#lucy Cunningham-Schultz
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missdrummond · 5 months ago
AiO Thought of the Week
I was telling my sister how technically An Encounter with Mrs. Hooper is Richard's first episode.
My mom who has read the Blackgaard books is like "Yeah, wasn't he robbing old people."
And I'm like, "Yeah."
"He was a creep."
"He like cornered Lucy in a dark alley."
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jedidajo · 1 year ago
I just love that every time Curt describes Lucy he says she has a ‘cute voice’
It’s so sweet and I love it
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asterdeer · 1 year ago
lucy's va is like. criminally undervalued imho. i'll never not feel secondhand devastation at the way she delivers "maybe you're right, connie." "i am?" "yeah. it probably is none of your business. bye" LIKE. not cruelly not cattily not over the top or anything just. complete deadpan. thoughtful, even. utterly obliterating
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odyssey-owl · 9 months ago
been thinking about the "arem was supposed to be richard" arc so much recently bc it really would've hit so hard. like, connie kept saying throughout the early novacom era "wow I sure hope mitch isn't manipulating me and only using me to get information" as if she didn't see the EXACT SAME THING happen between lucy and richard.
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lightening816 · 3 years ago
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@odyssey-owl, can I put you on the spot and ask you for your opinion on Lucy's rendering?
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harlowdoylepi · 3 years ago
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Lucy Cunningham-Schultz aesthetic
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theaiofancaster · 4 years ago
Lucy Cunningham-Schultz
Malina Weissman
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long-live-the-gobop · 4 years ago
More things about “Last of a Long Line”:
- This episode is honestly kind of Christmassy. There's a lot of focus on the last Christmas Hiram spent with Leonard and Eugene, and the silver dollar put in the piggy bank every Christmas (which Eugene almost certainly still has, by the way). I almost wonder if I should add this to my yearly Christmas relisten list...
- I really want to read Lucy's article, honestly. It sounds like a really good one, and an interesting subject of course, with a nice conclusion that pulls the whole theme together. (What? I've read some really good things on how to write interesting essays, Chesterton not least.)
- The scene where they realize that Eugene and Bernard are related is PERFECTION. Eugene is elated (to be related), Bernard is SO INSANELY FRUSTRATED and outright refusing to be related to Eugene Meltsner and being utterly annoyed, and Whit is just absolutely dying laughing, I’ve never heard him laugh so much, and he has ended a LOT of episodes laughing. I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time.
- Chris made me laugh with this: “And I have a feeling that his adventure with his newfound cousin Bernard is just beginning.” Oh, lady, you have no idea.
- Seriously, this just keeps reminding me why Bernard and Eugene are the BROTP for me. They are in the number one spot on the list, and they are NEVER COMING DOWN.
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lizhortons · 6 years ago
Link to Fic Here
Characters: Richard Maxwell, Jason Whittaker, Jack Allen, Tom Riley, Connie Kendall, Eugene Meltsner, Lucy Cunningham-Schultz, Dr. Morton.
Additional Tags: Flashbacks, hurt/comfort I think, some light soul-searching, general softness.
Summary: Richard is living with Jack and Jason while recovering from his injuries both physical and emotional.
Notes: This takes place after the Darkness Before Dawn album but the timeline is like, definitely off (just like time in Odyssey) and I’m ignoring that Whit’s End was closed after the explosion in the tunnel. Also like, I’m not even close to being a medical expert but I’m assuming that since Richard was in a coma he probably had a pretty serious concussion and other than that I kept the injuries pretty vague.
Comments welcome (especially nice ones 😜)
(btw for folks who don’t know, i don’t remember my ao3 password and can’t get into the email account i used to set it up atm so i’m just sharing this in a google doc)
Umm, anyway, hope you enjoy.
Click here for fic.
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those-whitty-sisters · 6 years ago
Lucy Cunningham-Schultz Appreciation Post
She may be self-proclaimed Little-Miss-Perfect goodie-two-shoes, but the girl has some serious sass. 
Isaac the Courageous:
Rodney:  Come to see some real men in action?
Lucy:  Sure! Where are they?
It Takes Integrity:
Curt:  Hi, Lucy! Glad you could make it!
Lucy:  Why not? I cover all the accidents around the school.
Isaac the Procrastinator:
Lucy (asking Isaac where their geometry notes are at): Where are they?
Isaac:  I have them! 
Lucy:  Where?!
Isaac  (pointing to his head): Here!
Lucy:  In your ear?
