Blade, it shatters.
The Foster family are descended from Willabella and a Hatchetman with the last name Forester. Willabella had no love for him and only got pregnant to delay her execution.
The Stockworth family vacations in Hatchetfield because they have connections with the Church of the Starry children. Lucy is not aware if this.
Charles Coven was part of PEIP and went by Carlo at the time.
PEIP has ID numbers based on the Stith Thompson’s Motif Index of Folk-Literature. Basically a collection of a bunch of different motifs in folklore.
Wilbur: D1310.10.1. Magic apple gives supernatural knowledge.
Holloway (Holliway this identity): G220.0.1. "Black" and "white" witches. Malevolent and benevolent.
John: B147.2.1.2. Eagle as omen of victory.
Xander: J1291.2. Theological questions answered by propounding simple questions in science.
Douglas Keane Sr. was an informant for PEIP. Basically, PEIP goes around to various people in professions where the supernatural may be encountered (law enforcement, medical, park rangers etc.) and gives them a little presentation with very vague language about if they seen anything unnatural, or out if the ordinary, to give their office a call. Since Hatchetfield is such a hotspot, Douglas knows a lot more about the supernatural than most informants do and is on first name basis with several PEIP agents. (This is heavily based off a book called The Rook by Daniel O’Malley.)
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do you ship it?
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rentumblsstuff · 8 months ago
How Lucy Stockworth and Jonathan Brisby met (canon)
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hatchetfieldbrainrot · 1 year ago
I rewatched The Hatchetfield Ape-Man the other day and I can't stop thinking about how ridiculous it was before it became tragic. Like, Ted is just full-on naked the entire time. The mental image of him trying to ride a horse while naked cracks me up.
And Hidgens claiming that Ted looks like a man because he was shaved makes NO sense if you think about it for more than two seconds. Presumably the Ape-Man has hair/fur on his face. Which means Hidgens would have purposefully given him eyebrows and facial hair??? WHY????? Plus, Hidgens says he's been there for months. The fur would have started growing back. He'd have to keep shaving him to maintain the look. Why would he even do that?
Lucy was clearly desperate to find the Ape-Man since she believed this nonsense for WEEKS.
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dailyhatchetfield · 19 days ago
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day 211 - ballroom dancing
fic this is based on is under the cut
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unhingedhotchocolate · 1 year ago
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biggest-hatchetfield-freak · 8 months ago
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moodmoodthecrabking · 9 months ago
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jonathan brisby and lucy stockworth bushwalking moodboard requested by @tnoy-keraxis
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gone-to-oregone · 1 year ago
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man-down-in-hatchet-town · 2 years ago
Ted and Lucy In The Rain
The part in The Hatchetfield Ape-Man where Konk freaks out over water falling from the sky is such a good moment because, if you stop to think about it, it would make no sense if Konk was actually real. The Hatchetfield Ape Man is an outdoor creature from Michigan of all places, he wouldn't be scared or confused by a bit of rain. At first it feels like a mistake on the Langs' part, a character oversight that just slipped through the cracks. But then the full story snaps into focus and you realize that it wasn't the Langs who messed up, but Ted. Lucy was just too blinded by her own hopes and fantasies to notice.
Great fucking writing.
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wetcatschwartzy · 10 months ago
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it’s just the rain , it makes me sad
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Ummmmm he got mentioned once but I’m going to be feral about him. I love Jonathan and Lucy so so much. I know we will never see them again but can a man not dream?
They’re so special to me, I love these terrible British people who could be so happy if they dealt with their issues.
“Why can’t it be both?” Shut up and admit you’re in love with her Jonathan Jesus Christ.
Jonlucy my beloveds <3 easy top 10 Hatchetfield couples to me
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stimboard-radio · 1 year ago
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jonlucy (jonathan brisby/ lucy stockworth) stimboard
✭ with related stims
✫ RQ'd by anon !
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(p.s. sorry if the stims arent acurate, it's been a while since I've seen hatchetfield ape-man and I was mostly going off of the wikis and vague memory for the themes)
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