The Battle Pt. 1
Connie:  You know it’s probably none of my business but, you think it’s a good idea to spend so much time with Richard?... .... I’m just afraid he’ll hurt you.
Lucy:  You’re right Connie.
Connie:  I am?
Lucy:  Yeah. It is none of your business. Bye.
It Sure Seems Like it to Me:
Leslie:  Do you want to hear this or not?
Lucy:   Oh sure, I love a good story. 
Double Trouble: (thinking she’s talking to Regis)
Edwin:  You called me Dr. Blackgaard a moment ago. Well, I’m not a doctor.
Lucy:  Why, did they make you give the title back?
Have You No Selpurcs: (at the movie theatre)
Curt:  I’ve changed my mind. I wanna see Zapazoids!
Lucy:  Fine. You do what you want to do. 
Proceeds to walk into ‘Betsy the Bumblebee’ like a BAMF.
Pete:  Oh hi, Lucy! How’s lil’ Betsy doin?
Lucy:  Just fine. 
Proceeds to flaunt her free pass at the boys.
Small Fires, Little Pools:
Sam:  Super-Sam doesn’t listen to criticism. He merely flies like the wind!
Lucy:  Excuse me, Connie. I have a fishing date with the wind.
Thy Will Be Done: (too many in this episode to count)
Mr. Ginsmore:  I have to think of the paper’s readers!
Lucy (muttering):  All five of them.
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incorrect-aio-quotes · 5 years ago
Richard: Oh, this is all my fault!
Richard: ...Well, aren't you going to argue with me, like "There, there, Richard, it's not all your fault," that sort of thing?
Lucy: No, this pretty much is all your fault.
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missdrummond · 6 months ago
News I guess
the official AiO podcast just did a video podcast on the history of the visual depictions of characters. Being able to hear the different reasons behind the design choices and look at some scraped art was kinda inspiring.
A few notes I wrote while watching: They reused the writer room fist fight from the old tour for visuals. That made me laugh a lot. And we got confirmation that Connie was depicted with green jeans. Wait Gary Locke forgot for a good while he didn't draw Connie with a ponytail! That's so funny. Fair but funny. Oh it's because it wasn't his idea. Checks out. Phil's reaction to Bruce Day Eugene was delightful. I support Giga-wooton lol. Wooton had a mustache in some of the concept art and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Slimming him down was a mistake! Gary was right on this one guys come on! I've been saying this for a while but the social media guy sounds like he's having a blast and he's doing a great job. Empathizing with Gary's hat woes.
Phil: "I think it looks great! 😊"
Gary: "Eh it's alright 🫤"
Lucy is our art rock lol. Yes yes! Do this again! This information would be way more useful with us than Gary's dog!
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tilliwriteapine · 7 years ago
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Sometime during my drawing years (they were sad years, so I don’t really remember when it was. 8th grade probably?) I decide to draw Connie, Eugene, Lucy, and Sam.
And I have NO IDEA WHY.
Eugene is probably my favorite out of them lol.
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asterdeer · 1 year ago
i wish my Template wasn't from fotf but connie kendall is the template, the mold, the platonic ideal. when blackgaard tells her he's a doctor she responds with these exact words, "oh, i'm sorry, are you into medicine?" are you. into. medicine. ma'am i'm in bisexual love with you
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odyssey-owl · 2 years ago
I relistened to The Homecoming today and noticed that Lucy says she called Richard's house phone to ask his parents where to find him to talk to him.
Did she already know this information? Did they often call two years ago before she learned he was manipulating her? Did she remember his phone number all that time? Did a part of her still feel fondly enough of him to hold onto that information even though she had been so hurt by him?
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lightening816 · 3 years ago
Adventures in Odyssey fandom, has anyone thought about assigning Moral Alignments to the characters?
Here are some ideas I’ve had:
Lawful Good - Whit, Tom Riley, Jack Allen, Joanne Allen, Wooton Bassett
Neutral Good - Eugene Meltsner, Katrina Shanks, Bernard Walton
Chaotic Good - Connie Kendall, Richard Maxwell (post-Blackgaard’s Castle episodes), Isaac Morton
Lawful Neutral - Edwin Blackgaard, Shakespeare, Dale Jacobs, Aubrey Shephard
True Neutral - Jules Kendall, Ms. Adelaide
Chaotic Neutral - Cryin Bryan Dern, The Rathbones
Lawful Evil - Phillip Glossman, Mr. Charles
Neutral Evil - Dr. Blackgaard, The Chairman
Chaotic Evil - Jellyfish, Mustafa
Feel free to suggest characters, if you want to! These are just for starters :)
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